samwinjester · 2 months
BBC Atlantis | Glass Heart Hymn
BBC Atlantis had so much potential that it was going to be even better than Merlin (which is hard to believe). I will never forgive them for cancelling this show right when they setup the main arc of the story. I hope you enjoy💖✨
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I’ve gone through three different pics featuring these two and the third one was the one I liked/didn’t hate the most so have some Jariadne for Valentine’s 2023 🔥
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geohenley · 2 years
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Ready? Yes.
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mejcinta · 3 years
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Ariadne is good for Jason but she can be boring sometimes. I admit it.
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Just rewatching Atlantis and I’m pretty sure another season would’ve destroyed me!
I couldn’t have seen Ariadne been abandoned or Jason and Medea getting together.
For me. Where the show ended it left me with hope that it could be a dream Medea has.
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shelbysblinders · 6 years
New video: Multicouples | Someone You Loved [YPIV]
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miss-atlantis · 7 years
Sooo I ship both Jariadne and Jedea but then all of a sudden I was like why not ship Ariadne and Medea ??! I made this vid a couple of months ago x
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ariadnedionysia · 7 years
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maybe, just maybe, you have feelings for me too. 
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aenidis · 7 years
Fanfic: An Island
I wanted to write it for a while, but it’s so short I don’t really want to publish it on AO3, so I’ll just post it here.
Title: An Island
Fandom: Atlantis
Characters: Ariadne
Pairings: Hints of Jason/Ariadne and Jason/Medea
Rating: K
Genres: Angst
Summary: When all is lost, hope remains. Post-Season 2
Word count: 451
When she was still a little girl, Therus used to take her to the beach after the sun had set, letting her play in the water for a bit. Her father didn’t like it, and so didn’t her mother Pasiphae, but he did it nonetheless.
Ariadne loved these moments, forgetting for a while that she was a princess and had to behave as one, enjoying this private time with her brother.
Yet, it was always during the night, away from the prying eyes of commoners and the lesser folk. Staring out at the sea from her chambers, Ariadne wished she could freely walk along the sand during the day, without the necessary guards and people bowing to her at every turn.
Now, sitting at the empty beach and letting the water wash her feet, Ariadne thought that she would gladly take these words back.
There was no one else there, no guards to watch her every step and no commoners to gush at her, and now she wished that there were.
Everything was so quiet here. The only sounds she could hear were the waves lapping at the shore and the breeze flapping her already tattered dress. She knew that if she ventured more deep into the land she could hear some birds singing, but she couldn’t. She couldn’t leave the shore for more time than necessary, because… because…
Because he would be back for her. That's what he had said, and she had to believe him because otherwise she would go mad.
It didn't matter that at the moment there was no one else in the world she hated more, not even Pasiphae, because in the end it wouldn't matter. He would come back for her, and eventually she would forgive him, because their bond was unbreakable. They were husband and wife, and that was more important than some magic tricks.
She had to believe that. He loved her. He was just utterly stupid and naïve, thinking that leaving her on some desert island for protection was a good idea. And just before they reached Colchis…
He’s been unfaithful to you.
Pasiphae was a liar and her words were not to be believed. She was trying to tear them apart and destroy them, pitting them against each other. And yet…
They have a bond.
But he had a bond with Ariadne too. That was what she had to focus on, because the alternative was to fall to despair.
Who is to protect you from yourself?
She cursed Pasiphae for putting them all in that position, she cursed Medea for meddling in their lives, and, most of all, she cursed Jason for putting doubt in her heart.
And then she waited.
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singinprincess · 2 years
I completely forgot that Jason and Ariadne actually got married in the show. You two are not only cousins, but step-siblings 🤢
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girlwhowasntthere · 8 years
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I think I figured out how to defeat my art block: Jariadne Domestic Fluff
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geohenley · 2 years
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ATLANTIS (2013 — 2015) — 2x13 “The Queen Must Die”
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mejcinta · 3 years
Ariadne choosing Telemon over Jason is why I like Medea more.
Girl, you need to reassess your choices. I don't feel sorry for you. 🤷
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geohenley · 2 years
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There was a time when I asked for your hand in marriage. And I said yes. I would say yes again.
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