#jake peralta is a dad & thats just faxs
prompt #80
Note: no-one asked for this. literally. No-one. but i reallly wanted to write okay 😪. anyway please go suggest a drabble for me to write & enjoy:).
“Nothing bad is going to happen baby, I promise”
“Daddy?” A small voice called from where the hallway and living room met.
Jake’s head turned sharply in his daughter’s direction the second he heard the calling.
It was later into the evening, almost ten at the time. Jake had been up, trying to wrap up a case load that he couldn’t seem to solve while simultaneously watching Diehard for the third time that week.
“What’s up, mandms?” He paused the tv screen, pushing this folders of work to the side as he stood up abruptly, walking in his child’s direction.
Almost instantaneously a smile consumed his expression. Emi leaned against the wall, a tiny yawn emerged as she attempted to rub the clear triedness from her eyes. Jake almost chuckled to himself when he saw her curly dark hair amess, and her pink pajamas shifted on her body from when he had tucked her in.
‘God,’ The father though to himself, ‘She looks so much like Ames’.
“There’s a monster in my closet! I can’t sleep when there is a monster in my room!”
Jake’s expression instantly softend, he couldn’t argue with that logic, plus this was a pretty standard routine in the Peralta household.
Like many times before, Amy, now a captain, was on mission that lasted overnight. And while Jake knew that Emi liked to spend time with him, the four year old missed her mom.
He had never dismissed Emi’s blatant attempts for attention. He knew that she was way to smart to believe in actual monsters, afterall, Amy was her mother.
But he still entertained the proclaim, plus Pimemento had actually been hidding in Emi’s closet once.
He frowned slightly, leaning down to pick the little girl up “Good thing detective daddy is on the case! Nothing bad is going to happen baby, I promise”.
Jake lightly tickled her little belly, getting the littlest giggle in response that lit up his expression.
“Look,” He plopped Emi ontop of her mattress as he made his way over to her closet.
As he turned on the flashlight of his phone with one hand, the other swung the doors open, feeling his kid eye him from bwhind with anticipation.
“No monsters, Em” He shined the lights, revealing nothing but a perfectly organised closet curtesy of a one mrs Amy Santiago- Peralta.
Emi sat down, nodding her head in what was almost defeat.
“Now let me tuck you back in because it is wayyy past your bed time and mama is going be real mad if she finds out I let you stay up this late”.
“I won’t tell her, promise,” she let out a little squeak, which was an obvious lie because she told Amy everything, “But I miss mommy” her tone became sadder.
Jake sighed, nodding his head in agreement. “Here scoot your boot”. He gestured for her to move, and of course, shed obeyed as Jake smooshed his way into her tiny twin sized bed.
Immediately, Emi clang to his side, burrowing her face into his neck.
“Hey I miss her too but mama has a very important job to do” He tried, but failed, to grasp her eyes, so he kept talking.
“We both just need to go to bed and she’ll be here in the morning, okay? Then we can all go out to get ice cream?”
He looked down to kiss her forehead, ready to get up and let her be when she nearly screamed.
“No! Daddy don’t go!”
Jake just sank back to where he was, putting an arm around his little girl “Okay cool cool cool,”
He felt as Emi was content with his answer, shifting so she could fall asleep easier.
Meanwhile Peralta laid there, staring at the ceiling and smiling like an absolute idiot.
“I won’t leave, Baby... I never will”
And he didn’t. He waited until she fell asleep, but he was soon to follow.
It sure was a nice surprise for Amy when she came hone the next morning.
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