#jamie gallagher
pers-books · 10 months
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Not David Tennant being a total fucking Legend and Ally by wearing a Trans TARDIS pin 'cos one of his kids is trans.
See, this is what you do when you're famous! Not turn into a fucking raging transphobic bitch who hurts all the fans WHO MADE HER FAMOUS! by repudiating trans people as if they're monsters!
If you too want a queer TARDIS pin (or some other queer pin), you can visit Dr Jamie Gallagher's shop and pre-order the pins there.
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GALLAGHER SIBS "Don't you dare!"
CW: Referenced parental abuse (in the past), but otherwise just the Gallaghers being Gallagher-y
"Iz. No. Don't you even dare."
Izzy jumps about a feet in the air, twisting around to look over the back of the couch. Her little brother - who is several inches and at least fifty pounds bigger than her, but he is three years younger so he is little, okay - glares at her.
The controller is loose in her hands, and Izzy presses her lips together before turning back away from him. "Don't I even dare what, Jamie?"
"Watch that show." Jamie comes around and flops down on the sofa, one cushion between them. "About her."
"It's a new one." Izzy fiddles nervously with the controller, now. "And the bit - the synopsis - says it's about, you know, her family more than just her. Don't you want to know?"
"Nope." Jamie shrugs. He's got on pajamas still. They are on holiday, after all. Nothing to do but complain about it being cold and eat snacks instead of lunch. "I don't care about any of them. Who even cares what they got up to, Iz? All they did was have babies, turn into terrible people, and eventually some of them had her and she's terrible, too. What don't you already know?"
"Don't know. But maybe... Maybe something. Something important. Besides, the Marcosets made Aunt Hannah, too."
"... Yeah, I guess. But one good person out of about a million terrible ones isn't a great record."
Izzy stares at the screen, where an image of an old black and white photo of a large family is the faded background to a beautiful modern photograph from just before Jax escaped of Savvie herself, head tipped to the side, smiling. There's a hint of a shoulder, of Izzy's dad's telltale hair, just cut off. They never get to use his image. That's something. "... Mom made us, too..."
"Dad made us. And Stewart, and Aunt Hannah, and Kie built the rest once we had him, too. Iz, we're not Marcosets. Okay? We get to decide, and we decided not to be. Remember? We don't have any Marcoset in us anymore. Just Gallagher."
Izzy thinks about how she knows she won't ever have her own children. That she has nightmares about locking children in closets for hours or in rooms full of ghosts to cry until they fall asleep still terrified. She has dreams about screaming with anger at her own tiny baby Bella face, being trapped in Savvie's body and unable to change a single thing.
She thinks about how her temper, which she has buried as deep as she can but which still erupts when she is pushed too far, terrifies her because she doesn't know for sure if it's her father's temper or her mother's. If she would become Savvie, one day, if she was ever put in control of something as helpless as she had once been. Helpless and small, wanting just to be held. To be loved.
But nothing was ever allowed to be loved more than Savvie in Savvie's house. Not even a baby.
Izzy shivers.
Besides which, she's already been Jamie's mam, as close as he gets, until Kie came into the picture to give them another dad and the softness to round out Jax's sharp edges.
"Ugh." Jamie sighs. "You don't believe me. I can tell. Let's just watch something else, Iz. Anything else."
She hesitates. Gnaws on her lower lip. Besides her, Jamie's knee bounces reflexively in a body that never stops moving.
"Izzy. Please. I don't like how you get after you watch shows like that." Jamie's voice changes. It goes soft, and younger than his body. Pleading.
She looks over at her little brother, who has been toddling after her since he could walk. She's kissed his scraped knees and bruises and felt his forehead for a fever when she was seven and he was four. Who tore up her construction-paper dolls she made and then when she cried, he cried too and tried to smush them back together until she couldn't stop laughing at the sight of all the extra arms and legs he had taped into what was meant to be a dog
Jamie who, when his school made silly crafts for moms or dads, always brought the 'mom' craft home for Izzy. She'd worn a sewing-spool necklace for a month that he had painted and hung on a string and brought to her. She still has it somewhere, in a box, with everything else he's ever made for her.
The thought makes her smile. "... Yeah, you're right. Let's watch something else. And then go for a walk later? I want to grab something from the shop."
"Yeah, good." Relief is visible on his face. All of Jamie's feelings are always plain to see. He never had to learn to hide them. "That's good."
He shifts over, and wordlessly she leans sideways until her shoulder rests against him.
There isn't anything she can learn about her mother that she doesn't already know, anyway. All the stuff she needs to learn now is about herself.
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atthedugouts · 2 months
I was inspired by @burninface lovely picture
Surprise Picture
“What the fuck?” Mickey says, swatting the hat out of Ian’s hand. “I’m not gonna wear that shit.”
“Come on Mick,” Ian pleads. “Just for one photo and then you can burn it.”
“Fine, whatever man, make it quick,” Mickey grumbles. He can’t say no to his husband’s puppy dog eyes. Which is totally unfair, it’s his birthday goddamnit and he should get to do want he wants.
Ian places the birthday hat on Mickey and gives him a quick peck on the lips. He then holds his phone up for a selfie.
“You got the phone backwards genius,” Mickey points out.
“The camera quality is better this way.”
“According to who? You can’t see what you’re fucking taking a picture of and you’re so tall I probably won’t be in it.”
“Relax, I know what I’m doing just trust me,” Ian says as he positions himself next to his husband. He holds up the phone and Mickey holds up a finger.
Ian looks at the picture and gives a frown.
“You know you’re right that wasn’t the best way to take a picture,” Ian says holding the phone to Mickey. “You can bearly see Jamie.”
“ What the?” Mickey says confused about the additional people in the picture. He turns around and is shocked to find his siblings and cousins surrounding him.
“Happy birthday Mick!” Mandy shouts jumping into his arms.
“Cute hat bro,” Iggy quips.
Turns out Ian did in fact know what he was doing.
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denimbex1986 · 10 months
'Doctor Who star David Tennant has managed to inadvertently raise thousands of pounds for LGBTQ+ charity the Albert Kennedy Trust (AKT) by wearing a TARDIS pin in the colours of the trans Pride flag.
Tennant appeared on sketch show The Last Leg on Friday (17 November) and The One Show last night (20 November), to discuss his return as the Doctor for the upcoming Doctor Who 60th anniversary specials.
On both programmes, he donned a small pin badge shaped like the Doctor’s spacecraft, the TARDIS, in blue, white and pink – the trans Pride flag colours.
The creator of the badge, Dr Jamie Gallagher, has since shared on social media that all profits raised from purchases of it will be donated to charity AKT, which supports homeless LGBTQ+ people in the UK.
Hours before Tennant’s appearance on The One Show, Gallagher updated their followers to announce that more than £18,000 had been raised for the charity.
“Thank you beautiful humans. That will make a huge difference to LGBTQ+ people living with homelessness this winter,” Gallagher shared, adding that their website was “blowing up” with people trying to order the TARDIS Pride pins.
Tennant’s wife, actress Georgia Tennant, has also promoted the badges on her social media.
In recent months, the Tennants have become staunch trans allies, as one of their children is reportedly non-binary.
David Tennant has been spotted on TV numerous time wearing a range of trans and non-binary pin badges, including one which read: “You are safe with me”.
In July, he was spotted wearing a “leave trans kids alone” t-shirt while promoting his Prime Video series, Good Omens.
The t-shirt drew fierce backlash from anti-trans campaigners, most notably from The IT Crowd creator Graham Lineham – who suggested that Tennant was an “abusive groomer” for his support of trans children. Lineham was later reportedly dropped by his TV agent, who also represented Tennant, over his comments.
To mark Pride month in June, Tennant appeared on the Reasons To Be Cheerful podcast, urging that while the community can’t “expect that we will always travel in the right direction towards acceptance,” everyone should be “fighting that fight every day”.
David Tennant will make his much-anticipated Doctor Who return this Saturday, 25 November, as part of the queerest series yet, with LGBTQ+ icons Ncuti Gatwa, Yasmin Finney, Miriam Margoyles and Neil Patrick Harris also starring.'
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i-am-tenough · 10 months
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David Tennant attending the Rolling Stone UK Awards 2023. The Pin is present!
Giving Crowley vibes. The DILF award has boosted his confidence.
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Someone asked him about Jamie’s pin!
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britpop1990s · 3 months
BritPop as Tweets
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bidamonalbarn · 2 months
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going insane this wonderful friday
Apple by Charli xcx // Shameless (US) (2011) // Tell Me Why by Taylor Swift // Everytime a Man Yells by Clementine von Radics // Unknown // Avatar the Last Airbender (2005) // Untitled by Yuki // Honey Boy (2019) // Ted Lasso (2020)
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thetarttfuldickhead · 11 months
Uh, so, I saw this kickass piece of fanart by @thwipped and whoops, innit:
If caught and asked about it, Jamie couldn’t have explained why he did it.
Actually, no. Scratch that.
He could have explained, probably. He just wouldn’t have cared to.
The way it goes is this:
He’s been with Richmond for a couple of months and haven’t those been the longest fucking months of his life, because yeah, ‘course it’s fun being the best fucking player on the team, ‘course it’s fun hearing the fans chant his name, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, and getting a bit of rest from his dad ain’t bad either, but Richmond is a shit club with a shit manager and the only fucking bright spot—
Well. That’s turned out to be shit too, hasn’t it.
At least Jamie’s killing it, at matches, at training, every fucking time he steps onto the pitch. No one can fucking touch him, dominating yeah, and today’s been a good day for it too, what with the photographer on the sidelines snapping picture after picture for some promo or other. Jamie didn’t pay too much attention to the details, just made sure they got him from his best angle (every angle’s his best angle), and that’s that, until a couple of days later when he walks past Hopkins’ (or Huggles’?) empty office and sees the photos spread out all across the desk.
And well. ‘Course he steps inside to have a look. Bound to be a bunch of him looking fit as fuck, right, and who doesn’t want to see that, and maybe he can grab one for Keeley, bet she’d love it.
There is a bunch of him looking fit as fuck, no surprise there. Difficult to choose the best one really, they’re all fucking brilliant  (‘cause he’s fucking brilliant), and he’s deliberating between an action shot of him about to score one of the prettiest goals this sad fuck of a club ever saw and a shot of him afterwards, chin raised against he blue autumn sky like a hero out of a movie or something. Gorgerous, innit.
And then his eyes fall on a picture of Roy.
A picture of Roy fucking Kent. And. Like. It’s not even anything special, not like Roy’s actually doing anything in it, it's just a stray shot of him caught unawares with his shirt raised to wipe the seat of his forehead and he’s—
He’s. Uh.
Fuck. Jamie stares and he stares and he stares because for all that his old attraction to Roy didn’t survive five fucking minutes of actually being in the same room as the man, that’s just—
The shorts riding low on his hips. The dark hair trailing down and down, and the glistening drops of sweat on his forehead and Jamie can fucking smell him and that’s not sexy, is it, except it really fucking is, and those arms, and something unguarded and vulnerable and the real Roy Kent is a royal cunt but the Roy Kent in the picture—
He’s something else, isn’t he. He’s fucking fit. (Okay, the real Roy Kent is that, too, but it kind of fades in the face of him being an insufferable old twat and all that.)
Jamie grabs the picture. Doesn’t let himself think too much about it. Shoves it in his pocket and walks away, feeling it burn, burn, burn against his side.
When Jamie was twelve his mum gave him a poster of Roy Kent and Jamie was over the fucking moon. When Jamie was twenty-three he met Roy Kent and Roy Kent glared at him with unmitigated disgust and okay, fuck you too, mate. You’re not even that good anymore, and still you expect everyone to fall at your fucking feet, do your fucking bidding and make like you’re the fucking king, and fuck that, the king is dead, old man; long live the king.
Thing is, looking at the picture now it’s not that hard to forget about the real Roy Kent (nasty bastard) and remember the Roy Kent (fucking legend) that looked down on Jamie from his bedroom wall and whispered encouragements in the back of Jamie’s head and, a little later, featured frequently in fantasies of a different sort.
Picture in one hand, cock in the other, Jamie wanks to Roy for the first time since he came to Richmond (and if it’s not all just the memories of the man he once imagined, if it’s a little bit tinged with dark looks and growls and Roy snarling his name like it’s an insult… Well. That’s nobody’s business, that.)
He keeps the photos in the bottom drawer in his bedroom and he doesn’t pull it out a lot, ‘cause there’s Keeley and she’s fucking fit and the sex is mindblowing and Jamie doesn’t need to gawk at pictures of sad old has-beens to get his rocks off.  
Sometimes there’s a different sort of itch, though, and he scratches it. No big deal.
(He wonders sometimes, what the real Roy would say if he knew. Plays it out in his mind, all the different ways it might go. Cums as he imagines it.)
He thinks maybe Keeley would like the picture too. Not ‘cause she’d like Roy, she’s got way better taste than that, and she’s fun and she likes a bit of fun and if there’s one thing Roy Kent ain’t, it’s fun, innit. But he’s fit and all, and Keeley’s got eyes.
He imagines it, sometimes, the two of them getting off together over the picture. If Roy – the real Roy – wasn’t such a miserable old prick, he’d suggest it to her maybe. But Roy is such a miserable old prick, and the whole thing is way too complicated to explain, so he doesn’t.
Then Keeley dumps him and the dream was only ever that.
They send him back to City. Jamie doesn’t understand. One moment he’s sharing a bottle of tequila with Dani Rojas and taking up the Richmond chant and Jamie’s not wrong and for the first time he wonders if maybe there could be something for him here, and the next he’s woken up by his agent and that same evening he’s back in Manchester like he never left, only the stale air in the house he bought with his fifth paycheck tells him he did, and the numb sense of loss as he steps through the door tells him he did.
It’s months before he gets everything from London shipped and sorted. Busy getting up to speed with everything at the club and all. It’s good to be back, really, a proper team, a proper coach, all that. Dad starts getting in touch again, sure, but it is what it is.
So yeah, it’s months before he gets all his stuff unpacked and months before his fingers brush over something familiar and he stands there staring down on the picture or Roy and it’s odd because it seems like only yesterday he first saw it and it seems a lifetime ago.
A rush of lust – Pavlovian, right, Keeley? – but a rush of something else too, rusted barb wire tugging at his guts, sharp and sickening.
He looks at it for a long time and then he puts it away and this time he doesn’t take it out again. That’s over and done with.  
(Only, he doesn’t throw it away either. Just lets it sit in a neglected drawer, ignored but never let go, like all the other things that must never be.)
(There’ll be a time, some years later, boxes packed and moved and unpacked and an old photo slipping to the floor and
what the fuck is this?
what’s that, babe? oh my god, you look hot! fucking hell! jamie, where did you even get this?
when did you get this? i’m still playing here
uh, well, you remember that photo shoot they did for the promo just a couple of months after i joined richmond?
and a raised eyebrow and
and a shrug and cheeky grin and
yeah, well, picked it up for darts practise, didn’t I
and Roy snorts but he’s smiling too and
figures you’d be shit at darts
what are you on about, man, i’m aces at darts… ooh, because there’s no holes in it you mean, yeah, no, you’re right, you’re right, i’m shit at darts, fucking terrible
and they’re both smiling now and Keeley is too and Roy notes how it’s clearly been handled a lot and what were you doing with it really and the glint in his eyes says he knows but Jamie tells him – tells them – anyway, in great, great detail.)
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hellosammy19 · 2 months
If Sam Obisanya and Jamie Tartt were to be real, look at Gallagher & Guehi in the Palace Kit and also in the same home stadium.
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Lots of differences like how they're both English and grew up in the Chelsea academy and young England camp together.
But still, off of pure vibes mate.
Conor was also at Palace on loan and performed amazingly like Jamie did. (Except he did go back to Chelsea, and then now to Europe)
funny how it happens
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ohmerricat · 6 months
finished heartbreak high s2. verdict: meh. some of the storylines were satisfying and complex (cash chook darren harper) some were funny and heartbreaking at once (missy and spider’s thing; the school captain race, cumlords etc) but the main love triangle is… i don’t care about these people sorry. rowan needs therapy amerie is annoying malakai is… gone? ok. revolutionary for making the love triangle an actual triangle (everyone is bisexual and into each other’s exes) but apart from that…….
yeah i’m watching this show for quinni and quinni alone. seeing her gain independence and refuse to make herself smaller and more palatable to accommodate the bullshit expectations of her neurotypical friends? waltzing in to that housewarming party in dark eyeshadow and dancing on the table, being honest and speaking her mind, staying out of the drama and investigating for the thrill of it? watching the world around her change and grow and realising she can, too? coming up with a powerful speech on the spot and accidentally getting elected for captain? i love her so much. she is my profile picture because she is literally me. the only character in any piece of fictional media i have ever seen that is exactly like me. makes me cry if i think about her too hard. gosh
i wish angeline of the underworld was a real book series i’d probably be a massive fan
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yikeshereiam · 1 year
*slowly turns to eye the collection of traumatised men I have left myself get emotionally attached to* ‘how do you feel about a new friend?’
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iansredhair · 26 days
someone cast wes bentley and aidan gallagher together as a father son duo ASAP cause they look too similar to me
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Scammers love me (Blur edition)...and I love wasting their time. 💓
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picspammer · 1 year
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Definitely Maybe's album cover by Michael Spencer Jones Derry Girls publicity image by Adam Lawrence
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denimbex1986 · 10 months
'As David Tennant bursts back onto screens for Doctor Who‘s 60th anniversary, he’s also made his solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community clearer than ever.
The 52-year-old star features alongside former co-star Catherine Tate as Donna Noble in the trio of Doctor Who specials from returning showrunner Russell T Davies. The cast also includes trans Heartstopper actress Yasmin Finney as Donna’s daughter, Rose.
Finney’s prominent role in Saturday’s (25 November) episode “The Star Beast” sparked fierce reaction with LGBTQ+ fans praising the inclusion and bigots (as usual) sharing their fury.
Tennant’s three-episode run – which has already involved a heartfelt conversation around correct pronouns – kicks off a new era of Doctor Who which promises major LGBTQ+ talent as Ncuti Gatwa takes over as 15th Doctor this Christmas.
From Drag Race icon Jinkx Monsoon to musical theatre star Jonathan Groff, there’s plenty in store for queer fans.
Throughout it all Tennant has remained a steadfast ally, so here’s five times the acclaimed actor has showed up for the LGBTQ+ community throughout his career.
David Tennant making waves with trans Tardis pin
In the lead up to the Doctor Who 60th anniversary, Tennant appeared on The One Show and The Last Leg earlier this month where the Scottish actor was spotted wearing a trans flag themed TARDIS badge as a small act of solidarity with the trans community.
Naturally, fan praised the actor for his initiative, but the wholesome saga doesn’t end there. The badge creator, Dr Jamie Gallagher, soon announced on Twitter that over £18,000 had been raised in badge sales and all proceeds would be going towards LGBTQ+ homeless charity AKT.
Humbly reacting to the joyous news, Tennant later said while he couldn’t take “any credit”, the badge perfectly “suits what Doctor Who is all about”.
It’s not the first time Tennant has showed his support through the medium of pin badges. Earlier this year eagle-eyed fans spotted him wearing a non-binary Pride badge on shows such Saturday Night Takeaway, The Graham Norton Show and This Morning.
Unapologetically standing up for trans children
In July this year, Tennant took his pro-trans message one step further during the press run for Good Omens season two.
In a viral image, fans caught a glimpse of him sporting a black t-shirt with a crystal clear pink hued slogan emblazoned on top. “Leave trans kids alone, you absolute freaks”. We love to see it.
The top, which comes from online store Crooked, caused a stir online with many fans flocking to social media to share their joy. Around a similar time the TV star was spotted wearing (yet another) badge with the pride colours and the words: “You are safe with me.”
The pin badge managed to rile up anti-trans activists Posie Parker and Graham Linehan who launched separate attacks on Tennant, insinuating he is a pedophile and “groomer”.
But this hasn’t deterred Tennant, who continues to stand up for trans rights.
Delivering an emotional speech during Pride month
During Pride month this year, Tennant appeared on the Ed Miliband’s Reasons To Be Cheerful podcast where he praised the importance and joy of Pride month in modern day Britain.
“Do you know what’s making me cheerful at the moment? It’s Pride month,” he told the podcast.
“The fact that Pride Month is existing and is flourishing and is something that’s happening at a time when the world seems to be getting in some corners worryingly intolerant and weirdly backward.”
As usual his words impacted LGBTQ+ fans who shared that his powerful statement moved them to tears.
“We can’t take our foot off the gas,” the actor continued. “We can’t expect that we will always travel in the right direction towards acceptance. We’ve all got to be fighting that fight every day.”
It’s a message echoed by his wife Georgia, who shared her solidarity with the trans community in October after an attack by prime minister Rishi Sunak. “To the trans community, I stand with you now and always. I, like you, am going nowhere,” she said in a post on X.
Spreading the message of inclusivity in his TV series Good Omens
Doctor Who is not the only sci-fi, fantasy world Tennant has inhabited this year. After four years, Prime Video finally dropped the second season of Good Omens which sees Tennant playing demon Crowley opposite Michael Sheen’s angel Aziraphale.
In a wild turn of events, after huge fan speculation, Crowley and Azirphale made their romantic tension explicit after sharing a dramatic kiss at the end of the season.
Although fans will have to wait until the (still to be confirmed) third season to find out if the loved up couple will finally get their acts together, Tennant has no doubt about the importance of inclusivity in the series, which he spoke about during an interview with the RadioTimes podcast.
During the interview, he explained that the show delivers a message for “this fractious moment” in society that earth can be “quite a nice place to live”.
“That’s why this show connected with a certain group of people,” he continued. “There is an inclusivity to the world view of Good Omens, there’s a joy in celebrating whoever you happen to be.
“And that’s something [creator Neil Gaiman] is very keen to communicate: a message of kindness and openness. That is why the tone of Good Omens is positive, open, joyful and fun.”
Once an ally, always an ally
Tennant’s allyship hasn’t just started over the past year.
As far back as 2008, during his stint as the 10th Doctor, he hit back against the idea that dressing flamboyantly and being called “gay” is an insult during an interview with The Telegraph.
A few years later, in 2012, he showed his support for a Diversity Role Models campaign tackling homophobic bullying.
“It is essential that young people have the opportunity to meet role models from the LGBT community to help break down the stereotypes and prejudice that lead to bullying,” he said at the time.
A decade later, it’s no surprise David Tennant has consistently proven himself as an LGBTQ+ ally, through and through.'
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storyshark2005 · 7 months
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Liam tweeting about GNev and Carra
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