#jamie cat callan
les-portes-du-sud · 10 months
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...N'oubliez pas la romance. ... Portez de la belle lingerie tout le temps. Pour moi-même. C’est un incroyable booster de confiance.
Lorsque vous entrez dans une pièce, soyez consciente de votre corps. Pensez à la musique de vos talons, à votre voix, à votre murmure. Choisissez vos mots. N'oubliez pas la puissance de votre regard, le battement de vos cils et votre sourire.
Surveillez votre posture. Si vous le pouvez, suivez un cours de danse. Entraînez-vous à faire une apparition impressionnante. Visitez des galeries d'art. Et laissez les beautés plantureuses des peintures des maîtres anciens vous inspirer confiance et joie de vivre. ...
Jamie Cat Callan - Bonjour, Bonheur ! Les secrets français d'une belle vie"
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dijetemjeseca · 3 months
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"predivan film španjolskog redatelja Pedra Almodovara, Pričaj s njom. U tom filmu je filmu jedna sekvenca sna, priča o jednom muškarcu koji započinje kao debeljuco, ali se zatim zaljubi u jednu ženu i počinje mršavjeti. On je luđački zaljubljen. Međutim, nakon nekog vremena, jasno je da se on doslovce skuplja - postaje sve manji i manji. Od silne ljubavi prema toj ženi, on kopni. Do kraja te pričice u priči, on je tako malen - minijaturan, da ulazi u vaginu svoje ljubljene posljednji put i u njoj zauvijek ostaje. Zvuči kao frojdovska noćna mora, ali u Almodovarovom filmu je čarobno, dirljivo i zapravo veoma bolno. U stvari, dramatizira strahopoštovanje koje izaziva žensko tijelo i njegovu nevjerojatnu, možda i opasnu moć."
-Jamie Cat Callan, Zašto Francuskinje ne spavaju same?
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kudosmyhero · 7 months
Marvel Team-Up (vol. 1) #25: Three into Two Won't Go!
Cover Date: September 1974 ● Writer: Len Wein ● Penciler: Jim Mooney ● Inker: Frank Giacoia ● Colorist: Glynis Wein ● Letterer: Artie Simek ● Editor: Roy Thomas ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● I live for DD/Spidey team-ups! ● I wonder what DD thinks Spidey has done to get him to attack him
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● really liking this plot so far. it's a breath of fresh air after having so many mediocre-at-best Daredevil stories ● ok so it devolved a little bit into run-of-the-mill stuff towards the end there, but that’s ok ● 👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: Spotting the Cat-Man stalking through the streets with a brief case, Spider-Man suspects that he is involved in a crime and tries to apprehend him. This causes Daredevil to get involved and come to blows with Spider-Man, allowing Cat-Man to escape. After realizing that his quarry had escaped, Daredevil stops the fight and explains to Spider-Man that Gail Callan -- the daughter of a rich industrialist -- was kidnapped earlier and that a ransom was handed over to Cat-Man (By Matt Murdock, Daredevil's civilian identity) and that Daredevil hopped to track the Cat-Man back to his hideout.
Finding clues at the scene of the fight, Daredevil and Spider-Man track Cat-Man and his comrades in the Unholy Three in a shack just outside of Coney Island. Fighting the crooks across the amusement park grounds, they are eventually defeated and Gail is rescued. After, Spider-Man leaves Daredevil, Gail, and the defeated Unholy Three for the police.
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Fan Art: What if… Spider-Man's lawyer was Daredevil? by Chad0Wick
Accompanying Podcast: ● Joshua and Jamie Do Daredevil - episode 18
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thesportssoundoff · 5 years
“Good doesn’t matter sometimes.” A UFC 243 Preview
September 30th
You ever have a show that's kind of not good but it also kind of doesn't matter? BEHOLD UFC 243! This card is....not good. It also doesn’t really even matter if it is or isn’t good. While UFC 242 was not "good" on paper, it at least featured a lot of fights in a good division. This is a lower level ESPN+ card without those top two fights and with Holm-Rocky off. Thankfully cards are judged as a whole and so Israel Adesanya-Robert Whittaker and Daniel Hooker-Al Iaquinta really do buoy it up to moderately acceptable level. IF ANYTHING, it doesn't matter. Really truthfully it doesn't matter. This show is all about the scene and the story of Australia getting its second ever stadium show headlined by an Aussie and a Kiwi in a major main event. It's a moment in time and sports are all about moments. The UFC has done little to promote this (or boost the card up) mostly because they've already sold close to 40,000 tickets with a week to go. Also I think they realized that Robert Whittaker is abysmal at fight promotion and there's not much you can do with him. Either way we got plenty to talk about here including a killer title unification bout.
Fights: 11
Debuts: Bruno Silva, Brad Riddell, Jamie Mullarkey, Zarah Fairn Dos Santos, Maki Pitolo, Justin Tafa, Yorgan de Castro
Fight Changes/Injury Cancellations: 2 (Holly Holm vs Rocky Pennington CANCELLED/Max Holloway vs Alexander Volkanovski CANCELLED)
Headliners (fighters who have either main evented or co-main evented shows in the UFC): 5 (Israel Adesanya, Robert Whittaker, Al Iaquinta, Dan Hooker, Tai Tuivasa)
Fighters On Losing Streaks in the UFC: 1 (Tai Tuivasa)
Fighters On Winning Streaks in the UFC: 3 (Robert Whittaker, Israel Adesanya, Dhiego Lima)
Main Card Record Since Jan 1st 2017 (in the UFC): 23-9
Robert Whittaker- 3-0 Israel Adesanya- 6-0 Al Iaquinta- 5-1 Dan Hooker- 2-2 Tai Tuivasa- 3-2 Sergey Spivak- 0-1 Luke Jumeau- 2-1 Dhiego Lima- 2-2
Fights By Weight Class (yearly number here):
Welterweight-  3 (58) Heavyweight- 2 (29) Lightweight- 2 (64) Women’s Featherweight- 1 (8) Women’s Flyweight- 1 (30) Middleweight-  1 (36) Bantamweight- 1 (51)
Light Heavyweight- (37) Women’s Bantamweight-  (18) Featherweight- (48) Women’s Strawweight- (24) Flyweight-   (14)
2019 Number Tracker
Debuting Fighters (32-52-1)-  Bruno Silva, Brad Riddell, Jamie Mullarkey, Zarah Fairn Dos Santos, Maki Pitolo, Justin Tafa, Yorgan de Castro
Short Notice Fighters (27-35)-
Second Fight (49-32)- Rostem Akman, Callan Potter, Sergey Spivak
Cage Corrosion (Fighters who have not fought within a year of the date of the fight) (20-33-1)- Robert Whittaker, Luke Jumeau
Undefeated Fighters (33-35-2)- Israel Adesanya, Justin Tafa, Yorgan de Castro
Fighters with at least four fights in the UFC with 0 wins over competition still in the organization (11-8)-
Weight Class Jumpers (Fighters competing outside of the weight class of their last fight even if they’re returning BACK to their “normal weight class”) (26-18)- Callan Potter
Twelve Precarious Ponderings
1- Is this fight a story of overly rested vs overworked? Robert Whittaker since 2017 has had three fights. Since July of 2018, he's had two fights. He's had a lot of injuries but what's more he's had a lot of tough fights. Of his last five fights, the easiest fight was a pretty grueling fifteen minute affair with Rafael Natal. He had a one round firefight with Derek Brunson, a pretty taxing yet dominant win over Jacare and then the two violent wars with Yoel Romero that went the full distance. I am going to believe that no matter how long you get to recover, a guy simply can't spend 50 minutes trading heat with Yoel Romero and come out unscathed. On the other hand, Israel Adesanya basically got a crash course in MMA in the UFC. He learned on the job while defeating legitimate serious competition like Derek Brunson, Brad Tavares and Anderson Silva. Including his debut in February of 2018, he's fought six times and while most of those fights could be categorized as walkthroughs, his last fight vs Kelvin Gastelum featured him hurt and knocked down for the first time in his UFC career. To his credit, he came back with one of the best fifth round performances in MMA history when he knocked Gastelum around for about five minutes including folding him up on two different occasions. That said this is a heavy workload for a guy with an extensive kickboxing history plus coming off his first seriously exhausting fight. Adesanya has not taken a lot of damage to this point but cage time is cage time. Whittaker has fought seldom but when he has been, they've been pretty violent. Is Whittaker underprepared or is Adesanya overworked?
2- Adesanya tends to be pretty consistent throughout a fight but his two UFC main events that went five rounds suggest that he's REAL tough to get going against in rounds 3-5. The fact that Gastelum had him in bad straights in the fourth round is really more of a testament to how great Kelvin Gastelum is than anything else. Whittaker is hard to gauge because he tore his knee up pretty badly in the first round vs Romero but in most of his fights, he's a pretty great starter who finishes well in the third round. He's got great takedown defense, timely takedowns of his own when he needs them and he more often than not keeps a consistent offensive pace despite throwing A LOT of heat. As such assuming Adesanya doesn't catch Whittaker cold (a problem that stymied him vs the likes of Wonderboy and Brunson), we should get a pretty fun chess match between the most twitched up 185 lber in Adesanya and the guy with the most consistent kicking game output in Whittaker.
3- How long will it take Adesanya to go from fighting a dwarf at 185 lbs to Whittaker who has a bit more of your basic 185 lber build?
4- One thing Robert Whittaker has struggled with is when guys who are tick faster than him succeed in closing the space with offense. Yoel Romero and Derek Brunson went plum loco to get inside offensively and when Whittaker is blitzed, he has a real hard time defensively getting out of the way of the wild stuff. He's also a sucker for an overhand right. I imagine he knows this and whenever he gets a sense Adesanya is about to close the distance with his hands, a takedown attempt is coming.
5- Is Dan Hooker the official most violent man at 155 lbs now? I think he's had a finish in every fight he's had since going up in weight to 155 lbs in the UFC.
6- How many more fights do we have Al Iaquinta for before we start hearing about his contract and he takes off on us again? Enjoy dude while we got him.
7- Who is going to be the crowd favorite in the main event?
8- Two Australians with similar storylines on this card are in need of a win. The first is Tai Tuavasa. The UFC's Mark Hunt protege got off to a hot start in his UFC career, joining elite company (no, really. Guys like JDS and Cain) with back to back finish wins in his first two UFC fights. From there? He got some of his weaknesses checked vs Andrei Arlovski. He still rallied, buckled down and outworked Arlovski down the stretch en route to a decision win. From there he took on JDS who survived a scare before finishing Tuavasa in Australia in the second round. No biggie! Everybody loses to JDS unless you're super elite. That said, we started to notice more and more questionable things about Tuavasa. His training seemed somewhat limited and he seemed to really lack a Plan B if his blitz and clinch strategy didn't work out. The problems continued against Blagoy Ivanov who seemingly just stalled Tai out on offense and did just enough offensively to snag a decision. Tuavasa is in a real do or die scenario with Sergey Spivak in what seems like a real serious showcase fight. For Megan Anderson? I guess I'm not sure what you can say. She was signed to fight Cyborg, got yanked from that fight for a variety of reasons, made her debut vs Holly Holm and got swamped on the ground. She rallied to beat Cat Zingano in a real weird fight where she incidentally swiped Zingano with a toenail  on a head kick and it seemed like we were all systems go on a Megan Anderson hype train again. Then she got Felicia Spencer and got absolutely steamrolled on the turf again. At this point, Anderson seems only capable of winning a fight on her terms and seems incapable of how to ensure she can dictate THOSE terms. She'll get a chance against debuting Zarah Fairn.
9- I know it'll be trendy to pretend he's no good but I'm still thinking Jake Matthews might have something to offer up at 170 lbs. I thought Rostem Akman, the world's hairiest man, had some good stuff to offer up vs Sergey Khandozhko  en route to a decision loss. If Matthews continues to have issues on the feet with guys who work the body, Akman figures to test some of that.
10- Dhiego Lima on a UFC PPV. Anything is possible in the year of our lord 2019.
11- NEW HWS ALERT! Yorgan de Castro and Justin Tafa make their debuts on the prelims and it's actually not a half bad fight. Yorgan is off DWCS where he smoked uber prospect Alton Meeks while Justin Tafa's the younger brother of a Glory HW kickboxer.
12- Curious to see what Brad Riddell looks like down 15 lbs in his UFC debut.
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norikateatro · 5 years
Norikateatro’s Audio List! 💙
As of:  July 31, 2019 😄!
Please message me if you want an audio! Do not comment *If you want to trade with me that’ll be really cool!
Wicked: Chicago January 06, 2008 - Dan'yelle Williamson (Elphaba u/s); Kate Fahrner (Glinda u/s); Michael Seelbach (Fiyero); Peter Kevoian (The Wizard); K. Todd Freeman (Doctor Dillamond); Barbara Robertson (Madame Morrible); Summer Naomi Scott (Nessarose); Stanton Nash (Boq) Wicked 9 September 2008, 1NT Cast: Carmen Cusack (Elphaba), Katie Rose Clark (G(a)linda), Christopher Russo (u/s The Witch’s Father), Deedee Magno Hall (Nessa), Brad Weinstock (Boq), Myra Lucretia Taylor (Madame Morrible), Paul Slade Smith (u/s The Wizard), Clifton Hall (Fiyero) Wicked: San Francisco March 06, 2010 - Eden Espinosa (Elphaba); Libby Servais (Glinda s/b); D.J. Gregory (Fiyero u/s); Tom McGowan (The Wizard); Paul Slade Smith (Doctor Dillamond); Jody Gelb (Madame Morrible); Deedee Magno Hall (Nessarose); Etai BenShlomo (Boq) Wicked Broadway: March 3, 2013 Cast: Willemijn Verkaik (Elphaba), Alli Mauzey (Glinda), Kyle Dean Massey (Fiyero), Randy Danson (Madame Morrible), Adam Grupper (The Wizard), Catherin Charlebois (Nessarose), F. Michael Haynie (Boq), Tom Flynn (Dr Dillamond) Wicked: Broadway February 22, 2014 (Lindsay Mendez & Alli Mauzey’s Final Show) Lindsay Mendez (Elphaba), Alli Mauzey (Glinda), Kyle Dean Massey (Fiyero), Carol Kane (Madame Morrible), Tom McGowan (Wizard), Catherine Charlebois (Nessarose), Michael Wartella (Boq), Note: Lindsay, Alli, Kyle & Tom’s last performance. ​Wicked Mexico-June 20, 2014 Elenco: Viviana Barrera (u/s Elphaba), Cecilia de la Cueva (Glinda), Jorge Lau (Fiyero), Paco Morales (El Maravilloso Mago de Oz), Anahí Allué (Srita. Morrida), Marisol Meneses (Nessarosa), Sebastián Treviño (u/s Boq), Beto Torres (Dr. Dillamond), Emanuel Gáitan (Chistery). Viviana's first performance as Elphaba. Wicked: London  June 23, 2014 Cast: Emma Hatton (s/b Elphaba), Sophie Linder-Lee (s/b Glinda), Jeremy Taylor (Fiyero), Philippa Buxton (u/s Nessarose), Sam Lupton (Boq), Sue Kelvin (Madame Morrible), Martyn Ellis (The Wizard), Paul Clarkson (Dr. Dillamond). Wicked: Broadway ​January 27, 2015 Caroline Bowman (Elphaba), Kara Lindsay (Glinda), Matt Shingledecker (Fiyero), Tom McGowan (The Wizard), Kathy Fitzgerald (Madame Morrible), Alicia L. Albright (Nessarose u/s), Robin de Jesus (Boq) The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Broadway March 14th, 1975 (Soundboard) Cast:  Bill Miller (Brad Majors), Abigale Haness (Janet Weiss), Graham Jarvis (Narrator), Richard O'Brien (Riff Raff), Tim Curry (Dr. Frank-N-Furter), Jamie Donnelly (Magenta), Boni Enten (Columbia), Kim Milford (Rocky), Meat Loaf (Eddie/Dr. Scott)  Notes: This is a live recording made on March 14th, 1975 of the (very short-lived) Rocky Horror Show's original run at the Belasco Theatre on Broadway.   Cat 1991 México DF, México Cast: Marisol Arreola, Hector Arroyo, Simone Brook, Olivia Buzzio, Gabriel de Cervantes, Maru Dueñas, Cecilia Huerta, Javier Diaz Dueñas, Manuel Landeta, Armando Moreno, Enrique del Olmo, María del Sol, Fabiola Zepeda, Lenny Zundel.  Notes: Soundboard Recording  Missing Overture. This could be an audio rip from the DVD, but I'm not 100% sure. Cats London November 8th, 1995 Cast: Admetus/Macavity: Richard Armitage, Alonzo: Nunzio Lombardo, Bill Bailey: Daniel Crossley, Bombalurina: Vanessa Leagh-Hicks, Bustopher/Gus: Tony Timberlake, Carbucketty: Sandy Rass,  Cassandra: Deborah Shrimpton, Coricopat: David Olton, Demeter: Michele Hooper, Electra: Nicola Lee-Owens, Etcetera: Charlotte Peck, George/Rumpus: Steven Wayne,  Grizabella: Clare Burt, Jellylorum: Carrie Ellis, Jemima: Kimberly Partridge. Jennyanydots: Beth Robson (u/s), Mistoffelees: Thomas Paton,Mungojerrie: Ian Meeson, Munkustrap: Andrew Halliday, Old Deuteronomy: Graeme Lauren (s/b), Rumpleteazer: Vikki Coote,  Rum Tum Tugger: John Partridge, Skimbleshanks: Tommi Sliiden (u/s), Tantomile:  Tee Soo-Chan, Victor: John Stacey, Victoria: Sandra Kater ​Chicago: Broadway - 1975 8 Aug Cast-Liza Minelli (special temp. replacement - Roxie Hart), Chita Rivera (Velma Kelly), Jerry Orbach (Billy Flynn), Mary McCarty (Mama Morton), Barney Martin (Amos Hart) Cats 15 July 1998, Hamburg Cast: John Partridge (Munkustrap), Kristin Hölck (Grizabella), Stephan Drakulich (Old Deuteronomy), Ray Strachan (Rum Tum Tugger), Damian Kacperski (Mr. Mistoffelees), Lachlan Youngberg (Bustopher Mürr), Tanya Christensen (Gumbie Katz’), Marco Krämer (Skimbleshanks), Virginia Lilly (Rumpleteazer), Livio Salvi (Mungojerrie) Cats: Seoul, Korea  2008 Oct 16 Cast: 신영석 Shin Young Seok (Grizabella), 대성 Tae Seong (Rum Tum Tugger), 홍경수 Hong Kyung Soo (Munkustrap), 이희정 Lee Hui Jeong (Old Deuteronomy), 김보경 Kim Bo Kyung (Rumpleteazer), 강인영 Kang In Young (Mungogerrie), 강연종 Kang Yeon Jong (Gus), 정주영 Jeong Joo Young (Macavity), 유회웅 Yoo Hui Woong (Mr. Mistoffelees), 문병권 Moon Byung Gwon (Skimbleshanks), 왕브리타  Wang Brita (Jemima), 백두산 Baek Doo San (Alonzo), 이은혜 Lee Eun Hye (Jellylorum) Cats London: December 27th, 2014 Cats:  Broadway September 24th, 2016 Cast:  Leona Lewis (Grizabella), Tyler Hanes (Rum Tum Tugger), Ricky Ubeda (Mistoffelees), Nathan Patrick Morgan (Old Deuteronomy u/s), Eloise Kropp (Jennyanydots),  Callan Bergmann (Carbucketty u/s), Jeremy Davis (Skimbleshanks), Kim Faure (Demeter), Sara Jean Ford (Jellylorum), Lili Froehlich (Electra), Daniel Gaymon (Macavity),  Francesca Granell (Rumpleteazer  u/s), Christopher Gurr (Gus/Bustopher Jones), Andy Huntington Jones (Munkustrap), Kolton Krouse (Tumblebrutus), Jess Le Protto (Mungojerrie), Georgina Pazcougin (Victoria), Claire Camp (Cassandra u/s), Arianna Rosario (SIllabub), Ahmad Smmons (Alonzo), Christine Cornish Smith (Bombalurina), Corey Snide (Coricopat), Emily Tate (Tantomile), Sharrod Wiliams (Pouncival) Cats (1989 Original French Cast Recording) Cats (1991 Original Mexican Cast Recording)   Cabaret - Signature Theatre Washington DC - Date Unknown Cast: Wesley Taylor (Emcee), Barret Wilbert Weed (Sally), Gregory Woodell (Cliff), Rick Foucheux (Herr Schultz), Naomi Jacobson (Fraulein Schneider), Bobby Smith (Ernst), Maria Rizzo (Fraulein Kost) ​Carousel: 2018  Broadway Revival January 28th, 2018 (1st Preview) Cast: Joshua Henry as Billy Bigelow, Jessie Mueller as Julie Jordan, Lindsay Mendez as Carrie Pipperidge, Renée Fleming as Nettie Fowler, Alexander Gemignani as Enoch Snow, Amar Ramasar as Jigger, John Douglas Thompson as the Starkeeper, and Brittany Pollock as Louise Dear Evan Hansen:  Broadway - May 15, 2018 Cast: Taylor Trensch (Evan Hansen), ​Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe), Will Roland (Jared), Phoenix Best (Alana), Alex Boniello (Connor), Rachel Bay Jones (Heidi), Michael Park (Larry), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia) Notes: Alex's first show as Connor.   El Hombre de La Mancha (1969 Original Mexican Cast Recording) El Hombre de La Mancha (2017 Mexican Revival Cast Recording) Little Shop Of Horrors:  Broadway | September 16, 2003 DeQuina Moore (Chiffon), Trisha Jeffrey (Crystal), Carla J. Hargrove (Ronnette), Rob Bartlett (Mushnik), Kerry Butler (Audrey), Hunter Foster (Seymour), Michael-Leon Wooley (voice of Audrey II) ​Into the Woods National Tour (Fiasco Theater Production) 4/11/17 Ahmanson Theatre, Los Angeles Eleasha Gamble (Baker's Wife), Anthony Chatmon II (Lucinda/Wolf/Cinderella's Prince), Fred Rose (Mysterious Man), Darick Pead (Rapunzel's Prince/Florinda/Milky White), Bonne Kramer (Cinderella's Stepmother/Jack's Mother), Laurie Veldheer (Cinderella/Granny), Stephanie Umoh (The Witch), Patrick Mulryan (Jack/Steward), Evan Harrington (Baker), Lisa Helmi Johanson (Little Red Ridinghood/Rapunzel). *Includes BC/EFA Speech by Patrick Mulryan. Wicked (2016 Original Mexican Cast Recording)This was released by the official Mexican Page on Youtube. It’s a Soundboard recording of Wicked México. Sound is crystal clear, some of the songs have dialogue. Cast: Ana Cecilia Anzaldúa (Elphaba), Cecilia de la Cueva (Glinda), Jorge Lau (Fiyero), Marisol Meneses (Nessarosa). Adam Sadwing (Boq), Beto Torres (Dr. Dillamond), Anahí Allué (Senorita. Mórrida), Paco Morales (El Mago de Oz), Beto Díaz (Frexspar/ El Padre de Elphaba), Lizeth Navarro (Melena/ La Madre de Elphaba). Alicia Paola Sanchez (La Partera) Wicked - 2016.08.18 - International Tour Cast: Jodie Steele (Elphaba s/b), Elizabeth Futter (Glinda u/s), Steven Pinder (The Wizard/Dr. Dillamond), Bradley Jaden (Fiyero), Kim Ismay (Madame Morrible), Emily Shaw (Nessarose), Iddon Jones (Boq) notes: This was Elizabeth’s first show as Glinda! On Your Feet: Broadway April 1st, 2017 (Evening) Ana Villafañe (Gloria), Ektor Rivera (Emilio), Yassmin Alers (Gloria Fajardo u), Alma Cuervo (Consuelo), Amaris Sanchez (Little Gloria), Eduardo Hernadez (Young Emilio and others), Eliseo Roman (José Fajardo), Genny Lis Padilla (Rebecca) My Master: This show was great but there was a very drunk lady sitting next to me, she belted some of the lyrics to the songs! A Chorus Line:  Westchester Broadway Theatre February 3rd, 2018 (Evening) Cast: Drew Carr (Mike), Tiffany Chalothorn (Connie), Erika Conaway (Tricia), Joseph Cullinane (Greg), Kevin Curtis (Richie), Emma Degerstedt (Val), Brian Dillon (Larry), David Elder (Zach), Tim Fuchs (Al), Danielle Marie Gonzalez (Vicki),  David Grindrod (Roy), Michael John Hughes (Paul), Tyler Jimenez (Don), Emily Kelly (Maggie), Ashley Klinger Kristine), Joey Lucherini (Frank), Erica Mansfield (Cassie), Alexandra Matteo (Diana), Logan Mortier (Bobby), PJ Palmer (Mark), Lauren Sprague (Sheila), Kelsey Walston (Bebe), Caitlin Wilayton (Judy) My Master: This performance was wonderful, it had no intermission. Avenue Q 1999 Demos Anastasia: Broadway July 21, 2017 ( 8:00 PM) cast: Christy Altomare (Anya), Derek Klena (Dmitry), Mary Beth Peil (Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna), Ramin Karimloo (Gleb), John Bolton (Vlad Popov), Caroline O'Connor (Lily), Kathryn Boswell (Countess Gregory swing) My Master Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Broadway November 11th, 2017 (Evening) Cast: Christian Borle (Willy Wonka), Ryan Foust (Charlie Bucket), Kyle Taylor Parker (Mrs. Green), John Rubinstein (Grandpa Joe), Emily Padgett (Mrs. Bucket), Kristy Cates (Grandma Josephine), Madeleine Doherty (Grandma Georgina), Paul Slade Smith (Grandpa George), Mikey Winslow( Jerry u), Stephanie Gibson (Cherry), Kathy Fitzgerald (Mrs. Gloop), F. Michael Haynie (Augustus Gloop), Jared Bradslaw (Mr. Salt u), Emma Pfaeffle (Veruca Salt), Mr. Beauregarde (Alan H. Green), Violet Beauregarde (Trista Dollison), Michael Wartella (Mike TeaVee), Jackie Hoffman (Mrs. Teavee) (My Master) Miss Saigon:  Broadway January 14th, 2018 Cast: Eva Noblezada (Kim), Jon Jon Briones (The Engineer), Alistair Brammer (Chris), Katie Rose Clarke (Ellen), Nicholas Christopher (John), Devin Ilaw (Thuy), Dorcas Leung (Gigi) (Final Show) Mary Poppins: (2012 Mexican Cast Recording) Bianca Marroquin (Mary Poppins), Mauricio Salas (Bert), Catalina Farias (Winifred Banks), Paco Morales (George Banks), Daniela Meneses [?] (Jane Banks), Sebastián Gallegos[?] (Michael Banks) Andrés Elvira (Valentin), Mariano Bucio (Neleus), Alm Cristal (Mrs. Brill), Andrés Sáez (Robertson Ay), Laura Cortés (Ms. Andrew & Bird Woman), Sergio Carranza (Almirante Boom), Paloma Cordero (Mrs. Corry), Natalia Saltiel (Mrs. Lark), Vince Miranda, Eden Pintos, Marcela Nava, Alma Escudero, Yolanda Campos, Majo Perez, Julieta Martínez, Eduardo Ibarra, Carlos Pulido, Omar Rodríguez, Alexo Fergo, Antonio Mariscal, Alicia Paola Sánchez, Jose Sampedro, Kim Yañez, Raymundo Montoya, Óscar Hernández, Roberto Hernández, Cecilia Arias, Mariano Villarello, Marcia Peña, Ruben Plascencia, Lolo Jiménez. *Songs only. This was recorded from the soundboard from various dates throughout the run. Once on this Island: Broadway Revival January 22nd, 2018 Cast:   Hailey Kilgore (Ti Moune), Isaac Powell (Daniel), Tamyra Gray (Papa Ge), Lea Salonga (Erzulie), Norm Lewis (Agwe), Alex Newell (Asaka), Kenita R. Miller (Mama Euralie), T Oliver Reid (u/s Tonton Julian), Mia Williamson (Little Girl), Alysha Deslorieux (Andrea/Storyteller), David Jennings (Armand/Storyteller), Tyler Hardwick (u/s Beauxhommes/Storyteller). Frozen: Broadway March 4th, 2018- Cast: Alyssa Fox (s/b Elsa), Patti Murin, John Riddle, Jelani Alladin, Andrew Pirozzi, Greg HIldreth, Audrey Bennett, Brooklyn Nelson, Ann Sanders, James Brown III, Timothy Hughes, Olivia Phillip, Robert Creighton, Kevin Del Aguila Notes: Alyssa Fox’s debut as Elsa Chicago Broadway: April 1st, 2018 (Evening) Cast: Amra-Faye Wright (Velma), Charlotte d’ Amboise (Roxie), Brian O’ Brien (Fred Casey) , Evan Harrington (Amos) , Katie Mitchell (Liz), Pilar Millhollen (Annie), Donna Marie Asbury (June), Beth Johnson Nicely (Hunyak u/s), Angel Reda (Mona), Valerie Simpson (Matron “Mama” Morton), Chaz Lamar Shepherd (Billy Flynn), R. Lowe (Mary Sunshine), Jessica Ernest (Go-To-Hell Kitty)  My Master: Act 1 only (Ends towards the middle of Cell Block Tango) Kinky Boots: Broadway April 28th, 2018 Cast: Charlie Price (David Cook), Blaine Alden Krauss (Lola u), Cooper Lantz (Young Charlie), Jesús del Orden (Young Lola), Stephen Berger (Mr. Price), Eugene Barry-Hill (Simon Sr), Caroline Bowman (Nicola), Marcus Neville (George), Daniel Stewart Sherman (Don), Kirstin Maldonado (Lauren), Natalie Joy Johnson (Pat), Jake Odmark (Harry), Jennifer Perry (Trish), Ciarán Mccarthy (Richard Bailey), Adinah Alexander (Milan Stage Manager), Kevin Smith Kirkwood, Alfred Dalpino (u/s), Fred Odgaard, Kyle Post, Charlie Sutton, and Joey Taranto (Angels) My Master: Ciarán Mccarthy’s Broadway debut! Mean Girls: Broadway 6/17/2018 Cast: Erika Henningsen (Cady Heron), Becca Petersen (u/s Regina George), Ashley Park (Gretchen Wieners), Kate Rockwell (Karen  Smith), Barrett Wilbert Weed (Janis Sarkisian), Grey Henson (Damian Hubbard), Kerry Butler (Mrs. Heron/Ms. Norbury/Mrs. George), Rick Younger (Mr. Duvall), Kyle Selig (Aaron Samuels), Cheech Manohar (Kevin Gnapoor), Iain Young (u/s Mr Heron) Notes: Becca's Regina George debut Moulin Rouge: Boston Tryouts July 24th, 2018- Cast: Aaron Tveit (Christian), Karen Olivo (Satine), Danny Burstein (Harold Zidler), Sahr Ngaujah (Toulouse-Lautrec), Tam Mutu (Duke of Monroth), Ricky Rojas (Santiago), Robyn Hurder (Nini) Notes: Act I is pretty much the same but Act II has some changes. "Roxanne is now far more manic and powerful, Crazy/Rolling in the Deep has a much more desperate feel which makes the pain Christian and Satine feel much more obvious, and Come What May is restored in part to Satine's death scene." Be More Chill-​August 2, 2018 (Off Broadway) Will Roland (Jeremy Heere), George Salazar (Michael Mell), Stephanie Hsu (Christine Canigula), Jason Tam (The SQUIP), Katlyn Carlson (Chloe Valentine), Lauren Marcus (Brooke Lohst), Gerard Canonico (Rich Goranski), Tiffany Mann (Jenna Rolan), Britton Smith (Jake Dillinger), Jason "SweetTooth" Williams (Mr. Heere/Mr. Reyes/Scary Stock Boy) Once on this Island: Broadway Revival August 18th, 2018- 2:00 PM Cast:   Lauren Lott (Ti Moune), Isaac Powell (Daniel), Merle Dandridge (Papa Ge) Darlesia Cearcy (Erzulie), Quentin Earl Darrington (Agwe), Alex Newell (Asaka), Kenita R. Miller (Mama Euralie), Boise Holmes ( Tonton Julian), Mia Williamson (Little Girl), Anna Uzele (Andrea/Storyteller), David Jennings (Armand/Storyteller), and Daniel Yearwood ( Beauxhommes/Storyteller) My Master Notes: This was such an incredible show, I cried a lot! Wicked - Broadway December 1st, 2018 Cast: Jessica Vosk (Elphaba), Amanda Jane Cooper (Glinda), Ryan Mccartan (Fiyero), Jye Frasca (Boq), Kristen Martin (Nessarose), Nancy Opel (Madame Morrible), Kevin Chamberlin (The Wizard), Jamie Jackson (Dr. Dillamond), Michael Di Liberto (u/s Witch’s Father/Ozian Official), Lindsay Janisse (Witch’s Mother), Kathy Santen (Midwife), Dominic Giudici (Chistery), Ioana Alfonso, Larkin Bogan, Teneise Mitchell Ellis, Dominic Giudici, Dan Gleason, Josh Daniel Green, Jeff Heimbrock, Manuel I. Herrera, Courtney Iventosch, Lindsay Janisse, Britney Johnson, Katie Ladner, Marissa Lupp, Matt Meigs, Dashi Mitchell, Lindsay K. Northen, Jonathan Ritter, William Ryall, Kathy Santen, Hannah Shankman, Travis Taber, Jeremy Thompson (Monkeys, students, Denizens of the Emerald City, Palace Guards and Other Citizens of Oz)   User: dnc445 on Reddit’s Master Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway December 12, 2018 ​Cast: Roman Banks (u/s Evan), Lisa Brescia (Heidi Hansen), Mallory Bechtel (Zoe Murphy), Sky Lakota-Lynch (Jared Kleinman), Phoenix Best (Alana Beck), Alex Boniello (Connor Murphy), Garrett Long (u/s Cynthia Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy) Roman Banks First Performance King Kong Broadway: December 13th, 2018- 2:00 PM Cast: Christiani Pitts (Ann Darrow), Eric William Morris (Carl Denham), Erik Lochtefeld (Lumpy), Rory Donovan (Captain Englehorn), Harley Jay (Barman), Casey Garvin (Fake Carl), John Hoche (Voice of Kong ) My Master: This show was really fun! James Retter Duncan (swing) and Nick Rashad Burroughs’ first show Wicked: Broadway  January 10, 2019 (Evening) Jessica Vosk (Elphaba), Brittney Johnson (u/s Glinda), Jake Boyd (Fiyero), Kevin Chamberlin (The Wizard), Nancy Opel (Madame Morrible), Jesse JP Johnson (Boq), Kristen Martin (Nessarose), Jamie Jackson (Dr. Dillamond), Michael Di Liberto as (u/s Witch's Father), Lindsay Janisse (Witch's Mother), Kathy Santen (Midwife). Master: thediaryofatheatrekid Notes: Brittney's debut as Glinda! She’s the first woman of color to portray Glinda on Broadway! Beauty and the Beast at WPPAC, White Plains, NY January 12, 2019 (Evening) Cast: Belle ( Erica Lustig), Beast (Ezekial Andrew), Gaston ( Tom DeMichele), Lefou (Robert Peterpaul), Maurice (David M. Beris), Lumiere (Patrick Pevehouse), Cogsworth (Brendan Doyle), Mrs. Potts (Paulette Oliva, Chip (Robbie Crandall),  Madame de la Grande Bouche (Katelyn Lauria) and Babette (Elizabeth Brady) My Master Wicked: Broadway March 30, 2019 (Evening) Cast: Laurel Harris (Standby Elphaba), Katie Rose Clarke (Glinda), Gizel Jimenez (Nessarose), Boq (Jesse JP Johnson), Fiyero (Ryan McCartan), Dr. Dillamond (Jamie Johnson), Madame Morrible (Nancy Opal), The Wizard (Michael McCormick), Witch's Mother (Sterling Masters), Witch's Father (William Ryall), Midwife (Kathy Santen), Chistery (Raymond Joel Matsamura) My Master Kinky Boots: Broadway April 7, 2019 (Last Show) Cast: Andy Kelso  (Charlie), J. Harrison Ghee (Lola), Carrie St. Louis (Lauren), Caroline Bowman (Nicola), Daniel Stewart Sherman (Don), Marcus Neville (George) Hadestown: Broadway July 9th, 2019 (Evening) Cast:  Reeve Carney (Orpheus), Eva Noblezada (Eurydice), Amber Gray (Persephone), Patrick Page (Hades), Andre De Shields (Hermes), Jewelle Blackman (Fate), Yvette Gonzalez-Nacer (Fate), Kay Trinidad (Fate), Afra Hines, Timothy Hughes, John Krause, Kimberly Marable, Ahmad Simmons (Workers Chorus) (My Master) Jesus Christ Superstar: July 8th 2019  Barbican Center (Regent's Park Production) Cast: Robert Tripolino (Jesus of Nazareth), Ricardo Afonso (Judas Iscariot), Sallay Garnett (Mary Magdalene), Matt Cardle (Pontius Pilate), Samuel Buttery (King Herod), Cavin Cornwall (Caiaphas), Nathan Amzi (Annas), Matthew Harvey (Peter), Tim Newman (Simon Zealotes) Graverobber’s Master Les Misérables:  London 13 July 2019 (Evening) CAST: Dean Chisnall: Jean Valjean, Bradley Jaden: Javert, Carley Stenson: Fantine, Elena Skye: Eponine, Toby Miles: Marius, Charlotte Kennedy: Cosette, Steven Meo: Thénardier, Vivien Parry: Madame Thénardier, Samuel Edwards: Enjolras Notes: The final show of the original production of Les Misérables. Includes Dean Chisnall's speech. Please gift this audio upon ​request. Instrumentals: A Chorus Line US Tour  Pit Tracks Cats Instrumental Tracks (Mortifer) A lot of the tracks are synthesized, sounds like someone took a lot of karaoke tracks and put them together with orchestra but they’re some great tracks. Cats Mexico 1991 Orchestra Tracks (Teatro Silvia Pinal) ​ ​ Cats Backing Tracks (Midi) The Wizard of Oz Orchestra Tracks (RSC’ 1981) Les Mis US Tour Orchestra Tracks ​Wicked Orchestra Tracks Notes: This album is given to cast members when they first get cast in the show. People say this orchestration is the First National Tour one but it really isn’t, it sounds much more like the LA orchestrations. Perfect quality, includes every musical interlude, underscore, song, etc.
Audio Wants: Audio of the current run of Cats in Mexico, any production of Cabaret. Anything with Wicked, Cats México or Argentina, Dear Evan Hansen, Hadestown, Once on this Island, The Wizard of Oz, and anything I don’t have!
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alliepotts · 7 years
#ShortStory Saturday's Flash Fiction Fun with The Writer's Toolbox - Part Eight
#ShortStory Saturday’s Flash Fiction Fun with The Writer’s Toolbox – Part Eight
I love to use The Writer’s Toolbox (affiliate link) and its creative games, even if they always cause me to end on a cliff-hanger. Unfortunately, all games must come to an end. While I may choose to revisit these characters one day and continue their story, the following is a conclusion to this particular series. Once again I would like to thank Jamie Cat Callan of the Writer’s Toolbox for…
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nv-rivera · 6 years
The Writer's Toolbox | Writing Prompt Tools
When you run a writing group, sometimes the hardest part is finding writing prompts that will inspire your group to write. This week Nicole shares a tool she’s been using for over a decade for her own inspiration, as well as with her local writing group. It’s called THE WRITER’S TOOLBOX by Jamie Cat Callan. It contains three different timed writing games for writing practice, inspiration, and fun.
  Mentioned in this episode:
*Any links to Amazon are affiliate links. Using any of these links to make any purchase on Amazon will support STOP WRITING ALONE.*
  The Writer’s Toolbox https://amzn.to/2GVzpRF
Natalie Goldberg’s WRITING DOWN THE BONES: https://amzn.to/2WvihaT
Verbuary website https://www.verbuary.com/
Verbuary Instagram https://www.instagram.com/verb.uary/
Nicole’s local writing group: https://www.meetup.com/StatenIsland-Writers/
Sign up for the STOP WRITING ALONE email list/Enter THE ARTIST’S WAY giveaway: https://mailchi.mp/fcbe414431f5/tawgiveaway
  Places to connect to the STOP WRITING ALONE community and introduce yourself:
Stop Writing Alone FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/stopwritingalone/
Join the Stop Writing Alone with Nicole Rivera FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2205774733034348/
Stop Writing Alone website: https://stopwritingalone.com/
Join the Stop Writing Alone email list: https://mailchi.mp/fcbe414431f5/tawgiveaway
Nicole’s Instagram (be prepared for lots of #momlife exposure!): https://www.instagram.com/nv_rivera/
Nicole’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/nv_rivera
The Stop Writing Alone voice number (call to introduce yourself!): (646) 907-9607
  The EVERYONE CAN PODCAST crew. Here’s a list of podcasts made by my classmates coming out of Cathy Heller’s ECP course. This is one inspiring, creative, and informative bunch:
The Soul Mammas Podcast https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-soul-mammas-podcast/id1393133041?mt=2&fbclid=IwAR1tjUxnEcrG1q_5m35ZzCduaS4fZJT2cYHl53CaWevMuRlcuvxBI6AFb3s
How in the HELL Did I Get Here? https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/how-in-the-hell-did-i-get-here-the-podcast/id1448137091?mt=2&fbclid=IwAR2GyOaw93q3IplQLaF3_GZyzbgwEoxZFzB-uNQAoThKKghAKKCrVKYYohQ
Creativity School https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/creativity-school/id1447571085?fbclid=IwAR28GwcZ9Tu81dH7aLtxFoX68-yYEisH3socPrcjmbN0Xk-YY3REgQ9L1Fc
The Ready Pause Go Career https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-ready-pause-go-career/id1446761976?mt=2&fbclid=IwAR0GXU0O9TjFUcpTTIx_qfypkV1oizQwE_nBjD8hAW4G7x6PXq9PYwgs5IY
Food Tribe https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/food-tribe/id1440417232?mt=2&fbclid=IwAR0dADVs36_TgBDzSHIBmFB5JhY6wgag9RpnaX5B8NWjVvB1QTB7Cz5tkjU
The DaddyBe Podcast https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-daddybe-podcast/id1447237794?mt=2&fbclid=IwAR1wUDvNi9dl3vvWzuGPlGydgxiU7evJWKYJrjY-cgrfaWRPRF_xsralitU
I Have Dreams Dammit! https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-have-dreams-dammit/id1449508412?fbclid=IwAR0hmiKzF2ABgaqGwQVskxF-OQTV14v9uj1kTlLydvqFvST3kySb76YrKVw
Lessons from a Quitter https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/lessons-from-a-quitter/id1412305413?mt=2
Do the Damn Thing https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/do-the-damn-thing/id1437481006?mt=2
Creative Cravings https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/creative-cravings/id1451813556?mt=2&fbclid=IwAR3pbdpDTUdZHiowOls8Ixf03l4XraMUaB4bS66F3b9LQYrBe-p3uA6XpMo
Elder & Wiser https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/elder-wiser/id1453289708?fbclid=IwAR34ZTDVUcdIcHtt9tA1b67Z-WhmDtzM2GnTC8x4huJaS-YOowi1ij1Od2o
Hustle Heartbreaks https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/hustle-heartbreaks/id1453207903?fbclid=IwAR2NAhma5OpBfR7P-XjMymAvDJhWVcvnizb5TqjZ5IncJIH4e8U49ai9nh0
  And our teacher…
Don’t Keep Your Day Job https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/dont-keep-your-day-job/id1191831035?mt=2
Check out this episode!
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cornucopiaradio · 3 years
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Our new improv podcast for writers "Prompety Prompt" starts today and you can listen and subscribe to the first two shows right now on our website:
In the first episode, guests David Oakley and Jess Sinclair join hosts Letty Butler and Stephen Mellor to respond live, against the clock, to a series of writing prompts, as well as discussing the highs and lows and challenges of being a writer, where inspiration strikes and what the future holds.
The second episode starts so calm before a speedy descent into all manner of imaginations: from sperm eyes, to mucas plugs, giant rows of red penises, turtle shows, fish finger butties and a face full of Whitby. With guests Alan Frost and Philippa Howell.
The prompts for both episodes were taken from The Writers Toolbox, by Jamie Cat Callan, and were: 200 words on the pre-prepared prompt of ‘There Were 17 Cats in Larry’s Basement and ‘On Tuesday She Asked Me the Most Peculiar Question’. Three minutes to respond to ‘I Decided The Only Solution Was to Seduce Him,’ and ‘My Brother Did this Weird Thing with Turtles’. Lastly they have one minute to respond to ‘A Half-Eaten Tangerine’ and ‘Your Mother’s Pearls.’
We would love you to send us anything you decide to write based on these prompts yourself. Leave us a comment, send us a message or email [email protected]
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ebookisthebest · 3 years
PDF DOWNLOAD The Writer's Toolbox Creative Games and Exercises for Inspiring the 'Write' Side of Your Brain (Writing Prompts  Writer Gifts  Writing Kit Gifts) Forman EPUB  PDF
[PDF] Download Ebook | READ ONLINE The Writer's Toolbox: Creative Games and Exercises for Inspiring the 'Write' Side of Your Brain (Writing Prompts, Writer Gifts, Writing Kit Gifts)body {font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;}#example1 {border: 2px solid black;padding: 25px;background: lightblue;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-size: 100% 100%;}nav {margin:auto;text-align: left;width: 80%;font-family: roboto;}nav ul {list-style: none;position: relative;display: inline-table;width: 80%;}nav ul li{float:left;}nav ul li:hover{background:#FFFF00;}nav ul li:hover a{color:#000;}nav ul li a{display: block;padding: 25px;color: black;text-decoration: none;}p{position:absolute;top: 20px;z-index: 2;color: black;background-color:yellow;}PDF DOWNLOAD The Writer's Toolbox: Creative Games and Exercises for Inspiring the 'Write' Side of Your Brain (Writing Prompts, Writer Gifts, Writing Kit Gifts) Forman EPUB / PDF
The Writer's Toolbox: Creative Games and Exercises for Inspiring the 'Write' Side of Your Brain (Writing Prompts, Writer Gifts, Writing Kit Gifts)
[PDF] Download The Writer's Toolbox: Creative Games and Exercises for Inspiring the 'Write' Side of Your Brain (Writing Prompts, Writer Gifts, Writing Kit Gifts) Ebook | READ ONLINE
Author : Jamie Cat Callan Publisher : Chronicle Books ISBN : 0811854299 Publication Date : 2007-4-26 Language : Pages : 64
To Download or Read this book, click link below:
Synopsis : PDF DOWNLOAD The Writer's Toolbox: Creative Games and Exercises for Inspiring the 'Write' Side of Your Brain (Writing Prompts, Writer Gifts, Writing Kit Gifts) Forman EPUB / PDF
Writer's block has met its match with Writer's Toolbox!Designed by a longtime creative writing teacher, this innovative kit includes a 64-page booklet filled with exercises and instructions that focus on a 'right-brain' approach to writing. Sixty exercise sticks: First Sentences, Non Sequiturs, and Last Straws will get stories off the ground, 60 cards fuel creative descriptions and four spinner palettes will ignite unexpected plot twists. For any aspiring writer, this kit is the perfect first step on the path to literary greatness!Inspires writers with creative prompts and samplesGets writers in the right headspace to let creativity flowFeatures 60 writing exercises and other creative gamesMake those days and nights of struggling to create writing ideas go away without having to bury yourself in more books with Writer's Toolbox, which makes for the perfect gift for writers.
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les-portes-du-sud · 5 years
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«Joie de vivre, c'est aimer la vie, aimer les gens, aimer être vivant, se sentir vivant. Il s'agit de sourire, d'être dans votre cœur et d'être reconnaissant pour toutes les belles choses de votre vie: être en bonne santé, être capable d'entendre, de voir, de marcher, d'être reconnaissant pour toutes les personnes adorables et aimantes ... »
- Jamie Cat Callan
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dijetemjeseca · 3 months
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"Nemojte biti previše profinjene. Budite prirodnije, zabavnije, opuštenije. Ljubav prema modi i rafiniranost u odijevanju ne znači da i vi morate biti profinjene!"
-Jamie Cat Callan, Zašto Francuskinje ne spavaju same?
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smkelly84 · 6 years
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Parisian Charm School In Parisian Charm School Jamie Cat Callan provides an orientation to the uninitiated to the to élan of Paris.
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188: 18 Secrets & Lessons from the French Culture to Begin 2018
~The Simple Sophisticate, episode #188
~Subscribe to The Simple Sophisticate: iTunes | Stitcher | iHeartRadio
"But I love New Year's Day, because I can never get over the generosity of the fact that we all get a BRAND NEW YEAR, totally for FREE — with no dents, or dinks, or mistakes yet. It's the ultimate REFRESH button." —Elizabeth Gilbert
With 2018 just two weeks away, I am, as I am with each new years, inclined to be quite excited for a fresh start. No matter what the current year shared with me, surprised or delighted me with, the gift of a chance to improve is a priceless opportunity that only arrives once every 365 days. And so, I readily choose to seize it and apply what I have learned over the past 12 months and put it to practice, to improve upon who I reveal myself to be the previous year. As I look ahead to the new year with plans to finally get back to France since far too long ago (2013), I couldn't help but look to my collection of French living and culture books which I didn't fully realized is as plentiful as it turned out to be in my personal library (a sampling captured recently of many of my French themed books) for inspiration as to how to step forward into 2018. Below I've gathered 18 quotes of wisdom, insights and inspiration for beginning anew, renewed and brilliantly rested and ready to make 2018 the year we wish it to be.
You Know More Than You Realize
1."a quarter to a third of all English words come from French, and good thing; otherwise, learning this language would be even harder than it is." —William Alexander in Flirting with French: How a Language Charmed Me, Seduced Me & Nearly Broke My Heart  
Read Books Like You Need Them to Breathe
2. "France retains a reverence for the printed book. As independent bookstores crash and burn in the United States, the market here is healthier, largely thanks to government protections that treat the stores as national treasures . . . in France, booksellers —including Amazon —may not discount books more than 5 percent below the publisher's list price." —Elaine Sciolino in The Only Street in Paris: Life on the Rue des Martyrs  
The Gift of a Balanced Life is a Beautiful Life to Savor
3. "So here is a trilogy: food/movement/know thyself. Again, these are important elements in my life and also in the lives of French women who don't get fat (and perhaps do not want or need facelifts)." —Mireille Guiliano in French Women Don't Get Facelifts: The Secret of Aging with Style & Attitude   
Trust Your Journey, and As You Travel, Just Be Yourself
4. "'Seize the moment . . . pay attention to your life right now' . . . What I failed to see, sitting around the coffee table on those nights, was the possibility that I didn't have to keep looking for a family to belong to; I could create one of my own. I had conflated my deep need to belong to something bigger than myself with a more superficial need to fit in, to look and dress and act like others. But fitting in is not belonging. This seems so clear now, but at the time I didn't understand the difference. I was still floating between New York and Paris, at least in the sense that my identity was tied to both cities. I lived in New York and worked at a New Yorker's pace, but I couldn't let go of Paris —Paris, which had shaped me more deeply than college or even my Manhattan childhood. Returning to Paris felt as if I was reawakening some part of myself that had been asleep since I'd left." —Kate Betts in My Paris Dream: An Education in Style, Slang and Seduction in the Great City on the Seine  
On Style: Mix It Up
5. "Forget the 'total look.' Frenchwomen love to mix and match. Pascale Camart, womenswear buying manager for the Galeries Lafayette, told me that having designer labels next to ordinary ones on the same floor was 'on purpose. The Frenchwoman likes to put different things together.' The Parisienne, she says, doesn't buy evening dresses. She sticks with basics and then finds the one distinctive jacket or scarf or top that will make the ensemble a knockout." —Harriet Welty Rochefort in Joie de Vivre: Secrets of Wining, Dining and Romancing Like the French  
The Importance of Elevating the Everyday
6. " You don't go overboard, exhausting yourself over the holidays when you make every day an occasion for friendship and family, fun and celebration." —Jamie Cat Callan in Bonjour, Happiness: Secrets to Finding Your Joie de Vivre  
Choose Quality in Your Food and in Your Life to Elevate the Experience
7. "Édith Piaf famously sang, Non, je ne regrette rien ('No, I regret nothing'). Although I have my share of regrets, using good chocolate to make a soufflé is never one of them." —David Lebovitz in L'Appart: The Delights and Disasters of Making My Paris Home  
Let Your Body Tell You What It Needs and Listen
8. "She knows exactly what she has 'a taste' for, and once she's had enough, that's it. She eats what she wants, when she wants it, until she is satisfied. Food is not a moral or emotional issue for her. She does not describe foods as good or bad; to her they are neutral, just food." —Carol Cottrill in The French Twist: Twelve Secrets of Decadent Dining and Natural Weight Management  
The Essence of Real Beauty Goes Beyond the Surface
9. "Style without substance is unacceptable, largely because it's boring, one-dimensional. In France, it's inadmissible to provoke ennui. Real style is built upon a solid foundation of informed intelligence, quick wit, and an impressive panopoly of culture references. One must hold her own in a lively conversation. The essence of beauty is to continue educating oneself and constantly to learn something new. Simply put: these are the keys to eternal youth." Tish Jett in Forever Chic: Frenchwomen's Secrets for Timeless Beauty, Style and Substance  
Keep Persevering to Create More 'Luck' in Your Life
10. "Persevering is often not simply a matter of working hard and refusing to quit; often, by trying again, failing again, and failing better, we inadvertently place ourselves in the way of luck. Yet another reason to keep on keeping on." —Karen Karbo in Julia Child Rules: Lessons on Savoring Life  
Cooking Need Not Be Complicated & Thus an Necessary Element of Socializing Well in Everyday Life
11. "Yes, Parisians have more fun when they go out. But they're also ten times less likely to eat out. And in Paris, there's no ordering in —you cook. It's simple cooking, really: You can have five friends over, create a fast, delicious pasta with zucchini and mint. Or you just buy cheese, figs, wine and call it a night." — Garance Doré in Love, Style, Life  
Opening Your World to Other Languages & Cultures Deepens Appreciation and Perspective
12. "Linguists call America 'the graveyard of languages' because of its singular ability to take in millions of immigrants and extinguish their native languages in a few generations. A study of thirty-five nations found that 'in no other country . . . did the rate of the mother tongue shift toward (English) monolingualism approach the radity of that found in the United States.' Immigrants to America lose languages quickly; natives of America fail to acquire them. Only 18 percent of American schoolchildren are enrolled in foreign language courses, while 94 percent of European high-school students are studying English." —Lauren Collins in When in French: Love in a Second Language  
Incorporate the Arts into Your Life
13. "As often as you can, take an evening off and seek out the arts. Attend the ballet, visit an art show at your local coffee shop, go see an independent theatre, attend a symphony performance or a rock concern. These moments are often too few and far between, especially when family and work life seem to always come first. Indulging in the pleasure of the arts feels decadent and is a magnificent way to recharge your soul. Purchase your tickets in advance. Knowing that you are going to attend the ballet in three weeks gives you something delightful to look forward to." — Jennifer L. Scott in At Home with Madame Chic  
Luck is Hard Earned
14. "In truth, her luck was not yet finished. Not even close. These two daring shipments were to make her one of the most famous women in Europe and her wine one of the most highly prized commodities of the nineteenth century. As Louis told her, it was a succes born out of 'your judicious manner of operating, your excellent wine, and the marvelous similarity of your ideas, which produced the most splendid unity and action and execution — we did it well, and I give a million thanks to the bounty of the divine Providence who saw fit to make me one of his instrument in your future well-being . . . certainly you merit all the glory possible after your misfortunes, your perseverance, and your obvious talents.'" —Tilar J. Mazzeo in The Widow Clicquot: The Story of a Champagne Empire and the Woman Who Ruled It  
On What Is Worth Appreciating and Savoring
15. "The weight of history means that the French don't wipe the slate clean to make way for progress the way Americans do. Because of their centuries-old attachment to the land, restriction is their second nature, not expansion. The French have completely different ideas about what's public and what's private, and those ideas influence how they think about money, morality, eating, manners, conversation, and even political accountability. The French glorify what's elevated and grand, not what's common and accessible. They value form as much as content. And finally, they created many of their instituions to try to deal with the after-affects of two major wars. These factors don't add up to a neat picture that diametrically opposes French and Anglo-Americans. They just explain a lot about why the French think the way they do. Unless Americans recognize these differences, they will never understand the French." —Jean-Benoît Nadeau & Julie Barlow in Sixty Million Frenchmen Can't Be Wrong: Why We Love France, but Not the French  
Stop and Nourish Your Body & Mind Daily
16. "No matter how fraught our workload, we stop and have a proper meal. It helps us calm our brains and bodies, and we know we will work more efficiently afterward." —Mathilde Thomas in The French Beauty Solution: Time-Tested Secrets to Look and Feel Beautiful Inside and Out  
The Importance of Quality Living for the Individual Living It, Not for Outward Applause
17. "Ambition—another virtue that becomes a vice when taken too seriously. Time is not money for the French. It's an ephemeral currency and should be spent doing the things that make life worth living. Remember, the French woman might have an acute sense of breveity of time and the immediacy of pleasure; that said, she also has a strong predilection to enjoy not only the finer things in life but the things that make life fine." —Debra Ollivier in What French Women Know: About Love, Sex and Other Matters of the Heart and Mind  
Let Your Dreams Lead the Way and Never Stop Striving Forward
18. "Willa Carter believed that if you have a wish for something from a young age and you nourish it, if you continually make an effort to nurture this wish and stay connected to this dream, then you will live a fulfilled life. If you believe in something, it invests everything you do with meaning. Paris has always stayed with me, close to me, and I've continually felt nourished by it." —Kate Betts in My Paris Dream: An Education in Style, Slang, and Seduction in the Great City on the Seine   At the core of living well is appreciating the value of now and tempering longings and future hopes so that we are soley living in the future. Our lives are indeed right now. Just for a moment, examine where you were in your life one year ago today, now five years ago, now 10. Could you have precisely known where you would be when looking toward the future as your younger self? The future is exciting, but as many of the sage words remind, it is often the simple, the patient and present that make life truly fulfilling. Thank you for stopping by, and remember to stop by next Monday when the Top Episodes of 2017 will be shared. A new episode will return on Monday January 1st with Francophile author Jamie Cat Callan (her new book Parisian Charm School: French Secrets for Cultivating Love, Joy and that Certain je ne sais quoi will be released on January 2, 2018) as well as an excited giveaway for listeners and readers (hint: it is something for your kitchen). ~Tune in to French-Living inspired posts/episodes from the Archives: ~#4: 10 Ways to Unearth Your Inner Francophile ~#23: The French Way: How to Create a Luxurious Everyday Life ~#32: The Francophile Style Guide: The 14 Essentials ~#96: Everyday Living in France - My Interview with Sharon Santoni ~#127: 20 Ways to Live Like a Parisienne ~#144: 20 Ways to Incorporate Your Love for the French Culture into Your Everyday ~#151: 10 Style Tips to Embrace the French Woman's Approach to Effortless Chic ~#155: 6 Life Lessons for Living Well from Julia Child ~#167: My Good Life in France: Author Janine Marsh ~#168: Everyday Living with Author & Blogger Sharon Santoni ~#169: Understanding the French Culture: My Interview with Géraldine Lepere of Comme une Française ~#182: David Leibovitz Talks About Making Paris His Home   ~Check out the new addition to TSLL destination: The Simply Luxurious Kitchen. Have a look at the pilot episode below and learn more about this new venture into vodcasting in which we will focus on "Seasonal fare to elevate the everyday meal" here.
  Petit Plaisir:
~Salmon en Papillote (Salmon in Paper) - view the entire recipe here
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Tune in to the latest episode of The Simple Sophisticate podcast
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norikateatro · 6 years
Norikateatro’s Audio List! 💙
As of:  January 6th, 2019 😄!
Please message me if you want a bootleg! Do not comment *If you want to trade with me that’ll be really cool!
Wicked: Chicago January 06, 2008 - Dan'yelle Williamson (Elphaba u/s); Kate Fahrner (Glinda u/s); Michael Seelbach (Fiyero); Peter Kevoian (The Wizard); K. Todd Freeman (Doctor Dillamond); Barbara Robertson (Madame Morrible); Summer Naomi Scott (Nessarose); Stanton Nash (Boq)
Wicked 9 September 2008, 1NT Cast: Carmen Cusack (Elphaba), Katie Rose Clark (G(a)linda), Christopher Russo (u/s The Witch’s Father), Deedee Magno Hall (Nessa), Brad Weinstock (Boq), Myra Lucretia Taylor (Madame Morrible), Paul Slade Smith (u/s The Wizard), Clifton Hall (Fiyero)
Wicked: San Francisco March 06, 2010 - Eden Espinosa (Elphaba); Libby Servais (Glinda s/b); D.J. Gregory (Fiyero u/s); Tom McGowan (The Wizard); Paul Slade Smith (Doctor Dillamond); Jody Gelb (Madame Morrible); Deedee Magno Hall (Nessarose); Etai BenShlomo (Boq)
Wicked Broadway: March 3, 2013 Cast: Willemijn Verkaik (Elphaba), Alli Mauzey (Glinda), Kyle Dean Massey (Fiyero), Randy Danson (Madame Morrible), Adam Grupper (The Wizard), Catherin Charlebois (Nessarose), F. Michael Haynie (Boq), Tom Flynn (Dr Dillamond)
Wicked: Broadway February 22, 2014 (Lindsay Mendez & Alli Mauzey’s Final Show) Lindsay Mendez (Elphaba), Alli Mauzey (Glinda), Kyle Dean Massey (Fiyero), Carol Kane (Madame Morrible), Tom McGowan (Wizard), Catherine Charlebois (Nessarose), Michael Wartella (Boq), Note: Lindsay, Alli, Kyle & Tom’s last performance.
​Wicked Mexico-June 20, 2014 Elenco: Viviana Barrera (u/s Elphaba), Cecilia de la Cueva (Glinda), Jorge Lau (Fiyero), Paco Morales (El Maravilloso Mago de Oz), Anahí Allué (Srita. Morrida), Marisol Meneses (Nessarosa), Sebastián Treviño (u/s Boq), Beto Torres (Dr. Dillamond), Emanuel Gáitan (Chistery). Viviana's first performance as Elphaba.
Wicked: London  June 23, 2014 Cast: Emma Hatton (s/b Elphaba), Sophie Linder-Lee (s/b Glinda), Jeremy Taylor (Fiyero), Philippa Buxton (u/s Nessarose), Sam Lupton (Boq), Sue Kelvin (Madame Morrible), Martyn Ellis (The Wizard), Paul Clarkson (Dr. Dillamond).
Wicked: Broadway ​January 27, 2015 Caroline Bowman (Elphaba), Kara Lindsay (Glinda), Matt Shingledecker (Fiyero), Tom McGowan (The Wizard), Kathy Fitzgerald (Madame Morrible), Alicia L. Albright (Nessarose u/s), Robin de Jesus (Boq)
The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Broadway March 14th, 1975 (Soundboard) Cast:  Bill Miller (Brad Majors), Abigale Haness (Janet Weiss), Graham Jarvis (Narrator), Richard O'Brien (Riff Raff), Tim Curry (Dr. Frank-N-Furter), Jamie Donnelly (Magenta), Boni Enten (Columbia), Kim Milford (Rocky), Meat Loaf (Eddie/Dr. Scott)  Notes: This is a live recording made on March 14th, 1975 of the (very short-lived) Rocky Horror Show's original run at the Belasco Theatre on Broadway.  
Cats London November 8th, 1995 Cast: Admetus/Macavity: Richard Armitage, Alonzo: Nunzio Lombardo, Bill Bailey: Daniel Crossley, Bombalurina: Vanessa Leagh-Hicks, Bustopher/Gus: Tony Timberlake, Carbucketty: Sandy Rass,  Cassandra: Deborah Shrimpton, Coricopat: David Olton, Demeter: Michele Hooper, Electra: Nicola Lee-Owens, Etcetera: Charlotte Peck, George/Rumpus: Steven Wayne,  Grizabella: Clare Burt, Jellylorum: Carrie Ellis, Jemima: Kimberly Partridge. Jennyanydots: Beth Robson (u/s), Mistoffelees: Thomas Paton, Mungojerrie: Ian Meeson, Munkustrap: Andrew Halliday, Old Deuteronomy: Graeme Lauren (s/b), Rumpleteazer: Vikki Coote,  Rum Tum Tugger: John Partridge, Skimbleshanks: Tommi Sliiden (u/s), Tantomile:  Tee Soo-Chan, Victor: John Stacey, Victoria: Sandra Kater
​Chicago: Broadway - 1975 8 Aug Cast-Liza Minelli (special temp. replacement - Roxie Hart), Chita Rivera (Velma Kelly), Jerry Orbach (Billy Flynn), Mary McCarty (Mama Morton), Barney Martin (Amos Hart)
Cats 15 July 1998, Hamburg Cast: John Partridge (Munkustrap), Kristin Hölck (Grizabella), Stephan Drakulich (Old Deuteronomy), Ray Strachan (Rum Tum Tugger), Damian Kacperski (Mr. Mistoffelees), Lachlan Youngberg (Bustopher Mürr), Tanya Christensen (Gumbie Katz’), Marco Krämer (Skimbleshanks), Virginia Lilly (Rumpleteazer), Livio Salvi (Mungojerrie)
Cats London: December 27th, 2014
Cats:  Broadway September 24th, 2016 Cast:  Leona Lewis (Grizabella), Tyler Hanes (Rum Tum Tugger), Ricky Ubeda (Mistoffelees), Nathan Patrick Morgan (Old Deuteronomy u/s), Eloise Kropp (Jennyanydots),  Callan Bergmann (Carbucketty u/s), Jeremy Davis (Skimbleshanks), Kim Faure (Demeter), Sara Jean Ford (Jellylorum), Lili Froehlich (Electra), Daniel Gaymon (Macavity),  Francesca Granell (Rumpleteazer  u/s), Christopher Gurr (Gus/Bustopher Jones), Andy Huntington Jones (Munkustrap), Kolton Krouse (Tumblebrutus), Jess Le Protto (Mungojerrie), Georgina Pazcougin (Victoria), Claire Camp (Cassandra u/s), Arianna Rosario (SIllabub), Ahmad Smmons (Alonzo), Christine Cornish Smith (Bombalurina), Corey Snide (Coricopat), Emily Tate (Tantomile), Sharrod Wiliams (Pouncival)
Cats (1989 Original French Cast Recording)
Cats (1991 Original Mexican Cast Recording)  
Cabaret - Signature Theatre Washington DC - Date Unknown Cast: Wesley Taylor (Emcee), Barret Wilbert Weed (Sally), Gregory Woodell (Cliff), Rick Foucheux (Herr Schultz), Naomi Jacobson (Fraulein Schneider), Bobby Smith (Ernst), Maria Rizzo (Fraulein Kost)
​Carousel: 2018  Broadway Revival January 28th, 2018 (1st Preview) Cast: Joshua Henry as Billy Bigelow, Jessie Mueller as Julie Jordan, Lindsay Mendez as Carrie Pipperidge, Renée Fleming as Nettie Fowler, Alexander Gemignani as Enoch Snow, Amar Ramasar as Jigger, John Douglas Thompson as the Starkeeper, and Brittany Pollock as Louise
Dear Evan Hansen:  Broadway - May 15, 2018 Cast: Taylor Trensch (Evan Hansen), ​Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe), Will Roland (Jared), Phoenix Best (Alana), Alex Boniello (Connor), Rachel Bay Jones (Heidi), Michael Park (Larry), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia) Notes: Alex's first show as Connor.  
El Hombre de La Mancha (1969 Original Mexican Cast Recording)
El Hombre de La Mancha (2017 Mexican Revival Cast Recording)
Little Shop Of Horrors:  Broadway | September 16, 2003 DeQuina Moore (Chiffon), Trisha Jeffrey (Crystal), Carla J. Hargrove (Ronnette), Rob Bartlett (Mushnik), Kerry Butler (Audrey), Hunter Foster (Seymour), Michael-Leon Wooley (voice of Audrey II)
​Into the Woods National Tour (Fiasco Theater Production) 4/11/17 Ahmanson Theatre, Los Angeles Eleasha Gamble (Baker's Wife), Anthony Chatmon II (Lucinda/Wolf/Cinderella's Prince), Fred Rose (Mysterious Man), Darick Pead (Rapunzel's Prince/Florinda/Milky White), Bonne Kramer (Cinderella's Stepmother/Jack's Mother), Laurie Veldheer (Cinderella/Granny), Stephanie Umoh (The Witch), Patrick Mulryan (Jack/Steward), Evan Harrington (Baker), Lisa Helmi Johanson (Little Red Ridinghood/Rapunzel). *Includes BC/EFA Speech by Patrick Mulryan.
Wicked (2016 Original Mexican Cast Recording)This was released by the official Mexican Page on Youtube. It’s a Soundboard recording of Wicked México. Sound is crystal clear, some of the songs have dialogue. Cast: Ana Cecilia Anzaldúa (Elphaba), Cecilia de la Cueva (Glinda), Jorge Lau (Fiyero), Marisol Meneses (Nessarosa). Adam Sadwing (Boq), Beto Torres (Dr. Dillamond), Anahí Allué (Senorita. Mórrida), Paco Morales (El Mago de Oz), Beto Díaz (Frexspar/ El Padre de Elphaba), Lizeth Navarro (Melena/ La Madre de Elphaba). Alicia Paola Sanchez (La Partera)
Wicked - 2016.08.18 - International Tour Cast: Jodie Steele (Elphaba s/b), Elizabeth Futter (Glinda u/s), Steven Pinder (The Wizard/Dr. Dillamond), Bradley Jaden (Fiyero), Kim Ismay (Madame Morrible), Emily Shaw (Nessarose), Iddon Jones (Boq) notes: This was Elizabeth’s first show as Glinda!
On Your Feet: Broadway April 1st, 2017 (Evening) Ana Villafañe (Gloria), Ektor Rivera (Emilio), Yassmin Alers (Gloria Fajardo u), Alma Cuervo (Consuelo), Amaris Sanchez (Little Gloria), Eduardo Hernadez (Young Emilio and others), Eliseo Roman (José Fajardo), Genny Lis Padilla (Rebecca) My Master: This show was great but there was a very drunk lady sitting next to me, she belted some of the lyrics to the songs!
A Chorus Line:  Westchester Broadway Theatre February 3rd, 2018 (Evening) Cast: Drew Carr (Mike), Tiffany Chalothorn (Connie), Erika Conaway (Tricia), Joseph Cullinane (Greg), Kevin Curtis (Richie), Emma Degerstedt (Val), Brian Dillon (Larry), David Elder (Zach), Tim Fuchs (Al), Danielle Marie Gonzalez (Vicki),  David Grindrod (Roy), Michael John Hughes (Paul), Tyler Jimenez (Don), Emily Kelly (Maggie), Ashley Klinger Kristine), Joey Lucherini (Frank), Erica Mansfield (Cassie), Alexandra Matteo (Diana), Logan Mortier (Bobby), PJ Palmer (Mark), Lauren Sprague (Sheila), Kelsey Walston (Bebe), Caitlin Wilayton (Judy) My Master: This performance was wonderful, it had no intermission.
Avenue Q 1999 Demos
Anastasia: Broadway July 21, 2017 ( 8:00 PM) cast: Christy Altomare (Anya), Derek Klena (Dmitry), Mary Beth Peil (Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna), Ramin Karimloo (Gleb), John Bolton (Vlad Popov), Caroline O'Connor (Lily), Kathryn Boswell (Countess Gregory swing) My Master
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Broadway November 11th, 2017 (Evening) Cast: Christian Borle (Willy Wonka), Ryan Foust (Charlie Bucket), Kyle Taylor Parker (Mrs. Green), John Rubinstein (Grandpa Joe), Emily Padgett (Mrs. Bucket), Kristy Cates (Grandma Josephine), Madeleine Doherty (Grandma Georgina), Paul Slade Smith (Grandpa George), Mikey Winslow( Jerry u), Stephanie Gibson (Cherry), Kathy Fitzgerald (Mrs. Gloop), F. Michael Haynie (Augustus Gloop), Jared Bradslaw (Mr. Salt u), Emma Pfaeffle (Veruca Salt), Mr. Beauregarde (Alan H. Green), Violet Beauregarde (Trista Dollison), Michael Wartella (Mike TeaVee), Jackie Hoffman (Mrs. Teavee) (My Master)
Miss Saigon:  Broadway January 14th, 2018 Cast: Eva Noblezada (Kim), Jon Jon Briones (The Engineer), Alistair Brammer (Chris), Katie Rose Clarke (Ellen), Nicholas Christopher (John), Devin Ilaw (Thuy), Dorcas Leung (Gigi) (Final Show)
Mary Poppins: (2012 Mexican Cast Recording) Bianca Marroquin (Mary Poppins), Mauricio Salas (Bert), Catalina Farias (Winifred Banks), Paco Morales (George Banks), Daniela Meneses [?] (Jane Banks), Sebastián Gallegos[?] (Michael Banks) Andrés Elvira (Valentin), Mariano Bucio (Neleus), Alm Cristal (Mrs. Brill), Andrés Sáez (Robertson Ay), Laura Cortés (Ms. Andrew & Bird Woman), Sergio Carranza (Almirante Boom), Paloma Cordero (Mrs. Corry), Natalia Saltiel (Mrs. Lark), Vince Miranda, Eden Pintos, Marcela Nava, Alma Escudero, Yolanda Campos, Majo Perez, Julieta Martínez, Eduardo Ibarra, Carlos Pulido, Omar Rodríguez, Alexo Fergo, Antonio Mariscal, Alicia Paola Sánchez, Jose Sampedro, Kim Yañez, Raymundo Montoya, Óscar Hernández, Roberto Hernández, Cecilia Arias, Mariano Villarello, Marcia Peña, Ruben Plascencia, Lolo Jiménez. *Songs only. This was recorded from the soundboard from various dates throughout the run.
Once on this Island: Broadway Revival January 22nd, 2018 Cast:   Hailey Kilgore (Ti Moune), Isaac Powell (Daniel), Tamyra Gray (Papa Ge), Lea Salonga (Erzulie), Norm Lewis (Agwe), Alex Newell (Asaka), Kenita R. Miller (Mama Euralie), T Oliver Reid (u/s Tonton Julian), Mia Williamson (Little Girl), Alysha Deslorieux (Andrea/Storyteller), David Jennings (Armand/Storyteller), Tyler Hardwick (u/s Beauxhommes/Storyteller).
Frozen: Broadway March 4th, 2018- Cast: Alyssa Fox (s/b Elsa), Patti Murin, John Riddle, Jelani Alladin, Andrew Pirozzi, Greg HIldreth, Audrey Bennett, Brooklyn Nelson, Ann Sanders, James Brown III, Timothy Hughes, Olivia Phillip, Robert Creighton, Kevin Del Aguila Notes: Alyssa Fox’s debut as Elsa
Chicago Broadway: April 1st, 2018 (Evening) Cast: Amra-Faye Wright (Velma), Charlotte d’ Amboise (Roxie), Brian O’ Brien (Fred Casey) , Evan Harrington (Amos) , Katie Mitchell (Liz), Pilar Millhollen (Annie), Donna Marie Asbury (June), Beth Johnson Nicely (Hunyak u/s), Angel Reda (Mona), Valerie Simpson (Matron “Mama” Morton), Chaz Lamar Shepherd (Billy Flynn), R. Lowe (Mary Sunshine), Jessica Ernest (Go-To-Hell Kitty)  My Master: Act 1 only (Ends towards the middle of Cell Block Tango)
Kinky Boots: Broadway April 28th, 2018 Cast: Charlie Price (David Cook), Blaine Alden Krauss (Lola u), Cooper Lantz (Young Charlie), Jesús del Orden (Young Lola), Stephen Berger (Mr. Price), Eugene Barry-Hill (Simon Sr), Caroline Bowman (Nicola), Marcus Neville (George), Daniel Stewart Sherman (Don), Kirstin Maldonado (Lauren), Natalie Joy Johnson (Pat), Jake Odmark (Harry), Jennifer Perry (Trish), Ciarán Mccarthy (Richard Bailey), Adinah Alexander (Milan Stage Manager), Kevin Smith Kirkwood, Alfred Dalpino (u/s), Fred Odgaard, Kyle Post, Charlie Sutton, and Joey Taranto (Angels) My Master: Ciarán Mccarthy’s Broadway debut!
Mean Girls: Broadway 6/17/2018 Cast: Erika Henningsen (Cady Heron), Becca Petersen (u/s Regina George), Ashley Park (Gretchen Wieners), Kate Rockwell (Karen  Smith), Barrett Wilbert Weed (Janis Sarkisian), Grey Henson (Damian Hubbard), Kerry Butler (Mrs. Heron/Ms. Norbury/Mrs. George), Rick Younger (Mr. Duvall), Kyle Selig (Aaron Samuels), Cheech Manohar (Kevin Gnapoor), Iain Young (u/s Mr Heron) Notes: Becca's Regina George debut
Moulin Rouge: Boston Tryouts July 24th, 2018- Cast: Aaron Tveit (Christian), Karen Olivo (Satine), Danny Burstein (Harold Zidler), Sahr Ngaujah (Toulouse-Lautrec), Tam Mutu (Duke of Monroth), Ricky Rojas (Santiago), Robyn Hurder (Nini) Notes: Act I is pretty much the same but Act II has some changes. "Roxanne is now far more manic and powerful, Crazy/Rolling in the Deep has a much more desperate feel which makes the pain Christian and Satine feel much more obvious, and Come What May is restored in part to Satine's death scene."
Be More Chill-​August 2, 2018 (Off Broadway) Will Roland (Jeremy Heere), George Salazar (Michael Mell), Stephanie Hsu (Christine Canigula), Jason Tam (The SQUIP), Katlyn Carlson (Chloe Valentine), Lauren Marcus (Brooke Lohst), Gerard Canonico (Rich Goranski), Tiffany Mann (Jenna Rolan), Britton Smith (Jake Dillinger), Jason "SweetTooth" Williams (Mr. Heere/Mr. Reyes/Scary Stock Boy)
Once on this Island: Broadway Revival August 18th, 2018- 2:00 PM Cast:   Lauren Lott (Ti Moune), Isaac Powell (Daniel), Merle Dandridge (Papa Ge) Darlesia Cearcy (Erzulie), Quentin Earl Darrington (Agwe), Alex Newell (Asaka), Kenita R. Miller (Mama Euralie), Boise Holmes ( Tonton Julian), Mia Williamson (Little Girl), Anna Uzele (Andrea/Storyteller), David Jennings (Armand/Storyteller), and Daniel Yearwood ( Beauxhommes/Storyteller) My Master Notes: This was such an incredible show, I cried a lot!
Wicked - Broadway December 1st, 2018 Cast: Jessica Vosk (Elphaba), Amanda Jane Cooper (Glinda), Ryan Mccartan (Fiyero), Jye Frasca (Boq), Kristen Martin (Nessarose), Nancy Opel (Madame Morrible), Kevin Chamberlin (The Wizard), Jamie Jackson (Dr. Dillamond), Michael Di Liberto (u/s Witch’s Father/Ozian Official), Lindsay Janisse (Witch’s Mother), Kathy Santen (Midwife), Dominic Giudici (Chistery), Ioana Alfonso, Larkin Bogan, Teneise Mitchell Ellis, Dominic Giudici, Dan Gleason, Josh Daniel Green, Jeff Heimbrock, Manuel I. Herrera, Courtney Iventosch, Lindsay Janisse, Britney Johnson, Katie Ladner, Marissa Lupp, Matt Meigs, Dashi Mitchell, Lindsay K. Northen, Jonathan Ritter, William Ryall, Kathy Santen, Hannah Shankman, Travis Taber, Jeremy Thompson (Monkeys, students, Denizens of the Emerald City, Palace Guards and Other Citizens of Oz)   User: dnc445 on Reddit’s Master
Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway December 12, 2018 ​Cast: Roman Banks (u/s Evan), Lisa Brescia (Heidi Hansen), Mallory Bechtel (Zoe Murphy), Sky Lakota-Lynch (Jared Kleinman), Phoenix Best (Alana Beck), Alex Boniello (Connor Murphy), Garrett Long (u/s Cynthia Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy) Roman Banks First Performance
King Kong Broadway: December 13th, 2018- 2:00 PM Cast: Christiani Pitts (Ann Darrow), Eric William Morris (Carl Denham), Erik Lochtefeld (Lumpy), Rory Donovan (Captain Englehorn), Harley Jay (Barman), Casey Garvin (Fake Carl), John Hoche (Voice of Kong ) My Master: This show was really fun! James Retter Duncan (swing) and Nick Rashad Burroughs’ first show!
Instrumentals: A Chorus Line US Tour  Pit Tracks
Cats Instrumental Tracks (Mortifer) A lot of the tracks are synthesized, sounds like someone took a lot of karaoke tracks and put them together with orchestra but they’re some great tracks.
Cats Mexico 1991 Orchestra Tracks (Teatro Silvia Pinal) ​
The Wizard of Oz Orchestra Tracks (RSC’ 1981)
Les Mis US Tour Orchestra Tracks
​Wicked Orchestra Tracks Notes: This album is given to cast members when they first get cast in the show. People say this orchestration is the First National Tour one but it really isn’t, it sounds much more like the LA orchestrations. Perfect quality, includes every musical interlude, underscore, song, etc.
Audio Wants: Audio of the current touring cast of Wicked, Any Cats Orchestra Tracks. Anything with Wicked, Cats México or Argentina, Dear Evan Hansen, Waitress, Once on this Island, The Wizard of Oz, and anything I don’t have!
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alliepotts · 7 years
#ShortStory Saturday's Flash Fiction Fun with The Writer's Toolbox - Part Five
#ShortStory Saturday’s Flash Fiction Fun with The Writer’s Toolbox – Part Five
The following is the fifth post in a series of sponsored short stories written using Jamie Cat Callan’s fun and easy to use The Writer’s Toolbox (affiliate links are included in this post for your convenience). You can read more about Jamie’s other creations at the bottom of this post. For those not as familiar with The Writer’s Toolbox, it prompts you with a first, middle, and last sentence as…
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itunesbooks · 5 years
French Women Don't Sleep Alone: Pleasurable Secrets to Finding Love - Jamie Cat Callan
French Women Don't Sleep Alone: Pleasurable Secrets to Finding Love Jamie Cat Callan Genre: Family & Relationships Price: $3.99 Publish Date: April 1, 2011 Publisher: Kensington Seller: Penguin Random House LLC Did you know that French women don't date? American women have been missing out on a few secrets when it comes to the opposite sex. French women believe that the gift for attracting men has nothing to do with beauty, work, or even motivation. There are no Rules. And they don't listen to Dr. Phil's advice. They don't worry about the care and feeding of their boyfriend. And they certainly don't travel to Mars to communicate with men. On the contrary, French women's love lives are romantic, sensual, playful, and intense. They conduct their relationships with the same unique sense of originality and artfulness that they choose their clothes and accessories. For the first time ever, Jamie Cat Callan gives readers a personalized, guided tour through the corridors of French love. Discover the secrets to:    • Why French women always feel sexy    • The French art of flirtation    • Why French women walk everywhere and love to be seen    • Where French women meet men    • What French women do when their man misbehaves Just as we've learned to stop torturing ourselves with fad diets and have relearned the art of eating, this witty, insightful, and candid book strives to show American women how to cultivate and enjoy the pleasures of love, romance, and marriage. Includes delicious recipes for the perfect, amorous meal! "Adorable!" --Erica Jong, New York Times bestselling author of Fear of Flying and Fear of Fifty "Attention single ladies: here's a new way to meet men and drive them wild! Jamie Cat Callan reveals sexy French secrets for upping your confidence and attracting potential mates. Your inner goddess will rejoice--and so will your new boyfriend! Ooh la la!" --Bonnie Fuller, former CEO of American Media, former editor-in-chief of Star Magazine, and author of The Joys of Much Too Much: Go for the Big Life--The Great Career, The Perfect Guy, and Everything Else You've Ever Wanted "No matter where you were born, every woman can now be a little bit French, thanks to this delightful book, French Women Don't Sleep Alone. Jamie Cat Callan helps women to look at their love lives and marriages with new eyes; love and marriage are not jobs but arts." --Nahid Rachlin, author of Persian Girls "Entertaining and informative!" --Helena Firth Powell, author of All You Need To Be Impossibly French http://bit.ly/2W1gUDk
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