#j daniel atlas one shot
hermionegalathynius · 2 years
J Daniel Atlas Masterlist
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One Shots
None Yet
Found Family: Lula’s sister!Reader, just your journey with the Horsemen through the events of the second movie.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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myriadimagines · 7 years
Say It Again
Now You See Me One Shot
Characters: [GENDER NEUTRAL] Reader x J. Daniel Atlas + Henley Reeves, Jack Wilder and Merritt McKinney
Warnings: lil bit of swearing, alcohol consumption
Request: “Hi! Can I request a one shot where Daniel Atlas and the reader are dating but he gets jealous when someone else starts flirting with them? Thanks!” - fandom-imagines-forever
Word Count: 1,468
A/N: first Now You See Me one shot !! i ended up writing more for this than i expected, but i actually kinda like it!!
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Danny fiddled with his microphone and smiled to himself as he watched you, Henley and Jack laughing loudly as the three of you fooled around with a pack of cards. Danny wasn’t quite sure what the three of you were up to, but it looked like some intricate game in which Jack was losing. You were perched on top of one of the speakers as Henley was sitting on the edge of a chair, and Jack was sitting cross-legged on the floor. You and Henley exchanged mischievous grins before all three of you held out the cards you were holding, and shrieked with laughter as Jack groaned loudly and threw his card onto the floor.
“I swear,” he grumbled, trying to suppress his grin. “This game is rigged.”
“You’re just bad at it.” you teased, and smiled when you noticed your boyfriend watching you. It always brought a smile to Danny’s face seeing you smile, as cheesy as that was. You waved your arm and beckoned for him to come closer, exclaiming, “Come play with us, Danny!”
“You’re boyfriend’s too serious for games.” Henley snickered after Danny hesitated, and Danny rolled his eyes.
“No, I’m just too busy preparing for our show.” Danny folded his arms. “You know, the show that’s supposed to start in, oh, five minutes.”
“Oh, lighten up.” you laughed, getting up and moving towards Danny. You loosely wrapped your arms around his neck as you kissed his nose, and he relaxed as he wrapped his arms around your waist. “He’s right, anyway, we should get ready.”
You looked over your shoulder and raised your eyebrows at Henley and Jack, who sighed loudly and began picking up the cards. The curtain next to Danny suddenly moved, and Merritt pushed it aside and poked his head out. Adjusting his hat, he asked, “Is everyone ready? The crowd is packed.”
Danny was just about to respond when a loud voice boomed over the speaker, announcing the Horseman’s act. The five of you exchanged glances before quickly scrambling into position, ready to run onto stage. You straightened your shirt before your eyes widened, and you looked around, panicking. Besides you, Danny chuckled as he reached for your jacket on the table next to held it out to you, an eyebrow raised.
“Looking for this, y/n?” he teased, and you laughed as you grabbed it and quickly slipped it on. You leaned over to give him a quick kiss as Merritt and Jack pretended to gag besides you.
“Thanks, babe.” you smiled, ignoring Merritt and Jack’s teasing. Just as the voice over the speaker introduced the five of you, you reached over to squeeze Danny’s hand and said, “Ready to wow the audience?”
Smirking, Danny replied, “Aren’t I always?”
You excitedly smacked Merritt’s shoulder as the five of you escaped off the stage through the secret passageway. Merritt shook his head, a wide smile lighting up his face as you spun around to face the rest of the Horsemen. You flung your arms around Jack as everyone finally made it backstage, and Jack laughed as he enthusiastically hugged you back.
“The crowd loved it!” you squealed, the excitement and adrenaline still flowing through your body. “They loved us!”
“Well of course they’d love us.” Danny piped up from the back of the group, and you laughed as you moved to hug him. As you hugged, he whispered in your ear, “I think they loved you the most.”
“Cute.” Henley scoffed before you could reply, and the group all laughed before you spun around to face the others, your arms still around Danny’s waist as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
“We should celebrate.” you suggested, and Jack grinned as Merritt and Danny exchanged dubious glances. “Oh, come on! Just something small, like we could all go out for a drink. This show went so well, we all deserve a treat.”
“Alright, but only if I’m not the one paying for all our drinks.” Jack clapped his hands together, and everyone rolled their eyes good naturedly.
“y/n’s right.” Henley tucked her hair behind her ears. “Drinks on me. Let’s go out.”
After changing out of your show clothes and into something more casual, the five of you stumbled out of the back door, arms around each other.
Merritt and Danny snickered as they watched you, Henley and Jack dancing wildly in the middle of the club, waving your arms to the music as you jumped around. The three of you grabbed each other’s hands and started spinning around. Danny could barely hear your laughter over the loud music, but the smile on your face seemed to light up the whole room.
“You really love y/n, don’t you?” Merritt suddenly piped up, and Danny looked up at him in surprise. It was not often he had an actual serious conversation with Merritt, and it felt strange.
Shrugging, Danny nonchalantly replied, “Yeah, I guess.”
“That’s very vague.” Merritt chuckled as he took a sip from his drink. “Have you told them the three magic words?”
“The three- oh.” Danny scoffed when he realised what Merritt was talking about, and he pressed his lips together. “Why do I need to say it? y/n knows it already.”
“Well, sometimes it’s just nice to hear it.” Merritt shrugged, and Danny rolled his eyes. However, deep down, Danny had been dying to tell you that he loved you, but something inside of him always seemed to hold him back. He looked up and saw you approaching, and he put down his drink just before you grabbed his hands and pulled him towards where Henley and Jack were dancing. Danny hesitated, but you looked so adorable with your flushed cheeks and goofy smile. You gestured for Merritt to join too, and you began jumping up and down and forcing Danny to dance too. Danny smiled bashfully as he moved rigidly, and you placed your hands on his shoulders and leaned closer to talk.
“Just relax, babe.” you laughed. Danny rolled his shoulders back and let himself move to the music, and you clapped as he began dancing more wildly. You laughed as he grabbed your hand and spun you around, and the other Horsemen smiled to themselves as they watched the two of you. Danny was always so serious, but with you, he seemed like a whole new person.
“I’m going to get us more drinks.” Danny yelled over the music, and you nodded as he moved towards the bar. He quickly ordered your favorite drink and his, before grabbing the glasses and turning around. He froze when he saw another man approach you from behind, and you spun around, alarmed, when the man put his hand on your waist. He could see you trying to move away as the man leaned down to whisper something in your ear, and you gave him a tense smile before scanning the dance floor, trying to look for Danny.
“You better move, man.” Jack suddenly appeared by Danny’s side, and nudged him with his arm. “Otherwise he’s gonna steal y/n.”
“He’s not going to steal y/n.” Danny snapped, angrily gripping the glasses. As much as he wanted to move forward and show this man that you were taken, he felt like he couldn’t move.
“Here, let me just…” Jack gently pried the glasses from Danny’s hand, before gesturing for him to go over to you. “Come on, man, you are so jealous. Just go up to them.”
“I’m not-” Danny tried to deny, but Jack gave him a pointed look.
“It’s written all over your face.” Jack chuckled. He motioned back to you, and urged, “Go.”
Danny finally snapped out of his trance, and marched over to you. He could see relief wash over your expression as you saw him approach, and before you or the other man could say anything, Danny grabbed you by the waist and pulled you in for a kiss. You paused, slightly taken off guard, before reaching up to hold Danny’s face and kiss him back.
After Danny finally pulled away, he yelled over the music, “I love you!”
Danny could see an ecstatic smile appear on your face before you yelled back, “What?”
“I love you!” Danny exclaimed again, and you laughed.
“I heard you the first time.” you giggled. “I just wanted to hear you say it again.”
“I love you, I love you, I love you.” Danny couldn’t help but feel some weight in chest lift every time he said it. Now that he had said it once, he felt like he could say it forever, and mean it. “I’ll say it as many times as you want me to, y/n.”
“Oh, you’re such a dork.” you sighed before pulling him into a kiss again.
tags: @jb3islife / @myfriendmagislit
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One More Night - V
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Pairing: Daniel Atlas x reader Summary: They are like the sun and the moon. Chasing each other, but never quite finding each other to finally become one. Daniel and the reader are solo artists with loads of charme and character. What happens when two stubborn minds meet and are forced to work together? Words: ca 750 Warning: none
One More Night - Prologue / Part I / Part II / Part III / Part IV
I know this is horrible! I’m just trying to end this story... I don’t like it anymore >.< I promise better Danny stuff will come!
“I- I…”
“You what, Danny?”
You looked expectantly at him as he seemed to struggle with finding the right words. Against his usual behaviour, he rung his hands together in guilt. He avoided your gaze as he thought of what to say.
“I shouldn’t have said what I said on the plane. It was wrong, and a lie.”
He began, and for once, there was no undertone in his voice. His words sounded sincere, and you were pretty sure it took a lot of strength for someone like Daniel Atlas to apologize.
“No, you really shouldn’t. You really hurt me, Danny.”
You said, his face contorting in pain as you bluntly told him about your feelings. Daniel was no idiot. He knew exactly what he did with those words, and he still said them, despite knowing it’d hurt your feelings.
“I’m so sorry. I- I panicked. I just wanted them to stop.”
“So you decided treating me like one of your bunnies would get them to stop teasing us?” 
There was no right answer to this, and Danny knew it. He shrugged his shoulders, avoiding your eyes once again. He shouldn’t be embarassed he slept with you; you were adults, and feelings were normal for adults. There was nothing wrong with what the two of you did. If he could, he would take it all back. He would take it back and tell his friends to shut it and mind their own business. But that’s not what he did.
“You wanted control over the situation, and leaving it open in the room would’ve meant Merritt and Jack were in charge.”
His controlling character was annoying, and it really got on your nerves, but it’s who he was. It’s what you’ve fallen in love with. But right now you wanted to shove his desire for control up his ass.
“I’m so sorry.”
There was no trace of the normal Danny left in him at this point. You knew him to be confident and snappy, always knowing what to say and being in charge. But this was not him. Your heart clenched at the sight, but you refused to feel sorry. He brought this on to himself, so he should fix it. If he was really sorry, you needed more than just a few words.
“What can I do to fix it?”
“I don’t know Danny, travel back in time and take it back? I would’ve been okay with you telling them it meant nothing to you, that’s okay, but saying I was just one like the others… Danny, I thought we were friends.”
He brought his hands up to his face, burying his fingers in his short locks and pulling at them. He groaned in distress, and you could see the guilt radiating off him.
“I’m so so sorry, (Y/N). I’ll make it up to you, I promise. I’ll tell everyone what an idiot I am and that I never meant what I said. You aren’t like the others. You’re nothing like them! I like you, (Y/N), so much. I never felt like this, and I know I’m not supposed to feel like this, because what we do is important and emotions could just mess it up, but I’m at this point where I don’t even care anymore. I need you in my life; I need you here with me. (Y/N), please. Give me one more chance. I promise I won’t screw it up this time.”
Your eyes were frozen with his as he said those words, his whole posture pleading with you. You really wanted to stay mad at him. You wanted to slap and kick him for messing with your feelings like this, but you couldn’t. You knew he was serious, you could see it on his face. Merritt wasn’t the only one with a talent in mentalism, and you’ve always been right when it came to trust your instincts.
“Come here, Atlas.”
You murmured, a light smile tugging at your lips. His eyes widened in surprise and he stared at you as if you’d just pulled the biggest prank ever on him.
“You… are you sure?”
He stepped closer to you, eyeing you carefully.
“I am… but don’t make me regret it.”
You smiled lightly at him. His beautiful eyes shone brightly again and hope covered his whole face. He cupped your cheek in his hand, running his thumb over your cheekbone as he stared at you in admiration.
“I promise I won’t.”
Daniel lowered his head down to yours, pressing his plump lips against yours in a loving kiss. Like the first time, your lips fit together like two puzzle pieces, and the butterflies in your belly went crazy again. The things this man could do to you…
Tagging: @frxdweaslxy / @-episkey- / @jb3islife / @mariah-notcarey17
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archiveofolives · 5 years
december 2019 asgardian solicitations
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Cover by Patrick Gleason
Variant Cover by DUSTIN WEAVER
Variant Cover by SANFORD GREENE
A mysterious murder brings together the heroes of the Marvel Universe in the search for a killer - but no one can imagine where the trail will lead, or how it will affect everything in 2020 and beyond! Who is the victim and who is the assailant?
The closing chapter to MARVEL’s 80th year, which will connect the dots of everything that happened in 2019 and propel the narrative into the year that is to come! Featuring the Avengers, the Fantastic Four, the X-Men, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Daredevil, Spider-Man, the Champions, the Agents of Atlas, Valkyrie, the Immortal Hulk, Jessica Jones, Venom, Ghost Rider, the Masked Raider and more!
96 PGS./ONE SHOT/Rated T+ …$9.99
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Michael Moreci (W) • Alberto Alburquerque (A) • Cover by Josemaria Casanovas
Variant Cover by Patch Zircher
The Scourge has arrived! As the local population becomes infected, will Beta Ray Bill be able to fight back the horde and save the innocents—or are they already lost? Overwhelmed, will Bill himself fall victim to the Annihilation wave?!
40 PGS./ONE SHOT/Rated T+ …$4.99
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Variant cover by WALTER SIMONSON
Walter Simonson’s Thor run is widely considered to be not only some of the best Thor comics of all time, but simply some of the best comics, period. Now the legend returns for a special tale about Thor and Beta Ray Bill — with art from Mike Hawthorne and beloved veteran Sal Buscema! And the trio is joined by yet another unforgettable Thor team: Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz, who will be telling an all-new Thunderstrike story! Finally, no Thor story would be complete without his most trusted companion: the berserker, the warrior extraordinaire, the Lady Sif! Kathyrn Immonen wrote one of the landmark Sif tales in her run on Journey Into Mystery — and now she returns for a brand-new journey!
40 PGS./ONE SHOT/Rated T+ …$4.99
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The sun has gone black. Midgard isn’t far behind. The entire Multiverse is dying — and with it, the last of the gods. A millennium ago, the God of Thunder heard a whisper: “Gorr was right.” Now Gorr the God of God-Butchers ascends to his final murder: the All-Father of all existence. Plus, a who’s who of Jason’s past THOR collaborators and a few surprise guests help close out the story in thunderous style!
56 PGS./Rated T+ …$5.99
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Al Ewing & JASON AARON (W) • Pere Pérez (A) • Cover by MAHMUD ASRAR
But are they all about to become doctors to the dead?! Doctor Strange, Night Nurse, Cardiac, Faiza Hussain and more join forces with Jane Foster for a supernatural medical emergency that will give you heart palpitations!
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99
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Penciled by CAFU
Jane Foster is back! For years, you knew her as Dr. Jane Foster, one of Thor Odinson’s most steadfast companions. Then you knew her as Thor, Goddess of Thunder, who took up the mantle when nobody else was worthy. Now Jane takes on a new role as Valkyrie, guide and ferrywoman to the dead! But her days of battle are far from over — especially when Marvel’s deadliest shot gets his hands on the sword of a god! With the Asgardian weapon Dragonfang in his hand, who is Bullseye targeting — and what is he really after? Jane must learn a hard lesson: Not every death can be prevented. And when a friend falls, Jane discovers that Valhalla is only one hall of the dead. The multiversal afterlife awaits! Collecting VALKYRIE: JANE FOSTER #1-5 and material from WAR OF THE REALMS: OMEGA.
128 PGS./Rated T+ …$17.99
ISBN: 978-1-302-92029-6
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Loki is…Earth’s Mightiest Hero?! After dying a grisly death in WAR OF THE REALMS, the reborn Trickster learned a valuable lesson in warmongering: Don’t get caught. But now Loki has a whole new set of responsibilities — and his brother Thor isn’t about to let him walk away from them. Restless with his new duties, Loki seeks out the advice of the closest thing Midgard has to a king — Tony Stark, the invincible Iron Man! Close enough, right? But it turns out that Shellhead isn’t too happy to see Loki on account of all that stuff he did in the past. Now the God of Mischief/Stories/Evil/Chaos has to outsmart the cleverest man on Earth — or die (again) trying. Meanwhile, could Thor be hatching a mischievous plot of his own? Collecting LOKI (2019) #1-5 and material from WAR OF THE REALMS: OMEGA.
128 PGS./Rated T+ …$17.99
ISBN: 978-1-302-92031-9
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gokinjeespot · 5 years
off the rack #1283
Monday, October 14, 2019
 Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to one and all. Thank-you for reading this. The Jee Gang gathered for a turkey dinner yesterday with the littlest 2-month-old Ashton being passed around like a hot potato because he was tired and cranky. His mom got him settled but you couldn't hear his tiny cries for the raucous noise from his cousins. The kids took over the larger formal dining room now that they outnumber us old folks. It was a nice big family affair.
 Gwenpool Strikes Back #3 - Leah Williams (writer) David Baldeon (art) Jesus Aburtov (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Gwenpool tries to save herself from cancellation by holding a "Contest of Champions" in this issue. Guest stars galore. This thing is so much fun.
 Catwoman #16 - Joelle Jones (story & art) Laura Allred (colours) Saida Temofonte (letters). I'm glad I checked the credits on this issue since I said that I was going to let this cat out after reading last issue. I will always read a book by Joelle Jones even though this one had me befuddled with some jumping back and forth in time and the added "Year of the Villain" thing. I am curious to find out Catwoman's decision.
 Loki #4 - Daniel Kibblesmith (writer) Oscar Bazaldua (pencils) Oscar Bazaldua & Victor Olazaba (inks) David Curiel & Carlos Lopez (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). I love a good trickster. Loki uses a good one to defeat Nightmare. I like this Loki.
 Detective Comics #1013 - Peter J. Tomasi (writer) Doug Mahnke (pencils) Keith Champagne & Christian Alamy (inks) David Baron (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). It's Batman versus Mister Freeze as the super villain tries to resurrect his dead wife. Batman's flame thrower costume is a cosplayer's wet dream
 Doctor Doom #1 - Christopher Cantwell (writer) Salvador Larroca (art) Guru-eFX (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). This was a pleasant surprise. The art caught my eye but the story is really good too. There's no sign of the good guy Sorcerer Supreme from a while ago. Just good old fashioned arrogant Victor. He scoffed at a new technology to reverse global warming and is accused of being jealous of it because it was invented by Reed Richards and Tony Stark. When disaster strikes, Latveria is blamed and Doctor Doom sacrifices himself for his country. The mystery is who framed him and I will keep reading to find out.
 Web of the Black Widow #2 - Jody Houser (writer) Stephen Mooney (art) Triona Farrell (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). What the!? Two Black Widows? Doctor Doom isn't the only one being framed for murder. I liked the clever cut-out on Nat's bathing suit.
 Miles Morales: Spider-Man #11 - Saladin Ahmed (writer) Ze Carlos (art pages 1-8) Ig Guara (art pages 9-20) Dono Sanchez-Almara with Protobunker (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Miles must solve the super hero's dilemma of saving a family member or a stranger's life. His decision leads to a confrontation with the Prowler. Is it Uncle Aaron? I can't wait to find out.
 White Fox #1 - Alyssa Wong (writer) Kevin Libranda & Geoffo (art) Israel Silva (colours)
VC's Joe Sabino (letters). Another Agent of Atlas super hero gets her origin story told. She's based on Korean folklore. It was very well done and almost makes me want to read the new team book. There's also a peek at the Future Avengers by Alyssa Wong (writer), Ale Garza (art), Dono Sanchez-Almara with Protobunker (colours) and VC's Joe Sabino (letters). They're an Asian version of the Young Avengers but these guys used to be Hydra agents in training. Read on if you're wondering what turned them into good guys.
 Age of Conan Valeria #3 - Meredith Finch (writer) Aneke (art) Andy Troy (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). I wish the art inside was a nice as the Jay Anacleto cover.
 Marvel Action Spider-Man #9 - Delilah S. Dawson (writer) Fico Ossio (art) Ronda Pattison (colours) Shawn Lee (letters). The Black Cat gets caged as the kids finally work together and start to treat each other with respect. Next, things get even darker as Venom attacks.
 Batman 100 Page Giant #1 - There are five superb stories in this $4.99 US one-shot and you'll feel like you just read five $3.99 comic books when you hit the last page. The only story that was disappointing was the Batwoman story mainly because she was fighting a lame villain named Lord Death Man. It was written by Steve Orlando, who has never impressed me. The other four stories more than make up for it though, especially Scott Snyder's lengthy contribution. This book is a steal at twice the price.
 The Amazing Spider-Man #31 - Nick Spencer (writer) Ryan Ottley (pencils) Cliff Rathburn (inks) Nathan Fairbairn (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). More hints are given to the secret identity of the super villain Kindred. Definitely related to Norman Osborn. That mystery is the only thing keeping me reading this book. As if the waters weren't muddy enough, the guy in the straight jacket isn't even Norman. I hope we don't get strung along too much longer because there will come a point where I say screw it, I don't care anymore.
 Batman Universe #4 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Nick Derington (art) Dave Stewart (colours) Josh Reed & Tom Napolitano (letters). I don't mind this time traveling if it means that we see Batman and Green Lantern team up with Jonah Hex. The chase is on as Vandal Savage gets his hands on his prize. I know I've said that I don't like time travel and Vandal Savage, but this is a Bendis book and I'm a sucker.
 Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy #2 - Jody Houser (writer) Adriana Melo (pencils) Mark Morales (inks) Hi-Fi (colours) Gabriela Downie (letters). I think the Floronic Man chowed down on Swampthing and Ivy is next on his menu. Well, it's Harley to the rescue and the girls seek help from a fellow super villain to see what's wrong with Ivy. I'm reading this because it looks so pretty.
 Powers of X #6 - Jonathan Hickman (writer) R.B. Silva & Pepe Larraz (art) Marte Gracia & David Curiel (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). The house is built and the power has been connected for a new X-verse. Jonathan Hickman has managed to make mutants relevant again for me. There are a half a dozen new mutant books coming out in the next six weeks starting with X-Men #1 hitting the racks October 16. I'll be reading them all to see how I feel about them but I can't imagine that they'll be all worthwhile.
 Event Leviathan #5 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Alex Maleev (art) Josh Reed (letters). I'm curious to find out who Leviathan is but it's not going to have a big impact on me since I'm not a huge DC fan. I'm sure DC fans might be able to suss out the secret given the Manhunter clue in this issue but I'm going to have to wait until next issue when all is revealed.
 Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity #1 - Kami Garcia (writer) Mico Suayan & Mike Mayhew (art) Richard Starkings of Comicraft (letters). I love new and different takes on iconic characters and this one is a killer. Harleen Quinzel is Doctor Harley Quinn, GCPD profiler, who is working a 5-year-old cold case of the murder of a hospital employee. Meanwhile there are other new murders landing on her desk. The writing is tight and the characterisations are vivid, helped by the beautiful art. Mico's black and white art chronicles the present while Mike's gorgeous colour art handles the flashbacks. DC's Black Label imprint is well worth checking out if you're a mature reader. This mystery not only looked good but made me feel good after I finished reading. I can't wait to find out what happens next.
 Contagion #2 - Ed Brisson (writer) Stephen Segovia (art) Veronica Gandini (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). I know I said that I wasn't going to read any more of this 5-issue mini but this was on the racks with the awesome Power Man and Iron Fist cover so I snagged one after I finished reading all the others for the week. This issue was better thought out and the story flowed smoothly. Ben takes Sue, Reed and Johnny to Doctor Strange for help and the two of them go back to Yancy Street to contain the infectious bad guy. Danny and Luke are there helping the first responders and a couple of surprise super heroes show up too. The villain is briefly subdued but Doc Strange and Power Man succumb to the disease at the end. Uh-oh. The next issue teaser has Jessica Jones so that's reason enough for me to want to read it.
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 5 years
The Space Between Stars by Straw
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PqPfYL
by The_Winter_Straw
A collection of one shots written by request of various characters from various fandoms.
All prompts come from the "160 Collective Drabbles" challenge by BobaPop on Lunaescence Archives, except not a single one turned out to be a drabble.
Words: 3663, Chapters: 3/160, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Thor (Movies), Now You See Me (Movies), Katekyou Hitman Reborn!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Reader, Loki (Marvel), J. Daniel Atlas, Hibari Kyouya
Relationships: Loki/Reader, J. Daniel Atlas/Reader, Hibari Kyouya/Reader
Additional Tags: collection, One Shot Collection, request collection, multi-fandom collection, Reader-Insert, POV Second Person
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PqPfYL
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Say My Name
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Prompt: If you're still taking requests? Possibly a one-shot where you try to guess what the J means in Daniel's name? Just having it be playful and him never really telling you.
Pairing: Daniel x Reader
Word  Count: 470
Warning: none
" Daniel Jackson Atlas." I spit out as I spread the cream cheese on my bagel,
"No." Daniel laughs, stealing the top half of my bagel, taking a huge bite of it before he puts it back down on my plate. "Not even close."
My jaw drops, "Daniel, you're a jackass, this is the last bagel too!"  I reach out to hit him but he moves just in time, "Daniel Jacob Atlas." I suggest again and he shakes his head laughing,
"No," He giggles as he pours himself a glass of apple juice, sipping it slowly as watches me, scribbling names on a paper,
"Okay, okay, Daniel Jesse Atlas." I look at him, trying to see if there was any reaction, "Okay, not.  How about Daniel Jack Atlas?" Daniel almost spits out his apple juice,
"There is no way I am named after Jack, no, fucking way." I laugh, scribbling down another name and crossing it out.
"Okay, Daniel Jace Atlas. Jace sounds cool." Daniel sipped his apple juiced, and nodded, looking as if he was thinking  about it,
"I mean it's a cool name, Jace, Daniel Jace Atlas." He tried it out, then saying it slowly, "I like it, Jace, Daniel Jace Atlas." He shrugged, taking another sip of his apple juice, and picking up the half of my bagel he had taken a bite out of, finishing it off. "But no, the J in my name does not stand for Jace, or Jacob, or Jack, or Jackson." I groan, slumping my shoulders,
"I'm not giving up, oh, I got it." I looked at him, and he smiled trying to peek at my paper, "Oh, no you don't." I laugh covering it, "I'm sure this one is the right one, Daniel Joe Atlas." Daniel shook his head,
"Babe just gives up, you're never going to guess it, and even if you do, I'm not telling you." I roll my eyes, slapping my pen down,
"Danny, babe, you're being a real jackass, just tell me." Daniel smiles and finishes his apple juice and my bagel. "Please," I beg,  with prayer hands, using my best puppy dog eyes, and Daniel just shook his head, washing and drying the cup.
"Y/N I will tell you but you have to promise not to tell anyone." I nod and lean in, waiting for him to tell me, "It's Jessica, my middle name is Jessica. Daniel Jessica Atlas." My jaw drops and we stare at each other, faces straight until he busted out laughing,
"Danny, you're such a fucking jerk." I cry, throwing my pen at him. "I swear I hate you so much." I pout, crossing my arms, leaning back in my chair, Daniel just laughing and shaking his head,
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ramrodd · 4 years
Newt Gingrich, the Son of Man and the Rape of Congress.
It turns out, your corespondent was correct; Donald J; Trump has emerged as the Anti-Christ, constitutionally. He's actually not the Anti-Christ, but the more like King Saul: he is jealous of the actual contituntional Philosper-King, We, the People. He along with the Movement Conservatives who consider themselve the original Reananaucs, have been led astray by Newt Gingrich since he bagan his agenda to become Speaker of the House.Gringrich has been running an Trotsky-inspired political scam on America based on the formula for creating a domestic, internal insurgence leading to polarization, tribal confrontation, violent revolution and regime change by political coup.
As I recall, your correspondent referred to Daniel 3, Daniel 6 and Daniel 9. Daniel 7:12 is, or course, the Son of Man and the numerological triangulation of this guy's prophecy revolves around Obama when it started and Trump. The GOP has been engaged in a domestic insurgency since William F. Buckley, Jr, published his Sharon Statement and established Movement Conservatives like Rick WIlson, Nicole Wallace, Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham through his farm system for engaging and developing people with the same crypto-Nazi cogintive organization as Mike Pompeo, Mick Malverny and Tom Cotton and give them a lucrative career advancing a Newty's program of insurgency as useful idiots.
Now, we have had an election where that prophecy is being played out in real time on Twitter until the Rape of Congress by Trump's followers, who are almost entirely useful idiots who add mass to the demonstration, but at the tip of that lynch mob, the Proud Boys,/white supremacists/ Q-ANON conspiracy to inspire a race war, Virtually all of them are Pro-Life.
Pro-Life is the Anti-Christ.
Now, the people around Obama/Biden were engaged in the Democratic Socialsm of Jefferson Deomocracy as reformed by the 13th Amendment. The numerology of the 13th Amendment, is the same numerology as the Son of God in Daniel 7:13,  That is, Jesus is very often attached to the number 13 in some way as either the finger of God, Himself (which Jesus most certainly was) or it was the finger of God, Itself. It is just a consitent figure of speack in the entire narrative of the Bible, from "In the Beginning" to Amen in Revelation. Numerology is a signpost installed by God from the very first and over the centuries. In that regard, it is perfectly inerrant.
And I couldn't explaing this to you in this manner if the Arabs hadn't invented the numerological symbot for "nothing" Zero/0. Zero doesn't exist, numerologically, in the narrative of the Bible (or anywhere in the Judeo-Christian literature, codified and uncodified,  as a concept, until the Romans showed up. Everbody used alphabets that had originated out of number after Melchezidek came along. He was part of the guild associated with the Magi of Matthew.  This guild apparently  spread out across the Mediterrean and planted some seeds of wisdom gleaned from the systematic application of process theology to the universe as it unfolds out infront of us. The big change they made was to introduce 9 base numerology to replace the 8 base numerology of the Egyptian priests, which had produced the social economic structues based on building pyramids as important scientific observations of the firmament. Intellectually, 8 base numerology is a cul-de-sac and becomes decadent. It's a closed system economics, zero-sum/engineering/gold-based banking that was preventing the globalization of the capitalism the Roman empire brought to the world. I mean, there was stuff that began to occur at that moment, when the seed of 9 base numerology began to grow in Abraham's imagination, to Bretton Woods. This is the thing about Elizabeth Warren: she is hooked into that righteous banking model.
But it really became jet propelled when Islam inventing Zero/0 as a useful symbol of accounting. And the only thing that has prevented this rigtheous banking system to take mankind to Space is everything connected with William F. Buckley's Sharon Statement of 1960 but creating the Tsusamie of the Rape of Congress on 7 January 2021.  
Remember Daniel, Chapter 7, where the Finger of God designates the Son of God. 7 very often is used as a lightening rod where the lightening from the Finger of God will enter into history as a Sign. So, Daniel 7:13 is the place where the Finger of God sets the process in motion to produce The Cross and Daniel 7:13 the Finger of God has touch America with divine intent and produce the Rape of Congress that can be traced from 1960 through Speaker Gingrich to Steve Bannon to 7 January 2021, God created a lightening rod to expose the working of Satan in the American body politic and that agency is Newt Gingrich. Trump just happened to be his marionnette.
Trump didn't become a crime boss until he won the election with intellectual property his Moscow partners in the 2013 Miss Universe Contest stole from the DNC and Clinton campaign by committing treason with a transnational crime consortium.. They've had him by the balls the whole time and Putin has nothing to do with it.
Now, the only question in my mind was how much coordination went on between Gingrich, Bannon and this transnation criminal consortius which is currently has America under seige with a Nory based cyber-attach trying to look like it's coming out of the Kremlin. This is the reason for the structural polarization Newty's political strategy creates, to overthrow Congress and the federal government.  I mean, if you've read Atlas Shrugged, she describes exactly what Newt Gingrich has been doing since he got into politics: Newty is the answer to "Who is John Galt".
Virutally all Libertarians have been useful idiots for this insurgency since they began attending YAF meetings and the C-PAC convention annually. It's like Comic-Con or a Trekkie or AmWay convention only focused on reinforcing the Virtue of Selfishness, Public Choice economics and narcissism the new righteousness. The basic Pro-Life Evangelical community family values.
All the Pro-Life Evangelical warriors who participated in the Rape of Congress pretty well define the right-wing useful idiot, while the people who Trump launched down Pennsylvania Avenue as a shot below the warterline of The Constitutional Ship of State, the basic cannon foder led by peoole being financed by the transnationa criminal constortium with Euro-dollar black mone being laundered through PayPal and Patreon.
How can you tell the difference between the cash flows of the Koch brothers to the Prouc Boy insurgency and Vory drug money?
You can't. That is one of the functions of Citizens United: it's all green. It goes into Meta Chruchs like First Presbyterian and, from my perspective, shouldn't be stopped. The fact is, we need to repartriate these black eurodollars to repair the damage done by the pandemic and whatever damage the Trump administration has done to the US Economy, which scares me in connection with the connection between John Galt and the potential collapse of American finances that was avoided in 2008.
And your coorespondent intuited the Finger of God in contemporary American politics by a using a narrative 2500 years old employing the numerology of the Bible. My biggest complaint about Christian apologetics is that it is just another version of the Marxist dialectic historic deconstruction that became the dominant paradigm in the 60s cultural wars (and continuing). History is a forensic science, like the practice of law, and in, Christian apologetics, history is superior to narrative/literature as a social construct.  And, as a literature major, that pisses me off.  Before history could congeal to abstract reconstruction, narrative IS. In the Beignning was the Word and history emerged from one of the ribs of the Word by way of narrative.
And before the Word was in the mind of God, Number IS. I Am that I Am: number the stars if you can.
And, again, Islam provides an essential validation of number in the mind of The One (as is presented in Revelation 4.2) in Sura 74:30 "And above it is 19" employing symbols I can employ to explain how number works as a figure of speach and a jewel in the fabric of Scripture. All that tapestry is lost in historical reconstruction because it doesn't seem to be evidence that can be defended in a court of law or a PhD defense.
But there it is. You have been praying all your life of a sign from God and now you have one: the Rape of Congress on 7 January 2021, as I write this 7 days and a wake-up from a constitutionally processed peaceful Change of Command.
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myriadimagines · 6 years
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J. Daniel Atlas
Say It Again
J. Daniel Atlas
Jack Wilder
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One More Night - Part IV
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Pairing: Daniel Atlas x reader Summary: They are like the sun and the moon. Chasing each other, but never quite finding each other to finally become one. Daniel and the reader are solo artists with loads of charme and character. What happens when two stubborn minds meet and are forced to work together? Words: Warning:eh, some fighting and cursing, I guess...
One More Night - Prologue / Part I / Part II / Part III
“Son of a bitch! You guys slept together?!”
It was suddenly dead silent on the jet with everyone looking at you and Daniel. Heat spread from your neck up to your cheeks and your eyes were they size of dinner plates. How, after months, did Merritt figure that out? What had given it away? You accepted that he probably knew how you felt about Danny, but this wasn’t something you wanted him to know.
“Oh my god, they totally did!”
At least Jack thought this whole situation was hilarious. He couldn’t control his laughter and before you knew what you were doing, you used one of the cards hidden in your sleeve and threw it at his head. It left a red mark on his forehead, and he surprisingly raised his hand to tocuh it.
He complained, and you sent him a fake smile before flipping him off.
“Can we not talk about this? Daniel and I agreed we’ve made a mistake so there’s no reason to keep this conversation going.”
“Uh, yes there is!”
You were right, you had agreed it was a onetime thing, but hearing you calling it a mistake hurt Danny more than he wanted to admit to himself. Was that really what you were thinking about this?
You weren’t an aggressive person, but right now you were pretty close to punching Merritt in his smirking face at his contradiction. He seemed so proud of himself for revealing this, and you could clearly see how much he was enjoying you struggle. Your embarrassed state changed into an annoyed one, and you looked at Danny for help. In the end, he was just as much a part of this as you were.
“Well, my card did say ‘Lovers’!”
Your jaw dropped to the floor. What was this asshole doing? His eyes bore into yours as he said that, and you saw the moment he closed himself off.
“Are you serious right now? That’s all you have to say about this?”
Of course you knew his card said lovers, but you couldn’t believe that was the only reason he slept with you! What was he trying to say? That you were just another one of his bunnies?
“Well, it was just sex. There’s not much to explain.”
You raised your hand and slapped him straight in the face. If possible, the plane became even quieter after that. Even Jack and Merrit had stopped smiling, watching you with mixed expressions now. Danny’s cheek turned pink and he looked at you with a shocked expression.
Hundred different curse words popped into your head, but not one was enough for Danny. What he just said was degrading, and you felt the anger rise even more inside you. The smug look fell from Danny’s face, and only now did he seem to realise what he had said. This wasn’t what he meant to say. He didn’t mean to hurt you. He didn’t think it would hurt you, you had called him a mistake just seconds before.
“Well, I guess I’m glad it was such a small mistake, then!”
You emphasised the word small, and it didn’t need a genius to understand what you were referring to. For the idiots on board, you still pointed your hand disgustingly toward his crotch. Hit him where it hurts him most, right? 
“Remember to never piss her off again, okay?”
Jack whispered to someone, you assumed Merritt, as you walked back to your seat without saying another world. You grabbed your headphones and set the volume of your music to the maximum. You closed your eyes, trying to avoid the tears that were threatening to fall.
It shouldn’t hurt this much. His words shouldn’t do this to you, and you cursed yourself over the fact that they did. You seemed to have a talent for falling in love with assholes. From one jerk to the next, that was how it felt.
You sensed the others walking around the plane and them talking to each other, but you didn’t open your eyes again until you felt the plane pull to a stop at the airport. Security personal instantly started unloading your bags as others lead you through the airport. As you stepped outside, you were immediately blinded by the paparazzi’s camera flashes. A question from here and a compliment there were thrown at you, but you strictly ignored them. Jack and Merritt would wave and smile at the cameras, but you stormed to the safety of the limousine that waited for you. Normally, Atlas was the one who ignored the paparazzi’s, but this time, he made sure to stay with them for as long as possible if it meant he didn’t have to see your angry and hurt expression.
Jack joined you in the limo and placed a comforting hand on your tight before giving it a squeeze. His eyes told you how bad he felt, and how he was there for you if you needed it. You gave him a small smile in response before the other two men joined you in the car. The car ride was silent and awkward; you probably could’ve cut the air with a knife if you wanted to.
It was as you were all walking to your rooms at the hotel that Daniel tried to talk to you for the first time since the plane incident. He carefully called out your name, and Jack and Merritt hastily disappeared in their own rooms to give you some privacy. You said nothing to him, only raised your eyebrows expectantly.
“I- I…”
“You what, Danny?”
Tagging:  -episkey- / @jb3islife
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Bonjour, mes chers. I have to get ready for work soon and I’ve been feeling a little down and a little obsessed with a favorite old movie of mine so I decided to write a drabble! I know, when was the last time I wrote a drabble for a movie? I hope you enjoy it, none the less!
For those of you who don’t know, by the way, I have a Patr(e)on! If you think I’d be worth spending a few dollars on every month then consider checking it out! There are polls asking YOUR opinion on what I should post next, what stories I should start, and what ones I should work on again! Check it out at the Patr(e)on website with the name mjanderson.
Warnings for: Gunshot wounds, shipping vibes, and mentions of blood Drabble Idea One: What if in the first movie of ‘Now You See Me’ Alma Dray ended up shooting Daniel Atlas instead of letting him go that night of their New Orleans show?
Dylan Shrike watched as the Four Horseman performed their second major show and felt a swell of what could only be called pride. It was a struggle to keep his expression skeptical, as if he was loathing every minute he was forced to sit there, but there were prices to be paid in the game he was playing. Alma Dray was far too clever and Dylan was almost certain that she knew more than even he gave her credit for. It had been almost painful to have little to no reaction at hearing her go on about Lionel Shrike and how he did his greatest tricks. How he had seen so far into the future and how he had died… No, Alma Dray was definitely someone to not underestimate- Ah, the bubble exploding bit.
Henley was rather a fan of dramatics, wasn’t she? Dylan had seen that clear enough when he had watched her in Los Angeles and she made her entire audience think she had been torn apart by flesh eating piranhas. Macabre, but wildly entertaining and viciously clever with how she had pulled it off. No one saw a figure moving through the crowd when they were thought to be in mortal peril.
And Daniel caught her just as he was supposed to. They really had come a long way in a year. All four of them clashed no doubt, but on stage they began to work flawlessly as one cohesive unit. Dylan hoped to God that they remembered these shows when this was all brought to a close. They would need it.
As the audience cheered and clapped, Dylan turned his attention to Merritt as the real magic began. Thirty years of planning and hiding behind a disguise and it had all led to this moment. He wasn’t sure where it would go once it was over, but he sure as hell was going to be enjoying the ride there.
The theatrics continued on the stage, each Horseman carrying with them sharp wit and blooming charisma that made them shine where so many other magicians had fallen by the wayside. They truly were deserving of this.
It was only an afterthought that Dylan remembered to play his part, instructing the others to be on standby and making sure everything was planned out as it should be. This was where it got hard and everything had to go just right in order for this to be pulled off.
Dylan wasn’t the only one Tressler had screwed over and judging by how packed the show was, he certainly hadn’t been the last. While a part of him had longed for this for selfish reasons, it was amazing to see all these people finally get what they were owed.
“Hey, is this for real?” Dylan spoke quickly to his team, fighting back a smile at the confusion on the other end. “Is this happening!” It was and it was utterly beautiful.
“We got confirmation, it’s really happening. They robbed him!”
“Do not let them get away!” Grin appearing for only a moment, Dylan quickly pushed himself up, Alma following his lead. Moving quickly, Dylan fell back into his role perfectly, running down the stairs and towards the stage.
“Stop! Stop! Nobody move!” Ah, this was going to hurt, wasn’t it? At Daniel’s cheeky little wave, Dylan increased his pace and took a bracing breath. “Freeze!”
“Quarterback!” Merritt and his mentalism were certainly something, Dylan would say that much for him. Thoughts tumbling, Dylan jumped up on stage, viciously proud when the four escaped with not an ounce of fear in their eyes as the hypnotized crowd rushed up to tackle him.
“We are The Four Horsemen. Good night!”
Now this is where the game really got fun.
Ordering everyone out of the security van, Dylan shouted orders and followed the tracer, shouting out directions that would have his own agents confused and turned around so the Horsemen would be able to get away but still be seen on occasion.
Running through the town, Dylan emerged into the crowd, jumping up on top of the police car and quickly taking stock of the scene. He could see police cars blocking off a few parts, another one vanishing into the crowd that he didn’t bother to track anymore- Ah, there was Alma chasing after Daniel. Remembering how vicious Alma had been in looking beneath the surface and digging into everything, Dylan mentally swore and quickly chased after them.
“He’s heading South on Exchange Place.” Following the two North, Dylan started to gain on them when Daniel climbed up onto the wall, Alma screaming just as he got to the top.
“Stop!” All three of them freezing, Dylan watched with baited breath as Daniel slowly looked back, hands raised in the air peacefully. Dylan saw the twitch in the man’s fingers and knew in a second that he would run the moment he saw weakness- Which he would. Alma Dray was fresh off the desk and seemed to always have her nose buried in a book or file. There was no way she would shoot.
Jogging to catch up with them, Dylan watched as Daniel took a step back and quickly began to turn, Dylan only stumbling to a halt as he heard the sharp crack of gunfire echoing throughout the alleway.
Dylan wasn’t sure which of them was more surprised of the three, and, okay, that had been- That had been a close one. Alma had been a glorified desk jockey, though, there was no way she had actually managed to hit him, even with the close shot.
Alma lowered her gun, eyes wide and face pale as Daniel stumbled off the top of the wall instead of jumping gracefully like he should have. Not sparing Alma more than a glance, Dylan quickly rushed over the wall after Daniel, shocked to see the man was right in front of him- No, shocked wasn’t the right word. Shocked was too weak of a word for what he saw.
Okay, ‘Rhodes’, time to play your part. They were too far in to lose now. Any of them. “Stop right there, Atlas! Hands up, nice and slow-”
“Or what? You’ll shoot me?” Wrong. Something was very wrong here. Daniel’s voice was cracked and shot through. Everything he knew said that he would be fine under pressure. “Afraid you’re a bit too late for that, Agent.” Oh… Oh, no.
Dylan rushed forward and caught Daniel just as the man collapsed, swearing up a storm as he saw Daniel clutch at a spot right beneath his left shoulder, the man’s breath going shallow and panicked. He was going into shock. “Hey- Hey, focus on me, Atlas. Come on, I need you to focus, now.” Daniel’s eyes were glazed and dilated, the man moving as if he was getting ready to take his chances and run away. “Don’t even think about it, you idiot.”
Okay, okay, he had to think this through carefully. Shit- Shit. This wasn’t supposed to happen. None of them were ever supposed to get hurt like this. Ignoring the radio constantly going off at his side, Dylan gritted his teeth and shifted Daniel to get him onto his feet as gently as he could, “C’mon, c’mon, it’s not ending here.”
They only had a limited amount of time before Alma got her feet back under her and started chasing after them again. If she radioed in for help then there wasn’t much that even Dylan could do. If they took too long here then everything could fall apart. Dylan could not let that happen. Not when he had four lives besides his own riding on the line.
“What… What’re you-” Daniel cut himself off with a noise that bordered on a sob, Dylan feeling guilt tear at his insides as he quickly half-carried and half-led Daniel over a split off of the alleway. The parties were still in full swing and Dylan was sure that any agents running by would quickly pass them over.
Guiding Daniel to sit down on the ground and lean up against the brick wall, Dylan knelt down in front of him, “Hey, hey, you’re okay, you’re gonna be okay, come on. You’re a magician, kid. You’re not allowed to die unless you’re on stage.” Tearing at the suit jacket the man was wearing, Dylan pulled and yanked at the shirt until he could see the wound. It… It wasn’t good. The angle Alma had shot at and the fact Daniel had already half-jumped at least made it so the bullet hadn’t lodged itself into the skin, but it was still bad enough that Dylan could understand the kid’s panic.
“‘S more escape artists kind of thing.” J. Daniel Atlas always with a clever quip and last one-liner. Usually that made Dylan pretty damn proud, but right now it was easy to tell Daniel was bluffing his way through everything.
“Yeah, well tough shit.” Jerking his tie off, Dylan bundled it up as best he could before pressing it tight against the wound, gritting his teeth at Daniel’s strangled scream that escaped before he could cut it off. “Hey, c’mon, Danny, focus for me, okay? I need you to hold this in place. Can you do that?”
Shaking like a leaf, Daniel pressed an already bloodied hand to the impromptu bandage, pressing down hard and giving another sob as his body jerked forward. Dylan was there in a second and cupped the back of the younger’s neck, carefully guiding Daniel to rest his forehead on Dylan’s shoulder. “Ssh, ssh, easy there, Danny, easy. That’s it, that’s it. Just breathe for me, alright? You’re gonna get out of this just fine, just breathe.”
He was giving away too much. If the Horseman found out too much too soon then they might try to approach him before the end of this and it could all come crashing down in flames. Daniel was too curious for his own damn good and if nothing else he would be the one to search for answers. Dylan was giving away everything, but… He couldn’t help it.
Noticing the shaking had barely even died down, Dylan clutched Daniel closer and quickly looked around the alleyway. Shifting just enough to grab Daniel’s phone, Dylan sent a quick text to the other three Horsemen before putting it back. How out of it was this kid that he didn’t even notice what Dylan had done?
Taking a breath, Dylan tightened his grip around Daniel for a moment. “Sorry about this, kid.” Letting him go suddenly, Dylan tried to ignore the sharp whimper of pain as he stood up and took a few steps back, drawing his gun and keeping it aimed at the ground at as he used another hand to grab his radio. “Where are you idiots! North on Exchange Place, I’ve got Atlas cornered but he’s been shot. Get me medical and back-up here now.”
There was a panicked gasp from one of the other Horsemen that Dylan pretended to not hear and then a scrambling of footsteps that he was hard pressed to not look up at. They needed to work a bit more on sneaking around, it seemed. Taking another moment to yell into his radio, Dylan glanced back up and cursed loudly and freely, pouring his frustration over what had just happened into his tone.
To anyone listening in it would just sound as if Agent Rhodes was pissed at the Horsemen once more getting away. Which was good. He had slipped enough in front of Daniel… God he hoped he would be okay. More than that, he hoped the pain had been bad enough to blur Daniel’s memories once he was patched up and healed. The last thing they needed was any complications. It was going to be bad enough to try and explain the blood that was literally on his hands. He would come up with something, though. He always did. After all…
It wouldn’t do to have his grand finale spoiled before the rest of the show.
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(Cover B Tula Lotay), AR Sandman Volume 7 Brief Lives 30th Anniversary Edition TP, $19.99 Scooby-Doo Where Are You #98, $2.99 Shazam #1 (Dale Eaglesham 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Shazam #2 (Dale Eaglesham 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Teen Titans #29 (Cover A Carlo Pagulayan, $3.99 Teen Titans #29 (Cover B Francesco Mattina), AR Wonder Woman Volume 8 Dark Gods TP, $16.99 DEL REY Star Wars Master And Apprentice HC, $28.99 DRAWN AND QUARTERLY Credo The Rose Wilder Lane Story HC, $22.95 DYNAMIC FORCES Action Comics #1000 (Curt Swan Black & White Variant Cover)(Jim Lee Signed Edition), AR Action Comics #1000 (Dan Jurgens Black & White Wraparound Variant Cover)(Jim Lee Gold Signature Edition), AR Archie 1941 #1 (Of 5)(Mark Waid Gold Signature Edition), AR Archie 1941 #1 (Of 5)(Mark Waid Signed Edition), AR Batman #50 (Jae Lee Virgin Variant Cover)(Jim Lee Signed Edition), AR Batman Who Laughs #1 (Of 6)(CGC Graded Edition), AR Detective Comics #1000 (Dan Jurgens & Kevin Nowlan Wraparound Variant Cover Plus 2), AR Detective Comics #1000 (Dan Jurgens & Kevin Nowlan Wraparound Variant Cover), AR Justice League #1 (Jim Lee Signed Edition), AR DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT James Bond 007 #6 (Cover A Dave Johnson), $3.99 James Bond 007 #6 (Cover B Declan Shalvey), $3.99 James Bond 007 #6 (Cover C Raffaele Ienco, $3.99 James Bond 007 #6 (Cover D Stephen Mooney), $3.99 James Bond 007 #6 (Cover E Dave Johnson Virgin Variant), AR James Bond 007 #6 (Cover F Declan Shalvey Virgin Variant), AR James Bond 007 #6 (Cover G Raffaele Ienco Virgin Variant), AR James Bond 007 #6 (Cover H Stephen Mooney Virgin Variant), AR Peter Cannon Thunderbolt #4 (Cover A Kris Anka), $3.99 Peter Cannon Thunderbolt #4 (Cover B Paulina Ganucheau), $3.99 Peter Cannon Thunderbolt #4 (Cover C Caspar Wijngaard), $3.99 Peter Cannon Thunderbolt #4 (Cover D Caspar Wijngaard Virgin Variant), AR Peter Cannon Thunderbolt #4 (Cover E Kris Anka Virgin Variant), AR Peter Cannon Thunderbolt #4 (Cover F Paulina Ganucheau Virgin Variant), AR Xena Warrior Princess #1 (Cover A David Mack), $3.99 Xena Warrior Princess #1 (Cover B Emanuela Lupacchino), $3.99 Xena Warrior Princess #1 (Cover C Erica Henderson), $3.99 Xena Warrior Princess #1 (Cover D Paulina Ganucheau), $3.99 Xena Warrior Princess #1 (Cover E Raul Allen & Patricia Martin), $3.99 Xena Warrior Princess #1 (Cover F David Mack Virgin Variant), AR Xena Warrior Princess #1 (Cover G Emanuela Lupacchino Black & White Variant), AR Xena Warrior Princess #1 (Cover H Erica Henderson Virgin Variant), AR Xena Warrior Princess #1 (Cover I Paulina Ganucheau Virgin Variant), AR Xena Warrior Princess #1 (Cover J Raul Allen & Patricia Martin Virgin Variant), AR Xena Warrior Princess #1 (Cover K Emanuela Lupacchino Virgin Variant), AR Xena Warrior Princess #1 (Cover L Blank Authentix Variant), AR EAGLEMOSS PUBLICATIONS DC Comics Batman Universe Bust Collection Magazine #25 (1966 Batman), $24.95 Star Trek The Official Starships Figurine Collection Magazine #144 (Gomtuu Tin Man), $22.95 Star Trek The Official Starships Figurine Collection Magazine #145 (Nightingale), $22.95 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY Camp GN, $10.99 Camp HC, $24.99 HUMANOIDS PUBLISHING Gregory And The Gargoyles TP, $14.95 Young Mozart TP, $14.95 IDW PUBLISHING Disney Afternoon Giant #4 (Cover A Leonel Castellani), $5.99 Ditko's Monsters Kongo Vs Gorgo TP, $9.99 G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #261 (Cover A Netho Diaz), $3.99 G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #261 (Cover B John Royle & Jagdish Kumar), $3.99 G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #261 (Cover C Klaus Scherwinski), AR Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary Answer The Call Ghostbusters #1 (Cover A S. L. Gallant), $3.99 Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary Answer The Call Ghostbusters #1 (Cover B Anthony Marques & J. Bone), AR Star Trek The Q Conflict #3 (Of 6)(Cover A David Messina), $3.99 Star Trek The Q Conflict #3 (Of 6)(Cover B David Messina), $3.99 Star Trek The Q Conflict #3 (Of 6)(Cover C George Caltsoudas), AR Star Wars Adventures #20 (Cover A Derek Charm), $3.99 Star Wars Adventures #20 (Cover B Valentina Pinto), $3.99 Star Wars Adventures #20 (Cover C Valentina Pinto), AR Star Wars Adventures Tales From Vader's Castle TP, $12.99 Star Wars Adventures Tales From Vader's Castle TP (May The 4th Direct Market Variant), $12.99 Tangled The Series Hair And Now #1 (Cover A Eduard Petrovich & Rosa La Barbera), $3.99 Tangled The Series Hair And Now #1 (Cover B Gabby Zapata), AR Transformers #3 (Cover A Nick Roche), $3.99 Transformers #3 (Cover B Anna Malkova), $3.99 Transformers #3 (Cover C Guido Guidi 35th Anniversary Variant), AR IMAGE COMICS Assassin Nation #1 (Erica Henderson 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Assassin Nation #2, $3.99 Auntie Agatha's Home For Wayward Rabbits #6 (Of 6), $3.99 Die #1 (Stephanie Hans 5th Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 East Of West #42, $3.99 Evolution #16, $3.99 Farmhand #7, $3.99 Gideon Falls #12 (Cover A Andrea Sorrentino), $3.99 Gideon Falls Volume 2 Original Sins TP, $16.99 Kick-Ass #13 (Cover A Marcelo Frusin), $3.99 Kick-Ass #13 (Cover B Marcelo Frusin), $3.99 Kick-Ass #13 (Cover C Brendan McCarthy), $3.99 Little Bird #2 (Of 5), $3.99 Mage Volume 6 The Hero Denied Book Two TP, $19.99 Magic Order Volume 1 TP, $19.99 Middlewest #6, $3.99 Oliver #3 (Cover A Darick Robertson), $3.99 Oliver #3 (Cover B John McCrea), $3.99 Outpost Zero #9, $3.99 Port Of Earth #9 (Cover A Andrea Mutti), $3.99 Port Of Earth #9 (Cover B Andrea Mutti), $3.99 Rumble #11 (Cover A David Rubin Black & White Variant), $3.99 Rumble #11 (Cover B Keith Pollard/Kevin Nowlan/Dave Stewart), $3.99 Spawn Dark Horror TP, $16.99 Witchblade #13, $3.99 KENZER AND COMPANY Knights Of The Dinner Table #264, $5.99 KODANSHA COMICS Aho-Girl A Clueless Girl Volume 12 GN, $12.99 LAST GASP Barefoot Gen Volume 8 GN (Current Printing), $16.95 LION FORGE Infinity 8 #11, $3.99 MAD CAVE STUDIOS Knights Of The Golden Sun #1 (Of 7)(Mauricio Villarreal 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Knights Of The Golden Sun #6 (Of 7), $3.99 MARVEL COMICS Age Of X-Man Nextgen #3 (Of 5), $3.99 Age Of X-Man The Amazing Nightcrawler #3 (Of 5), $3.99 Amazing Spider-Man #16 (Ryan Ottley 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Amazing Spider-Man #16.HU (Iban Coello 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Amazing Spider-Man #17 (Humberto Ramos 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $4.99 Amazing Spider-Man #19.HU, $3.99 Amazing Spider-Man #252 (Facsimile Edition), $3.99 Avengers No Road Home #10 (Of 10)(Cover A Yasmine Putri), $4.99 Avengers No Road Home #10 (Of 10)(Cover B Matteo Scalera Connecting Variant), AR Avengers No Road Home #4 (Of 10)(Sean Izaakse 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Avengers No Road Home #5 (Of 10)(Sean Izaakse 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Daredevil #1 (Marco Checchetto 3rd Printing Variant Cover), $4.99 Daredevil #4 (Cover A Julian Totino Tedesco), $3.99 Daredevil #4 (Cover B John Romita Jr. Hidden Gem Variant), AR Doctor Strange By Donny Cates HC, $34.99 Guardians Of The Galaxy #4 (Cover A David Marquez), $3.99 Guardians Of The Galaxy #4 (Cover B Tom Raney Asgardian Variant), AR Immortal Hulk #15 (Joe Bennett 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Invaders #2 (Carlos Magnos 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Iron Man Epic Collection Volume 3 Man Who Killed Tony Stark TP, $39.99 Iron Man Heroes Return The Complete Collection Volume 1 TP, $39.99 Magnificent Ms. Marvel #2 (Cover A Eduard Petrovich), $3.99 Magnificent Ms. Marvel #2 (Cover B Afu Chan), AR Major X #2 (Of 6)(Cover A Rob Liefeld), $3.99 Major X #2 (Of 6)(Cover B Phil Noto), AR Marvel Comics Presents #2 (Paulo Siqueira 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $4.99 Marvel's Spider-Man City At War #2 (Of 6)(Cover A Clayton Crain), $3.99 Marvel's Spider-Man City At War #2 (Of 6)(Cover B David Nakayama Sinister Six Variant), AR Marvel's Spider-Man City At War #2 (Of 6)(Cover C Marco Checchetto), AR Meet The Skrulls #1 (Of 5)(Marcos Martin 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Meet The Skrulls #3 (Of 5), $3.99 Miles Morales Spider-Man #5, $3.99 Old Man Quill #4 (Of 12), $3.99 S.H.I.E.L.D. By Hickman And Weaver The Human Machine TP, $24.99 Shatterstar Reality Star TP, $15.99 Shuri #7, $3.99 Spider-Man 2099 Vs Venom 2099 TP, $39.99 Spider-Man Life Story #2 (Of 6)(Cover A Chip Zdarsky), $4.99 Spider-Man Life Story #2 (Of 6)(Cover B Michael Cho), AR Star Wars Age Of Rebellion Special #1 (Cover A Giuseppe Camuncoli & Guru-eFX), $4.99 Star Wars Age Of Rebellion Special #1 (Cover B Marco Checchetto), AR Star Wars Age Of Rebellion Special #1 (Cover C Jen Bartel Greatest Moments Variant), AR Star Wars Age Of Rebellion Special #1 (Cover D Mike McKone Puzzle Piece Variant), AR Star Wars Tie Fighter #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Giuseppe Camuncoli & Elia Bonetti), $3.99 Star Wars Tie Fighter #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Jeff Langevin Character Variant), AR Star Wars Tie Fighter #1 (Of 5)(Cover C John Tyler Christopher Action Figure Variant), AR Star Wars Tie Fighter #1 (Of 5)(Cover D Movie Variant), AR Star Wars Vader Dark Visions #1 (Of 5)(Paolo Villanelli 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $4.99 Thor #12 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Camuncoli Connecting Realm Variant), AR War Of The Realms #2 (Of 6)(Cover F David Lopez International Variant), AR War Of The Realms #2 (Of 6)(Cover G Arthur Adams Black & White Variant), AR War Of The Realms Punisher #1 (Of 3)(Cover A Juan Ferreyra), $3.99 War Of The Realms Punisher #1 (Of 3)(Cover B Giuseppe Camuncoli Connecting Realm Variant), AR War Of The Realms Punisher #1 (Of 3)(Cover C Mark Texeira), AR War Of The Realms Punisher #1 (Of 3)(Cover D Gerardo Zaffino), AR War Of The Realms War Scrolls #1 (Of 3)(Cover A Alan Davis/Mark Farmer/Matt Hollingsworth), $4.99 War Of The Realms War Scrolls #1 (Of 3)(Cover B Andrea Sorrentino), AR West Coast Avengers #10, $3.99 Wolverine Infinity Watch #3 (Of 5), $3.99 X-Men By Peter Milligan Volume 1 Dangerous Liaisons TP, $34.99 ONI PRESS Invader Zim Volume 7 TP, $19.99 Morning In America #2, $3.99 Pilu Of The Woods GN, $12.99 Pilu Of The Woods HC, $17.99 PS ARTBOOKS Pre-Code Classics Tales Of Horror Volume 2 HC, $44.99 Pre-Code Classics 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Tonci Zonjic Pre-Order Edition Variant), AR X-O Manowar #26 (Cover A Kenneth Rocafort), $3.99 X-O Manowar #26 (Cover B Ryan Bodenheim), $3.99 X-O Manowar #26 (Cover C Mike Manomivibul), $3.99 X-O Manowar #26 (Cover D Francis Portela Interlocking Variant), AR X-O Manowar #26 (Cover E Jason Metcalf Pre-Order Edition Variant), AR ZENESCOPE ENTERTAINMENT Gretel #2 (Cover A Caanan White), $3.99 Gretel #2 (Cover B Allan Otero), $3.99 Gretel #2 (Cover C Jay Anacleto), $3.99 Gretel #2 (Cover D Eric J), $3.99 Oz Heart of Magic #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Martin Coccolo), $3.99 Oz Heart of Magic #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Edgar Salazar), $3.99 Oz Heart of Magic #1 (Of 5)(Cover C John Royle), $3.99 Oz Heart of Magic #1 (Of 5)(Cover D Caanan White), $3.99 Oz Heart of Magic #1 (Of 5)(Cover E Leonardo Colapietro), $3.99 Oz Heart of Magic #1 (Of 5)(Cover F Blank Variant), AR GAMES CRYPTOZOIC Challenge Of The Superfriends Card Game, AR Rick And Morty Look Whos Purging Now Card Game, AR ULTRA PRO INTERNATIONAL Ascension DBG Deliverance Set, AR Ascension DBG Year 5 Collectors Edition, AR TOYS - T-SHIRTS & COLLECTIBLES Aquaman Movie Lanyard, AR Avatar The Last Airbender Day Of The Black Sun Aang Pin, AR Avatar The Last Airbender Day Of The Black Sun Azula Pin, AR Avatar The Last Airbender Day Of The Black Sun Katara Pin, AR Avatar The Last Airbender Day Of The Black Sun Sokka Pin, AR Avatar The Last Airbender Day Of The Black Sun Toph Pin, AR Avatar The Last Airbender Day Of The Black Sun Zuko Pin, AR Black Clover Asta Keychain, AR Cartoon Network Courage The Cowardly Dog Pin, AR Cartoon Network Cow And Chicken Pin, AR Cartoon Network Ed Pin, AR Cartoon Network Grim Pin, AR Cartoon Network Mac And Bloo Pin, AR Chronicle Jurassic Park 3 Velociraptor Resonating Chamber, AR Chronicle Jurassic Park Sick Triceratops Diorama, AR City Hunter Movie Creator X Creator Kaori Makimura Figure, AR City Hunter Movie Creator X Creator Ryo Saeba Figure, AR Combat Mecha Xabungle Walker Galliar Hi Metal R Figure, AR DC Aquaman Movie Aquaman Eekeez Figurine, AR DC Comics Q-Posket Harley Quinn Figure, AR DC Comics Q-Posket Harley Quinn Special Color Figure, AR DC Designer Series Green Lantern By Ivan Reis Statue, AR DC Heroes Superman Soft Touch Key Ring, AR DC Heroes Teen Titans Changeling 1/9 Scale Polystone Statue, AR DC Heroes Teen Titans Cyborg 1/9 Scale Polystone Statue, AR DC Heroes Teen Titans Deathstroke 1/9 Scale Polystone Statue, AR DC Heroes Teen Titans Nightwing 1/9 Scale Polystone Statue, AR DC Heroes Teen Titans Raven 1/9 Scale Polystone Statue, AR DC Heroes Teen Titans Starfire 1/9 Scale Polystone Statue, AR DC Shazam 3D Foam Bag Clip 24 Piece Blind Mystery Box, AR DC Suicide Squad Q-Posket Joker Figure, AR DC Suicide Squad Q-Posket Joker Special Color Version Figure, AR Doctor Who Doctor Cats Ladies T-Shirt LG, AR Doctor Who Doctor Cats Ladies T-Shirt MED, AR Doctor Who Doctor Cats Ladies T-Shirt SM, AR Doctor Who Doctor Cats Ladies T-Shirt XL, AR Doctor Who Doctor Cats T-Shirt LG, AR Doctor Who Doctor Cats T-Shirt MED, AR Doctor Who Doctor Cats T-Shirt XL, AR Doctor Who Doctor Cats T-Shirt XXL, AR Dragon Ball Capsule Corp Keychain, AR Dragon Ball GT SS4 Vegeta Figure, AR Dragon Ball GT Ultimate Fusion Big Bang Kamehameha Figure, AR Dragon Ball Super Future Trunks 8 Inch Plush, AR Dragon Ball Super Icon Wallet, AR Dragon Ball Super SS Vegeta 8 Inch Plush, AR Dragon Ball Super Tag Fighters Frieza Figure, AR Dragon Ball Z Capsule Corp Backpack, AR Dragon Ball Z Vegeta Space Pod Molded Mug, AR Fate Apocrypha Saber Of Red Figma Action Figure, AR Full Metal Panic IV Arblest IV HG 1/60 Scale Model Kit (Emergency Version), AR Full Metal Panic IV Gernsback IV Agressor Squad 1/60 Scale Model Kit, AR Funko Cuphead The Devil Action Figure, AR Funko DC Primal Age Bizarro Action Figure, AR Funko DC Primal Age Black Manta Action Figure, AR Funko DC Primal Age Superman Action Figure, AR Funko Monsters 9 Piece Plush Keychain Blind Mystery Box, AR Gegege No Kitaro Glitter And 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Action Figure Takayuki Takeya Version, AR Rebel All-Stars Vintage Distressed T-Shirt LG, AR Resident Evil Nemesis 9 Inch Minted Icons Soft Plush, AR Rick And Morty Get It Together Pin, AR Rick And Morty Pencilvyster Quote Pin, AR Sailor Moon Eternal Sailor Moon Costume Keychain, AR Sailor Moon Sailor Jupiter Costume Keychain, AR Sailor Moon Sailor Mars Costume Keychain, AR Sailor Moon Sailor Mars SD PVC Keychain, AR Sailor Moon Sailor Mercury Costume Keychain, AR Sailor Moon Sailor Mercury SD PVC Keychain, AR Sailor Moon Sailor Neptune Costume Keychain, AR Sailor Moon Sailor Pluto Costume Keychain, AR Sailor Moon Sailor Uranus Costume Keychain, AR Sailor Moon Sailor Venus Costume Keychain, AR SpongeBob Squarepants You Like Krabby Patties Pin, AR Star Wars Women Of The Galaxy 100 Postcard Book, AR Super Soaker Fortnite HC-E Blaster, AR Super Soaker Fortnite Rl Blaster, AR Super Soaker Fortnite TS-R Blaster, AR Sword Art Online Alicization EXQ Eugeo Figure, AR Sword Art Online Alicization EXQ Kirito Figure, AR Sword Art Online Code Register EXQ Leafa Figure, AR Sword Art Online Code Register EXQ Yuuki Figure, AR Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Bebop Enamel Pin, AR Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Casey Enamel Pin, AR Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Foot Soldier 1/4 Scale Action Figure, AR Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Rock Steady Enamel Pin, AR To Love Ru Darkness Mea Kurosaki 1/4 Scale PVC Figure Bunny Version, AR Transformers Generations Studio Series Voyager Action Figure Assortment 201902, AR Ultraman Zero S.H. Figuarts Action Figure, AR
0 notes
imagineempire · 8 years
Secrets and Lies 2
Fandom: Now You See Me Request: Secrets and Lies Part 2 —•—•—•—•—•— A week passed and you were already comfortable as could be around the Horsemen. Things were still rough with Jack, obviously, but you hardly even saw him anyways. You and Beth went back and forth between your apartment and theirs. A collection of clothes sat in Atlas's room, toothbrushes found their way to the bathroom, and you both had the boys wrapped around your fingers. Just because you could ask them for anything in the world and they'd find a way to make it happen, didn't mean that you didn't go out of your way for them. Keeping them out of the public eye and just in THE Eye was the most important thing. So whenever grocery shopping had to happen, or they wanted to get out for a bit, you were the one to drive them around, go shopping, and all that fun stuff. In this particular case, you had left Beth with the boys, and had gone out for popcorn and a movie rental. Merritt was great and all, but he packed away popcorn like every piece brought a strand of hair back to his head.......... –––––––––––––––––– Daniel's POV "Alright super spy A.B." Daniel whispered as he took a glance over the back of the couch from his place on the floor in front of it, then looked at his parter. "Do you see our hostage?" "Mhmm." She hummed while nodding, sitting on her knees on the couch, but crouched down so she couldn't be seen. "On my count, go for him. Three, two, one." Beth got down and tiptoed behind a table then ran towards Jack. He was looking for something inside of the fridge. Just when Daniel though she was going to run smack into him, Jack scooped her up in his arms. A huge smile was plastered on his face as he blew on her stomach and made her laugh. "Jackie stoooooooop!" She cried while giggling and squirming in his arms. She had taken to calling him Jackie for some unknown reason. Jackie, M&M, Dylan, J, and Momma. Jack eased up a bit and hugged her. "I'm sorry sweetheart. Are you okay?" "Yes!" She cheered, throwing her hands in the hair. They landed in Jack's big mop of unkept brown fluff that topped his head. "Wait." She dramatically said, clapping both her hands's to Jack's cheeks. Her forehead hit his and her eyes locked in on his. "You hair and my hair and eyes!" The card master nodded happily, but looked over at Daniel with a confused look in his eye. "She's saying your hair is like hers and your eyes are the same." Atlas laughed. She was very observant for as young as she was. "Here, can I have her back? Y/N should be home any minute now." "Something wrong with her coming home to me playing with her?" "Um....... no?" Atlas answered, a little stunned by the sudden defensiveness. It only made him more uneasy for Jack to have her. Just as he took A.B. from his friend, you walked into the apartment. Atlas sat his little girl so she was straddling his shoulder and could hold his head. He took the bags from your hands and set them down on the table. Soon. Soon this would be their life. Not in the apartment with the others. No way. But possibly in your apartment you had now. Or once you agreed to his proposal, which you hopefully would, you could get a new place together. There was still money from shows left. Somewhere nice, where he could raise a family..... –––––––––––––––––– Your POV Seeing Beth and Atlas made your heart jump leaps and bounds. It really was his most attractive, and the most important, quality in him. If he hadn't been good to Annabeth, if she didn't take to him, or if he ever did one thing that could harm her, he'd be out. Beth came first. But he was all you could have asked for, and more. You joined the two of them and Jack in the kitchen to help put things away. Man, talk about awkward. While sliding soda into the space in the fridge, you decided to make conversation so it wasn't so weird..... "What did you guys do while I was gone?" "Well," Atlas started, "we had peanut butter and pretzels as a snack, and we drew a picture for Dylan for his desk at work, and then we played super spies." "Jackie down!" Beth exclaimed. "You took Jack down?" You asked her just as excitedly. She nodded and smiled. "Good job baby! How does he feel about that?" "I don't mind at all." He shook his head. "She's adorable. We also noticed that she kind of looks like me. Weird, huh?" He stared at you with an expression that said it all. He knew Beth was his. Well great. "Yeah it is kind of strange. Oh well, it is what it is." "I think she's beautiful no matter what!" Atlas complimented. Beth smiled and pressed her face into his hair. "Love you Dad." She said in her sweet little voice. You saw Jack open his mouth to respond, but closed it. Atlas pulled her off his shoulder and hugged her tightly. "I love you too A.B. So very much." You couldn't help but smile. The two of them were adorable together. And the fact that she called him Dad was a good step forward. She really did love Atlas. And that was a good thing! A very good thing. Your heart broke a little bit though when you saw the look on Jack's face. He was devastated. He was skating on such thin ice, calling out that he knew about Beth being his. But you couldn't help but feel bad that his daughter just called someone else Dad. He excused himself and left the kitchen. He looked....... well he looked like his entire world just came to a screeching halt. Which probably wasn't far from the truth. Later that night, Merritt was sitting with Beth in his lap, watching The Little Mermaid. She loved the princesses out of all the Disney movies. Dylan was on his way over. And Jack was off somewhere doing something. You were sitting in the kitchen while Atlas cleaned it up a bit from dinner. He kept glancing up at you for some reason. You were thinking about what had happened with Jack earlier. Daniel really did need to know. But, what if it turned him against you? Made him quit the team? Convinced him to go into hiding like Jack had? How would Beth react? She loved Atlas just as much as you did. She would never understand. And if he left, Jack might try and come back. And then you'd be stuck wanting nothing to do with him, but wanting him around for his daughter...... "Y/N." Atlas said softly, coming to stand in front of you. "What's wrong? And don't say nothing is wrong. I know you better than that. Whatever it is, you know that you can tell me anything, right? No matter what it is." "No matter what?" "No matter what." You sighed and took his hand. The two of you went down to the room you were sharing. He shut the door and watched as you nervously paced around a bit. Your fingers played with the bottom of your shirt. He wasn't going to like this. Not one bit. You hadn't seen or heard him approach, but next thing you knew, his hands were in yours and he had his forehead pressed to yours. He was too good to you. He didn't deserve this. After a moment, you sat down on the edge of the bed. Atlas sat next to you. You stared at your feet. He stared at you. This continued for a couple minutes. Well, it was now or never. "So, you know how Annabeth's dad has never been in the picture?" Atlas nodded. "That's because I thought he died. He supposedly died a few years ago, but apparently didn't." "So, like Jack?" You looked him in the eyes and nodded very slowly. "Wait a second...... Jack fake died a few years ago. A.B. looks a lot like him. He got really defensive earlier when I wanted to take her back." He moved over a little to look fully at you. "Is Jack Annabeth's father?" "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I really thought he was dead and I didn't want to bring it up, plus I didn't know he knew. I don't know when he figured it out. He didn't even know I was pregnant when he died." "What? Tell me the whole story." There was an edge in his voice. Oh no. You still explained it though. How you had found out about Jack and that you were having his child all in the same day. You raised Beth alone until you met Atlas. There was no need to bring it up that she belonged to Jack because he was gone and it might make things weird between you. But, now that you knew he was alive, things had just been awkward and there hadn't been a good time to break the news. You were still trying to understand it yourself. "Please don't be upset Atlas." You said softly, your voice cracking on his name. Tears threatened to spill from your eyes. You couldn't lose him. But Daniel Atlas said nothing. Just stood up and started to walk from the room. You followed, wanting to plead to him, but you were struck silent when Jack came around the corner and Atlas punched him in the nose. And with that, he walked out of the apartment. "I take it he knows?" Jack asked, a hand over his nose. You sighed and started to push him towards the bathroom. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Beth staring at the door. Merritt pulled her back into his lap and tickled her to get her attention off it. It was nice to have extra hands around. You couldn't help fix Jack's nose and worry about Beth at the same time. Jack sat on the lid of the toilet, still holding his nose. You could see blood dripping out from under his hand. Very gently, you pulled his hand from his face. Oh yeah. It was broken. "I'm really sorry about this Jack. Pinch right here." You showed him where to hold his nose to stop the bleeding, then gently pushed his head back to help stop it. "It's okay. Actually, it's not." The warm water was turned on, and a washcloth was run under. You gently wiped the blood off his face as he talked. "It's not fair that Annabeth doesn't know about her father. And it's not fair that I don't get to spend time with her. And keeping Atlas in the dark about me was a stupid move." "Hey!" "I'm just saying! I think once he comes back, and he will, the three of us sit down and talk. Then we can figure out what to do about Beth. It hurts that she called him Dad. Especially since I've been falling in love with her since you two have been here." "You can't blame me for all that. I had no idea you were alive. If you weren't around to take care of her, why even bring it up?" Jack was silent for a moment. "I guess you're right. I shouldn't have listened to what Dylan said. He's the one who told me I couldn't say anything. I'm sorry Y/N. All I really want is to be in her life. She's........ she's gorgeous. Inside and out. Just like her mom." You took that as a good time to go get him ice for his nose. You didn't want to be a part of where that sounded like it was going. You journeyed to the kitchen, but were stopped by a little hand on your leg. Sweet little Beth. She reached up for you to pick her up, and of course you did. "J?" She asked, holding her hands up and shrugging her shoulders. "J will be back." You promised her. "Go stay with M&M." You kissed her on the cheek, and she wrapped her arms around your neck to hugs you. You hugged back and set her down. Beth's little legs ran back to the couch, where Merritt picked her up and held her all snuggled up in his lap. You sighed and went back to Jack, giving him the frozen corn to go on his nose. It was going to be a long night....... About 4 1/2 hours later, when it was nearing 11pm, the front door opened. Beth was asleep on the floor in a pile of blankets and pillows. Merritt was at the table reading. Jack was in an armchair in the living room, Dylan was off in his room, and you were laying across the living room couch. David Blaine Street Magic, and you had been chuckling at how some of his tricks you could see right through. "Blaine? Really?" Atlas asked as he came inside. You sat up, but didn't get up. How was he feeling? Had he calmed down by now? He took a deep breath and sat across the coffee table from you. You moved off the couch to sit on the floor and be level with him. "Momma?" Beth said softly, stirring a little in her sleep. She yawned and opened her eyes. The door must have woken her up. She was a relatively light sleeper. Instead of sitting with you though, she plopped herself down in Atlas's lap. You're eyes darted from him to Jack, but neither of their expressions changed. "I have to say a few things." Your boyfriend started. "First, I'm sorry Jack. That was uncalled for and I really am sorry." "I've had worse." He brushed it off, smiling just slightly. "Second, A.B. I love you. I'm sorry if I scared you." "Love you J. Okay." She sleepily replied. "And third. Y/N........" He pulled a deck of cards from his pocket and slipped them from the box. "I was out of line." He shuffled the deck and split it in half. "I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. Pick a card." You, very confused, picked a card from the first half of the deck and looked at it. King of diamonds. "Memorize your card and give it back." You did as told and he slid the card in the deck. "I guess it was just that I've been so used to being there for her, the idea of my younger partner being hers blew me away for a second. Do the same thing with this half." You picked a card from the second half of the deck, memorized it, and gave it back so he could slide it in the deck. Queen of spades. "Out of everyone, it was Jack. Anyone in the world, and it was Jack. My shock took over my emotions and I was wrong. Tap both decks." You tapped them both. "Your card jumped to the top. Let's check." He flipped the top cards over and sure enough, there was your cards. "Is it right?" You nodded. He took them and put them in the middle of their respective piles, but left it so about a third of the cards were still visible. "I should have been an adult and just stayed to talk to you. The truth is I love you. I really do. And I want you and me to work. You're the most important person in my life. You and A.B. And I want to love you for a very long time." Wait what? "While we talked, you're cards switched decks. Want to check?" You slowly nodded and pulled both cards out, then flipped them over so you could see what cards they were. One had "Y/N, will you" and on the other "marry me?" was written. You looked up at Atlas, tears hitting your eyes. Was this real? Like really for real??? "I know I'm not the easiest person to deal with. And my temper gets the better of me sometimes. But, I love you so much. And I'm willing to work on it, if it means you'll be mine. I'm sorry I can't be on one knee, but I really do mean this. I can go onstage and dazzle a million people with a few fancy words. But, the only one I'm trying to dazzle with my words right now is you." Dylan handed him a small box, which he opened for you. There sat an absolutely beautiful black diamond Halo engagement ring. "Will you please, be my queen every day, take my breath away every day, make me a better man every day, and make me a father every day? Will you please marry me?" You very enthusiastically nodded. A grin bigger than you ever thought possible sat on your face. Atlas smiled just as widely and slipped the ring onto your finger. You sat up on your knees and leaned over the table to kiss him. For the love of everything, he never failed to amaze you. Your fiancé always found a way to one up himself. And this was the icing on the cake. Icing on the..... wedding cake.
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One More Night - Chapter III
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Pairing: Daniel Atlas x reader Summary: They are like the sun and the moon. Chasing each other, but never quite finding each other to finally become one. Daniel and the reader are solo artists with loads of charme and character. What happens when two stubborn minds meet and are forced to work together? Words: ca. 1200 Warning:
One More Night - Prologue / Part I / Part II
Months had passed since Danny and your shared night, and you had decided to never mention it again. You had put the memories to the back of your mind, no matter how hard it was. You both agreed it’d be better to forget it, but silently, both of you were hurting with this decision.
But you’d never admit that. It was easier to tease him and put him into place whenever he forgot who he was talking to again.
You first show in Las Vegas had gone absolutely amazing and couldn’t have gone any better. Art had his private jet ready for y’all as soon as the police released you. You had never been on a plane like this. One, with no more than fifteen seats, beautiful, leather-clad walls and a washroom with a shower and enough space to spread your arms. It was amazing, but you knew it wouldn’t last nearly as long as you wanted it to. The flight from Las Vegas to New Orleans was no more than four hours, but you’d enjoy the feeling of this private jet till the last minute.
Unfortunately, or maybe happily, you ended up in the seat right across from Danny whilst Merritt sat with Jack - Art and the rest of the crew had seated themselves in the front of the plane. You had tried to unobtrusively change your seat with Jack, but he’d only shaken his head and flipped one of his cards onto the seat to mark it as his.
“Uh-uh, I’m not sitting with Mr. Know-It-All for four hours.”
You slumped into your seat. Danny raised his eyebrows at you as he tried to hide a smirk, but you still saw it. You rolled your eyes at him and grabbed the card set from your back pocket, rehearsing some of the standard tricks.
You loved the simplicity of card tricks. They were easy to learn, but hard to figure out. Most of them simply needed nimble fingers and patience.
Jack was still teaching you some easy things, like how to hide the card at the back of your hand, so you decided to exercise this a few more times. Unfortunately, you had tiny hands and hiding the card in your palm only worked in two out of three times.
Danny successfully distracted you as he played with his own cards, flipping them from one hand to the other whilst studying you. Not one card flew away as he mindlessly shuffled them around. Your patience was as thin as a rake after your first performance and the police investigation, so after just a few minutes, you huffed and put the cards down again. Atlas stared straight into your annoyed face, so you crossed your arms and leaned back, closing your eyes and praying for at least a few minutes of peace.
“No, no, no, don’t do that. You’re not doing that thing to me. No.”
You stirred awake at Atlas’ frantic voice. He stood right next to your seat, holding his hands in the air. Merritt stood in front of him and wore a cocky grin, taking a few steps closer to him, causing Danny to move back. What were they doing?
“What thing? I’m just looking at you.”
Merritt wore a mask of innocence. Even wihtout knowing what made him look like it - you had to laugh at it. Merritt and innocence? Those two things didn’t fit together.
“No, you’re not. I’ve been watching you for a year. I know all of your little tricks.”
Atlas’ and his arrogance again. They were talking about McKinney’s mentalism again. Danny always thought he was smarter than Merritt, even if he knew deep down he’d never stand a chance against him. There were situations Danny should better shut up - situations like this - but his ego was always stronger than his brain. He’d never be able to crack people like Merritt could. It just wasn’t his thing.
“That’s what they are to you? Tricks?”  
“Yes, it’s gimmicks. it’s Barnum statements. It’s reading the eyes. Body language. I get it.”
“If it’s such an easy thing, why don’t you do (Y/N)?”
Danny’s eyes widened at the proposition and his gaze snapped to yours. If Danny knew so well what to look for when reading a person, how come he still had no idea what you really felt for him? How he was the one to make you go insane, good and bad. How he was the one you dreamt off every night or how your sassy comebacks were your poor attempts at flirting? The night you’d spent together may have meant nothing more to him than to relief some tension, but to you, it was more, which he would know if he had Merritt’s abilities. You weren’t sure if McKinney knew what had happened between Danny and you, but you were sure he saw right through you and your cold behaviour.
“Yeah, Atlas. Why don’t you do me?”
You were well aware of the double meaning behind your words. He knew it, too. You raised one eyebrow and waited for one of his amazing comebacks, but he was beaten to it by Art.
“No. Do me.”
You were a little disappointed how everyone enjoyed Art’s idea. You were hoping to mess with Danny and his arrogance again, maybe even get something out of him, but maybe it was safer for the both of you if he tried his mentalism with Art. The smirk on his face told you he believed as little in Danny as the rest of you did.
“So, Art, you were a tough kid. You know, kind of a real rapscallion. You had a dog. A real tough dog. A brutish breed. Like a real…I want to say, Ben the bulldog.”
The thing is, Art wanted to be seen as exactly that. As a tough kid who grew up to be a tough men, but the truth was completely different. He was a wimp, a sacredly cat who was coincidently able to build a successful company. A company he could hide behind if he ever came to face difficulties.
“Actually, I was a prissy little tot. I had a fluffy white cat called Snuffles.”
You started laughing at the baffled expression on Danny’s face. He squinted his eyes at all of you, but he caught your gaze. He knew what you were thinking. He knew you were mocking him - he didn’t need the ability to read people for that.
“What, you think you can do it better?”
A laugh bubbled up your throat as you shook your head.
“Better than what you just did? Yeah, probably. But I’d never be stupid enough to challenge Merritt, so that makes me better than you in two things already.”
The sarcastic smile he sent you in reply only caused you to laugh again and run your small hand through his messy hair. He looked like an offended hamster as he swatted your hand away. A light blush appeared on his cheeks and you winked at him, sitting down in your seat again and closing your eyes with a content smile on your lips.
Messing with Danny? Done.
You missed Merritt’s slightly confused look and how his eyes hastily moved between Danny and you, so as he let out a loud laugh and clapped his hands together, all of you jumped in surprise. His eyes lit up as he caught your glance.
“Son of a bitch! You guys slept together?!”
Read Part IV here
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One More Night - Chapter II
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The last part of this was posted... forever ago! But I had this in my drafts for so long, so here you go! :)
Pairing: Daniel Atlas x reader Summary: They are like the sun and the moon. Chasing each other, but never quite finding each other to finally become one. Daniel and the reader are solo artists with loads of charme and character. What happens when two stubborn minds meet and are forced to work together? Words: ca. 1200 Warning: Smut
One More Night - Prologue / Part I
"Hey, what are you doing?"
Your eyes stayed fixed on the coins on your hands as you flipped them from one finger to the other, trying to get back to the speed you were able to do this with once. You'd been so busy with the organisation of your shows that you barely had time to work on your own programme. Who knew what would happen in the end? You surely wanted to keep performing magic tricks, so forgetting how to do your tricks was the last thing you wanted. 
"I can see that... I meant to ask why?" 
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see how Atlas awkwardly stuffed his hands in the front pockets of his jeans as he approached you. For some reason, he felt uncomfortable being alone with you. Since he figured out why he teased you so much, nothing felt like before. The butterflies in his stomach made him think back to his first love, and he knew he wasn't even as nervous then as he was now. Daniel also mastered the trick you were rehearsing at this point, but he couldn't help but watch how your fingers hastily moved the coins around.
"Why do you even care?"
The small glare you gave him caused him to wrinkle his forehead at you. He knew you could be moody, but this right now wasn't you being moody. Your comments were never filled with hate or disgust, but more with a teasing or mocking undertone. You could see the confusion on his face and even though you wanted to be angry, you were hurt. 
"B- Because I thought we were friends?”
"Oh really, is that how friends talk to each other? Danny, the way you spoke to me today was not right. What do you think why the others left for a bar or why I've been avoiding you?" 
His forehead smoothed out as he came to sit next to you on the leather sofa. He fiddled with his hands, taking a deep breath before turning to face you. He sat on one of his legs as the other dangled over the edge, waiting until you decided to put your coins away and face him, too. You raised your eyebrows and stared expectantly at him, meeting his eyes in the process.
“I’m sorry. I never meant to anger you. It’s just... this is huge and I... I just really want it to work out, you know?”
You sighed and rolled your eyes, but deep down, you knew exactly what he meant. Being considered to join the eye was a massive deal, and no one wanted to fail at this point. You still had a long journey ahead of you, but these past few weeks had been so intense you felt like you’ve been working for this your entire life.
“I know, trust me I do. We’re all stressed, Daniel, and sometimes we need to let go for a little or we’re going to break before we even make it.”
Daniel averted his gaze from you and stared at the TV hanging on the wall, slowly nodding his head. The pout on his lips was very prominent as he thought of your words. He wasn’t used to this kind of working, but he’d try. For the group and for his chance of joining the eye in the end. The moment he focused his eyes back on you, something had changed. They weren’t their regular blue anymore, but darker. There was a spark in them you couldn’t quite assign.
The question stayed unanswered as his mouth parted and his forehead wrinkled in thought. Your focus remained on his pink lips and on how soft they looked, and before you knew it, you both pounced on each other and pressed your lips together.
It was a cliché movie scene, but it was like an alarm had gone off in your head, telling you to wrap your arms around him and press yourself as close to his body as physically possible. His warm breath hit your face and his strong hands gripped your hips as he shifted your body so you could straddle his waist. Danny’s large hands splayed across your back whilst yours disappeared in his hair. You pulled and scratched his scalp as he dug his fingers into your heated skin.
His lips. All you could really think about were his plump lips on yours, moving desperately as if this was his last kiss on earth. 
Your fingers fumbled with the hem of his shirt before he reluctantly pulled away and tore it off. You followed suit, throwing the fabric behind you. Again, Atlas’ hands gripped your hips as he pushed you back against the couch. He hovered above you and for a second, he just stared at you. His hands groped your breasts before he pulled your bra down, exposing your boobs. As he lowered his head, you closed your eyes and dug your fingers back in his hair, guiding his mouth to one of your nipples. You moaned as his warm tongue swiped over it, his teeth scratching along the erected nub. 
His mouth cherished your nipples as his hands caressed your thighs. The remaining fabric disappeared in no time and before you knew it, Danny’s erection pressed against your center. 
“You’re beautiful.” 
He murmured in your ear. His teeth caught your earlobe and you raked your nails down his back, thrusting your hips up against him. 
You hissed as his hips stayed still. You could feel him pulsating against you, but he made now sign to move. Even as you wrapped your legs around his waist and grabbed his ass, he kept his hips still. Warm lips nipped on your neck whilst nimble fingers played with your erect nipples. 
Danny took his time, teasing and worshipping every inch of your body before he finally eased into you. You threw your head back in pleasure and sighed once he bottomed out. Danny bit your shoulder to keep still as he waited until you adjusted to his size. 
You experimentally moved your hips and you groaned in unison as pleasure ran through your bodies. Danny kept a steady rhythm, hitting spots no one had ever reached before. You both reached your peak embarrassingly fast, but neither of you stopped as your orgasm washed over you. Your toes curled and your vision went white, but the delicious stretch and the warm hands on your hips guided you through. 
The moment both of you caught your breath, it started to dawn on you what had just happened. You just slept with one of your colleagues, with Danny, the one that got on your nerves more than anyone ever before. The one you had hopelessly fallen in love with. The one who would never love you back, because just as his Tarot card had said, he was the perfect lover, but nothing more and nothing less. A lover who knew how to make a woman feel loved, but only for one night, though. 
With that thought in your head, you awkwardly collected your clothes and went to your rooms, neither of you expecting much sleep that night.
Part III
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ramrodd · 4 years
33. The Blind Man of Bethsaida (8:14 – 26)
It turns out, your corespondent was correct; Donald J; Trump has emerged as the Anti-Christ, constitutionally. He's actually not the Anti-Christ, but the more like King Saul: he is jealous of the actual contituntional Philosper-King, We, the People. He along with the Movement Conservatives who consider themselve the original Reananaucs, have been led astray by Newt Gingrich since he bagan his agenda to become Speaker of the House.Gringrich has been running an Trotsky-inspired political scam on America based on the formula for creating a domestic, internal insurgence leading to polarization, tribal confrontation, violent revolution and regime change by political coup.
As I recall, your correspondent referred to Daniel 3, Daniel 6 and Daniel 9. Daniel 7:12 is, or course, the Son of Man and the numerological triangulation of this guy's prophecy revolves around Obama when it started and Trump. The GOP has been engaged in a domestic insurgency since William F. Buckley, Jr, published his Sharon Statement and established Movement Conservatives like Rick WIlson, Nicole Wallace, Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham through his farm system for engaging and developing people with the same crypto-Nazi cogintive organization as Mike Pompeo, Mick Malverny and Tom Cotton and give them a lucrative career advancing a Newty's program of insurgency as useful idiots.
Now, we have had an election where that prophecy is being played out in real time on Twitter until the Rape of Congress by Trump's followers, who are almost entirely useful idiots who add mass to the demonstration, but at the tip of that lynch mob, the Proud Boys,/white supremacists/ Q-ANON conspiracy to inspire a race war, Virtually all of them are Pro-Life.
Pro-Life is the Anti-Christ.
Now, the people around Obama/Biden were engaged in the Democratic Socialsm of Jefferson Deomocracy as reformed by the 13th Amendment. The numerology of the 13th Amendment, is the same numerology as the Son of God in Daniel 7:13,  That is, Jesus is very often attached to the number 13 in some way as either the finger of God, Himself (which Jesus most certainly was) or it was the finger of God, Itself. It is just a consitent figure of speack in the entire narrative of the Bible, from "In the Beginning" to Amen in Revelation. Numerology is a signpost installed by God from the very first and over the centuries. In that regard, it is perfectly inerrant.
And I couldn't explaing this to you in this manner if the Arabs hadn't invented the numerological symbot for "nothing" Zero/0. Zero doesn't exist, numerologically, in the narrative of the Bible (or anywhere in the Judeo-Christian literature, codified and uncodified,  as a concept, until the Romans showed up. Everbody used alphabets that had originated out of number after Melchezidek came along. He was part of the guild associated with the Magi of Matthew.  This guild apparently  spread out across the Mediterrean and planted some seeds of wisdom gleaned from the systematic application of process theology to the universe as it unfolds out infront of us. The big change they made was to introduce 9 base numerology to replace the 8 base numerology of the Egyptian priests, which had produced the social economic structues based on building pyramids as important scientific observations of the firmament. Intellectually, 8 base numerology is a cul-de-sac and becomes decadent. It's a closed system economics, zero-sum/engineering/gold-based banking that was preventing the globalization of the capitalism the Roman empire brought to the world. I mean, there was stuff that began to occur at that moment, when the seed of 9 base numerology began to grow in Abraham's imagination, to Bretton Woods. This is the thing about Elizabeth Warren: she is hooked into that righteous banking model.
But it really became jet propelled when Islam inventing Zero/0 as a useful symbol of accounting. And the only thing that has prevented this rigtheous banking system to take mankind to Space is everything connected with William F. Buckley's Sharon Statement of 1960 but creating the Tsusamie of the Rape of Congress on 7 January 2021.  
Remember Daniel, Chapter 7, where the Finger of God designates the Son of God. 7 very often is used as a lightening rod where the lightening from the Finger of God will enter into history as a Sign. So, Daniel 7:13 is the place where the Finger of God sets the process in motion to produce The Cross and Daniel 7:13 the Finger of God has touch America with divine intent and produce the Rape of Congress that can be traced from 1960 through Speaker Gingrich to Steve Bannon to 7 January 2021, God created a lightening rod to expose the working of Satan in the American body politic and that agency is Newt Gingrich. Trump just happened to be his marionnette.
Trump didn't become a crime boss until he won the election with intellectual property his Moscow partners in the 2013 Miss Universe Contest stole from the DNC and Clinton campaign by committing treason with a transnational crime consortium.. They've had him by the balls the whole time and Putin has nothing to do with it.
Now, the only question in my mind was how much coordination went on between Gingrich, Bannon and this transnation criminal consortius which is currently has America under seige with a Nory based cyber-attach trying to look like it's coming out of the Kremlin. This is the reason for the structural polarization Newty's political strategy creates, to overthrow Congress and the federal government.  I mean, if you've read Atlas Shrugged, she describes exactly what Newt Gingrich has been doing since he got into politics: Newty is the answer to "Who is John Galt".
Virutally all Libertarians have been useful idiots for this insurgency since they began attending YAF meetings and the C-PAC convention annually. It's like Comic-Con or a Trekkie or AmWay convention only focused on reinforcing the Virtue of Selfishness, Public Choice economics and narcissism the new righteousness. The basic Pro-Life Evangelical community family values.
All the Pro-Life Evangelical warriors who participated in the Rape of Congress pretty well define the right-wing useful idiot, while the people who Trump launched down Pennsylvania Avenue as a shot below the warterline of The Constitutional Ship of State, the basic cannon foder led by peoole being financed by the transnationa criminal constortium with Euro-dollar black mone being laundered through PayPal and Patreon.
How can you tell the difference between the cash flows of the Koch brothers to the Prouc Boy insurgency and Vory drug money?
You can't. That is one of the functions of Citizens United: it's all green. It goes into Meta Chruchs like First Presbyterian and, from my perspective, shouldn't be stopped. The fact is, we need to repartriate these black eurodollars to repair the damage done by the pandemic and whatever damage the Trump administration has done to the US Economy, which scares me in connection with the connection between John Galt and the potential collapse of American finances that was avoided in 2008.
And your coorespondent intuited the Finger of God in contemporary American politics by a using a narrative 2500 years old employing the numerology of the Bible. My biggest complaint about Christian apologetics is that it is just another version of the Marxist dialectic historic deconstruction that became the dominant paradigm in the 60s cultural wars (and continuing). History is a forensic science, like the practice of law, and in, Christian apologetics, history is superior to narrative/literature as a social construct.  And, as a literature major, that pisses me off.  Before history could congeal to abstract reconstruction, narrative IS. In the Beignning was the Word and history emerged from one of the ribs of the Word by way of narrative.
And before the Word was in the mind of God, Number IS. I Am that I Am: number the stars if you can.
And, again, Islam provides an essential validation of number in the mind of The One (as is presented in Revelation 4.2) in Sura 74:30 "And above it is 19" employing symbols I can employ to explain how number works as a figure of speach and a jewel in the fabric of Scripture. All that tapestry is lost in historical reconstruction because it doesn't seem to be evidence that can be defended in a court of law or a PhD defense.
But there it is. You have been praying all your life of a sign from God and now you have one: the Rape of Congress on 7 January 2021, as I write this 7 days and a wake-up from a constitutionally processed peaceful Change of Command.
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