#jehan reads a bunch of books
jsalim-art · 2 years
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Welp starting a new book now and this involves mermaids! This is another of my owl crate books in my tbr pile that I'm looking forward to reading and thus exclusive cover in my opinion is very pretty
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combeauferre · 2 years
🙃 for feuilly
🙃 - someone to share in their suffering
Combeferre sits in the coffee shop by himself fifteen minutes before he decides to text Feuilly. He's not the kind of person to forget about things like this, and today was the day he'd told Combeferre he was keeping free. It's another few minutes before he gets any response.
Feuilly: God, sorry things have been kind of crazy. Have you been waiting long?
Combeferre: Not too long, everything okay?
Feuilly: Sorry, kinda. I'm stuck in the library right now, I have some shit that needs doing. Maybe we can do tomorrow?
Combeferre: Don't worry, I can bring coffee to you.
Feuilly: Ferre no, don't worry about it. I'm fine.
Feuilly: Ferre.
He doesn't check his phone again, downing the coffee in his mug and heading back to the counter for another two black coffees to take on his way. He can hear Joly's voice in his head reminding him he was going to cut back on caffeine and sighs. That can wait till tomorrow.
When he makes it to the library he sees Jehan curled up in the usual corner he finds on his lunch break, an old tattered book in his hands and headphones in. He thinks about going to say hi, but as soon as Jehan knows Feuilly is here he'll want to join them too, and Combeferre has the distinct feeling Feuilly might prefer to be alone. Alone time he might be disrupting, he realises after a moment, feeling a twinge of guilt. If it's really that bad, he decides, he can just drop off the coffee and leave.
Quietly turning away from Jehan, he makes his way through the library, checking every nook and cranny for Feuilly. If he'd left the library he'd have texted, but Combeferre has a coffee in each hand and no way of checking. He's almost ready to turn around and search the whole place again when he hears a distinct clearing of the throat that he knows belongs to Feuilly, and heads round to the computers. There he sits, hair messy, bags under his eyes, jacket pulled tightly round his shoulders.
"Fee?" Combeferre says gently, resting a hand on his shoulder.
"Oh!" he starts, looking up and relaxing when he sees Combeferre's face. "Ferre, sorry. What are you doing here? I told you I was fine."
"You don't look it," he says, pulling out a chair. "Can I sit?"
"Sure," Feuilly says, eyeing up the coffees on the desk beside them.
"Oh, have it, it's for you," Combeferre says, and Feuilly picks one and takes a big swig, sighing. "What happened?"
Feuilly shrugs.
"Got laid off," he says quietly. "Out of nowhere, a bunch of us."
"Shit." Ferre stares at the computer screen, about ten tabs open for job applications. "They give you any time, or..."
"Nope," Feuilly shrugs. "Not sure why I expected them to give more of a shit about us, honestly." He scoffs. "Fucking stupid."
"You were there for years, Fee, you can't beat yourself up for expecting some kind of loyalty."
"I'm gonna get so much shit from Enjolras for it."
"No you won't," Combeferre frowns.
"Well he won't say it," Feuilly says, "but he'll go on his rant about how all companies are the same, none of them care about any of us, you know the rant. It's gonna be in between the lines, I should've always been ready for this."
"Fee, stop, you can't live like that, you said yourself it was out of nowhere, you couldn't have seen it coming." He sighs. "I'm sorry, I'm distracting you. I can leave if you want."
"No Ferre, I'm sorry," Feuilly sighs. "Would you stay?" his voice suddenly sounds desperate and he looks at Combeferre with a tired sadness. Combeferre smiles softly and settles properly into the seat, and some of the tension seems to seep out of Feuilly's body.
"You want to tell me about anything you found? Or just have some company?"
"Company sounds nice," he murmurs, turning his attention back to the screen. Combeferre smiles and pulls out his old and tattered Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, finding where he'd left off.
"I swear you've read that a million times," Feuilly says fondly. Combeferre shrugs.
"It just never gets old."
"Maybe I'll borrow it off you some time," Feuilly says, sighing quietly.
As much as Combeferre would like to turn off the screen and get Feuilly home, into bed and asleep, he knows this needs to be done. Holding in a sigh of his own, he turns to the book, settling in to read.
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modern ami headcanons
Feuilly has had the same phone case for six years. It's green with "Poland" printed in capital letters inside a heart, and Feuilly refuses to give it up. "It's not protecting your phone, Feuilly!" "Yeeaaahhh, it definitely is. Anyway I can't afford one" "THEY'RE LIKE TEN BUCKS FEUILLY I CAN GET ONE FOR YOU--" "really, I'm good, thanks :)" (as he drops his phone and the case gets a new crack)
Bahorel is famous for arriving to class late, and always in a new way. The students (and secretly, the professors) all look forward to his daily entrances. Sometimes he's on roller blades, other times he's hopping on one foot and wearing a giant purple wig. On days when he's sick and can't make it to class, everyone feels a little less energetic and happy to be there.
Combeferre is adamant about helping people with their studies. "I don't really want to bother you but--" "SHOW ME THE ASSIGNMENT" He gets legitimately SO excited when people ask him for homework help. One of his favorite people to help is Gavroche, who has a bit of trouble with long division. Combeferre always makes studying seem fun and enjoyable, and the people he helps always leave the sessions with a little more confidence in their future grades.
Jehan enters monthly poetry competitions. He's literally always writing poetry, whether in a little notebook he always carries with him, or on his phone, or on the nearest ami's sleeve. Courfeyrac has one jacket covered in Jehan's poetry. It's his favorite thing to wear, he says, and he'll never wash it so the poems don't wear off. Jehan has won a bunch of competitions before, and usually spends the money on some more plants for his flat, or on a gift for one of his friends.
Joly is the best nurse ever. When one of the amis fall sick, he bakes up a giant container of cookies (depending on what the sick ami's preference is), grabs a stack of movies and two bottles of ginger ale, and heads to the sick ami's place to take care of them. Aside from practically force-feeding them liquids and telling them to blow their nose ("you'll feel better!!") every five minutes, he's amazing at making sick people feel better.
Enjolras is literally the best cook. You might not think it to look at him, but he can make a mean dish of lasagna or a superb shepherd's pie. Every few weeks, he has the group over to his place for his newest recipe, and whenever one of their birthdays rolls around, he "accidentally" ends up making their favorite meal for the gathering. "Oh, I just felt like making it--" "Come on, Enj, you made it for me. This is my favorite." "Aw, nah, I just felt inspired to make it--" "Enjolras"
Bossuet has a google doc that he fills with dad jokes. So far it's three hundred pages, and he adds new ones practically every day. No conversation with him is complete without him pulling up the doc and reading one of the jokes out loud, accompanied by many groans and eye rolls. People who meet him for the first time must pass the trial of hearing at least five of the jokes in a conversation before he can consider making them his friend. Each joke is so cringe-worthy it's hilarious, and Bossuet marks his favorites by changing them into bright pink text.
Grantaire takes his sketchbook literally everywhere. There's no place the amis go that he doesn't bring it. He's constantly sketching random things-- a woman at a restaurant who was reading a book, a dog who followed them to one of their meetings, a butterfly that landed on the tip of his bottle. He makes sketches of the amis, too-- laughing, playing video games together, watching movies, having a popcorn battle or a pillow fight. He'll often randomly leave one of the sketches of the amis with one of them, tucking it in the hood of their sweatshirt or under their plate for them to find later.
Courfeyrac knows, like, so much movie trivia. It's impossible for the amis to watch any movie without him rattling off something about this or that location, or oh did you know that in this scene he actually broke his toe which is why he yelled like that? None of the amis know how he gets so much trivia, but somehow he does, and while it's interesting it also gets slightly annoying when he's interrupting for the forty thousandth time to tell about that actor's wig and how they dropped it in the water accidentally. "Courfeyrac I love you but could you please let us finish this scene in peace, this is the saddest part and you just told us that the actor belched during the first take of it, puh-leeze can we just watch for a minute"
Marius gets extremely giddy when he's nervous about things. The amis will be entering one of their classes in which they have a test and Marius will suddenly latch onto one of their arms and start giggling madly while saying, "I remembered the funniest thing yesterday--" and the amis will just look at each other like "he's losing it again" and then as Marius babbles incoherently about how his dog sneezed when he was a child one of them will just pat his back and as Marius sits down and starts talking faster and waving his arms and laughing really loud because "HAHAHA, MY SHOE JUST SQUEAKED GUYS AHAHAH" they'll just nod at each other before giving Marius some Benedryl they've hidden in a cookie or something so he can calm down. Then they'll take the test and as soon as he finishes he just passes out
Gavroche is the most popular kid in his fifth grade class, mostly because he is constantly telling the teacher they should be eating candy instead of learning. (This may or may not be encouraged by Courfeyrac, who has gotten several emails concerning Gavroche's behavior but who only further inspires Gavroche to keep going). He also constantly draws goofy faces on the whiteboard when his teacher is not looking, resulting in uncontrollable snickering until the teacher turns around, sees it, and bursts into laughter herself while also trying to scold Gavroche, who looks at her with angel eyes and acts like he's been in his seat the whole time.
Eponine is a master at laser tag. Whenever the amis are looking for something to do she's always like "Oh I know I know, laser tag!" and they all internally groan because oh gosh she's about to slaughter them again. She sneaks around and you have no clue she's there until she hits you. Screams of terror often fill the air when she strikes, because she'll lurk around a corner and then leap out, a terrifying smile on her face, before targeting whatever unfortunate ami has stumbled across her. She always wins. Always. (Jehan always loses but that's because he doesn't want to take out his friends).
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themandilorian · 3 years
Things each amis does/says in the brick that I personally want to talk about more
These are strictly ridiculous things. There are super sad parts out there that I refuse to acknowledge.
blocks the barricade with paving stones but forgets to make an exit, gets trolled by Combeferre and Bossuet for his troubles
is known as "the leader" whose suggestions are "commands" except no one ever listens to him. Needs Marius’ assistance just to send people home and spare their lives
does not reply to Bossuet that his mistress is "Patria", instead whispers under his breath, which arguably makes it worse
randomly points out Feuilly on the barricade to tell people that he is an orphan. Really, look at him! He has no parents! No mom! No dad! Good for him
also demands universal secondary education on the barricade, like yes, that is a worthy cause, but is this the time?
is an excellent fighter, somehow fends off three armed national guards with like a broken stick or something
does not know women exist on earth (?) does not notice seasons (?!) thinks flowers are only good for concealing weapons (?!!)
is genuinely a huge dork, nerds out about cannon technology in the middle of a fight where the national guard wheels out a bunch of cannons... to kill him and his friends
is hilarious, the fandom gets him
is "an iconoclast who respects nothing"
literally builds the barricade where it is because he runs into his friend (Bossuet) there
(on Marius wearing a new coat) : he looks so stupid
makes fun of the national guard's ineffective fighting with "you are so useless, it's breaking my heart"
tries to cheer up Mere. Hucheloup with "we will avenge the 100 francs the government fined you for your flower pot with...this barricade" (she is not convinced)
refuses to go to Lamarque's funeral as per Enjolras' summon because it is raining outside since he "promised to go through fire not water"
is "the gayest of them all"
gets thrown out of law school for trying not to get Marius thrown out of law school, further cementing the fact that Marius is the true antagonist of les mis
"greets adversity like an old friend and is on a first-name basis with fatality"
trolls Enjolras a lot, arguably more than anyone in the whole damn book
is generous, gives Gavorche's friend 20 sous for delivering a message from Enjolras, evern though the kid already got 10 sous from Enjolras
....got those 20 sous from Grantaire and Joly...because he himself has no money
loudly praises a mattress during a gun fight
Is an actual trash gremlin, pops out of a floor latch to join Joly and Bossuet for breakfast like that one cat that lives in an animal shelter ceiling
is responsible for gems such as "the imperial palace of russia seems like a very unhealthy place for Russian royals" (because they kept getting killed there). Also announces that he was born to be a millionaire so it is an injustice he doesn't get to just lounge around 24/7
blames the rain on some underpaid interns of God
when told a note is from a "tall blond man" immediately goes "that's Enjolras" as if there is only one tall blond man in the entire city of Paris. Rip my poor simp.
invites a random street urchin messenger to join him for breakfast
(upon the kid's decline) goes on for a whole paragraph about different types of street urchins
tells an alarmed passerby that only bulls should be afraid of red (the actual color of the revolution, as in people got arrested for wearing red back then)
gets annoyed at a lent guideline allowing people to eat eggs so he just tears it down (please someone tell me if Terry Pratchet based his "hard boiled egg" slogan on Bahorel I need to know)
(after being reprimanded) tells Enjolras to mind his own business
has never done anything wrong in his life and we do not make him sad ever. EVER.
knows five languages so he can read original texts like god intended
above all he is kind and kindness is akin to greatness (not funny but this is important to me)
blushes over nothing and considers clouds as important as anything :)
also has never done anything wrong in his life and we do not make him sad ever. EVER.
has a warm heart with an immense capacity for affection (he's perfect)
borrows from Courfeyrac five francs a week in order to carry out his misguided duty to take care of the Thenardiers for like three months
(upon being invited to Lamarque's funeral): those words may as well be Chinese
gets made fun of by Courfeyrac for not going out more so goes out even less and avoids Courfeyrac more
is somehow a sharpshooter, shoots Courfeyrac's attacker with one hand and Gavroche's with the other (?!)
gets mad at Cosette while he is stalking her because the wind lifted up her skirt slightly (true antagonist of les mis)
tells Enjolras he'll have his gun when Enjolras dies
(after Enjolras offered him a carbine): no I want a musket
smashes street lights for fun
extremely generous, has no money but steals a purse for Mabeuf instead (Mabeuf, who doesn't know where the money came from, takes it to the police station and i hit my head against a wall for two hours after reading those words)
(upon being called an angel): "i think i'm the devil"
has an identity crisis when suspects she might be pretty
proceeds to lose sleep over it then wakes up all puffy and tired
then has another identity crisis because of that and refuses to look into the mirror for two weeks (?!)
already walking away from the barricade because jvj let him go, then turns around and says "this is embarrasing, can you just kill me?"
also calls jvj "tu" instead of "vous" for the first time then. Ooooh
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goosebasedcryptid · 3 years
Les Mis characters as things my friends (and I) have done while drunk (at one specific party in my friend's vineyard house):
• Enjolras: Stood on a chair for 5 minutes demanding we listen to him explaining why we absolutely need to vote in the next presidential election.
• Grantaire, Joly and Bossuet: Went on a walk in the vineyard at 4 am with nothing but a bottle of vodka, a single smartphone and a bluetooth speaker playing dancing queen by ABBA.
• Musichetta: Realised after 10 minutes the 3 guys were out in the vineyard, ran out to join them, freaked them out by yelling "HERE'S JOHNNY" a she approached them at full speed and jumped into one of the guys' arms.
• Jehan: Attempted to break into the attic to "check out the ghouls" and brought a single tortilla chip as an offering.
• Courfeyrac: Almost jumped as he heard the intro of montero by lil nas x and ran to the nearest guy and spent the rest of the song grinding on him.
• Marius: Guy who got grinded on by previous guy but then cried the rest of the evening because he was straight but didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings by saying it.
• Éponine: Came to the party for the sole purpose of hooking up with her crush of 3 years, saw him get grinded on, spent the rest of the evening sitting on the ground slowly eating entire uncooked potatoes.
• Feuilly: Kept going outside in front of the house to get some time alone, but every single time at least 6 people would follow him because we just love hanging out with him so much.
• Bahorel: Aggressively sang along to disney songs while opening everyone's beer bottles with his bare hands.
• Combeferre: Took care of all the drunk people and helped them get to bed, read a bedtime story to a bunch of 18 years-old insisting they showed the pictures in the book, then fell asleep watching over them.
• Cosette: Surprised everyone with personalized friendship bracelets with our favortie colors and/or various pride flags.
• Montparnasse: Kept sneakily stuffing her bra with various items, the next morning someone asked where was the corkscrew and she deadass pulled it out of her bra. Several other items fell out, notably car keys, coins, and someone's social security card.
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bahorell · 3 years
Les Amis (& co.) and what they’re like camping
Enjolras: Is kinda scared of the woods. Also he’s that guy that really has a hard time putting his phone down because “I just have to respond to this one email”. “Yeah give me one second I’m dealing with a work thing”. “omg did you hear about what’s happening in Canada? It’s horrible those poor people” “Enj the point of this is to get away from everything for a couple days” “Right I know…”. So if there’s even one bar of service they gotta go find a different place. When he isn’t on his phone he’s very active in all his friends activities. He’s not super outdoors-y so he mostly tags along when other people do things. He’ll have Baz or Courf take him on rides on their paddle boards. He’ll tag along when Chetta and Ferre go on hikes. He’ll be Feuilly’s little helper person when Feuilly’s working on building the fire. Or he’ll just hand out with people at camp or on the beach of the lake/river and just talk.
Combeferre: Loves camping because of all the bugs and critters! Found the tiniest little frogs on the shore of the lake one time and made everybody look at them. Brings plant and animal and bug ID books with him and will take little leaves or flowers and stick them in the pages of the book when he thinks he found a match. He doesn’t usually snack too much when he’s at home but when he’s in the woods he is always eating something and it’s really when he’ll let himself just go balls to the wall with the junk food. The only thing he doesn’t really like about camping is that he doesn’t get to go on jogs in the morning because he’s smart enough to not run into the woods in the middle of nowhere with no service by himself.
Courfeyrac: Has an inflatable paddle board that he bought! He likes to play lifeguard and will paddle around to all his friends who are swimming and give them rides to shore. He likes to share his paddle board with his friends but he didn’t have enough money to buy a super super fancy one that has a large weight capacity so usually if someone else is on it with him it sinks into the water enough to stress him out. Also he shares a big tent with Combeferre and Enjolras and he likes to sleep in the middle of the two of them.
Joly: Invested in a super super cute small teardrop camping trailer a couple years ago. It’s easier for him to get in and out of than a tent or god forbid a hammock (Bahorel has to lift him into it then Joly wants to get in one… this is also partially because Bahorel sets up all the hammocks and they are p much impossible to get in unless you are also 6’7”) The inside of the camper is just a bed and the back hatch opens up to cabinets and drawers and a counter and stuff that makes a nice little make shift kitchen. He’ll set up the camp stove and the cooking area right next to it. He’s not super involved in any of the cooking it just gives him less stress when the food area is organized and the table legs are on a flat surface.
Jehan: Jehan tells the ghost stories. They aren’t very good at telling ghost stories so nobody really gets scared (except for Marius and if they’re really doing a good job Enj will get a little spooked). They also wake up with the sunrise so they’re up and ready to start the day at like 5am… and they really aren’t quiet about it so they manage to wake up 2/3 of everybody else at camp. Has more dietary needs than other people so when every one gets together to build a grocery list and meal plan for the trip they’ll make their own list. They really don’t mind because they HATE sharing snacks so having their own little baby cooler all to themselves is the best. Bousset: Somehow manages to have the most amazing balance and can get on and off Bahorel or Courf’s paddle boards like it’s nothing but when he gets in the canoe with anybody they somehow always tip it over within like 20 seconds. He is the opposite of Jehan he’ll sleep until like 2 in the afternoon if one of them doesn’t come to wake him up. He’s also usually in charge of getting all the booze together for the trip bc he’s very aware of what everyone likes to drink. He takes turns with Chetta sleeping in the trailer with Joly since not all three of them can fit. When he’s not sleeping in the tent he’s sharing a tent with Grantaire.
Feuilly: Fire guy. Loves the fire. Is always excited for the sun to go down so he can start the campfire. Will not take his eyes off the fire. I mean seriously. They once played never have I ever and when it got to be his turn they timed him to see how long it would take for him to realize it was his turn bc he was too busy staring at the fire to pay attention (it was a solid 4 minutes). Sleeps in a tiny little one person tent that would make anybody else claustrophobic but he LOVES it. He does set up a hammock right next to Bahorel’s. He doesn’t sleep in it but the two of them will take naps together in their hammocks. He also has to dowse his body in SPF 10000000000+ because he’s the whitest person ever, and somehow he still manages to get a sunburn on some part of his body.
Bahorel: He’s the guy thats super picky about the camp spot. “eh i mean this one is cool but it’s a little too close to the other campsite and I don’t wanna be that close to other people thats the point of this trip is to get away from everybody.” “This one WOULD be perfect but it doesn’t have good access to the lake so it’s gonna be hard for those of us that have boats to get down there” “Bahorel the boat ramp is like 1/8 of a kilometer away we can just walk down to that…” “i mean we COULD… but it just kinda sucks” Also Bahorel has this super nice hammock system with like a bug net and a rain tarp, he will not sleep on the ground because he is scared of bugs and also the baby boy likes getting rocked to sleep. He always follows Feuilly around when he’s looking for a place to put his tent and he’ll set up his hammock right next to him. And he WAILS to Feuilly when they get back home because his SKINCARE ROUTINE GOT MESSED UP FEUILLY OHHH MY GODDDD
Grantaire: Not super big on camping but if he’s with his friends he’s having fun. There’s something about being in the woods that makes him quiet… but not in a sad way. He feels really peaceful when he isn’t dealing with a bunch of people in a big city (Even tho he loves the city). He always brings stuff so that he can draw or paint the mountains or his friends on the lake but he usually doesn’t get enough time to really make anything more than a sketch. He’s not scared of water but he avoids going in the lake if it’s not a part of it that’s deeper than his tummy. He won’t get in the boats unless there’s a lot of coaxing (usually by Enj)
Marius: LOVES being in the woods. I mean really loves it. Surprisingly it’s usually Marius that sends out the text to the group chat that’s like “hey is everybody free in a couple weekends? I wanna go camping!” He just really doesn’t like going by himself or going with just one or two people. He wakes up super early as well and usually will sit with Jehan and share coffee waiting for everybody else to wake up. Sometimes the two of them will go on a little walk together. He winds down pretty early in the evening though since he wakes up so early and is usually ready for bed by like 8:45pm. He’s also that guy that wants to eat all the berries on the bushes they walk past and has almost given Combeferre a heart attack like 7 times.  
Eponine: She’s… alright to camp with. She gets kinda grumpy in the mornings because of how cold it is but she warms up (both temperature wise, but also her mood) once she’s eaten and it’s gotten warmer out. She really just likes to lay in one of the communal hammocks and read book after book. She’ll also tag along with Gavroche on a lot of his little adventures. When she’s not with Gavroche or letting Combeferre show her all the little bugs and cool plants he found, she just sunbathes. For HOURS straight. Going camping for her is just a really long fun weekend to get her tan on.
Cosette: She’s so fun to camp with!! She’s like… the best person to camp with. She always does the planning and researches everything there is to do at and near the campsite. She knows all the hiking trails nearby and what areas have service and which ones don’t. She knows which campsites have lake/river access. She also makes the best camp coffee. It’s really the only time she drinks coffee unless it’s like… finals week or she’s got an early flight or something. She also ALWAYS has to tell her dad where they’re going. She shares her location and route with him on the drive there and texts him to let him know she’s about to lose service and texts him the second she has a bar of service. He’s just very protective and she wants to make sure that he knows she’s safe. Plus if anything DOES happen he knows where she’s going and can come save the day.
Musichetta: She sleeps like the entire time she’s camping. She’ll wake up in the morning and move from her tent or the camper and go lay in one of the communal hammocks near the fire ring and doze off with her hot chocolate… which she has spilled a couple times. Once it warms up a little she’s walk down to the lake or river and lay down, get her tan on, and take a nap. One of her favorite things is to go on hikes with Combeferre. He’s one of the only people in the group that can keep up with her. If they go with other people usually by the time they reach the end of the trail the rest of the group is about 2 miles behind them. One of the best parts of camping for her is going home and showering after not showering for like 3 or 4 days.
Gavroche: Spends the entirety of the first day trying to find the perfect tree to put the perfect swing on. He also likes to try to find any big rocks near the campsite and go bouldering and run around on top of them. He still really has that childhood curiosity about everything and no fear. He’ll run off trail trying to find deer or elk. If he doesn’t get back home with a couple scratches or bruises he doesn’t consider it a good camping trip. He also will swim out to Bahorel’s paddle board and Bahorel will grab him out of the water and throw him back in. Gavroche thinks it’s the most fun thing in the world even though he’s growing really fast and it’s taking a little bit more muscle every year for Bahorel to throw him as far as Gav wants him to.
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jabbers-of-jay · 4 years
- Courfeyrac ends up doing some community service just because. He also thought it might be a good way to get some new recruits. Anyway, so he looked up a bunch of different things and found this cat sanctuary. And he was totally going just to help out the poor cats. They just needed a little love. And honestly, what better kind of community service than cleaning up their litter boxes and then just getting to pet and play with cats all day?
- His friends definitely tell him not to. He shouldn’t because he’s going to want to adopt the cat. Does his apartment even have a pet policy and allow cats?
- But Courfeyrac tells them all he doesn’t need to actually own a cat. That just helping the cats in need will be enough. But of course Combeferre knows better. So he spends the afternoon looking into their apartment’s policy. He talks to their landlord and neighbors. The landlord is definitely hesitant. But he also trusts Combeferre. So he says they can adopt 1 cat as long as they pay a pet deposit and that they periodically do a deep clean of the apartment
- Courfeyrac comes home that night bouncing with excitement and he’s telling Combeferre all about the cats. The way Courfeyrac describes them you would think he had been babysitting children all day, not cats. He describes all of their personalities and he tells Combeferre he doesn’t have a favorite, but he obviously does and he whispers about his favorite. As they’re eating, Combeferre asks him which one they’re adopting and Courf pretends to be all indignant and say he promised he wasn’t getting attached, it was just some cats in need that he was helping....
- Later that night, they’re all snuggled in bed, Combeferre is reading and Courfeyrac is scrolling through all of the photos of the cats he took that afternoon. “Well.. I really think we should adopt the sick one. She isn’t my favorite, but if we adopted her she would be. And clearly she needs us more than the others. Of course I love Scampy, but he’s the leader of their group! We can’t adopt him! That’d be like someone adopting Enjolras and us never getting to see him again! We’d be utterly lost!” He goes on. Combeferre just kisses the top of his head, smiles, and says “okay” before turning his page and continuing to read his book
- They decide that Combeferre should go with Courfeyrac the next couple of times he volunteers so the cat, who is a little skittish, can get used to both of them. Somehow she is instantly attached to Combeferre and spends the day being his shadow as he helps empty litter boxes, replenish food and water, and Combeferre quietly talks to her the whole time. And Courfeyrac just can’t handle it because it is ADORABLE. 
- The argue over her name because Courfeyrac wants to call her Princess Whiskers, but Combeferre says she should have a dignified name and says Artemis. Courfeyrac finally agrees her adoption papers can say Artemis but her name tag will say Princess Artemis of the Whiskers.
- They take Artemis home but they tell their friends they can only come over in small groups because she’s shy and they don’t want to overwhelm her. Courfeyrac is shocked when Artemis instantly takes a liking to Enjolras. At which Grantaire walks over says “I told you” and holds out his hand while Courfeyrac mutters and hands over 20 euro.
- Courfeyrac is really concerned though because Artemis, Ahem, Princess Whiskers, is still not doing well. She seems listless, and where she used to jump up and come running when Combeferre came home, or follow him around. She just watches him from the chair. So they take her to the vet and find out.... she’s going to have kittens!!! Courfeyrac’s entire year is made and he’s convinced that he’s going to keep all of the kittens. Combeferre just shakes his head. 
- Combeferre enlists the help of his friends and neighbors and by the time Artemis has her kittens he has a home for each one. Courfeyrac is sad but Combeferre comforts him with the fact that they know where every kitten is going and he can visit them all. To which Courfeyrac then declares himself godfather to all of the kittens
- Courfeyrac insists he gets to name all the kittens and as godfather everyone should listen to him. Jehan is the only one that does because he helped name all the kittens.
- Courfeyrac also often groans and moans about how Artemis doesn’t like him and what kind of a thanks is that? He took her in. He helped her. He helped get all her children nice, loving, homes. But of course he says all this while he’s taking photos and cooing at her. He’s mostly just miffed that she obviously loves Combeferre more. 
-Meanwhile, Combeferre just continues his attitude from the very first time they met of walking around, filler her food bowl, cleaning around the house, just quietly talking to her. He seems to really love explaining all of the myths surrounding her namesake and Courfeyrac SWEARS that she seems the most attentive when he does that.
- Eventually Princess Whiskers gets used to Courfeyrac’s exciteable personality. They start getting closer when Courfeyrac falls asleep in Combeferre sweater one night while Combeferre is at a night shift. Combeferre walks in, dead tired, to find the cat curled into an adorable ball on Courfeyrac’s chest. Courfeyrac wouldn’t believe that it had actually happened if Combeferre hadn’t saved it as his home screen.
- after that, and Combeferre telling Courf she probably smelled Combeferre on his sweater and that he was quiet, Courfeyrac starts living in Combferre’s clothes, although how is that really different from every day life? He also tries to not be quite as excited around her and they slowly seem to come to an agreement. But Combeferre is obviously her number one, and honestly Courfeyrac really can’t be upset about that because how can someone not love Combeferre the most?
- It takes a good year before Princess Artemis of the Whiskers and Courfeyrac find their groove, but they clearly get used to one another. She still leaps away from him when he’s overly excitable. But she does come running to Courfeyrac when she gets her 2 am zoomies, because Courfeyrac will play with her. Sundays are also mandatory family cuddle days, and somehow Artemis picks up on that? And if they fall asleep she’ll often find a little place to tuck herself into a ball with her new family
- And that’s the story of how Courf and Ferre got their cat, as well as everyone on their apartment floor and most of the Amis
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dameferre · 4 years
would you post all the descriptions you wrote for the les amis quiz? would love to read the ones for the characters i didn't get!
it’s pretty long so under the cut, here is the official results list for:
which member of les amis (&co.) are you? [quarantine edition]
You’re loud in your politics and opinions and quiet in your affections. You love the friends you surround yourself with, you love people you’ve never met, and you’re willing to do whatever you can to make the world even a little bit better for them. You choose your words and actions carefully, though you do occasionally find yourself in fights you know you can’t win. You fight anyway. During quarantine, you should:Try to avoid feelings of helplessness. Direct your passions towards something you can change, even if it’s just a small improvement. If the improvement is for the benefit of someone else, even better.
You don’t do, or feel, things by halves. You make your presence, opinions, and feelings known. You’re a confidant and shoulder to cry on, as well as a go-to partner in crime. You’re so confidently yourself it allows others around you to be more authentic versions of themselves, and those close to you never doubt that they are loved. During quarantine, you should:Let your vast stockpiles of confidence take a hit and try something new that you might not be great at right away. You’ll have plenty of time to practice until you’re as amazing at whatever it is as you’re sure you are at everything else.
You're a voice of reason and the calm before the storm. You're methodical and constantly curious, always investigating, always learning, forming and reforming opinions and hypotheses. You're quiet but firmly supportive of the people in your life, and are always at hand to provide a steady voice, solid ground, and common sense. During quarantine, you should:Try not to overwhelm yourself with this abundance of time. Sure, zipping through your Goodreads yearly book goal in a week seems like a great idea in the moment, but you'll burn out quick. Just because you have the time doesn't mean you have to constantly make the most of it.
You find wonder and poetry in everything. You especially appreciate things that are complex, beautiful, well-worded, theatrical, bold and grand. You're soft-spoken but never at a loss for words. The world is full of poetic possibilities and fascinating discoveries and you're happy to drift through it, quietly observing them all. During quarantine, you should:Try to help others find the same poetry in the ordinary as you do. It's more important than ever now that we're all seeing the exact same ordinary. Every day. Indefinitely.
You're just like. A really good person. Congrats! You believe that family is something you choose, and that there is always good in the world worth fighting for. You've never let hardship slow you down or take away your optimism. You're always trying to better yourself, your circumstances, and those of others.  During quarantine, you should:Indulge your need for community, and family, in whatever way that manifests. Don't let the isolation get to you.
You live loudly, and passionately, and you love to make a statement (in any number of ways). Walking away from conflict has never been your strong suit, but making an entrance might be. Making friends comes easy to you, keeping them even easier.  During quarantine, you should:Reach out to your friends. Being stagnant doesn't come easy to you and interacting with others will help. If that doesn't work, maybe try a TikTok dance challenge.
You've got some anxieties. Who doesn't, really, during times like these? But what's important is that you don't let them consume you, don't let them dull you. You balance taking some things a bit too seriously by not taking other things seriously at all, and this ability to balance makes you a lively presence and treasured friend. During quarantine, you should:Make sure you, and those around you, know the facts about what's going on. Weed out the fake news, and all the lies and bullshit meant to induce mass hysteria.
You've got a distinctive sense of humor that's integral to the way you go through life. Either everyone thinks you're hilarious, or only you do. Either way, somebody's laughing, and that's really all that matters. Making the best out of less-than-ideal situations is probably your purpose in life, and you're always there when a friend needs a pick-me-up. During quarantine you should:Reach out to those people who may need a little help looking on the bright side of things.
You maintain a vaguely unhealthy balance of not taking some things seriously enough and taking some things way too seriously. You have a lot of good qualities, but you'd be the last person to say so. Your friends would probably be worried about you, if you'd let them. You might have a tendency to push away the good things in your life, but at least you're having fun and living on your terms. Right? During quarantine you should:Acquire a new skill. You probably already have a bunch, but this specific skill is called loving yourself and convincing yourself that you deserve the good things in your life. And for the love of god, don't text your ex.(alternatively, say: 'grantaire is not the character i should be relating to.' in the mirror a few times; see if it helps)
You're a bit rough around the edges, and maybe depend on others for your happiness a bit too much. But you're clever, interesting and unique and when you find your people, you're loyal to them. You know how to spin difficult situations to your advantage, and are quick on your feet. During quarantine, you should:Take some time for self care and self love.
You're the ultimate definition of a background character taking centre stage. You don't sell yourself short, and aren't afraid to go after what you want. You find comfort in humor, you're pragmatic, and you've got an easy-going nature that puts others at ease. During quarantine, you should:Remember to find ways to lighten the experience, even in unexpected areas.
You've been through a lot, but you're still smiling. You live your genuine truth, and refuse to let a cruel world dim your light. You take pleasure in the little things, and believe that beauty and love can be found anywhere, if given the right circumstances to grow. You know that while things may never be perfect, they can always get better, and there's something beautiful in that possibility. During quarantine, you should:Not force yourself to be always positive all the time. Maybe you've been through shittier situations, and maybe some people have it worse, but it's okay to acknowledge that this specific situation sucks, and you wish you could just fucking go outside.
Sure sometimes you can be a) a goof or b) a bit basic, but you've got a good heart, and life's hard. No one can fault you for living it in your way. You might not always know the right thing to say, or do, but you're sincere and your heart's in the right place, so you always seem to make it work in the end. Your feelings exist in extremes, and there's little you wouldn't do for the people you love. During quarantine, you should:Expand your horizons a little bit, see what's out there. You've got the time. Also, please don't text your ex.
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eponinemylove · 5 years
les amis in high school!
okay so this idea came out of nowhere and bodyslammed me in the middle of lunch and it’s my civic duty to now share it with all of you!
Enjolras is... how you say... chaotic. He is either a teacher’s absolute favorite or the bane of their existence, and there is no in between
Despite his alarming number of detentions, referrals, and likewise complaints, principal JVJ never suspends him
superintendent Javert is trying to build a case against JVJ to have him removed from that position bc he suspects that he isn’t handling disciplinary actions appropraitely. It drives him fucking crazy that he can’t because there’s no teachers or staff who have anything bad to say about JVJ, and somehow people in high positions keep... vouching for him?
it shouldn’t be possible for JVJ to have that many convenient friends in just the right place to block the investigation, but he does and they all swear he’s a good honest man and is the only competent principal, ever. also he managed to save their ass one time or another and stopped them from getting fired sooo
ANYWAYS back to the amis
Enjolras is what Javert and the school APs like to call a problem child. He will rage at every injustice he sees, systematic or otherwise, which is to say, a fuckton. He starts protests, organizes walkouts, does sit-ins in the cafeteria, and has exactly 0 qualms about tearing a teacher/administrator a new one
He meets the other amis in detention
Joly is there because an AP saw jbm showing (minimal!! barely any) PDA and lost her fucking shit, screaming about how innapropriate they were being. Musichetta is in it for cussing out the AP right back and demanding that she apologize to her boyfriends. Bossuet is actually there for like 3 different things (one of which is just bc he got way too many tardies and got an automatic detention) but the AP didn’t check and sent him anyways, even though he was already going that day. He’s just always in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Combeferre got detention bc he was a sarcastic little shit to a kid and the teacher overhead (the kid deserved it tho). Also he helps Enj organize/conduct the sit-ins and stuff, so he’s guilty by association
Same for Coufreyac, but he’s also too loud/talkative/hyperactive in class and ends up getting in trouble with the teachers
Bahorel and eponine both got in (different) fights that day. Eponine never actually gets detention though so that was pretty much her only interaction with the group
Jehan’s teacher thought he “wasn’t paying attention” in class and being “intentionally unresponsive”. Homeboy was really just overstimulated and couldn’t concentrate properly on the reading, but what can you do
Feuilly absolutely doesn’t deserve to be in detention as much as he is. He’s really tired from work and school and so he misses a couple of assignments and occasionally skips his last class so that he can go home and shower/rest before his shift. That’s literally the only reason he’s in detention. Other than that he’s a great student except for the part where he always joins Enjolras in his demonstrations. No one has caught him yet and connected it, otherwise he’d probably be in detention for that too
Also, Grantaire is just always in detention. He sits in the back and usually doesn’t say much, if anything, to anyone besides Joly, Musichetta, and Bousset. Enj thinks that he has it for the entire year, but he’s not even sure how that’s possible. Enjolras starts a new protest every week and even he hasn’t managed that. He doesn’t ask.
After that key first meeting of everyone in detention, the amis get along way too well and decide to start a “club”. Basically it’s just them meeting after school and complaining about everything the APs and teachers do wrong, strategizing, and organizing their protests. 
The APs refuse to accept their club. Enjolras gets shut down in like .5 seconds
BUT eponine suggests that they take it to JVJ, and so they do. JVJ approves it, and the club stays. They name it Les Amis d’lABC (obv)
Marius accidentally joints the club. Courfreyac has been begging him to come to a meeting and he honestly thinks that it’s SGA. He almost books it as soon as he meets Enjolras, but at this point he’s too embarrassed and so he just decides to join. Enjolras doesn’t like him very much but he’s Courf’s friend and also he’s dating JVJ’s niece, so.
Speaking of, Cosette comes one meeting because Marius does, and oh my god, they love her. Everyone is so confused as to how she’s dating someone like Marius (he’s not that bad!) but they don’t say anything
Seriously though, she’s great. She’s so funny and kind and she’s full of amazing ideas that help their plans. Even Enjolras adores her
Anyways the Amis fuck a bunch of shit up for administration bc they’re not doing their jobs and also the amis all have issues with authority (Javert is pissed)
So at this point y’all are thinking that Enjolras is pretty much a teacher’s worst nightmare, right?
It’s Grantaire
Grantaire is infamous among teachers. They tremble at the sight of him. He will start shit just to start shit. It’s amusing to him. He’ll argue with the teachers over anything, the most random shit, and derail the entire class. God help you if he ever gets bored, because that’s when he makes the most mischief.
The thing is though... every time he’s being an asshole and arguing with the teacher about something... he always has a point. That’s the most infuriating part for them
Like, it’s not because he actually cares about the curriculum or policy or loophole that he noticed, because he doesn’t. But he’ll point it out and debate it because he’s antagonistic and this is fun, and he’ll always have valid reasoning and a legit point. Teachers start to think he’s planning this out, but he’s literally not. He just notices all these failings and he strings them together but doesn’t actually say anything about it until he has nothing better to do. And the teachers can’t even really argue because he’s right!! That shouldn’t be happening, or that doesn’t make any sense. Damn it, R, I don’t know why, don’t you talk to Principal ValJean?
When he’s not arguing with teachers, which is rare, he actually gets along pretty good with them. He knows at least 3 by name, and all his teachers call him R. He’s a good student (academically), too. He does amazing in all his classes, excluding math and science (which is basically just Math with explosions), even though he never seems to be paying any attention in class. Like, he’ll literally sleep through a lesson or just completely do his own thing, but he’ll get an A on the test and all his homework gets handed in on time and it’s actually well thought out and written
Most of his teachers hate him, but they can’t do anything about it because he’s right, he’s just really obnoxious. His math and English teacher love him though, and are always talking to him after class and in the halls
Enjolras hears about R a lot, mostly from disgruntled students and staff. He can’t figure out who this kid is but he sounds perfect. He overhead a senior complaining about him in her history class because R called the teacher out for sending a girl home for her ripped jeans. R stood up on the desk wearing the same ripped jeans and went on a rant about how sexist that policy was and how her outfit distracted no one and was not a problem, but the teacher was, and now he was disrupting her education, and he’s a sexist prick, etc etc. Apparently the entire class joined in and nothing got done all period and now they all have 10+ pages of homework and didn’t get the review for the test tomorrow. The teacher agreed to push it back for their period, but R got an automatic F and the senior girl is pissed because now she has 3 tests that day and no time to study and do all the extra homework
Enjolras swoons
He tells the Amis about it after school and Courf laughs so hard he’s wheezing. Everyone is in complete support of R and Enj says something about how they should recruit him for their club
Musichetta says she’ll ask him if he wants to come but Courf said he probably won’t
Enjolras loses his shit because “You guys know him?? Can I meet him???”
Everyone is so confused
“Enj, you’ve met Grantaire. Didn’t you take Spanish with him freshman year or something? And you’re always in detention with him??”
Enjolras feels like the biggest idiot ever because of course R is Grantaire. He’s a dumbass
Meanwhile Grantaire has been harboring the biggest crush on Enj for the last 2 years but Enjolras can’t (seemingly) stand him for the most part and he actually doesn’t get along with him that well so he’s resigned himself to Oh well, I guess I’ll just drool over him in detention
Enjolras just has a killer RBF, he doesn’t hate Grantaire at all and is mortified when he finds out what R had assumed
Anyway Grantaire joins their stupid club even though he doesn’t actually care that much. He argues a lot with Enjolras just to be a dick (poor Enj is so confused bc he knows Grantaire doesn’t agree with the side of the arguement he’s taking so why) but, again, he brings up a couple of good points as annoying as they are
Ok I’m going to stop here let me know if y’all want a part 2
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jsalim-art · 1 year
Tumblr media
Just finished reading this charming graphic novel and I find the main characters be adorable dorks with each other. 5/5 would reccomend
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wilwywaylan · 5 years
Drink me, and the bromos!
Okay that wasn’t really what you asked for, but I had an idea, so…. enjoy :D
Also on AO3 !
Feuilly turned another page of his book, and winced. He’d been studying for so long that his neck was stiff, his fingers were frozen, and according to the low rumbling in his stomach, he had once again forgotten to eat. With a sigh, he stretched, groaning when his shoulders gave a series of painful snaps. His eyes landed on the clock at his left. Quarter past… He blinked. And again. Rubbed his eyes to get rid of the sleep clouding his sight. But no. It really was quarter past two. He had been sitting there at his desk reading for four hours, barely moving, except to turn his pages. No wonder he was stiff as a board and his elbows were hurting.
He got up, trying to ignore the low burning feeling in his thighs. Maybe there would be something to eat in the fridge that he could quickly gobble before going to bed. Or at least lie down and tackle a few more pages. He opened the door, careful not to be heard. Bahorel must have gone to bed now. Except that, he suddenly realized, he hadn’t heard him come home. Usually, it was quite hard to miss. Bahorel signaled his presence by a series of loud noises : bag hitting the ground, shoes against the wall, grunts, opening and closing the fridge, loud singing, doors banging… A whole concerto.
That had been suspiciously absent that night. It wasn’t worrying, of course, it wouldn’t have been the first time that Bahorel had come home at the small hours of the morning, or even not at all. He was an adult, and didn’t need permission from anyone to party as much as he wanted to. And Feuilly didn’t frown at this, even when he learnt later that it included drinking his own weight in beer, getting into dangerous shenanigans with Courfeyrac (often fire-based), Jehan (in very strange places around Paris) or Grantaire (both). Or all three of them, usually ending in chaos, street fights and various acts of mischief. Three times this year already, Feuilly had had to go and bail them out. He’d been welcomed by four idiots way too cheerful for the situation or that time of the night, and he’d taken greatest delight in bringing those smiles down a notch by threatening to rat them out to Combeferre. All in all, there was no worry to have about Bahorel’s whereabouts. He’d be home in the morning for breakfast as if nothing had happened, with only a bruise or two more.
Feuilly walked down the hallway, trying to remember what was left in the fridge that he wouldn’t need for his lunch the next day, when he suddenly noticed that the light was on in the living room. Did he forget to turn it off when he left earlier ? He mentally slapped himself. Ecology and sparing ressources were huge talking points during the ABC meetings, and here he was, wasting electricity because he was too absorbed in whatever was currently piquing his interest.
He walked to the couch, and it was then that he realized that someone was lying on it. Someone whose huge feet were clad in Bahorel’s favourite neon socks. Feuilly was absolutly convinced that no one else owned such an abomination and his friend was the proud possessor of the only pair ever made. So the body lying on the couch was probably his. Now, why he had crashed there instead of his bed, Feuilly didn’t know. From the soft snores that he could hear, it was probably due to an alcohol-related balance impairment.
Since he was now assured that Bahorel was alive, Feuilly focused on his prime objective. A look in the fridge gave him some lunch meat and a bit of cheese that he stuck between two slices of bread. Now provided with a snack, he wandered back to the living-room, wondering if he should wake Bahorel up and kick him out of the couch to preserve his back, or he would be in for a world of pain the next day, and complain Feuilly’s ear off. But he looked so comfy, laying like that, a furry pillow held tightly against his chest, that he didn’t feel like…
Wait. A furry pillow ? Since when did they have furry pillows ? Feuilly hated those things, the touch was always off, like something that tried to pass as something alive but wasn’t, an abomination in the shape of a square. So what was one now doing in their flat ? All good will Feuilly could have mustered disappeared in light of this treason, and he poked Bahorel in the leg sharply. This was enough to wake him up. The eyes that landed on Feuilly after a few owlish blinks were softer than usual, probably due to the certainly incredible alcohol quantities drunk during the evening.
- Hello, squirrel, Bahorel managed to say with a huge grin.
Judging by the way his words were just a little slurred, he wasn’t drunk off his ass. Good. As much as he loved him, Feuilly couldn’t have lifted him even an inch off the couch.
- Did you have fun ? he asked instead.
- Yeah ! We went to that pub, y'know the one, the one with the weird key hanging on the wall, they have that awesome beer you like. (Feuilly nodded.) They have trivia night so Jehan wanted to play. A bunch of asses made fun of them, y'know, “girly stuff”, sissy, blah blah blah (he made a mouth gesture with his hand.) Jehan handed the whole of them their asses off at trivia. One of them even accused him to cheat. So they handed them their asses off again, but with fists. Of course, R had to intervene. And I did too.
- That may explain the bruises.
Bahorel lifted his hand to his eye, where the skin was an interesting shade of purple.
- Yeah. But we did good. Could have been better if the owner didn’t throw everyone out.
- So ? You decided to call it a night ?
Bahorel barked a laugh.
- Certainly not ! We found another bar, and since we still had some energy to spend, we got into an arm-wrestling contest. Kicked everyone’s butts. Or arms. Dunno.
Feuilly tried to picture built-as-a-stick Jehan in an arm-wrestling contest, pinning arms right and left. Not hard to believe, in fact. Never trust their frame, they were a powerhouse.
- And so,  I won that one, Bahorel annouced, gesturing to the pillow on his stomach.
- You won a furry pillow.
Bahorel frowned, seemingly confused by the distaste in his voice.
- No furry pillow here, squirrel. You hate them.
Feuilly was kind of charmed that Bahorel remembered, even in his inebriated state. But that wouldn’t save him, certainly not ! He crossed his arms, and looked pointedly at the furry not-pillow-but-still-weird-thing on Bahorel’s chest. The man followed his glance. A large grin spread on his face.
- This ? This is not a pillow ! he claimed, poking the thing.
Said thing gave a low groan and… stretched, emitting a strange “mrep” sound. It now had a head, two triangular ears, and large paws that kneaded Bahorel’s shirt. Or rather ripped it to shreds.
- What the…? Feuilly blurted. Is that…?
- It is ! Bahorel announced proudly, like he was giving him the secret of the universe. It is a cat !
Feuilly thought really hard about facepalming. Then he realized that the situation really deserved a facepalm. Count on Bahorel to always manage to spin his expectations on their heads and exceed them in every possible way. He glared at the other man, who was rambling on happily as if someone wasn’t trying to melt him by the sheer force of his look.
- I won him. Dude seemed very happy to get rid of him. Couldn’t free him in the street. Jehan couldn’t take him in because of the Montparnasses, Courf is not a cat person, and R thinks he can’t take one in because he’s not able take care of one.
The cat and Bahorel both looked at Feuilly with huge, pleading eyes, and he could feel his resolve melt. Count on his friend to always know how to sway him ! Of course he couldn’t bear the thought of leaving a defenseless cat outside, alone, in the cold. And Bahorel was very aware of that fact. And of course, he was using it against him.
- Defenseless, really ? he tried, arms crossed and brow furrowed, the perfect imaage of reprobation. That cat could rip you in two.
He wasn’t just grasping at straws. The paws kneading Bahorel’s shirt - and stomach under - were huge, with impressive claws, and the cat was of way more than average built. In fact, it looked more like a small lynx that a cat.
- He’s a Norwegian Forest Cat, Bahorel announced proudly. Well, not a pure breed, or the guy would probably have asked for my liver as payement. But he’s more than half. Did you know that those cats fight bears in their natural habitat ?
- You’re really made for each other. Do you even know how to keep a cat ?
- Of course I do ! And if I don’t, I can always ask Jehan, or Enjolras, or Bossuet, or Joly. They wil be more than happy to help me dote on that sweet guy here.
Said sweet guy was now sprawled on Bahorel’s stomach, paws in the air, and was purring up a storm. Feuilly came to sit on the couch, or rather on Bahorel’s legs that were on the couch, and offered a hand to the cat, who caught it between his paws, bit lightly on his fingers, then rubbed his head against it. Feuilly could feel his heart melt.
- I’ve always wanted a cat, he mused. Or a dog. A pet. But you know…
Bahorel nodded. Feuilly had filled him and the others on all the details of his life in the orphanage when he spoke on budget cuts for all foster care services, and they had discussed at length later, during the small hours of the morning where alcohol and lack of sleep tend to lower one’s defenses.
- Does this guy has a name, at least ? he asked.
Bahorel caught the cat in his arms, sat up straight and deposited the ball of fur on Feuilly’s lap.
- Squirrel, let me introduce you to Fluffy the Terrible. Third.
Feuilly was torn between laughing and facepalming a second time.
- Don’t you think it lacks something ? he said, playing with the fuzzy tail. I mean, that cat is regal enough, we could add something at the end, like, I don’t know… Doctor ? PhD ?
- Esquire ! Fluffy the Terrible III, Esquire. What do you think ?
Feuilly looked at the cat sprawled on his lap, took one of the large paws in his hand, and shook it.
- Pleased to meet you, Fluffy the Terrible III, Esquire.
The cat batted at his hand playfully, then curled up on himself and promptly went to sleep. Which was honestly very tempting. Feuilly was very aware that he should be sleeping by now, or at least on his way. Instead, he was sitting on the couch, a big beast pinning him in place. A big, plushy, friendly beast. He thought about spending the night there, scratching the cat, letting him keep him warm. Very tempting too. But it pained him to admit, his ass was starting to hurt. And his boss would probably not be very happy to see him crawl to work the next morning.
- Hey dork, he called.
Bahorel, who was patting the ground to find the remote, looked up at him.
- Get your monster back, I need to go to bed.
Bahorel grabbed the cat again. The beast seemed to be quite annoyed at being manhandled like that, and stuck his claws in Feuilly’s leg to keep himself at the right place. When it wasn’t enough, he opted for scratching Bahorel’s arms. His owner didn’t seem to mind, and soon, they were comfortably settled as they were before, despite the red lines now on Bahorel’s arms. Well, they didn’t stand out with the bruises already there.
Feuilly got up, shaking his legs slightly to get his feeling back. He patted Bahorel on the thigh, scratched the cat behind the ears, starting the purring storm again, and retreated to his room for his much needed sleep. Tomorrow, they would have to get everything they needed for Fluffy. Feuilly wasn’t sure they could afford it (well he couldn’t, Bahorel probably could), but it didn’t really matter. He had dreamed of having a cat for so long, he couldn’t blame him. Already, he could see himself sit in the couch and read with Fluffy on his lap. That would certainly better his reading sessions. Maybe he could Bahorel something to thank him ? Maybe something cat-related. He would certainly love that.
(He almost went back on every positive advice he had when Fluffy came to wake him up at five in the morning to  be fed. Feuilly was very glad to free him in Bahorel’s room and close the door.)
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benevolenterrancy · 7 years
Alrighty what do you think the Les Amis would do with Tumblr accounts? Vive la France!
Enjolras has an assortment of passionate followers, but byand large I would say he doesn’t have thatmany.  He’s well known (probably evenoutside his followers) for his incredibly passionate posts related to globalpolitics, human rights, current events, and social justice.  He has incredibly strong conviction about hisbeliefs, writes about them voraciously, and honestly even though they might bereblogged like crazy it’s a little too intense for a lot of people to actuallyfollow him – lots of people tend to get burnt out.  Enjolras doesn’t reblog fandom, meme, oraesthetic posts at all on his blog (he doesn’t want to dilute the importantissues) but he enjoys scrolling his dash in down moments and has a completelychaotic pile of likes.  Enjolras respondto ever ask he gets, it’s as terrifying as it sounds.
Lots of peoplefollow Courfeyrac which means a lot of people unwittingly follow Enjolras,because Courfeyrac reblogs almost everything that Enjolras writes.  Courfeyrac, however, will also shamelesslyreblog shitposts of all kinds so the political gets mixed up with the goofs andpeople tend to find it more palatable. He’s one of those people you follow, but you feel like you’ve gottensome sort of two for one deal because he gets into so many convo chains withhis friends that you feel like you know all of them as well.
Combeferre is thescience side of tumblr.
Jehan is all aesthetic all the time.  They post a lot of their poetry scraps onthere, just a few handful of lines here and there as they try things out, aswell as quotes from their favourite works. They use the tags like it’s nobody’s business, but still manages to keeptheir blog completely disorganized and inscrutable to an outside observer…while almost without fail being able to find that one post they’d rebloggedfrom Joly six months ago like it’s nbd. They’re a mystery wrapped up in an enigma.
Bahorel I don’t really see as much of a tumblr person tbh, he’snot really interested in sitting around and scrolling.  He definitely has a twitter though and isvocal as all fuck on that – Grantaire will shameless screenshot his tweets andrepost them on tumblr.  Courfeyrac willgenerally at least once a week sit down with Bahorel and just show him all thecurrent tumblr memes because Bahorel gets a kick out of them.
Feuilly is technically on tumblr because Jehan made him anaccount but he doesn’t use it all that much. He will appear about once every five weeks to reblog something and thendisappear again.  It’s anyone guess if it’sgoing to be a bunch of sea otter gifs or a long tirade about a recent protest.  Enjolras is one of the few blogs he actuallychecks regularly, and the two of them will get into reblog chain discussions.
Joly reblogs cute animal gifs and videos in abundance.  He is completely shameless, he loves them soso so much.  Joly scrolling tumblr is astream of “Chetta, Chetta, come see this, you have to see this!” “I just satdown Joly…” “Chetta look at these ducklings”“Babe I love you but istg”.  He alsotends to blog about whatever shows he’s watching at the moment, but he doesn’ttend to stay locked on to a fandom.
Bossuet uses Joly’s account. He’s lost, broke, or generally misplaced his phone one too many timesand always ends up using Joly’s, and so Bossuet gradually just completely movedin and took co-ownership of Joly’s account. If you see a splurge of posts that all have badly typo’d chat in thetags, that Bossuet.  Also an animalenthusiast, but also a shameless memer with Courf.
Musichetta uses hers like an actual file folder.  She reblogs recipes into various cookingtags, she reblogs fashion and hairstyles and gardening tips and apartmentaesthetic she likes, and studying tips and shopping tips and how-tos… all with mind-bogglingtagging structure.  She also has anassortment of just nice aesthetic posts, along with a smattering of posts andtheories about the shows she’s watching and humour posts that her boys messagedto her.
Grantaire’s blog is a hot fucking mess.  Fandom, political, humour, shitposts, they’reall dumped into the festering stew that is Grantaire’s blog.  He shamelessly reblogs posts from Engjolras’blog just to add derisive commentary, and takes nothing particularly seriously –it can be frustratingly hard to tell when he’s reblogging something ironicallyand when he’s not.  He thinks flame warsare hilarious and will step back to watch the show.  He will post his own artwork on his blog, buthe posts it with not particular schedule and never tags it, so if you ever wantto see them you’d have much better luck going to Jehan’s blog, who does reblog Grantaire’sart and actually tags it, somewhat toGrantaire’s chagrin.
Marius… sure is there. Somehow, he uses tumblr wrong.  Hegenuinely does use it casually.  He neversees any sort of fandom wank because he somehow only ever surfaces safely alongthe top, never diving into it’s deep recesses. It’s frankly miraculous.  His blogseems like the epitome of generic.  Hehas approximately two followers besides for his friends.  Grantaire takes gleeful joy out of sendingMarius bizarre “suggestive” posts just to see Marius reblog it with the commentof “I don’t get it” (yes, he alwaysposts his comments in the comment section, never in the tags section).
Cosette and Jehan definitely follow each other, and she’salso pretty big of aesthetic blogging. She probably has more than one blog – one for aesthetic posts, anotherfor blogging about whatever show she’s watching right now.  She has a nice smattering of followers wholike to see the reviews she writes for the latest movies and shows she’s seenor books she’s read.  Lots of gorgeousselfies, lots of positivity and supportive posts, especially ones for childabuse survivors.
Éponine - I have no idea what she does on there.  Neither do you.  Neither does anyone else, because the onlyperson who knows what her url is, is Grantaire, and he’s been sworn to secrecyunder pain of death.  …Or at least painof pain.
Gavroche you’re too young to be here to climb a tree orsomething.  Jacks Courf or R’s (or Ép’s)phone from time to time, mostly to post gibberish or troll their friends.  Sometimes looks up Youtubers and then floodsthe respective dash with funny clips and gifs.
(Bonus: Jean Valjean tried to figure it out so that he couldconnect with Cosette through it, but it never kicked off – he has one post onit that just says “Is this still the internet?” That’s it.  It has fifty thousandnotes.)
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If you were a book I'd read you every night
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2Dgp8KH
by lotspot
Courfeyrac is a librarian at the university library. Combeferre comes in to take out a bunch of books. Courfeyrac leaves his number in the pages of one of them.
Words: 2047, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Les Misérables - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Courfeyrac (Les Misérables), Combeferre (Les Misérables), Enjolras (Les Misérables)
Relationships: Combeferre/Courfeyrac, Courferre - Relationship
Additional Tags: Courf is a librarian, and ferre is a nerd, also bit of combeferre and jehan friendship bc god why not
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2Dgp8KH
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In case anybody cares...
Over the past few years I’ve been working on adapting the novel into a stage play, one that could be performed without too much hassle by schools and community theaters. 
Most of the current plays on the market are either dissimilar from the book or are just plain terrible. I wanted one that respected the source material, but was also not to impractical for a high school to produce. A simple and still compelling “hunchback of Notre Dame.”
I’ve kept at it as a little hobby. I’ve had various drafts rejected for publication. I tried to stay as close to the book as possible. The majority of changes I made were for streamlining purposes, limiting the number of sets and locations and stuff. It is an adaptation, and things are changed and emphasized over others.
As an example, instead of having their date at La Falourdel’s, Phoebus and Esmeralda meet in the streets of Paris at night.
Artistic licence is also a thing, you know. :)
I have three drafts that I consider “good.” The best of a rejected bunch!
The most faithful to the novel features characters like Gringoire, Jehan Frollo, Gudule, and scenes of the assault upon Notre Dame.
The middle is effectively the same, but with many cuts and a streamlined ending. (A necessary change because this draft removes Gringoire and Clopin.) 
I think this is the better of these versions, and is the one I’m sending to publishing companies, with revisions of course.
The shortest version was an experiment to edit down the previous version into as few pages as possible. I think this actually improved the pace of some scenes. This is a fairly simple dramatization. I kinda like it though, if only for what it represents. I was going for a throwback to a lot of the plays from the 1800s.
My first draft was 250 pages. 
My latest draft is only 10.
If anybody wants to read my attempt to dramatize Hugo’s book, feel free to message me. 
I doubt these will ever be published, so it’ll be nice for them to be read by somebody.
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coffeecupandcorgi · 7 years
Tumblr media
How am I doing on @katiewont‘s delightful All Fandom August (+ September, cough) fic reading bingo challenge? (^ complete with terrible graphic, bless you Paint)
Loss of Control: Seek_The_Mist’s Lock up your daughters (and your sons), Raven Cycle, Richard Gansey III/Ronan Lynch, 3k, 2017
Per the author, “this is the summertime-messing-around Ronsey that no one asked for but that I'm going to deliver to you because of obvious reasons.” I mean the tags on this one are like “light angst” and “praise kink.” You should probably read it. Gansey and Ronan drink a bunch of nice whiskey in Ronan’s bedroom (like pre book one and stuff going to hell in Ronan’s life), Gansey gets kinda wasted and just goes to town on Ronan, Ronan gets all blushy and awkward, etc etc, read it.
Enemies working together: Wordsplat’s Saving the World (Is Totally a Date), Marvel, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, 64k, 2013
@consultingreaders sent me some truly excellent Steve Rogers/Tony Stark recs, and I’m totally hooked. I just…love them so much. It’s making me kind of misty eyed, haha. I love that Tony’s an eccentric inventor genius who drinks too much coffee, talks too fast, and gets incredibly excited about projects (and Steve); and Steve just loves him to pieces and thinks he’s the smartest, funniest dude ever. Ahh. So I’ve barely waded into this fandom (SEND ME ALL THE RECS PLS), but I’m falling over my heels for the way it rocks the our-team-is-a-big-quirkly-cuddly-supportive-family trope and delivers identity porn like woah. This fic in particular is so good. I spent a great deal of time raving to my friends about how good it is. Um. Iron Man is a supervillian who keeps kidnapping Captain America, Captain America is, you know, a super hero who enjoys flirting with Iron Man whilst tied to chairs in about-to-be-exploded warehouses. They’re also undercover as teachers at a high school because this is a teacher AU!!! My new kink is Tony Stark’s friends calling him “Tones;” it’s just adorable, I can’t even. Have I mentioned how adorable people (and Wordsplat in particular) seem to write Tony and Steve? Like I was shook at first. I think the Inception fandom has ruined me (I mean, in the best way) with delicious smut for days. But, like, Tony and Steve seem to spend a lot of time texting each other constantly, cuddling while watching movies, and hanging out with their friends. Oh god my heart. 
Friendship: copperbadge’s Executive Party, Marvel, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, 3k, 2015
See all my squealing above about this ship/fandom. This is just 3-glorious-k of the Avengers having an impromptu party in Tony’s office to get him to stop stressing out about Stark Industries work. They all play video games, braid each other’s hair I am not even joking I’m just crying, make Steve take vodka shots when he swears while playing GTA, eat pizza, and listen to country music (strangely).
Cuddling: Sevenimpossiblethings’s Nobody Has Time for Roller Derby, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, 11k, 2017
MJ narrates this story, and her voice is pitch perfect, a self-aware, yearning mix of snarky and fond. She navigates her crush on Peter with aplomb, survives a sex talk from Tony Stark (omg so hilarious), and is just generally badass. <3
Mind Games: Brief_and_Dreamy’s Outrageous Flirt, Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, 7k, 2015
“Draco Malfoy flirts with everyone except Harry, and it has to stop.” A Ministry office hijinks type fic that had me squirming/dying at the peak levels of awkward and schadenfreude that follow Harry taking a potion to make him great at flirting in an effort to wrongfoot/seduce? Malfoy. Ahh, I can’t even spoil the hilarious, horrible things that happen…you just have to read it…maybe…if you can stand it…ahh!
Misunderstood: idiopathicsmile’s World Ain’t Ready, Les Mis, Enjolras/Grantaire, 186k, 2015
I wasn’t sure which trope to slot WAR into here, but I’m going with misunderstood because over the course of this YA-novel-fic, Graintaire is misunderstood by a lot of people, most significantly himself and his fake-boyfriend-for-social-justice Enjolras. Like, I don’t even need to ramble, starry-eyed about how amazing this story is, how I’ve already read through the World Ain’t Ready tumblr tag freaking out, how many times I’ve listened to “Shake the Sheets” in the past couple weeks; everyone knows this story is the Best Thing Ever. Ugh, also, the ~2006 high school suburbia era setting was just spot on. Other things that will be amazing forever: the adorable friend group being adorable, Bahorel’s backpack of bouncy balls and mix CDs, R being hella short, the hugging and bedsharing, R’s sparkly purple toenails, Jehan’s shoes, I could go on all day. Thank you to all the Inception loves who linked and linked and re-linked WAR until I finally read it. <3
Age regression/de-aging: Wordsplat’s 24 Hours, Marvel, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, 11k, 2015
I am not very familiar with this trope, but I enjoyed this silly, sweet little piece where Steve and Tony get de-aged to their six year old selves for a while.
Competence: idiopathicsmile’s Margin of Error, Brooklyn 99, Rosa Diaz/Amy Santiago, 8k, 2015
Rosa and Amy end up as roommates! Captures the B99 tone completely. Of course Rosa has a kitchen axe...
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fantasiavii · 7 years
Why I'm a religion major: a list of books, movies, and other media
This is half for my own reference but also for you if you’re curious why I would choose such a “useless” major.  Not all of these things are necessarily good representations of different religions, they’re just things I encountered throughout my life that led to me being interested in religion.  Some of the movies also reflect me being a bored high school junior/senior who came home on Fridays and watched religion related documentaries and kids films because that was my definition of fun.
In no particular order other than how I remembered them.  Bolded ones are more influential/left a bigger impact.
Before college:
Angels and Demons  book | movie (trailer)
They are singing in St. Peter’s Square.
The DaVinci Code  book | movie (trailer)
To a lesser extent than Angels and Demons
The Brothers Karamazov (Lyoshenka my love)
Affectionately called My Bros K
The Prince of Egypt (trailer)
Supernatural Cas got me good | fanmade music video
The Ramayana book | another book | movie | another movie
The Ramayana is one of the stories I grew up with, but I’ve obviously been more interested in it lately.   Also: hoLY SHIT THAT FIRST MOVIE IS IN ENGLISH.  I’ve never found it in English before!  I’ve always just watched it in Hindi...without subtitles...lmao...but I already knew the story.
The Grisha Trilogy (Sankta Alina)
Ender's Game (Alai) movie trailer
Don’t buy this book, just get it used or from the library, the author is a dickwad (homophobic).
Shiv Parvati and a whole bunch of other animated Hindu kids movies I found on youtube
Little Krishna
Inside Islam
Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth
We watched a news story on this book in my government class and I was interested so I went out and bought it and my teacher was super surprised that it was actually good.
Jesus of Nazareth (the miniseries but the person is also pretty rad)
The Shadowhunter Chronicles (Jem, Simon +, Cristina)
The Kite Runner
Those (pretty questionable) Tiger's Curse books but hey I learned a fair amount of Hindu stories
Hiroshima Dreams
Again not the best but my mom just randomly picked it up for me one day freshman year of high school because she thought I'd like it. I still have no idea why--strange foresight???
Percy Jackson (probably, to some extent)
In Defiance of All Geometry
Or, as I call it, that one Les Mis fic where Jehan is Muslim.
The Book of Goddesses: A Celebration of the Divine Feminine
My mom raised me on stories from all around the world, but this is the most relevant, obviously.
Kingdom of Heaven (trailer)
("God will understand.  And if he does not, then he is not God, and we need not worry." / "Which is more holy?")
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (God Help the Outcasts)
Les Misérables  book | musical (25th Anniversary) | movie (trailer) | “Bring Him Home” Jean Valjean Quartet
I tear up when the Bishop helps Jean Valjean, no joke, it makes me so emotional, and then there’s Bring Him Home. <3
Also GODDAMN THAT TRAILER I was near tearing up the first time I saw it and I’d never even seen Les Mis before.
You know, I used to try to read those free bibles they left in hotel rooms. Why did I do that.
u ever seen a picture of the Hajj or heard a call to prayer +
Convert videos (I watched videos for Hinduism, Catholicism, and Islam)
I just searched youtube though I think some of the ones I watched have been taken down.
Rivka Malka Perlman (Orthodox Jewish youtuber)
Living with Judaism (another Jewish youtuber)
During college:
And I Darken/The Conqueror's Saga (Radu is my heart and soul)
Inside Mecca
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard (Sam)
Evita musical | movie soundtrack | movie trailer
Santa, Santa Evita, madre de todos los niños
u ever heard a recitation of the Qur'an
u ever been inside a catholic cathedral
Also mosques are gr8
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