#jane deserves the world
sydbug0-0 · 1 year
I want to rewatch stranger things season 4 but I can’t get myself to do it. This season made me so sad, I need everyone to be happy at the end of season 5.
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personinthepalace · 29 days
my favorite MY LADY JANE cast moments
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satellitebyers · 1 year
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hazyspaceman · 2 years
The friendship between Bingley and Elizabeth is the best thing ever
I didn’t notice this until my latest read through of pride and prejudice, but toward the end of the book there’s this adorable detail with Elizabeth and Bingley that I absolutely MUST share. So Lizzy and Mr Darcy get engaged during that one walk, and Bingley comes over to visit the next morning and has to subtlety congratulate her because the engagement is still a secret. He beams and says “Mrs Bennet, have you no more lanes hereabouts in which Lizzy may lose her way again to-day?” This is cute for two reasons because one, he’s so happy for her, and two, it shows he’s started calling her by the family nickname, Lizzy! Like he has always been friends with her, but now he fully considers her family. He is so happy to have her as a sister by marrying Jane, and now even more so because she is marrying his best friend.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Trans solidarity is being a trans man whose vocal range is finally under a trans woman's low range 🩷
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somanyfandomsblog · 1 month
As an El lover one of the most happy outcomes (if not the most happy outcome) for El is to amicably break up with Mike (or vise versa —Mike breaks up with El) (and this is taking byler completely out of the equation)
She has been controlled by a MAN her entire life. The first man (boy lmao) she meets who is nice to her, she becomes understandably attached to. That does not mean that should be her endgame! She should find that strength and happiness within herself (as all characters should) but like Mike has continually treated her pretty poorly (I love Mike, but it’s true) and El needs to be on her own, like truly on her own and find herself without anyone’s bias.
When she first broke up with Mike she was mirroring what Max was doing/ wearing/ saying, which isn’t to diminish their friendship or that time for El, I think it was important for her. However, she still didn’t really get the opportunity to discover it for herself, it was more through Max’s point of view.
Then when she’s in Lenora, away from Mike yes, but still circling her life and choices around him (note: the Mike shrine in her bedroom). She also seemed mostly to mirror things that Joyce was wearing and how Joyce wore her hair, etc. Again, that’s totally normal, but still she just has never been able to just exist without something being wrong (literal end of the world shit, or the relentless bullying from Angela)
Like my girl needs to find herself!!!! And it’s not with Mike, I’m sorry! If that’s how they end her story, it would be genuinely tragic.
(And this is truly wether byler happens or not, I’m serious)
Anyways give El a happy ending or else!!!!!
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The tma season 1 finale is rattling my brain…Gertrude….the tunnels….Sasha…..Jon….all of the connections….uuugghhhh
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moodmoodthecrabking · 2 months
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winter themed jane moodboard requested by @froginabogg
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karioke13 · 11 days
I don’t care what anyone says. I’ll defend Dr. Jane Foster with my life fight me! 😌✊
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cinematicnomad · 2 months
I googled We Keep the Dead Close a little and was intrigued! Can you tell me what you liked about it?
oh yey!! i'm always happy to rave about a book i've enjoyed, so i can totally share my thoughts with you :)
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we keep the dead close: a murder at harvard and a half century of silence is less a standard true crime book, and more half memoir and half a chronicling of the author's meticulous research process. as an undergrad at harvard, becky cooper, heard repeated tellings of a near mythic campus legend: of a nameless female grad student who had an affair with a tenured archaeology professor in the '60s who murdered her in a ritualistic manner and got away with it thanks to the omnipotent powers-that-be at harvard and the case remained unsolved ever after.
the story stayed with cooper until she felt compelled to learn all that she could over the course of the next decade. to untangle the truth from the cautionary tales that were whispered in the hallowed hallways of harvard. the very beginning of this story starts with the uncovering of a name: jane britton, who was so much more than the victim she became in the final moments of her life. and then it unfurls from there: not just to the facts surrounding the murder, but also the intimate details that make up a life, both loved and lost, and the surrounding culture that could allow this silence to perpetuate for decades while recognizing the power structures that still thrive in today's world.
this book is an exhaustive record of cooper's research efforts—the archives she dug through, the events she snuck into, the websites she trawled, the doors she knocked on, the people who would and wouldn't talk to her, the jobs she accepted and turned down to help her make the time to tell this story—but also an examination of her own biases and motives. how we affect the stories that are told and how we tell them, and also the ways in which we, explicitly or not, try to force facts to fit into familiar narrative story beats. it's also concerned with the power structures in the world of academia, specifically at harvard, that so often protect powerful men at the expense of vulnerable women, no matter how talented and promising and innocent, all in the name of reputation and tradition.
potential suspects rise and fall away like waves crashing on a shore as cooper and those who loved jane try to make sense of the violence that ended her life so young, but this is not a book that is confined to the whodunit nature of most true crime tales. rather, cooper is more compelled to tell jane's story in a way that both honors jane and is honest about her.
if you like non-fiction, have ever enjoyed true crime, and have some time to devote yourself to a 400+ page book, i highly recommend we keep the dead close. the case was solved in 2018 while cooper was still writing the story (though perhaps some answers bring forth only more questions), but i recommend against googling the case beforehand and instead letting the experience wash over you.
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redhead-reporter · 1 year
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when i first made this blog a whole year (!!!) ago, i had no idea how much mj or this little corner of the rpc would come to mean to me ❤️ it is rare that a single muse hangs on this strongly for me, let alone for this long, and i think that says as much about how fucking amazing mj is as a character as it does the community of writers i find myself in.
portraying mj has made me grow so much as a writer, given me all kinds of challenges and opportunities i could never have imagined, and i've been blessed with COUNTLESS incredible partners who all played a part in getting there. i feel like a very lucky girl to be where i am, surrounded by the people that i am, and can't wait to see what the NEXT year of mj brings me ❤️
you know, unless i don't survive sm2
i love you all so, SO much. genuinely, thank you for everything. ❤️ shaye
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personinthepalace · 1 month
truly grateful to edward bluemel for posting so much mlj bts stuff today. haven't seen anyone share this much since joshua kilimnik after he finished filming odd squad
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Is he really going to read all those books
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a-shadowedvales · 6 months
when you think about becky, you have to remember that she spent at least four years listening to terry’s “crazy theories” about hawkins lab, and the big bad man taking jane away. she knew terry took part in “hippie crap” and assumed that messed with her head. that those experiences combined with miscarrying in the third trimester had a terrible strain on her mental health, ultimately losing her connection to reality. she spent those years watching terry fight and lose legal battles against brenner and hawkins. she pleaded for her to stop, to get help, as their relationship grew stressed and strained because becky didn’t believe her, and terry hated her for it.
and then when terry’s mind was completely broken, she spent her days and nights caring for her. the show never touched on this. just what did becky think happened to terry? what story was she told? was terry put into a random hospital with doctors from hawkins lab, under a guise of caring for her, just to tell becky there was some kind of accident? maybe a car accident. did they claim the drugs used in the mk ultra testing from all those years ago took affect on her mind? probably not, because then becky would be in an opportunity to sue. i highly doubt there would have been any mention of the lab, opposed to some, "unfortunate accident." it really bugs me that there’s no story about what becky believed made terry catatonic. terry knew becky didn’t believe her, and as such, definitely did not tell her about her plans to break into the lab. so a story could have easily been concocted.
and then, one random day, a kid shows up at her doorstep, claiming to be the daughter she didn’t believe existed. immediately, by jane opening the door with her mind, becky held some kind of belief for she'd heard terry’s rants about her baby being used for experiments, experiments which gave her powers. and in comes jane, demanding to see her mother, able to open a locked door, blood dripping from her nose. all too soon she realises that there has so be some semblance of truth. the girl says her name is jane: she fits all the descriptions. the descriptions of the niece she never had. this child who her sister fought tooth and nail to get back. i can’t even imagine the guilt that would begin to fester for not believing terry, for thinking she was having a mental break, for trying to get her to see therapists and get her some real, serious help.
scared and confused for herself and her sister, and unable to fathom what is happening, what does she do? she comforts jane. there is distance, there’s awkwardness, but this girl is her blood and every moment that passed only proved that she could actually be jane ives. she makes her a sandwich, tries to comfort her, tells her that her mother is in a dream. probably a good dream. she comforts and tells her that terry never stopped believing.
she always believed you were out there. she always believed you’d come home one day. home? yeah, home.
she offered her, this strange little girl, a place in her home with her and her mother. she didn’t push, she didn’t need to know everything in that moment; she focused on jane and nothing else. the girl was obviously traumatised judging by the way she spoke, the way she sheltered herself. if everything terry claimed was indeed true, then becky couldn’t even begin to think about what she’d gone through.
i wanna help you, but to really do that, i need you to talk to me, okay? it doesn’t have to be now. it doesn’t have to be today. when you’re ready, okay?
she never moved a single thing in jane’s room. although she didn’t believe terry, she respected and loved her enough to keep it exactly as she’d planned. and at least she could give jane that, the vision her mother had for her, what the first steps of their wonderful life would have been like. becky claimed terry was “stuck” living the “same dream” over and over. where becky, too, was the one who was stuck. terry became 24/7 care, and unless she had helpers (which i highly doubt), becky would have given up her job, her out of home hobbies, her entire life to care for her sister. stuck in an endless routine until jane came along and struck her with the reality of it all.
as soon as jane contacts the void, you can see becky looks on edge and nervous. which, fair enough! she asks if she can sit and watch, but doesn’t interfere or distract jane. she even sits a little further away from her, perhaps out of fear (which would be completely justified. this girl physically moved things with her mind, who knows what else she can do) or just trying to take this all in within her own time and space. but the moment, the second jane departs the void and is in a state of distress, she moves to comfort her. she isn’t sure how, and doesn’t expect it to be returned, but offers it nonetheless. as far as she knows jane just spoke to her sister; she would be dying to know what happened, if she said anything. but remains silent and focuses on the child.
unfortunately we really don’t see much else of their dynamic on screen, but it is very justified that becky contacted hawkins and tried to get a hold of hopper. he and joyce were the only ones who seemed to have some kind of understanding; of course she would want to contact them. she put on a brave face in front of jane, focused on her and her needs. but as soon as she put the bed down and jane wanted some time alone in her room, becky had a moment to breathe. to think about her, her sister, all those wasted years because she didn’t believe. so, weeks later, when she gets a phone call from a weak sounding girl, saying she was sorry, the relief is immense. when recovered from her illness after closing the gate, the first thing jane wanted to do was call her aunt. hopper got on the line after the initial apology and asked if becky would come to hawkins, so they could work things out from there.
i just think becky is such a neat, complex character for the literal twenty minutes (probably less) screen time she gets. i adore the way she treats jane, and think she is such a good influence in her life. imagine all the stories becky could tell her about terry. things no one else could. her relationship with her aunt is one like no other, for both the sake of her mother, and that she is the only true family she has ever known, or as far as she knows, even has. becky never expects anything from jane (unlike a lot of the people in her life), and in that respect, jane does actually open up to her overtime. to becky, jane isn’t a girl who’s saved the world a few times. she’s the niece she didn’t believe in, and would spend the rest of her life making it up to her and terry.
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guardian-angel12 · 7 months
I don't know why my blood boils as much as it does every time I see some kind of Thor x Jane/Fosterson (they even have a bad ship name) content-actually, scratch that, yes I do.
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james-spooky · 2 years
I love the worm lady, your honour 😔
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(art by @goatgunk)
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