Hi! This is the first piece of writing I've shared cause i wanted to participate in the writing thing created by @suddenly-im-respecsable i know this is like almost 2 days late so sorry about that. Also sorry for any spelling and grammar mistakes and the spacing/paragraphing that's kinda messed up :p
The sky was stormy grey with air that was crisp and cold and blew in large blustery gales that chilled to the bone. Jack Kelly pushed himself against the large glass door that stood between him and warmth, he was cursing himself for not bringing a thicker jumper, not that he’d ever admit he was cold, but god, it was cold. The door cracked open and he practically tumbled into the foyer, sighing in relief as the wall of warm air hit him. Making sure the door was closed properly behind him, he began the climb up the stairs, warming his hands inside his sleeves. As Jack approached his apartment door, he fumbled for the key, fingers still frozen solid. His evasive key stayed buried the bottom of his pocket, slowly annoying him, his patience already worn thin by the cold (it wasn’t even December yet!), but then he heard it. A sound that he had been dreading the whole day. Mariah Carey’s ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’.  Jack sighed, pulling his hand from his pocket and instead pinched the bridge of his nose. Race was home. Opting not to dig through his endless pockets again, he pounded on the door and waited for his roommate to answer, bracing himself for what was to come. Don’t get him wrong, Jack was all for a little holiday cheer, and loved to listen to the carollers down on the streets below, but after listening to Race sing along to the same song for almost a week now, the opening notes sent pure terror into his soul. Race opened the door and the music got louder. Jack had to resist the urge to block his ears. It had started with Race singing quietly a week ago, and even Jack joined in, but that slowly built up to singing louder and louder, then eventually adding the backing track and ruining the song for Jack permanently. Race stood there, singing into a half empty pack of oreos “I won’t even wish for snow! And I-"
“No. No! Not again!” Jack pushed the door open wider and barged past Race desperate to get to his room and try to drown the noise out with headphones and literally any other song. As he speed walked past the lounge room he caught sight of another person, he backed up and saw Albert sitting rigid in the couch staring blankly at the wall across from him. “Four... Four… and a half hours.” Albert’s gaze was unwavering, “He has been playing this on loop… for four and a half hours.” Jack nodded sympathetically.
“I know, I know. There’s nothing we can do but wait for him to get bored.” Albert turned to him.
“But it’s the middle of November…” he whispered.
“I know… I’ve tried to get him to stop for the last week, but nothing works.” Jack sighed, “He can’t keep this up for too much longer.” As if on cue, the music got louder. Albert whimpered. Jack took that as his cue to leave.
It was now 6:42 pm, three and a bit hours since Jack had gotten home, and the music hadn’t stopped. Jack was surprised they hadn’t been kicked out of the apartment by now. Albert left shortly after the fifth hour and Jack wished he could do the same. He even ordered a pizza for himself just to get away from the music for a few minutes. What would it take to make Race stop? Jack was willing to do anything at this point. As he was considering maybe selling soul to make the music end, there was a knock at the door. “I’ll get it!” he hollered, already sprinting out of his bedroom door. He bolted down the hallway and skid to a stop at the door. He flung it open and there stood Elmer, wide eyed and with the same hazy look Jack and now Albert had. “Please.” Elmer said. “Please change it.”
“I’ve been trying-“
“It needs to stop. That song has been playing for the last week-“
“I know! I’m living in the same apartment as him! At least you’re down the hall!”
“That doesn’t make it any better! It has wormed its way into my head. I can’t go anywhere without hearing it! It’s bad enough that I hear it almost all day, but when I try to sleep and all I can hear is that damn song, I need it to end! It’s November!”
“I know what month it is!” the door was pulled open wider and Race stuck his head around the side of it.
“Oh hey Elmer! What can we do for ya?” he smiled. Elmer turned to him eyes wide and pleading.
“The music. Please, I can’t take it anymore. I can’t hear myself think, I can’t sleep, I can’t go anywhere without hearing it in my head.”
“Oh!” Race smiled. “Not a problem, why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Jack narrowed his eyes.
“Thank you! Thank you so much!” Elmer gave a tired smile and walked off down the hall.
“Have a good night bud!” Race called after him before closing the door. Jack stood there in shock. That’s all it took? Really!? “What’s the matter Jacky-boy? You frozen to the spot or something?” Jack blinked. “Are you still hungry?” Race pressed, “I can cook you up something if you really want. Actually, you look a little pale, are you feeling sick?” Jack shook himself out of his stupor.
“No… I’m just gonna head to bed, maybe listen to some music. See ya in the morning.” Race shrugged. “Alright, good night.” Jack turned and made his way back to his room both annoyed that that was all it took for Race to stop, and thankful that it was finally over. He lay in bed listening to some calming music and trying to get some sleep, but he couldn’t. There was a voice in the back of his head that started to pester him. He screwed his eyes up. No. he thought. Please not another one. But ten minutes had passed and the voice wouldn’t leave him alone, so against his better judgement, he rolled over and changed the song. ‘Baby It’s Cold Outside’. He lay back and closed his eyes and felt his body relax as the song filled the quiet room. About halfway through the song, there was a knock on Jack’s door and Race cracked it open. “Hey, I brought you some water.” Jack sat up as Race walked over and took the glass from his hands. “Thanks.” Race shrugged.
“You looked like you’d seen a ghost, can’t have you getting sick on me.” Jack put the glass on the nightstand. “I’m feeling a little better now, Thanks Race.”
“Don’t worry about it. G’night” He walked over to the door. Then turned back and cocked his head. “Really Jack?” he asked. “Christmas songs? It’s only November.” He smiled and closed the door as the pillow Jack threw at his head bounced harmlessly off the doorframe.
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