#jay elect
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Jay Kuo at The Status Kuo:
There’s a strange phenomenon occurring with the terminally online right. Ever since Vice President Kamala Harris announced that Gov. Tim Walz would be her running mate, many of the right have acted with fury. They’ve attempted to “Swift Boat” his 24-year service record in the Army National Guard. They’ve called him a racist for talking about “white guy tacos.” And they’ve dredged up a nearly 30-year old DUI—for which he took accountability and after which he stopped drinking altogether—to prove he’s somehow not so perfect a role model.
What they haven’t been able to do is make any of this stick. And yet, Walz continues to draw fire, which could otherwise have been directed at Harris. In other words, Walz is turning out to be a shrewd pick. At net 11 points positive favorability in polls, Walz is immensely more popular than his counterpart on the GOP ticket, JD Vance, who is underwater by nine. And as they continue to rail against him, the right keeps making his fundamental point about them: They are just really weird. In today’s piece, I explore some theories about why Walz brings out the worst impulses of the right just by being who he is. Then I’ll lay down some political tarot cards and prognosticate about where I think this leads.
Politico Uno Reverse
By most identity measures, Walz should be one of the MAGA right. He’s a midwestern white dude in his late 50s. He loves to hunt and is a sharpshooter. He served for decades in the military and achieved the highest enlisted rank of Command Sergeant Major. He was a football coach who helped lead his team to the state championship. And yet, despite all these identity markings, Walz in an unabashed progressive. He is for reproductive rights and an ally and protector of gay teens. And there isn’t a bigoted bone in his body. It’s as if when Harris picked him, she played, as writer Anna Gifty Opoku-Agyeman succinctly described it, a “political uno reverse.” The Walz card threw it right back at them, as if to say, “I’m a guy just like you, but without any of the weird baggage.” The MAGA GOP’s base is supposed to include white guys like Walz. But here is living evidence that they don’t have all of them or the best of them. That’s why they’re so eager to discredit him, because if they don’t, as psychologist Julie Hotard notes, then Walz will stand instead as a model of what is possible. On many levels, an appealing, white, male Democrat is a far bigger threat to their sense of identity than even a biracial woman candidate for president.
Attacking Mr. Nice Guy
For the past two decades, the GOP has shifted markedly toward being a party of cruelty, of “owning” the libs and drinking their tears, and of being as unpleasant and in-your-face as they can be. That kind of behavior has been rewarded with appearances on Fox and other right wing media, fundraising dollars from the MAGA base, and a spot at the side or in the tweets of the ex-president himself. As author Patrick S. Tomlinson observed, Walz represents what shouldn’t be an extraordinary notion: that you can be a nice guy, supportive of women, embracing of gay people, and still be all the coded masculine ideals of soldier, football coach, hunter and father that the MAGA right believed it had a lock on. Plus, you can be all those things without ever asking weird questions about menstrual cycles, chromosomes and genitalia. The right even tried to make a big deal about Walz’s efforts as governor to ensure free tampons were available to girls in school. Rumors circulated that schools had been required to also put tampons in boys’ bathrooms, but those claims turned out to be untrue, while demonstrating how off kilter the right becomes over sexuality and gender. The “Tampon Tim” moniker didn’t stick. On the contrary, there are probably many moms and dads grateful for a governor like Walz who is thinking about their daughters’ needs.
Jay Kuo explains the real reason why the right is being driven crazy by Tim Walz: The fact that he has a profile that would typify a MAGA voter (football coach, military service, loves to hunt) yet is a progressive white dude (solid LGBTQ+ rights ally before it became fashionable among Democrats).
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tomorrowusa · 20 days
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Yep, the GOP is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Putin, Inc..
If Trump loses, all those pee tapes will have been for nothing.
Jay Kuo blogged about the Republican Tenet Media payola scandal at his Substack.
A MAGA Meltdown The Russian influence peddling scandal begins to mount casualties.
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share-somelove · 3 months
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⭐️Vote Hannibal Lecter 2024⭐️
He could fix this country
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drasticemotions · 2 months
bridgit mendler for president 2024 methinks
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jacks-weird-world · 1 month
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I Love New York (stylized I ❤ NY) is a slogan, a logo, and a song that are the basis of an advertising campaign developed by the marketing firm Wells, Rich, and Greene under the directorship of Mary Wells Lawrence used since 1977 to promote tourism in the state of New York. The trademarked logo, owned by the New York State Department of Economic Development, appears in souvenir shops and brochures throughout the state, some licensed, many not.
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"I Love New York" is the official state slogan of New York. The logo was designed by graphic designer Milton Glaser in 1976 in the back of a taxi and was drawn with red crayon on scrap paper. The original drawing is held in the Museum of Modern Art in Manhattan. The song was written by Steve Karmen and its copyright was donated by him to the state.
📂Source: Wikipedia.
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I 💖 Nₑw Yₒᵣₖ
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toptophat · 1 year
#Best... Election! #18
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superimaginarygirl · 3 months
Oh fuck
Oh fuck
Oh fuck
On l'a fait !!!!!
Putain j'y croyais pas mais c'est trop beau !!!
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confusedfeelsfangirl · 3 months
Qu’on le dise une bonne fois pour toute: ici on emmerde le RN et tous ceux qui ont voté pour eux ! Pour ceux que cette affirmation offenserait je vous dirige vers le bouton “unfollow” et que la porte vous tape bien fort en vous retournant !
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jomiddlemarch · 3 months
"...decatastrophize your thinking. We’re all good at imagining the worst outcomes. But we can usually picture a far better outcome, too, like Biden winning by a comfortable margin and the Democrats holding the Senate and taking back the House. But we must do more than just imagine it. We must take at least one affirmative step toward that goal to make it more likely, even if it is a small one. Maybe it’s donating $5. Maybe it’s sharing good news. Maybe it’s making some calls or writing some postcards. Actions change outcomes. Anxiety alone does not." -- Jay Kuo
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Jazsmin Halliburton and Matthew Sanders at KMIZ:
The Missouri Supreme Court has overturned a lower court decision that would have removed a question on legalizing abortion from the November ballot. The court heard arguments Tuesday morning and Chief Justice Mary Russell issued a decision a little after 2 p.m. Tuesday. The judges voted by majority to reverse Cole County Circuit Judge Christopher Limbaugh's decision, issued last week. The court ordered Tuesday that the question should appear on the Nov. 5 ballot. Amendment 3, which covers abortion, was certified by the Secretary of State's Office after thousands of petition signatures. The initiative petition that was used to get access to abortion on the ballot received over 380,000 signatures. The amendment would guarantee a right to an abortion until fetal viability.
Rachel Sweet with Missourians for Constitutional Freedom, the group that led the petition drive to get the question on the ballot, said in a statement the decision is a "victory for democracy and reproductive freedom in Missouri." “This ruling is a validation of the more than 380,000 Missourians who signed the petition," the statement says. "This fight was not just about this amendment—it was about defending the integrity of the initiative petition process and ensuring that Missourians can shape their future directly. The Missouri Republican Party called the decision "devastating." "This ruling marks the most dangerous threat to Missouri's pro-life laws in our state's history," the party says in a statement. "Make no mistake -- this amendment, bankrolled by radical out-of-state interest groups, is a direct assault on Missouri families and the values we hold dear."
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inlovewithaspiderguy · 3 months
A voté 🗳
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ahalliance · 3 months
i love when the us election year rolls around every four years and makes it the rest of the world’s problem
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jacks-weird-world · 1 month
I bₑ ₒₙ ₘy ₛᵤᵢₜ aₙd ₜᵢₑ
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Caₙ I ₛₕₒw yₒᵤ a fₑw ₜₕᵢₙgₛ?
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tomorrowusa · 4 months
There was a special election on Tuesday to fill the vacancy in an Ohio US House district due to the resignation of Republican Bill Johnson in OH-06.
It's not a major surprise that Republican Michael Rulli won. His GOP predecessor Bill Johnson took the district in 2022 by 67.7% to 32.3% for Democrat Louis G. Lyras. Donald Trump won the district by about 29% in 2020.
But it was noteworthy to see Rulli, a state senator, win by just 9.3% over a little-known bartender named Michael Kripchak.
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The Republican candidate won, and that’s no surprise. But political observers are frankly shocked that the race was far closer than expected. [ ... ] Ohio continues to surprise us. The statewide votes last year, first to prevent Republicans from raising the threshold to pass constitutional amendments to 60 percent, and second to preserve the right to abortion in the state, showed that Ohio voters are ready to draw the line when it comes to extremist religious or anti-democratic measures. [ ... ] [T]he Democratic challenger was a first-time, unknown candidate named Michael Kripchak, who quit his day job to run against GOP state senator, Michael Rulli. Kripchak is a veteran who spent only around $25K to Rulli’s $700,000, a nearly 30 to 1 cash advantage for the Republican.
Every county in this district had a swing to the Democrats. Two counties were actually carried by Democrat Kripchak; Democrats carried no counties in OH-06 in 2022.
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Democrats have overperformed in almost every special House election since the start of 2023.
But we still hear the pundits and pollsters droning on about Democrats allegedly being in big trouble this year. Fox News has even dusted off a dormant conspiracy theory that Biden is going to step down and be replaced by Michelle Obama. Fox News doesn't miss a chance to juice up its racist and misogynistic viewers by hinting a white male would be replaced by a black female.
Democratic voters in OH-06 turned out thanks to Democratic volunteers spreading the word. Persistence, enthusiasm, and hard work produce results. To use a Latin phrase: Vincit qui laborat.
Anybody who is not an outright MAGA supporter is a potential swing voter and should be regarded by us as such. The stakes are too high this year to revert to the slackerism of 2016.
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