malcolmthebrightest · 4 years
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Malcolm x J.T.
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What if
Jin and Malcolm eventually become a thing and are the power couple of the century
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brightmalcolm · 5 years
Plot twist: JT stands for Jalcolm Jright
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fycourtera · 12 years
{libation: chapter two/1} jane & malcolm
Jane: There must be a way to fly up there. *Critically regarding the tower, tapping a maroon nail against maroon lips, her other hand rests on Malcolm's forearm. As she surveyed the majesty of the Eiffel, brimming with excitement she mused,* I mean yes obviously brooms but we would have to spell ourselves invisible...at least until we are too high up to make out...*She turns her gaze to Malcolm, squeezing and teasing,* Oh love, you aren't trying to weasel out of the Opera tonight by distracting me with other schemes, are you? *When she was already wearing his gown and diamonds too.*
Malcolm: Of course you'd want to fly to the top. Never mind the stairs, or the lift. Those are for the likes of common people like Thomas Edison. *His lips twitched, amused. Actually, he had never been to the top of the tower either as whenever he and his family visited France, it was to spend the time with Aunt Leanne and the family. Though Genevieve always rattled about how "romantic" it was at the top. If there was ever a person more proud of her heritage, it was Gen.* Why would I weasel you out of your gift, my love? Do you think that lowly of me? *he tuts, winking at her. But good Lord, give him strength tonight.*
Jane: Exactly. *Not to mention it would take ages to climb. That wasn't to say she couldn't do it - of course she could - but why should she have to?* And for people not wearing these shoes. *She chuckled as he winked, shrugging an exaggerated shoulder perhaps slightly in mockery of how common the gesture was for him.* Lowly? Of course not dear, I have never found manipulation or schemes to be a bad thing. *And she winked back, still in awe of the magnificent tower they approached.*
Malcolm: *He wasn't even surprised Jane had agreed on Edison being common compared to her. It was just normal of her.* Hmm, you're right. In that case, I'm flattered you think so highly of me. *he teased as they kept walking closer* It's the tallest structure in the world, you know. *As of right now, at least. He wouldn't be surprised if someone out there was already making plans to top the French.*
Jane: You should be darling, it isn't a compliment I offer easily. *Grin stretching from ear to ear, she could admit to herself that really she was still trying to get over how lucky she felt to be there. Away from everything at home. Well almost. She glanced over her shoulder to see her father's paid escort half a mile off and his beady eyes seeming to count the inches between her and Malcolm. Aggravating little blighter. Never mind the fact she had known the man since she was four.* Is it? *She looked back happily.* Wonderful, you know how much a fan I am of things...large. 
Malcolm: I do know. *he grinned, wiggling his eyebrow in amusement. In all seriousness however the structure really was fascinating. Built for the 1889 world fair, it almost seemed out of place here in Paris. He would be far more interested in it had he his father's penchant for acquiring knowledge but alas, Malcolm was extraordinarily ordinary when it came to intellect- aside from his gift with hexes, curses, and swords though those frequently got him in more trouble than not. It wasn't exactly easy, being him. Hailing from a family of intellectuals and finding no natural talent it. Though, it made it far easier to stand out, and that was a talent he already possessed.* And are you impressed by its girth, my lady?
Jane: *Chuckling at the way he phrased that question as they neared the bottom, she trailed her gaze up the winding spires, the metal adornments.* I daresay I am. *She mused aloud, dropping his arm as she went to walk around one enormous foot of it. Well and perhaps because it gave him a view of the bare back of her neck and shoulders, where the deep purple gown fell off.* It's remarkable, honestly. *She said with open mouth awe as she stepped back to look up, wide-eyed.* However did they manage to build it without magic? There weren't any witches on the design team, right? Amazing. *She flicked her bottom lip with her tongue, still in awe, musing aloud,* What muggles can do when they put their mind to it...
Malcolm: *Here he was under the Eiffel Tower in one of the, arguably, most romantic cities of the world and the sight he chose to focus on was that of Jane's. How splendorous she looked in the dress he had known would suit her tremendously. Violet was the color of royalty, a detail he knew she appreciated. Smiling, he chuckled as she startled resembling a little child in awe and put a hand in his pockets.* I'm sure the answer lies in some boring architect ural and engineering explanation. I've never been much interested in figuring out how things work, what makes them tick...takes a lot out of the magical aspect in my opinion. *He shrugs and smirks.* Muggle magic.
Jane: *Spinning back to look at him, the gown fluttering across her heels, Jane smiled.* Fair point. I suppose I enjoy the moment of wonder far more than an answer. *He had that look again; the oh-so-proud look that he got whenever he said she was being particularly effusive. As if the fact that he saved a smile for her and only her would make her smile lessen?* Muggle magic. *She snorts, wry a moment,* Well there's a phrase we couldn't use at home. *Her eyes trail up the structure again, saying flatly.* Imagine if we tried to build something like this, focused on creation and not destruction...
Malcolm: I would use it. And damn anyone who tried to say anything about it. *But that was him, it was who he was, always starting up trouble, sometimes just because he could but most of the time it was because he refused to stand down for something he believed in. He licked his lips and shrugged.* Then we'd be living in a dream world.
Jane: *Sucking on her bottom lip, for a moment she was glad she'd been looking skywards, wary as to what he'd say to see hesitance flash across her eyes. It was...only that for a moment she heard that as him swearing to damn her father, and it twisted her gut unpleasantly. Yet when she looked back again, she was smiling with her stubbornness.* I think we could manage it.*She shrugs a shoulder, hand slipping to rest on her hip.* Why not? Two of us, we can do anything. *Her gaze flicks amused over his shoulder as she said wryly,* Apart from, apparently, shake off Richard. *She sighs playfully.* To not be able to share a kiss in front of the Eiffel Tower...
Malcolm: Darling, you do realize you're advocating us capable of keeping world peace? *Malcolm wasn't exactly the best example of keeping peace now was he.* Well it is not as if Richard could physically prevent me from missing you, now could he? *Just rat him out to Garrett who at this point would try and prohibit him from seeing Jane. It was a chance he was willing to take.* Besides, I don't mind putting on a show.
Jane: Well. I was just thinking we build our own Eiffel, but now there's an interesting idea... *Her hand came up to tap her lips despite the utter (obvious) absurdity. Malcolm was not the most even-tempered, nor was she. Not that she minded; she enjoyed consuming his temper half the time. She laughed suddenly,* Oh say that quieter love, or else I fear he'll aim something at the back of your head and half to take you to the hospital. Which would make me just oh so cross as I would miss tonights show. *Nonchalantly,* Both of them. *Tilting her head at his remark, her smile turned coy,* For my butler, dear?
Malcolm: Only if we call it the Stuart tower. *A tower was much more feasible than peace throughout the earth. He scoffed and then grinned* Richard doesn't scare me. *he looked back to the man who was a good ways away from them but who's narrowed eyes never left him. He turned back to Jane and admitted teasingly* Maybe a little. *grinning* I meant put on a show for all of Pari *he said it the French way* but he fits under that category at the moment.
Jane: Stuart Tower? *Scoffing for she suspected a different reason than Malcolm, she tucked her hands behind her skirt, cocking an eyebrow, wrinkling her nose and saying playfully - though with all seriousness* I prefer Jane Tower, dear. *Not Brackner either, obviously. As he looked back at Richard she darted a few steps further back teasingly,* A little? Well my love, currently this is just a lot of talk with  *She wiggles both eyebrows.* shamefully little action. Must you be such a tease?
Malcolm: Then I guess we're building two of them aren't we? Have ourselves a little competition while we're at it. *After all, he never gave Jane -exactly- what she wanted, not without a little work for it first. He grins and then nods.* Yes, yes I am. That's all I'll do tonight, tease and behave and tease. Drop you back off at home at a reasonable time, only kiss your hand. *Winks and then smirks.* Then after midnight, when its no longer tonight but tomorrow, sneak through your window, apparate you back to this exact spot and kiss you then.
Jane: How diplomatic you've become, I'm astounded. *She had naturally still pouted a moment; of course he wouldn't let her win. And of course because she knew it was partially because he wanted to see her pout. Her lips pressed tighter together as he continued to describe, eyes fluttering and then she finally laughs out, her hands coming up (oh she was going to hit her father for insisting on the escort. Just because he could not have controlled himself...well all right maybe he had a point, damn him).* You, are going to be patient sweetheart? *tilts her head, her joined hands pointing at him and then to the sky, giggling* Diplomacy and behaving...oh you saw your Mother today didn't you?
Malcolm: Stranger things have happened, and miracles occur every day, sweetheart. *he wiggles his eyebrows before answering simply.* Jane, you obviously don't know my mother at all if you think she's the advocate for diplomacy and proper behavior in our family. *he grins, knowing really that Jane just delighted in bringing his mother up at times like these. Not that he didn't love his mum, obviously.*
Jane: Well not for herself...*chuckles, amused for well, wasn't every parent hypocritical a little?* ...but she certainly does for you. *She nods in agreement with both of them as she drops her hands back to her sides and looks up.* So at midnight...might we fly up there? *she points, wiggling both eyebrows*
Malcolm: *Well, that was true. He did receive quite the verbal "lashing" from her a few weeks ago. Of course, she ended by giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek and told him she loved so it wasn't exactly a reprimand but. He follows her pointing and then grins widely, turning back to Jane and nodding.* Oh yes, definitely. *He takes her hand again and then kisses it, smirking after.* Maybe then we'll see about flying to the moon.
Jane: Oh no, no. *The moment his lips skate the surface of her skin, she takes her hand back.* If we're behaving, I ought not to tempt. *She licks her bottom lip with her wink and takes another step back.* The moon, honey? You spoil me.
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averybritishblog · 12 years
Well Hey There....
Are there any Malcolm/Jamie from The Thick Of It/In The Loop shippers hiding in the shadows??
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maybellinemagic · 12 years
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Preview of things to come
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courtera · 13 years
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fycourtera · 12 years
{chapter twenty-four: 3} jane & malcolm
Jane: *In her left hand she clutched tight a furled, parchment scroll. In the right was a tiny (stolen) basket of strawberries and a tightly capped jar of melted, heated chocolate. Honestly, Jane did not know which she was more excited about. She had the strawberries from an afternoon at the lake with her family, and despite clear tension, there seemed such a determination that they have fun they all had been caught up in it eventually. Mum had fretted about her dress, kept fixing Charles' collar, Leah and Dad had gone swimming together, Kitty had braided her hair and read on the shore until Jane and Charles had gotten her soaked. It was fun. The fact the six of them could still have fun (and pick strawberries) once they got away and were able to merely be themselves had already placed her in an excellent move. Then the scroll arrived upon her return. The elegance of the scroll was highlighted by the calligraphy, even if it did spell out 'it came -m' (assuming he did not just mean the delivery, which she knew perfectly well he did not, he was always so clever wasn't he?) Her gown navy silk and low-cut, the skirt was tiered so as to break apart easily...but it was the underneath she knew he'd enjoy most. It felt odd to slip into garters holding up a black lace chemise with knit tights, but wonderful too. Scarlet lips and rouge-tinted cheeks accented her bright smile as she knocked on the door, clear of nervousness and called out,* Malcolm? Love? Malcolm: *Why did he always have to complicate things for himself? Well, it was too late now. He walked around the room, assuring everything was in place, trying to keep the nerves at bay (not that he was nervous, per se, there was a difference). At the knock on the door, he smiled, heading over to it and opening the door. He was almost distracted from his plan as he saw her, the dress low cut and her lips painted a tantalizing red. Grinning, he pressed a finger to his lips and then lifted a silk cloth over her eyes, tying it behind her head.* Trust me. *he took her arm and led her inside. Once he closed the door, a light and dreamy piano song started playing from the phonograph in a corner of the room. There was a scent in the air of vanilla, lilac, and freesias, from the dozens of candles around the room. The candles were both small and stout, large and tall, red and white, some carved in intricate swirl patterns. Rose petals were strewn about the entire room, on the floor as they walked more towards the center, around the base of the candles, and on the bed, where the colors contrasted with the white silk sheets. The roses were imported from Colombia, similar ones were near impossible to find in Europe. Untouched bouquets in clear glass vases were also placed around the room. Malcolm let go of her arm to take off the blindfold from Jane's eyes.* Jane: *Driven to silence nearly the moment he opened the door a sliver, it was simply by the look he wore when he saw her own attire. Uncommonly aware of her breath and how loud it sounded, a coy smirk played itself upon her lips as she realized for a moment she could hear no breath from him. That was a most enjoyable effect. Of course it was expected, but she was still pleased. About to speak, this time it was his gesture that quieted her save a chuckle and she nodded, gaze trailing to the silk tie. Oh, but she had to comment on that! It complimented the gown, a beige to her navy, a contradiction that made her want to giggle again in the irony and oh-- damn him, why precisely was her quiet something to be desired when she knew perfectly well how much he enjoyed her sounds? Gasp hitching in her throat tiny as he whispered to trust him, she couldn't help but think 'Like that one.' Still she stayed quiet as long as she possibly good, sliding her hand along the muscle in his arm, grinning something ridiculous as she followed. Debussy. Of course. She knew he listened to her - though sometimes she had to admit even she couldn't figure out how he managed to follow along with her (and playfully pretend not to hear at once) -- but the fact that he was playing one of her favorite sonatas still turned her smirk soft. And she could smell vanilla - had he taken her perfume? As his fingers slipped through the soft skin at the nape her neck, sliding through strands of her hair slow before removing the silk, she couldn't help herself from murmuring,* Only have the one tie? *But that was before she opened her eyes. And before her mouth dropped open surveying the room. She didn't bother to close it, the painted-scarlet 'oh' of her open mouth was familiar to him, but she chuckled at herself all the same. So often she felt like an adult lately, as old as her mother was, and in one breathless instant Malcolm had her feeling eighteen once more, young and in love and just oh so warm and happy. Her gaze had naturally lingered on the bed, the flickering candles.* Malcolm. *And then she saw the roses, multi-colored on the same petals, a tiny squeak escaping her lips and she darted to them, eyes round.* How did--what are these? *She ran the pad of her thumb down one petal, wary of tearing it.* They're gorgeous--oh! Of course, the delivery. *She giggled, looking back over her shoulder at him still smirking.* Malcolm: *He watched her intently, awaiting her reactions. Jane was always a very expressive person, even as a child. She could make her discontent known with the slightest pursing of her lips, her joy shined more through her eyes than anything else. True, her eyes were covered, but still she reacted. That was the point, for her to experience the room in different senses. To the music at first, with a wide grin that he ultimately mirrored. The scent, one that he had tried to mimic from the countless of memories he had of inhaling the mixture she dabbed behind her ears, caused the grin to turn fond, and as he removed the cloth (and chuckled at her murmur) he watched her eyes come alive with wonder. He smiled with open adoration as he watched her, answering softly* Colombian roses, all the way across the ocean. *he stepped forward to her again, his hands sliding down her shoulders and arms, placing a soft kiss on her neck.* What do you think? Is it special? Jane: *Tilting her head as her skin seemed to come alive at his gentle touch, a lone loose curl dances on her shoulder. The rest tumble to grant him access to her neck, another giggle in her throat. Oh, Malcolm, he was always so worried about her, always so thoughtful. She never knew how to express her gratitude for him, and knew even less how to show she felt the same. At the gentle squeeze of his wrists around her forearm, pressing them to her side with his inhale, she matched his breath, nodding as they exhaled, delight in her gaze.* Flawless, love. And you know how critical I can be. *The tease was light. She lowered her hand from the petal, still looking around the room, each vase, scent, and note making her shiver and beam anew.* How in the world did you manage to set all of this up without your family noticing? I barely slipped off and not without Leah figuring it out. Ah, right. *That reminded her. She brightened, reaching low to the fold of her skirt and spinning (though she was loathe to drop his hands, and did so slowly) as she brought up the little green basket of a half-dozen strawberries. She grinned, handle on her wrist.* And there's chocolate too. Malcolm: *his lips flicked into a smile against her skin before he nodded, chuckling again at her statement.* Yes, yes I know. *But given that he was usually the epitome of perfection, it worked rather well for them. He chuckled, admitting with a tilt of his head* Lysa noticed, but dad's been busy. I suppose this is the once and only time I'm glad mum isn't here, nothing gets past her...*It was only now as Jane brought the basket up that he noticed it, laughing once.* I am not surprised *he picked up a strawberry, tearing off the leaves and placed it in his mouth before offering it to her with a wink* Jane: *Only tearing her eyes from his to watch his long fingers take the strawberry, it brought her gaze right back to his lips. Laugh suddenly seeming very loud, she narrowed her eyes at him playful as ever and leaned forward. Taking care to leave one hand on the curve of his hip, the other she left at her side, determined to use only her mouth. As he knew, she was fairly good at that.* You know this might make an awful mess, don't you? *Taking the tip of the berry between her teeth, she kept her eyes open, locked on his and slid down it slowly before swirling her tongue to swipe into her mouth, the red juice mixing with the paint on her lips and his. Yet she only kissed him for a heartbeat, pulling back and lifting her hand, sucking on her fingers teasingly before saying with a smack,* Delicious. I wish we could pick oranges here too, bu--*Playfully, she interrupted herself to meet his gaze.* Oh, no, wait, not another delivery love, I could not wait another day. *She tilts her head, amused.* I'm glad my father was so distracted really, I owe Leah. How is Adelina? *Both eyebrows wiggled at her light words, reaching for another strawberry.* Malcolm: *Given that he had a strawberry in his mouth, he couldn't exactly respond to her question verbally, so he simply wiggled his eyebrows in reply. Jane honestly was very talented with her mouth. Smirking after the strawberry is in her mouth,* Good, because neither could I. *Especially not when she looked like that. And if memory served him well, Jane had said she had picked the garment to wear under the dress as well. Sighing in exasperation as Jane continued talking of family, he pursed his lips before he answered.* Well, as you very well know *his hand slides down to her wrist, bringing the hand holding the strawberry up to his lips. His tongue flicks out to brush her skin before drawing the strawberry and her fingers into his mouth. Pulling back, leaving her fingers absent, he smirked as he chewed the fruit. He wasn't as addicted to them as Jane was, as all the Brackners seemed to be, but it was good.* Delicious indeed, love. *It seemed almost a shame to ruin her scarlet lips, but he couldn't hold back a moment longer. Grasping her waist, he leaned in to kiss her slowly, the taste of strawberries still on both of their mouths.* Jane: You know love, you make light of my pout but - *her hand tightens on his waist, amused,* - you have a very lovely one. *Her gaze drifted from his lips to the hand drifting down her arm to her wrist, giggling still at his momentary irritation.* Sorry honey, was I talking of something you would rather not? *He had her hand to his lips now, around her fingers, sucking. Gaze widening in delight, her own lips pursed playfully, only to gasp -- and then pout honestly as he left her fingers. Oh for heavens sake.* O--*He cut her off, melding his mouth over hers. She dropped the basket. Her eyes shut. Kissing him hungrily, her tongue searching the roof of his mouth, pressing the inside of his cheeks, searching out every last taste of strawberry. Breathing out heavily in a sudden gasp of necessity, she pulled back chuckling, whacking his shoulder.* Now you're impatient, hm? Make me wait weeks, but I can't even finish a basket of strawberries? *Without pulling away, hand tightly grasping his neck, she pulled her two fingers back into her mouth to suck on his taste idly, glancing down. Realizing the basket was on the ground, tipped so that a berry bouncing free had littered the carpet with seeds, she squeaked. Yet still she grinned.* And you wasted one! Malcolm: *Lovely pout or not, he put his lips to better use than that, cutting off Jane from talking because one way or another, he was always stopping her from talking. Fingers digging into the fabric of her waist, he kissed her with growing passion, taking his time to savor every moment and every taste. When they stopped it was for breath, and apparently to chastize him. He licked his lips and rubbed the corners of his mouth, knowing perfectly well they were smudged red. Tilting his head as he watched her suck on her fingers, he smirked briefly and shrugged.* You'll live, sweetheart. *He pressed closer to her, cupping her neck and kissing her again, grinning against her lips, tongue swiping over them* I much rather taste you. Jane: *Hmphing, despite the fact the low voice in her ear making her shiver, by the time she had lifted her chin he was back on her. Every sweep of his lips she met, pushing herself up against him. Insistent that she match him in every way, she grinned against his warm, wet mouth - gasping as his tongue traced her lips and he spoke. He had a firm grasp on her neck and hip, but no matter. Licking his bottom lip, she ran a hand up from his waist to the ties in his shirt, picking at one.* Ah, love, I enjoy that too. *She kissed him again, picking another loose only to stop, and still in his grasp. She arched an eyebrow at him challenging, still smirking.* Then let go. Malcolm: *Their lips moved against each other as they took turns speaking in between hot kisses. His thumb made small circles across the nape of her neck, and his other hand fisted the dress, smirking. He stilled as she did, his sigh at her words was one of willing defeat. He made a show out of unhanding her, letting his fingers fall away as they caressed skin both bare and through material.* Jane: *One finger released her at a time, alternating between her waist and neck. Toying with the ties around his neck, she held his gaze fiercely determined not to shiver or shake - or worse, just relent herself and pull him against her. There was a heat in his gaze, flames in his breath against her lips that she knew were mirrored by her own, melting the ice around her smirk. They said nothing, still as statues, so close the gentlest breeze would press them together, so close that she could taste him, lick the paint he stole from her clean off his cheek, so close. If it did not mean that he would win, she would gasp then, the moment heady with such narcotic intensity she did not want to retreat. Then Malcolm bunched the free curls at her neck, brushing through them and finally letting her go with gentle caresses, his lips in a smirk. Her own smile incredulous, though really she had to know he would do what she asked his way, she nodded before stepping back, releasing him too. Her mouth moved to speak, but she found in that instant she had no words. Instead she rubbed the corner with her thumb to brush paint and fruit juice off, not daring to touch the flesh of her lips and clean his taste from them. She lifted both arms to brush her hair back, bunch it herself and release it across her back, exposing the pink flash of her throat. Looking around she softened to see the roses once more, taking another step back towards the vase. She caressed the Columbian rose petals, all white, magenta and pink and red swirled together, while her hand moved to her neck. First she removed the diamonds carefully, placing them around one of the glass, setting the chocolate beside it. The glass made a ringing sound as it landed, echoing in her ear oddly to complement Debussy's melody, and she chuckled once. Then she unhooked one part of the skirt with a snap. It dropped it to the floor in a heap. Silver garter straps revealed, the skirt was short and poofed around her like a dancers, high on her thighs. Stepping out of it and looking at his eyes again she grinned. And once she'd seen his gaze, she giggled, delighted and spun once on her heel. His brown eyes were darkening with every brush of her hand with unbridled lust and desire, with such romantic promise that now she did shiver. Both eyebrows popped up at him, she lifted her hand back to the top of her dress. It moved slow, languid, and when the fabric finally released she only caught it herself, holding up the dress so it only revealed one shoulder. This wasn't entirely new, Malcolm had certainly seen and known and loved every inch of her, but Lord she did love putting on a show. And it still felt different, she thought, there was a promise in the air hanging between them, tension she knew only how to wind tighter and tighter, that however talented they both were with fingers and tongue - and oh Lord he must have been divinely inspired, she should pray about that, again - they had never allowed themselves to explore that final pinnacle. That was what awaited them tonight. She spoke suddenly,* You didn't need to get the roses to make this special, *She chuckled smile soft, plucking one from the vase and lowering it between her lips to inhale the soft perfume -- damn him, how many little details could he get perfectly right? Brushing the petals over her skin as she revealed it until an arm was free, she remarked lighter,* But I'm glad you did. *She laid the rose over her chest in a pose she might have stolen from a painting as she continued to lower the dress, finally letting the entire thing fall off her, leaving her in the black chemise and garters - and a rose. His rose. She tilted her head smirking, twirling the stem between her fingers, wondering aloud as she took a step closer to him,* And then, Malcolm, *Another step,* you like seeing me, *Another,* wearing something, *She was back within reach of his arms, lifting the rose to tap against his lips, grinning,* of yours, don't you? *She  lifted a hand to his forehead, caressing down the side of his cheek,* Your diamonds...your gown...*Her thumb reached his lips, the pad resting as it pulled his lower one down,* The mark of your fingers, where anyone could see, know that I'm yours. *She leaned to kiss his cheek, bringing her lips closer to his ear,* As if I was ever anyone else's. Darling, I've loved you all my life. *She kissed the tip of his ear, thumb still on his lips, and she tapped it as she continued,* But then, you like marking me where no one else can see too, relish just knowing it's there in a place so forbidden, even when I'm sitting at dinner with my family. *She giggled at a momentary memory, the sound suddenly girlish, young considering her words and she silenced herself by pressing a kiss to his jaw.* Go on then, love. *She pulled back, wrapping her arms around his neck and muttered heated against his lips, a breath away, a heartbeat away, chest pressed up so high in the chemise that she thought momentarily she might bounce free if her heart beat any louder, her mutter hot,* Taste me. Malcolm: *If Jane wanted to put on a show for his benefit, he certainly wasn't going to stop her. It was amusing to him, however, to see that they had swapped roles. In the upcoming days she had been impatient while he bid his time, now it was his turn to wait and watch. Her back to him for the moment, he leaned against the bedpost as she took off her diamonds and inspected the roses. They were unique, special, uncommon in this continent yet their beauty paled in comparison to hers. He was cut off from any other coherent thought as her skirt dropped to the floor in one swift movement. Eyebrows rising, he licked his lips as his eyes traveled up the knit stockings, up the garters, to that poofy skirt. Could it even be called a skirt? It more closely resembled a belt. She might have been seeking his gaze but he was too preoccupied looking her up and down repeatedly. His trousers were beginning to become uncomfortable, though he did not shift, not yet. In heavy, almost cruel, contrast, the top of her dress moved extremely slowly off her shoulders. Her voice drew his gaze to her eyes, surprised with himself that he was able to understand her words given that oxygen was necessary for normal brain function and he hadn't taken a breath in what seemed like eternity now. He didn't speak back, she was entrancing him and oh, she knew it too if that smirk on her face was any indication. The outfit she had picked out for him was visible to him. He bit his bottom lip after licking them again. Jane's words now traveled through fog and space in order to get to his ears. His eyes followed her hand as she touched him ever so gently, but quickly returned to her face, to see those luscious red lips move. She spoke of him marking her as his own, or at least something of that regard, the details were hazy. As her lips drifted from his cheek to his ear, he bit his lip again, exhaling out of his nose as he looked at the ceiling for a brief moment. God help him, because the devil was tempting. She pulled back just far away enough to wrap herself around him, his arms going around her waist instinctually. The fabric was far softer and far less than the dress she had previously been wearing, her skin all but exposed to him. Malcolm didn't know if she had finished speaking, but his lips moved nevertheless. Hot and breathless, his kiss was needy and hungry, his mouth open as he tasted her, her lipstick, the strawberries she had eaten earlier. His fingertips sunk into her skin through the chemise, his hands sliding from her waist up her sides, thumbs brushing underneath the curve of her chest.* Jane: *One hand tangling in his hair, the other ripped buttons free the moment before his arms enclosing her squeezed her so close there was no space, no air, nothing between them, just chemise on silk, skin on skin as his shirt opened. His thumbs digging below her chest she gasped out, eyes shut, shoulders slumping forward succumbing to the pleasure of his lips on her. She half moaned, half laughed as the world seemed to tilt and then realized she'd done that. When had she stepped backwards? Her hips remained pressed to his, she was sure of that. Yet there she was, skirt rubbing against his trouser leg as she had been leaned backwards - pushy, she thought in delight, tugging on his bottom lip with her teeth and half looking up at him as she bumped into one of the tables. The vase with the roses shook dangerously, she tore free her lips to look, breathing heavy and . Once she was sure it wouldn't fall, she looked back, hands sliding back around his neck. Cheeks flushed, lipstick smudged between them, her chest was rising to fall on his thumbs. She arched a brow at him, sliding her palm against the nape of his neck, dragging to the folds of his shirt.* Delicious, my love? *The brow cocks higher, as she tugs on his sleeve, demanding to see him too. Her eyes drop, musing as she looked with unadulterated pleasure on the play of muscles before her underneath his fluttering shirt,* Or do I taste better elsewhere?  Malcolm: *A breathless chuckle left his lips as they almost knocked down the roses, not completely aware of how they got near the table in the first place. He was too involved in her, listening to her moans and sighs of pleasure, tasting her mouth, touching her skin, and inhaling her scent that smelled so very much like the rest of the room now. Licking his lips, he smirked at her question and nodded, at that moment still at a loss for words. Pulling away from her far enough to take off his shirt, he closed in on her again, muttering against her lips.* Can't recall. *He nipped her bottom lip and started to kiss down her jaw, teeth dragging against sensitive skin* I'll just have to see again. *His mouth traveled down to her chest, leaving kisses and bites on the skin exposed to him while a hand moved up to cup her through the chemise* Jane: *Her answering mutter turned into a moan, thoughts cut off to be replaced by "so good" and "want need fuck now", none of which Jane could find the breath to express. Hand sliding up his bareback as he sank lower, she squirmed with need as his fingers attack the laces of her corset. Chest popping free she couldn't swallow her laugh. Feeling the answering smirk hot against her skin, a playful nip stole her air and left her skin red. Her only response was to twist her hand in his hair, grip his neck tighter to keep him with her. Malcolm leaned back from her, breathing heavily, his chest heaving up and down and glistening with perspiration already.  Warm brown eyes drank in the sight of her, making her shiver, feeling oddly as though it was the first time he was looking. It wasn't. His voice was husky as he remarked how beautiful she was in awe, and she realized he was fixated on her eyes, despite his fingers playing with her, rolling her between his fingers, chest glistening as his did from his warm mouth. It wasn't the first time he had done that either. her gaze filled with his hard muscles, his smooth back, his rough hands - rougher than she had expected could feel good, and on his velvet skin, her hands itching to stroke. She had barely breathed out,* You too, * before he leaned to kiss her once more, slow and tender. Capturing her lips, she shuddered and lost herself in the kiss. She was almost caught off guard as his hand slid up her skirt, hot fingers moving at an agonizing slow pace as they toyed with her. His lips departed to blaze wet kisses down her neck until he met her collarbone, and she pouted. She wanted him back. She wanted to still taste him, and as his hand departed she nearly snapped, protesting through a groan before -- oh. He'd made short work of her skirt, unclipping the garters with two quick snaps, his hands telling her where to lift and wiggle even as she ripped his clothes off too. He gathered her in his arms and deposited her void of clothing on the bed, joining her similarly bare before she had the chance to miss him too long. It was the first time they were like this. They had always had some form of clothing, something still between them. She could feel him pushing against her thigh, hot, but when she reached to touch he pushed her hand away, nipping her bottom lip in punishment. She pouted, unrepentant even with his mouth sliding to her chest. His hand was on her, she didn't see why she couldn't enjoy exploring him as well. Arching high as she could beneath him, he groaned into her skin and let her roll them. Her chest pressed against his, his hands slid up her back, cupped her backside and held her against him, cupping and kneading while she gasped into his mouth. Petals flew off the covers to litter the floor, sheets tangled around their ankles in their haste. She kissed him hard and he met her each time, a hand twisting through her hair as she kissed down his chest, closer and closer until he -- -- Malcolm grunted and they rolled again, tangling them further. And this time he lifted a hand to her wrists, pinning her to the bedspread and she realized with a tiny giggle exactly why it was he couldn't stand her touching for that long. He wouldn't last. Moaning and gasping in penance, for she knew how much he enjoyed the sound of her in the throes of pleasure, she helped him slide her thighs further apart. There was a breathless sort of sigh between them as she felt him, nudging against her nether-lips, placed. For a moment they were still. He was on his elbow, the other hand on her face, eyes asking one last time. She melted at the look. Even though it may kill him to stop, even though he would call her temptress, devil and tease forever, if she wanted him to stop, he would now, even now. Barely able to finish exhaling his name in acquiescence, she breathed as he slid his hand down, guiding himself into her. Gasping out, her eyes darted to his, seeing him concerned and smug at once. Only Malcolm could manage that look, she thought, though it was a dim thought masked with pleasure and pain at once, her eyes shutting as she tried to adjust. It was certainly the first time they did this too, she thought, as his careful motions became thrusts he couldn't control, and she was pleased with that, pleased to think she could inspire such lust and need, pleased with his knuckles brushing between her legs in tandem, pleased with oh - a whole bloody lot actually and - yes - and God did she love him, all of him, and he was breathing the same thing into her neck, her chest, his mouth everywhere at once it seemed - there, that, now - as if he couldn't get enough ever, and as pain melted into pleasure, rapture, she realized she couldn't either, and had no intention of letting him go. Not ever. And yet now, now... Too soon then, despite the fact she couldn't take another moment, despite the fact that she knew it had been nearly an hour since she had gotten there, the tension in her body had snapped to take her over a second time that evening and all she could gasp out over and over was his name as he slid free of her to come himself in the sheets. He collapsed on top of her, and she arched up to him, legs tangling back around his back, her long hair enclosing them in their own private world as he breathed against her hard and warm. He coaxed her down, and only then did she realize he was muttering her name too, his smirk returned to see her face, flushed and enraptured with him. Oh, Malcolm. She giggled a bit, still breathing harsh and sliding her hand up and down his back before gripping his neck.* Dear Lord. *She muttered it against his lips, not caring it was blasphemy, anymore than she cared that they were not married.* I love you. *Her breath quieting, her chest pushing up against his as she saw his look, and she found herself laughing again.* Well Malcolm, don't you look pleased... *She wiggled an eyebrow, refusing to let him go.* Malcolm: *His breaths were heavy as he wound down, feeling quite honestly the happiest and most satisfied he's felt in a long time. He laid half on the bed and half on Jane, who giggled near his face. Malcolm grinned as well, passing a hand idly through her hair, so very different from the way he had gripped it before. He looked on at her, licking his lips while he did, the world seemed to slow around them. He only vaguely registered that the music had stopped, that the wax on the candles were lower. They weren't important, not right then, at least as long as they weren't burning his room down. Tracing the crinkles at the edge of her eyes as she laughed, he hmmed at her words..* You do too. *he flicked her nose with his own, smiling still.* Was it everything you ever expected? Jane: *As he nudged her nose, she giggled again, the gesture reminding her of the way a kitten she'd had would nose at it's mate. As he traced the edges of her eyes she softened, but still she felt a need to laugh, to shout with joy, to giggle--she couldn't help herself, she was incredibly happy.* More. *She murmured it teasing, pecking his lips in another short, sweet kiss.* And yet still not enough. Though, *she traced his upper back idly, amused,* I am more impressed you restrained from just grabbing me ages ago. You couldn't stop yourself from grabbing me to kiss me last year. *She wiggled her eyebrows.*
Malcolm: Good. *He couldn't help but to feel smug about it, his lips turning into a smirk before he leaned to kiss her briefly, laughing afterwards at her addition. No, definitely not enough. Eyebrows rising at her tease, he shook his head.* Do you think me so boorish? Jane: Boorish? *Delighted, smirking she shook her head an inch without pulling away, loving his hand in her hair.* No, love. But listen to you...*she giggles again,* spending too much time with me, I think, using words right out of my thesaurus... Malcolm: *he laughs against her lips, a quiet sound despite his silencing charm in the room. The moment was intimate, between the two of them and while that was true moments before and they had not taken care to be quiet then, it was a far different atmosphere* Well, I've always said that you have managed to educate me more than I ever wanted to be. *he teased* Jane: *She giggled again, rolling to her side slowly so she didn't move away.* Malcolm! *It was playfully chastising again, admittedly her beam diminished that.* You're supposed to say you could never spend enough time with me... Malcolm: *He wiggled his eyebrows at her chasticizing him and chuckled again before placing a soft kiss on her lips* I could never spend enough time with you. *It was a tease, but by the end his words had softened sincerely* I love you. Jane: *Despite the fact he just repeated her words, she knew him well, knew when he was telling the truth. Her smile just as soft,* I love you too, Malcolm. I don't know how I could be so lucky so as to have you. *she nestles closer to him, never having felt so close before* But I'm not letting you go. I'm selfish like that.  Malcolm: Is this the part where I say I'm the lucky one? *he grins, and nods, caressing her face with the back of his hand. Grin softening into a smile at her words, he nevertheless felt the need to tease and joke.* I think that would make dressing a bit awkward, love. Jane: *tilting her face into his hand, amazed how soft his touch could be, she giggled and shrugged.* If you want, sweetheart. *sliding her hand up to his hair, twisting the strands around her finger, cheeky,* Then you'll just have to stay as you are won't you? Not like you ever wear a shirt anyways. As my father mentions every time your name comes up. *both eyebrows wiggle* Malcolm: I don't think there's a need to, really. *he smirked in the tease. They both knew the truth either way. Chuckling, he nodded at her suggestion, knowing perfectly well he wouldn't mind that at all.* I have to be honest, I don't know how I feel about your father paying that close attention to my bare chest. Jane: *She pressed her lips together amused, kissing his throat a moment before laughing suddenly.* Oh honey, he's just nervous for me. *She beams with pride a moment.* He knows how alike we are...and considering Mum was pregnant with me before they were married. *She winked.* He's asked you don't propose until I'm thirty. Well, he asked I don't marry until then, but as I have no intention of being with anyone else--it's the same thing. Malcolm: *All fathers were protective, but Jane's father took things to another level. Some men threatened to run you through, Garrett brought out the sword and started toward you. It was hilarious when it had been Roswell on the receiving end, but Malcolm didn't think he'd enjoy it as much now.* Well, you know me. I always aim to please. *smirks then smiles* You're it for me, love. Always have been. Jane: *Mming, she slid her bare ankle down his thigh to hook his. She couldn't help but tease.* And please me you did. *Then she tilted her head to press into his pillow, thinking aloud even as she breathed deep, inhaled his scent.* Though you should know I have no intention of waiting a decade like my sister did either. *tiniest sigh* Not being Leah...poor Leah. *Oh..oops. Lord, she really would say anything when this happy and comfortable. Smile softening at his words, she couldn't help but ask,* Always? When did you first know? Malcolm: *Yes he had, he thought again as a smug smile crossed his face. He twisted a curl of hair with his fingers as he watchedher, momentarily confused at the information. What exactly what she trying to say about Kitty- oh, really? Wow. He chuckled in surprise and then brought his attention back to Jane's question.* If I answer that honestly, a certain name would displease you. Jane: *Oh, he was so smug. For once though, filled with a bone-deep tiredness, she let him enjoy his triumph. Lord knew she had. Then she blinked, answering slowly,* Not so long as you say how you realized all along how much better I am in every single way. *Then she paused, hand stilling in his hair.* Or did you mean seeing me with Evan? *Her lips flick, adding softer,* Seeing me realize -you- were better in every single way? Malcolm: *He chuckled, tilting his head in agreement, knowing that in part, she was right about that.* No, it wasn’t with Roswell, though thank you darling, I am superior to him in every way, glad you agree. *He wiggled his eyebrows and laughed once before admitting softly.* No, it was one night. Eva and I were talking, and it somehow got to be about the future, our futures and I realized that whenever I thought about my future, I imagined you in it. Not Eva or anyone else…just you. Jane: Course I agree honey. *Despite her teasing grin, she couldn't even bring herself to playful incredulity or exasperation. She simply did agree. She slid to press against him, sheet fluttering over both of them. He was right, she didn't enjoy hearing him say her former friend's name, but it was driven from her thoughts as he continued. Damn him. If she was not laying down, she knew her knees would have given out. Nodding once against the back of his hand, she murmured only his name before kissing him again. This was sweet and soft in comparison to their frantic heat before. Tender, she echoed,* You're my future too, love. Always have been. And God I just love you so much I don't know how I can bear it sometimes. *She tucked herself against him, curling within his warmth and embrace. It didn't matter that she had no idea how she was getting back to her room in the morning; Jane was not going anywhere that night.*
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fycourtera · 12 years
{chapter twenty-two: 6} jane & malcolm
Jane: ...now you're just teasing me. *but she's smirking wide, taking a sip of water as she surveys, needle poised in her hand and Neville's shirt on her lap* You know, I have it on good authority that it is possible to chop firewood with a shirt on, love.
Malcolm: *the smirk was his sole response at first before he brought the axe down on the piece of wood, splitting it clean in half. Wiping his brow, he smirked and shook his head* Clothing hinders me. I would be shirtless all the time if I had my way *he wiggles his eyebrows and drops the two pieces of now firewood in the pile before grabbing another log*
Jane: *She groaned, sticking the needle in the shirt with perhaps a bit extra force than necessary, eyes still trailing down his back as he moved.* Ah. And just when are you planning on having your way with me? *Her lips quirk up, ignoring the fact they weren't entirely in private in Neville's backyard.*
Malcolm: *Laughing out loud once, his lips twist into an amused and pleased smirk again, looking over his shoulder at her* Hmm, soon. I just enjoy trying your patience *he winks before turning back and swinging down. He wondered how cold it could get in the night in the middle of the night here, given how hot it was right now. Surely only to get hotter if he remained thinking of the subject she just brought up.*
Jane: I've never been known for patience. *She scowls a bit as she sews swiftly, leaning back om the barrell she sat on.* Nor, I must admit, did I think you so capable of self-restraint. Ever surprising you are, my love.
Malcolm: *No she definitely wasn't, he thought to himself as he dropped the other pieces of firewood into the pile. Laughing under his breath he turned around fully* That's because I'm waiting on a delivery.
Jane: *Her hand paused, tilting the fabric over her knee before looking back up.* A delivery? *The delight was evident in her expression, curiosity alight in her eyes and smirk* How you continue to tantalize me, love, with such details. My ardor is only outmatched by my impatience.
Malcolm: *He knew Jane love being spoiled, and had no problem with him using his enormous amount of inheritance to her benefit.* It's one of my favorite past times, of course. *he teased with a grin*
Jane: Hm. As long as you are careful to ensure anticipation will be exceeded, not only met, I admit I have no qualm with this hobby of yours.*She smirked, looking back down and continuing to sew. Well, re-sew. She had pulled too hard.*
Malcolm: You're a hard woman to please, Jane. *he teased, even knowing it was true, for lesser men of course. For him, not a problem. He put another log on the trunk and swung down to cleave it in half* How's the shirt coming along?
Jane: As it should be. And you love that about me. *She grinned without looking up, still staring at the half-mended shirt in determination. It was true, she thought bemused.* For you love pleasing me. *And now she looked up with a perfectly straight face, answer polite and even.* It's coming. A masterpiece it won't be, but...I suppose if you ever needed a shirt mended I could, apparently. Not that you'll need it, of course. *She gestured at his bare torso.*
Malcolm: *he grins and looks over his shoulder to wink at her over wiggling eyebrows* Another of my favorite past times. *Jane mending a shirt, pah! It was almost laughable. But he was glad for her help anyways so he wouldn't make fun...too much.* Just make sure to take out the needle. Wouldn't want the poor man to stick himself with it.
Jane: *She chuckles, saying easily,* Well when we finish here, feel free to indulge in this favorite pastime of yours. *Then her nose wrinkled. Oh for goodness sakes.* I'll remember. I may swear to Charles it was an accident but I stuck him on purpose. And it was once anyways!
Malcolm: Gladly. *he swung down again, wiping at his forehead with his arm and then turning around for a well deserved break, sitting on the stump* You would think you torture him endlessly given how many times he complains about it. *he teased* You have such a gentle heart, I have no idea where he gets these ideas about you from.
Jane: My brother is wicked. *She shrugs unconcerned. The moment she sees he has sat though she grins, getting up while mid stitch, promptly sitting back on his lap and continuing to stitch.* To be honest, I'm a bit concerned about him, getting all these ideas...*Yet she shrugs again, looking back up at him.* Did you know he was in town too though? *proudly* Had a drink with Lucy and Rick.
Malcolm: *Laughing as Jane sat down on his lap, he was about to comment that her dress would get dirty with the sweat but it was a modest dress to begin with. Well, modest for Jane. *Eyebrows raising in surprise, he was nonetheless pleased to hear so* I'm glad...and surprised. How is Rick doing, by the way? *He didn't think he would ever not be surprised over that couple, honestly*
Jane: *As he leaned back to accommodate her, she slid her skirt over their joined lap and lifted the shirt, comfortable and smirking. At the question, she softened genuinely, looking up.* You know...I honestly think he's doing well. I mean...it's not easy...and I have purposefully avoided coming too often...he doesn't need me reminding him of court. *she swallows* But he hasn't seemed so..if not entirely at home, relaxed at least, in as long as I can remember. *She pauses, adding fairly,* Well, Leah relayed Thomas' amusement with the first times he had to do dishes and...*she pauses* whatever...other chores there are...*shrugs a shoulder* But he and Luce...god, Malcolm, the way they look at each other and talk about each other...*Lips flicking up as he wrapped his arms around her, she only nodded, pleased and proud.* I have gotten to see them...a little. Only talked to her alone really before it happened, but God...even then it was plain as day how they felt. I don't know how I could have missed it. *a little quieter, but still genuine* She's affectionate, kind, a bit impulsive and I think she has a hard time swallowing back smart remarks. Honestly, all class and family aside they're kind of perfect. *she pauses, adding lighter* If we weren't already perfect of course, unfortunately for them we're using that up.
Malcolm: Everybody in the world missed it. *he chuckled, shaking his head. Smirk lifting, he nodded, agreeing on Lucy's traits.* Yes, sounds like. Mum used to visit her and a few others in town a lot, I tagged along for a few, mostly when I was younger. *They pinched his cheeks a lot. Especially Merida.* Hmm, sometimes it's such a burden, being so perfect.
Jane: *At the reminder, the needle paused and she looked up with a wide grin.* Yes...she recognized me actually. *Both brows wiggled.* Said I was "Malcolm's Jane?" Have you been boasting about me, honey? *She winks in latter agreement.*
Malcolm: *Laughing, completely unabashed he nodded his head* Of course. Well, I boast now. Younger I used to complain about you, say you were infuriating and things of that sort. *he squeezed her middle and grinned* But I've always talked about you. *he paused before he added with a tease* A couple of others from time to time, but mostly you love.
Jane: *Unabashed and unashamed as ever, Jane's smile didn't falter until he mentioned talking about others. He leaned in to. Nose wrinkling playfully, she nudged his shoulder saying decisively--graciously!--* I'll ignore that last. *Because she had beamed in pride being recognized as his. Teasing, * I was only infuriating because you so hate being wrong and I pointed out when you were. Often. You made me insane over that too. I told her though, in truth you're Jane's Malcolm. *Her eyebrows wiggled as she sewed another stitch.*
Malcolm: Falsely *he corrected,  an amused smile on his face nonetheless* I'm rarely wrong. *laughing suddenly, he wiggled his eyebrows and then repeated* Jane's Malcolm? *he grinned again before he attempted to appear insulted* What, am I just some object to you? To be owned and flaunted?
Jane: *She just continues to smirk, expression unchanged.* If you say so, honey. *The momentary role reversal made her giggle, and as he continued indignant she shook her head insistent, lifting a hand to cup his cheek comfortingly* No, no, sweetheart of course not. No. Not just "some" object. *With a wicked glint in her eye, her tone is still sweet.* The most precious, gorgeous, and of paramount importance I possess.
Malcolm: *licking his lips and nodding in amusement, he laughed once and cleared his throat before replying very seriously* But an object to you nonetheless, how -dare- you? *he wiggles his eyebrows* Hmm, I suppose I'll simply have to punish you. *Unfortunately reminded of their not so private setting, he tilts his head before admitting in reluctance* Later.
Jane: So you keep saying, my love. *Her thumb lifted, tracing barely over his wiggling brow, lips pursed in affectionate curiosity. She mused aloud,* Yet apparently we wait for a delivery before you can claim me as yours instead. *She sighed, dropping her hand and resuming her sewing--though not before wiggling herself against him, in his lap. Hard. She continued nonchalant.* Lovely day at least. Do you think we could visit your Mum?  I miss her.
Malcolm: A very important delive- *he inhaled through his nose as Jane moved, no not moved -writhed-, against him. Apparently he would just be dealing with wood all day.* -ry. *Oh, damn her.* We have the majority of the day to ourselves and you want to visit my mother, darling? *He missed her too.*
Jane: *Hearing his sharp intake, she smirked without looking back around at him.* All right, honey? *She waited deliberately, needle pointed in the air mid stitch.* You paused a moment there.  *It had the added bonus of sinking her further in his lap. Smirking only wider, she resumed sewing.* Yes, at least for a part of it...I haven't seen her in weeks. She did have a killer exit though, I thought Adrian was going to soil himself.
Malcolm: Did I? *he narrowed his eyes at the back of her head, but alas he couldn't stay annoyed with her for long, not in this position.* I'm not entirely sure he didn't. *He smirked, obvious smugness in his tone before he laughed once* How would you define 'a part' then?
Jane: You did. *She leans back in his arm to innocently cast her eyes up at him.* When you wefe thinking about this important delivery. Must admit...we have a bed...otherwise...I wasn't aware we were missing necessary parts, love. *She patted his chest, kissed his cheek, then found herself giggling.* Oh, perfect. He deserved worse anyway. *She leaned back to finish a row on the shirt, continuing on easily.*  Oh, an hour or two for tea...crumpets...biscuits. I wouldn't want to take too much of her time
Malcolm: It certainly not necessary, of course, but when have I ever kept to the bare minimum? *Well, aside from when it came to clothing that was. Nose wrinkling in distaste, he exhaled and shook his head* Merlin, that does sound dull.
Jane: Just tell me now, *she giggles once* if it's an outfit you desire I wear, for I had one I thought you might enjoy--sheer, navy, namely--but I would not deny you. *She pauses, finishing another row at length and laughs suddenly, sharp and bright* Malcolm! *She swivels to look at him,* It's your mother! I imagine rare herbs and wine replace the tea and crumpets but still-I am telling her you think visiting her is dull.
Malcolm: As if I would be that predictable *Obviously, the special outfits would be -after- the first time, not during it.Grinning as she laughed and spoke out his name, oh how he loved the way she said his name, he laughed as well* Twisting my words as usual! *he sniffs and shrugs* Go on, tell her. She will not believe you.
Jane: *Only more curious now, she furrowed her brows considering, and shook her head finally.* All right. You have my undying interest. *A furrowed brow arches.* Unless it's...contraceptives? It's not, right? Because...*a bit uneasy*...that's condemned by the Church...*Sure, so were pre-marital relations, but love was honestly all she had wanted; why deny them further what they both wanted? Grinning wider as he did, she added sweetly,* Oh she won't? That's a bet I'm willing to take.
Malcolm: *shaking his head to ease her worry, he kissed her cheek afterwards* No, it's not. *And according to a very uncomfortable talk he had nearly three years ago, he wouldn't have to leave his own home to find contraceptives to begin with.* A bet? *he smirked* Now that does sound far more intriguing.
Jane: *heartened, she nodded and let her eyes flutter shut as he kissed her. Glad he didn't press, she resumed wondering--imagining, really--with ease and delight.* Agreed! *She giggles.* If your mother believes me, then you have to find whatever is being delivered by tonight at ten, buy it however else you possibly can or fetch it...if you win?
Malcolm: *Hmm, potentially problematic. It would certainly involve some discomfort on his end, definite discomfort for the vendor...impossible, no, but quite difficult.* Damn your impatience. *he shook his head and then smirked* If I win, you have to stay silent for 24 hours.
Jane: *Waiting contrarily patiently as he determined whether it would be possible, she brightened seeing it was.* I am impatient. *she nods* In this particularly. *she kisses his cheek again, and then her eyes go wide.* Silent!? *she squeaked it--oh damn him. Blinking once, she pursed her lips at him.* You really want me to make no sounds?
Malcolm: I'm not exactly known for my patience either love, but you give an entire new definition to the term. *laughing once at her squeak, he smirks and nods* None. For a day of my choosing, yes.
Jane: *With an unconcerned sound under her breath* I'm special, and you love it baby. *still frowning at the thought of being silent so long, she mutters over a small groan* I don't understand how depriving yourself is a reward, but all right. We have an accord.
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averybritishblog · 12 years
Ooooooh so many OTP feels.
Lord, watched soooo much of The Thick Of It and my GOD Malcolm and Jamie is the best thing on the planet. The UST is too much.... I just can't.
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fycourtera · 12 years
{chapter sixteen: 8} jane/malcolm & georgia/damocles
Malcolm: *Well, so much for being supportive and comforting. After breakfast with his family, a meal that had been decidedly quiet, half because there was nothing pleasant to talk of, half because he had a headache the size of the moon attacking his brain, he had set out to find Jane. Lysa had stopped him, given him a potion and said nothing else but he could tell she wasn't too thrilled with his state. She was probably on his way to see Vlad, and she'd find him in a similar state of cursing the sun. His pounding headache was not the reason he had declared his noble and kind intentions null, rather what he had overheard some of the councillors talk about as he rounded a corner. They weren't too careful to keep quiet about these new rules, and it was with a glower on his face that he kept walking. He wished he could keep his face stone, but that was too impossible for him. How dare they? Why would Damocles agree to this stupidity? Why hadn't his parents told him about it? Or did they not know? His father was the chief member of the council! This was a disrespect to his father, his mother, his family, everything they worked for. Oh no, but this was on behalf of security, for the well being and protection of other members of the court. What a bunch of-* Jane. *he blinked and shook his head, not realizing he had kept walking towards her family's quarters and had met her halfway. Good, at least he didn't have to face Garrett at that moment* Good morning- sorry *he exhaled, explaining* I'm a bit...distraught, I suppose. Then again, aren't we all? Nothing new there...*he pressed his lips together and shook his head again, reaching for her hands* I meant to find you. Jane: *She had fallen asleep against the couch, and she loved her cousin for putting a blanket on her (well, for many reasons, but that was really especially sweet of him), so she had refrained from asking Frederick in the morning who he'd been dreaming about with that knowing little smirk like she'd planned. Though it was tempting. Her good mood however, had soured promptly the moment she'd left the couch and changed: the moment she remembered everything that had happened the previous evening. Was anger a catchable mood? Did it spread in the air? At the moment, it seemed it. The entire manor was alive with gossip of the harshest kind, and no one was really troubling to keep their voices down. She was halfway from her family quarters -- she would find Kitty, and focus on wedding preparations to calm down later, but right now she was consumed with thoughts of finding Malcolm. Only, Malcolm stopped her without apparently seeing her right away. Eyes going wide, she let him take her hand with both of his, bringing the other to his cheek. Speaking of anger, she realized. Exhaling, she says softly,* I meant to find you too. *And stubbornly, she went on her toes to kiss him a brief greeting, remembering at the back of her mind his playful joke 'in the future that would be a lovely greeting'. The thought made her ache for simpler times. As she pulled back, her brows furrowed. * What is it? What's happened now? Malcolm: *the small kiss pulled him away from his rambling and jumbled up words and thoughts, the hand on his cheek kept him anchored and then he sighed, frowning* The council...Damocles, I don't know who exactly I just heard Octavius and Benedict talking but apparently they're making a new policy to stop muggleborns from coming to court, and other pureblood places I suppose. *his words were his snarky, full of the distaste he had for this. He gritted his teeth* Do you realize what this means? Jane: *She blinks in surprise, though she immediately grasped that the policy would be favored by her father and many, many others. Swallowing tightly, she looks down at their hands, squeezing tighter and brushing her thumb down, under his throat before finally just saying very quietly in an exhale* ..your mother. Malcolm: *he nodded, biting his tongue to keep a rather nasty curse from leaving his lips. He sighed, shaking his head and then his eyes narrowed, glaring at some spot on the floor for a moment before looking back at her again* Well, looks like they finally got what they wanted after all of this time: my mother out of court. *he frowned and then grit his teeth together* What's to stop them from going further in the future? Saying that 'the children of muggleborn are passed this inherently violent trait and must be cast out as well'? *he exhales* This is a load of codswallop. Jane: *Her face crumpling in hurt and panic for him, she squeezed his hands tighter and tried to think of anything--anything at all comforting she could think of, loathing to see him so upset.* Maybe--maybe it won't be your mother, Adelina's a Lady---maybe--*she breathes out and finishes quietly* -- maybe she won't be out of court. *Her hand on his cheek moved as he did, down to grasp both his hands and she pulled sideways gently just to get him out of the middle of the main hallway, into a nearby room-- one of those all-purpose rooms filled with books and paintings and tables and generally seemed to have actually no purpose, but she let it slide at the moment, frowning at his latter statement.* They won't...they could--they can't do that. Malcolm: *Getting out of the hallway was probably a good idea, before he said something he'd regret. Well, he wouldn't regret it, but it wouldn't be too smart, nor cause anything but further discourse between his family and the court. He kept shaking his head, her words offering very little comfort, though he was touched she was trying.* You know those tossers my father's on the council with-- they won't let this opportunity pass. And who's to stop them? They have the advantage now after last night. Everyone's scared and mourning, they'll use that. *he bit his lip* I swear if they say one word, if I see one hint of mirth about this, Damocles is going to need to find himself a new council. Jane: *Breath and heartbeat seeming very fluttery, she looked between them for a moment and held his hand tighter as the door behind them closed, squeezing and going still. Heart seizing in her chest as she did so she breathed out, and finally said drily* Well. I don't think Uncle Damocles would mind too much. *Her gaze flicks back up to him, saying softer* But I would, mind, with the possibility of you getting caught. *Her bottom lip trembles, her eyes are still crumpled and she shakes her head* Love, please breathe, just...see what your parents say..Idon't--*She takes a steadying breath.* It's awful. That they'd use it just...*she makes a similar noise of disgust.* Malcolm: *he snorts, agreeing that much. It was no secret that Damocles wasn't fond of them- he should have just sacked them all years ago in his honest opinion. He inhaled and exhaled deeply, looking down at their joined hands and squeezing them, nodding slowly* Yeah...it is. *pursing his lips together for a moment as he drew a circle with his thumb against the back of her hand, he sighed again* You know, I meant to offer -you- comfort. That didn't exactly work out. *he brought her hand up to kiss it once, letting it fall back down on their laps* This is just...*he frowns* is this hate ever going to end? Jane: *Sliding herself a little closer, she says lightly.* It's all right, love, comforting you makes me feel useful. Which in turn comforts me. *Smile flicking genuinely as he kisses her hand, she watches their hands tangled together fall on his lap, tucking her knees up under her skirt so she could lay against him. At his question, the small smile falls. She exhales in frustration, shaking her head against his shoulder.* I don't know. After last night...*she swallows on a tight throat, and then shushes herself, just shaking her head against him, groaning.* I just--I don't know why they attacked. I don't know what the council think this will help. I just don't know. *Bitterly, and petulantly* I hate not knowing something. Malcolm: *He smiles for a brief moment at her explanation and then nods, saying softly* I'll remember that then. *He rested his head on top of hers as she leaned closer against him, sighing under his breath as well, turning to kiss the side of her head* You and I both. I just wish there was something else we could do, I can't just sit here I'll go mad. Jane: *Her lips twitched in a half smile as his lips met her head. It was unconscious, immediate and unnoticed by her. But that was common; he made her feel better simply by being there. Casting her gaze up she spoke just as softly.* We've never been good at sitting still. *she clears her throat, troubled and says slowly* I have that meeting, with the publisher you set up. *her brows narrow as she alights on idea that she supposed had been at the back of her mind forming since Rick had remarked 'use that talent you have with words and explain it to me.'* You could take me. Help me. *She sits up a little straighter to look him in the eye.* Jane Austen wrote about our class, her stories give insight to the world. Why shouldn't I do the same? Only I tell the stories of what's going on here--*her voice rises with passion*--use it to explain why this hatred is wrong, show their suffering, show the truth. Malcolm: *He sat with her comfortably, not minding the momentary silence and then he lifts his head in surprise, not having been expecting her to say that, especially not right at this moment.* Help you...? *He didn't understand, not at first, not until she explained it further. His smile widened and he leaned in to kiss her once* Jane, that's brilliant! Jane: *brightens as he leans in, she meets his lips eagerly, warmed as much by his words as by his gesture, but then, she always had loved words. It reminded her briefly that actually, her father had been a writer. She wasn't even supposed to know that, so she just grinned, cheeks pink with delight.* Yeah? *She shrugs a shoulder, teasing in faux modesty* You know help me..provide inspiration with your *she waves her hand* extremely handsome existence. *her brows wiggle, her mood lifted by her own idea--brilliant, idea, not her words. Kissing him briefly again as she lays her hand on his chest, she adds more seriously* And answer questions honestly, help me get others stories too...that sort of thing. Malcolm: *for that brief moment he was able to forget about everything except her tease and her smile. He chuckled, smirking before replying* Now that I can do. *He kissed her back, squeezing the hand that was still in hers only to nod more seriously, flattered she wanted his help* Of course, love. Jane: I had a feeling you wouldn't object too heartily. *Her lips flick, winking at him and then dropping her feet back to the floor, she scooted off the couch--moving to one of the desks, digging out a journal and refilling-itself-quill. Resting the sharp edge on an open page, she returned to perch on the edge of his lap without bothering to ask.* So. *She looked at him expectantly, voice in a crisp interview tone she may be partially mocking the Charms professor with.* When did you first learn your mother was muggleborn? Malcolm: *he snorted once, an attempt to keep laughter at bay as she went to go fetch a quill and paper, lips twitching as she came back and sat on his lap. Not being able to keep laughter back this time at her voice, he cleared his throat first* Well, Professor, I'm not sure this is quite appropriate. *he winked* But let's see, I think I was...5 or so, some months after grandfather passed away. We were coming back to court for a festival or something and I was talking non stop to anyone that would listen so mum and dad pulled me aside and explained I couldn't let anyone know mum had magic, that they might try to hurt her. *his lips twitched* I said "they can -try-". Then mum likes to remind me that I stuck close to her and acted like a bodyguard to make sure no one would hurt her. Jane: Not appropriate? *She asks it innocently, promptly swiveling the quill to poke his nose, in the same voice* If you behave badly, I will have to punish you, you know. *Promptly, as if she hadn't even said this, she starts writing down what he said in quick shorthand, her lips twitching. She giggled, saying fondly as she'd already known the basics of the story,* You would have made a fierce-some bodyguard even at five, I bet. *A tiniest bit quieter, eyes coming back up to meet his as she asks more seriously.* When did you first really..understand the danger though? Malcolm: *he'd grin, keeping a comment about reporting her to the headmaster, or maybe asking not to be sent there, and told her the story. Somehow his cousins had gotten hold of it too- they liked to tease him about it* I was. I kicked someone in the shin because they got too close. *his lips twitched before he became serious again, trying to remember* I'm not too sure...when we got to it in History of Magic and the professor actually described it as...victory over these savages. How many of them had already suffered at the hands of a lot of nobles...mum told me about what happened to Ellaria's father when I asked about it that winter break. It was really...very scary to realize that in one verbal slip up or if someone saw the wrong thing mother would be imprisoned, and worse. I know Damocles would have never, but...it was scary. To realize as a kid that your family will most likely never be truly safe. Jane: *She swallowed a chuckle, the image of five year old Malcolm bringing a simple, soft smile to her lips anyway. She had a sneaking suspicion it was Evan he'd kicked, but she certainly won't go there, she thinks, as she keeps writing. Her quill pauses on the world 'savages' and she looks up. She remembered that lesson. Nodding once, she kept her eyes on him as she forced herself to remain in an interviewers stance. After she leaned in and kissed him briefly again, she meant.* And...some people --*It was with a brief heart clench, but no longer any guilt: he and she had certainly argued about this enough*--would...say something akin to "poor dear", about you, right? The kinder ones, even, thinking you missed out something being raised by Adelina. *she bit her bottom lip.* What would you say to them? About who your mom is--as a parent and as a person? Malcolm: *he smiled against her lips for a moment before kissing her back, and then he nodded as she continued, remembering that Jane used to say similar things when they were younger, but it didn't matter any longer* I would say they're a bunch of moronic- oh, wait, you meant other than insults? *he smirked briefly before answering honestly* I would say that I didn't miss out on anything, not one single thing. My mother saved my life when I was just another woman's child to her. She took me as her own when most other ladies would have abhorred the idea of raising a bastard son. She never made me feel like I wasn't her son- sometimes I even forget that she isn't my natural mother. *he shakes his head* She's not a savage, far from it. She's the most gifted healer I know, that anyone at this court knows. She's wonderful- so what if she didn't know about the theater or petty things like that, she raised me right, all of us. And we turned out pretty well didn't we? *he smiles and then shrugs before adding joking* Besides, we have dad for the lord-like things. Jane: *Her lips flick.* Yes, other than insults, that won't change anyones mind, however satisfactory. *she wrinkles her nose, muttering under her breath* As I keep telling Leah. *writing down most of it without looking away from him, saying quietly* I love hearing you talk about her. Adelina simply...is your mother; that's all. *exhales, and her lips twitch, adding brighter after a for-show appraisal* I think you're pretty all right, definitely. Even if Rosie does wish she had your mother's hair. *she tilts her head grinning* Yup, and you have me for the theater, and opera and all those wonderful things *she winks* Malcolm: Yeah, of course she is. *he smiles and shrugs, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world* I've never known anyone else.*he smirks, pleased at her appraisal and then chuckles, nodding. Honestly, he dreaded the day the charms professor taught them hair color changing spells, because Rosie would immediately try it, and somehow end up with green hair.* Yeah, all those wonderful, noble activities. Fun. *his lips twitch* So, what else do you want to know? Jane: *she smiles, nodding just once: honestly, he was right to point out that most ladies would not have been willing to raise a bastard child, let alone repeatedly insist he was her son. She grins wider and nods as he continues, saying sweetly* All that which you so enjoy. Like harp playing. *lips flick, kissing him again before asking softer, more seriously eyes locked on use* Are you going to leave if your mother does? Malcolm: *he laughs, wiggling his eyebrows at the memory her choice phrase brought about. Putting an arm around her waist as they kiss, he purses his lips and thinks about it in silence for a few moments, finally shaking his head* No. I will stay. Father will need me here now more than ever. Jane: *Pulling herself against him and curling in his arms, she waits patiently as he thinks. She was trying not to fret, thinking this had to be about him, but she couldn't help but think if he went home she didn't know how she'd be able to see him. For she was sure her parents would support this law--and that probably meant she wasn't meant to go there. Except she didn't get why, and had determined a long time ago there wasn't anything that could keep her away from Malcolm. Still, she breathed out in relief and reached her hand to his neck, brushing her finger over his lips. Her words were soft* I'm glad. I'll need you too. If there's anything I can do, Malcolm...name it. Or that your mother needs...*exhales and curls closer to him* Last night was just so...awful, I swear I don't know how to even...approach it. Just some of what I heard walking here made me sad and angry again. *quieter* So I'm glad you'll be here. Malcolm: *He turned his head to look at her, a curious expression expression on his face as she admitted to needing him. He was flattered and warmed by the idea that this wonderfully independent woman would need him. Suddenly, he felt much more at ease knowing that the sentiment was shared. He cupped her cheek as she continued, rubbing circles on her cheek for comfort and then he leaned in to kiss her, slowly* We'll get through it, together. Jane: *His touch on her skin was warm, trailing sparks in his finger's wake, she was sure. She was surprised he didn't leave fingerprints (and fairly, he did sometimes), for she felt as if her skin was tinder to his flint. More importantly, however, she felt safe in his grasp, comforted, as though she was utterly relaxed despite their difficult times. Kissing back just as slowly, she pulled back to smile at him with adoration and love in her gaze.* We will. You know, I don't know who would dare actually go against your parents. *Adds with a teasing exhale.* Or you as a bodyguard.  Seriously, your father is gonna rip the council apart, and your mother? *lets out a low whistle* I don't think they realize how much she's restrained herself out of respect for my uncle--you know, I can speak from experience here. *pats her throat to indicate herself* I remember, I used to be shocked coming over...sometimes I still am. *Her lips flicked, even though she knew he was equally surprised--well, not surprised, just aggravated-- by her father too.* Malcolm: *he smirked, always pleased to hear how great his family was, because they were.* What I would give to be present when father speaks to the council or if they dare say one thing to my mother...*he snorts and then  chuckles under his breath, holding her closer and nodding* I understand. It only gets...marginally easier, if even that. Jane: *she grins as he does, happy simply to see him smile and nods* Should sell tickets, really. *nods once, letting her quill fall and notebook fold shut so she could swivel to curl against him. It was safe in his hold, warm--honestly, addicting, if she could she would never leave.* Together, sweetheart.
Adelina: Come in. *She calls over her shoulder, bent over a table, her arms spread in front of her, silver hair tied in a tight braid down her back. It was out of her eyes that way, out of mind. George was behind her, his hand comfortingly on her shoulder. Not looking up, as she hears the door open, she remarks simply.* Morning, Damocles. Damocles: *Stalling, with his hand on the door, brow wrinkles as she guessed correctly it was him.* Morning, milady. *He nods at George.* George. Adelina: Milady? *Her back straightens, the ghost of a smile crossing her lips and arching a brow as she turns to regard him* Should I feel guilty for not saying m'lord? Damocles: You never say m'lord. *His own lips twitch, as he shuts the door without looking, eyes still on Adelina.* But if I'd been someone else you might have needed to apologize. Adelina: Mm. *She shrugs a shoulder, shutting the book she'd been looking at.* But I've been waiting for you to come. *She pauses, and then reaches for George's hand beside her.* Well, rather, we have been. So what is it going to be? *She arches an eyebrow higher, saying very steadily.* What news, my lord? Damocles: *bites his bottom lip* ...you've already heard? Adelina: *her heart clenches, and she shakes her head swiftly, expression falling* No. But perceptive, that we are, yes. Damocles: *seems to find no words, looking at George first, letting out only a tiny 'Right'. and 'Er.'* George: *Steeling himself for the worst, that's what he had been doing. Well, among one of the things he had been doing. A hand upon his wife's shoulders offered comfort, but also took some in return. It was safe to say he was uneasy. After last night's events, there was plenty of reason for that. He didn't flinch at the knock, but instead finished reading the sentence he was on before turning around to look at Damocles, nodding.* M'lord. *Something seemed to unnerve Damocles, this was not relaxing to George in the slightest. He stood straighter, hand curling Adelina's, more curious than hesitant and impatient above everything else. Noticing and hearing Damocles' hesitance, he sighed, pursing his lips together. If Damocles was worried about them having heard from someone other than himself, then it was safe to assume others knew of it, apart from his family that was. If he wanted to tell them himself, then he surely must have expressed that sentiment to those people he had trusted with the knowledge. And because their friend and lord tended to be discrete, especially with matters of the state, that left only a handful of people that could spread the word. It was with a raised eyebrow that he asked* Has the council convened absent myself? Damocles: *Exhaling as George came to that conclusion, he took a step forward nodding, saying drily as he regarded them, more to buy himself time, loathe to figure out how to start this.* You know, sometimes I think you're both far too smart for your own good... Adelina: So they have. *Over it, not noticing her hand holding her husband's tighter, her lips pressed together as she asks just as drily, but with clear annoyance* By what right did they have to meet and decide-- Damocles: They had none. *easily, shrugging a shoulder* And in my defense, *he lays his hand on his chest* I was absent said meeting as well. Adelina: *She pauses, eyes flicking to George, even as she asks Damocles.* Then-- Damocles: Then - *his hand curls around the back of one of their high backed chairs, looking at both of them steadily* they merely...offered me a suggestion, as they put it. And in turn, I am offering you a...*he bites his bottom lip* choice. George: *It was regrettable that just last night, before the chaos had erupted, they might have all shared a joke such as that. They might even have, George could not honestly remember specifics before the attack. He laced his fingers with his wife's, that being the only part of his body that moved at that moment. Damocles admitting he had not been present either was upsetting, but not surprising. He frowned and then spoke just as steadily after a glance at Adelina (despite his dislike of the wording)* Then please, keep us ignorant no longer, Damocles. Adelina: *She squeezed her husband's hand after he laced their fingers together, looking back at Damocles and nodding in agreement. She gave no outwardly other expression, reminding herself Damocles had always been fair--despite already not liking this.* Damocles: *He bites his bottom lip. Of course they just would want to know the facts; he admired them for that, always had, usually he agreed. He did not share his sister's love of the game. Yet right now he'd have been content to just dance around it forever. As much as he agreed it was a necessary measure, there was a bad taste in his mouth with the words. He felt he'd let his friends down. Wondering if he just said it quickly it would somehow hurt less, he spoke steadily, only when he was certain his voice would not tremor and his hands would not shake. He held the back of the chair tighter.* Effective monday, I will be implementing a series of security measures to...in effect separate muggleborns and purebloods so that-- Adelina: So that muggleborns are in their proper place. *She couldn't help it. She'd gone still, but by the time he'd reach any statement of justification, she simply snapped.* Damocles: *He wrinkles his nose, saying softer.* That wasn't what I was going to say. Adelina: No, but it's what you meant. *She releases George's hand, turning around and breathing heavily for a second.* Damocles: *He shakes his head again.* No, actually, I mean that any muggleborn walking through the doors right now has a decent chance of being mysteriously killed in a room full of witnesses who didn't see anything-- Adelina: *Turning around, her brows arching incredulously* So your solution is to blame the person walking through the door? Damocles: *He brings his hand to his forehead, rubbing with the back of it.* Blame? No. But for their safety, temporarily-- Adelina: *Not having it, simply.* And maybe it isn't what you mean. Maybe -- and I do genuinely believe you want the best, Damocles -- maybe you believe it's just a temporary security measure for our sakes, but it is what they mean. They have been trying to get you to sign legislation to this same effect before for months now, possibly years -- to say fine , they aren't illegal but they can't come here, we're better than them. And now under the guise of security, you're swallowing it. *She brings up a hand, and to that, realizes Damocles has no response, and just turns towards her husband.* George: *he had listened intently, for both the stated meaning and the implied one, for there were always two and most of the time they differed. His eyes did not narrow, his brows did not furrow, nothing truly betrayed his anger except for his wife's sudden reaction which seemed to almost be a channeling of their combined outrage. Almost. Adelina could have enough fury for the both of them. His hand lets her fingers fall away, watching her for a moment before turning to look at Damocles as he spoke and did not look away from him until Adelina was finished. Passing a hand over his face, his anger finally cracked and showed through his face. Adelina was right, the council had no right.* Am I not your chief councillor m'lord? *he looked away from his wife and back to Damocles* Because it seems to me that you're not here asking for my counsel or suggestions, nor are you here as our friend, first and foremost you are here as our reigning lord informing us of a decision that you've already come to. *he clenched his jaw as he inhaled through his nose.* Which, yes, you have every right to do, but I would have hoped to be offered better treatment and consideration to we who have stood by you for 18 years. *he uncrossed his arms, unaware he had done so in the first place and exhaled* And my wife? Do these...security measures apply to her as well? Damocles: *He grits his teeth, decidedly just shutting his mouth and letting Adelina finish yelling, letting George weigh in as well, focusing purely on breath. They were right. Everyone he spoke with seemed to be right. And yet everyone he spoke with had different suggestions, none of them had the same reasons, and dammit, at the end of the day none of them had his culpability, none of them had his responsibility, and part of him wanted to tell everyone to just shut up and listen to him for once---but he didn't, because unlike the rest of the council, he had always looked at George as an equal, at Adelina as a friend. So he just gritted his teeth and let them finish, because they had a right to be angry, and perhaps that was why he'd wanted to be the one to inform them: he needed them behind him publicly, whatever they felt in private. Breathing out, his eyes shut a second and he turned back, finally meeting George's gaze and saying in a low, still steady voice.* You can see my visit here to inform you any way you want, George. I appreciate your loyalty over the years, but it doesn't mean we're equals, and at this particular moment, I am unable to offer any better treatment for there are people out there-- I'm sure-- *he raised his hand* who are preparing to come to me, and use last night as a reason to overturn my law -- our progress -- entirely. Who in the Ministry will draft this as a further study to say we were wrong after all, that there is substantial evidence now that all muggleborns are exceedingly violent and dangerous. Why should they let a tragedy go to waste, after all? I refuse to let them, but there must be measures taken. And that I will not apologize for. *He unclenches his own fist, still staying steadily, still insuring his voice didn't rise: he wanted to be firm, not angry. And he had to hide the fact part of him wanted to scream they were absolutely right, apologize for letting them down. He waited a second, and then said quieter, looking back at Adelina, who hadn't moved* Adelina: *She had made a noise of disgust as he referenced the fact they might try to undo the law change-- but found as her mouth opened no sound came out, because in that at least she knew she couldn't put it past any of them. It simply didn't change the fact that it wasn't safety that they did this for. Quietly, she flicked her gaze to George, and then back at Damocles as she spoke,* Still, you should call it what it is, which is an attempt to pacify and concede to the nobles with whom you have been arguing with and fighting for years. Damocles: *He waits a moment and then says through pursed lips, but equally quiet* Do you think I should not try to serve those I rely on to serve me, that I shouldn't try to at least do part of what's best for them too? Adelina: I don't think you should concede to cowardice and abandon your principles, no. Damocles: *He flinches, and looks away. His gaze stays stuck suddenly on the fireplace, deciding as he couldn't answer that, he would answer George instead.* I can't...bend the law for you, for anyone. I said however, I was here to offer a choice, not an edict. I have no intention of ordering either of you one way or the other: these are just the facts, and Adelina, George -- I would prefer you stay. Adelina: *quiet, with absolutely no remorse for her statement* And these facts, beyond the fact the law does apply to me are? Damocles: That you work here. *He turns back, able now to meet her gaze again, despite her little derisive noise of incredulity.* As a healer. And I won't be changing or stripping anyone of their job, if they work here, there's no penalty. Adelina: *drily* You wouldn't deprive them of their servants, after all. Damocles: *exhales, and a tiny smile crosses his lips letting out his own unamused snort* That's rather the same as I thought, but yes, in effect. However it also means you could stay. In addition, there's no penalty, milady, truly. I am not here to try and take your title, either of your kid's birthrights, inheritances, seats on the council -- nothing. Whether you choose to stay or go is going to be up to you. *He breathes out, drops his hands, and then looking at George* And you too.*He bit his lip, saying honestly and frankly* I'm not ordering you to stay. if your wife leaves, I do not necessarily expect you to separate, or to work with men responsible for her departure either. That choice is yours as well. *He waited a second and finished quieter* Though I would ask you to stay, George, because I need you. There's no one else on the council I trust. Adelina: *She's shut her eyes, looks down at the ground, breathing out, and looks over at her husband, finally just uttering softly.* He's right. George: *he scoffed silently, shaking his head in partial disbelief at what he was hearing. He had heard plenty of justifications in his life, but none that were sounding so ridiculous to him. He licked his dry lips, frowning at the possibility of the law being overturned, for it was all too possible and the simple thought made him uneasy. There would be a lot of work ahead for all of them. He kept a comment about apologies at bay, reminding himself snapping would not better matters in the slightest. He raised his chin, his agreement with his wife's statements clear on his face, at least. These "security measures" left a bad taste in his mouth-- the council had been too prepared for it, and he was still angry with the rest of the council for excluding him, and angry with Damocles for not telling them this sooner. He didn't want to know how many people knew before they did. He listened to the 'choice' presented, frowning immediately.* Adelina is my wife, and the Lady of my household, she's not a servant, Damocles and I will not tolerate her being treated or regarded as one by anyone. *But, it was still her choice, so he pressed his lips together and looked at his wife again. But if she did choose to go back home, how could he stay? He knew she would much rather be in their home, of course, coming to court had been a necessary evil. Biting off another comment about how he would not be of much help to him if he was going to be left in the dark, and instead  looked back to Damocles* We'll need time to come to a decision. Damocles: *He held his gaze steadily for a moment, and then nodded his head, gaze flicking back to Adelina-- saying with perfect honesty* If you feel I have regarded you as such, milady, I do apologize. Adelina: *She only nods. Her heart had skipped a beat at her husband's words, warmed and grateful for them. It was strange: for years she had felt uncomfortable being called 'Lady' even as she demanded it from those that bothered her (namely the .. esteemed fellow councillors). She was always more comfortable among even their own servants, considered herself their friend as did they--it was a fact that amused George, she thought, for he teased her about it. Yet at that moment she knew she was only the person in the room that felt that way: her husband and Damocles both were born into it, and too accomplished at regarding others with those Lordly tones that..admittedly, she teased George about as well. Exhaling, she said softly,* You apology is accepted. *She might have pointed out he hadn't truly regarded her as such, but she felt slighted, bothered, put in her place, and wasn't feeling particularly benevolent towards her lord. Of actually, if she left, was he still her lord? She had meant to, years ago, return only to the forest-- the forest that had been her home for twenty-three years of her life, where at least those that lived there were free. Except she had fallen in love with George -- her gaze flitted to him -- and with Malcolm, and she had made the choice to stay, one she hadn't regretted for even a moment. This felt odd to her, like she had suddenly been locked out of the life she'd chosen -- and simultaneously freed to be who she was once more: she was swept with a sense of relief* Damocles: *He bit his lip: truthfully, he didn't think he'd referred to either of them as less than they were. The difference was he'd asserted himself over both of them, which technically speaking...he was. Even those he considered friends and equals served him -- it was why no one, not even his sister, not even his wife though she had tried, though she was closer than anyone else, truly understood the burden. Instead of voicing this however, he exhaled and nodded graciously, before looking back at George and saying much calmer* Of course. I'll look for you both later. *Nodding again at them both-- for respect, considering it was them meant to bow to him-- he made a retreat, pausing at the door to add* I am truly, sorry. Adelina: *The door shut behind him with an odd finality and she let out a long, extended breath filled with frustration -- and a curse word or two -- finally muttering with pursed lips, bitterly* Eighteen years, and even those who I consider friends still don't regard me as an equal. George: *He watched Damocles depart, nodding his head as well thought it was curt, and it was short, for he felt slighted, they both did. He sighed, turning back to his wife and walking to her, putting an arm around her to hold her close to him* He is our Lord *he admitted with a small scoff* But he only seems fit to remind us when we're in disagreement. *It was difficult to remember their 'place' (even the thought of it left him a sour taste in his mouth again) when so often titles were forgotten between all of them. Choosing to move on, he sighed and again and looked at his wife, moving to stand in front of her, grabbing her hands and lacing his fingers with hers, speaking softly now* What do you want to do? Adelina: *She nods in vehement agreement, rolling her eyes to the ceiling and then pressing her cheek against her husband's shirt, slipping her arm up to tangle fabric between her fingers. The words slipped from her as if poisonous.* Even so, none of the other lords, council or otherwise--theoretically beneath you--are being asked to send their wives away, are they? My birth still matters paramount. *She let out an exhale as he does, turning and releasing him to tie their hands together. Despite her aggravation, she already knew perfectly well. Looking up at him, she shook her head briefly and said quieter.* But that isn't precisely Damocles' fault. He's only echoing the vast majority of the court now, meekly I might add: he's as trapped by this as we are. *She takes a long breath. Damocles was an ally, she reminded herself, though it hardly seemed it at the moment.* But...if I stay to spite the law through a loophole, I undermine his authority, I undermine your authority--*she tightens her grip in his* -- and worse, I'm powerless to help here. If it was a matter only of spiting the Lords as it has been for years, then I would stay if only to be ornery but -- I can't do anything to help, not like this. But out there - *she nods to the window* - out there, with Ellaria I can find our old friends, we can fight back, be publicly against this for just and righteous reasons, instead of privately spiteful. I have no sway here, no matter my biting words - it's all bluster. *She spoke quietly now, looking back up at him and finally muttering.* But you do have sway here. George: *No, they weren't. It was that that angered him most. Well, many things angered him at the moment, and he decided immediately he would have a nice chat with the other councillors. He could play that game too, and remind them that not only did they report to Damocles, they reported to him, he was 'Chief', that meant something. Or it used to, apparently. He sighed, nodding reluctantly to agree with Adelina. Damocles had little choice, but if he had been given a day, bloody hell a couple of -hours-, he could have come up with something that wasn't so drastic. But that was no guarantee, the rest of the council was united on this, otherwise he could have had some sway. Damn them. Licking his lips, he listened to her reasoning. There was sound logic in her words, that he couldn't argue, but that didn't change the fact he'd rather have her close* We do need their help. Muggleborns fighting for their own rights, demonstrating that the actions of a few aren't indicative of the majority....*he licked his lips, answering bitterly* Not as much as I thought. *he looked back at her, releasing one of her hands to cup her neck instead* I don't want to leave you, or split up our family any further...*he shook his head* I don't like this. Adelina: *She exhales and closes her eyes for a moment, nodding in agreement.* I don't know what .. happened, last night, I don't understand their actions. I might not have known most of them, but some..*she makes an incredulous little noise*--one of those who escaped, Timothy? He had a girl, far as I know-and he's renowned in the village for how many pies he can consume at once at the fair--I mean, does that sound like a cold-blooded murderer? *Her nose wrinkles up.* These actions just...they don't make sense. *She bit her lip, muttering under her breath.* But as far as their fear and anger, I understand that. If I could even just talk to some of them...*As he releases her hand, she rubs the back of her forehead, going still and dropping her hand to his waist as he cups her neck.* I know. *Her voice quivers for a moment.* I don't want to leave you either, love. *She leans up to kiss him once, lengthy, deep but soft, slow, staving off her inevitable --* ..but I should go. And you have to stay. If you don't,  the council wins, and they gain an incredibly advantage by being able to act without you. Which. *Her voice strengthens with her annoyance at them: it hadn't stopped them this time.* I trust you'll fix to insure they don't again. George: *he shook his head, though fairly, murderers often didn't look like murderers. She was right though, it all seemed too sketchy, too convenient. They had no apparent motive, or rather the motive that was being spread around was cleverly manipulated to make it seem like the study was wrong after all. They needed to find the muggleborns, but it was going to be difficult to capture them alive- Benedict was ruthless. He relayed Damocles' orders plainly, of course, and then admitted that 'alas, sometimes tragedies could not be avoided, and the men should not feel guilty if, in order to protect their own life, had to resort to fatal force'.* Just be careful *he whispered as she spoke of her wish to speak to them. Maybe she would be safer from attack than the purebloods, but maybe not. Exhaling softly after they kiss, his eyes remain closed for a moment, nodding slowly, reluctantly. He opened his eyes to meet her gaze* Oh, I will. I might even enjoy myself. *his lips twitch, before he sighed again, nodding* I'll stay. And come home whenever I can. Adelina: I will. *She had to stifle an unamused chuckle of irony. If these muggleborns meant to attack purebloods, then theoretically she should have been safe from that, but of course, she had lived almost half her life as a noble. Too much a lady for them, too much a muggleborn for the nobility -- if it wasn't for her family, she might actually be bothered by this. Her lips flick a moment, and she nods twice, freeing her other hand to slide around his neck, holding fast.* I hope you do. Wish I could see their faces...*her hand comes down, the back of her palm caressing his jawline and stilling as his eyes meet hers again, listening carefully, and saying softly* Please do. We'll have to find a way to communicate in confidence as well for--I wouldn't trust writing. *She presses her lips together tightly.* As for the children...Malcolm is eighteen. It should be his choice. And I suppose, though Lysa is only just turning seventeen...she has left school, if she wants to stay I won't take her with me. *Her nose wrinkles and she tilts her head, musing aloud, still holding her husband tightly* ...Rosie and Liam, however...we should think about contacting your sister. George: *he shook his head* I don't trust it either. And the ministry monitors the Floo network closely as well. *He pursed his lips together, briefly going over any form of communication he could think of, only to frown at how easily it could be to intercept them all* We'll come up with something. *The children would not be happy about this, no more than they were. But he had a feeling they would both elect to stay.* In any case, it will be easier for them to travel back and forth. Maybe therein lied the key to their communication, but it was just a thought.* Yes. She needs to be informed, and if anything should go...awry, France is the safest place for them. Adelina: *She nods in agreement--at least Malcolm definitely would stay, particularly as long as Jane was still there, saying softly.* So perhaps Malcolm can courier messages if need be. Or Aldous. *Her lips flick--the man had been with George since before he'd been lord, if there was anyone they could trust of their servants she'd recommend him. It was a double edged sword: she didn't trust anyone more than their children, but she wanted to spare putting the burden on Malcolm as well...even if she had no doubt he would insist he be able to help. She sighs, and then looks up again, hating that she agreed, hating the thought her babies so far away from her, but nodding anyway. Her expression said the rest for her, so she went on her toes to kiss him again, meeting his lips hard.*
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fycourtera · 12 years
{chapter fourteen: 9} malcolm & jane
Malcolm: *He couldn't dance with the other girls fast enough. It wasn't that there was anything wrong with them of course (except Cate, she had--he suspected--quite a number of issues), he was even friends with a couple from all the times he had been sent to town or wandered there by himself, he just wanted to get back to Jane. After all, after that little whisper had almost driven him insane. Were songs usually that long? Bloody hell. As the fifth song finally ended, and he took Angelina back to her friends with a pleasant smile on his face, he all but flew back to Jane's side, just like she had wanted of course. It was no accident that she had left that image in his mind as he was about to go dance with other women. Granted, now he wished he had done something similar given that he had to suffer through watching her speak with Evan. He had almost stepped on Jocelyn's foot when he first saw it, and his frown didn't quite fade until Roswell had walked away.* Had a lovely chat? *he asked in faux brightness as he finally reached Jane* How is Roswell these days? Still kicking babies for a living?
Jane: *Taking a liberal sip of wine, her eyes were narrowed over the glass as she watched Malcolm dance with Angelina; Aubrey was giggling from her side and pointing out that really, glaring at them wasn't helping the cause, but Jane didn't care. The songs had been extended, (did it really have to be five that George had stipulated?), she was sure of it: it had been more than an hour since she had been able to speak with him, let alone dance. Heartened as the song finally seemed to come to an end and praying that Angelina (unlike Cate. She didn't like Cate) was not going to insist on 'just one more'--she brightened instantly seeing him turn and all but run back to her. Thank God. Aubrey kissed her cheek before leaving, going to ask one of the muggleborns to dance (Jane had stopped listening and had no idea which, but Aubrey was already aware of this). Licking her bottom lip, she suddenly frowned at his question--oh for Gods sakes-- and shook her head at him* Oh honestly. What is it with you two? I didn't go near Estbury--just like you requested. *Oh, he had more 'ordered' but she was not in the habit of doing what he said. It was a request--she had chosen to follow it (actually she didn't even know where Robert was, he seemed to have vanished, and she assumed a lady had gone with him)--and thus she had the right to use it in her defense.* And he doesn't kick babies! Evan's one of my oldest friends, sweetheart. I am not trying to make you friends or anything, but I really would appreciate a fewer insults. And yes, I said as much to him too. *When he'd asked in his snide and condescending tone why Malcolm was dancing with anyone but her. But that remark aside, she had enjoyed talking to Evan as she always did; whatever it was between them, she wasn't vain enough to think it was just her, and right that moment she didn't care. Folding her arms over her chest, she just looked at him, half-glaring; her nose was wrinkled up, lips pursed in a pout, penciled brow raised.*
Malcolm: *he sniffed, turning his nose up and adding primly in what was really supposed to be a mock of the man they were discussing* I suggested. *Though he was honestly very grateful that she had stayed far away from Robert, and that Robert had remained very far away otherwise there would be a sword battle in the middle of the ball* That was one of the least harmful insults I could come up with it. I should be applauded, my love, not criticized. I am the epitome of propriety and good behavior tonight. *He paused, his lips twisting into an amused smirk, unable to be serious for too long* Besides, that is simply what being away from you for too long does to me, particularly after that...scheme you shared. 
Jane: *With an exaggerated sigh of frustration at the sniff, she didn't otherwise move as he continued. Honestly. The enmity between them was confusing; they disliked each other "on principle" they said, except that she knew them both to be good-hearted, hilarious, proud men who just were idiots sometimes. Maybe that was what it was. They were too similar. Oh, but that was something she wouldn't tell him. Reluctantly, her pout melted at his last words. A chuckle escaped parted lips in spite of herself, and she just shook her head at him lifting a hand to take his. Her words were dry.* If that's the case, I should never leave your side. Amazing how that works out, isn't it? *She squeezed his hand, thumb slipping to his palm. She dragged it back and forth idly against callouses from his sword, heart echoing the hummingbird--her favorite bird if truth be told. Gaze dropping to regard her swiping finger, she mmmed continuing lightly* Scheme? Oh dear, I do hope I didn't distract you with that. Tonight is so important, and I should hate to think I caused you discomfort with my idle female fantasies. *Dropping his hand abruptly, she looked over his shoulder, eyes tracing marble columns to rest at the side servant's entrance to the ballroom. Mentally tracing the route in her head, she cast her gaze back to him, lips pursed in determination, saying teasing--but soft, lest they be overheard* There's a new Monet in the gallery, you know; I would love to show you it. *Her hands rests on her necklace, fingers brushing gently along strings of silver, diamonds, the pink flash of her throat, and the strap of her violet gown. The gestures were as careless as her words, spoken through a sly 'innocent' smirk.* I know your fondness for enjoying works of art.
Malcolm: *chuckling in amusement, he nodded knowingly, tilting his head as he beheld her* I did gather that it was another one of your brilliant, though admittedly less enjoyable, schemes. *He was growing quite fond of that word to describe the majority of Jane's ideas and plans. It gave it a naughtier connotation, and his Jane was certainly that. He gave his lips a quick lick as she continued to tease him with her words, rubbing her fingers against the palm of his hand as if it was the most erogenous spot on his body (it wasn't, and she knew it.)* Idle wouldn't be the word I'd use, darling. *His eyebrows arched as he watched her for a few moments as she seemed deep in thought only to have them arch even higher as she continue. Catching her meaning immediately, he smirked once more* Another? *He'd lost count on the amount of Monet's in the manor. Grinning again at the way she phrased the last part, knowing perfectly well she was referring to herself as a "work of art". He offered his arm to her* Oh I ravish them, surely. Shall we? *Looking around to check to make sure no one was watching, they slipped out of the ballroom expertly (they were quite good at this by now) and as soon as they had closed the door of the empty gallery, they began to make better use of it, and the ravishing commenced*
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fycourtera · 12 years
{chapter twelve: 8} malcolm/evett
Malcolm: *The key was to not show guilt. He had done nothing wrong, so walking in thinking he was going to get mauled would just work against him. He was supposed to be a charming, presentable, young man and that's what he would be. He could be like-able, that wasn't the problem. The problem was that -very differently from his parents- he lost his temper very quickly, and very explosively. If he could harness anger into being cold instead of hot, life would be easier for him. Less fights, less bruises, less lords and knights that wanted nothing better than to smash his face in. But what a boring life without those it would be. This time however, he needed a cooler head to prevail, lest he be forbidden from speaking to Jane ever again. The things he did for her were numerous; that's what he deserved for not keeping his mouth shut. He had arrived, he had been escorted, and currently he was being announced to the adult couple who had been fortunately together already. He waited for the servant to finish and then walked into the room, chin held high-- he was even in proper clothes, with all buttons fastened.* Good afternoon, Lord Brackner, Lady Brackner. *he inclined his head in respect.*
Garrett: *He did not like being disturbed during his free time, especially not when he was with his wife. One of their servants came in, maybe a little wary about disturbing them as well, and Garrett had to restrain a smirk from crossing his lips as for the reason. Closing the book he had been reading Evelyn, one of her favorites, which she enjoyed much more when it was his voice reading it, despite the 'true' motive of this being a way to get him to read in general which was preposterous because as soon as he was granted his lordship there came the insistence that he would never be able to stop reading, ever. His eyebrows rose a bit as the servant announced someone come to visit. Malcolm, yes, he thought he had received a letter...but now he couldn't remember; he received so many letters.* Hello, Malcolm. *he paused for a moment, deliberately staying silent, waiting to see if the boy got uncomfortable before speaking and gesturing to a much more uncomfortable seat than the one he was currently sharing with Evelyn* Please, have a seat.
Malcolm: *he nodded, doing as he requested, or rather commanded by the tone of his voice but Malcolm was not one to be commanded...so he merely followed a suggestion* Thank you.
Garrett: *Another stretch of silence as Garrett made a bit of a show of making sure he was sitting comfortably before asking again* What brings you here?
Malcolm: *The foolish rambling of a post-satisfied lovesick fool.* Some...personal matters, m'lord. *Why did he have to say m'lord to begin with? Garrett wasn't his lord, and if he was, Malcolm was Lord too, or rather Lord-to-be in the very distant future. It had always struck him as odd*
Garrett: ...*eyebrows raised* well? Get on with it.
Evelyn: *Curled up sideways beside her husband, she had one hand on his knee and the other propping her own head up, elbow jabbed into the chintz behind them. The sound of his voice reading her favorite words was a guilty pleasure of hers, and considering how confusing and upsetting the world around them could be right now, it was a relief and delight to be able to curl up with him, and forget everything else. He always had a way of doing that to her anyways. When their servant came in to ask, she stirred, sitting up a bit straighter and offer a smile to calm the wary servant with. The gesture was practiced and, she thought, most gracious considering her inner irritation at being disturbed as well (which she could see on her husbands face; admittedly, he wasn't particularly trying to hide it). Blinking once at who was being introduced, she tilted her head. Malcolm Stuart. Trying to ignore her immediate suspicion she had a feeling she knew what this was about, she squeezed Garrett's knee once before turning around so she could sit straighter, back against the cushion as he entered. The exact same polite smile crossing her lips as before, she nodded to Malcolm saying in a friendly, calm manner* Hello. *Hearing the dispassionate, authoritarian tone in her husband's voice, she pressed her lips together tightly, looking over Malcolm's shoulder as she counted to five internally while Malcolm sat and Garrett rearranged himself beside her. Typical. At Malcolm's polite hesitant response, Evelyn looked back, nodding once and then shot her husband a reproving look before saying simply to Malcolm herself* Malcolm, is everything all right? Your family is well? *Sure, she thought she knew what this was in regard to, but there was no need to make the boy feel like an ant approaching an elephant. None. Besides, this was awkward for them too she thought--if she was right that this had to do with Jane--and she herself was more comfortable with chivalry...besides; he was there to talk to them, wasn't he? Didn't that count for something?* 
Malcolm: *Everything was perfectly alright, apart from their family being verbally ripped to pieces by almost all members of the court, but that was nothing new. He shook his head* Everything's fine, thank you for asking.
Garrett: *He was trying to behave, especially because he felt the reprimanding glare of Evelyn at one point, but he couldn't help it; his alone time had been interrupted and he didn't fancy spending it with one of his friend's children* Then what else could be of importance for you to arrive so unannounced?
Malcolm: *he pursed his lips, thinking that telling Garrett that he had sent a letter wasn't the best thing to do. Instead of that he simply exhaled under his breath and spoke again* I'm here to ask your permission to court Jane.
Garrett: *No. Absolutely not. She hadn't even taken her NEWT's yet, nor turned 18. Not to mention, this boy was clearly not enough for his daughter. Son of his friend Malcolm may be, but still lacking. Anyone would lack.* I'm not sure that's good idea. *See? Polite. Behaving.*
Evelyn: *She nodded politely at the perfunctory "fine"; truthfully she doubted that was true considering the current climate, but despite a bitter twinge of something akin to guilt and reluctance, she just accepted his response. That was, after all, what they were meant to do. Ignoring the way Garrett asked, she was proven right by--what she thought was a very diplomatic statement on Malcolm's part. Of course she still felt her husband immediately tense beneath her hand. Simply relieved his words in response were edited from what she had no doubt Garrett had immediately thought--she ignored the tense nature in which they were spoken. Uncertainty clouding her gaze, her eyes nonetheless stayed on Malcolm, firmly. There was nothing especially provocative about the gaze, except that she didn't look anywhere else or seem to blink for several extended moments, as if she was trying to puzzle Malcolm out entirely. And her daughter was so young...* Malcolm, have you spoken to Jane about this? *If the diamonds her daughter had been wearing for the last few days were any indication, he had done more than speak to her, but she was fine saying "speak." After all, she had a bad feeling she...was the mediating factor in this discussion.*
Malcolm: *He didn't know why he had expected any better. At least the refusal hadn't been accompanied with a demand for him to leave his house. He pursed his lips for a moment and then turned to Evelyn, glad to have something polite to answer to and then nodded, thinking of how best to word it* I have spoken to her of my affections, and she revealed to share them. *he smiled a bit, unable to help himself, knowing that the first they "revealed each other's affections for one another" there was not much speaking involved. Well, not for a few minutes.* M'lord, m'lady, I care about your daughter very much, and I consider myself lucky to have earned her affections as well.
Garrett: *Oh, he was good. Not brilliant, there was a certain subtlety the boy lacked, but skilled enough. If he was any other man, perhaps he would have thought him genuine. But Garret knew better- they were just pretty words. Though Malcolm was right about one thing; he was lucky, blessed even, to have earned the affections of a Brackner, especially his daughter. If indeed that was the truth; Jane had never spoken of him in such a light. Not that he knew of. He chanced a small glance at Evelyn's direction, noting that she didn't appear as surprised as he felt about this. It seemed like he was giving up daughters left and right- one to knighthood, the other to marriage, and now this boy wanted to court his youngest daughter? No.* Nevertheless, I don't find this appropriate.
Malcolm: *The really inappropriate things, Garrett didn't even have a clue about. Nevertheless, he cleared his throat and asked* Why not, M'lord?
Garrett: She has not finished her NEWTs examinations, she will no doubt be busy helping Katharine with the wedding...*He turned to Evelyn, wordlessly asking for help*
Evelyn: *The soft confirmation was accompanied by a small smile she had to smile herself at; it was obvious their affections were genuine. Or at least that they thought they were--Garrett was right in pointing out how young she was, how young they both were, and seventeen years old was...well (she struggled to put the disquieting memories away)...Evelyn knew how easy it was to be swept up and carried away. So if Malcolm had been asking to marry her, she would have unequivocally said no...in this case, she found her opinions much more clouded. As Garrett looked at her, her brows crinkled, clearing her throat before speaking equally politely and quiet* ...My love, I think Katharine would be unhappy to think her wedding would stand in the way of her sister's happiness. *Not that Katharine would ever actually admit aloud to displeasure, but still, she thought. She bit her lip, speaking hesitantly still, gaze flicking between them* And she is eighteen in a week. Yet I agree it is...quite young...*she rubs her forehead uncomfortably with a free hand, eyes back on Malcolm* ...Malcolm, would you be all right with limiting visits to certain hours and the quantity over all so we can be certain her NEWTs are given proper consideration and...that things are not being rushed? *Her gaze flicks back to her husband a moment, apologetic. She knew he felt this was out of control, knew he feared the moment their children did not need them anymore as any parent did, knew that Jane was biologically his first-born...she did not blame him for being wary or unhappy with this. The sad truth was simple: daughters grew up. Looking at him steadily and quiet, she murmured under her breath* Jane does speak very highly of him, love. Frequently. And she is at seventeen, if you had been barred from seeing someone you cared about at that age, what would you have done? *She arches a brow very slightly, a tiny smile on her lips* She is her father's daughter, after all. 
Garrett: *he wanted to frown, but refrained. It was not lordly to show displeasure, at least not in this situation. He wanted to say Kitty would not go against him either way, but he admitted to himself that yes, she would not be pleased. He shifted in his seat as Evelyn proposed terms instead, bothered. But he supposed, he had placed similar terms on Elijah when he first began courting Katharine. Nevertheless, he was not pleased*
Malcolm: *one would think he was trying to propose, for goodness' sake. Thankfully he could hide his exasperation, mostly. He wanted to say that Jane was a woman, capable of making her own decisions, and manage her time accordingly. He also wanted to say that marriage was not in his mind, no more than it was on Jane's mind; they just didn't want to be a secret anymore. Granted, the worst kept secret at court, but a secret nonetheless. More so, he knew Jane loved her father as much as Malcolm loved his own, and knew how much this meant to her. Finally, he simply wanted to prove that he was a man, an adult, only a few years younger than when his dad first took over the family name; he was responsible. Or could be responsible, when he chose* Of course, m'lady, I ask for nothing more.
Garrett: *He pursed his lips together, turning his head slightly towards Evelyn as she whispered, seeing the truth in her words. Mostly.* Never to me...*he would be speaking to Jane about this later. If their children didn't feel comfortable enough to approach him, he was not doing his job as a father. A brief smirk of pride flit across his lips upon hearing the comparison before he turned back to Malcolm* Supervised visits.
Malcolm: *He took it back; being a secret was more than alright with him. Oh, how he wished he could take it back. Instead he nodded.* As you say, m'lord.
Evelyn: *At the amendment to her words, Evelyn licked her bottom lip, bit hard, and looked away to stifle a chuckle cold in it's tracks; in sudden amusement to his words. Oh, yes, she imagined that was exactly what Malcolm had been hoping to hear: that he could see her, just as long as her father was there too. That wouldn't be awkward and uncomfortable for all of them, not at all. Or if not her father, Jane's brothers, or cousins, or Evelyn herself...yes she didn't see a problem with this at all. Of course she knew he meant a servant, but as Evelyn had no doubt Jane would immediately -pay- said servant to disappear...she shook her head, deciding not to say it, looking back and squeezing her husbands shoulder again in as comforting a gesture as possible, adding softly to Malcolm but genuinely* We appreciate you approaching us, Malcolm. *She omitted 'first'--she had no doubt this was definitely not the 'first' time the subject was broached between Jane and him--but she hoped that was noticeable only to herself or perhaps to Malcolm; certainly not to Garrett.* Thank you. I'm sure it will mean a lot to Jane as well. *She cleared her throat, gesturing with her head in the briefest head flick, as if to indicate he could leave to go tell her right now. Not that he'd need to, she expected. If Jane was not standing outside the door right that moment with her ear pressed to the wall and a wand pointed to make their voices louder...well then she did not know her daughter at all. Oddly, the internal image made her swell with pride and amusement again, looking back to Malcolm and saying in her own soft dismissal* Thank you for coming. *She waited until he'd made his departure before she'd turn to Garrett, lean in to kiss him once, and say softly* And thank you for not snapping at him. I know this is difficult...for us both really. I don't want any of them to leave home either.
Garrett: *Garrett watched him walk away with narrowed eyes, waiting for the door to close before he was able to relax. Lips flicking briefly in a smile as she kissed him once. He snorted once* I was tempted. *he pursed his lips and shook his head, sighing* Leah's training, Kitty's getting married, now Jane is being courted....is too late to have another? *he joked before he sighed again*
Evelyn: *her lips parted in a half smile and she nodded, saying sweetly* Absolutely, honey. The moment they figure out a way for -you- to give birth this time, I'm right behind you. *both eyebrows wiggle, adding teasingly* Literally, I expect. *she reached up with her hand, curling up beside him again and brushing hair gently as she added in words equally soft* They're happy. *She paused: Leah wasn't happy, she knew that, she expected Garrett knew that too, but at the moment there wasn't anything they could do to help there, so she merely pressed on* And incredible. I'm not too proud, not at all. 
Garrett: *he chortled, lips twitching in amusement and shaking his head* I'll pass. *he smiled once more, shifting in his seat to be closer to her* Of course they're incredible, and I'm proud. I'm just...*he sighed* Living in the yesterday, I suppose. *he paused for a few seconds as she absently brushed his hair* Is this wise? Malcolm is a pureblood, but his mother...
Evelyn: *chuckling as he does, grateful for the light-hearted sound and sharing it, she brings her legs up so she can tuck herself against him and nods* I had a feeling. *Her smile turns sad as he continued, but was a smile nonetheless* It's difficult. I guess we just have to remember...it isn't that they want to leave us, it's that they want to start their lives. *She paused her thumb at the crown of his head, a frown briefly flitting across her lips* I know. But I have every respect for George. Adelina...*she sighs in an exhale and shakes her head briefly, saying diplomatically from habit* ...she has done a lot at the court to help. She hasn't been...troublesome or indulgent. *She bites her bottom lip, but says with a shrug* And they're seventeen, and Jane could be begging you to let her court someone else tomorrow morning. 
Garrett: Not much of a difference through parents' eyes. *he licked his lips, weary of such a depressing subject. He nodded as she explained, chuckling under his breath at her last statement* If only. Evan Roswell is starting to look a right side better now, actually. *his lips twitch*
Evelyn: Yeah...*she exhales, but adds resolutely* But I trust we raised them well. *she snorts and shakes her head* Evan, my love? See, now I'm worried for your sanity--you held your temper and are promoting Roswell? *she lays the back her hand on his forehead* Are you feeling all right?  
Garrett: *he nodded to show he agreed with her and then chucked under his breath, shaking his head under her palm* No, just heartbroken. *he teased before he chuckled again and commented dryly* At least Roswell keeps his shirt on.
Evelyn: Poor baby. I wonder what I could prescribe... *She lowers her hand teasingly, twisting to nuzzle in the crook of his neck and breath in softly a moment, before saying with another chuckle* Now, love, I seem to remember many an occasion on which I would just happen to go to see the knights training and you had no shirt on either...
Garrett: *he smirks a bit, wiggling his eyebrows* You're all the medicine all I need, my love. *he cupped her cheek and kissed her once before grinning against her lips at the memory, pulling back* Only when I knew you were watching me.
Evelyn: *teasing* Good answer...*leaning in to the kiss and smirking herself against her husband's lips as his comment exhaled against hers, responding amused* I did appreciate that. Even if it did lead to more consequences of your trade...
Malcolm: *He didn't know if this was a victory or defeat, but it did taste pretty sour in his mouth. Now they'd have to tread more carefully. No longer could Jane claim to be visiting his mother, or Alysa, not without arising suspicion. Well, by the look on Evelyn's face, she seemed to have suspected at least. But it wasn't Evelyn's wrath he was wary of, rather Garrett's steel. He nodded before he stood* Thank you for your time, m'lord, m'lady. *he inclined his head and turned around, departing, closing the door behind him. Smirking as he saw Jane trying to act normal, a few feet away now he stifled a laugh* Well. I'm alive.
Jane: *with her hands quickly brushing through her curls, eyes down and wand tucked away, she ignored the amusement on his face at spying her. Just because he had wanted to do it on his own--be a man, she suspected--didn't mean she wasn't dying to know instantly, and he knew that, and he claimed to love that about her so...yes she was ignoring his amusement. Eyes darting down the hall to ascertain for the fifth time in the last minute that no one else was there, she quickly leaned up to cup his cheek and kiss him, chuckling as she pulled back.* You did far more than survive, Malcolm--that was as polite as I think it could have been. *She was privately relieved frankly, that Adelina had not been mentioned once, and shook her head at him* And its not as though there aren't ways around restrictions. *Her brows wiggle.*  Exciting ways at that.
Malcolm: *he smiled despite himself as she leaned up to kiss him and chuckled under his breath, nodding* Well, I do have great self-restraint of course. *his lips twitch, fully joking, he had horrible self-restraint. He took her hands and grinned* A reason to get imaginative, of course.
Jane: Do you? *she took a nonchalant pause, looking at him with deliberate challenge and letting him take her hands, continuing sweetly* That is certainly news. I believe I should call the prophet actually, they could do an entire spread..*nodding* ..you do look great in portraits. *Her brows wiggle squeezing his hands back, continuing softer* One of our favorite past times, I think. *She winks.*
Malcolm: *he laughs quietly, wary of letting her parents hear, gesturing for them to keep walking* I could think of a few others...*he wiggled his eyebrows grinning*
Jane: *nodding, she falls in to walking beside him, lacing their fingers together as they head towards the gardens, beaming* Yes, well, we're very creative people with a vast amount of interests. *lips flick* And a mutual hatred of being still or bored...
Malcolm: *he grins now more openly, chuckling and nodding* Agreed. We'll have to make a game out of these supervised visits. *he said the last two words with some distaste*
Jane: Yes...*hearing the distaste she looks away a moment, squeezing his hand and nodding absently; then looks back with an eyebrow arch* Perhaps a code? We could talk of harp-playing. *She winks.* Or would that be dangerous, love? You could have a pillow on your lap but still.. 
Malcolm: *he laughs openly as they reached outside and then grinned* Cheeky, but don't worry. As long as you're not the one sitting on my lap, I'll be fine. *he wiggled his eyebrows* It's quite unfair however, that men cannot hide their...happiness *his lips twitched at the word* as easily as women.
Jane: *lips twitch, saying dryly* Well, as I assume we'll be permitted nothing more than holding hands and -maybe- a hug at the end of such visits, you don't have to worry. For good behaviour, you know. *as he continues, she chuckles and shakes her head at him saying lightly, teasing* I suppose it's just better to be a women. We tend to live longer too. 
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fycourtera · 13 years
{chapter twelve: 5} jane & malcolm
Malcolm: I would rather battle a swarm of acromantulas with my bare hands than go to this ball or any ball in general. Jane: *eyes narrow, but her words are sweet* Fine, I won't make you do anything you don't want to. I'll just see if Evan has anyone he's escorting already. Malcolm: Aha! *a hand goes up* I had a feeling you would say that. Owen owes me twenty-five galleons. Jane: *both eyebrows skyrocket* You're betting on me?! Malcolm: *lips twitch* Just this once. But if you keep being this predictable darling, I might just keeping cashing in on it. I mean, honestly, Roswell? *he scoffs, shaking his head before he brings a finger up* You know what you could do though? Something almost unheard of, you could be honest! *he gasps, putting a hand up to his lips* Jane: Predictable? *promptly hits his arm and then sits primly on the side of the chair, arms folded* I'm merely surprised you didn't just take the credit for how well you know me, honey. *eye rolls and continues sweetly* I was being honest! If you do not want to take me, I would not force you. But I do want to go. If only because the concept of an assignation while the ball proceeds right under everyone's nose is just..*flicks her nose, looking out the window dreamily* ...alluring. Malcolm: It's actually quite endearing-- *he broke off into laughter as she hit his arm, lips twitching* Well, that too. I do know how you favor manipulative tactics. *grins* Oh I do not doubt your word. *Rather annoying really, especially given the fact that Roswell wouldn't refuse. And if he did, she'd just have a number of others, ready to use them as she saw fit. He only hoped Robert wasn't among those; he was beginning to frown just thinking of that unpleasant prat* But I meant honest about you wanting me to go. *his eyebrows arch before he laughs, repeating* "Assignation"? *he smirks* Oh, Jane. I fear your vocabulary is much too refined for me, give me a more appealing synonym. Jane: There is nothing wrong with tweaking circumstances to reach desired results. *nod, still looking out the window, now toying with a strand of her hair, grinning nonetheless.* Did I say I didn't want you to go, sweetheart? I said I would not force you to, even if I would prefer you escort me. *she looks back at him, a tiny 'oh' face now, with a muttered groan through the pout* Oh, you just want to hear me say that, don't you? *As he continues she continues pressing her lips together and sighs, showy* Must I do away with all courtesies then? Fine, just for you. *her hand comes down from her hair, setting it on either side of the arm for the chair, saying heavily, through parted lips, eyes focused on him* A forbidden, overwhelming, sultry, titillating, risqué seduction. Malcolm: Or tweaking words to reach desired meaning. *It was a skill she possessed in abundance. Though, he was prone to believe that for most women that was an innane skill. So was dancing around subjects, and he just considered that a lost cause.* Hmm, whatever you say. *He knew the truth, so did she, he could let that one pass. Especially given that she was just so compliant in the next request of his, his lips widening in a smirk, eyebrows arched in delight* Ah, see: that is much more appealing. *he grinned as he leaned over to kiss her once* Yet...*he grinned playfully, chuckling under his breath before he admitted* Father's left little choice, and I'm supposed to dance with as many of the guests as I can manage, as a sign of good faith. *Lord knew that an overwhelming majority would outright try to ignore the muggleborns* Jane: *nodding in agreement, she chuckled as she mmmed* Was it? My mental writer's thesaurus came in handy did it? *she trailed off as she leaned in to kiss him back for a brief moment, licking her bottom lip as she pulled back. Nodding reluctantly, she added* Ah...understandable. So I have your permission to dance with someone else too then? *Actually, in all honesty, this evening was most likely going to be incredibly awkward...at best, which was the other reason she'd prefer to skip off to the cellar or gardens with Malcolm. Musing under her breath without realizing it* I wonder if Leah will be suddenly ill.. Malcolm: Of course it did, sweetheart. *he tapped her forehead with his two fingers, smiling teasingly. He sighed, a reluctant noise left his mouth before nodding* I suppose...not with Roswell. Or Estbury. Or Ricard. On second thought, maybe you shouldn't dance. *He laughed once, nodding* Wouldn't surprise me. Jane: *chuckling once as he taps. her gaze going up to follow his hand, the gaze is girlish and sheepish, genuinely enjoying sitting there with him even as he continued.* Ah huh, really? I shouldn't dance with Lucille Estbury? Okay, dutifully noted. *nods, prodding his shoulder* Or you could use their first names, you know. Besides, I won't be able to peel Lucille from Josiah if I wanted to. And sneaky, but I noticed the omission there--I would still like to dance with you. *her grin flicks wider and she nods with a shrug* And then I go look for her and her room'll be oddly empty. Malcolm: *he rolls his eyes* You know very well I meant Robert, and I hate you a little for making me say his name. *he crinkled his nose and then replied more playfully* Oh okay, you caught me. I can't deceive you, darling. *he grins again before his lips twitch* Yes, well. All knights are required to attend, she might not be so successful sneaking out this time. Jane: Hate me, do you sweetheart? *She just licks her bottom lip, tilting her head and leaning it against the back of the chair while looking down at him, one hand coming up to his chest, eyes following her fingers toying with the collar as she sighs 'sufferingly', through a grin* Your prerogative. *nodding absently in agreement, she chuckles in an exhale* No, you can't, and don't forget it. And true. *her eyes flick up to his again* Besides, whatever she's up to...*tiny exhale* ...with this whole act, she probably has to be there. Malcolm: Why shouldn't I? With your oh so cruel ways? *he licks his bottom lip as his gaze follows her hand too, a small smirk crossing his face. Oh she was cruel, a touch sadistic, ever manipulative, but whoever said he meant these characteristics as slights? Never.* Hmm, probably. She'll love it just as much as I will, I'm sure. *he laughs once, shaking his head* At least there will be wine. Jane: Why sweetheart, I am so flattered by your clear affection. *still toying absently with the collar, she lets the pad of her finger brush against the exposed skin, chuckling in reluctant agreement* Probably. And the good kind of wine at that. What it is you two hate about these things is beyond me though...*head shakes* Family, friends, wine, music, everyone looks gorgeous..plus *absently as if it's only just crossing her mind* You know it does happen to be occurring very close to my birthday, I wonder, *lips twitching looking back up at him, fingers stilling* Do you think I'll have something new to wear? Malcolm: Oh God, where should I start? *he raises his eyebrows and then starts listing them off* Family, that you see every day anyways. Friends, half of which you tolerate, a quarter you absolutely can't stand, and another quarter of ones who actually matter. Drinking and having fun with that quarter wouldn't be bad, if the family wasn't around. Wine. Nothing stronger is encouraged. Music *he puts his finger in his mouth and pretends to gag* ghastly. The truly gorgeous people look gorgeous all the time. *his lips twitch* Add that in with the forced merriment, the awkward dancing, the superficial conversation, no. thank you. *he snorts a bit, rather wishing he had some wine at that moment actually. He smiled genuinely, not needing a reminder before he hmms, saying purposefully teasingly* Oh I'm sure your father will gift you the very best of dresses. Jane: *She tilts her head with amused consideration, hmming under her breath as he continues...and continues...and continues. Eyes staying locked on him through the recitation, she stifles a snort of laughter as he sticks his finger in his mouth (eyes following it, but was that her fault?). There's a breath, and then she looks back down, resuming running her finger along his collar bone. Her words were matter of fact--if disingenuous and teasing.* Do you know what, Malcolm, I think sometimes you have no fairytale in you at all....you can be so cynical. *Exasperatedly* Family is still family regardless how often you see them, and I don't actually get to see my whole family together often...people who are my friends I do more than tolerate, and those who aren't it's always fun to see what they think looks good on them. *Now tapping her thumb and forefinger against him to count as well* The music is classic, just because nothing stronger is encouraged, doesn't mean it's impossible to find, and I do look gorgeous all the time, but I still enjoy occasions to dress up in my finest and--*she draws her fingers up his neck to rest her thumb against his lips a moment* I actually have hard evidence you enjoy it too. *both eyebrows wiggle* And I wasn't talking about new dresses. *she leans in to kiss him just once, pulling away* But you knew that. Malcolm: Would it be completely cliche of me to say you're all the fairytale I need? *he wiggles his eyebrows, chuckling once as it became his turn to listen to her basically shutting down all of his reasons. How incredibly supportive she was, truly. He chuckled and shook his head. She made little sense-- why would he care about what people he didn't like wore? And the music might have been classic, but it was dreadful and nothing more than screeches against his eardrum. Though the next point made him laugh out once* Hard evidence. *his lips twitched in clear enjoyment before they kissed* Hmm, yes. Well, I do happen to have a gift that I think you'd want to wear but I don't know...*he sighs over-dramatically* It was meant for your birthday... Jane: *smile softening at the tease, she shook her head briefly* Cliché, perhaps, but not unwelcome. *beaming, she straightened up still against the side of the chair, excitement clear in her eyes as he continued* Oh do you? *His over-dramatic sigh made her chuckle, and promptly slide off the arm of the chair to sit on his lap instead* No, don't give it to me until then. *lips flick* I'll just sit here wondering in anticipation. Malcolm: *he grinned cheekily as she slid on to his lap, his arms going around her easily* You'll sit here until your birthday? Sweetheart, I don't think that's entirely plausible. Not only would you miss the ball, which would pain me oh so much, you know we are both incapable of sitting still for any long period of time. Jane: *she slides her own arm up to rest around him, the other hand still ever resting on his chest, chuckling just once under her breath but looking at him very seriously* Well Malcolm, I wouldn't want to cause you pain...*Her lips flick only a moment* And who said anything about sitting still? Malcolm: Really? *he wiggled his eyebrows before he teased* Doesn't that conflict directly with your sadistic nature? *his eyebrows popped up at her remark, laughing once and wrapping his arms around her tighter, leaning in to kiss her once* Naughty. *he kisses her again* Tad cheeky. *once more* Teasing as always. *he grinned wide, their noses barely touching* You play me like a harp, sometimes. Jane: *with her triumphant, cheeky laughter cut off against his mouth, she slides both arms around his neck and shoulders to meet each peck. Eyes fluttering open again, she shook her head, forehead still pressed to his* I have been known to enjoy the harp. *She kisses him* But only sometimes? I must be losing my touch... Malcolm: Rather ironic actually, I thought only angels played harps. *he grinned the moment before she kissed him, laughing once incredulously at her next remark* Or perhaps the strings have proven too...*he grins* stiff, to pull. *he shrugs, wiggling his eyebrows* Jane: *her lips part in a sly grin* Mm, but of course the devil is an angel...they just happened to succumb to temptation. *she traced her tongue against his bottom lip, before laughing in delight at his remark, pulling back to watch her hand drag lower, wiggling her eyebrow at him* Oh no, have they? I suppose I'll have to...relieve that tension, then. Malcolm: We've had this conversation before, love. *he grinned, though it turned into a smirk easily enough as she licked his bottom lip, his gaze falling to her hand as it slid farther down. With his eyes back on her own, he grins again, his hands gripping the fabric at her waist* then you'll find the harp singing out your name. Jane: *she nods absently; it's true, they had, and she was distracted enough by her own gestures and his hands gripping her to him. Her eyes flick up to his as her hand rests on the belt.* Will I? *she pops the belt open, eyes still locked on his with dark intent behind every word and gesture* With all the heavenly chorus behind it? *leaning forward to press her lips to his mouth hard while she undoes it, she stifles a moan against his lips as his hands squeeze, before breaking the kiss to slide off his lap and sink to her knees with an eyebrow wiggle* Well, that I simply must hear. Malcolm: *he licked his lips, his breath becoming heavier by the second, as he smirked and nodded, though right at that moment what wouldn't he agree to or promise? He kisses her back deeply, nipping at her bottom lip and then breathing deeply as she pulls away, reluctantly releasing his hold on her waist, his dark gaze following her descent* And will I be treated to a concert of your own? Jane: *Mms under her breath, her hands slipping down his sides, pulling his trousers down while she ponders, eyes lowered* I don't know...*her tongue traces her lower lip as she looks back up to him for a moment only, hands coming up to capture him, her eyebrow wiggling* I think my mouth--*she presses her lips, eager and hungry, together to run across the head teasingly, tongue flicking out against the crease before finishing her thought* --might be too busy... Malcolm: *he licks his bottom lip as he watches, thinking to himself that he had never seen a more alluring and arousing image before. He hisses in pleasure, his head hitting the back of his chair. His eyes never leave hers, though her next actions make it difficult to keep them open, and as her tongue flicked out, even more difficult to keep his hips still. She was saying something, and he was vaguely nodding to it, but he no longer cared for the words. He licked his lips again, lustful gaze on her, his breath heavy* Jane... Jane: *Hearing him suck in breath, she breathes in deep herself, intoxicated by the masculine scent and flush with pleasure in the power she clearly has in every move she makes. Resisting the urge to free a hand to reach under her own skirt, instead she softly teases her lips against the head once more before sliding slowly down his shaft until it hits the back of her throat. Mming in an agreement of sorts as he exhales her name, it vibrates around him while her hand squeezes his base. Sweet, salty, bitter, a confusion of flavors and smells, she loved the taste; she relished the feel of his smooth skin in her mouth. Her own eyes are shut, moving rhythmically, one hand sliding to his hip in an effort to keep him still, though with his shudder, she was grateful he was sitting down.* Malcolm: *he groans out softly, his eyes shutting close for a moment, hissing once more as her voice vibrates against his length, his hand grabbing the arm of the chair while another falls to her hair, moving her hair out of the way. He groaned again, the heat and pressure building with every stroke of her wet, warm mouth, every squeeze of her hand. He muttered a curse under his breath, before exhaling her name again* God, Jane. *his fingers tangled in her soft hair, following her head back and forth rather than guiding her. He was at her mercy, and he loved it.* Jane: *His mutters and curses provoke a small smile from her, delighted as she was, tilting her head to lick sweet, dripping, honey-like liquid and rubbing it against her bottom lip. Her hand tightening on his leg, massaging methodically to relieve the tautness barely beneath the skin. Instinctively, she knows he is close, and so she stills her motions, holding him in her mouth, sucking slowly and deliberately to elongate his pleasure--and all right, she thinks at the back of her hazy mind, perhaps he isn't wholly off when he calls her sadistic.* Malcolm: *Alright, he took that back, he hated it as much as he loved it. His groan this time comes out as elongated as her movements, his hands gripping her hair a little firmer without noticing, his breath coming in short pants as his hips rise forward a bit, seeking more friction in the heavenly cavern of her mouth. Breathlessly, in between his moans he spoke* Jane, I swear...*He didn't know what he was swearing, nor could he find the words as he drew in a breath and moaned again* Jane: *As his hands tightened and hips lifted, choking her a second, she nonetheless smirked against him, licking in a frenetic, staccato pattern while sliding her hands forward again to take him over, take him to where he was begging her to go, his sweet and salty sudden relief filling her mouth. She swallowed repeatedly, hurriedly, but there was no way to be quick enough, her throat moving reflexively as she pulled back to milk him dry. Rubbing the excess off her lips as she looks up at him, her breath short gasps, chest lifting and pressing against his thighs and the cushion of the chair. All the while she smirked at him, licking her finger tip and saying sweetly, will full evidence of her prowess and power over him* You're right, the music at the ball will be ghastly indeed if I don't hear an encore such as that. Malcolm: *He panted, his eyes closing shut again as she picked up the pace, his groaning growing louder until he stilled and came in her mouth in spurts, licking his lips again and breathing heavily as he watched her swallow. Alright, he had lied earlier as well, -this- image was the most alluring one he'd ever see. He didn't even care to be annoyed at her smirk, as his chest moved up and down, breathing more normally now. He cupped her cheek, thumb tracing her lush lips* Alright, you've convinced me. *he wiggles his eyebrows* You can have your gift. *He moved her backwards quickly, his hand keeping her from hitting her head on the floor as he pushed her on it. He kissed her once, their chests pressed against each other* Right after I get my concert. *he kissed down her neck and chest as his hands moved to slide her skirts and slip up.* Jane: *Holding her chin steady in his grasp, she looks up at him with fire in her eyes. Her lips flicked, forgetting what she was going to respond with as he pushed her down, a surprised squeal escaping her parted lips instead. Nodding against the carpet, hair spilling out of where he'd yanked the pins free onto the paisley pattern, she met his lips hard. Her hand lifted to his neck, tracing her thumb against the top of his spine, muttering teasingly as he began sliding down* In that case--*she cutoff in a gasp as he came to her chest, the buds their hard and throbbing* ..what concert pitch do you want? Treble clef or... Malcolm: *he grinned as she gasped, closing his mouth over her bud through the fabric of her dress, his fingers cupping her mound* I'll give you free reign on that, my love. *he continued to move downwards, reaching her legs, he kissed her thighs, spreading them further apart as his mouth continued his exploration, his tongue tracing circles further inwards, the pace slow and torturous* Jane: *hissing at the feel of his mouth, even through the fabric, she clenches her teeth together and swallows again. Her hips press against his fingers, straining for more friction against where she was already all wet heat. The slow pace making her moan his name and a colorful curse, she bit down on her bottom lip, hand sliding into his hair, allowing herself to succumb to the dizzying need before saying in a hasty, low exhale* Take any longer, and I won't have the breath to sing, love.  Malcolm: *He smirked against her skin, biting the flesh teasingly, so close to where she wanted to be touched. The teasing didn't last for long however, because he was eager to hear her sounds of enjoyment. Gripping her thighs, he licked her folds, delighted to find her already sopping with pleasure. He was more effective at holding her still, as he moved one arm to lay against her chest, he flicked her pleasure nub with his tongue* Jane: *She moans softly when he bites, marking the skin, marking as his, and tilts her head back to look at the ceiling as he finally touched his lips to her. Shuddering in gratification as his tongue probed her depths, but unable to move as his arm held her down, she called to mind the image she was presenting: back on the floor, legs spread, her silky skirt pushed away to expose her to his hungry mouth, one hand in his hair, the other laying against her own chest, absently teasing a ripe bud with her own fingers. The farthest thing from a proper lady she could imagine, yet she could not imagine anything the felt so right--certainly not anything that felt so good. Moaning under her breath, her delighted mewls skip beats as she has no breath to support them.* Malcolm: *feeling fingers brush against his own near her chest, he moves her hand away, pinching a hard nipple with his own fingers, teasing it and twisting as his lips closed over her pleasure, sucking on it, his tongue pressed and rubbing against it before relinquishing it in favor of circling her entrance, tasting her hot, wet desire, a taste that was so distinctively her that he was finding himself becoming stiff again. Moaning a moment, his hot breath hitting her directly, he entered her with his tongue* Jane: *A high-pitched gasp seizes in her throat as he twists the pebbled nipple between his fingers, swallowing air and breathlessly trying to lift up in vain against his mouth. He was too good at this, much too good, the build-up of him teasing and playing with her making her shake, a tear building in the corner of her eye, stars spinning behind her tightly pressed lids.* Bloody--Malcolm--*The hand he knocked away fists her skirt, lifting it further as if to aid in his penetration, imagining for a moment what it would be to have his tongue replaced with his stiff length, another shudder wracking her lithe body, heels sliding against the carpet to grasp around his shoulder blades instead. Still he moved slowly.* -Malcolm-, I need to--...I -need-... Malcolm: *A concert was what he wanted, and what a concert it was. He relished in every gasp, whimper and moan. The knowledge that he could do this to her acted like a high unlike any other. His name uttered from her mouth only spurred him on further. Hearing the urgency in her tone, he moved his tongue faster, before he removed it entirely and replaced it with a finger, his mouth moving instead to take her clit in his mouth, licking and sucking on it as he added another digit, curling his fingers in order to reach that certain spot that would have her toes curling* Jane: *Her breath shallow and coming in short pants as his bunched fingers thrust amd thrust and thrust inside her to brush that sensitive spot; stars popped behind her eyes, she yelped and seized, and the world was white. The tear leaking down her cheek as she came down, she grinned a feral, lazy smile down her exposed front at him. Her bodice open, still arched against his hand at her chest, ties and skirts haphazard around her and his messy hair, she shook her head at him. Her gaze soft and loving, hand brushing through his hair and wiping beads off his forehead, she licked her bottom lip seeing herself on his lips and nose. Her words quiet* God, Malcolm, I really do love you, you know that? *She hardly heard herself--for it was exactly how she felt right that moment and she didn't care if she'd never said it before; warm and full, she laid her head back down, hand in his hair tugging him up, tasting the mix of each other on their lips in a soft kiss* Malcolm: *He grinned lazily, removing his fingers and tasting them, licking his lips after much in the same way she had as she passed a hand through his hair once more. Her words made his grin soften genuinely, his gaze on her. He licked his lips, following her hand up once more, kissing her softly, holding himself up with an elbow. Leaning back, he brushed his nose against hers* I suspected. *he smiled again* But you know what? *he kissed her once more* I think I love you a little more. *he smiled* Just a tad. Jane: *Breathing still hard as she looks up at him, her chest brushing against his clothed one, the fabric brushing the ripe little buds and making her murmur as she calms her breathing down. Her gaze equally softening, she grinned up at him lazy still* Do you? A tad? *She hadn't imagined how it would feel to hear him repeat those words to her, but now she felt light and airy, filled with delight and warmth as readily as if she were a balloon, and she chuckled, breath still against his lips as she teased, cheeks flushed* ...and my present is? *her hand brushed down his chest from his neck, playfully* Come on, wasn't it a good aria or two? Where's my standing ovation? Malcolm: Hmm *he nodded, a smile still on his lips as he traced the line of her cheek and jaw with his thumb. He was surprised by how easy it was to say it, and how right it felt. With Jane there was just something he couldn't name, something that was a part of him. She made him feel...whole. Chuckling at her question, he shook his head, looking at her in adoration and only slight disbelief; he knew Jane well* You performance was outstanding, naturally. *he kissed her once* It'll be hard to stand with my trousers around my ankles though. *he grinned* Jane: *her breathing softer now, quieter, she looked up at him still with equal affection in her gaze despite her teasing remarks. It hadn't hit home what they said, for honestly, it felt the most normal thing in the world to repeat. Grinning wider at his compliment, she nodded, meeting his lips and echoing in her own lavish praise* As was yours. *her gaze darts down and she laughs as he continues, reaching to push him off her, over and kneeling over him as she leans down to pull the trousers back up, re-lacing them, muttering teasingly, still playful* Oh I have to do everything for you... Malcolm: *He chuckles as she pushes him back, grinning and shaking his head, though he does enjoy the sight. He wiggles his eyebrows and then laughs quietly* Not entirely. Besides, I help. *he reaches forward and laces her bodice up for her and then when both bodice and trousers were laced up he stood up, extending his hands to help her stand, grinning* Do you want your gift or not, m'lady? Jane: *Careful to chuckle only shallowly, to insure she didn't make tying her up again difficult, she let him help her stand and then brushed down her skirt as it fell back around her, grinning up at him* Must you keep teasing me with that, my love? I don't want to have nothing to open on my actual birthday, *she reaches up to fix his collar again, brushing hair out of his eyes, lips twitching* But I would never turn down a present. Particularly not one offered so sweetly by you. Malcolm: Oh don't worry about that, you'll have more to open. *grins* Let it be known that I did inherit the Stuart tendency to spoil. I know how you hate receiving gifts, but you'll just have to bear with me. *he lets go of her hands but keeps them outstretched as a slender square deep red velvet box floats to his hands, which inside sits this having already accio'ed it from his room and then holds it up for her* Happy early birthday. Jane: Oh, *primly and chuckling under her breath* and I do hate receiving gifts, absolutely...*the obvious sarcasm only makes her smile, before she drops her hands as he does, tying her fingers together and breathing out, trying to stay steady on her feet despite her extremely unsteady knees and remaining feeling of absolute satisfaction filling her with a bone-deep sort of pleasant tiredness. Excitedly looking at the box as it approaches, she goes very still as he opens it, mouth dropping halfway open. Her eyes locked on the diamonds, she breathes out his name again* Malcolm...*Her hand covers her lips, then goes to caress the precious stones inside the velvet, beaming, saying as primly as before* I think I can make an exception in this case. *she grins* I love it...truly. *she goes on her toes and kisses him* Absolutely love it. Malcolm: *he grins widely as she sees her reaction, pleased beyond measure to see her face light up, take in her shocked expression. He chuckles at her initial words before he kisses her back, smiling* I'm glad. It's not every day you turn 18, after all. *his lips twitch before he teases* Though, that day has yet to arrive. *he kisses once more, sighing afterwards* You know what this means though, right? Jane: I can't believe I'm going to be eighteen, honestly. *grinning as she continues looking at the diamonds, she shakes her head briefly before flicking her gaze at him* No..what's wrong? *her eyes narrow a bit in her concern, hand coming back to rest on her own neck* Malcolm: *he chuckles, mmhing under his breath as she asks what's wrong. Funny she should worry, for though his next words were meant to be a joke, there was certainly an element of danger there* I don't have any more excuses to keep me from talking to your father. *he grins, wiggling his eyebrows as he teases* Do you think he'll be merciful, or should I wait for the excitement of Kitty's engagement to die down a bit? Jane: *her mouth stays half open for a second, before her grin flicks wider honestly hearing he intended to speak with her father. Her hand coming up to caress his cheek=, lips only twitching wider at the reminder her sister was getting married, she waited a second and said lightly* I...guess it depends what you're going to say to him. For one thing, I'm certain Mother already knows, so if she's there...*her lips flick teasingly and yet half honestly as well* ...but regardless, he'll appreciate you going to face him instead of...*her lips flick* well, sneaking around with me. Malcolm: *he snorts, saying sarcastically* Well, obviously I'm going to tell him I've been sneaking around with his daughter and bringing her to the point of ecstasy and back. *he nods before he laughs once* No, those would not be my choice last words, because I would find myself with a sword through my chest. *his lips twitch as he keeps smiling and sighs, nodding* Right. Actually, having your mother there might be a good idea. She's kept him from murder before, right? *he nodded* Talk to Eli for advice too. Jane: *in a tiny sheepish chuckle as she whacks his arm again, she shakes her head* Right, yeah, I think I'd kill you myself if you did that. *her eyebrows both wiggle, and then says in a passing benign voice* ..though uh...speaking of that, can we perhaps sit? *she gestures to the chair, moving right on in determination with a grin still* Few times by now, I think. And Eli...well he always brought her flowers...*she ponders, toying with her bottom lip* Do you want -me- to be there? If he sees how happy I am... Malcolm: That too. *Of that he had no doubt actually; he certainly wouldn't want to invoke Jane's wrath. At least not a wrath he couldn't turn into lust. He grins, closing the box in his hands and giving it to her to hold, the necklace was hers now after all, and he led her to the chair again, sitting her across his lap comfortably* Maybe a bit late for flowers. *he pauses at her suggestion, considering it for a moment. Did he want her there? There wasn't an overwhelming need of him to say 'no', at least.* Maybe, but then I risk the chance of him thinking I fear him. *he tilts his head* Which is mostly true, but I don't need to give him evidence. Jane: *A bit grateful as they sit down, despite the fact she wasn't going to say it, she slides to rest against him, tucking her head beneath his chin and breathing in deep. Glad he would talk to her father, she was not without compassion for the task, knowing it was aggravatingly all too likely that it wouldn't matter what Malcolm said. That because of his mother being Adelina her father's mind would be made up before he said a word, however suddenly silly to her that sounded. Her fist tightened on his shirt. Then at his words, she chuckled under her breath.* True. Though it can't hurt for him to know you respect his strength and abilities either. *she reached up to brush his hair again, saying softly* I'll still be here whatever happens. My father, whatever he wishes as fathers are prone to be protective, does not rule my heart.
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fycourtera · 13 years
{chapter nine: 1} jane & malcolm
Jane: *Officially she had been bringing Leah something "she forgot" even though the servants had packed her in an hour flat and would never be so careless. (It was a scarf. She thought it was funny. Leah had agreed even if she hadn't said so; the eye roll said it, obviously). Course she had darted away from Leah when her sister went to visit Derrick to start receiving her orders and had no intention of returning home yet. When she spotted Malcolm, a smile flicked instinctively even though he looked a bit disgruntled, and she crossed the corridor to come up beside him and instantly laced her fingers with his before he spotted her, keeping her words uncharacteristically quiet* Morning. What is it? Malcolm: *walking around a bit aimlessly, he's mostly just thinking to himself upon the oddest of interactions he had experienced last night when he had went into town. He still didn't know what to make of it, he was still rather put off by it, confused. He was so immersed in his thoughts he hadn't even noticed Jane until she slipped her fingers through his and situated herself at his side. Lips twitching briefly as she cut to the chase, he teased* What? No good morning kiss before the interrogation? Jane: *Unable to let out a small breath of relief as he smiles back, she knew he was still deep in thought over something, but it was nice to see him smile. Chuckling as she exhales she says sweetly* In the public corridor where any number of people may walk by? *She waits a pointed moment. Then she goes on her toes and kisses him, a sweet bare touch of lips to lips, before settling back down, grinning at him and repeating instantly* What is it? Malcolm: *he just grins at her question, eyebrows raised as he waits, kissing her back for that small, little moment that her lips had actually made contact with his and then he chuckles, squeezing her fingers tighter before he releases them and offers her his arm instead* We're at court, m'lady, please. *wiggles his eyebrows and waits until she takes his arm before he starts to answer* I met the...strangest woman at the market yesterday. I was running an errand for my father regarding the business and this woman just came up and like...attacked me with hugs. Jane: *lips flicking a momentary playful pout as he released her, she eyed his arm before nodding. Her words were sweet and wry as she tucked her hand around it* Of course. We must behave properly, my lord. *Her walking slowed as he answered her question, now sharing his confusion. She blinked once up at him, asking hesitantly* One of the peasants? ...Did she say why? What was her name? Malcolm: Propriety is what I strive for, naturally. *he grins, amused at his own joking before he turned towards the less lighthearted topic of conversation* I think she was just passing through...and she was a bit too busy rejoicing about my being alive to really tell me her name. *his brows furrow* That's what she kept saying "it's you! It must be you! You're alive!" *he shakes his head slowly, still put off as he recounts the story* Jane: Publicly. *she'd said so instantly, batting her eyelashes at him, and scooting a little closer as he continued explaining. Brow popped up, she said first steadily--almost needing the joke to calm her* Well, I do praise God every morning for your being alive you know--nothing odd there. *pause, with a playfully jealous look* Though I thought I was the only woman who had cause to do so, sweetheart. *she waits a moment, confused, brows still furrowed and adds more seriously* ...maybe she thought you were...someone else? Malcolm: Indubitably. *he winks once, before moving on, his smile returning to his face for a mere moment as she teases him* Do you? I did know about you calling out to God sometimes when we're together but *smirks briefly, cocking his head to one side before he sighs, pursing his lips together briefly* She used my name. When I tried to tell her she had me mistaken, she said "no no, you're Malcolm...." *he hesitates for a moment before he looks at her* She mentioned my mother. *he clarifies* Deborah, I mean. Jane: *an incredulous exhale leaving her lips she whacks his shoulder with the back of her hand. She shook her head once, teasing back* That's different. In that case I'm begging for mercy and *voice a little lower* you're tormenting me, and I would be more than happy if you ceased being alive. *she winks at him and then blinks suddenly, coming to a halt as she heard him and moving closer in surprise* ....oh. ...well. *she casts her gaze around a moment before looking back up at him* ...didn't Adelina...cure you when you were younger? If she knew Deborah...and what happened, then she might have thought you...*she trailed off. She could say it in jest, but this was too serious a thought--the reality of his survival actually...did make her want to throw her arms around him and hold him, never let him go again. She waited a second, lacing her fingers in his other hand and asking hesitantly* ...do you want to...ask, her about Deborah? Malcolm: *his grin remains as she whacks his shoulder, chuckling and then wiggling his eyebrows again* Oh, that's the difference then. *lips twitch before he comes to a stop with her, nodding* Right, I know the story...*bites his bottom lip* She said I had my more of my mom's coloring and her hair but she only saw my father in my eyes...but she was pulled away by her son, or maybe it was grandson, before she could really say anything else but...*sighs* I don't know, how could she know my father? Unless she knew of their affair or...*he clears his throat, shaking his head* I've never asked much about Deborah before. I just can't...shake the occurrence from my mind. Jane: *had nodded at first, still holding herself purposefully closer to him.She let him half explain, have puzzle aloud, eyes locked on his. It was strange-- she didn't think she saw George in his eyes, but then she hadn't ever sat around gazing at George's features obviously. Shrugging a shoulder, she frowned in agreement.* I don't know how she could have...that is odd. Maybe she saw them together or..something. Or helped Deborah cover. *Despite the fact she knew she was logically against adultery-certainly in the case of someone mistreating her)-considering she too was born of an illicit encounter, she never had an issue discussing it calmly. It was something she and Malcolm both could understand--supporting and loving their parents, yet acknowledging the 'wrongness' in the behavior. Not a very easy needle to thread. Her brow furrowing, before she looks back up and nods at his last remark, saying softer* ...well, you don't have to shake it. You...could always ask your father? *she nods, knowing he had not and then says gently* I'm sure your mother won't be insulted or mind--it's natural for you to want to know. Malcolm: Maybe...*he pursed his lips together. Not only could he nor shake off the meeting, he couldnt shake the feeling that he was missing something.* I should have stopped her, asked her...something. I just stood there like a child. *he shook his head silently* Father has more important things to worry  about. Besides I can tell he....it's a difficult topic for him. Jane: *she tilts her head at his silent head shake, saddened by the look of hopeless confusion on his face. Brow flicking, she lifted their joined hands to kiss his palm, trying to offer some support--and damn them being in public.* That's understandable. You 'should' not have done anything, Malcolm, you could have--but you don't know, she may have not said anything or darted off or lied--you'll drive yourself insane wondering, and you didn't do anything wrong. *licking her dry bottom lip hesitantly before saying softer* And I can understand why it would be but...George is your father. He loves you. And you have a right to know and ask if you want to. Malcolm: *a small smile flicks upwards as she kisses her hand, squeezing her hand and then sighing as he nods. She was right, he couldn't torment himself with what ifs and maybes. So he had to put or from his mind. Or find out the truth* I don't know. I don't even know what I'd want...to ask. I guess I've...always wondered why Deborah left if she loved my father...but if she hadn't, mum and dad might not have gotten together. And I don't wanna hurt my mum's feelings. *purses his lips together* Jane: His small smile heartened her once more; she always loved his smile. And perhaps a bit more when she was the cause of it. The fact that he listened to her advice cause of it. The fact that he listened to her advice caused a small smile on her own, even as she rested their entwined hands on his arm.* That sounds like a fair question. *eyes soften as she looks at him, shaking her head* You won't. Adelina is your mother--she knows you love her as such. *gentle* Just the fact you'd consider not asking alone...it speaks wonders. But Adelina wants what is best for you beyond anything--if you want to ask, I think you should. Whenever you're ready. *lips flick* And well maybe they might not have gotten together if so--they got together, and they took care of you. That's what matters. Malcolm: *he nods, still not entirely determined on what he was going to do next. He was curious, about Deborah, about that woman, about how his father felt in regards to his birth mother in the first place. He had never been too curious, but now he couldn't help himself wondering* I'll think on it more later. Now, well, I have a beautiful girl on my arm don't I? *grins. And what was this about praising my existence? Jane: *nodding in soft agreement, she let the subject drop instantly, realizing he did not want to think about it anymore. Chuckling in a sudden wide grin as he continued, she freed a hand to tuck hair behind her ears coyly still batting her eyes* Oh, hm. As I praise Him for the health and safety of my sisters, my brothers, my father, my mother, my aunts, my uncles, for Aubrey...*lips twitching teasingly* Was that what you meant? *tiny correction with a smile* And it's beautiful lady...not girl. *wink* Malcolm: *shaking his head 'displeased' he turns his nose up, sniffing once* No, let's go back to me. These are too many people. *he nods once and then grins softly* oh my lady I humbly apologize. How can I ever make it up to you? *smirks* Jane: *laughing, finding his little haughty sniff adorable, and shakes her head* So I should only pray for you, not my family? *popping an eyebrow at his apology and her lips flick* ...I'll let you know. *winks* If you're saying you owe me... Malcolm: No, you should *tell* me that you only pray for me. Darling, surely you must know how to play the game by now *teasing her and then he laughs* Oh, I might just regret that. *grins and then looks around before pulling her into a "proper" kiss, pulling away only when he needed to breathe* ...for future reference, that'd make a great good morning kiss from you. *winks* Jane: *laughing and throws her hand out* Yes but when I do that you say I'm manipulative! There's just no winning with you sometimes. *pulling her lip down with her free hand she simply winks and says sweetly* Regret making me happy? Why that would be rude of you, sweetheart. *getting pulled in to kiss back and her noise of protest is muffled against his lips, meeting them and then just shaking her head, sliding her arms around his neck* Noted, my love.
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fycourtera · 13 years
{chapter three: 2} jane & malcolm
Malcolm: *watching Leah, Alysa and Rosalind jump on George near simultaneously a few hundred feet off; chuckling as he sees Liam's face* You can jump on me if you feel left out. Liam: *rolls eyes embarrassed* I do not-- Jane: *amusedly, primly sitting down, saying lightly* Well now there's a new request...your brother, dear? Liam: *promptly shuts his mouth* Malcolm: Must you really comment on everything? Jane: Yes. *resolutely* Are you saying you don't listen to me? I thought you enjoyed my...comments. Malcolm: *grin* We've already established that answer. Liam: *is about to say he's going over to his sisters/father/Leah when he realizes they aren't listening to him anyways, waves his hand and just goes* Jane: *hops out of the chair to stand in front of him as she asks* Do you think I really believe you don't? Malcolm: *purposefully silent shrug* Jane: *pouts a moment* You have to translate *shrugs*. See, I know this shrug--*shrugs slightly differently*--and this one.. *shrugs again,* and one of these days I'll get them all, I promise. Malcolm: *laugh* This shrug--*shrugs* is the I'm not admitting I'm wrong but you're not right either, shrug.  Jane: *eyebrow arches in her small grin* I think that's a silent admission I am right though. *pause* Or I could imagine it means an entirely different...*pauuuse* ...oh thank you Malcolm, you really are too kind. Really, you don't need to say that.... Malcolm: *lips twitch a moment, raising his eyebrows* ...you're welcome? And in your fantasy world what exactly did I say? Jane: *lips twitch a moment as she looks at him and then teasingly, exaggeratedly, simply shrugs* Malcolm: *grins widely, chuckling under his breath as he rolls his eyes* You-c'mere-*wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her to him, spinning her around* Jane: *exclaims in short delighted surprise, arms instinctively going around his neck--as she spins she insures his family is far enough away--and chuckles in pure happiness as she looks back at him* Hello. *lips twitch* Malcolm: *grins widely, stopping but not letting her down just yet* Hi. It's not fair you know. *tilts his head* Using my own techniques against me. Jane: *grin widens* I never claimed to play fair. *teasingly, holding herself up against him* I'd say that means you could use my techniques but I don't know, pouting and lowering your neckline doesn't have the same effect. Malcolm: *chuckles* I suppose it's for the best, very boring otherwise. *nodding to himself before laughing, pursing his lips as he considers* No, not really. I'll have to adjust it a bit--*makes sure he has her secure in one arm before bringing the other one up to his chest and popping off the first couple of buttons, wrapping his arm around her waist again and then looking at her with a soft puppy-dog stare that he's partially mocking her with* Any good? Jane: *licks her lips expectantly as her gaze darts down to his chest, chuckling with a distinct noise of appreciation, meeting his eyes again and tilting her head with a little smirk* I don't know. I don't think I ever look so desperate... Malcolm: *smirks in satisfaction as he hears her little noise, pleased before he laughs, biting on his bottom lip, mmhing, wiggling his eyebrows* Are you quite sure about that? *raises his eyebrows* Jane: *wrinkles her nose as she slips her hands around his neck still, tilting her head* God I hope I don't look that pathetic. *lips twitch* Are you calling me desperate sweetie? Malcolm: *laughs, lips twitching and then shakes his head "innocently", grazing his nose against hers for a brief moment* No such thing. Are you calling me pathetic? *arches eyebrows* Jane: *her lips flick upwards, chuckling, her exhale crossing his lips* That depends. Are you going to punish me if I say yes? *looks down between them as she deliberates* Because in most cases, no, but in that case...*looks back up at him* Yes, love you are pathetic. Malcolm: *smirks for a moment, licking his lips before he mutters* I'd be tempted...*grins wickedly before he smirks again* Well. In that case. *lets her go, taking her arms from around his neck and dropping them before winking and turning around, walking away* Punishment has begun. Jane: *blinks in surprise as he lets her down and she promptly crosses her arms, disgruntled as he walks away--promptly eying him before calling after him* ...I don't chase, you know. *screws her face up in annoyance, before relaxing, sitting down pointedly and ignoring the fact he got her, fishing a book from her pocket and settling it open to a purely random page, lifting it up to mostly conceal her face and eying over it still watching him* Malcolm: *laughs in amusement, calling back without actually looking* Because you can't run to save your life, darling. *lips twitch and then plops down on a couch on the opposite side of the room, accio'ing a book to him and putting his feet up on the coffee table, opening the book and reading* Jane: *exhales, muttering* Maybe not to save my life, but I could still catch you if I wanted too. *nodding resolutely to herself, eyes back on her book--turning to the proper page, stealing another glance at him before promptly lowering her book and going back to reading it, simultaneously rubbing her neck with a delicate hand, toying with her necklace and then lowering, playing 'idly' with the strings of her own bodice, loosening them gradually and very slowly, a tiny grin back on her face though she yet looks at her book* Malcolm: *lips twitch into an amused smirk at her muttered comment, grinning but not saying much else. Looking up from his book, annoyed that he seemed to have picked one up on herbal healing, something he simply didn't care for, his eyes tracing the movement of her hands, lips pursed as he shakes his head, thinking her vastly unfair before raising the book once more, if only to block the sight, otherwise he knew he would no doubt lose his own game* Jane: *casting her eyes nonchalantly over the top of her book, she screws them up to peer for a moment and then blinks in surprise and amusement at the title, commenting idly even as she continues playing with her necklace* When did you start being so interested in plants? *lips flick* Taking after your mother, dear? Malcolm: *deliberately taking his time looking up from the book, his gaze flicks to her hand on the necklace before moving to her eyes* This? Oh just a bit of light reading is all, to pass the time. Really quite fascinating. *turning a page, looking back down at the book to avoid his gaze wandering again* What about your novel? Ending changed since the last time you read it? *lips twitch* Jane: *lightly, now smirking slightly as she follows her eyes as she mhms* Apparently. So fascinating you can't keep your eyes on the page...*tilts her head, pinky extended as she holds her necklace out a bit* Deep in thought, sweetheart? *winks and looks back at her book too, chuckling* I can't remember who the killer is...so yes, maybe. Malcolm: *lips twitch at her comment, pursing his lips as he looks back up and keeps his gaze at her eyes pointedly* Sweetie? *waits until she looks back up at him from her book* You're the devil. Though you should know. Jane: *takes a moment to look up, lips twitching and she chuckles at his words, nodding absently* I know, dear. *grin flicks* Why, am I tempting you? *uncrossing her legs beneath her skirt, as she reaches for her wand and promptly conjures an apple, going to toss it to him* That what you wanted? Malcolm: No, tempting would mean it was working...*lips twitch as she conjures an apple, catching it and then taking a bite out of it, licking the juice off his lips before grinning* Thank you, Lucifer. *takes a bite* Jane: *her own gaze drops a moment as he licks his lips before meeting his eyes again, her heart skipping a beat a moment though her words remain calm* If I'm Lucifer...does that make you Eve, dear? *smirk flips* Malcolm: *smirks a bit, can't help but to be a little amused, not in the least bit embarrassed as he takes another bite* I suppose if we're continuing with the analogy...that means I need an Adam to corrupt with me though. Jane: *her lips purse as her eyes narrow--annoyed only a moment before clearing her throat, untying another strand of her bodice and asking calmly* Should I call your brother back then? *pause and looks back up* And so help me if you mention Valerie. Malcolm: *finishes up the apple, vanishing the core with the wave of his wand and then licking his fingers clean of the juice, and then grinning in amusement* I wasn't going to. But now that you mention her, *lips twitch and then looks back down at the book, turning a page* She does look like the type in need corruption. Do you think I should offer her an apple? Jane: *flicking her nose irritably and looking back at her book--lifting it pointedly and not saying a word for several extended moments before saying sweetly* I think if you ever want my apples again you should refrain. *lifts her eyes over her books* Or I suppose to do the analogy properly--if you ever want me to lick your apple again, then no. Malcolm: *laughs genuinely, closing the book and setting it aside, standing up and walking back to her, taking her own book away, all but prying it from her fingers and then leaning down close to her, resting his hands on the armrests* Do you know how adorable you are when you're jealous? Jane: *tightening her grip on the book and smirking slightly as he gets up, she still pouts as he takes her book and lays her hands on her lap, not turning her head so he's speaking in her ear. Her lips flick and she shakes her head very slightly* No. How adorable am I? Tell me. Malcolm: *lips twitching, he leans closer to her ear so that his lips brush against the skin as he speaks* Enough to make me forget your punishment...but see, then I remember it's all part of your cleverly calculated act, now I'm back at wanting to punish you, only this time with very little willpower because what I want to do above all else is kiss that little pout away. *licks his lips, the tip of his tongue tracing the edge of her ear* And it's all your fault. That's why you're the devil. A devil with cute bunny teeth. Jane: *her eye shut as his hot breath hits her ear, her grin widening in pleasure with his words, very softly shivering. She nods absently, going still as he licks the tip of her ear, hmming and then her eyes open in sudden surprise, amused* Bunny teeth? *tiny laugh as she turns to look at him, murmuring* How flattering, love. *purposefully pouting as she looks at him, wiggling an eyebrow before hissing* What are you still waiting for? I have been very naughty...
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