#jayden shiba/deker
the-mad-closet · 5 months
please, fanfic Deker x Jayden jajaja
You know, I never considered this ship before, but I don't mind it. Just this once, though!
Deker lays on the bed, panting lightly. He moans as his cock is once more engulfed in tight wet heat. "Feels good?" asks a person whose face he can't see.
"Yes," he breathes. His hips press up into the warmth. "More," he asks.
The person laughs. "Say please," he suggests.
Dekker growls. "I don't say please," he snaps.
"Then you don't get more," replies the person. He leans forward on Deker's dick, and Deker catches a glimpse of dark-colored hair and a beautifully cut cock. The person begins to slowly fuck themselves on Deker's cock, rocking back and forth slowly. The muscles flex and relax with the person's rocking, and Deker can't help but press into the contact. When the person just laughs, Deker throws his head back with a moan.
"You know what to say if you want more," the person says calmly. "You've just got to say it."
Deker moans again, thrusting up once more. This gets a moan from the person, head thrown back to show off a paler neck. Deker wants to keep going, but he's stopped.
"No," comes the firm command. Deker will later deny he whines like a child.
"More," Deker pleads. "I need it, sir."
The person leans forward, finally bringing his face into the light. Jayden, Deker knows. Samurai Red. "You know what to say," Jayden says.
The warmth, the tight heat, the movement, it all felt divine, but Deker can't get off like that. "I..."
Jayden hums, giving Deker a soft reward in the form of a particularly hard thrust downward. Jayden's hand goes to his own cock and strokes. "Come on, baby," Jayden murmurs. "Just a little more."
Deker whimpers, swallowing hard. "P... please," he whispers.
Jayden grins. "What was that?" he asks, leaning closer.
Deker swallows his pride again and says, a little louder this time, "Please!"
Jayden, utterly unrepentant, smirks. "That's a good boy," he murmurs, then plants his hands on Deker's chest and bounces on his cock. Picking up speed is easier, and before Deker knows it he's crying out and coming hard. Jayden doesn't stop, stroking his cock in time with his thrust. Another few seconds and the Red follows Deker over the edge.
Deker groans, head thunking backward. "That's good," he says, panting for breath.
"Just good?" Jayden asks. "I think we can do better. Let's try again, shall we?"
Before Deker can say another word, Jayden reaches over and picks up a small remote off the nightstand. He clicks the top button, and Deker screams as his prostate is suddenly assaulted by strong vibrations. The plug Jayden had put in his ass suddenly makes so much sense.
"I plan to fuck you before the night's over, baby," Jayden says, gently pulling off Deker's cock. "But for now, I'm gonna have my fun." Jayden once more reaches for the nightstand and comes back with a cockring, which he promptly locks at the base of Deker's dick. "Feel like using your mouth?"
Deker's mouth is open, tonguing at the head of Jayden's cock before the words are even out of his Red's mouth.
Jayden chuckles. "Good boy," he praises.
Warmth blooms in Deker's chest.
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regaliasonata · 8 days
This is just toxic yaoi…and Antonio got wrapped up in their mess🤍❤️💛
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Do you think they fight over Jayden when they're trying to sleep in one bed?
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I think about this everyday constantly.
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estel-eruantien · 11 months
Lmao I didn’t think I was gonna get into Samurai but not only has the story genuinely pulled me in, the GAYS got me
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meant-to-be-a-hero · 3 years
Ranger Rankings - Power Rangers Samurai + Super Samurai
Premise - 4
The idea of Rangers having trained all their lives for the role, or at the very least knowing that they're going to have to be Rangers at some point, is a good one. The whole Samurai dojo setting is reminiscent of Ninja Storm and Jungle Fury, but it works, and it's fair of Saban to go with what they know works for their first time out after regaining the license. There aren't any glaring holes in the plot, and the dojo doubles as a place for non-Ranger activity without needing unnecessary explanation.
Character Dynamics - 3.5
For a change, if you're NOT the Red Ranger, this actually works out pretty well for you.
Mia, Emily, Mike, and Kevin all get to go through a lot in this season - they each get some good spotlight episodes, and their development as Rangers and as people comes along leaps and bounds in the 40 episode run. I like that they show actually acknowledged Mike & Emily's relationship rather than just pretending it wasn't there like other seasons have done in the past.
And then there's Jayden, who seems to get the short end of the stick. He's very, very stiff for most of the season, and he keeps relearning the same lessons without really progressing along his arc. He gets teamwork, then runs off on his own. He gets trusting his friends, then won't let them help him. And then when Lauren shows up at the end, there's that initial conflict over whether he's necessary any more, which kind of just fizzles out when he comes right back. It's frustrating, but he definitely feels like an unfinished character, even by the end of the season, and especially compared to the others.
Mentor Ji's fine. He has a few shining moments, like trying to help Bulk & Skull during one of the Christmas episodes, or the two times he gets to join in the fight, but he's mostly there to dispense wisdom.
I honestly could have done without the Bulk & Spike plot though. It barely ever actually coincided with the Ranger plot, and neither of them had much in the way of growth all season. Power Rangers realised after Turbo that Bulk & Skull weren't necessary any more, and while bringing them back has a nice nostalgia factor, that fact hasn't changed, and just detracts from time we could have spent with the other characters.
Sixth Ranger Arc - 4.5
Ah, Antonio. The golden light. My boy.
Yes, he has the whole 'turns up and becomes a Ranger in one episode' thing, but there's actually a really good reason for that this time around.
The idea of a self-taught Ranger is totally neat, and it comes up a lot even after he becomes a regular member of the team. He's a tech whiz, and he approaches symbol power and even Ranger training totally differently to everyone else. He really does feel like a different person compared to the others, and he brings some much needed levity to the team as well.
His ties with Jayden come up a lot too, even just in little gestures or glances as the series goes on. And the way he treats his Zords like his friends is adorable.
And the fact that he always has his own deal and isn't just hanging out at Shiba House on his off-days gives him an additional dimension too.
I just really like him, okay?
Plot Development - 3.5
I think because this season's 40 episodes + specials after so long of 30ish, it feels like the main plot drags on a LOT, especially in the early days of Samurai.
I like the idea that the villains can't just attack because of the level of the Sanzu River, and it gives them a reason to keep sending individual monsters rather than attacking right away, but it feels really arbitrary as to how successful they're being - the plot could have ended at any point, if they really wanted it to.
Things look up from the end of Samurai - the Black Box arc, and then the appearance of Serrator keeps things fresh, and the final five episode arc is straight fire through to the end. But there are too many one and done plots, and the holiday specials are pretty terrible given that three of the four are clip shows, and the one that isn't is just all recycled footage.
Villains - 3.5
Let's get the bad out of the way - Master Xandred is pretty crap, especially as a season-long villain. All he does is yell, or get drunk (medicine, my ass). He doesn't add anything to the plot, and he doesn't even feel particularly threatening until his final two episodes.
But then the supporting villains are great. The tragedy of Dayu and Deker, while also a bit overly long (there are like three places it could have ended before the final episodes), is something we haven't seen before. They could have easily had one or both of them face turn, but they stayed if not evil then neutral to the end, and it was actually quite sad seeing how it all turned out for them.
Serrator was a good mini-boss; we could have done with another one of him in Samurai to bridge the gap. He had a decent, if weird, plan, and a good personality - I always love dissension in the villain ranks, and he was more compelling in like three episodes than Xandred was in 40.
And Octoroo was just funny. I loved when he actually got to join in the fights - he looks totally useless, but he's not, and his little vocal tick was just present enough to be endearing without getting on my nerves. Shame he drowned.
Team-Up - 2
Clash Of The Red Rangers suffered so much from behind the scenes issues that I kind of wish they hadn't bothered doing it at all, because the final product was bland. You could literally take Scott out of the story and it'd play out basically the same way. Not having the rest of the RPM Rangers hurts it a lot, as does the entire Samurai team disappearing for half the story. Meanwhile the actual 'clash' lasts all of two minutes and is a ruse. It's watchable sure, but for a team-up episode, it's only one notch above the offensive Trakeena's Revenge.
Overall - 3.50
Hottest Ranger - Antonio. Come on! The boy's cute, he can sing, he's a dork most of the time, and he talks to his Zords like they're friends. I was never going to be able to resist. Also, shout out to Deker because evil!Cole also hits my buttons.
Notable Episodes:
There Go The Brides - The first hint that there's something more going on with Dayu and Deker, plus some decent subterfuge from the Rangers too.
Unexpected Arrival/Room For One More/The Blue And The Gold - Antonio's here and everything's suddenly miles better.
He Ain't Heavy Metal, He's My Brother - Mentioned entirely for Antonio and Mia's song.
A Sticky Situation - Mike & Kevin get stuck together and have to live with their hands tied together for an entire episode. Hilarity ensues.
The Master Returns/A Crack In The World/Stroke Of Fate - Honestly, a few little rewrites could have made this three episode arc the end of the series if they wanted to. The stakes were high, the reveals were there, and it was the end of Serrator.
Fight Fire With Fire/The Great Duel/Evil Reborn/The Sealing Symbol/Samurai Forever - Another excellent finale. The final fights with Xandred had some surprising twists and turns that I really enjoyed, and once this final five episode arc got going, it didn't let up.
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avalonbayblog · 6 years
Giving Up The  Game
Summary - Taking some time to himself to think brings Jayden to reveal something that could help the rangers and their fight against Deker and the Nighlocks. Prequel one-shot to my upcoming PRSamurai story. May extend into two-shot.
*This is the Jayden/Bailey meeting I was talking about
Also found here: FFN
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Jayden Shiba sighed gently. His blue eyes shifted over the residents of Panorama City. A pang of envy shot through his chest. The residents hustled and bustled, shopped, laughed, smiled at each other, ducked into stores all without a care in the world while he sat out in the sunlight, wondering—almost dreading what was inevitably going to happen.
Whether it be seconds, minutes, hours, or days, it was going to happen.
A monster would attack, and he’d throw his life on the line and the residents of Panorama City had no idea. Were blissfully unaware that he was the one who protected them time and time again. Didn’t know he had that burden to bear. And it was a burden slowly starting to wear him down.
Jayden stretched out his legs, resting his arms on the top of the bench behind him. Worked hard to appear nonchalant, but it was only a matter of seconds until his fingertips repeatedly tapped the top of the bench and his knee bounced up and down.
Unlike the residents of Panorama, he wasn’t basking in the sunlight because he had nothing to do. He waited. For a Nighlock attack, for Moogles running around somewhere…he expected all of that to happen in the next few minutes and it was the only thing that seemed to be keeping him sane lately. His mind had been running a million miles a minute, most of which having to do with the constant training he was going to be subjected to, to be able to control the next spin disk, to be a good leader.
He didn’t want to admit it to the others, but…the pressure was starting to get to him. To be a leader and help the other rangers with their power was slowly starting to eat away at him. Kept him up at night. Angered him when he—and they—didn’t get something right away.
They’d never get to his level, if he were being honest. Not as quickly as he’d like. He knew it to be true, and it was the hardest part of what he had to face. What happened when the monster that could defeat all of them came and he was the only one that could stand up to them?
He’d be as good as dead—
No! Jayden clenched his teeth, turning his head aside. He couldn’t allow himself to think like that. If he let those thoughts come to mind, it’d break his confidence quicker than he could ever anticipate and doubting himself and others was not what a leader did.
Sighing again, this time in relief as his joints cracked when he stood, Jayden stood. He stretched his arms overhead, bringing a hand up to rub his neck. He looked around, eyes landing on the nearby coffee shop. He hadn’t been there in so long but remembered they did make a good espresso. Not something he usually treated himself with, his body was a temple and he took what he put into it very seriously.  The extra caffeine was probably not good for him, but he needed something to take his mind off things.
Jayden went inside and immediately moved to the counter to order. The barista looked up from purple notebook she was writing in and immediately moved to greet him. Her eyes flicked over “What can I get you, mate?” He heard the Australian accent and leveled his gaze at her.
She looked back at him, dark eyes patiently waiting to move to the register to ring up his order. His eyebrows furrowed, a little disarmed. He wasn’t used to being around people other than his team. Observing others as he kept to himself was even a bit off-putting. He couldn’t remember the last time anyone was actually nice to him, let along Mike when he was trying to butter up Jayden after breaking something in his room.
“Do you need another gander at the menu?” She continued, her smile widening. Almost as if she’d told a joke.
“Uh.” Jayden leaned back and quickly looked at the menu that rested on the board above his head. As if he’d completely forgotten his order within the last second. “I’ll just have an espresso,” he finally said.
“Coming right up.” The waitress plugged his order into the register and started to make his drink.
Jayden waited a second. “How much do I owe?” he asked.
“It’s on me,” She replied quickly and walked further down the counter before Jayden could protest.
His eyebrows furrowed even further, hand slowly moving to replace his wallet into his pocket. He hadn’t meant to give any indication he didn’t want to pay. It was a debt he owed, and he expected to pay for the service he was asking for. Nevertheless, the waitress seemed to be serious, so he went to a nearby empty table and sat. He resisted the urge to check his Samurizer for any messages.  
Jayden turned away from his Samurizer and watched as the waitress continuously and effortlessly greeted and served the other patrons in the shop while her co-workers worked perfectly together. Though he couldn’t help but notice, when the waitress called over his drink, that there was something written and scribbled out on his drink. Something that looked suspiciously like ‘ASS FACE’.
Turning it in his hand, Jayden’s eyebrows rose when he saw ‘SAD GUY’ written neatly on the side of the cup, free of scribbles. “Sad guy?” He questioned.
A few of the baristas behind the counter started to laugh while the one helping him shot them a glare. Then she turned back to him, tucking her hair behind her ears. “My mates like to think they’re funny,” she apologized. Jayden continued to stare at her. She shrugged, adjusted the purple knit hat that sat atop her hair. “I’ve seen you around a lot,” she said, nodding toward the window that overlooked the street. “You always look a little down. I don’t ever see you with anyone.”
Not down, just preoccupied. Jayden looked away. His fingertip absentmindedly thumped against the counter top. There had to be something that could help them, he told himself. Everything had a weakness, and so far the only weakness that was constantly found was his and the other rangers.
It had been embarrassing how easily they had been defeated. No amount of training had prepared him for it.
“Is something wrong, mate?” Jayden glanced up to see the girl watching closely. “Does something smell? I reckon I haven’t checked the expiration date on our milk in a bit but--”
“No.” Jayden briskly cut her off. “Why?”
“Because you have a look on your face like you just smelled something foul,” she continued in a ‘duh’ tone. “So it’s either that this place really isn’t up to its health codes or there’s something seriously wrong with you.” She crossed her arms, leaning against the counter. Her eyebrows rose. “Frankly, it wouldn’t surprise me if it were the latter, hey?”
Jayden frowned. “I have a lot on my mind,” Jayden replied. There was a defensive edge to his tone that he knew the girl noticed through the quick quirk of an eyebrow.
“So, you don’t just have that face when you’re buy yourself,” the girl continued, slowly nodding. “I hate to see what happens when you bloody smile.” She reached out to take a glass a co-worker sat on the counter next to her.
She took a rag from the pocket of her black jeans, starting to rub it over the glass. Jayden’s eyes shifted to the watch that sat on her wrist. A faceless silver mechanism that had purple stripes along the band. He’d never seen a watch look like that before. Tilting his head, he examined it a bit closer before her movements twisted her hand away.
Jayden sucked in a deep between his teeth. What he said next certainly was rude, but her words were not helping his mood in the slightest. Defeat did that to him. Mia always said he shouldn’t take defeat too seriously—which would spur her in a disagreement with Kevin who espoused it was important to recognize your shortcomings. Still, he couldn’t help himself form saying, “It’d be nice if I wasn’t judged.”
“Who said I was judging you?” She seemed unbothered by his tone. As a matter of fact, her smile widened. “Judgment is forming an estimation or assumption about something without having evidences to reinforce your claims. The fact that you’re letting it bother you further is simply your adverse reaction to my opinion.”
He blinked in surprise, listening to her politely tell him off. Finally, he could only say, “I didn’t ask for it.”
“No one ever does. My sister says it’s one of my worst habits. But you should see her.”
The girl smiled and put the glass down, picking up another one and wiping water droplets off it as well. She placed it onto a drying rack behind her and went to the window that had been cut into the wall, showing a glimpse of the kitchen behind them. Leaning forward, she said something to the chefs at the back then picked up a set of menus and came from around the bar, going to set up a few tables that had just recently been occupied.
Jayden returned to the table with his espresso and nursed it, his mind wandering over the last battle he and the team had faced with the Nighlocks. The monster had moved incredibly fast and seemed impervious to the numerous attacks he, Kevin, Mike, Mia, and Emily had shot towards it.
And the monster continued to sit laugh and laugh as each attack was blasted into the nearby buildings and cars that surrounded the fighting area. What was it that was going to be the deciding factor on how to beat it? If they couldn’t defeat this monster there was going to be another one, even bigger, better, and faster that would do the job and finish off the rangers for sure.
“Here you go.”
Jayden jumped as the girl placed a plate with a piece of a chocolate cheesecake in front of him. “Sorry,” he apologized. “I didn’t order this.”
“No worries.” She waved a hand. “I can’t have someone with that long of a face leave looking like that. It’s not good for our reputation.” She turned and picked up a can of whipped cream and placed it onto the counter by the plate of food. “And whipped cream to go along with it.” She wiggled a finger back and forth. “Just keep it PG, this is a family place.”
Jayden chuckled, reaching out and taking the fork that was given to him as well, digging into the piece of dessert. He stuck a piece into his mouth and chewed gently, starting to cut another piece. He raised his blue eyes to the girl.
“I’m Jayden,” he finally introduced himself.
“Bailey,” she replied. “Nice to finally meet you.” Her eyes flickered over him. “Are you waiting for someone?”
“No.” Jayden shook his head. “I’m just…by myself. I needed some time away.”
“I hope your ‘time away’ manages to loosen you up a little,” Bailey commented. “You look like you could use a laugh.” Jayden looked away as his Samurizer went off, making him surge to his feet, nearly knocking over the table and his drink. Bailey hardly reacted, she continued to watch him closely. Something flashed through her eyes. “And a change in wardrobe. You wear red a lot, mate.”
“It’s my favorite color,” Jayden said quickly.
“I know the feeling.”
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lacie-m-naden1228 · 5 years
The Hidden Sister Of The Red Samurai Ranger
Part 2/35
Tengen Gates
Welcome to the Tengen Gates, you must be the power rangers. Yes, we are the power rangers says Jayden. All of the them bow down to the old man. Why don't all of you come and have some tea with me and I will tell you about the black box says the old man. After they got into the building, the old man sent a servant for some tea. When no one was looking, Octoroo came and poisoned everyone's tea. The servant came out and set the tea in the middle of the circle. Here is the tea for all of you rangers says the old man. Jayden was the first person out of all the rangers to drink the tea. Guys don't drink the tea because it has been poisoned by someone says Jayden. Next, they heard yelling coming from outside in the gardens. Go tells Jayden to the other rangers. While they ran outside, the old man told a servant to go and mushrooms. The other rangers started to go against the moogers outside. Octoroo was standing and watching the old man use mushrooms the red ranger. Mushrooms won't help you with that poison red ranger says Octoroo. Back outside a monster came and it's name is Arachnitor. Jayden was crawling away and he finally got to the forest.
In The Forest
Out of no where a young girl came up to him. I'm sorry but Jayden you need to stay right here while I am gone say the mysterious girl. How do you know my name shouts Jayden but the mysterious girl was already gone.
The Fight
Hey guys yells the mysterious girl to the other rangers after she transforms into her red ranger suit. Wait, Star is that you yells Antonio? Sure is and good to see you again Antonio yells Star! Alright, it's just you and me Arachnitor. While the rangers were fighting, Deker came and took Jayden from the forest. Deker wanted the poison out of his system so they could talk. Then the man threw the red ranger into the river so the poison could come out of his system. Jayden came up after being thrown into the water, but Deker told him to stay under the water to heal. Antonio left the fight and he watched as Deker threw Jayden into the water.
Everyone else was at the Shiba House with Mentor Ji. After about an hour the poison was out of Jayden's system and Deker said they would duel one day. Antonio was able to get Jayden and get him back to the Shiba House.
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regaliasonata · 1 year
Lauren: So what exactly is Deker?
Antonio: Either Jayden's stalker or ex?
Lauren: Ex? Please, like he could pull anyone, not an insult but have you met him?
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regaliasonata · 10 months
Jayden: If I wear your cardigan will it make me look gay?
Deker: Your best friend wears an ascot and you assume that people don’t already assume you are?
Jayden: Can I have your cardigan then?
Deker: No.
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estel-eruantien · 1 year
Is it just me or is Samurai very gay? I’m only on episode 10!
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