#jasmine myers
cheeto-pocket · 2 years
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Jam!!! My main characters coming in last for this round cuz they’re special.
Field biology is both Jam’s greatest passion and her most harrowing fear. She has a morbid curious about the unknown and wants to learn about everything the universe has to throw at her. She’s gentle, understanding, and full of many many many thoughts all of the time. She tends to mutter to herself out loud a lot. She’s also autistic! And has depression…and is a repressed lesbian with some mild internalized homophobia……..but she works through that!
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lesbiansloveleatin · 1 year
not to be dramatic or anything but…
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i think a hug from jenna ortega would solve all my problems <3🫂
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andsoigotabutterfly · 11 months
Emma Myers x fem!famous!actress!reader
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Summary: Wednesday Season two's filming starts, and Emma can't help but find a certain new college of hers very attractive.
a/n: Well this took a heckin' long time. Sorry, I just had to hide from my government because I accidentally stole state secrets. Only surfaced up so I could upload this. Hope you enjoy!
warning: little bit of angst, jelousy, little fluffy (is this even a warning?), bad writing, not proofread, english is still not my native language so sorry for any mistakes, famous reader, oblivious Emma AND reader
ler me know if I left something out!
“So, basically this is basically it. What do you think?”
Emma has been showing Jasmine around set all day. Even though early setbacks, they have been bonding and overall having a great time together. This season’s set was way bigger than the last, yet the layout was similar, so Emma knew her way around. Many of the staff were still being hired, thus, she volunteered to show new people around.
“Way bigger than what I expected!” the curly haired woman exclaimed. “And everyone is so nice! To be honest, I’m a bit overwhelmed…”
“That’s natural” Emma nodded. ”First when I got here last season, my head was spinning like crazy. You’ll get used to it.”
Jasmin’s mouth was still slightly hanging open, in an awestruck state. Then she mischievously smiled and looked over at Emma. She was gleaming, and even though Emma has only known her for three hours, she knew she wanted to ask something.
“Out with it” she smiled back.
“Is it true, that the Y/N is going to our colleague?”
Even the mention of your name was enough for Emma for her smile to grow bigger. The last couple years, you have burst onto scene, claiming every award you’ve been nominated for, and you deserved every one of them. Somehow every movie you’ve been in, it was as if you owned the scene. Some films got big just because of your acting, but you acted in some that were famous even before you got added to the cast.
Emma was entirely and utterly enthralled with you, and it wasn’t even an understatement. When she got word from Jenna, that she had asked you to be a part of Wednesday season two, and you said yes, she nearly fainted.
Jenna, as the co-producer of the new season, had pulled some strings and invited a lot of actors and actresses she has been working with in the past to be a part of Wednesday. Jasmin and you were almost the only ones, who’d been available, and would want to take part in the making of the new season.
Then she realized she needed to answer a question, and quickly nodded.
“Man, she is just simply great!” she said, and then continued her rant about you for five minutes, whilst the only thing Emma could do, was to nod along, whilst leading the woman to the director’s cabin. She couldn’t disagree with anything she said.
“I’ve also heard she might be your love interest…” Jasmin mischievously said, leaning in and grinning at the smaller woman.
“What? Wher- N- No that’s ridiculous” Emma stuttered. “I would neve-“ she got cut of by her companions’ intense laughter. She blinked in confusion, little scared. “What’s so funny?”
“I meant in the show!” Jasmin laughed out.
Emma mentally facepalmed herself, then smacked the other’s shoulder. Then realisation settled in her, as Jasmin’s words sank in. No. It couldn’t be… But that would mean, you. And her. Would have to. The thought made Emma unintentionally smile.
As the two continued their way towards Tim’s base of operations, conversation flew between them easily. Jasmin would not let go of the topic, and would retrial the chatter towards you, whenever Emma would try to change the subject. She had quickly found about Emma’s interest in you and would constantly tease her with it.
They didn’t even realise that they have reached their destination, until a loud shriek came from the trailer. “I would be her what?!”
The two looked at each other, and without a word, got closer as to hear what’s happening inside. Not a lot could be made out, but Emma could hear two people talking inside. She looked over to Jasmin, whose eyes were wide, a huge smile plastered on her face. Seeing her clueless partner, she whispered a quick “Let’s get inside” towards her, and before Emma could do something, dragged her inside.
“Jenna, I just can’t do that!” you said, your distress clearly audible in your voice. You had your back towards the new arrivals, not noticing them. “It’s not like when I did it with you, she is- I’m…” You didn’t finish the sentence, as Jenna signed the arrival of Emma and Jasmin.
“Sorry, to interrupt, but we finished our tour, and Emma here doesn’t really know where my trailer is, so we just came in to ask for help?” Jasmin said with too big of a smile to be telling the truth. Emma knew for a fact she was talking bullshit, as her trailer was one of the first places, she has shown to her. Yet all she could do was blink like fish, as you slowly turned on your heel towards them.
Emma felt like a mouse on the Mars; breathless and small. The Y/N was standing before her, sunglasses in hair, wearing a leather jacket with a white shirt underneath, black denims and combat boots completing your outfit. You were gorgeous, your sparkling eyes and light-brown, shoulder-blade length hair highlighting your face. If she could look away from you, she could have seen her friend throwing a knowing smile at her from across the room, but she couldn’t take her eyes of your perfect features.
“No problem at all” Jenna said reassuringly. “We were just discussing Y/N’s role as Enid’s love interest. Come, I’ll show you to your trailer. It’s so good to see you again! How was your flight?” she asked, like she didn’t just drop a bomb in the room.
You seemed to slightly flinch at her statement. Emma’s heart skipped a beat. Jasmin smiled and put an arm around Jenna, both leaving the room, leaving you and a breathless Emma inside.
After staring at each other for a while, you cleared your throat and greeted her. “Hi” your voice was uncertain, shy even. Not what she expected from you. “I’m- “
“Y/N, yes. Hi, I’m-“
“Emma” you gulped. “Yes. Huge fan here” you gestured at yourself, a weak smile appearing on your lips. Why did they have to be so full and red?
Emma’s heart fluttered at your words. “Really? Me too!” she smiled back. “I mean, of you. Not me, that would be a little egotistical, wouldn’t it? Hilarious even” she laughed to herself. “You’ve been amazing in Dune!”
You finally, genuinely smiled at the mention of the film. “Yeah, that was one of my favourites to shoot. I’ve read the books like a million times before, and when I got asked to play, there was no chance I would turn it down.”
“’He, who controls the spice controls the universe’” Emma quoted, with a deep voice imitating the books. “Shame this line didn’t make it into the movie…”
“Right?!” you exclaimed. “I was protesting for like three weeks for them to add it, but they denied me! It’s one of the most important quotes and they just cut it! I was outraged” you pouted.
Time flew by as you two raved about the movie and the books, but soon the subject changed to other interests of you and her. As it turned out, you played the drums, and were pretty good at it. After nagging you for a bit, you finally caved in and showed her some of the voice recording you made for yourself, and you really impressed her.
“Have you been shown around yet?” Emma asked, little more hopeful than what she wanted to admit to herself. “The majority of the staff is still being hired, so I volunteered to show new actors around.”
“Please, go ahead!” you smiled at her. “The moment I got here, Tim asked for me and Jenna to hold a meeting. Then he left me and her here, and that’s when you jumped us, so no, I haven’t been shown around yet.”
“Did Jenna say what the number of your trailer is?”
“Yes, I’m in number eleven.”
Oh god. “So, you’re the one who stole my number!” Emma exclaimed. “No worries, I’ll forgive you this once. Also, I’m in the trailer next to it, so we’ll be neighbours.” You beamed at her words. Without thinking, she put an arm around your shoulder as she started to lead you out, but the moment she noticed what she had done, the smaller girl retracked her hand. “Sorry! I’m just- “
“No need to apologize” you settled her. “I don’t mind.”
Emma just glared at you for a moment, butterflies erupting in her stomach at your words. Then she realized she was supposed to show you around, and started the tour once again, her hand finding it’s way back to your shoulder.
It took less than a week to hire the staff, and for everyone to arrive at set. During this short duration Emma and you quickly grew closer, a deep friendship blossoming between you two. Daily banter and hanging out instantly became normal, as you two met up every day. Emma made sure to introduce you to everyone on set who arrived.
Not long after, shooting started and just as last time, it was hard. Everyone swiftly realized that these seven months are going to be just as demanding as the last eight, if not even more so. After the first two weeks, Emma already felt exhausted by work, her only consolation being the nights spent together with you. It became regular for you to come over to her place, and discuss what had happened that day, sometimes putting on a movie in the background.
She knew she shouldn’t, but she started falling. Not even lightly, but blindly and deeply stumbling into the pit that you resembled. Your tinkling laugh, making her laugh with you every time, your bright smile filling her world, giving purpose for waking up every day. The softest touch from you made her day, and they weren’t even rare.
Jasmin quickly caught on and started teasing her about it. With Jenna having to attend a lot of managing meetings they couldn’t meet that much, but the curly haired woman quickly filled the space left by her. She became one of Emma’s closest friends, beside you, of course.
As the weeks passed, the whole cast got back to its last year traditions; late night parties, getting drunk as hell, and blaring some music in the background. At first, you were glued to Emma’s side, but as time passed you slowly became comfortable with everyone around set.
“Spin!” everybody chanted, as Jasmin sat her phone back down behind her after she texted her ex that she misses her. “Spin! Spin! Spin!”
Two months into shooting Georgie was the one to hold the weekly party night. Once he has shown everyone around, the enjoyments started. Alcohol was quickly brought forth and everyone eased their minds.
Now you were comfortably sat beside Emma, raising your fist as you chanted with everyone. You were in an oversized black sweater, and shorts. Your eyes sparkled with joy, and you were gleaming with the night’s energy. Emma lowered her voice as she took you in, wanting to burn this memory into her brain. You couldn’t be more beautiful.
The crowd cheered as Jasmin spined the empty vodka bottle. As you did as well, Emma reevaluated her last thought; you were even more beautiful now. The glass clattered slower and slower, and soon, it stopped pointing at…
“Y/N!” Jasmin smiled mischievously, as if she was looking upon her pray. “Truth or dare?”
Emma could feel you stiffen beside her a little, but you quickly composed yourself, and looked back upon her, your eyes taunting her to do her worst. “Truth” you said, chin raised high.
“Is it true, you realised you aren’t straight after your kiss scene with Jenna?” she asked immediately after. Emma felt her heart clench, and her breath catch in her throat. She looked around the room, and saw the brunette blushing, whilst the others either chuckled or woo-d at the question. Wait, you weren’t straight?!
You narrowed your eyes at the other actress, then sighed in defeat. You took a shot before answering, that was laying beside you at the floor. “Yes” you admitted.
“Was it because-“
“One, question, miss” you cut her off, voice low as you grabbed the bottle and spun it. Everybody laughed. Except Emma.
She still couldn’t get over the fact you weren’t straight.
Yet a pesky thought took root in her brain. Did you have a thing for Jenna? You came out right after your movie with her made it into the theatres, and you haven’t dated anyone since. At least not publicly.
After a few rounds, the game came to an end. Everyone was either tired, drunk, or already asleep. There was no way, adequate work could be done the next day.
You and Emma stumbled to your trailer together, talking and laughing. Originally Jasmin and Hunter were also with you but had already made it to their trailer. The departing woman threw Emma a knowing smile and a wink when she left.
Even though your trailers were next to each other, Emma made sure to walk you the rest of the way. She watched you fumbling with your keys and open the door. She gave you a goodbye hug, and turned around to leave, when she felt your hand grab her.
“Nuh-uh! You’re staying here. Too dangerous for you to make it to your own” you said and tugged her inwards.
“Y/N” she laughed but complied to your pull. “Mine’s literally next door!”
“Don’t care.”
So, there she was, at your place not really knowing what to do. Usually by this time, you departed from one-another to make it to your own bed without collapsing on the floor.
“Isn’t it a bit too late for a movie?” she asked, when she saw you preparing popcorn. Oh, how she hated herself for asking this.
“You got somewhere to be?” you asked back jokingly and threw you the remote control. “Just pick something! I’ll be there in a sec.”
She did as she was told. As the movie started, she made herself comfortable at the end of the couch, leaving you space beside her. Yet, the movie didn’t really concern her that much, more the thoughts of you and Jenna. The internet was exploding with shipping you and her after the movie came out, and Emma couldn’t deny the chemistry that seemed between the two of you.
“Penny for your thoughts?” you asked as you slumped down next to Emma on the couch and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. She ignored how this simple act of yours made butterflies erupt in her stomach.
“I-“ she started sheepishly, as a child caught during ice cream robbery. You weren’t helping either, with your cute, unwavering gaze. “Erm. Nothing really” she managed to say. You looked at her for a few more seconds, then turned to face the screen.
After a few minutes, you snuggled yourself into Emma, which made her breath get caught, and the butterflies return. She knew she was blushing too, and thanked the gods silently, that you couldn’t see her face.
“So, what’s up with you and Jasmin?” you asked, nonchalantly.
Emma furrowed her eyes. “What do you mean?”
“Well, you two are very close, and she always makes you laugh…” you sounded unsure and hesitant, which was very new to Emma, coming from you.
“We’re just friends if that’s what you mean” she answered. To your nod, she felt like it was her time to ask, yet she felt like she wouldn’t like the answer. Her heart clenched at the thought. “What about you?” she asked anyway. “Do… you like anyone?”
You fell silent for a moment. Emma started panicking a little, thinking she crossed a line, until you spoke. “I’m just not sure if they like me back…” your voice was weak, and fearful.
Before she got a hold of herself, the next question rolled out. “Is it Jenna?” You stiffened in her hold, and she mentally facepalmed herself. Of course, it was Jenna. Who else would it be? She felt pain in her chest at the thought of you and her together, yet the thought of you being happy, lessened it. Even if only a little. “Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone.”
You sit up so you can look at her, and she already misses the contact. There is something in your eyes she can’t decipher. But then you simply thank her and lean back into her. She feels strange. She feels bad. She knows she has no right for her heart to clench this painfully. Yet it does.
“What’s with you?” Jasmin looked at Emma curiously.
She was playing her part perfectly, and the now blonde-haired woman had to admit; she looked pretty swell in the Nevermore uniform. Emma knew her lines, she had practised them all the night before, yet the words just wouldn’t come to her. She was just as distracted as Enid was in this scene if not even more so, and there was a good reason for it.
You were standing behind cover with Jenna, talking, laughing, and enjoying your time with her. Ever since the night where she figured out who you were crushing over, she had done a lot to help you. She ignored the part of her which violently wanted to stop her from doing so, but it got harder and harder. Her solution in the last couple weeks was to avoid you as much as possible. It got even harder when she would need to do her scenes with you, as shooting got to the part where Lilith and Enid, Lillith being the character you were playing, got closer and closer to one another. It wasn’t long until the kiss scene and Emma was freaking out.
It wasn’t like you didn’t notice her distancing herself from you, but Emma was just too scared to let you close again. She felt like, the moment you confront her, she would combust and confess everything immediately, so she did everything in her power, to avoid it, even if she knew it wouldn’t be possible for long. She got up earlier, to avoid you and even though it pained her more than anything, she cut of the movie nights and talking with you.
Yet now, as she was standing on set and you were off talking and enjoying yourself with Jenna, she couldn’t help but feel her stomach churning in uncomfortable and unpleasurable ways. She felt both guilty and helpless against it.
“Cut” Tim said a little disappointedly. “Emma, as she said” he continued as he pointed at Jasmin. “What’s whit you? You can’t concentrate, and we can’t shoot a goddamn scene with you.” It was true. She had been like this for almost three to four days now, but only became apparent now, as shooting got to the parts where she was in the main picture.
“Sorry, I’m just really over my head with a few things.”
“Take the day off” he said with a wave of his hand.
“No- But- I can do it, I promise!”
“It’s not that you can’t, it’s that I don’t want you to. You clearly need to sort things out.”
“But-” Emma started protesting, but Tim cut her off.
“Just go!”
Emma sighed in defeat and slumped out the scene. Now she had to deal with her thoughts about you. Great. Just great.
As Emma was walking out, she saw a glimpse of you and immediately changed her direction. She chose the back door exit instead and lengthened her steps. She felt you behind her, but before you could catch up to her, she was out.
Emma stayed in her trailer all day. She felt helpless against being this distracted, helpless against what you made her feel. She felt her heart clench every time you popped in her mind, which was almost constantly. The now familiar feeling of her stomach churning returned, and accompanied her all day, making her even more miserable.
Her absence didn’t go unnoticed. Jasmin, Hunter, Johnna, and Naomi all went to check up on her, but she sent them all away. She couldn’t deal with company right now. She didn’t want to break down before them which she felt impossibly close to.
Then sheknocked. “Hey, Emma” Jenna’s soft voice could be heard from the door. “Please let me in! I just want to talk.”
Emma’s heart clenched even more if that was possible. She hadn’t been nice with Jenna. Not that she was rude, but she avoided her even more than you. She loved Jenna, she really did, but the last couple weeks Emma wished she would just disappear. She knew she had no right to do so. She didn’t want to do so. Yet she did.
“Has someone done something wrong?” the brunette continued. Emma wanted to hug her so badly, tell her no, but she stopped herself. Why did she stop herself? “You’ve been distancing yourself from us and we miss you! I miss you…” her voice was now sorrowful. It broke Emma’s heart. “Have I done something? If-“
The older woman abruptly opened the door and pulled the startled woman into a hug. “No” she spoke, sounding a little scratchy. “It’s not you. It’s me.” Emma felt Jenna returning the hug.
“What’s with you?” the smaller woman asked softly as she stepped one step back.
“It’s-“ she started but forgot what she wanted to say the moment she saw someone behind Jenna. The moment she saw you. “Y/N” she breathed out unconsciously.
Jenna raised a brow. “Y/N?” she asked confused but wearing a smug smile. When she noticed Emma wasn’t paying attention to her anymore, she turned around and her smile grew even larger. “Oh, I see. Well, I’m going to leave you two some space, but don’t think you got out of explaining yourself Myers” she said jokingly and patted her friend’s shoulder. Before walking off, she threw a last smile towards the older actress, and whispered; “Go get her.”
Emma blinked in confusion a few times at the departing Jenna, but as you got closer she shifted her attention towards you. Suddenly, she became hyper aware of her surroundings; of how chilly the air was, how the gathering dark veil clouded the sky. Of how gorgeous you were.
She just stood there, rooted to the ground, speechless and gaping as you quickly got closer. Her back was against her trailer door, and the thought of reaching for the doorknob crossed her mind, but she was frozen in place.
“Emma” you said quietly, as if not believing the word that left your mouth.
“Y/N” Emma said again in a similar tone.
“I-“ you started shy, and unsure. “I wanted to apologize.”
Emma couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “For what?”
“For being too much, for dumping all my mental problems on you, for…” and you just started ranting about all that you’ve done while pacing up and down before her. Emma disagreed with all your statements. You were never too much, your problems never bothered her. She was sure the rest was nonsense as well, but she couldn’t comprehend the words coming out of you. It got all faint as she took in your presence again, felt your smell again could hear your voice again. You were perfect. How could she have done what she had done? It all seemed so pointless, so stupid. How could she be so stupid?
She mindlessly grabbed your arm and stopped you in your tracks. You immediately shut up and looked at her, eyes full of hope and curiosity. Emma opened her mouth, then shut it. No words seemed good enough, worthy enough of you. As she was searching for words, her eyes locked with yours, and her breath caught in her throat. She felt she could spend all her life looking into the depths of them. She wouldn’t mind getting lost in them for all eternity if it would mean you were close to her.
“I’m falling for you.” There it was. She broke. When she recognized what she’d done, it was already too late. She said it out loud. Then she realised how close you were, your face only inches away from hers. “You have nothing to apologize for. I was the fool, I-“
Your lips shut her up. They were so soft, so perfect. More than what she could ever dream for. They tasted like cherry, a taste she could feel herself become addicted to. Her hands drew you closer, pressing your body against hers. The world seemed to disappear between the two of you as you lost yourselves in one-another. Nothing mattered. Just you, moving against her, movements fully synchronized.
“I’m falling for you too” you said and chuckled once you needed to come up for air. Your foreheads were pressed against each other, her hands caressing your cheek. “Damn it! I should have confessed before you.”
“Just shut up and kiss me again” Emma breathed out chuckling as well.
The kiss was interrupted by Jasmin’s voice from next to you. “If you lovebirds are done peppering, we have a smaller party today!” she said.
“Jesus don’t do that ever again!” Emma exclaimed. “You’re the worst.”
“You love me for it!” she grinned deviously. “Now chop-chop! Oh, I will also need the two of you to do that again before everyone.”
“Why’s that?” you asked.
“Well, my dear lovely future wife-of-my-bestie, I have to prove somehow, that half the cast owes me money, don’t I?”
“You betted on us?”
“Since dawn of time! Gawd, if I don’t send Y/N after Jenna, I would have slipped out of the time zone!” she then turned around and proceeded towards today’s party location. “I can’t believe I almost lost money because these two blind doves couldn’t find each other. Man, it sure as hell took them long…” her rant went on, but she fortunately got out of hearing distance.
You chuckled in Emma’s arms and pressed a kiss to her lips. “Should we help a fellow friend out?”
“I’m thinking we should let her lose.”
“You think you can stop yourself from kissing me every five minutes from now on?” you asked grinning.
Even though she knew you knew the answer, she replied. “No.”
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caitlynskitten · 1 year
Celeb crushes?
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Because of course 😭 They’re all so pretty and beautiful and my heart explodesssss
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buddiebeginz · 2 years
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A Different World Cast Jet Magazine 1993
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cheeto-pocket · 2 years
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skylarsblue · 7 months
Slasher Womens
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(Mask Ver. Of Vincent & Bubba)
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I'm gay for my own version of Fem!Myers holy shit. Anyway, names, even though I've made them before.
Michael: Micha (Mm-eye-k-Uh) Vincent: Viola Bo: Bonnie-Ann (Just call her Bo) Lester: Leslie Bubba/Jedidiah: Jedah/Bubs Thomas: Thalia (said with a hard T sound instead of a 'th') Daniel: Danielle (this was pretty obvious) Brahms: Bernadette (im so sorry for this pun) Jason: Jasmine Billy Lenz: Billa (it's french so, canada. also Billie is reserved for Billy Loomis)
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pseudowho · 16 days
It’s midnight, I had chocolate and now I’ve got the zoomies. So i thought of subjecting you to the slew of questions in my mind—
1) First impressions— What was your first impression about Mr.Haitch. Like the first ever thought you had after your first interaction. Also your first impressions about some of your close moots here on tumblr. (For sillies could you also do me lol—I know we’re not moots or close for that matter but I’m curious abt the vibe I give off)
2) did you already have a tumblr account and like used it for reading before you started writing here? Or did you make a tumblr specifically for your writing? (What was your initial feeling when you saw people engaging with your stuff and liking it?)
3) if you were cursed to be a protagonist for the rest of your life, and to live it over and over, which genre would you want it to be?
4) We have all unanimously agreed that Mr. Haitch resembles Nanami (sorry Mr.Haitch) Now which Disney prince/ princess do you think comes close to his personality?
In my opinion, I feel that you are a combination of Jasmine/Rapunzel
That’s all—
Thank you in advance for entertaining my questions like always. I hope you have a wonderful day💖
Much love xx
Oh heeeey!!
Mr.Haitch-- mean, clever, quick, and I loved it. Other moots like @delirious-donna (dry, funny, sweet, drinking buddy vibes, unafraid of being dorky and owning it beautifully), and @musubi-sama (the "Kermit drinking tea" gif, dirty, vitriolic, kind), and @marikuchanxo (stronger than she gives herself credit for, adorkable, deserves the world), and @starsinmylatte (feral behind a cutesy mask, wicked, witchy). And @flaneur001 (eager to learn, keen to fight the wrongs in the world but not confident enough to put yourself in the firing line yet).
I made a Tumblr account nearly 11 years ago, but literally never used it! I managed to somehow remember my username and login, etc, and found my old Pseudowho account. Read fics on here from about August 2023 I think, before starting to write in October 2024. So I never started it with the intention of writing, no. I was amazed and am still amazed that I'm engaged with at all, and I feel profoundly privileged, so thank you. I've always been a social chameleon, so find interaction easy from person to person.
It would have to be romance wouldn't it? Horror isn't great because yikes, though I think I would end up becoming the villain in it, PFFFT, come after me Michael Myers.
Milo Thatch, from Atlantis. I'm more Merida and Moana, or Judy Hopps. Mr.Haitch says Esmeralda.
Love love love,
-- Haitch xxx
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boobsperv01 · 1 year
my fav pornstars (in no particular order)
alexis fawx
shyla stylez
kendra lust
jasmine jae
rachel starr
maserati xxx
priya rai
holly halston
danielle derek
bridgette b
richelle ryan
canela skin
romi rain
sienna west
jayden james
brandy talore
riley reid
jewels jade
jada stevens
karma rx
bella bellz
diamond jackson
moriah mills
ryan conner
ava addams
lisa ann
eliza ibarra
august taylor
kianna dior
alura jenson
nikki benz
amy anderssen
mia malkova
eva notty
sensual jane
daphne rosen
rose monroe
alia janine
abella danger
gianna dior
blondie fesser
sara retali
victoria june
violet myers
sybil stallone
summer brielle
katie kox
alanah rae
lela star
melissa moore
alyssa lynn
autumn falls
valerie kay
diamond kitty
jynx maze
summer sinn
giselle marie
remy lacroix
reena sky
daniela hansson
ava devine
carmella bing
ava koxxx
amber alena
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Katarina rina
Stella cardo
Zazie skymm
Connie carter
Lena Reif
Chole Taylor
Terry Rubens
Marica Chanelle
River Fox
Ruby temptations
Sophia Traxler
Alice wayne
Julia Boin
Haley Cummings
Michele james
Octavia red
Mila Azul
Kira queen
Hazel moore
Kimberly Simon
Tina Ray
Nene Tanaka
Nikky Dream
Jazlyn ray
Jessica Robbin
Alexa black
Angel princess
Alyx star
Nala brooks
Simon kitty
Stella fox
Zhang yunxi
Lady lyne
Riley reign
Giselle palmer
Kylie page
Violet Myers
Jazlyn Ray
Rae Lil black
Blair Williams
Aria Taylor
Michele james
Lola sin
Blair Williams
Emily Addison
Brandy renee
Hailey Rose
The gorillagripy
Myla angel
Emily Right
Lauren Philips
Shae summers
Molly jane
Taylee wood
Roxxie sinner
Serena salgot
Jessica starling
Keisha grey
Bella Breeze and
Ariana shine
Lola bredly
Skye blue
Jennifer gold
Faye Reagan
Sensual jane
Anna Blaze
Moerelline moore
Miu Arioka
Honoka Tsujii
Rara Anzai
Maria Nagai
Harmony heart
Laura Dickens(sheril blossom)
Lauren pixie
Ava sinclaire
Ava black
Jasmine wilde
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slasherhoe87 · 2 years
What Cologne I think the Slashers Would Wear:
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Fcuk Friction by French Connection
"Fcuk Friction is an attention-getting fragrance for men. Let it tickle your senses with a musky ensemble of fruit, lavender, coconut and geranium notes. This well-balanced fragrance has a spicy finish and is perfect for everyday use. It is an excellent choice for the man who wants a magnetic fragrance that is appropriate to wear to work or a date. Make this warm, fruity and aquatic fragrance your new signature scent"
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Minotaure by Paloma Picasso
"Mysterious and virile, Minotaure for men embodies the symbolism and spirit of a mythological creature. Its bold Oriental composition features tart bergamot citrus in juxtaposition with savory spice notes of coriander and tarragon. Wear this intriguing masculine scent to stamp yourself as a rugged individual possessing an uncompromising free spirit"
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Obsession Night by Calvin Klein
"Anticipation builds when evening approaches and Obsession Night casts its seductive spell. The alluring oriental elixir blends crisp pear, sweet vanilla and incense-like patchouli with spicy accents of cardamom and nutmeg"
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Bonus cologne because Michael is my one true love:
Halloween Man by Jesus Del Pozo
"Wrap yourself in mystery with Halloween Man. Its intriguing contemporary formula for men combines tart mandarin and the crisp note of apple martini with ginger spice and pungent violet leaf. A fine example of aromatic alchemy, the unique masculine fragrance conveys a free-spirited attitude along with dark allure. Dare to show your devil-may-care spirit with Halloween Man"
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Toy Boy by Moschino
"Liberate yourself and feel wild and free every time you walk out the door wearing Moschino Toy Boy, a playful men's fragrance. This tempting cologne blends spicy, floral, fruity and woody accords for a well-rounded, exhilarating scent that's sure to leave you feeling confident as you glide through the night in style. Top notes of Indonesian nutmeg, elemi resin, green pear, pink pepper and Italian bergamot immediately set the tone with their bold, bright intensity, only to be smoothly calmed by middle notes of flax flower, clove bud, magnolia and rose absolute. This tantalizing bouquet is further enhanced by base notes of sylkolide (musk), amber, cashmeran, Haitian vetiver and sandalwood for a warm, seductive comedown that saturates the air with its luscious charm"
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Old Spice
"Top notes are Nutmeg, Star Anise, Aldehydes, Orange and Lemon; middle notes are Cinnamon, Carnation, Pimento, Geranium, Heliotrope and Jasmine; base notes are Benzoin, Vanilla, Musk, Tonka Bean, Cedar and Ambergris"
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Hunter by Armaf
"The top opens with a refreshing burst of citrus notes, coming in strong and zesty with a combination of grapefruit, bergamot, lemon and mandarin. The heart settles into floral accords, the romantic aroma of lavender, geranium, tuberose and ylang-ylang spiced by fragrant hints of cardamom and black pepper. The cologne finishes on a warm, aromatic base, featuring the alluring aroma of cedar, labdanum, musk, patchouli and vetiver"
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Close Up by Olfactive Studio
"This fragrance almost defies categorization. It's a little tobacco, a little Oriental, a little gourmand, and everything you want a perfume to be. It opens warm and sweet with top notes of Santos green coffee, Griotte cherry, and fresh spices. The heart notes are complex and mysterious with white tobacco, California rose, Atlas cedar, and patchouli. Base notes of amber, tonka bean, and musk shine through in the dry down for an earthy finish to this alluring scent"
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Craftsman by Tabac Original
"Sharp and confident yet charmingly balanced, Tabac Original Craftsman is a spicy-citrus cologne enhanced by accords of aromatic herbs, clean florals and spice. The opening refreshes and invigorates with a bright blend of tart-sweet grapefruit, bergamot and piquant black pepper. Crisply herbal florals of lavender and peppery geranium merge with almond nuances of tonka bean at the heart. A smooth, enveloping base of vetiver, patchouli and supple leather leaves a clean masculine trail that’s perfect for casual wear"
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Brut by Faberge
"This manly mix features woody and balsamic accords accented by aromatic and sweet notes for an exhilarating yet simple aroma that enhances your image"
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Psychedelic Love by Initio
"Fall under the dizzying rush of Initio Psychedelic Love, a powerfully seductive essence that can leave you in an emotional trance. This decadent elixir blends floral, citrus and exotic accords for a deeply bright and satisfying scent that has the power to ensnare that special someone from across the room. Top notes of sparkling bergamot and sweet ylang-ylang work together to form a radiant energy. Following this is a provocative heart of hedione, heliotrope and Bulgarian rose, which walks a fine line between playful romance and immense passion. Completing the alluring perfume are spicy and sensual elements of myrrh and sandalwood, creating a mystifying foundation that intrigues and attracts with ease"
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Mickey Mouse by Disney
"Mickey Mouse is classified as a refreshing, fruity fragrance. This masculine scent possesses a blend of citrus, lemon and lime"
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Thallium Black by Yves De Sistelle
"Thallium Black is an enticing men's fragrance that is both sensual and gentle to attract plenty of attention. Fruity notes of apple are warm and welcoming, while cardamom is spicy and aromatic. The scent of bergamot adds a fresh citrus quality to the fragrance, plum notes contribute sweet and fruity tones, and nutmeg infuses a warm spiciness to the scent"
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Realm by Erox
"Transcend the veil of the mundane, and enter into a realm of otherworldly sensuality with Realm. This seductive scent for men sets itself apart with its bright notes of orange and ginger, offset by the deeper and more mysterious notes of lavender, patchouli and juniper"
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CK In 2U by Calvin Klein
"A fragrance for men that consists of perfume notes of lime, gin fizz, grapefruit leaves, frosted tangelo, pimento, shiso, cocoa base, vetiver, white cedar and musk to form a well balanced cologne"
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godzilla-reads · 7 months
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Happy Last 🐸 Day of February 🥳
This month I read 17 books, bringing my yearly total to 31 books so far! My Top 3 Books were hard to choose because I had so many 5-star reads this month, but I did indeed choose three which are starred below in the official list:
⭐️ Earth Keeper: Reflections on the American Land by N. Scott Momaday
🎨 The Art of Faery by David Riché
🧧 Lunar New Year Love Story by Gene Luen Yang and LeUyen Pham
🧡 Blood Orange by Yaffa As
🔭 Saga Vol. 1 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples
🍄 The Mushroom Garden by Adam Oehlers
⭐️ Dealing With Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede
🍃 Leaf Litter by Jarod K. Anderson
🏔️ Think Like a Mountain by Aldo Leopold
⭐️ What Feasts at Night by T. Kingfisher
🌏 All Art is Ecological by Timothy Morton
🎲 The Last Session Vol. 1: Roll for Initiative by Jasmine Walls, Dozerdraws, and Micha Myers
🧚 The Door in the Hedge by Robin McKinley
🐸 Thornhedge by T. Kingfisher
💤 The Gargoyle by Garry Kilworth and Dan Williams
☀️ Little Witch Hazel: A Year in the Forest by Phoebe Wahl
💟 The Death of Sitting Bear: New and Selected Poems by N. Scott Momaday
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rededgeevents · 26 days
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Welcome Aboard Red Edge Residents! We're excited to have you with us. Below the cut you'll find your room assignments. SURPRISE! Everyone gets their own room!
Each room has a living room, and a hot tub on the balcony.
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Deck 12
Cyrus Thompson - Room 1204
Kyle Hale - Room 1210
Donald Keller - Room 1212
Marisol Monroe - Room 1218
Lana & Noah Rodgers - Room 1220
Teddy Winston - Room 1222
Tyler Dupont - Room 1224
Thea Murphy - Room 1226
Damon Henderson - Room 1228
Emmett Hills - Room 1230
Melody Hastings - Room 1232
Juliette Maddox - Room 1234
Beau Williams - Room 1250
Flynn Gilbert - Room 1252
Leighton Whitlock - Room 1264
Jeremy Fellows - Room 1268
Max Turner - Room 1278
Luke Myers - Room 1280
Maverick Anderson - Room 1286
Elliot Booker - Room 1288
Klaus Richards - Room 1290
Lucas Roden - Room 1294
Anastasia Hill - Room 1298
Deck 13
Bonnie Brooks - Room 1308
Jax King - Room 1310
Katerina Lopez - Room 1318
Alejandro Fuentes - Room 1328
Silas Rivers - Room 1330
Calliope Adams - Room 1332
Jayce King - Room 1334
Rosalie Collins - Room 1342
Marc Hall - Room 1344
Declan Mitchell - Room 1348
Atlas Quinn - Room 1340
Shane Nichols - Room 1356
Valentina Lopez - Room 1360
Paris Astor - Room 1366
Eric Rose - Room 1368
Nicole Balliol - Room 1370
Pogue O'Connor - Room 1372
Lucia Rossi - Room 1376
Serena Bennett - Room 1380
Isabella Santos - Room 1384
Emma Eklund - Room 1386
Brooke Barlow - Room 1390
Jasmine Harris - Room 1392
Deck 14
Ocean Simmons - Room 1406
Petra Cromwell - Room 1408
Elena Dawson - Room 1418
Ivy Fitzgerald - Room 1420
Aurora Thomson & Chase Knight - Room 1422
Elijah Cavannaugh - Room 1432
Sienna Johnson - Room 1434
Kinsley Argent - Room 1438
Killian Quinn - Room 1442
Kennedy Simpson - Room 1444
Caleb Peace - Room 1446
Mila-Jae Monroe - Room 1448
Austin Barnes - Room 1452
Mariana Florez - Room 1454
Lydia Brown - Room 1460
Tanner Sommers - Room 1462
Autumn Hawthorne - Room 1464
Alexa White & Wyatt Baker - Room 1466
Kiara Langford - Room 1468
Illiana Fuentes - Room 1470
Brittany Miller - Room 1472
Paco Florez - Room 1480
Emersyn Michaels - Room 1482
TJ Cohen - Room 1484
Devin Carter - Room 1486
Kirby Sinclair - Room 1488
Freya Smith - Room 1490
Sloane Ross - Room 1492
Logan Slater - Room 1494
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lookalikeds · 5 months
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      estrella   soto   is   a   twenty   five  year-old   figure   skater   in   new   york,   u.s.a.   they   were   brought   under   richard’s   care   when   they   were   only   five   years   old.   they   are   known   as   the   lookalike   because   they   are   lithesome   but   also   disillusioned.
𓂅 *  ⋆  BASICS   .
FULL   NAME.     estrella   luciana   soto. MEANING.     spanish  ,   “  star.  ” NICKNAMES.     ella  ,   ellie  ,   este  ,   ells  ,   she   accepts   any   and   all   variations. AGE.     twenty   five. BIRTHDATE.     seventh   of   march   in   the   year   nineteen   eighty. PLACE   OF   BIRTH.     tuscon  ,   arizona.  WESTERN   ZODIAC.     pisces. GENDER   IDENTITY.     cis   woman  ,   she   &   her. ORIENTATION.     demisexual   ,   biromantic. NATIONALITY.     american. SPOKEN   LANGUAGES.     english   and   spanish. OCCUPATION.     professional   figure   skater. CURRENT   RESIDENCE.     an   apartment   in   greenwich   village  ,   nyc   that   she   shares   with   her   occasional   skate   partner   turned   roommate   turned   situationship  ,   brando(n).
𓂅 *  ⋆  PHYSICAL   .
HEIGHT.     five   foot  ,   one   inch. BUILD.     petite  ,   fit  ,   lithe   -   particularly   on   an   ice   rink. FACE   CLAIM.     jenna   ortega. HAIR.     dark   brown  ,    an   almost   black   that   reaches   below   her   shoulders   with   curtain   bangs   to   frame   her   face.   generally   worn   in   loose   curls  and   half   up  ,   half   down   styles   that   can   be   easily   pinned   up   for   skating. EYES.     big  ,   round   and   warm   brown…   in   a   word  ,   doe-like. NOTABLE   FEATURES.     aforementioned   doe-eyes  ,   various   scrapes   and   bruises   from   missteps   on   the   ice  ,   long   lashes   and   a   dark   scattering   of   freckles   across   her   nose   and   cheeks. SCENT.     wild   strawberry  ,   pink   jasmine  ,   patchouli   and   amber  ,   reminiscent   of   miss   dior   cherie. TATTOOS.     a   little   butterfly   on   her   left   shoulder   blade. PIERCINGS.     two   lobe   piercings   on   each   ear   in   addition   to   an   orbital   on   her   right. DOMINANT   HAND.     ambidextrous   but   favours   her   right.
𓂅 *  ⋆  PSYCHE   .
MYERS   -   BRIGGS.     enfj-t  ,   the   protagonist. MORAL   ALIGNMENT.     neutral   good. TRAITS.   balletic  ,   disillusioned  ,   driven  ,   guarded  ,   haunted  ,   independent  ,   keen  ,   resilient  ,   rueful  ,   tender. QUIRKS.     remarkably   flexible  ,   she   bites   her   lip   in   thought  ,   toys   with   jewellery   when   uncomfortable  ,   never   fails   to   keep   a   neat   manicure   and   rests   in   stances   one   might   recognise   to   be   ballet   positions. VICES.     a   true   workaholic  ,   she   maintains   a   very   healthy   lifestyle   but   does   occasionally   drink   and   smoke   socially.
𓂅 *  ⋆  INTERESTS   &   HOBBIES   .
INTERESTS.     choreography   and   dance  ,   theatre   of   every   variety   -   lincoln   centre   is   a   favourite   of   hers   for   their   opera   &   ballet   seasons  ,   classical   music   and   most   recently  ,   the   cold   case   of   winifred   woodrow. HOBBIES.      fitness  ,   theatregoing  ,   cabaret   club   nights   and   uploading   free   dance   skating   routines   onto   (   a   newly   launched   )   youtube   -   brando   choreographs   and   then   they   perform   them together for funsies.  SPECIAL   SKILLS. an  accomplished   dancer   who   still   practises   ballet   to   this   day  ,   remarkably   high   endurance  and  muscle  memory  due   to   her   training   and   profession  ,   uncanny   ability   to   internalise   her   feelings.
𓂅 *  ⋆  BECOMING   A   WARD   .
tw   :   teenage  pregnancy,   child   abandonment   and   implied   endangerment.
it  became  a  regional  news  story.   statewide,   people  seemingly  fascinated  by  how  any  parent  could  dream  of  abandoning  their  child,   let  alone  in  such  a  callous  fashion. 
estrella  had  only  recently  turned  five  when  her  not-much-older-than-teenage  parents  dropped  her  off  at  kindergarten  one  morning  only  to  fail  in  picking  her  up  again  later  that  day.   try  as  teachers  and  later,   police  sergeants  might,   there  was  no  getting  ahold  of  them.   with  little  known  and  much  speculated,   many  would  soon  arrive  at  the  conclusion  that  the  young  couple  had  fled  the  country  to  start  anew,   leaving  behind  the  small  daughter  they’d  come to  look  upon  as  an  unwanted  burden.
one  such  person,   who  took  immense  pity  on  the  girl,   was  a  connection  richard  held  at  the  newly-launched  CNN.   an  attentive  news  reporter  by  the  name  of  julian  esparza  was  keenly  aware  of  the  philanthropist’s  efforts  to  offer  up  his  home  to  young  individuals  in  need  of  safety  and  stability  and  recommended  richard  meet  with  little  estrella  as  soon  as  he  could.   whatever  it  was  that  richard  saw  in  the  five  year  old  girl  that  day  (  likely  the  spirit  and  semblance  of  his  long  lost  daughter  )  caused  the  man’s  heart  to  bleed  and  within  a  week  the  paperwork  had  been  signed  and  estrella  was  on  the  way  to  her  new  home.
𓂅 *  ⋆  LIFE   AS   A   WARD   .
being  not  only  one  of  the  earliest  wards  to  arrive  but  also  the  very  youngest  of  them  all,   estrella’s  status  as  baby  sister  of  the  house  never  really  strayed  from  the  stereotypes.   spoiled  and  resilient,   she  was  a  paradox  amongst  the  wards  in  how  she  seemed  to  possess  the  least  agency  but  carry  the  highest  status.
it’s  a  unique  sense  of  imposter  syndrome,   she  summises   —   bearing  the  unfathomable  weight  of  another’s  lost  girlhood.   cursed  princess  with  her  whole  life  ahead  of  her,   she  was  a  little  girl  walking  so  unknowingly  into  the  tall  shadow  of  the  daughter  who’d  come  before.   from  the  very  beginning,   richard  had  never  been  particularly  shy  in  how  he  doted  on  young  estrella.   freely  showering  her  in  the  paternal  affection  the  past  had  robbed  them  both  of  and  to  a  little  girl  who’d  been  abandoned  by  her  own  parents,  being  made  to  feel  so  wanted  was  all  she  could  have  dreamt  of. he  was  her  father  in  all  but  name.
outwardly,   she  was  a precocious  and  spirited  young  girl,   all  pink  cheeks  and  toothy  grins,   perpetually  in  awe  of  those  she  shared  a  home  with,   their  varied  and  abundant  talents  drawing  her  wide-eyed  wonder.   until  she  took to  the  ice  for  the  first  time,   you’d   see  her  following  fellow  wards  around,   hoping  to  catch  a  glimpse  of  whatever  it  was  they  were  up  to  before  being  told  she  was  too  young  or  too  small  and  relegated  to  sitting  on  the  sidelines.   it  was  a  pattern  of  behaviour  that,   although  adapted,   would  follow  her  until  she  left  woodrow.
for  try  as  she  might,   amidst  the  attention  from  richard  she  so  enjoyed,   the  wards  did  not  warm  to  estrella  the  way  she  hoped  they  would.   their  caretaker’s  favouritism  for  the  surrogate  daughter  he’d  found  in  estrella  had  planted  the  seed  of  resentment  and  in  turn,   stifled  and  isolated  her  entirely.   it  was  in  this  eventual  seclusion  that  she  learnt  the  value  of  independence  and  began  throwing  herself  into  skating  completely,   suddenly  glad  for  the  chance  to  thrive  all  on  her  own  the  way  she’d  watched  the  other  wards  do.
she  grew  reticent,   internalising  all  she  felt  for  the  sake  of  whatever  semblance  of  a  family  she  still  wanted  to  cling  to.   the  same  would  eventually  be  said  of  the  response  estrella  had  to  an  equally  crushing  realisation…   that  she’d  never  quite  compare  to  a  dead  girl.
the  rosy  retrospection  of  childhood  had  begun  to  fade.   estrella  can’t  ever  pinpoint  a  specific  moment  in  which  things  changed  for  them  but  gradually,   over  time,   when  she  would  come  to  meet  richard’s  eye…   her  heart  sank.  in  the  midst  of  reminiscing,   she  could  feel  he  wasn’t  looking  back  at  her  at  all  but  rather  at  winifred…   or  whatever  semblance  of  his  daughter  he’d  long  been  projecting  onto  estrella.   it  was  an  all  too  painful  revelation,   one  that  haunted  her  from  that  point  on.
more  than  anything,  estrella  wanted  to  escape  her  own  skin.   flee  from  any  part  of  herself  tied  to  the  woodrow  daughter  who  had  so  mysteriously  disappeared  that  bleak  midwinter  night.   this  striking  resemblance  that  had  changed  her  life  and  been  the  cause  of  all  her  woe.   had  anyone  accepted  her  for  who  she  truly  was?
despite  the  fierce  independence  she’d  adopted,   estrella  still  found  herself  clinging  to  the  father  she’d  once  known  him  to  be.   looking  on  in  rumination,   she’d  wonder  (  at  length  )   if  his  love  for  her  was  at  all  genuine…    never  once  risking  the  inevitable  confrontation  out  of  fear  for  the  loss  that  would  follow.   instead,   keeping  it  bottled  up  once  again.   distancing  herself  little  by  little  until  she  was  out  and  away  in  the  world  —  determined  to  be  known  as  more  than  ‘the  substitute  daughter’,  ‘the  favourite’  or  ‘the  lookalike.’   her  own  person,   at  last.
although  she  was  never  too  far  away…   and  when  richard  called,   she  could  do  nothing  else  but  gladly  answer.
𓂅 *  ⋆  AESTHETIC   .
distinctly  feminine,   very  gabriella  from  high  school  musical  core  with  her  wrap  cardigans  and  ballet  flats.   though  as  an  athlete,   she’s  an  athleisure  girly  through  and  through.   leotards,   leggings,   matching  sets.   day-to-day,   she  really  favours  layers  that  she  can  easily  take  off  and  put  back  on  during  training.   the  odd  tracksuit  here  and  there.   even  if  it’s  warm  outside,   you’d  usually  see  her  with  a  puffer  jacket  on  hand  because  the  rink  is  so  cold. on  more  formal  occasions,   she  opts  for  mini  dresses  and  heels  to  help  give  the  illusion  she’s  taller  (  weeps  in  5’1”  )  and  accessorizes  with  a  sweet  bow  or  two  in  her  hair. 
you’ll  always  see  her  wearing  her  charm  bracelet  however.   it  was  a  present  from  richard  when  estrella  first  joined  her  skate  club  and  each  time  she’d  compete,   he’d  add  a  charm.   they’re  all  stars,   in  honour  of  her  name.
𓂅 *  ⋆  EDUCATION   .
estrella  was  homeschooled  throughout  all  her  time  at  woodrow.   as  figure  skating  became  more  and  more  of  a  serious  pursuit,   it  seemed  easier  to  contain  her  schooling  to  the  house.   less  distractions  that  way.   her  coach  was  certainly  in  favour  of  it.   perhaps  it  was  the  people  pleaser  in  her,   the  ‘perfect  daughter’  of  it  all  but  she  also  maintained  straight  a’s  too.   it  came  as  no  surprise  when  she  applied  to  richard’s  alma  mater  of  kingsbury  college  and  got  in  on  a  skating  scholarship.   the  real  twist  being  that  she  soon  deferred  in  order  to  commit  to  her  sport  full  time  and  has  yet  to  return  to  kingsbury  to  finish  said  degree.
figure  skating,   also  known  as  her  entire  world.   estrella  had  been  a  baby  ballerina  prior  to  being  taken  into  richard’s  care  and  he  quickly  accommodated  for  that  love  of  hers  with  a  continuation  in  lessons.   however  by  the  second  winter  she  spent  at  woodrow  house,   he  was  soon  introducing  her  to  the  frozen  pond  on  the  grounds  and  she  took  to  skating  it  like  a  duck  to  water.   
other pursuits include literature,   musical  theatre  and  classical  music.   their  occasional  outings  as  a  ‘family’  to  see  operas  and  ballets  very  much  inspired  her.
𓂅 *  ⋆  THEIR   LIFE   NOW   .
estrella  only  left  woodrow  house  three  years  ago  and  even  then,   living  in-state  meant  she  was  still  a  fairly  regular  visitor.   she’d  moved  into  the  city  in  order  to  be  closer  to  her  skating  club,   other  rinks  she  frequented  and  transport  for  national  and  international  competitions.   being  only  a  three  hour  drive  away  however,   meant  most  national  holidays  were  spent  there  at  richard’s  side,  the  odd  special  occasion  and  long  weekend  too.
in  nyc,   she  shares  a  modest  apartment  with  brandon,   better  known  as  brando.   they  used  to  skate  together  at  the  same  club  before  he  recently  retired  to  pursue  choreography  at  a  nearby  dance  studio.   there’s  always  been  lingering  romantic  tension  there  but  most  of  all,   he’s  her  biggest  cheerleader  and  a  helpful  objective  party  regarding  all  things  woodrow.
all  the  while,   estrella’s  been  forging  her  own  destiny.   she’s  been  competing  internationally  at  the  top  of  her  discipline  for  years  at  this  point.   (  a  writing  guide  on  figure  skaters  advised  not  to  go  into  specifics  about  competitions  bc  it’s  a  lot  so,   i  won’t  but  let’s  just  say  she’s  a  pretty  decorated  athlete  and   represented  team  usa  at  the  2002  winter  olympics  in  salt  lake  city  and  was  in  the  midst  of  training  for  the  2006  games  before  richard’s  death.  )   what  she  loves  most  of  all  though  is  getting  to  step  out  as  herself.   on  the  ice,   the  only  narrative  being  spun  is  the  one  she  creates.   it’s  a  level  of  control  she  enjoys  (  and  dreads  giving  up  upon  her  return  to  woodrow  house.  )   whilst  she  came  to  woodrow  house  seeking  a  family,   she  left  seeking  visibility  and  acceptance  and  in  skating,   estrella  truly  found  that.
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notebooks-and-laptops · 6 months
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acesincomics · 2 years
Ace Characters in Comics: Shen
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Shen, a main character of the comic book series The Last Session, is aromantic and asexual.
The Last Session (2021-2022) is a DnD adventure comic about friends learning to cope with all the changes that come from growing up, created by Jasmine Walls @mythjae-blog, Dozerdraws @littledozerdraws, Micah Myers, and published by Mad Cave Studios @madcavestudios.
The Last Session was nominated for YALSA's 2023 Great Graphic Novels for Teens and was named one of NYPL's 2022 Best Books for Teens.
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ROLL FOR INITIATIVE Jay, Lana, Drew, Walter, and Shen began playing Dice & Deathtraps in high school. Now dealing with college and all the twists and turns of their lives, their weekly game has been a wonderful constant. But, as college graduation looms and it feels like their lives are all moving down very different paths, Lana’s thrilled to finally finally complete the party’s unfinished original campaign. But when Jay’s partner Cassandra joins the game, Lana refuses to let her inexperience ruin the best part of her week! But in the end, that may be Lana and the party’s undoing…
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Read The Last Session: Mad Cave Studios | Amazon | Drivethru | Global Comix | Bookshop | IndieBound [Available from Libby and Hoopla]
Created by
Jasmine Walls: Website | Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr | Ko-fi
Dozerdraws: Website | Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr | Patreon | Ko-fi
Micah Myers: Website | Twitter | Instagram | Shop
[More ace characters in comics]
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