#jaques jj
jaques-jj · 6 months
Jemma slowly approaches a small wooden house, taking measured long steps and looking at the ground; the snow creaked sullenly under her patent leather boots as they confidently pressed new footprints into the long-trodden path. The small box hiding in her inner coat pocket reminded her of the given task — why she had come here in the first place.
Her path stopped at the threshold of the house. After a fleeting glance around, she raised her gloved hand and beat a light rhythm against the dilapidated door in front of her.
"Hello?" she announced her arrival. "Is anyone at home?"
Her delicate knock and greeting words are met in response not with any voice, but instead a slight ruckus inside the house - heavy footsteps, a door slamming, and a brief silence, followed then by the shuffling of more delicate footsteps.
The door opened just a crack, an eye peering out at her suspiciously for a moment. However, it quickly blinked in recognition, and the door opened wider. "aah, Jemma! Bonjour!" Jaques greeted her with enthusiasm, despite clearly not expecting her arrival. He was wearing a dressing gown that was clearly a few sizes too big, and worn brown slippers.
"What brings you out here, mon amie?"
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every single day it boggles my mind that jean jaques rousseau is like a famous historical figure and philosopher. imagine ur a philosopher in late seventeenth century france who was never remembered past your lifetime because some misogynistic, uneducated, random loser with mommy issues and low self esteem randomly got famous for takes that weren’t even original or good.
yes ill concede that jj did write the social contract which was like somewhat good but also most of what’s in the social contract was also already written by john locke like 100 years ago. his other books are just “men should be educated but not women” which was not a new take and “i’m still thinking about the moral ramifications of things that happened to me in the fifth grade”
like if you read “confessions” (his autobiography) it literally sounds like a youtuber book. if this post gets any traction at all i will do side by side comparisons of youtuber books with jj rousseau quotes because it’s genuinely uncanny and it drives me marbles.
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celestialmazer · 8 months
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Bought these framed cards/prints in a charity shop today - recycled paper, typeset by hand, antique letterpress printing from 2003. Have since proceeded to go on a deep dive of the creators. Some of my favs I've found below.
Saturn Press
Saturn Press founded in 1986 by married couple Jane Goodrich who creates the designs and James van Pernis who runs the company's 4 antique printing presses. Based on Swan's Island off the Maine coast, this eco-conscious company helped create the bridge that saved craft printing. Using an old-fashioned letterpress technique, paper sourced from a sustainable family-run mill, and a love for what they do, Saturn Press expanded the colour palette with custom blending of each ink colour and engaging in elaborate methods rarely used by printers of the past or present.
Compiled/abridged sources:
1.https://m.facebook.com/people/Saturn-Press/100068498301968/ 2.https://www.thegoodsupply.org/collections/letterpress-cards 3.https://www.luxepaperie.com/saturnpress.html 4.https://threeredhens.blogspot.com/2008/02/surprise-visit-from-saturn-press.html?m=1
July Night
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Full moon, quiet lake, a good friend, and a solid canoe sounds like a perfect evening. This letterpress card brings us along for paddle under a plum night sky. One can almost hear the dips of the oars, peeping peepers, and the occasional loon call, a Maine summer soundtrack. Let your words flow, guided by the easy current.
Due South
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The end of Summer in Maine is often filled with mixed feelings. Truth is, seasons are what some people appreciate most in this northern clime.
This unique and vibrant letterpress card reveals some of the underlying beauty in transition as colors fade from warm to cool. A hundred geese or more are in flight -their dark silhouettes tangled with leafless branches on trees.
The image is credited to Francis Lee Jaques, a nationally-known wildlife artist who worked for over 20 years with the American Museum of Natural History in New York. Though his name is not of the household variety, his legacy has shaped America’s vision of nature for generations.
Cloud Formations
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We love didactic art! Sky blue and gray imprints enlighten you with old-time nicknames and identifying characteristics of those white things overhead.
According to this illustrative chart:
Cirrus = Feather Clouds
Cirro Stratus = Tangled Web Clouds
Cirro Cumulus = Mackerel Clouds
Alto Cumulus = Sheep Clouds
Alto Stratus = Curtain Clouds
Birthday Hoot! https://www.luxepaperie.com/heluhabimomg.html
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Birthday Treachery https://www.luxepaperie.com/saturnpress3.html
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Forest Sunrise https://www.luxepaperie.com/saprfrlebigr.html
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Autumn Dunes - arboriculture collection. From a 1928 illustration by Ivan Beard.
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Horizon features art by J. J. Lankes circa 1932.
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eternitas · 4 months
Unseen Varia - Profiles
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Jaque Mendez
Basic Info:
Full Name: Jaque Mendez
Nickname: Jacky, JJ, J man
Age: 25 / 35 (TYL)
Birthday: pending
Gender/Pronouns: cis male in a "gender is fake" way, he/him
Sexuality: undisclosed
Ethnicity: Afro-italian
Height: 188cm
Flametype: lightning, secondary mist
Weapon of Choice: swords
Affiliation: Varia, Lightning Division
Position: Second in Command
Languages: hebrew, italian (+SL), sicilian dialect, korean, chinese mandarin, norwegian, english, german, ukrainian, spanish, portugese
Strengths: coolheaded, swordsman ship, speed, lightning durability, charismatic, diplomacy and negotiations
Weaknesses: illusion spotting, trusting people, sometimes doesn't take things serious enough
Character Summary:
Not many people really know Jaque personally. He doesn't trust people easily, but he gets along with them just fine. He is open, lighthearted and very charismatic. He seems to ooze a certain coolness, capturing peoples attention with how laid back and in control he seems. This side of him is what allows Jaque to be such an effective negotiator and the go to person for mediating between different fractions. He approaches people with respect but distance, never giving them the feeling of being threatened or in a disadventagous position unless the situation asks for it. He is warm and understanding, not minding lending people an ear, but in turn never truly discloses anything about himself. Despite seeing people like Sergey and Leo as his friends they barely know anything personal about him. That is not to say that he doesn't like them or that he doesn't care- he does! A lot even! But coming from a place of constant carnige and betrayal he has learned to keep people a certain distance. The only people he seems to allow closer are Carol and Zarria. While they too do not know much about him, he seems to have a certain soft spot for them.
Jaque grew up in a rather poor neighborehood in the south of italy, where the region was plagued by constant tension between different mafia families and so Jaque early had to leanr how to survive in the underground. He became part of a group of street kids that tried to make a few bucks by thievery, but was then used as a scapegoat for the others to get away. The family that got a hold of them saw potential in him and due to the then Dons son vouching for Jaque he could afford to pay off the money that was stolen and decided to make use of his skills as a capable fighter. At age 20 he took the Varia initiation exam and passed, quickly making himself known to be not just a capable fighter but also a great specialist when it comes to mediation between fractions as this was something he learned from the Dons son back then.
Fighting Style:
Jaque uses 2 swords he carries on his back, both uncurved katana, or ninjato. He actually modified them to be extremely electricity conducting and keeps a tazerlike battery contraption in the handle so he does not have to use his flame excessively. His slashes and stabs can therefore heat up so extremely that his attacks seem as if to come from a lightsaber, immideatly cauterizing the wound. He doesn't abide by any specific school of swordsmanship and relies on brute strength to break through an opponents defense.
Just like any other lightning division member he is also an expert in hand to hand combat and can easily punch someones lights out. He of course can't get to the same powerscale as Leo, but he is still devastatingly strong.
His boxes are mostly conventional blast, shot or battery boxes.
He is an avid game nerd and especially enjoys games like pokemon, assassins creed, mario cart and Bioshock
Big fan of heavy metal, Hip Hop and Video game OSTs
Makes one mean grilledn corn, I am not kidding this guy does magic
like Sergey he often helps Carol with trying out new hairstyles. He also often buys her small trinkets from when he goes out for a while on mission
He smokes but very seldomly. He seems to enjoy smoke breaks with Lorenzo
Ernest Hemmingway, Edgar Allen Poe, Charles Dickens and Jane Austen count as some of his favourite authors
After joining the Varia he went on a seach for any related family and could reunite with his grandmother, that he visits regularly. Even if she hates that he joined the Varia, he promises her to keep himself safe
Lorenzo stopped asking Jaque for any help regarding his suffering under Bel, since his response is always either "leave" or "kill him" (we all know he is right tho)
He has a chill relationship with Levi since his officer is someone who likes to handle a lot of things by himself, it opens Jaque up to do more work outside of HQ
One of his first actions once he became Second in comand was bust an old drug circle in his own hometown and set the region under Varia territory protection. Something he promised his old friend, the back then Dons son
He is happily in a relationship for about 3 years now with a woman called Sana and thinks about possible early retirement to marry her and start a family.
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monsieur-gustaveh · 6 months
Welcome to yet another further trip along what may be diagnosed as madness in our delightful troupe.
More Blogs presented and run by the delightful:
@retrobr - @mista-whiskas-im-sorry (Jopling), @jemmas-jam (Jemma, oc), @i-am-not-hunckels (Henckels), @the-lobby-boy (Zero)
@average-jedtavius-enjoyer - @jaques-jj (Jaques, oc), @igor-up-and-down (Igor)
@funnihumanbeing - @funnimysteryman (???, oc), @dima-desgoffe-und-taxis (the bastard.)
@cornelleus2nd - @xserge (Serge), @red-fuzz (Eloise, oc)
What we may hope to archive is laughter amongst eachother, maybe even tears and to gift you a little smile on your face. At no point feel ashamed or afraid to join us in our fixation dears. All asks are welcomed with open arms and ears. ❤️
- lots of love, Cornelleus <3
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red-fuzz · 6 months
Friends, lovers, enemies and those yet to be my enemies welcome to a delugion within further madness.
As you may have guessed, this blog fancies the side of a rp Blog of an oc for the wonderful Grand Budapest Hotel by Wes Anderson
Some facts on her
- Eloise favors any people and creatures, the madder and stranger the better! From artists to plain figures she'll pick anyone up who fancies her sight
- Eloise takes part in the German aristocracy, as Viscountess from Mayer. She does not favor such responsibility.
- Eloise may be indecipherable in her age, she is however older than what you may conclude on sight.
- She is a ESFP 7w8 (278). Be warned.
Other blogs incline the wonderful:
- @mista-whiskas-im-sorry (Jopling) and @jemmas-jam (Jemma, oc) by @retrobr
- further another wonderful oc by @funnimysteryman
- @igor-up-and-down (Igor) and @jaques-jj by @average-jedtavius-enjoyer
- @xserge by my humble self @cornelleus2nd
There will be more in the future, this is both a treat and a threat.
Enjoy and don't be afraid to send any asks - the character and op don't bite or mind ❤️
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igor-up-and-down · 6 months
Welcome all! This is another rp blog attached to my string of other ones (see @jaques-jj for more info)
This is all some silly fun revolving around Wes Andersons film "The grand budapest hotel", I made this blog of Igor for a friend. This is all a joke/gag! Scroll at your own discretion! Oc x canon shipping may be present on this blog!! - Moderator Jason. (@average-jedtavius-enjoyer)
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To my good friend, 
I do hope that this letter reaches you well. While I have not received word from you in a couple of months, I simply could not stop myself from wondering how life has been treating you. I do not mean to cause you trouble, but I certainly worry.
From, huzoqzla
I doubt I remember your identity. I meet dozens of people every single day: different faces and different lousy fates. I remember each one of them. But I do not recall you among this vile group.
However, I apologize if my memory indeed let me down and we actually crossed paths somewhere. You seem like quite a polite person.
My life has been going on as usual, as usual as it can be in my situation. I recently received a couple of new orders. Soon, Mr. @jaques-jj and I are moving to a new job.
This information is for personal use only. Do not let this slip into open sources.
With best wishes,
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jemmas-jam · 6 months
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to y'all another side-blog. This is somewhat like an inside joke side-blog related to Wes Anderson's movie "The Grand Budapest Hotel," or, to be precise, to my oc Jemma. If you don't like this kind of stuff, just ignore this blog. No hate please, me and my buddies are just goofing around.
Some information for context:
Jemma is my The Grand Budapest Hotel oc.
She's 25 years old and she works as a delivery woman for parcels and letters.
Her main places of stay are the Grand Budapest hotel and Desgoffe-und-Taxis residence.
Jemma is head over heels in love with the lift man Igor (@igor-up-and-down running by @average-jedtavius-enjoyer), not that he's too happy about it.
Jemma is friends with Eloise von Mayer and Serge X (@red-fuzz and @xserge both running by @cornelleus2nd), and is also familiar with Jaques (@jaques-jj running by @average-jedtavius-enjoyer).
Jemma has a very good relationship with Gustave, Zero and Clotilde.
Dmitri regularly sends Jemma to the Grand Budapest hotel so she can deliver some anonymous presents and perhaps letters to a particular person (👀).
Jemma's main language is English, but she also knows a little bit of French, Russian and German.
Some additional information: check out my buddy's TGBH oc Vincenzo side-blog @funnimysteryman running by @funnihumanbeing :3
My main account is @retrobr.
If you want to participate in this silly "roleplay," don't be shy to do it; we'll be glad to have someone who also wants to join this little chaos :3 <3
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xserge · 6 months
Hello to those fortunate souls that may have been inclined to find this account
As you may be able to discern, this is a rp Blog / gag for the character Serge X from the Grand Budapest Hotel by Wes Anderson.
Some more amazing blogs:
- @mista-whiskas-im-sorry (Jopling) and @jemmas-jam (Jemma, oc) by @retrobr
- @igor-up-and-down (Igor) and @jaques-jj by @average-jedtavius-enjoyer
- further another wonderful oc by @funnimysteryman
- @ by my humble self @cornelleus2nd
For additional rp blogs / information
Don't be shy to leave a ask, even if you're not correlated or familiar with any of it!
Lots of love, moderator Cornelleus ❤️
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peralta-guaranteed · 3 years
Soft languid morning sex front or rear facing hc
(there's a liiittle bit of spooning sex in the morning in my very first smut fic, at the end of chapter two... but gosh do I love the whole concept so you're definitely getting another story for this:)
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The air in the room is warm, and just a little stuffy, the way you’d expect it to be after two people have slept in it for a good eight hours, with the sun already shining through the half-shut curtains and sending a warm streak of light across their duvet, ending just below Amy’s eyes and stirring her awake.
She’d be already up by now, usually, airing out her side of the bed while Jake snoozes a little longer, soon to be woken up by opened windows and cold air rushing over him while she sneaks off to the shower. Today, though, Amy decides to turn around instead, hide her face from the sun’s heat and bury it a little deeper into the pillows, the covers rucked up almost over her head. The bed is so warm, and soft, and wonderful, that she never wants to leave it, and she knows she doesn’t have to today, on a well-deserved day off after a long week.
The body next to her, that she almost bumps into by turning around, is just as warm and soft and wonderful as the bed he’s been heating up, and she never wants to leave him either.
She knows she won’t ever have to, not today, and not a day after that. There’s a little gold band around her finger now that lets her know as much, old and worn from his Nana’s hand, and fitting perfectly onto hers. So perfectly that she’s barely noticed it in the past two weeks ever since he put it on her, except for when it catches the light just right and the little stones shine into her eyes.
Like right now, when her hand slips out of the covers, settles against his neck to let her thumb stroke across his jaw, and she can feel the deep hum of his steady breath turn into a soft little groan as his eyelids begin to flutter. One eye blinks open, settles on her still half-closed, and it’s shining the way it always does when he looks at her as half of a smile shows up on the part of his face not pressed into the pillow.
There’s a rumbly sound of something coming from his lips as her thumb strokes over them, which she interprets expertly as his way of saying ‘good morning’.
“Good morning.” She replies in a hushed, still sleep-rough voice herself, shuffling a little closer to press a short kiss to those mumbling lips that immediately smile under hers again.
“Sleep well?” She asks, a routine question that doesn’t really need an answer - at least not anymore, now that his nightmares seem to have finally taken their leave, only interrupting their nights together once in a blue moon. He still hums in agreement to answer her, as his face presses into her neck to hide from the sunshine slowly creeping up.
She buries her nose in his hair, wild and bed-tousled, breathes in a heavy dose of Jake, a scent she could probably recognise blindfolded in a sea of people. Something pops into her mind - her mother’s voice telling her how she could do that for all 8 of her kids, and Amy can only smile as she thinks about a little chubby-cheeked, gap-toothed grin under dark curls that smells just like Jake, but with a little difference.
The feeling of lips skirting across her collarbone brings her back to the present. Jake’s hands are roaming over her back, warm palms pressed against her skin, soft fingertips tracing little lines into it as he kisses along her shoulder, into the crease of her neck. His breath tickles across her as he lets out a deep, content hum and pulls her even closer to himself, sinking back into the mattress as she scrapes her fingernails across his scalp.
“S’soft.” She hears between kisses, one of his hands brushing over her ribcage to make her shiver, the other settling on her butt to give it a light squeeze. It’s not often that they wake up naked - no matter the previous night’s activities, Amy usually has the wherewithal to prod him out of bed after, and even if she can’t always get him to shower, he at least cleans up and puts on some boxer while she slips into an oversized t shirt of his. But this morning seems to be one of exceptions, as her hand travels down his bare sides too, her thigh pushing up between his naked legs.
“Not so soft.” She grins as her thigh meets with his morning wood, and he giggles against her neck.
“You smell so good.” is the first real sentence he forms as his nose digs into her clavicle, and she wonders just how many thoughts they share without realizing it. She also wonders just how good she can smell, with sweat from last night and sleep still sticking to her chest, but maybe that’s part of the appeal. It seems so, at least, because he’s not hesitant at all to wrap his lips around her nipple, sunken deep under the warm and stuffy covers. She sighs more than moans as he nibbles and sucks, his hand sneaking over her tummy down between her legs, a soft caress between her folds to find her still as wet as she was yesterday.
His lips leave her breast and travel back up, over her humming throat up to her mouth, and his tongue slips into it just as slow and languid as his fingers slip into her. The bed creaks ever so slightly as she adjusts, lifts her leg up over his hip to give him space to move his hand, and to pull him closer at the same time.
“Okay?” He whispers as his fingers slip out again after a moment, and she feels the tip of his cock against her instead, and the fact that he still asks - that he still checks with her, almost every time, after years of exploring and getting to know each other, reading each other better than anyone else ever could, makes her heart leap a little with each ‘okay?’ or ‘you ready?’ he whispers into her ear.
She answers with another, deeper kiss as she pushes herself against him, lets him slip into her so easily, like there’s never been any doubt this is where he belongs.
They still for a while, sharing soft breaths back and forth between little kisses. It’s not about the friction, about tense curling of toes and arms clinging onto each other this morning, not like it was last night. It’s simply about feeling each other, closer than anything, as close as humanly possible on this hazy, warm morning that’s enveloping them. There’s no loud moans and swears, just their breaths interspersed with sighs, little groans between kisses as he starts to move. He’s rutting into her more than he’s thrusting, moving his hips barely inches away from her, and she meets him with equally calm movement, squeezes and clenches around him instead to make him pant just a little against her lips. It’s slow and tranquil even as his hands begin to roam again, but it’s more than enough to turn that coil deep in her stomach with every move, every slide of his pubic bone against her clit as he pushes back in. She can slowly feel him grow tenser too, and it only takes a few more minutes before they tumble over together, press against each other even closer.
It’s not a mindblowing orgasm, no shaking legs or trembling hands or loud expletives, just a feeling of pure bliss and comfort as she feels him spill into her. In a way, it feels more satisfying than ever, a perfect little moment to start their lazy day together.
Jake is all smiles as they come down together, too, skirting kisses across her chest just as he did at the beginning.
“I love you so much.” is whispered into her skin before he shuffles up again, face to face for another kiss.
“I love you so much too.” She echoes as he slips out of her, leaves her with a short groan and a little twinge at the loss.
“I wanna stay here with you like this forever. It’s perfect.” He mumbles as his face half-pushes back into the pillow, his arm pulling up the duvet that had slid down from their movement to cover them fully again.
“We have plans today, Jake.”
He huffs with a creased brow even as his eyes close again, and she snickers as she kisses his still sleep-pouty lips.
“But I have good news, too.”
“You get to wake up with me like this forever.”
He smiles with his eyes still closed, blinks them open to stare at her like he’s seeing her for the first time and falling in love all over again.
“That’s perfect, too.”
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jaques-jj · 6 months
Dear Jaques,
If you can arrange a quick getaway from that ominous Jopling. Please do not whatsoever make it a clarification to him that I said this.
Would you find it in your heart to head down to Lutzes 'Brews and Bean' coffee shop?
Awaiting your response - Serge X.
A small note barely the size of a thumb slipped in between
To my friend Serge, I'm sure I can find some time away from my dearest Jopi to meet up with you, if you provide me with a date and time you are free of course.
As for me making a clarification to him of your offer - I may not need to. He has his way of finding out things that he wants to, and doesn't appreciate secrets.
I will try my best to uphold your wishes, however, and won't name you to him.
yours truly, Jaques.
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pineapple-lover-boy · 3 years
Unpopular Opinion:
I like JJ. You have to understand that he’s 19, is being coached by his parents, and all of his previous coaches have put him down just because he wanted to be confident and try something new. He is a young guy that’s in love with a girl and his fans, and they all love him back. He’s confident because he’s afraid that he’ll lose the ones he loves. And in the end? He didn’t. He royalty f*cked up at the Grand Prix Final but because he had people who believed in him and the confidence to carry on with a smile on his face, he was able to figure out that winning isn’t everything and even if he messes up there will still be people to back him up. Kind of like with Minami and Yuri. Even after his spectacular failure in the previous years Grand Prix Final, Yuri still had fans who believed in him. Poetic cinema if you ask me.
You go King JJ!!
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Okay Yuri On Ice Fandom I need some help
Back in ol' 2017 I didn't have a tumblr BUT I did view stuff on tumblr
There was this one comic and I think there was a fic (and I don't remember which came first) but basically it was inspired off of how JJ saw Yuuri during his breakdown scene? Like, "what if this is why JJ sees Yuuri like that" and basically it was Viktor and Yuuri making out in the bathroom, JJ walking in on them, Yuuri making eye contact, and JJ walking out.
I know I didn't just dream this but I cannot find it again and really wish I could. If any of y'all got any idea what I'm talking about please help
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loffxhan · 5 years
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Baby 💔
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lavandavera · 5 years
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Jean Jaques Chalamet, the new fish in town (aka camera mia).
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