#jackson hole interior design
heyitswil · 1 year
Bathroom - 3/4 Bath
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Inspiration for a large contemporary 3/4 porcelain tile and beige floor bathroom remodel with open cabinets, medium tone wood cabinets, beige walls, a trough sink and concrete countertops
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sayoneee · 8 months
“his band is playing tonight, at seven,” annabeth reminds you, with the knowing air of someone far wiser, and far older, “you should go.” (1.7k)
contains: loser older brother luke castellan x fem! reader. mortal au. pt 2 of parent trap but can be read standalone ish. guest appearances! rock / metal music references.
kashaf’s note: i think i can call myself a melomaniac now
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LUKE CASTELLAN HAS always occupied that in-between space, the no-man’s-land between something and nothing — his indecipherable gaze as his cold, black, and blued knuckles grazed your cheek when he tucked a lock of your hair behind your ear swims around your mind endlessly. despite how each thought, each expression, each breath is as familiar to you as your own, you have never quite known where you stand with him, regardless of how quickly he seemed to inhabit a piece of your soul.
the familiar weight of the mixtape that luke made you feels unusually burdensome in your hands, mirroring the heft of the songs on it that you have painstakingly committed to memory, each sleepless night’s offerings of tossing and turning becoming a reoccurring ritual. 
you had popped the tape in your walkman immediately after luke had handed it to you, incognizant of the way his eyes softened as you concentrated on the music, trying to identify the first song. 
“this is that band you like — l.a. guns, right?”
“you’re a regular sherlock,” luke had said, smiling and sarcastic, twisting his silver rings.
“shut up, no i know this song,” you say, tilting your head and snapping your fingers. “its — um — i wanna be yours? nono, don’t make that face at me, asshole, hold on… i wanna be your man?”
hues of pink crept up his cheeks, and you basked in the warmth of his answering crooked grin, the feeling wrapping around you like the caress of a summer night. 
you uselessly stirred the spoon in your now stone-cold cup of chai, leaning across the kitchen table with your head propped up in your other hand. the phone taunts you from its corner on the counter, sitting just by the clear jar of blue cookies, its black hue a beacon among the sea of greens (the cabinets, the tiles — you liked to tell sally that she should try her hand at interior design one of these days) — as of late, the jacksons’ kitchen has become somewhat of a refuge for you. 
you set a steaming china cup down in front of him, listening to the sounds of percy, annabeth, and grover in the living room, pulling out the chair in front of him with a slight creak on the slightly worn wooden floors, and watching him as he taps his fingers along to bob marley’s soft crooning, “little darlin’, stir it up”, lost in his own world.  
“luke,” you say, breaking him out of his revelry.
luke sits up straight, meeting your amused gaze, “yeah?” he asks, reaching for his chai, and mumbling a quiet thanks as he sips it.
“you look kinda stupid when you think,” you say, watching him blink before taking the bait, and hiding your smile of satisfaction behind your cup.
“y’know, this is why you have a black hole for a heart,” he says, grinning crookedly, filling you with an indescribable longing to reach out and trace his grin. 
“what?” you laugh, “what does that even mean?”
“just that you’re mean,” luke says, and the afternoon sun chooses that specific moment to encompass him in its glow, like a kiss from apollo. “and that you’re emo.”
“you literally say this every time, oh my god, i’m not mean or emo.”
“because i’m literally right?”
“you like him,” annabeth says, sympathetically, standing in the doorway, arms folded across her chest, her braids resting across her shoulders, glancing from your untouched cup to your face, an expression of pity gracing her features. her presence caught you so off guard that you don’t even question where percy ran off to, who was usually attached to annabeth like a conjoined twin. 
“i know,” you say, shivering slightly, the revelation feeling strangely empty, although you suppose the same part of your soul that recognized him had always known, a small inkling reappearing with every argument, and every nudge. 
“he likes you,” annabeth adds matter-of-factly, interrupting your stream of consciousness. 
“i know,” you repeat, picking at the lint on your sweater, and while this revelation is supposed to be shocking, it is also hollow, as you suppose your soul also knew this with every hushed conversation in the dead of night, and the slips of silence that only spoke volumes around him.
“his band is playing tonight, at seven,” annabeth reminds you, with the knowing air of someone far wiser, and far older, “you should go.” she turned and stalked back toward the living room.
you sat still for a minute or so, before sighing and putting luke’s mixtape (even in your misery, he is somehow always there) in your walkman, putting your headphones on as axl rose trilled, ‘i said, baby you been lookin' real good’ in his voice that took a while to get used to ��� something luke gave you a heads up on.
you sighed, conceding to annabeth’s attempts to rewrite whatever fate had pushed the two of you apart, from the hours-long phone calls that dwindled into short, clipped conversations, you can’t necessarily blame annabeth for trying to fashion a phoenix from the ashes of your friendship. 
you stood up, grabbed your jacket off the back of the chair you were sitting upon, and walked into the living room, pausing for a few minutes to watch the scooby doo episode on the screen along with percy, grover, and annabeth, who were currently sprawled across the softly carpeted floor, arguing over monopoly.
“you’re literally cheating,” percy was saying.
“i’m the banker, i’m supposed to be innocent,” annabeth argued back.
“percy, i saw you steal a couple dollars behind annabeth’s back,” grover added, rolling the dice.
“guys,” you said, interrupting their three-way argument, “put on your jackets and shoes, we’re going to the fair in five minutes.”
you ignored the way the troublesome trio exchanged glances, walking through the hallway covered in framed photos of percy and sally, going to wait by the door for them.
“so,” percy says, all-too-innocently, “why the sudden change of plans?” once the four of you are a couple of blocks away from his apartment.
“no reason, just wanted to see what was so hot about the fair,” you say, digging your hands in the pockets of your jacket. once more, you ignore the glances the trio exchange. 
“so it doesn’t have anything to do with a certain curly-haired individual that we’re currently seeing less and less of?”
you keep walking, trying to feign ignorance, although the question was so pointed even you were concerned with percy’s audacity, “what’re you talking about?”
“oh, nothing,” percy smiles. “just the way —”
“— the two of you —”
“— were inseparable —”
“— for a disgustingly long time —”
“— and now you’re not —”
“— but we’re going to the fair because —”
“— his band is playing —”
“— and you’re going to try and fix —”
“— your troubles in paradise.”
you blinked slowly, as the three of them did jazz hands, matching shit-eating grins on all of their faces, “how long did it take for you guys to rehearse that?”
“a week, give or take,” grover says, and annabeth shoots him a glare.
“not the point, the point is, we support you.”
“gee, thanks, all i really needed was the support of three twelve-year-olds.”
“three twelve-year-olds that know you’re stupidly in love with luke castellan,” percy points out.
“okay, y’know what…” you trail off, frowning.
annabeth nudged percy, “not the point here, again.”
“fine, fine, fine,” you huff, as the four of you approach the brightly illuminated fair, looking for the ticket-selling booth, “i’ll buy you guys tickets so you can go hang out on the rides and i’ll go to the concert.”
the three of them nodded happily, making a beeline for the cotton candy stand a few feet away. you shook your head before pushing through the bustling crowd to look for the concert stage. when you finally do find it, after three excuse me’s and four sorry’s, the concert is already in full swing, with what looks like a mini moshpit already forming somewhere near the center.
once you’ve pushed your way to the absolute front, the darkening night sky serving as a backdrop, the harsh lights illuminate all five individuals on the stage, with a gorgeous girl with shaggily-cut hair and a raspy voice singing as lead (thalia? you think you remember luke telling you on the phone late at night once). however, your gaze almost immediately fixed on luke, who was playing a riff on his electric guitar, looking as hot as ever, his crooked grin on full display.
the band is covering l.a. guns’ ‘i wanna be your man’ at the moment, and you’re suddenly very grateful to annabeth for her unsubtle nudges, because you would’ve missed out on this sight of luke castellan, the view of his muscled arms bulging out of his band tee is permanently seared into your memory.
you’re almost sad when the show is over though, finally realizing why luke liked concerts so much, from the crowd surfing to the drumstick tricks during solos (beckendorf, you think the drummer’s name was — luke had mentioned him before) to the lead’s insane vocals, to the girl with long curly hair that stood next to you for most of the concert (probably the band’s most enthusiastic fan), you savored every minute of it. however, you’re glad for the chance to corner luke afterwards, climbing onto the stage as the crowd begins to disperse in waves, and realizing the curly-haired girl was already among the band members packing up their instruments, helping the curly-haired bassist pack his things. 
luke barely looks up at your sudden arrival. “what’re you doing here?” he asks, packing away his guitar.
“i’m here to see you,” you say, trying to drive the hint home.
“i told you that you didn’t have to come see the band if you were busy,” luke says, uncomprehendingly, making eye-contact with you. 
“i like you,” you say insistently.
“c’mon, let’s not kid ourselves right now, you said we’re friends so you don’t have to try to make me feel better,” luke says, shrugging and looking away from your face, rubbing the back of his neck.
“i listen to your dumb mixtape every night, luke castellan. does a person who’s not into you do that?”
there is something so raw about the way he looks right now, with his expression stilling as his cheeks are colored in swathes of red. 
smiling at his dumbstruck expression, you surged forward to kiss him, ignoring all the wolf whistles and “get some, castellan” enveloping the two of you, tangling your fingers into his hair, his hands coming to rest upon your hips.
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© sayoneee on tumblr. do not repost, plagiarize, translate or claim any of my works as your own.
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veryrealimagination · 2 years
Day No: 29
Prompt: Defiance
Fandom: Murdoch Mysteries
Medium: Fic
Trigger Warnings: torture
Thanks to Prea on discord, I wouldn't have figured a toy that could be somewhat modified into a weapon with only a little tinkering.
They didn’t give him anything for three days. No food, no water. Llewellyn remembered the Flying Pigs and the Civil Corps warning him about it when he signed up for this expedition. Jackson usually made him pack small snacks that could be stuffed in his various pockets.
They stole everything that he had in his pockets, triple checking he didn’t have anything on himself by making him completely strip in a shower. He wanted to thank the invisible entities that he left the mementos home this time. Otherwise, he would have lost the locket with his parents’ pictures inside.
There wasn’t a sink or a toilet, even if he were desperate enough for the second option. A hole where he could relieve himself was pointed out when he asked.
On the fourth day, they finally dragged him out of the cell, covering his head with a bag so he couldn’t see anything. His struggles made one of the guards chuckle darkly as he couldn’t even shift in his captors hold. After five minutes of trying, he was finally dumped on the ground. The bag was ripped off. He caught a quick look at multiple large machines <;i>Electric furnace, Power generator, Ore recycler, Industrial cutter&lt;/i> before someone grabbed his chin and forced him to face them.
The man was obviously the leader, reminding Llewellyn of a dark version of his uncle. Literally, his hair was darker than his uncles, and he had more of a threatening air around him. “Llewellyn Watts,” he stated. He kept his mouth shut, more out of a possible inability to not being able to talk <i>Jackson mocked me- Jackson? Jackson!&lt;/i> than not wanting to talk. “Do you know how smart you are?”
One of the other people, a woman that he didn’t recognize, lifted up the bubble making toy he gave to Danny and Huey before leaving on the expedition. He saw the hole where bubbles were supposed to come out was larger, and malformed. “Such a wonderful design,” she mocked. “A little modification to the holding area, and it held enough gas to sicken the entire squadron of Corps members and flying pigs that we got you from.” He paled at the thought of something he meant for his little ‘brothers’ was used to poison the squadron he had been traveling with.
“You’re going to make another one.”
A gun was held on him to make him comply. Llewellyn remembered feeling happy at something he could make that none of the other builders could, and something that the twins could enjoy for a gol a day. Not even that. This made him feel horrible. He intentionally screwed up one of the components, completely reworking the interior for a nasty surprise.
After he was finished, they pulled him away so the man and woman in charge could try it out. When it started, the smallest of bubbles came out, and more gathered around it to see what else it would do.
Then the item spewed out the gas that they wanted dissipated into the air. It hit several in the face. Screams, Llewellyn only felt half bad while trying to get to the door and get into the hall. Absolutely he doesn’t know where to go, but he was going to try to find a vehicle and-
An arm wrapped around his waist before he even made it out the door.
Squirming to get free, the man that caught him pull him to a wall that had shackles bolted for wrists and ankles. Another man helped him lock his wrists into the first pair before they each did his ankles. Llewellyn couldn’t see anything, being forced to face the wall. He only heard footsteps a few minutes after being locked there. “Pull up his shirt,” the woman ordered.
One pulled it up and over his head, using the material to stuff into his mouth. Now his backside was bare, and the prefect canvas for what came down. The young man screamed as something hit his back with force. A second one and he felt the area burst into pain and heat while he yelled. More landed on his back, each building up on pain before the tenth would have drove him to his knees if his arms weren’t bolted to the wall. His throat hurt with the screaming and yelling, and his arms were going that was as well with holding all of his weight.
“Take him back to his cell,” she said, “Make sure he only gets enough to survive on.” The men on either side of Llewellyn undid the cuffs before dragging him across the floor. He only realized he was at his cell when they dropped him, took off the bag, and locked the door behind him.
He knew he was crying, and being a baby at the pain radiating from his back. A man would be silent and stoic about the whipping. Llewellyn wanted Jackson treating his back as if it was a swipe from a tripion. He wanted Jackson berating him for being captured by Duvos agents. He wanted Jackson to… He wanted Jackson to… I want Jackson back. I want Jackson. I want Jackson.
True to the word of the woman, he was at least given enough to survive. A doctor came and checked the wounds on his back, commenting that two bled, but were clean enough from him not putting his shirt back over them to clot with nothing in them. After that, it was water and a gruel paste that was force fed to him before they left him again. The exact same thing happened for another day.
Then, on the third, they dug him back into the same room, bag over his head again. All the evidence of his sabotage was cleaned up, and the people that suffered had been treated and healed. “Another chance, Watts,” the leader said. “Make another one.”
“No,” Llewellyn said.
“Builder Watts,” he growled.
Instinctively, he wanted to curl up. But he couldn’t do that. Not here. Not any more. “I’m not building you any weapons,” he said, trying to keep his head high and eyes straight at his. He still had to shift to the man’s nose as his eyes were too much.
The man slapped him. It pushed him back a bit, but one of the guards forced him forward. “You will make-”
“No, I won’t,” he interrupted, getting a punch to the stomach this time. He’s had that before, he can deal with that. “I won’t do it, I won’t do it.”
“I’M NOT MAKING YOU WEAPONS!” he shouted, amazed at himself for shouting like that, and now terrified because he has pissed off the man in front of him.
He nodded to the guards, who held Llewellyn in place. “You will eventually break,” he promised.
“I,” he tried, breath catching before his mind caught up, “I will die before that happens.”
He smirked, “We’ll see.”
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Shannon White Design Brings the Outside In Creating Healthy Homes for People Who Love the Mountains
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After more than 10 years of experience working in high-end design and architecture firms in the San Francisco Bay Area, Shannon White Burns, like many others, came to Jackson Hole for a ski season, fell in love with the Tetons and soon found a way to successfully combine her passion for design with a mountain lifestyle.
Her husband, Brendan Burns, is an Exum mountain guide. A few years after meeting on the slopes, they separately crashed a good friend’s birthday party float on the Snake River, and the rest is history. Now they are able to share their love and respect for this incredible place with their 2-year old son.
Burns, who started Shannon White Design in 2008, is known for sourcing and creating regional designs, natural palettes with splashes of vibrant tones, and harmonizing interior materials with the outdoor environment.
“I’m really fortunate that my clients are focused on healthy interiors, allowing me to promote well-being through design,” she says. “Utilizing products that are manufactured responsibly and support positive interactions help me to create space for healthy lifestyles.”
“I love the mountains and I care deeply about our community. I donate 1% of my profits to 1% for the Tetons as one way to lessen the negative impact on the environment and support conservation projects in the region. I also focus on sourcing products with low toxicity.”
This summer, Burns hired her first design assistant, Danielle Carozza, who studied fashion and textile management in college.
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As her list of clients grows, so does Shannon White Design’s repertoire, from new homes in Jackson to a pied-à-terre in Manhattan to a remodel in Los Altos Hills, California. Both of these projects are for returning clients or their immediate family members. “Referrals from family members are the highest form of a compliment,” she says.
Having maintained relationships with workrooms in San Francisco has allowed her to provide exceptional, localized service to clients. Shannon continues to enjoy taking on projects in the Bay Area bringing her career full circle to where she grew up and received her degree in design from the University of California, Davis.
“I’m so happy to be able to call on my training in art history, architecture and furniture design and do this business in a place where I feel lucky to live.”
Visit Shannon White Designs | Contact 307.690.1594 | Instagram
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abbystanaccount · 3 years
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Ranking of Owens
1. Aquarium Owen. Probably the most popular Owen, he is full of jokes and smiles and always trying to make Grumpy laugh 💔. He is also a bit of a slut here in that tank top and with trying to get in Abby's pants but we love him for that. Also, he told her they were spotted. 🙄
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2. Jackson Owen. His face is all cold bc he's too suave for a hat, but the rest is all snuggled in a fashionable jacket. He also has inner turmoil 💔 But he still advocates for Ellie and Tommy's lives, like a king.
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3. Christmas Owen. This Owen is unfortunately in the clutches of Mel, and he doesn't do any work for the WLF instead he does interior design and waits for Abby to ruin his life more. He tries to be happy, but even making Mel wash pine soap wont gonna fill that hole in his heart 💔
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4. Firefly Owen. Only one thought was rolling around in that empty, empty himbo brain. And that was "Abby pretty." This NAUGHTY young man was defacing buildings with Firefly propaganda and seducing girls behind their father's back. He even drew pictures of them sleeping...
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5. Seattle Owen. Very naughty boy. But it's because partially bc of trauma and being completely screwed and looking for a way out. He also has a death wish jumping all those people with guns. Seattle Owen relapses on his Abby addiction, it's a serious affliction.
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6. Dead Owen. How dare you
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strathshepard · 3 years
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via MoMA: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe: Resor House project, Jackson Hole, Wyoming (Interior perspective of living room and south glass wall), 1939 This commission for a vacation house near Jackson Hole, Wyoming, in the Grand Teton Mountains, brought Mies van der Rohe to the United States for the first time, in 1937. These photocollages are a departure from the architect’s earlier photomontages. Instead of a composite image composed by cut–and–pasting different photographs, the photographic content is presented in dialogue with an architectural sketch. Rather than an external, urban scene, the nearly dematerialized architecture of the interior stages a view onto the surrounding landscape. The design is limited to spare horizontal lines that indicate the planes of floor and ceiling and slender cruciform columns that span between them. The overscaled and vividly textured landscape imagery was taken from film posters and magazines. It acts both as a visual extension of the architecture and an illusionistic space that distorts and rearranges the linear perspective of the drawing.
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tommeurs · 4 years
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Interior Design in Jackson Hole, Wyoming [960 × 641]
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juliecavanaugh-blog · 3 years
Julie Cavanaugh is an interior designer from Los Gatos, California, and is the founder and senior interior designer of Design Matters. Well established in the Bay Area as well as Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Julie Cavanaugh has won a number of awards from the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID), which offers members a variety of professional resources.
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Up Close and Personal with International Design Superstar  Chris Goddard of Goddard Design Group
A native Arkansan and University of Arkansas graduate, Chris Goddard, principal designer and owner of Goddard Design Group, is one of Northwest Arkansas’s truly homegrown success stories. This is Chris’s thirtieth year as an interior designer to clients across the globe. Chris got his start by doing windows for a clothing store on the Downtown Fayetteville Square when he was still in college. A woman walking by, admired his work, stopped in and asked for his name. What started as a gig redoing her bookshelves took off into a multi-decade career full of national press, prestigious awards and projects as far away and extravagant as a family compound on the Baja Peninsula and luxury commercial buildings in Shanghai.
Today Chris Goddard runs his design firm, Goddard Design Group, from Fayetteville with a team of six. He splits his projects with about 30 percent here in Arkansas and 70 percent across the country and the globe. All the while, he has stayed true to his one defining philosophy: Storytelling through design. More on that in our interview with Chris, detailed below…
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Stay awhile in this custom wine cellar with Turkish daybed illuminated by antique pierced lanterns designed by Goddard Design Group. (photo: Mark Jackson/Chroma)
Your iconic designs really draw us in. Can you tell us about what you mean when you talk about allowing space to tell a story?
Whenever I begin a project, we will come up with a key idea or inspiration to build the space around. Whether it’s a specific color or a family heirloom the client is really drawn to, we begin there. Then we build the entire design around it. I do the same in residential or commercial spaces. So, for example, say you have a fabulous pillow from Morocco that you just fell in love with on a family trip one year. We will pull from that pillow in a livable way and create a room that emphasizes it using color, texture and collections. We want every room to tell a story. People love to speak about their lives and where they’ve been. Rooms designed like this provide the opportunity to spark conversations and talk about all the special items in the space.
So even now with your level of clientele, you encourage them to participate in the process?
Yes! We never do the same thing twice. We never repeat fabrics or color combinations. We don’t have a formula; our formula really is the client. I always tend to suggest things to my clients, rather than tell them what to do. I encourage them to go out and find things on their own. I will leave a big, open space in a room and ask my clients to find something specific that they love, and we’ll use it to fill the space. That gives them a guide and freedom to find what they love. The greatest compliment I will ever receive for my work is if somebody walks into a client’s home and says, “This room is so you” (meaning my client).
Is there a higher purpose you serve through your passion and business?
I have always believed that the more beautiful your environment, the more beautiful your life is. If you surround yourself with beauty, you feel more elevated. This can be in your home, the space where your family grows together, or in your commercial space where you shop and work. Our environments affect our mood, and I like to believe I’m in the business of elevating moods and bringing more beauty into people’s lives.
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The signature Morris Sofa from the Goddard Design Group custom furniture line. Design pieces and curated artwork are available at Hubbard Clothing Company in Rogers and Hubbard Denim in Fayetteville. All furniture can be customized. (photo: Mark Jackson/Chroma)
Since we have your attention, we have to ask: Do you have any design tips for our readers?
I’m a firm believer that every room needs to have an antique or something sentimental in it to give it history. I can’t stand a room that doesn’t have a soul. No matter what style your space is in, even if it’s ultra modern, I will always incorporate something old with history, like an old floor or a door. That’s where the story begins.
What is your business's earliest success story?
I remember when I was featured in Architectural Digest. I was really young, about 23. I had just started designing three years before. When I saw that they decided to feature my work, I thought that this was something I could be successful in doing. I ended up getting a lot of national press at a young age. I was on the cover of Traditional Home and Southern Accents, and those features really did a lot to not only boost my name recognition but also to help me believe in my work. What was so fascinating about the process is that it was before computers and digital cameras. We would take photos of our work, then turn them into slides and send them out to different magazines. We would wait by the phone, and the editor would give us a call to interview us, coming back to look at the project in person, and taking more photos. It was a six to eight month process.
That was a totally different time. How did you do your work differently back in the pre-digital days?
Doing my job back then was a little more difficult! I actually had to go to places, visit with artisans. I would travel all over the world looking for the best weavers, best furniture makers, or the best tile. I spent a lot of time talking to other designers in person to ask them which artisans were the best at what. They would tell me who they used for different types of work, and then I’d find that person and go visit with them. It was a different type of research. But it was really important for me to do all that work because back then, Northwest Arkansas was very different too. This was back before I-49. We just had a whole lot of two lane roads, and the economy here hadn’t yet taken off. I would have to bring artisans in from out of state to do tile, granite, and almost every aspect of the job.
Can you share a little known fact about your business with us?
Most people ask me why I chose the bumblebee as my logo. They often assume it’s something pretentious, and ask if it’s a Gucci or a Napoleonic bee! But I chose the bee because it represents perseverance to me. If you look at a bee, it really shouldn’t be able to fly. Its body is so big and its wings are tiny. Nevertheless, the bee flies. For me, the image of the bee is a story about being able to succeed if you try hard enough. It’s about believing in yourself. It’s been my logo for 30 years because of that.
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Goddard Design Group’s mid-century modern inspired lounge area served as a focal point and chill space during the 2017 "Stuart Davis: In Full Swing" exhibition at Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, Arkansas.
We love to know how our local legends “live local”. Can you share some of your favorite places to spend your free time in NWA?
I’ve been in Fayetteville for 30 years, since I came here for college. I’m a local guy. And I’ll let you in on a little secret: I love to change other people’s lives but I don’t like to change mine. I like to go where i know everyone and feel comfortable. My favorite places to hang out are Herman’s Ribhouse, Bordino’s and Hugo’s. If I’m out, you can find me at one of those places.
Can you tell us a little bit about your home in Springdale and how you have designed it?
I love everything and my home reflects that! My big motto is if you love it, it goes together. My home is a collection of what I love. I let very few people into my home because it’s a little like falling down the rabbit hole. I believe a designer should keep his or her home a little bit of a secret, so they don’t get locked into one specific look.
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The cover of Andrew Martin Interior Design Review Volume 21 from 2017. Goddard Design Group will be featured again in Volume 23 which will be released later this year. Books can be purchased through Amazon or Goddard Design Group.
To say Chris is an international design super star may just be an understatement. Just this year alone, he has been named one of the Top 100 Designers in the World by Andrew Martin Interior Design Review, plus he is the Interior Design Society Designer of the Year. 
Luckily, there are soon going to be even more ways to access Chris’s legendary aesthetic. He has two coffee table books coming out, a line of furniture and his own line of fabrics. We are huge fans of Goddard Design Group’s Instagram, which features snapshots into his glamorous travel and some glimpses into his finished projects. 
How lucky we are to have Chris and his design firm right here in NWA. Reach out to Goddard Design Group (3945 North Vantage Drive, Suite 2, Fayetteville, Arkansas) to create your own design story, whether that’s through a space renovation, a custom design/build for a new home or a commercial project.
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Need to Visit Shop: WRJ Design
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Shopping for the home can be overwhelming and difficult to pinpoint your own style. If you are one who likes to design your home without a designer, why not enlist the help of a professional in a different way? By shopping from one, that is. House Beautiful recently revealed its top picks across the U.S. for interior designer-owned shops that you need to visit, and WRJ Design Showroom in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, was a standout in the article, “17 Interior Designer-Owned Shops You Need to Visit.”
“Because why not shop from the experts?” asks House Beautiful, going on to say, “Dozens of designers across the country have stores, offshoots of their design practices where they can share their favorite finds with the masses—and, if you're lucky enough to catch the designers themselves in-shop, likely impart a little wisdom on how best to use them, too.”
Calling Jackson Hole “picturesque,” House Beautiful recognized the WRJ Design Showroom created by owners Rush Jenkins and Klaus Baer for its offerings of big-name brands like Cassina, Ralph Lauren and Loro Piana to clients in its Jackson Hole destination mountain town home. Other brands the firm offers include Calvin Klein, Verellen, Arpin and Hermes. Jenkins and Baer are known for sourcing exceptional pieces from around the world to express a unique blend of natural, mountain elegance, casual contemporary, classic sophistication and unpretentious luxury.
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WRJ Design opened its downtown Jackson Hole showroom in 2012, creating a harmonious space that reflects the firm’s personality and taste. The showroom unfolds like a story to guests, offering surprises and intrigue as they make their way through the space, taking in exquisitely curated interior vignettes and artwork.
The showroom also serves as a terrific venue for the special events WRJ hosts throughout the year, which have recently included photography exhibitions and book signings by famed photographers David Yarrow and William Abranowicz. The firm also offers exhibitions of work by its featured regional artists whose art is often incorporated into interior design clients’ homes. And WRJ is known for its ultra-chic seasonal parties at the popular downtown showroom, including winter holiday gatherings, summer kick-offs and festive open houses during the Jackson Hole Fall Arts Festival.
Visit WRJ Design | 30 South King Street in Jackson, Wyoming | 10am-6pm Monday-Friday and by appointment on weekends | Instagram
* Pictured: fine art photograph “The Wolf of Main Street” by David Yarrow serving as a focal point for a living room vignette in WRJ Design’s showroom
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lesl-ee · 6 years
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Small space kitchen area. Architecture by Northworks Jackson Hole. Design by Emily Janak Interiors. Photo by Leslee Mitchell. 
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queerquote · 3 years
Choosing The Best Burger Restaurant Dine In
A Burger Restaurant Dine In is a restaurant that serves hamburgers. The food is delicious and served in a classic diner setting. The food is prepared with quality ingredients and a great deal of care. While many diners serve their burgers in a metal or wooden bowl, a Burger is the ultimate dining experience. This type of restaurant is perfect for a family outing. It can also be the perfect spot for a date night with friends.
Some restaurants have become a local institution for good reasons. A burger can be delicious if made with quality ingredients. The Jackson Hole burger at a upscale diner is made with wagyu beef. It's topped with melted raclette and a black hollandaise. The wagyu patty is the ultimate meat-and-cheese combination. The double patty is topped with a creamy umami-loaded black hollandaise. You can order it medium-rare and get the impression of eating a runny egg.
The burger joint was accused of stealing drinks from fountains and fridges. The burger restaurant also reported that customers wore inappropriate clothing and used foul language. A customer under eighteen put his or her feet on a table. A burger joint's Facebook page revealed that the eatery has been tolerating abusive behavior for the past two years. The burger joint responded by saying that it is implementing safety measures to ensure the safety of its patrons.
The burger at Altro Paradiso is a modern-day take on the classic burger. It is made with wagyu beef and served on a sesame bun. It is topped with gorgonzola, balsamic caramelized radicchio, and kimchi mayo. It is a simple and delicious burger that hits the spot. A delicious burger should be paired with a glass of wine or a nice wine.
Some burger joints offer the most sophisticated menus in town. However, there are still plenty of fast-food chains that specialize in burgers. One of these is the Altro Paradiso, a steakhouse in New York City. Its signature dish is a wagyu beef patty topped with gorgonzola. Its burgers are a must-try for many, including celebrities. If you would like to learn more about this, please check out burger restaurant dine in.
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A burger restaurant can be classy or casual. The quality of the food at a burger restaurant can vary from ordinary to luxurious. Some burger restaurants are famous for their gourmet burgers. Whether you're looking for a burger from a gourmet restaurant or a burger at a dine-in place, there are many options for you. They even have special days where the menu changes to cater to a particular theme.
Another burger restaurant that is known for its upscale ambiance is the Altro Paradiso. Located by the Williamsburg Bridge in Brooklyn, this burger joint has a modern interior and uses local produce. Its executive chef and director of operations, Stephanie Lempert, is a cocktail expert and a designer. The cheeseburger at the upscale burger joint is a fusion of sophistication and comfort.
A burger restaurant can be a chic and trendy place for a casual dinner. You can eat a burger at a trendy restaurant or a posh diner. For an elegant dinner, you can opt for a fancy dinner. A burger can be fancy or casual. The only thing you need to do is choose the right burger. It is an important part of your diet. You should try it once and see if it's for you.
A burger restaurant is a popular choice for a casual dinner, especially if you're on a budget. Often, a burger is not expensive, but it is still a delicious meal. Most upscale ice creams come in the form of a frozen yogurt or a chocolate. If you're looking for a classy burger, then the Loyal's burger is a must-try. It is a renowned burger restaurant.
A burger restaurant is one of the most popular dining options in a city. The Burger Joint attracts a diverse crowd, including New Yorkers from different neighborhoods. The burger is a delicious way to get your daily dose of vitamins and minerals. You'll feel happy and satisfied with the food and the service. A burger restaurant is a great option for a casual dinner. You won't regret it.
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architectnews · 3 years
CLB Architects completes rural Wyoming compound influenced by agricultural buildings
CLB Architects has completed a holiday home in Wyoming's Teton mountain range, drawing references from settler communities that were built as the United States expanded further West.
The property is named Five Shadows after the five distinct volumes that make up the 12,800 square-foot (1,100 square metres) estate. "The house, reminiscent of a homesteader's settlement, is composed of five connected, symmetrical, agrarian-inspired forms," said CLB Architects.
Five Shadows was built by CLB Architects and is comprised of multiple volumes
The term refers to the Homestead Acts, a set of laws in the United States enacted after the civil war that allowed any adult male to claim up to 160 acres (65 hectares) of government land as private farmland.
This spurred the development of the country's Western frontier, including what's known today as Wyoming. These settlements were often built with modest means, and were characterised by simple gabled roofs.
The different volumes of the home were organised around a large terraced area
CLB Architect's project is a single-family home, which lays out the owner's program into several similar volumes laid out around a series of exterior terraces and a pool.
"Slightly elevated above neighbors, the compound imparts a feeling of privacy, screens nearby buildings through structural orientation and strategic window placement, and takes in broad views across the valley to the Gros Ventre Range," said the studio, which is based in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, and Bozeman, Montana.
Rooms are connected by wood-clad and glazed corridors
"The largest form hosts the public spaces, while the peripheral volumes capitalize on privacy for bedrooms and a den," the architects explained.
Three of these buildings, which are connected by glazed walkways, contain  four of the home's bedrooms. The last structure is off to the side, and contains a pool house.
"The layout of the multiple buildings lends an elegance to the flow, while the relationship between spaces fosters a sense of intimacy," according to the architects. In the clearings between the buildings, the architects included a range of different spaces, such as an outdoor dining area and lounge.
Guests enter the home via a double-height glass lobby, where a monolithic black door on an offset pivot is framed by two large cabinets for storing coats. A gallery then leads to the main part of the home, for entertaining guests.
An open-tread staircase leads upstairs, where there are two additional bedrooms that bring the total to six.
The interiors have a neutral palette and use woods and stone
Here, two separate living rooms at either end of the main gabled structure frame a large dining area, allowing for several groups to gather at once. To delineate the space, the architects include two fireplaces that help separate these areas from one another.
The interiors, which were designed by Philip Nimmo, feature a bright palette of rift-sawn white oak boards on the walls, floors, and ceilings, with black steel detailing and a stone that matches the exterior cladding. The restrained choice of materials emphasises the home's "deep connection to the outdoors".
Each volume has a gabled roof
CLB Architects has completed several homes in Wyoming, including a property with a black steel exterior that is intended to weather and rust over time, and a home belonging to studio co-founder Eric Logan, which he renovated with a pitched steel roof.
The photography is by Matthew Millman.
Project credits:
Architecture: CLB Architects (Eric Logan, AIA, Principal; Andy Ankeny, AIA, Principal; Sam Ankenny, AIA, Associate) Interior design: Philip Nimmo Contractor: KWC Landscape: Hershberger Design Civil Engineer: Nelson Engineering Structural Engineer: KL&A. Mechanical Engineer: JM Engineering Electrical Engineer: Helius Lighting Group
The post CLB Architects completes rural Wyoming compound influenced by agricultural buildings appeared first on Dezeen.
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pdffilebooks · 3 years
EPUB  PDF Natural Elegance Luxurious Mountain Living (Ebook pdf)
EPUB / PDF Natural Elegance: Luxurious Mountain Living (Ebook pdf)
Natural Elegance: Luxurious Mountain Living
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[PDF] Download Natural Elegance: Luxurious Mountain Living Ebook | READ ONLINEhttp://read.ebookcollection.space/?book=0865653720
Author : Rush Jenkins Publisher : Vendome Press ISBN : 0865653720 Publication Date : 2019-9-24 Language : Pages : 248
To Download or Read this book, click link below:
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Synopsis : EPUB / PDF Natural Elegance: Luxurious Mountain Living (Ebook pdf)
The refined rustic style of WRJ, the preeminent interior design firm in the Mountain West Natural Elegance showcases the award-winning interiors of WRJ Design, headquartered in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, and led by Rush Jenkins and Klaus Baer. The firm’s homes are set against the backdrop of dramatic western landscapes from the Rockies to the Pacific. Their interiors are infused with a unique elegance—one versed in the beauty of the wilderness combined with sophisticated contemporary design. Juxtaposing a warm palette with rugged elements, they create homes that have a deep connection to the natural world just outside the windows. Illustrated with photographs by the masterly William Abranowicz, the book features more than a dozen gloriously sited houses decorated in WRJ’s signature rustic yet refined style.  
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juliecavanaugh-blog · 3 years
Since 2000, Julie Cavanaugh has led Design Matters in Los Gatos, California, as founder and senior interior designer. She is a member of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) and holds a Certified Interior Designer license. Through Design Matters, Julie Cavanaugh has completed dozens of interior projects, including one for the 90-unit Sagebrush apartment complex in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
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antoineproulxllc · 4 years
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Project: Rendezvous Custom Homes- Village Project Designer: Lisa Kanning @lisa_kanning_interior_design Product: CT-21S Coffee Table with Shelf in Stormy Walnut with Pewter Metal Legs. Photography: Aaron Kraft @krafty_photos . Available through @dennismillernyc @NYDC, . @sloanmiyasato @sfdesigncenter, . @b.peterson.palmbeach . @trammellgagneshowroom @seattledesigncenter . @lussoweb . . #apct21S #coffeetable #coffeetables #interiordesign #furniture #modern #home #design #decor #interiors #contemporary #interiordesigner #furnituredesigner #luxury #handcrafted #americanmade #AmericanQuality #madeintheusa #livingroom #sittingroom #modernliving #customfurniture #interiordesign #designinspiration #luxuryinteriors #luxe #antoineproulx #antoineproulxfurniture (at Jackson Hole, Wyoming) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMS-DJwswbQ/?igshid=4dgzi3pkcdo
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