#jacob seedxreader
I have posted my first chapter of my newest fanfic, "Church" on Ao3! It is Jacob SeedxReader from Far Cry 5!
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Spooky Spooky Birthday
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Summary: You come back home after a long day.
Characters: Jacob Seed, Female!Reader
Parings: Jacob SeedxFemale!Reader
Word count: 1244
Warnings: None, just fluff
A/N: Just a quick fluffy thing I wrote in thirty minutes for @jacobseedswife​ ‘s birthday. I’m quite rusty, the writing is awful but anyway. Happy Spooky Birthday pup!
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You didn’t listen to the radio when driving back home today. The rumbling of the engine and the beautiful scenery around you were enough to make you feel better. It was a quiet evening, the sun was rapidly setting in the clear sky, its last golden rays piercing through the orange leaves of the trees you passed by.
The mountains were slowly covering in autumn colours as the weather grew colder and colder each day. You made a mental note to wear an extra layer tomorrow, as you practically had spent the day shivering as you worked outside.
As you thought about that, your mind went back to reality and let you feel how cold your hands were. You turned up the heat in the car and kept your right hand in the way of the air flow, sighing softly as it quickly warmed your fingers. You couldn’t wait to come back home and wrap yourself in the warmest blanket you had.
Ten minutes later, you finally arrived at the Veteran Center, where you and Jacob had made a home on the third floor. It was small but it was enough, it was home. You drove through the gates and parked your truck a few feet away from the entrance, next to Jacob’s. You frowned and got out of the vehicle, practically jumping as the step was quite high, and closed the door behind you.
You crossed path with one of Jacob’s men on the way to the entrance of the building. “Hey Aaron,” you greeted him. He simply nodded in acknowledgement, a polite smile bending his lips. You stopped for a bit, asking, “is Jacob here?” It was unusual to find Jacob’s truck parked at the Veteran Center this early in the evening, but it wasn’t unusual for Jacob to go wander in the woods on foot either.
The man who was sitting on a wooden crate, cleaning his rifle looked up at you. “I guess so, but we haven’t seen him all day…” he said, shrugging slightly. You said a quick thank you and climbed up the front stairs. The Center was still bustling with activity and you found yourself walking up the stairs to the third floor quicker than usual, eager to find Jacob there.
His men hadn’t seen him all day and you hadn’t either, he wasn’t there when you woke up this morning and you had spent all day at the Grand View Hotel, taking care of logistics for the Project. And your heart ached to come back to your lover and hug him tight. Afterall, he remained the warmest blanket in your home…
You sighed when you finally reached the door to your quarters, you stepped inside eagerly and closed the door behind you. The apartment was quiet, a little messy, with clothes, books and guns scattered in some places. The main room was small but cosy. A couch had been placed in front of the large window that opened to the balcony. In a corner were added a couple of armchairs that you liked to sit on in the evening, curled up in a blanket while reading one of Jacob’s books. Next to that living area was a dining table with numerous chairs, that you never used except for a very specific activity that involved the two of you and that you remembered very fondly.
The silence was broken by a loud noise coming from the kitchen, your heart skipped a beat and for the first time since you came back, your head turned towards the door that lead to the kitchen. It was slightly ajar and in the tiny space that was left you could see a shadow moving erratically on the tiled floor. Noises kept echoing in the room, clattering kitchen ware, rapid footsteps…
“Jacob?” you called, your voice uncertain. Just in case, you readied yourself, absentmindedly brushing your right hand against the knife that was tucked in your thigh holster. You started approaching the door slowly.
“Yeah, don’t- don’t come in the kitchen, Pup!” he said, you took in a deep breath. You were relieved that the man in the kitchen was Jacob, but you were even more concerned with the tone he used, urgent, fearful. It was very unlike him to panic. Your gaze eventually laid upon the frame of the door, where a bright red stain was. Your eyes widened when you noticed the stain had the shape of a hand.
There was another stain on the door and some on the ground too. Your heart started beating quicker and quicker. “Jacob, what’s wrong!?” you called, panic slowly finding its way through your veins, giving you palpitations.
“It’s okay-it’s okay… Nothing to worry about okay?” he yelled from the kitchen, his voice slightly muffled by the strain of his muscles as if he was making a great effort. Your hand came back to you knife, unbuttoning the fastening but not taking the weapon out.
You resumed your slow pacing to the door, pushing it slowly, its hinges creaking loudly. Your eyes found Jacob, who turned around abruptly to stand still against the counter. He visibly tried to calm down, still breathless from his effort, laying a hand flat on the counter and casually leaning against it.
You had thought the worse when you saw the stain and heard his yells, but gladly, there was no one else in here except for Jacob who was, as you just found out, covered in red stains. Even his face wasn’t spared. Your eyes wandered around the entire room, then. The walls, the floor, everything was stained, there was a mess of utensils in the sink and on the counter, you saw red… and orange?
“What’s all this?!” you asked, your voice sounding slightly angrier than you would have liked. But you were mad… “What is happening Jacob…?” you asked…
He pretended to think of an answer, using his free hand to brush his beard in thought but suddenly noticed it was cover in that orange substance and that it had smudged it in his hair. He swore and proceeded to wipe his hand on his pants. “I uh… I wanted it to be a surprise… And I thought I could do it alone but…”
You crossed you arms and sighed as you took a step forward. He stepped aside only to reveal to you the presence of an orange blob that had the vague shape of a cake on the counter. Your arms fell to your sides as you walked up to the counter, Jacob remaining right behind you.
The cake was messily covered in orange icing, with one tiny candle planted in the middle. at the top and bottom were two eyes and a smiling mouth with sharp teeth that made it look like a carved pumpkin. And in the middle of that, some more red icing spelt a sentence; ‘Happy spooky birthday Pu ’.
“Yeah I-I didn’t have enough red to finish…” Jacob said softly from over your shoulder. You couldn’t believe what you saw and the sudden changes in emotions from dread, to anger and now to surprise made you speechless. You didn’t know what to say and so you started crying.
You put a hand in front of your mouth as tears pooled in your eyes. Jacob laughed slightly, quickly grabbing a lighter to light the candle. He put it back down and wrapped his arms tightly around you as you hugged him back, pressing your face against his warm chest. “I spooked ya, though…” he said with a playful voice, gently kissing your forehead. Oh yes, he did…
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thotful-writing · 5 years
Torn to Pieces
I wrote this for @scarlettkat86 who gave me the prompt through the lyrics for Tear Me to Pieces 
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Description: The time had come, she knew it and he knew it. Neither wanted to admit it though, they had one last night together before the end.
Warnings: NSFW, smut, angst
He could tell something was on her mind by the way she clenched and unclenched her jaw over and over, her concentration had wandered so far off task she wasn’t even cleaning her gun anymore, she was just staring at it.
“What’s got you so far from me?” He placed his hand on her shoulder, snapping her back into the moment.
“Nothing. It’s fine.” She smiled warily. That half smile was harder than it should’ve been, she wanted to pour everything out, but knew she couldn’t.
“Up.” He stepped back and commanded. She wanted to argue but really didn’t have the energy.
She stood in front of him, her eyes met his and it took everything she had not to start crying right there. Jacob could see the turmoil in her eyes and pulled her to him, closing the distance and pressing his lips to hers. He knew they could spend all night talking about it, trying to figure out a way around it, but there was no point. It had to happen this way and that’s all there was to it.
His lips kissed hers hungrily, his large hands framed her face as she steadied herself against his chest. Her heart ached in this moment, he was trying to distract her, distract himself from the inevitable. She kissed him back with everything she had, her tongue entangled with his as she wrapped her arms around his neck. His hands slowly moved down her body, feeling every curve as he went. His fingers skirted with the hem of her shirt before lifting it off her, breaking their kiss for only a moment. She pushed his jacket off his shoulders and let it fall to the floor.
They knew if they looked into each other’s eyes for a moment all of their fears and insecurities would be seen, so they kept their eyes closed as they kissed. Her fingers fumbled with his pants briefly before she finally got them unbuttoned. Her kiss became more erratic, she needed him, needed more to keep her mind off of everything. He walked her over to the bed, once the mattress hit the backs of her legs she fell back. He hovered over her, removing the rest of her clothes and then his own. He climbed on top of her, his thumbs gently caressing her cheeks as she stared up at him.
It was unlike him to be this gentle, this tender, that made this all the much harder for her, she wasn’t ready to lose him yet. He saw the worry in her eyes again and immediately latched his lips to hers, silencing her thoughts, however briefly. She placed her hands on the back of his neck, pulling him closer, she gasped when she felt his cock brush against her, instinctively opening her legs wider for him.
“Eager, pup?” He smiled against her lips, trying to lighten the mood.
“Please, Jacob?” She begged as she ghosted her lips across his. He didn’t wait any longer, her lined himself up with her and eased into her, both of them sighing in unison at the feeling of being joined.
He set the pace at agonizingly slow, he eased out of her lazily and pushed back in, letting her feel every single inch as he dragged against her walls. He moved so slowly, wanting this to last as long as possible, forever if it could. They both hoped time would freeze in this moment, that they wouldn’t have to face tomorrow. She kissed him desperately, never wanting to forget the way he tasted, the way his lips seemed to fit perfectly with hers, as if they were made for each other. Jacob eased out of her and with a sharp thrust of his hips he entered her again, causing her to cry out. He repeated this action, over and over, easing out of her and thrusting back in hard. She moaned and writhed beneath him, needing more.
“Jake, please. Faster.” She begged him. Her hands now gripping his shoulders tighter.
He moved his hands to her hips, holding her as she began moving faster within her, hitting that perfect spot that always left her desperate and soaked. Her nails scraped down his back as she got closer to the edge, her orgasm looming over her. He could feel her nearing her release as he fucked her, her body shook as she moaned incoherently, pleading with him. His thrusts became more erratic as she tilted her hips up to meet him, driving him deeper within her.
“Jake… I’m… Fuck.” She moaned as she came, her body trembling beneath him. He didn’t stop or slow down, he continued hammering into her until he found his own release, spilling inside her with a low growl.
His grip on her loosened as he eased out of her, she winced at the absence of him filling her. She moved over on the bed and he joined her, both breathing heavily and covered in sweat. She rested her head on his shoulder as she the thoughts began to creep back in, she wondered if he was thinking about the same thing she was.
They laid there in silence for the better part of the night, before they both fell asleep.
The next morning, he was already gone, she knew where to find him and her heart sank in her chest, she knew it was time.
After all the fighting, the killing, it had come down to the two of them. He waited for her on top of that hill, perched against a boulder.
“Took you long enough.” He coughed, blood spilling from his lip. She fought back the tears as she approached, gun drawn.
“Your Judges put up one Hell of a fight. You don’t look too well yourself.”
“Come closer, pup.” He lifted his hand weakly to motion for her. She took a few steps towards him, she wasn’t sure if she could do this, she started to doubt herself. He noticed her trepidation.
“You did everything he said you would. Everything. You have to continue, pup.” He reached for her gun and pulled it up to his head. Her hand shook, she couldn’t do it, she wouldn’t. She tried to pull away, but he held firm.
“Do it, pup.” He closed his eyes and began to hum that familiar tune, Only You, she took a deep breath as things went hazy.
“I know this love will tear me to pieces, beautiful hurts like crazy when it falls apart.” She whispered as she pulled the trigger.
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thotful-writing · 6 years
Bathing/Showering with the Seed’s
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I received a short list of asks on my AO3 about different situations with our favorite Seed men. These are all completely SFW, besides mentions of being naked.
You had spent the entire day with Jacob, running around outside, he woke you up super early that morning to go hunting. You tried to get out of it, but he literally grabbed your feet and pulled you out of the bed. It wouldn’t have been so bad had you not tripped and fell directly into a mud hole. Of course, Jacob thought it was hilarious and proceeded to laugh loudly, scaring off any animals in the area. After hunting was a bust he wanted to get some exercise, saying you’d gotten soft.
You weren’t sure how far you ran with him, but you were winded after the first 5 minutes. Jacob would turn around and taunt you as he watched you barely keeping up. He made you run the entire way back as well, by the time you got home you were covered in sweat and mud, in desperate need of a shower.
You turned the water on and stripped out of your filthy clothes while you waited for the water to heat up. The water washed over your body as the grime from the day pooled in the shower floor. You grabbed the soap and started to clean the layer of dirt from your skin.
“Move over.” Jacob said as he pulled the shower curtain open.
“No, go get your own shower.” You tried to keep him from joining you but it was no use, he pushed you forward.
“You’re getting me dirty again.” You tried to move away from him, but the shower wasn’t big enough. You were annoyed at this point, he forced you to go out when you didn’t want to and now, he was hogging the shower up with no regard for you. You crossed your arms and turned away from him, waiting for him to get done and leave.
“I know you’re not pouting.”
“Just waiting for you to leave so I can finish my shower in peace.” You still refused to look at him.
He grabbed your shoulders and pulled you back against him, leaning down to speak into your ear.
“You don’t like showering with me?” He made sure to sound as hurt as possible.
“Not when you hog the water and push me out of the way. I wanted a relaxing shower.”
Jacob was taken aback for a moment, he didn’t think about what you needed. He placed his hands on your shoulders and started to knead your muscles gently.
“What are you doing?” You turned your head to look at him.
“Helping you relax.” His hands moved down to your back, working your sore muscles as he went. He had never done anything like this before, his idea of relaxing was sleeping at night.
He stepped back and pulled you back underneath the showerhead, letting the hot water pour over you as his hands continued to work wonders on your back.
You turned around and faced him, you wrapped your hands around the back of his neck and pulled him into a kiss. With all of his rough edges he really could be sweet.
Since moving into the cabin with Joseph you had to become resourceful. It was a small place with very little amenities. Your least favorite was the shower. It was a small standing shower which you had to fill a reservoir with water before you could even use it. And forget having a hot shower, it was luke warm at best, but you made do because you loved Joseph and if you could put up with a cult then you could handle just about anything.
You spent a good portion of your time working in the garden that day, the sun beating down on you, sweat pouring from your body. You finally finished and decided to take a shower. You filled a bucket from the well and began the arduous task of filling the reservoir. You went to the bathroom once it was filled and rid yourself of your clothing, you stepped into the shower and turned it on. The water that came out was not what you put in, it was almost mud. You had forgotten to clean out the reservoir before filling it, dirt must have gotten in it. You stepped out of the shower and began to cry. You weren’t one to let things get you down, but you’d been having an especially hard time lately in dealing with everything and it just piled up. Just as you were reaching your peak of sobbing Joseph walked in. He saw you and immediately ran to you.
“What’s wrong, darling?” His hands rested on your shoulders.
“I’m sorry… I’m trying, I really am. All I wanted was a shower…” You sobbed into his chest.
He looked at you covered in dirt and the shower, able to deduce what had happened. He grabbed a towel and began wiping away some of the mud from your face.
“I know you’ve been trying, this isn’t the ideal situation. How about I talk to the followers about getting us running water?”
“You would do that, for me?” You looked up at him, tears still streaming down your cheeks.
“Of course, and in the mean time we’ll go over to John’s and get you cleaned up.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“Thank you.” You smiled as he pulled you into an embrace, his arms wrapping around you.
Taking a bath with John was almost an all-day event. The only time he showered was if it was urgent and quick, the rest of the time he made sure you took a long and relaxing bath together. He got the water temperature just right, added all kinds of bath salts and bubble bath to the water. You both treasured this time together, with all of the work with the Project you rarely had any other time for each other, so you made this a regular activity.
Once you were in the bathroom, he took the most time in undressing you, his fingers caressing your skin as he removed each piece of clothing, as if he was unwrapping a present. You got your turn as well in undressing him, he’s not as enthusiastic about this part as you are, but he let’s you take your time. It takes you a few minutes because you make a point to kiss every scar and mark on his body, he had been through so much pain and suffering in his life, you wanted to sooth him as much as possible.
He stepped into the bath and helped you in, both of you finally settling down into the water. He pulled you back against his chest and you relaxed in his embrace.
“How was your day, dear?” He asked as you rested your head on his chest.
“Awful. Got shot at, chased by a wild boar, and I caught a field on fire.”
“Sounds hectic. At least you’re home now.” He kissed the side of your head softly.
“Mmm, my favorite place to be.” You hummed as he wrapped his arms around you. You sat like this for a while, the water starting to cool down.
“We should probably actually get clean.” He spoke softly against your ear.
“Just a few more minutes like this, please?” When you were in his arms nothing else mattered or bothered you, you’d give anything to stay in this moment forever.
“Alright, just a while longer. You sure you have to return to Fall’s End tonight? Can’t you stay?”
“I don’t know, they get pretty lost without their best Deputy.”
“So do I.” He trailed kisses from your shoulder to your neck.
“Maybe one night wouldn’t hurt.”  You smiled as his arms tightened around you.
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thotful-writing · 6 years
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Jacob Seed/F! Character
Description: She had been reluctantly taken into Jacob's training as a Hunter, she was strong, but needed to learn her place and obey commands. Jacob had tried everything, there was only one other way to teach her.
A/N: I don't write much Jacob stuff, but figured I'd give it a go.
Warnings: Smut, NSFW, dom/sub undertones
Jacob paced the room, he wasn’t sure if he was angry or worried, he decided to go with both. He hadn’t heard from her in hours, he told her not to do anything but of course she was stubborn and constantly trying to prove herself. Suddenly the door opened, he stopped, his heart pounding as all of the worst scenarios ran through his mind. He was set at ease when he saw her walk in.
“I told you-I told you not to go, but you went anyways? You disobeyed a direct order.” He stalked towards her, anger seething through him.
“I-I was doing it for the Project, to help.”
“It was too dangerous to do alone and now I’m going to have to go and fix your mess.” He stopped a few inches away, glaring down at her.
“But-I did it. I secured the outpost.” She stepped back trying to get some distance from his obvious rage.
He blinked at her confused for a moment, how could she have secured the outpost on her own? With no backup?
“You did it? By yourself?”
“Yep. No problems or anything, Sir.” She gave him a weak smile, hoping he’d be grateful.
“You still went against my orders. You’ll have to pay for that.” 
She wasn’t fond of Jacob’s punishments, he was always so creative. She had been under his training for a few months now, she desperately wanted more with him, but knew her feelings weren’t reciprocated in any way. Jacob was all work and no play, completely closed off from any emotions or affection.
She shivered outside in the rain as she held the large rock over her head, her arms trembled, ready to give out if she let them.
“Why don’t you just put the rock down? Come inside where it’s warm?” He said as he paced around her.
“No, Sir.” She responded, keeping her gaze forward.
“Just put it down, it’ll be fine.” He continued to try and persuade her.
“N-No, Sir.” She shivered.
“Are you disobeying my orders?” He circled her like a predator circling his prey.
“N-No, Sir. You told me not to put this rock down until the sun came up. That’s what I’m going to do.” Her arms continued to shake. She’d sooner drop it on her head than put it down and disappoint him.
“Have it your way.” He said as he went back inside.
She could no longer feel her fingers, she was pretty sure they were now permanently attached to the rock. The rain let up a little, but she was soaked to her core, there was no way she’d get out of this without getting pneumonia. Jacob returned with a hot bowl of soup, he stood in front of her and got a spoonful, blowing it gently in front of her face. She instinctively licked her lips, she’d give anything for some food right now.
“Oh, I’m sorry, are you hungry?” He furrowed his brow as he looked at her.
“Y-Yes, Sir.” She didn’t look at the soup, she held her gaze to his.
“Come inside and get some food. There’s plenty.” He placed the spoon in his mouth and made the most ridiculously pleased face.
“N-No, Sir.”
“You sure? It’s delicious.” He took another bite.
“Y-Yes, Sir.” This was the only time in her life she ever denied food and it pained her to do so.
“Guess I’ll just give the rest to the Judges then.” He left her once more.
6 hours, 6 hours had passed, she only knew because she could see the sun peaking over the horizon, she continued to wait though, determined to hold out until Jacob gave her permission to come inside.
“Oh, you’re still out here?” Jacob stretched and yawned in front of her.
She nodded her head her body trembled, she no longer had the energy to speak and her mouth was pretty much frozen shut.
Jacob didn’t say anything, he grabbed the rock from her and dropped it to the ground. Her arms immediately fell to her sides, they felt like cooked noodles. She moved to step out of the mud, but her legs gave out and she fell to the ground. Who knew standing in the same position for 6+ hours would cause your legs to become stiff and buckle the second you tried to move? She pushed herself up on her hands and knees, took a deep breath and tried to stand back up, but it was no use, she fell back down to the ground.
Jacob sighed as he watched her feeble attempts. He was initially reluctant to take her on as a Hunter, but she persevered through his training and had proven herself worthy, she still had a stubborn streak that needed to be broken though. He rolled his eyes before he leaned down and picked her up, cradling her in his arms.
“S-Sir?” She looked at him surprised.
“Jesus, you’re freezing.” He said as she shook in his arms.
He carried her inside and passed the shared quarters for the Hunters, he continued walking down the corridor to his quarters, she’d glanced inside but had never fully been in it before. He placed her in his bed and covered her with the thickest fleece comforter. He left for a moment before returning with two more blankets, piling them on her. She continued to shake under the warmth, but the feeling was coming back into her extremities slowly. Jacob stood over her as she shivered, her lips almost blue, he knew she needed more heat. He kicked his shoes off and pulled the covers back, lying down beside her and covering them both back up. He pulled her close to his chest.
“S-Sir, you don’t have-“
“Shut up. Your body temperature is too low. Why did you stand out there so long?” He scolded her.
“B-Because you t-told me to, Sir.”
“If you had followed my orders that closely before then you wouldn’t be in this situation.”
Although it was a bit awkward, she actually enjoyed her current situation, not the freezing to death part, but the being in bed close to Jacob part. His body heat was helping warm her up quicker though, she had stopped shivering as she laid next to him. Jacob tried his hardest to remain completely unfazed by her closeness, he couldn’t deny he’d desired her for a while now, especially in watching her strength and determination increase over the months. Now, as she lay so close to him, he wasn’t sure how much resolve he had to resist her, one glance wouldn’t hurt, would it? He looked down to see her asleep against his chest, breathing softly. He brushed a piece of hair off her face, he panicked slightly when she stirred, but relaxed when she continued to sleep.
She stretched across the bed to find Jacob had left her, she wondered how long he stayed with her? Her arms were still sore and weak as she left the bed, she wanted to seek him out, to thank him, but she decided to return to her quarters instead.
“Heard you got quite the punishment yesterday.” One of the other Hunters commented as she entered the room.
“Lasted longer than you did though, how long did you stay out there before you’d pissed yourself?” She smiled smugly.
“You’re right, I didn’t last long out there. Maybe if I had then Jacob would have shared his bed with me too. But I guess we can’t all spread our legs for special treatment.”
She wanted to lash out, but she refrained, she knew Jacob wouldn’t be happy if she started killing off his Hunters. She ignored the comment and gathered her clothes to go take a shower. She let the hot water warm her still semi-frozen bones, her fingers and toes still felt somewhat numb. When she returned to the shared room the man was still there, he glanced up at her, but she ignored him. Before she knew what was happening, he was behind her, pressing her against the concrete wall.
“Just want a taste of what Jacob gets.” He said into her ear as his hands travelled down her body.
She would have screamed but it wouldn’t have done any good, Jacob would have come to save her, but it would’ve only made things worse for her. She let him get distracted by her compliance, he let his guard down for a moment, she threw her elbow back into his face as hard as she could. He yelled out in pain as he stepped back from her, holding his nose.
“Touch me again and I’ll slit your fucking throat while you sleep.” She turned around to face him.
He was about to say something, but Jacob entered the room, “What’s going on here?” He crossed his arms as he glanced between the two of them.
“Nothing, Sir.” She feigned innocence.
“The blood pouring from his nose tells me it’s more than ‘nothing’. What happened?” He looked at the man.
“I-I tripped.” He said as he continued holding his nose.
“Is that so? Maybe you need more agility training then, clean yourself up and meet me outside in 10.”
The man left, glancing back at her, she held her gaze on Jacob. She didn’t want to tell him what had almost happened, she was worried he’d see her as weak.
“There something else I need to know?”
“No, Sir.” She shook her head. He looked at her for another moment before leaving the room, he was certain he knew what had happened and he didn’t plan on taking it easy on the guy.
“Jacob? Hello? Anyone?” A voice rang over the radio, she looked over at it, Jacob was still outside.
“Yes?” She pressed the button and answered, knowing she should’ve just gone to get Jacob.
“We need help! We’re under attack here at the Elk Jaw Lodge, by the Resistance, there’s too many of them. Send help!”
She stood there for a moment, trying to figure out what to do. She knew she could get there quickly and help, as well as prove herself to Jacob, but he was so furious when she’d done the same thing the other day. She made her decision, she grabbed her guns and headed out. There were a lot more Resistance members than there should have been, by the time she got there it was almost too late, there were only a few followers left. She ran in, guns blazing, taking out anyone and everyone she saw. Her adrenaline was pumping so fast she didn’t realize when she got nicked by a bullet as it tore through the skin on her arm. When it was all over, she had either killed all the Resistance members or they had run away. She helped the remaining followers get patched up until reinforcements could come. She decided it was best if she headed back to the VA Center, hoping Jacob had heard about her success.
She walked in the door, half expecting to see Jacob waiting for her again, but he wasn’t there. She walked down the corridor further until she reached his quarters, she peaked inside but didn’t see him. Suddenly she felt someone grab her arm and turn her around.
“Looking for someone?” Jacob asked as his eyes bore into her.
“N-No, Sir.” She tried to pull free of his grasp, but he held firm.
“Heard you were down at Elk Jaw Lodge.”
“Yes, Sir. They needed help so I-“
“So, you disobeyed a direct order, again, and went to play hero?” He clenched his jaw as he glared down at her.
“Sir, I-“
“What’s it going to take to break you, hm? To get through to you that you don’t call the shots around here?” He narrowed his eyes at her.
She stared up at him, genuinely worried about what he would do. She didn’t think helping would be such a bad thing, but she did go against him, and she had made a habit of it recently. Jacob held her arm as he pushed her into his room, slamming the door closed behind him. She trembled slightly as she stood in front of him, not knowing what he was going to do to her. He grabbed her by the back of her neck, pulling her hair back, forcing her to look at him.
“You’re going to learn how to obey commands.” Before she could register what was happening his lips crashed into hers, kissing her forcefully.
He shoved his tongue into her mouth, she welcomed the intrusion and swirled her tongue around his. She fought for dominance in the kiss but was quickly reminded of her place by a hard pull on her hair and a sharp bite on her bottom lip. He pulled away from her abruptly, leaving her breathless and wanting.
“Clothes.” He commanded.
She didn’t need to be told twice, she quickly rid herself of her shirt and unbuttoned her pants. She paused momentarily when he grabbed her arm, looking over the wound she had, bringing her attention to it as well. He let out a heavy sigh at the sight, but knew it wasn’t anything life threatening, deciding to leave it for later. She returned to her task and removed her pants, remaining only in her panties in front of him.
“Still don’t listen.” He said as he grabbed the waistband of her panties and pulled them until she heard the fabric stretching and then ripping apart.
She shifted her legs, feeling her wetness already soaking her thighs and he hadn’t even touched her yet. He tossed her underwear to the floor with her other clothes and circled her, just as he had done before, like he was a predator and she was his prey. She jumped when his hand landed hard on her bare ass, sending shivers over her body at the contact. He moved forward, pressing his body against her back, she could feel his hardness on her ass, she instinctively reached back to palm him through his pants. He let her for a moment before giving her another smack on her ass. She pulled her hand away from him immediately. He remained there, his hands on her shoulders pulling her back against him, he loved the feeling of her body on his. He trailed kisses down the side of her neck, biting into the flesh on her shoulder. She moaned instinctively and reached back for him again, needing to touch him. The second her hand touched him he spanked her again, harder this time. She withdrew her hand once more.
“Desk.” One word was all she needed, she walked over to his desk and bent over it, waiting.
He remained where he was, admiring her from afar as she waited for him. How he wanted to take her now, on every surface in the room, but she needed to learn her place first. He didn’t move for several minutes, she began to wonder what the hold up was, she turned her head to look at him.
“Something wrong?” He asked.
“No, Sir.” She turned her head forward.
He moved closer, his fingers tracing down her spine lightly, she felt goosebumps form across her skin as his fingers moved down further, barely touching her ass. She pushed back into his hand, hoping to coax him into touching her more, the only thing it earned her was another hard smack on the ass, adding to the already reddened skin.
“Patience.” He growled.
He knelt behind her, bringing his face directly to her center. He smirked at how wet she was already, completely soaked. His hand started down at her ankle, lightly moving up her leg, to her thigh. He spread her open wider, but never touched her where she wanted it most. She whined after a few minutes, shifting her legs. It was taking all his will power not to fuck her over this desk right this instance, but he held back. He leaned forward and pressed his tongue flat against her, starting at her clit and licking up to her entrance, tasting her. Her eyes fluttered shut at the feeling, finally being touched where she needed it. He pushed one finger into her opening, feeling how tight she was.
“This is going to hurt.” He said as he withdrew his finger and stood up behind her.
She furrowed her brow for a moment, what exactly was he talking about? It didn’t take her long to figure it out after he’d unzipped his pants and pressed his tip at her entrance, pushing into her completely without warning her first.
“Wait, fuck…” She squirmed, trying to adjust to his size as he stretched her out, but he grabbed her hips and held her still, not letting her move.
He pulled out almost completely before sliding back in, at this point she was glad she had gotten so wet before he’d done this, if not it would have been a lot more painful. She tried to control the pace by moving further up the desk, but he caught onto her quick and grabbed the wound on her arm, causing her to yell and stop all movements.
“Please, Sir…” She begged as he tightened his grip on her, still thrusting in and out of her slowly.
“Begging is another way of trying to control a situation.” He laughed at her attempt.
He released her arm and gripped her hips once more, thrusting harder into her, causing her to lurch forward on the desk. She was finally getting adjusted to him and moaned each time he dragged against her walls as he pulled out. His pace had increased as did the pressure in which his fingers were digging into her hips. He groaned as he pounded into her, reveling in her tightness, the way she writhed beneath him and under his grasp. She began to tighten around him as she felt her imminent release approaching.
“No.” He said as he slowed his pace back down, bringing her back from the brink.
She panted and wanted to argue, but knew it was no use, he would just continue to drag this out if she did. She remained silent as he started moving faster again. He smiled at her obedience, she was learning quickly, even if she wanted to complain, she wouldn’t. He slowed his pace again, but thrusted deeper inside her, hitting that perfect spot that made her knees weak. She moaned loudly each time he hit it, he knew she was getting close again, as was he. He thrust into her harder and faster again, the desk banging into the wall, if no one had heard it before they definitely did now. She whimpered at each thrust and felt herself tighten around him again.
“S-Sir?” She asked, he knew what she wanted.
“Alright, Darlin’” He said through gritted teeth.
A few more thrusts and she came undone beneath him, her body shuddered her orgasm hit her. Her walls clenching around him pushed him towards his own release, he had no plans of pulling out of her either. He remained inside her, making sure she got every ounce of his cum. They both began to come back down, he finally pulled out of her, she remained on the desk, unable to move.
“You belong to me now.” He leaned down and spoke into her ear, placing a kiss on her shoulder as she lay there.
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thotful-writing · 6 years
I have compiled all my works and organized them here. Most of them are NSFW/Smut. 18+ please. If any of the links don’t work, please let me know.
A Devil Like Jesus
1  2  3  4  5  6  7
Sinners at Eden’s Gate
1  2   3
Terms of Endearment
Period Sex
“If you can’t sleep... we could have sex?”
“I’m not wearing a dress.”
“Please put your penis away.”
“I’m not buying furniture from Ikea again.”
“Despite what you think, I am completely capable of taking care of myself”
“You’re seriously like a man-child.”
“Don’t kink shame me.”
“First one to make a noise loses.”
“You can’t tease me like that and not expect to get punished.”
“You’re the only one I want to wake up next to.”
Ambush Rush/Captain
A Good Pet Rush/Cap/John Threeway
When ‘Yes’ Means More
Drunk Ink
One Shot
A Firm Hand
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thotful-writing · 6 years
Could you do a thing about how the Seeds would help you if you were feeling insecure about your body? Please and thank you! PS: I love your stuff.
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Here it is, hope this is what you wanted? I wasn’t sure what body insecurities to focus on so I did general stuff.
You looked at yourself in the mirror, sucking in your stomach, turning different ways to see if you could find a flattering angle,but on this day you couldn’t. You could only see the things you didn’t like about your body, and it was taking a toll on you. 
“Are you ready to go, darling?” Joseph knocked on your door, he liked giving you privacy to get dressed.
“I’m not going.” You shouted.
“May I ask why not?” He asked through the door.
“I look terrible, I’m trash.” You sighed and sat down on the bed.
Suddenly the door opened, Joseph had never come in unannounced or without asking your permission before, he walked over and held out his hand for you. You looked up at him, hesitant, not sure what he was trying to do, but finally you took his hand and stood. He walked you over tothe mirror and stood behind you.
“You know I don’t like when you talk about yourself like that.” He placed his hands on your shoulders.
“I know, I just don’t feel very good about myself.” You lowered your head.
“Do you want to know what I think?” He asked pulling you back against his chest, you nodded your head.
“I think you’ve been negative about yourself for so long you don’t know how to see yourself in a positive light. You’re blinded by self-conscious thoughts and aren’t able to see your true, beautiful self.”
You looked up at yourself in the mirror, Joseph’s hands moved down to your waist as he planted a kiss on your head. He always knew howto pull you from your darkest depths of insecurity. You turned around and stood face to face with him as he wrapped his arms around you.
“When you’re feeling down about yourself, please come tell me so I can remind you how perfect you are.” He pulled you against him as hesoftly pressed his lips to yours, melting away any doubts and negative thoughts you had.
The bathroom mirror always helped you point out those flawsin yourself. You contorted your face different ways, trying to make your lips look fuller, stretching you skin to get rid of wrinkles that were starting toshow up, but nothing worked. You hadn’t noticed that Jacob was standing in the doorway watching you until he cleared his throat, causing you to jump.
“Shit, you can’t sneak up on me like that.”
“Sorry, didn’t know a man as big as myself could ‘sneak’, I was just wondering what you’re doing in here?”
“I’m trying to fix my face. Look at it, I’m ugly.” You leaned into the mirror again, tracing over a scar on your cheek.
“You have a very nice face. I don’t see anything wrong with it.” He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall behind you.
“Well, you’re not looking close enough then.”
Jacob watched you for another moment, noticing how upset you were getting, before he walked over to you and abruptly picked you up and threw you over his shoulder effortlessly. You yelped at the sudden action, confused as to what was happening.
“Jacob! Put me down! What are you doing?”
“Nope. Not until you say something positive about yourself.”
“You can’t hold me hostage like this. Put me down.” The blood was starting to rush to your head.
“I’m bigger than you. I can do what I want.”
“Alright, I’m not that bad looking. Happy?”
“No, you can do better.” He carried you into the kitchen and grabbed a drink from the fridge.
“I’m pretty… Now please put me down.” You tried to wiggle out of his grasp, with no success.
“Nope. Better.”
“I’m the most beautiful woman in the fucking world!” Youyelled.
Suddenly he placed your feet back on the ground, “You don’t have to be so cocky about it.” A smile spread across his face.
“Asshole.” You retorted, staring up at him.
You sat curled up in John’s arms on the couch, his hand moved down and rested on your stomach, you quickly grabbed it and moved it back to your hip, he repeated the action again, moving his hand down to rest on your stomach. You grabbed his hand and moved it again.
“Alright, what are you doing?” He asked looking down at you.
“I don’t want you to touch my stomach.”
“And why not?” He furrowed his brow in confusion.
“It’s fat and I don’t like it.”
“You can’t tell me not to touch parts of your body just because you don’t like them.”
“Actually, I can.” You sat up looking at him.
John looked as though he was considering your words for a moment, you were right, it was your body, he decided to play along.
“Okay then, you can’t touch my dick.”
“What? Why not?”
“Because I don’t like it.”
“Bullshit. That’s like your favorite part of yourself.” You laughed at his failed attempt.
“Then you can’t touch my… hands. I don’t like them.” He folded his arms, hiding his hands under them.
“Well that just makes me want to touch them more. Let me see them.”
“No.” He turned his head away from you.
“John, it’s not the same, I like your hands, you don’t like my stomach.” You moved closer to him, trying to get him to look at you.
“Actually, I like all of you, every part.” He finally turned to face you again.
“What in the world would you like about my stomach?”
“I don’t remember what it looks like, let me see it.”
You were hesitant, you didn’t want to show him your stomach, even though he’d seen every inch of you before, this seemed different, you felt more self-conscious. Finally, you sat back and lifted your shirt, showing him your stomach.
“Oh, now I remember, I like how soft it is.” He unfolded his arms and traced his fingers over your skin lightly.
“I like this little freckle here.” He touched the small freckle next to your belly button.
He leaned down and placed a kiss on your bare skin, “And I like the noises you make when I kiss you here…and here…” You giggled slightly due to his beard tickling you.
“Okay…stop…” You laughed as he purposefully rubbed his scratchy beard against your skin, reveling in the sounds you made.
He sat up, his gaze settled on you, as he placed one hand on your belly, “I especially like what it holds inside right now.”
You couldn’t help but smile at how gentle and caring he was being with you and your insecurities, you knew he was going to be an amazing father.
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thotful-writing · 5 years
Purpose (1)
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Jacob Seedx F! Deputy
Description: After the crash on the bridge the deputy ran, well, she tried to run but didn’t make it far before Jacob and his Judges caught her. Now she was stuck in a cage at his disposal.
Warnings: Violence and torture
The wind was cold on her face as she ran, the scent of rain in the air. She couldn’t see far in front of her, but it didn’t matter, all she could think of was getting out of there. After the crash on the bridge with Burke she had no choice but to run. Her vision was blurred, her head pounding but she didn’t let that stop her. Her lungs ached as she breathed heavily, her clothes were soaked and weighed her down, but still she didn’t stop. Nightfall had come and she rested against a tree, just for a moment she thought, that was until she heard a voice.
“Deputy, I know you’re out there.” A voice echoed through the woods as thunder boomed overhead. Her ears perked up trying to figure out which way the voice was coming from. She pushed herself off the tree and started to run again, her feet were sore, her legs tired, but she kept going.
“My Judges are on your trail, Deputy. Might as well come out now.” The man shouted again.
She could hear the animals howling and barking as they closed in on her. She forced herself to keep moving, unsure of what would happen if they caught her. Her heart dropped the second her foot caught on a root and she tumbled across the ground. She struggled to get back up, her ankle ached, as she pushed herself up on her hands she was face to face with a wolf. She stared at it’s snarling teeth, a red cross painted across it’s face. She swallowed hard, frozen, unable to move. Her eyes shot up to the man approaching her, she had seen him before, back at the church. He stared down at her, a wicked grin spreading across his face. Before she could react the butt of his gun came down hard on her forehead, her consciousness waning.
Darkness enveloped her, but she could hear dogs barking and voices in the distance. She fought to open her eyes; her head was pounding so hard she could almost hear it.
“Up. Time to wake up.” A man’s voice boomed over her.
She finally opened her eyes and sat up, it took a moment for her eyes to adjust but when they did her heart pounded. Metal bars surrounded her, barbed wire around the top, a cage, she was in a cage. She crawled towards the bars and looked out, it was a row of cages, set up together. She could see other people, like her, huddled in the corners or passed out, at least she hoped they were passed out. Before she had a moment to think the man shouted again, this time banging on the bars of the cages as he walked down the aisle.
He stopped when he got to her, crouching down. She scooted back, away from him. He stared at her, looking her over, his gaze made her uncomfortable. She pulled her knees to her chest, trying to get as far from him as she could.
“Good to see you’re still with us.” He smirked before he stood and continued down the row.
She slowly crawled forward, glancing out of the bars, trying to get a baring on where she was. She could see a big building to her left, but nothing else. The man continued his stroll, waking up those who hadn’t yet, kicking the cages. After a few moments a few men came to the cages, each unlocking one. She moved back from him as he opened the door.
“Come here.” He demanded, but she remained in the back.
He sighed and walked in, grabbing her by the hair and pulling her out. She kicked and screamed, trying to fight out of his grasp. Once he got her out he shoved her to the ground, placing his foot on her chest and pressing down. He aimed his gun at her head.
“Stop fucking fighting or I will put a bullet through your pretty little skull. Got it?” He pressed the barrel of the gun to her forehead. She nodded hesitantly.
He eased off her and stepped back. She rolled over and tried to stand but a shooting pain went through her ankle and she fell to her knees.
“Up, let’s go.” He nudged her with his gun.
“I can’t, my ankle.” Her voice trembled as she looked up at him.
“Better find a way to move.” He pushed her again.
She sat on her hands and knees and began to crawl. The ground was hard and rough against her hands, rocks bit into her skin as she moved. The man laughed as he watched her moving.
“What’s wrong with this one?” Another man asked.
“Got a busted ankle or some shit.”
“Might as well just put her down then. Boss ain’t gonna want one that’s wounded.” He cocked his gun and aimed it at her.
“No, he wanted this one. We’ll let him decide what to do.” He pushed the man’s gun away and nudged her to continue.
As she crawled, she couldn’t help but look at the others with her, they were beaten, bloodied and filthy. She wondered how long they’d been here. They stopped once they were out of the aisle of cages, all lining up in a row. The man from before paced on front of them, checking each of them out, until he came to her.
“Tired, pup?” He glared at her as she sat on the ground.
“My ankle-“
“Up.” He grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and pulled her to her feet. She staggered as she tried not to put any pressure on her hurt ankle.
“That’s better.” He grinned, releasing her and turning to the others.
“Now, some of you have been here a few days, others just got here. We like to have a full house before we get started on training. You’ve been brought here because you’re weak, useless, and sinners. My job is to weed out the ones who are not worthy, those who will not survive in the new world when the end comes. You will be put through trials and tests, only the strong will prevail. Any questions?” He paced back and forth, his hands behind his back as he moved with precision.
“I-I’m not-“ The man next to her spoke, without a warning a shot was fired, the bullet going through his head in an instant. Her heart raced as she watched in horror, his blood now covering her as his lifeless body hit the ground.
“Rule number one, you do not question me.” The man holstered his gun, glancing at her once before leaving.
She started to panic, feeling like she couldn’t breathe. She wasn’t prepared for this, the academy never trained her for being fucking kidnapped and forced into dog cages. She knew it was only a matter of time before she had a bullet through her head. She tested her weight on her ankle, the pain was bad, but she figured she could fight through it. She looked around, the forest was her best option, she could run down to the river and lose them. She watched as the men talked amongst themselves, the man who appeared to be the leader was speaking with them. Now was her chance if she was going to do it. Suddenly she took off running, pain radiating through her ligaments, but she pushed through it.
“Shit!” She heard one of the men shout.
“Don’t shoot her, I want her alive.”
She didn’t dare look back, she knew if she did she wouldn’t make it. Each time her foot hit the ground a shock ran up her leg. The lining of the forest was close, she pushed herself harder. Just as she felt like she was getting away, something hit her in the back and a fire ran through her body, stopping her in her tracks. She convulsed on the ground as her body shook. A man approached, out of breath and pulled the barb out of her, stopping the current that ran through her. Two more men stood over her as they bent down and grabbed her up by her arms, pulling her to her feet and dragging her back. She wanted to scream, to fight, but she was breathless, and her body was weak.
“We got her, Jacob.” One of the men carrying her shouted as they approached. He strode over to them, his hand grabbing her face and tilting her up to look at him.
“You got some fight in you, pup. I like that. Means there’s still something to break.” He released her and nodded to the men.
She was taken back to her cage, tossed in and locked back up. She curled up against the back of the enclosure as tears began to stream down her cheeks. Her mind wandered to what was going to happen, what Jacob was going to do to her.
She woke up the next morning to the sound of someone banging on the cages, she didn’t sleep much that night. She sat up and peered out of the bars. A man walked through the aisle carrying a pot with what she could only assume was food. He took a spoonful and filled a dog bowl, sitting it inside one of the cages. She watched as the woman clambered to the bowl, scarfing down the food like an animal. The man continued down the row, filling bowls and placing them in the cages. He approached hers and filled a bowl.
“Not that one.” Someone shouted out.
He looked down at her, “Sorry, girl.” He poured the food back into the pot and walked away.
“Wait, that’s not fair!” She moved to the front of the cage, shouting through the bars, reaching for him as he continued.
“Come back!” She yelled. She was starving, she hadn’t eaten since before they went to the compound to arrest Joseph.
The day waned on, the sun high in the sky as she waited, hoping for something to happen, waiting. She picked at the peeling paint on the bars, it was all she had to do to occupy her. She glanced up at the men as they took turns walking through the aisle of cages.
“Hey, hey. Can I get some food or water?” She reached out to one of the men. He stopped and turned to her.
“You ain’t too bright, are you? You get fed when he says you do. And for your little stunt yesterday I don’t imagine you’ll be eating for a while.” He smirked and returned to his duties.
She sunk back against the bars; how could he do this? Would he let her starve to death? The days passed, no food, no water. She waited, begged, and pleaded, but still nothing. Her body was weak, no longer able to stand or move about the cage, she laid in the corner and prayed for death.
The rain was cold on her skin, her body shivered as she froze. She pulled her knees to her chest, trying to hold onto any warmth she had left. It had been raining for 2 days straight, no break, no sign of it stopping. She was soaking wet and barely able to think straight. She squinted her eyes when a bright light was shone into her cage.
“Think this one’s still alive.” A man shouted.
She was vaguely aware of a set of footsteps coming closer, the sound of the cage being unlocked and the door creaking open. Jacob loomed over her before kneeling.
“Still with us, pup?” Jacob’s gruff voice echoed through her head as his finger tips lingered beneath her chin.
“Bet you’re freezing out here and probably starving. You want to go inside?”
She opened her mouth but no words came out, she nodded her head weakly. Jacob stood up and stepped out of the cage, beckoning for her to come to him.
She grabbed the bars of the cage, using them to help her stand, but her hands couldn’t grip them due to the rain. She slumped back down to the ground.
“When you make it out of the cage, you’ll get some food.”  Jacob stepped back and crossed his arms.
She knew she wasn’t walking out of there, she hadn’t stood in days, her muscles were weak, not to mention she hadn’t eaten either. She placed her hands and knees on the ground and braced herself. She moved slowly, her arms shaking as she made her way closer to him. She glanced up to see a smug smirk spreading across his face. She wanted to curse him to fight him, but she couldn’t not with the state she was in now. Her entire body ached from the cold but she pushed herself, she took the last step outside the cage and looked up at Jacob.
“Good, pup.” He nodded to one of his men who grabbed her and pulled her up, carrying her as he followed Jacob.
She was finally able to see where she was, the Grandview Hotel. It had been taken by the Project months ago. She watched as Jacob walked in front of them, each step falling heavy to the ground, his stride purposeful and concise. Once inside the man abruptly dropped her to the floor with a thud. Jacob paid no mind to her and left her there, knowing she didn’t have the strength to run. She looked around for a moment before her eyes fell on a fire place across the room. She slowly crawled towards it until Jacob returned. He strode by her and sat down in a chair next to the fire. He placed a small bowl on the floor with what looked like raw meat in it.
“Come.” He spoke in a stern tone without turning to her.
She returned to her task and moved slowly towards the fireplace. Her knees throbbed as they moved across the hardwood floors. She was starting to get some of the feeling back in her fingers as her body warmed up from being out of the rain. She finally reached him and sat at his feet.
“Eat, pup.” He moved the bowl closer to her and watched.
She reached for the food and took a piece of meat between her fingers, it was completely raw, still bloody. She never would have considered eating it before, but she had been starved for days, she had no choice. She ate the meat quickly and dove in for more. Manners and decency were out the window, she pushed her face and hands into the bowl, shoveling as much of the meat into her mouth as she could.
She tensed when she felt his hand on her head, briefly stopping her from eating. Her heart pounded at his touch, away but she slowly returned to the food. His hand weighed heavy on her head as she continued and licked the bowl clean. She thought about where she was and what she was doing, was this really her life now? Reduced to eating raw meat from a dog bowl? She promised herself this was temporary, a means to an end until she could escape.
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thotful-writing · 6 years
How do you think the Seeds would react to you telling them you were pregnant?
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This ask was too sweet and I enjoyed writing it, I like seeing the Seed brothers happy.
You were hesitant to tell him, he already had so much to worry about, you really didn’t want to add to his problems. You knew he was married and had a child before so you weren’t sure how he would react. You looked at the 4 tests you had done in the garbage can, all reading positive.You grabbed the most recent one off the counter and decided it was now or never.
“Joseph, I need to talk to you.” You said as you exited the bathroom.
He sat at his desk working on a new sermon for tomorrow. He didn’t look up at you when he heard you exit the bathroom, he was deep in thought. You slowly made your way to him, your grip on the pregnancy test had tightened as anxiety settled in your stomach.
“Joseph?” You spoke softly.
He finally looked up at you, then down to the object you held in your hand.
“What’s that?”
“Um… I know this wasn’t planned, but-“ You held it out to him, preparing for the worst.
He grabbed the test from your hand and read it like he was reading a novel, minutes passed and you only grew more worried.
“I’m sorry, I know this isn’t-“
Before you could finish your sentence Joseph wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you to him, his face nuzzling against your stomach. You stood completely still, not knowing what to do in that moment.
“You’re not mad?”
“Mad? How could I be mad? This is the best news!” He looked up at you, his eyes so light and filled with happiness.
“You don’t have the flu do you?” Jacob asked from outside the bathroom door as he heard you heaving for the third time that morning.
You rolled your eyes at him, honestly he really wasn’t the most perceptive man.
“Because if it is the flu, I really don’t want to get it.”
You wiped your mouth and washed your hands before opening the bathroom door.
“I highly fucking doubt you can catch what I have, Jacob.”You stormed past him, he followed like a lost puppy.
“What is it then?”
“It’s a baby, okay? I’m pregnant.” You turned and shouted at him.
He stopped in his tracks as he considered your words, “How?” He didn’t exactly know what to say so that’s what came out.
“Wh- Are you serious right now? Do you really not know how babies are made?” You placed your hands on your hips as you glared at him.
He glanced down at your stomach then back up at you. Suddenly he grabbed you and lifted you up, his arms wrapping around you as he squeezed you against his chest.
“Jacob… Stop, I’m going to be sick.” You said as he spun you around.
He placed your feet back on the ground as you ran to the bathroom again.
“And you’re sure it’s not the flu?” He stood in the doorway as you knelt over the toilet.
You waddled your way back into the house, looking for John. He wanted to go with you to the ultrasound but he just didn’t have the time today, he promised you he’d be at the next one. You held the ultrasound results in your hand as you searched for him, you heard him talking as you got closer to his office, he stood behind his desk with the phone pressed to his ear.
“Just get it done. I have to go.” He hung up quickly as soon as he saw you.
“How did it go? How is our little peanut?” He strode over to you and place his hand on your full belly.
“Well, here’s the thing… there are two peanuts.” You looked up at him.
“Two? As in two babies? Like one and then another?” His eyes grew wide.
You nodded your head as he stepped back leaning on his desk. He ran his hand through his hair and stared off for a moment.
“I know it’s not going to be easy but-“
“I have to call Joseph, no Jacob, no Faith, no… I have to call everyone! We’re having twins!” He jumped up and pulled you into an embrace.
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thotful-writing · 6 years
Clumsy AF (All 3 Seeds)
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Description: The Seed’s reactions to the reader being clumsy/useless.
“Whatcha doin’ there, pup?” Jacob leaned against the doorway crossing his arms as he watched you standing on your tiptoes trying to reach something.
“I’m trying to get this… Fucking book…” You stretched more leaning over the counter and reaching up to the cabinet above you.
“All you have to do is ask and I’ll help.” He grinned as he watched you struggle.
“I don’t need help…” You were determined to do it on your own.
“Obviously.” The sarcasm was thick in his voice.
You stopped and turned to look at him, shooting him a death glare that meant you were not as amused as he was by this situation. You returned to your task, deciding to climb up on the counter to better reach it. You stepped up shakily, finding your balance you stood up straight and grabbed the book from the shelf. You were about to bend down and get off the counter when you lost your footing, you yelled out as you felt yourself falling, but you were suddenly kept from smashing your head on the floor by Jacob catching you. He held you in his arms bridal style as both of your heart rates started to come back down.
“Um, thanks?” You tried to give him the most innocent look you could, but you knew he wasn’t happy with you.
“You could have really hurt yourself.” He placed your feet back on the floor.
“But I didn’t.”
“Because I was here.” He retorted.
“Okay, so never leave me alone and we’ll be good.” You beamed up at him making him roll his eyes at you.
“You shouldn’t be doing that.” Joseph peered up from his book, trying not to hover over you as you sharpened your knife.
“I got this.” You feigned confidence in your skills, knowing fully that you had only sharpened a knife once before and almost lost a finger.
Joseph returned to his book, but not completely invested due to his concern for you. He knew how clumsy you were and that if you could get hurt, you would.
“Shit.” You said under your breath.
“What?” He looked up again, trying to see what you were doing.
“Um, nothing. I just… I missed a spot.” You struggled to find something to cover the stream of blood coming from your hand.
“Do you need help?”
“No, nope. I have everything covered over here.” You cut yourself really deep this time.
Joseph wasn’t stupid, he put his book down and made his way over to where you were standing at the kitchen counter.
“Let me see it.” He held his hand out to you.
“No, it’s fine, really. Just a scratch.” You pulled your hand away from him trying to conceal it.
“If it’s just a scratch then let me see it.”
You knew he wouldn’t give up, you placed your injured hand in his and removed the rag from your hand. He looked down at the cut, blood still bubbling up through the wound.
He sighed in exasperation, “I told you to be careful.”
“I was, until the knife slipped and sliced me open. Fix it?” You looked up at him hopeful.
“I’m The Father, not God. I can’t work miracles.”
“Really wish you’d let me help you.” He sat at the counter, watching you bounce around the kitchen cooking.
“I know what I’m doing. Just let me do it.” You wouldn’t admit it to him, but you were a little overwhelmed trying to keep everything cooking and not burning anything, including yourself.
John was an anxious bundle of nerves anytime you tried to do anything semi-complex that required your attention on more than one thing at a time. He had seen you trip over nothing while carrying bags, almost shoot someone while practicing with the machine guns, and get a concussion trying to do laundry, which he was actually amazed by, because it had to be the first time it had ever happened to anyone. But he agreed to let you cook dinner for him, you were so excited about it he couldn’t deny you.
He turned his back to you for a second before he heard a pan drop to the floor.
“Fuck!” You shouted holding your arm.
“What happened?!” he rushed to your side.
“I was trying to strain the noodles and the pan accidently touched my arm. Look at it.” You pouted slightly, holding your arm out showing him the reddened skin already starting to blister.
“You are so fucking clumsy.” He laughed as he looked over your injury.
“But you love me, right?” You stared up at him.
“How could I not? Let’s get you something for the arm, then I’ll make us some sandwiches.”
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thotful-writing · 6 years
A Devil Like Jesus (1)
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Reader x Seed Brothers
Description:  How long could you have kept it up? Running from the Seeds was proving to be harder than you thought and when they finally catch you for good you're willing to give in just for some peace.
Warning: Torture and blood, eventual smut, sexual tension, language
It happened, finally, not that you were happy about it, but you were kind of relieved, you’d been running for a while. You put up a good fight though, got a few shots in, almost made it out, but there were just too many of them. The first time they got you, they underestimated your abilities, you got out of those zip ties so quickly they didn’t even know you had gone until the next morning. The second and third time they caught you it was more of a challenge to yourself, to see if you could escape. You’d never seen John so mad as when you blew up his giant ‘Yes’ sign, he came at you with everything he had, you finally let him tattoo ‘wrath’ into your skin, he thought he’d won, but you slipped away again.
This time they weren’t taking any chances. Two guards sat in the back of the van with guns pointed at you, your hands were handcuffed with ropes tying your legs and feet to your hands. They put a gag in your mouth too, because last time you convinced one of the followers to let you go, in all fairness they were too blissed out to really know who you were. The van stopped, you knew you were there, your home away from home, John’s Ranch. The van doors opened and you were pulled out, obviously they hadn’t thought this through because your feet were tied together you couldn’t walk, they pretty much had to drag you.
“Ah, good to see you back home, Sweetheart. I’ve missed you.” John waited on the porch for you, a dumbass grin spreading across his face.
You tried to say something, but it only came out in a muffled sound. You were being held up by two men, John slowly strode over to you.
“Now, I’ll remove your gag, if you promise to keep that foul mouth in check. Deal?” He stood in front of you, you nodded your head. He pulled the gag out of your mouth.
“Fuck you.” You spat out, which earned you a slap across the face from John, pain radiating through your cheek.
“What did I just say?”
“Sorry, it slipped. I’ve missed our little back and forth, Johnny.” You smiled up at him, blood dripping from the new wound on your lip.
“Good, because I have your room all set up for you, I have made a few… changes.” John turned motioning for the men to bring you inside.
They carried you inside, you never could understand how Joseph signed off on John’s lavish and over the top cabin. They took you down to the basement, that familiar smell of mold and blood still in the air. You approached a big steal door with a small window in it, John unlocked it using a key code and a fingerprint scanner. He opened the door and they dragged you in.
“You two can leave now.” John said as they sat you on the bed.
“Before I untie you, I want to tell you about the upgrades to your room. I’ve added 3 cameras, they are hidden this time since last time you smashed them to bits. There will always be a guard posted at your door, which will remain locked unless I come in. There are a few other safety measures in place, but I won’t bore you with the details.”
“No, I’d love to hear all of the ‘improvements’ you’ve made. It will make escaping much easier for me and honestly I’m tired.”
John walked over to you, pulling his knife out and cutting the ropes off of you. He left your hands cuffed. He grabbed you by the collar of your shirt and picked you up off the bed, slamming you into the concrete wall.
“I have missed that smart mouth.” He pressed his lips to yours and kissed you hungrily, if there was one thing that could be said about John, he definitely knew how to kiss.
You moaned into his mouth as he deepened the kiss, his hand wrapped around your throat, holding you still, pressing you against the wall. You bit down on his bottom lip, sinking your teeth into it, your tongue lapping up the blood you had drawn.
“Bitch.” He pulled back touching his lip, seeing the blood on his finger.
“Sorry, I got a little carried away. Why don’t you uncuff me so I can show you how much I missed you?” You smiled at him coyly.
“You know, if Joseph weren’t on his way here, I’d tear into you right now. Maybe later.” His hand squeezed your throat tighter before releasing you.
“Better keep that promise, Johnny. It’s not polite to leave a lady hanging. So, what does Joseph want?”
“He still thinks your soul is worth saving. I’ve tried to tell him to cut his losses with you, but you know him, he’s determined to save as many as he can.”
“You never know, maybe I’ll let him save my soul, it’s hard work running from you guys.” You walked over and sat down in the chair against the wall.
“I’ll believe that when I see it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some things to take care of.” He turned and left, making sure to lock the door.
Every one of them would probably have heart attacks if you did let Joseph save you, if you Atoned and joined the Project. It’s not like you hadn’t considered it, you had been captured so many times the Resistance were skeptical of you and cast you out. They thought you had been turned and were spying for The Father. You’ve been running for so long it feels like you haven’t had a chance to catch your breath for a moment, maybe you’d just chill here with John until you were ready to run again. You were curious what Joseph was going to say this time, and you were hopeful he’d bring Jacob with him, you felt kind of bad with the way you left things with him last time, he really didn’t deserve that bloody nose. It didn’t take long for John to return with Joseph, no Jacob though, maybe he was still brooding.
“I hope John is taking care of you, my child.” Joseph walked in, John close behind him.
“It’s like staying in a five-star hotel. What’s the good word today, Joseph?”
“I know my brothers want me to give up on you, but I wouldn’t be a man of God if I did that. We have big plans for you this time, John has obtained your confession and branded you with your sin, you still need to Atone and just for you, we’ve added a few extra steps, just to make sure your soul is extra clean.”
“Um, ‘extra steps’ doesn’t sound very good, what does that mean?” You furrowed your brow at him confused.
“John has convinced me that maybe you need a little more work than the average person, maybe you need to suffer a little bit more before you’re truly ready to Atone.”
You were taken aback, you must have really struck a nerve with him. Joseph approached you and leaned down, inches from your face.
“You will reach Atonement this time, or you’ll die on your way there. The choice is yours.” His gaze was intense, he wasn’t playing into your game this time, he was serious.
He pulled back from you and left the room, John smirked at you before he did the same. You couldn’t help but think about the ‘extra steps’, what the hell could that mean? You stood up and went over to the bed, laying down, it had been a while since you’d slept in an actual bed. It was difficult to get comfortable with your hands still cuffed behind your back, you settled on laying on your side, closing your eyes for a moment.
“Where the fuck is she?!” You heard someone shouting, you struggled to sit up.
“She’s down here, but I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to see her right now.” You heard John trying to calm Jacob.
“Open the fucking door.”
John unlocked the door and opened it, Jacob quickly entered the room, his eyes fixed on you as you sat up in the bed. He walked over to you angrily, grabbing you up by your throat he slung you against the wall.
“Hey, Honey, I missed you too.” You choked out.
“Shut the fuck up. If it wasn’t for Joseph I’d shoot you in the head right now and end this.” His eyes burned into you, John standing behind him looking genuinely worried.
“I’ll have to thank Joseph then. I see your nose has healed, though it looks a little crooked.” You don’t know why you did it, but you loved pushing their buttons.
Jacob pushed you against the wall, his large hand pressing in the middle of your chest, making it hard to breath.
“Okay, okay, look I’m sorry about last time. I didn’t mean to hit you that hard, sometimes I don’t know my own strength. But you did look so peaceful passed out in that field.” You smirked, but you shouldn’t have, Jacob’s fist landed hard against your stomach knocking every bit of air from your lungs as you dropped down to the floor.
“You never know when to quit do you?” John moved closer, making sure you weren’t dead yet.
“Maybe… I’ll learn… one day.” You coughed and choked to fill your lungs again.
John leaned down and uncuffed your hands, “It’s not going to be a fair fight if you can’t use your hands. Don’t kill her, Jacob.” He stuffed the keys in his pocket as you rubbed the indentions on your wrists, shakily getting up to your feet.
“You want a rematch? Alright, but you may want to ask John to leave, don’t want little brother seeing you get beat again.” You brought your hands up in front of you making fists.
“I’m going to enjoy bringing you down a few pegs, then I’m going to enjoy fucking that smart mouth of yours.” He removed his jacket and clenched his fists.
“Promises, promises.” You grinned.
Jacob lunged at you, you dodged his attack, moving around the small room, it was going to be hard to move out of his grasp for too long, you were still tired. You evaded the next three swings, landing one in his stomach, finally evening things between you. He coughed for a moment before standing straight again. You let your guard down for a moment, looking at John as he seemed to be cheering you on silently, that’s when Jacob got you, you saw his fist coming straight for your cheek in slow motion. It landed hard, if you didn’t know better you would have swore you got hit by a brick wall. You immediately fell to the floor, consciousness fading in and out as your head pounded.
“I told you not to kill her.” John said as he rushed over to you.
“She’s not dead, just out cold. Shame, she must not be on the top of her game today.”
You woke up in the bed, your head felt like it was vibrating with pain as you sat up slowly.
“Fuck me.” You said to yourself, feeling your swollen face.
“Hungry?” You heard someone speak, but didn’t see anyone, maybe you hallucinated.
“I installed an intercom so I can bother you whenever I want. Are you hungry?” John said over the intercom.
“Yeah, just don’t speak so loudly.” You rubbed the side of your head.
John entered your room shortly with a sandwich, water, and some Tylenol for your head. You took the pills immediately. You remembered when you were taken for the first time, you were skeptical of taking anything from them, worried it would be poisoned, now you’d take whatever they gave you.
“You always take the best care of me.” You smiled up at John.
“Why should it all be torture and pain?” He pulled a chair up and sat in front of you.
“So, what are the ‘extra steps’ Joseph has implemented?” You took a bite of the sandwich.
“Nervous already?”
“No, just curious. Will it be more beatings from Jacob? Because I’m not sure if my face can take anymore.”
“You’ll see tomorrow. Try to get some rest tonight.” He stood and walked towards the door.
“Sometimes I forget you’re a sadistic asshole.” You said, he turned and smirked at you before stepping out of the room and locking the door behind him.
You decided to take his advice and get some rest; not like you didn’t need it anyways. You finished eating and laid back down. Out of all the trouble you’d caused him, John was always able to step back and make sure you were alright.
“Time to get up. Atonement waits for no one.” You heard the intercom crackle.
You stretched your muscles, waiting for whatever John was about to do to you. It didn’t take him long to come down to the basement.
“What? No breakfast? I’ll have to leave a bad review, Johnny.” You smarted off the second he walked in.
“Glad to see you’re feeling better. Stand up.” He closed the door behind him, carrying his toolbox.
You stood up shakily, your legs still kind of weak. John approached you and bound your wrists together with rope. He led you over to a hook on the cement wall, raising your arms and tying the rope to it. He stayed silent as he moved around you, he moved behind you cutting your shirt off you with scissors, and removing your pants as well, leaving you in only your bra and panties.
“I’m not so sure this is the kind of ‘extra’ Joseph meant.” You leaned against the wall.
“Keep going. Keep making your jokes, I know they bring you comfort, I know that deep down you’re really just a scared little girl hiding behind clever remarks. Get them all out now, because when I’m done with you, there will be nothing left. You will be stripped down to the bone, your greatest fears exposed, and just when you’re begging for me to show you mercy, I’ll start all over again, destroying what’s left of you.” He stood inches from you, his eyes dark, you’d not seen him like this before.
“Promises, promises.” Your voice was low and trembled slightly, you were legitimately worried.
John smirked at your tenacity, your commitment, but he knew you were about to drop all of that. He turned you around to where you were facing the wall. Your arms were already aching from being stretched out hanging on the hook. You couldn’t see what John was doing and figured that was part of it, the suspense, leaving you wondering and waiting.
That first strike really caught you off guard, it felt like someone had taken a hot iron and slowly dragged it down your back. You lurched forward, pressing yourself against the wall, screaming out in pain. Two, three more strikes and you could feel the blood streaming down your back as you sobbed.
“Hush now, we’re only getting started.” John caressed your cheek briefly before stepping back and striking you again with the bundle of wires.
This round he focused on your legs, the wires would separate on contact and wrap around your legs, leaving marks all over you. You shook and trembled as he continued his assault on your body, you cried out in pain, over and over, at one point you were sure you were going to pass out. John’s breathing was ragged, he finally stopped, dropping the wires to the floor. He reached up and removed your hands from the hook, you instantly fell back against him, pain surging through you as your back touched him. He sat you down in the chair and removed the binding from your wrists.
“You did well. I’m surprised, figured you would’ve been begging before it was over.”
You remained silent, your body was in too much pain to respond.
“What’s that? Nothing to say? No smart retorts? Maybe there’s hope for you yet, Sweetheart.”
Your gaze fell to the floor, you knew now what Joseph meant by ‘extra steps’, they were going to beat and torture you worse than they ever had to for however long it took. He said you’d die on your way to Atonement, they were willing to kill you to get you there. Everything before was just a game, you played cat and mouse with them for so long, you never stopped to think about what would happen when they got tired of playing. There was no escaping this time, you had two choices, to Atone, or die. John packed up his toolbox and decided you’d had enough for now, leaving you sitting with your blood dripping into the floor.
You stayed in the chair because you knew the second you moved you would be in too much pain to even think straight, you knew you’d have to move eventually but you wanted to put it off for as long as you could.
“Did she break?” Joseph asked John as he saw him come up from the basement.
“No, and I didn’t go easy on her. I’m sure she understands now there will be no leaving this time.”
John washed your blood from his hands and led Joseph to watch the cameras in your room. They watched as you sat in the chair, not moving, not even crying anymore.
“Did she say anything before you left?”
“Not a word. I think she’s exhausted, she couldn’t keep her own in a spar with Jacob last night.”
You decided it was time, time to get up and at least move to the bed. You took a deep breath before standing up quickly, the sudden movement pulled at your skin causing the wounds to all shoot waves of pain throughout your body, making you fall to your knees and cry out. You didn’t know where the cameras were, but you knew he was watching you.
“John… Please help me…” You hated asking for his help, but there was no way you could move again without someone.
John looked over to Joseph as if asking for permission, they were both surprised by your plea. Joseph nodded in approval, John left the room and headed down to you.
“Begging so soon?” He opened the door to your room and stood over you.
“Please, John. Just help me to the bed so I can bleed to death in comfort.” You were still on your hands and knees in the floor.
John bent down and grabbed your forearm, pulling you up to your feet as you yelled out in pain again. He helped you walk slowly over to the bed, he looked over your back and legs, the wounds he had inflicted were still bleeding and red, if he didn’t do something, they’d get infected for sure. You sat down on the bed and laid down on your side facing away from him. You wrapped your arms around yourself as your body trembled, John left the room momentarily but returned. He pulled the chair up behind you and applied medicine to your back, trying to be gentle, but each time he touched you, you winced in pain, tears streaming down your face.
“Once these heal, we’ll open them back up again. We’ll purge every sin from your body.” He said as he turned to leave.
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thotful-writing · 6 years
A Devil Like Jesus (7)
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ReaderxSeed Brothers
Full Fic on AO3
Description: You were brought back to John’s Ranch, badly wounded and begging for death. Joseph sent for Faith to give you a low dose of Bliss, hopefully to help with the nightmares and help you sleep long enough to heal.
Warnings: Angst, depictions of death
Jacob returned with Faith shortly, you continued to fight Joseph and John as you struggled to find any kind of solace.
“Father, Jacob told me you needed Bliss?” Faith entered the living room.
“Yes, but not for confession.” He guided her downstairs to see John holding you in his arms as you cried.
“What’s wrong with her?” She looked worriedly.
“She is plagued by dreams, unable to sleep. Can we use the Bliss to sedate her?”
“I-I don’t know. It’s never been used for that. I’m not sure what the outcome would be. It’s possible-“
“We have to try at least. We can’t just let her continue like this.” Jacob spoke up.
Faith stared at you as you trembled, your face red and stained with tears, she felt for you, she really did, to be tortured like this. She stepped into the room and approached you slowly, she sat in the floor in front of John.
“Your suffering shall end soon, my sweet angel.” She reached up and tucked your hair behind your ear.
You didn’t recoil from her touch, you had never seen her before, of course you knew of her, everyone did, the junky turned savior. She looked like an angel, an aura surrounded her as she moved closer to you. Honestly, at this point you’d welcome anything if there was a chance it could end all of this. She pulled a syringe from her pocket, holding it up and flicking it to make sure there were no bubbles in it.
“This is going to help you.” She said as John held your arm out for her, she felt your arm until she found a vein and pushed the needle in, releasing the Bliss into your bloodstream.
You relaxed into John’s arms, feeling like you were melting into him, your eyes grew heavy as your limbs fell limp. Joseph and Jacob stepped into the room as they watched you. You struggled to hold your eyes open as the drugs coursed through your body, as your eyes fluttered shut you saw Joseph kneeling in front of you.
“God forgives all sins, but you must ask for forgiveness…” Joseph’s voice echoed through your mind.
You opened your eyes to see Joseph preaching in a field, in that field, with that tree. You moved towards him, it felt like you were floating, everything was foggy, but you didn’t feel any pain or exhaustion.
“You are not your sins…” He spoke again to the group of people seated in the grass.
You stood behind him now, he hadn’t acknowledged your presence at all as you watched him speak so passionately. Finally, he turned to you, placing his hands on your shoulders.
“You can achieve salvation, peace within yourself, all you have to do is ask.”
Your body twitched in John’s arms, you had only been out for a few minutes, but they were hopeful this would work.
“We need to restrain her, just in case.” Jacob gathered some rope and walked towards John.
“No. I’ll hold her.” John pulled you closer to him, he didn’t want you to wake up restrained and panic.
“John, she’ll be alright. We can keep a better eye on her if she’s restrained.” Joseph reached out for him to hand you over.
Reluctantly, John placed you in Joseph’s arms and they proceeded to tie your arms and feet to the bed frame. Your eyes moved quickly, and your body twitched and jerked, but you were still asleep. They circled your bed and watched you intensely as if they were waiting for something to happen.
“I don’t deserve salvation. I’m the snake in the Garden of Eden.” You shook your head.
“The snake is not aware they are the snake. Nor would they care.”
Joseph disappeared from in front of you. You looked around for him, but only saw the tree, he told you he came here for clarity. You sat down in the grass like he had done before and inhaled deeply, closing your eyes.
“If I’m not the snake, then what am I?” You asked in your mind, but your voice rang clear through the air.
“You can’t stand around watching her all day, go find something to do. I’ll sit with her.” Faith stood behind the men as they crowded around the bed.
Jacob and Joseph turned to leave but noticed John hadn’t moved. Joseph placed his hand on his shoulder, encouraging him to follow. He waited for another moment before joining them upstairs. Faith pulled up a chair and sat next to your bed as you continued to move in your sleep.
“The bliss will carry you to the other side, let it in, let it show you the way.” Faith whispered into your ear, you sighed slightly at her words.
She sat next to you and held your hand, you’d squeeze her every now and then, she liked to think it was comforting for you to know someone was with you. She watched over you, you must be important if The Father was willing to go through all of this for you, if they all were.
“Do you think this is going to work? Will she be back to normal?” John paced the living room.
“I don’t know, John. We just have to wait and see. She may not ever be back to normal completely, she endured a lot. Probably more than what we know of.” Joseph wanted to reassure his brother, but he didn’t want to get his hopes up for a full recovery.
“She… She said she left because she dreamt about killing us?” Jacob looked at Joseph.
“I think the dreams were much more than that, but yes. She was afraid she would harm us so she left.”
“How do we fight off fucking dreams? What if she starts having them again and can’t control herself not to act on them?” Jacob stood and joined John in pacing.
“You’re worried about her killing us? What about the girl down there who’s been hallucinating and tormented for weeks? The woman who saved all of our fucking lives? Does she mean that little to you?” John glared at him.
“No, but I’m trying to think ahead, we need to be prepared to-“
“To what? Fucking kill her? Do you hear yourself?” John’s body tensed, he wouldn’t let anything happen to you, not again, even if it meant going against his brothers.
“Enough, we don’t know what’s going to happen and speculating isn’t helping. John, why don’t you go check on her and Faith?” Joseph stood between them.
John stormed off and headed downstairs, he would rather be with you anyways.
“Let’s refrain from speaking about killing her, it only upsets him.” Joseph sat down in the armchair.
“Don’t act like you weren’t going down there earlier to end her life, you told us to kill her if she returned, well here she is and she’s still alive.”
“I-I didn’t know… I didn’t know about the dreams, I thought she had run from us… How wrong I was, she was trying to protect us and, in the process, she ended up causing herself more pain and torment.” He leaned forward and rested his arms on his knees, he could never forgive himself for doubting you, for turning his back so easily, but mostly for not seeing your suffering.
“How is she doing?” John stood in the doorway.
“She’s cried out a few times and jerked around a bit, but nothing too bad. She keeps saying something about a ‘snake in the garden’.” Faith stood and approached John, her hand reaching up to caress his cheek.
“She is going to be okay, the bliss will take care of her.”
“I hope so, I- we, can’t lose her again.” His eyes never moved from you.
“Who is she? Why does she have all of you in such an uproar?” Faith watched as John moved towards you, a gentleness she hadn’t seen in him before.
“She… She saved our lives, more than once apparently.” He crouched down and held your hand, gently running his thumb over your knuckles.
“How do I get out of here?” Your voice echoed again, suddenly Joseph appeared, sitting in front of you.
“You can’t leave yet, it’s not time.” His voice carried through the openness of the plain.
“When will it be time then?”
“When you forgive yourself and let go of the sins that have poisoned you.” He disappeared again, leaving you alone in the field.
“Thank you for coming, Faith. When-If, she wakes up I’d like for you to meet her.” Joseph said as she entered the living room.
“When she wakes up, I’d love to meet the woman that has all of the Seed’s so enamored. She must be truly special.”
“That she is. I can have someone take you back home if you’d like?”
“There isn’t much else I can do for her, let me know how everything turns out.” She smiled as Joseph pressed his forehead to hers briefly before asking a follower to escort her home.
That night they continued to take shifts watching you, John avoided talking with Jacob directly, he was still angry at him. Joseph felt the guilt of what happened to you the most, he should have noticed your suffering, he should have been able to help you. He sat on the side of your bed next to you, his hand brushing the hair from your face. John sat in a chair at the foot of your bed.
“Please forgive me…” He whispered.
“Do you think she can hear us?” Jacob leaned against the door frame.
“Possibly.” John said as he rested his hand on your ankle.
“I wanted to apologize for earlier. I shouldn’t have been so quick to suggest- well, you know. When she left, I assumed she had run, I shutdown any thoughts of an alternative.” Jacob looked over at John.
“We all made mistakes. The choice is how we make up for them now.” Joseph turned to look at his brothers.
“How the hell do I forgive myself?” You stood and paced in the field.
Joseph always talked about forgiveness and cleansing your soul of sins, but he never actually told you how the fuck to do it. You paced and racked your brain for something, anything that would help, but he talked so much it was hard to remember all of it.
“I-I forgive myself.” You looked around, but nothing changed, obviously saying it wasn’t the way.
You inhaled deeply and released the breath, you thought about all the people you had killed, you knew the way out of this would be to embrace what had been torturing you for so long. Suddenly, those whose lives you took surrounded you. At first you felt that familiar panic set in, there were so many, their faces blank as they stared at you. You took another deep breath and released it.
“I killed all of you…I took lives that were not mine to take. I can’t undo what I’ve done, but I can choose what path I take now.”
“What path do you choose, my child?” The people disappeared and Joseph stood in front of you.
You woke up suddenly, inhaling sharply and opening your eyes, you pulled against your restraints and looked around, you saw all three of the Seed’s staring at you like you’d come back from the dead.
“Wh-What’s going on?” You looked at your hands and feet tied to the bed and tested the restraints again.
“How are you feeling?” Joseph watched you as you pulled on the ropes.
“I feel like shit. Why am I tied to the bed?”
Joseph slid off the bed and crouched in the floor next to you, you looked at him confused for a moment before he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your lips briefly. He stood and moved aside as Jacob approached you.
“If this is some weird sex-“ You were cut off by Jacob pressing his lips to yours, forcefully.
He pulled back and stepped out of the way when you saw John walking towards you.
“Will some-“ You were stopped again by John’s lips latching onto your own, his kiss deep and passionate, his hand cupped your face. You pulled on your restraints, wanting to touch him.
He finally released you and sat on the edge of your bed, your cheeks were flush, and you felt desire uncurling in your stomach.
“Now that everyone has kissed me, will someone please tell me what’s going on? Why the fuck am I tied to this bed?”
“Do you not remember-” Joseph furrowed his brow as he looked at you.
“I remember everything just fine, the dreams, leaving… the torture, even being brought back here. What I don’t remember is why I was tied to this bed and why I still am.”
“We were afraid you’d try to hurt yourself again, and we weren’t sure how the bliss-“ Jacob said.
“Bliss?! You gave me fucking bliss? Are you all insane? Why would you give someone drugs who isn’t even fully conscious?”
“Well… it worked.” John shrugged.
“I’m surrounded by idiots. If I promise not to kill myself will you untie me?”
The men exchanged glances, unsure if it was a good idea or not. You seemed normal, but with everything you’d been through they didn’t know if you could relapse.
“I think for now, you should remain tied to the bed, just to be sure you’re okay.” Joseph finally broke the silence.
“Seriously? Fine. But someone better bring me something to eat, I’m starving.” You didn’t like it, but you had no choice in the matter.
All three men turned and left you so they could find you some food. You tested your restraints again, but it was no use, they had tied them perfectly with no chance of you escaping. They were all relieved you had woken up and beside being annoyed, you seemed fine.
“I feel like I shouldn’t have to say this, but I’m going to anyways. Just because she’s awake and coherent does not mean she’s back 100%, so… no sex.” Joseph turned to his brothers as soon as they stepped into the kitchen.
“Like, for all of us, or can one of us just-“ John asked.
“None. She has been through insurmountable trauma, no one touches her until we’re certain she’s okay. Agreed?” He looked at his brothers sternly, also knowing he would need to keep an eye on them even if they agreed.
They reluctantly nodded their heads as they made their way to the refrigerator, gathering ingredients for something quick. Joseph returned to you downstairs as they cooked for you.
“My food ready yet?” You asked as he entered the room.
“They’re working on it. I wanted to talk to you about something.” He sat on the edge of the bed.
“I can’t promise they won’t come back, the dreams, if that’s what you want to know.”
“But when I was unconscious, I saw you, I guess you’re my voice of reason, you helped me see that my fate was not tied to my past or my sins, that I could choose another path, so I did.”
“And what path is that?”
“To join the Project, to help in any way I can, except killing. I will do whatever it takes, I still want to atone, and possibly be Baptized again, don’t think the first one took.”
Joseph could see something was different, you didn’t seem to be carrying the weight of your sins anymore, though every other word was still an obscenity, your demeanor had changed, you were genuine in your words.
“I’m glad to hear that, but I wanted to ask your forgiveness, for not recognizing your struggles, for not seeing the way you suffered.”
“In all honesty, I hid it from you, from you all. I didn’t want you to worry about my problems, I assumed I could handle it myself.”
“From now on, you have to tell us everything.” John said as he entered, carrying a plate with half a sandwich on it.
Joseph stood as John sat by you on the bed, carefully feeding you, you wanted to complain, that it was a little demeaning, but he looked so happy feeding you, you decided not to say anything. You finished eating and were full already from that small amount, it had been a while since you’d really eaten anything.
“I’m curious, what did you guys do while I was gone?”
“Well, little Johnny lost it-“ Jacob laughed.
“At least I wasn’t already digging her grave.” John retorted.
“At least someone missed me.”
“We all did, you left a pretty big hole. I don’t think any of us will survive if you do that again.” Joseph still felt bad for how quickly he jumped to thinking the worst about you.
“I’m not planning on it anytime soon. Especially not with a little Seed on the way.” You looked down at your stomach.
You had never seen three men turn that pale that quickly, all of their mouth’s hung open as they stared at you.
“Oh, God, I was just joking, you guys look mortified.” A smile crept across your face.
They collectively released the breath they had each been holding in but were unaware of. None of them were at all prepared for a child, especially not after what they had just been through with you. You had to admit you’d missed them all something awful while you were gone, it was good to be back.
After a bit, Jacob and Joseph left you to get some rest, John didn’t want to leave your side, so he sat against the wall next to your bed, nodding off here and there.
“Will you just get in the bed? You look pitiful.” You could barely see him but still knew he couldn’t be comfortable.
“I’m fine.” He replied sleepily, not bothering to open his eyes.
“Stop being stubborn and just get up here.”
John stood up and climbed into the bed next to you, he rested his head on your shoulder as he wrapped his arms around you. You were finally able to get some good rest that night, your dreams were no longer plagued by death. You woke up the next morning with your feet and hands untied and the basement door open. You stretched and cracked your neck, your arms were a bit sore and you were still recovering from the torture, with bruises here and there and you were positive you had a cracked rib or two. You slowly made your way upstairs to find all three men waiting patiently for you in the kitchen.
“Good morning, how are you feeling?” Joseph greeted you as he pressed a kiss to your head.
“Little stiff, sore, but a lot better than I was doing a few days ago. What’s for breakfast?” You winced as you sat on the stool at the counter.
John placed a plate in front of you, “Eggs and toast. Don’t want you eating too much too quickly.”
You wanted to protest, but you had gotten full off the small sandwich last night, best not to push it. You weren’t used to them taking care of you like this, they all watched you as if you were going to shatter into a million pieces at any moment. You were able to finish your eggs and half of the toast. You slid off the stool and headed towards the bathroom.
“Where are you going?” Jacob stopped you.
“Um, well, I haven’t had a shower in about 2 weeks, so…”
“No shower, you’ll take a bath, and I’ll help you.” Joseph placed his hand on your back and guided you upstairs.
“I’m perfectly capable of taking a shower, been doing it for a while now.” You stood at the bathtub as he ran the water.
“You’re obviously still in pain, possibly with internal injuries. The last thing you need is to slip and fall. Arms.” He commanded, you knew there was no point in arguing, plus it would be nice not to have to do anything.
You raised your arms quickly but soon realized it was a huge mistake, pain shot across your ribs and you lowered your arms a bit until it subsided. Joseph took notice and carefully lifted your shirt over your head, allowing you to put your arms back down. He helped you undress the rest of the way and held your hand as you stepped into the tub. The water felt perfect as you sunk down into it, you were glad you took a bath instead of a shower. You looked at Joseph who’s eyes were fixed on the bruises and dried blood that covered you.
“I’m fine, they’re just surface wounds.” You tried to reassure him.
“I should have never stopped looking for you, I should have known you were suffering but I was occupied by everything else around me. All of this could have been avoided.” His face pained with his guilt.
You leaned forward and held his face in your hands, staring into his eyes for a moment before pulling him closer and softly pressing your lips to his. You wanted him to know everything was alright, that you didn’t blame him for anything. He wanted to pull back, but he couldn’t, he needed you, he moved forward deepening the kiss, he didn’t realize just how much he missed you.
“I thought you said no sex?” John’s voice heavy with envy.
Joseph pulled away from you as you looked over at John, “If you think that was sex then I have something to tell you. And what do you mean ‘no sex’?”
“Joseph said we can’t have sex with you until you’re better.”
“And who decides when I’m better?” You glanced between the two men, concerned you might actually die from lack of orgasms.
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thotful-writing · 6 years
A Devil Like Jesus (2)
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Reader x Seed Brothers
Ch. 1 
Description: Your torture continues and your body endures, for the most part.  You know how people say "at least it can't get any worse" and then it gets 10x worse? Yeah, that's what happens in this chapter. Enjoy.
Warnings: Smut, depictions of torture
If anything, the Seed family was true to their word. John gave you a few days to heal, but he returned with the bundle of cables in hand. He reopened your wounds like he said and added some new ones. This time he didn’t leave you sitting in the chair, he helped you into the bed immediately. You started to wonder how long they’d do this and how much more your body could take. You wanted to try and escape, but a part of you also wanted to stay, to endure the torture as a punishment. Over the past few months you had begun to look back on your path of destruction, how many innocent people lost their lives at your hand, the people that died because you wanted to take down a religious sect. John gave you another couple days to heal before he returned.
“You’re no fun when you’re sulking.” He spoke as he entered the room.
“I’m not fucking sulking, my back looks like a goddamn scratching post for cats.” You slowly sat up in the bed, your blood-soaked shirt stuck to your skin.
“Watch your language or I won’t give you your surprise.”
“What’s my surprise? Another beating? A boring ass sermon from Joseph?”
“A shower. You haven’t had one in days and I know you could use it.” He crossed his arms, leaning against the door.
“What’s the catch?” You narrowed your eyes at him, you knew there had to be something.
“No catch, just a nice hot shower.”
You were skeptical, but you’d already been beaten, what harm could a shower do?
“Alright, so when do I get this ‘no catch’ shower?”
“Right now. Let’s go.” He approached you, holding out his hand.
You took his hand reluctantly, but you knew if you didn’t take it you wouldn’t be able to make it very far due to your wounds. He slowly helped you out of the room and up the steps, you watched him cautiously, he had to be up to something. Once he helped you upstairs to the bathroom, he turned the shower on. You struggled to lift your arms over your head to remove your shirt, he stood there watching you.
“Are you going to help me or just stare?” You asked frustrated.
John stepped closer to you and lifted the hem of your shirt, pulling it over your head and tossing it to the floor. You grabbed the waist of your sweatpants and panties, pulling them down as far as you could bend and letting them slide down the rest of the way, stepping out of them. John’s eyes roamed over your body, his eyes settling on the scar on your stomach, ‘wrath’. You decided you didn’t want to be under his gaze anymore so you stepped into the shower, the second the water hit your back you yelled out. You turned around to face the shower head when you felt John step in behind you.
“Aw, come on, you said ‘no catch’.” You sighed in exasperation.
“Don’t tell me you didn’t miss this, miss me.” His fingers lightly traced over your hips as he softly kissed across your shoulders.
“Isn’t this forbidden? Don’t want to go against The Father do we?” You tried to appease to his loyalty to Joseph, but it wasn’t working, he licked and nipped at your neck.
Your body betrayed you when a breathy moan slipped from your lips and you rolled your head to the side, allowing him better access to your neck. Suddenly he pulled you back against his chest, pain radiating through your body and you tried to move away. He held you there momentarily before turning you around to face him, he leaned forward and kissed your lips tenderly, his hands resting on your hips moved up your sides. He deepened the kiss, his tongue swirling in your mouth, your hands resting against his chest, you moved closer to him and could feel his already hard cock pressing against you. The water pulsed against your open wounds as you kissed, your fingers weaving through his beard.
Suddenly John pushed you against the shower wall, “Fuck!” You shouted as your entire body lit up in pain.
Before you could say another word, his mouth was latched to yours again and his hand travelled down between your legs, your pain being washed away by pleasure as he circled your clit. You didn’t care what John did to you in this moment, you were enjoying the shower and didn’t know when you’d get another chance, though your better judgement told you it wasn’t a good idea to fall back into old habits.
“Tell me you missed me.” John whispered against your lips as his fingers worked wonders between your thighs.
“Aw, does Johnny’s ego need to be stroked?” You smirked at him, he removed his hand from your clit and he placed both hands on the shower wall on either side of your head.
“I want to hear you say it.” His blue eyes staring intensely into yours.
Without a hitch you ran your hand slowly up his torso, moving up his chest, and wrapping your hand gently around his throat before you forcefully pushed him back against the wall. Both of you knew he was allowing you this moment of domination and you had no real control. Your hand squeezed his throat as your other wrapped around his length, moving slowly up and down causing John to sigh through gritted teeth.
“You want me to tell you how much I missed you? How I touched myself at night, wishing… praying that it was your fingers I was coming all over?” You spoke softly into John’s ear.
“How I ached to feel your cock inside me again? That I’d say ‘Yes’ just to be fucked by you one last time?”
“Yes.” He groaned as you continued to stroke him.
“Johnny… never… gonna… happen…” You smiled and pulled your hand away from him.
A sly grin spread across his face before he pushed your hand away from his throat and shoved you back against the wall, he moved swiftly and lifted you as you wrapped your legs around his waist. The tip of his cock entered you quickly and he pushed further, causing you both to gasp at the feeling. He wasted no time thrusting up into you, your hands gripped his shoulders and you dug your nails into his skin, which only made him fuck you harder into the shower wall. His hands moved from your waist up your sides, resting on your upper back, right as you were reaching the edge John dragged his fingers down your back, scraping over every wound you had. You screamed out as the pleasure mixed with the pain and pushed you over as you came hard around John. He wasn’t far behind and you knew exactly how to get him there, you nuzzled your head into the crook of his neck and bit down on his flesh as hard as you could, sure to leave a nice bruise, you felt his muscles tense, but he continued thrusting into you. There was only one other thing that would end this quickly so you could finish your shower.
“I missed you.” You whispered into his ear, he thrust into you a few more times before finding his release inside you.
He pulled out of you and placed your feet back on the floor. He placed a swift kiss on your lips before stepping out of the shower.
“Hurry up, you have 2 minutes.” He grabbed a towel and began drying himself.
You didn’t care if it was 2 seconds, at least you got to shower and had decent semi-painful sex. John was as sadistic as he was masochistic, he loved inflicting pain, but also enjoyed receiving it. You honestly thought at one point if you two ever really went at it with each other, full force, one of you would die. John always had to be in control though, he would show you softness but immediately take it back by causing you pain in some way, reasserting his dominance over you. You didn’t mind it, you knew all the Seed men were just soft boys whose egos wouldn’t let them show just how touch starved they really were. Once you were done and clothed again John escorted you back downstairs to the basement, locking you in for the night.
The next morning you woke up to a granola bar for breakfast, feeling a little short changed considering the night before. John walked downstairs to find Joseph and Jacob awaiting him.
“Don’t you two ever sleep?” He yawned, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
“A full 3 hours every night.” Jacob replied.
“How is she doing? Any progress?” Joseph asked as he stood at the counter.
“John’s made plenty of progress. Look at this. Just couldn’t resist could you, little brother?” Jacob pointed to the teeth imprints on John’s neck.
“John, we talked about this. If you can’t keep your hands to yourself maybe we need to move her to Jacob’s.” Joseph crossed his arms, disappointed in his brother.
“Ha, like he’d do any better.” John scoffed.
“How many times do I have to say this, weakness of the flesh becomes weakness of the mind.” He was genuinely worried his brothers wouldn’t be able to stay away from you.
“Just take me to her.” Joseph said exasperated.
You slowly stretched your body out, careful not to open any of your wounds up again. You heard footsteps approaching and stood against the wall waiting, knowing they’d tie you up if they felt threatened in any way.
“Good morning, Seed family. I’ve never had three at one time, but I’ll try anything once.” You said as they filed into the room.
Joseph rolled his eyes at your sinful mouth, unamused. He didn’t understand how you weren’t broken yet, how you were still so stubborn. You leaned against the wall with your hands behind your back as Jacob approached you.
“Come to give me another love tap?” You grinned up at him.
“You wouldn’t survive another.”
You leaned forward and pressed your chest against him, “You sure you wouldn’t like to go a few rounds? Johnny and I had quite the time last night, made me miss our late nights alone.” You knew you were pissing John off, he hated to see you flirting with Jacob.
“Alright, that’s enough, you two out. Leave me with her.” Joseph noticed the tension you were causing, you winked at the two men as they left, it was almost too easy to get them riled up.
���Envy is a pretty big sin, Joseph.”
“I don’t envy them, I pity them. So easily manipulated by temptations of the flesh.”
“Is my flesh not tempting enough to you? That kind of hurts me, Joseph.” You feigned disappointment.
Joseph pulled a chair out and sat down, clearly annoyed with you.
“Will you Atone for your sins yet, my child?” He stared at you.
An idea popped into your head, not a great one, but you did love messing with the Seed brothers and knew that John and Jacob were watching the cameras intensely. You slid down the wall and dropped to your knees, clasping your hands together as if to pray, holding your gaze on Joseph.
“Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.” You heavily emphasized ‘Father’.
“That’s Catholics.”
“Oh, but I’d still like to confess my sins to you, Father.” You slid your hands down your knees and slowly crawled towards Joseph. His eyes never left yours as you made your way to him.
You stopped at his feet and sat back on your knees, placing your hands on his knees and sliding them up his thighs, you moved up close to his face. Joseph sat staring at you, his breath hitched in his throat at your touch and his entire body tensed up. You honestly didn’t think you’d get this far, you assumed he would have pushed you away by now, but he didn’t. Your felt your pulse quicken as you inched closer, your lips almost touching now, neither of you moved and continued to stare into each other’s eyes. You decided it was now or never, you leaned in and kissed him softly, closing your eyes as your lips touched. Unexpectedly, one of his hands moved to the back of your head, pulling you deeper into the kiss as you moved your body between his legs.
“The fuck is that?!” Jacob yelled staring at the screen.
John didn’t say a word as he stared in shock at the events unfolding before him.
You pulled back from the kiss, breathless, chastising yourself for what you just did. You were already in deep with John and Jacob, now Joseph too. You literally had no words, you just sat back on your knees in front of him, not knowing what the fuck to say after that.
“Are you ready to Atone now, my child?” Joseph leaned forward, his thumb rested under your chin and pulled your gaze up to meet his.
“I-I’ll think about it.” Your voice was small.
Joseph stood and left the room as you stayed in the floor trying to think about what the hell just happened. You felt like you were in a trance, kind of like with Jacob and that damned music box, but there were no external stimuli from what you could tell.
Joseph walked back upstairs to find his brothers waiting on him with surprised expressions on their faces.
“Flesh is a weakness, huh?” Jacob folded his arms.
“You told us to keep our hands to ourselves, but you’re allowed to do whatever you want?” John said, clearly annoyed he got scolded for doing the exact same thing.
“I cannot explain what it is about her, I know she is a temptress, I know she brings sin and destruction with her, but I cannot pull myself away from her. I need to pray on this.” Joseph turned and left his brothers standing there.
You finally gathered your thoughts and stood up, pacing the room, trying to figure out why he let you do that, and seemed to enjoy it. You had made several flirtations with Joseph before, but never followed through with anything, he always brushed you off. John and Jacob were too easy to pull into your games, Joseph was calculated in his actions and never did anything without thinking first, he must be toying with you in some way. As you continued pacing the door to your room opened and in walked two angry looking Seed brothers.
“Look, I didn’t mean-“ You tried to explain but Jacob’s hand gripped your throat, silencing any words from escaping.
John walked over and quickly tied your hands together in front of you and placed a gag around your mouth. Jacob released your throat and stepped back. You looked between the two men, unsure of what was going to happen, if this was ordered by Joseph for your advances or just because they were jealous. John grabbed you by your arm and pulled you over to the table, he bent you over it and held your head down. You couldn’t see Jacob but could hear him rummaging through the toolbox, he wasn’t usually one for physical torture. You heard him walk over to you, leaning down over your back, he grabbed your shirt and cut it open, ripping it from your body and leaving you exposed. You immediately felt that familiar pain, the one you felt when John carved ‘wrath’ into your stomach, you weren’t sure but you could guess Jacob was carving ‘lust’ into your back. You struggled and screamed as John held you down on the table. Jacob moved annoyingly slow with the knife, making sure you felt every layer of skin splitting open beneath it. Tears streamed down your cheeks and pooled on the table as you cried out.
“Shhh, shhh. Almost done now.” John whispered into your ear.
The last stroke of the knife felt the deepest, like Jacob was putting all of his anger and frustration into it. He finished and stood up as John released you. You didn’t move though, you stayed down on the table, your body trembled in pain.
“Another sin to add to your growing list.” John said as he removed the gag from your mouth.
“Might as well just add the rest of them, I’ll get to them eventually.” You smirked.
John laughed at your comment, you always tried to hide how much pain you were truly in. He grabbed your arm and pulled you upright, taking the knife and cutting your restraints.
“Done so soon, boys? That was very anti-climactic.”
“Shut up before you get yourself into more trouble.” Jacob glared down at you.
You took his advice, you knew if you continued you’d either end up with more wounds or pinned between the two of them, which wouldn’t be so bad but you were already exhausted. You walked over and sat down on your bed, carefully laying down on your side, not wanting to touch your newest sin.
“Were you serious when you told Joseph you’d consider Atoning?” John asked before he left.
“I don’t know, maybe.” You shrugged, John stepped out of the room and closed the door behind him.
You had been considering it, not like you had anything better to do, but you still hadn’t decided. If your days would continue like this you weren’t sure you’d survive long enough to make a decision, being fucked one minute, then tortured the next. You had really put yourself in a bad situation, especially kissing Joseph, none of this could end well for you.
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thotful-writing · 6 years
Sinners at Eden’s Gate (3)
Description: Jacob took you from John’s abruptly, he was determined to get the information they needed and help you reach your atonement.
Warnings: smut, NSFW, torture, depictions of blood, violence
Ch1    Ch2
You slowly came back into consciousness, your head pounding, momentarily forgetting what had happened, you reached out for something but found only bars. You tried to stand but couldn’t, you felt around and realized you were in a cage, your eyes finally adjusted to the darkness, the memories of the night before coming back to you.
Jacob had taken you from John, when you wouldn’t stop screaming, he hit you with the butt of his gun, that was all you could remember, everything else was fuzzy. You shifted in the cage, still wearing your large t-shirt, remembering John had ripped your underwear from you and wishing you had been given a chance to change before so rudely being kidnapped from your initial kidnapper, you realized how complicated things had gotten an decided it was best not to think about it right now.
“Hello? Is anyone there?” You shouted out hoping someone would hear you, someone did, a figure from the dark began moving towards you.
“Hey, please can you help me?” You moved closer trying to see their face but the darkness kept them shrouded.
“No one is coming to help you, not the Resistance, not little Johnny.” The figure moved closer, kneeling in front of the cage, it was Jacob.
“Where’s John?” You trembled under his intense gaze.
“John, John, John… He’s been your only concern since you were captured. Contrary to your belief, you were not brought here to play house with him.”
“Please enlighten me then, why was I brought here?” You were getting annoyed with their vague references as to why they captured you.
“Out of all of the liberators at that outpost, did you ever stop to think about why we only took you? Why there were no others brought here? Did you ever look past your own desires, your sins, to think about the big picture?”
You were still unsure what he was talking about, you really didn’t think about anyone else since you’d been captured, he was right, it was pretty self-centered of you.
“We came for you, you specifically. We waited until you attacked, until the Resistance brought you right to our doorstep.”
“Why me? I’m nobody to you, you don’t even know who I am.” You shook your head in disbelief.
“You really think we don’t know who you are? Joseph found out you had returned to Hope County and made it a priority that we capture you.”
“If I’m so fucking important then why do you keep playing cat and mouse with me between the three of you?”
“The Father wants you to confess to your sins, to secure your place at Eden’s Gate. You have stubbornly refused John’s attempts, it’s time for another method.”
“And that method is to keep me in a dog cage until I pour my heart out to you?”
“Sarcasm, cute. I’ll just leave you here to think about things for a bit, pup.” He stood up and left the room without another word.
Once again you pissed off your captor and were going to be left alone until you begged for some kind of human interaction, willing to do whatever to get it. You slumped back against the wall of the cage, thinking about everything Jacob had said. They keep telling you that you’re important, special, but no one will tell you anymore than that. If they had any idea of your history, of the things you’d done, you wouldn’t be so valued. You couldn’t be sure how long you sat there, you had shifted between rage and anxiety, angry that they kept doing this to you, anxious about what Jacob’s methods would be. You resorted to screaming, hoping maybe someone would hear and help you. You finally grew tired, your voice hoarse, no more screaming.
“Are you ready to talk or are you going to continue screaming?” He stood over the cage.
“What do you want from me?” You lazily looked up at him.
“The Father says you are important to our mission, to us. You need to confess your sins so you can join us at Eden’s Gate.”
“I don’t have any sins to confess, so unless you know something I don’t then let me go.”
“Coming from the family you come from, I highly doubt you don’t have any sins.”
“You don’t fucking know anything about me or my family.” You snapped back at him.
“Your father… the devout Christian… Preacher… among other things. Tell me, how old was your sister when she hung herself? 17? 18? Your family said it was because she had gotten involved in drugs, but you knew… you knew the truth…”
“You’re wrong, it was drugs. She got mixed up with the wrong people.” You did your best to conceal the truth.
“Why do you continue to lie? You and I both know it was because of your parents, what were they doing in the basement at night, with your sister?”
You remained silent, staring up at him, there was no way he could know about that. Your family paid people off to keep the scandal hidden, and when rumors started up your family left.
“Shy all of a sudden? How many were there? How many men did your parents whore your sister out to? At what age did they pull you in?”
You felt your anger surging through you, you had been trying to forget all of this, everything you went through. You couldn’t hold the tears back any longer, they streamed down your cheeks.
“She killed herself so she wouldn’t have to deal with it anymore and left you to pick up where she left off. She was selfish, she didn’t care about what they’d put you through after she was gone.”
“No! It wasn’t fucking like that! She protected me, she kept me from being pulled into it too. She sacrificed herself for me night after night.” You lunged forward in the cage, trying to attack him, but he was much quicker and moved out of the way.
Jacob stood, stretching his legs, “We’ll get you to confess soon enough.”
“H-How? How do you know who I am? None of you were even here when my family left.” You wiped your tear stained cheeks, looking up at him.
“Your precious John helped us dig up information about the county’s past when we first looked into moving here, about it’s current and past citizens. Your family made quite the mark, after you left information was revealed about everything. I’m actually quite impressed at how well you hid from your past, no one had any idea where to find you.”
You could say nothing, you stared up at him, wanting to disbelieve everything he was saying, but you knew he was right. Your father made sure to pay off anyone and everyone to make certain your family was able to disappear without a trace.
“People who have been traumatized, wronged, like you, are usually the biggest sinners who give way to their vices in order to escape the pain of their past. The Father knows this and set out to find those lost souls, knowing they’d be the most vulnerable and willing to join us in order to scrub their multitude of sins from their bodies.”
You sank back down in the cage, hugging your knees to your body. You weren’t special, they saw you as weak.
“So, you came after me because I’m an easy target? That makes me feel great.” You rested your head on your knees.
“The Father says there is another reason you were needed, he didn’t say what it was, but there is more to you than you think.”
His words brought you little comfort, you still felt useless, that they picked you because they didn’t see you as that much of a threat and knew you’d be easy to control. Your thoughts shifted to John, wondering if anything he had said was true, or if he was using you, he seemed sincere in his confession to you though.
You had no way of knowing what time or day it was, Jacob brought you food and continued to question you. Eventually he brought you some sweatpants after you spent most of the time shivering in the cage. One day he brought you a bowl of something he had concocted, he called it “soup”, but soup isn’t supposed to be grey with weird chunks in it, he was obviously not the best chef. It had become his routine to sit and eat with you, questioning you all the while, you started to look forward to the company.
“Hungry, pup?” He asked as he offered you a bowl of food.
You nodded your head and took the food, “What is it with you guys and giving me pet names?”
“What do you mean?”
“John calls me ‘little sinner’, you call me ‘pup’, Joseph calls me ‘my child’, but I guess he does that to everyone. So what’s the deal with you and John?”
“I don’t know about John’s reasoning, and I don’t really want to, but you are in a dog cage and you look like a little pup.” At least he was straightforward with you.
“If Joseph told you to kill me, would you?” You spooned the food around in your bowl.
“Yes, if he told me to.” He took a bite of the “soup”.
“Without a question as to why?” You finally decided to eat, needing something on your stomach, even if it might kill you.
“Joseph doesn’t always share his reasoning behind things, I have faith in his decisions. Why have you not begged for death yet? Most do by now.” He took another bite of the food.
“I don’t know, I guess I’m not ready to die and I’d like to see how this whole apocalypse thing turns out.”
Jacob smirked at your comment, making that the first time you’ve seen him make any facial expression other than anger and brooding.
“I can see why John likes having you around.” He scraped his bowl finishing what was left.
“I’m glad I can entertain the Seed brothers.”
“So, has John found someone new to torture and pull a confession from?” You handed him your empty bowl, trying your best not to sound desperate or jealous.
“Surprisingly, no. He’s not been as eccentric as usual, since you were brought here, he hasn’t been making much noise from his corner of the world in Holland Valley.”
It brought you some solace knowing there was a possibility your absence had an effect on him, but still you wondered why he hadn’t come after you.
Even though you were getting along fine with Jacob, you started to get depressed, finally seeing why people often begged for death. Jacob brought you food and water, but you wouldn’t eat it. He continued to press you for a confession, but you refused. Eventually you stopped answering him altogether.
“Come on, pup. You have to eat something.” He tried to hand you a piece of bread, but you wouldn’t take it.
You did nothing but stare at him, you were at least letting him know you were listening and could hear him but refused to speak. Your mind always went to John when you were alone, wondering if he was thinking about you, or if missed you. You were curled up in the cage when you heard voices outside the room, the door opened, and you saw Joseph enter and sat up instantly. He looked down at you, before kneeling.
“Are you alright, my child?”
You nodded your head, you hadn’t spoken in days and his presence wouldn’t change that.
“Jacob says you’ve stopped eating and speaking. I thought… I thought you’d confess and accept the gift God has granted you, that you’d be perfect for Eden’s Gate… but now… I fear I may have misjudged you. Jacob…” He shouted out for his brother.
“Did she confess to you?” He turned to him when he entered.
“No. Nothing.”
“We’ve tried everything, John failed me and now Jacob has failed as well. I don’t know how we can get through to you.” He was exasperated.
“She values one thing… her life.” Jacob looked down at you.
Joseph turned to him, pausing for a moment to consider his suggestion, and then nodded his head. You moved forward, trying to figure out what they were going to do. Jacob pulled a pistol from his pocket as Joseph stood, stepping back. He aimed the gun at you, turning the safety off. Jacob said he’d kill you without question if Joseph told him to.
“Yes!” You screamed as loud as you could, closing your eyes in fear, you didn’t want to die, this was the only way out.
“What was that, my child?” Joseph placed his hand over the gun forcing Jacob to lower it.
“Yes. I will confess… but only to John.” Your voice was low.
Joseph looked at Jacob for a moment before calling out for his younger brother. As soon as you saw him your heart leapt, you were happy he was there, though you knew you shouldn’t be, he was your torturer after all, but he was the only thing you had even close to a friend for the past few weeks. Of course, he was as calm and collected as normal, his expression giving nothing away, while your face had lit up instantly and you were visibly excited by his presence.
“She is ready to confess.” Joseph motioned towards you.
Jacob bent down and unlocked the cage, he grabbed your arm and pulled you out. You were so weak, you tried to stand, but faltered. You felt John grab your hand and help you to your feet, you wobbled slightly, having been in the cage for a few days your muscles were weak. John cupped your face in his hands, checking you to make sure you were alright, the only time he showed any concern for you in front of his brothers. You could see the worry in his eyes for you, maybe he did care? Your legs gave out, John and Jacob both reached out to grab you, his brothers were just as surprised as you at Jacob’s actions. John bent down and scooped you up in his arms, obviously trying to show you were his. You wrapped your arms around his neck and rested your head against his chest.
“I will let you know once she has confessed and is ready for Atonement.” He spoke to Joseph before walking out of the room.
Once you were out of earshot of them, he spoke to you, “My little sinner, how I’ve missed you.” A smile spread across his face as you tightened your arms around him.
He gently placed you in his truck, closing the door and walking around to the other side. You wanted to ask him about everything but thought it was best to wait until you were alone. John started the truck, you scooted across the seat to be closer to him, you really did miss him more than you thought you would. He wrapped his arm around you as your rode in silence. Once you had reached his ranch you got out of the truck, your legs still weak but you managed to stabilize yourself, with the assistance of John’s arm that is. You didn’t realize how much you would miss his house, you released all the tension in your body as you stepped over the threshold.
You turned to him, your mind full of questions, “John, I-“ He pressed his fingers to your lips, silencing you.
“Shhh, let’s get you cleaned up first, little sinner. Then we can talk.” He helped you upstairs, walking close behind you making sure you wouldn’t fall.
You stood in the bathroom as he started the bath, just as he had done before. He turned to you and grabbed the hem of your shirt, lifting it over your head, then pushing the waist of your pants down, letting them pool around your feet. You wrapped your arms around yourself, shivering as the cold air hit your body. He hugged you against his chest, trying to warm you up, it helped a little. You missed the way his arms felt around you, how safe you felt with him. You reached up and started unbuttoning his shirt, you were worried he’d stop you, but he didn’t, he just watched as you undressed him. You had been away from him for days and didn’t want to be separated anymore, you needed him close. You pushed the shirt off his broad shoulders to the floor and moved to undo his pants, pulling them down to the floor along with his underwear. You were caught off guard by how perfect he looked naked, despite the many, many scars, your eyes roamed over his body, taking it all in. He pulled you from your thoughts by grabbing your hand and leading you to the large tub, you stepped in and sat down, he entered in behind you. His arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you back against his chest.
“Did you really miss me?” You asked, breaking the silence.
“More than you know.” He pressed a kiss to the side of your head as he began washing your body.
“I said ‘Yes’, now what?”
“In the morning you will confess your sins to me, then you will be offered Atonement. After that you will be welcomed to Eden’s Gate, by my side.”
You were comforted by his words, ‘by my side’, he wanted you, he cared about you, but one thought rang through your head and tears sprung to your eyes. There were rules here, a way things had to be, John was proof of that.
“Is it going to hurt?” You asked as you fidgeted with your fingers.
John grabbed your shoulders and turned you around to face him, water splashing out of the tub as you moved.
“Yes, but it will be over before you know it and I’ll do my best to make it as least painful as possible.” He cupped your face in his hands, staring into your tear-filled eyes.
He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to your lips, his hands holding your face still as he deepened the kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck, moving forward to straddles his lap, you felt his cock between your legs hardening against your thigh. You would worry later, tonight you finally had John Seed all to yourself, you pushed all of your concerns out of your mind for the time being. Water sloshed around in the tub as you found the perfect position against him, his hands pulling your body closer to him. You reached down between your legs and gently grabbed his cock, moving your hand up and down his length slowly.
“Mm… Fuck, little sinner.” He groaned against your lips, his hand gently wrapped around your throat as you continued your slow movements.
You continued to stroke him between your legs, loving the sounds he made as you did. Suddenly he grabbed your hand and stopped you.
“Not here.” He slid you over and stood up to get out of the bath, before he could step out you grabbed his length again, this time licking the tip of it before sliding it into your mouth.
You sat in the tub on your knees as you licked and sucked John’s cock, trying your best to fit as much as you could into your mouth. John’s hand rested on top of your head as you continued, he was getting close to his release already and had to stop you. He grabbed your hair and pulled your head back, forcing you to stop and look up at him.
“What am I going to do with you?” His thumb stroked your bottom lip.
“Take me to bed?” You stared at him innocently.
Without warning he grabbed you, lifting you out of the bath and carrying you into the bedroom, water dripping from both of your bodies as he crossed the floor.
“John! Put me down!” You shouted as he carried you.
He reached the bed tossing you onto it before he pounced on top of you, covering your wet body with his. His hands travelled over your body, reveling in every curve. You opened your legs, hoping to coax him into fucking you already, but he didn’t take the bait. Instead he began kissing and licking over the tops of your breasts, moving his way down, you moaned loudly as he took one of your nipples between his teeth, gently pulling it. Normally John would have taken you quickly and roughly, but he wanted to take his time with you, get lost in you, because he was unsure of what the next day would bring. Your hands grabbed at the sheets beneath you as you squirmed under his actions. He moved lower, trailing tender kisses and licks as he went. He made his way down to the apex of your thighs, his face inches from where you needed his touch the most. He continued to tease you, placing kisses on both of your thighs, actively avoiding where you wanted him.
“John… Please…” You begged as he looked up at you, with that damned grin on his face.
Finally, he pushed his tongue between your slick folds, giving a long languid lick of his tongue up from your center to your clit.
“Hmm…” He hummed against your sex as he continued licking you.
Your hands dropped down and ran through his hair, grabbing handfuls as you tried to hold onto something. You moved and squirmed beneath him, moaning his name loud enough for anyone outside to hear. How he loved hearing that sound, your moans drove him crazy. His hands held your hips, trying to keep you still. You could feel your orgasm building as he licked circles around your clit, his beard rubbing between your legs. Just as you were reaching your peak, he stopped.
Before you could say anything, he climbed back over top of you, he was tired of waiting, he needed to be inside of you. He settled between your legs, you moved your hips up as he positioned himself at your entrance. You gazed up into his eyes, he was being so soft and gentle with you, genuine and kind. This was not the John Seed you were told about. He moved forward the tip of his cock slipping inside you, he pushed a little more giving you time to adjust, your mouth hung open in a perfect ‘O’ as he slid in further, filling you completely.
“Oh… little sinner… So perfect.” He stilled inside you.
You nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck as he slowly pulled out of you, then he slid back in, you could feel him entering you inch by delicious inch until you were completely filled again. He kept up this agonizingly slow pace, easing out of you and sliding back in, your orgasm began building again as you moved in unison with him. He increased his pace, moving faster, hitting that spot deep inside you, you were sure you wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer. As he continued thrusting into you, your nails scratched and dug into his back, it was all becoming too intense for you. John was used to feeling pain so he didn’t mind, it was definitely a stroke to his ego knowing he was able to put you into this state of ecstasy. His fingers squeezed and grabbed at your hips, sure to leave bruises. He picked up his pace again, this time moving deeper inside you, you could no longer make coherent sentences, you were reduced to small whimpers and whines as he pounded into you. You felt your orgasm slam into your body, you grabbed at John, holding onto him as you trembled beneath him, clenching around his cock restricting his movements.
“Little sinner…” He growled against your ear as he found his own release within you.
John eased out of you and laid beside you, both of you trying to stabilize your breathing. You never wanted this night to end, but it would, and tomorrow you would confess and have your sins carved into your body. You rested your head on John’s chest as he wrapped his arm around you and pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
“Am I weak?” Your thoughts getting the best of you, you needed to know.
“Physically? Yes.”
“That’s not what I mean. Jacob said Joseph wanted me because I was vulnerable, easy to persuade.” You sat up looking at him.
John smirked, “You have been nothing but trouble since you arrived in Hope County, if you were easy to persuade you would’ve said ‘Yes’ a long time ago. Joseph has visions, the Voice speaks to him and he saw something about you, he wouldn’t have wasted all this time if you weren’t worth it, and in my opinion, people who are weak aren’t worth it.”
You leaned forward and kissed John, he must be right, no one would do all this if you were weak and easy. John grabbed you and pulled you on top of him, you felt him hardening again beneath you and grinded your hips down against him.
You stretched out across the bed, immediately noticing John was missing, you rolled over and looked around, but he wasn’t there. You found a shirt and some sweatpants and decided to go on a hunt for him, he couldn’t be too far. As you walked down the stairs you heard someone humming, you thought maybe it was John, but you’d never heard him hum before. You peaked around the corner at the bottom of the stairs, it most definitely was John, he was humming and cooking breakfast, he seemed so happy as he moved around the kitchen. You watched him for a minute before making your presence known.
“Ah, good morning, hungry?” He smiled at you as he whisked a bowl of eggs.
You nodded your head and took a seat at the counter. He handed you the bowl and whisk for you to finish them while he started the toast. He placed a swift kiss on your lips before grabbing the bread. You hoped he was a better cook than Jacob. You really liked seeing him this way, carefree, but you knew it wouldn’t last. You tried to ignore the nagging thoughts, but you couldn’t.
“John, can we talk?”
He looked up at you, knowing exactly what you wanted to talk about, “I guess you probably have a lot of questions.”
“A few.” You finished beating the eggs and pushed the bowl towards him.
“Alright, ask away.” He grabbed the bowl and poured some of the eggs into the skillet.
“Did you know who I was when we first met?”
“Yes, when you entered Hope County we identified you pretty quickly, your family was kind of famous before you left. Preacher using his daughters for prostitution, not something that can be hidden in a small town.” The toast popped up out of the toaster and he added more eggs to the skillet.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Would it have mattered?” He added the toast and eggs to the plates and sat on in front of you.
“No, I guess not. Was Joseph really going to let Jacob kill me?” You took a bite of your toast.
“I’m not sure what he would have done. He has his own motives he does not always share with us, we just have to place faith in him.” John put his plate next to you and took a seat.
“Why didn’t you come for me?”
He stopped eating and turned to look at you, “Believe me when I say this, I wanted to, I truly did, but Joseph came to me after you were taken and asked me to stay here and be patient.”
“I understand... I mean, I don’t, but I do. Joseph saved you and you follow him loyally. So, when do we get this confession/torture thing out of the way?” You exhaled a breath you didn’t realize you were holding in.
“Whenever you’re ready.”
“I’d like to get it over with as soon as possible.”
“Well, let’s go then.” He stood offering you his hand.
He led you to the steal door and downstairs, back to that all too familiar room. You stood for a moment while he prepared everything, getting that same knife out, the ropes. Your heart pounded as you watched him. You sat down and put your hands behind you, waiting for John. He held the rope but decided against it, instead he removed his belt and used it to bind your wrists, hoping having something familiar would help.
You were trying to calm your nerves, breathing in deeply and exhaling, it wasn’t helping. John noticed your anxiety, hoping to help quell some of it he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours, kissing you deeply before stepping back.
“Are you ready to confess your sins?”
“Yes.” You felt a knot forming in your stomach, but you might as well get it over with.
“I have sinned several times in my life, but my greatest sins are wrath and lust.” You stared up at John as he leaned against the wall in front of you.
“Tell me about wrath.”
“I let my anger build up throughout the years, about what my parents did to my sister and myself. I-I tried to kill my father.” You looked down at the floor, ashamed of what you’d done.
John looked at you with confusion, this wasn’t something he knew about, after your family disappeared there were no traces of you until you returned to Hope County.
“I drugged him and attacked him… and beat him within an inch of his life. When the police arrived, my mother told them he took his sleeping medicine and was attacked outside of our home by someone. I let my anger and rage consume me, that’s why I came back, I wanted to destroy the place where everything happened to me, the place that broke me.”
John stared at you, surprised by your confession, you were more alike than he knew.
“Tell me about lust.”
You inhaled deeply, looking up at him, “After I tell you this, I need you to promise you won’t judge me?”
“It is not my place to judge, only to unburden.”
“Alright… I-I used men… and women. I ruined marriages, I had no regard for anyone else’s wants but my own. I saw someone I wanted, and I went after them, no matter what. I have caused divorces and families to split up.” You couldn’t look at him as you confessed, you looked down to the floor.
John towered over you as you slumped in the chair, unable to look up at him. He knelt in front of you, lifting your chin to meet his gaze. He knew your sins all too well, your path almost identical to his own.
“You have confessed and unburdened your soul. You know what comes next, right?”
You nodded your head and sat up straight, waiting. John bent down on his knees and brought the knife up to your stomach, lifting your shirt up, his hand shook, for the first time he didn’t want to carve someone’s sins in them, he didn’t want to harm you.
“Do it, John. Please? I understand now, I need to own my sins instead of the other way around.” You encouraged him, you needed to be free from these sins, from your overwhelming guilt, but his hand held still, unable to move.
“Continue, John.” You looked up to see Joseph standing in the doorway, neither of you had noticed him before, you wondered how much he had heard.
He placed the knife against your skin, slowly making the cuts into your skin, tears started to stream from your eyes as you cried out. You jerked in your seat, straining against the belt that bound your hands. John stopped, he couldn’t stand making you hurt like this. Joseph stepped forward and placed his hand on John’s shoulder, encouraging him. He lifted the knife back up and continued his work until the word ‘wrath’ was finished. Your body trembled in pain, your face red as tears continued to flow. John looked up at you, his heart aching for causing you so much pain. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the wound he had just made, hoping to help ease some of your pain. Joseph watched his act of compassion towards you.
“One more, then we’ll be done.” He placed a hand on your knee before bringing the knife up to the other side of your stomach.
You closed your eyes this time, you couldn’t watch it again, you felt the first cut of the knife and jerked, John tightened his grip on your leg to help sooth you. He continued making the cuts, you cried, screaming out, he finished the word shortly after. When he was done, he mimicked his actions as before, placing a soft kiss to the newly made wound as it bled. John cupped your face with his hands, wiping away your tears with his thumbs. He stood and undid the belt from around your wrists and helped you stand.
“My child, you are ready for Atonement.” Joseph approached you and placed his hand on your shoulder.
“John, may we speak?” He turned to John, signaling for you to leave.
You pulled your shirt down over the fresh wounds and walked up the stairs, leaving them.
“She did well, as did you.”
“She took it better than most, and I was only helping her reach Atonement.” John put his tools away, turning to Joseph.
“No, John, you showed her compassion, you weren’t being wrathful or vengeful. By obtaining her confession you have finally unburdened your own sins. You opened your heart to her and are no longer being consumed by your sins, you shall be welcomed at Eden’s Gate.”
You slowly made your way up to the stairs, trying to move easily so you didn’t touch your wounds too much. You finally made it to the bathroom and lifted your shirt to see the words cut into your skin. Your fingers lightly traced around them, they were still bleeding and turning a light red, you hoped they’d heal quickly. You looked at yourself in the mirror, ironically, you felt lighter, like you weren’t being suffocated by rage anymore, you could breath. Maybe there was something to this confession thing.
You laid in the bed, sleeping on your side when you felt John move closer to you, his hand moving around to your throat as he pressed himself against your ass.
“Mm no, John.” You murmured sleepily, trying to push him away.
“Please?” He slid closer, you could feel his hardness growing.
“John… I don’t feel well.”
John moved to kiss your neck but stopped the second he felt the warmth of your skin. He sat up and turned the lamp on, looking over at you. You were drenched in sweat, he pressed his hand to your forehead, you were burning up and all the color from your face had been drained.
“Shit, are you ok?”
“I’m f-freezing and my stomach is on fire.”
He knew exactly what was wrong, “Stay here, I’m going to get help.”
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thotful-writing · 6 years
A Devil Like Jesus (6)
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Description: You left the ranch, you had to, your dreams plagued you with images of the Seed’s deaths as well as all the lives you’d taken up to this point, there was no rest for you. John searched for you, unable to give up.
Warnings: Violence, torture, psychological suffering, attempted suicide
Ch1  Ch2  Ch3   Ch4   Ch5
It felt like you had been walking for days, but it had only been a few hours. You had to get as far as you could from John’s Ranch, you couldn’t go to the Resistance and you couldn’t go back. You knew a small shack on the edge of Holland Valley and Henbane River, you found it when you were still running from the Seed’s, that’s where you’d go for now, until you could make a more concrete plan. You trudged through the woods, staying off main roads, the last thing you wanted was someone from the Resistance or the Project to come across you. You wondered if they had returned to the house yet, finding you had gone. You knew Jacob’s first reaction would be that you had turned on them, you could picture John defending you and getting angry, you assumed Joseph would play the peace keeper between them as they searched for you.
After a while you finally approached the shack, it was still devoid of any human contact since you’d been there. It was a one room building, with no windows and a pitiful looking door, but it would do for now. You entered the shack and placed your bag down, you knew it still had some supplies from when you went to save John and Joseph but didn’t really take the time to check it out. You rummaged through it and found some matches, a knife, various medical supplies, and the radio Jacob gave you to communicate with. You switched it on out of curiosity, to see if anyone was broadcasting, what you didn’t expect was to hear John’s voice.
“You know we’ll find you, just come back and you won’t be harmed.” His voice rang through the shack, you had only been gone a few hours, but you already missed them.
Tears spilled from your eyes as you sat back against the wall, listening to his voice, “You know we’ll find you, just come back and you won’t be harmed.” You closed your eyes and tried to rest for a bit.
At first you tried to stop thinking about them, pushing them from your mind anytime they entered, but it was becoming increasingly difficult. You wondered what wisdom Joseph was passing on to his brothers when you left, how he’d calm you now, kissing your head or holding you in his lap.
“Anything?” John asked one of his Chosen.
“No, Sir.”
“Well, keep fucking looking. I want this whole fucking county searched until you find her.” He shouted.
The man turned and left promptly, wanting to avoid anymore of John’s anger. He knew it was forbidden, but he needed it, he had been searching for days for you, anyone who came across his path he asked if they’d seen or heard from you, he pulled the bottle from his desk, hesitating for a moment but turning it up and drinking as much of the Whiskey as he could. John missed you the most, he always felt close with you, even before you helped them. He wasn’t sure if he’d be able to end your life as Joseph had instructed, he wanted to know why you had left.
Jacob had returned to the VA Center, focusing on recruitment, he sent his Hunters out to search for you but when they returned with nothing, he put them on other tasks. Joseph put all of his time into sermons and teaching his word, he blocked out all thoughts of you during the day, but at night when he was alone his mind would always wander back to you. He prayed and meditated, trying to find some clarity or answer as to why you had run, but he came up empty. Your absence had driven a wedge between the brothers, John was desperately searching for you while the other two had given up.
Your mind was rarely silent, you begged and pleaded with God for death, to just end it all, but you lived on. When you closed your eyes, you saw flashes of the different people you had killed, and now you saw the Seed’s, eventually you avoided closing your eyes until you would pass out from exhaustion.
John drank more and more, trying to quell the ache he felt when you left, but it wasn’t helping. A nightly ritual of yours had become to eat whatever roots or berries you could find and turn on the radio, though John stopped broadcasting after the first day you still hoped to hear his voice again. You thought of them more and more as time went on, missing each of them and their dumbass cult. You sat down to eat and switched the radio on, only hearing static.
“You left us. You left me.” The radio buzzed. John’s words were slurred, your heart lept when you heard him, but you also felt a pain knowing he was drinking, because of you.
“Why? Why did you leave? Please… I need to know.” He pleaded over the radio.
You knew it was a mistake, but you needed to do it, you held the button down, “I had to, John.”
“Is it really you?! Are you okay? Where are you?” He sounded so excited to hear your voice.
“I’m fine, and you know I can’t tell you where I am. Just know I left because I had to.”
“Please… I need you, we need you…” His begging made tears pool in your eyes.
“I’m so sorry, John. Please don’t hate me.” You began to sob.
“Just come back to us, we’ll fix whatever was wrong. You don’t have to Atone… Just… Please…” His voice trembled, your chest felt heavy as you listened.
You didn’t respond anymore, you couldn’t, it was becoming harder to refuse him, you wanted to run back into his arms and comfort him. You switched the radio off and put it away.
A few days had passed since your last conversation with John, your dreams started to plague you again, sleep was something you often chased now, it had been a few days since you’d actually been able to sleep without images of the Seed’s dead bodies surrounding you. In your delirious, sleepless state, you wandered through the woods, not sure where you were going, you were beat down, broken, exhausted, wanting nothing more than death.
“Stop right there!” You heard someone shout and looked up to see a man pointing a gun at you.
Your pulse quickened, you were so happy, you walked closer and dropped to your knees in front of him, you reached up and pulled his gun against your head.
“P-Please…” You begged as tears rolled down your cheeks.
The man pulled back from you as you collapsed on the ground, unconscious.
“John? John? What have you done, brother?” Joseph leaned over John, removing the bottle from his grasp.
Joseph hadn’t checked on John in a few days, he felt at fault for his current state, he didn’t like coming to the Ranch, the last place he had seen you. He vowed to stay with him until he was back on his feet, never leaving his side. He didn’t know how hard John had taken your absence, but he knew he had become very attached to you in a short time.
You opened your eyes groggily, you moved to stand but couldn’t get very far due to a chain around your ankle connected to a wall. You rolled your eyes, wondering when John had added this to the basement, but then you remembered, you weren’t with John anymore, you weren’t in his basement. You looked around for a way out but there was only a door.
“She’s awake.” You heard someone shout from outside the door.
You sat back down in the floor when you heard someone unlocking the door. A tall, slim, man entered, wearing a bandana over his mouth.
“I only have one question, get it right, you live, get it wrong- and well, you’ll live, but you’ll wish you were dead.” He squatted down in front of you.
“Who is this?” He held up a picture.
“The Father.” You should have said ‘Joseph’, but you wanted whatever torture and punishment they were giving out to Peggies, you deserved it, you needed to suffer.
The man didn’t say another word as he stood and left the room. You hoped they could deal out better torture than John or Jacob, theirs always turned sexual somehow and eventually wasn’t even that bad, except for that damn intercom John had.
You sat in the room for a few days, most likely they were making sure you were too weak to fight back. The first time you were tortured a large man entered the room, saying nothing he grabbed you up by your shirt and stood you up on your feet before rearing back and hitting you full force in the face, your head bounced off the wall as pain radiated through your skull. When you fell to your knees he would pull you up again and hit you, over and over he did this until your face was bloodied, then he left as quietly as he came. You spit blood into the floor and sat back against the wall, sleep still evaded you.
“Why do you do this, my child?” Joseph knelt in front of you.
“Go away. I know you’re not really here.” You closed your eyes.
“You do not deserve this.”
“Yes, I fucking do. Now leave me alone.” You shouted back, opening your eyes to see an empty room.
John was almost completely back to normal, Joseph had helped him through the worst of it.
“I wish we knew why she left… I just need to know. If I could-” John said as he sat on the couch.
“It doesn’t matter, John. She left and hasn’t come back. And if she does you know what must be done.” Joseph placed his hand on John’s shoulder. Joseph knew if you ever did return it would be hard for any of them to kill you, but it had to be done.
Every couple days they would give you a bottle of water and a piece of bread, just enough to keep you alive. The beatings continued, your body bruised, bones broken or fractured, dried and fresh blood covering you.
“You punish yourself for nothing.” Joseph stood over you.
“Please, just go.”
“You have suffered enough.”
“Who are you talking to?” A man entered the room, staring down at you.
“The Father…” You smiled up at him.
“Stupid ass Peggy.” The man said before he spit on you.
“You should probably beat his image out of my head.” You enticed him, wanting more, you’d convinced yourself you deserved this, that you had to be punished for your crimes.
The man obliged, his fists landing hard on your body, you didn’t fight back or try to protect yourself.
It was all taking a toll on you, being alone, the darkness, the only human contact you had was if you were being beaten.
“You know, if you weren’t so fucking crazy, I bet you’d be a good fuck.” The man said as he squeezed your face, pressing you against the wall, you stared absently at him.
Your silence always made them angrier for some reason, they’d say something to try and get a reaction out of you and then get mad when you said nothing.
“You probably spread your legs for every one of those motherfuckers. Didn’t you?” His hand moved down between your legs, your face still blank of any expression.
“On second thought, I wouldn’t put my dick anywhere near you, not knowing where you’ve been.” He released you and let you fall to the floor, kicking you in the stomach before he left.
“Come back to me, my child.” Joseph knelt in front of you again.
“I can’t.”
“You will. I will end your suffering.” He disappeared again.
Eventually your body gave out, you no longer looked up or moved, no smart remarks or attempts to make them angry, you laid in the floor, barely breathing, waiting for death. You were vaguely aware of someone coming in and looking at you, but they said nothing. You could hear voices outside the door.
“She’s done with, drop her off with the others.”
Your body lay limp as they unchained your ankle, lifted you up and carried you out. You opened your eyes barely.
“J-Joseph…” You whispered before falling unconscious.
You opened your eyes to a sea of bodies, at first you thought you were dreaming again, but this time was different, it felt real. You panicked and tried to stand, but you were too weak. It wasn’t a dream, you didn’t recognize any of their faces, this must be what they meant by ‘others’. They were all Peggies, wearing the cultist clothing, with crosses on their foreheads. You crawled out of the pile, needing to get away from the smell, from the death. You had no idea where you were, but you kept going, pushing yourself, using every ounce of energy you had. You collapsed out of exhaustion several times, but each time you regained consciousness you’d crawl further until you passed out again. You were sure this was it, you laid on your back in the grass, certain that death would come to take you soon.
Joseph thought it would be helpful to get out of the house for a bit, he decided to take John to the tree he had showed you before. It would help them both clear their heads. John refused at first, but Joseph was persistent.
“This is it? A big tree? What’s so great about it?” John walked behind Joseph as they approached the tree.
“It’s peaceful here, away from all of the other noise.” Joseph said as he continued.
They stood a few feet from the tree, Joseph closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, John rolled his eyes at him, wondering what he thought was so special about this tree? John looked around until his eyes fell on something in the distance. He slowly walked towards it, he thought maybe it was a wounded animal, but as he got closer, he realized it was a person.
“Joseph, someone’s over here.” He shouted back at his brother, Joseph opened his eyes and walked towards John.
John stopped a few feet short, he couldn’t believe his eyes. Joseph walked over and stood next to him, looking down at your bloodied and beaten body. Neither said a word as they stared at you, John bent down and placed his fingers on your neck, trying to find a pulse.
“She’s alive, but barely. We need-“
“Good. Leave her, John. She’ll die soon enough.” Joseph’s words were harsh, he struggled to say them, but he had to.
“What? No, we can’t leave her here.” John glared at his brother, he didn’t want to leave you to die.
“I told you, she must die. If we ever saw her again, she would have to die. Nothing has changed. Unless you want to shoot her in the head, then we will leave her here.”
“I…I’ll kill her, but I want to know why she left and if she told the Resistance anything about us. She’s obviously been beaten and tortured and it wasn’t by us.”
Joseph knew it was a mistake, he knew if John nursed you back to health enough for you to speak, he wouldn’t be able to do what needed to be done, but he also knew he was right, they didn’t know what you’d said to the Resistance. He nodded his head and John scooped you up in his arms and headed towards the car. He let Joseph drive back, he held you in his lap, his heart breaking as he looked at the bruises and cuts that covered you. He wanted to squeeze you to his chest, promising never to let you go again, but he resisted.
Joseph insisted John put you back down in the basement and restrain you. He didn’t want to take any chances.
You shifted in the bed before you opened your eyes, it took a moment for you to register where you were, but when you did you started to panic, you slid off the bed to the floor, your arm cuffed to the rail.
“No… No, no, no.” You repeated as you tried to pull out of the restraint, you couldn’t be here, you shouldn’t be.
“Hey, hey, calm down. You’re okay, you’re safe.” John rushed in and walked towards you.
You recoiled from him and backed up against the wall, you held your knees up to your chest. John stopped when he saw your reaction to him, “I’m not going to hurt you.” He said reassuring.
You shook your head, “No…No…” You stared at him as his image shifted in front of you, his throat slit open and bleeding, and then back to normal. You were struggling to discern your dreams from reality. You laid your head on your knees and closed your eyes.
John decided it was best if he left you, not wanting to upset you further. He went back upstairs to find Joseph.
“Is she awake?” Joseph looked up from his book.
“Yes, but something’s wrong. The way she looked at me… It’s like she was scared of me.” John sat down running his hand through his hair.
“I’m sure she’s been through a lot. But you need to remember why she’s here, we only need to get information from her. I’m going to ask Jacob to come help.”
Joseph told Jacob they’d found you and that he needed his help to ask you about the Resistance, he explained that John was too close to you and couldn’t detach himself from wanting to save you. He agreed to help, but a part of him wondered if he’d feel the same once he saw you.
Jacob descended the stairs, he watched you for a moment as you were still curled up against the wall, he opened the door and slowly entered. He could see why John had a hard time, he saw the bruises, the wounds, knowing someone had harmed you like this made him angry.
“I see you’ve returned.” He stood by the door.
You glanced at him before averting your gaze from him.
“It’s strange…You being silent for once. Never thought I’d see the day.” He stepped closer, you mumbled something, but he couldn’t make it out.
“You’re gonna have to speak a little louder.” He said as he crouched down close to you.
“Kill me…” You looked up at him, tears pooling in your eyes.
Even during their worst days of torture, you’d never begged for mercy or for them to kill you, not once. You cried and screamed, but you’d never asked for them to stop, Jacob stared at you in disbelief, how much had you been through to break you this badly?
“What did they do to you, Darlin’?” He reached to touch your cheek, but you pulled away from him as your body trembled.
“I’m not sure about this.” Jacob said as he entered the living room.
“What is it?” Joseph asked.
“She’s… not the same. They really did a number on her, she’s scared to death of me.”
“We need to know what she told the Resistance. If they did this to her, I can only assume she gave them detailed information about us. John, I want you to go down there, you cannot see her as anything other than a traitor, treat her like you would anyone you’re trying to get a confession from.” Joseph demanded.
John stood and made his way down to the basement, he took a deep breath before entering the room, he knew this was going to be the hardest thing he’d ever had to do. You were still huddled against the wall, you peered up at him before tucking your head back down. John approached you and removed the handcuff from your wrist, he grabbed your arm and pulled you to your feet, you struggled and tried to pull away from him, but he held firm. He pushed you back against the wall and grabbed your face, forcing you to look at him.
“You’re going to tell me exactly what you told the Resistance.” He struggled to use his usual commanding voice.
“You have to kill me, John.” You stared at him.
“Oh, don’t you fucking worry, I will, but first you’re going to tell me what I want to know.” It was hard for him to keep this up, your entire demeanor had changed, you were submissive, they’d taken everything from you that he loved.
“I didn’t tell them anything…. They didn’t ask me anything.”
“You still think you can lie to me? Why would they beat you like this if they didn’t want anything from you?” His hand tightened on your face.
“B-Because… I deserved it.” Tears rolled down your cheeks.
John loosened his grip on your face, no longer holding it forcefully, his hand caressed your cheek. He stared at you with such discontent, he didn’t know why you would deserve to be treated like that, what made you think that.
“P-Please, John… kill me.” You urged him as you grabbed his hand and wrapped it around your throat.
John immediately pulled his hand back, tears now pooling in his eyes as he stared at you, you were desperate to die, you begged him for death, but he couldn’t. He left the room, unable to see you like this any longer.
“Did she tell you?” Jacob asked as John entered the room, his gaze set to the floor.
“Yeah…” He pinched the bridge of his nose, unable to look up at his brothers.
“Well? What did she say?” A sense of urgency filled his words.
“She said she didn’t tell them anything because they didn’t ask her anything. Then she proceeded to tell me she deserved what they did to her and fucking begged me to take her life. I… I can’t go back down there, I can’t hurt her.” He looked up at his brothers finally, his eyes reddened, and cheeks stained with tears.
Joseph approached his brother and rested his hand on his shoulder, touching his forehead to John’s briefly. Joseph pulled back and walked over to Jacob.
“What are you going to do?” Jacob asked.
“What needs to be done.” He grabbed the gun from Jacob’s holster and descended the stairs. Jacob and John looked at each other before following Joseph.
You slumped back down against the wall, though you weren’t restrained anymore you still sat close to the bed. You had never seen John like that, he looked genuinely hurt, but they need to get rid of you before you cause anymore destruction. You looked up when you heard someone coming down the steps, it was Joseph. He entered the room and closed the door behind him, leaving his brothers on the other side.
“Why do you think you deserved what they did to you?” He looked down at you as you averted your gaze.
“Doesn’t matter. You told me to come back, I did. Now, end my life.”
“What do you mean?” He crouched down. He hadn’t spoken to you since the day you left.
“You told me to come back… after they punished me…” You still refused to look at him.
“Why do you want to die?”
“I need to. I’m not special, I will be your downfall… I’ve seen it… I’ve seen you die at my hand… The dreams…” You glanced at him as he sat on his knees across from you, your eyes drawn to the gun he held.
“Is that why you left?”
You nodded your head as you stared into his eyes, he knew what he had to do, what he sent John and Jacob down here to do, but now he wasn’t so sure if he could. He placed the gun on the ground in front of you. Jacob and John opened the door, but Joseph raised his hand to stop them from moving closer.
“Do you want to kill me?”
You looked at the gun and then to Joseph, “I don’t want to, but the dreams…”
“They’re only dreams, you still have a choice in what you do.”
“I don’t trust myself… You have to kill me before I kill you… Please, Joseph…” You started to see flashes of their dead bodies again.
Joseph watched as you closed your eyes, your body trembling, suddenly you reached for the gun and held it against your head as you cried.
“I can’t kill you… I-I love you, all of you… I’m so sorry…” You closed your eyes and placed your finger on the trigger.
Before you could pull it, Joseph lunged at you, knocking the gun away from your head as you pulled the trigger, the shot echoed through the room. You fought to point the gun at yourself again, Jacob and John rushed over and grabbed the gun from your hand.
“Please! I need to die!” You cried out, reaching for the gun again. Joseph grabbed you and held your arms down, holding you in his lap.
He held you against his chest as he patted your hair gently, trying to calm you as you sobbed. The dreams tormented you with your past, and convinced you that you were going to kill them, that you’d be responsible for their demise, it tore you apart from the inside at the thought. Eventually you stopped trying to fight him and relaxed your body.
“I…can’t…” You sobbed softly against Joseph’s chest.
“Shhh… Shhh…” Joseph soothed you as he slowly rocked you.
Jacob took the gun and put it upstairs, along with any other weapons or sharp objects they could find in the room. They stayed down in the basement, sitting on the concrete floor, against the wall beside Joseph, determined not to leave your side. They each took turns holding you when you would begin to cycle again.
“You’re gonna be alright, Darlin’.” Jacob cooed against your ear as he held you.
“I deserved it…” You began to cry again.
“No, you didn’t.” He reassured you, but you were still convinced you did.
Jacob looked over to John, asking him silently to take you next so he could stretch his legs. John reached over and pulled you into his lap. You rested your head on his chest as the tears slowed, you closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep for a few minutes. You woke with a jolt, John’s arms tightened around you as you struggled and cried out.
“Please… John… Make it stop…” You pleaded, wanting nothing more than for the dreams to end.
“I’m so sorry, Sweetheart.” He held back his tears as he watched you suffer, kissing your head tenderly.
It broke them all to see you like this, they didn’t know how to help you or what to do. If you could just get some sleep maybe you’d have enough clarity to realize the dreams aren’t real.
“What about the Bliss? Would it help her sleep?” Jacob asked Joseph as they stood outside the room, watching John sooth you.
“I worry it will only make the hallucinations worse. Maybe a small diluted amount could sedate her?”
“We can keep her restrained, so she doesn’t hurt herself and make sure someone is with her at all times. It’s worth a try to lessen her suffering.”
“Bring Faith here. Hurry.” He watched as you finally calmed down again in John’s arms. He worried what they would have to do if it didn’t work, if they would have to end your suffering a different way.
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thotful-writing · 6 years
A Devil Like Jesus (3)
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Reader/Seed Brothers
Ch 1   Ch 2
Description: After your not-so-discrete kiss with Joseph he had another vision about you, this time changing things about your future.
Warnings: Smut, Kidnapping, Murder
Your most recent wound began to heal, though you couldn’t see the tramp stamp, you knew it said ‘lust’. It had been a few days since any of the brothers had been in to bother you. You decided to get some exercise, being down in that basement was driving you crazy. You dropped to the floor and started doing push-ups.
“What are you doing?” You heard John’s voice over the intercom.
“I’m… entering in the… Hope County… Beauty Pageant. The fuck… does it look like?” Though you couldn’t see him, you heard him sigh and could tell he was rolling his eyes at you.
“Why are you doing push-ups?”
“Because… I need… to be ready… when I… escape from you… and your… creepy ass stalker… surveillance system.” You finished and stood up.
“It’s not creepy.” You could hear a tinge of sadness in his voice.
“Did you need something or-“ You began doing jumping jacks.
The intercom went silent and you didn’t hear from him for then next few hours. You wondered how often he watched you or checked in on you, but the thought just weirded you out, so you pushed it from your mind. Over the next few days John had resorted to only speaking to you over the intercom and not having any physical contact with you, you’d never admit it to him, but you were starting to miss his dumb handsome face. He had followers bring you food and things like that, but he only spoke to you over the intercom.
“Do you think bugs dream?” John’s voice crackled over the intercom.
“I really don’t care.”
“What would they dream about?”
“John, I’m trying to sleep. Leave me the fuck alone.” You shouted and covered your head with a pillow, but he turned the volume up and continued to pester you the rest of the night.
He continued day and night, you started to wonder if he had recorded himself and was just playing it on a loop.
“What are you wearing right now?” His voice echoed through the room.
“You can see me, I literally haven’t changed clothes in two days.”
“Describe it to me.” His voice was low.
“Are you really trying to have intercom sex right now?”
“No… Maybe. Would you be into that?”
You rolled your eyes and ignored him. You continued to workout to keep your mind on something other than the room you were trapped in. You wondered what their next move would be, hopefully not just psychological torture from John, because honestly if it continued, you’d probably beg for Atonement. You were pacing the room when you heard footsteps, you backed against the wall and put your hands behind you per your usual routine now. You expected to see John coming to punish you for something, but instead it was Jacob.
“The fuck do you want?” You spat out more harshly than you meant to.
“Is that any way to talk to your new sparring partner?” He said as he entered the room.
“You? Ha, John would be a better sparring partner, you look like you’re about to keel over any minute old man. I don’t want to be blamed for your death just yet.”
“Funny. How about this, you win I’ll let you go.” He removed his jacket and draped it over the chair.
“And how would that work? John isn’t exactly going to let me walk out of here.”
“Let me worry about little Johnny. Do we have a deal?”
“Not quite, what do you get if you win?” You began stretching your arms trying to loosen your muscles.
“When I win, I’m going to fuck that smart mouth of yours. You passed out last time before I could collect my winnings.”
“Alright, deal.” You thought about it for a moment, you did need the practice, and if anything, he might actually die which would check one Seed off the list. You stepped forward, bringing your fists up in front of you.
Jacob towered over you, you knew if you were going to knock him out again it would take patience and all of your energy. Last time he was distracted, and you had run circles around him. You limited your movements, moving back and forth in front of him, he kept his eye on you as you moved around. Without warning he lunged at you, hitting you square in the stomach causing you to double over.
“Fuck.” You choked out.
“Get up.” He commanded.
You straightened up and took a deep breath, turning your pain into anger. You moved around him a bit before faking him with your left and hitting him in the jaw with your right. He staggered back a bit and held his hand up to his face.
“Hit him harder.” John’s voice rang over the intercom.
You both looked up at the intercom on the ceiling, “Seriously? She’s supposed to be the enemy, John. You can’t root for her.”
“He’s rooting for the obvious winner. Thanks, Johnny.” You said sweetly.
You both returned your focus to each other, now knowing you had an audience you didn’t want to disappoint. You cracked your neck and got back into your stance. Jacob swung at you, you moved out of the way, dodging it, bringing your foot up to land a kick on his side. You could see the rage burning through him with each hit you landed, but you got cocky and went to say something to John, that’s when Jacob punched you in the chest and then landed a hard hit to the side of your face, knocking you to the floor. You stayed down gasping for air, feeling like your chest had caved in.
“Seeds: 2, Sinner: 1” John narrated.
"Seeds: 2?" You furrowed your brow.
"Yeah, I'm counting the other day when he knocked you out." His voice cracked over the intercom.
Jacob reached down and grabbed a handful of your hair, jerking your face up to look at him.
“I’ll be collecting my winnings now.” He smirked.
“Fine. Just give me a second to catch my breath before you shove your dick in my mouth.” You were still a bit winded.
Jacob released your hair and sat down on the edge of the bed waiting on you. After a few minutes you were able to stand and breath properly and made your way over to Jacob. He grabbed the waist band of your pants and pulled you against him, you reached down and grabbed his face with your hand before forcefully kissing him. He grabbed a handful of your hair and pulled you down to your knees in front of him. You glared at him as you made short work of his belt and zipper, pulling his already hard cock free, the oldest and youngest Seed brother more alike than they knew, both got off on causing pain to others.
Even though he won fair and square, that didn’t mean you couldn’t still mess with him. His eyes watched you intensely as you leaned forward and lightly gripped his cock then pressed your lips to the tip of it ever-so softly. He groaned at the feeling, his hand relaxing it’s grip on your hair. You dragged your tongue up from the base of his cock slowly as you stroked him. You sucked and licked the tip, swirling your tongue around it, teasing him, not giving him what he wants just yet. He caught on to your little game and grabbed a handful of your hair again before standing and dragging you against the wall. He positioned himself in front of you as you stayed down on your knees.
“Open.” He commanded, holding his cock in his hand.
You knew he wasn’t in the mood for your games, you opened your mouth and he instantly shoved his cock in your mouth, hitting the back of your throat causing you to gag. He didn’t relent though, he pushed your head back against the wall and grabbed the sides of your head as he thrust into your mouth. You tried to push him back with your hands, but he stood firm, groaning each time he hit the back of your throat. He took what he wanted from you, his thrusts becoming more erratic as he reached his release. He fucked your mouth for a few more minutes before he came hard, finally releasing your head and stepping back from you. You sat down in the floor, trying to catch your breath.
“Seeds: 3, Sinner: 1” The intercom crackled, and you rolled your eyes, not surprised John watched the entire time.
Once again you were left in the aftermath of an unwarranted visit by one of the Seeds. You spent the next few days working out more, trying to get stronger, not like you had anything better to do. Of course, John continued his torturous intercom announcements, you’d smash the intercom, but you knew he’d find something more annoying to do to you, so you suffered in silence. You were stretching when you heard someone open the door at the top of the stairs, you backed against the wall and waited for whoever was there to torture you today.
“Joseph, what brings you down to the depths of Hell?” You said when you saw him.
“I came to see how you were doing, I heard John and Jacob have been persistent in their persuasion for you to join us. They said you were given another sin?” He entered the room and strode over towards you.
“Yeah, they weren’t too happy with our little kiss. I’d hate to see what they’d do if we fucked.” You turned around and lifted your shirt, showing him the scars on your lower back.
You flinched slightly when you felt his finger trace over the marks on your back. Your pulse quickened under his touch, if it had been John or Jacob it wouldn’t have been a big deal, but this was Joseph, The Father. You turned around to face him, his eyes staring at you intensely.
“I apologize for their actions, it was spiteful and not at all related to Atonement. They acted out of envy and lust.”
“Thanks, I guess. So, is that all you wanted or was there more?” You leaned back against the wall as he stared at you.
“I’ve had a vision, about you, about your place here.”
“And what place would that be? On my knees?” You cocked your head to the side slightly.
“No, I have seen you standing with us, helping us prepare for the inevitable end. I have seen you Atone and be accepted into Eden’s Gate.” He was different, he didn’t keep his distance from you, he no longer called you his child.
His hand reached up to caress your cheek causing your heart to beat faster, you didn’t move or try to recoil from his touch.
“What do you want from me?” Your voice was low as you stared into his eyes.
“I want you to help us. I want you to use the gift you’ve been given for what it was intended.” His face now inches from your own.
“If I refuse?”
“You won’t.”
Joseph closed the distance between you, his hand still caressing your cheek softly as his lips made contact with your own. You closed your eyes and leaned into him, placing your hands on his chest. His hand moved and rested on the back of your neck, pulling you closer as he kissed you. He was different from John and Jacob, everything they did, even the slightest touch, was controlling in some way, but not Joseph, he was gentle, calm. You didn’t feel like you were fighting for dominance with him like you did the other two. He pulled back from the kiss after a few minutes leaving you both breathless, you immediately missed his touch.
“I have an offer for you. Some of Jacob’s men have gone missing, we know where they were the last time they checked in, Jacob is going to attempt to rescue them. You know the area and how the Resistance works. Do this and you’ll be free of this prison.” His hand moved to caress your cheek again.
“You’re not worried I’ll just slit Jacob’s throat and run?” You thought about your options.
“No. I know you’ll choose the right path.” His thumb ran over your bottom lip briefly before he turned and left, this time, leaving the door open.
You leaned against the wall and stared at the door, you could run, you could get the fuck out of here right now, but you didn’t, your feet didn’t move. He was offering your freedom so easily, he was so sure you wouldn’t betray them, that you’d help them. You took a deep breath and pushed yourself off the wall, preparing yourself for what awaited you upstairs as you slowly made your way out of the room and ascended the steps.
“Finally. Do you always walk so slowly?” John was standing at the counter waiting for you.
“So, what now?” You looked around hesitantly.
“Your supplies are in this bag, including weapons and directions to where you’ll meet Jacob. If you do decide to murder us all, please don’t kill me in the house, blood is very hard to get out of these floors.” He motioned towards the bag on the counter.
You walked over and opened the backpack, finding a map and a walk-e talk-e in it, along with a hand gun.  You grabbed the supplies and turned to leave.
“No goodbye kiss?” John grabbed your arm before you could leave.
You rolled your eyes and turned back to him, you brought your hand up to cup his face before running your fingers through his beard and pulling his face down to yours, kissing him passionately as he groaned at the slight pain from you pulling his beard. His hands grabbed your waist and pulled you against him. You broke away from the kiss and looked up at him.
“And if I kill you, I’m going to paint this house with your blood.” You smirked at him before heading for the door.
John watched as you left, a small part of him worried you wouldn’t return, but Joseph had assured him you would join them, that this wasn’t a mistake. You exited the house and were overwhelmed momentarily, you had been locked down in that basement for weeks, it was odd seeing the vastness of everything around you.
“Hey, shithead, has she left yet?” The radio buzzed with Jacob’s voice.
“Yes, shithead, I’m on my way. Don’t get your panties in a bunch.” You squeezed the button and replied as you headed towards the meeting place.
You approached a house in the woods, you knew the Resistance had used this place before to hold Peggies. You weren’t sure where Jacob was, you kept your distance from the house and waited. You thought you heard footsteps, but decided it was probably an animal, just when you let your guard down a hand wrapped around your mouth and you felt a knife against your throat.
“Scream for me.” You heard Jacob say against your ear.
“Fucker. I could have shot you.” You said when he released you.
“You still might. Though Joseph thinks otherwise. You ready?”
“Yeah, I’ve counted three guards outside, probably two more inside. I’m assuming Joseph doesn’t want anyone killed?”
“Yep. I’ll take the right, you take the left.” He said before crouching and moving through between the trees towards the house.
You kept your gun in your hand just in case and moved slowly towards the left side of the house. You snuck up behind one of the guards and hit him in the back of the head with the butt of your gun, knocking him out. You peered into one of the windows to see three more guards and four of Jacob’s men tied and gagged against a wall. You were about to head around to the side when you heard Jacob struggling. You moved around to where he was and saw one guard knocked out on the ground, the other on top of Jacob, struggling to push a knife into his chest. You could have let the man kill him and walked away, but you ran over to help. You punched the guy in the face, knocking him off Jacob. You grabbed the knife from his hand and slit his throat, you knew if you didn’t, he would have yelled and alerted the rest of them.
“We won’t tell Joseph about this one.” You whispered to Jacob before heading into the house.
Jacob followed and you proceeded to take out the rest of the guards and untie Jacob’s men. You walked out of the house with Jacob and stopped once you were outside.
“So, that’s it? I’m free now?” You looked up at him.
“Yep. You’re free to go.” He headed towards the woods with his men leaving you there.
You stood in front of the house for a moment before heading back to the only home you had known, the only place you knew you’d be welcome, John’s Ranch. You chastised yourself the entire way back, knowing this was stupid, knowing you were an idiot to join them, but here you were doing it anyways. You wondered if there was something seriously wrong with you for you to be attracted to these men and willing to help them with their cause, no matter how sadistic they were. You opened the front door to John’s house and dropped your bag in the floor, you half expected them to be waiting on you, but you didn’t see anyone.
You walked around the house, it felt weird to have free range and go wherever you wanted without an escort. Something felt off though, you walked upstairs and knocked on John’s door, but there was no answer. You opened the door to see the room in disarray as if there was a struggle, there was a lamp in the floor, papers everywhere, and blood in the floor. You checked the rest of the house but there was nothing else. You ran downstairs and grabbed the radio you had been given.
“Jacob? Hello? Pick up!”
“I’m a little busy right now, the Resistance took Joseph.” His voice echoed through the house, your heart sank.
“They took John too.” You said as panic set in.
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