chronicbeans · 6 months
Games that have Aesthetics that make me wanna go "YIPPEE"
(Aka: I see these games and wanna spend an hour talking about the atmosphere and such)
Anatomy by Kitty Horrorshow
The Heilwald Loophole by Jamathan
Kitty Kart 64 by SnugBoat11
John Doe/House Hunted by Scopophobia Studios
Who Wants to be a Murderer? by Coding4rtist
This list is probably going to be expanded as I find more lol
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pixelsss · 2 months
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The environmental aesthetic in Jan's games cannot be beat
I cant get over how just-...at home it makes me feel:)))
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24meiocardia · 14 days
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✶Lost in the Backrooms – a short psychological horror game based on the popular creepypasta. Story throws you into the Backrooms, eerily familiar places and endless labyrinth of empty rooms designed to lure you deeper into this mysterious space.
Your task is to find the exit using the clues left on the tape recordings, fuzzy voice warns about a creature wandering among these walls, despite all dread you still have hope of getting out here.
Game was created for the Haunted PS1 Summer-Spooks Gamejam in a matter of 30 days.
🔗itch.io site #recommendation g.ep10
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thecuddlymuffintop · 11 months
Tonight, at 7 pm CDT, I will be streaming Jamathan 's The Heilwald Loophole over on my YouTube channel for Day 20 of my Spooktober Event.
Feel free to join with the above link.
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jamathan · 1 year
I'm Jamathan, indie game developer from germany. I got into game dev over ten years ago and I'm still going strong - here is some of my best work:
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BETON BRUTAL is a first person parkour game set in an overgrown concrete tower where the only goal is to reach the top as fast as possible. There are no checkpoints however so you better not fall!
BETON BRUTAL was very well received so I even made a level editor and a DLC for it:
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The Heilwald Loophole
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The Heilwald Loophole is a spin on the classic survival horror trope of being trapped in a hospital with psychotic staff that is trying their hardest to kill the player. In this game however, getting caught is a core gameplay element. The game consists out of many different narrative branches that must be explored by getting caught in different situations. This is an example of the average Heilwald Klinikum nurse:
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Trials of Argolis
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Trials of Argolis is a first person meele combat bossrush set in ancient greece. The combat is heavily inspired by Sekiro, which is one of my favourite games. It's really not the best feeling thing in the world in hindsight but it's still a project I'm quite proud of.
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slaymiedrysdale · 8 months
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Hello jamathan
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kaemelo · 6 months
Jamathan released Beton B-Day, and I composed two exclusive songs for it! Go listen please :eyes::eyes::eyes::eyes::eyes:
Bandcamp : https://khamelot.bandcamp.com/album/beton-b-day
Youtube : https://youtube.com/@Khamelot
Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/khamelot Beton Brutal steam page here!!
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rindomness · 2 years
assassin fic karkat assassin fic karkat!
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i drew one version, decided that i would be the only person who would ever see it ever, and drew another one and almost cowarded out again are you happy now jamathan @jam-blue dearly beloathed
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htmlerror · 3 years
‘Winced’ for Tiff (maybe with Bruce?)
Raspberry and Strawberry enjoyed their outside time. Ignoring the rest of the shithole her life came close to becoming, she could be thankful the rabbits were happy. Strawberry hopped over and Tiff pet her silky coal black ears as Raspberry zoomed over with a mouthful of flowers Tiff would have gotten chewed out by Alfred any other day for letting her get at. But not today. With the way everyone was walking on eggshells around her, she doubted even a tirade against the evils of the one percent could garner much beyond a sympathetic frown.
She pretended to ignore the sound of the kitchen door opening behind her, instead facing north towards the goldening treeline. Strawberry flopped into her lap and she listened hard. It was hard to be here, sometimes. Back at home she knew the sounds of everyone’s footsteps. She knew her mom's and dad’s by heart and by their creaking floorboards the exact moment when she had to put on the mask of the daughter they wanted her to be. It wasn’t like that with the Waynes (with her new family, but she wasn’t ready to take on the name in earnest. Maybe she never would be). Their footfalls were as soundless as the fog over her campus football field. But today was different. She heard the thump of two feet and a walking cane on the sun-soaked grass and knew who was joining her.
“Hello, Tiff,” Bruce said to her in a voice that rode away in the breeze as he spoke. “I’ve hardly seen you today.” Slowly, not bothering to hide the grunt he normally would, he lowered himself to the ground and looked off in the same direction as her. The message couldn’t have been more obvious slapped across her face. He was letting himself hurt in front of her to say it was alright for her to do the same.
“I’m not in the mood for company,” she pointedly did not snap back, fingers occupying themselves with the skirt of her watermelon sundress. He just hummed in response and let his eyes shut against the north wind. She shot him a scowl she didn’t doubt he would somehow see and turned her attention back to the bunny she held. Raspberry sniffed at her for the attention his sister was getting. “That means you can leave.”
He opened his eyes and looked at her. There was some hint of something she thought she might recognize from the mirror. Some sort of fire that burned with passion and anger at the injustice of the world and drove them to seek change. A part of her wanted to shrink back from his gaze, the same one her mother had always had when she decided Tiff was being untruthful. Her nerves steeled no matter how loud she screamed internally that Bruce wasn’t her mother, her father, or anyone else she had grown to detest. He hummed again and looked back towards the horizon. “I won’t try to force you, but I am here for you if you want to talk about it. I know how badly anniversaries can make you feel.”
“You don’t,” went unspoken between them. There was no point when he already knew that. Bruce had his demons and she had hers. But some selfish part of her begged to believe him, even if he couldn’t fix things with a wave of his hand the way she’d always seen the extravagantly rich do in movies. Maybe, the frightened little girl in need of a father told her, listening is what you need someone to do.
She could feel the turmoil, the months of hurt and fear of rejection, the long nights spent awake crying for parents who no longer wanted her, who swore to love her forever and broke their promise the moment she dared be something they didn’t want, all bubbling up inside her. It was like a stone resting in her throat, too large an obstruction to swallow but too cumbersome to let spill out in words. “Thank you,” she rhasped, not sure when her voice had gone hoarse or her vision cloudy with tears. She felt him looking over and likely yearning to give her one of those bear hugs her siblings swore made everything better. But she wasn’t ready, and he respected that. He respected her, and shit, he loved her too much to leave her wanting to scream and crawl out of her skin. Tiff almost felt ready to be loved again, but not to be held like the child she longed to still be.
As the light of the evening star twinkled to life, he sat there with her, even vigilant of whatever she may need. One day, she supposed, he would find a reason to leave, too, but for now she could almost let herself feel safe.
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readymades2002 · 5 years
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cryptid sighting
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tag-that-oc · 3 years
Ship names for Jonathan and Jammie?
jonammie or jamathan :3
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pixelsss · 1 month
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Found this picture of Joe on Jan's Twitter (or X, whatever) account
I am laughing myself to tears for absolutely no reason PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME WHY ITS FUNNY😭
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pixelsss · 4 months
The absolute perfection of this game, though... AND the fact that the dev got inspired to create it based off a dream he had?
But like- just the whole concept of being stuck in a hospital with creepy deranged staff is insane, and i can NOT stop obsessing. HOW IS IT SO UNDERRATED?! The fact that there's so much lore, (that i definitely didn't fill three big pages front to back in my notebook with...) and like the backstory of the whole place and each and every character is INSANE. like there isnt a single "background character", (unless you count some of the patients) they all have their own personalities and such. SO much work went into this, and it is CRIMINALLY underrated for the amount of time and effort put into it.
also heres a picture of joseph cause idk i feel like i rambled so heres your reward for reading my rant.
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rindomness · 2 years
i have so much tazposting ready to go but i must Wait for my dear friend jamathan blue to listen to balance. that being said i am still thinking about the spiritfarer-balance crossover jam briefly and unintentionally suggested
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rindomness · 1 year
akira core….
hi jamathan wheatleylover blue
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