#jESUS it's almost 3am since when-
mayisgoingnuts · 8 months
I saw the requests for fics were open I just need to ask if it's ok to put one in and if it's ok to have an x reader even if platonic bc honestly I'm in a mood lol and I am craving LER ALASTOR idk why and I love your fics and you are a great writer
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"Good night"
Summary: You were struggling to sleep that night, so in defeat, decided to just give up and stay up all night. Sadly for you, Alastor didn't exactly approved your idea.
Warnings: Swearing.
Bags under your eyes would appear if you didn't go to sleep, and you knew it pretty well. It sucks, really sucks, but laying down on your bed doing nothing and being unable to finally take a good night of sleep sucks the double of those two combined.
As much as the TV wasn't that entertaining, it was enough to keep you awake and slightly less bored.
3AM, still nothing. You took a nap on the couch, but then woke up again. Did you actually took a nap? Or did you brain just turned off? Not sure, not bothered enough to care.
But, suddenly, something else finally got your eyes off of the screen.
"And what are you doing down here so late?"
The sudden voice made you stop on your tracks, jump even, as it came right after hours of silence.
"Jesus fucking Christ Alastor, I almost had a heart attack!" You took a deep breath, calming yourself down. "I'm just watching TV."
Alastor looks to the TV with the corner of his eyes, squeezing them slightly to show his displeasure. "Those things can be quite unhealthy at this time, my dear. Why don't you just turn this off and go to sleep?"
"Because I don't wanna and I can't sleep." You didn't even wanted to sound abrupt, but your filters slowly disappear when you grow more and more tired.
"Now that's just rude." Replied, not offended at all but rather keeping this in his mind for later. "Can't sleep, you say? Well, I have a solution for that." He added with a confident grin.
"...does it include hitting my head onto a wall to knock me out or something?"
Alastor stared at you with a blank face, blinking a few times. "Two solutions."
You rolled your eyes and finally sat, raising an eyebrow. "What solution?"
Alastor lets out a snicker, and with a single snap of his fingers, both of you are back on your room. You fell on your bed a bit too aggressively, but it's not like he cares.
"We only need to get rid of that energy of yours. I'm sure it'll be as easy as pie, you're already almost falling asleep."
"Uh... okay... and what's your plan, exactly?"
Your question made him look at you mischievously, which startled you and already made you let your guard up.
But before you could react, something pinched your side right behind you. As you looked, it was one of Alastor's little creatures. Is that a little man? A doll? A little demon? A pet? Whatever this thing is, made you flinch with a single touch.
And just like Alastor could spawn one of those, getting more of them needed the exact same effort.
"What are those??"
"Oh, I never really gave them names, so call them whatever you want. They're also harmless."
Three of them surrounded you, poking your upperbody in different spots while giggling.
"H-Hey! Gehehet off!" They may be weird but also looked weirdly adorable, what made you hesitated on pushing them away. "Thehehey're tick-"
But you stopped yourself right away. It got the other demon's attention, since your fit of giggles was definitely not the cause of the sudden hold up.
"Did you just interrupted yourself?" He asked teasingly, leaning towards you with a more bratty smile.
"Whahahat?! Nohohoho!"
Alastor shrugged, throwing his staff lightly from one hand to another. "If that's the case, I must have misunderstood. After all, there's no reason for you to not say 'tickle'." His head turned back to you, curiously. "Correct?"
As they keep tickling you, you ended up falling on the bed, rolling back and fourth as a poor attempt to escape. "ShuhUHUHUT UP!"
The deer chuckled at your reaction to it. "Oh, I'm not the one who should! Your volume may wake up someone in the hotel."
"Thehehen STOHOP!"
Your words entered his ear and leaved the other, or even worse, didn't even entered in any at the first place, as everything he did was look at his nails.
"I can't, I already promised to help. It is getting you tired after all-"
Your tone suddenly increased in a... huge volume. More than he expected, what startled the guy. Wanting or not, if anyone wakes up he'll end up getting in trouble aswell, so he's thinking twice about his plans.
However, something is off for him. Once you lay down, you didn't got up again nor tried to. It definitely isn't bothering you as much as it looks like, and this fact did not make it worse for himself. More likely to be the opposite, as an encouragement.
The inner conflict was agonizing to keep, and Alastor's eyes show that. With a sigh mixed with a humming, he snaps his fingers, finally sparing you from the shadows.
Your laughter slowly died down, and without realizing, your face shifts to one of disappointment.
"Hah... heh... what..?"
The taller one sits by your side, avoiding visual contact but, for some reason, not the physical one.
Before you could react, Alastor quickly recomposed himself, looking at you with a cheeky grin once again while his own hand touches your stomach.
"It is unfair for me to get punished because of your sensitivity, so I'll try something lighter this time."
The demon's fingers began to scratch, but not hurt, tickling you in a slow yet surprisingly effective way. You grabbed his wrist, but didn't have the courage to take it off as you knew it would come to an end if you did.
Your chuckles, snorts, cackles, any noises you would make, would spread the room as long as he wanted, and the silence would only return once you're finally asleep.
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Smart Dress pt2
Request: Hiiii Could you do a Loki x reader based off Green Green Dress from tick tick boom?? It’s a 3am idea and I can’t get it out of my head. It’s probably dumb but you’d def be able to do it actually well. By: @amesmorningstar
Re requested by: @eleniblue
Sorry for the delay, I went through some stuff.
Part one
*My requests are open*
Pairing: Loki x Fem!Reader
Summary: Will Loki be able to fix his mistakes?
Warnings: angst, NSFW.
Loki Taglist: @lokisprettygirl22 @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore @high-functioning-lokipath @thereadinggeek @el-zef @beakami @lokiprompts @ilovefanfictions @eleniblue @novena-proxy  @lulubelle814  @beakami @laurenandloki @tjellisworld
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“Stay” he pleaded against your hair, “Give me one good reason”.
“I really…uhm” it wasn't the best moment to be at loss of words, but he tripped with all sorts of different sentences, not a single one made sense or was good enough to express how he felt.
He took way too long, in tears you sighed, putting your hands on his arms to force him release you, "I knew it" you murmured.
"Fuck" he cursed. Loki turned you around, closed the door with your back against it, and before you could protest he kissed you.
That kiss took you back to the beginning of the year. New year's eve, you just got back from a two week mission, that wasn't supposed to last two weeks.
You almost missed New year's eve, your plan was a night of sleep, not caring about the whole thing, because you were bruised and tired, because you just had to be undercover rescuing some dumb cop that got caught spying some mobsters.
Apparently it involved the avengers because the cop is a mutant of some sorts, so because of his dumb ass you were stuck in a dirty cell instead of celebrating.
And why you? Because no one else wanted to go, and you were late to the meeting. Stark had the laugh of his life.
Stark on the other hand, teared that plan to shreds with his whole event going on. There was no way to reach the dorms with the party in your way. Also with Natasha and Wanda being all over you to get you to stay and have fun.
You ended up staying because, what the hell, right? You needed the drink and to kick someone's ass for the horrible mission they threw you in.
After a lot of drinks, Thor saw pertinent introducing his brother to the team, seeing that no one would be within reason enough to refuse him, bold but smart move.
Loki, in your drunken eyes, was the most beautiful being you had ever seen, though, what came out of your mouth was simply humiliating.
You called him weird, because you believed aliens were supposed to be green skinned, he actually laughed and told you his actual skin color is blue, in his ever so sarcastically polite manner of course.
Since he was in a mean mood, your drunken ass had no other better idea than making him absolutely uncomfortable. "So if your skin is blue, then so is your tongue and your dick?" Everyone of course laughed at your dumb question, Thor on the other hand was a bit worried the temper of his brother might get him to set you on fire.
"You talk to me like that again, mortal, I dare you" his voice resonated through the room, making the other 'ooh' in response, like when a classmate is being called out by the teacher.
After a good laugh, you stood up, poked his leather covered chest and spoke, "Listen popsicle, I had a rough couple of weeks, okay? Threaten me again, and I'll throw you out that window" pointing the open window behind you. "You wouldn't dare" he lowered his head enough to be face to face with you, his lips very close to yours.
After a little snicker, you stole a kiss from him, "Behave handsome, and you'll never know" after a wink you sat again, taking a big sip out of your drink.
To say he was stunned was an understatement, he had his revenge though. After Wanda changed your liquor into water, pulling what you called a reverse Jesus, you weren't drunk enough for when Loki cornered you against a wall and kissed you.
"An eye for an eye, minx" he purred in your ear before vanishing in the air.
Funny, he swore you wouldn't remember, but when you reminded him of it the morning after, he spilled his coffee all over the kitchen counter.
"Please stay" he brought your mind back to the situation, "Ask the bitch you were with to satisfy you, she must be looking forward to fuck you" he chuckled at your spite, finding it both cute and alluring.
"Is that why you've been unbearable all week? You're jealous." His eyes shone with the power that emanated from within him, power that he knew he had over you.
"I'm not jealous." Your denial made him laugh, even more than he was already having fun with your anger. "Honey, if you wanted my attention so much, you should have told me." He closed the distance, raising one knee to separate your legs and have you closer. .
His goal must have been to devour you, because of the way his tongue tasted the inside of your mouth, a kiss that lit the candle of passion for him.
"Wait," you moved your face, breaking the kiss, searching for air more than anything. He waited a couple of seconds for you to say something else, that you didn't want him, that you hated him, with no response.
Your lack of words guided his hand to cup your neck, gently at first, then pulled roughly until he devoured your mouth again, biting, without regard, the soft flesh of your lips.
"Darling, I've realized how careless I am to leave your needs unattended, let me fix that" he lowered his head to your collarbone and from there to the base of your ear he licked like a wolf getting a taste of his prey. The sensation sent a shiver down your spine.
You wanted to resist, but his kisses, ever so skillful, his hands traveling from your ass to your hips, just enough to hug them and lift you up, automatically you hooked your legs behind his back, then your hands flew to hang on his shoulders, for support. It was all too much.
This is what he does to get you in motion, you knew it. He pulls you up and then you're so lost in him, there's not enough sense that can overthrow your hunger for his clever touch, the bites he likes to leave as he goes down on you, his smart silver tongue against your clit.
In one swift motion, he laid you down on his bed, still having at least one hand on your hips to keep you grounded.
He wanted to have you again, fast. You, were doomed and lost in his caresses, your hands were all over his back and hair, his own matching your movements, while his pelvis teased yours, thrust after thrust, both undergarments were soaking wet.
As time went by, your doubts dissipated, all that remained was the lust you felt for the evil-born god, who with his hands got rid of all excess clothing. He didn't pay any attention to your lingerie, much less to your wounds. His cock was no mystery to you, he was huge and veiny, perfect for touching all those internal areas that needed his attention, and boy was he good at using it.
His hips collided with yours with each thrust, the sound of skin touching and the wet sound filled the room, as did your moans and his.
Ecstasy was a word you wouldn't use for that moment, there was a knock at the door, and it turned out to be none other than the bitch who accompanied him to the party, which made Loki hit you much harder to divert your attention.
He pulled out of you for a few seconds, then pulled your body towards him, rotating your hips until you were on all fours. He grabbed your hair and he continued fucking you, the thrusts getting stronger and more accurate, hitting every single spot he knows make you week.
"You're mine, to touch, to have, only mine" he breathed against your ear, to which you couldn't respond, the heat clouded your senses, a warm feeling crawled up your core to your chest, a feeling you knew the meaning.
"I love the way you squeeze me when you cum" he said in between panted laughs, "Now, stay, please" you shook your head, "Please love" he then pulled out, grabbed his boxers and came inside them. Disgusted, he threw them on the sink in the bathroom and left the water running on it, until they were soaked, then turned it off and returned to your defeated, tired and ashamed being.
He reached for you as soon as he positioned by your side, but you rolled away from him, "Darling, my sweet love" his hand caressed yours, it was so warm, but of course your pride was stronger than your love for him, so you moved it away from his touch.
"You're still mad at me?" he sounded so surprised, so you laughed, sarcastically obviously. "All this time, you made me believe that you liked me enough".
"What do you mean? I like you," you didn't want to believe anything he said at that moment, "But you still go out with other women, you kiss me, you fuck me and I'm still not enough," again he was left without explanations, " Honey, that's not-" he tried, but he stopped himself, biting his tongue before saying something he'd regret.
"I don't care, you made me think you wanted more than just a quick fuck, but then it was slut after slut" you stood up, first putting on your bra, then your stockings, then your dress, your shoes were actually too much for the state of your legs, so you had them hanging
“Y/n” he called out to you, but you still hadn’t gotten everything out of your chest.
"I'm sick of this, Loki, I don’t wanna do this anymore" holding a tear behind while saying it, burned, but you had to either draw the line or break the cycle.
"But I do like you" that wasn't enough, he thought, still being at loss of proper thinking.
"That’s not the point, horns" he saw in your eyes, and on the way you were hugging your shoes close to your figure, a way to feel your words, deep inside him they resonated.
But before he could feel bad, "It's been a while since you called me that" he purred that sentence like a way to ease the tension.
But you huffed and rolled your eyes, making him lose some of the sanity he had left, "Norns woman, will you tell me what I did wrong?".
"Geez Loki, do I have to think for you too? You used to be so witty, maybe the whores sucked off your brain too"
“Right, stay mad at me for absolutely no reason then, that’s fine by me”
"No reason? I wasted a year of my life to a god, that resulted no different from a regular human asshole"
“Mind your words, mortal”
“Funny, I thought you liked my dirty mouth, horns”
“Just tell me what I can do”
“Figure it out”
As soon as he saw you leave the room, he jumped out of bed, dressed with a spell, and ran after you. The sounds of the party were getting louder, obviously the party continued, a simple fight was always part of Stark's meetings, so people saw it as something common.
“Y/n, you were right” he caught your arm, just before you stepped out to the living room. “I started feeling things for you, but, I couldn’t bring myself to fill in the role of partner you need, not because I didn’t wanted to, the reason is unknown to me” his doubt was the only reason you needed to know that he was still the same prince that blew up his own planet a year ago.
“Sounds void to me” your coldness gave his frozen heart frostbite, so full of truth nonetheless, “I know, but I can’t afford to lose you” it had to stop, you thought, “But you can’t bring yourself to love me properly” you slipped your hand from his touch, “I…We need to stop, I can’t with this”.
It's hard to let go of something you thought you loved but that was destroying you with every kiss and empty promise, but the feeling of freedom that invaded you after a month of detox was unmatched.
Finally, after a month, you stopped caring who he was dating or not, and also the gifts he left at your door, with letters begging for your forgiveness. "You're forgiven, Loki, I'm just not interested in having anything with someone who doesn't know how to take things with responsibility and commitment," much less with a prince who has always had everything on a silver platter and women who lined up to have sex with him.
Maybe he was much more than that, but you didn't know, he never let you see beyond his superficial way of being. You saw some vulnerability when he hugged you after sex and stayed with you until the next morning, and then he said goodbye with a kiss, but after so much pain, you started to doubt if he was really opening up to you, or it was only the reflection his exterior facade.
Either way, life goes on, and so did you.
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oleander-nin · 2 months
I had a flight today and those give my anxiety so i wrote out a buncha hcs to try n distract myself you dont have to actually read these i just already have them and dont plan posting them anywhere: Mostly non yan because i couldnt think up much that hadnt already been said. Grammar a tad funky cuz i wrote these on my phone (☍﹏⁰)
Leo 100% scared Raph with that one car jumpscare video when they were kids
Mikey watches those stupid 3AM videos and probably thought Momo and various creepypastas were real when he was younger
Leo and Donnie are both really into FNAF, but Donnie has been unable to to beat any of the games and Leo cant figure out the lore (I know Leo is smart and Donnie is good at videogames but this is funny so I dont care)
I feel like Leo would write in a diary
^ He would scribble (crush name) Hamato with hearts around it in it, because he’s corny like that
Donnie listens to Hatsune Miku and nightcore
Donnie never grew out of needing glasses from when he was a kid he just refuses to wear them
Leo will try to do dad stuff with Casey jr like playing catch but Casey jr is older then him ( “Late teens to early 20s” so probably 17 at the youngest (I actually dont remember if that was the exact phrasing but something similar)) So it just ends up feeling goofy
This is an observation not a headcanon but Mikey is obviously physically the weakest and he throws like a whole skyscraper at the Krang I know they were made for war but jesus christ what was Draxum feeding them
Casey jr refused to grieve for anyone he had lost before coming to the pressent because theyre technically still here. He knows its not really the same and theyre still gone but has decided to ignore that
Yan Donnie would probably originally assume he was hyperfixated on whoever he was crushing on (I checked you can hyperfixate on people) and just be incredibly annoyed about it finding it real hard to actually focus on anything
Donnie has a bunch of online friends since its the only way he can really make friends and he’s chronically online
Yan Leo would probably get jealous of objects like if his crush was clinging onto some stuffed animal instead of him he would get mad
Raph had a gravity falls phase
Casey jr is incapable of doing standard everyday stuff and generally kinda sucks with anything non combay
Mikey’s favorite superhero is spiderman Donnie’s is batman Leo’s is deadpool and Raph’s is superman (not including in universe stuff)
Raph does not know how to cook at all he once burnt the water
The turtles(plus april maybe) all tried playing minecraft together and it ended in a lot of TNT
When they were kids Leo told Donnie that he was immune to pain and told Donnie to punch him so he could prove it Leo ended up with a bloody nose
this is another observation but in the movie when Leo almost slices kranifed Raph A you can see him sorta start to flicker back(i think havent seen the movie in a while and i dont have the wifi to check), which was probably intentional on the krang’s part for the last thing he’s consciously there for to be his brother killing him and B you can see Leo mouth ‘no’ as he realizes what he almost did
When Mikey was first starting out at art he was reaaaally bad at it awful anatomy, shading with black, ect ect obviously he’s really good now though
April introduced Casey go ice skating together on the weekends
Splinter will say stuff like “Skibidi rizz” much to everyones dismay
im away from home at the moment so you’ll probably get a break from my yapping for the next couple of weeks haha
Ah, I hope your flight went good! I can relate, takeoff and landing gives me the heebie jeebies. Wishing you safe travels, SS Cake.
"Leo will try to do dad stuff with Casey jr like playing catch but Casey jr is older then him ( “Late teens to early 20s” so probably 17 at the youngest (I actually dont remember if that was the exact phrasing but something similar)) So it just ends up feeling goofy" - LMAOO I LOVE THAT
"Yan Leo would probably get jealous of objects like if his crush was clinging onto some stuffed animal instead of him he would get mad" - Yes yes yes, completely agree
"Raph had a gravity falls phase" - Probbles asked Donnie to help him with the codes/lore and such too
Sorry I didn't comment on them all😅 I love getting these but they're hard to answer because I don't know what to say lol. I loved reading these and I hope you have lots of fun on your trip. Stay safe!
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lunatens · 4 years
aesthetic tag
tagged by @ggulovebot thaNK U MIMU ILYYYYY <33333
rules: bold the aesthetics you relate to and add 20 of your own aesthetic qualities for others to bold :)
[soft] baby pink | iridescent | glitter is always a good option | no bra | minimalistic tattoos | cherry patterns | sweet scented perfumes | wearing generous amounts of blush | doodling hearts | getting excited to pet an animal | fun nails | rewatching old barbie movies | hair sticking to glossed lips | heart shaped sunglasses | taking pictures of the sunset or sunrise | stuffed animals | protecting nature | stickers everywhere | teen movies | the light rain that falls from a clear sky at the beginning of the night
[dark academia] neutral tones | masculine outfits | studying languages | worn down copy of books | grey skies | turtleneck sweaters | loose fitting pants | hair tied with a silk ribbon | trying to remember a cool difficult word you read somewhere to use in a convo | thick belts | minimal makeup | windows fogged by rain | vintage jewelry | blouses with cuffed sleeves | reading a murder mystery and trying to solve it | oxford style shoes | sweater vests | subtitled old movies in a language you don’t speak | leaves crackling as you walk | annotating books to express your emotions about the story
[edgy] closet full of dark clothes | fishnet tights | makeup sweating off | neon signs | searching for unknown songs | chokers | band tees | doodling on old converses | finding smoking aesthetically pleasing but not doing it | weird humor | accidentally very dramatic | dim lights | layered outfits | chain belts | chipped nail polish | messy hair | low quality pics | piercings | combat boots | scribbling on desks
[seventies] colourful wardrobe | doodling flowers | wearing short shorts | using a bikini top or bra as a normal top | listening to ABBA | flowers in your hair | DIYing everything | jamming to songs alone in your room | drunkenly telling your friends you love them | patterned bandanas | mid heeled shoes | messy braids | flared sleeves | walking barefoot on grass or sand | bold sunglasses | the good kind of tired you get after doing something you enjoy for hours | feeding stray animals | fun patterned socks | room decorated with succulents and other plants | likes to go roller skating or skateboarding
[preppy casual] collared clothes | drinking juice out of a champagne glass | getting excited to see the met gala looks | thick headbands | small pastel cardigans | making your friends take your ootd pics | plaid mini skirts | tweed two pieces | watching reality tv to pass time | frilly tops | watching old hollywood movies | academically driven | long manicured nails | new year’s eve fireworks | colorful tights | layered golden jewelry | yearns for luxury brand items | decorating your room with fairy-lights | cursive and neat handwriting | lace details
[parfaitjoon] old book smell | doodles of eyes | stained paint palettes | jewel tones | sleepy eyes and red noses | always blushed cheeks | plushies with sentimental value | keroppi | ever-switching aesthetics | chunky trainers | curvy bodies | blurry vision | analysing movies | shouting when excited | green eye shadow | cool fresh water | tiny frogs | thirst for knowledge | random facts
[dreamiehrs] playing Roblox for 3 hours straight | loud laugh that could probably make someone deaf | listening to music 24/7 | hot chocolate on a chilly day | skirts galore | cat lady | has 2 fans on at all times | hibernates during the summer (not literally) | binge watching tons of anime episodes in one day | dark circles underneath their eyes | is on Tumblr 24/7 | loves buying merch | does online shopping in the middle of class | cannot go 1 day without screaming about their faves | having a dance party in their bathroom while getting ready for the day | has an obsession with buying tiny plants | lowkey never goes outside | wanting to write the day away | has millions of lists for every little thing | cannot stop doing the Chika dance
[yayhei] tarot cards | dark makeup done in the soft styles | eyeliner smears | wearing hoodies unzipped with just a bra | vans | always having bruises | never leaves the house | herbs | staying up staring at the ceiling just because you cant sleep and not doing anything | tons of posters that you have up more for the aesthetic than for the band | shit ton of candles | products that you never use | sleeping during classes | getting detention for tapping on your desk after being asked to stop multiple times
[pastelsicheng] watching sunsets on the roof | rainy days inside | overachieving student though they say they aren’t a try hard | oversized and loose clothes | not knowing your shoe size | cold feet | scrolling through pretty/aesthetic pictures for hours trying to get some serotonin | having several dream jobs | making dumb jokes when youre delirious and tired | worn out clothes | baking on cool/rainy days | sleepless nights | thoughtless showers | short attention spans | shaky legs and fidgeting hands | messy handwriting | scribbled notes | listening to music with earbuds in the dead of night while everyone is sleeping and you can’t | the sound of wind rustling through grass and flowers | drives through the countryside with only trees, cows, horses, and farm houses in sight
[ggulovebot] fruit flavoured alcohol | black glittery eyeshadow | everchanging coloured hair | opening a window when it rains | crisp cold mornings | daydreaming on train rides | longing for a new life in a different country | cups and cups of coffee | chunky black boots with thick heels | sweet essential oils | cringey motivational quotes | a bigass bowl of pasta on a cold day | crying out of nowhere | sweet and tangy candy | trips to disneyworld | old faded polaroid pictures | little black dresses | big gym shorts | staying focused on one task for hours nonstop | doodling interesting words and song lyrics | keeping everything that sparks a memory | gummy bears | laughing at everything when you're tired | caring too much | feeling the wind go through you | talking to plants | tabasco
[lunatens] orange juice 24/7 | swimming until you’re all wrinkly | lavender essential oil | procrastinating even for things you enjoy doing | late night drives | talking for hours under a cloudless night sky | reaching things on high shelves | sleeping in til the last possible minute | buying plants but never being able to keep them alive | ice cream and a walk by the river | pretty dungeons and dragons dice sets | listening to the waves and crickets on hot summer nights | mismatched socks and sandals | ancient latin | pointing out constellations and celestial objects | cherry chapstick | diy haircuts and colours | constantly lost in daydreams | smiling at strangers | brown sugar roasted milk tea with pearls
high key this was really fun and really cute uwu im gonna tag @cutiejoshi @citruscious @woozisnoots @hannie-dul-set @kwanisms @bruh-changbin only if u guys wanna!! pls lemme know if u don’t want me to tag u in stuff <3
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mmagnusbluu · 2 years
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You really got me ~ Eddie Munson 03.
Summary: Eddie x Male! Insert. Not sure what to put here, we'll see as we go.
Warning: Slight homophobia and mentions of puke & blood 👍 fun, we need a little angst.
Rowan sat up from the couch, looking around at the now pretty dark room. He popped his neck and looked down at Eddie, realizing where he was. "Shit-" he stood up, fumbling over and grabbing his stuff.
Eddie shifted and sat up from the couch. "Ro..?" he called out. Rowan looked over at Eddie, then up at the clock. 2:35.
He went over to where Eddie laid and leaned down, kissing his cheek. "I have to leave.." he said and pushed the messy, brown hair away from the males face.
"You'll be back.." Eddie reached up and cupped his face, kissing him again. All Rowan wanted to do was melt right to him, but he pulled away after a second.
"I'll see you later.." he let go of Eddie and left out the door. He fished for his keys in his pocket, unlocking the door before he got in. He started up the engine and pulled away from Eddie's place.
He sighed softly as he drove into the night, God damn this was going to be one hell of a house break in. He wasn't about to be caught by his mom.
Rowan pulled up to his house and quietly locked his doors, before he snuck around back and strategically got in through his window. He usually kept it unlocked, not smart but do able.
He was able to get in through the window, fumbling against the carpet before standing up and turning to see his little brother.. sitting in a chair in his room.
"Hey.. Ducky" Rowan had always called Dustin that name, Ducky, because when he was younger he would smile wide and he had called him ducky since he thought his younger brother looked like a little cartoon duck. Dustin wasn't bothered by it, so it always stuck.
"It's almost 3am" He said, his legs crossed like he was some evil scientist.
"I was out at my friend's house.. wait a minute- I am older than you? Why do you care?"
"Because I care about you, and so do your.. friends" Dustin stared "You have no friends besides Steve and Robin, so who could it even be?"
Rowan put a hand over his chest, sarcastically offended. "I have other friends than just them"
"So who did you hang out with?"
"None of your damn business" He laughed and pulled his hair back into a bun. "Now go to bed! You have school tomorrow"
Dustin stood up "So do you!"
"Yeah but I'm good at my craft, I can not sleep for hours and still get by in school" Rowan took off his jacket.
"Fine.. Fine! Goodnight" he sighed.
"Love you!" Ro called out with a laugh, before he changed and collapsed on his bed, going back to sleep.
Between the next few weeks, Eddie and Rowan had hung out some more. Mainly just watching movies and getting high, and other than that it was it. Part of Rowan felt bad that he just sneaking around with Eddie, he hung around him at school but none of their friends ever connected anything. He didn't tell Steve or Robin, or Dusty. Dusty doesn't even know he likes guy, the only reason the school knows is because almost everyone is a homophobic asshole.
Rowan stood at his locker, contemplating a lot of things as he put up his books and rummaged through random shit.
He closed the metal door and looked over to see Eddie, scared the shit out of him too. "Jesus- Fucking christ, Munson"
Eddie smiled "I told you one day I would get you"
"Yeah do It again and my fist is gonna fly right at your face" Rowan shrugged his bag over his back before walking down the hall with Eddie.
"So, I'm thinking for tonights campaign that we could-" Eddie started to go on about his Dungeons and Dragons campaign. Rowan was invited to sit in in the club, to which he did. He never played though, he kind of just sat by and watched them play.
Rowan just liked to see how happy he is when he is able to outsmart the rest of his players. He always gets to excited over playing it. The way he smiles whenever something goes his way, or the way the light shines against him as he goes into the story before asking players their moves. It came to hit him that he really missed being around Eddie, he felt bad for shutting him out before. Come to think of it, he knows more about Eddie than Eddie knows about Rowan, he doesn't tell him much.. just listens.
They stopped in front of Rowan's first class, and Eddie looked at him. Rowan realized he wasn't listening to a word he said, but he sure as hell acted like it.
"How does that sound? It would be a lot of fun if maybe you.. Joined the campaign-" Eddie poked his shoulder, pushing him a bit. Rowan just laughed.
"You know I don't play dnd.. but the idea sounds great, So i'll be there.. Just sitting in like usual" he smiled.
Eddie sighed and stumbled back, reaching a hand out "You're killing me Henderson!" Rowan laughed at him and looked him up and down.
"I'll see you later, nerd"
"Have fun in your history class with whats his face.."
"You know I won't" Rowan smiles before going into the class.
Rowan walked into the boy's bathroom around lunch time. He has just walked through the door before he was pulled into a locker at random, a hand covering his mouth. He went to fight back before he heard a voice and he stared at the alleged person trying to kill him.
"Henderson! It's just me" Eddie stared at him. "Calm down.."
Rowan pulled Eddie's hand away from his mouth and whispered "What the hell are you doing.."
"Nothing I just.. ditched 3rd period so I wasn't able to see you in class, I missed it" he smiled
"We're in a school bathroom, Munson, this is disgusting"
Eddie grabbed him by his waist and pulled him in. "I could care less"
"Are you sure we're not gonna be caught?"
"No.. No we're fine.." He put a reassuring hand against his cheek, smiling. Rowan could only smile back.
"You're such a weirdo.." he looped his arms around his shoulders and leaned in closer.
"You drive me insane, Ro" he said before kissing him. He ran his hands gently up his shirt like he had down many times before, Rowan tangled his hands through his hair. He couldn't believe this was currently happening but god was it.
He tried to enjoy every moment of this, he could care less if he was missing lunch. Missing the small conversations with his friends.. he was caught up in the moment.
The way his fingers danced over his skin made him feel fuzzy, or warn like the spark of a lighter. Rowan raked his hands through Eddie's shaggy hair, not having a single care in the world.
A loud banging erupted from the bathroom door, not the stall door, but the bathroom door in general. All the sudden, Rowan's stomach sank and he pushed away from Eddie. He pushed Eddie out of the stall and locked the stall door. He didn't know what that was suppose to do, but he was hoping Eddie would go along and improvise with it.
Suddenly a couple Jocks strolled in and said "What are you two freaks doing in here? Kissing or something"
Panic settled in deep inside of Rowan, but Eddie answered his question just denying it all.
I slowly walked out of the stall, making it look like I was just washing my hands.
"Now look, the other queer has come out to play too" One of them spoke up.
"I don't know what your talking about, why don't you just mind your own business.. asshole" Rowan said as he ran my hands under the water.
"What? Mad that we ruined your little make-out session?"
"Just back off? Nothing happened? We just happened to walk in around the same time.." the water turned off as Ro grabbed some paper towels.
"Suree, whatever you say.."
"Look, you're itching for a fight you don't want" Rowan glared at him.
"Yeah and what are you gonna do about it? Flash a little camera and then cry to your mommy?" one of them spoke up again. Rowan just stayed silent.
"You heard him, back off" Eddie said, leaning up against a wall near him.
"Nobody is talking to you freak.." The jock turned to Rowan. "I'm talking to you right here since you think you're big and tough" Rowan continued to stay silent.
"What are you gonna do? do nothing?" He walked up to him and pushed him "Hey I'm talking to you queer. Hey-" he pushed him again.
Rowan had enough and swung his fist, hitting him dead in the jaw before grabbing the back of his head and slamming it into a wall. He watched as he slid down in agony, grabbing onto his nose as it rushed with blood and scrape had appeared just at the left side of his forehead.
Rowan turned to the others and said "Do you want that to happen to you?" they just shifted and stared at each other. "Get the fuck away from me"
The jocks ended up leaving quicker than they came, and Eddie clapped as the other jock on the floor stumbled his way out. Probably to the nurse.
Ro turned to Eddie and he smiled at him. However, Rowan's face was blank, and his stomach twisted.
"You are.. amazing, Henderson" Eddie hummed as he walked over to him, going to grab him.
Rowan moved back a bit, a little bit of a flinch. "I have to go.. I'll see you later Eds.." he looked up, his words made Eddie worry.
"What?" he asked "What's wrong?"
Rowan opened his mouth but his words got choked in the back of his throat and he couldn't say anything. He just shook gis head "We'll talk later.." and with that he walked out.
Rowan stormed off down the hall, he felt dizzy and nauseous. He didn't even grab his stuff in his locker, he just walked over through one of the back doors and made his way to his van. He didn't know why but he was just.. leaving. He was ditching school. He had to leave whatever just happened.
He got into his car and drove out of there like it was nobody's business. He didn't remember the drive home, all he remembers is pulling il to his house and getting in there. He shut the door harshly and moved through the house. He passed his mom to which he hears her say
"Why are you home from school?" he just covered his mouth and quickly walked passed her into the bathroom. "Rowan? Rowan what is going on-" He slammed the bathroom door shut and immediately fell to the ground
Before he knew it he was throwing up from the major nerves down inside of him. He pulled his hair away as he continued to puke.
When he was able to take a breath he looked up to see his mom in the door, she just stared at him. He didn't even have to say anything, she didn't even have to say anything, she just knew something was wrong.
"Take a shower.. and go lay down-" his mom sighed "Just.. I'm gonna get you some medicine" Rowan nodded and got up.
He felt off, he felt twisted at the stomach. All he wanted to do right now was lay in his bed for the rest of his life and rot away on his sheets. He didn't even know why, but he just wanted everything to go away.
After showering, Rowan laid curled up in his bed. He was clutching onto one of his pillows as he curled up in the middle of the bed. No blanket, he was sweating to death and just had his eyes closed.
He felt bad for leaving Eddie like that, it made him feel like a shitty person. However, he had to leave. He didn't even know how to even think of what had happened there..
One minute he couldn't care about anything but the one person there with him, the next minute he had punched a guy and felt terribly nervous and sick over everything.
He was overwhelmed by the fact that he had even let himself get close to Eddie at this point, he thought that maybe he should just shut everything down and run like he did before.
Then he started to think again.. Eddie is the only person who sees him. Almost everyone knows Rowan around the school, wether for being gay or for just being a chill person. However, Eddie was one of the only person who saw past that. The one person consistent enough to get his attention, no matter if they talked or what.
Eddie had been trying to get Rowan's attention all the time, even after Rowan stopped hanging out w him. He was so patient, but so attention grabbing too.
His heart ached and he curled up tighter to the pillow. He shut his eyes tightly and just laid there. He didn't know what he was gonna do now.. He didn't know what he was gonna do ever.
Y'all I'm getting writers block again, also i'm glad y'all are reading this and liking this like- hello?? damn hi everyone 💀
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mycrofts-gunbrella · 3 years
Favourite Experiment- Sherlock Holmes x Reader (Part Three)
A/N- One day I won’t stay up until almost 3am writing fanfiction.. That day is not today. Not a huge deal of Sherlock interaction until the end but I feel like what happens in this one is pretty important to give character insight. Enjoy!
Word Count- 3378
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"Right, boys, I'm sticking the kettle on since you're both terrible hosts and haven't offered me another drink." You teased, flicking the switch. "Any requests?"
"Tea please!" John called from his armchair, from where he had already begun to update his blog with last night's case. Following John's voice came the low rumble of Sherlock's muttering a 'coffee: black, two sugars' and you fought against aggressively shouting 'please?' back at him. Opening the fridge to grab the milk for your cuppas, you let out a bizarre sound that combined the likes of shock, excitement and intrigue all in one. You span to see Sherlock in the entry of the kitchen, a smirk mirroring your grin as you gestured wildly to the fridge.
"Ah, yes. I see you've met Stephen. He's not very much for conversation but I find he's a great listener." He walked beside you and prodded the severed head's forehead with one finger. "You had a much better response than John did. I think he cried."
"No I bloody didn't, you git. One of Ste- One of that THING'S hairs blew off into my eye as I opened the door." John argued. "It's disgusting." Sherlock handed you the milk carton that you had forgotten about entirely and slammed the fridge door to a close.
"In my defense, if you always listened to my conversations I direct to you as well as you listen to private ones, I wouldn't need Stephen at all. Honestly, John, you can be such a child sometimes." Sherlock rolled his eyes. You nudged him with your elbow.
"Comes with the height, that does."
"Right, sod the pair of you." John sulked into the kitchen and grabbed a small thermos. "I'm going to the clinic."
"But you don't start until tomo-"
"I'll bloody well start when I like." He started tipping his tea into the metal cylinder, a frown on his face.
"Fine, but you know I'm only teasing." You messed his hair playfully and he groaned. "Love you, big bro." John rolled his eyes and headed for the front door. "Oi, what if I died while you were gone? Your last thought would be 'oh God, and I didn't even answer her when she said she loves me. My own sister.' You'd be guilt ridden." The front door opened. "Ahhh some of Sherlock's poisonous chemicals must have fallen into my cup! Organs shutting down.. Oh, Christ. I can see a light." The door shut again. You'd almost given up your theatrics when John came into vision once more, his finger wagging in your direction like your mother used to do when you misbehaved.
"That.. isn't funny. Not in our line of work and you kno-" Your hand grasped your throat and squeezed.
"I'd hurry, John. Given the symptoms, she's got about 26 seconds."
"Jesus, Y/N, fine. You win. Love you too, though every day becomes more of a challenge. Evil. Both of you. Match made in sodding Hell, but I'm the one burning." He headed out again.
"You need milk!"
"Shove the milk up your-" The door shut.
"I wonder if he regrets telling me that moving back home would be a good idea?" You questioned, bringing your and Sherlock's mugs into the living room and flopping back on the sofa. Sherlock followed shortly after, jumping to lay down with his pale feet in your lap. You slapped the top of his toes. "I don't know which part of your deductions told you that I enjoy using my spare time as a footrest but I can very much tell you that you were incorrect."
"To be fair this is my sofa."
"You have two sofas and John's is uncomfortable. Can I sit in your armchair?"
"Because you can't feed me my coffee from over there." You raised your eyebrows at the curly haired man and slapped his foot once more.
"Feed you your coffee? Like you're my patient in a nursing home?"
"The simile wasn't necessary but if roleplay helps-"
"Don't you start talking to me about roleplay, Sherlock Holmes." You took a sip of your tea and bit back a grin as Sherlock opened his mouth in waiting for his coffee.
"I'll make it worth your while."
"And how do you propose you can do that? Promise you won't put any body parts in my fridge?" He shook his head.
"I could never promise that.. You're also too intrigued to not want me to." You hummed in agreement, offering a 'bottom shelf only, no contamination' to which he concurred.
"You're furniture shopping today. Lots of flat-packed furniture to build.. a bed frame.. tips on organisation." You glared. "Fine, helpful second opinions on organisation.. When it all arrives. Me. All yours for your DIY needs. Now, coffee." You weren't going to argue with that. The mere thought of needing to build all of that on your own made you tired. You fought every urge to roll your eyes and lifted the hot caffeinated beverage to the pale man's lips, continuing to feed it to him over a short period of time until the mug had emptied.
"Did you fancy helping me shop too? I'm about to head out."
"I'd sooner follow Stephen's fate."
"Right. Bit dramatic, but fair. Don't set the building on fire and don't let any strange cab drivers whisk you away to kill you. Catch you later." You offered a two finger salute as your exit, stopped by your flat to grab your bag and headed out into the streets of London.
It had gone well into the evening before you decided to call it a day. Hellish nightmares on the tube, busy shopping centres and incompetant staff members were never your favourite things in this world to interact with, but you deemed the day successful nonetheless. You'd managed to snag a chest of drawers that matched your wardrobe, a king sized bed (who cares if you sleep in it alone? You're an adult now, you have the luxury to make these choices), a few more bookshelves- now just to wait until the rest of your stuff from Oz comes over-, a bigger TV and stand so you could shift the others to your bedroom, dining room table/chairs and a variety of random other furniture/ decor that you came across that should all be turning up in the next week or so. It certainly was a huge dent in your bank account, but it was worth it. Only thing left on the list, really, was a new load of clothes that better matched England's climate than Australia's, but that could be done online when you could be bothered.
You had begun to wander to the next tube station when your phone had started to ring in your pocket. Caller ID hidden. Could be interesting.
"Ahoy hoy!" Society may have decided in the last 130 odd years that that was no longer an acceptable way to answer the phone (particularly to suspicious strangers), but you'd never been one to follow trends; even if it was only you and Mr Burns from The Simpsons left. 'Yello?' was another favourite, mind.
"Get into the car, Miss Watson." A sleek black jag rolled up beside you and it took every ounce of your being not to laugh. "Very cliche, don't you think? Now, where is it I'm being taken to? No, no. Don't tell me. It's a warehouse, isn't it. It's always a warehouse."
"You do not appear very frightened, Y/N."
"You do not sound very frightening, sir. Now, forgive me for ending this lovely chat so early but I can get terribly carsick if I stay on my phone while we move. The lovely leather doesn't deserve that. Ciao." You hung up and climbed into the car. It was so blatantly obvious that it wasn't dangerous. Nobody even had any reason to hold any kind of grudge against you.. They may have seen you work with Sherlock, who no doubt has many grudge holders, but their best bet to get the Holmes to follow would be to take your brother, not you. Unless they were stupid which, honestly, wasn't everyone? Maybe. But not this guy. The woman who sat beside you tapped away on her Blackberry and you grinned. "Oooh, spies! Her Majesty's secret service.. Not met with you guys for a while. Fancy a rendition of God Save the Queen while we travel? Though, I must admit I'm more in favour of the Sex Pistols song rather than the anthem." Her eyes flicked to you for a split second before turning back. "Not much for talking?"
"Are we going to a warehouse?"
"Liar; I'm telling Lizzie."
You walked through the abandoned warehouse (called it) and soon found a large room, empty excluding a tall, lanky man leaning against an umbrella.
"G'day, sir!" You called, standing a respectable distance away from the gentleman but offering a sarcastic curtsey.
"Lived across the South Pacific for mere more than half a decade and yet assimilated the colloquialism?"
"Uhhh the eagle has flown, shot down at Windsor?"
"I'm afraid I don't follow."
"Sorry. Thought we were speaking in spy code. Too many big words after a day of tediousness, Mr Holmes." He frowned, though so quickly that you'd have missed it if you blinked, and tipped his chin into the air.
"Lucky guess?"
"I never guess."
"I am aware. I know everything about you, Miss Watson. I have-"
"All of my files at your disposal. Nothing spicy in there, I'm afraid. Best you found was probably me getting arrested for socking a guy in the supermarket. But, in my defence, I'd had a very long day and he picked up the last packet of Tim Tams. So, why am I really here? I can only assume it isn't to be shipped off somewhere in the Middle East over a smack and some chocolate biscuits. Though you Holmses are one for dramatics, apparently." You opened your arms and waved them round the room.
"It is about the aforementioned other Holmes. What are your intentions with him? To use him for his knowledge? Insight on secretive government cases?"
"I plan to court him for a few months, treat him like a gentleman, whisk him up for a holiday away and to propose on the beach. Not a church wedding, never been a religious type. Honeymoon somewhere warm but interesting- Italy, perhaps? Tell me, do I have your blessing?"
"Sherlock Holmes is not one for courting, I can assure you."
"But you are, aren't you.." You waited for him to offer his first name. He didn't. "So, how is Detective Inspector Lestrade?" The flashed frown again. "Don't play dumb, it doesn't suit you. His hair is on your shoulder pad, two of them. From this morning, I'd say. Kiss on the cheek. Successful night, was it?" The tips of the elder Holmes' ears tinted red, his mouth opening and closing in an attempt at a rebuttal that wouldn't form.
"I do not appreciate your deviation from the subject matter."
"And I don't appreciate your condescending way of speaking to me. Respect is a two way field, you know that. You also know of my capabilities. You know I'm clean. Never failed a case, never caused trouble. And yet you drag me out to an abandoned warehouse like a scene out of a Bond movie to question what you already know. To what? Patronise me? Feed your ego? Boring. I'm not buying the tough guy act; this is just what happens when an older sibling has an ounce of power. So, Mr Holmes, tell me. What is it that I am really here for?"
"Yes, well.." You could see it. The question burning inside of him. "If you truly can see like my brother and I-"
"I'm not a dumb woman, Mr Holmes. I've studied human behaviour since I was in Primary School, do you honestly believe that I can't spot an addict when I live downstairs from one? You clearly have my number, you could have just asked on the phone call. If I had to put an estimation? He's been clean for 7 months, likely thanks to my brother. Now, I am not going to promise you that I will spy on your brother- that kind of thing isn't my bag."
"I can pay handsomely. All I ask is-"
"I don't want your money. If things go haywire, I'll let you know- but as Sherlock's friend informing his worried brother; not as his brother's woman on the inside. Once you stop being all mysterious with your hidden caller ID, anyway. No day to day updates, no more warehouses. Now, I'm getting rather tired of finishing your sentences for you, and I've had a terribly long day. I would very much appreciate it if Maria Hill and Nick Fury could drop me off home?" He nodded once and you stepped forward, offering out your hand. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Mr Holmes. I feel under better circumstances that the two of us could get along very nicely. I'm less quick with the snaps and jokes if I've had a restful day and coffee." He took your hand and held it firm, didn't shake.
"No you're not." You smiled.
"No, I'm not. But I'm certainly better when being treated like an equal, the coffee is just a bonus. Now, I get that the two of you have some kind of superiority complex, but there's no shame in being concerned for your bloody sibling. It doesn't take somebody like us to know Sherlock can be a pain. God, I've only known him for little under two days and I already know that. But, at least with me, go for the concerned sibling role rather than big scary agent. I cooperate better with those than I do Jason Bourne."
"Is everything you say a fictional reference? It's tiring."
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn." A new flashed response. A smirk. Very Holmsian. And apparently a 1930's movie lover.. Well, we all have our quirks. "Til next time! I hope I passed the test." A showman's bow before you left, the car still in the same spot outside as you were ferried back to Baker Street.
Inside the warehouse, a slightly exasperated, greatly impressed Mycroft Holmes allowed himself another smirk. Longer lasting now in nobody's company but his own. Passed with flying colours, Miss Watson. This could be very good for his dear brother, maybe even better than the Army Doctor. He shot out a few messages and exited the building.
The journey back to Baker Street was relatively silent excluding:
"Are you like Maria Hill?"
"Natasha Romanoff?"
"Is your name at least either Maria or Natasha?"
"I promise to stay quiet if you tell me."
"It's Anthea."
"No it isn't."
"It is this year."
"Cool. Very cool."
And then you all but heaved yourself into your flat, frowning when you saw the box that rested on the side of your sofa.
"One of my brother's minions put it in here about 5 minutes ago. Warehouse, was it? He's always loved to make a scene." You jumped backwards at the sound of Sherlock's voice in the doorway. "I saw the car turn up. John's not been home. Not mad anymore, but gone out for dinner with some Julie? Judie? Janie? I honestly don't care."
"You can't just sneak up on me like that, Sherlock! I know 12 ways to kill a man with two fingers."
"And I know 4 to stop all of them." You flipped your finger up at him and opened the flap to the cardboard box on the sofa, grinning as the sight of about 10 packets of Tim Tams came into view. The second you opened your mouth to speak, your phone sounded the text alert noise.
'Very much appreciated your cooperation and refusal to be dominated in conversation. Impressive, Miss Watson. Your attack may not have been as physical as your last, but the impact was more than severe; the delicacies were more than deserved. Well done, and thank you.- Mycroft Holmes.'
Mycroft.. Of course he's a Mycroft. What better to match with a Sherlock? Moments later, a notification from your bank flicked up- all of the day's payments had been restored. Then came the emails ensuring all of your furniture would be delivered first thing in the morning rather than within the week. You chucked your phone at Sherlock and beamed as he read through.
"I think your brother just became my Sugar Daddy."
"Don't make me heave, Y/N. Besides, you're most certainly not his type."
"More than aware, Holmes. Now, you're dying to get me in on your little experiment you got up to in my absence. I'll bring up a packet of these bad boys and get the kettle on. Now mush." You took your phone back and shuffled him out of the flat. You may have been exhausted, but science stopped for no one.
You hadn't realised how long the pair of you had been all but doubled over round the kitchen table until the front door had opened and John wandered in. You'd spent the better part of the last few hours figuring out how quickly fingers dissolve in different types of acid.
"You're both in the same room where I left you this morning.. Please don't tell me you've been at it the whole time I've been gone." Whether his sigh was more irritated or disappointed, you didn't know. What you did know is that your brother left an open goal.
"'At it'? Come on, John, give me some credit. I've barely known the man for two days. Our relationship is merely professional, perhaps pushing closer to the friendly scale, but certainly not that friendly. And, dear brother, I should hope you know that I have more class than a table that has housed cadaver pieces."
"Don't be smart, Y/N."
"Ooh, that's a flashback. 'Don't be smart, Y/N! Mummmmmm Y/N's being smart.'" Your grin dropped at the glare. "Okay, yes, fine. We've spent the last... 4 hours dissolving fingers in acid. BUT, I did equally spend the day ordering the rest of my furniture. I've been a boring adult, and now I'm having fun."
"You've been home for a couple of days and haven't had sufficient rest." You opened your mouth but was cut off. "Yesterday doesn't count. 8 hours after missing 5 days of proper rest is utter bollocks." His big brother tone was out. Bugger.
"But, John, the fingers!"
"Okay but, hear me out, fingers."
"Repetition does nothing for coercion. You need sleep." Sherlock shook a beaker with a floating digit in.
"In Y/N's defence, she brings up a valid point. After all, the fingers, John."
"Fine, don't sleep. After all, what would I know? I'm only a doctor." He shuffled and sat in his armchair with a huff.
"A doctor who still doesn't sleep as he battles insomnia as part of his PTSD." You hit Sherlock on the arm. "Not good?"
"No, bit far. Now drink that coffee of yours, I made it 10 minutes ago, it's probably freezing." He opened his mouth. "No. Not doing that again. Not til I've cashed out on the last one." He pouted.
"But I've got dirty finger fingers." You barked a laugh and petted his shoulder in feigned sympathy.
"Finger fingers, huh? Well, finger fingers or not, I'm not feeding you your coffee." You span round the table and lent over his left shoulder, eyeing up the finger as the flesh melted away. "And, as much as it pains me to admit it, John is right. We've got a long day of building tomorrow and I'm gonna need some energy that doesn't derive from caffeine."
"But.. the fingers?"
"I know. Maybe while we wait for everything to turn up you can talk me through the results?"
"Will you make coffee?"
"And toast?"
"With Lurpak, not that vile Clover stuff John buys."
"Consider it done."
"Deal." You gave his head a fond pat and kissed John on the cheek before bidding your goodnights and heading downstairs for some rest.
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emerald-chaos · 3 years
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*gif not made by me, credit goes to the owner*
Hi Everyone! So it's been probably like...10 years since I wrote my last fic lol. Watching TFATWS has rekindled my undying love for Bucky Barnes and I just couldn't help but start writing again. I had to get my feelings out! I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I've been considering writing some more parts...so tell me if that's something you'd be interested in! I appreciate any and all constructive feedback or just feedback in general! Much love.
Pairing: Reader x Bucky Barnes
Word Count: 2533 (lowkey popped off...oops)
Warnings: Just in case...vague allusions to a dark past, struggles with mental illness, explicit language, and some suggestive conversation. Oh and some really bad jokes lol. Fluffy and angsty.
No matter how much you tossed and turned, how many sheep you counted, or how much you prayed and pleaded to any higher power that would listen – the release of sleep just wasn’t going to happen. You’re not sure why you were surprised, it’s not like this was the first time. You let out a heavy sigh and toss off the covers. This has been a nightly occurrence for as long as you can remember. When you were trying to rest, when there was no noise to block out the images in your head, it was a battle. A battle which you have always lost.
You flip on the bright florescent lights of the bathroom as you trudge in, dragging your feet in exhaustion. It takes a minute for your eyes to adjust to the harshness of the light as you place your hands onto the countertop. The cool marble feels good against your palms as you close your eyes and lean your head back, another sigh leaving your lips. You twist your neck from side to side, trying to release some tension and maybe get a satisfying pop. No such luck. As you open your eyes and gaze upon the person staring back at you a small laugh tumbles from your chest.
Jesus, she looks awful.
The dark circles that permanently reside below your eyes appear more pronounced than usual. The corners of your mouth hang low and you just look…tired. Like you were rode hard and put away wet.
The bottle of melatonin tucked away on your counter catches your eye. You pick it up and twirl it as you inspect the writing. “Sleep Support” you read, “may help promote restful sleep”. What a load of shit. You place the bottle back down and inspect the orange one next to it. The pills inside were about as useful as the melatonin. Nothing seemed to quiet the voices or stop the scenarios that plagued your mind. You splash some cold water on your face and grab for a towel to pat it dry. Your eyes drift to the mirror again, as if though the water was going to wash away the dead look in your eyes.
Yeah, fat chance.
Before you know it, your legs are carrying you through the compound. The only sounds present are the whirring of various appliances and the soft patter of your feet against the tile floors. The moonlight casts shadows over the various pieces of furniture and lights your path. Your fingers curl around the handle as you pull the sliding glass door open. The crisp outside air kisses your skin as you step out and close the door behind you. You find yourself settling down in your usual spot on the balcony and you sink into the comfort of the chair.
Many a sleepless night has been spent out here, admiring the way the moonlight gleams off of a nearby pond. Before the compound and the balcony, it was a fire escape and a bottle of bourbon. You kind of missed that coping mechanism a little bit. You were thankful, of course, to call this place your home. Thankful to feel safe for once. Thankful to be a part of a team that felt like more of a family than any sorry piece of shit who had been in your life before. Not that you were bitter about that or anything. A little baggage builds character. However, life hasn’t always been kind to you and your stupid brain had a cruel way of constantly reminding you of that fact.
In all honesty, Tony rescued you. You absolutely hated to allow him to relish in that fact, but it was true. He took a chance on a royally fucked up kid out of college who managed to skate by and earn a mechanical engineering degree. If you were to ask him, he would say it was because the first words you said to him were fuck off. Apparently, something about that translated to, “hey, I would be a great addition to your tech and development team”. Although, you were pretty sure you just really meant that he should fuck off. I mean, the guy’s reputation does have a bit of moral gray area to it. Somehow, some way, your tenacity made an impression on the billionaire. Now here you were - living at the Avenger’s compound, sitting on a balcony at 3:30 in the morning because you couldn’t turn your brain off long enough to find some peace and sleep. What a life.
Even as you were sitting here in your special spot, reminiscing about some actual good memories – your brain still tried to drift into the darkness. Glass breaking; voices, thick with hate, engaged in a screaming match, and the cold nights spent trying to find a safe space to eat and lay your head. Your fingers gripped into the arms of the chair as you felt the heaviness in your chest increase.
“God damn it,” you cursed through gritted teeth.
The panic attacks were a second nature at this point, but you still really hated when you lost control. Your eyes closed tight as you tried to rack your brain to remember the bullshit your therapist had told you earlier in the week. Something about 5 things you can see?
“We gotta stop meeting like this, Doll”
The voice ripped you from inside your mind and back to reality. Your eyes opened and were met with a beautiful pair of cerulean ones. You blamed the skip in your heartbeat on your fading panic attack - although, you knew better than that.
“Well, it seems to me that the only logical conclusion is that you’re stalking me, Barnes” you quipped as a grin spread across your face.
“Could say the same about you,” Bucky retorted as he sank into the chair beside you, “besides, been doin’ this a lot longer than you’ve been around”.
You rolled your eyes, but the super soldier had a point. Almost each and every time, aside from the ones that happened when the team was away, you two would meet like this – here on the balcony, both searching for something to replace the sleep that neither of you could find.
“Yeah, we get it, you’re old” a laugh fell from your lips as Bucky snorted at your remark, a grin remaining ever present on his lips.
The familiar silence took over as he leaned his head back against the chair, closing his eyes. Meanwhile, yours were hungrily taking him in - tracing over the stubble on his chin, the soft pinkness of his parted lips. Recently he’d gotten his hair cut and even though you much preferred the long hair, you would rather die than actually admit that to him. Your crush on the 106 year old grumpy ass was one of your best kept secrets. At least, you thought you’d kept it from being painfully obvious.
The man sitting before you, he had a tough exterior and a horrific history, but you knew him better than that. You knew about the way his nose scrunched up when you made him laugh and the way his eyes looked as he listened intently to every story you ever told him. You knew the sweet melody of his laugh and the far off stare that meant he was also held captive by his own thoughts. This late-night rendezvous had become somewhat of a routine for the two of you and you would be lying if you said it wasn’t your favorite part of the day.
The first time it was a short nod and typical white person, thin-lipped smile as you left to find a different spot to suffer alone. Shortly after, it developed into cohabiting the balcony – staying on your own separate sides of course, only occasionally sharing words. Then, before you knew it, the two of you would be sitting beside each other, shooting the shit like you’d known each other for years. Just two, incredibly fucked up individuals, trying to make each other feel a little more human.
Bucky had always given off the quiet, brooding energy. Typically he kept to himself, other than with close friends like Steve, choosing to stand in the corner and listen to the conversation rather than be a part of it. Occasionally he would give a quip during a meeting that would catch people off guard, but mostly he just sat there and stared. The Bucky you had come to know was nothing like the person that others wanted to make him out to be. Sure, at one point he was a masterful assassin who killed like he got pleasure from it – but that wasn’t him. The Winter Soldier and Bucky Barnes were not synonymous.
If only the world could meet Bucky at 3am.
“What’s going on in that empty head of yours over there?” Bucky’s voice once again brought you back to reality as you laid your eyes on the familiar grin plastered across his face.
“Please,” you huffed, cheeks tinted a light shade of pink at the thought of him catching you staring, “which one of us has a college degree again?”
His laugh was a symphony to your ears. Your smile mirrored his when he opened his eyes and turned his head to look at you.
“So, what is it tonight? That nightmare again?” he asked, voice dropping an octave as his facial features softened in a way you really hoped only you got to see.
“Mm, not quite” you responded, your voice a broken whisper.
Bucky wasn’t the type to pry, but with you he wouldn’t even have to. Talking to him, sharing your deepest secrets and fears, telling him about the nightmares that kept you awake at night – it all came easily. Too easily.
“This week it’s...it’s that image of my stupid mother. Standing there with her black eyes and busted lip, telling me that it was me that was the problem. That it was me who...” you swallowed hard, the heaviness creeping back into your chest and tears fighting to wet your eyes. God you hated that you let this get the best of you.
Just as your mind started to bring you back to that dark place it was interrupted by the feeling of warmth spreading over your body. You looked down to see Bucky’s large hand resting right above your knee. When your eyes met again, he gave you a soft look that made your heart scream.
“I’m sorry,” you could tell he meant it as he gave your knee a soft squeeze.
A small smile flashed over your face and you had to resist the urge to reach out and cup his soft, stubbled cheek in your hand.
“Hey, we’re all a little fucked up, right?” you joked.
“Some more than others,” he replied, those beautiful wrinkles appearing around his nose as he scrunched it up with another laugh.
“Thanks, Buck... I’m sure you’d rather be doing anything other than listening to my sob story,” you reluctantly broke eye contact and looked down at the hem of your shirt as you fiddled with it in your fingers.
You were all too aware at the loss of contact as Bucky drew his hand back and leaned back into his chair.
“Doll,” he started as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes again - you could swear you almost saw a grin on his lips, “there are very few things I’d rather do than sit with you on the balcony at 3am”.
At that moment it felt as though time stood still. Sure, you had flirtatious banter back and forth occasionally and made a habit out of spilling your deepest regrets to each other during the wee hours of the morning, but this felt different. This felt like a confession.
You’d be lying to yourself if you tried to convince yourself, or anyone else for that matter, that you didn’t have a thing for him. I mean - who wouldn’t? The guy was a gentleman; he was soft spoken and caring, he was a dork who loved to crack jokes at the most inappropriate times, the type of person who would give you the shirt off of his own back if it meant you were taken care of.
He....well, he was Bucky.
And god damn it if you didn’t love him.
You’re unsure of how much time has passed, but one minute you’re sitting on your chair, chewing your lip and droning on about the man in front of you in your head. The next minute you found yourself on his lap, knees seated on either side of his waist as your legs straddle him and your hands connect with the skin they so desperately craved to feel. Bucky’s eyes opened slowly and met yours as you let the pad of your thumb gently run along the curve of his bottom lip. The uneven breaths leaving your chest hitched as you felt his hands grip your hips softly. Refusing to break eye contact, Bucky gently pressed a kiss to the pad of your thumb. You dragged his lower lip down briefly.
“Well,” he began. His voice was barely above a whisper but it’s thick, lustful tone made you shiver from head to...well, you know, “are you gonna kiss me, Doll? Or do I have to do all the work myself?”
He barely finished his sentence before your lips captured his. It was messy, almost all teeth and tongue. It was needy, as if it was the last time either of you would ever kiss anyone again. It was fucking incredible.
Bucky’s metal arm snaked up your back and found its way into your hair, curling his fingers gently around the strands at the back of your head, as his other arm wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer to his form. He was intoxicating. This whole situation was something you had briefly imagined months ago, but ultimately pushed out of your mind. There was no way that he would ever be interested in someone like you. Yet, here he was, tongue fighting for entrance into your mouth.
You aren’t quite sure who pulled away first. Both of you were gasping for air, chests heaving up and down as you both stared into each other's lust-blown pupils.
“You kiss pretty well for someone who hasn’t had a girlfriend since 1940,” you teased, laughing as he rolls his eyes at the comment.
“You just don’t know when to shut that mouth of yours, do ya?” he practically growled, ever so slightly tightening his grip on your waist, and you almost lost it from just the sound of his voice alone.
“Why don’t you make me, Barnes?” you leaned in close, warm breath fanning over the shell of his ear.
A yelp escaped your throat as you were suddenly jerked up to a standing position, locking your ankles behind his back as he effortlessly held you up by your thighs.
“Oh Doll,” he chuckled darkly into your neck, almost making you pass out from the sensation, “I thought you’d never ask”.
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tricksters-captain · 4 years
Benny Watts/The Queens Gambit imagines - From Pawn to Pen Part 4
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AN: I’m sorry I missed posting last week. I’m currently going through a hard break up and it’s really taking a lot of energy out of me so I struggle to write at the moment. 
Overall Summary: You’re a young journalist for Chess Review, with a love for chess and a desire for knowledge. One day at a tournament, you come across the famous Benny Watts...
In this chapter: You return to Boston for the week. 
(PART 1) (PART 2) (PART 3)
Pairing(s): Benny Watts x Fem!reader
Word Count: 1,940
Warnings: Some strong language
You smiled as you looked at the copies of ‘Chess Review’ on the racks. 
Your first front page piece for Chess Review. 
They had used one of the pictures of Benny that you had taken at the hotel and you were pretty proud of your photography skills. 
You picked up a copy and took it inside to pay for it. 
On second thought, you picked up two so you could mail one to Angelie. 
You left the store quickly after and started to walk back to your apartment. 
Boston was busier than you had remembered and you finally had some time to sort out the apartment after your article went down well with the big man. 
You opened the door to your apartment and put down your groceries on the kitchen counter top. 
The last tenant hadn’t left the place in too bad a state, just a carpet stain here and there and a broken lamp. 
You had bought some paint to redecorate your living room and bedroom since it seemed too boring after where you lived in Paris. You had spent the last couple days painting and then you finally left to go check out your title page. 
The books that Benny had given you were still on your small two person dining room table where you had left them when you first got back. You looked over at them and furrowed your brow as you thought about whether you are actually going to bother to read them or not. 
Your phone started to ring and your frown disappeared when you realised it was probably Angelie. No one else had your number besides your work. 
“Hello?” You answered it, taking the phone off the wall as you leant beside it. 
“Miss (Y/L/N)?” You’d recognise that voice anywhere after listening to it so much over the last tournament. 
“Benny Watts?” You asked, almost in shock. 
“Have you read those books I leant you yet?” He asked, not even bothering to confirm it was him. 
“It’s been four days.” You told him flatly. 
“You could’ve easily gotten through at least two of them by now.” Benny challenged you which caused you to shake your head (even though he couldn’t see). 
“You know, Benny Watts, I do have a life to live.” You defended yourself to which Benny found amusing. 
“So, you’re back in Boston since you picked up this phone.” Benny changed the subject completely. 
“How did you even get this number?” You asked, genuinely curious and a little worried. 
“You really think Chess Review won’t hand over your telephone number to their favourite US chess player?” 
“You got it from Beth Harmon then?”  You teased the boy to which he responded with a dry laughter. 
“Ha Ha. Very funny.” Benny retorted, “If you’re in Boston, it means you currently aren’t working. Fancy an educational trip to New York City?” 
“Benny, I told you. I’m not coming to New York.” You reminded him about how you declined previously when he asked. 
“Come on, just for the weekend? We’ll play some chess, do some tourist shit and eat some food?” Benny asked, trying his best to persuade you Benny Watts style. 
“I’ve also told you before that I don’t play.” You felt a small bubble of excitement in your stomach as you considered going to New York but you quickly squashed it down. 
“What are you afraid of?” Benny asked. Deja Vu. 
“Why are you pushing this?” You closed your eyes as you let your head roll back to press against the wall. 
“Because I see that same light that’s in Beth Harmon, that’s in every decent chess player when you see a chess board.” Benny confessed to you. 
“I’m sorry, Benny. You’ll just have to find someone else to play with. I don’t want to be apart of this little game.” You hung up the phone with a sad sigh before Benny could respond. 
You found yourself looking at the books again. 
You picked up Benny’s and you opened it...
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“I’ve been waiting all day for your call.” You half scolded Angelie as you answered the call. 
You heard Angelie’s laughter through the phone and it made you home sick. 
“Je suis désolé!” Angie apologised. “This new project has me so busy, constantly on set, costume changes, make up changes, redoing scene..!” 
“It sounds awful.”  You chuckled, 
“It is! You wouldn’t understand... You’re just a big time American journalist.” Angelie pouted. “Anyway, how are you?” 
“I’m okay.” You lied. 
“Menteuse!” Angelie called you out. “Tell me the truth. What is bothering you, Mon Cher?” 
“Benny Watts called me today.” You had filled her in on the tournament with him once you had first arrived back in Boston and she had already previously told you off for not taking his offer to New York. 
“He did?!” Angie gasped. 
“Yes, he did. He got my number through work and called me to ask if I had read the books he gave me which I haven’t because it’s been less than a week since. the tournament.” You explained. 
“That boy is in love with you, I am telling you now.” Angie was always the hopeless romantic type. It’s how she has had her heart broke so many times. 
“The boy wants to play chess with me to assert his masculine dominance over me and boost his ego with an easy win.” You argued. 
“You are always so negative about men! You hardly know this one!” Angelie groaned. 
“He’s Benny Watts. That’s all I need to know.” 
“I think you should go to New York and meet with him.” Angelie told you. You hadn’t even informed her about the fact he asked you again. 
“I think I should stay here and enjoy my first weekend off in six months.” You shook your head at the idea. 
“(Y/n), you only live once and how many girls are invited to New York by the Benny Watts?!” 
“Probably quite a lot.” You knew Angie was only trying to hype you up but you couldn’t help but knock her down. 
“Even if that is so. You could probably get another article out of it. Benny Watts and his life in the big apple?” Angie suggested. 
“I’m sure ‘LIFE’ has already done that piece before.” You pushed another idea aside. 
“Trust me, (Y/n). You need to stop being so afraid of the unknown and who knows, maybe you’ll enjoy yourself?” Angelie had had enough of the negativity from you at this point. 
There was a sudden knock at your door. 
“I’m sorry, Angie. Someone’s just knocked on my door, I’ll have to call you back.” You looked over at your front door and wondered who it could be. 
“Ça va. Call me back!” She told you as the knock occurred again. 
“Je t'aime.” You hung the phone back up on the wall and went over to your door. 
You opened it and you felt your face go white at the sight of who stood there. 
“Jesus, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Benny Watts. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” You asked him. 
“Well,  you wouldn’t come to me so I came to you.” Benny shrugged. 
“You can’t just stalk someone. This isn’t okay. This isn’t cute!” You were bewildered. 
“This isn’t stalking. It’s simply coming to Boston to visit a friend.” He defended himself as he stood out in the hallway. 
“I wouldn’t call us friends, Benny.” You scoffed. 
“Ouch.” Benny put his hand on his heart. 
You went to close your door on him but Benny stopped you. 
“Wait.” He pleaded. His cocky demeanour suddenly dropped. “Look, I know this is weird but I really wanted to see you.” Benny started to explain. 
“I��–” He cut you short. 
“–– This isn’t some game. I just want to help you. I want you to play chess again. I want you to play with me.” Benny stayed with his hand against the door and his foot in the gap as he spoke. 
“This is crazy, Benny.” You told him, your eyes locked on his as you felt your heart race. 
“I know.” Benny stepped back. “I’m staying in the hotel down the block. I’ll be here all weekend. If you don’t want to see me, then don’t. But if you change your mind. I’ll be around.” 
You watched him back away from the door and head back down the stairs. 
Benny fucking Watts. 
You rushed back to the phone and dialled Angelie’s number. 
“Bonjour?” She answered, 
“You’ll never guess who was at the door.” 
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You ended up tossing and turning all night. 
You caved in at around 3am and started to read Benny’s book again. 
You finished it by the time the sun was rising. 
You had a cold shower to wake you up at around 9am and then you stared in the mirror as the thoughts racked your brain. 
You walked over to your chess set that rested on the dresser top and you took it over to your bed, opening it up. 
You set up the board and stared at it.  
You picked up the queen. The same queen that Benny had held in the photo you took. 
You caved. 
You dressed and did simple make up before heading to the hotel that Benny had told you he was staying. 
“I’m looking for Mr Benny Watts.” You asked the elderly lady at the front desk. 
“He’s staying in room 306 but I’m almost certain I saw him leave about an hour ago for breakfast.” She informed you. 
You thanked her then sighed. 
You left the hotel lobby and started down the street. There was plenty of places to eat around the hotel, you almost considered just waiting in the lobby for him to return. 
Then you saw it. 
Through a window of a small diner. 
The famous black hat. 
You pushed open the diner door and walked towards the booth where Benny was sat. 
He had his back to you but he didn’t seem surprised to see you when you sat down opposite him.  
“Morning.” He greeted you as he munched on some pancakes. 
“I won’t play chess with you.” You stated. “I won’t play chess with you but I will spend the weekend with you and you can talk about it.”
Benny remained silent as his brown eyes watched you carefully. 
“I finished your book.” You told him. “I'm ready to learn.” 
Benny placed his knife and fork down, picking up the napkin beside his plate to wipe his mouth. 
“Great.” He nodded, interlinking his fingers above his food as he elbows rested on the table.  “Let’s begin.” 
@sumebreaks @rainbowpowaa @momsteeeve @timelesstay @carostar2020 @rose-moon-mist @alwaysbeanunknownfan @liatlyn @weirdowithnobeardo @supercalifragilisticprincess @blushingpogue @heartofeden @airwaveee @subaehun @gonnashinelikestars @soundbreaker-harms @gothicwidowsworld @leilanixx @gold-star-for-me @number-0-iz @goinggoinggonzo @iiwontgiveuponmilkk @a-tel-o-pho-bia @tearvnclw @reecebib @chouetteschaussettes​ @lilypander​ @gatheringstormclouds @pig32​ @oliviazinnegan​ @tattooedmuses​ @someone-you-dontknow​ @gemmamitch​ @chims-kookies​ @jasmine2042003​ @sxperncturalimpala67​ @ausblack​ @gingerspicetalks​ @epistrofh-twn-ypogeiwn-poihtwn​ @lizziel1410​ @stephyra17 @hannah-olivia​ @ausblack​ @kylobien​ @vampirestookmydoubts​ @that-one-shitty-blog​
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perahn · 2 years
top 5 birbs!?
That is an excellent question, and by that I mean, one that is nearly impossible to answer. Here's an attempt, but it's not in order, and I have no doubt I will wake up at 3am and kick myself for missing a favourite.
Let's start with the White-Bellied Sea Eagle. I have had a soft spot for these magnificent raptors since I was in high school, and two of them hung out in a tree visible from my backyard for about a week. A trip to the beach isn't complete without spotting one somewhere about.
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I'm going to give the second spot to the Black-Shouldered Kite, which is another shockingly elegant raptor, but is much smaller and has the advantage of being much easier to encounter. In fact, I have had bad moments when driving and being distracted by one hovering right there.
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Okay, it's such an obvious one, but I have to list the Rainbow Lorrikeet, especially because I don't want to get stuck among monochrome raptors forever. The colours of this one are just insane. I like to imagine a kindergarten-age Jesus prattling to Our Lady.
"I made a bird today! It's got a blue head with an orange beak and red eyes, and green wings, and a yellow and orange front, and blue legs, and it lives in trees."
Mary, busy kneading dough, says gently, "It sounds very colourful. Won't it be a bit conspicuous among those grey-green leaves?"
"No," says Jesus, with complete confidence. "And in the evenings, all its friends will gather in the same tree and they'll squeak together."
It really seems the only explanation for how you can hear one, and still fail to spot it.
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Let's hop just a little way across the Pacific and snuggle a Kakapo. I can't remember how much I loved these before reading Douglas Adams' Last Chance to See, in which he details going to look for them in the wild and talks about these beautiful and horribly endangered big parrots.
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We'll head back home for a final pick. The world is full of gorgeous birds, but the ones I love most are almost all here. After two raptors and two parrots, let's choose a third family... and while I love our classics, like the kookaburra, the sulphur-crested cockatoo, the fairy wren, the fairy penguin, I know I'm overlooking someone...
It's not the magpie, no. Not the lyrebird, not the bowerbird, not even the spoonbill.
Honestly, I think it's the Black Swan - another one I see virtually every time I take a picnic lunch out to a lake or dam. I love watching the progress from the fluffy grey cygnets to the graceful black adults, with that startling flash of white flight feathers when they take off (and I realise we came back to elegant monochrome birds somehow. Weird, I love colours).
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justreadingfics · 4 years
It’s a Deal (Chapter 11)
Chapter Summary: Bucky is ready for commitment.  
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Words: 4.6k
Warnings: fluff. Bucky is so smitten.
A/N: It’s been 84 years, but I hope you have fun! Thank you, @lesqui, for reading it over and helping me out with English and everything. The link to my masterlist, where you can find the other chapters, is on my description. Feedback is highly appreciated.
Tag list for this story is closed.  
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  Placing your hands on each side of your hips, you smirk at the popped-up screen in your office. Another project you just nailed. Ever since the promotion, your productivity has increased tenfold and you feel as motivated as ever, your creativity on a top level. Also, the last few weeks, after you decided you needed some time alone, you did set more focus on yourself and your own projects. Work being one of them.
It’s weird to say the least… you’ve been busier than ever and yet, it seems like you actually have much more time to yourself now. You’ve been reading books you’ve bought but never really got to read them, eating ice-cream at 3am as you watch The Return of the King for the millionth time, your drawers are finally organized and so is your precious DVD collection. You got to explore a great number of parks and spots you’ve never been before, even living in New York for so long. You’ve been going out a lot and catching up with friends and family. 
It was a good decision. You remember in your relationship with Eddie there were always obstacles for you to hang out with people outside the small inner circle of you as a couple. Sometimes the obstacles were subtle, and not always brought solely by Eddie, but also by you who let yourself get involved in that dynamic. You had no idea how much you missed people that were yours only, and not yours and Eddie’s.
It’s been great to be single. Really, really single for the first time in your adult life. No boyfriends or fiancées, no booty-calls or deals. Completely single… A title and state of mind you didn’t really get to enjoy in the first months of being broken up, being too heartbroken to even think of everything you could do with your life then.
Deciding to be alone for a while…It was a great and reasonable decision.
You have to admit something to yourself, though.
Sometimes you just wanna throw “great” and “reasonable” out of the window. Because you do miss him… A lot.
Finding out how he’s changed his mind and predisposition towards your relationship has messed quite a bit with your mind… and heart. You weren’t expecting that at all and now you don’t really know what to do with the chaos that’s bringing upon your feelings. And what’s making it even messier is the other guy who also changed his mind and predisposition towards your relationship… you weren’t expecting that either… however, that particular change of heart hasn’t been making your own heart jump each time you think of it…
Squeaky little yells and an animated chattering sound of female voices catch your attention to outside your office. Your previous smirk turns into a smile while you shake your head to yourself. That type of commotion only ensues when a certain someone drops by the Tech Department.  
With a wave of your hand, you shut down the screen you’ve been working on, before moving towards the sound. What you come to find a few stops outside your office, at the Department’s common area, is a little circle of your female coworkers around a Super Soldier. He’s always a hit among your coworkers, but today it seems like they’re even in a bigger frenzy, fussing around something that he seems to be holding in his arms. You attempt to catch an eye of it, but the bodies in front of you make it quite hard.
He spots you as you approach them and opens a huge grin at your sight.
You smile back at him just as widely and after you come closer and some of the girls make room, your eyes widen and a small little gasp slips out of you when you finally find out what the fuss is all about. They are all cooing and marveling at a beautiful cat on Bucky’s arms, white as snow on a mountain peak, standing there like royalty, staring back like they’re nothing but proud of being where they are.
“Hey,” Bucky greets, prompting your eyes to focus back on him.
“Hi, there,” you answer back while your gaze carries an amused question mark at him.
He lifts a hard drive with his free hand to your vision field, “We collected this last mission, it’s some alien stuff,” he offers you the drive, keeping his eyes on yours.
As you gaze at each other, you reach for the little device. His fingers brush against yours and that’s precisely when the chattering around both of you becomes nothing but a distant and vague noise that barely reaches your senses… until a loud clear of throat sound stands out.
“Alright, girls, let’s get back to our desks and let these two, ahm… work,” Camilla, your closest friend there, gives you a pointed look and a discrete curve curls the corner of her lips as she leads the group - which looks far from happy about it - away.  
When your gaze meets Bucky again, he’s got that shit-eating grin of his that tells you the little interaction between you and your friend didn’t quite skip from his attention.
You bite your lip and are about to say something when he beats you to it, “Sorry, I had to bring her with me.” He looks down at the cat on his arm and gives it a gentle shake, grinning down at her while she looks up at him before her incredibly blue eyes shut in what looks like sheer contentment, “This little girl right here started whining at the door when I was leaving… she just can’t leave my side anymore.” Bucky shrugs and ticks his tongue, before winking at you.
You chuckle, finding the surprising scene before you nothing less than adorable. The fact that you enjoy being in the presence of his charm again doesn’t go unnoticed by you, but you say nothing about it, “It’s ok, of course. I love cats. What’s her name?”
“Y/N, this is Alpine. Alpine this is Y/N,” he introduces you two with pride lacing his voice.
“Oh, hello, Alp-” your attempt of petting the cat comes to an abrupt halt with you withdrawing your hand at the loud hiss the animal aims at you.
Your eyes snap at Bucky to see his jaw dropping and his eyes widening with a mix of shock and fluster, “Fucking Christ,” he gasps, before looking down at the cat who now licks its paws absentmindedly, “What the hell, missy? Apologize. Apologize now,” he scolds, gaining absolutely no reaction in response.
He scoffs, looking back at you with incredulous lifted eyebrows.
You laugh, mainly at his attempt of making Alpine apologize, “Don’t worry…” You wave him off, “How did that happen, though? I don’t remember you having a cat.” You narrow your eyes just when your head tilts.
He bites his lower lip before an almost cringing smile forms on his lips, “Oh well…”
 “Weren’t the Skrulls, like, actually good guys?” Bucky frowns, shoving one of his post-missions Oreos in his mouth and crossing his ankles over the spaceship’s dash.
“Every bunch has its bad apple, I guess,” from the pilot’s seat Natasha shrugs, eyeing the apple in question from over her shoulder.
“You’ll regret this,” threatens the prisoner, who’s actually a Skrull slaver named Gragnon and has his hands and feet securely tied up, stuck on a sit at the back of the ship. Still, he tries to get up and advance towards the front, but a shield of red mist surges in front of him, making him fall back on the chair again with a growl.
Wanda, the third member of the party on that mission, smirks from her seat right behind Nat’s.
Nat rolls her eyes, “What a douche… Talos has been leading a search for him for years now, he’d be thankful we’re taking him to them. Feet off the dash, please.” 
Bucky quickly obeys, pulling down his legs to the floor as Wanda snickers.  
“In fact… we should thank the success of this mission to a certain someone, who came up with a device to break alien codes.” The cheeky smile on Wanda’s face as she started speaking only fades so she can shoot a glare back at the prisoner, who’s now revolved by a red mist dome.
“Damn right.” A dreamy little curl pulls Bucky’s lips as he swings on his seat and passes the bag of Oreos to Wanda.
“Jesus,” Nat scoffs, setting the ship on autopilot, before swirling her chair to see both Bucky and Wanda, “Could you ever imagine this could be possible? That this guy would someday be that smitten over someone?” she questions Wanda.
“Not in a million years. I don’t know Y/N that well, but I bow to her.” Wanda mimics the gesture before shoving a cookie in her mouth.
Bucky doesn’t even drop the dreaminess of his smile. He is smitten… completely… utterly… and fuck if that doesn’t feel damn good. He always thought that kind of feeling would be a pain in the ass, boring and painful. It is not. He feels like singing, dancing, hugging every human being and alien he comes across. Fuck, he would hug the Gragnon dude if it didn’t mean to get a kick in the ass from Natasha. It’s been ages that he doesn’t really get high on anything, but that feeling… he’s definitely hooked on it.  There’s not a doubt inside him anymore and he’s in love with being in love with you.
“So, spill it,” Nat crosses her legs, swinging on her chair “You really went to her place and poured your heart out to her? Right after her ex proposed to her?” She questions, “What did she say?”
“Well, first she thought I was kidding and laughed her ass off…” He shakes his head with the same dreamy little smile on his lips, “Then, when she realized I was not, she started crying and, of course, so did I.” He shrugs, ignoring when Nat and Wanda exchange looks, “She wasn’t expecting that from me at all, and, we can’t really blame her can we?” 
“Definitely not.”
Bucky chuckles at the unison response from her friends before leaning over and snatching the bag of cookies from Wanda, before giving them the details of his talk with you, having their undivided attention.  “And she said she needs some time alone, being single, I mean, to sort her feelings out… Also, it seems like she doesn’t think I can’t deal with the kind of commitment that being in love requires,” he says with a mouthful.
“Oh, honey…” Nat tilts her head.
He notices the sympathy on hers and Wanda’s expressions and waves his hand to brush her worries off, “No, no. None of that. All in all, it went pretty well. As much as I wished it would be different, I think her decision is fair. At least she didn’t say yes to the jackass with the ring,” he huffs, “I wasn’t really expecting her to throw herself in my arms. At least, not just yet.” He smirks.
“What?” Natasha shoots a look at Wanda before turning to him, “You’re not stepping aside?”
Bucky snorts at the question, “Are you kidding me? The first broad I ever fall in love with and you think I’ll leave the path free for that short little clown who thinks ten years matter?” He lets out an exaggeratedly loud laugh, “I’ve lived more than one hundred of them. Ten years mean nothing to me, and soon enough she’ll realize it doesn’t have to mean much to her, either.” A small smile rises on his face, “Of course she can have the time for herself she wants, find out what’s like being single. She deserves that. And she can think and figure out all she needs… have her fun... It’s all good…” He nods, “But in the meanwhile? I’ll be around romancing the shit out of that woman,” he states, right before tossing another cookie in his mouth.
“Holy shit,” Wanda addresses Natasha, with both eyebrows high on her forehead.
“I know…” Nat answers with an equally dumbfounded look on her face, before turning to Bucky, “Listen,” she sighs and tilts her head, “I hate to be such a killjoy here, but… I get you’re in love, and I know this is new and exciting for you.” She’s smiling before her lips tighten, “Having said that… I think she might have a point about you not being ready for commitment Bucky, you never wanted that. I’m gonna be honest here, I’m the one who set what you two had up because I thought it wouldn’t lead to this…” She waves all around him, “Feelings, I mean… and I would hate myself if you two ended up hurt because of it.” She focuses an apprehensive gaze on him while Wanda also rests her attention on him, looking like she agrees with her friend.
Bucky takes a good look between the two of them before putting into words the answer that’s so clear on his head now, “I know it may sound weird and uncharacteristic of me. Trust me, I know that.” He nods at Natasha, taking a moment to silently communicate with her in the way that has been always so easy for the two of them, “You’re right, I’ve never wanted that. Settling down to just one person, commit to a long term relationship…But with her,” he sighs and the corner of his lips curl up without further notice, “I want her and I want all of that with her, the whole package. I’m ready. I’m not afraid. I think the reason I didn’t want all of that before is because I hadn’t met her yet. That’s it. Simple as that. I know it’s not going to be easy, but to hell with easy. I want her. And I want her hard.”
Wanda already has a huge grin on her face when a satisfied little smirk twists Nat’s lips, “That’s what Amanda said.”
Bucky’s eyes widen before he squints at her, “What’ve you been up to?”
Nat puts on a nonchalant face and reaches forward to grab a cookie from the package. She takes a bite and shrugs, “Poor girl… needed some comfort after being let down by your buddy down there.”
Bucky lets out an outraged scoff and throws a cookie on her way, from which she dodges easily as she laughs, “I bet you were of great help in consoling her… Jesus… Amanda and you? The world isn’t ready.” He shakes his head.
Natasha sports a smug smile on her face when she nods her agreement, “You’re not wrong.”
“Alright, as much as I want to hear all about this Amanda girl, we’re getting close to the Skrull base now and we need you to land us, Nat,” Wanda nods towards the dash.
“Copy that,” Natasha makes a military salute at her, before shifting her seat and taking control of the ship again.
“And as for you,” Wanda turns to Bucky, “I don’t need to read what’s on your mind to know you’re telling us the truth. You’re ready for commitment,” she offers him a soft smile, which he reciprocates, “And if you really wanna show her that, I may have an idea.” Her smile turns into a devious little smirk and that’s enough to pique Bucky’s interest.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Bucky asks, shoving his hands in his pockets as he walks alongside Wanda through the busy sidewalks of Manhattan, “I mean… I know I said yes, but it is one hell of a commitment, what if it’s not for me?”
“Don’t worry, Bucky,” she smiles, “We’re just gonna take a look around, feel the vibe, and then see what happens. You don’t have to decide anything just yet,” she assures, wrapping an arm around his elbow as he looks down at her, “I just think it’s a good idea for you to get to know a bit more of this sudden inclination to commit…to experiment, I guess,” Wanda shrugs, “Besides, a dear friend of mine runs the shelter and the girl knows her stuff. If she feels like you’re not ready, she won’t allow you to get out of there with one of her babies.”
Bucky lets out a laugh. Feeling a little lighter about the subject, he places his hand over the one Wanda has wrapped around his arm, “Alright… I’m not opposed to the idea of having a dog, I guess. I always loved Labradors…” he frowns, “I would have to switch apartments, though…”
“Look at you.” Wanda nudges her shoulder on him, “Already making plans for your child…”
“Child…” Bucky can’t help but snort. He had agreed to Wanda’s idea of going to an animal shelter because he thought it would be a good way to show you he’s ready for commitment and, like he said, he’s always been fond of dogs and he’s sure if he ends up taking one home he’ll treat them well. But he also never understood how some people could be so attached to an animal to the point of considering them a child, or family…“I don’t know… I’m definitely not taking a pet home today. I agree with you, I shouldn’t decide anything just yet.”
As they walk past a small alleyway, Wanda halts, forcing him to stop with her.
“What?” Bucky frowns down at her.
“Shhh,” she brings a finger to her lips, staring towards the alleyway, “Listen.”
That’s when Bucky’s enhanced hearing catches the thin and shaky little sound coming through the trash cans.
“Come on,” Wanda pulls him to the alley and towards the cans.
What they find behind one of the containers, among all the filth around is a ball of white fur. Curled up and shaking just like the meows they heard seconds ago. A cat, a young adult white cat looks up and a pair of baby blue eyes meets Bucky’s and he just can’t look away from the plea on them and it’s just when something clicks inside his chest.
“Oh, no, look,” Wanda points at the tail, that has an evident injury on it, but when she leans down to examine it further, the animal flinches and rushes towards Bucky’s legs, letting out another trembling and weak meow. Bucky freezes as it starts climbing up his calves. 
Given the poor coordination on their back little legs – probably from the damage on the tail- it can go much higher,  but keeps trying. After the initial surprise, Bucky can’t help but to smile at the little fighter, who seems to reach out at him for protection. Next thing he knows, he’s leaning down and picks it up with all the caution he can muster.
“Hello, little lady… what happened there, huh?” He coos, nodding towards the small injury, which looks like a bite, having the cat meowing while bumping and rubbing the head against his chest.
“Is it a female?” Wanda tilts her head, an amused and questioning expression on her face.
Bucky smirks, not taking his eyes away from the animal, who is now quiet and seems much calmer, but digging her little claws on Bucky’s shirt, “I know a beautiful lady when I see one. Don’t I, gorgeous?”
A purring sound comes out of the now contented animal, the small injury on her tail apparently not being a problem anymore while she climbs higher and practically hugs Bucky with her little paws, whose fur is smudged by dirt, making his heart take a flip in his chest. Damn his heart nowadays…
“Aww, Bucky…” Wanda smiles, placing her hand over her heart, “What are we going to do? Should we take her to the shelter?” Wanda offers, with a bit of tentativeness on her voice.
Bucky’s eyes widen largely, before they snap to her friend. A protective tightness laces his hold on Alpine, who lets out another weak meow. Shit… Alpine? When the hell did he even come up with a name? Fuck if he knows, all he knows he’s done for and can’t possibly think of parting from that white furry little thing, who seems to have gone through a lot in her life already and probably has never met with human kindness before.
He doesn’t need to say anything as understanding falls upon Wanda’s face. He would even guess there’s a bit of pride adorning the smile on her lips now, “Alright, alright… we do need to take Alpine to the vet, though, Mr. I’m not gonna take a pet home today.” She winks.
“Oh well…” Bucky scratches the back of his neck while you keep your beautiful interested eyes on him, “I found this beauty on the street… she had an injured tail, poor thing… probably bitten by a dog. But she’s fine now, aren’t you, sweetie?” He coos, putting on the new tone of voice that belongs to Alpine now and loving the sound of your chuckle, “You know… I’m fully committed to taking care of her. I’m a cat dad now.” He says, putting some effort to highlight the word “committed”.
“I can see that…” you comment, nodding with a glimmer of fondness in your gaze at where Alpine is cuddled against him with eyes closed, completely relaxed.
Bucky looks down and smiles. That one is too cute for her own good, but he’s definitely having a talk with her later, for hissing at you like that, like he hadn’t given her a lecture about good behavior and how incredible you were before they left home.  
“So, it’s been a while, huh? How’re you doing?” He asks softly, boring his eyes on you and holding back every ounce of him to not pull you to his arms and shower you with all the intense love he’s gathering in his chest at your sight in front of him. If it was up to him, he wouldn’t have spent those long weeks apart from you, but he met with missions and an Alpine in the way. Also, as much as he’s resolved to show you he’s the one for you, he understands you needed time for yourself. But, hell, he missed you so much.
“Oh, I’m good, I’m good… pretty good,” you ramble, brushing a finger behind your ear, that thing you do when you become a bit self-conscious, which happens often when he places his gaze so intently on you.
He can’t help but smile, his chest impossibly swelled with his feelings for you, because that woman who becomes all flustered with his attention is the same woman who whined to suck his dick while shitfaced after a party. Damn, he’s so in love with you.
“That’s great...Are you free tonight?” He asks, smoothly, “Wanda and Sam will make hamburgers, they’re one hell of a team in the kitchen, you’ll be welcome to come if you want to.”
“Oh… I…” You falter.
“I’m not trying anything, I promise,” He’s quick to add with a chuckle and raises his free hand up, noticing the trepidation in your voice. “Everyone’s gonna be there. We’re just gonna eat and hangout.” He shrugs.
“Oh… no, it’s not that, it’s just…” You tighten your lips “I’ve got plans.” Something Bucky guesses to be disappointment or something like that sweeps into your voice. As for him, he holds his breath, bracing himself for the news that you’re going out with that douche of an ex, “I’m gonna meet some friends from college tonight. I got a reservation for us for dinner and then we’re gonna go dance…”
Bucky lets out a breath and the smile that grows in his face is wide when he says, “Oh, alright. That sounds like fun.” Really, really fun, especially if that jackass isn’t involved. He’s not disappointed. Far from it.  
You smile back at him, matching his mood. It doesn’t slip from his attention that you seem a bit surprised by his reaction at you declining an invitation from him in favor to hang out with your friends, but he says nothing of it.
“Yeah… I’ve been getting reacquainted with them lately,” you say, excitement plastered on the little curve of your lips and the glint in your eyes, “It’s been fun. I’d love to get to know Wanda and Sam’s talent in the kitchen, though….Maybe some other time?” You offer.
“Sounds perfect, sweetheart.”
The term of endearment brings the effect he was aiming for when you promptly does that thing with your finger on your ear again, but it was also noticed by the other girl in the room and currently in his arm, who seems to wake up from her comfort slumber against his chest to hiss at you again.
You look at each other in widened eyes.
“What the hell,” Bucky scolds down at the cat, glancing at you briefly, catching your now amused expression, before addressing Alpine again in a whispery voice, “We’re gonna have a talk back home, young lady.”
“What a number you put out there, huh?” His voice is gentle despite the reprimanding intention in his words while Bucky crouches and fills her little plate with the special food the vet recommended.
With her crystal-clear eyes glued on the plate, Alpine doesn’t really acknowledge his half attempt of admonishing her before digging in.
Bucky chuckles, “She’s cute, isn’t she? But so are you,” He scratches the back of her ear and she stops eating for a moment to brush her head against his hand, “You don’t have to be jealous, doll. You’re so cute, you’re my girl, too, you know?” he coos, still petting her, “But you gotta help me out there buddy. Ok? She’s really special and I know you’ll love her, too.”
Alpine lets out a weak meow before getting back to her plate and Bucky swears to God he sometimes wonders if the cat is some sort of shapeshifter in disguise, understanding every little thing he says.  
Letting her out to eat, he stands up, “Hey, Friday,” he calls.
“Yes, Bucky?”
“Could you search for a table reservation in the name of Y/N Y/L/N tonight? I need the address of the place.”
A small silence ensues before the A.I speaks again, “Isn’t it a bit creepy?”
He sighs, placing his hands on his hips, “Friday… babe…” He smiles at the giggles that resound in his kitchen, before bringing a hand to his heart, “I’m in love, ok? I’m not gonna ruin her night…If anything, I’m just going to make her night out with her friends more… interesting.”
“Alright, you know I can’t say no to you,” the A.I concedes, “You can find the address in your phone’s map. Good luck, handsome.”
“Thanks, babe,” Bucky grins, before turning to Alpine, who’s now about done with her food, sprawled on the floor busy with cleaning out her paws, “And you?” He calls, catching her attention before he points at her, “You’ll have burgers with your aunt Wanda. I have plans for tonight.”  
To be continued...
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The Feeling Is Mutual | | Part 2 | | Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
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Summary; You’re both profilers, analysing behaviour and making connections. So why is it so hard to read each other?
Includes; injury to main characters, talk of injury, talk of violence, talk of unsub and weapons, talk of being drugged, sickening amount of fluff, mutual masturbation, (MINORS DNI 18+)talk of sex, dirty talk, no dynamic!, and a bit more fluff :)
Word count; 3.6K
Plans had changed and you were not happy about it. The pattern in victimology had shown that the unsub targeted men who were uncomfortable in social settings. Vulnerable type. Derek, being the giant intimidating boulder of a man he was, wouldn’t have attracted the unsub.
So they were sending in Spencer. Everybody including you knew he would fit the description required for this unsub; but the thought of him being touched or hurt or flirted with by somebody that wasn’t you brought a nauseating heavy feeling in your stomach.
“What’s wrong? You’ve had a permanent frown on your face since we started this morning.”
Spencer could feel the mood thickening in the air of the hotel room as he turned to face you.
He was trying to straighten his tie, completely oblivious to the way you stared at him with a mix you could only describe as anger-lust-fear. You didn’t want to even think about how he would react to you telling him the real reason you were upset so you just sighed and shook your head.
“I just hate last minute changes. I thought we were gonna hang back, let Derek do his ‘thing’ and she’d walk out gripping his unnaturally large bicep.” You twiddled with your fingers as you mumbled an excuse to get Spencer off your back.
“What’s wrong with her walking out on my unnaturally small bicep?” he laughed, trying to lighten the mood. You rolled your eyes, forcing them away from staring at his arms and imagining yourself gripping them in a different situation.
It was nauseating. The way her fingernails slowly dragged along his forearm, and slipped a little underneath the rolled sleeve. Her stupid voice pitching higher to seem more cute and innocent. He really did fit the part, swallowing thickly and stumbling over his words when she leaned forward a little and exposed her chest a little more.
“Have you ever felt like your body was on fire?” she asked, face now mere inches away from his. Spencer looked over at the security camera that he knew could see them both.
“That’s it. That’s the line. Stand by Y/N, Morgan.” Hotch warned, watching the footage over the nervous shoulders of Garcia.
A young tech student from a local college had been extremely fortunate in escaping the unsub the early hours of this morning. He’d shakily mumbled about her saying about being on fire and then chugging back a pint of straight gin. He asked if she needed help and she’d told him her car was outside if he wouldn’t mind helping her get home.
But as he went to open the driver side door to get in, he noticed her giggling to herself and a gun sitting on her lap. So he ran.
Hotch was worried that his escape would either mess up the trap tonight, or completely change her M.O and she would devolve, leaving you all at another starting point. But luckily for you all, she only had one technique, and was set on using it; so here you all were.
As you stood with your back against the wall, you peeked your head ever so slightly around the bar doors; the small circular window showing the back of her head and Spencer in full view.
“God, she’s making me feel sick. Why is she so touchy? I thought she would’ve dragged him out of here by now.” Whispering with a malicious tone to your voice, Derek chucked quietly at your rage.
“Jealous? Pretty Boy’s getting some attention from a serial killer and you’re jealous?”
“I’m not jealous Morgan. I’m disgusted.” sighing, you rolled your eyes.
“Y/N you know it’s my job. I’m not stupid. Anyone can see you’re completely and utterly-“
“Shut up.”
“Y/N you can change the subject all you like, everybody kno-“
“Derek, they’re gone.”
You had no visual. You couldn’t see her, nor Spencer. Not even an inch of her hair flicking into a different direction, not even a corner of Spencer’s jacket.
“Hotch?” Morgan spoke with a warning inflection into his smart watch.
Scanning the footage for where they could’ve possibly gone, Hotch hurriedly put on his Kevlar and gun before jumping out to head round the back of the bar.
“Guys, I have a visual on Reid. He’s out cold up on the V.I.P balcony. I can’t seem to find-”
Peeking again through the bar window, you didn’t have time to register what Penelope was saying nor what was happening before you felt a dull pain throb through your face. Stumbling backwards and trying to keep your balance, you noticed a warm and fuzzy feeling buzzing across your body before everything went black.
“Can you just shut up and pass me a spoon? I’m not kidding anymore.”
“Get it yourself. You don’t wanna listen to me, why should I listen to you?”
“You’re an asshole Derek. Just so you know. I’ve eaten Jello with a straw before, and I’ll do it again.”
“Boys, will you shut up, her eyes just moved.”
Muffled voices stirred you to consciousness as you struggled to open your eyes. Immediately sending a sharp pain to your head, the lights felt like lasers as you tried to make sense of where you were.
“Jesus H Christ, why are the lights so damn bright?”
“There she is. Good morning pretty girl.” The sweet sounds of Miss Garcia swam through your ears, and her perfume overwhelmed your senses as she leant down to kiss your cheek. “I bought you a cupcake, and I’ve made sure these two don’t touch it.”
Squinting at the two men sitting on the empty hospital bed next to yours, you laughed at the two of them. They were acting like children.
Derek had a plastic spoon in his hand, holding and waving it as far away from Spencer as he possibly could. Spencer sat cross legged, arms folded but with a sealed cup of orange jello in one hand; tutting at Derek with disappointment.
“Would anybody like to update and inform me on why on earth Penelope is babysitting us in a hospital ward?” you asked, attempting to sit up a little bit, and groaning out at how much your body ached.
Spencer almost stood up when you grimaced in pain, but stayed seated as not to look too bothered.
“We caught the unsub,” Derek began to explain, Penelope giggling when you did a silent ‘yay’ and mini jazz hands, “but she roofied Reid, which was new and discovered his badge in his jacket.” He looked over at Reid with a sarcastic look, to which he was met with shrugged shoulders and Spencer digging into his jello.
“As she came back down the stairs to make her escape, she noticed you and Derek arguing or whatever that was outside the bar doors, and snuck into the crowd to watch you. When you tried to find her, I just saw her coming towards the doors but she moved hella fast.” Penelope explained, sipping from a bright pink tumbler.
“She kicked the door that you were stood behind, and then basically jumped you until you were unconscious, but didn’t quite realise I was there. So I got her. Pretty Boy here woke up a few hours ago just hungry.”
Spencer looked up at Derek and smiled, letting everyone know he was too invested in the jello to retaliate to his sarcasm. He glimpsed over at you and smiled in a different way, which Penelope caught on to immediately.
“Anyway! The doctor said you have a lot of bruised ribs but other than that you are good to go home today! Did you want me to stay over at yours? I can bring more cupcakes?” She asked sweetly, passing you the sprinkle covered cupcake and unwrapping it for you.
She was the equivalent of a big sister and a mom to you; always looking out for you, making sure you’d eaten but also joining in on gossip and hosting alcoholic themed sleepovers. She knew about yours and Spencer’s hookups, after the one time you were accidentally too loud in the hotel room next to hers.
You’d been sat on a swivel chair in her office, begging and pleading and bribing with sweet treats and baked goods for her not to tell a soul and as far as you were aware, she stuck to her promise. With a dramatic mime of locking her lips shut, she had grabbed a croissant from your hands and turned back to her computer.
“I could - sorry - I could stay over if you’d prefer Y/N? I know we’ve got a few episodes of Black Mirror to catch up on?” Spencer jumped at the chance to interrupt, correcting himself as his volume came out louder than planned.
Nodding quickly with a huge beaming smile and a mouth full of cupcake, you could feel yourself internally healing already.
“I’d like that. If that’s okay Pen? I’ve tried to explain to him that you can’t ‘catch up’ on Black Mirror but he won’t have it.” You carried on enjoying the sugary treat, as Spencer carried on eating his; ignoring the blatant smirks being swapped between Derek and Penelope.
As far as you were concerned the past weekend had gone way too quickly. Coming home from hospital on Thursday evening, Spencer had stayed over and still hadn’t left.
It was just about Sunday morning, and you’d both passed out after playing cards until 3am. He’d kept you so busy and your brain occupied you’d barely had time to think about your body aching and healing. He made you laugh so hard at times you were tempted to call the emergency room back to see if they could check you in again.
You guys hadn’t kissed or barely touched except to cuddle on the couch; even then Spencer was hesitant because he was convinced he’d do more damage. But it wasn’t the aches and pains that was getting to you. It was the way you felt starved of touch and affection.
Usually you both would be particularly in the mood, would call one another up and you’d both satiate each other’s needs before maybe having a cuddle and leaving.
In all fairness, the last time you felt him was only yesterday morning when he came to give you some tea in bed. He’d sat beside you - very gently - drinking his own sugar and coffee; hand holding onto your thigh and stroking lightly. It was all too sweet. Sweeter than the concoction he made to drink every morning.
But now you’d woken up only a few hours after going to sleep, the room still a shade of blue and gray. Sunrise was on its way, but night was still present, no birdsong could be heard; but the soft hums of Spencer Reid sleeping filled the air.
You knew that Hotch had given the both of you time off, you had nowhere to be for 2 more days. You wanted oh so desperately to shake him awake, jump his bones and go several rounds until you were due in, but not only could your body not physically take it; your heart couldn’t either.
Something felt different. Unrecognised, the feeling of wanting something else flooded your thoughts. Did you want to be fucked? Did you want to lay in Spencer’s arms for the entire day and be held? Or did you want both?
The way he’d smiled over at you when you woke up in hospital made you feel like you’d driven over a speed bump, your tummy swirling around and doing backflips. How he’d stayed with you after, how he’d looked after you and listened to you this whole time.
Unbeknownst to you however, while you were deep in thought about whatever this weird feeling was; Spencer had blinked his eyes open, rested his head in one of his hands and was watching you.
“What’re you thinking about?”
You jumped, grimacing as you stretched out a rib that you definitely shouldn’t have stretched out. “I’m currently thinking about how much that hurt, how much I hate you and how much I’m going to regret being awake later.”
Spencer laughed, a slight husk from tiredness layered into it. He brought his opposite hand up and stroked up and down your spine, noticing how goosebumps formed underneath his fingertips.
“You cold?”
“Come here.”
Slowly laying back down, you groaned out in a mixture of uncomfortableness and relief as you got back into the warm spot next to Reid. Looking over at him made you feel giddy, the way you would feel getting ready for a date or a big event. You were nervous. But why?
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours Y/N?” he asked sweetly, fingers coming up to stroke your cheek. He quickly withdrew them and cleared his throat, laying back down completely parallel beside you.
“Spencer, are you tired right now?”
“No. Are you?” He shuffled onto his side again.
“No. Quite the opposite.” with slight struggle, you mirrored his position, laying on your side and looking into his eyes with a lazy smile.
“Y/N, I can’t, you’re struggling to even lay down let alone-“
“No Spencer, I’m not hinting at sex. Although the millisecond I can, I will.” you laughed out, edging slightly closer to him. His breath hitched, and he shuffled awkwardly.
“What do you want?”
“I want to feel good Spence,”
“I thought you just said-“
“I want to feel good. So, I’m going to make myself feel good.” Your voice dropped a little, hoping that Spencer would catch on to what you were implying. Sometimes he could catch your drift, other times you would have to spell it out for him. Luckily for you, it was the former.
He nodded, waiting for you to make the next move. Watching you with intent, he began taking in each tiny detail of you.
The way you kept your eyes on his but let your hand trail down your body. The sigh of relief and arousal as you shuffled a little closer to him again, before laying on your back slowly and getting ready and comfortable. You let out a deep exhale while trailing your other hand over your chest, squeezing ever so lightly.
“Fuck Y/N. You’re really gonna do it? What if you hurt, the doctor recommended not strain-“
“Spencer, stop. I know my limits. I also know that if I don’t make myself cum soon I might actually spontaneously combust.”
He chuckled at your silliness, before remembering something. “There’s actually been less than 150 cases of spontaneous combustion recorded in almost 2000 years, so I doubt that your heightened state of arousal could cause you-“
“Spencer Reid, if you don’t shut up and kiss me right now I will make sure I’m the 150th case.”
He giggled and leant down to your lips, holding your face with one hand and holding himself up with the other arm. Pressing gently against your lips as if you were made of glass, he smiled against you; letting out a small moan as you reached up and pulled him closer into the kiss.
Your fingers circling over your clit through your panties caused you to wind your hips up against your hand gently, remembering not to overdo it. Moaning out quietly as you applied more pressure, Spencer pulled back to watch you.
“You look so beautiful Y/N.” He whispered, eyes darting between your face concentrated with pleasure and your hands roaming around your body.
He could feel himself growing and stiffening underneath his pyjama pants when you whimpered in response, and he bucked instinctively as the material grew tighter.
“Do you wanna touch yourself too Spence?” you mumbled out, movements staying the same speed but your head turning to watch him,“Touch yourself with me, feel what I’m feeling.”
“Yes, please.” Spencer laid down beside you again, his arm touching yours. Gripping himself through his pants he hissed out at the sudden contact.
Leaning your head against his shoulder, you watched to see what his next move would be; waiting to mirror him. He caught on to you copying his movements as he slipped his hands underneath his pants, a mix of a chuckle and a moan falling from his lips as you did the same.
“God this is so sexy..” Spencer moaned out louder this time, as he grasped his cock fully in his palm. Mimicking his actions, you also became a little louder; the feeling of skin touching skin becoming more and more intense.
“Tell me something Spence.” you spoke breathily, fingers applying more pressure to your clit and switching to dip inside yourself.
Curling his wrist with every sharp tug and squeezing the head of his cock every time he reached the top, all he could do was try to take deep breaths where he held them for so long.
“I thought about you. When she flirted with me.”
You wanted to pause, wondering why he brought up an unsub in the middle of such an intimate moment. But his next words only brought you closer to your brink.
“When I looked over her shoulder and saw you watching, saw the anger in your eyes. You looked so fucking mad baby. I couldn’t figure out why, but I liked it. When she touched me, I wished it was your hands. I thought about you the whole time, fuck.” Spencer squeezed his eyes shut, trying to not look at you in order to keep calm and patient with his orgasm.
“Yeah? Wished it was me leaning over you like that?” You could barely string a sentence together with how good you felt, your thighs clenching together around your wrist, your hips bucking up as much as your body allowed them to.
“Mhmm. Thought about taking you home, bending you over my couch with your uniform still on.”
“Fuck Spence. She made me so jealous, I wanted to go in there and rip her off of you. Would’ve made you mine right there at the bar.”
He hissed and groaned out, speeding up even more, matching the pace you had set yourself; aiming to finish with you.
“Fuck. I’m all yours Y/N, this cock is all fucking yours.” He was so close, throbbing and thrusting into his fist, pulling his head back so he could watch your face.
Hearing him say he was yours dragged you to the edge of your orgasm, thighs beginning to shake a little. Your wrist was growing tired but you refused to stop, too caught up in the gradually increasing pleasure.
“I’m so close honey, please,” you pulled your gaze away from where he stroked himself to meet his eyes, wanting to watch his face as he toppled over the edge too, “please tell me I can come, I wanna come for you.”
You grew needy, ignoring the ache in your torso as you writhed against your fingers, your head falling back as you felt the waves coming. Spencer watched as you slowly began to fall and crash into it.
Tugging at himself with the same speed as you, he quickly moved onto his side a little to watch you better. Pressing his lips to your neck, he bit down gently before whispering the words you needed.
“Let it go for me Y/N, you can come. Come for me,” As you slipped under the waves and felt like you were drowning in the numb yet intense pulsation, Spencer coaxed you through it as he too got carried away by his own throbbing, “that’s it baby, fuck I’m coming, oh my go-, ah fuck it feels so good.”
Spencer became quickly overwhelmed by his orgasm, rolling onto his back again as he carried on spilling onto his stomach. Continuing to slowly rub yourself, you came down from your crescendo and watched as he worked himself through his.
“Fuck Spencer, there’s so much.” Leaving little kisses along his shoulder, you giggled sweetly as he tensed with the aftershocks and tried to catch his breath. He grinned with a post-orgasm smile and turned his head to nestle against the top of yours.
“Are you okay?” Spencer murmured into your hair, leaving a little kiss on the crown of your head. Simply nodding against his shoulder, you attempted to shuffle closer but forgot how tense your body had been in its peak.
“Fuck. Can you help me?” Giggling and wincing at the same time as an attempt to sit up. Spencer laughed at you sweetly, sitting himself up quickly and snaking an arm underneath your back.
Pulling you up smoothly, he left a light kiss against your temple before slipping his other arm underneath your legs and hoisting you up.
“Wait, where are we going?” You whined out, wrapping your arms around his neck and shoulders. He walked the two of you into the en-suite and set you down gently on the counter.
“I am going to get us cleaned up,” he smiled at you before getting a washcloth ready, “and then we’re going to talk about us.”
He began to wipe the washcloth across his chest and his stomach, looking up curiously when you asked, “Us?”
“Wait. What you said about- when you said that thing about making me yours? Did I completely misread that? Because I feel- I thought it was obvious that I felt-“ He stumbled, self consciousness creeping in slowly as he realised he may have taken it too far.
But you smiled softly, grabbing the cloth from his hands and pulling him to rest between your legs. At least he’d cleared the air for you. You didn’t feel remotely nervous anymore.
Cupping his face in your hands and stroking along his jaw with each thumb, you pulled him in for a delicate kiss. Grinning against his lips, he returned the motion and kissed you once more.
“The feeling is mutual, Spencer.”
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emo-and-confused · 3 years
Out of context things my Global Perspectives teacher has said:
Information: This was a 10th grade zoom class for the academy program at my public high school
“I know you’re all fans of K-pop, right?”
“You are not allowed to record. If I find out you are recording, I will find you, and I will destroy you.”
“Please ask a question, I’m so bored of talking.”
“I don't like listening to myself talk. My wife disagrees but-“
“It’s basically a “do you know how to read” quiz. so if you don’t know how to read, I don’t know how you got here.”
“Be prepared for a lot of dead jokes. Cause they’re fun. Cancer jokes are fun too. My dad died of cancer, so I guess I have the right to make them.”
“I have very little sympathy. If your grandma dies.. we’ll talk. If your grandma keeps dying, I’ll have to ask some questions.”
“I don’t text and drive, but I email and drive.”
“Do not copy me, I am not a lawyer.”
“I almost got killed so many times. I should've got killed, like legally. I still have both my hands which is surprising. so, I have so many stories of Saudi Arabia.”
“My most favorite child of mine, my dog.” (he has three human children)
[internet fluctuates] “Play the dinosaur game? What’s the dinosaur game?” (he learns to play the dinosaur game)
“Let me know if anything is going on. If your dad is currently dying of cancer, and you want more cancer jokes, please tell me.”
“I will drive to their house and cough on them and give them coronavirus.” “I will threaten you with biological abuse.”
“Have I told you my suicide Christian joke yet? No? Can I tell you guys my suicide Christian joke?”
“I don’t know my mom’s phone number. I don’t know my dad’s either.. but that’s for different reasons :)”
“Not the dirt on your shoes, the coronavirus in your lungs.”
“Speaking of addiction... nevermind I can’t tell you that yet.”
[to me] “You should not lie to yourself, I’m sorry that you do.”
“This is why you guys are so depressed, you guys don’t sleep.”
“You guys did great, give yourselves a pat on the back.... wow, only a few of us did that. The rest of you guys are losers.”
“I’m so white, I can’t roll my r’s, I’m sorry-“
“I just wanna get off the camera and go cry again.”
“Teah, Canadians, boring! Stop apologizing all the time! We get it, you like hockey!”
“Welch? Nobody cares about the Welch. They’re just smaller english people.”
“Don’t be stupid like me.”
“All of your teachers used to be stupid. Now some of them are less stupid”
“l don’t recommend making out with people with aids.” “Here’s a better suggestion, stop making out with people.” “You know who you should be making out with? Your spouse. Get married and then make out.” “You should not be making out with Jesus. That’s gross.”
“You know what else is dumb? The speed limit. Speed limits are dumb, yeah- you know what else? Tires! You don’t need them! They’re dumb! You don’t need oil changes! Yeah, that’s dumb! You know what else is dumb? Taxes! Screw the man!”
“No, the holy spirit will not get rid of aids” [pause] “Well—-“
“We can talk about pedophilia another day.”
“No wonder you all are addicts.”
“If you’ve been eating the same breakfast for the past 7 years, you might have a mental disorder.”
“If I’m ever on the show Naked and Afraid, please don’t watch, cause I'll be naked and afraid.”
“I know you’re not used to a grown man caring about you, cause you haven’t seen your dad in five years. It's okay. I wish he was around more often.”
“I got hit on at Busch Gardens and it was amazing.” “I haven’t been hit on in ten years.”
“If I ever get killed by the government, man, I want it to be a firing squad. That’s a badass way to go.”
“Do you guys wanna see me, in high school, as a Dr. Pepper can?” 
“We might not learn anything in this class but at least we have fun.”
“It is possible that I might have made some Dr. Pepper commercials. And it is possible that I might have made some Dr. Pepper music videos.” “Who says I'm not a Dr. Pepper shareholder? I have never made that claim.”
“Did I tell you about that time I waterboarded a kid? No? Ah, well that’s a story for later.”
“Yes, I do believe in Santa. I believe he is Satan.”
“I'm just trying to give you legal advice.. I am not a lawyer though, so don’t take my legal advice.”
“You didn’t go to sleep until 3am? I've been up since 3am! We swapped!”
“Murders have experience, I wouldn’t let them near my children.”
“Is anyone here a flat earther? I promise I won't make fun of you. Unless you’re {Con}.”
“I wouldn't let any of you near my children. The only one of you I would let watch my daughter is {Con}.” [Me, in chat: ‘why me??’] “Why? Because I feel like she could put you in your place. She's three and a half and has no filter. She would insult you to your face.”
“Welcome to my bedroom. I tried to say that as creepy as possible, I hope it worked.”
“[Con] have you killed anyone this morning?”
“Guys, I’m gonna announce my bias right now. I’m a round earther/”
(the class he says he’s quitting) [Me, in the chat: ‘who’s gonna call me out in the middle of class for no reason now :/’] “Who’s gonna call you out in the middle of class? uh... Molly! Your new job is to call {Con} out and tell them what a terrible person they are.”
“So yeah, I was almost possessed in Sri Lanka.”
“{Con}, stop. Just because you’re possessed now does not mean you can roll your eyes when I say I was almost possessed.”
“No, Kaine didn’t come into school. Kaine hasn’t left his room, in like, eight months.”
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
hello! can i have some touch starved micah with a gentle and caring fem or gn reader?? thank you :))
omg yess anon, u can have touch starved micah any day! now ngl its like 3AM and i decided to write these after such a long day so this probs makes no sense and i didn't like the way they turned out at all so i might fix it up later
but still please enjoy this mess and a friendly reminder to anyone that reads this that my rdr requests are still open (but dw there's still more to come) i'm just really enjoying getting back into red dead!!
It had been a relatively long night for Micah, or so you’d noticed as you watched him leaning against a tree for almost the entire afternoon and long into the night, just sharpening his knife and mumbling under his breath.
You knew something was bothering him and apart of you couldn’t help but be a little worried and it wasn’t because of the robbery you have with him the next day. No, deep down you had a soft spot for him.
But Micah Bell had his walls up high even around someone like you who is one of the few people he considers a friend. Talking to him, little alone approaching him is more of a challenge than a bet in five finger fillet and you had an inkling that he’d appreciate being alone.
So with a heavy sigh you stood from your place at the campfire, bid the last few remaining members a goodnight and headed towards your tent— there needed to be one of you with at least four hours of sleep, otherwise you’d never be able to pull off this robbery.
As you turned around to close the flaps in your tent, you couldn’t help but notice Micah’s gaze directed at you and it had been since you stood to leave. When your eyes met his own and you gave a soft smile he immediately turned his attention back to the knife and whetstone in his hand, hiding how flustered he was under the brim of his hat.
You waved goodnight to him but of course he didn’t see it, he wouldn’t dare look your way until he knew for certain that you wouldn’t catch him doing so. In all the time you’ve gotten to know Micah, you’ve seen him argue, fight, yell and even flirt with the gang members and total strangers but you’ve never seen him flustered or nervous quite like the way he is with you.
The thought makes you giggle as you settle into bed, you could only guess that he likes you but to say that you hate the idea would be a lie.
The next morning you were walking through camp with a cup of coffee in your hand as you went to find Micah and prepare for the coach that was coming in from Annesburg. It wasn’t difficult to find him since he was still leaning against the tree, the only real point of difference was his slightly slumped posture and obvious bags under his eyes.
“Here, I thought you might want this after last night.”
He stares numbly at the cup of coffee you’re holding out for him to take. He seems almost startled out of his thoughts at the first person that’s actually approached him in hours.
“I don’t like coffee.”
“—Half of its filled with whiskey.”
One of Micah’s typical sly smirks comes to rest on his face, one that’s laced with over confidence so that he can put his walls up higher and keep everyone thinking that he’s not trying to downplay whatever’s bothering him.
“You know me too well, sweetheart.”
However, you’re not just anyone and happen to see straight through his charms. When you place the cup in his hand you instantly notice the way he seems to tense up when your hand lightly brushes his. You couldn’t help but think the soft sound that left him was, for lack of a better word...cute.
His hand instinctively reaches forward into you more before pulling away to fiddle with the cup.
“Common now, I need you feeling sharp for this robbery and its a long ride to Annesburg from here.”
The tension leaves him when he realises you’re not going to push for answers or make a scene and he’s clearly comforted by the small smile you’re giving him.
The robbery as a whole goes fairly smooth. The coach guards were easy to take down with there being only three of them plus a driver. The issue arrived when the law showed up and there was a hell of a lot more than three.
The coach had been flipped at this point, the horses well and truely bolted but it offered the cover you needed in order to take out the flock of lawman.
Standing beside you, you can’t help notice how Micah seems completely out of it. You’ve seen him at his best, just how well he can shoot during a gunfight. Hell at Blackwater you saw him take out at least twenty pinkertons before you all even made it off the boat. No, the Micah standing beside you could barely even aim straight.
Eventually, the coast is clear— it took a while but the shooting finally stopped and left only silence as Micah went over to crack open the safe containing the payroll.
“Oh shit—“
Before you know what you’re doing, you take three quick steps forward and push Micah as hard as you can against his side. He hits the ground with a loud thud but you don’t stop to think about it as you fire your revolver at the lawman who’d managed to sneak up on you.
You don’t take your finger off the trigger until there’s no more bullets left in the chamber and the lawman is well and truly on the floor. You holster your revolver before turning around and offering an arm out for Micah to take, who is still sitting in the dirt with a stunned look on his face.
“Are you alright?”
You gently hoist him up and squeeze at his hand in hopes that he’ll understand just how worried you are about him right now.
Micah doesn’t give you a verbal response, instead choosing to groan but you didn’t mind, you suspect that his ego took more bullets than the lawman had. That didn’t mean you didn’t miss the way his hand squeezed yours back tightly.
“Oh Jesus, you’re bleeding!”
It seems Micah himself hadn’t even noticed the vibrant red stain of blood on his already dirty white pants.
“It’s just a graze, ain’t nothing to worry about.”
Unfortunately you don’t have time to argue with him about as he’s already loading up the cash onto Baylock before saddling up himself.
“Fine, but yer letting me patch you up when he get back to camp.”
To your surprise Micah actually follows you to your tent so you can at least bandage and disinfect the wound but that doesn’t mean he isn’t gonna put up a fuss. It takes you a good ten minutes just to get his pants off so you could clean it and it takes you even longer to place your hands anywhere near him.
“I can wrap my own damned bullet wound!”
You stare at him with an eyebrow raised, watching as he has an internal battle with himself on whether to push you away like he does everyone else, or to cave and let you in.
“Alright then, I’ll leave you to it.”
You decide to call his bluff, placing the bandages on the crate beside your bed before dusting yourself off and standing to leave the tent, only to be stopped by a hand on your wrist. Finally, you see something snap inside him and he sighs, almost defeatedly.
“Please stay…”
You pick the bandages and the old rag back up and sit back down on the edge of the cot. He jumps slightly when your hand is placed on the outside of his upper thigh, just under where the graze has torn the skin.
“Relax Micah, it’s okay.”
Micah is staring up at you with hopeful eyes as he leans on his elbows on the cot. You give him a reassuring smile but he only starts to really relax when your hand moves in slow circles against his thigh.
After the old rag has been drenched in whiskey you, offer him an apology before placing it over the wound to disinfect it. Micah hisses through his teeth and falls flat against the cot, trying not to bite his tongue off at the sharp burning feeling that’s travelling up his leg.
When his wound has been properly cleaned and bandaged, you lean forward and take his chin in your hand and guide him to look at you.
“Now was that so bad?”
Your eyes stare into his icy blue ones and you notice just how tired he seems. You decide to make a decision before second guessing yourself and lay down next to him on the cot that’s too small for the two of you to really fit on it.
Nevertheless your arms come to wrap around him in a tight hug. He tenses again but only for a moment before melting into you, exhausting clearly winning out.
Your hand comes to tangle in his hair and gently massage his scalp before placing a soft kiss to his forehead.
“Is this why you’ve been acting so off recently?”
Micah nods into your shoulder, more relaxed than ever now that he’s receiving the affection and intimacy he’s been craving for months now. He’ll probably beat himself up later over a bottle of whiskey for being so needy, but right now he couldn’t care less.
“Micah, when was the last time you had a hug?”
Your question is soft, non judgemental as you gently detangle his hair from where there are small knots. This time, there’s no answer and he only sinks further into your arms around him, as if he’s trying to literally avoid the question.
It doesn’t take a genius however to guess how long its been.
“Hey its alright, it doesn’t have to be like that anymore.”
His head comes up from your shoulder instantly, a desperate and hopeful look in his eyes. Your noses are almost touching and you can feel his slightly shaky breathe as he attempts to calm his nerves.
You lean forward slowly and place a soft kiss to lips, feeling him smile against you. His moustache manages to tickle his top lip and you can’t help but giggle which only makes the two of you smile more.
That night, Micah finally gets a good night’s rest with his head resting upon your shoulder. He’s lulled off by your hand rubbing slow circles into the back of his neck and soft but frequent forehead kisses.
He’s just about to doze off into a peaceful sleep when he feels you whisper against his skin,
“I love you Micah, just relax and get some sleep now”
The next morning he’ll wake up from one of the best sleeps he’s had in a long time knowing you held him all night.
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mymoonagedaydream · 4 years
Home (Part 1)
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Summary: Two years ago, you’d left behind your hometown and the love of your life to pursue your dream career, but returning for Christmas really made you start to second-guess that decision.
Pairing: Bucky x y/n
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Language
Author’s Note: A Christmassy one for ya’ll! This story is inspired by the requests above from @shawnie--jo, thank you for those and for the inspo! I couldn’t fit everything into a oneshot, so this may end up being three or four parts.
You stuffed your bag into the overhead locker and collapsed into your seat, completely exhausted.
Some chaos was to be expected when travelling so close to Christmas, but still, you really could've done without the three hour check-in queues and the chorus of screaming babies.
Leaning back in your chair and pulling on your headphones, you squeezed your eyes shut and just tried to think about all the things that would make this journey worth it, all the things you’d missed about Christmas with your parents.
The excitement on their faces as they greet you at the airport, your mother’s incredible home-cooking, your father’s insistence on playing charades three or more times a day. It was your first time visiting home since moving away two years ago, and you wanted the whole cosy, corny nine yards.
There was just one teensy little caveat to your relaxing family holiday- two years away from home meant two years since you'd seen Bucky.
You were childhood sweethearts, head over heels in love with each other for as long as you could remember and best friends for even longer. When you were offered a job across the country, you wanted so much for him to move with you, but he’d already promised his father that he’d take over the family car-repair business. 
It was the most difficult decision of your life, but eventually the two of you agreed there was no choice but to separate. 
Being away from him tore you apart for the first few months, but now you'd finally gotten back on your feet, and you were ready to come face to face with your past again.
Or so you thought.
Your parents pulled you into a tight bear-hug as soon as you walked through arrivals, taking your bags, talking your ear off and quickly ushering you to the car.
Amongst all the excited babbling, you just about managed to discern that they’d planned a welcome home party for you that night with half the neighbourhood, an announcement which triggered a mix of dread and excitement to begin churning in your stomach.
You were looking forward to seeing your oldest friend again, you just hoped to god that things wouldn’t be weird or awkward between the two of you.
After a short drive, the car pulled up outside your childhood home. Just seeing it from the outside made you feel all warm and cosy but, as soon as you glanced through the door, those feelings were amplified off the charts. 
The place looked incredible. Your mother had obviously put so much effort into making it look cosy and festive, you even felt yourself tearing up a little when you stepped inside. It was so elaborate, you had half a mind to interrogate her about a possible Christmas with the Kranks scenario going down prior to your arrival, but you decided it was probably best to just keep your mouth shut.
After you’d looked around properly and unpacked, it was only a matter of hours before the first guests started arriving.
You downed two beers to loosen yourself up a little. Each time the bell went, your eyes snapped towards the door, the sound making your heart leap out of your chest. It felt like you were waiting to find out whether that hard mass in the bottom of your stocking was a big-ass diamond or a lump of coal. 
When Bucky finally appeared in the doorway, your jaw almost hit the shag carpet. The last two years had been unreasonably good to him, he looked like James Dean but somehow even more buff. 
The boy you'd left behind had become a man in your absence and sweet Jesus it was really making you feel some kind of way. 
His eyes were frantically scanning the room but he hadn't spotted you yet, so you took the opportunity to sneak up behind him and tap him on the shoulder.
‘Hey, stranger.’
He swivelled round, his eyes lighting up when they met yours. Before he said a word, you were pulled into a tight hug, audibly gasping when you were lifted clean off the ground.
‘Where the hell you been, Lilypad?’
You burst out laughing, remembering falling into a pond on your seventh birthday and him never, ever letting you live down. A wave of happy memories flooded your mind, making you smile widely as he set you down.
‘Still the same old Yucky.’
‘Hey, we agreed you wouldn't call me that anymore.’
‘I'll stop calling you Yucky when you stop calling me Lilypad.’
The corners of his mouth curled into a mischievous smirk. ‘Never.’
And just like that, it felt as though you'd never left.
You were excited to be with your old friend again, you were happy that there seemed to be no awkwardness between the two of you, and you were really doing your very best to suppress all the other intense feelings that had surfaced as soon as he’d walked through the door.
‘Come on, I'll get you a drink.’ You grabbed his arm and dragged him through to the kitchen, rummaging around in the fridge while he leant against the counter next to you. ‘Are you still working for your dad?’
‘Yep. He's hoping to retire in the next few years, so I'll finally be taking over.’
‘That's so great, you're pretty much set for life with that place.’
He nodded faintly, burying his hands in his pockets and flicking his gaze down to the floor. ‘So how, uh- how long are you back for?’
‘I'm flying back early on the 31st.’
‘You’re not even staying for New Year?’ The hint of disappointment in his voice made you immediately stop what you were doing and look over to him, his face going a little red as he shifted around awkwardly. ‘Ah, I bet you got loads of invites to big, crazy city parties.’
‘If you call staring at a computer screen until 3am and slowly spiralling into madness a party.’
You passed him a beer, his eyes staying fixed on the bottle as he mumbled. ‘All the work will be worth it one day though, right?’
‘I hope so.’
Your eyes locked, a heavy silence falling between you. This was exactly the kind of uncomfortable atmosphere you were dreading.
Panicking a little, you vaguely gestured towards the living room. ‘I should probably, y’know, mingle.’
‘Sure. I'll find you later though Lilypad, we gotta catch up some more.’
You gave him a warm smile and nodded, turning away and disappearing into the crowd.
The next couple of hours seemed to blur together. You made meaningless small-talk with people you barely knew, all the time just thinking about Bucky, about how quickly things had gone from fun and light-hearted to incredibly tense.
You just hoped you could get things back on a good track before you had to leave, losing him completely was the very last thing you wanted.  
Shuffling into the kitchen to grab yourself another drink, you noticed him duck out the back door. He must've hit his socialisation limit. The two of you used to reach that point around the same time at parties, so you'd slink out together and share a cheap cigarette.
Abandoning your freshly opened beer on the counter, you followed him out, finding him tucked away around the side of the house.
‘Right on time.’
His head snapped towards you, the cigarette almost falling from his mouth as he shot you a wide smile. ‘Am I that predictable?’
‘I just know you too well.’
You leant against the wall next to him, hugging your arms tight as you felt yourself start to shiver, cause you were the kind of idiot that went outside in December wearing short-sleeves. Bucky noticed straight away, letting out a gruff chuckle as he shrugged his jacket off his shoulders and wrapped it round you.
‘That cushy city life has made you soft.’ He rubbed your arms a little, trying to warm you up, before eventually bringing his hands to rest on your shoulders and fixing his gaze to yours. ‘I'm really glad you're here, Lilypad. I've missed you.’
‘I've missed you too, Buck. I've missed a lot of things about this place.’
‘So why don’t you stay longer?’
‘Believe me, I was lucky to get this much time off.’
His eyes narrowed slightly, a concerned frown spreading over his face as he folded his arms across his chest. ‘Is everything alright? I haven't heard much about this job but so far it's pretty much been all negative.’
‘Oh, I do love it, honestly I-’
‘Why would you even try lying to me? You know I can always tell.’
You couldn’t help cracking a slight smile at his smug expression. He was right, the last time you’d managed to successfully lie to him was in first grade when you told him you didn’t know where his crayon sharpener had gone, knowing full well it was stashed in your pocket.
‘It's just a lot.’ You rubbed your forehead exasperatedly. ‘Apart from the few hours of sleep I get each night, I'm pretty much constantly working. You asked earlier if it was worth it and, to be honest, I really don’t know.’
He nodded faintly, dropping his cigarette and crushing it under his foot, before opening his arms towards you.
You didn't hesitate. Launching yourself towards him, you let him enclose you, squeezing your eyes shut and wrapping your arms around his neck.
‘You'll figure it out.’ He mumbled into your neck. ‘You always do.’
‘Thank you, Buck.’
After a minute or so, you both pulled away slightly, stopping when you came face to face. A lot of things about home had slipped your mind whilst you’d been away, but you’d never forgotten how gazing into Bucky’s piercing blue eyes made you feel. 
That feeling had never changed, and you were sure it never would.
You dropped your hands to rest on his shoulders, your eyebrows shooting up when you noticed how rock-hard they were. ‘Jesus, Buck. I’ve only been gone for two years, have you been at the gym that whole time?’
‘Nope, just been working hard at the garage.’ What absolute bullshit. ‘But feel free to keep the compliments coming.’
You smirked and feebly shoved him away, turning to head back inside but stopping suddenly before taking a step. ‘Oh, you better pick that cigarette butt up or my mom will go ape shit.’
‘Good call.’
You slipped through the back door, passing his jacket back when he followed you in. The two of you couldn’t have been out there for more than a few minutes, but it seemed as though the crowd inside had really started thinning out.
Bucky’s parents strolled over when they spotted him, informing him of their intent to leave pretty soon too, so he gave you a long hug goodbye and made you promise that you'd see each other again before the end of the holidays.
The two of you had parted on a good note, which was all you’d wanted going into the party, but now you found that you were pretty keen to squeeze as many more good notes out of these next few days as you could. 
It was probably best not to delve too deeply into the feelings behind that sentiment. So you didn’t. 
You helped your parents tidy up, your eyelids drooping as the exhaustion from a long day of travelling and socialising finally set in. Just as you were about to head upstairs, your mother piped up, using her expertly crafted trying to appear casual despite being really very invested in what I’m asking tone.
‘It must've been nice seeing Bucky again.’
‘Oh yeah, definitely.’
‘He must've changed quite a bit since you were here last.’
You chuckled to yourself. ‘Physically, yeah, but he's still the same goofy dumbass he's always been.’
‘It's always a treat when he pops round, he's such a nice boy.’ A suspicious eyebrow crept up your forehead. ‘And he's still single y'know, he hasn't-’
‘Alright. That's my cue to go to bed.’
Your dad strolled over and gave you a firm pat on the back. ‘Good idea, sweetheart. Get out while you still can.’
‘Thank you. It's nice having one sane parent.’
‘Although, I do have to say, he has been very good to us since-’
‘Dad!’ He raised his arms in surrender, using one hand to zip up his mouth. ‘Lord help me. Goodnight, crazies.’
You quickly escaped up the stairs. Stumbling into your room and pulling on your pyjamas, you collapsed onto your bed, burying your face in the pillows and letting out a long, exhausted sign.
As you drifted off to sleep, all the stress of the day melted away, leaving a single thought to echo around your mind.
You’d really overestimated how over Bucky you were.
Part 2
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Title: Serious Inquiries Only: PART 6 (FINAL)
Pairing: dom! yoongi x reader ft. Hobi
Warnings: Talk of sexual favors, flirting, crack, humor, Slight angst, Self Punishment (whipping), Oral Sex (M) (F), Daddy Kink, Use of restraints, Nipple Play, Anal Play, Protected Sex.
Rating: 18 and over
Tag list: @mochilicious-yoongi​
It’s been a week, a week since he’s seen Y/N, a week since Hobi punched him in the parking lot of the Meet and Greet event. To say he was distraught was an understatement. He was boiling over with emotions and he didn’t know how to express them, at least not in a way deemed acceptable by societies standards. He swallowed hard, sitting at his desk, pulling his phone out.
Me: Please call me. I’m so fucking sorry. Tell me what to do.
*It appears this caller has blocked you*
He grumbles from deep in his chest, setting his phone down and setting up his left and right microphones on his desk. He opens his software, removes his shirt, and adjusts himself to sit on one of his legs, leaning on his left arm, his head between the two mics. He hits record, grabbing his black leather flogger in his right hand and flicking it backwards towards his back.
*CRACK* He moans out, feeling relief wash over him, his head tingling.
*CRACK* “Fuck.” He groans, trembling.
*CRACK* *CRACK* *CRACK* “God.” He groans in an animal like tone.
*CRACK* *CRACK* He sucks in a breath, feeling his skin break and his cock tighten in his jeans.
His head is flush against the wood of his desk now, his breath labored as he comes down again on his pale flesh. *CRACK* *CRACK* He moans out, lust overwhelming his entire body. He pants frantically, dropping the flogger, his head still planted firmly against his desk, he yanks at his belt buckle. He frees his throbbing cock and begins to stroke himself quickly, his hand gliding easily from the shocking amount of precum he’s producing. “Fuck!” He shouts, tightening his grip on his length and hitching his hips forward, fucking into his fist, chasing his high. He is almost wheezing when his body begins to tremble and his body curls a bit, his orgasm shooting onto his hard wood floor. He lifts his sweaty head from his table to turn off the recording. HIs emotions are swirling heavy in his head, tears stinging behind his eyes, a wail leaving his throat as he finally allows himself to cry.
“I’m coming. I’m coming! Shit! You better be the police knocking so damn hard.” Hobi shuffles sleepily from his bedroom. He yanks his front door open to see a swollen eyed Yoongi standing before him. “Can I come in?” “Are you drunk?” “I’m…yes. I, I don’t want to be alone Hobi.” “Yeah of course. Come.” Hobi moves aside to allow Yoongi to enter the apartment. Yoongi looks around the place. “She isn’t here.” Hobi says, making his way into the kitchen and putting a kettle of water to boil. He heads to the fridge and grabs a Gatorade, handing it to Yoongi as he walks off towards the bathroom. “Have you spoken to her?” “Uh, no. She hasn’t called me back.” Hobi calls from the bathroom. He emerges from the restroom, first aid kit in hand. “Let me see the damage.” He tells Yoongi. “What are you talking about?” Yoongi grumbles, swallowing back the Gatorade. Hobi looks Yoongi over, the normally well carried man sits tiny before him on his couch. “Your back. I heard your most recent ASMR. ‘Bad Boy’” Hobi says with air quotes. Yoongi nods, standing and removing his jacket, then his shirt. He turns to show Hobi his swollen welts. “Jesus Yoongi. When was the last time you did this to yourself?” Yoongi sighs. “Misty. When she cheated.” “Right. Look, Hyung, I’m sorry I got so mad at the meet and greet. I had no right to hit you.” “I deserved it.” “No, you didn’t. We both handled this wrong and you always wanted to come clean. I should’ve listened to you in the beginning.” Hobi explains, saturating a cotton pad with antiseptic. Yoongi hisses when Hobi begins to cleans the lacerations on his back. “Sorry Hyung.” “Where did she go?” Yoongi murmurs. “Uh, probably her parents. She sometimes heads out there to see them when they are in town.” “My eomma came to see me. Thinks I’m a deviant.” Yoongi chuckles a bit, warming Hobi’s heart to see him smile some. “She’s not completely wrong, is she?” Hobi scoffs, slapping the cotton pad to Yoongi’s back. Yoongi wiggles his shoulders up and down, putting his shirt back on. “They look pretty good, just keep them clean.” Hobi points at Yoongi, running to the whistling tea kettle.
He makes two cups of tea, carefully walking them over to the living room and placing one before Yoongi. “I love her.” Yoongi mumbles suddenly as Hobi sips his tea, allowing it to settle too long on his tongue and burn his taste buds. Hobi begins to breath in and out of his mouth quickly, exposing his heated tongue and fanning it with his hand. “Wow, uh, that’s quite the confession.” Yoongi nods but says nothing. “I wasn’t expecting that.” Hobi adds. “I think I’ve always loved her Hobi. It was finally made solid when she gave me time of day and we got to know each other and I wasn’t just Hobi’s friend.” He sniffles, fresh tears falling from his eyes. Hobi hasn’t seen Yoongi this distraught in years, he wasn’t sure what to say, the secret he was holding itching at his body. “You need rest Hyung. You need sleep. Don’t think about her for a while.” Hobi offers. Yoongi tosses his head back, jumping up. “You’re right. Thanks for the tea and the Gatorade and first aid. Just everything. Let me get out of your hair.” Hobi nods, walking behind Yoongi towards the door. “Hyung,” Hobi calls, pulling Yoongi into a hug when he turns to face him, “I love you. This is going to work itself out. I still believe that.” Yoongi scoffs. “Thanks, Hoseok. You’re a good friend. I love you too.” He rubs his nose and Hobi wonders if he’ll cry again. He doesn’t, he just leaves.  
“I was afraid he was going to sleep here. Thanks for sending him off.” You emerge from your room and tell Hobi. “He’s fucked up over this and you hiding from him and this is making it worse. Get your shit together Y/N. I won’t lie to him again. Goodnight.” Hobi scolds, storming off to his room. You nod, heading back into your room, plopping down on your bed. You grab your phone and click on the ‘SIO’ app, heading straight to Gloss’ page. You put your headphones in and click on the newest ASMR titled ‘Bad Boy’, a loud *CRACK* filling your ears followed by his moans. You bite your bottom lip and listen to the entire thing, the way he is sure to turn his head side to side to fill each mic with the sounds of his moans sends shivers down your spine. You feel yourself soaking your panties and you toss your phone to the side. You lie back on your bed and think back to that night of the meet and greet, hearing Yoongi’s unfiltered voice call out your name when his heavy cock spilled his delicious cum down your throat. You should’ve stayed and talked it out with him but you were so emotional. You felt so played by both him and Hobi. Like the butt of a joke. Hobi explained why he pushed you into Gloss’ arms and you understood needing to free yourself from your shell but why had Yoongi never confessed? You groan, knowing you would never get the answers you needed by lying in bed and sulking.
You jumped up, heading into the shower to clean yourself up. Hobi was right, you needed to get your shit together and get the answers you needed. No more hiding. No more lying. Just you, Yoongi, and the truth.
“WE WERE ON A BREAK!” The tv screams at Yoongi and he grumbles, sitting up and turning off it off. He stretches his body and makes his way to his bedroom when a sudden knock on his door stalls him in place. He tilts his head, hyper listening to see if what he heard was real. It was 3am, who the hell could be at his place at this hour. He hums to himself when nothing happens and begins to shuffle again to his room. *KNOCK KNOCK*
Yoongi stops in place and turns towards his door. “Who is it?” He asks sternly. “Your Goddess.” He hears a familiar voice call. Yoongi’s face drops and he almost runs to the door, quickly opening it. “You’re here.” He whispers staring at her. Y/N stands before him looking like pure sin in the tightest black latex mini dress he’s ever seen and he wonders if she can breathe. “I’m here.” He moves to reach for her but she lifts a hand to his chest to keep him at arm’s length. “I’m here, to talk.” Yoongi swallows. “Of course.” He responds. She keeps her hand on his chest while she moves past him to enter his apartment. Yoongi takes a deep breath when he sees just a bit of her ass hanging out the bottom of this tight ensemble. “Talk.” He whispers, trying to calm his heart.
He closes the door, locking it. “Where have you been?” He asks. “Do you have water?” She counters. He nods, walking to the kitchen to grab bottled water from the fridge. He walks over and hands it to her. “You look good.” He notes. “You don’t.” She states. He scoffs and shakes his head. “Sorry if I’ve been worried about you.” He snaps. “Now you’re worried? But not when you were lying and living this double life?” Yoongi stutters but has no rebuttal for her. “Exactly. To answer your first question, I was home.” “At your parents.” “No, my apartment and before you get upset at Hobi just remember your part in all of this and how you didn’t really deserve to know where I was.” “That’s fair. It doesn’t change the fact that I was worried. I fucked up; I know that. I wasn’t trying to lie or hurt you. I wanted so badly to come forward and tell you everything but Hobi.” “Hobi,” She shouts, “Please don’t sit here and tell me that you as a grown man couldn’t make your own decisions outside of fucking Hobi.” Yoongi stutters, his heart racing. “No, I’m not saying that but he was worried you’d freak out and I didn’t want to add to that.” “But you did Yoongi. You hurt me. You lied and allowed me to think you were two different people and I felt like a lunatic.” “Okay look I get it. I should’ve been honest but your hands aren’t clean in all of this either. You were sucking my dick while having phone sex with Gloss. Let’s not milk the whole broken hearted girl thing ok.”
She leans forward and tosses her water in Yoongi’s face. “Fuck you.” Yoongi licks his lips, pulling the hem of his shirt up to wipe his face dry. “Childish no?” He mutters. “You started.” “I don’t want to fight Y/N, you’re right ok. I’m so fucking sorry and if I could take it all back, I would.” “I wouldn’t.” She says, swallowing the little sip of water left in her water bottle. “What?” “I wouldn’t take it back. It sucked to be lied to for sure but you know what, I needed this to come out of my shell. Hobi was right, I was hiding for too long after Trevor and why? Because I thought I gave him too much? But in reality, no one has that power not even you Min Yoongi, Gloss, or whatever you want to be called. In the end, I’m so grateful for this whole situation. We had so much fun, so why is that bad? I sat thinking about all of it and I realized that all the signs were there but I was so caught up in my head that I didn’t see them clear as day before me. The reason I was so pulled to Gloss was because he was just an extension of you. It’s always been you Yoongi. I wasn’t always the best at showing it, I mean shit, I literally ran from it but it’s been right in front of my face this whole time.” Yoongi squints at her, confusion swirling in his head. “That I’m Gloss?” “That I’ve been in love with you this whole time Yoongi.” His eyes widen and mouth falls open. “I… I’m in love with you too Y/N.” “I know, I heard you tell Hobi.” “I’m so sorry about everything. I never meant to hurt you.” Yoongi whispers, leaning his body towards her. His fingers grazing hers. “I know.” She whispers, wiggling her fingers into Yoongi’s. He can’t take the distance anymore and he slides towards her, resting his forehead against hers. She leans into him, digging her hand into his hair. “Please forgive me. I promise, I’ll never intentionally hurt you ever again.” “I’ll forgive you on one condition.” “Anything.” “You’ll never hurt yourself again.” She requests sternly, tightening her fingers in his locks. “I like it.” He pants, rubbing his lips over hers. “Then we do it together for pleasure, but never for punishment. Now promise me.” She says against Yoongi’s lips. His heart swelling from her concern. “I promise.” “Good, now please, kiss me.” She moans, gripping Yoongi’s hair tightly to pull him closer. He presses his lips against hers, breathing her in, his hand sliding along the soft latex on her hip.
“You wore this for me, didn't you baby?” He pants, pushing her onto her back and laying atop her. He takes her mouth with his again, rubbing his palm up along her torso and rubbing at her strained nipple ring through the latex with his thumb. “I’m not wearing underwear.” She teases, giggling when Yoongi growls. He kisses along her neck, biting into the concave of her soft flesh. “I want you so bad Yoongi. Need you.” She moans. “I’m all yours.” Yoongi whispers in her ear, nipping at her lobe. She moans out, turning her head towards Yoongi and licking at his pout. He smirks, raising his body off of hers to take in the view. Her legs are spread as wide as this tight dress will allow and Yoongi can't help stare at her gleaming core. He sucks in a breath, rubbing his hands along her inner thighs and gripping the flesh. “I bought toys for you baby. Things I need to see you in. Things I think you'll love. Do you want to try on some of daddy’s presents?” Yoongi asks, his face burning a bit. He bites his lower lip in anticipation of her answer. She lies before him, panting quietly, mouth slightly open. “Yes.” Yoongi's eyes light up and he stands immediately, helping her to her feet. They begin walking towards the bedrooms and he chuckles when Y/N grabs the door to his bedroom. “No baby. This way,” He pulls his key from around his neck, “No more secrets. It's time for Goddess and Gloss to meet formally.” He watches as she swallows hard, making her way towards him. He unlocks his office door and swings it open, “Ladies first.”
You look about the room and chuckle when you see the bed to your right. It’s the same one from the hand kink/ASMR video Gloss first sent you, the crisp white sheets a complete contrast from the dark ones Yoongi keeps on his actual bed. “I hope these are clean.” You tease. He smiles wide. “Of course. Only the best for my Goddess.” You look over to the left and nod your head at his desk, computer, and all his recording equipment. “So, this is where the Genius called Gloss lives huh?” You ask. “Yup, locked away in one small bedroom.” He responds, straightening a light fixture beside the desk. You make your way to the bed and sit. “So, you said you had a gift you wanted me to try on?” You lean back on one hand, looking at him seductively. “You remember how this works naughty girl?” He asks with a tilt of his head. “Um, not really.” You almost whisper, seeing a change in his demeanor that has you soaking your thighs. He releases a deep sigh and moves over towards the bed, running his had along a candy gloss black chest that sits at the front of the bed. “What’s in there?” You ask. “Don’t worry naughty girl, all in due time. For now, ground rules. If ever anything I do is too much, tell me to stop and I will. I never want to do anything you aren’t into, but I will push you a bit if I can. In addition, when we are in here you call me daddy or Gloss but never Yoongi. I’ll allow you three warnings before I punish you, got it?” All you can do is nod, stuck between surprised and turned on. “Perfect.” He whispers, digging in the chest and pocketing something. He then closes the lid and makes his way towards you. “Lie back.” You do as your told and he is immediately on you, taking you into a deep kiss, his tongue commanding yours. He begins to make his way down your chin, your neck, planting kisses along your collar bone. He nips at the soft flesh of your mounds that slip out of your tight top, suckling at them, before making his way down to your dress. You look at him confused when he wraps his mouth around the top of the dress. “What are you doing?” You ask, when he grips on the neck of the dress with his hand. He gives a sly smile and quickly yanks at one side of the neckline with one hand and the other side with his teeth as if he’s tearing a bag of chips.
Your eyes widen when he creates a tear in the latex, right in the center of the dress. “Yoongi! What the fuck!? This dress was like 200 bucks!” You shout. He lifts his head with a scoff, “First warning naughty girl and fuck this dress. I’ll buy you 200 dresses.” He growls, tearing the dress sloppily down the center, exposing your naked body to him. He moans at the sight of you. “So. Fucking. Beautiful.” He declares, taking one of your nipples into his mouth and sucking at it, rolling the ring around with his tongue. You moan aloud, feeling every flick in your cunt. He moves to the other nipple and does the same earning moan after moan from you. He lifts up, and you whimper at the sight of his hard on pressing through his sweats. “Ready for your first gift?” You nod excitedly, watching him dig into his pocket. He opens his closed fist, and a gold chain dangles from his long fingers. You look at the item and see the clamp sticking up from his digits on one end and the other hanging at the other end. You can’t help the shiver that runs through you. “14 karat gold. Only the best for my Goddess. Wanna try them on?” “Yes, please daddy.” You moan. He moves towards your erect nipple and tugs at your bud, placing the clamp behind your piercing. You suck in a breath at the surge of pain that shoots through you. He does the same to the other side and you moan out. “You good baby?” He checks in. “Yeah. I like it.” “Good.” He whispers kissing at your torso. You run a hand through his soft hair, tugging at his locks as he leaves wet kisses all over your tummy. He moans into your flesh with each tug, running his hand up and tugging at the chain dangling from your nipple clamps. You gasp at the pleasure that runs through you, your back arching and cunt soaking.
Yoongi makes his way down to your mound and plants wet kisses atop her, looking up at you. “Please.” You moan, hitching your hips up a bit, wanting so badly for him to lap you up. He kisses the very top of your slit, maintaining eye contact with you the entire time. He reaches up and tugs on your nipple chain again sending shivers down your spine, “Fuck, please, please.” You beg, opening your legs wide for him. He slides his tongue between your slit, and you moan out loud, reaching down to run your fingers through his hair. He shoots his tongue out again gliding easily through your moistened slit. You growl and spread your legs wider for him, your cunt on full display. “My naughty girl, so greedy for my tongue.” He smirks. “Yes daddy. I’m so greedy for you.” He smiles at you, dipping his head so it is just above your sex. You groan and receive a raised brow from Yoongi. He licks his lips, parting your slit with two fingers, and slowly lowers his tongue to your heated cunt, running the tip along your hardened clit. You mewl at the feeling, rolling your hips for more friction. Yoongi looks up at you once more and begins to quickly shoot his tongue in and out of his mouth, flicking at your clit like a cat lapping up milk. Your breath hitches as your body heats, your moans filling the room. He soon slows his licks, switching between a quick flick against your clit and a tug at your nipple chain. You cry out, your body trembling due to Yoongi’s continual switching between flick, tug, flick, tug. You’re soon a breathless, moaning mess, a mixture of Yoongi’s drool and your arousal dripping down onto the bed. You begin rolling your hips to quicken your impending orgasm, you peek down to meet Yoongi’s darkened gaze, blown from watching you so overcome with pleasure.
The intense stare so intoxicating you feel your core tighten around nothing, your muscles tensing, your orgasm building, and you begin moving your hips faster. “Yoongi, I’m going to cum.” You pant, throwing your head back and closing your eyes, awaiting the sweet release that is coursing through your body. Your eyes pop open you look down whining to see Yoongi has stopped. “Why? I was so close, right there.” He bites his bottom lip. “Second warning naughty girl.” Yoongi smirks, leaving the bed to head back to his chest. You drop your legs, tempted to kick them in a mini tantrum but decide against it, instead locking eyes on Yoongi, watching his every move. He grabs a few things from the chest this time, closing it and heading towards you again. “Ready for your next gift my sweet Goddess?” “Yes daddy.” You sit up. “I’ll need you to lie back again.” You do as you’re told and lie back on the bed. Yoongi joins you, putting out four leather cuffs lined in fur, two large and two small. He wraps the larger cuffs on your thighs, taking the smaller cuffs and wrapping them around your wrists. He looks you over and smiles, taking your left wrist and attaching it to your left thigh with a small gold lock. He then goes to your right wrist and attaches it to your right thigh with another small gold lock. “Comfy?” He asks, rubbing at the back of your thighs. “I mean I can’t move my arms.” “That’s the point naughty girl. I want you to give yourself to me. Trust me, with your pleasure, your pain. If you don’t like it, I can take it off. Just say the word.” “I trust you.” You whisper, opening your legs for Yoongi to feast his eyes on your soaked cunt. He removes his shirt and then his pants, his cock spring free and slapping against his stomach.
You bite your lower lip, your mouth watering at the sight of him. He leans over you, taking your mouth with his. You lift your hips to meet his hot member when you feel it dangle just above your core. You whine when it slides past your slit, not touching all the places you want it to. Yoongi sucks in a breath, “Is this what you want naughty girl?” He moans, stroking his cock above your sex. “Yes, daddy please.” You groan. He smiles, gliding his tip through your slit. You gasp, widening your legs, growling when you attempt to reach for him but can’t due to your restraints. He presses his tip against your clit, moving it around in circles, teasing you. “Please don’t tease me, please.” “So greedy. Ready to jump to the end and be filled already?” He whispers in your ear while trailing kisses along it. You hitch your hips upwards trying to coax his head into your needy hole but Yoongi pulls away with a chuckle. “Naughty girl.” “I just need you inside me so badly.” You moan. “Yeah, is that what you need?” He pants, kneeling between your widespread legs, stroking at his long cock. You tug at your restraints, desperate to touch him. He smirks at your feeble attempt, bringing two fingers to your sex and running them through your slit, collecting your juices. You gasp, your core clenching around nothing. He brings his fingers to his lips, sucking your juices from his fingers before bringing them back down to your soaked cunt.
He parts your lips gently, creating small circles around your clit, building your lost high. Your lips part and you pant softly, your hips moving in rhythm with him. He bites his bottom lip, sliding the same two fingers down to your entrance and entering you quickly, thrusting in and out of you. You mewl at the feeling of Yoongi stretching your walls. He curls his fingers now, searching for that soft spot deep inside you. You nod when he finds it, sucking in a breath when he rubs at it vigorously. “Oh God.” You whisper, feeling your body heat, your legs trembling beside him. “Is this what you meant by being full?” He asks, his voice thick with lust. You look down and moan loudly when you see his drooling tip. “Please don’t stop daddy. I’m so close.” You beg, your voice cracking. Yoongi leans over you, holding himself up on one arm while still fucking you with his other hand. “I’m going to let you cum my naughty girl, then I’m going to fuck your gorgeous face. Would my sweet Goddess like that?” “Ohh, yes, please, yes. I want to suck your cock.” Yoongi groans watching you, staring deep in your eyes. He presses hard onto your g-spot, rubbing furiously, adding his thumb to your clit. You cry out, your entire body trembling now. “Just like that daddy, fuck. Oh fuck! I’m cumming.” You shout, your eyes rolling to the back of your head, your orgasm crashing over you. Your entire body gooses and your toes curl, your vision a flurry of white from keeping your eyes shut so tightly. “How’s my Goddess doing?” Yoongi asks when you open your eyes. “Amazing.” You breathe. He smiles, cleaning his fingers of your climax, getting onto his knees to stroke his cock again. “Sit up a bit naughty girl, rest your head on the pillows.” You lift your upper body until you can rest carefully on the pillows, your wrist aching from your constant pulling on the restraints.
“Comfortable?” He asks. You nod your head, entranced by his weeping cock. You open your mouth and earn a groan from him. “Such a good girl.” He praises, climbing up your torso and resting each leg on either side of your head. You stick your tongue out, catching his precum before it can go to waste. He runs a hand through your hair, resting it there. With his other hand, he grips the base of his cock and leads it towards your waiting entrance. He enters your mouth slowly, groaning when you tighten around him. He pushes himself further, carefully, to the back of your throat, resting there when he bottoms out. “Good?” He stutters. “Mmhmm.” You respond around him. “Remember, tell me if its too much. I’m going to fuck this pretty throat until I cum. You can tell me to stop at any time.” “Mmhmm.” You respond again. He smirks, tightening his grip in your hair. He angles your head back a bit and slowly starts to move his hips back and forth, his cock sliding in and out. You slurp and suck as best you can, hollowing out your cheeks and rolling your tongue on the underside of his cock. “Fuck, so good baby.” He moans, moving his hips faster. You moan, unable to keep up with his powerful thrust. He is moving at a frantic pace, the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat. You rest your throat, allowing for him to slide past your uvula and into your esophagus. He cries out at the feeling, thrusting faster, gripping your hair harder. You yank at your wrist restraints, wanting to grip his ass and push him further into your throat, knowing you could take more of him. Groaning in frustration at the fact that you can’t touch him. “Your throat feels so fucking good naughty girl. No one sucks cock like you. Fuck! I’m going to cum so fucking hard.” He pants, fucking into your face faster, your uncontrollable drool dripping from your chin.
He’s moaning unabashedly now and you feel his balls tighten at your chin. “Ahhh, fuck, I’m going to cum baby. Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He cries out, his seed shooting down your throat. He stops moving as he cums, his cock twitching heavily in your mouth. He breaths hard, pulling his cock out slowly, a strand of drool mixed with cum connecting your lip to his tip. “You’re amazing baby.” He leans down to plant a kiss on your messy mouth. “Please Gloss, take these off. I need to touch you.” You whine, rotating your wrist in the restraints. “Sure, naughty girl. You’ve been so good.” He kisses you again, getting off the bed. You watch as he goes back to the chest, in shock that his cock is still hard. He pulls out a small black object and walks back over to you. He uses a small gold key you hadn’t noticed to unlock your restraints much to your delight. You rub at your wrist while he removes the restraints from your thighs. He moves his hands up and carefully removes the clamps from around your nipples. “What’s that?” You ask, nodding at the black object by his leg. “Another gift.” He states matter of fact. “You spoil me.” You chuckle. “You deserve it.” He leans forward and kisses your lips, grabbing your hand to bring your wrist to his lips and plant kisses on them. You lean into the kiss, reaching to grab the small black object, pulling away to look it over. “Oh my god, how did you know?” You giggle, looking over the same anal plug that was showcased at the meet and greet. “Marcus mentioned you eyeing it, so I bought.” “You’re too much.” He nods at your comment, reaching behind you to press on a similar secret door in the bedframe, pulling out a bottle of lube and a condom. He closes the drawer and looks you over. “Excited are we naughty girl?” You just shrug, trying to curb your excitement. “No need to be coy baby. I can smell you from here. The sweetest scent in the world.” You feel your face flush. “Lie back baby.” You lie back again, allowing Yoongi to take the reins. He brings a pillow from beside you and helps lift your bottom up to place it under your lower back. You open your legs for him watching him lube up the toy. He moves towards you, lowering his head between your legs, licking a long stripe through your slit. “Fuck Yoongi.” You moan. He sighs deeply. “Last warning baby, you were doing so well. If you mess up again, I’ll have no choice but to punish you by restraining your wrist and ankles to all four corners of this bed and leave you here wanting and waiting, only to come in and lick this pussy until your right at the edge but never letting your cum. Understand?”
You shudder at the though and nod quickly. “Good girl.” He grumbles, lower again to swirl his tongue around your clit. You gasp, finally able to run your fingers through his hair. You roll your hips into his face, delighted when he tugs at your labia with his teeth, lowering his mouth to your entrance and shoving his tongue deep inside you, savoring your taste with a deep moan, running his appendage back up to your clit. He slurps and rolls his tongue against your swollen bud, your moans filling the room, followed by a buzzing sound. You gasp when you feel the cold lube touch your puckering hole, Yoongi gently circling your anus. You moan an approving hum, giving Yoongi the ok to enter you with the buzzing toy. He presses the tip of it into you gently, your entrance expanding around with ease due to the lube. You cry out when your feel the buzzing in your core, begging Yoongi to turn it up once its nestled comfortably inside you. “So, greedy.” He whispers against your pussy, gently pressing a button on the toy, the vibration intensifying. “Oh fuck, please, daddy, please, fuck me. I want to cum on your cock.” Yoongi smirks, taking one last lick of your juices before lifting up and tearing open the condom wrapper. He rolls the condom down his length and leans over you, holding himself up. You reach for his cock and lead it towards your needy entrance, unable to wait any longer. “Ah, fuck! Easy naughty girl. It doesn’t come off.” He scoffs. “Shut up and fuck me already.” You moan.
“So. Fucking. Greedy.” He drawls, entering you finally. Both your mouths fall open with the intoxicating stretch. “Shit. So wet. So tight.” He grunts, bottoming out. He lets out a long groan at the intense vibration inside you. “You feel so fucking good inside me daddy.” He kisses you hard, slowly thrusting in and out of you. “Is this what my Goddess meant when she asked to be full huh? My greedy girl having both her holes stuffed.” He pants. “Yes, fuck yes!” You moan, grabbing him by the ass and pulling him deeper inside you with every thrust. He reaches down between you both and presses a button on the toy, increasing the vibrations and you cry out. “Feels good baby?” You attempt to garble out some semblance of a sentence but nothing coherent falls out. Yoongi quickens his pace, his long length rubbing along your g-spot, his tip flicking against your cervix. “Oh, Gloss, fuck!” You whimper, trembling below him. “I know my naughty girl. Feels so fucking good. So good around me.” Yoongi slides an arm around your waist, yanking you up and into his lap, using all his might to lift you up and down on his cock rapidly. You yell out into the room at how deep he is, your core burning, your juices coating his cock, aiding in his rapid thrust. You jaw goes slack and nothing but gibberish falls out. “That’s right naughty girl, cum on my cock. I want to feel you. I’m gonna fill you up.” You whimper, your core tightening, the deep feeling of his cock plunging inside you combined with the heated vibrations in your ass causing tears to sting your eyes when that coil finally snaps and your orgasm barrels through your body. You tense for a moment causing Yoongi to cry out at how tightly you clench around him. “Fuck baby. I gonna cum.” He whines, his thrust becoming staggered, his own climax hitting him. His head rolls back and he stops only for a moment before he continues to thrust into you, coming to a halt when both your highs have ended. You both stare in each other’s eyes, panting desperately. “I love you Min Yoongi.” “I love you too Y/L/N, Y/F/N.”
He reaches down and touches the button to shut off the toy, gently removing it from you. “I hope one day, it’ll be me back there and not this guy.” He chuckles. “I’d really like that.” You whisper. He kisses your temple. “Come naughty girl. Let me draw you a bath so you can rest and ill clean up in here.” “No, let’s rest together and we can clean up together.” You offer. “Okay baby.” You lift off of him and stand finally, your legs feeling like jelly. Yoongi ties off the condom and carries it with him to the restroom to chuck in it the trash. He sits on the edge of the tub naked, setting the temperature of the bath, and you eye the now healing welts on his back. You run your fingers along the red lines causing Yoongi to turn his head towards you. “You really like this?” You ask him. He chuckles and nods. “I know a lot of people don’t get it but its not meant for everyone right.” You lower your head and kiss his back and Yoongi can’t help but smile. “I’m ok baby. Come sit in the tub before it gets cold.” He enters it, holding out his hand to help you in. You grab his hand and enter the tub. He sits first and you take your place between his legs. He grabs a wash cloth, wetting it in the warm bath and squeezing the warm water out onto your chest. “Feels good.” You sigh, closing your eyes. “Good.” He whispers, kissing your temple. “You know I have an idea.” You say suddenly, turning your head to look back at Yoongi. “What’s that?” “What if we updated your page a bit?” “My page?” “Yeah, your SIO. Stream exclusive content together. Think of all the extra money we could make. ASMR brought to you by Gloss and Goddess.”
Yoongi laughs out loud, his gums exposed, and he wraps his arms around you. “My naughty girl,” He whispers in your ear, tugging at your lobe, “I love it. I’ve been meaning to update my content.” “Go grab your mics and we can make our first ASMR right here, right now. We can call it…. ‘Tubby Time’.” You declare. “You’re serious.” He squints at you. “Serious Inquiries Only baby.” You smirk. “My Goddess, my Wild fucking Goddess.” He whispers, kissing you softly. “And don’t you forget it, now go before I change my mind.” Yoongi’s brows shoot up and he jumps up from the tub and hurries off, leaving you in a fit of giggles. “Bring the nipple clamps!” You shout. “Fuck! I love you!” He shouts back. “I love you too.” You whisper to yourself, closing your eyes for a moment, never imagining you’d be this happy or that it’d be because of Min Yoongi.      
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drabbles-of-writing · 4 years
i’ve never said anything on here before so hiiiiiii! i’ve never liked the police thing so, since you might be in need of some inspiration, here are some of my personal Steve headcanons:
he’s the underpaid 7/11 night-shift worker who has to put up with all their Feral Gay Bullshit at 3am
Luz stumbled in there after her first ever fight with amity purely by accident and she was Immediately Attached when he quietly charged her for a small slushie (slurpee?) instead of a large
she took this as a sign of friendship since he was like the first person to be nice to her since moving there, when tbh he just wanted her out the shop because she was dripping blood on the floor but Oh Well
while Luz absolutely robs the place blind because fuck corporations, she doesn’t do it when Steve is working because he Knows. he doesn’t tell her off, he just gives her the “i’m not angry just disappointed” face and she just s l o w l y puts it back. that’s only if he explicitly catches her though, otherwise he Pretends He Does Not See it because guess what, he hates corporations too
while his exterior is Tired he’s actually a big softie and makes sure that the funky patterned plasters (band-aids) are in stock for Luz
he literally Did Not Ask for her to be around so much but she just,,, is
he made her a highlight reel of her and amity’s Best Fight Moments for her birthday
he rides a motorbike but like in a really dorky way, but Gus thinks he’s the Coolest
he drinks herbal tea, his favourite is liquorice and fennel
luz tried it one time because she thought it would taste like twizzlers and it Did Not
when he’s bored he sits and watches the fights on the CCTV (with luz’s permission of course)
Luz is like a well-known cryptid amongst the 7/11 workers but Steve is like the only one who’s ever seen her, he doesn’t tell anyone else about the fights because they absolutely would not believe him
Anon your absolutely big brained your ideas are Immaculate 
Steve is the equivalent of a guy freshly out of college & still can’t get a job and hates life & the government. He just wanted the random bloody teen out of his 7/11 but then she kept showing up and now he’s just Resigned to his fate. He just said “guess this is my bastard teen now”
He is one of the only people Luz respects. She’s got like 4 but with him its a solid 5. She just walks into the 7/11, grabs the bandaids, slaps like 3$ on the counter, and peace’s out. And thats on a good day.
Luz can and has broken into the 7/11 before but once she did it while Steve was closing up and upon him giving her a Tired Glare she just slowly left the store without grabbing anything. He doesn’t get paid enough to deal w this.
Once Luz showed up w Amity, Willow & Gus bc Slushies and Steve was Gripping The Counter bc Jesus Christ There’s More Of Them and he was very much giving Luz What The Fuck eyes the entire time bc the longer those 3 were in the store the more he realized they were Even More Feral than Luz. Luz simply placed a 15$ on the counter and said “bitch to this one next time I come in bleeding” while pointing to Amity and they almost start another fight in the store. Help him
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