nando161mando · 5 months
via @slackbastard
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keenywong · 1 year
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【流亡港人待批政庇350人 獲批少於5人 澳洲兩黨議員敦促政府廣納港人 】
自2019年反送中運動以來,有抗爭手足流亡到澳洲尋求庇護,截至目前為止,有350名港人等待審批保護簽證,自2020年至今只有少於5人獲批。自由黨參議員James Paterson及工黨眾議員Peter Khalil 公開敦促政府無論香港以學生、技術移還是來尋求庇護,澳洲都會因為他們變得更好,這裹應致力成為香港首選移居地。
對華政策跨國議會聯盟 ( Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, IPAC) 的澳洲分部兩名聯合主席,自由黨參議員帕特森James Paterson及 工黨眾議員卡利勒Peter Khalil 表示,受到中共壓迫的香港人,應該考慮澳洲為移居地。最新數據顯示,香港人獲批的保護簽證至今屈指可數。他們認為,自2020年北京在香港實施國家安全法後,澳洲應該要作為庇護被中共針對的香港人的地方。
最近兩位議員發表聯合聲明讉責香港政府懸紅緝捕8名流亡海外的香港人,當中包括澳洲公民任建峯,及目前以過橋簽證居留澳洲的許智峯。兩人接受澳洲傳媒《The Australian》訪問時表示,香港當局向一名澳洲公民及居民發出懸紅,是完全不能接受。他們在澳洲的言論自由及參加政治活動是受到保護,絕對不應受到外部的干涉。
自2019年反送中運動及2020年實施國安法之後,在2018至2019年間,只有62名香港人提出申請政治庇護; 但無人獲簽證。翌年亦只有164人申請,但由於爆發疫情,亦沒有人獲批簽證。直至2020至2021年度,隨着香港當局加強打壓異見者,再有186人提出申請; 不過在2021至2022年已降至85人申請,及至上一個財政年度則僅有70人申請。按數據顯示,至今只有少於5人獲批簽證。
近年很多香港人以BNO簽證移居英國,並估計約有50萬香港人將移居當地。,自由黨參議員帕特森James Paterson及 工黨眾議員卡利勒Peter Khalil 表示,香港的自由及法治持續惡化,澳洲應該致力成為香港首選移居地,無論他們是以學生、技術移民或政治庇護,澳洲都會因為他們的到來而變得更好的。對華政策跨國議會聯盟IPAC的澳洲分部是民主國家議員國際聯盟的一部分, 聯盟致力於要讓中國對侵犯人權、在外國滲透,及不斷擴張的極權主義承擔責任。
全文於《棱角 The Points》網站免費閱讀
#香港 #HongKong #棱角 #ThePointsGlobal
#反送中運動, #香港流亡者, #澳洲保護簽證, #JamesPaterson, #PeterKhalil, #Inter-ParliamentaryAllianceOnChina, #IPAC, #任建峯, #許智峯, #過橋簽證
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Come On Eileen (1982)
Artista: Dexys Midnight Runners and the Emerald Express (Reino Unido)
Álbum: Too-Rye-Ay
Año: 1982
Géneros: New Wave, Pop, Blue Eyed Soul, Folk celta
Premios: Premio Brit al Mejor Sencillo Británico
Compositores: James Paterson, Kevin Rowland, Kevin Adams
Sello: Mercury Records
Dirección del vídeo: Julien Temple
Poor old Johnny Ray Sounded sad upon the radio He moved a million hearts in mono Out mothers moved sing along, who would blame them Now you're grown (so grown up) So grown (so grown up) now I must say more than ever Toora loora torra loo rye aye And we can sing just like our fathers
Come on Eileen, oh I swear (what he means) At this moment, you mean everything With you in that dress, oh my thoughts I confess Verge on dirty Ah come on Eileen
These people 'round here With their beat down eyes sunk in smoke dried faces They're resigned to what their fate is But not us, (no never) no not us (no never) We are far too young and clever Come on Eileen Toora loora toora loo rye aye I've been on this toon forever
Come on Eileen well I swear (what he means) Ah come on lets take off everything That pretty red dress, oh Eileen (tell him yes) Ah come on lets, ah come on Eileen
Come on Eileen toora ta loo rye aye Come on Eleen toora ta loo rye aye Torra torra ta loo rye Oh Eileen I said come on Eileen Oh come on Eileen We are far too young and clever, and things wont ever change I said Toora loora toora loo rye ayeSung in backround Come on Eileen toora ta loo rye aye Come on Eleen toora ta loo rye aye Torra torra ta loo rye
Come on Eileen oh I swear (what he means) At this moment you mean everything to me Oh to me, oh Eileen You mean everything
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ilexproject · 7 years
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Zenith Clock Radio 🖌 #JamesPaterson #Vintage #Radio #Time #Painting #Artwork #Artist #Retro #ContemporaryArt
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hbcnarz · 6 years
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My new book! #ThePresidentIsMissing #BillClinton #JamesPaterson amazing book, yesterday at night I was reading some pages, 53 pages, I love it!!
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irishauthor3 · 4 years
#writersfavoriteprompts Some of my favorite authors. Since I I couldn't choose just one, I had to share a few. I want to be as know as them one day. So thats what I'm working on.
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oscarmakeup1 · 8 years
Moving art #Men #Machine #Art #ArtExpo #jamesPaterson (at New York Art Expo)
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nando161mando · 1 year
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Home affairs minister @clareoneilmp later deleted the tweets. Liberal Senator James Paterson sniffed that O’Neil should focus on her portfolio, tweeting Donald Trump could be part of AUKUS in 18 months if he’s reelected.
Read more AM news [FREE TO READ]
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hbcnarz · 6 years
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The president is Missing. Thank you Mr. President #BillClinton and Mr. #JamesPaterson. An amazing book!!! 5 days for read it
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