polskistandup · 1 year
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marejadilla · 28 days
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Michał Mroczka, “Jasiek dla Śpiocha”, 2022 ("Pillow for the Sleeper")
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tetmajerswhore · 6 months
chochol decydujacy o tym ze mtfs ktorzy powinni decydowac o losie ojczyzny AKURAT w ta konkretna listopadowa noc to
-w trzy dupy pijany typ z rogiem i czapka ktory mial pojechac tylko po wodke do krakowa
-jebany pantofel (zona stroi sie w alkierzu!)
-milosnik bulek z serem (jestem wdziecznym tetmajerem) i jego manic pixie dream girl
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keoni-chan · 5 months
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🌸 Jasiek's House Numbers, with smaller textures, repositoried and enabled for quartertile placement.
I love Jasiek's numbers, but recoloring 10 separate meshes is a bit of a chore. So I repo's all numbers to the 0. Older recolors will still work with my edits. If you have any, you only need to keep the recolors of the 0, you can throw all the others out.
I also recolored them in 11 of @shastakiss/ @cluedosims metals. All edited meshes are included.
polycounts are between 80 and 110, texture size is 256x256. Found in deco > walls for 35 each.
📥Download [sfs]
credits: Jasiek, Shastakiss, @bluerubberbear for the houses in the previews.
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scribblesonarock · 3 months
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They took a break from their ninja training to go to Chen's and get themselves some treats
Lego Ninjago ocs artfight attack!
Left to right:
- Art, master of Beasts (my oc)
- Angel, master of Astrology (my friend's)
- Ruuna, master of Weather (my oc as well)
- Jasiek, master of Light/Glow (actual attack)
I might post more about my ocs later
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slavicafire · 1 year
The variety of descriptions of the devil is something rather peculiar to Polish, German and Estonian trial records. Devils are variously described as German, French or Polish, and within that typology, we have Polish devils who are of aristocratic or peasant origin. The descriptions are mainly concerned with the devils’ style of dress. The most frequent names for devils, according to a collection of trials from Grodzisk, were Jasiek, Jan, and Kuba, followed by Woytech. (...) Hanykowa’s Kuba was dressed fashionably in the German style. (...) In another case, Anna Stelmaszka’s devil was described as pokuśnika po Niemiecku w czerwonej barwie, ‘a temptor in the German style in dressed in red’. 
(...) There was also mention of Polish devils, and one may assume that if nationality is not mentioned, then the devil is in fact Polish. Stach, a devil in the Polish style, dressed in green, was neither old nor young, and one of his compatriots, Barbara Konieczna’s devil was dressed as a Polish peasant. Another witch confessed to having a devil named Kuba who was described as dressing in the French style. According to one witch, following her third session of torture, her devil was described as po żydowsku, ‘in the Jewish style’. It was common for devils to be described as dressing in black,green or red, such as a devil named Jarek, who wore green hose, a red hat and black boots. Małgorzata Kupidarzyna’s Jasiek was młody w sukni zielonej i żółtych botach, czapka barankowa, ‘young, in green dress and yellow boots, a lamb fleece hat’. 
- Jewish, Noble, German, or Peasant? The Devil in Early Modern Poland by Wanda Wyporska.  [Demons, Spirits, Witches Vol. 2 :Christian Demonology And Popular Mythology - Gábor Klaniczay, Éva Pócs (Eds.)]
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c28hunter · 1 year
I thought a bit about how "Jan" in polish can be made into "Jasiek", which aside for being a name is also another word for a pillow
And well, I've gotten kind of silly
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kaliforniabaeby · 1 month
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Photo by Matt J-Scott / Matt J-Scott @mat_j_scottModel: Jasiek Michał @jasiujasiek
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jask-does-stuff · 5 months
decided to finally post my old gayass
cr for the second piece: ConfettiGhOst on twitter CHECK IT'S PROFILE OUT I LOVE IT'S ART MWAH
he's a (now retired) medic for 141 and he's married to nikolai because I'm equally as gay as he is and I love making cringe oc x canon :3
I named him Jasiek (Jan) which was a mistake because since I'm Polish I hear that name everywhere now 😭
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wilchur · 1 year
Okay. My actual RDR2 Modern AU might be set in 1990s USA and pretty dark, but I have this nostalgic worm in my head that wants to throw these funky guys into late 90s/early 00s Poland SO BAD agshdjdbfk
Ramble under the cut because I can't be normal about any idea ever.
I can see it in my head so clearly... a silly "Rodzina Zastępcza" type sitcom. Hosea and Dutch are still crooks who sell counterfeit shit at the local outdoor market with a side business smuggling in cheap cigs and alcohol from abroad. I would do a little age fuckery to shrink Arthur's, John's and Tilly's age differences so that they all still live with them. Arthur would be like 16-17, John 12-14 and Tilly arund 10 or so. Arthur and John are fucking Monster Children, but Tilly is good at pretending an angel lol
Miss Grimshaw and Dutch are technically married, but just because they got hitched on impulse years ago and can't be bothered to get a divorce. It's good for appearances as well so whatever. She lives with them too, keeps the house from imploding.
Uncle is the town drunk and can usually be found thoroughly soaked through near the local grocery store. Always bugs Arthur for change and never gets shit, but John sometimes slips him something in exchange for buying him some beer or cigarettes with a part of the money.
I see Swanson as this comic relief "friend of the family" character that keeps waltzing in uninvited all the time. There's like no protestants over here and I don't know shit about the eastern orthodox church so I'm making him a washed up catholic priest (sorry my dude). I think it would be pretty funny if he was like totally oblivious to the fact that Dutch and Hosea are Very Gay despite it being super obvious. "Mr Matthews and Mr Van der Linde must be very good friends if he lets him, his wife and their unruly foster children share his home :)" ahah
Most of the names would probably need to be changed to make sense.. Arthur mostly works, just have to throw out the h. Tilly is short for Matilda apparently, but I don't see it. Maybe Tosia? Tola?Both short for Antonina. John>>Jan makes me fucking insane... Little Jasiek Marston 😂😂Though American media had a real boom in the east after the soviet union fell so I could maybe keep Johnny/John as a nickname? So that I don't cringe myself to death. Dutch is going to make me go grey so I won't even try. Hosea is biblical so he could technically stay, but apparently they translate it to fuckin' Ozeasz in the polish version of the texts so idk. At least the surname is easy because it's from a given name and I can just go with a Polish surname of the same meaning -- Matysiak. Uncle is easy because that's just a common word so >> Wujek, or Wujcio if i really wanted to make it silly. Susan is Zuzanna so very easy, but Grimshaw is untranslatable. Though I could just pick something phonetically similar like Grzymała or Gryszkiewicz or something (good luck trying to pronounce that). Orville is straight up a fake name from the 1700s and has no real meaning? Makes it hard to switch out so I'm just gonna be lazy and go with Oliwier? Sounds similar enough. Swanson doesn't have a straightforward equalivent either, but it apparently means "servant"? And "Szewczyk" (tailor) feels like it could work. I dunno, my brain is fried at this point. I'll leave it at that.
I know this probably makes no sense to anyone else but I'm So Into the idea it's insane agsjdkflk I had to write some of it down. I just want them to be silly. Nothing bad ever happens in a polish sitcom ✨
I think I might doodle some stuff for this since I don't have an actual story in mind to write... We'll see. I just want to be self-indulgent and go crazy a bit 🥴🥴
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polskistandup · 1 year
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hazza2404 · 11 months
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Illustrations with me and my friends Freddie and Jasiek
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jazumst · 8 months
Pajace na sznurkach
Żeby Was... Samowolki ciąg dalszy. Posłuchajcie:
Zastała nas wczoraj końcówka towaru. Kiero, pewnie z racji sytuacji w domu, jakaś strasznie nieswoja. Ciągle na telefonie, biega chaotycznie, głos jej się łamie... Kuc jak to Kuc - w swoim autystycznym świecie.
Questy odebrane. Kiero pobiegła do domu, Kuca sami wykopaliśmy. Punkt po puncie odhaczamy zadania. W głowie wybiegam w przyszłość żeby niczego nie zepsuć.
Jasiek (żul) dopadł pana Romana, właściciela hurtowni nabiału. Janek wspomina dawne czasy. Oni razem do technikum chodzili. Nie widać. Tak czy inaczej Janek pyta czy go Roman nie poratuje. Pan Roman już się śmieje, że wiedział od razu o co mu chodzi, ale wtrąciłem się ja. - Oczywiście, że pan Roman poratuje. Na pewno znajdzie się jakaś praca w hurtowni. - Jasiek podskoczył jakby go piorun trafił. - Jaka praca?! Jaka praca?! Ja już się w życiu napracowałem!!! - Pan Roman zaczął się śmiać i szybko opuścił zgromadzenie.
Natomiast na Tadeusza (tego od Heleny i salonów) nie mam już siły. Stoi jakby w muzeum gabloty podziwiał. Ani odejść, ani czekać. Przecież jaśnie hrabia w każdej chwili może chcieć uwagi na temat ciasta które poda swoim gościom po obiedzie. - Stoję ja, stoi on. Obydwoje lukamy czasem na siebie. W końcu Tadzik nie wytrzymał - Nie odezwie się pan? - Znam pana już na tyle, że wiem, że sam się pan odezwie jak będzie wiedział czego chce. - Tadeusz chyba poczuł się dumny z tego faktu i wyszedł z uśmiechem na twarzy. To było naprawdę dziwne.
I truskawka na torcie. Nie ma się czym chwalić, więc Wam opowiem. Zmiana chyli się ku końcowi. Nie dzieje się wiele, a w daty nie mam weny iść. Powinienem, ale nie mam weny. Idę półkami i równo układam. Docieram do ciastek, a tam chyba rewolucja wybuchła. No i tak układam i śpiewam sobie "co tu były za złe duchy, narobiły rozpierduchy". A że to utwór improwizowany więc za chwilę wleciało na góralskie zawodzenie "kurwy jebane! kurwy jebane!" - Ładnie pan śpiewa, ładnie... - Spaliłem buraka. Przepraszam serdecznie, jednak ku mojemu zdziwieniu usłyszałem, że pani chce poznać dalszą część utworu. Oczywiście taka nie powstała. Do tej pory mi głupio. A trzeba było śpiewać "Chwalcie łąki umajone", albo inne kościelna, jak to mam w zwyczaju.
Dziś nie ma Kiero, więc wszystko na mojej łysiejącej. A jutro od dawna "wyczekiwana" zmiana z Balbiną -.- Muszę obmyślić napoleoński plan.
Dobry wieczór ;]
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rodolfoparras · 5 months
okay hiii exposing myself as one of the anons (won't say which one :3) to send over my favorite lil guy (favorite to traumatize that is /hj)
his name's jasiek and he's one of the medics :>> he's also very gay and married to nikolai
he might look ancient but in that reference pic he's 35 ish he just started greying at 20 due to prolonged stress
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He has such a beautiful name!!! And he is very pretty!!! I love his hair and his style!! And married to Nikolai you say? I like this guy already 😌as long as that man(Nik) is 9273737374 meters away from my husband I’m happy
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gaydarlove · 8 months
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Siwy & Jasiek 👬
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bookcalanthedaily · 9 months
i want jagna and jasiek to run away together and be happy and see the world goodbye
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