#jean is a catalyst user
Okay, Miss Angst Queen, you want angsty scenarios, I shall give you one.
Fem!Reader (You), Diluc and Kaeya grew up together and Diluc develops a kiddie crush on you.
That's why he isn't too happy when Crepus suddenly announces that because Jean's mother had activated the marriage contract between their families, he is now engaged to Jean.
It didn't take Jean long to realize that Diluc doesn't like her the way he like you and she's pretty miffed because she feels you have 'stolen' her fiancé. Her more... over-zealous servants decide to take matters into their own hands and arrange for 'unfortunate incidents' to happen to you.
Eventually, your mother is forced to fake your death and send you to her distant relative in Liyue (Baizhu) when one of those 'unfortunate incidents' come a little too close to killing you.
With Diluc, after his self-exile after Crepus' death, the very first thing he does after returning to Mondstadt is to annul the marriage contract.
( I resubmitted it myself so I can have it in my drafts )
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Character: Diluc
Type: Angst, tragedy, and Reader in her villian era
Tags: Fem!Reader
Requester: @sailorstar9
Content: The female protagonist grew up with Kaeya and Diluc, along with Diluc developing a crush on on you since childhood. However, Jean's mother activated a marriage contract with Diluc's fathers, thus binding him and Jean in an arrange marriage. Jean's servants decided to arrange an event to create an unfortunate "accident" which lead your mother to actually making you fake your death by it and send you to Baizhu, a distant relative. However, unknowingly after Crepus's death along with his situation with Kaeya, he placed himself on self exile and the first action he did when returning, was to nullify his marriage contract with Jean now that he is the head of the family and can decline the contract. ( I hope I got this correctly )
My spin with Angst :) : Years later, Since the reader's distant relative is Baizhu, it would make sense she would have Dendro healing abilities, as Baizhu have been training you to defend yourself and medically educate you. However, ironically, you were in your villain era, You were angry, you felt robbed. This was trauma without you realizing it. Despite being taught to be a catalyst user, you decided, why in the hell would you even try at this point? You decided, a sword would suit you much better.
Trigger Warning: I might be a little violent in this story to stress the Villain Era the reader is in, and also, dealing with trauma so please proceed with caution. I might add cursing a bit, please let me know if you can feel the idea of the reader without the cursing.
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"What you do you mean you are cancelling the arrange marriage!?!" Jean looked at Diluc shocked.
He was standing in her office, unfazed. One word to describe Diluc right now, was tired. Exhausted. Drained. He had no energy to deal with anything, he didn’t want to deal with anything. He lost the person who he loved to some vague accident, he lost his father, and lastly, he lost his brother, metaphorically of course.
"Just as I said, I am canceling this unnecessary contract, I have the right to. The only reason we had this, was only because of the favor my father owned your mother. Consider that favor fulfilled by my servitude to the Favonious knights." He turned to leave without another world.
Jean jumped forward, and walked. "Wait! Wait!" She hugged him from behind. "I haven’t see you in so long, can't we talk this out? Come on, Luc..."
Diluc pushed her away. "Don't ever call me that again, understand? I only tolerated it for the contract. But I never want to hear it out your mouth again. Understand?"
Jean looked at him baffled. "B-But-"
"Understand?" Diluc glared into her eyes, his eyes were soulless reds, in the pits of a fiery empty dead hell.
Jean obediently complied, due to shock and intimidation. "U-Understand..."
Diluc continued to walk out of her office. "There is only one person who is allowed to call me that..."
As Jean watched Diluc walked out and put in all his two week notices for everything and leaving behind a life he once had. To that, he thought, good riddance.
As years, passed by, Diluc went on to be the most successful winery owner over the countries, gaining riches, as his main occupation is to produce wine, and deal with the fatui, and any other monsters at hand.
However, here you are, staring in the mirror in your room. You lived in Bubu Pharmacy with Baizhu looking after you. You glared at the scars on your body. There were deep scarring on your arms, back and chest. So deep, that it could be felt through your clothes if anyone tried hard enough to pay attention.
Red. There was only anger in your eyes. You saw a glimpse of your kind happy face, when you were younger, as it flashed back now. You just wanted to be left alone. You want peace and quiet. You didn’t care for anything. You were just angry.
You were robbed, you lost everything. Angry at almost dying, angry at losing your roots at your home land. Angry that you could have had a happy life, a peaceful life. Yet, you were here in fucking Liyue. Your mother recently passed, months ago, and you couldn’t be there. Why? Because you were in fucking Liyue. You could have healed her, but she kept saying no and to keep your faked death a secret.
She has passed on, that was the last straw, fuck faked death. Fuck being alive or dead. Fuck everything. You are done.
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uhzuku · 2 years
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— 𝐦𝐫. 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 ( 𝐢 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫, 𝐦𝐚𝐧 ) ; 𝐤. 𝐚𝐥𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐡.
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: in your company this vision was gained, therefore in your company it will stay.
𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦: genshin impact. | 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: kaeya alberich/f!reader | 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: sfw ; minors dni | 𝐰/𝐜: 2.02k.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: angst, hurt no comfort, previously established relationship, canon ragbro angst, diluc worries over kaeya but doesn’t say anything, borderline alcoholism, pining, mourning, offscreen reader death, implied suicide.
— 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐞 !!
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his middle finger absentmindedly traces the rim of his glass, the whiskey long since drained from it as he stares into absolute nothingness. his eyes are empty, his vision distant, and his mind elsewhere — but after what he’d lost, wasn’t it to be expected?
it was supposed to be a routine inspection of their borders — it shouldn’t have taken her but a few days, so when she’d not returned in over a week the acting commander had sent out a pair of partnered knights to look into her absence. they’d returned silently with little between them and no woman at their backs, and kaeya had been called into jean’s office as soon as they’d finished giving the report. he’d been looking forward to whatever message y/n could have sent describing what had somehow gotten her sidetracked, as doing so would involve quite the feat considering this was a work trip rather than one meant for play regardless, only to receive somber looks of pity and apologies alongside the news that the scouting knights had found only her corpse. 
kaeya had gone silent at the admission, all jokes seemingly stolen from him. he’d been in disbelief at first, confused as to how his fiancé could possibly have been bested when she was one of the greatest catalyst users in mondstadt, much less killed. she was not weak, nor was she a fool — y/n was strong and she didn’t make mistakes in work, this had to be some mistake, surely?
that was, at least, what he’d tried to convince himself of. 
anger had followed the disbelief; why had jean allowed her to go by herself if the journey had the potential to be so dangerous? why not send her with a partner, even if it weren’t him? he’d yelled at her, something he was ashamed to remember, and she’d taken it — she was still mourning in her own right, but she’d stood there and looked down at her desk through tear-filled eyes as kaeya raged until he fell into fitful tears of his own as the loss became so overwhelming that he lost control of himself. 
she’d tried to comfort him, archons bless her, but kaeya had left before she could say anything, much less even make it around her desk to put a hand on his shoulder.
after the aforementioned anger came sorrow — an emotion he still hadn’t shaken, and one he doubted he ever would. it’s been seven months since he’d gotten news from jean about y/n’s death, and he’d privately resigned shortly after hearing it ( he’d taken a couple weeks to attend the funeral services and mourn before going in and telling her; she’d begged him to reconsider, but he’d not said another word and had just walked back out the way he came in ). now his days were spent in the angel’s share as long as diluc would allow him to stay, which wasn’t a terribly long time considering the redhead still despised his very existence ( kaeya had long since stopped trying to fool himself when it came to his relationship with diluc; he knew that the damage done to it was irreparable and that diluc would never again care for him like he had when they were children as well as the simple fact that the man he’d considered an older brother would always hate him, and he’d spent more than one night crying about it in y/n’s arms while they were curled up in their shared bed ). regardless, angel’s share was kaeya’s favorite place to drink; the cat’s tail was y/n’s favorite spot and he’d started only going there after he’d started dating her. he’d not been in the angel’s share more than a small handful of times in the four years that had passed with him dating and eventually getting engaged to y/n; it was filled to the brim with memories they had shared together there, so he couldn’t bear to step foot inside it. 
vibrations behind kaeya as someone walks by cause ripples to appear in his glass as he stares down at it. he just blinks slowly, unaware of the way both charles and diluc were looking at him in concern; he was hardly aware of anything more than his own sorrow these days, really. y/n had been the brightest spot in his life, the warm sunlight in the mornings that he looked forward to when he went to sleep and the smooth candlelight that led him through the darkness, whether that darkness be from the night or from his own personal demons. 
whispers ran rampant around the bar, but kaeya was no fool even if he didn’t bother listening to them; he knew that they were talking about him, he just didn’t care — everything they were saying was true after all. he was a broken shell of a man, and the better part of his soul had died along with y/n the day she’d been stolen from him. he wouldn’t ever recover from this, and he would never reclaim his title as cavalry captain, nor did he or would he ever have the urge to do so. he was trying to drink himself to death, though he was unaware of that fact, and he would stay until he was thrown out — where else would he go? y/n was dead, and she wasn’t coming back, therefore there was no home to return to in his eyes. 
the memories he fled to in place of his house were no longer doing the trick either. it was why he was now at the angel’s share so often rather than just ordering the bottles and going home to drink himself to oblivion; he was starting to forget about her, and it scared him, because what was he supposed to do without her? she had been his entire world for so, so long… he wasn’t ready to lose her back then, and even if enough time has passed for him to accept it, he still hadn’t. 
a hand slamming down next to him makes him jump in his seat, startled, and he looks towards said hand’s owner to find that it’s diluc standing in front of him. “that’s it,” the redhead mutters coldly, “it’s been six hours and you’ve had enough, go home.”
“i…” kaeya whispers, his voice cracking from disuse; it’s been so long since he’s actually talked out loud that it hurt to speak. on top of the physical pain, his heart ached unrelated to the pain that came with losing y/n; it was as if diluc didn’t even care. 
“i said get out, kaeya,” diluc growls, unsure of how to tend to the emotions of someone that he’s spent over a decade pushing away. he sees something flash through kaeya’s eyes, something that sends a sudden jolt of alarm through his entire body, slamming to a stop in the form of a vicious pang in his heart, but chooses to ignore it in favor of staring him down. 
kaeya just stares up at him, his blue eye wide but empty, before he slowly moves to get money from his coin purse at his hip. diluc takes this as meaning enough and walks away, content to take the payment after the drunk man he once believed to be so unbearably proud was gone. it takes a long moment, diluc notes while watching from the corner of his eye, for kaeya to get the coin purse open, but eventually he does so and wanders out the door. 
diluc returns to cleaning the bar, an action that had been interrupted by his ill-shown concern for the younger man. 
meanwhile, as he wanders the streets of mondstadt, kaeya’s mind is clearer than it has been in a long time. all this time he’d been clinging to the hope that maybe, just maybe, diluc would finally let him back in; diluc was his only remaining connection to mondstadt, the only one he cared about at least, but even that hope had bitten him in the ass. 
kaeya leans against a street lamp and looks towards the entrance to the city, contemplating the decision he’d made in the bare before finally steadying himself on his choice; there’s no one left who loves him anymore, not with y/n gone, so why should he even bother to stay?
as he steps foot outside the gates of mondstadt for the final time, no weapon at his hip and a personal mission on his mind, kaeya finally feels like he’s close to to peace once again. 
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charles heads out for the night with a kind “goodbye!” thrown over his shoulder, a farewell that diluc responds to with a fond grunt as he continues cleaning the bar. he’d sent charles home early, something the other man more than deserved after all the hard work and extra shifts he’d pulled lately. 
he cleans the glasses in front of him with a rag he’d pulled from the stack of clean ones, thinking back to his short conversation with kaeya; he knew that he’d been unnecessarily rude, but kaeya needed to go home — what he was doing wasn’t healthy. diluc understood the desperate urge to cope that came with the loss of a dearly loved one, but this wasn’t a safe mechanism to use and he therefore refused to enable it. 
a soft blue glint from the corner of his eye catches his attention, the glow coming through the glass kaeya had been staring into. deciding to do away with his usual pattern of collecting payments just this once, diluc strides over only to pause at the sight before him, blinking down at it in surprise. 
sitting in a small pool of condensation that had dripped down from the still-full glass that the former cavalry captain had used was kaeya’s cryo vision, left behind by an owner who seemingly didn’t miss it despite being gone from the bar for three hours now. 
the sight of it sitting carelessly abandoned sets off sudden warning bells within diluc’s mind, his heart rate quickening faster than he expected as a sudden wave of fresh concern washes over him. why on earth would kaeya leave this here? he needed it. 
unwillingly a dark thought enters diluc’s mind as he tries to think up why kaeya would leave it there, a thought he quickly shakes off. kaeya wouldn’t — there was no way. 
regardless, diluc still snatches the vision, stuffs it in his pocket, then grabs his claymore from behind the bar and runs out, not even bothering to lock up and instead leaving for kaeya’s house in a frantic search for his former brother only to find kaeya’s home empty. it hasn’t been entered at all, meaning that kaeya never went home, so with a fresh surge of nervousness diluc tears out of the gates to begin to search the wilds. 
he spends hours doing so, but as he reaches the statue of the anemo archon that was located within the windwail highlands, the vision in his pocket heats up almost enough to burn him through his pants. he digs it out in a panic, using a handkerchief to hold it even as the heat quickly seeps through the thin fabric — though the feeling of it is inconsequential as diluc watches with wide, terrified eyes as it’s glow fades in and out thrice before darkening into a dull, sheenless grey that leads to an almost crippling fear filling him. 
shoving it back in his pocket, he turns back to the path he’d set out on, his eyes wide and scared like those of a frightened, cornered animal as he roars out a pained, panicked, “KAEYA!” that echoes through the hills, hoping beyond all reason that he’ll get a response even though he knows with the fading of light from the object in his pocket that he never again will get one. 
ignoring the pains in his chest from the event he refused to truly acknowledge, diluc carries on through the night with the search that would never bear him the fruit he so fearfully chased after.
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𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 © { 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 } 𝐛𝐲 𝟒𝐈𝐙𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐒. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞, 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭.
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eurydykakaput · 10 months
You know what's insane to me? That people hate on Dori so much that they don't even notice how suspicious she actually is.
Let's start with her age. She's an adult, not a child or a teenager. Notice how in an event she called a 26 year old a young man. And if you watched her trailer, you know that Alice says she met her long before she became a merchant. Alice is thousands years old, a long time for her could be a couple of life times for humans. (And don't even get me started on the "child model", she has hips and breast on her splash art, she's just short. Adults her height exist in the real world.)
She has Khaenri'ah star on her broach. As we already know she's friends with Alice, and if you've read her dialogues, you'll notice that instead of describing her past in the usual way, she uses a fairy tail like story to describe it. Which is a tactic used by the Hexenzirkel to protect information from being erased from the Irminsul. And she tried to buy the Sanctuary Of Surasthana from Nahida, which is the easiest way to get to the Irminsul. That would be the perfect deal for the Hexenzirkel, as they would be now able to control Teyvat's history. So it's safe to say that Dori is connected to the Hexenzirkel, if she's not a part of it.
It really wouldn't be that far fetched to call Dori a witch. She's a catalyst user, while her Jinn uses claymore. She's known to be sighted in multiple places at once and somehow always knows what her clients are looking for. And if you listen to npc you'll know that she helps out smaller merchants for a price, you could say she's guiding them, just like she guided the Traveler. And she's able to keep up with Alice's location, something even Jean isn't able to do.
If Miko wasn't there during the fungi event, the information Dori gave us would be crucial for dealing with the fatui.
The subtle connections between her and the Goddess of Flowers that people just chose to ignore...
Let's look at Nabu Malikata's titles:
-Lord of Flowers,
-Mistress of Dreams,
-Queen of All Oases,
-Queen of the Garden,
-Mistress of the Orchard,
-Mistress of Pushpavatika.
She was also the creator of Jinn.
Dori's character title is Treasure Of The Dream Garden, she has a Jinn, she's from the Desert (hinted in her story). Her outfit having flower motives, as well as her sharing ascension material with Nahida.
While we're at it, did you know that Dori never made a traditional contract with her Jinn? Normally a Jinn would reveal their true name to bond with their master, but Dori preferred to treat the Jin as an employee.
I've already mentioned it in a different post, but in glitches you can see that the eye under Kaeya's eye patch looks the same as Dori's eyes. They have the same talents pose too.
(And I swear to gods, every time I see Dori described as a scammer, I feel like questioning if people even read the lore. Just read Kaveh's story. She didn't scam him, in fact he even almost scammed her by accident, because he couldn't listen to basic instructions as "I don't want my house built on a cliff near the withering". And we know Kaveh, even if she told him not to pay back his deabt he'd still do so for his moral principles, just like he pays rent to Alhaitham even though he doesn't have to. Traveler could have picked any other Knowledge Capsule, that would give them better results, like Alhaitham said in the Archon Quest. Her goods cost so much because they are excellent quality, many of them are rare, and she's a brand in Sumeru.)
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kiichxko · 2 years
Bllk boys playing genshin!
Warnings: some quest spoilers for genshin
He's the very rare traveler main! Specifically aether
Mainly uses electro or dendro aether for the elemental reactions
He doesn't understand why people don't use traveler a lot, he thinks being able to switch elements at will is very useful and versatile
SUCKS at dodging, he literally depends on his zhongli's shield to keep him alive
Speaking of zhongli, he lost his 50/50 to keqing on his banner, homeboy later spent hours grinding for primos, he deadass refuses to whale at all
He also might have sacrificed keqing at qingyun peak multiple times
Luckily, the peepaw came home after 30 more pulls
He's pretty netural when it comes to co-op, so long as you don't take his materials without permission (bachira is an exception)
He LOVES the new TCG event, he's got all the character cards and won nearly every single match in a span of a week
He also does co-op challenges with the others, they range from waverider races to stuff like "who dies first while fighting _____" competitions or "beat azdaha without a shield or healing" challenge
Bachira came up with the last one specifically for him
Low key hates fighting the cryo cube, the fruits you gotta hit to break the shield are a pain in the ass (i'm not self-projecting here i swear)
A hutao and yoimiya main!
He enjoys looking at yoimiya's idle animations and spams her normal attacks just so he could see her do those little flips
Probably learned hu tao's dance and song by heart so every now and then while playing he'll go:
He plays in CN dub but with JP subtitles
Still messes up a little on the pinyin pronouncination but he's trying
He also relates to hu tao since they were both considered weirdos by everyone (bachira's hu tao kinnie era guys)
Has considered cosplaying a character before
Loves exploring! Has every area at 100% exploration rate and all statues at level 10 somehow??
Always forgets that he's a pyro main and that grass exists so he basically almost dies standing on burning grass (can someone please get him a healer or a shield.)
Trolls other people in co-op by doing shit like the "disco disco party party" thing or using jean to yeet people
But other than that, he's actually very helpful with exploring and finding chests
Also steals materials from isagi
Sometimes forgets how to glide and ends up dying from fall damage (me too bachira me too)
Ningguang main chigiri ningguang main chigiri ningguang main chigiri-
He first got her on the beginner's banner she's been on his team ever since, definitely has her c6
You can't tell me that he wouldn't decorate his teapot bc he WOULD
And it's decorated so nicely too, he's even got a whole area dedicated to the animals he caught
Started playing after bachira said the landscapes were pretty but then he got invested into the lore (he watches those genshin theory videos too)
Enjoys taking photos of the landscapes and his characters, he once accidentally clicked on his diluc's skill while taking a photo and proceeded to laugh at how cursed it looked
Doesn't like solving the puzzles in inazuma and enkanomiya tho so he just google searches the solutions
Randomly makes cracked theories about khaen'riah, it happens so often no one can tell if he's being serious or not
Absolutely hates paimon's voice, he'll throw off his headphones whenever paimon starts talking and go "stfu paimon" like calm down
HATES the spectors with all his heart
He also likes collecting items in the open world, has over 2k of each of them
Might have spent a bit of money on welkin but that's as far as he'll go
Idk why but he strikes me as the type to mainly use bow or catalyst users bc of the range
Is very good at aiming and dodging, has laughed at isagi struggling while they were fighting azdaha
The man somehow got a qiqi on the beginner's banner, he read her backstory, felt bad, and decided to main her
And no, his qiqi is not a healer or support, she's a full blown physical DPS
And her build is no joke either, he once made her do 200k damage while fighting the new scaramouche boss like kunigami wtf are you feeding her??
If there's a boss you can't beat, just call him to co-op and his zombie child will carry
Is another lore invester
Chigiri once sent him a video explaining enkanomiya lore and they later spent hours discussing about it
Got emotional at the tsurumi island and kazari quest, maybe at the dainsleif chasm quest too
Also levels up all his character's friendship to 10 to get their name cards
Has read all of his character's stories out of boredom
Completed ALL of his world quests, doesn't skip the dialogue in case he misses something important
Does hangout quests, beidou was his favourite one
Can never see hilichurls the same anymore after the chasm archon quest, all this time he's been killing cursed, innocent people? He feels so guilty
His luck when it comes to the gacha is literally phenomenal, the guy has never lost a 50/50 in his life
He's very skilled at controling his waverider and comes out at the top during waverider races
He's also good in fishing too, he manages to always stay within the moving bar
He plays spiral abyss often and would have 36 stars if it weren't for the last few floors being such a pain in the ass
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m1d-45 · 1 year
Tumblr was being a little bitch and i lost the ask i was trying to send you so have an EXTREMELY summarized version of it.
So, skin types.
Albedo = Dry. So dry you can use his fingers as literal chalk sticks.
Diluc = burn marks.
Xingqiu = Full of papercut scars.
Kaeya = full of pimples before he found the perfect skincare routine and has not missed a single day since.
Gorou = chafe-chafing? marks from drawing his bow.
Lisa = perfect skin. Nobody knows what she uses, or if she even uses any.
Jean = rough hands.
Noelle = ROUGH hands.
Chongyun = easily burns if left in the sun for too long.
Xiangling = greaseburns, knife cuts, also discoloration caused by foods that stain, like the purple potato/yam thing, blueberries and jueyun chili.
very interesting! i do have a few thoughts to add to this:
1) albedo having dry skin from being in dragonspine and generally being bad at self care i can get behind, but not the comment about chalk- he was transmuted from chalk, he isn’t chalk himself (i will live and die by this hc)
2) gorou is not that irresponsible my king. not a CHANCE. i was both taught to use a bow young and took a few classes about it during a summer camp, i can confirm they very much stress long sleeves/an arm guard. snaps from your bow like that hurt like a bitch, and while skilled archers can certainly angle it so that they don’t need any protection there, a general in active war is going to have arm guards, even if not strictly for his bow.
3) lisa has a complex skin care routine and i’ll stand by that. in mondstat’s archon quest she mentions the elemental activity could give her a breakout—i assume because she’s a witch/catalyst user/vision wielder—so i imagine she’s got fairly sensitive skin
4) i will give ‘papercut scars’ a confused glance, but offer “while learning that fancy sword twist thing he does in his idle, he’s definitely scarred himself a handful of times” in return. also! heavy agree with chongyun burning easily, that’s canon now
thank you for sharing and sorry i’m so late! brain has been MIA for a while-
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kaeyapilled · 2 years
u should tell me more about asa PRETTYPLEASE
AUGH I REALLY DONT HAVE MUCH. does it have to be only the genshin related parts? well yes ill stick to that because he has like four different flavors depending on what universe i put him in. okay so
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this is roughly what he looks like. i thought i had more good picrews of him but i dont apparently<//3 well heres some fun facts about him like in general to start
- best friends with my oc sofia who. i haven't really put into the genshin universe. but if the people ask i can talk about her too loll
- ambulatory wheelchair user, typically uses a cane, has Some chronic illness that i dont really know which,, pots probably. unspecified chronic pain. but the thing is im not chronically ill or disabled myself so i need to search more stuff before im super confident exploring this side of his character lmao
- sadly he is just like baizhu. the chronically ill doctor trope is already filled in genshin but there's always space for someone else! right!
- not pictured here but sometimes i make him have wings. i still haven't decided if he should actually have them or not. when he has wings only one is functional so he can't quite Fly
- wings or no wings he likes birds a lot!
- i chose his name because it means healer or doctor in....hebrew i think? according to google? and it also means just. "wing". in my mother tongue portuguese so kshdksh hitting two symbolisms with one stone
- now focusing on the genshin part. his father is the actual doctor in charge of the cathedral infirmary but is currently on the varka expedition (look this guy's father is. I don't know what to do with him. like in any universe. idk if i give asa oc syndrome and make him a full orphan or if i just leave the man alone because he's a solid guy! a good father! anyways i digress) and asa is in charge sort of in a similar situation to jean being acting grandmaster.
- i think he's besties with barbara. she's like a younger sister. because i think hes around jeans age. (and dilucs and kaeyas i think all of them r around the same age)
- he has an anemo vision but don't ask me how he got it
- catalyst user and healer but do not ask me like what sort of talents he'd have i dont know. don't ask me if he's a 4* or a 5* either i don't know,, but if he were to have a banner his like. title? idk? would be, and this is kinda stupid, Healing Winds of Birdsong - does it not sound like something you'd read on a genshin banner. i think does
- hes very devout to barbatos but at the same time i kinda enjoy the idea of him. questioning some stuff about the archons and gods too. like those medieval(? do not quote me on this) philosophers who thought extensively about religion and the human condition and. etc. does this make sense
- if he knew the annoying bard is no one other than the anemo archon i think he'd combust
- he picks up his fantasy testosterone prescription at the alchemy shop. the image of albedo and sucrose coming up with hrt is just too dear to me
- i want him and kaeya to kiss just because im a kaeya lover and. why not. but i don't have anything developed about them At All forgive me
do you want to see my cringefail voicelines i wrote?
Something to Share: Did you know that Mondstadt alone has over three hundred species of birds? Around the city area, you mostly see pigeons and falcons, but the diversity in places with less human activity is much bigger. Also, a lot of the birds migrate during the winter months, towards warmer climates like Liyue and even Sumeru. Oh, and— um... Forgive me, I seem to have been talking for a while... It's a topic that interests me.
Favorite Food: I tend to like more savory dishes. In fact, Sofia won't let me cook anymore, because I "put too much salt in the food". You know, I don't see the problem. It tastes fine to me.
- oh!! on the topic of favorite foods! i tried coming up with a special dish for him and i ended up picking northern smoked fowl because. vibes. but its a stamina dish and i kinda wish his special dish was a hp one.,, but anyway:
Special Dish: Doctor's Orders
Asa's specialty. The same recipe for smoked fowl with vegetables that's been passed down in Mondstadt for years, with the doctor's own twists. It's a little heavy on the salt, but it tastes really good overall.
plus character voicelines
About Barbara: Barbara? Oh, we wouldn't manage at the cathedral if it wasn't for her. I have taught her a lot, but the healing techniques she comes up with never fail to amaze me. Her presence always brightens up the place and soothes even the most ill of patients. I hold her in very high regards.
About Rosaria: I can't say I approve of Sister Rosaria's negligence towards her duties in the church, or of her blatant disrespect towards the Anemo Archon. That being said... I think I admire her conviction to simply do whatever she wants. Perhaps trying to force her into the role of nun is a bit foolish. This is the city of freedom, after all, is it not?
About Venti: The bard? *sigh* Archons above. He'll sing beautiful melodies about Lord Barbatos, then turn around and immediately slur out the most sacrilegious things I have ever heard in my life. Being around him for too long is exhausting and he always brings trouble. Yet, I find that I can't truly dislike him. Heh, he's an interesting one for sure.
and my entirely self indulgent and overly long About Kaeya voiceline:
About Kaeya: Sir Kaeya? Way too much of a charmer. That overly confident attitude ought to backfire on him sometime. It's easy to get swept away in all his smooth talk, but after a while you start to see it for what it is: a convoluted way to either change the subject or make you the center of his jests... *sigh* Well... I suppose that, when he wants, he isn't entirely awful to talk to... Hm? What? Who– who told you that? No! Why would I go to the tavern "just to see him"!? That's– *ahem* It isn't like that. Is it that far fetched that I might enjoy a drink during my moments of leisure? It's not my fault if the Captain is there all the time... Hmph, did Sofia put you up to this?
yeah. what else can I say about him. i thought of writing character stories for him but couldnt find enough ideas. here's the only salvageable paragraph:
... Asa can recall exactly what Mother Maria told him when he came to her, realization still fresh in his mind, desperate for some sort of guidance.
"The winds lead each of us through different paths. Barbatos has granted you with the power to choose whoever you wish to be; that is part of His gift of freedom."
Like a gust of cool wind that brings with it epiphanies, something clicked inside his chest, like the pieces of a puzzle falling into place.
And it was on that day that the little girl who used to dream of nunhood grew into a sharp young man who named himself "Asa."
okay this is all I've got. for now
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sapphireshineauthor · 2 years
Hamefura x Genshin Impact AU
Just a few basic notes for an AU and role swap for the characters. I will expand on them if I can ^^ 
Genshin Impact AU
Geordo (Traveler) the Traveler and Honorary Knight
Elements: Anemo, Geo, Electro, and Dendro 
Weapon: Sword with Pyro infusion 
Summary: separated from his twin brother ages ago, he travels Teyvat in search of him alongside a trusty companion he saved from drowning. He is very cautious and suspicious of people, but tends to gradually warm up after a bit of coaxing. He usually likes to reminisce on how Alan would easily trust people (and sometimes wish he could feel that carefreeness again). 
Katarina (Paimon) Trusty Travel Companion 
Element: weak Geo control
Weapon: Sword 
Summary: She was saved from drowning in a river by Geordo who happened to spot her when he went to fish for food. She was more knowledgeable about the world of Teyvat and agreed to help him learn about it, find his missing brother, and pay him back for saving her life. Her Geo powers are something to be desired since she has them, but doesn't have a Vision, and is rather ill-adept in it. A few small mounds is what she can create.  
Maria (Amber) Outrider for the Knights of Favonius 
Element: Pyro 
Weapon: Polearm 
Summary: The main scout and outrider for the Knights of Favonius. She has a special healing ability that none others have achieved with their elemental powers. She finds Geordo and Katarina and helps show them around Mondstat and get them well informed of the area. She also helped create Missing Person posters of Alan to hang around the city in case someone sees him. She is a very kind person and uses a Polearm to keep enemies at a distance. 
Anne (Jean) Acting Grand Master 
Element: Anemo
Weapon: Polearm 
Summary: Acting Grand Master for the Knights of Favonius, she takes her duty very seriously and while has issues dealing with the Fatui diplomats, she gets through it with a straight face often. Even though she does end up overly stressed at points. She helps Geordo often in regards to troubles around the city and has become a teacher to a powerful Geo user currently in the orphanage. 
Mary (Lisa) Librarian 
Element: Dendro 
Weapon: Catalyst 
Summary: The head librarian for Mondstat and is both a well versed person in Teyvat (and primarily Mondstat) history, and extremely effective librarian. She is also rather intimidating and very skilled in using her powers to make a lovely flower bush or invade some unsavory person's rooms with vines. She and Geordo had a rough start early on, but began to warm up since they have similar methods in gaining information. 
Nicol (Albedo) The Silent Alchemist
Element: Anemo 
Weapon: Bow 
Summary: A skilled Alchemist working with the Knights of Favonius. He keeps to himself most of the time as he works on his inventions and experiments in the main labs. Known for his mysterious aura and handsome face, he's become quite popular among the ladies of Mondstat, even though he doesn't seem to pay much attention to that. He's more focused on his work as well as looking over his little sister who is also under the Knights' care. Got along very well with Geordo and was one of the first people he ended up meeting once they arrive in Mondstat. Some are believed they are closer to each other now than anyone else in the Knights. 
Sophia (Klee) Fantastical Wind Bringer
Element: Anemo 
Weapon: Catalyst 
Summary: an avid student of Mary and Nicol's younger sister, Sophia was hidden away due to her odd appearance. However, she had engulfed herself in the world of story books. Training and working with Mary in the library. She's become a very competent Vision user and uses her abilities mainly for small jobs and aids to the other knights. However, her fantastical imagination leads to her powers creating moments and items for just long enough to be of use in a specific moment. Such things can appear due to her instinct and not of her active will in some occasions. She's very shy but doesn't mind helping everyone out. As long as she can read her books. 
Keith (Bennett) Geo Surge 
Element: Geo 
Weapon: Claymore 
Summary: An orphan who was raised primarily by the Adventurer's guild. He has powerful Geo magic that has been both a blessing and a curse in some situations since he wasn't well versed in handling his own powers. However, Anne took it up on herself to help Keith control his Geo elements and Keith is unsure whether to become an adventurer or part of the Knights of Favonius. He and Geordo also got into a rough start due to Geordo's unusual powers. However, something of a playful rivalry developed between them, according to Katarina anyway. 
Suzanna (Diluc) The Darknight Hero 
Element: Anemo 
Weapon: Sword 
Summary: Current owner and head of the Dawn Winery and Angel's Share in Mondstat, Suzanna is considered one of the most charismatic ladies in the whole city. Not much is known about her past and while she has respect for the Knights, it seems to mainly extend to certain individuals rather than the whole. After the incident involving a lyre and mysterious bard, she encounters Geordo who is not quite what she expected. She doesn't mind helping him out though. Especially since she has a key internal connection. 
Sora (Kaeya) Calvary Captain 
Element: Pyro 
Weapon: Sword 
Summary: Not much of Sora's past is known, but what is known is that he's an orphaned boy who was adopted by Suzanna's family a long time ago. The two grew up like siblings and Sora joined the Knights after a certain incident. He was incredibly curious about Geordo's arrival in Mondstat and believes it may be linked to something bigger overall… He can't help but tease him though considering Geordo is rather cold and wants to break the ice. 
Raphael (Sucrose) Professional Assistant 
Element: Anemo 
Weapon: Sword 
Summary: One of Nicol's closest friends, he became his assistant in the Knights of Favonius so they could continue working together on their experiments. Raphael always knew there was something strange about Nicol, but he can't place a finger on it and chooses not it pry. He's happy to help out Nicol as well as other tasks that need to be done, some can't help but think that he needs a day off… 
Geoffrey (Childe) Eleventh of the Fatui Harbingers 
Elements: Pyro (Hydro secondary) 
Weapon: Sword 
Summary: Geoffrey is one of the eleven Fatu Harbingers, and while he isn’t supposedly as powerful as the other members, he makes up for it in his trickery. He seems to dear two personas, one as the harbinger, and one as simply a protective brother to his younger siblings and family in Snezhnaya. His first encounter with Geordo is saving him from the disgruntled Liyue guards during the event involving Rex Lapis. He knows Geordo doesn't trust him, but believes he would be a valuable asset to know for further Intel collection. Plus he can't help but feel a sense of brotherly responsibility to the traveler. Isn't that quite odd? 
Alan (Traveler's Missing Twin) The Abyss Prince
Elements: Cryo and Hydro 
Weapon: Sword 
Summary: Geordo's twin who had been separated 500 years ago. He arrived in Teyvat a long time ago and lived in Khaenri'ah. He went searching for Geordo but found no answer during his journey through the world and remained to try and protect the kingdom. However, tragedy struck as Celestia destroyed the kingdom during its final dynasty. The people of the kingdom were cursed to become creatures of the Abyss and he remained by their sides to form the Abyss Order. An order with a goal to destroy Celestia and "destiny" as a whole. He heard about Geordo's arrival in Mondstat 500 years later but decides he cannot face him like this. The Abyss Order and the people of Teyvat are enemies at this point. 
As far as he knows, they're now on opposite sides. Even if Geordo doesn't approve of this path, it's the only way he can be certain Celestia cannot destroy anything else. Even if he has to fight him, he will…
That is the only path left for him. 
Tadaaa... just some brief notes on who would be who in this AU, it’s been bouncing in my head for a bit of time and I can’t help but find a lot of fun with it. 
A few notes, while Geordo would likely be the better option as the Abyss Prince, I honestly like this kind of role swap especially since (Geordo = Lumine) & (Alan = Aether) is a fun parallel. They both are ideal to be the Abyss Prince, but for Alan to go through such a personality change is just angsty fun.
One final note, I haven't figured out everyone's appearances, but I can't help but see Katarina in her Magical Girl outfit with a few Paimon-esque accessories.
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https-furina · 1 year
fell down a rabbit hole of looking at who my highest levels are for each element (and therefore the diversity in weapons) so i decided to share w yall!! it’s all utc and lowkey i’m curious who your 4 highest are for every element too <3
— pyro
diluc, bennett, xiangling & yoimiya
diversity, mwah - chef’s kiss. not a single repeated weapon <3 (diluc lvl90 & yoimiya lvl40)
— cryo
diona, chongyun, kaeya & layla
there do be a lot of sword users in the game but at least there’s a bow and claymore user here - i used to main chongyun and kaeya lmao. also i called this the graph of heights to my gf bc of the height differences (diona lvl80 & layla lvl48)
— electro
yae miko, keqing, razor, kujou sara
diversity part 2, wonderful, beautiful, fantastic (miko lvl60 & sara lvl40)
— anemo
heizou, kazuha, jean, sucrose
what in the fuck is this /j - i literally can’t talk my current team is 2x sword 2x catalyst too (heizou lvl90 & sucrose lvl40)
— dendro
alhaitham, kaveh, collei, kirara
the sword users… they’re everywhere… taking over (alhaitham lvl90 & kirara lvl20)
— hydro
nilou, mona, childe, xingqiu
i called this “a bunch of gays” to my gf. i am not wrong. more sword users. (nilou lvl70 & xingqiu lvl40)
— geo
zhongli, gorou, noelle, ningguang
there isn’t a single bad looking geo character i said what i SAID !! but diversity part 3 - bonus points for having no sword (zhongli lvl70 & ningguang lvl17)
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I want to do an Abyss run with a team of characters full of drama/hatred for each other.
Like putting Wanderer with Yae Miko, Collei with Dottore(if he becomes playable), Ei with Kokomi, Diluc with Childe, Itto with Ei, etc...
I also want a team of animal ears. I have Diona, Sucrose, and Gorou. I want Tighnari, I don't really like Yae Miko!
On the opposite end, I want a team of only animal tails. I have Diona, Gorou, and Kirara, and I want Tighnari.
Then we have the Archon squad, but I'd rather 'immortal but not a god' team, so it would have to be Qiqi and Wanderer, and then I could get Albdeo, Ganyu, Klee, or Xiao. (I WILL Wish on Xia's next banner and if Jean cucks me a 3rd time on him I will mald.)
Like, all my characters are at least LV 80 and more than half are LV 90 now. I only just leveled Mona's Talents all cuz I wanted to see what I could do when pairing her with Bennett and Eula and I got a pretty good Burst on Eula but it's obviously something best focused on single targets.
I recently finished building Aloy and can score a 50K Burst with her if I have Bennett, Rosaria, and a Catalyst user holding R5 Thrilling Tales and they're all properly built up too.
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yuyumnami · 2 years
Srsly, can somepne teach me how actually weapon banner works??
So like this, on recent kazuha banner, i lost the 50/50 and got jean.
So i decided to get the 5 star catalyst and set course it. But instead, i got kazuha sword.
Thanks to my low english level understanding as well as my stupid brain, i understand, we'll get the weapon we dont chose first.
And This current banner, i want the bow cause i got my fav bard.
So i set course for the staff of the scarlet sand. Cause i understand that i will got the bow if i do so.
Then today morning i make a ten wish. And i got gold.
And i was like: "Hoorayy! I can get the bow!"
But really tho?
I got the catalyst book from the kazuha banner instead.
How does this work actually?
Am sad ya know?
My fav bard... I was hoping to spam his fwosh fwoosh tornado ulti.
(to any venti user, i need a guidance for his build)
Im new in this game lmao. Not really new but new. :)
And will i ever get the chance for the bow in future? Should i change my set course???
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heckinhacker · 2 years
Since dimension traveling is canon in genshin
Could you please do headcanons of a league of legends character of your choice landing in a teyvat region of your choice? their reaction, who they'd get along with best, their vision, how the natives of this region might preceive them, ect.
I loooove doing these, but instead of dimension traveling, how about AU where league characters were born in Teyvat? I think it will be easier for my brain and artblocked soul~ I hope you don't mind 💜
Characters of my choice...hohohoooo Edit: I forgot to add types of post, it's mostly: ❥ , ☃kinda?? ,
JINX!!! Jinxie my beloved
Jinx would be Pyro vision bearer, and here... I imagine her being part of fatui, as a pyro gunner role. It just fits her so much, she would cause so much mayhemmmm I love her-
Ahem. Anyway. Jinx as a Pyro Gunner from Fatui. Where is she from? Mystery, but in between us, she might be from Shneznaya as well, or from Fontaine? More like Fontaine kind of gal because of her gadgets ideology and great designing progress. Give her some time and she might be considered next Harbringer >:)) Would get along best with Childe, and if she's around Inazuma, with Yoimiya~
Obviously I'd pick Taric. I miss him so much...
Have taric as a Hydro vision bearer, and let him fight with Claymore. I see him most fitting with it, since Catalyst miiight be good but yk. Taric healing his allies while he hits enemies to quicken his healing skill, and then burst giving immunity,,, frothing at the mouth- First 10 star character >:) Taric is from Mondstadt, I dunno why, my gut feeling just says so. Maybe my sentiment to the place. Gets along significantly with Lisa and Jean, shots some flirteous remarks back and forth with Kaeya, and you could say EVERYONE in this town loves Taric. Your family loves Taric, your friends love Taric, your DOG loves Taric. Everyone.
You know Heizou's style? Just...imagine Sett, but with pyro catalyst, that he doesn't really have to use but it busts his element on his fists and he's ROCKING it. Boss of a illegal fighting pit in Sumeru. He fleds from Natlan, maybe?? Not sure, but his pit in Sumeru, I think maybe somewhere in a desert? I 'unno, did not play the archon quest yet... sorry ^^ Doesn't really get along with anyone, but has silent agreement with Cyno on not mingling with each other's buisness. Unless otherwise stated~
Geo vision bearer, from Inazuma, or eventually yields from Liyue but resides in Inazuma?? Idek-- uses sword, and his kit is pretty similiar to his league one, he uses dash to collect enemies on himself, you stack deff on him, and gives shields to his allies. Maybe 4 star? Hides his face and is also a ninja, similiarly to Sayu,
At first wanted to give him from Liyue, but decided against it because of ninja stuff being more fitting in Inazuma. Let's make him Sayu's master maybe? That would be SO cool!!
Obviously gets along GREAT with Sayu, and actually is greatly close with Ayato as his subortinate. Mister Kamisato tried to befriend him, possibly, but Shen respects boundaries soooo hard man... Even Thoma has hard time befriending him. I imagine him later on in story of Inazuma get along with Sara, anyhow.
Too great opportunity to miss. Not GREATEST fan of her, but she's so obviously fitting as Inazumian kitsune, isn't she? Similiar to Yae Miko, but she's not around Shrine, she's actually in the woods, doing...Ahri things.
Her vision is Anemo, actually, her dashes and her "q" being anemo attacks. She's a catalyst user.~
Gets along somehow with Yae Miko, but Miko never mentions Ahri, at all- once Traveler stumbled upon Ahri, they (idk, I have Lumine as Traveler but you can also insert Aether here) were sure she's anyhow related to Miko. They're not a family, at all~
I simp this man...
Also Anemo user after Yone- :))) Sword, but looks more like Katana, he's swift, mysterious... He yields from Inazuma, but is, just like Yasuo self, he's a wanderer,
Obvious friends with Kazuha LMFAOOO, also is a friend with Beidou (drinking buddies), and whole Crux, I think. Refuses to join them though--
Would love to add more but idk what I : (((
Bonus thought: please let Neeko and Razor be friends I'm gonna sob
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claudssworld · 5 months
Blog post #3 02/14/2024
In a world where conventional attractiveness dominates social media platforms like Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram, unrealistic beauty standards for women are relentlessly promoted. Whether it's the BBL, the Lolita aesthetic, or the coveted gym body, these platforms have become breeding grounds for perpetuating narrow ideals of beauty. According to a research study done by Dawn, B. (2017). "The majority of users posting ED-related content on both platforms (X & Tumblr) were female".  
Whether the users are promoting or recovering, as a society we should acknowledge that media has been a source for girls to gain inspiration from whether it is conscious or subconscious. 
As someone born in 1998, straddling the generational line between Gen Z and Millennials, I've witnessed firsthand the unfiltered landscape of early social media, particularly on Tumblr and Twitter. These platforms initially provided a semblance of freedom of expression. 
Schott & Langan, (2015) " Censorship was also seen as being harmful because it increases a commitment to the pro-ana/mia ideology and results in isolation from alternative ideologies." However, they also served as both a catalyst for eating disorders and a lifeline for those seeking support in their recovery journey.
As trends evolve and consumption rates skyrocket, the pressure to conform to unrealistic beauty standards intensifies, transcending boundaries of race and age. Jean Kilbourne said " If you are not conventionally beautiful, you are an object of ridicule and contempt". (2020).
Acknowledging the pervasive influence of social media on shaping perceptions of beauty is imperative. It's crucial to create spaces that promote diverse representations of beauty and prioritize mental well-being over unattainable ideals. Only through collective awareness and action can we begin to challenge and dismantle the harmful narratives created about women in the media. 
Schott, N. D., & Langan, D. (2015). Pro-anorexia/bulimia censorship and public service announcements: The Price of Controlling Women. Media, Culture &amp; Society, 37(8), 1158–1175. https://doi.org/10.1177/0163443715591672
Branley, D. B., & Covey, J. (2017). Pro-ana versus pro-recovery: A content analytic comparison of social media users’ communication about eating disorders on Twitter and Tumblr. Frontiers in Psychology, 8. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01356
(n.d.). https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/55cc9648-244f-4761-804f-d8bb49cf508b
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ehe-ttenandayo · 8 months
If Visions are your wish, the Weapon is your way. As a tool for character design, their assigned weapon helps to deepen their personality and way to interact with the world, and especially with us, the player.
Sword. Leader. Sword users strike fast and close, as one of the melee classes, they have no problem getting close to you using (and getting) what they want. Most of them are good at directing people, being either a big group like the Kamisato Brothers and Jean, a small group of people like Kuki Shinobu or, in more extreme cases, only one person, like certain 50-50 character that ordered herself to continue living.
Being the leading and social class, it’s the ideal weapon for The Traveler, as we play and see everything from their eyes, we are always meeting new people and adding them to our parties, while our sibling is in charge of ruling the Abyss Order.
Claymore. Protector. Owners of a natural charm, most Claymores users end up attracting a lot of people or already belong to a group, not as a boss but as a companion. Their honesty is their best trait, and no harm will come your way if they can do something about it.
Polearm. Server. Polearm users are never in the spotlight as their jobs and actions are guided by a higher cause, ironically, their efficiency is the reason one will never forget them. The polearm is a midrange weapon and this quality shows in the social aspect of its users, who have no issue with being alone but know how to strike a conversation, it will take a while to know them completely.
Catalyst. Guide. Masters of elemental energy in its purest form, Catalysts understand the world in a deeper way than the average person, and are experts on the topic they decide to research. Meeting a catalyst user becomes a learning opportunity, whether you want it or not.
Bow. Helper. The weapon with the longest reach is wielded by people that won’t doubt to give you a hand whenever you’re in trouble, your goal may look unreachable to you, but it’s not an issue for a Bow user, and you will have a fun time by their side. Don’t be dissuaded, though, the real them is hard to know, and their own goals are farthest than everyone else’s. They just hope that by helping you to reach your goal they get closer to theirs.
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Sustainable Fashion
The rise of online second hand shopping
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Eco-friendly fashion can be hard to commit to, high price tags, lack of regulations and exclusivity surrounds the world of sustainable fashion. However, buying second-hand is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to put the planet first. This is where reselling platforms come in. The recent introduction of second-hand sites has made it possible for all fashion lovers to access one-of-a-kind pieces at their fingertips. With one swipe, a preloved garm can be yours when usually, it would take hours to find after trapsing through a often cramped and guaranteed stale vintage shop to find.
The catalyst for all of this is the digital age. The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated this digital shift as we were forced online, away from shopping in person and away from second-hand shops. The next best thing is the online version. Depop is one of the most renowned reselling platforms out there at the moment. From a vintage pair of jeans to a wedding dress, you can really find it all on the trendy second-hand e-commerce platform. According to Depop Newsroom, the application which was founded 11 years ago has over 26 million registered users across 150 countries. There is no denying its popularity and following suit, other reselling platforms are popping up more and more.
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Vestiaire Collective is one of these other reselling sites. Focused on stocking luxury fashion, founded in Paris in 2009, Vestiaire Collective stocks over 3 million expertly authenticated luxury pieces. This is the way it differs from Depop. This more exclusive site employs experts to validate the pieces sold on the platform meaning you can trust what you find and there is less chance of being catfished with good lighting and flattering camera angles which some sellers can get away with on reselling platforms. Take that as a formal warning!
Based in Lithuania but available worldwide, Vinted is another popular reselling platform focused on fashion. Founded in 2008, this site is the preferred choice for many casual second-hand sellers as the platform does not take any percentage of sales. Compared to other reselling platforms, 100% of the profit from sales made on the app go straight to the seller. However, if you buy off of the app, a buyers protection fee is added which can cover the tracking, customer support and order insurance for sales worth up to £50.
Just remember, fashion should be circular, so don’t just use these platforms to expand your wardrobe, sell on old pieces or items that may not fit your body in the same way they did when you first bought them. This way, you make money, make room in your wardrobe and put the planet first too.
Company, P. (2022) 'The rise of reselling platforms,' The Positive Company, 21 September. https://thepositive.co/blogs/the-blog/the-rise-of-depop-and-vinted-reselling-platforms.Copy to clipboard
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What influences Trends
There are many ways in which trends can influence the public, They can grow from word of mouth. but are generally kicked off via a catalyst, this can be things such as a social change, a movie, or even an individual, it can vary from Urban streetwear or even the catwalk.
Global issues can majorly affect and Influence trends, For example, the Great Recession in 2008 had a major impact on fashion: during the mid-2000s fashion was very loud and flashy, However during the recession fashion had become a lot more ” quiet”  and simplified. Are more recent example would be COVID-19,  and the impact it had on consumers post-pandemic  financially, this has made people more aware of what they have in their wardrobe, and in turn, we have seen an increase in second-hand clothing sales, such as Depop, which saw a 163% increase in users from 2020 into 2021 and a 300% increase of sales
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Subcultures are also a major influence in trends, For example, the teddy boys which was a subculture that emerged in the 1950s in London where young men would dress in taper trousers long jackets, and fancy waistcoats was the first young generation to create its own style and make it acceptable to dress up, this subculture was usually represented by working-class men who had experienced defects of WW2. The Teddy Boys look has still stuck around and influences fashion to this day as major fashion brands take influence from the subculture and implement it into their own designs e.g Celine AW19 
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There are a few theories that might explain how subcultures influence trends such as trickle-across Theory, Bubble-up Theory, and Trickle-down Theory.
Trickle-across Theory suggests that trends emerge because of what is accessible to all levels in the market, e.g. Suits, Ripped Jeans, and Kitten heels.
Bubble-up Theory suggests that street culture and consumerism inspire designers and trend predictors at the top of the market e.g the rise of streetwear in high fashion
And Trickle-down Theory suggests people with a large following, fame, and power that are fortunate to explore all types of Styles are seen wearing certain Styles and are then adopted by lower social classes that want to emulate the look that they had seen on their icon e.g  Kim Kardashian wears a dress,  therefore fast fashion brands create similar dresses for cheap for consumers to buy.
Key figures that also influence fashion can be people such as stylists, editors, designers, bloggers, social media stars, celebrities, and even models as they hold a large amount of power in what they/ are the people were and once seen by the public they become influenced and want to imitate. 
Celebrity figures are a major factor when it comes to trend influence which is mainly how trickle-down Theory is described: Another example for this can be Audrey Hepburn style in the 1960s, who was already a major celebrity of the time, in the movie: Breakfast at Tiffany's  where she is seen wearing a little black dress, and thus influence the public into adopting the LBD, which is how it had become an iconic influence in fashion, even today
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A more recent example of trend influence is social media. Because of the rise of the internet and social media and its easy accessibility, it has given people the freedom to express themselves more easily thus allowing people to be exposed to more trends, and no longer need to be a celebrity or famous to influence.  
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eazy-group · 1 year
Kylie Jenner's "Glazed-Doughnut" Nails Are the Epitome of Minimal Beauty
New Post has been published on https://eazybeauty.net/kylie-jenners-glazed-doughnut-nails-are-the-epitome-of-minimal-beauty/
Kylie Jenner's "Glazed-Doughnut" Nails Are the Epitome of Minimal Beauty
Image Source: Getty/Cindy Ord/MG23 / Contributor
Kylie Jenner is taking it back to the basics. On June 7, the entrepreneur posted a picture on Instagram showing off what she calls her “mom into meetings look,” which consisted of a black blazer, white t-shirt, and jeans. To top it off, Jenner also opted for simple, yet trendy “glazed-doughnut” nails.
Her manicure featured the always-classic short square shape. A partially translucent white nail polish shade was used as the base. Like the original version of the trend made famous by her friend, Hailey Bieber, Jenner topped off the look with a light dusting of silver chrome powder for that pearly, wet effect that glistens in the light.
The glazed-doughnut trend has taken on a life of its own since Bieber revealed it as her go-to look. While the initial iteration aligns best with the Rhode Skin founder’s minimal beauty aesthetic, the manicure has become a catalyst for other styles, like glazed-doughnut french, strawberry-glazed nails, and more. If classic, minimal styles are a part of your personal beauty philosophy, you can’t go wrong with recreating Jenner’s nail look during your next visit to the salon. See the manicure up close below.
Image Source: Instagram user @kyliejenner
Image Source: Instagram user @kyliejenner
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