#james kirk fic
a-most-beloved-fool · 14 days
AOS Kirk, drunk: Hey Uhura... Spock takes good care of you, yeah? He treats you right?
Uhura, who isn't dating Spock anymore but does Not want to flirt with Jim Kirk: Yes. He does.
Kirk, wistfully: I'll bet he does. He seems like the type to really know how to treat a person. He's caring, y'know? You're lucky. Lucky. *he trails off into drunken mumbling*
Uhura, who is rapidly coming to a realization: ???
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spirk-trek · 18 days
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Nightvisions Fanzine & Novel | Merle Decker, Signe Landon (1979)
Nightvisions, by Susan K. James and Carol A. Frisbie, is one of the first standalone k/s novels published in a zine. It can be read in full here!
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who-dat-homeless · 4 months
I do love fic plots where spock hesitates to share his feelings towards kirk, be it for spock thinking kirk isn't into men or kirk specifically not into him but I think that some fic authors miss on another juicy angsty, and imo a very mature reason:
wouldn't kirk's feelings fade the next week as soon as they finally confess their feelings toward each other?
I mean look at this from spock's perspective - kirk (looks like) the most emotional, ever changing, ever growing, ever risking human he's ever seen. On top of that Spock sees how Kirk every now and then meets another woman, falls in love with her head over heals, vows that she's the one, she's everything he ever wanted, he has puppy eyes when looking at her, and then mourns their separation like he mourns a child death.
but then like
day or two and he won't even remember her name
and needless to remind but spock has a lot of problems with self worth, and as mccoy himself pointed out he's not even afraid to die. Spock called himself disposable.
And just imagine already thinking that no one will remember you if you disappear one day and then have burning feelings towards a man who can not remember even a name of a woman he had as a wife.
Does the prospect of having even a week of wonderful situationship outweighs the pain that would come after when the man he loves will move on with his life?
(and i mean we all know that spock is actually kirk's one and only and that kirk will love him till the day he dies, but I think it's a worthy worry from Spock's part and it would've been cool to explore it. maybe one day I'll write a fic but for now I'm under the weight of my exams eh...)
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papanowo · 1 year
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yall ever forget which cast youre supposed to be imagining when reading a fanfic
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theawesometomboy101 · 24 days
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wwillywonka · 2 months
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muirmarie · 1 month
tos mcspirk pre-relationship - thinking about mccoy having to beam down to go help save kirk's life, and he's informed right before he leaves that the planet kirk's currently bleeding out on (that is only allowing one doctor to beam down to) doesn't allow any adornments, so right before mccoy steps onto the transporter pad he takes his ring off (for the first time spock's ever seen) and he grabs spock's hand, and slides it onto his finger, and says, "hold onto this for me, will you?"
and spock doesn't generally fidget, but the entire time mccoy and kirk are gone he finds his fingers returning to the ring, and spinning it around his finger, and it's almost like a talisman, because mccoy never takes it off, so it's almost like it's a part of mccoy, and as long as spock can touch it then mccoy must be all right, and if mccoy is all right then spock knows - knows - that the good doctor will keep kirk alive, too.
and eventually the original landing party + bonus mccoy beam back up, and mccoy rushes kirk into surgery, and spock stays on the bridge handling the diplomatic fallout, twisting the ring around his finger again and again and again
and it's not until mccoy calls spock down to sickbay in time to see kirk's eyes slowly blink back open, alive and safe and out of danger, that spock realizes that mccoy still hasn't asked for the ring back. it's not, in fact, until kirk's eyes almost immediately are drawn to the ring, his eyebrows slightly raised, that spock realizes at all.
spock's finger feels surprisingly bare when he tugs the ring off - the metal warm from his skin - and presses it into the palm of mccoy's hand.
"thanks for keeping it safe," mccoy says, folding his fingers around it, his fingertips brushing spock's fingertips as spock slowly pulls his hand away.
spock raises an eyebrow, tilts his head towards the captain.
"i was about to say the same," he says.
"something you two want to tell me?" kirk asks, reaching out and tapping mccoy's fist, and the moment kirk touches it, mccoy's hand falls back open, like a flower uncurling.
"no rings planetside," mccoy says easily.
kirk's eyes are dark as he looks at him.
"you look naked without it," kirk says, his hand closing around mccoy's hand, ring and all, and tugging him a step closer to the hospital bed. "mind if i do the honors?"
and it's not until spock's gaze is locked on kirk's fingers deftly sliding the ring back where it belongs that spock finally understands the tightness that's been inhabiting his chest, this tightness that's been suffocating his lungs.
"looks good, doesn't it, spock?" kirk asks, something knowing in his eyes.
spock could stop himself from reaching out, if he wanted. he could stop himself from touching the ring, touching the hand, touching kirk's hand, too, where it's still holding mccoy's. he could stop himself, if he wanted.
he finds, as is so often the case with these two men, that he doesn't want to stop himself.
this time, he doesn't even try.
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celestialvoyeur · 11 months
As a follow up to my recent post about how few fics make it to my favourites list, and how special they are to achieve that distinction, I decided to share my current list.
I’ve shared some of these individually in the past but here you’ll have them all together. 
If you've read any of these already then I'd love to hear your thoughts on whether you loved them as much as I did! 🥰
(NB: these are not listed in any order of preference. Mostly it’s the reverse order in which I read them)
Leave No Soul Behind by whochick Words: 258,951
AOS, AU Canon-Divergence. Spock, Kirk and the other valiant members of the Emergency Personnel Ambulance Service fight to save lives and turn the tide of the ongoing war against Nero and his fleet before it’s too late. Such a beautiful slow burn for Spock and Kirk.
Atlas by distractedKat Words: 135,529
AOS. Follow on from 2009, Kirk, Spock and the rest deal with the aftermath of Nero’s attack and rebuilding after the decimation of the ‘Fleet and Academy. An exciting tale with twists and turns involving black ops, bad-mirals, action, love and fierce loyalty.
The Lotus Eaters by aldora89 Words: 93,594
AOS. Stranded on a planet together, with multiple dangers and very little hope of rescue, Jim and Spock have no choice but to rely on each other to survive. Spectacular plot, amazing world building, fabulous original character and an epic slow burn Spirk love story!
With Your Feet on the Air and Your Head on the Ground by flippyspoon Words: 39,188 @flippyspoon
SNW. A phenomenal Spirk fic in which Kirk is stuck in Spock's mind while the crew work to find a way to retrieve his body. A wonderful getting to know you/falling for you hard tale. Wonderfully written and highly entertaining.
Evolution by Rhaegal (RhaegalKS) Words: 149,293
AOS. Covering the first year of their 5 year mission, this is totally flawless. The character voices are perfection, the prose spectacular. The whole thing plays like an AOS movie. It’s phenomenal.
Emotions by LadyRa Words: 35,569
TOS. Spock gets drugged on a shore leave and is overwhelmed with its effects. Kirk tries to pick up the pieces. A beautiful, and wonderfully grounded, story of realising how much they mean to each other.
And When the Bond Breaks by LadyRa Words: 24,631
TOS. Spock takes out a shuttle to investigate an anomaly and returns to an Enterprise that’s not his own. Time travel shenanigans with such emotional depth that it will traumatise you in the best way. Stunningly good!
All Our Tomorrows Come Today by flippyspoon Words: 18,156 @flippyspoon
SNW. A newly introduced Jim and Spock accidentally get a glimpse into the future and see what they’re going to be to each other (a.k.a. Spirk’s Greatest Hits). A stunningly told story about finding the great love of your life. 
I Won't Make That Mistake Again by Moreta1848 Words: 69,402 @jennelikejennay
SNW/TOS. An epic story detailing Spock and Kirk’s love throughout their lives, beginning from their meeting on Pike’s Enterprise (SNW) and continuing on to an eventual  Generations fix-it happy ending. Wonderful!
No Going Back, No Before by spirkme Words: 78,486 @spirkme915
SNW/TOS. Timeline shenanigans, spies, twists & turns, pining, angst, sacrifice and so so much love!
The 1,000 Hour Sleep by spqr Words: 27,227
SNW. Jim’s been infected with a pathogen that means he can’t sleep, but it he doesn’t he’ll die. Cue Spock and his Vulcan telepathy helping Jim to achieve the sleep he needs, while they get to know each other within their shared mindscapes. A sweet and exciting story about falling in love and overcoming your own inner demons.
First Best Destiny by Ophelia_j Words: 387,733
TOS/TNG. Such a very special fic. Epic in its scope, it covers the entire timeline of Spirk from their very first meeting through to a  clever and satisfying Generations fix-it ending. It provides extra scenes, additional dialogue and internal monologues to expand on existing canon in a really compelling and effective way. Truly this is my new TOS canon.
The Steadfastness of Stars by itsnatalie Words: 61,566
AOS. After Beyond, The crew investigate sudden climate change on a frozen planet and find more than they bargained for. The perfect mix of great plot, fun original characters, action, mystery, world building and deep deep love.
Let Forever Be by gunstreet Words: 43,446 @gunstreet
TOS. A really compelling character study of James T. Kirk. An excellent companion piece to City on the Edge of Forever. Exploring what Jim and Spock got up to, and all they had to overcome, while trying to find Bones and their way back home.
Time After Time by spaceisgay (ChancellorGriffin) Words: 138,921
SNW. Kirk spends a 6 month rotation on the Enterprise as part of his command training. OK, if there’s a favourite of my favourites then this may be it. It’s such a stunning version of their love story, with a beautifully constructed plot. It runs the emotional gamut from moments that will have you laughing out loud to moments that will have you in floods of tears. 
milk and honey by spaceisgay (ChancellorGriffin) Words: 28,651
SNW. Kirk and Spock meet for the first time when they wake up in a prison cell together. A really fun, and extremely clever, version of the ‘aliens made them do it’ trope. It’s intriguing and funny with a real depth of feeling throughout.
The Promised Land by gunstreet Words: 58,260 @gunstreet
TOS. A story that explores the time Jim and Spock spent apart between the end of the 5 year mission and TMP. It’s a beautiful story of reunion and renewal of love. Sometimes achingly sad, but it’s worth it for the happy ending.
Again, if you've read any of these already then I'd love to hear your thoughts on whether you loved them as much as I did! 🥰
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slashere · 11 months
i need to express how much i love the vulcan finger smooch. i forgot the actual name for it, i feel like a bad star trek fan but ESPECIALLY IN SPIRK FICS it’ll be like
“Jim. Please raise your index and middle finger.” Spock says.
Jim does so, butterflies dancing in his stomach, and waits patiently.
Spock would never admit it, but Jim can tell. Spock is nervous. He can see it in the way the Vulcan’s fingers tremble just the slightest bit as he, too, raises his two fingers.
Spock gently presses his fingers against Jim’s, and Jim feels… nothing, really. Excited, yes, a thrill shoots up his spine. But Spock…
Jim sees the subtle change in Spock’s eyes. He sees a twitch of the lips— wanting to curl up into a small smile.
They remain like that for a while, neither saying a word.
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android-and-ale · 3 months
My Philon Awards Spirk Fic Recs
It's Philon Awards Season! I'm going through my bookmarks trying to decide how to narrow down the many, MANY amazing fics and art I've voraciously consumed.
If you're not deep in the fandom you might not have heard of the awards. They're given at KisCon, the annual Kirk/Spock convention in Seattle. However, they're open to nomination and voting by anyone who enjoys Spirk!
Click Here for a link where you can learn all about the categories and access the anonymous google form to nominate your favorites. You don't have to attend the con to vote. It's open to all Spirk loving fans!
I've assembled my own short list below. It doesn't begin to cover all the great fics published in the last year, and for some of these writers narrowing it down to only a couple nominations each was incredibly hard!
Whether or not any of these fics make it onto your personal nominations lists, please check them out. This has been a great year in the fandom!
Short Fic (under 10K):
Lost and Found in Translation by @indeedcaptain
How to Win Plants and Influence Lizards by @indeedcaptain
We Need Disposable Towels In The Gym by @affixjoy
Baby It's Cold Outside by ChancelorGriffen/SpaceIsGay
Here We Go Again Again Again Again Again Again Again Again (Again Again) by @flippyspoon
Melting Snow, Sweat, and Other Dripping Fluids by CampySpaceSlime
Long Fic (10K - 50K):
The Yeomen of the Garden by @cicaklah
Get Some by @flippyspoon
Please Don't Take Him Just Because You Can by ChancelorGriffen/SpaceIsGay
Way from Within by @gunstreet
Heirs to the Glimmering World by @gunstreet
Sugar In Your Hand by @werewolves-are-real
Don't You Know Me by @strangenewwords
Hurt by @therebewhaleshere
Novels (over 50K):
The Exiles by @jennelikejennay
The Recitation of Names by @jennelikejennay
Regulatory Relations by @indeedcaptain
(note: the author says RR will be complete before the end of the nomination period)
Mol-Kur by @uhuraprime
Of Trees And Telepathy by StupidCat
Shameless Self Recs (all under 10K):
And Filled With Tomorrows by me
Replicator Roulette by me
If you're looking for some great new fic, please read the back catalog of FlippySpoon, Moreta1848, IndeedCaptain, Gunstreet, SpaceIsGay, and the entire One Man series by Cicak. It's all so good! (All links take you to their AO3.)
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blanc-ci · 11 hours
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Rewatching the 2009 movie and couldn’t get this idea out of my head
Rip Gaila
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a-most-beloved-fool · 24 days
fic in which Spock is unconscious or in a healing trance, and Kirk has to carry him somewhere, and any time Kirk is touching him, Spock is purring. Kirk stops to set Spock down and the purring stops. He picks him up again? Instant purring.
Kirk didn't know Vulcans purred, and is. utterly smitten by this. Biggest heart eyes you can imagine. Keeps looking over at Spock with the World's Sappiest Smile.
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spirk-trek · 1 month
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Between Friends | Connie Faddis, 1978 This fanzine famously featured the first thr--some between Kirk/Spock/McCoy. Read the story by Gayle F here!
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art-ro-vert · 7 months
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That’s a scene from this fic!
It made me laugh so hard, I had to draw it 😂
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purple-iris · 4 months
Shore Leave of the Enterprise on Vulcan
Two vulcans looking in the distance:
"Who do you think that is", the first one says, pointing at another Vulcan standing near another humanoid figure in a Starfleet uniform.
"Hard to tell from this distance", the second one responds, just as the Vulcan they were observing grabs the hand of the figure they now could tell was a human man.
"Ah, Spock son of Sarek." They both conclude at the overly open PDA.
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guy-in-a-scarf · 1 month
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Gift for @tigereyes45 for the mcspirk gift exchange 2024 <3
I really liked your fic and this was a lot of fun to draw!
Everyone go read the fic on ao3 it was so good <333
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