miniiredd · 3 months
So yeah uh imma uh, imma need someone to please, pretty pretty please, write a fic of Jenson absolutely taking Lando apart (bonus points for tears), after this race, getting him out of his head and then preferably slowing putting him back together again
I would greatly appreciate it, and will pay in love, hugs and so so many cookies, and even more hugs
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msnurya · 4 months
Y si algún día ya no te puedo hablar, tocar o pensar es probable que ese día me quede con media vida en la mano y un lago de lágrimas que de seguro acabarán por ahogarme. Y es que sin ti no se nadar, no se amar y no se reconocer mi futuro. Sé que voy a seguir y caminaré pero nunca entenderé cómo se vive sin un corazón que late fuerte y hasta da brincos de emoción al sentirse amado y amar tanto.
No se que vendrá después, ni se si seremos los mismos. Pero algo que si se es que el amor se encuentra una vez en esta vida y yo mi amor, te encontré.
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artemispt · 2 months
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Guzman posting a Lando’s first win pic ❤️
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Bonjour cher maître... À propos de Georges Cziffra... Serait-il votre reincarnation ? Beaucoup y croient... De mon point de vue, il n'est comparable à aucun autre. Le roi des nuances, de la poésie... il est unique et beaucoup ne comprennent pas son art. Êtes vous fiers de l'avoir comme "descendant" ? Oh bien sûr, il n'a pas joué que votre œuvre... son jeu unique et parfaitement balancé se prête aussi tellement bien à Chopin, Beethoven et tant d'autres... il peut être si subtil et délicat. Mais j'imagine que ses prouesses phénoménales se rapprochent beaucoup des vôtres !
Bon après-midi.
Je ne crois pas à la réincarnation de l'âme.
Cziffra est Hongrois, et en cela il me ressemble beaucoup. C'était un grand musicien, même sans compter son lien avec mon travail. Ma seule vraie descendante, musikalische Tochter, était Sophie Menter. J'ai toujours évité qu'ils - mes élèves - m'écoutent pour qu'ils ne m'imitent pas, même sans le vouloir. Mon lien avec eux est un lien paternel - pas de ressemblance ou d'ascendance.
Mais oui. Ma musique triomphe quand György Cziffra, Jenő Jandó, Claudio Arrau la jouent…
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vieghnett · 6 months
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benjaminrydersnest · 7 months
Bladeforged, an introduction
I realized I haven’t actually talked much about my WIPs outside of that one ask (thanks buffy btw <3) so here I go!
Bladeforged is part one (?) of a Medieval Fantasy adventure taking place in the vast kingdom of Mayfellow, where war is on the horizon. The main focus character, Silas, takes care of Shiro, a child being tracked down for his connection to that which is ancient and powerful- possibly even magical.
It explores themes of war, poverty, found family, unconditional love, and more!
The main cast is fairly large with a few queer characters, and just to list a few…
Silas, a kind ship captain and pirate-for-hire, taking care of his crew (and ship) and making sure Shiro is safe- no matter what.
Shiro- A child, often goes by the nickname “Lucien” to hide his true indenting. A lot of mystery of exactly who he is and why he matters is unknown, and Silas isn’t one to push- but other people are.
Valgen- The one responsible for the kingdom’s fall, in the main. It’s his fault Shiro is being hunted, and it’s his fault the land has become so lawless. Rules by force and chaos, his tyranny is well-known.
Jando (pronounced Yawn-dough)- A man? He’s honest, sure, but something seems… off about him. It’s probably nothing. He’s a member of the infamous Signus family, a family well-known for their trickery and manipulation.
Sakura- The strong leader of a society of powerful warriors, she takes the task of protecting the kingdom very seriously. Some question her authority, until she reminds them she was the first born son of a very powerful noble, and now she’s his only daughter.
Elpus Padrè- a wise bard, seemingly only here to record the events? Surely he does more than that…
Semi-regular updates will be given, more lore will be dropped, but certain things will be kept secret- you’ll have to wait for the book itself!
You may also note I said part one (?)- there are sequels planned, but I’m not sure as of yet whether I want it go through with it. I’ll know closer to the end or middle, probably- I did basically just get started.
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blorbocedes · 1 month
jax and jando(if they were wearing jeans)
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mclenthusiastic · 2 years
I’m so annoyed when I see people comparing Lando and Carlos relationship with other types of friendships/work relationships they have. McLaren put them together 4 years ago but they have chosen each other every day since then. There are families and lifetime friends involved (Jando ADORES Lando sm), they stay in the same houses, go out for dinner with common friends in their free time, play golf. It’s so difficult to mantain a real life relationship in F1 (and to mantain that genuine and healthy) and it’s not common bc everything is so pressed and toxic. It needs a big effort by both parts and idc if you like them or not it’s just something so beautiful to see.
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palalabu · 2 years
also adding to your post & the anon about their friendship how many other drivers have their friend groups so twined together when the friends are not knowing the other driver already through f1 or other racing? like lando being so close with jando & becoming friends with jando's friends like charlie fettlohr & also them all going out in austin with isa & her friend as well. lando golfing with eugenio in spain in the summer. carlos staying with lando's friends' in brazil two years running with carlos' bff joining this year. even max f playing golf with them & going to dinner with them in london when carlos was at mclaren etc etc. even the double dating in bahrain before the season. that's how real close friends behave when they join up some of their friendship groups. also those caco is close enough to in f1 to invite to his wedding are also those carlos is closest to if you pay attention & lando is so much part of that. anyone who thinks they are not really close & it's all for show is living in denial.
(also i like that two of his ferrari crew are part of the group now too cos it makes me feel there are people there who really have carlos' back)
thank you for the info, anon! bc i honestly don't know most of the names you mentioned!
but yeah, it's so lovely to see their network of friends grows bc they really bring each other into their lives.
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samodivas · 2 years
i'm glad you're interested in qazaq names! most of them are dithematic of mixed turkic, arabic + persian origin, and the stress is on the last syllable except for foreign names which i'll mention a bit later. popular elements for girls are ay (moon, turkic), nur (light, persian) & gül (flower, persian), f.ex. aynur (moonlight; fun fact: this is a feminine name in qazaq, but masculine in tatar), aygül (moon+flower), aysuluw (moon+beautiful, both turkic). bek (prince), han (khan), sultan are popular for boys, like aysultan, imanbek. of course we also use religious names like musa, iliyas, and it's not unusual to mix them with the above elements, like nurislam, älihan (äli-ali the caliph). some names can be standalone, like arman (masc, dream) or gauhar (fem, diamond). there are also superstitious feminine names to give parents a son, like ulbolsın (let there be a boy), uldämet (desire a boy), ultuwar (she'll give birth to a boy), ulbala (male child). i actually hate that tradition bc it's basically telling your child you were disappointed in their sex and you wanted someone else :( other superstitious names are names with bad meaning to protect from the evil eye, usually masculine, like kötibar (he has a butt), names with the qul (slave) element (älimqul���scholar+slave), or "traded" children, like tölegen (paid for), satıbaldı (bought), satılğan (sold). a longed for son can be named tilegen (wished for), qudaybergen (the qazaq bogdan basically—we have 3 words for god so there are variants too). there are few unisex names, quanıc (joy) and jeñis (victory) are the first to come to mind, but i can't think of many others. some foreign names are commonish, like elvira, zhanna, albina, while others have a distinct soviet vibe like roza, klara (all feel dated though). marat, damir, & dias, common masculine names, are also of alleged soviet origin—i can see it for the former two, but dias besides the spanish communist has arabic origins (bright) so i'm not as sure about that one. history-inspired names are trendy nowadays, like tomiris & zarina after the saka queens, alan (masc) after the ancient alans. typical qazaq nicknames are formed using the first syllable or letter and adding -äke (æ-KEH) to it, f.ex. maqsat (masc, goal, any other M name) - mäke, jandos (masc, soul+friend, any other J name) - jäke. -jan (soul, persian) is an affectionate suffix, like -ka in slavic languages so to speak, so älim can become älimjan. more russian suffixes also persist, like gulya for gül names. feminine qazaq names don't typically end in -a, so if you see one, it's probably russified (gülnar-gulnara, iñkär-inkara). it used to be more common in soviet times, when russian nicknames were used for qazaq names, f.ex qurmanay (fem, sacrifice+moon) would become katya instead. as for surnames, in soviet times you'd get a slavic suffix (-ev, -ov, -in) but nowadays more and more people remove them, so qanat (masc, wing) tastemirov (rock+iron) becomes qanat tastemir, plus there's the grandfather thing i talked about. parents can choose to give their child a russian or qazaq-style patronymic, like kayratovich/kayratovna (qayrat - will, energy) or qayratulı/qayratqızı. matronymics aren't a thing as far as i'm aware. in official docs we use surname - name - patronymic but outside of that the usual order is name - surname or name - patronymic - surname (or name - patronymic if the patronymic IS the surname!). when addressing a senior (in age or rank) in a russophone environment we use name - patronymic, in a qazaq speaking environment however we use name - mırza (sir) / hanım (ms), f. ex qayrat mırza, gülnar hanım. i tried fitting in everything i could and even then i'm sure i probably forgot something—sorry for the wall of text😵‍💫if you wanna share any bulgarian naming customs i'd love to hear them!
That's super interesting, thank you!
We have some similarities but I'll put them under a cut to make the post more compact on people's dashboards.
The first thing I want to mention is a naming practice, which is relatively new - from the past 30 - 40 years, I believe, maybe just a bit older.
Typically, naming your child after a relative (usually your own parents) is the way it goes. So you have Georgi, his son Ivan, and the grandson is Georgi, and then he names his own son Ivan and so on and so forth. I've seen this which much less common names and my own family has this tradition on nearly every side. The names are cyclical -they come back in a generation or two, grandparents to grandchildren is usually the row.
However, it's increasingly common to "name" your child after someone by using no more than the first letter of their name. Grandma Sevda gets a grandchild named Sonya and the parents tell her "It starts with the letter S for you!"
Personally, I think it's a little bit insulting because it's essentially saying "well, see, grandpa Tzonko (version of Stanko, meaning "stay with me"), your name is just so fucking ugly I could not bear the thought of my child having it, but I wanted to stroke your ego. So meet baby Tzvetan ("flower") because the first letter is all I could tolerate!"
But on the other hand, it lets you be a lot more creative with names. Instead of having your child be Maria the 17th in your family line, they can be something unique that you still feel is connected to the tradition. A girl I know has a similar tradition in her family where they cyclically use the letter V to name the next generation, which is kind of nice because it isn't totally restrictive, like having to name your kid Vasil or Vasilena - they can be anything, like Velichko, Veneta, Venera, Vurban, etc.
Origin of names.
Bulgarian names are also of mixed origin, most commonly Slavic and Greek, often with Hebrew origin if they are biblical, and with occasional Turkic, Arabic, and Persian influence or meaning.
Slavic names tend to have "enchanting" or literal meanings, so they wish for certain characteristics upon the child, such as being "red" (Rumen, Rumyana), "kind/good" (Blaga, Blagoi), "healthy/sturdy/strong" (Zdravko, Zdravka). Snezhana (snow) is likely to be born when there's a lot of snow, Zornitsa (morning star) in the morning, Nedelcho, Nedyalko, and Nedelin ("not-doing"/Sunday) - on a Sunday.
Names of Greek origin are Bulgarized so Dimitrios is Dimitar (endless nicknames: Mitko, Mite, Mitak, Dimo, Dimcho, Dimi, Mityo, etc.) and Georgios is Georgi (nicknames: Gosho, Gogo, Zhoro, Zhore, Gyore, etc, etc.) and sometimes regional variants like Gyurgi or Gyorgi. These names have mostly come into use through religion, so all of them are usually connected to saints and feast days that people celebrate.
Turkic (and Turkish) names are usually avoided because of a lingering distaste for Ottoman rule, but elements like Gül are persistent and it's not too uncommon to find someone Bulgarian named Güla or Gülka.
For Arabic and Persian, the most common and beloved name I can think of right now is Biser (pearl) with the feminine equivalent Biserka. There was a theory that it's one of the only Proto-Bulgarian words (i.e: Turkic or Indo-Iranian origin, depending on which camp your theory is in) but it's much likelier to simply be an Arabic loan that made itself at home.
Christian Bulgarians use translated/Slavicized versions of Biblical names (Ivan and Yoan = John, Yordan = Jordan, Lazar = Lazarus, etc.) and Muslim Bulgarians tend to go for Arabic names from the Quran (Ali, Hassan, Ibrahim, Nebahad, Shaban).
I'm making the distinction that Muslim Bulgarians typically use Arabic names because Muslim Turks in Bulgaria most commonly use Turkish adaptations of Arabic names. It's just a small detail that's been emphasized to me both academically and in the flesh by a religious Muslim Bulgarian before.
The most common historical names are names of Tsars - Simeon, Samuil, Petar, Asen, Kaloyan, Ivan, Aleksandar, and Boris. Also khans, from the beginning of the country's history as a state, with the most popular choices being Asparukh and Krum.
Some foreign names have been replacing Bulgarian ones, so instead of "Elisaveta" you get "Elizabeth" and instead of "Stefan" you get "Steven" (but written in Bulgarian Cyrillic which honestly makes them painful to read like... Стивън just ain't it). Names like Alice and Vivian and others have also been increasingly more common. Personally, I don't like some of them as much as others. And it is 100% a personal bias because I will absolutely judge someone naming their child Kristin instead of Hristina but I won't judge my best friend for doing it with a less basic Western name. (e.g: Vivienne, Carolina, Pascalina)
Pronunciation/stressed syllables.
I feel like this is entirely intuitive and prone to constant change but maybe that's because I pronounce Todor differently every time I say it... I believe the stress depends on the length of a name.
Three syllables or more - stress on the second syllable. e.g: KrisTIna, DiMItar, EvGEniya, AlekSANdar, etc.
Two syllables or less - stress on the first syllable. e.g: KRIsi, MItko, ZHEni, SAsho.
Superstitious names.
The name „Момчил“ (Momchil) is given to a boy that was very wanted, as it basically means "male child" but I'm not sure if girls have ever received „Момчила“ (Momchila), however, there is another type of "enchantment" people used to put on their kids.
Names like Stoyan, Stoil, Stoyko, Stanko, Tzanko, and Tzonko are all names that say "stay with me". Trayan (or Trajan, if you're in the Western Balkans) is also common but it has one more meaning (Slavic origin would say sturdy, withstanding, etc. But the Roman origin is the name of an emperor + likely meaning "the Thracian")
Another common practice in the past was that people who had many daughters (or many children in general) would name the final one "Stiga" (literally the word for "Enough") to prevent future (female?) children from being born.
We've also had superstitious names with bad meanings for protection! (And I admit that Kötibar made me giggle.)
The most common "bad" name would be Grozdan or Grozdanka meaning "ugly" (grozen). But it's appeared more in fairytales than in kindergartens in the past decades. It's also very similar to the word "grozde" which means grapes, so I think it's a name that combines both meanings somewhere in its past.
Unisex names.
There aren't many unisex names left in Bulgarian, if there were many. The most common one would probably be "Tony" - short for feminine and masculine forms of Antonio, Antoanette, Antoan, Anton, etc. But interestingly enough a lot of old-timey male names used to sound a lot more feminine than they do today.
e.g: instead of "Andrey", it was "Andrea"; names like "Dragota" and "Enravota" are also uncommon now. "Nane" is a very colloquial name that I haven't heard used for an actual person but it's like in the English "Tom, Dick, and Harry" type anecdotes. It's also debatable if "Nane" is the vocative case for "Nanyo" or "Nancho" or something else entirely. It's usually a man in the anecdotes but it can easily be from "Nanka", which is feminine.
Most common nicknames just shorten a name to its first two syllables and end with „и“ (-ee), e.g: Hristina = Hrisi, Teodor = Tedi, Viktoria = Viki. For some names, you choose a more comfortable syllable. Antonio = Toni; Aleksandra = Sani, etc. Some names you end with "-sho", like Petar = Pesho, Mihail = Misho, Todor = Tosho, Aleksandar = Sasho, Aleksandra = Sasha, etc. Another common theme is using the first syllable of a name (or nickname) and then repeating it. So Maria becomes Mimi, Bilyana = Bibi, Dilyan = Dido, Dilyana or Diana = Didi, etc.
It's a very rich nickname economy here.
Official names.
Most documents here are NAME - PATRONYMIC - SURNAME, so I was always surprised as a child when TV shows had Americans writing their last name first. I think the only exceptions here are your ID card and passport because those are international documents, but most things you would sign with your name requires all three in their usual order.
It's interesting that Qazaks sometimes use patronymics as a last name because this was also an option during the regime here. Some teachers (and some of my relatives) used to use their patronymics very strictly. I think it has to do with honouring their fathers. I recently spoke to an old lady talking about how strictly she made everyone refer to her as her patronymic because she was proudly her father's daughter.
We usually address each other by first name only but if you want to be formal, you can avoid a name entirely and use "Miss/Mr/Mrs" (we don't have that neutral Ms that English speakers use to not disclose marital status) and use the plural form of the "you" pronoun as a form of respect.
There's definitely more to be said but I think we were thorough enough for an impromptu off-the-top-of-your-head type of explanation 😄
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from-ultra-space · 7 months
Data File: Earth B-35 Researcher: Delta Warden Nori Phoris (Earth 6c variant) Location: Milky Way Galaxy Atmosphere: Like Earth, mostly. City of interest: New York City Mayor: Daniel Richardson Fawkes Top Researcher: Arthur Lock Top Scientist: Andrew B. Prower (Only one of each? Seems suspicious, keep watch.) Reality: B-35 Relative Ultra Space position: 178,000,000 Light Years or more. (Inconclusive. The Ultra Space warp point seems to shift, indicating a severe violation in multiversal law) Anomalies: Error in timeline ever since temporary collision with Earth B-13. (Seems to have been fixed? Tell Jando about this ASAP) Additional Notes: Please keep Zero on watch. It is strongly suspected that the fix in the timeline error was due to a severe violation in multiversal law. This file is under: Watch (Top Priority) This file was sent to you, variant 13-5b and co, by courtesy of Delta Warden Nori Phoris. For contact, please direct any and all questions to @projectb13. Thank you for your time and we hope this is useful.
You. Who are you. You have my name but you are not me. If it wasn’t for the fact that your surname was Phoris I would think you might have been there, but that isn’t feasible for a number of reasons. Explain yourself.
regardless, I am assuming this will not be responded to due to the messages nature. I will log it with the other… interesting data. I am unsure wether to be concerned or relieved by this information.
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artemispt · 4 months
Is Lando hugging Jando (Carlos' friend) in this pic from this year's Monaco? https://www.instagram.com/p/C7jk7zPoqw6/ Who are the others? Because I saw this picture and two of them are in the picture with Carlos from Monaco as well: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GOhNIfnXAAAN9Rj?format=jpg&name=large
And here's a video of Lando hugging men at a party in Monaco and the first and the third look like they could be two guys from Lando's pic: https://www.instagram.com/p/C7iepijosXc/
I'm a bit new so Im not 100 % sure who is who but it looks like to me Lando was hanging out with some of Carlos' friends and they seem pretty close (based on the comments the one Lando is hugging is Carlos' friend and the rest are Lando's? Idk, but its cute because it seems theyare all mutual friends).
(You can make a seperate post if this is interesting info worth posting about, my post is kind of a mess ;))
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The one Lando’s is hugging is definitely Jando (Carlos’ friend) and the guy next to him must also be a friend of Carlos (like you pointed out they were in [TW WAG] this pic - there’s also another angle.
I really don’t know who the others are, sorry 😭
Ah yes, it could be them in the video!
Also, I think Guzman, Jando and Pierluigi were at Lando’s after party when he won in Miami. (Video - Guzman on the left filming next to a girl and Jando on the right drinking?)
Sorry, I don’t think I helped much 😅 But yes, it’s really cute how they all are mutual friends 🥹
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Sudah pulang dan ini adalah hari ke-11 di tanah air!!! WAH. Waktu berlalu dengan sangat cepat yah. Landing di CGK tanggal 6 hari Minggu setelah berhasil tidur 5 jam di leg ke-2 Dubai-Jakarta. Malamnya langsung UNPACK dan REPACK karena besok paginya ke Bandung naik Argo Parahyangan 09.30 am… Malem tidur mayan sih dari jam 11 sampe jam 4 pagi. Kebangun jam 4 pagi baca Miiko dan nyusun photocard. Di Gambir jajan hokben buat sarapan di kereta, ngobrol sama Abi, terus tidur enak banget. Sampai Bandung langsung dipesenin gojek ke Novotel sama Abi karena ku GAPUNYA GOPAY. Akhirnya tapi sorenya diisiin gopay sama Mita sih. Terus di Novotel masuk kamar, makan siang, janjian sama Iqbalpaz di Eiger yang cuma perlu nyeberang dari Novotel. Ngobrol ngalor ngidul juga. Malam makan di Seroja sama Abi, makan Pavlova-nya yang enak banget HUHU.
Malem tidur jam 10 terus kebangun ternyata baru jam 1!!! Terus gabisa tidur lagi sampe Subuh. Tidur jam 05.30, bangun jam 09.30 nelp resepsionis nanya breakfast sampe jam berapa ternyata jam 10 terus langsung lari ke bawah. Eh balik lagi ke kamar ngaso, jam 11 ditelp resepsionis dikasihtau checkout jam 12 ternyata ku harus checkout dan pindah ke Aryaduta. Yaudah packing lah. Terus drop koper di Aryaduta dan maksi di Two Hands Full. Kangen banget chicken wafflenya!!! Lanjut ke Savoy Homann buat meeting FWE sama Iqbal dan Hana, eh terus paling random ketemu.Pak Idwan di lobi Savoy Homan -__-. Bapaknya diajak sama temannya untuk datang pembukaan ceunah, literally ke Bandung Cuma buat opening doang. Sama-sama kaget aja sih, saya kaget, Bapaknya juga kaget.
Opening mayan krik-krik, ku literally scrolling twt doang karena tidak relate aja dengan semua hal seremonial kosmetik ini. Acaranya dibuka Mas Menteri Nadiem dan Pak RK kebanggan kita. Balik langsung ke Aryaduta buat check in dan langsung ke Gedung Sate?? Di Gd. Sate konsepnya gala dinner gitu terus w kehujanan?? Untung aa’ gojeknya pinter jadi w di-drop di masjid dan tidak terlalu basah. Beres dari gala dinner ketemu Aji dan ditemani Aji jajan bola ubi gardujati sangat enak senang. Malam pertama di Aryaduta tidur sendiri dan lagi-lagi mengalami kesulitan tidur, tapi gara-gara akumulasi kurang tidur di hari sebelumnya, tidur lumayan 6 jam kayanya (dari jam 2.30 sampai 8.30). Bangun-bangun lumayan panik karena WRT MULAI JAM 9!! Dan kemarennya teh Pak Samsul nelpon bilang “Asri kamu jadi Koordinator WRT yah” Terus w iya-in. Terus rada tidak lucu w jam 8.30 literally baru melek. Tapi yaudah YOLO saja saya mah, lanjut mandi dan ke resto buat sarapan. Di saat yang bersamaan Abi ngechat ngajak makan sate jando (palm face). Bintang juga nanya lagi di mana. Yaudah melihat dari grup wa akademik gaada nyariin w juga apa gimana jadi w assume everything went smoothly without me needing to be there. Ku berujung sarapan dan nungguin Bintang dan ngobrol dan ngeplan hari itu kita pakai untuk brainstorming prep OSN di Bogor 28 Agustus nanti (karena literally ke Bandung Cuma buat opening doang. Sama-sama kaget aja sih, saya kaget, Bapaknya juga kaget.
Siang makan cumi sambil discuss bisa ngeluarin soal FWT apa di Bogor terus selesai diskusi kembali ke hotel untuk istirahat dan tidur. Ku jam 7.30nya ada briefing FWE iGeo di Savoy jadi habis makan malam langsung ke sana dengan Pak Djati. Di acara briefing ini ku lumayan malu merasakan secondhand embarrassment akibat kelakuan salah satu asisten HUHU. Emang tapi masih bocil aja sih mahasiswa yang baru tingkat 2 gitu lho jadi ya memang banyak tingkah saja, bukan salah dia.
Selesai briefing makan sama Bintang ke mana ya lupa. Oh makan wedang ronde dan lalu lanjut makan bubur. Balik hotel langsung bobo.
Hari berikutnya tes FWE juga everything went smoothly sepertinya. Ku pagi sampai siang bikin paparan aja diminta tolong Pak Samsul (yang ujung-ujungnya TIDAK DIPAPARKAN!!!), terus sore ke Tahura nemenin markers buat ngeliat jawaban dari soal FWE karena semua dibuat oleh local team yaitu Iqbal Maska dan Ipam… Seru sih, tapi capek aja. Literally baru sampai hotel lagi jam 6 sore magrib, dan jalannya lumayan pegel juga, tapi ga kerasa karena sambil mendengar keluhan-keluhan teman-teman yang sangat full intrik ini.
Malem nyari makan sama Bintang jajan di Imah Babaturan dan Mie Tasik.
Besoknya agendanya adalah ekskursi ke Tangkuban Parahu tapi w mayan malas jadi berujung bantuin warga buat prep MMT nempelin stiker nomor di meja. Pas lagi enak-enak makan siang di Saraga tiba-tiba ditelpon buat ke hotel karena salah satu marker hilang (cry). Akhirnya spent the rest of my day marking 1 soal bahas vegetative vs structural method untuk nurunin runoff coefficient di Bukit Pakar. Malemnya kecapean dan ga kemana-mana aka langsung tidorrr.
Besoknya udah ga ada yang dikerjain lagi karena literally tinggal pelaksanaan MMT aja terus berujung pagi ke Bu Tatang lalu siang nyalon. Ku juga sempat ke Gerai Indosat mengurus SIM card yang mati ini, Alhamdulillah tapi semua selesai. Malamnya ke Sabuga karena ada cultural night. Sangat senang bertemu dengan banyak orang.
Udah deh, besoknya di hari Minggu, ku sarapan kemudian jalan-jalan mengelilingi hotel melihat kolam renang dan lapangan tenis dan kemudian mandi dan packing dan langsung cus ke stasiun bandung. Jam 14.10 sampai di Gambir, langsung naik bluebird ke Seribu Rasa Menteng dan kemudian catch up dengan warga sampai magrib. Sampai rumah pas jam 7.30an sepertinya. ETRUS si HP teh ketinggalan di taksi aneh banget. Jadi mengurus HP dulu tuh sampe jam 9.30-an. Baru deh bisa tidur dan istirahat.
Senin ngapain ya. Bangun siang yang jelas. OH. Terus ya dilanjut tidur aja sih seharian. Literally tidur doang. Baru keluar rumah habis magrib karena janjian makan padang sama Iqbal di Padang Merdeka Cipete jam 7 malam. KU BERHASIL MAKAN GULAI OTAK HUHU TERHARU BANGET. Di tengah ngobrol Iqbal harus ngajar IELTS jadi rada sebentar ngobrolnya tapi gapapa ku sudah senang sekali bisa bertemu dan makan enak.
Selasa ku mulai dengan sarapan dan ngobrol dengan mama di meja makan lalu ke BNI Transmigrasi awalnya niatnya teh mau reset PIN ATM, unblock mobile banking, terus ternyata SEMUA bisa kulakukan sendiri tanpa bertemu CS. Akhirnya tapi yaudah ngeprint buku tabungan aja karena sudah jauh-jauh datang (nggak jauh sih sebetulnya). Ku juga berhasil ngobrol dengan Nerissa over STM (Es Teh Manis) sebelum ku ke Kemang Honu ketemu Abi. Habis makansiang lanjut ke Masterpiece Kemang untuk bernyanyi 2 jam. TMT-nya Stray Kids (nowplaying) ternyata cuma enak didengar saja tapi sangat sulit untuk dinyanyikan ya… Terus dilanjut jajan Mixue (ku belum pernah), sama jalan-jalan liat ke GS supermarket berujung ku beli soy milk. Abis solat magrib lanjut makan Pempek sama Iqbal harus ngajar IELTS jadi rada sebentar ngobrolnya tapi gapapa ku sudah senang sekali bisa bertemu dan makan enak.
Hari ini tadi Rabu (sekarang technically udah Kamis sih 00.19 LOL), ke UI DAN GAADA ORANG!!!??? Ketemu Bu Ika ngasih titipan souvenir. Untung tapi udah janjian sama Arip jadi mayan tadi maksi bareng Arip sambil ngalor ngidul bahas negara. Ketemu dosen Mas Iskandar doang, terus yaudah daripada malas sendirian lebih baik ku pulang saja. By 4.30 pm ku sudah jalan ke Pocin untuk mengejar kereta pulang. Udah deh. Awalnya malam ini mau nyelesein usulan WRT buat OSN tapi ternyata capek banget otak, berujung banyak baca doang dan ga nulis apa-apa HUFT. Mana habis mayan irritated lagi sama warga-warga nitip barang ke Oxford buset banyak juga ya. Sebetulnya kalau dihitung individual tidak banyak, tapi ternyata kalau dikali 5 orang ya jadi penuh koper w sama barang mereka semua terus barang w taroh manaaaaaa.
Udah deh tapi sepertinya sekarang itu dulu yang ditulis. Oh iy! Tadi habis makan malam dan isya Hamdalahnya berhasil nyelesein slide buat nanti weekend webinar PPIOxford. At least mayan produktif lah ya.
Ku juga dengan post ini ingin mengucapkan selamat kepada Ainna yang keterima AAS, semoga lancar ke depan semuanyahhh. Dan juga tadi sore dapat kabar Aji InsyaAllah IELTSnya waivernya di-grant. Allah Maha Keren dan Maha Baik emang sih. Bismillah lancar-lancar semua kegiatannya! Ah dan juga selamat ulangtahun ke 78 Indonesia! PRNYA MASIH BANYAK BANGETTTTTT
Kemuning, Pasar Minggu 12510 Indonesia 00:24 17/08/2023
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from American and Filipino names
Abaley Abarongald Abisuance Abithangco Abrylet Acadice Adelet Adore Agaboc Agalleno Agard Agbinalan Agturnes Aguingsard Alapuc Alaurody Alazon Albenz Aleavaley Alencie Aligta Aloisonney Anald Anasey Andel Angco Angcox Angtas Ankine Antes Anton Apate Aramiscon Arotan Arren Atongco...
Bacion Baciotte Bagdayroll Bagson Baiters Baldulan Balio Barbuella Barick Basemachmi Basle Baster Batum Baudino Beassan Becbearman Bedetty Bejan Bellie Bellisto Bence Bendrate Bentephin Berredina Bertroblao Bestor Biacionnas Biandina Bilsabol Blanguett Blinaargio Borking Bortingco Brais Brauz Bredo Brestrison Brimbales Briva Buarette Bucao Bucarlouli Buennie Bueno Buller Bulong Buman Bumickwe Bunco Bungco Burciong Cabalforne Cabind Cabunce Cadon Cafork Cafren Cajoellas Calderle Caldson Callarty Calman Camer Canga Cangta Capaguir Caramandor Carie Carne Carrag Cascus Caton Caynnannel Chalay Chanoreo Charkiron Charlip Charseartz Chers Claguia Claugan Claung Cleredura Cojara Cosentesti Cracan Cungkence Curisongan Cuyti Dagumoy Dambelin Danara Dangco Danievis Darannya Daven Dayoa Dealis Dennice Dianin Dichandry Dienoa Dimban Doteher Dumiran Dungco Dussinsh Duvin Edgesay Elastria Errencer Ertens Ester Estiu Everasay Faelarrah Filep Flogo Flornez Fratredwer Freeno Frobler Gadon Galans Galbes Galuncard Galviste Gamibok Gandy Gangco Gapmae Gasajuan Gaver Geergery Genick Gesadalley Giley Gilvann Ginceve Gozadovene Grensa Grimpope Guecoodwal Guici Guier Haneen Harlyn Harson Heenal Hilarerd Hipolango Hodindo Hollan Hoodso Horiers Horpuz Huanto Hubancho Hulind Ibathenan Irell Irrivers Isarre Isykers Jampsona Janda Jando Jarbelad Jautap Jealdez Jeano Jearrison Jenamurta Jenay Jendy Jimoodra Josin Junadich Justio Kabalargel Kaigangco Kaillao Kangloince Karce Karrel Kattewto Kaudle Kiders Killerfe Knidin Knist Krisong Krivinas Lacion Lacla Lainat Lalang Lamanson Lando Lanibel Lanoy Larillan Lario Larong Larowson Lasajean Latroson Laystin Lengparie Licedo Licera Licharcio Ligith Lindat Lontan Luangco Lublanc Luygol Mabania Mabung Macangca Maciaoc Macojangay Macosh Macungco Madelly Madoz Magadez Magan Magay Magerna Magpat Maguin Maguling Malaycion Maleore Maley Malie Malmacidt Malviri Mamey Mamore Manabalson Mancina Mandrie Mangco Manlade Manni Manornap Marew Marry Matan Mccala Mccaoine Mcdorger Mcman Meliverrey Memania Millalon Mongay Mongco Morna Mullao Murendomon Nambootos Nancarca Nandoren Ngayolip Niapac Nuguevo Ollane Orampag Osonsat Pacaffer Paddlanang Pagan Paggarce Pallila Panata Panede Paret Parpurhack Parrang Parrossen Parters Parthielt Pasancalla Patamez Pauriams Payek Penne Phrie Poree Powayot Powen Prinsuriso Quelson Quentuya Queza Quimpta Quiotontas Quiridaris Quirigs Quirlens Raciaois Ragledlake Rancy Rangco Ranip Rannao Ransie Raona Reccras Reston Rhubet Richoleleo Righer Rison Risosene Rocson Rombringta Rongcola Ronimon Rosboy Rosurobon Ruchan Rugamer Saccra Sadley Sallit Samise Sammy Samoreza Sandrion Sangcomps Sarks Sarquellay Sawarlor Sentas Sharryater Sherter Sideanart Siergelina Sigher Silentul Silio Sopennis Soricay Stabard Staoani Stayanla Stingconan Stopher Subed Suezandyes Suialanie Sulairabb Sulard Sumdua Sunnableto Swareg Swess Tabentuna Tabowns Takek Tansan Tayernot Tayught Tiazie Timjohner Timole Tradlaron Trapiony Troangco Tuirkmart Turamean Umagado Umang Ungasco Unsean Vallipin Vaney Vantert Veacard Vedgarlez Vichamse Viongdao Vitzge Waree Warpuz Watholay Waywartlee Wennipsong Whillagos Wigon Wilis Winas Winsugan Wooknilla Woolistin Wooperris Wordor Wycellao Yaclan Yamon Yandy Yuguyug Yumapoy
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isaterriblebore · 1 year
StEx Appreciation Month Day 7: Ashley
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Favourite Actor Erin Lordan, Samantha Lane, Renee Chambers, Tanja Ruebucke, Sharon Mudie, Blythe Jando. Favourite Songs/Scenes Girls Rolling Stock is just the best! But I love watching her during the races too. Especially when she gets really involved. Favourite Costumes I’m going to sound like a broken record but… Early Bochum again. There’s just something about those costumes that just make me 😊  . I also love Broadway and the Japan/Australia Tour Favourite Ships Ashley/Buffy! Headcanons I think she’s really good friends with the Freight gang and likes to play videogames with them. She’s actually really good at it and beats them a lot lol. Unpopular Opinions I don’t think I have any :o Photo 1: Samantha Lane - London 1997. Photo 2: Renee Chambers - Bochum 1988. Photo 3: Nikki Belsher - London. Photo 4: Emily Beth Harrington - Bochum 2015. Photo 5: Erin Lordan - Japan/Australia Tour 1987. Photo 6: Tanja Ruebucke - Bochum 1992.
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justwatchmyeyes · 7 months
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"Träume sind die Wolken der Seele. Wir müssen sie nur hin und wieder ausschütteln, damit sie neu atmen können." ~ Jando
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