theprizefighters · 10 years
+ jediyke
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The Mandalorian in red armor was lying on his side next to his speeder parked not in the skylot outside of the cantina, but in the skywalk beside the establishment. His toolkit splayed open, the one in his hand alight with a blue flame as he welded together a part he wasn't even sure belonged there, he simply wanted the thing to run so he could get it back to its rightful owner.
Jumping up, he turned the engine. The speeder made a grinding noise and failed. The Mandalorian threw off his helmet and slammed it into the driver's seat, kicked the side of the speeder, and spat a few choice words before leaning against it in defeat. When he looked up, he made eye contact with an onlooker.
"Think you could do better?!"
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callsignmeteor · 10 years
Mission Go
“Do you understand your mission Major?” General Garza’s hologram never seemed to fail projecting every nuance of her stern and take no crap attitude. “This mission is critical to making a final push to getting rid of every element of the Empire off of Corellia. We are not letting a single one stay on this planet.”
Major Maekrix Valoren nodded as he held his parade rest position. “Yes sir, we know that an Imperial saboteur team is hiding out in a section of the Selonian tunnels. We have to clear them out and seize any armaments they have down there.”
A nod told him that Garza had acknowledged his correct assessment. “This will be a difficult fight Major. They are entrenched and intelligence tells us they have heavily booby trapped the tunnels. Not to also mention some of the wild elements that have chosen to hole themselves up in the tunnels as well. You will have to proceed with caution.”
Maekrix hid a grin. “Sir, with all due respect, I don’t think we’ve ever managed to get easy missions. Not part of the job description.” He thought that just for a second, Garza actually looked amused.
“No Major, Havoc Squad has never been known to pick up any easy missions. Good luck to you.” The hologram winked out as Maekrix turned around to address his squad. Elara and Jorgan were alert as ever, their gazes steady and postures rigid. Forex was almost buzzing in place with excitement at the prospect of taking out Imperials. Yunn, while not as formal as Elara or Jorgan, was looking at him keenly and calmly.
“So, we finally get to do something.” And Tanno was…Tanno.
Faintly, Maekrix could hear the shelling taking place outside of the command post they were occupying. While rumor had it that the Imperials were slowly retreating off the planet, they were definitely not going easily.
“Well Tanno, you were right there to hear the briefing too so yes, we are finally getting to do something,” Maekrix said with just a bit of bite to his words. Tanno just shrugged at him; at least the demolitions expert had a grudging respect of his commander. “We’ll have to split up into teams to cover the tunnels; we’ll cover more ground that way.”
Turning back to the console, he brought up a map of the tunnels and pointed out two entrances. “We’ll be entering from these points.” His finger then drew to a central chamber. “This is reportedly where the Imperials are holed up and that will be our rendezvous point. Intelligence also suggests they might have hostages, so check your fire.” He pondered for a moment before turning back to his team.
“Jorgan, you take Forex and Tanno with you. Elara and Yuun are with me.” Jorgan gave a sour glance at Tanno that was returned by the Weequay. It was no secret the two despised each other, but both knew better then to let their conflict compromise the squad. Maekrix had seen to that early on.
“Everyone have their assignments?” A chorus of acknowledges answered his question as the Major fastened on his helmet. “Good, then move out.”
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*watches intensely as keldra and rein rp*
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senatorofalderaan · 11 years
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               "--Is someone there?"
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indigni · 11 years
jediyke replied to your post: “Fucking prick.”
“Something got you down?” she knocked on the door frame before stepping forward a few paces.
"Angered, more so," Qu grumbled begrudgingly. "Hard t' explain. How've you been?"
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Maul breathed in the air, enjoying the cool freshness of it. He looked out over the Lake Country of Naboo, home to a few of his friends, though he wasn't technically supposed to know that information. He watched the various people and boats move up and down the canals, some looking at him. He was wearing non-traditional clothes for a Sith. A brown tunic covered his chest, with a pair of brownish-green pants and black boots to finish off the look. He assumed the looks weren't for his outfit, but rather the fact he was Zabrak, and one who was tattooed. He nodded to a few people, smiling and making a friendly gesture with his had, which then awkwardly returned before proceeding on. He stopped on a bridge, turning to look out before him. It was beautiful here. He'd been here twice before, the last time being  before heading off to Theed where was almost killed. He knew Keldra and Rein were here visiting Danica, and he'd hoped to bump into at least Keldra. He was concerned for her, more than he was Rein as he knew Rein was fine and able to handle herself. While the same was partially true for Keldra she'd taken a bruising beating at the hands of the Sith last he heard, and was thusly still concerned. 
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boss1138-archived · 12 years
jediyke replied to your post: ((Holy rush of faceclaim spam. ಠ_ಠ))
((Tis okay! I didn't know if it was on purpose or not. And it wasn't just you. :P *patpat*))
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obiwankenobiwan · 12 years
I'm off to bed!
I know that I owe:
Keldra Skyken
Kerra Holt
Like if I owe and you're not in here!
~ Obily-Wobily
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“I can pilot as well. My mom taught me and my trusty security Captain.” Danica replied, as she shifted Seku in her arms. “Seku, can you say hello to Keldra?” Seku pulled her head out of her neck and waved at Keldra childishly. Danica smiled down at the girl and said,” See your getting better at this, Seku. There’s nothing to be afraid of. She won’t hurt you. Sorry, she’s not use to the whole human interaction thing quite yet. What where we talking about again?” Seku squirmed in her arms and bounced down onto the ground. Motioning Danica to come down to her level she whispered into her ear.
“That’s all right go ahead. Make sure to knock first before going in, Seku. Bail doesn’t like that when you just come in. Okay?” Danica asked the girl as she nodded in reply and rushed off. “Since we’ve been staying with Senator Organa, Seku has figured out a way to surpass the security system in the apartment. It gets her into trouble a a lot. I’m sorry if her presence interrupted us, Keldra. I apologize. I have been to Hoth before now that I think of it. A long time ago. If I remember right I went there to bring a supply carrier full of supplies down to a Rebel base. It was quite fun to walk around the frozen interior. But, at night it was a bugger trying to stay warm. Oh, I have my own personal starship. It’s a J-type Nubian. I love it. Your welcome to it anytime, Keldra.” Danica took a breath after talking for so long as she tended to get over excited about things and smiled brightly.
Trying To Find The Missing Pieces || Danica & Keldra
Pushing the bowl of fruit more towards Keldra, Danica sat back. She honestly didn’t feel like eating very much at times. “My favorite planet is Kashyyyk by far. I love it there. My family home is there. Well, my grandfather’s home to be exact. I should take you there sometime.” Danica said, as she pulled her hood over her head as the sun began to shine in her face. “There are some planets I haven’t been to and nor do I want to go to them anytime soon. A lot of them are slave planets. I can’t stand those places.” From behind her felt a presence she had known. Getting up out of her chair she crouched down to the ground as a little twi’lek girl rushed into her awaiting arms. Picking her up the little girl smiled back her while her arms constricted around Danica’s neck. The little girl brushed back her lekku’s and stared at Keldra. “Sorry, Keldra. This is Seku. Seku this is Keldra. She’s a Jedi like you.” Seku’s eyes widened at the thought. “Seku doesn’t know Basic very well that’s why she won’t speak with you. She speaks Twilekinese only right now but she’s learning. Aren’t you, my dear?’ Seku hid her small blue head inside Danica’s hood being shy.
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masterchiss-blog · 11 years
Why must you always have so much doubt towards your Padawan?
"I withhold judgement until she has proven who she is and what she stands for to me." The Chiss brought both hands to where they would twine behind his back, head canting ever subtly to show a stark jawline. His face was well shaped; squared. His features were sharp. "I doubt everything and everyone. I don't hold suspicions toward her; I don't expect her to succeed nor to fail. She will have to prove herself to me first -- as I know I must prove myself to her. That is the way things are."
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sith-blademaster · 12 years
A Dance of Shadow and Darkness
The Dark Lord of the Sith sat in the ruins of the place he once called home, his prisoner chained to an obelisk beside him. He sat and he delved deeper and deeper into the currents of the Dark Side energies that perforated Korriban. He relished the power they brought him, flooding his body with the energy, feeding his pain and anger. The mantle of the Lord of Pain was not an easy one to uphold, as it required the Dark Side to flow constantly through you, holding your body together like a cast. Should you relinquish the Dark Side, your body would just fail and you would surely die. But Barkos enjoyed the pain. He enjoyed the pain and the anger and the satisfaction of rising up to strike down a Jedi that had mistakenly believed he, or she, had killed the Sith. He looked at the rouge Jedi Kendra, chained and unconscious beside him, with a disgust and hatred. She was weak, pathetic and consumed by her love for Rein. Barkos could never understand how someone could allow themselves to become so attached to another. All it did was weaken you, making you much more susceptible to manipulation, as shown by the current situation. Patiently waiting the arrival of Rein Li Vale, Barkos slowly built up his reserves of energy for the coming battle. The dark and barren corridors of the Academy were home to none but corpses and Tuk'ata, the latter not daring to come near him with the threat of Krath and Shrrk lurking nearby. They would be invaluable to bringing down his nemesis. It had been many years since the Sith Lord had set foot in the Academy, but the dissolution of Revan's Empire had done naught to mar the structure or the magnificence it had. The death of so many Sith within its walls had embodied it with a certain energy that gave the scarcely lit hallways and training areas an eerie sensation, making one look over their shoulder constantly to see if they were being followed. Barkos was still sat in the same way hours later, Keldra not having stirred once, when he heard the rumble of the entrance opening. He then took up lightsabers in each hand, and placed his hands on his knees in front of him. The Lord turned to face the entrance to the main hall from the surface, bathed in the aura from the skylight above him, and waited.
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jediyke started following you
Anna was sitting in the training room, her back to the door...as she had brought Artoo and a practice dummy in, when no one was looking...and she was watching the droid send little shocks towards the dummy...centering herself on that note...
She felt a presence in the door, and patted the domed head, looking back up from her sitting position.  "Hey..." she trailed off, looking at Keldra..
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indigni · 11 years
“That ain’t true! You don’t know what I know,” her eyes narrowed.
"... I think you're missing the basic point here."
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"Greeting Keldra! I thought I'd come by, see how your doing. I heard you and Rein got in a...scrap of sorts. Are you fairing any better at present?"
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countofthesith · 12 years
Saw the birthday hat in your avatar. SO perfect. Happy Birthday! :)
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obiwankenobiwan · 12 years
Return the favor
Obi-Wan had been ever so thankful for Keldra's visit at the med-center she had payed him and a few times he had sensed her around Coruscant, though had been too consumed by else to ever come round the address she had put into his datapad. His full recovery had been tough and long and made him think of all the things that had happened in his life. The people he'd lost, but also the people, the friends, he'd gained and met. It was a tough journey, but he was through it, remembering all of his past once again.
A few weeks after their first meeting, just after he had fully recovered, he sensed her more strongly and not only that, it felt like there was something amiss. So, the first free moment he had, just before sunset, he took his speeder out to the address he had been given and arrived at an apartment.
Immediately he sensed the woman and when he concentrated harder, he felt how she was not fully happy. She had helped him out, now it was time for him to return the favor and thus he stepped to the front door and gave it a soft knock.
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