sharkarella · 1 year
Sweet romance in the desert – a Jamil x Reader story
A/N: This is my entry for Jamilssummercontest held by @merotwst and @cvlutos . It’s the first fanfic that has evolved past plot bunny and the first fanfic I’ve posted online ever so please be kind but fair to me (^^’’). Although I had to rush the ending to get it done in time for the deadline, I’m overall happy with how it turned out even though I’m not sure if I’ve included the “Summer” part of the contest enough and at the same time not entirely satisfied with the pacing in certain places.
The reader is also heavily implied to be from Denmark because they make a popular traditional dessert eaten in the summertime there. I was hit with inspiration when I went grocery shopping and noticed how much the shops had started advertising for this dessert XD.
I hope you enjoy! 
  It was a warm summer evening in the Scalding Sands. Most work-related activities of the day were finished, and Jamil was currently spending his time walking down the long halls of the Asim estate.
He was looking for you, his beloved diamond in the rough, who was currently visiting him in his homeland.
The summer heat of Scalding Sands was harsh and unforgiving to most visitors but as always you exceeded expectations.  
Your hidden strength shone through, and you took to the heat better than expected.
Jamil smiled to himself. It didn’t hurt that you looked absolutely beautiful in the traditional clothes usually worn in his homeland in the warmer months of the year. But then again, he thought you looked beautiful in almost everything you wore. A man in love indeed.
 After his overblot the two of you had naturally started to see each other more often and as a result you slowly grew closer.
You often came to help him with his chores without asking anything in return and in hindsight it was probably inevitable that he would fall in love with you.
Jamil was so used to being in the shadows and then you came and lit up the world everywhere you went – in the day your light rivalled that of the sun’s and in the night the moon had to compete with your brightness. 
He both craved and feared your light and many sleepless nights were spend thinking about how he understood the man from the slums who pretended to be a prince to be worthy of the princess’ love. 
Then one day you had asked him to come to the Ramshackle Dorm and he was beyond shocked when you confessed your feelings.
He hadn’t been able to answer you in words so instead he had hugged you tight and stolen more than his fair share of kisses from you. Finally, finally, finally, he had something to call his own. 
Safe to say, you ended up becoming a couple after that day and your relationship had been able to flourish even after he graduated and had to leave you behind at NRC. 
Many phone calls were had, many texts were sent, and gifts were sent to each other. Jamil would come see you every time he had the slightest bit of free time as well.    
Unfortunately for you (and fortunately for Jamil) Crowley hadn’t been able to find a way for you to get home but in his infinite kindness he had instead acquired the legal paperwork for you to even have an identity in Twisted Wonderland. In exchange you had to stay and work as a prefect for a whole year after your graduation. The only difference was that you didn’t have to attend classes anymore and would be treated more like an official staff member. 
Jamil (as well as a lot of your other friends) had been ready to march up to the headmaster and tell him what a shitty deal it was (and maybe use some threats and some violence along the way to get the point across) but you had stopped him and asked not to.
You wanted to prove that you could do this on your own. You wanted to create a name for yourself through hard work and didn’t want him to intervene.  
Jamil had reluctantly relented, both understanding your reasoning and respecting your choice. Your stubbornness and determination were some of the many things, he loved about you, after all.  
He was comforted by the fact that after graduating from NRC Kalim had been given more responsibilities in the Asim family business, and as a result become more independent as well.  
This had lessened Jamil’s workload significantly and Kalim’s promotion of sorts meant that Jamil had risen in rank as well.
One perk being that when you came along for a visit during your unofficial summer holiday, Jamil had been able to spend more time with you than he normally would since Kalim had ordered him to take extra good care of their "most esteemed guest". Such an important guest deserved the best servant in the house and who better than Jamil to fill that role?
 That statement quickly shot down any protest there might have been in the Asim household. 
Kalim could be surprisingly cunning when he wanted to be, and Jamil was thankful for his unexpected wingman.
He passed by the door to the kitchen and stopped dead in his tracks. The door wasn’t closed properly, and he could hear noise coming from a kitchen that should be empty by now.
Suspicious. Very suspicious.  
Jamil slipped through the half-closed door and stealthily walked downstairs using his knowledge of the places on the stairs that creaked to his advantage.    
He wasn’t worried though. If it was an intruder, he could easily use ‘Snake Charmer’ on them to both overpower them and reveal their intentions. 
The person on the other side of the door turned out not to be an intruder, but the very person he was looking for. 
You were moving around the kitchen as if you owned it while humming to yourself and doing little twirls just for the fun of it. You were still wearing the traditional clothes of the Scalding Sands and the ornamental jewellery sewn into the clothing clinked together extra loudly whenever you made a twirl or an abrupt movement.   
It was a welcome sight indeed and the efficiency you showed while measuring ingredients in a mixing bowl made Jamil question if you had an unknown Unique Magic related to cooking.  
“Buttermilk, junket, pasteurised egg yolks, sugar, vanilla sugar, and just a teeny tiny bit of freshly squeezed lemon juice.” You recited from memory.
A satisfied smile graced your features as you sat the mixing bowl back in the mixer and turned the machine on. 
While the mixer was doing its thing you had started rummaging through the many cupboards in search of something and Jamil decided to make his presence known.
“I was expecting to find you in your room or the library at this hour, albi, and instead I find you here doing the job of a servant.”
The words might sound harsh to outsiders, but he knew you would catch his teasing tone. You always did. 
“Oh Jamil, just the man I wanted to see.” Your face lit up in a big smile at the sight of him. A special smile so wide that it made you close your eyes. It was his absolute favourite smile of yours. 
“The heat made me crave some ‘koldskål’ and I thought to myself why not surprise you with some as well.” 
While you were talking Jamil had moved closer and draped his arms around you in a backwards hug complete with nestling his chin on your shoulder. “Okay, albi, you have my attention. Tell me more about this dish of yours.”
“Well, it’s a very popular dessert from my world that’s usually eaten in the summer because it’s very refreshing. The name literally means ‘cold bowl’ and like the name implies it’s served cold. It’s also largely made of dairy products.” 
“It sounds interesting, albi, I can’t wait to taste it.” Jamil gave you a small kiss to your temple while you turned off the mixer, giving you room enough to move your head towards him.
“Do you have any rolled oats, Jamil? It doesn’t matter if they’re thick- or thin-rolled.”
“Is this for your special dish as well?”
“Yes, it’s for the topping. Koldskål is usually eaten with a special kind of cracker that’s technically a rusk and not a cracker, but I don’t know how to make those, and I don’t like them very much either.
So, I’m serving it with one of my favourite toppings – rolled oats and strawberries – instead.”  
 Jamil reluctantly let go of you and quickly found the oats, you wanted. In the meantime, you had filled the koldskål into two bowls waiting on the table and was in the middle of pouring the rest in a jug.
“Do you want me to slice the strawberries for you, albi?”
“If it’s not too much trouble. I can clean up my mess while you help me with the food. And if it indeed is too much trouble your sexy self is free to stand and be my eye candy while I finish.” The last part brought a red flush to Jamil’s cheeks.
“Albi, you can’t just say things like that with a straight face!” He looked to the side feeling both a little shy and pleased by your compliment. “No task is too much trouble when it involves you.”
“I know, sweetie, I just like teasing you a bit.” And there was his favourite smile again. At this rate you were going to give him a heart attack.
He could already see the text on his tombstone: Here lies Jamil, death by overdose of his lover’s cuteness.  
Jamil was able to ground himself by completing the task, you had asked of him to perfection. After you had taken the sliced strawberries and put them on both portions along with some oats, he used a quick cleaning spell to make sure there was no messes left behind.  
 “Thank you so much for the help, Jamil. I was able to finish my cooking so much quicker with your help. Come. Let’s go to our special place on the roof. We can watch the sunset while we eat.”
“Won’t that be too cold for you, albi? The Scalding Sands is a place where the days are as hot as the nights are cold.”
“I’ll be okay. If I get too cold, I can always cuddle with you.”
Jamil sighted, grabbed the bowls along with some spoons, and led the way to your desired location after a quick “then we better get going.”.
 The rooftop in question was a hidden part of the roof of the servants’ quarters with a perfect view of the city and the stars. Jamil had used it as a hiding spot as a child where he would go and dream about being free from his shackles of servitude and all the places in the world he wanted to see.
It was a special place to him and on one of your first evenings in the Scalding Sands he had shown it to you. Afterwards you often ended up spending your evenings sitting together on the roof talking about everything and nothing and just enjoying each other’s company.  
 When the two of you arrived at the rooftop, you proclaimed that you wanted to sit on the railing in your “cuddle position” while you were eating. And that’s how Jamil ended up sitting on the railing with his back against a wall and supporting you in a backwards hug.
Because of the bowl he was holding the position made him have to hold his arms in a bit of an awkward position but since it was you, he didn’t mind.
In the distance the lights from the old bazaar where shining and people could be seen going about their business. The colours from the desert sunset were starting to paint the sky and the stars were shining in your eyes at the beautiful scenery.
 You turned your head towards Jamil and sent him a smile filled with love. “I hope you enjoy the food. Some people where I’m from think that homemade koldskål is better than the storebought version because it’s supposed to show you care more. I don’t know if I believe that entirely but, in the end, nothing beats a meal made with love.” 
This made Jamil chuckle a bit before tasting your dessert and he had to admit, you weren’t lying when you said it was refreshing. The rolled oats added crunch and the strawberries a delicious sweetness. A pretty simple dish all things considered but still sweet and refreshing like water from an oasis in the desert.
Just like you.
He made a mental note to ask for the recipe so he could make it for you in the future. Maybe let Kalim taste it as well.
After you both had finished eating Jamil carefully gathered the empty bowls and quickly sent them back to their place in the kitchen in clean condition thanks to another cleaning spell. Without anything in his hands, he could focus all his attention on hugging you.
“Not that I don’t appreciate it, albi, but you didn’t have to cook for me.”
“I wanted to share a part of my world with you, Jamil. In the time I’ve stayed here you’ve shared so much of your world with me, and I wanted to do the same, even if it’s just a little bit.”
Touched by your loving words he hid his face in the column of your neck and tightened his grip around you slightly.
“Jamil, what’s wrong?” You turned your head to look at him.
He shook his head a little and tightened his grip a bit more. “Please don’t be a dream. This feels too good to be true and I’m afraid that any moment I’ll wake up and find you gone.”
“Oh, my sweet Jamil.” You managed to turn your body sideways and cupped his cheek with one of your hands. “My darling, my dearest and most precious Jamil, for someone who’s supposed to be smart, you can be quite stupid.”
Jamil’s sputters of protest were quickly silenced as you continued. “You don’t see that now matter if it was a dream, I wouldn’t be able to leave, since you’ve captured me with the chains of your love. When we’re apart my heart yearns for you, and I long to hear your voice and feel your touch.”
“Oh, albi. Your kind words warm both my heart and my soul. You’re my moon, my sun and stars, and the only master I want to serve.”
“You call me your master when it is you who hold the key to my heart, Jamil, my dear master of love. Now seize your worries and kiss me. Someone warned me of how cold the nights can get here and you’re the only one who can keep me warm.”
“Gladly, albi.”
A loving embrace and one kiss that quickly turned into more protected the both of you from the now dark and cold summer night just as it had protected so many lovers so many times before.
At some point the two of you would have to go back inside but for now you were both too busy showering each other with love in the cover of the night while the soft desert breeze whispered sweet promises of a future together.
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maythearo · 1 year
Dude no way!! Jamil in Brazil???
My entry for @merotwst and @cleumuu Jamil's summer contest! Some notes on my creative process under the cut 👍 I talk too much, so sorry 😫
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So when I first heard about the theme I immediately thought this could be the perfect excuse for me to finally drag Jamil to Brazil for a well deserved vacation. I took inspiration mainly from Ilha Grande on Rio de Janeiro, since it was probably the nicest place I've ever traveled to with my family! However, I am a silly billy after all, and took like 4 photos in total during this vacation, and what I thought would be an easy task to collect reference photos for the background turned into a huge challenge for me. This piece was originally supposed to be like a full groovy card, with the basketball club in the background enjoying the beach while Jamil was on the center of the image but the compisition was not working out no matter how hard I tried, and in the end had to throw it all away and start a new concept from scratch :)
This second time I chose to illustrate what I remembered from the island's little village. My personal favorite parts of my visit was to walk around the center at night, browsing through the stores and stalls, having ice cream and unsuccessfully trying to pet the cats that ran around the place... and I think Jamil would like to do that too! Sure, going to the beach to enjoy the sea and sun is fun and all, but something about quiet night strolls feel so much more peaceful and calming, a perfect opportunity to clear your head after a busy day.
I also referenced one of Michiko Malandro's outfit to dress Jamil with in this piece, I just had to. But in the end he kinda ended up looking more like Najma lolll they look more like twins than Floyd and Jade do fr 😫 but anyway, Jamil finally got to travel to cool places, and meanwhile, I'm doing the favor to care of Kalim so our favorite vice housewarden makes only the absolute best of his summer break! (cue to panicked screaming and scarabia's kitchen on fire in the background /j)
Outfit inspo and reference pics of the place I just googled yippeeee:
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pandoa · 1 year
the color purple
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you and jamil have ice cold sweets of blue and red together on the beach's shore
~jamil viper x gender neutral reader~ word count: 1.5k words
written entry for @merotwst and @cvlutos's Jamil's Summer Contest! pls do enjoy! and also check out everyone else who entered too using the tag!
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“What kind of popsicle stand only has two flavors?” You said, bewildered, holding up a blue, frozen treat you had just gotten from a nearby vendor—gazing at how the sweets shined and reflected underneath the sun. It had only been moments since you’d purchased it, however, as you continued to gaze at the sugary snack, you began to notice how the popsicle had already been melting under the heat of the beachside shore. 
So much for a cool down, you sneered. What was the point in buying a cold treat if it would just melt away the second it touched the atmosphere?
“It is a bit odd considering it only features popsicles.” Beside you, your boyfriend had reached out to your form, signaling for you to hand him your trash, as he flipped his braided hair away from his shoulder, “You’d think they’d invest in more choices to satisfy different customers.” Jamil spoke, voicing his thoughts on the matter all while guiding his eyes to his own strawberry flavored popsicle—the red of his treat contrasting with the blue of your own. 
“Yeah,” you continued, licking the blue popsicle in your hand in the process, “But, hey, at least we got something. The beach was scorching hot earlier; I think we deserve at least this much.” Squinting up to the setting sky, a bead of sweat then ran down the side of your forehead at the utterance of your words. You lazily wiped it away, making sure it wouldn’t collide with your eye, as you turned your attention back towards your boyfriend who seemed to be least affected by the heat compared to you.
It’s like his body doesn’t even sweat; it just sparkles— You observed, half of you envious of the young man and the other half adoring the sight before you. It was as if Jamil had always had the upper hand against you—whether he was aware of it or not—just by simply existing in the world as his effortless radiance caused pulses of your heart to skip and turn and churn into a rose-colored oblivion. Indefinitely unfair to you, but Jamil had found a certain smugness to his expression whenever he’d catch you dreamily staring off into space or fanning away a pink color from your face at his actions.
Jamil looked back at you, also eating away at the treat resting in his hand as the red from the popsicle already made its way to tinting his lips, “True enough.” A silence much too comfortable to interrupt then played between you two as you both made your way back to the shore you’d spent your day in, dipping your feet into the water as it caressed the sides of your ankles with the sea’s consistent waves. The day at the beach had been long yet exhilarating starting with you, Jamil, Kalim, as well as the first years deciding it would be fun to take a trip to the coast on your vacation off from Night Raven. You looked back at the day spent with your friends as the sun lowered from its place in the sky along with the many shades of pink, scarlet, and orange encapsulating it in the stratosphere. You looked back at the memories you had, the moments and seconds you’d spent that day, laughing with everyone around you, as splashes of saltwater flooded your mind in bliss. You saw as the volleyball you all had played with hours ago flew miles above your heads in your memories, the castles Ace and Deuce had built before its destruction by oceanic waves seconds after, and even the birds who’d dive down to your little group, attempting to sneak a small bite from Kalim’s food—all of it, you reminisced.
Although, as you continued savoring the sweetness of your blue popsicle on the coastline of the sea, you had come to find that there’d been one final thing missing from your trip to the shore before it would end, and that was—
“Ah—Sorry,” you noticed Jamil hesitantly apologizing as you jumped up in surprise, feeling a familiar hand softly stroke the side of your cheek. To your left, Jamil had suddenly been inches closer to your form than he’d usually been, appearing as dumbfounded as you, while a whisper of the breeze whistled through your ears alike. You watched the sun continue to set while golden rays of light reflected onto the waves of the beach and into Jamil’s charcoal eyes, ridden with nerves and hidden anticipation you could not pinpoint just yet. “You just had a little…” Jamil softly spoke with his hand still lingering against your now rosy face, “sand on your cheek.”
“Oh, uh, yeah,” your words began to fumble, struggling to maintain eye contact with the man, “Thank you.”
Another period of silence cut between the two of you as you both stood frozen still in the shallow water as if both of your bodies denied the melting heat of the sun. As more time had passed, a greater tension built up between you and Jamil, one filled with curiosity, anxiousness, nervousness, and adrenaline. It caused your stomach to freeze, your breathing to stop, and your heart to halt at the uncertainties that could happen next. You and Jamil were expecting something from one another. Something magical. Something fearful. Something you’d been wishing to do for ages. Something worthwhile. 
The main question you two had for each other, however, was what?What had you wished for from him? Or what had he wished for from you?
“This is really random, but…” you finally said, peering back at the second year’s now questioning face, heart gradually picking up its pace and beginning to race further than a marathon. “Have you ever felt what it’s like to be kissed by a person yet, Jamil?” 
A droplet of your popsicle then proceeded to slowly drip down the stick keeping it in its place.
“No… I’m afraid not,” Jamil replied, his usual composure still being maintained by his calmness—however, this time, with an increasing shade of pink that could rival the sunset in his cheeks.
“Then…” you stepped closer, making you two only centimeters apart, “Would you like to? Experience it, I mean.”
“I wouldn’t be… opposed to it.”
“Okay then.” You placed a delicate hand to his face just as he had done earlier to you, whispering, “Close your eyes.” At the utterance of your words, you could almost feel the flutter of his eyelashes as they closed shut, the final image being you closer than ever as he subconsciously guided his hand to your waist, engulfing you in warmth you’d take any day rather than the burning of the sun. Your lips quickly found each other, both eager yet unsure, as you slowly led him with every movement. Passionate yet gentle, smooth yet anxious, tender yet desperate—it was as if so little yet so many emotions coursed through yours and his touch alike with each electrifying moment. With the frozen treats now long forgotten, you continued placing slow kisses on Jamil’s lips as the blue and red from your popsicles dripped into the water beneath you. He tasted like strawberries and sweetness, dreams and a plethora of ecstasies.
Lips connected like two pieces of a flustered puzzle just as you raised a hand to run it through the silk locks of your boyfriend’s hair, causing him to lean into your touch, relaxed and satisfied. Was this what it was like to have the upper hand against a partner? To discompose the ever-suave Jamil Viper? You smelled the salt of the water around you, the sweetness of the melting popsicle in your hand, and the familiar scent of home you’d always catch every time you were ever near Jamil. You felt the refreshing chill of the breeze, the waves of water against your feet, and the feeling of him hugging your waist tighter as if you’d disappear the instant he’d ever let you go. Slightly opening your eyes, you saw a line of palm trees swaying with the wind, a pair of love birds flying in circles above you, as well as the relaxed expression of the boy in front of you as you kissed him. 
All things at that instant had just felt… right. Like you were always meant to be here at this exact time, at the exact place.
Perfection as it were in a movie.
“HEY!” The voice of your cat-like friend had then intruded the scene as you and Jamil instantly pulled away from each other, with you lightly touching your lips in a daze and Jamil attempting to recompose himself. “We’re about to head back to the—Wait,” Grim, who was now a couple feet away from you, paused, examining your appearances. “Did you guys get grape popsicles? Where?!” The young creature exclaimed with woe. “I thought they only had two flavors, dammit!”
“Grape?” you asked as a laugh escaped your mouth from your friend’s obvious questions, “Grim, what do you mean? Of course we didn’t have any grape—”
Jamil, however, shot his head up first at Grim’s questions and you second upon hearing your exchange with your familiar as you checked your bodies for any absurdities, immediately suspecting one main culprit.
You looked at Jamil, intently, thinking the same thoughts, “Oh, Sevens, no—”
The lips of both you and Jamil, rather than the separate shades of blue and red you expected, were now purple.
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a/n: breaking news! writer who has not even held hands with someone romantically attempts to write a kissing scene 🕺 (pls tell me u get why their lips are purple now tho-)
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merotwst · 1 year
IMPORTANT NOTE: hello everyone! happy may! i recently did a poll asking whether you guys would prefer a raffle over a contest. and contest won! i'll be hosting a writing AND drawing contest and my friends @cvlutos and @cleumuu will be helping me judge the entries! please keep in mind, this is my frist time hosting any sort of event like this so if you see any mistakes or anything out of place, i apologize! let me know and i'll get it resolved. im constantly looking for ways to improve so please be gentle and kind. this is only my small contribution to the jamil kissers and enjoyers and i want to bring a little bit of fun to the creative twisted wonderland community! reblogs are greatly appreciated for this post! now, onto the details! click on read more to expand the post.
written entries masterlist
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a masterlist will be created for all the works (separate art and writing) and will be featured in my blog! thank you for ur patience with me and we look forward to your entries! have fun!!!
original pinned here
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hisui-dreamer · 1 year
fragments of your warmth
Pairing: Jamil Viper x gn!reader
Synopsis: Where you stood, it was exactly where your love had blossomed all those summers ago. Only this time, you stood alone with your memories and regrets.
Tags: friends to benefits to lovers, pining, angst, long distance relationship, ex lovers to lovers, canon divergence, stargazing, bot proofread
Word count: 2.1k+
Notes: this is my submission @merotwst and @cvlutos's Jamil's Summer Competition! Happy belated birthday Ellie <3 Make sure to check out the other entries using the tag!
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You are welcomed by the tranquillity that the familiar beach offers as you take your first steps onto the soft and cool sand. The sound of the waves lapping against the shore, combined with the nostalgic summer breeze, is a soothing balm for your senses that transports you to another world. The sky above is a canvas of sparkling diamonds, with millions of stars twinkling in the inky darkness, a vast and glittering expanse that stretches as far as your eye can see.
The sight before you is like an elegant painting from a dream, yet your heart feels like it's pricked by countless thorns of grief. This scene overlaps with one you experienced that night many summers ago, but you can't help but feel that everything was more vibrant when he was by your side.
The memories wash over you like the calming waves, and you are instantly transported to a bygone era, where time seems suspended and the world was infused with enchantment, where the sun-drenched hallways of NRC echoed with laughter and mischief.
It was there, where you met him.
Jamil Viper had bewitched you the moment your eyes met. His refined and captivating features made him strikingly handsome, but it was the depth in his eyes that truly set him apart. Like pools of obsidian, they held a mystique that seemed to hold countless untold stories and hidden desires. As fate would have it, your paths intertwined amidst the chaos of school, and you couldn't help but be captivated by his allure.
Burdened by responsibilities that were not of your choosing, the two of you found solace in the shared understanding of the burdens you bore. Life had dealt you both a hand filled with obligations and expectations, piling endless duties that seemed to overshadow your personal desires, but you found sanctuary in each other's company, where you could be true to yourselves and simply indulge.
Together, you found respite from the suffocating grip of responsibility. Hearts drew nearer as an invisible thread wove between you, weaving a tapestry of emotions that yearned to be acknowledged. It was an uncharted realm, an unexplored terrain where friendship and desire danced a delicate waltz, their steps uncertain yet alluring.
And so, with trepidation and anticipation, you succumbed to the allure of intimacy, strengthening your connection to him while safeguarding the sanctity of your friendship. It became a clandestine affair, shrouded in secrecy from prying eyes, nurtured by a foundation of trust and lust, enabling vulnerability and uninhibited honesty while offering emotional support and physical affection.
In those stolen moments, it was just the two of you, consumed by a fire that burned with equal parts longing and frustration. You explored each other's bodies with a mixture of curiosity and desire, finding pleasure in the physical connection you had cultivated. The touch of his hand sent electric currents surging through your body, igniting desires that defied reason. His kisses were elixirs of ecstasy that left you intoxicated and craving more. His laughter echoed through your veins like a melodic symphony. His genuine kindness and unwavering support melted the barriers you had built, leaving you defenceless against the growing feelings that welled within.
It had been an arrangement devoid of emotional entanglements. But how could you have possibly resisted falling in love, when it was Jamil who you were entangled with?
Love had woven its intricate tapestry around you, defying your attempts to keep it at bay. It was Jamil who unravelled your defences, revealing a depth of emotion that neither of you could ignore. And as the clandestine affair continued, the lines between friendship and love blurred, caught in a passionate embrace that neither of you could resist.
You had intended to keep your feelings at bay, that maybe once he graduated, with time and distance, the ember of yearning within you would fade like a dying flame without fuel.
But then came their graduation trip, where Kalim had extended an invitation to you and the others to join their trip to a tropical island of crystal-clear skies and sparkling seas to celebrate. And on that final night of your adventure, Jamil took you to a secluded beach, a secret spot for stargazing under the heavens.
You remember how his warm hand felt in yours, like a spell that pulled you closer to him. The scent of lemongrass filled the air, a fresh and tangy aroma that mingled with the ocean breeze and carried all your worries far away. Jamil had fretted over the many bugs approaching him, and you couldn't help but giggle at his antics as he diligently reapplied repellent, often volunteering to get rid of the pesky creatures that approached him.
You had both laid on a blanket he had brought, the air around you felt thick and humid, but still you drew close, seeking comfort in one another's embrace like clockwork. And as you looked up at the starry sky together, his eyes sparkled with a joy that matched the glittering constellations above.
Underneath the canopy of stars, surrounded by the serene lullaby of the waves, you found the courage to share the depths of your heart. Words spilt forth, confessions, long kept buried, danced upon the salt-kissed breeze.
The connection, nurtured through stolen glances, fiery passion, and tender moments, had blossomed into something profound. At that sacred juncture, you felt time relinquish its hold. The world faded into oblivion, leaving only the two of you lingering in a universe of your own making.
The fragile silence was then shattered by those precious words that still ring in your ears, that continue to make you feel like every second you spent with him, every moment you spent agonising over your feelings for him, was all worth it.
"I've fallen for you, more deeply than I ever thought possible," he confessed, his voice full of sincerity and vulnerability. A smile graced his lips, his eyes shimmering with an affection that transcended words. "Thank you, for entering my life."
It was a night of enchantment and wonder, a memory etched deep into your soul. The two of you were alone in a world that felt infinite, surrounded by the ethereal glow of your love.
But now, as you stand alone, the world seems to have lost some of its vibrant hues; the colours have dulled, the stars have dimmed, and the air carries a chilly emptiness. You yearn for the passion of that night, for his comforting embrace. The memory of your time together casts a bittersweet shadow over the present, reminding you of what you had and what you lost.
Your love with him was like warm water, a gentle current that caressed and cradled your beings. Like the tranquillity of a serene pool, it washed over you, infusing your heart and soul with a profound sense of contentment.
But just like warm water, its heat inevitably dissipated, and only an icy void that exposed the rawness of your emotion remained.
A sigh escapes your lips, carrying with it the familiar sting of tears welling up, blurring the world around you and shrouding it in a veil of melancholy. The truth had loomed before you, as stark as the fading heat: though you had given it your all, you had no choice but to part ways.
With genuine intentions and hearts brimming with hope, the two of you had embarked on your relationship despite the long distance, promising to communicate regularly, plan visits, and hold onto the precious bond. Together, you painted vivid images of a future life entwined, sharing moments of domestic bliss, cooking side by side, and simply basking in each other’s presence, foolishly making promises at every corner.
Eventually though, the sharp sting of reality began to seep into your once idyllic dreams. Jamil, burdened by his duties in service to the Asim family, found his time and attention inexorably divided among countless obligations. And you, adrift in a sea of uncertainty, grappling without a proper identity and support system, struggled to find your place in a world so different from your original one.
The vast expanse of distance, once merely an inconvenience, now transformed into an insurmountable barrier, slowly eroding the very foundation of your once unbreakable bond.
Communication became sporadic, filled with empty words and broken promises. The once-frequent video calls turned into occasional text messages, and the passionate expressions of love were replaced by awkward silences and forced conversations. Your sanctuary had shifted, unintentionally or not, to the point where you no longer felt comfortable in talking to him, and instead another obligation to fulfill. Your longing grew stronger with every passing day, but the guilt of not being able to fulfil the promises weighed heavily on both of you.
The bittersweet truth became clear: the relationship that had bloomed within the protection of the school walls now found itself entangled in the thorny web of unfulfilled promises and fading hope, and the decision to let go became inevitable.
You lift your gaze to the sky in an attempt to prevent the tears from falling, searching the constellations for some semblance of an answer as your heart aches. The stars twinkle like distant beacons, each one a reminder of the vastness of the universe and the infinite possibilities it held, but all you could see was the endless expanse of the universe, an unfathomable void mirroring the emptiness you feel inside.
They say that time heals all wounds, even the fractures of a wounded heart. Yet, the passage of the sands of time has done little to alleviate the searing ache that persists. The yearning for him remains, an unyielding yearning that entwines itself around your every thought and breath. The sands of time may always shift, and the tides of life may ebb and flow, but within you, an eternal echo of his presence lingers, an ache that defies the passage of days and the fading of memories.
As the tranquil night hangs in suspended animation, a voice, achingly familiar, slices through the silence, shattering the cocoon of solitude you had enveloped yourself in.
"Ya amar..." The words, laden with tenderness and history, linger in the air, like a sweet melody that you tried so hard to forget.
How cruel of him, to still call you by such an endearing nickname.
You turn, your heart caught in a tumultuous dance of anticipation and trepidation, uncertain of what awaits you. And there he stands, a vision bathed in the glimmers of moonlight, the flickering beams bestowing a celestial radiance upon his countenance. Time has left its fingerprints on him, etching lines of experience on his face, while retaining the essence of the person you loved so fiercely.
" You’re… crying," he whispers in slight surprise. Desperately, you try to suppress the flood of tears that only intensified with his presence, but they defy your control, cascading down your cheeks in unrestrained torrents.
He takes a tentative step closer, and with a touch as tender as ever, he extends his hand, seeking permission for his contact. Frozen in place, you allow him to approach. The warmth of his touch graces your skin like a sunbeam, a pacifying caress that eases the ache within. With delicate fingers, he tenderly brushes away your tears, wiping with them the pain and sorrow that have pooled in your eyes. You can't help but lean into his touch, seeking refuge in his warmth like you had in the days of your youth.
"I... I never forgot you," you manage to choke out, your voice thick with emotions that threaten to overwhelm you. The words spilt out of you like a dam collapsing, releasing the pent-up feelings that have silently swelled within you for so long.
Tears continue to stream relentlessly down your face, the anguish of the past and present bearing down upon your fragile soul. Doubts assail you, wondering if he still cares, if he even remembers you after years.
But as you look up into his dark eyes, you see the answer reflected in their depths. There is a softness there, a tenderness reserved for you that had always been present.
Jamil leans closer, his expression loving and understanding. His voice, soft and sincere. "I never forgot you either," he whispered, his words a delicate admission, as if finally unburdening himself from the weight of past mistakes. "I'm so sorry, for everything."
Without hesitation, Jamil closes the remaining distance between you, his arms encircling you in a tight embrace. The strength and warmth of his hold envelopes you like a sanctuary amidst your turmoil. You stand there, sharing the same beach that witnessed your love, bathed in bittersweet nostalgia, and a flicker of hope ignites within you.
The past may have been fraught with challenges and missed opportunities, but in this moment, you dare to believe that perhaps, just perhaps, things would turn out alright this time.
After all, with enough time and dedication, the cool waters of your love could be rekindled into a comforting warmth once again.
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bluesylveon2 · 1 year
And At Last I See the Light
This is my entry for the @merotwst and @cvlutos' contest. Also, I heard that it was your birthday, so happy birthday to @merotwst!!! Thank you for answering all of my questions, even though I started writing his a few days ago. I hope you like this fic I word vomited wrote based on "I See the Light" from Tangled (it's my favorite Disney song and it screamed Jamil) 😁
Disclaimer: I do not own Twisted Wonderland and its characters. Those belong to Aniplex, Walt Disney Japan, and Yana Toboso.
Note: Reader is referred to as "the Prefect" and is female, set during Book 5 (let's pretend that Jamil can sneak and the snow has melted some), and lots of symbolism
Word Count: 1246
Warnings: not beta read, possible OOC characters, and lots of exposition in the beginning
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Jamil was used to being below Kalim. No matter if it was in studies, exercises, or games, Kalim had to outshine him in it all. If Kalim was a warm sunny day in the summer, then Jamil was a cold dark night in the winter. 
Everyone preferred the summer, just as everyone preferred Kalim. 
No one looked Jamil’s way. No one asked about how he felt. No one wanted to spend their days in the moonlight when they could sleep until sunrise. In short, no one wanted him to shine his light on them. In turn, Jamil was blinded by the sun that he could not see the world around him. The male was subjected to dreaming about a life where he was free.  
When Jamil saw his life become stagnant, he was determined to change it. The air became colder, and the night was longer when Jamil enacted his plan. Unfortunately, his plan was ruined by the Ramshackle Prefect, her cat monster, and the annoying Octanvielle trio. 
Life after the incident had slightly improved. He still served Kalim, but the Housewarden started seeing him as equal despite their positions. Jamil would not say it aloud, but it was a small step in the right direction. 
Another change included his relationship with the Prefect. The two had gotten on friendlier terms after he made up for trapping her and Grim in Scarabia and dealing with his overblot (read: he made a big apology meal for her and helped with anything she asked). The two had become even closer during the VDC training camp. 
It was during the time when the snow began to melt, and after everyone was asleep, was when the Prefect would stargaze outside the dorm. However, all except one was asleep the first time it happened. Jamil, having to be constantly alert in case an assassin was nearby, woke up to the sound of a creaking floor down the hall. He grabbed his magical pen and followed a dark shadow heading out of the dorm. He maintained a reasonable distance from the figure until the moonlight hit the figure’s frame. Jamil realized that the person he followed was the Prefect all along. An average person would immediately turn around and go back to sleep, but his feet moved automatically, and he joined her instead.
That night, Jamil had stayed up for hours getting to know the Prefect without using a fake persona or with no ill intentions. The Prefect treated him like she had known him for a long time. She had even defended him when Vil questioned Jamil’s eyebags that morning. Usually, Jamil would have told the truth, but he enjoyed spending alone time with the Prefect. He learned more about the Prefect’s world and her love of stargazing. In turn, the Prefect learned about different places Jamil wanted to see. 
Their nightly stargazing continued during his time at the training camp. After a few nights, Jamil realized how blind he was about everything. 
All his days were spent watching outside the windows of Kalim’s house. All of the years of the world moving, he yearned to see it. He never knew if anyone would look his way or ask anything about him, yet that person was in front of him all along. That person was sitting beside him, basking in the moonlight, retelling a story about an incident regarding her friends and the Heartslabyul Housewarden. It was when she laughed that Jamil saw everything clearly. His heartbeat increased, his body felt light, and he began to think about the Prefect more throughout the day. Jamil realized that night that he would follow the Prefect to the ends of the world. He wanted to show her the world because he knew she was where he was meant to go.
When the Prefect first arrived at Twisted Wonderland, she dreamed of when she would finally return to her world. Her mind was focused on going home and initially tried to ignore the world around her. However, she began to doubt her dream after meeting Grim, ADeuce, and the other NRC students. One person who stood out to her was Jamil Viper. Her perspective of him changed after the incident in Scarabia. She forgave him after everything because she saw his true self and how amazing and talented he was. The Prefect never looked down on him or saw him as average. She treated him as an equal.
Now, as the Prefect lay on the soft blanket at a short distance next to the male in question, she realized something as they stared at the twinkling stars in content silence. During her months of staying in this world, of her blindly hoping for the better, she grew to love how things were. The Prefect had love from her friends, entertainment from the Ramshackle ghosts, and support from her professors. Most importantly, she had Jamil. Although Kalim was the sun personified, she always noticed Jamil despite him staying in the shadows. Now, everything seemed crystal clear; she saw him. He was a light that felt warm and real, like sunshine on a summer day. 
“Hey, Jamil?” The Prefect turned to the raven-haired male, and he hummed in response. “What is your favorite season?”
Jamil raised an eyebrow and turned his head to the Prefect, “what’s with the sudden question?”
The Prefect turned to stare into Jamil’s gray eyes, “I’m just curious. So what is it?”
“Summer, because summers in the Scalding Sands are nice. It is also a good time to take a vacation.”
The Prefect chuckled, “You deserve one, Jamil.”
Jamil nodded in agreement, “What is your favorite season?”
“Definitely winter.”
Jamil raised an eyebrow, “Really? Why?”
“Well, there is snow and lots of fun holidays. The nights are longer too. In summer, the nights are short, so the moon is not out for long,” The Prefect looked up at the bright full moon, “In winter, the moon is out longer, like now. I like to use that time to look up and stare at it. I prefer it more than the sun. Besides-” The Prefect glanced at Jamil, “Don’t you think the moon looks beautiful tonight?”
Jamil felt his breath hitch. He could not explain it, but the Prefect’s words seemed to impact him unexpectedly. Jamil thanked the darkness for covering up his blush, and he prayed that she could not hear his rapid heartbeat. 
Meanwhile, the Prefect was having an internal battle about her boldness. Jamil may not know the implications behind her words, but she meant everything. She would focus on spending time with him and let him see another day.  
“Yeah. It really is,” The Prefect’s eyes widen due to Jamil’s voice sounding closer than before. She turned her head and was face to face with him, with his eyes staring straight at her. Both had red faces.
They stared at each other like it was their first time seeing the light. Their hidden feelings began to reveal as if the fog around them had lifted, the sky was anew, and the world shifted to focus on them. No one knew whose hands moved first, but Jamil had one hand on the Prefect’s cheek while both of her hands cupped his face. They moved closer until their lips barely touched each other. 
Now they saw each other as a new light grew between them. The two people complimented each other like summer and winter, or the sun and the moon.
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A/N: I'm kinda proud of it although I wish I started later. Again, I hope you liked it @merotwst. Jamil is my favorite character so I hope I did him justice!
©: This story belongs to bluesylveon2 2020-23. DO NOT modify, republish, or plagiarize my work.
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spadecentral · 1 year
🌊 Running Through the Ocean | Jamil Viper x Reader
>> requested: no >> a/n: happy birthday @merotwst !! i love you darl'. also i have to tag @cvlutos as per the rules of ellie's event
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>> masterlist: here!! >> summary: you and jamil go to the beach!! yayyy!! >> reader prns: they/them >> warning(s): reader cannot swim
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“Jamil!” you smiled, holding a pool floatie and a bag filled to the brim with beach necessities. “I’m ready to go!”
Jamil lifted his head out from the trunk of the car you two were using and smiled at you. “Great. Just hand those things here.”
He reached out for the floatie and the bag, and when you placed them both in his hands, one of them dropped like a fly. “My dear,” he groaned. “Why is this bag so heavy?”
“No reason in particular,” you tapped your finger on your chin, feigning the act of thinking. “There’s sunscreen, tanning lotion, aloe vera, a hat, sunglasses, a change of clothes for both me and you when we leave the beach, drinks, snacks, and two towels.”
“...How does that all fit in this bag?” Jamil said, skeptical.
“That’s a secret,” you smiled, quickly pecking him on the lips. Leaving him to finish packing the trunk, you quickly slipped into the driver's seat of the car. Even though you had zero idea how similar or different a car from Twisted Wonderland was to a car from your home, you were determined to figure it out.
You watched as Jamil walked over to the door before staring at you through the glass. You rolled down the window and said, “Passenger seat is over there, lovely.”
“Hayati…” Jamil groaned. (my life)
“Nuh, uh,” you shook your finger. “Get your ass over there.”
He sighed before pinching the bridge of nose, and finally walked over to the other side of the vehicle.
“Lets go!” you smile, putting the car into drive and flooring the gas. 
“Fuck–!” Jamil nearly screamed, placing a hand on the roof of the car and one on the storage compartment in between the seats.
You just laughed, rolling down the windows.
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You took in a deep breath of salt-filled air as you stood outside of the car. Turning around to look at Jamil, he had a look of absolute terror etched onto his face. You giggled at the sight, walking over and kissing him on the cheek.
“C’mon babe, we have to set up.”
“Mhm,” Jamil said as he was being dragged by you to the trunk of the car. 
Popping the trunk, you held your hands out under the door to make sure nothing fell out as it opened. Luckily, nothing did, but there was still a chance.
“Alright uh… I’ll grab the bags and floaties, and you can have the umbrella and mat?”
“Are you sure you’ll be fine with the bag, it’s pretty hea–”
“Jamil, I’ll be fine.” you smiled at his concern. “I packed it, anyway.”
“I know, but even so–”
“I’m not a fragile kid, babe.” you sighed. “It’s okay.”
He hummed, still wanting to carry the bag. But he didn’t, since he knew once you had your mind put up to something, you would stick to it.
After walking down through the sand, you and Jamil set up, making sure to position the umbrella just right so that it wouldnt let any sunlight hit the area you and he claimed. 
Shedding your shirt so that it didn’t get wet, you were barely patient enough to let him take off his own shirt as you dragged him down to the shore. You shuddered as the cold water hit your skin, but it didn’t deter you from dragging Jamil in with you.
“It’s so cold!” you screeched, waist deep in water. 
Jamil nodded, his teeth chattering. “Just a little.”
“Babe you’re shivering!” you placed your hands on his arms before hugging him, trying to warm him up. His face turned pink to your actions, and his body slowly acclimated to the temperature.
“I think I’m going to sit for a while,” he said, turning in the water to slowly walk back to shore.
“But you just got innnnn,” you whined, grabbing onto his hand.
“I’ll just be over there,” he said, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek.
“Fine,” you frowned, letting go of his hand. “Love you.”
“I love you too, hayati.” he kissed the back of your hand before leaving. You giggled as he waded through the water and almost fell once.
You were annoyed with yourself that you didn’t bring your floatie, but you would make due. Going deeper into the water, you went until you could only walk on your tiptoes without drowning.
“Jamiiiiiii!!!” you yelled, waving at his sitting form. You watched as he looked up, and if you squinted you could barely make out an unamused look. “Look at me–”
Tiptoes in loose sand were not a good mixture. Especially for someone who had next to no swimming experience. You splashed around before going under fully, trying to hold as much air as possible in your lungs. But with a lifeguard over twenty yards away, it would be a while before someone came to get you.
You closed your eyes, trying to think of all the good times you had with Jamil. One… two… three…
As you had almost completely lost consciousness, you had taken in a breath. A breath of nothing but salt water. And it burned. It burned so much you yelled, only letting in more water.
You watched as the bubbles from your mouth went up, and yet you went down. Closing your eyes, you were too tired to worry about your burning lungs and buzzing brain.
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Jamil couldn’t be restrained when he saw you on the sand. He held onto your hand and could only think about how cold it was.
Why didn’t he say longer? Why did he have to leave you in the ocean? Ten minutes into the trip and you were gone. It was his fault that you weren’t laughing.
His ears were practically clogged as the EMTs told him to stand back. Everything to him was fuzzy. You were the only thing grounding him at the moment, no matter how little you knew it.
He stayed with you at the hospital, even if you had the smallest chance of recovering.
He was there when you flatlined. Twice, actually. You flatlined twice. And he was there for both.
Except the second time was the real one.
The nurses tried to soothe him, rubbing his back all the while trying to get him to let go of your hand. But he couldn’t. He wouldn’t even if he could. All he could do was sit and stare into oblivion, tears rolling down his cheeks and your cold hand in his.
He just wanted to be back on the beach, running through the ocean with you, like he thought he would be during summer break.
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>> jamil taglist: @tulipluvlettr | @strawberry-hyacinth | @oseathepebble | @ventisaircurrent | @epelys | @pastelmages | @xphantasmagoriax | @atlasnessie | @divinesapph | @ze-maki-nin | @booming-spam | @flqyd-is-lost | @savanaclaw1996 | @kyraxiyn | @rayisalive
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savanaclaw1996 · 1 year
A Whole New World With You-Jamil Viper x Fem! Reader!
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My submission for the Jamil Summer Competition by @merotwst and @cvlutos. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Yasmina Silk Fireworks Festival spoilers, mentions of Chapter 4 spoilers!
Word Count: 1,760 words.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------When Grim heard about the summer fireworks festival in the Land of Scalding Sands that is to be hosted by Kalim, he demanded that they take both him and (Y/n) to the Land of Scalding Sands.
Jamil was incredibly reluctant about this, of course. On one hand, he really wanted to bring his lady crush, aka (Y/n), over to the Land of Scalding Sands to tour around his hometown, to see the fireworks and to spend time with you.
But on the other, he was going to be extremely busy with the festival preparations that he wouldn't have time to do all of that. Of course, none of that went unnoticed by Kalim.
He was aware of Jamil's growing crush on you ever since you saved him from his Overblot during winter break. He was happy that Jamil had found someone to love. And so, he pleaded with Jamil that he wanted to show (Y/n) the wonderful lifestyle of his hometown.
Finally, with great reluctance, Jamil relented, mostly to stop both Grim and Kalim from whining his ear off. Having to deal with six guests sounds exhausting enough. The last thing he wanted was to suffer another headache.
However, he was secretly happy that you get to come along with them. He honestly couldn't wait to show you around his homeland, and he hoped that getting to spend time with you would be worth the hassle.
When Kalim and Jamil, along with you, Grim, Trey, Cater and Malleus, arrived in Silk City, the center of the Land of Scalding Sands, you marveled at the sight around you. The buildings, the canal, the bridge, and the palm trees. It was as if you were suddenly transported into an Arabian fairytale.
"Wow! I never knew Silk City would be this beautiful!" you exclaimed. Jamil felt a sense of pride when he heard your praise about the city he grew up in. As he and Kalim explained the geography, history and economy of their country and their ancestors, you listened with great interest. There's a lot of really interesting stuff to learn in Silk City.
After the seven of you arrived at the Al-Asim manor, Kalim decided to have you, Trey, Cater and Malleus dressed in the traditional outfits of the Land of Scalding Sands as a surprise to make them remember their trip and to have them feel the history of their country.
And so, Trey, Cater and Malleus, including Jamil all got themselves dressed in the Scalding Sands traditional outfits. "I'm done!" you called out as you emerged, wearing your new outfit.
As everyone looked, they were all stunned by your appearance, but none were more stunned than Jamil. Your (h/l) (h/c) locks were tied into a ponytail in two sections with matching peacock-green bands. You wore a turquoise bandana centered with a sapphire gem adorned into it and a long transparent veil behind your hair. Two large golden earrings and a matching necklace completed the finishing touch.
Jamil never thought much about beautiful women in his lifetime, for he had seen many beautiful women in Silk City. However, you were completely different. There was something about you that caught his eye. What was it? He couldn't put his finger on it.
As he watched you walking towards him in an elegant manner, you looked like a royal princess, similar to the beautiful princess in tales of old...
"Jamil-kun, your mouth's hanging open." Cater pointed with a laugh. Jamil immediately closed his mouth. Why was his mouth hanging open? Was he really that stunned by (Y/n)'s beauty in your new Scalding Sands outfit? What was going on with him?
Jamil blushed with embarrassment. He had to be careful, lest he embarrasses himself more. (Y/n) then took notice of his fancy outfit and smiled at him. "Wow, I like your outfit! You look like a prince. So handsome." you complimented.
That did it. Jamil blushed darkly at your compliment. Him? A prince? Ridiculous. There's nothing princely about him. He's merely a servant. Nevertheless, he appreciated your compliment.
Before long, Jamil escorted you, Grim, Trey, Cater and Malleus to the Camel Bazaar. There, Grim saw a shawarma stall and drooled at the delicious food. Jeez, that cat monster, he's always thinking about his next meal. You were pretty hungry yourself, as were your friends.
So Jamil ordered six shawarma for the seven of you, but then he noticed that his was missing. As Trey counted heads, the group saw that the thief who stole Jamil's shawarma was none other than...
"Hmm, what's wrong, Jamil-kun? Your lips are quivering." Cater said with a smile as Jamil stared bug-eyed at the dark-haired girl standing next to Trey with his shawarma.
"NAJMA?!" Jamil screamed. What was his little sister doing here?! He didn't have time to deal with her! "Go home, Najma!" he said sternly. But Najma was offended. "So cruel! And I just came all this way to deliver you a message from our father." she said with a pout.
(Y/N) chuckled. When Najma pouted, she certainly takes after her brother. "Why don't we let her come with us?" you asked. Jamil crossed his arms. "Absolutely not!" he yelled. He didn't want to start taking care of seven people all at once.
"Oh, come on. I would love to get to know her better." you said. Najma beamed at you with shiny eyes. "Really?" she asked. When you nodded, she smiled happily. Jamil groaned. This is going to be a long day.
Najma was so happy that she got to see her big brother. And she was quite surprised that he brought a pretty girl with him. Who is she? She has to know!
"So, Jamil, is (Y/n) your girlfriend?" she asked. Jamil blushed furiously before he pressed his finger to his lips and shushed her harshly. "Don't be ridiculous! She's not my girlfriend!" he said. "She's just a classmate from school." But Najma wasn't fooled.
She noticed the way Jamil would softly smile at you as he talked to you. He had never done that to any girl before he enrolled in Night Raven. So that would mean...
"Could've fooled me, big brother. It's so obvious that you like her." she said with a teasing grin. "Najma..." Jamil said, giving her a warning glare. "Alright, alright." she said, holding her hands up in surrender. However, she still had one last remark.
"You know, I'd love to have her as a future sister-in-law one day." she said. "NAJMA!!!" Jamil shrieked with a red, flustered face. Najma Viper has the last laugh.
Jamil spent the rest of the day showing you and the group some food stalls and souvenir stalls. It was such a strange feeling. Jamil had never felt like this before. Strolling through the market with your crush, it's almost like a...
A date?! Jamil quickly pushed that embarrassing thought out from his head. "Get a grip on yourself, Jamil!" he silently scolded himself. He was a servant to the Al-Asims. He was always busy, he never had time to fall in love with anyone.
After his Overblot incident back during winter break, he tried to find ways to punish you for ruining his plans, but after seeing that you were willing to help him to make his work easier, he soon found himself enamored by you, despite trying to resist his feelings.
After catching the thief that stole the USB drive for the fireworks launchers, Jamil sat beside you as the two of you watched the fireworks paint the starry night sky with bright colors.
You then turned to Jamil. "Jamil, there's something I've been wanting to tell you." you said. "What is it?" he asked. "Well... you've worked very hard giving us a tour of the bazaar. I really had a wonderful time." you said.
Jamil smiled. Hearing that meant that it was worth the hassle if you had a wonderful time. "As long as you fully enjoyed yourself, that is above all." Jamil said. "For me it became a very... memorable day."
"Well, I did have fun. Silk City is amazing." you said, looking at Jamil. "Don't look away, watch the fireworks. Especially since I went through the trouble to bring you here. I need you to spread the world that the fireworks of the Scalding Sands are amazing." Jamil said.
"The fireworks are amazing, but there's something, or rather someone, far more amazing than the fireworks." you said, not looking away. "And who might that be?" Jamil asked, raising a suspicious eyebrow.
You smiled at Jamil before you leaned towards him and kissed him right on the lips. Jamil flinched as you pulled away from him, his cheeks burning red. "You, Jamil." you replied. "She kissed me! She KISSED me!" his mind shouted and his heart beat wildly in his chest.
"You're the most amazing person in the world. Spending time with you is the highlight of it all." you whispered tenderly. For a moment, Jamil said nothing for his mind and heart were racing.
He couldn't believe it! His crush had kissed him right on the lips! Was this a dream? No, it couldn't be...! Another kiss on the lips snapped him out of his shock. He looked as (Y/N) smiled sweetly at him. "I love you, Jamil. Now and always." you softly whispered.
"In the future, we'll go to wherever you want to go. Let me share a whole new world with you. Now and forever, I'm yours, Jamil."
An elated smile slowly crept over Jamil's lips. This isn't a dream. All his life, he had nothing to claim as his own. If he ever found a girlfriend, he would have to give her up to Kalim as his future wife.
However, you came along and banished all of those unpleasant thoughts from his head. You gave him his very first kiss, proving that you chose him over Kalim. A surge of joy leapt in Jamil's heart as he kissed you back so passionately as the fireworks exploded in the sky.
A sudden shrill whistle pierced the air, making the both of you pull away from each other. "Whoo! Way to go, (Y/N)!" Cater whooped as he held up his phone, likely having captured the whole event on video. "What a cute couple you two make." Trey added with a mischievous smile.
"I knew you two were meant to be together!" Najma added joyfully. "Congratulations, Jamil!" Kalim cheered. Jamil groaned in embarrassment as he glared at the group. "Those guys... I swear I'll get them for this later...!"
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siren-serenity · 1 year
🧡 summer 🧡
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summary: summer reminds jamil viper of many things - it's overbearing heat, it's bright afternoon glow, but most importantly: you word count: 1.3k words author's note: here is my entry for @merotwst's competition! thank you for hosting it darlin'! and to my other fav judge: @cvlutos, hope both of you love judging mine! i really went all poetry-like during the "ahem" kiss scene ;) and happy birthday to you, mero! you're so unbelievably talented in both art and writing, you're so cute with your love for jamil, i can't wait to get to know you better! <3
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For Jamil Viper, summer reminds him of endless things. It’s a force of nature to not be reckoned with, a force of nature that has no limits nor rules to its behavior. It storms through kingdoms without a pause and unflairs its fiery aura like a heavenly phoenix. Summer is the brightest shade of gold that blinds the eye and causing the indigo-blue dots to cloud one’s vision. It’s rays of light are harsh yet delicate, scorching yet soft - it’s a dance between the blurry lines. Summer rays can be simple dapples in the daylight but it could also be proud, carvers of light between the valleys between cracks in stones. Yet, summer is also the blissful warmth that Jamil’s oh-so-used to, enveloping him in a warm hug. It’s the feeling of blissful familiarity whenever he is home, back in the Scalding Sands, welcoming him like a loving mother would to a treasured child. Summer is the unique smell of spices and dusty sands, infamously found in every nook and corner. 
Yet, summer reminds him of you too. Your emotions are unpredictable just like the summer’s heat - Jamil Viper can never read you as well as he could do to others. Nor could he fool you just the same. You never fail to read those hidden messages and his implicit emotions, providing him with a safe haven that he just wants to treasure forever. The blissful feelings of summer is even comparable to the blissful feelings that arise within Jamil whenever he dives into your arms after a tiring training with Ace and Floyd; the warmth that your arms give to his tired soul never fails to rest his fatigued, weary soul. He finds the happiness summer gives to people in the way you smile; he could never get tired of the way your smile could give him an instant boost to his mood nor could he ever get tired the way your smile could fill him with enough joy to match Kalim’s cheery personality. By the time he goes back to whatever he is doing, his cheeks ache with how long he’s been smiling and it makes him wonder - since when has he ever smiled as much as he does whenever he is with you?
Even now, Jamil Viper finds summer in your embrace. The sun sets in the pocket dimension that Scarabia could be found in, casting the sky in streaks of coral orange, pastel pink, and faint sparkles of violet. It creates a myriad of colors, painting the sky as vivid as your personality that Jamil finds solace in.
He doesn’t just lay on you, showing you just his exhausted body, but he also hugs you tight, showing a vulnerable side that he only ever shows you. His arms wrap around yours, pressing you tight against his chest. You fit him like a perfect puzzle piece; it was like every curve, every inch of your body was made to be with his. He feels a warmth in his heart, akin to a gentle summer’s light, whenever he feels your body pressed into his, your breathes tickling and raising the little hairs on his arms, and your form curled into his like a kittens’. Sometimes, he can feel your fingers tucking his rebellious baby hairs back into their righteous, neat ways but from the way you repeat the action, you must find it as therapeutic as he does. Jamil absent-mindedly plays with your fingers, tracing all the calleuses that you call “ugly” before pressing them to his lips. He kisses each finger, watching with a satisfied shimmer in his eyes as you let out squeaks of surprise and giggles from the ticklish feeling. 
“Perfect,” he murmurs while you retort with the opposite. He frowns, eyebrows furrowing together and wrinkles adorning his forehead at his actions, before doing so again, firmly pressing his lips to the pads of your fingers. “You’re absolutely perfect.”
“I’m not!”
“Yes, yes you are,” Jamil firmly states. Although his tone was firm and steady, it was nothing like the way his hands gently guided your own to be placed above his chest, where his heart beats steadily like a pulsing drum. He meets your enchanting eyes and could feel the way his heart stuttered, the butterflies in his stomach erupting as always whenever he locks eyes with you. So an intimate moment, Jamil thinks. Even though it is just the seconds of eyes meeting, Jamil can feel your soul and his intertwining together. The quote “the eyes are the windows to the soul” have never rang truer in Jamil’s mind. “For as long as my heart beats, I will say you are perfect.Gorgeous. Beauty in the mortal form. ”
You are silent before murmuring: “How could you say that? Even when I’m grey and old?”
You breathe slowly and Jamil can hear shakiness in your words. Internally, he frowns at the implication - have you never been complimented? Have you never received such kind words? Impossible, how did the people of your old world think? Upon looking at you for the first time, Jamil Viper has already fallen for you, heart and soul willingly yours.
“Especially, if your grey and old,” Jamil hums, before cradling your chin. A lithe finger strokes your cheeks, tracing each and every inch before his fingers lead him to your eyes. Stunningly beautiful eyes that can make him willingly kneel with a single glance. Stunningly beautiful eyes that Jamil never wants to see wet with unshed tears. “Even then, I will always think of you as the loviest, the fairest, the most beautiful of them all, even surpassing the Fairest Queen.”
“Vil will have a stroke if you say that,” You joked and Jamil rolled his grey eyes fondly at the mention of the third-year senior. 
“He can fight me for all that matters, I will return the favor.”
He traces the lines around your eyes before leading them down so he could place your face in the palm of his hands. “May I kiss you?”
It was like a subconscious power was drawing him in; a hazy layer over his logical brain that beckons him to do what he most desires. Jamil was only inches away from pressing his lips against yours; the same magnetic feeling ushering him closer and closer until-
“You may.”
Jamil tilted his head so he could capture your lips in his. Yes, your lips reminded him of summer’s warmth. His tongue darted out, tasting your lips; they tasted of the spices that remind him of the busy markets in the Scalding Sands, but he tastes the delectable taste that is so unique to you. It’s addicting, like summer’s warmth, to keep kissing you until the sun rises for the next day and the horizon breaks for dawn to arrive. He could feel your hands tangling in his, faintly registering the delicate jingles as his golden ornaments are being removed and his chocolate locks tumble forth. He feels your arms treading through his hair as he continues to kiss you, only pausing to take in the needed oxygen; if he didn’t need to do so, Jamil would have continued kissing you until the night fades into day, until the morning sun basks both of you in a warm angelic halo. Truly, it would have been a sight to behold. 
A string of saliva connects his redden lips and yours, glimmering under the warm glow of Scarabia’s lounge lights before Jamil tilts you by the chin and pressing his lips against yours once more. 
To Jamil Viper, summer reminds him most of you. The power of summer’s blinding heat is nothing compared to the love he feels for you.
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mellytheteddy · 1 year
Only the Best for You
a/n: this is my entry for the writing contest (very last minute I know I'm sorry) but uhhhh @cvlutos and @merotwst enjoy ig?? sobs
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"Y/N! The sun isn't that bad. You're the one that wanted to go to the beach." Jamil stands outside your car door, repeatedly knocking on the window. You sigh dramatically, pretending to fall asleep.
"Can't hear you I'm asleep," you yell from inside the car, and Jamil feels emotions he hasn't felt since he attended Night Raven College.
You had mentioned once, offhandedly, that you wanted to go to the beach but you never had time. It was easy to plan your birthday from there. However, now that you're actually here, you refuse to get out the car due to "the sun being too sunny."
"You can't be in there all day, Y/N. I have the food, and sooner or later the car will run out of gas. At which point you will be stuck in the heat with no A/C and no way back home. Which would you prefer, habibti?"
At that, you gingerly unlock the door, opening it slowly and stepping out to meet the sea breeze. Jamil seems satisfied with your decision, a shit-eating grin beginning to curl on his cheeks.
"Shut up, Jabeel." Although your cheeks burn at the slight embarrassment of losing this battle against your boyfriend, you can't hide the smile from just how beautiful the beach looks.
"See it's not that bad, now is it?" Jamil reflects your smile as he grabs your hand and pulls you along behind him, leading you down the steps to the sand below. Your sundress is slightly pulled by the wind, and if you had to guess, you and Jamil probably looked like the album cover of a cringe EP album.
"It's not that bad but the sun is already baking my skin. What are you gonna do when I turn into an emaciated shrimp?" You taunt as Jamil lays out a towel for the two of you to sit on.
"I'll protect you with my life. Are you finished complaining now?" Your boyfriend is so clearly fed up with your antics, but you know he wouldn't have it any other way. After all, who else would bring such loving chaos into his tense life?
"I suppose. Will you get into the water with me or are you gonna be a deadpan party pooper the whole time?" You sit on the towel, helping Jamil set out your favorite foods that he's made for you.
"How am I the party pooper when I had to threaten you to get out the car?" He raises an eyebrow and you simply shrug. Jamil heaves out a sigh before taking a seat next to you, pressing a kiss to your temple.
"You are the most irritating person I have ever met. But, I love you. and happy birthday. Now let's eat so we can go swimming." The smell of spices and sugar bit through the air, blending with the ocean breeze.
"Okay but first, what did you make me? I think you should tell me in a very fancy fashion since it's my birthday and all, y'know." You nudge his arm playfully, and Jamil shakes his head in surrender.
"Fine. I recall your saying you didn't much enjoy eating spicy foods when it's warmer, so I stuck to more savory meals for you today. We have some mouslian kubba, with pomegranate molasses in this little box here," he points to a clear glass container next to the bread and meat dish, "and here is some makhlama, with the accompanying tannour bread. I do want to say you are extremely odd for enjoying breakfast dishes in the later parts of the day."
You simply shrug, mouth already watering at the food laid out in front of you.
"You chose to make it, so deal with it. If the food is good, you should enjoy it whenever you want, I think. Ooh what're these cube things right here?" The square desserts decorated with what looked to be coconut flakes were stacked onto each other prettily.
"This is the one I made for you a few months ago. Halawa dhein. This is our dessert for today." You smile before tackling Jamil in a hug.
"You're the best, Jamil. Thank you so much for remembering all this. You've already made this birthday perfect."
Jamil ducks his head, feeling slightly flustered at the sudden praise.
"Of course...only the best for you." You can barely hear the last part, so you lean in closer to your boyfriend.
"What was that?"
"Nothing. Time to eat."
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thanks for reading !
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moonlight-phobia · 1 year
Falling Star
Jamil X Gn!Reader
Trying a bit of a new writing style? Really wanted to write something for Jamil though so here we go! Heard it was @merotwst birthday so Happy Birthday! Hopefully this can bring a little light to your day! Even if I’m late! @cvlutos as well hope you enjoy!
Trigger Warnings: Past Injury, Mentions towards depression, and Blot
Word Count: 800+
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“Come on henchmen! You’re slowing down..” the cat monster would meow out in disappointment of the other half.
“I’m coming don’t worry go on ahead I’ll meet you there Grim-“ what an anxious little cat monster for his human friend. It’s only been a few weeks since another student’s blot. A few injuries had ended up with you in this case. With a ankle brace around your left foot.
Along with the teasing that came with Ace saying you looked older because of that now. Mystery on how he ended up in a tree later that day hanging upside down with some bats bugging him. Whoever could have done that? Even Ace didn’t seem to remember but he didn’t tease you anymore about what happened.
It wouldn’t be the first time you’ve sustained an injury since arriving in the world of twisted wonderland. The blots were dangerous and choosing to stay there had left worry amongst some of the older students that treated you more like a sibling. Tsunataro especially seemed- more angry then normal when you two couldn’t go gargoyle watching because of the state of your leg.
Even with magic it was going to take time. Time to heal- perhaps that was on purpose of Agapi though. The school’s therapist. Sure it was an experience but now it was time for summer! The school gets a few months off but..considering there’s no home to go back. Along with Crowley being extremely unreliable, Kalim had invited you over to his place! One of his family’s summer homes that was barely used anymore. In the Sunshine Lands too! Pictures had been shared on Magicam before, it’s hot and has lots of beaches after all it’s so close to the Coral Sea!
“I’m hungry though Nyah..”
“Don’t worry about it too much Grim we can ea-“ the sound of another voice overpowering your own “Yuu-san!” Hues locking onto the colorfully dressed white haired man.
“Kalim!” He had originally said beforehand he wasn’t going to be here-
“Yuu-San! I decided I couldn’t leave you here especially during such an important part of the year so I just told my family that I would see them later on after the solstice!” the young man would come closer to you with a bright smile on his face that shone like pearls. “Oh and I brought Jamil too-!” Pointing his fingers towards the man clad in a loose red top and black shorts.
“Hello little star”
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“Kalim you’re confusing the events. Yaldā Night is for the winter solstice and Tirgan is for the summer solstice.” The man would sigh and go back to braiding your hair. One’s that we’re similar to his own. Small yes but with detail and decorated with small tassels.
He had been at this for awhile now along with the rainbow colored bands that were around your wrist. Kalim insisted that Jamil was the one to make it special and help you out! Really Kalim- can’t seem to remember the holidays that are seen as important. Sometimes even needs a reminder for his own birthday.
Hues focused on watching the white haired male get distracted by something and running off to check what it was- probably a crab.
Jamil would let out a small chuckle close to the shell of your ear “I didn’t get to say it yet..but I’m glad you are here. Spending Tirgan with you is much more interesting since you don’t know a single thing about it” a teasing look in those dark hues of his.
“You should tell me more about it then..”
“Only if you tell me more about yourself, little star..”
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The food was so good it might bring tears to your eyes!
Jamil’s cooking was on a whole new level if he wasn’t basically babysitting Kalim all the time then he should try and become a cook instead!
“Are you enjoying the Sholeh Zard? It’s my mother’s recipe she taught me it for today..”
“For today?”
“Like I said today..is a very important day for a lot of people, maybe it doesn’t seem like it but it’s just being with the people you care about and spending time with them”
that smile is as bright as the sun
“And I was happy to hear you’d be coming here for the break instead of staying back at the school alone-because you’ve done so much for others but the one thing you’ve convinced me to do- was take a break. Though I’ve yet to see you relax.”
He wasn’t wrong- you’re always running around. Doing task, getting hurt, overblots, trauma, overworked, and studying! It’s so much the weight is so much-
“So you can take this time-“ feeling a tug at your hand and being hoisted up onto your feet “to be yourself and allow me to carry the weight.”
For a moment it hurt the pressure on your foot but nothing could be as blissful compared to the next few motions dancing under the sun.
The bright star shining over two people celebrating where the darkness will only reach for a few hours. Where shadows can’t invade on the footsteps dancing in sand and sea.
For now everything can be forgotten, just being around each other for now can be enough.
Enough for the brightest star to witness while other stars watch on in amazement from their faraway places.
“I love you, little star”
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mushibashiraas · 1 year
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djsjxjsj i hope i'm not late?? i probably am. aaaa my own faultcjxjsj [but] i haven't written for my fave disney nrc malewife (/j ily, jamil bbg—) in a while. but i forgot the contest either ends on the 10th?? or submissions close on the 10th aka. i missed the deadline?? aaaaa for submissions to @merotwst 's and @cvlutos 's #jamilsummercontest (here) aaaaaa also was this also an excuse to write for najma/write some najma-jamil brother-sister action? uhhhh looks away. LISTEN. i love them! the crumbs we got of their interactions are still on my mind aaaaaa lastly, am i also using this fic as an opportunity to brainrot about the new spiderverse movie and its album? yes.
mention of the ramshackle prefect (gn!yuu). but it'll mainly be about jamil and najma bc i love his sister almost as much. spoilers for al'ab naariya story, scarabia chapter plot, jamil's backstory, and maybe???? a spoiler for the new spiderverse movie?? if you squint. also really bad arabic.... i tried.... other than that, i present very cute, soft fluffy letters between reader and jamil detailing their lives apart during summer break (assuming the scalding sands' fireworks festival is in the summer. aaaa).
jamil could practically see (name)'s red face as they read his letter briefly written amidst the asim family chaos.
Dearest (Name),
Kalim and Najma were disappointed you couldn't join me this year for Summer break. I actually had to stop him from convincing his father into sending for you personally... Camels, elephants, and all. You're welcome!
Despite that, they wish you all well. My mother is insisting I return to NRC after break with some of her homemade shawarma. And please tell Grim that there will be enough for him as well.
The fireworks were beautiful but it wasn't the same without you by my side, ya nujumi. I missed turning to the side and seeing your smiling face, eyes alight with a childlike wonder. My heart swells with remembering that first Al'ab Naariya. You turned back to me urging me to join you and the others to dance.
Najma just asked what I was smiling about. I tried to lie but the smug look on her face told her all she needed to know. She'd like to also say a few words.
Hello, (Name)! My older brother is laying on his bed right now screaming into his pillow. Ya ummi and I are laughing right now; she has never laughed so hard in a long time. Yesterday the Asims gave us the afternoon off to enjoy the bazaar. You should see the haul Jamil brought home for you and Grim. There's— lotliIItLyjkq
Sorry, ya shamsi. Najma does not know what she's talking about. I got them as gifts for her— ljyIL
Jamil is lying! He is so red right now, (Name)! I want to take a picture to send you but he took my phone! So awful, right? Ah, the Asims are calling for us and abina is about to bring out the belt if we don't resume our work soon.
My apologies, ya qamar, but as Najma said, I have to return to work. There are rumors from the other servants that Kalim is "missing." He's probably with the animals in the garden. I will write to you again shortly. You are always in my thoughts, (Name), ya hubi. Make sure to not stay up too late talking to Ace and Deuce. Take your medicine and potions and eat at least two full meals a day (I know you're not a fan of breakfast). Don't forget to drink plenty of water too.
With Love,
Jamil Viper.
he wanted to write more and tell them all about the new stalls selling mouthwatering foods, soft, vibrant, assorted silks, and other painted, colorful wares he saw at the bazaar. he wanted to tell her about the concert he miraculously got tickets to for one of their favorite music artists. there was also the pet parrot his parents finally let him get! it had to stay on the asims' property. but kalim said he'd personally look after iago for jamil.
there was also a new playlist he made the other night after coming home from a movie he and his sister went to see. jamil lays in bed thinking of his sister's latest fictional crush and thinking of all the things he'd do to keep his girl and her father while living his best life doing what he loved. jamil wished that were him. he wished he could have (name) by his side, still please his family, and see the world. he wanted to learn about the magic and cultures of other lands in twisted wonderland.
wishes and reality are two separate things, though. and the chance of them intersecting and wishes becoming reality was slim. for now, though, he was content and letting things be. he'll find kalim, drag him to his next meeting with possible mergers and other clients, read the evening itinerary to kalim, go home, help with dinner, wash and dry najma's hair for her, bathe, and go to bed.
....that was the original plan. however, najma must have thought it funny to hide his headphones after she finished her chores and homework.
"what are you looking for, brother?"
jamil glared at the girl leaning against his door frame as he rifled through the belongings on his desk. "you know exactly what i am looking for. drop the act, najma!"
"not until you write another letter to (name)." she grinned and crossed her arms over her chest, straightening her posture.
"huh?!" he stuttered.
"it was written all over your face. you wanted to write and tell them more about everything that you saw and experienced yesterday and today. ever since you came home from school with your friends and (name), you've changed. mom and dad haven't stopped talking about it; they think i went to bed but i can hear them. they aren't as quiet as they think." the younger sister laughed at jamil's stunned face. "you don't know all this since you sleep like that one princess in those fae tales. i've caught you snoring a few times, actually. wanna hear it? i can show you if you don't believe m—"
jamil grabs najma's phone again before she can pull up the videos. "just—! give me back my headphones. and i'll write to (name)."
"nah," najma shrugged and walked off. "letter first. mom and dad are out finishing up some business with kalim's parents in their estate. you can blast your music all you want."
groaning in exasperation, he still couldn't deny that he'd rather have sent (name) a proper letter rather than the one he mailed earlier that afternoon.
normally, he and (name) would text each other or call. but one magic carpet ride after a rough exam, they told him about how they used to write letters to their childhood friends whenever they'd change schools. so the first time jamil and (name)'s other night raven college friends went home for holiday break, he started writing letters to them. and ever since that sweet, thoughtful surprise, whenever they were apart, jamil'd write letters to them while they'd send back recipe cards with handwritten notes featuring the story behind each food. sometimes they'd drop details about their family back home or include tiny magic trinkets or bits of stationary sold at sam's shop. a note and a smiley face tied around each item: "saw this and thought of you, ya qamar. ;p"
bringing himself back to reality, jamil sat down and began another letter. with this one, though, he made sure not to leave out a single detail of his day. softly he smiled as he included lines from old poets and added in folded star maps, photos of a dog he saw sitting outside a cafe, a tea bag from the little old lady next door. but this time — instead of signing off with a simple "With Love" like his last letter — he penned a lyric from their favorite song, nodding his head to the music as it played from his speakers.
"Your my star, hubi. My one light. We gon' link up, just like the rumors."
Jamil Viper.
ya shamsi: my sun
ya qamar: my moon
ya nujumi: my stars
hubi/ya hubi: love/my love
ya ummi: my mother
abina: our father
— is2g if i got the arabic vocab wrong, i am going to cry. @softbajis djsjsj idk if this is right or notdjdjdj i am so upset. oh well....?
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biwitchedart · 1 year
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And then one warm summer night, I’ll hear fireworks outside
Submission for @merotwst and @cleumuu Jamil summer contest that I made while listening to Fireworks by Mitski
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merotwst · 1 year
hello everyone! the results are in!
first and foremost, i'd like to thank everyone who participated in the event! i've reblogged and compiled their works on my pinned so everyone can go back and experience their fics and fanart again! you guys truly made jamil's summer an amazing one! sending each and everyone so much love and hugs and i'm forever grateful for all the time and effort you've all spent into making these entries.
i'd also like to thank my friends @/cvlutos and @/cleumuu for helping me judge the entries. it really was difficult with so many amazing submissions ahh! it really helped to have some friends to help me judge.
anyway, now, without further ado, here are the winners for jamil's summer contest!
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congratulations @siren-serenity, @hisui-dreamer, @pandoa, @maythearo, @twstgo and @biwitchedart!!!! your entries were all amazing! you can send me a dm to claim your prizes. thank u so much for joining! sending many love and hugs your way!
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merotwst · 1 year
summer contest extension till june 10 both art and writing entries alike! if you haven't submitted and still want to join in, go send in an entry now! winners will be announced on june 15th! happy creating!
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merotwst · 1 year
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-— written entries for jamil's summer contest 2023
↳ ༉‧₊ running through the ocean--angst [ @spadecentral ]
↳ ༉‧₊ sweet romance in the desert--fluff [ @sharkarella ]
↳ ༉‧₊ summer--fluff [ @siren-serenity ]
↳ ༉‧₊ a whole new world with you--fluff [ @savanaclaw1996 ]
↳ ༉‧₊ and at last i see the light--fluff [ @bluesylveon2 ]
↳ ༉‧₊ falling star--fluff [ @moonlight-phobia ]
↳ ༉‧₊ fragments of your warmth--angst with comfort (?) [ @hisui-dreamer ]
↳ ༉‧₊ only the best for you--fluff [ @mellytheteddy ]
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thank you to everyone who participated! most of you really made jamil happy with us in your fics. all of you are so brilliant and i enjoyed reading every single one of these! i'm going to compile these here to come back to from time to time <33. beautiful works of literature preserved in eternal, loving summers to feel the warmth and love of the sun and jamil.
make sure to give these writers a follow, everyone!
sending love, happy summer to all!
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merotwst jamil summer contest 2023
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