#jeez i hope this doesn't somehow doxx me..... lol
honeyviscera · 11 months
over a year ago i went to my local art gallery, and i saw a sculpture there that i adored. i spent so long staring at it, taking it in.... i even returned to the exhibit a few days later to see it again. there was a submission box to tell the artist your comments, so I wrote a card and put my name and email address down. i talked about how deeply the sculpture touched me, how deeply i admired it. i've never been contacted by the artist, i don't even know if they received my message. i sort of regret not buying it, but it would have been thousands of dollars.......
the sculpture was a torso carved in marble. from afar, it appears to be a very classic Greek-style sculpture. however on closer inspection, the torso is deformed. bolts and ridges protrude from the skin, and one half of the chest appears to have a metal plate bolted over it, giving the torso an androgynous quality. all carved into the marble- no mixed media. the bolts were made to be a part of the flesh. it was a sculpture that presented something unusual, jarring, in a very elegant way..... the combination of body horror and such a classic style of sculpture was endlessly intriguing to me, and reminded me a lot of my own art. the way i try and present body horror through poetry. the way i try and make it gorgeous. this sculpture made something horrifying deeply gorgeous.
i saw this sculpture and felt understood, in a way that not many pieces of art have made me feel. i still think of that sculpture. i miss her. i hope the artist read my comment. i hope my love for it was not lost in the shuffle of comment cards. i hope they know how much it meant to me. all i can do is hope my love reached them.
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