#jeff and britta step away from the barely adults
remusawoooo · 6 months
community is hilarious in the way they put off of Jeff and britta in the first season cause it's expected anyways only for me to root for their platonic/romantic bond to return 10 fold on screen after their stupid tension was resolved!! they should've given them time to grow instead of forcing them into god awful relationships with kids they met right out of high school!!
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chaoticsagi · 5 years
Fictober 2019 | Day Twenty Four | “Patience… is not something I’m known for.”
Prompt: 24-  “Patience… is not something I’m known for.”
Fandom & Ship: Community, Jeff x Annie
Summary: Jeff and Annie accidentally wear matching halloween costumes, based off of an anonymous prompt and a fictober prompt
She may have made a tiny mistake in picking out her Halloween costume this year...
The site says it’s an adult size small, but considering how short and... revealing it is, Annie isn’t so sure.
She originally intended on being a nurse, not a sexy nurse. Britta is definitely not going to approve of this, she says to herself as she stares at her reflection in the mirror.
It’s not all that bad. She has to have the zip up as far as it can go to show minimal cleavage, and when paired with some stockings, the dress doesn’t look too short...
At least she looks good in it. That counts, right?
She doesn’t really have time to do anything else with the outfit. Most of her other clothes are packed away, ready for her move into Troy and Abed’s apartment, and she doesn’t have another Halloween costume on hand. 
Her thoughts are stopped by the sound of someone banging at her front door. She almost panics, until she remembers Jeff’s her ride to Shirley’s Halloween party. 
“Annie, hurry up!”
“Wait a minute!” She calls from her room, giving herself time for one last lengthy look in the mirror. She flattens the skirt, pulls the zip up for extra measure, and slowly makes her way to the front door.
“You know Annie, patience is not something I’m known for....” Jeff says as she opens the door, but his voice lowers at the end of his sentence, when his eyes meet hers.
Um. Wow. She looks incredible. This is definitely not something he’s fantasised about before... nope.
“Hey, you hardly had to wait a long time. I was only a minute,” she smiles up at him all innocently, as if she has no idea how good she looks in her little get-up. 
Then her eyes flicker downwards, and she sees his outfit. It’s like a lightbulb flickers above their heads at the same time.
“So a nurse huh?” “You’re a doctor!” they say at the same time.
“Oh god. Everyone’s gonna think we planned this,” Jeff moans.
“It’s just a coincidence,” Annie offers with a laugh. “It doesn’t have to be awkward if we don’t let it.”
“You don’t understand,” he rolls his eyes at her, but in all honesty he actually has to look away from her because the sight of her in that nurses outfit is kind of driving him crazy. “Forget it, let’s go.”
He’s mostly silent for the car journey, and Annie can just tell he’s thinking about how he can get out of people thinking they’ve planned a couples costume.
But she does have to admit - even if he can’t see it - it’s pretty funny.
“Why did you decide to be a doctor anyway?” she asks. “I thought you’d go for something... for lack of a better word, sexy.”
“Annie, I make any Halloween costume look sexy,” he looks at her, the glow from the red light illuminating his features and making him look even more devilishly handsome.
She rolls her eyes in response, even if she is inclined to agree. She remembers how good he looked when he reluctantly dressed up as a cowboy.
“Women love doctors and that’s a fact. I’ll be irresistible,” he winks.
“To who?”
“Everyone,” he shrugs.
She nods and stays silent, not wanting to tell him how right he is. 
Besides, she can’t imagine him hitting it off with any of Shirley’s Greendale friends. 
“Jeff! You’re here,” Shirley coos when they arrive. He’s strategically walked in front so he’s spotted first, making it look like Annie’s copied his costume. The sneaky bastard.
“Annie!” Shirley sings, but her mood falters when she spots the young girl’s costume. “Oh Annie, I thought you were one of the good ones!”
Britta arrives next, as if this moment couldn’t get any worse.
“Annie! What are you wearing?”
“Did you plan this with Jeff?” Shirley adds. “Oh honey, you don’t want to be anybody’s slutty nurse...”
“—and think of the gender stereotypes you’re perpetuating.”
“Guys, please!” Annie interrupts them, watching as they step back slightly aghast. “It was just a funny coincidence. And I also thought this costume was going to be a lot more... Age appropriate, trust me.”
“Women have always got to be a sexy version of something on those costume sites, Annie. That’s why you have to go for a costume like mine if you want to stick it to the man,” Britta gestures down to her Crayon costume. It’s certainly a statement.
“You look great, Britta,” Annie smiles.
“Well anyway, let’s go get you a drink,” Shirley takes her arm and leads her to the kitchen where Troy, Abed and Jeff are waiting for them. Pierce is nowhere to be seen but Annie doesn’t question it.
“Annie, NICE,” Troy announces when she walks in, earning a glare off of Britta. 
“Did you plan this?” Abed asks, pointing between Jeff and Annie.
“No.” They say at once. Jeff rolls his eyes.
“Classic,” Abed laughs.
“Seriously you look great,” Troy adds, handing her a drink.
“You guys didn’t compliment my costume!” Britta interjects. Her cheeks are flushed and she’s practically staring at Jeff and Troy like she wants to kick or kill them. Annie’s not sure which option is more likely right now, considering Britta’s tone. 
“Uhhhhh,” Troy tries to think of a compliment.
“You make a great Crayon, Britta,” Jeff offers.
“Typical,” she rolls her eyes and downs her beer, stalking out the kitchen in a huff.
“None of you complimented me either!” Shirley adds, following Britta out the room.
“I would if I even know what she was,” Troy sighs. Abed nods in agreement, staring at Shirley’s outfit with his head tilted as if he’s trying to work it out himself.
“Does she always have to wear such nondescript costumes to these things?” Jeff says to no one in particular.
Everyone nods in agreement.
They leave Shirley’s fairly early, all of them shooed out the door with a brownie to-go in their hands. No one is really sure why Shirley decided to host a party if she was going to kick her guests out before 11pm, but they weren’t complaining. They didn’t want to spend any more time with Gary. 
“Well, that was lame,” Jeff turns to her as they walk to his car. “I’m guessing you need a ride home?”
“That’d be nice.”
“You make a good nurse,” he smiles when he realises they’re finally alone again. And he means it, not just in the way that she looks ridiculously good in the outfit, which she absolutely does by the way. He’s surprised he’s resisted the urge to kiss her against the car door (or any surface, if he’s honest.)
“You’d make an attractive doctor - like on TV or something,” she laughs. His doctor outfit does make for interesting fantasy material... Dr Winger and Nurse Edison? She could probably write a romantic novel about those two.
“What’s that guys name? Dreamy McDreamface? That could be me.” He smiles smugly at her,
“You watch Grey’s Anatomy?”
“If nothing else is on,” he shrugs her question off as they climb into his car.
She laughs at him. She almost thinks it was meant to be, this awkward coincidence. They do make a surprisingly good pair, even if he doesn’t want to admit to it. They’ve been on enough capers together to know they have the right chemistry, a good rapport. And Annie does find him attractive, in and out of his scrubs. Actually, she’s fairly sure he could wear anything and she would still find him ridiculously hot, a fact she’d never share with him as to not over-inflate his ego.
But it’s cute. She likes it, the fact that they could be mistaken for a couple. The fact that he kept smiling at her all night and stayed close even though he really didn’t have to. Come to think of it, he barely spent time with the other women Shirley had invited to her makeshift Halloween get together, even Britta. Plus, she even caught him checking her out a handful of times too. But what did it all mean?
This is Jeff she’s thinking about. The guy who can never give her a straight answer about anything when it comes to their star crossed dynamic. The very same Jeff that gives her those looks that she thinks might mean something, and then pats on the head and pushes her away and treats her like a child again.
It’s never going to be easy with him, is it?
There’s always going to mixed signals and confusion and crushes and longing… She’s just accepted that as a fact now. Jeff is the perfect fantasy material - great to daydream about when she’s alone in her bedroom, but the reality of the situation is a lot more complex.
“Tonight was surprisingly fun,” he says, Annie hadn’t realised how silent she must’ve been while she was sitting there thinking about him. Oops.
“Well yeah. I thought everyone was going to make a bigger deal out of this,” he gestures between them. “But it was actually kind of nice.”
“What? Having similar costumes?”
“Yeah. We looked good together.”
She can feel her cheeks getting warmer and no matter how hard she fights against it, her lips curl into a big smile as she watches him. He’s being sincere and it’s adorably sweet.
“We did,” she grins.
“So… I was thinking… How about you be my ring girl next year? I’ve got my costume planned too and I think you’ll like it”
“The ring girl? Weird choice, but okay…” she says as she gets out of his car.
He looks at her confused for a second, but doesn’t say anything. Instead, he smiles as she waves goodbye and watches her disappear into her building.
Thank god she’s leaving this place, it’s terrifying, he thinks as he pulls away.
He can still smell her perfume lingering around the front seat, and smiles when he imagines her sat next to him, still in that little nurse’s outfit.
For a second, he finds himself wishing he’d kissed her goodnight. 
Oh god, what has she done to him?
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