txmuses · 4 years
Jade had never deemed her life as exciting; she wasn’t one that enjoyed to stand out in the crowd or do anything close to crazy. She was practical, a bore if you asked her family and friends, but she was comfortable in the tedious life she lived.
Fast forward a few weeks and that had all changed from a chance encounter with literal death. Her mother would think her crazy if she spoke the words aloud. But alas, the girl couldn’t forget that night no matter how hard she tried. At first she was terrified, anyone would be if they witnessed the death she had. But moments after the John Doe’s death, Jade was awestruck. It was a terrible thing, really, or at least it should’ve been. However the tug and tightness in her chest said otherwise; she felt an inexplicable pull towards what, or whom, came after death.
Now if only her loved ones could see how far off stray she had gotten from her once uneventful life; only slightly worried that they would be proud of her newfound tendencies. Doubtful, but the thought did cross her mind a few times as she watched the life drain out of the male’s eyes before her. 
It wasn’t like he was a good man, she was doing the world a favor. But that didn’t help the pang of guilt that washed over her as she waited for what was to come next.
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