#janis wilson
gatutor · 2 months
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Janis Wilson (Santa Barbara, California, 9/02/1930-Spokane, Washington, 17/11/2003).
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raviposting · 5 months
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We're only gettin' older, baby And I've been thinkin' about it lately
@lgbtqcreators bingo: transition
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Happy birthday, Janis Joplin! 💙 (January 19, 1943 – October 4, 1970)
Quotes by artists influenced by Janis' legacy below:
"Janis put herself out there completely, and her voice was not only strong and soulful, it was painfully and beautifully real. She sang in the great tradition of the rhythm & blues singers that were her heroes, but she brought her own dangerous, sexy rock & roll edge to every single song. She really gave you a piece of her heart. And that inspired me to find my own voice and my own style." - Stevie Nicks "I think she allowed women to have their pain. Her thing was so borne from her pain. Her amazing talent was because of the pain she had...I think she was so misunderstood, and she was so intelligent, emotionally intelligent, and what came out of her was almost beyond what her physical body could even do as a singer, and what she was putting across." - Nancy Wilson (of Heart) on Janis "That’s really how I learned [to sing], and I was already listening to the greats like Janis Joplin, who I loved to death, and who was one of the greatest rock singers ever..." - Rob Halford (of Judas Priest) "I never knew Janis, I never saw her or heard her voice live, I never witnessed the fireball of fury that she unleashed onstage, but I think I understand. When a soul can look on the world, and see and feel the pain and loneliness, and can reach deep down inside, and find a voice to sing of it, a soul can heal. And hers did." - Melissa Etheridge "I saw Janis Joplin when I was 15. I heard her sing, and I couldn’t believe she was smoking on stage, she was drinking Southern Comfort, and she sang like no other. She could sing a song entitled, 'Take A Little Piece of My Heart' and deliver it so beautifully, amazingly." - Steven Tyler (of Aerosmith) "She was such a huge influence on me. Because she was so different to any other female vocalist of the time. I was used to Cilla Black, Dusty Springfield and those sort of singers, who were great, but Joplin was unique. She was not a pop star, but really belted out those songs. There was so much emotion in something like 'Move Over.'" - Enid Williams (of Girlschool) "You listen to a Janis Joplin record and she just puts — she wears everything on her sleeve, whether she's completely drugged up, it's on her sleeve. If she's totally just passionately screaming at the top of her lungs, it's on her sleeve. You feel like whatever she's talking about and whatever she's singing about, she sang it with no cares, no second thoughts, no looking back. She didn't say, 'You know what, let's take that take again.' She sang it and she sang it with every bone in her body, and that was that." - Alicia Keys
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janesociety · 2 years
daddy issues, pt ii
tony stark x teen!reader
type: angst, hurt/comfort (?)
summary: you aren’t getting better- tony knows it, you know it, and so does everyone else.
word count: 2.5k
warnings: mentions of death and dying. reader is very sick. medical procedures like surgery and an iv.
pt i
✩ ✩ ✩
You were getting better. That’s what Tony had kept telling you, at least.
You weren’t all that convinced.
You woke up almost a whole day later with Tony’s hand in yours. He was always softer with you than other people, but not like this. He rarely left your side the entire time you were out, and once you woke up, he still seemed to check in on you regularly- sometimes for hours at a time.
Bruce eventually took you off the oxygen, but the IV remained in your arm- much to your dismay. He kept running tests, everything he tried coming up blank, but he wasn’t going to stop until you were better.
“You don’t have to sit in here all day and watch me sleep,” you spoke up one day as you groggily rolled onto your side. Tony set the book he was reading off to the side. “I won’t wither away just because you’re not here.”
“Oh, please, we all know you’d burn the place down if we left you alone long enough,” Tony said, adjusting his position in the plastic chair he was sitting in. “That’s why we had to put your room next to Steve’s- popsicles don’t burn, they melt.” You couldn’t help the laugh that flowed from your lips at the lame joke. Even if it was followed by a small coughing fit. “Take it easy, kiddo,” Tony said, scooting closer to your bed. “Don’t wear yourself out.”
You gave a small head nod in response, suddenly feeling weaker than before. Tony leaned back in his seat, picking his book back up.
“Tony?” you asked. He hummed in response. “Am I dying?”
“No, of course not,” he said, a little too quickly in your opinion.
“I’d want you to be honest with me if I was,” you said, playing with your fingers. The small act was making your hands ache, so you stopped, resting them over your stomach.
Tony reached over, careful to avoid the wires sticking out of you, taking your hand in his.
“You’re not dying, Y/N,” he said firmly.
You still knew he was lying.
Within the next two days, things only seemed to get worse. All the Avengers were now taking shifts by your side- usually with a lot of overlap as each lasted hours at a time. You’d been put back on oxygen when you began complaining of being so tired that it hurt to breathe.
You tried to put on a brave face for the rest of them, even if you could read all their faces and knew that they knew something you didn’t. You never cried or complained. You didn’t question anyone about you dying again, simply accepting it as a fact. Of course it was going to happen one day, but you couldn’t help that you were sad it was so soon.
“Please tell me you have something,” Tony said as he entered the lab adjacent to the med bay.
“I might,” he said, putting some scam results he took up on a board. “I think it’s connected to her powers. You see, she got them from HYDRA, right? Now that’s not easy- it takes advanced biotechnology to be able to give someone powers without killing them. You already know that, I suppose.” Tony resisted the urge to snap at Bruce for taking so long with his explanation. “Well, I think they installed some kind of self destruct along with. Like a biological timer to keep their ‘goods’ from being kept in the wrong hands.” Tony kept harsh eye contact with Bruce. “It’s causing her body to shut down.”
“But you can fix it, right?” Tony said, staring at the black and white images that meant nothing to him.
“We’re running out of time,” Bruce said, clearing his throat. “Once it gets past a certain point, it may… it may just be better to let her go.”
“No, we’re not doing that,” Tony said, barely letting Bruce finish and crossing his arms over his chest.
“I promised her she wasn’t dying and I will not be made into a liar,” he said, harshly. Bruce looked away from him, the monitor on his desk displaying your vitals in the next room. Tony sighed. “Just tell me what you need. Doctors, staff, medical equipment- I can get you anything you need in the next two hours.”
“I’ll see what I can do.”
You were pretty out of it for the next few days. When you were conscious, you were in pain, and when you slept, you were restless and often had nightmares. In the times you were awake, you were aware enough to know there was now a team of medical professionals checking in on you at all times. You felt like a guinea pig with how many people were constantly examining, touching, and prodding at you at all times.
Tony still stayed close, albeit a bit farther back after being snapped at by a doctor one too many times for being in the way.
Even if your eyes hardly opened for more than ten minutes at a time, you were always acutely aware of the number of people around you. Most of the Avengers sat with Tony around your bed and you kept hearing things along the lines of “go to bed, Nat,” and “we’ll come get you if anything changes, Steve,” and “if I fall asleep, wake me up when she does.”
You could hear the hushed whispers of doctors talking to Tony or Bruce over your head. You could hardly focus long enough to catch any of what they were saying, but when you heard a doctor say “Let’s step into the hall,” you knew it wasn’t good.
“Unless we can figure out what’s killing her,” Dr. Klein, an older woman and one of the best immunologists in the Northern Hemisphere, said, “we’re going to just be barely keeping her alive. Her quality of life is rapidly deteriorating and I believe she may be taking a turn for the worse.” Tony watched you through the window, surrounded by machines, doctors, and superheroes. “I thought I should let you know that it may be time to discuss hospice options in the event there’s nothing else we can do.”
Tony didn’t answer her. He just stood, watching you. He shut down any time anyone brought up you dying. He couldn’t help it. Imagining a world without you just seemed so impossible he couldn’t even fathom the reality he was being faced with.
Dr. Klein’s pager beeped and she excused herself, leaving Tony alone.
“Steve?” you said, your mouth dry from how long it’d been since you spoke. The others around the bed, including Steve, collectively stood and walked closer to you. You could tell Wanda, Bucky, and Sam were there and were somewhat surprised that Tony wasn’t.
“I’m here,” Steve said, taking one of your hands and leaning closer to you to hear your weak sounding voice.
“What’s going on?” you asked, not actually wanting to know what was going on, but rather wanting to have a conversation with someone. You hadn’t had much of a chance to speak to any of them and it was starting to get quite boring only being stuck with your thoughts and nightmares.
“You’re in the hospital still,” he said, stroking your hair back.
“Oh,” was all you could muster, mentally kicking yourself for sounding more confused than you were. You had to take a moment, the small sentences winding you. “Can you talk to me?” you croaked, your voice sounding scratchy. “All of you?”
“‘Course, doll,” Bucky answered, grabbing his chair and moving it forward. You mustered up a small smile, but it disappeared the moment it was there. The thought crossed his mind that he preferred it when you were screaming and thrashing, because then at least you could move. He mentally kicked himself for even comparing the two.
“Anything you want to hear about?” Steve asked. You wanted to say yes and list off all the things you wanted to talk about since you got sick, but your throat was already so sore from talking. You shook your head no.
Sam leaned forward in his seat. “Why don’t I tell you about mine and Bucky’s training session the other day?” You couldn’t help but crack a smile, seeing Bucky immediately turn red.
“Hey now-“
“C’mon, Buck,” Sam said, feigning offense, “you’re going to deny the girl this funny story just because she wasn’t there to experience it?” Bucky just shook his head. “Anyway, as I was saying…”
You tried to stay awake. You really did. But you kept nodding off anyway, jumping awake every few minutes to tell him to keep going.
“I can finish the story later, Y/N,” he said after the eighth time you’d fallen asleep.
“No, no,” you said, coughing slightly. “Just keep going. I want to hear your voice.” You took notice of Wanda’s silence, reaching out suddenly for her hand. She took it, squeezing it a few times as she tried to keep tears from her eyes. She’d already lost one sibling. She couldn’t lose another, even if you weren’t blood.
“So Bucky decided it was a good idea to get up again-“
“Excuse me,” a doctor said, rushing up to your bed with what seemed to be a whole medical team and a few other doctors you recognized behind him. “I’m sorry, I need you all to step back.” He was being quite rude with his tone, you thought. Everyone did as they were told, but you kept your feeble grip on Wanda’s hand.
“Please,” you spoke up, staring weakly at him. He glared down at you.
“Alright,” he muttered under his breath. Nurses moved all around you, messing with the machines, your IV, one even shining a light in your eyes. You’d gotten somewhat used to people randomly walking up to you and poking at you or shoving things in your face, but with so many people it quickly became overwhelming. You squeezed Wanda’s hand tighter, beginning to shake a little.
Finally a familiar face appeared over you.
“Y/N,” Bruce said, leaning over your bed. “We’re gonna take you back to surgery, okay? Everything’s gonna be alright.” You began to shake more and Wanda put a hand over yours in a weak attempt to comfort you.
Tears were forming in your eyes, suddenly feeling the most scared you had been since you got sick.
“No,” you cried out weakly. “Please.” Tears streamed sideways down your face, either hitting the oxygen tube around your ears or your hair. Even if you were barely conscious most of the time, you wanted to be aware before you died. You didn’t want to go out on a metal table. The idea of not being able to feel yourself slipping terrified you.
“It’s going to be alright, you’re in good hands,” Bruce said as your bed began moving. Wanda’s hand slipped out of yours and you waved it around frantically trying to find hers again.
“No, please, no,” you whispered, barely processing where you were going. All you could see were the lights overhead as they rolled you down the hall. Everything else took too much effort to focus on. You came to a sudden stop in a dark room. Your cries became louder.
“Y/N, listen to me, sweetheart,” Bruce said, appearing in front of you again, “everything’s going to be alright. You’re going to be okay.” As he was speaking, someone removed your oxygen tube and put an oxygen mask over your face. “You’re alright.”
“You’re okay.”
“Everything’s alright.”
That was the last thing you remember.
Fortunately for you, the Avengers, and, by extension, Earth (because who knows what would’ve happened if they’d really lost you), you woke up a little over a day later.
You still felt sore- all the muscles in your body burning even as you laid flat on a bed. You were still exhausted. Beyond exhausted, even. Your eyelids and limbs are so heavy you could barely move. You could feel the now familiar feeling of an oxygen tube under your nose. It calmed you in some way.
The only real difference you could identify is you didn’t feel like you were being drained. Like the life was no longer being sucked out of you.
When you finally got your eyes opened, it took a minute for everything to come into focus. The overhead lights that had been on almost the entire time you were sick before were now dimmed, which you were thankful for considering being blinded was not the first thing you wanted to experience once you woke up. You turned your head slightly, still unsure of moving your body. The only person next to your bed now was Tony, just like the first time you woke up there.
He was holding your hand again, which you had to look down to realize because you were still trying to regain meaningful feeling in most of your body. He was asleep, slumped forward with his head resting on his arm against your bed. Slowly, you moved each of your fingers, eventually resulting in you squeezing his hand. It took him a minute to wake up- using his free hand to rub his eyes and check the time before he finally looked up and saw you staring back at him.
“Hey,” he said, leaning forward so he was closer to your head. He held your hand now in both of his so that it was next to his face. “How are you feeling?” You cleared your throat, not feeling the ache in your lungs you’d grown accustomed to over the long week.
“Amazing,” you said, cracking a smile. Your voice was weak and hoarse, but all Tony could focus on was the fact that your eyes were actually focusing on him- not in the distance, not nodding off, at him. He laughed at the absurdity of your response, and so did you, but you stopped once you realized his had turned to sobs. You didn’t know what to do at first. For one, Tony Stark was crying in front of you. Not only that, he was crying about you. And secondly, you were still feeling a bit drowsy from anesthesia and processing everything was taking just a bit longer.
“Tony,” you said, haphazardly moving your other hand to sit on top of his that were still around your other hand. “Please don’t cry.” He smiled, tears still running down his face as he rested his forehead on the stack of hands you’d both created.
“We thought we’d lost you,” he said, his shoulders still shaking as he squeezed your hand tighter. He looked up at you, his face red. You grinned at him.
“You didn’t really think you could get rid of me that easily, did you?”
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reblog this and put your top 5 favourite female rock vocalists in the tags
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celebclippinz · 1 year
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badmovieihave · 5 months
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Bad movie I have Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom 2023
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I just learned about the "27 club"; musicians that all died while at the peak of their career at 27 years old. It's actually quite interesting when you look at all of the conspiracy theories surrounding it!
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gameofthunder66 · 6 months
'Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom' (2023) film
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-watched 3/18/2024- 2 [3/4] stars- on Max
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milliondollarbaby87 · 9 months
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom (2023) Review
Black Manta seeks revenge on Aquaman for the death of his father, attempting to locate the Lost Kingdom and wielding the Black Trident to have unstoppable power. To defend Atlantis and the world he must for an alliance with his imprisoned brother Orm. ⭐️⭐️ Continue reading Untitled
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gatutor · 2 months
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Conrad Janis-Janis Wilson "Snafu" 1945, de Jack Moss.
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raviposting · 4 months
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911 7x09: Ashes, Ashes (aka: "Nobody is Having a Good Time. Especially Those Kids.")
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realjediverse · 1 year
The Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom Trailer is Very Promising and Stunning?
The Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom trailer is a visually stunning and action-packed teaser for the upcoming sequel. It picks up where the first film left off, with Aquaman (Jason Momoa) now the king of Atlantis and balancing his duties with his new role as a father. The trailer introduces a number of new characters and locations, including the Lost Kingdom of Atlantis and the black trident, a…
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comicwaren · 2 years
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From Captain America: Symbol of Truth #006, “Pax Mohanda: Part 1”
Art by Ig Guara and Jesus Aburtov
Written by Tochi Onyebuchi
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krispyweiss · 2 years
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David Crosby Dead at 81
- “He spoke his mind, his heart and his passion through his beautiful music and leaves an incredible legacy,” Graham Nash says
David Crosby has died.
The singer and guitarist - a co-founder of the Byrds and the “C” in CSN and CSNY - was 81.
“With great sadness,” Crosby’s wife, Jan, announced her husband’s death “after a long illness.”
Crosby was a longtime liver-transplant survivor and had diabetes and heart disease.
“Although he is no longer here with us, his humanity and kind soul will continue to guide and inspire us,” Jan Crosby said.
“His legacy will continue to live on through his legendary music. Peace, love and harmony to all who knew David and those he touched. We will miss him dearly.”
“I’m grateful David Crosby lived and so very sad he’s gone,” Rosanne Cash tweeted.
Crosby was “one of my all-time favorites,” Al Di Meola said, citing “the aesthetic beauty of his voice when with the Byrds and CSN,” in a post on social media.
“ … Now I can’t stop tearing up. This is just awful.”
Among his early collaborators, Crosby was perhaps closest to Graham Nash and the two recorded as a duo when Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young were on one of their many hiatuses. Despite a severe falling out and much public sniping in recent years, Nash expressed “deep and profound sadness” in the wake of Crosby’s death.
“I know people tend to focus on how volatile our relationship has been at times, but what has always mattered to David and me more than anything was the pure joy of the music we created together, the sound we discovered with one another and the deep friendship we shared over all these many long years,” Nash said in a statement. “David was fearless in life and in music. He leaves behind a tremendous void as far as sheer personality and talent in this world. He spoke his mind, his heart and his passion through his beautiful music and leaves an incredible legacy. These are the things that matter most.”
Crosby was in the midst of a late-career renaissance, releasing six albums since 2014 and collaborating with young musicians. He was to play a gig in California next month.
“Grateful for the time we had with David Crosby,” Jason Isbell tweeted. “We’ll miss him a lot.”
Crosby’s tweets and willingness to interact with fans and rate their joint-rolling skills, had become legendary in the social-media age, causing Sebastian Bach to say he loved listening to Crosby both in music and online.
“Thank you for the lifetime of inspiration,” he said.
Brian Wilson said he was “heartbroken” over the loss of Crosby’s “unbelievable talent;” Carole King mourned “my old friend David … and his beautiful voice;” and Janis Ian remembered Crosby as “helpful to the max. And sweet.”
“May David Crosby rest in peace and love,” Todd Rundgren’s Sprit of Harmony Foundation said.
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kissingwookiees · 6 months
'rockstars girlfriend' aesthetic makes me so mad bc like... just be the rockstar wtf
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