#jason scott fanfiction
bravo4iscool · 9 months
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there‘s too little trent in this world, so take this🕺
i hope you like this lol.
reader is clay‘s little sister and her nickname is „missy“, it‘s no indication of her name tho :)
word count: 5k
not proof-read :)
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You happily smile and run into your brother's arms as soon as you see him. „I missed you big man,“ you laugh.
„Missed you too, Missy,“ Clay whispers into your hair, holding you close for another minute. „Thank you for inviting us,“ he then tells you, breaking the hug with a big smile on his face.
You grin and lightly shove his shoulder. „Of course I‘d invite you. It’s not often you have free time, you know. Besides, I don‘t want to spend Thanksgiving alone.“
When you look behind your older brother you see his team members finally approaching. They were waiting at the beginning of your driveway. They weren‘t all here today though. The team leader, Jason Hayes was with his family, as well as Ray Perry, but the others were invited to your Thanksgiving dinner.
„Hello, welcome,“ you enthusiastically greet them, waving. „Nice to finally meet you all. Clay told me much about you guys!“ You smile at them, shaking hand after hand.
They all smile at you and then one of them starts speaking. „Thanks for the invite. I‘m Sonny. I‘m surprised Blondie never told us about you,“ he tells you and you side-eye Clay before you start laughing.
„I think I need to have a talk with him regarding that matter,“ you tease. „But, let’s not talk about that! Please, come inside.“ You motion them to follow you and walk into your house. It was a little small but perfect for you. You couldn‘t imagine living somewhere else.
They follow you like a bunch of lost puppies and it‘s more than funny to you. You show them your living room and tell them to sit down. You would bring the food shortly, you say.
Clay follows you into the kitchen where you run around humming to yourself. „Are you trying to feed a whole bataillon?“ he laughs and you shriek.
„Jesus Christ!“ You place your hand over your heart. „Don‘t scare me like that!“ you scold him, jabbing your finger at him.
„I’m sorry,“ he laughs, pressing a kiss to your head. „Won‘t do it again. I just wanted to help you,“ he explains, starting to stir the gravy. „Been with these guys for too long.“
„Well, you chose to, didn‘t you?“ you ask putting the pie in the oven. „By the way,“ you look at him. „Who‘s the one with the beard?“
„We all have a beard Missy,“ Clay snorts and you roll your eyes.
„The one who didn‘t talk,“ you explain, tilting your head at your brother. „He only looked at me a bit strangely.“ You place the baking gloves on the counter and wipe a couple hair strands out of your face.
„Could be Brock or Trent. Why you wanna know?“
„He’s cute,“ you say with a shrug and Clay stops stirring. He turns around, eyes wide.
“No. No, no, no! You won’t make a move on one of my teammates!” he almost screams and you only laugh.
“Why not?”
“Because, firstly, I would work with the man fucking my sister, which is already weird enough and, secondly, you know our job,” his voice turns serious. “I don’t want you to…get your heart broken.” Clay averts his gaze, memories of his own breakup with Stella surfacing. She wasn’t able to live with the fear of losing him…
You already had him to worry about but dating another SEAL? He didn’t know if you could take that much stress and uncertainty. He wanted only the best for you.
You sign and walk towards him. “I know your job,” you confirm, gently placing your hand on his upper arm. “But does a dangerous job mean you guys are unlovable or don’t deserve it?”
You look up at him and he wants to cry. You were right but still, he didn’t want you to love one of them. Without saying anything he pulls you into his arms and keeps you close.
“Don’t…do anything you’ll regret,” he whispers and you tighten your arms around him. You never wanted to let him go. You’ve missed him too much…
“I promise,” you whisper back, a little tear escaping your eye. “Besides, I just said he’s cute. Never said I’ll make a move,” you then immediately joke, breaking the hug with a sniff.
Clay only rolls his eyes, trying to hide his smirk. “Maybe you did but I know you better.”
Trent sits on your couch, involved in a heavy discussion about football with Sonny. The Texan couldn’t accept the fact that he was the only hardcore football fan.
“We can watch soccer instead,” Brock retorts with a snort and immediately gains a death glare from Sonny.
„We‘re in America and in America you watch football!“ Sonny proudly exclaims, straightening his back and popping out his chest. „Besides, it‘s a long Thanksgiving tradition!“
Trent just rolls his eyes and pushes himself off the couch. He would look and ask if he could help anywhere. He’s not used to doing nothing. His hands are itching to do something.
When he‘s about to enter your kitchen he sees you and Clay breaking a hug. He decides to wait outside. You haven’t seen your brother in a long time and he wanted to give the two of you some privacy. When he‘s sure he can enter he slightly clears his throat.
You look to the door and smile when you see one of Clay‘s teammates. „Hey,“ you greet him, walking over to shake his hand. „Can I help you with anything?“, you want to know and he shakes his head.
„No, thanks. I actually wanted to ask if I can help you,“ he answers, trying his best to not look too intimidating. His height didn‘t help with that. „I‘m Trent, by the way,“ he’s careful not to stumble over his words.
He was nervous. Why was he nervous? You only were Clay’s sister. He didn’t know you. You didn‘t know him. So, why the hell was he nervous about talking to you?
„Uhm,“ you look around and totally miss the way Clay eyes his friend with a stern gaze (You didn‘t miss it). „I actually do need help, yes. These-“ you point at a couple of pots and the turkey. „-need to be set on the table.“
“Okay,” Trent slightly smiles before he looks at Clay. “You wanna help?” The younger SEAL stares at his friend for a couple seconds before he nods.
“Yea, I’ll tell you where to put it.”
“Great,” Trent mumbles as he picks up the turkey and leaves the kitchen, Clay following him with one of the pots. You look after them with a smile, then a laugh when you hear how your brother instructs his friend.
You decide to head to your living room to call the other guys. „Food‘s ready,“ you smile at them, peaking your head through the door. Sonny immediately stands up and claps his hands.
„That‘s my call!“ the Texan says and Brock snorts. Then he also stands up and walks towards you.
„I hope this isn‘t too much to ask but the dog‘s still in the car and I wanted to know if I‘d be allowed to get him out?“ He lightly tilts his head and you nod, an excited grin on your face.
„Sure! You can go and get him. Clay told me much about Cerberus!“ Relief washes over Brock and he excuses himself to get Cerberus. Normally he always took him with him but he didn‘t know how you‘d react to the shepherd dog.
„I‘m surprised that he didn‘t go crazy already,“ Clay retorts, suddenly by your side. „That dog‘s his life…“
„Well, at least he‘s got someone, no? Dog or not.“ You smile at your brother before you leave him alone to sit down in your dining room. „Are you coming?“ you turn around and he nods before following you.
„Missy, it‘s me!“ Your head shoots up when you hear Sonny‘s voice. What was the Texan doing in your house? Not that you didn‘t want him here, you‘ve become amazing friends with Bravo Team since your Thanksgiving dinner but it was 12am, so why was Sonny here?
Your head pops out of the kitchen and you eye Sonny. „What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be at work.“
„Trent said I need to step back for a day or two. That fucker got me the wrong way during sparring,“ he explains while he stretches himself on your couch. „You have no problem with me being here, do you? I can also leave if you want me to.“ He looks up at you with a raised eyebrow.
„Oh,“ you smile. „No, you can stay. I have no problem with that.“ You turn to leave to the kitchen again then you turn around once more. „I hope you‘re fine lasagne? Clay asked me to cook it since he‘ll be around for lunch today.“
Sonny starts to grin and stand up immediately. „Did you say lasagne? Count me in Ms.Spenser!“ He follows you to the kitchen like a lost puppy and you laugh at that.
„You really want to compete with Cerberus, do you?“ Sonny only snorts at your question and sits down on one of your kitchen chairs. You laugh and shake your head. „Normally he‘s the one following me to the kitchen like he‘s a saint.“
„He ain‘t a saint,“ Sonny retorts and you grin.
„No, he‘s not. But you are?“ You turn to look at him, just fast enough to see him smirk.
„Never said I was one,“ he answers with a shrug, a full grin now working its way onto his face. „No one‘s a saint,“ he continues, stretching out his legs. „Except for you maybe. You come quite close to one.“
„Why‘s that?“ you ask, sprinkling cheese over the lasagna. You glance at him over your shoulder. He has his hands crossed in his lap and his head laid back, eyes closed. You smile at that sight. If you learned one thing about Sonny it was that he always acted all tough and untouchable but deep down he just wanted peace and calm…
„You‘re nice, you care for us, Trent has a crush on you,“ Sonny starts listing, not paying attention to the fact that he‘d just exposed his brother and you freeze. Trent had what? Surely you must‘ve misheard it. „Jason likes your muffins, Clay isn‘t bitching around that much when he was with you before.“ Sonny opens his eyes and looks at you. „You want me to continue?“
You shake your head and walk over to the oven. „No…“ you sound a bit confused, almost irritated by Sonny‘s words. „You don‘t need to praise me to the heavens, Sonny.“ you force a smile at him. „I‘m just…a normal person. Nothing special.“ You push the lasagna inside and turn the oven on.
Sonny tilts his head at you. Something he said caught you off guard, he can feel it. „Is it because I told you Jace likes your muffins? I was not supposed to tell you but-“
You turn around. „It‘s not the muffins Sonny.“
„Mhh…“ Sonny recalls everything he told you and then his eyes widen. „Oh shit! It‘s what I said about Trent, right? Oh fuck!“ He stands up. „Look, just- I don‘t know… Just because I said it doesn‘t mean it needs to be true!“
You shut him up with your gaze and for a second he just stands in your kitchen staring at you. Then realization hits him. „Oh… You want it to be true, don‘t you?“ You feel blood rush into your cheeks and avert your eyes. Sonny wouldn‘t let you hear the end of it now…
You expect the Texan to crack jokes and maybe laugh but he just looks at you. „You like him“, he then slowly puts the pieces together further and you simply nod along. „Now I own Ray 50$, damn.“
Your eyes widen and you open your mouth. „You had bets on me?“ He can‘t be serious, can he?
„Of course,“ Sonny seems so casual about it. „Ever since you brought Trent soup when he had a cold. You didn‘t even do it for Clay when he was bedridden.“ You don‘t know how to respond to that. If the team knew… did Trent know it too? Your palms start to sweat.
„Does…does he know?“ you carefully ask Sonny and he snorts. Was that a good sign now or a bad one?
„That fucker is as oblivious as Cerb when Brock tells him they‘re going swimming but instead he drags him to the vet.“ You blink at Sonny, not sure what to do with that answer. Sonny sighs. „Long story short, he doesn’t know. He doesn’t even think there's a possibility of you liking him back. That man is so head over heels over you that he tries to find even the slightest excuse to show up at your front door.“
„He…does?“ you’re still surprised by the fact that Trent apparently also likes you. You didn‘t know how to process all this.
„Of course,“ Sonny laughs. „Matter of fact, I‘m 100% sure he’s trying to convince Clay right now to let him come with him. Man‘s desperate to see you.“
You want to answer but then you think for a second. Why was Sonny telling you all this? Why was he breaking Trent‘s trust like that? This wasn‘t normal for Sonny…
„Why are you doing this Sonny?“ You then decide to ask. „Why are you telling me all this? Aren‘t you…betraying Trent right now?“
It‘s 11, maybe 11:30pm when you leave work and the cold wind collides with your face. You shiver and pull your jacket faster around you. You should‘ve taken your fucking car instead of walking to work this afternoon. You curse yourself as you quicken your steps and look around almost paranoid.
With Clay being your brother you always were very aware of what was happening around you. Clay made sure to teach you what he thought was necessary for you to know, that included the observation of everything around you and you’ve never been more thankful for it. It made you feel a tad more safe, especially now that you were walking around alone at night.
When you hear footsteps getting close to you you fish for your phone, never being more happy to have Clay on speed dial. You press your phone to your ear, your eyes glancing behind your shoulder. There was someone…
You decide to walk another way back home. One where you walk through the more populated areas of the town. While you try to keep an eye on your surroundings you wait for Clay to pick up. When he doesn‘t you suppress a curse and dial the next number. Sonny.
He would pick up, no? He is always on his phone anyway. But Sonny doesn’t pick up. You try to reach Clay again, then Sonny. They don’t answer.
“Fuck,” you breathe out, glancing behind you again. Whoever was walking behind you was surely following you. You’ve been taking other turns for the third time in a row now and they were still behind you.
You squint at your phone and take a deep breath. Without thinking twice about it you dial Trent’s number. You’re afraid you’ll break your phone with the grip you’re having on it but you try to keep calm. Clay prepared you for situations like this. Kinda.
“Trent? It’s me. Am I interrupting something?” you let out a relieved breath when he answers. “Could you do me a favor?” you’re even more relieved when he immediately answers with a yes. “I’m on my way back home from work and there’s someone follow-“ you can’t even finish your sentence before you hear him get up and grab his keys.
He asks you where you are and you quickly send him your live location. He promises you he’ll be there as fast as he can and your legs nearly give out from the sudden reassurance. You thank him over and over, quickening your steps once again.
“I’ll be there in 15,” you hear Trent say and you visibly relax. “Stay where you are, try to find a crowd or something close to that. I’m gonna stay in the line,” he explains and you nod, telling him you’ll do the best you can.
Your eyes scan the buildings surrounding you and then fall onto a small 24/7 shop. There surely was someone who could keep you company while Trent arrives, right?
“There’s a uh store,” you carefully say, your feet walking yourself over there almost by themselves. As expected Trent tells you to enter and look out for someone.
A small ‘ding’ signals you entering the store and you immediately start to hide between the shelves. And you were right to do so because only seconds later the bell rings again. You take a deep breath and grab one of the baking mixtures to look busy.
Then you call Trent’s name again. “I’m pretty sure they followed me into the store,” you quietly say, trying to glance around as unsuspiciously as possible. You pause for a second, the grip around the baking mix tightening. “Please tell me you’re here soon…”
“5 minutes,” he tells you, flooring the throttle of his truck. “5 minutes, then I’m there.” His grip on the steering wheel turns his knuckles white and he needs to keep himself calm more than ever.
On the battlefield he never was that nervous. His brothers could take care of themselves but you… You couldn’t.
Yes, Clay probably taught you basic self defense, he thinks but still. He could protect you better than you ever could…
When he arrives at your location he doesn’t bother properly parking his truck. He jumps out and tries to calmly walk towards the store but it‘s like his feet are itching.
He raises his phone, looking at the still ongoing call. „I‘m here,“ he tells you and then he opens the door. You‘re in his arms before he can even blink.
He stumbles two steps backwards before he can wrap his arms around you. „It‘s okay, it‘s okay,“ he says, his hand finding its way to the back of your head, keeping you close to him. „You’re not alone anymore.“
„God, that man was creepy,“ you breathlessly laugh, breaking the hug. You immediately miss the warmth Trent generated and heavily blush. „I‘m sorry for calling you so out of the blue-“ you want to apologize but he’s raising his hand to stop you.
„No, none of that. You can call me whenever you need. I‘m always there for you,“ he explains, looking you deep in the eyes. „Now, did you see the man? Do you know who he is?“
Trent‘s eyes narrow and the sparkling got replaced by a dangerous look. You shiver and swallow. You turn so you stand beside Trent and then you nod into the direction of a man. „That‘s him,“ you say. „He‘s been following me for at least three blocks.“
Trent looks at the man, then at you. „My truck‘s outside. Gimme three minutes and I‘ll join you there. I don‘t want you to witness this.“ He looks at you again and you nod.
„Okay. I‘ll go and wait…outside.“ You turn your back to Trent and leave, adrenaline pumping through your veins. You knew what he was gonna do. He‘ll nicely confront the man and probably calmly tell him to fuck off.
You stand beside his truck, already climbing in since it‘s still running and you can already see yourself patching up his bloody knuckles later. You sigh when you think about that. Sometimes you thought that he was just chasing trouble…
„Why are you looking at me like that?“ you mumble into your pillow, your eyes heavy with sleep.
„You’re pretty,“ Trent says and you can hear the smile in his voice. You quietly laugh and rub your eyes. Then you sit up in your bed and look at him. He sits on the floor, his back popped up against a wall.
„How long‘ve you been watching me?“ you want to know, smiling at him. He accompanied you home after the incident the night before and he refused to leave…
You offered him your couch, your bed even but he declined. So, he probably was awake the whole night, making sure you’re safe.
“I woke up about two hours ago,” he lies, placing his arms on his bent legs. “I made breakfast,” he then tells you, standing up with a low grunt. “Get ready, then we can eat.” He smiles before he leaves your room.
You quickly stand up and throw on some clothes before you rush to the bathroom to get ready. On the other side of your flat stood Trent in your kitchen, asking himself if he was going crazy.
He couldn’t think straight whenever he was with you and damn, it was showing. Telling you you look pretty while you just woke up? Watching you sleep in the first place? What the hell was he going through?
He wasn’t unfamiliar with being in love, that’s what brought him his two ex wives… So, he really wasn’t new to it but why was he acting so weird with you now? It shouldn’t be weird, no?
“You made all this?” your voice pulls him out of his thoughts and he looks at you. Fuck, you were even more beautiful now… How was he supposed to look past that and just…be normal?
„I did, yeah,“ he smiles, hiding his fidgeting hands behind his back. You grin up at him, the crinkles around your eyes showing and he just feels like he’s falling in love with you all over again.
„You didn‘t have to,“ you laugh, crossing your arms in front of your body. „This is- You didn‘t need to-“ you want to finish your sentence but Trent interrupts you. He gently leads you towards your table and pulls back a chair for you.
„I wanted to,“ he simply says. „Besides I already got the call that I need to leave soon, so I just wanted to make you happy before I and the team vanish for god knows how long again.“ He sits down opposite to you and fills your and his glass with orange juice.
„Will Clay pick you up?“ you ask, taking a sip of your orange juice. Trent shakes his head saying something about Clay not being allowed to know he was here and that Sonny wouldn‘t let him hear the end of it if he found out that he spent the night at yours.
You only laugh at that and continue to eat your breakfast. „I can drive you?“ you then suggest but he kindly denies.
„I can drive on my own Missy, don‘t worry. Besides, don’t you have to work today?“ Trent chews on his bread roll, curiously eying you but you just shake your head. You wouldn‘t need to work the next three days.
Your lungs sting as you run into the ER. You look around, panic in your eyes, your body shaking.
“Ma’am? Can we help you?” a young nurse asks, clearly worried. “Is everything okay?” She gently places a hand on your arm and your head snaps towards her.
“Clay Spenser. Where is he?” you rasp out, eyes teary. “I’ve been told he’s here.” Your voice breaks and the first tears run down your cheeks.
The nurse nods along and carefully leads you down a hallway. “I’m afraid we can’t help you but my colleague can surely tell you which room he is.” She smiles at you and you want to smile back but you just…can’t.
After half an hour of asking around you’re finally led to your brother’s room, your throat dry. You didn‘t know anything about his condition. Everything they told you was that he was being treated in the hospital.
„One of his friends is also in there,“ you’re informed as you come to a hold in front of the room. „We can ask him to leave at any moment though since he does not count as family.“
You only smile at the nurse. „No need for that. I…know him.“ You didn‘t know who of Bravo was with your brother right now but nevertheless you knew him. And besides, this team was family. They maybe didn‘t share the same DNA but the same blood was adorning their hands.
When the nurse was sure you were fine on your own she left you at the door, a comforting hand on your shoulder before she walked away. You stare at the door, taking a deep breath and opening it with trembling hands.
You pushed it open, your breath hitching when you notice all the monitors scattered around the room and the endless beeping of said machines.
You can see someone move and walk towards you in the corner of your eye. You know who it is when he lays his arms around you, pulling you into his embrace.
Trent doesn’t say a word while you cry, only holding you close and keeping a hand comfortingly on your back. He felt a bit helpless right now, not really knowing what to do but all you needed was just him holding you…
„Thank you for staying with him,“ you whisper after a couple moments, sniffing and breaking the hug. You want to wipe away your tears, feeling embarrassed for losing control like that but he gently wraps his hands around your wrists, pulling them away from your face.
You’re confused for a moment but then he pulls out a tissue and carefully starts to wipe away your tears. You feel like you could start to cry all over again.
„Thank you,“ you sniff again but he just shakes his head.
„You don‘t need to thank me.“ Then he pulls you into his arms again, planting a kiss on your head. „You both are family.“ Trent breaks the hug and cups your face with gentle hands.
„I know you’re scared for him right now,“ Trent glances into the direction of the bed where Clay was laying. „But he’s stable. He‘s pulling through. He’s a strong one.“
Your hand reaches out to place it over his, pulling them from your face and holding them in yours. You say nothing, only holding his hands and working up the courage to finally look at your brother.
„How did it happen?“ you ask, your voice almost being stuck in your throat.
„That’s…classified. I‘m sorry,“ Trent says in a quiet voice. „But, he’s got a couple of broken ribs, his lungs have seen better days and the fingers of his right hand are broken.“
Fresh tears gather in your eyes as you listen to Trent, letting go of him with trembling hands and walking towards Clay. „I told him that his job would demand its tribute sooner or later. He didn‘t listen…“ You sniff, carefully sitting down at the edge of the bed. „He never listens to me…“
“I thought you’d kill me as soon as I wake up,” Clay breathlessly laughs while you take a look at his bandages. He was currently laying on your couch, letting himself be treated by you.
“I would’ve,” you mumble. “If it weren’t for Trent.” You reach for the bandage tape and rip off a piece to place it over his arm brace so the bandage would stay in place.
Clay looks at you, tilting his head. “You like him, don’t you?” he then carefully asks and you halt for a second.
“What if I do?” you return the question, avoiding his gaze and fumbling with the tape in your hands.
You can feel your brother looking at you anyway, his eyes burning into your head. “I’d probably try and beat him up.”
“You would fail.”
“I know.” His hand reaches for yours and you finally look up. “I know what I told you when you first met them and…I still mean it but I can’t control who you love.” Clay pauses for a second, his gaze softening. “If you love him then so it be… Besides, he also has a thing for you but I think you know that already.” Clay starts to chuckle at the end of his sentence, his thumb carefully stroking the back of your hand.
“Guard your heart Missy. Don’t give it to the next best asshole.”
“Are you saying your friend is an asshole?” Your eyes widen with surprise.
“That’s not what I said!” Clay immediately shakes his head. “He’s a good guy—I know that for sure—but there are dudes who aren’t as amazing as lovely Trent. I’m asking you to be careful about them.”
You slightly smile before you sigh and stand up. “I don’t think you have to worry about me Clay. I’ll be fine as long as you don’t decide to run into a grenade anytime soon again.”
“I didn’t do it on purpose,” he grumbles, rolling his eyes in a joking manner. “Sonny said the path was clear.”
“You think he’s okay with this?” Trent carefully asks as he intertwines his fingers with yours.
“I don’t care what he thinks,” you reply, leaning against him, looking down at your hands. “I’m a grown up. I can do what I want.”
Trent chuckles, glancing at you with a gentle smile. “Do I need to expect the big-brother-talk?” He then wants to know. He needed to know what he needed to prepare for when he saw Clay again.
“More of a big-brother-beating,” you snort with a laugh. “I told him he’d lose and he knows it too but he wants to try anyway.”
“I promise I won’t be too hard on him,” Trent laughs, pressing a kiss to your head. “He’s still not cleared to operate so I need to look after him anyway.”
You don’t reply to that, only enjoying the moment, finally in Trent’s arms, without having to worry about anything in the world. You knew that sooner or later you’d be confronted by his job and its bad sides but right now you didn’t care about that.
You were with him and that was wall what you needed right now.
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sasheneskywalker · 11 months
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celiawrites14 · 4 months
OC Names
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid's love interest - Alyssa Jackson (oc, no relation to anybody on the show)
Aaron Hotchner's love interest - Olivia Rossi (Dave's daughter)
Luke Alvez's love interest - Sarah Reid (Spencer's twin sister)
Colin Bridgerton's love interest - Audrey Lilyington (cousins to Kate's family)
Anthony Bridgerton's love interest - Polly Fetherington (Penelope's older sister)
Benedict Bridgerton's love interest - Caroline Abernathy (Lucy's older sister)
Grey's Anatomy/Station 19
Andrew DeLuca's love interest - Lindsey Webber (Richard's daughter)
Mark Sloan's love interest - Grace Shepherd (Derek and Amelia's sister)
Alex Karev's love interest - Haley O'Malley (George's sister)
Jack Gibson's love interest - Ashley Sloan (Mark's Sister)
Peter Parker - Taylor Rogers (Steve's sister)
Bucky Barnes' love interest - Lauren Stark (Tony's sister)
Steve Rogers' love interest - Rebecca Barnes (Bucky's sister)
Thor - Alex Maximoff (Pietro and Wanda's sister)
One Tree Hill
Lucas Scott's love interest - Madison James (Hailey's sister)
Nathan Scott's love interest - Anna Sawyer (Payton's sister)
Q's love interest - Natalie Scott (Nathan's full sister, Lucas' half sister)
Outer Banks
JJ Maybank's love interest - Lily Routledge (John B's sister)
John B. Routledge's love interest - Melissa Jane Maybank (MJ) (JJ's sister)
Rafe Cameron's love interest - Cassie Roberts (progue!reader)
Dean Winchester's love interest - Samantha Singer (Bobby's daughter)
Sam Winchester's love interest - Stephanie Bradbury (Charlie's sistere)
John Winchester's love interest - Meghan Harvell (Wililam Harvell's sister, Jo's aunt)
Lip Gallagher's love interest - Alison Milkovich (Mickey and Mandy's sister)
Pretty Little Liars
Jason DiLaurentis' love interest - Andy Rivers (Caleb's sister)
Mike Montgomery's love interest - Emma Hastings (Spencer's sister)
Noel Kahn's love interest - Kate DiLaurentis (Alison and Jason's sister)
Caleb Rivers' love interest - Brooke Montgomery (Aria and Mike's sister)
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Power Rangers (2017) fic rec list: (UPDATED: Jan, 2024)
Hello there, as someone who loves this movie, I decided to make a list of fics that’ve read, or am about to read, to anyone who is interested:
Note: I’m only putting here fics that I’ve read. So if someone knows a fic they might want to recommend, let me know! XD  There are currently almost two thousand works on the power rangers 2017 tag on AO3, so be sure to look around and dig for stuff you might like.
NOTE: Remember to check out the author if you like their stories! Leave comments and kudos and reblog stuff you like, apreciation is always important
Illustrated Story: @theone-with-thestuff​ ‘s power rangers sequel: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5 , part 6, part 7 , part 8
MultiChapter fics (post-canon)
Rangers with Attitude by SmokeyCut : A sequel to the movie that is very in synch with the power rangers universe, both in how the story is told and how light it feels. THat doesn’t stop the drama from happening though. Awesome battle scenes and a very engaging take on Tommy, and the 2017 universe as a whole.
Power Rangers 2: Sythesis by SatanSpeaks (mature) : This fic is a piece, it’s another sequel to the movie, but with a much more bleak look on the universe as a well, however, it doesn’t dive too much into it and it has plenty of hopeful moments to spare. It’s a fic that leaves you on the edge of your seat, start to finish, biting your nails hoping everything will work out.
we gladiate but i guess we're really fighting ourselves by sunnydalehart: “The rangers don't really know what they're doing, but they really are trying their best.” -- Another post-canon fic with good romance, and team-bonding, check it out!!! (Trimberly) (Billy/ Jason/Zack)
Power Rangers 2: Rise of the Green Ranger by IzzyIniguez: Rita loses her coin, but finds a new power.  The rangers learn to be a team and meet the Tommy and Tamsin Oliver, the new (twin) kids in town. Sparks fly and tempers flare between Kim and Tommy, and Trini and Tamsin. I think this might be one of the most original takes on 2017 Tommy Oliver out there.
 5 Times Jason Scott Was Protective of His Team by notawriters: Jason-centric goodness!!!!      
Zack Taylor Designated Driver Squad by iwasnthere622 : Zack didn't have the best school record. His friends help him fix that. -- This isn’t as much a sequel fic as it is a Zack sequel fic, exploring his life after becoming a ranger, and how he relates to his new friends. The chapters go through his bond with each of the rangers, and it’s an amazing piece of Zack Taylor fanfic, enriching what we already saw in the movie. One of my all time favourites!!
Been There, Done That by TaikoTurtle: The team has a bonding camping trip up on the mountains, but after a series of unfortunate events, Kimberly has to figure out how to make things right, including her feelings.
One More Ride by magimumu: (NEW!) : Uber driver Trini picks up Kim on a rainy evening. (TRIMBERLY)   (This short one is amazing! Like poetry! Can’t recommend enough!)
***NEW!!!!! - (This is) Good Weird -  by Laslus -----  Poly Rangers fic!!! -  Or: The Huge Colective Denial of FeelingsThe first time Trini notices, they are around the fire. She looked at the whole picture, feeling the warmness she usually felt when hanging with them, how she finally felt like she belonged somewhere. She should focus on that, on the happiness she felt as they sang off tune, how they were a picture together. Oh.
All of the Above  by songofsunset : This short one shot is a perfetc mood setting piece, with rangers hanging out. In a few senteces, it grasps both each ranger’s personallities and the nature of their both. Sweet fluffiness all around.
Just let me love you when your heart is tired by milkyegg_carton: A cure little fluff about the aftermath of the battle with Goldar!!
walk me home by twoorangecookies: A nice little, well, it’s canon complaint but it’s sort of a missing scene, but it’s also sort of an AU where Kim asks Trini to walk her home.
Campfire Dance-Off by Skyland2704: team bonding fluffiness!
we carry each other (we’re just different colors) by hearden: This is a fascinating fic, about the rangers before being rangers! Seriously! There are so many character beats, and a very good grasp on the characters!!
am i the only living soul around by younglegends: A story told backwards,going from the aftermath of the movie to the very beginning. Again, another rich story exploring the characters and their core! An awesome read about the power rangers that really makes a point about their evolution and their bond in face of their sttrugles. I always go back to this fic for inspiration.
Do Better by iwasnthere622: One of the best jason centtric fics out there, exploring his role as leader and the way he shoulders the burden.
Dildo Wars  by cabooseachievables : I think this is one of the most fun pieces of fanwork I’ve ever read, seriously, just pure delight from start to finish as the rangers start a prank war between themselves.
**********NEW!!!!!!!!! Riding Shot Gun by zipzipnada:   --Kimberly finds out her new friends have never tried weed before, and knows for a fact Jason is a shotgun king.
Shipping Fics:
BY THE WAY, THE AUTHOR tworangecookies has plenty of Trimberly works if you’re interested, I can’t recommend enough to check them out, you’ll definetly find something for your tastes, both on AO3 and on tumblr @5ivebyfive. Another tumblr with fics in this universe is @magicmumu2
you’re my sunshine by titaniaeli: Short, fluff, and engaging, basically a tale of Jason falling in love with his team. (RANGER POLYCULE)
 in a hopeless place by twoorangecookies: (AU) This is one of my favorite fics. It’s an Outsiders AU, and I never had contact with The Outsiders, but I do love how consistent the rangers are even in an Alternative universe. This fic is well paced, and leaves tense with each cliffhanger, not to mention the forbidden romance, which is just *cheff’s kiss. (TRIMBERLY)
The Heart part 1 by The Otter Limits: While this fic is a sequel to the movie, I’m putting it here, because its main focus is the relationship between Trini and Kimberly. I really love this fic because it has a very heavy dose of Angst. I’m not sure it’s everyone’s cup of tea, but I do love the melodrama involved. Also, there is some neat world building about the rangers’ powers and the universe they live in. (TRIMBERLY)
The Hunt For Love by magicmumu: Awesome Valentine’s day Fluff, what else can you wish for? Honestly, the dialog between the characters as they go on an scavenge hunt it’s so amazing, you can’t help reading this with a smile on your face. Can’t recomment enough. (TRIMBERLY)
Fire meet gasoline by twoorangecookies: (mature) A cute little soccer AU, with that good old rivals to lovers premise. What more can I say? Go check it out!! (TRIMBERLY)
Clarity by thebrightestbird: I think this was the first time I read about this ship, and interestingly it immediately spread to be fond of it in the tv show universe as well. Great stuff!!!  (ZACK/JASON) 
with my feelings on fire (guess I'm a bad liar) by movingforthesakeofmotion: The one where a date night turns into exposed secrets and discoveries. (TRIMBERLY, CRANSCOTT)
We can have all that we ever wanted by theshipstorulethemallwrites: 5 Times Someone Thought The Rangers Were Dating and 1 Time They Were
Turning sweet love into poison by twoorangecookies: (EXPLICIT) this fic is Intense, and I really advise you to look into the tags before going in. It deals with heavy subjects like body dysmorphia, so be mindful. Now that that’s out of the way, this fic is delicious to read, two traumatize characters navigating a complex situation, it has all those spices for those who love some heavy Angst in their romance. (TRIMBERLY)
Legacy of Power by Hearden (Mature, but the collection has Explicit fics): (INCOMPLETE) .This fic is interesting because it’s sort of a nice multiverse mix between the tv show and the movie, with the simple premisse of having TV Kimberly and Tommy meeting the 2017 rangers. It’s one amazing fic, very well written with an awesome premisse and solid character work. It’s specially awesome to see two versions of Kimberly knowing and interacting with one another.
*****NEW !!!! -- Shut up and Drive -  by Twoorangecookies --  (Sort of a power rangers meet Fast and Furious, but R rated 😈)  Trini is looking forward to start her new career as a rookie cop. She isn't the best at relationships, so she goes out one night just looking for a thrill. Then she stumbles on a scene that is not her scene at all and more thrill than she asked for, and she meets a woman that is the most annoying, obnoxious woman she's ever met. A woman she wouldn't go for in a million years. At least...that's what she thinks.
PS: I have to say, it’s really interesting to go through fandoms, not only to meet how diverse people’s interpretations can be, but how rich and creative they are as well. Just the ammount of Tommy Olivers I’ve seen for the 2017 universe is stagering, not one version is the same, and that, I think, is also very precious.
Anyway, remember to comment, reblog, and all that stuff that shows authors your apreciation. Feel free to add fics you might’ve read and are not here, I’ll sure try to do so as I find new ones. I tried to categorize stuff as best as I could.
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glimmerlofsea · 5 months
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Jason Scott x Reader
PT. 2.
Warning : Nothing, don't worry! ;D
WC; 1,3k
#TALKISSA; Have you ever come across Jason Scott (Dacre Montgomery ver) fanfic? I made it a few months ago! Hope you like it!
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"I'm leaving." You said to your father who was still lying on the sofa munching on his snack.
“Wait, Y/N.” he says.
He walked over to you and straightened your clothes.
You smile, your father is not a bad person, he is the best father figure in this world. Your mother is abusive, always beats you if you don't achieve the target grades she wants. And you hate her. You wanted to be stuck in Angel Grove with your Dad forever.
“So… How long will this tourism last?” Ask your father.
You chuckled, "Why? Missed me already?"
Your father nodded and hugged you, "My little Y/N, you are the only one I have, and I am so proud to have you, my little angel. Please keep yourself safe, and be happy with your friends."
'Friends' the word always makes you laugh a little, your father thinks you have lots of friends at school- you say you do, but in reality you don't have any of them. You're just considered Y/N a new refugee, Y/N old-fashioned, and so on.
You're called old fashioned because you don't know what happened in Angel Grove before, they said they had some kind of 'super hero' to protect them. And your little brother, Jeremy really likes one of them.
You chuckled at your father's words, he let go of his hug, "You too, be safe with Jeremy, okay?"
Your father nodded,
You adjusted your backpack for tourism, "I love you, Dad. See you!"
"Be careful! I love you more!"
And here you are.
Being on the bus for school tourism, as usual, you are always alone. You use earphones to get lost in your own thoughts.
Until you feel someone land beside you,
He smiled at you and stretched out his hand,
You took off your earphones and just stared at his hands, there's no way 'Jason Scott', who is famous at school, asked you to get to know him, right?
He shook his hand again, "Are you going to ignore my outstretched hand?"
You chuckled, "Oh! Sorry," You raised your hand to shake his.
"Jason. Jason Scott."
You nodded, “Yeah. I know."
"Y/N Y/L/N." He cuts you off.
You frowned, “How do you know my name?”
He chuckled, “I quite noticed you in art class, Y/N.”
You smiled, “Okay then, nice to meet you, Jason.”
“You too, Y/N.”
"Why are these girls' 'dream boy' sitting next to me?" you asked with a face full of curiosity.
He made a thoughtful face, "I don't know, separated from my flock?"
You chuckle at his answer,
“I would love to get to know you better, Y/N.”
You smiled, touched by his words.
“So… You moved to Angel Grove not long ago?” He asked while munching on his snack.
He offered it to you but you shook your head and smiled kindly at his offer,
"Um.. Yes."
"What do you think of Angel Grove?"
You narrowing your eyes, "You sound like you're interrogating me, you know?"
You continued your conversation, "I don't really blend in here, I mean after the Angel Grove heroes are good enough, my father doesn't need to worry about my safety."
“Multicolored heroes?” he asked.
You nod.
"Who's your favorite?"
You showed your thinking face, "Um..."
He looked very curious—which you thought was a very cute expression.
You shrugged your shoulders, "It doesn't look like there is. You know, maybe you can ask my little brother who is really that heroes maniac... He really likes red!" You exclaim happily.
He chuckled showing his perfect teeth, "Yeah, I can't blame your little brother, the red one sure eats."
"But seriously, I wonder who your favorite is." He says.
You looked at him and raised an eyebrow, not expecting the topic of conversation with your new friend to be about the heroes of Angel Grove.
"I'd say Yellow."
"Why?" He asked, looking disappointed, his lips slowly pursed.
You chuckled, “Oh, God, why are you pouting?”
He adjusted his lips, "No, I'm not."
You just smiled, "I said yellow because it looks like Bumblebee? Maybe. And I love Bumblebee."
He nodded his head, "I destroyed him once." It's definitely a whisper you can hear.
You frowned, “What?”
"Nothing, nothing."
You just chuckled.
Not long after you arrived at your destination, all the students walked in droves, jostling until you were pushed here and there almost losing your balance, but luckily someone was holding you up— Jason.
You smiled and rebalanced your body, "Thank you."
He smiled.
Mrs. Norei as your tour guide explains several ancient artifacts that once fell in Angel Grove, you see them all and they all look very unique and beautiful.
Until you heard someone call you, "Y/N..."
You looked to the side, there was a room that led to another part of the museum, you didn't pay attention to it and continued listening to Mrs. Norei. Until another voice was heard, "Y/N!"
This time it was louder and more powerful, you decided to turn around again in the same direction, because you felt like no one really cared about you, you approached the source of the sound.
There you see a white coin lying on the floor.
You looked around and realized there was a security guard there, your intention was to take the coin and give it to the security guard— but your intention was not fulfilled. After you took the coin, suddenly someone pushed you into a dark room.
You panicked, “HELP-”
Someone covered your mouth with a hand, suddenly the lights came on, you saw Jason standing in front of you—fucking shit you didn't think he was a pervert. You feel a little sad.
You were about to kick his feet with your foot, but he held your foot, he removed his hand from your mouth,
Your temper flared, “YOU PERVERT-”
“Hey, Y/N.”
Someone calls your name, you turn around and see 4 people standing in a row near an empty cupboard.
You know two of them, Kimberly and Billy.
You looked at Jason, “I'm sorry, Y/N.” He said, you turned your gaze again to Kimberly and Billy, you knew you were going to get bullied- because from there you started getting bullied by the popular girls at school. Pulled into an empty room and verbally abused.
You took a deep breath, you took out the coins you were holding, "Listen, I'm sick of being bullied and if you guys want to take these coins, go ahead."
The tall Asian guy chuckled, "Odd girl."
Your memory comes back to play, where your mother beat you and said that you were some kind of bitch, odd girl, unlucky, idiot, and other inappropriate words.
You clenched your jaw and stepped forward, grabbing the collar of the boy's shirt and pushing him against the side of the cupboard until the item on top of the cupboard fell.
"You know, maybe I'm easy to get bully but I won't stay silent if I'm stepped on by a guy who doesn't know how to treat a girl, and you're one of them, aren't you?"
You were surprised, and so was he, “You know my name.” He said while chuckling.
You let go of your grip, "I know your name." You whispered repeating his words with a panicked expression.
You heard Jason speak, “Zordon said that the White Ranger have the ability to have strong skills when it comes to tactile contact.”
You frowned, "What? White Rander? What?"
"What is going on?" you asked, fear spreading through your body.
Kimberly approached you and grabbed both of your shoulders, “Calm down. Girl, you're a ranger.”
You chuckled softly, "What?"
A Power Rangers? Like the hero your brother dreams of? Oh my God, what is this, what is actually happening. At least that's what you think.
"Jason, should we show her?" Billy asked.
"No. Don't. Let me talk to her first."
Your life is already considered abnormal, and this shit is happening. What could be even weirder?
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Author Note : Since this is my old writing on Wattpad which hasn't been posted yet, I apologize if there are any typos or mistakes. There's a part two if you're interested... Hihi, see you, issea!
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flower1622 · 4 months
The rangers were fighting the vampires sent by Rita and Zedd. They destroy all of them and cheer among themselves, but they didn't expect that two of them were bitten and turned into monsters.
- Wow, guys! This was amazing! - Zack says animated.
- Yeah! - Trini says and laughs.
- At least we defeated them. That's all that really matters to me - Kim says a little disgusted.
- I think we shouldn't celebrate this early. Who knows what those two evil beings are planning for next time... - Billy says.
The four look at Jason and Tommy who were quiet, only staring hard at Kimberly.
- Why are you guys looking at me like that? Is there something wrong with my face? Please tell there isn't. I don't want to imagine all the humilation I could have passed this entire time at school - Kimberly says while she touches her face and hair.
- No, you are beautiful as usual, beautiful! - Tommy says
- Yeah, Kim! - Jason says
- Oh, thanks guys! - Kim says a little shy.
- You guys are acting strange. Is everything alright? - Billy asks
- Of course, Billy! - Jason says smiling.
- Why wouldn't it be? - Tommy says.
- For nothing...I guess... - Billy says and looks at his watch. He gets a little scared.
- I think we should return to school to not cause suspicious. We can't lose classes - Billy says and everyone nods.
Trini, Kimberly, Billy and Zack walk back to the school direction. Jason and Tommy look at each other. Their eyes flah red and green for a moment. They look at Kimberly walking away and they turn to look at each other again with dark smiles on their faces. Each one thinking:
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estel-eruantien · 9 months
😴- your muse is trying to lull mine to sleep using hypnotism. - either Jason/Billy, Sky/Bridge, or Jason/Billy/Tommy (Cause Jason and Billy both stay up too late and work themselves to exhaustion)
I'm so FREAKING excited for this one!!!!!!!
"Bill, would you just hold still?" Jason hissed at his boyfriend who sat next to him, wiggling in discomfort on the bed. The two had decided that, after this latest battle from the Machine Empire that ended with Billy getting no sleep in over 24 hours, he needed to learn how to relax. Tommy thought that Jason could learn a thing or two about that as well, so here they were.
"I'm trying, Jase," Billy insisted, hooking his arm around Jason's and laying his head on the gold ranger's shoulder. He had dark circles under his eyes and looked as though he could pass out.
Jason sighed, looking equally as tired. The rangers' hadn't had a break in weeks. He'd barely even seen his boyfriends except in the command chamber or out on the battlefield. After the third time of Billy not showing up to the youth center to meet them, he and Tommy had decided to intervene.
Now, here they were, in Billy's room, trying to relax with Tommy sitting across from them, a pocket watch dangling from his hands.
"I don't see how this is supposed to work." Billy grumbled, barely looking up at Tommy.
"It's supposed to put you to sleep!" Tommy insisted, letting out a sigh. "I need you guys to pay attention and watch me!"
"I do enjoy watching you." Jason flirted, earning a kick to the foot from the red ranger. "Ouch!"
Tommy glared at them, then held up the watch again. Using a stern voice, he ordered the two, "Watch the watch."
Jason pulled Billy closer to him and shifted so that he was comfortable, then proceeded to give the watch his attention. He watched for what felt like several minutes as the watch went back and forth.
"Listen to my voice carefully." Tommy said softly and slowly. He seemed just as focused on the watch as Jason. "You're starting to feel heavy-eyed. Your body is settling into the bed. When you slip into sleep, you will stay asleep all through the night." His voice got deeper and more sluggish as he spoke, as though he himself was succumbing to sleep. The leader looked to be just as tired as the other two.
"Tommy?" Jason asked, interrupting his boyfriend. His voice was a whisper as he continued, "It's not gonna work. Just come to bed."
With another heavy sigh, Tommy set the watch down and crawled up started to climb onto the mattress when he stopped. "Jase?" He asked, matching the other's whisper. "Look at Billy."
The former blue ranger's head had was buried in between Jason's arm and body. The smaller man fallen asleep at some point during the whole ordeal.
"I'll be damned," Jason muttered, rubbing Billy's back. "I guess it did work. Now get over here and join us." He opened his other arm, inviting Tommy, who slid next to Jason, just as Billy had been before he fell asleep. "This is gonna be the best sleep I've had in awhile, I can feel it.
I don't know what I was going for, but I like where it went!! I hope you like it! <3 I love these boys so much!
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piningpercussionist · 27 days
uuugHHH I hate tagging stuff
I've dragged some stuff out of the drafts and into the queue! Sorry for the content drought, I'm adjusting to new medications ^^"
Anyhow- posting this primarily to promo a fic someone wrote! Because everyone knows I'm constantly chomping at the bit for new Kim content, and I imagine several of you are too,,,
You can read it here, over on ao3!! It gets a little heavy for some people probably, but it's really quite nice, so I hope you'll consider giving it a chance! (It's seriously really good, please consider reading it.)
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BatFam Plot Bunny Adoption Corner #001
Prompt: Jason Todd leads a lonely life as Red Hood. But then he stumbles upon the tiniest red puppy he's ever seen while on patrol. The pup is so small he can fit inside any of his pockets. He decides to bring the puppy home and names him Clifford.
What he doesn't know is that this is not a normal dog. This is a young lost hellhound puppy. Normally hellhounds grow off a diet of dark negative emotions and energies. Hence why Clifford's mother originally had her litter in Gotham City. On this diet they evolve into dangerous fearsome beasts.
However... what happens when a hellhound is adopted by a human and fed on a diet of unconditional love and affection?
(crackfic crossover idea - Batfam x Clifford the Big Red Dog)
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wingsyouburn · 9 months
Fic: Last Year's Wishes (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)
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Title:Last Year's Wishes Fandoms: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Characters: Jason Lee Scott, Trini Kwan Pairing: Jason Lee Scott/Trini Kwan Rating: Gen AO3 Tags: peace conference, Mid-Canon, Established Relationship, Yuletide Treat Summary: Away at the Peace Conference, Trini checks in on Jason. Notes: Written for Griddlebone as part of Yuletide! I'm a sucker for both Jason and Trini, and how a Ranger adapts to losing/giving up their abilities. Your prompt re: Rangers living a normal life inspired this.
“We should be there,” he finally said. “In Angel Grove. With the team.” “The semester’s almost over,” Trini reminded him. “We’ve talked about going home on break, remember?” “That’s not what I’m talking about.” Frustrated, Jason rose from his seat, pacing. “They’re fighting without us, Trini. They need us.” From the tone of the team’s letters, it sounded like they were figuring it out on their own, but she didn’t voice that. “Or do you need them?” Trini asked, gently.
Read the fic at AO3!
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vae1bixy · 7 months
Do you like seal team but have no where to talk about it? It's a small fandom maybe you're friend's or mutuals don't talk or post about it. Well here in Seal Team server you can talk about it as much as you want or show off ur fics edits art anything!!
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simplywriting420 · 5 months
Meet the rest of the main bitches🤭
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I know they’re amazing duh 💋💕
Go read Sunset Rain by @simplywriting420 on Wattpad.
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bravo4iscool · 6 months
Can I ask, what are your favorite Seal team ships?
tbf i don’t really do in-team shipping because it just doesn’t ✨get✨, idk but i quite like slay (clay/sonny) and lisa/sonny.
otherwise i just like the friendships they all have, especially brock and trent. they’re the bestest of the besties in my opinion hahaha.
and i love the father-son kinda bond jason and clay have :)
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sunflowerpirateart · 1 year
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I was so caught up in the joy of orca!Bulk that I was so close to forgetting to sketch out Jason
Inspired by “breaking sea foam” by CampionSayn on ao3
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glimmerlofsea · 5 months
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Jason Scott x Reader
PT. 1.
Warning : Fightinggg
WC; 3,5k
#TALKISSA; This part two of 'Ranger What'!
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Jason explain it to you all the parts and every detail. That Jason and his friends are the Power Rangers, heroes of Angel Grove— well, your brain can still accept it. But not when he started mentioning that you were the next Ranger, the Lost Ranger, the White Ranger with their instinct abilities, and other nonsensical things.
You sat on a chair in the empty room, Jason sat next to you,
"...And we purposely arranged the tour to come to this museum, because we just found out that our last coin was here, Y/N. And it called you, didn't it? That means you are-"
"A Ranger, yes I know." You replied, cutting him off, still trying to digest what he said.
Your gaze was locked on the floor, Jason said being a Ranger required great sacrifice, even if you guys had to die you had to be ready- but you couldn't. Never will.
"Jason." You turned to him, "I have a family, Jeremy is not old enough to be able to take care of my father who is getting older, if I do this and what if I die? What if I fall? I'm not a soldier. I'm just a girl-"
"Hey, hey."
You stop what you're talking about,
"I won't let that happen. We won't let that happen."
He held your hand, holding it tightly, "We take care, we protect each other because that is our principle."
You controlled your breath, "I can't. I still can't."
"The coin chose you, Y/N. It has to be you. Somehow, the coin believes that you are the right choice for it." Kimberly said which made you looking at her.
You could feel Jason releasing his grip, "How about we get reacquainted first?"
"Y/N. I'm Jason Scott, The Red Ranger."
"Kimberly Hart. Kim, The Pink Ranger."
"Billy Cranston. The Blue Ranger."
"Zack Taylor, The Black Ranger."
"Trini Kwan. The Yellow Ranger."
You look at the girl named Trini, she looked petite and very beautiful, she looked like she had Latin blood.
"I love yellow." You said while smiling slightly looking at her, she smiled, "Thank you."
"Your turn, Y/N." Jason said.
You nodded and looked at them all, "Y/N Y/L/N."
They all seemed to be waiting for you to say what color Ranger you got, you smiled awkwardly and shook your head, "No. That's not gonna happen and I won't say it."
"You're still in denial, I get it, Y/N. But the coin chose you. There's nothing we can do about that, and we can't just change it." Trini said walking towards you.
You took a breath.
And here you are, trying to accept the fact that you were one of them, the heroes of Angel Grove.
You and the others are walking towards a mine that is still under construction.
Trini and Kim were seen early in front, Billy and Zack chatted and joked, you walked alone behind. Your mind is not in sync with your body, as if someone is taking over your body.
You felt your feet slipping, until finally a hand grabbed yours,
You widened your eyes with what just happened, you could have died.
"Careful, White." Jason said smiling, you faked a smile, "Yeah, thank you, Red." He chuckled at your reply.
He matched his footsteps with yours, "Jason,"
He cleared his throat, you opened your mouth, "The huge sacrifice that a ranger requires... Have you ever done it? I mean- on the verge of death and so on?"
He smiled, "No. You know, the last time Angel Grove was under siege by evil—like huge gold-plated monsters was a few months ago, so that's when me and the others were really fighting for our lives."
You nodded and took a breath, "Hey," he said which made you look at him, "I know maybe you're nervous, feel weird, scared, and so on, believe me, I was like that too when I first experienced it. But, Y /N, everything will be fine. We'll just take you to Zordon and you'll take a little training."
You nod again,
"Guys, we have reached the edge of the cliff. Do you want to jump first or jump straight into the water?"
You heard Zack screaming. Slowly you advanced your steps— and saw how high it was to reach the surface of the water. You didn't know the Angel Grove mine had this.
"Forget it, I'll go straight into the water." Zack said, he looked at you and waved his hand, "See you, odd girl."
He immediately dropped to the surface there, you swallowed your thirst, Billy followed Zack, Trini grabbed your shoulder before she caught up with Billy and Zack, Kim approached you, "Don't worry, we won't die." She smiled and jumped.
You just stay silent, it was just you and Jason left up there. You looked at Jason who smiled at you, “Jump together?”
"I would love to do that."
Jason took your hand to hold it, "Ready?" You nodded.
You can't explain the situation, but when you jump you scream as loud as you can and it feels like you're in the air for a long time, like you're moving in slow motion, you know?
Once you reach the surface of the air, you close your nose to not let air in.
You floated in the air and saw Zack, Kim, Trini, Billy, and Jason looking at you. You rubbed your face so the air on your face wouldn't interfere with your vision, feeling strange that they were all staring at you, you let out a voice, "What?"
"You are the brightest." Billy said.
You were confused, but after seeing their bodies glow according to the color they had, you looked at your own body which was surrounded by white light. You let out a smile, happy to see the radiation of the light you had.
"Okay. Without further ado, let's go to Zordon?" Kim said a little hesitantly.
You nod, they start to dive back down, you follow them, and suddenly in your blurred vision in the water you see them slowly disappear as they touch the reflection of the water. Only yourself is left in the water, you are out of breath, for now you won't ask too many questions, you follow them.
Touch the reflection and everything is upside down, you fall due to gravity. Luckily you didn't fall right to the bottom of the rock, you groaned and then realized you were on top of someone, you widened your eyes when you realized you were on top of Jason, your hair was still wet, dripping onto Jason's shirt.
"Hello there," he said with a sly smile, you stiffened and immediately smiled awkwardly, maybe you could say you were a little comfortable with that position...?
You heard Billy clear his throat, you immediately got up and stood up straight, "Sorry,"
"No problem." Jason smiled back, he also aroused himself like you.
You shook the dirt off your clothes, that's when you realized that you were in a cave.
"Come on," said Trini.
You follow them, and are amazed by what you see, a large ship hiding in the cave. Long story short, they take you on the ship,
"Zordon! Zordon! Zordon! She's here! The white ranger is here!"
You hear a shrill voice shout. That's when you see robot prototypes walking around. You were so confused that you put on your stupid face, you heard Jason chuckle, “Come here.”
You follow Jason, "That's Alpha 5. Weird I know, but can we say he's like our mentor's assistant?"
You nod.
You are taken to a room that could be said to be the heart of this ship,
"Y/N Y/L/N. White ranger. Welcome back."
You were speechless... What really spoke to you was just a face, "Oh my fucking god." you whispered.
You heard the face chuckle, "I know it's weird, as do the rest of your friends when they set foot here. And I'm so glad our missing Ranger is back. It was nice meeting you, Y/N."
You smiled awkwardly, "Nice to meet you too, Zordon?" Your tone sounds unsure.
"I'm sure Jason has explained everything to you?" Zordon asked, you nodded, “Then today we will try to get you to morph into your costume, understand?” You nodded your head a second time.
"And how?"
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You are taken to another cave on the ship, but Zordon's voice can still be heard.
"Actually, our previous enemy has fallen... And I'm not sure I would use a hologram of our old enemy. So, Y/N, you will fight your friend." Alpha 5 said, at first you were confused, “What?”
Until you see the 5 Angel Grove heroes in their costumes, you chuckle in disbelief, "I won't fight them in those costumes, right?" You looked at Alpha 5, he didn't say anything back, "I wish you a good luck, Y/N."
You looked back at those who were really ready to fight you, "Great. I'm fucking dying."
You prepare your moves, you actually don't know how to actually fight, it's only because you often watch several movies that you know some of the moves you have to use when fighting.
The blue one stepped forward— Billy came forward to fight you, his movements were very fast, he threw a punch but you quickly dodged and kicked him, your legs were in pain from the attack of the silver plated costume, "Damn it!"
Not long after, Trini and Kimberly came forward, Trini managed to land a punch on your face while Kim aimed for your stomach, you felt cramps all over your body, you tried to fight it, slowly you twisted your leg so that Trini suddenly fell, when Kim's attention was distracted by Trini, you punched her in the face which was visible through her mask.
You felt blood flowing from your nose, you saw Zack who was advancing his steps, you immediately wiped your blood, he pushed you until you were cornered on the rocks of the cave, you hit his back using your elbow, you thought you were starting to get used to the presence of this coin on you. You feel.. Stronger.
You kicked Zack's genitals with your knee, cliche but successful enough to send Zack sprawling on the floor. You immediately chuckled at him.
No sooner had you seen Jason standing side by side with Kim, as if they were ready to fight you, again, than you groaned, “Ugh.”
Kim goes forward and throws all the punches she can, you grab her hand and twist it so she groans, you immobilize her on the surface and push her far away.
You looked at Jason who was taking off his mask, he smiled, "You're getting used to it, aren't you?"
You smiled and he put his mask back on, "Take it easy on me, Red." You said before your fight started.
Your fight with Jason didn't require what you went through with all of them, he didn't hesitate to throw punches, kicks and whatever he had to paralyze you. You threw your fists, but he grabbed your hands and lifted you onto his shoulders then pushed you back, making you groan, you took the opportunity to wrap your legs around his neck.
"Sorry." You said before hitting him on the head again with your elbow, making him lose his balance and the two of you just fell.
"It's so tense here!" shouted Alpha 5.
As you fell together, Jason and you looked at each other before you were completely pressed against him, he was on top of you, holding your hand with both of his. Your breathing is irregular, you try to control your breath.
He took off his mask and showed a sly smile, "Am I 'take it easy on you', White?"
You smiled, “Sure you are.”
You heard a lot of fake coughs, as did Jason, you immediately stood up, you were amazed to see that their costumes had completely changed to how they were before.
You sigh, "So what? I don't see me 'morphing'?"
Trini looked at Kim, then Kim looked at you, "If this doesn't work, then we'll do something else."
"Oh, please, don't fight anymore. My body hurts so bad." You whined.
Jason chuckled, "No, we won't. Come on."
You follow them, they take you to the edge of the mine which is not far from Zack's residence, he said. You sat around the campfire, you sat between Zack and Jason.
You took off your leather jacket to reveal yourself wearing only a white tank top, you looked behind your shoulder which had many wounds, you thought that during the fight you accidentally rubbed against a rock.
"So what are we going to do? I don't think I have much time because my dad will be worried and I really need to treat this." Your words ended by pointing to several wounds on your face.
Zack chuckled, "You pretty much beat us there, Y/N. I mean... You're cool because you can fight us in costume."
You smiled, "Thank you. And I'm sorry for kicking your dick."
Zack was seen feeling embarrassed while the others laughed. You brought out your sly smile.
“Did you learn martial arts, Y/N?” Trini asked, you shook your head, “I watched a lot of movies, plus this coin's ability, I think I became more… I don't know, stronger?”
Trini smiled and nodded.
“So, the first thing we do when we can't change is open up to each other, Y/N.” Kim said.
You nod your head, “Okay, then my assignment is open to you all?” You looked at everything slowly, until your gaze stopped on Jason who nodded.
You don't mind sharing your story, "Okay.. I'm Y/N Y/L/N, a new kid from a town far from here. I live with my dad and my little brother, Jeremy, who really likes you guys. I mean, really. Like a maniac. And you have a lot of that maniacs, Scott." You said looking at Jason, the others groaned making Jason chuckle shyly.
You smile.
"Where is your mom?" Billy asked, your smile faded, things got quiet, Zack slapped Billy lightly on the chest, "Dude."
Billy, who looked confused, showed his flat face, "What?"
You smiled, "It's okay. Actually I don't know. And I never want to know. She was rude. To me, to my father, and before she managed to touch Jere, my father decided to move first leaving my mother. And I'm glad he did it."
"She was not only physically abusive... But mentally, she often cursed me with obscene words, such as being called a odd girl, a worthless girl, kind of a bitch, and other insults."
Recalling all those bad memories made you stare straight at the fire and felt warm drops of water fall from your face, you felt someone gently caress your back—and without you looking you knew it was Jason.
You blinked a few times and tried to smile, “That's all I think?”
“I'm sorry, Y/N.” Kim said followed by nods from Billy and Trini.
You smiled, "No need, Kim. But thanks."
"Okay... And as I remember the last time we morphing there must have been a sacrifice?" Zack asked.
You looked at him quickly, your whole face tensing up, Zack chuckled, "No, I'm kidding. It's just because of that creepy witch, Rita."
You breathed a sigh of relief.
At first Zack chuckled, but his smile disappeared again when he looked at you, again and again you were confused, they all looked at you, "What?"
You looked at Jason who smiled in awe, "You did morphing."
You look at your own body in a white costume... You did it! Whatever the term, you morphed!
But it's strange that you don't wear a mask like them...
“But why isn't she wearing a mask?” Billy asks which one is confusing you.
“Take her to Zordon, perhaps?” Trini suggested.
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"Good job, Y/N. I didn't expect you to change so quickly." Zordon said to you.
"Thank you. But do you have a reason why I'm not wearing a mask?"
"Oh! Of course. Don't panic, the White Ranger doesn't have a mask because its ability is specifically for physical contact. If you want to use your contact ability, you need eyes to see clearly without a mask."
Ah, that makes sense.
"So cool! Can I be white?!" Zack exclaimed while laughing.
"No." Zordon answered, making you laugh a little.
"However, Y/N. Promise me, all of us, to use your abilities only for good, only for Ranger purposes, and no evil."
You nodded your head, “Thank you for entrusting this coin to me.”
You could see Zordon smile, "You're the one who deserves it, kid. Wear it well."
After that you separated from Trini, Kim, Zack, and Billy. Jason offered to take you home since he was the one who caused all this. If I'm not mistaken, you only got home at 2 in the morning.
The streets were very quiet, Angel Grove was very quiet, only Jason and your footsteps could be heard.
Until you were in front of your house, "This is where we have to part ways." You said with a smile.
He smiled, "It's a shame I still want to spend time with you."
You chuckled, "Thank you. Thank you for promising me and believing in me, Jace."
He chuckled, "Jace? I love that. And also, anytime, Y/N. And everything I said on the bus, it's true, I watch you a lot in class."
You stepped forward and kissed his cheek, then stood up again, “Goodnight.”
Before you heard his answer, you went straight into your house, usually your father would turn on the lights if you weren't home yet, but not this time. Something is wrong and you don't like it.
You open your door... The door is unlocked.
You felt something was wrong, because you felt Jason was still there you screamed his name, "Jason!"
You see your house is completely a mess. Your family photo frame is broken, scattered on the floor,
"What's wrong?!" Jason exclaimed.
You didn't answer him, your breath was already short, you were afraid, you were afraid that the consequences you got as a Ranger would be passed on to your father, and what was worse... to Jeremy.
You took your steps towards Jeremy's room, "Jere?!" Your voice trembled, but there was no answer at all.
The room is no less messy than your living room... What actually happened?
You sobbed, you put one hand on your waist while the other hand you held tightly to your hair, Jason noticed that and held your hand gently so as not to hurt yourself, "Hey. Hey, breathe."
You cried uncontrollably, "What happened? Where are my father and brother, Jason?"
He pulled you into his arms, gently stroking your back, "Sshh. It's okay. We'll figure it out together, okay?"
You cried into his chest. Now the house that was once filled with your father's laughter and Jeremy's jokes has dimmed, even the light that illuminated your own father no longer appears in the house. Where are they? What really happened? You don't like this.
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Author Note : I apologize profusely if there are any typos because I originally wrote this from a first point of view... Hihi. I really hope you enjoy it, issea! and I'm really bad at writing fights...
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flower1622 · 8 months
I created a fic in my head to explain Tommy and Kimberly not coming back...is because...they get turned into the falcon and the crane. I know it sounds crazy. But the fanfic is this:
After losing her mother and trini, Kimberly has felt so lonely. She works hard everyday and has no one to talk to. She and Jason had a bad breakup because he noticed Kimberly still had feelings for Tommy. Her friends stopped calling her, texting her or even inviting her to the events. But one day she meets Tommy and they talk about everything. They reconnect with each other after so many years and they try to continue being friends (they were never friends if you know what I mean 😅). After talking to Kimberly again, he starts inviting her to the events but she felt like a burden because there was always a tension around them...especially after Trini's death....everyone just really separated and each went your own way. Tommy notices it and always tries to talk to her and make her feel better. After some time being friends, Tommy realises that he still likes Kim. So, he and Kat talk and get a divorce. Kat is not happy, but she won't make Tommy choose. She knows what his heart always wanted anyways...even in their house....he said Kim's name while sleeping. Kimberly knew that things would only get worse if she continued going to the events, so she stops going. Tommy and Kimberly still talked and visited each other.
But Kimberly was missing something more in her life...an aventure...she wants to meet new people. She remembers Tommy mentioning about Andros and that he isn't from here.
She know that is ocurring an event with all the rangers at Jason's house now. She organizes her things and go to the event. She sees the space rangers going away. She runs to them and asks if she could go....because she wanted to stay at Andros' Planet. They get confused but they accept to let her stay there.
Tommy sees Kimberly and runs to her. He looks at her worried and asks what was wrong. She says that she is going away. He knows that he can't lose her again. He tells her to wait a little bit that he would take his things that were in the guest room of Jason's house. Kat and Kimberly stare at each other for a few minutes. Kim tries to look away from her old friends. Most of them greet and hug her, except for Kat and Tanya. They ask if she was sure and she says yes. Tommy comes back with his things. Kimberly and Tommy say goodbye to their friends. Tommy's son runs to Tommy and hugs him crying. But Tommy promises he would try to keep in touch somehow. Tommy asks Kat to take care of their son. Tommy, Kimberly and the space rangers go away.
After a few days living in another planet, Kimberly and Tommy start a life together and Kimberly gets pregnant. But an attack happens. Kimberly and Tommy remember about a small transparent ship that Andros gave them. They didn't have time because the planet was being detroyed and people were burning. So, they put their baby in this ship and send the coordinates to earth, where he would be secure with their friends. The ship flies away taking the baby with it. Kimberly and Tommy use their old morphers and transform into power rangers. They defeat the bad guys, but the planet was still ending. So Kimberly and Tommy, still in their rangers forms, hold each other and wait for the worst. They die but their bodies shine a white light that transports them to the planet Phaedos where Dulcea receives them as the falcon and the crane because even though they were not rangers anymore, their animal spirits were still in their souls. So, when the other 4 die, they will turn into their animals too.
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