#jeff’s more cynical nature to alan’s more sunshine personality
sunshinechay · 9 months
For the shipping ask, JeffAlan?
AlanJeff my beloveds!
I love them so much. All we get out crumbs but hopefully that will change with this episode!!
They are really cute and it really feels like both might be falling in love for the first time, despite that Alan is supposed to be in his thirties (according to the book he’s 38 but I believe they may have aged him down slightly for the show) while Jeff is supposed to be 20. The age difference doesn’t really bug me, since both are shown to be mature and self assured. They match each other really well, with Alan being much more open to Jeff’s more reserved nature. They’re slowly building trust in each other and it’s so much fun to watch and so satisfying. The fact that Jeff was willing to tell Alan about his ability says a lot about the state of their relationship and much it’s improved and developed and I can’t wait to see their romantic arc properly start!
I also don’t believe Jeff when he says he’s never used his gift on Alan. Maybe not intentionally but I definitely think he might have done it by accident the first time Alan touches Jeff arm in one of the earlier episodes (I can’t remember which one haha). The only question now is what exactly did he see? Part of me really wants to it to be sickeningly domestic, the other part of me wants to it to be them fucking nasty. The romantic vs the horny I guess haha.
Also I’m not sure if they’ll actually say the word in the show, but I really love that Alan doesn’t treat Jeff any different even though Jeff is supposed to be an omega. So often in omegaverse stories, everyone wants to treat omegas like they’ll break at the slightly hardship but Alan knows his boy’s strength and he knows that he can handle it, though he’ll also be there to back him up. I think Jeff is starting to see that as well and it’s only helping their relationship :)
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