filmap · 6 months
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Kevade / Spring Arvo Kruusement. 1969
Church Köstri allee 2, Palamuse, 49226 Jõgeva maakond, Estonia See in map
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artisthomes · 12 days
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Home of Betti Alver in Jõgeva, Estonia
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kinnisvarakool · 2 years
Statistikaamet: Majanduslik erinevus Harjumaa ja ülejäänud Eesti vahel on vähenenud
Statistikaamet: Majanduslik erinevus Harjumaa ja ülejäänud Eesti vahel on vähenenud
Möödunud aastal loodi 63% kogulisandväärtusest Harjumaal, viimased kümme aastat on see näitaja püsinud stabiilne. Lisandväärtust luuakse jätkuvalt enim teeninduses. Statistikaameti analüütik Kail Karilaidi sõnul oli Eesti majandust iseloomustav näitaja sisemajanduse koguprodukt (SKP) 2021. aastal jooksevhindades 31 miljardit eurot. „Harjumaa moodustas sellest 20 miljardit eurot, millest omakorda…
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flagwars · 1 year
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Flag Wars Bonus Round
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cocoaerestonia · 4 months
GOOD QUALITY!! 0851-7991-9133, Supplier Of Quality Cocoa Powder In Jõgeva, Supplier Of Raw Cocoa Powder In Jõgeva
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0851-7991-9133, supplier of chocolate powder for brownies, supplier of low fat cocoa powder, gluten free cocoa powder supplier, Supplier of green and black cocoa powder, supplier of good quality chocolate powder, Supplier of Javanese chocolate powder, supplier of jumbo chocolate powder, kenya cocoa powder supplier, supplier of natural cocoa powder, supplier of natural cocoa powder
We proudly present ourselves as the top choice in the high-quality cocoa powder industry. Our products undergo meticulous and stringent production processes, ensuring excellence in taste and consistent texture. As a leading supplier, we offer cocoa powder with the highest quality standards that will meet your and your customers' expectations. Our commitment extends beyond product quality to flexible and reliable delivery services. We understand the importance of consistent stock availability and timely delivery for your business. Therefore, we are ready to ship your orders anywhere, whether in large or small quantities, with unmatched efficiency and punctuality. With various packaging options and purchasing conveniences, we prioritize your needs as a customer. Make us your trusted partner in meeting cocoa powder demands perfectly, allowing you to focus on growing your business. Trust us to ensure your customers' satisfaction and your business success in this competitive market. CONTACT PERSON (DIVA): 0851-7991-9133
Jõgeva cocoa bean supplier, Jõgeva cocoa fruit supplier, Jõgeva black cocoa powder supplier, Jõgeva's best chocolate powder supplier, Jõgeva cocoa chocolate supplier, Jõgeva black cocoa powder supplier, Jõgeva gluten-free cocoa powder supplier, Supplier of cocoa in Jõgeva coffee, Jõgeva cocoa latte supplier
#cocoapowderexporter, #cocoapowderfromindonesia, #cocoapowderhitam, #cocoapowderindustry, #cocoapowderindonesia
0 notes
hildegardladyofbones · 5 months
Would. Would my mother allow me to go to Latvia alone? She's allowed me to visit tallinn and jõgeva alone before. What's so different about Valmiera?
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newestmusic · 10 months
Jõgeva on in - Kalevimehed
0 notes
loadsofplaces · 2 years
General Information Estonia is a country in Northeastern Europe, in the Baltics. Estonians were first mentioned in Roman sources in the 1st century CE. Since Medieval times, Estonia has spent much time under control of foreign powers such as Germany, Sweden or Russia. The Russian Revolution of 1917 led to a period of independence, until Estonia was occupied by Nazi Germany in World War II, then later taken by Soviet troops. In 1991, Estonia regained independence. Around two thirds of the 1,3 Million inhabitants are ethnic Estonians, about a quarter are ethnic Russians. The predominant religion is Christianity, although even many Christians are unaffiliated with any particular church. The capital is Tallinn.
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Capitals for everything While the capital of the country is Tallinn, many Estonian cities have official nicknames referring to them being the “capital” of a certain thing: Tartu being the capital of culture, Kuressaare the capital of weddings, Türi the capital of spring, Pärnu the capital of Summer, and Jõgeva the capital of Winter. Estonia turned digital early Estonia is famous as one of the first countries to incorporate the possibilities of the internet into people’s daily life - even back in the 2000s you could already hand in practically all of your official paperwork online. ~ Anastasia
Economy The economy of Estonia is an advanced economy and the country is a member of the European Union and of the eurozone. Estonia's economy is heavily influenced by developments in the Finnish and Swedish economies.
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~ Damian
Sources: https://www.britannica.com/place/Estonia https://www.visitestonia.com/de/uber-estland/13-dinge-die-sie-noch-nicht-uber-estland-wussten
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k2rbesv6is · 2 years
'ma tapan kellegi kohe ära'
lausub poiss kärinaga
närv tal põleb särinaga
rongimootor värinaga
tüdruk plaastritest ta räägib
poiss kommidest ka määgib
paistab Jõgeva viadukt
kas algab nüüd uus peatükk
ka rahvast väljub Jõgeval
kas pistavad nad plagama
tiinekate möla seest
või hoopis Kaarepere eest
0 notes
petnews2day · 2 years
'AK. Nädal': Who will be held accountable for Põltsamaa dog attack? | News
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/Oics
'AK. Nädal': Who will be held accountable for Põltsamaa dog attack? | News
Even a week later, it’s still difficult for Airi Sinimets, the owner of Välja Farm in Tammiku — a village located roughly between Põltsamaa and Jõgeva — to talk about the attack. Her 26-year-old daughter Sandra went out for a walk the night of November 12 when it happened. “She saw right here on this […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/Oics #DogNews
0 notes
kinnisvarakool · 2 years
KV.EE: Korteripakkumisi on aastatagusest 31% rohkem
KV.EE: Korteripakkumisi on aastatagusest 31% rohkem
Oktoobris 2022. a pakuti kinnisvaraportaalis KV.EE müügiks 7637 korterit. Aastataguse ajaga võrreldes on korterite müügipakkumiste arv suurenenud 31% võrra. Aastatagusega võrreldes on korterite müügipakkumisi 1822 võrra rohkem. Müügipakkumiste arvu suurenemine ei ole hindadele mõju avaldanud. Eesti korterite müügipakkumiste keskmine hind oli 10.2022 kinnisvaraportaalis KV.EE 2636 €/m². See on…
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estoniangirl94 · 6 years
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arhitektuurimuuseum · 5 years
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Small-town postmodern: Jõgeva shopping center, designed by Ants Raid (:D) and built in the latter half of 1980s. Now used as the parish center. #arhitektuurimuuseum #arhitektuur #architecture #jõgeva #antsraid #1980s #1980sarchitecture #väikelinn #jõvevamaakond #pyramid #estonianarchitecture #pyramidroof #coolarchitecture #archdaily #archidaily #archilovers #smalltown #postmodernism #postmodernist #postmodernistarchitecture #publicbuilding #architexture #archistory #architect #postmodernarchitecture (at Jõgeva) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7V-FI1pDyA/?igshid=1rm8ubagy1w3f
0 notes
cocoaerestonia · 4 months
GOOD QUALITY!! 0851-7991-9133, Supplier Of Organic Cocoa Powder In Jõgeva, Supplier Of Pure Cocoa Powder In Jõgeva
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0851-7991-9133, supplier of chocolate powder for brownies, supplier of low fat cocoa powder, gluten free cocoa powder supplier, Supplier of green and black cocoa powder, supplier of good quality chocolate powder, Supplier of Javanese chocolate powder, supplier of jumbo chocolate powder, kenya cocoa powder supplier, supplier of natural cocoa powder, supplier of natural cocoa powder
We proudly present ourselves as the top choice in the high-quality cocoa powder industry. Our products undergo meticulous and stringent production processes, ensuring excellence in taste and consistent texture. As a leading supplier, we offer cocoa powder with the highest quality standards that will meet your and your customers' expectations. Our commitment extends beyond product quality to flexible and reliable delivery services. We understand the importance of consistent stock availability and timely delivery for your business. Therefore, we are ready to ship your orders anywhere, whether in large or small quantities, with unmatched efficiency and punctuality. With various packaging options and purchasing conveniences, we prioritize your needs as a customer. Make us your trusted partner in meeting cocoa powder demands perfectly, allowing you to focus on growing your business. Trust us to ensure your customers' satisfaction and your business success in this competitive market. CONTACT PERSON (DIVA): 0851-7991-9133
Jõgeva cocoa bean supplier, Jõgeva cocoa fruit supplier, Jõgeva black cocoa powder supplier, Jõgeva's best chocolate powder supplier, Jõgeva cocoa chocolate supplier, Jõgeva black cocoa powder supplier, Jõgeva gluten-free cocoa powder supplier, Supplier of cocoa in Jõgeva coffee, Jõgeva cocoa latte supplier
#cocoapowderexporter, #cocoapowderfromindonesia, #cocoapowderhitam, #cocoapowderindustry, #cocoapowderindonesia
0 notes
k2rbesv6is · 2 years
hea et panin deodoranti
ei olnud teist varianti
muidu haiseks halvasti
võtsin kampsuni ma ära
naaberki ei teinud kära
vetsust püksilukk jäi lahti
a keegi mul ei teinud trahvi
neiu kurdab: käed on külmad
poisil väsinud on silmad
telefonist kostab mula
aju mul on ka suht sula
küll on vahva rongimelu
keemas on siin teloelu
saabunud on peatus Pedja
kuna keegi täpselt ei tea seda
mida leida Pedejalt
siis järgmine on Jõgeva
kus saab panna põgema
juhul kui ei jaksa enam
kuulata ma seda möla
siiruviiru roppu sõnu
meeleolukaimat rongielu
0 notes
kinnisvarakool · 2 years
KV.EE: Maade müügipakkumiste arv on aastatagusel tasemel
KV.EE: Maade müügipakkumiste arv on aastatagusel tasemel
Kinnisvaraportaalis KV.EE pakuti septembris müügiks 3353 maatükki keskmise hinnaga 52 €/m². Üle pika aja võib öelda, et kinnisvara müügipakkumiste arvu vähenemine aastataguse ajaga võrreldes ehk defitsiidijutud tuleb seljataha jätta. Tänavune maade müügipakkumiste arv on eelmisest aastast 2% allpool. Müügipakkumise keskmine hind kasvas aastaga tagasihoidliku 4% võrra. Maade müügipakkumiste arv…
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