#jag told her she’s a pawn to get america out AND SHE TRUSTS HIM
sophfandoms53 · 11 months
Omg Blue is going on the block AGAIN at the hands of Jag AND she’s actually the target????
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THAT is poetic justice at its finest :)
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This has been a worse than average endgame (to say the least), but I want to acknowledge the highlights of bb25. I’ve been watching since bb16 (been a feedster since bb17), and this has truly been the most invested I’ve been. Despite how frustrated I’ve been with production this year, I really think this season has some really stellar stuff in it (especially pre-jury). So here is a (lengthy) list of how I’ll remember this season:
Cirie motherfucking Fields showing up!!
Izzy immediately clocking that Jared was Cirie’s son before the live premiere even ended
Izzy immediately clocking that Cameron gives serial killer vibes
Felicia destroying four mics by the end of the first week
Felicia falling into the hot tub
“Clean that shit up a bit”
Cameron thinking Felicia was related to Denzel Washington
“Izzy Fields” and the beautiful friendship between her and Cirie
Hisam’s villain arc
Cory in Blue’s pink outfit (and later Americas jumpsuit)
(Honestly just Cory being a genuinely good dude who would call out things that crossed a line and fought against toxic masculinity)
The target flipping every other hour for like the first six weeks of the game
Every time Zach Wurtenburger tweeted about BB
The nickname “fucking Bowie Jane” which was then just shortened to fbj
The still of Cory’s mouth wide open while he was saying “what the fuck” when they were thinking of keeping Hisam
Meme’s storage room rants
“If I’m a have not next week, I’ll self-evict” “I’ll be a have not with you” *america leaves* “(to self) Cory, are you the most pathetic person? They were right about you — you’re a pick me”
Felicia yelling at Jag while he was in a chicken suit
Felicia and “Mr. B” (smooches!)
The slow burn Americory showmance (I could write a thesis on how much I love it but I’ll spare you)
The fact they brought the pressure cooker back
Izzy crying about how much she hates being in the same room as Cameron
“Fuck jag and I said that shit” -America Week 4, a prophet
When Matt used the power on jag and even live feeders were shook because we had no idea
The fact that Cameron’s 14 hours in the pressure cooker didn’t matter because jag was just brought back into the game
Blue sucking up to Felicia bc she thought she was Jared’s mom for a solid 24 hours
Felicia’s sleep screaming/singing
The dramatic and out of no where red/Cameron break up
“Cam thinks he’s like a father to me, but really he’s like an absentee father who wants to sleep with my girlfriend”
Blue volunteering jag to go up as a “pawn” during Jared’s hoh
Cam winning hoh after being blindsided by the red vote (hate him but the absolute silence and his thumbs up is so funny)
“Okay Jasmine” “*crying* who’s jasmine?” “*singing* a whole new world”
Cam not telling anyone including production who he was putting up
Matt winning the prize swap veto but choosing the punishment bc he thought he’d get to hang out with the real Josh Duhamel
The Josh Duhamel punishment in general
Izzy’s kick jump during the piggy pals punishment
Jared destroying his game because Cirie was stuck in a kayak with Felicia for 48 hours
(The fact the izzy flip happened bc she told Cory that he couldn’t sleep in the same bed as America anymore lol)
The Cory/Jared humiliverse fight
“To all my friends and family, trust I know that they are all liars and snakes… and cowards!”
“See you soon, pig!”
The Cirie/Felicia fight post-Jared’s eviction
Peak Unreliables when Jag fought for Cory’s LIFE against cams plan to backdoor him
People retweeting Meme’s tweets from over ten years ago that were weirdly relevant to the season
America lifting Cory after it was confirmed that they made jury
The musical that Cory got for his zing
The one time all the different stans came together was to celebrate Cams eviction
The “exquisite” bit
America causing Jag to want to shit his pants after telling him to “literally fuck off”
“Literally in this world, I am your biggest fan” 😭😭😭
Felicia being Cirie’s best friend and worst enemy (aka when she shaved her foot on her bed)
Americory saying “I love you” on Cory’s way out the door
Americas shrine to Cory/transforming into him
Cirie’s DR of her flipping off Jag, Matt, and Bowie
Izzy/Paige going as Americory for Halloween
The Americory “cradle robber” Halloween costume
“I’d be more impressed if [the wins] weren’t against two senior citizens, an airhead, and an idiot”
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papal-babygirl · 8 years
a little thing i wrote for class that was secretly jerevin the whole time
           Gavin watched the hills of the French countryside roll by, the dull greens and browns mixing together with the charming little cottages and farms. The sheep grazing in the fields were blurry puffs of white, and they looked like clouds set into a mossy sky.
           Jeremy looked over at his partner, his leg bouncing and clearly getting more than a little claustrophobic. He cocked his head in worry before turning back to the road, asking a silent question.
           “I’m just worried about work.” Gavin said quietly.
           “It will be fine. You’re just getting antsy because you’ve been in the car for hours. If it was really a worry they wouldn’t have let us have a couple days off before this to come out here. It’ll be quick, an in and out. It’s just colored water they’re pawning off as magical. These are absolutely the type of people who will fold when they see real magic. And,” Jeremy took a second to sprout a little rosebud from his fingertips, which he placed on the dashboard. “We’ve got real magic.”
           “Show off.” Gavin grumbled, making a lighter sized flame come from his palm with considerably more effort. He would never catch up to his partner, being a full human himself. Sidhe blood, magical blood ran through Jeremy, and he’d always be miles ahead in magic. At least it was only earth magic he excelled in.
           “Listen, I’m only good at that, I’ve got to show off.” Jeremy laughed softly as he focused back on the road.
           “I mean, it’s not the only thing you’re good at.” Gavin grinned, pulling his knee a bit closer to his cheek.
           “And what would this mysterious other thing be?” Jeremy asked, eyebrow quirked but eyes firmly on the road ahead of him.
           “You are a pretty damn good agent, they train you well over there in America.” Jeremy rolled his eyes and pointedly avoided the cheeky grin his partner was shooting him. He would not be indulging that nonsense.
           “We’re good at things there too, we just enjoy bragging about it more than the Brits.” Gavin scoffed, still smiling.
           “I’m trying to be nice! You genuinely were one of the best newbies I’ve met. Bloody competent you were. Are. Still very much are.” Jeremy noted how fond Gavin’s tone was, and he could tell his partner really meant the compliment, no matter how much he joked about it.
           They passed the next hour in relative silence, letting the radio pick up what stations it could, while Jeremy quietly hummed along in French. He could carry a tune well, and surprisingly so in French (though Gavin suspected his awe was because of his own inexplicable ability to learn French). Eventually they saw a small sign signaling their destination, Saint-Mars-sur-la-Futaie.
           The town was quaint, in a word, and the church lay in the middle of the town. It was small, but the tree was clearly walled off in a sort of protective garden. Jeremy parked the car as quickly as he could and fiddled with his pendant the whole time, worn but never faded triskelion etched into it. One of few physical memories of his mother, and his strongest tie to his heritage.
           The old oak door was carved with the same symbol and Jeremy already felt safer. Any building marked with the triskelion was safe for any of Sidhe blood. They pushed open the heavy doors to the church and went inside. It was a small church, with a plain looking rose window casting the only natural light in the building. Gavin stuck his hands in his pockets and looked around, surveying the rows of candles placed in front of various statues.
           Quickly, a genial looking man in a cozy sweater came up to the pair of them, speaking in French.
           “Êtes-vous ici pour l'arbre?” The man’s voice was calming, and Jeremy had the overwhelming sense the man was Sidhe, and he was usually pretty good at telling that. Gavin perked up a little bit, even though he was absolute trash at French.
           “Oui.” Jeremy nodded.
           The man pointed to Gavin and tilted his head in Gavin’s direction, “Il vient avec vous?” Jeremy turned to Gavin and cocked his head.
           “He wants to know if you’re coming to the tree.” Jeremy translated. Gavin looked down at himself as if he’d realized suddenly that he was, in fact, corporeal.
           “Me?” said Gavin.” I mean, I guess it’s up to you, this is your whole religious thing.” Gavin shrugged and Jeremy turned back to the man and nodded brightly.
           “I think you’ll get something out of this too.” Jeremy said over his shoulder as the man beckoned them both forward.
           The man led them back to the courtyard, gesturing to the gnarled old tree, a jagged looking stone with an inscription in French, Irish, and English, marking it as the oldest hawthorn currently living, and a sacred tree of Danu. Jeremy sat at the tree’s base, crossing his legs and sitting against the short trunk of the tree. Gavin stood there awkwardly before Jeremy gestured him over to do the same.
           “What do I do?” Gavin asked quietly. Jeremy sighed softly and opened his eyes.
           “Well, you know about the hawthorn in the park by work, right? Spend a lot of time there. What I’ve always done is... there’s a magic in the tree, and in you, right?” Jeremy shifted a little to face Gavin as they spoke.
           “Right.” Gavin said, a little more curt than he meant it to sound.
           “You have to open the magic up, and let it reach to the tree. They will find their ways together if you open the door.” Gavin cocked an eyebrow.
           “That sounds a bit like crap but I’ll give it a shot.”
           Jeremy sighed. Gavin could be so damned stubborn sometimes. “Whatever part of yourself you reach to for your magic, reach there and open it up. Like you’re about to make a burst of flame, but don’t. The tree, and Danu, they’ll do the rest.”
           “And I’ve just got to trust your spiritual mum?”
           “Danu knows what she’s doing.” Jeremy settled back against the tree, bowing his head and taking the pendant in his fingers. Gavin did the same, wishing for something to fiddle with. He never did well with worship, all the quiet sitting was rather a lot for an energetic, gangly boy like him.
           Gavin took a deep breath and tried to shift his focus inside himself. Jeremy had said it was like opening a door, and he visualized that. The door was old looking, like the church door, and when he opened it, a snaky tendril of wispy light stretched from it. It was warm, and faintly orange, and it almost comforted Gavin as it wormed its way out of the door. The magic was out, he could faintly feel the prickling sensation of fire on his fingertips, the same simmering heat he always did just before using his magic.
           But before anything resembling a flame could sprout from his hands, another luminous tendril stretched from what Gavin could now see were the tree’s branches, stretching down down down till the tendrils connected. Gavin’s eyes flew open, but this inner fantasy didn’t disappear from his minds’ eye.
           Time compressed, and he saw all of the history this tree had seen, stretching back further and further and further until the moment it was planted. And then it kept going, a consciousness carried back in time by a soft, motherly embrace. She needed not speak her name for Gavin to know it must be Danu, goddess of the earth itself, mother of the Tuatha de Dannan, and their descendants, the Sidhe. She took him by the hand and showed him all of what he had only heard from Jeremy before, tales of warriors and battles springing to life.
           Till it stopped, suddenly, and time snapped back, stinging like a rubber band in his brain and jolting Gavin forward a little with a gasping breath. Jeremy cracked an eye with a sly smile, looking over at his partner.
           “Don’t worry. Happened to me the first time too.” Gavin was still gasping for air, and Jeremy jolted forward with a little more worry than before.
           “Ok, shit, this might not have happened. What went down in there? Are you ok?” Gavin blinked a little, clearly out of it, and his mouth moved as if to make sounds. “Take your time, it’s ok.” Jeremy had moved to kneel in front of Gavin, hand on his shoulder comfortingly.
           “I saw… I saw… I think I might have seen it all, Jeremy, Danu, she-she showed me everything.” Gavin gasped out once he found words. Jeremy gave a bitter laugh.
           “She doesn’t usually pull that on people but… I dunno. She showed you for a reason.” Jeremy said, hand still on Gavin’s shoulder.
           “I… I think she wanted me to understand. Understand you… what you’re whole… thing is.” Gavin’s brow was knit tightly, trying to process what he’d seen. “It was all stuff you’ve kind of told me about before, but Danu… She took me there. She wanted me to understand, and not just hear. She… she wanted me to understand you.”
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