ol-files · 5 months
I'm maybe playing to much with the video editer lately but well I find it funny and this time it's other characters that I don't, well, laugh with much usualy in it
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geekgirles · 3 months
Julith, Bakara, and Amalia: History Repeats
If you think about it, Amalia's arc in the webtoon is eerily similar to both Julith and Bakara's roles in Dofus Book 1: Julith.
Like Bakara, she holds a very deep and personal grudge against her sister-in-law partly because of the role she played in her brother's death; that is to say, Aurora and her family's inaction during the Necro War factored in Armand having to sacrifice himself in order to protect the Sadida Kingdom. Meanwhile, Bakara blamed Jahash's death solely on Julith because she was raised to believe she had caused everything in the first place.
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Which made both young women see Aurora and Julith, respectively, as nothing but traitors. Because even if Amalia never outright calls the Osamodas as such, it is made pretty clear throughout several points in the story that's what she really thinks of them, as she repeatedly pointed out their abandonment of the Sadida at the Necros' hands.
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It's also worth pointing out that what sets Amalia apart from Bakara is the fact that the former has a legitimate and justified grievance against Aurora and her family, unlike Bakara's grudge against Julith, that turned out to be nothing but a ploy orchestrated by a third party. Because, even though the Osamodas weren't responsible for directly harming Yugo, they did betray the Sheran Sharms and their kingdom by going against their word and not sending help while Aurora actually fled from the fight, whereas Julith never betrayed Jahash and was even trying to save Bonta before she was attacked.
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And, on the other hand, like Julith, now that she's lost so much (her father, her brother, part of their forests, so many innocent lives at the hands of the Necros...), there is nothing Amalia isn't willing to do for the sake of what she holds dear—her kingdom and Yugo. Just like Julith abandoned all morals in order to reunite with Jahash and try to rebuild their lives with their son, which led to her abandoning all qualms about making others suffer after what she herself went through.
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And it's precisely the possibility of losing Yugo and her people at the hands of someone she knows doesn't care about them, and whom she thinks are capable of anything to achieve their goals, that causes Amalia to lash out and brutally attack the Osamodas in retaliation for their perceived involvement in her husband's poisoning, not unlike how Julith forewent all empathy after losing Jahash, perfectly willing to sacrifice hundreds of lives for his own.
In a way, what all three women have in common is that their most morally questionable actions are a direct result of being hurt and betrayed in the past, and the deep love they feel for someone and/or something propelling them to take those actions in the first place.
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I guess this all comes to show that Julith's involvement in the webtoon makes more sense than I originally thought, at least, if they intend to prove me right and draw more parallels between her and Amalia in the future. But more importantly, it shows how love and hate are extremely volatile emotions, two sides of the same coin that can lead to terrible consequences.
(Credit to @cocogum for their screenshots of the webtoon).
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vickielo-art · 2 months
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My piece for the amazing @dofus-to-tofus zine!!
Please check it out! It's free!! You can view/download it here !
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kerubimcrepin · 7 months
Live-read: "Julith et Jahash" - Part 1
In the past, I said that I would wait for a translation that is currently in the making in the russian fandom. However, because I am weak, and want to keep this blog going asap, I lied. (This liveblog will be very slow due to this, so be warned.)
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This comic will let us understand Joris better... while literally all of his personality, morals, body language, and tastes, are a product of Kerubim, — this might shed light on A. family history, that might dictate his physiology (what if Julith randomly says she has an allergy? This isn't real, but it would be big for Joris lore), and the things he went through after the movie: what experience he would have with the huppermage culture, which he was cut off from for his entire life thus far.
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Question: is there a single member of this family who DOESN'T fish??
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Kramdam is a part of Rok Island, the name of which will be familiar to you if you're A. a player of the MMOs, B. batshit insane about Joris lore.
It might be silly, for me to point this out, but listen: the movie, the series, they all happen hundreds of years before the Dofus MMO, — so to have confirmation that Rok Island is that old, is very interesting.
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I had previously said that huppermages aren't very fond of cultures outside their own, and I want to elaborate, so that my words aren't misconstrued: Huppermages culture is, in a lot of ways, a mixture of different classes, — because a lot of huppermages aren't born huppermages, but instead, people who convert to this class, and a lot of their spells are inspired or taken from other classes. However, not assimilating fully is... very unwelcome.
Having a history of oppression and at least one genocide in the years after the movie, made huppermages very understandably conservative and closed-off. But this culture, as we'll see from this comic, had some pretty toxic traits even before those scars.
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HOLY FUCKING SHIT. Like I already knew about this, but I want you to understand: the stupid fucking log thing is a family trait.
Do you think Joris told Bakara "I hate magic, I hate magic, I hate magic. I HATE WANDS. I HATE STAFFS. I KEEP BREAKING THEM. LET ME OUT. LET ME OUT OF THE ACADEMY. STOP HAVING ME BE ENROLLED!!!!" and the next day she brought him a fucking log. Do you think this is what happened.
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So small, and already sure that she'll never be as good as her brother... man.
Also... Bakara and Joris looked very similar as kids. At least that's my opinion.
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I didn't think this comic would make me emotional, but the Jurgen family having a thing for logs is making me violently ill.
It probably was Bakara who gave him that bright idea. And Kerubim was probably like "ok son, I am someone who also uses blunt weapons, I can teach you how to do this."
There isn't some "i like to use logs" gene, it was all just Joris preferring to use melee, Bakara's memories of Jahash's melee skills, and Kerubim's skill in melee fighting.
It is just... insane to me, how Joris ends up doing this one thing that his biological father liked to do, despite how different they are as people. Despite Joris likely feeling absolutely nothing towards the man.
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Well, that, or he fucking hates Jahash, though probably not as much as Julith.
Think about it this way, — Jahash and Julith ruined his childhood by their reappearance. They ruined his life for the next few decades too, probably. And after? They would always be a shadow over his life, for as long as they are remembered. It's always either "you're evil and we don't trust you because you're Julith's son" (even though he knows that Julith was framed,) or "you're not good enough, even though you're Jahash's son. How come?" (even though he knows from Bakara that... Jahash was just a man. Even if it is hard for him to put together the almost-holy image of his father as seen on the stained-glass in a temple, and the image of him that Bakara talks about, — a human person, who had fears and dreams.)
The only way for Joris to live his own life, without any judgement or comparison, without being reminded of how shit his childhood was, is to wait for the World of Twelve to forget who the fuck a Julith and Jahash even are. It's logical for him to have some irrational resentment.
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And yet he brings a log to a nuke fight in season 4. Jahash would never do this, because he got good at magic, but he WOULD approve.
His parents would have loved him a lot, if they had the chance.
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List of things that Joris and Bakara share:
Neurotic perfectionist who struggles with self-hatred about their skills and their body.
Cute ass behaviours and expressions as children.
Alcoholism (this is my fanon for Joris. It came to me in a vision. He's just like Kerubim and Bakara, — needs to get shitfaced to cope.)
Haunted by Jahash's success in life, even though Jahash would NEVER have wanted either of them to be haunted.
Thin grabbable waist and twinkish/waifish looks as adults. (Joris is already a twink, despite his 3ft stature, but NEVER forget the official concept art of how Joris would look if he wasn't possessed by a dragon as an infant. He would be a tall, blonde, anime twink instead.)
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Whisperers have, historically, been used as servants by Bontarians and Huppermages.
Though by Waven times, they are enemies of the state (at least dissenting ones), and Joris wants you to beat the shit out of them, for the sake of his beautiful nation. (because they're dissenting)
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Jahash and Bakara grew up with their dad, Juvence Jurgen.
By huppermage standards, they lived in very unusual conditions.
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"All huppermage towers are super-protected, we WILL die if we don't take precautions, so I will go ahead, and deliver the message myself."
Yeah, no, they're not typical huppermages. I guess Joris has a lot in common with Bakara and Jahash. (I keep making myself sad, thinking about this.)
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He thinks that Jahash and Bakara are some local hicks/rednecks that the huppermage has been experimenting on, which raises many red flags. Like the fact that apparently, human experimentation is a thing that some huppermages do. Then he thinks that the huppermage is experimenting on his own kids.
The headcanon that Jahash might have had some learning disabilities that he gave to Joris as one last "sayonara you weaboo shit" genetical move, and that it was REALLY hard for him to learn magic and impossible for Joris, stays winning.
By the way, I guess this is a good time to give you the next, very funny piece of trivia:
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Joris's name literally means "George George the Farmer Farmer".
I think it's likely that, historically, before Jahash's success in life, their family were just some random poverty-stricken farmers, who happened to be huppermages.
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Grandpa Jurgen is literally so fucking real.
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Juvence really cares about his kids.
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"If you don't do as master says, he will kill you and all your loved ones."
Guys I'm starting to think, that between this, the political intrigues, the bullying, the "using Bakara for PR while she becomes a teenage alcoholic and not giving a shit about her" thing, — that the huppermage academy and temple, are um.... not actually Good, as an institution.
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To most this is "an honour," and yet, this random selection process chose a teenage huppermage who, by all accounts, can't do magic and doesn't know a single spell.
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I'm so fucking sad.
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You know what else these two quotes can apply to? Haha. well. I ask you to imagine Jahash's funeral, and—— [i collapse on the floor weeping]
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"He was always more like a father to her, than an older brother."
I am going to crash my car into the sea. And I don't even have a car.
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cocogum · 4 months
✨Quirky✨ labels that describes them in a nutshell 🤭🥰
Yugo: blue alien boy
Adamaï: puberty’s bitch
Az: stress relief mascot ball
Amalia: horny grass princess
Eva: hot elf with daddy issues
Dally: dumbass ginger “woops! I did it again! 🤭🤪”
Ruel: Mr. Krabs holding adoption papers
Elely: Ginger 2.0 charged with arson
Flopin: invisible Link
Pin: Jack-Jack
Rubilax: demonic bromance
Madagaskan: retired blind sniper
Cleophee: hot elf who can kick
Goultard: ginger who can think
Oakheart: best salad king
Armand: delulu cabbage head
Canar: drag queen number 1
Renar: drag queen number 2
Aurora: blue trophy wife cow
Osamodas King: blue cow king
Efrim: tiny cute monster feet
Nora: pink lesbian
Mina: your scarred unpaid therapist
Phaeris: arm chewer
Qilby: the original momma’s boy
Shinonome: the shit picker
Glip: dad noises
Balthazar: grandpa noises
Eliatrope Goddess: helicopter parent definition
Alibert: gets thrown babies at him
Chibi: loud ass inventor
Grougaloragran: third person user
Prince Adale: fabulous tea sipper
General Mofette: bondage and whips
Grany Smisse: Meowth’s cousin
Remington: Zorro compensating with swords
Grufon: arachnid map
Anathar: copycat daddy voice
Kerosho: Adamaï’s forgettable achievement
Rushu: god wannabe
Black Ink: sentient food
Elaine: had a shitty childhood
Galanthe: rip thick hips
Noximilien: loves taking his time
Igôle: does not want to die
Cabotine: baby mama
Justice Knight: sweaty himbo
Pandiego: smelly drunk panda
Kabrok: retired wanderlust
Miranda: corn’s victim…
Vampyro: spirit halloween reject
Xav the Baker: croissant addict
Kriss Krass: tongue’s always out
Maude: goth chick
Ogrest: professional whiner
Otomaï: stressed out alchemist
Joris: experienced father and uncle babysitter
Kerubim: white furry with life issues
Simone: cleaner for hire
Julie: the embodiment of gay furry
Atcham: bald
Lilotte: furry orphan by choice
Khan Karkass: oily misogynistic ginger
Bakara: teacher’s pet snitcher
Julith: mommy milker terrorist
Jahash: died for getting laid
Jiva: just wanted to get laid
Poo: Kung Fu Panda
Echo: half lizard
Sipho: ugly ass lizard
Toxine: evil deadpool with an ass
Harebourg: narcissistic obsessed stalker
Oropo: clam sucker
Coqueline: raccoon girl
Dathura: leaf hottie
Dark Vlad: rock metal enthusiast
Black Bump: panty sniffer
Kali: professional sadist
Ush: furry sore loser
Arpagone: not an actual enutrof
Barik: elvis gone wrong
Cendre Mystigrine: forgettable furry
Ramona: best enutrof grandma
Harcelo Estep: disowned cuz wtf-
Messer: talking skull
Lacrima: did not deserve this
Winmo Nodorh: Flopin did it better
Lupa: sadist sympathizer
Atone: laser beam vision
Bouillon: fighting boner
Ripulse: name stands for “disgusted”
Sidaire: little sonic twerp
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gnomgnomovich · 1 month
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When we meet again…
— Of course, a girl!
Julith dropped the scroll in surprise, which she had been carefully reading with an annoyed expression on her face.
— You didn't doubt it for a second!
Jahash laughed and lightly taped her on the tip of her nose, knowing that his wife would now frown with displeasure. This always amused him greatly.
— Well, yes, so what? And what do you think? — I don't care, - Julitte, holding belly with her hand, carefully picked up the scroll and sat down on the edge of the bed, - children are always a disaster, regardless of whether they are a boy or a girl. A disaster as is.
— So you already chose the child's name? - Jahash joked. He got up from the chair, walked over to the bed, put his hand behind Julith's back and carefully helped her lie down. At the same time, the man so deftly snatched the scroll from her hands and put it aside that the Brakmarian did not have time to say a word. She just shot him a sharp look with her black eyes, as usual.
— Yes, let's name the child "Disaster," — the Huppermage's wife chuckled, — but don't give me the runaround. Why do you think it will be a girl? — I don't know for sure. But I would like it to be a girl. — Why?
Jagash walked around the bed and lay down next to her, covering his wife with a blanket. He lingered his gaze on her face. The man's smile was soft, and his expression calm. But the eyes… There was so much emotion in their dull blue that Julith felt like she was being washed over with soft warmth again. As if she had walked straight from a winter storm into a house where the fireplace was always well-lit, where she could simply take off her clothes, put her freeze and cold-wounded hands closer to the fire and rest peacefully, not thinking about what troubles awaited her outside.
— Because I would like to have one more princess. - Finally, the Huppermage answered, - beautiful, sweet and kind… Just like you.
Puzzled by the unexpected laughter, Jurgen stopped short. He even had an offended expression on his face, while Julith laughed heartily, hugging herself.
— Oh, darling, - she finally calmed down and wiped her teary eye. Without finishing the sentence, Julit grabbed her husband by the neck and pulled him sharply to herself, kissing him greedily and happily.
— Thank you, of course… But I hope that our child, no matter whether it is a boy or a girl, will never be like me!
На русском:
— Конечно, девочку!
От неожиданности Джулит выронила из рук свиток, который до этого внимательно читала с недовольным выражением лица.
— Ты не сомневался ни секунды!
Джахаш рассмеялся и легонько стукнул ее по кончику носа, зная, что сейчас его жена недовольно поморщиться. Это всегда его очень забавляло.
— Ну да, а что? А ты сама как думаешь? — Мне все равно, - Джулит, придерживая рукой живот, аккуратно подняла свиток и присела на край кровати, - дети это всегда катастрофа, независимо от того, мальчик или девочка. Катастрофа как есть.
— То есть имя ребенка ты выбрала? - Пошутил Джахаш. Он встал с кресла, подошел к кровати, завел руку за спину Джулит и аккуратно помог ей лечь. При этом мужчина так ловко выхватил из ее рук свиток и отложил его в сторону, что бракмарианка не успела и слова сказать. Только стрельнула, как обычно, острым взглядом черных глаз.
— Да, давай назовем ребенка “Катастрофа”, - хмыкнула жена хуппермага, - но не заговаривай мне зубы. Почему ты считаешь, что это будет девочка? — Я не знаю точно. Но мне бы хотелось, чтобы это была именно девочка? — Почему?
Джагаш обошел кровать и лег рядом, прикрыв жену одеялом. Он задержал взгляд на ее лице. Улыбка мужчины была мягкой, а выражение лица спокойным. Но глаза… В их неяркой голубизне было столько эмоций, что Джулит снова почувствовала, будто ее обдает мягким теплом. Словно она прямиком из зимней бури вошла в дом, где всегда хорошо растоплен камин, где можно просто снять одежду, подставить холодные и израненные морозом руки ближе к огню и спокойно отдыхать, не думая о том, какие беды ждут снаружи.
— Потому что я хотел бы, чтобы у меня была еще одна принцесса. - Наконец ответил хуппермаг, - прекрасная, милая и добрая… Такая же, как ты.
Озадаченный неожиданным хохотом, Юрген осекся. На его лице даже появилась обиженное выражение лица, пока Джулит от души смеялась, обхватив себя руками.
— Ох, милый, - она наконец успокоилась и вытерла заслезившийся глаз. Не закончив фразы, Джулит схватив мужа за шею и резко притянула к себе, жадно и счастливо целуя.
— Спасибо тебе, конечно… Но я надеюсь, что наш ребенок, неважно, мальчик это или девочка, никогда не будет похож на меня!
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jorisjurgen · 7 months
TOT JUST CONFIRMED JULITH AND JAHASH ARE BISEXUAL ON TWITTER AND I BEG...! Sexuality may not be hereditary but. It would be SO funny if. If their son was also.,. Tot has the chance to be SO funny.
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thedominickowo · 5 months
So! Uhm-, I'm curious
These questions are about the Joris Galesh Au:
How did Ush got to raise Joris? I mean, how did it went?
And, why do I feel that most of Joris' scars were Made by Ush in the au-? Some of them seem to be made by a feline's claws
And, last but not least: How does Joris get along with Kerubim and Atcham in this au?
Sorry if they are too many questions-, I just got interested in the Au wA-
thank you for asking me these questions, it will help me develop AU further (っ ᵔ◡ᵔ)っ
I'll warn you right away that I'm not so deeply immersed in a lore, so i don't know everything, I'm basing my AU only on the information that I know (so don't beat me for not knowing something please)
Kerubim dies fighting Julith for the first time, which is why the upbringing of Joris falls on the shoulders of his brother, Ush (in this AU, he is as close to Jahash as Kerubim himself, because he saved Bonta a lot of times). I do not know how fast ekaflips grow after death, like real cats or like people, but I think during those events when the ebony dofus was activated again, Kerubim was still too young to raise Joris after Jahash's death
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2. About Joris' scars, yes, it was Ush. When, out of boredom during peacetime, Ush began to go crazy, Joris often fell under the hot hand. Prior to that, Joris also received minor scars from Ush, because he grew up a pugnacious child and often got into a fight with Ush himself to prove his strength
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3. Kerubim is actually akin to a brother for Joris, because Ush, although not constantly, looked after Keke after his death. However, when Kerubim and Ush's relationship deteriorated over the years, Joris distanced himself from him. The situation with Atcham is difficult, because since there were no events of the film in this AU (more precisely, they developed differently due to the new amendments), Atcham remained an outcast brother. If Atcham managed to reconcile with Kerubim in the original, he would hardly have established a good relationship with Ush in this AU, because these two, as I can judge from their relationship, well, really don't like each other
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p.s. I'm sorry for my english, I use a translator (╯︵╰,)
I hope I've answered your questions. If there are any new ones, do not hesitate to ask, I will be happy to answer (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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julith-jurgen · 4 months
Dofus Movie novel small differences
The book is really close retelling of the movie there is only a few small differences !
A lot them is just the dialogue being slightly different. Some others are per example like the fact that Joris in the novel want to gift Khan a gobball instead of wanting one to be signed.. but there is a bit of new dialogues added to expand on a few scenes of the movie !
There's not a lot but I still think it's fun to share the most notable ones of them ! (And there's a really good chance I missed some after reading this book too much time).
I translated six of them (it's really not much) but I added some other things said in the the novel :)
(Small disclaimer, I translated all of this by myself so there's a good chance there's grammar errors)
I took screenshot of the translated text because it was easier to manage because I don't understand tumblr formatting ( I added ALT text to all of them in any case)
(The highlighted text is the part that I translated)
Some Joris thoughts about not knowing his parents (and Kerubim telling him absolutely nothing)
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Small fun added dialogue when Dardonkal ask Joris to be his guardian :)
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The Bonta's gobbowl mascot belonged to Jahash !
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This next one is pretty interesting ! I think it's the biggest change in the book.
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This scene does play in the movie but differently !
The first two sentences are the same but after Bakara says "This madness needs stop", in the movie Joris talks and all of this leads to the flashback narrated by Julith.
Here Bakara continue to speak and her next lines in this are said by Joris in the movie (while he doesn't say the exact same words, what he says his nearly the same things in the end). So the flashback does not happen.
After that Julith respond to Bakara (instead of Joris in the movie) and because of that her dialogue slightly differs. Bakara respond and after that the scene come back to the way it is the movie with some small modifications because of this change.
To put it simply Bakara took the role of Joris in this part. (You can compare it directly to the movie if my explanations doesn't make sense).
Now for the flashback ! It still appear in the novel but is instead played just after Julith slams the Ebony Dofus on the Ivory one. With Julith remembering and narrating the memory while she disappears. (and in the memory, it's said the Dofus went even more wild after the bontarian guards attacked it's guardian Julith and injured her. oops)
Joris nearly has moment of self-doubt when there's only Lilotte and him left during the final match
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And... this one....at the end (sorry)
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Anyway here's some other random things from the novel:
The statue of Jahash and the ceremony that takes place at the start is where the Dofus went wild 10 years ago, where it created a massive hole in the city. While not mentionned in the movie this information is also in the artbook
The area Kerubim and Joris lives is called "Le quartier de la Tour Fleurie" (The blooming flower tower district)
The tavern Bakara and Kerubim meet in the movie is called "Le Bontarien Rieur" (The Laughing Bontarian)
Kerubim thinks that the stealing of the Ebony Dofus is a ten (out of ten) on the Ogrest scale... a few hundred years before Ogrest birth...(oops)
During the first battle Bakara yell "For Jahash" instead of "For Bonta"
Bakara and Khan.. whole thing.. is less embarrassing than in the movie...
The post credit scene is not in novel
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onyichii · 6 months
Dofus: Book 1 Julith a beautifully animated film that failed.
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I haven't watched this movie in a long time but I think this movie COULD have done well. HOWEVER, TWO things fell short (for me).
1️⃣- Title. It has a BAD title. Terrible title. It should have been called something else. Something more appealing. More attention grabbing. I'm not good with titles myself but let's just say Dofus: The Guardian of the Ebony Dragon. That took me TOO LONG (40+ mins) to come up with. Titles are not easy but the current title doesn't stand out.
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2️⃣- Rushed exposition. I didn't feel properly introduced to the world. If you're gonna sell a movie series you have to introduce the audience to your world properly, especially if it's fantasy AND if you want to make more of it. Think Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter, we got to understand the world within the first movie.
I feel like this Dofus series should have been planned as a trilogy but starting with the stories of Julith and Jahash. Here is how I would have planned...
Part 1: Introduces the audience to the world of twelve, main 12 classes, and the lives of rivals Julith of Brakmar and Jahash of Bonta. It would be an enemies to lovers story (an action romance) on how they become guardians of their cities dofus (the ebony and ivory ones). It ends with Jahash and Julith falling in love, having a child (Joris), and dying. Whilst also giving a hint of evidence that Julith might be alive. Showing they had people against the unification of their rival cities. BONUS: Introducing the classes would get people (artists mostly) interested in making their own Dofus character and posting the art online further marketing it. And you could use it to introduce people to the game thus making more sales. 🧠 business brain. Part 2: Would be this movie (Dofus: Julith Book 1), focusing on their son, Joris, and how he finds out that his mother Julith is alive and out for revenge. And how he is connected to the ebony dragon/dofus somehow (or how he becomes it's new guardian like his mother). And blah blah blah Part 3: Would unveil the culprits behind the deaths of Jahash and Julith. and blah blah blah. And how Joris officially loses his adolescence in this discovery and grows up to be who we know him to be in Wakfu. Kind of a dark coming of age story.
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That's how I would have structured it. If it was structured like this I would have been invested in this trilogy. It has romance, mystery, drama, action, and angst.
Was the movie good? It had GREAT animation, good action scenes, fun characters, but it needed more story, more exposition. More world building—To at least attract an audience who has NEVER heard of Dofus before. I would 100% watch this movie again!
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To me, it feels like Tot wants to build something like Star Wars, One Piece, MCU, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones—A HUGE WORLD that people all over the globe will know and love.
However, the company lacks consistency. Ankama started off as a game company. Then they branched into animation and comics. Now they're using all forms of media to tell their story.
Having to play the game AND read the book AND watch the show/movie, is too much for the average consumer. I don't play games anymore. So now, I will miss something because I don't play the game?
Personally, I feel like there should be ONE form of media to keep track of the WHOLE story (while still making the shows/films/games). That format is BOOKS.
Books are a GREAT way to keep things linear and on track. At least with a book, even if you branch out to animation and get cancelled you can continue the book with the story as planned. And after you have finished the book, maybe someone likes your story and will want to pick back up the animation.
You should watch Dofus: Book 1 Julith for the animation and action scenes. The story is fine but needs more.
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Upon little research i found out they did make books for Dofus: Book 1 Julith. IDK if it's good or what it's about but it does exist.
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nina-numa-blog · 7 months
What? Is this real? (Wakfu revelations)
Guess it's real: Alibert, Yugo's father, is gay
You know what? I'm fine with that
Also we have agender dragons and Julith and Jahash bisexual
Ankama at the moment seems doing a better job than *cough* a certain factory represented by a mouse
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ol-files · 2 months
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Here a little alignement chart of most, but not all, favorite wakfu characters
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wu-wakfu-undertale · 7 months
they're confirmed lesbians ! alibert is confirmed gay and jahash and julith are confirmed bi :) they're doing some real progress when it comes to rep
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vickielo-art · 2 months
helloo i made a funny thing :)
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kerubimcrepin · 6 months
Live-read: "Julith et Jahash" - Part 2
Ohhh this will take me 20 years to get through due to me not knowing French. Pain.
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He doesn't want to go...
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There is a test called Kramdam. People, — young huppermages, — are selected randomly for it, and it is an honor, seemingly. But I do wonder what it entails.
(I also wonder if,,, if Joris, perhaps, had to go through whatever it is. God I can't wait to know more.)
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He can hardly cast a single spell...? I love you, Jahash. I love you a lot.
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"I'M A HUPPERNOBODY" and i'm going to die. If I write more fics about Joris's hupperangst, I am going to make him huppersay that.
The Jurgens have had 3-4 silly, silly generations of hupperangst.
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I don't believe you. #BontaHatersGang #TheirUn-BeautifulNation
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All guards are bastards btw. Including Keke, considering he used to be one.
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Imagine Kerubim and Joris in this situation. Haha. Haha. Haha. Haha. :))))))
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"I fucking hate Bonta AND I hate the huppermage academy and temple AND I hate——" (c) things both me, and 15-16yo Joris Jurgen would say.
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This comic is making me so emotional and by that I mean I would [DATA EXPUNGED] the castle of Bonta with explosive devices.
"Your father was a [ableist slur ableist slur] and you look like an [ableist slur ableist slur] and I hate you both. Especially you, even though I've known you for 3 minutes. But you CAN'T return home. We are sending you to huppermage hunger games and I really hope you die there. KILL YOURSELF."
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I am never going to take the huppermage academy seriously again after this. They're genuinely so fucking unspeakably cringe and evil.
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For all the "I am going to commit vehicular manslaughter on everyone in the huppermage academy (to avenge the babygirls (the entire Jurgen family))", I do wanna point out that it's cool, how the comic transitions from full colour style to manga, after Jahash drinks the recall potion.
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cocogum · 6 months
A current list of every confirmed LGBTQ+ characters in the Krosmoz.
The characters are placed chronologically by their era NOT by their names ‼️
Genesis Era
Sadida (Asexual) : has applied photosynthesis to produce ten Sadida dolls, his children.
Feca (Bisexual) : became a man so she could procreate with a woman and make Otomaï.
Sacrier (Bisexual) : became a man so she could procreate with a woman and make Lupa.
Great Dragon (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Enutrof (Agender) : he takes the form of a dragon, so he also applies to Tot’s tweet.
Aerafal (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Aguabrial (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Dardondakal (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Grougalorasalar (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Terrakourial (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Ignemikhal (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Shinonome (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Balthazar (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Grougaloragran (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Adamaï (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Efrim (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Phaerys (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Dofus Era
Tylezia (lesbian): the Red Death, mother of Dreggons, daughter of Terrakourial, fell in love with Oyukipoca, the goddess of Bow Meaguars.
Oyukipoca (lesbian): Night-That-Roars, the goddess of Bow Meaguars, had the Vulbis Dofus with Tylezia, which hatched into their son Tyzerion.
Jahash (Bisexual) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Julith (Bisexual) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Simone (Lesbian) : you can see her dating a female ecaflip by the name of Julie in “The Treasures of Kerubim” Dofus series.
Julie (Lesbian) : she fell in love at first sight with Simone and has been seen dating her in “The Treasures of Kerubim” Dofus series.
Alibert (Gay) : his sexuality has been confirmed in the webtoon Les Tranches de Vie de Wakfu where he had been kissed by a man on the cheek and liked it.
Gustavio (Gay) : he appeared in the webtoon Les Tranches de Vie de Wakfu where he wrapped his arms around Alibert’s neck and kissed his cheek.
Otomaï’s unnamed mother (Bisexual) : she has slept with the goddess feca and had a feeling that the “man” was Feca herself because as soon as she finished praying, the “man” appeared.
Larentia (Bisexual) : she has slept with the goddess sacrier who was disguised as a man and knew about it because she sees “him” bleeding and loving it right after transforming into a beast to leave.
Atone (Non-binary) : just as they died, Oropo told them to rest in peace: “you were a sister, a brother, it didn’t matter.”
Marline (Gay) : had a VERY huge obsession with Khan Karkass, a popular Boufbowler player. has been confirmed by Tot on a tweet that he was a character who specifically confronted Khan’s toxic masculinity.
Wakfu Era
Queen of Bonta Astra (Lesbian) : was seen sitting next to another queen of Bonta.
Astra’s unnamed wife (Lesbian) : was seen sitting next to Astra who was already the queen of Bonta.
Canar (Gay) : his character was based on Albin and Renato from La Cage aux Folles.
Renar (Gay) : his character was based on Albin and Renato from La Cage aux Folles.
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