#j'ai dead ça
platypusplayhere · 17 days
one (1) conference down, one to go
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superiorkenshi · 1 year
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gorgonsplayground · 6 months
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by gorgon's playground
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fragiledate · 7 months
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oups j'ai glissé
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luma-az · 2 months
Mon presque dernier texte de la painland week, à peine en retard : un univers alternatif sur les âmes soeurs ! C'est la première fois que j'explore ce thème, le résultat est à la fois angst et romantique, ça m'a bien plu de l'écrire. Au final, sur cette semaine il ne me manque que le thème de vendredi sur "canon divergence/casefic", j'ai déjà une idée mais elle était trop longue pour que je l'explore maintenant... Je vais sans doute le faire dans quinze jours, normalement on a jusqu'à la fin août pour poster.
En tous cas je suis fière d'avoir fini tant de fics, je n'aurais jamais cru être capable d'écrire autant à nouveau, et merci à tous ceux qui m'ont soutenue sur tumblr et AO3 !
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slayingqueenchal · 2 years
Interview(ed) | timothee chalamet x y/n
A remake of my first ever fanfic Interview. | Timothee chalamet x Reader (y/n) I'm a bit better at writing, comparing to my past self, this is full of fluff fluff fluffy, and I'm using second person perspective instead of first person perspective,and timmy describes you in french and it's like confessing! But I'll stfu rn, enjoy! (There's an ending to this not like the first one)
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"Yes, how are you, y/n, Timothee! I am john" The interviewer said to you and timothee.
"Good good! " Said timothee, and you nodded with him. "Amazing, now, I'm going to ask you questions for both dune part 1&2, is that alright?" John ask and both of you nodded.
"So, timothee, how did you get the role of Paul atreides? " John asks while flipping his card.
"It was like every other auditions, it's a tough one, I was really lucky that I got the role" He explained, his hands were moving as he was speaking.
"Great, what about you, y/n" John asks. "It was my cousin, who made me audition for the role of alia atreides, she was nine, she's a, a really smart person, to the degree that she understood dune" You told John.
"Why haven't you told me this?! This is literally the cutest thing ever, Y/n" Timothee groaned.
John flipped another card. "You can choose to not answer this one, just tell me, but the fans are curious about you twos dating rumours, is that true? " He asks.
"That's fine" Said timothee, you told John "we're very platonic.. Too, platonic, sometimes" With a fake chuckle.
You always had feelings since you first met timothee. It's like, love at first sight.
"Oo, that's cool! Up to the next question! " He flips his card, "Can each of you tell me, who was the most funniest, adorable, relatable, nicest co-star in the whole film, say it at the same time! ".
"Okay.. Timmy, one" You said.
"Two" Timothee said.
"Three! " You said. You pointed at him, saying "you!". But, he had done the same thing to, he said you were the most fun from the whole dune film.
"Aww" John said. You realized that, you were blushing hard.
"Up to the final, special question, many fans have asked this, timothee, can you describe y/n kn french? " John asks.
"elle est belle, ma personne préférée dans le film, peut-être ma personne préférée dans le monde entier" Timothee says with a lot of emotions.
(she's beautiful, my favorite person in the film, maybe my favorite person in the whole world)
"elle est vraiment attentionnée, avec beaucoup de monde et je ne pouvais pas m'empêcher d'être jalouse" Timothee says.
(she's really caring, with a lot of people and I couldn't help but to be jealous)
"Je pense que j'ai des sentiments pour elle, mon amour"
(I think I have feeling for her, love)
"et je sais qu'il y aura un gars ou une fille française qui traduira ça, mais priez Dieu qu'elle ne le sache pas. c'est une belle, géniale, gentille personne et honnêtement je ne la mérite pas du tout mais c'est trop tard maintenant, je suis déjà tombé amoureux d'elle" He says
(and I know there's going to be a French guy or girl who is going to translate this, but, pray to God that she wouldn't know. she's a beautiful, great, nice person and I honestly don't deserve her, at all but it's too late now, I've already fallen for her)
"And I believe that's it, I guess" He says.
"That was great! I personally don't understand but, maybe there will be someone who will explain, well I'm ending soon so, thankyou so much for answering all of the questions! Goodnight and bye! " John says enthusiastically. Not you though, you and timothee looks like a dead zombie answering questions since seven in the morning to ten pm.
"Well, that's all guys, pack your stuff and you can go, goodnight! " Says the producer.
"Alright" You both said.
"Timmy! Goodnight" You said, waving at him. "Night, y/n" Timothee responses.
You walked down to your car in silence with your body guards, and got home safely.
You went upstairs, get cleaned up, and went for a good night sleep.
Everything was alright until a thousand notifications blew up on your phone.
"What the hell" You groaned, taking your phone. Though your eyes were blurry, you can still see.
Everyone one was tagging you all across the media.
"Oh my gosh, I'm French, and if you haven't watched the dune interview with buzzfeed, you're missing out! " The girl says and plays the audio.
'elle est belle, ma personne préférée dans le film, peut-être ma personne préférée dans le monde entier' the blurry audio says
"Timothee is saying how y/n is the best person in the world and later he says that he couldn't help but be jealous of people around her who she's nice with,OH MY GOSH, he says he thinks he has feelings for her, and that he doesn't deserve her but he has already fallen in love. Oh my gosh y'all" Says the girl.
You sat there for a second, trying to process what's going on.
Timothee, liking you back? Sounds like a daydream.
You opened your messages app to found timothee's was filled by apologizes, confession, and him saying sorry for a hundred times.
You wrote 'timmy, you don't need to say sorry, in fact, I love you too'. No, that's corny you changed it up a bit "timmy, you don't need to say sorry, in fact, I have feelings for you too".
You sent it with your eyes closed. Turning off the phone.
"Y/n, I have.. It's like love at first sight and since you've told me this, would you like, go out with me, I know I'm a sucker for asking this in chat but pleasee" The notification rings.
Well, you replied and, guess someone's going on a date.
This was really rushed I'm sorry
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sloubs · 1 year
ça faisait un moment que j'avais pas rêvé d'aa, là cette nuit j'ai rêvé que je passais un grand examen sous forme de plusieurs épreuves (pour qui, pourquoi c'est un mystère) et genre aa était surveillant et président du jury ?? y avait une épreuve où on s'affrontait à un contre un et c'était une battle de danse avec objet imposé, du coup j'me suis retrouvée à danser avec une balle en mousse sur un remix de joyeux anniversaire et lui était en face totalement passible en train d'évaluer si oui ou non je méritais de gagner la battle (franchement pas pour me la péter mais j'ai dead ça)
et ensuite (oui parce que c'est pas fini mdr), la dernière épreuve c'était une épreuve d'écoute et de recueil d'informations sur une vidéo qu'on nous passait, J'AI RIEN COMPRIS au concept de l'évaluation ça avait aucun sens. en tout cas la vidéo c'était une enquête sur une meuf qu'on a retrouvé morte dans la forêt, et ils nous montraient un scan de sa tête où on voyait nettement une araignée près de son cerveau puis y a eu une reconstitution du moment où elle s'est fait bouffer par une araignée géante on aurait dit un film d'horreur le truc, et donc tout le monde a eu peur et moi j'ai raté mon exam.
après c'était la fin de l'évaluation, j'ai rendu mes copies à aa qui m'a trop mal regardé, je suis retournée chercher mes affaires sous des trombes d'eau puis j'me suis arrêtée récupérer un gratin que j'avais laissé dans le four thermostat 8, et la dernière chose dont je me souviens c'est aa qui se foutait de la gueule d'un mec au loin en disant "mais strauss-khan est pas mort espèce de con !" et voilà . je m'fais très peur
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Je pense qu'il m'aime et je l'aime. Je ne peux rien faire sans son regard, pour ou contre. J'ai besoin de son regard, j'ai besoin de sa force, même si ça m'inspire d'aller contre sa volonté. Il doit être là, toujours là, il garde mes grands pieds sur terre et parfois il m'aide à m'envoler.
Jane Birkin on Serg Gainsbourg
Jane Birkin will always be France’s favourite “petite Anglaise”, but few will have even guessed at the depth of the insecurity suffered by the “little English girl”. The British-born actress and singer captured Gallic hearts when, aged 21 and the epitome of London’s Sixties cool, she took up with singer-songwriter Serge Gainsbourg – 20 years her senior and the bad boy of French popular music. The public was fascinated by his excesses and his outrageous behaviour – he once burned a 500 franc note live on television to protest at his tax bill and had made a reggae version of La Marseillaise – and by her Sixties style and heavily accented French.
Their turbulent relationship hit the headlines many times during a 13-year affair which saw the release of their controversial duet ‘Je t’aime… moi non plus’ (I love you…me neither), which Gainsbourg originally wrote for Brigitte Bardot, a record condemned by the pope and banned by radio stations in the UK for being sexually explicit.
The decades passed, the couple split, Gainsbourg’s drinking and smoking caught up with him, and he died, but in her adopted homeland Birkin, now dead, will always be remembered as his muse but also as a muse and style icon in her own right.
RIP Jane Birkin (1946-2023)
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superiorkenshi · 1 year
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"I tell you what a women loves most, It's a men who can slap but can also stroke"
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stardancerluv · 2 years
A Time To Love and to Fight
Part Nine
Summary: Enjolras reveals his feelings.
Warning/Notes: Mentions of possible death, dying…angst. May have strayed a bit more away from Enjolas in this chapter. That said, I still tried to keep it to how I believe it would play out with him. That said.. Be nice! Feedback is welcome! Want to be tagged, please let me know!
Notes: Tried to show the innocence of reader, how when one is upset…thoughts can spiral out of control.
My sweet angel. - “Mon doux ange. No, my sweet treasure or I fear I will not finish. - “Non, mon doux trésor ou j'ai peur de ne pas finir.” My sweet treasure, use your words like I know you can. - “Mon doux trésor, utilise tes mots comme je sais que tu peux.” You are my sensitive girl. It’s ok. - “Tu es ma fille sensible, ça va.” After you, my treasure. - Après toi mon trésor. Mr, Mister and then Miss - “Monsieur? Mademoiselle?”
“Within six months, if I am not dead, I shall have seen you again, madam even if I have to overturn the world.” - Alexander Dumas - Three Musketeers. This is another French novel I am a huge fan of. In the version, I am creating for Enjolras with Reader…I can see him appreciating the friendship, loyalty between the men.
It was a particularly lovely day. There was a gentle breeze, it was nice to not be in the recesses of your family’s home and moving things around. You had long since grown tired of all the dust and the memories.
The bench you found, wasn’t terrible. You were grateful for your gloves. You wouldn’t want a splitter slip into your hand. They could smart horribly. Opening your book, sighing you smiled. This was truly one of your favorites. You were soon enveloped in its epic world.
Overhead you paused, as you heard some birds, looking up from your book you smiled as you caught sight of them. It was wonderful. Soon, you lost yourself into your book.
“Within six months, if I am not dead, I shall have seen you again, madam even if I have to overturn the world.” Spoke the smooth, warm voice whose owner was very good at making your heart beat harder.
“Enjolras.” Was all you could say as a smile spread across your face. You turned to look at him.
He placed a hand over his heart and bowed slightly. “Mon doux ange.” A soft smile played on his lips as your eyes met.
“You know The Three Musketeers?” Closing your book, you laid it in your lap.
“Yes. It is a story I’ve enjoyed reading from tome to time, when I wanted to escape all that is bad.” Something entered his eyes that you had never seen before. It was gone by the time, he came around and sat beside you.
“Now I have you so I don’t need to slip between those pages.” You saw as he glanced around before he finally placed a hand over yours. You flushed, as you felt the warmth of his hand through your glove.
You watched as the smirk you had first seen curl his did so now. “You wouldn’t think I had seen your bare legs with how you are blushing over me holding your hand.”
Your breath caught at his words. His voice had been sharp. You adverted your eyes away from him.
You don’t know why, but they really hurt. Tears well up, your bottom lip shook. You bit down on it, so it would stop. You knew you should have never shown you that silly scar or even shared that stupid moment.
You stood up, you took a hold of the skirt of your dress. Trying not to let the tears slide down your face, you glanced down at him. “Goodbye Enjolras.”
You walked away then. You felt silly, naïve.
“Wait, what is the matter? Where are you going?” You heard him call after you. You didn’t look back. With each beat of your heart your pain grew.
Girls, flaunted themselves all the time. They didn’t blush. Images of that barmaid floated into your minds eyes. She favored him. She had probably seduced him at some point. The tears finally spilled then.
Somehow, you had managed to walk faster
“Stop.” His face was harsh as his breath had shallowed in catching up with you. You felt as his fingers wrapped just under the cuff of your sleeve. You struggled. Right now, that was the last place you wanted to be. “What is the matter with you?” His voice wavered but was still rough. You did not look up.
“Monsieur? Mademoiselle, are you alright?”
The suddenness of a stranger broke through turbulent haze of emotions crashing and attempting to consume you.
You swallowed. “I am fine.” You flatly replied. Actually, you were surprised at how even your voice was.
You barely glanced their way before finally looking up at Enjolras. Your eyes met, his jaw was tight, the rest of his features were as sharp as a razor-blade. His ragged breath was warm as you felt it on your face.
“Are you sure, Mademoiselle?”
He looked away. “You heard her. Now leave us be.”
“Yes, of course monsieur. Mademoiselle.”
You didn’t look their way.
“What is the matter with you?” He finally asked you again.
You took a breath. “I..I am not like other girls who can just flaunt themselves, or seduce their patrons.” You could see his brow furrow as you spoke. “I..I…it wasn’t easy for me to show you my legs. I probably shouldn’t have.” You finally tore your gaze away from him and looked down.
With a firm touch, he drew your face up. It made you inhale.
“First, I am grateful that when my heart chose for me fall for someone it was you. You’re special, you’re different. You read, and mend my wounds .” He smiled. “Somehow you managed to break through all that I have come to be in this life.”
“Non, mon doux trésor ou j'ai peur de ne pas finir.”
You simply nodded.
“Everyday, I am prepared to die.” He swallowed.
This admission of his, this one line, ripped you apart harder then what you felt mere moments ago.
“The day that bullet grazed my arm, I thought then and there I was about to draw my last breath.” He closed his eyes for a breath before meeting yours once again. “Lachesis decided that day, she would not slice my thread clean through.” He swallowed. “She showed kindness and allowed my thread to continue entwining with yours.”
Tears welled up and slid from your eyes. “Oh, Enjolras.” You shook.
“I am sorry my sweet treasure. Please don’t cry any more.” Gently he brushed the tears away. “I am just telling you the truth. When you flushed by me merely holding your hand while a few mere days ago, you gave me the gift of seeing your bare leg. And even allowing me to kiss it, I realized just how much, I had come to truly care for you.”
You grabbed onto his coat’s lapels, not caring who saw and buried your face there. “Enjolras, please.” Was all you could mutter.
You felt as his arms went around you. You felt safe, secure. “Tell me, how long do I have you, till you have to leave?” He spoke while rest his chin on the top of your head.
“When the sun,” A hiccup overtook you. You buried you face, your face was aflame.
He chuckled then pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “Mon doux trésor, utilise tes mots comme je sais que tu peux.”
You swallowed down a few more hiccups before you finally continued, looking up at him. “When, the sun sets, I have to go and fetch the doctor. Greta, is making her cherry glazed pheasant.”
“Ahh, then we have enough time. Do you trust me?”
Confusion sprinkled over you but you nodded. “Yes, of course. I am sorry I ran away earlier.” A soft whisper came from you.
“Tu es ma fille sensible, ça va.”
He had no idea that he would ever care for another as much as he did for you. It had been an incredibly long half months time when the two of you were apart. He did not ever wish for that to happen again.
For s moment, he considered taking you to The Aviary. Though he didn’t want to deal with anyone. He didn’t want prying eyes or words spoken or speculation made from the others.
So instead he walked with you to where he kept his room in the boarding house.
“I had refused to take anymore then what is truly needed. My room is sparse.”
“Enjolras, you are taking me to your room?” Pink dusted your cheeks.
“Yes.” He scratched at his facial hair. He pressed his lips together. “I wanted us to have privacy.”
“That is a good idea.”
“Here take my hand, the staircase is quite narrow. And umm,” He considered things as he looked you up and down. “You had better hold the skirts of your dress up like you had earlier.”
Worry filled you. “It will be alright once we are in my room, I promise.”
He replied with his own smile as he met your eyes. He gave your hand a squeeze. Reaching the second floor, he dipped his hand into his pocket to retrieve his key. “One more floor.” He whispered.
Once on the landing, he finally let go of your hand. He gestured to his door. “This one is mind.”
You stood beside him as he unlocked the door. Glancing around, he gave the door a push, the wood and the hinges creaked as they moved.
Splaying one hand he opened his door wider. With his other hand over his heart he bowed with a smile on his lips, “Après toi mon trésor.”
Once you were inside, he closed and locked the door behind the two of you.
“Allow me to light a few candles.”
He didn’t know how light was able to come that filthy window but it did. Yet, the candles would make it feel less of a cold room. Reaching up, he light the one on a high shelf and the other which sat on on his desk. With flick of his wrist, the match extinguished.
“You have your own..” Shock and worry filled your face, as you covered your mouth. You ran to the door.
Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out your book. “You may have run away from me,” He swallowed, it had hurt and confused him. “But there was no way, I would let you ever lose this.” He held up your book.
He watched a glow of joy flushed your face. It was only a few steps, but turning you rushed back to where he stood. His heart swelled when with no hesitation, your arms wrapped around him.
Chuckling, he stumbled a few steps back at the force of your enthusiasm but did not let go of you. “Oh Enjolras, thank you.” A huge smile was spread across your face. “Thank you.” The candle light flickered in your eyes.
@aftertheglitterfades @sebastianstvn @dealswiththedevilsblog @randomstory56 @pl1nfa1 @phantomxoxo @ladybug0095 @maryan028 @netusha
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rayondelun3 · 10 months
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J'ai froid. Il y avait ça par terre. J'ai bien travaillé aujourd'hui. J'hésite à ranger. Il faut que je me démaquille. Ça fait longtemps que je n'ai pas écrit en format journal ici, ou que j'ai reçu une lettre... Les deux me manquent. Il me semble que c'est depuis que mon chat est mort que je ne vous ai plus écrit. J'espère que vous allez bien. Je suis toujours en vie pour ma part - idk how honestly. J'ai étudié à la médiathèque et j'ai trouvé des bouquins incroyables.
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J'ai juste emprunté Nakamura et Inoué au final. Je regrette un peu de ne pas avoir pris un Mishima... Mais il y en a là bas et les autres livres devraient m'attendre sagement aussi alors ne paniquons pas.
J'ai ri un petit peu aujourd'hui.
Il y avait devant T. et moi des personnes que je connaissais mais j'ai évité tout contact. Et puis j'ai évité tout contact avec absolument tout le monde. Je vis dans une bulle de solitude ; je ne me savais pas si solitaire. Je n'apprécie pas être seule, pas spécialement, mais je n'ai pas envie de voir les autres. Je me sens en décalage, j'en ai marre des efforts et des justifications... Tant pis. Ce sera pour quand le soleil reviendra.
J'ai enfin un pantalon de pyjama ! Et il y a un poisson dessus. <3
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Et oui je suis gelée sur une pile de vêtements avec mon énorme ours en peluche contre moi ; oui oui j'ai bien eu 23 ans cet octobre. Oui oui je suis toujours déprimée et je m'auto trigger c'est super. Oui oui c'était sarcastique. Oh merde il me reste 20% de batterie. Fuck. Je vais chercher mon chargeur, me démaquiller et me brosser les dents, déplacer le tas de fringues... Je rangerai demain (promis).
Suis fatiguée et j'en ai marre. Suis aussi triste et me tape une migraine. Suis pas hyper satisfaite de mon poème Cadavre Exquis... Je vais peut-être le retravailler. Sinon je suis tombée sur une citation de Sylvia Plath (vous savez que je l'adore)... C'était dans le livre des symboles, un extrait d'Ariel à propos de la lune :
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La Lune et le cyprès.
Sylvia t'es vraiment super forte. Love you even if you are dead. Might write you a letter one day. Also, I burned things from the past, I enjoyed it. Might do it again.
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barbietoiles · 6 months
Yep "c'est une tuerie" is mostly used when something is really good/cool (a good cakes, a great movie)
We also use "ça tue" a lot, when something is awesome, good. "Do you like my drawing?" "Wooow ça tue!!"
"T'as tué ça" also means "you did really great"! In everyday slang we use a lot of franglish so a very common one is actually "T'as dead ça" (you killed it) / "J'ai dead ça" (I did really well, I killed it) mixing French and English!
-"How well did your French test went?"
-"Trop bien, j'ai dead ça!"
I looked at this before i sat down to do french and something about j'ai dead ça is killing me. Its just the way it sounds, its too funny. Me tue...... me dead, even....... /pos
Do i have to add "ça" with me tue? Or does me tue work well enough on its own? (Im thinking from the latvian perspective, because "killing me" and "its killing me" arent too distinct in the meaning, but in english theres a difference. Some things with french are like this, its easier to understand from either the latvian or english perspective, its like building with legos lol.)
Also the exercise im doing reminded me of this: tante is written the same in french and latvian and mean the same thing :D (just pronounced differently). Quoi is pronounced the same in french and latvian and also mean the same thing, though we write it differently (ko). Im tempted to put all these words in a google spreadsheet lol
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luma-az · 2 months
Et me voilà de retour dans le glorieux monde des fanfictions... Ce n'est pas ma faute, j'ai vu Dead Boy Detective, je suis tombée amoureuse et du coup je tente la Painland Week. Il y a de bonnes chances pour que je poste toute la semaine. Vous pouvez me muter ^^ Pour ceux qui seraient intéressés, ça se passe ici : https://archiveofourown.org/works/57941938 @painlandweek
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circe007 · 2 years
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The archetype is for Jungian psychology a founding psychic process of human cultures because it expresses the elementary models of behaviors and representations resulting from human experience at all times of history, in connection with another Jungian concept, that of collective unconscious.
That's it, I got it !
Adar from josephmawle seen through the prism of my eyes.
A warrior and shaman archetype or when the elements and the spirits begin to dance with him.This power is yours Joseph.
There, everything is perfect ! A legend is born.Essential music !
Specials thanks to @inappropriatemetalfilth for the pic. When I saw him I immediately saw a painting, a work of art !
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Ça y est, je l'ai !
Adar de @realjosephmawle vu à travers le prisme de mon regard.
Un archétype guerrier et chaman ou quand les éléments et les esprits se mettent à danser avec lui.
Ce pouvoir est le tien Joseph.
Là, tout est parfait ! Une légende est née.
Musique indispensable !
Remerciements particuliers à @inappropriatemetalfilth pour les photos, j'ai tout de suite vu une peinture, une œuvre d'Art !
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meirimerens · 1 year
Je tombe à genoux devant toi pour demander if you have some hc about Rubin and Grace. Is she in your peterstakh vision. Je n'ai pas vu bcp de post sur elle passer sur ton blog mais j'ai pu être distraite !!
en vrai absolument BG she is indeed in the peterstakh vision. je te réponds ça en anglais pour les autres i think everything i could have mentioned about the stakh + grace famly bond will be in the "#loft family" tag possibly. the tldr is that since stakh has Des Problèmes about the whole fatherhood thing (complicated relationship with his mentor isidor = filial devotion that ended up not being recognized, in p1 he was about to be adopted as isidor's son but isidor died before that so you can imagine he's a bit Stressed, depending on the game he either wants to be artemy's brother under isidor's care or Wants To Be Artemy like taking the "son" place he sees as rightfully his) he's like. Not Really into being grace's father, or even father figure. he's like... her dad's boyfriend. that's his place right. he loves it here.
but out of the three, rubin is the one with like. more or less deeply normal problems [tmtc] compared to grace's Literally Sees And Speaks To The Dead and peter's [GESTURES] so he's like. the steady one. until peter gets better. rubin has Vague ideas of how to care for people that he learned from isidor, no matter how much it hurts to replicate those. he's also the one who can cook and cooks for the famly. he's at least Aware of how nutrition impacts the body so he tries his best to feed this starving orphaned girl [not orphaned now, but it's not peter Genuinely Believed Little Girls Ate Berries And Earthworms But You Have To Chew Them First stamatin who's going to feed her well].
graces will Naht call him dad, and i don't think she does peter either unless she slips up, but he's like. dad's boyfriend. дядя ("uncle". tonton if you will). stasik. rubin would sport a shirt that says "I'M NOT THE STEP-DAD. I'M NOT THE DAD THAT STEPPED UP. I'M SOMETHING ELSE ENTIRELY AND SOMEWHAT WORSE". tu vois la vision.
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peekaboorpg · 7 months
Hello🌼j'avoue ne pas faire partie de la communauté des forums illustrés (même si j'adore parcourir ces forums, ils sont tellement beaux, je n'ai jamais eu l'élan de me jeter dedans), mais je trouve ton initiative de faceclaim vraiment super intéressante! Je me permets de te glisser quelques noms qui me sont venus en tête en voyant ton initiative et qui viennent du jeu vidéo (vu que j'ai remarqué qu'il y en avait et que tu acceptais qu'on t'envoie des ask pour ça) : Barret Wallace (Final Fantasy VII), Sazh Katzroy (Final Fantasy XIII), Tseng (Final Fantasy VII), James Vega (Mass Effect 3), David Anderson (Mass Effect), Nadine Ross (Uncharted), Lee Everett (The Walking Dead), Sheva Alomar (Resident Evil 5), Bayek (Assassin's Creed Origins), Billie Lurk (Dishonored) et je crois que c'est à peu près tout ce qui me vient en tête haha ! bref, merci pour ta belle initiative, ça fait plaisir à voir ! je te souhaite une belle journée 🌼
Hello, merci beaucoup de ton intérêt et de tes suggestions ! Je m'occupe de rajouter tous ces noms au plus vite ✨
en plus je découvre barret wallace et genre bjr monsieur 👉👈
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