#jellyfish woman my beloved
queruloustea · 1 year
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hollow knight certainly has a lot of jellyfish, hm?
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caguaydreams · 2 years
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ayyyyeee jelly gal, am I rite
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danosrosegarden · 1 year
Haiiiii!! I’m happy you got requests open again! I’ve been loving the angel Eddie series! Eli my beloved would you be willing to do something cute and fluffy about taking Eddie on a date. I don’t think he’s ever been to a zoo or an aquarium and I love those places. So tl:dr Eddie and Reader going on a date to the zoo and them just being excited and happy to show him something innocent and fun
Some Sweet Day - Edward Nashton x GN!Reader
Contains: minor descriptions of anxiety, but mostly fluff!
Note: thank you for the request, Savvy! Eddie deserves some fun fluff, doesn't he? :-)
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Maybe it was a mistake, bringing him here. His cheeks were dusted with an anxious crimson, and his grassy eyes darted around as groups of people walked by. Their mindless chatter was bouncing around his brain in a cymbal crash crescendo, you were sure of it by the way he grabbed onto your hand and held tight.
"It'll be fun!" you'd told Edward as you handed him his ticket into the zoo. But now, you were wondering if this really was a good idea at all. You were determined to make the broken child inside of his soul smile today.
You started in the jungle. The ground was slicked with murky mist. The lush green trees appeared empty at first, until a monkey with fiery locks of orange fur swung from an obscured pocket of bushy leaves.
"Look, Eddie, he's showing off for us," you laughed as the monkey tumbled from branch to branch.
Edward offered you a small smile and nodded. "Silly," he mumbled.
The caves chirped with brown bats and smelled of old water. Edward held tight onto your hand as you stumbled through the darkness and listened to the bats flap about.
"I think bats are cute," you whispered to him.
"Me too, honey."
You were most excited for the aquarium. Edward noticed where you were leading him as you made your way down a flight of stairs.
"We're going to the aquarium?" he asked softly.
"We sure are." You grinned. "Why? Did you want to go somewhere else?"
"No," he answered. "You just seem extra excited."
You smiled brightly at him and squeezed his clammy hand. "The jellyfish are my favorite."
The longer you looked at the fish, the more amazed with nature you became. The streaks of popping color dancing around their smooth skin flowed so freely and gorgeously. The cloudy tangles of tentacles streaking down from the jellyfish, the gently pulsating gills of the wide-eyed sharks, the spots splattered on the flat tops of the stingrays...it all combined in a spectacle that made your heart grin.
"They're all so beautiful, Eddie."
"I think so, too, sweetheart."
"I wish I could take one home as a pet."
"A shark?!"
You laughed and then turned your head as the pitter-patter of tiny feet ran up beside you. A young girl with frizzy hair and thick glasses smiled up at you. She was missing multiple teeth and had a few shining silver ones in the back.
"Did you know sharks don't have bones?" she yelled at you. "I think sharks are the coolest things in the world. They live on every ocean in the whole planet! How awesome is that?!"
You giggled at the little girl's enthusiasm and nodded. "Huh, that's amazing! Did you know that there are about 500 species of sharks?"
She nodded furiously. "My favorite are great white sharks. A lot of people are scared of sharks, but more people die putting on their pants every year than by shark attacks! Did you know--"
A frazzled woman with a phone pressed against her shoulder and cheek ran up behind the girl and grabbed her by the shoulder. "Franny, for God's sake, how many times have I told you to stop running off?" The woman looked at you and Edward apologetically. "I'm so sorry. She hears the word 'shark' and goes running away in that direction."
Eddie shook his head. "No, it's no problem," he said. "She's a smart girl."
The mother looked down at a beaming Franny and gave Edward a small smile. "She is, isn't she?"
By the time you left the zoo, the sun was wavering with the heat of the evening, leaking bright tangerine and coloring the clouds the same orange glow.
"Thanks for taking me here today," Edward said as you trudged through the packed parking lot. "It was fun."
"Honestly, Eddie, I was a little worried at first. I thought it might've been too peopley for you."
Edward chuckled softly and shook his head.
"I'm happy I went."
You studied his side profile for a moment as you made your way back to your car. The nervous, blood red rouge had long faded from his cheeks. And he was smiling. He ended the day smiling. That's really all you could've asked for; a happy day with your sweet guy. No matter where he went, no matter how fearful and daunting it seemed, all he really needed was you by his side. <3
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mariana-oconnor · 9 months
The Lion's Mane pt 2
Fair warning: I've had a fever for like half of the day, so this is liable to be more unhinged than usual. Everything feels sort of floaty and I'm pretty sure I had a dissociative episode this morning. Fun. Woooooo!
"That's The Haven, as Bellamy called it. The one with the corner tower and slate roof."
His house has a tower? No fair.
There was no mistaking that tall, angular, straggling figure. It was Ian Murdoch, the mathematician. A moment later we confronted him upon the road.
Is he hiding a jellyfish catapult up his jumper? That's the real question.
Is he three jellyfish in a trenchcoat?
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"I am your subordinate, sir, under your roof. I am not aware that I owe you any account of my private actions." Stackhurst's nerves were near the surface after all he had endured. Otherwise, perhaps, he would have waited. Now he lost his temper completely. "In the circumstances your answer is pure impertinence, Mr Murdoch." "Your own question might perhaps come under the same heading."
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
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"You will kindly make fresh arrangements for your future as speedily as you can." "I had intended to do so. I have lost to-day the only person who made The Gables habitable."
omg McPherson and Murdoch unrequited love enemies to lovers 100k angst hurt no comfort major character death
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Murdoch needs to set out on a mission of revenge to murder all jellyfish. I still don't like him because throwing dogs through windows is an unforgivable offence, but VENGEANCE must be his new creed. He can turn the power of maths to his cause.
One man's quest to avenge his beloved. A tale for the ages. Revenge is best served wet.
I feel like there's a jelly and ice cream joke to be made there, but I don't think he should eat the jellyfish, even if that might be one of the only ways to kill them for good.
"My son here" -indicating a powerful young man, with a heavy, sullen face, in the corner of the sitting-room -- "is of one mind with me that Mr McPherson's attentions to Maud were insulting."
Maybe Mr Bellamy the younger is three jellyfish in a trenchcoat! Or maybe the whole family is jellyfish shapeshifters!
The possibilities are endless.
(the idea of jellyfish shapeshifters is going to give me the weirdest fever dreams tonight istg.)
Who could have imagined that so rare a flower would grow from such a root and in such an atmosphere? Women have seldom been an attraction to me, for my brain has always governed my heart, but I could not look upon her perfect clear-cut face, with all the soft freshness of the downlands in her delicate colouring, without realizing that no young man would cross her path unscathed.
Ugh, Holmes. Come on. I was counting on you! I'm going to lay the blame for this one on ACD and say that he suffered from the inability to describe a pretty woman without being horny about it, no matter who his narrator was supposed to be,
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"There is no reason why my sister should be brought into the matter," growled the younger man.
Her boyfriend's dead, bitch. There's a lot of reasons. Stop being a dickhead and start being a comforting brother. Honestly. Stupid jellyfishifter.
She listened to a short account from my companion, with a composed concentration which showed me that she possessed strong character as well as great beauty. Maud Bellamy will always remain in my memory as a most complete and remarkable woman.
Well, at least she isn't getting brain fever. We are all grateful.
"Bring them to justice, Mr Holmes. You have my sympathy and my help, whoever they may be." It seemed to me that she glanced defiantly at her father and brother as she spoke.
OMG they are jellyfishifters! She knows! She knows!
"I see no reason for mystery," she answered. "We were engaged to be married, and we only kept it secret because Fitzroy's uncle, who is very old and said to be dying, might have disinherited him if he had married against his wish. There was no other reason."
The ancient enmity between the jellyfishifters and the sea turtle shifters! It's Romeo and Juliet meets Waterworld (I've never seen Waterworld, but I assume that it is a war epic about the ongoing conflicts between jellyfish and sea turtles. Or I do now, because it has occurred to me.)
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"There was a time when I thought he was. But that was all changed when he understood the relations between Fitzroy and myself."
The tragedy. The homosexual pining.
"Sad story this, sir, about Mr McPherson's dog," said she one evening. I do not encourage such conversations, but the words arrested my attention. "What of Mr McPherson's dog?" "Dead, sir. Died of grief for its master."
Best. Boy. Survived being thrown through a plate glass window only to die of grief.
Also, what the fuck, Holmes? You 'don't encourage such conversations'? You're the only person she sees all day. TALK TO THE WOMAN.
So the dog was also attacked by the jellyfish. Someone really needs to mark that beach off limits.
You will know, or Watson has written in vain, that I hold a vast store of out-of-the-way knowledge without scientific system, but very available for the needs of my work. My mind is like a crowded box-room with packets of all sorts stowed away therein—so many that I may well have but a vague perception of what was there.
Have you finally remembered that lions man jellyfish exist?
...Inspector Bardle of the Sussex Constabulary—a steady, solid, bovine man with thoughtful eyes...
Animal comparisons as well. It's like we have Watson back.
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"What would my position be if I let him slip away with all this evidence against him?"
You have literally 0 evidence.
"But I have examined them very carefully with a lens. They have peculiarities." "What are they, Mr Holmes?"
Well, one peculiarity is that they're jellyfish stings. So write that down.
"A most ingenious comparison. Or shall we say a very stiff cat-o'-nine-tails with small hard knots upon it?"
bdsm play gone very wrong... or jellyfish?
It's a difficult one.
Ian Murdoch staggered into the room, pallid, dishevelled, his clothes in wild disorder, clawing with his bony hands at the furniture to hold himself erect. “Brandy! Brandy!” he gasped, and fell groaning upon the sofa.
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BRANDY! The triumphant return! And Watson isn't even here to administer it.
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Get that man some brandy and cure him of... what's probably jellyfish stings, I guess. Does the brandy go in his mouth or does he bathe in it?
Half a tumbler of the raw spirit brought about a wondrous change.
If there is anything this year of Sherlock Holmes stories has taught me, it's that there is a panacea, it is brandy and we should all worship it. I need some brandy, clearly. Why am I taking paracetamol when I should be downing brandy?
At any moment he might die. More and more brandy was poured down his throat, each fresh dose bringing him back to life.
Best. Story. Ever.
I love this. It's perfect. No notes. Save that man's life with brandy, Holmes. If only you'd had a hip flask on you before. Can dogs drink brandy? I mean, there's that legend about St Bernards carrying brandy with them. Clearly dogs and brandy go together.
I can't believe brandy is saving the day. This is excellent.
Pads of cotton-wool soaked in salad-oil seemed to take the agony from the strange wounds.
OK, brandy and salad oil. Sure, why not.
I feel like he might be about to die of alcohol poisoning instead. But sure.
“I think I can, Stackhurst. Come with me now! And you, Inspector, come along! We will see if we cannot deliver this murderer into your hands.”
No, do not pick up the jellyfish with your hands.
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“Cyanea!” I cried. “Cyanea! Behold the Lion's Mane!” The strange object at which I pointed did indeed look like a tangled mass torn from the mane of a lion. It lay upon a rocky shelf some three feet under the water, a curious waving, vibrating, hairy creature with streaks of silver among its yellow tresses. It pulsated with a slow, heavy dilation and contraction.
I'm really glad everyone is now on the same page, but I do have to say, Holmes, that clearly you had suspicions and you still allowed people to swim in that pool. That's reckless endangerment of lives, if ever I saw it. I am even more disappoint.
Even if you were wrong about it, you still shouldn't have let people swim there until you were sure you were wrong. Poor show.
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There was a big boulder just above the ledge, and we pushed it until it fell with a tremendous splash into the water. When the ripples had cleared we saw that it had settled upon the ledge below. One flapping edge of yellow membrane showed that our victim was beneath it. A thick oily scum oozed out from below the stone and stained the water round, rising slowly to the surface.
A yuck and B, now the jellyfishifters are going to come after you.
Could have just put up signs telling people not to swim there rather than crushing the poor thing. It didn't mean to kill anyone.
"He gulped down brandy, a whole bottleful, and it seems to have saved his life."
“No, Mr. Murdoch. I was already upon the track, and had I been out as early as I intended I might well have saved you from this terrific experience.”
Yeah, feel bad, Holmes. Feel bad!
"The poor fellow had never thought to dry himself, and so I in turn was led to believe that he had never been in the water."
This I don't get. Was he not wet when they found him? Whatever. Doesn't matter. It was the jellyfish all along. There were no jellyfish catapults alas, and perhaps no jellyfishifters, but we aren't told whether the younger Mr Bellamy had gone suspiciously missing following the crushing of the jellyfish, are we?
But one thing we can all rest assured knowing: Brandy is the true hero. Three cheers for brandy!
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goldkirk · 8 months
1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 15, 25, 29, 52, 60, 63, 76, 95, 97 and 99?
P.S.: I read your tags, so thanks for the compliment! :-D
oh my god this is so many, you're a riot hahaha! thank you for sending this in!
Most favorite activity?
This is so hard. I love so many things. I guess my best effort to sum a lot of things up would be "hoarding and organizing information in my notebooks), a beloved pastime from about age six to now lol.
2. Least favorite one?
Either brushing my teeth or touching wet dirty sink dishes while needing to hand wash them or load a dishwasher.
3. One activity you really hate?
I've been trying to think of one but I'm drawing a blank. I guess cleaning dog poop out of my shoes after someone has left dog poop on the sidewalk or another walkway.
6. Do you have any idols?
Nah I don't go in for that these days. I definitely have some people I admire or look up to. Not to any level I'd say idols though.
8. Favorite music genre?
Dance! I love all types of genres but I listen most often to dance music.
11. Which kind of animal are you most afraid of?
Hmm. AFRAID of...jellyfish.
14. Do you think there’s a higher species than us humans?
Nah, at least not on our planet. But I don't think we're particularly high among all species, I think we're just particularly unique.
15. Do you believe in ghosts?
As a weird subjective phenomenon some of us experience in our lives? For sure. As "ghosts are the unfinished-business spirits of human dead people", no.
25. Can you dance? Is there any dance you want to learn someday?
Not well anymore, but I'm working on it. I was in love with ballet and wanted to do it forever. I'd like to get back into ballet classes, for adults this time. It's still the way my body most wants to dance. I took a ballroom dancing course for a hot minute. We were allowed to do swing dances when I was homeschooled, so I got pretty good at swing dance and some swing dance tricks.
29. Good memory from your childhood you keep remembering?
The first time I saw a snake in real life and it was a woman in public wearing a snake while walking down the street and she didn't get mad I was interested, she totally treated me like a Small Human Being and answered my questions and LET ME HOLD AND PLAY WITH IT MYSELF. I was like 7 and this was a core memory for me, much to the horror of my poor family members who were with me at the time when I dead-stopped us all in a state we didn't live in in a city we didn't know to talk to a strange woman and bond with her over a huge larger-than-adult-size-feather-boa-scarves snake lmao.
52. Do you think there are some breathing beings on earth contained behind ceilings or walking amongst us somehow with special abilities or powers? (as in most sci-fi and fantasy books, comics, movies)
Man this would be cool but unfortunately no lol
60. If you would have the money to donate what would you donate for?
Oh god I literally have a list about this! I'd donate all over the place, but the first few donations would definitely be to a few grassroots charities I care about and the all the local food pantries and education nonprofits that I can.
63. On your opinion, what should people do about climate change?
Force industry regulations, despite all the kicking and screaming the firms and their political-system lobby groups will throw at all of us about it.
Create a fast-moving national campaign of interconnected state and local ecosystem experts that can partner with local landowners all over their area and any municipalities they can convince to help to rewild as much land as possible with the actually-native plants. MOST PRIMARILY IN THE BREAD BASKET. The soil has GOT to be replenished, and the native grasses store at minimum roughly two times as much carbon underground than any of the cash crops or hay or weed grasses do.
Seriously invest right now, immediately, right away, in any adaptations your area will need to make in order to cope better with the changing and intensifying storms, floods, water level rises, droughts, wildfires, deep freezes, heat waves, etc., anything and everything that your area will for certain have eventually impact it.
End unethical overseas labor systems and the cobalt mining/electronics burning/etc. markets that exist because of the inequity and greed at every level and continual corruption not being overthrown.
Drastically reduce all western meat culture and industrial farming to the normal, sustainable levels of meat eating human families averaged until the very recent past.
Actually stop the driving forces behind systemic mistrust, conspiracy rabbit holes, and succeptibility to misinformation.
And do anything possible to slow tropical deforestation and invest in antibiotic research as fast and effectively as possible. We're already far behind the enemy because it hasn't been profitable to research antibiotics in the eyes of the pharmaceutical companies. With the climate and ecosystem shifts, we're going to have a wild ride with both insect bugs and bacteria bugs, I'm sure.
76. What’s the most romantic thing you ever have done for someone?
Oh man, I can't answer this one, I'm sorry. It's not that I wouldn't like to, I just don't know if I've ever tried to do something truly romantic, because I'm still not sure I understand what romantic most accurately means, so I'll have to get back to you on this one.
95. What’s something you really want to do some day with your/a partner?
I never thought about this until you asked it just now. I guess...maybe...............go overseas and explore some part of another country? My brain keeps giving me blanks, I don't know if it knows how to think about this yet. I'll keep working on it. But it does sound fun to go with a partner on a sort of few-places trip of random interest events or something.
97. Worst catchy song you ever heard?
"Blurred Lines".
99. Does it matter to you there is no 100th question in here?
Hahahaha! It does kind of bug me, not gonna lie, but I chose to embrace it as a rounder, artistic, more organic experience of the concept of an "ask game 100 questions list", like an art exhibit
Thank you for the questions!! Hope you're doing well! <3
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liminal-storage · 1 year
#27: Hall of Whispers
Prompt: Sole
Characters: Maximilian Finch, Crowe, “Mother.”
Content Warnings: Mentions of mutilation/self harm, abuse. 
Note: This is not ffxiv-focused writing, but again me taking the opportunity to write about Blades things. A tiny glimpse at the place that my character, Finch, calls home.
In the most destitute, wave-worn streets bordering the docks, the rooms of a house known as the Harpy’s Wing stand as a bastion against the freezing winds rolling from Duskvol’s cold waters. Though, anyone left alive from those days can tell you it is a much different sort of place than it was when it opened three decades prior. The ornate, hand-carved door welcoming patrons once shone with a fine mahogany-colored polish. Its plush, neatly upholstered divans are still lovely to look at and fine enough for entertaining patrons, but time and use has certainly shown its wear on the wood. The fabric seems a bit threadbare if you look at certain spots
On good days, of which there are few, a number of delicate stained glass chandeliers fashioned with hanging glass beads catch the light from the oil-lamps outside and scatter it into pieces along the walls. Through the years, thick layers of dust and the stain of cigar smoke have tinted the glass a dull orange, but once upon a time they glimmered with every shade of the rainbow like floating, ethereal jellyfish. 
Most of the Harpy’s Wing looked like that. Lavish and evocative of longing for a nicer city, a different time, but worn down by sea spray and cold and smoke, and Duskvol’s general sense of misery. 
Some nights the phonograph still plays, though someone lost all the other wax cylinders. Now, only one tune resonates throughout the halls, its notes grown dissonant and distorted like the rest of the place. Not that the hard working gentlemen or ladies who come to call on the birds of the house really seem bothered by it. They heed not the call of the phonograph but the call of hedonistic pleasures, taken to dusty backrooms with moth-eaten bedding. Coin flows, bodies sweat, and beds rock like the ebb and flow of the frigid tides. The hard working men and women of the docks find temporary entertainment and a short-lived balm for the soul, never knowing what lurks further within the walls. 
The upper floor remains off limits. 
Here, no light from outside penetrates the halls. The only furnishings to decorate most of the rooms are worn wooden benches, hard lumpy beds, and guttering oil lamps that, at any given moment, pose a danger of tipping over and engulfing the entire Wing in flames. There is one room at the end of the hall where the darkness seems to seep from the very depths of the night. Within the room, a woman with stark-white hair and an unnatural glowing youth sits upon an embroidered chair. Hands bound to the elaborate padded chair’s arms, Mother’s eyes have not espied anything but darkness since the establishment opened its doors for the first time. 
She sits blinded in the darkness, her eyes long since gouged out and covered with a veil dotted with silk roses over her empty sockets. She clawed them out herself, before her most beloved Crowe bound her hands to the chair. An esteemed offering to her goddess, to bear her sacred likeness. Her only company here is her Crowe, he who bears eyes across all of Duskvol. To watch over her children, she says. To witness their sins and tell of their tribulations. 
Her dear, beloved Finches. In the end, one shall fly above the rest.
Someday one of them will repeat the ritual of offering, carve out their eyes to take her place upon the worn throne within the Hall of Whispers. Another will become the new Mother’s Crowe and watch over the rest of the Wing. 
The young Maximilian shows promise, though the Crowe is not yet certain in which way. Will they open themselves to the goddess’ voice? Or will theirs be the voice that speaks for Mother? Though, their recent mishap proved disquieting to hear. Mother shall have to give them a firm reminder of the consequences for indiscretion. Maximilian’s back already bears scars of such lessons, but not nearly enough. To awaken the sovereign beneath the waves, the Finches must come to understand sacrifice. Mother speaks of penance from beneath her veil. 
“Twenty lashes and a week without food this time, I think. This time they shall be inflicted at your hand rather than their own. See to it once the little one returns, Crowe.” 
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six-of-ravens · 6 months
aloha friends and people who left annoying incorrect opinions on my posts, raistlin is a waif he is the waifiest waif it doesn't matter if his twin is a brick shithouse you are WRONG I am kinda sorta back. maybe only for one tipsy night, but who knows. listen, I'm 1.5 ciders in and feeling Properly Tipsy as opposed to last night when I drank jack and cokes for the first time in a while and just felt nauseous, so I'm Thriving atm. ANYWAY.
i feel like i have cleared some cobwebs from my brain. kind of. mostly i redownloaded bc i have the irresistible urge to natter about my life. tbh i considered deleting tumblr for a while bc there are some things about this site (but also social media in general) that annoy the absolute shit out of me, and also i feel like I dedicated too much ~mental energy~ to this site in the past (not to sound like some new age crackpot) and I need to cut down on how much scrolling and getting mad about other people's incorrect opinions I do. However, there are a few beloved mutuals on here that I miss talking to and also tumblr is kinda Home, y'know?
anyway TLDR I'm back, kinda. might still delete the app during the day so I can focus on IRL shit instead of being a zillennial social media addict, so I apologize if I miss messages etc but. yeah. for the sake of my mental health I have to be better at self-policing. Also, no longer going to allow myself to use the For You tab, so sorry if I don't see your posts bc tumblr only served them there. I can't control it lmao. frankly the algorithm here just ain't good enough and I don't want to cry AGAIN bc a video of a naked woman jiggling her stomach with a caption about how much she hates herself and wants to lose weight came up on my feed. Frankly since this is tumblr I'm not sure if that's porn or self-harm, but either way, fuck off with that shit, man! I kinda hate my body too and I don't wanna see that!! I don't want that in my brain!! Hence why I quit and went to ig-only for a while. My IG is all pottery and miniatures and painting and European travel vlogs it's so PEACEFUL!
now onto the fun stuff, a list of things I consider interesting that happened in the past 3ish weeks:
have done a whole lot of reading lately: Homesick for Another World by Ottessa Moshfegh which is weird and off-putting by very worth reading, then a reread of the Unicorn series by Vicki Blum (always a delight) and finishing Princess Jellyfish (there's quite the plot twist in the last few books but overall it's a delightful series), then my hold for Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk came up (extremely interesting and worthwhile read, especially after listening to the No Dogs in Space punk series, very sad ending though bc of course a lot of the punk musicians passed away young), and now I'm rereading The Mermaid's Secret and The Dragon Prince by Vicki Blum as a palate cleanser, and then hopefully I'll start the LoTR reread I've been meaning to do for a while. So yeah I read like 16 books in 3 weeks. this is the power of quitting social media.
Also I've kinda discovered that I'm just pretty... disenchanted with all book-fandoms online. it's just so...kinda annoying? nowadays? just the same old drama over and over and I don't caaaare lol. Read what you want, at whatever speed you want, idc, none of it matters. I read for funsies after work. Some people read 24/7 because being a book blogger is their career. Some people are 17 and still have the mental stamina to read a 500 page book in 2 days. Idgaf if you read Maas or Austen or Sanderson or whatever, there's no moral high ground (except maybe not giving Sanderson money bc WOW BYU is a shitty organization). Also I don't necessarily want other people's opinions on what I read or if a book I just bought has "mixed reviews" or whatever (unless the person is a mutual whose opinions I value lol). So I might start posting on the book blog again but just....not interact with booklr. Torn between the desire to communicate with others and the desire to keep my hobby all to myself and free from unnecessary judgement or bullshit.
Finally rearranged my bookshelves, by ~vibe or whatever~. Might post photos tomorrow but the living room is once again in a state of chaos since I started gardening today.
On that note, started my garden! planted some veggies, herbs, and a whole boatload of tomatoes in seedling trays (listen, MacKenzie seed were on sale 3/$5 today at the store and I'm weak for weird tomato variants and herbs. Still need to find rosemary and fennel though). Have more stuff to do, but I'm going to give the seedlings a couple weeks to get started and then maybe plant everything else Easter weekend. Last year was nice, garden-wise, but this year I really hope we don't get 30C weather in May. My allergies cannot handle it 😭
saw the Alien/Aliens double feature our cheap theatre put on and it was a DELIGHT
we also got a record snowstorm that weekend, which sucked bc it was the same week I'd had a random friday booked off (previously for traveling with my aunt, very glad that was cancelled now) so I basically did none of the other things I had planned.
also after said double feature, had to make my first 911 call. luckily I rot my brain with true crime All Day Every Day so I handled it like a pro 😤 (i am fine it was for another person, and uh, it turned out to not be so serious once the emergency people were able to get them to stop crying hysterically and realized this poor person was just intoxicated, underdressed for the weather, and a bit lost)
discovered the health foods store near my place has a bunch of funky herbal teas for like $5.50 a box so I've been going a little nuts there. I LOVE FENNEL TEA IT'S SO GOOD. ALSO LAVENDER MY BELOVED! they also have a bunch of local coffee blends, and I'm seriously considering getting a coffee bean grinder so I can try them
saw Lisa Frankenstein the week after the Alien double feature at that same theatre, it was fucking excellent I laughed my ass off, also at that theatre you can get your ticket and snacks and drink for the same price as a Cineplex ticket, it's excellent
finally watched Saltburn, which was great. love the Donna Tartt vibes. i watched it while somewhat drunk off Soju, which I think is how it's meant to be viewed.
also started a Ghibli rewatch, to justify not cancelling my Netflix just yet (I know I know, I should but I technically can afford it and it's my emotional support streamer you know? how else am I going to instantaneously watch Gilmore Girls on a bad day?) So far I have only watched Kiki's Delivery Service lol
Also, funny anecdote: last week I got my period and was VICIOUSLY craving alcohol. like I went to the store and bought the most bizarre range of random things (soju, honey jack, and mead...and then proceeded to drink them at my normal rate lmao). Realized afterwards this is a combination of my usual craving for sweet things + my very stressed coworker constantly joking about how we need to crack a bottle of something when this stressful project is finished. At the time however I thought my uterus was trying to make me an alcoholic.
Did my budgeting with my new rent and discovered that I'm actually fine, because I had DOUBLED A NUMBER SOMEHOW! and I basically had $150/month freed up. I'm so smart. I continue to procrastinate my income tax though (shhhh I have another month....)
Started writing a vague story about two women hiking to a portal to elfland, which is located near an abandoned train station. There are cultists called vampires living at said train station who are such a fucking delight to write (not real bloodsucking vampires tho, they are currently eating paella 🥘). It's fun and weird and I'm having a good time with it.
started listening to a podcast called No One Should Believe Me about cases involving Munchausens by Proxy, which is very interesting. the host has a sister with (alleged) MbP and genuinely wants to get her (and of course her kids) help, so it's actually a really good, compassionate take on an issue that's usually played for shock value. I have to listen to it slowly though bc it's Heavy
started knitting again! made 1 dishcloth and started a second. have decided I'm going to take these into work when I have a few done. If my boss won't buy us proper cloths then I'll pawn my knitting practice off on them lol
there is a lot of early road construction near my office since, aside from that random snowstorm, it's been a mild early spring. be glad you haven't had to listen to me rant about that lol
finally bucked up and got a duvet cover for my comforter that was lowkey falling apart at the seams. it's a good comforter aside from some light "my washer is evil" damage so I'm happy I can stuff it into a (less expensive) duvet cover instead of having to replace the whole thing
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peachyninjago · 2 years
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checks date. well well welly well well!!! December 23rd, looks like its secret santa day :) drumroll i suppose lmao
hi @juniper-jellyfish-studios!!! merry crisis!!!! i got your scary girl Valeria and by god did i love drawing her!!!!! idk if aries saw 'villain' and thought 'aw yeah that one dumbass bird is gonna LOVE this one' or if i was just given her by random chance, but heyy i enjoyed making her either way!!! horror my beloved!!!!
(click for quality!!! noooo i didnt use this as an excuse to draw scary woman with scary face imagery what do you meaaan /lhlh <3<3)
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engshoujosei · 1 year
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Knight of the Ice
11 volumes
Licensed by Kodansha
A rom-com manga on ice, perfect for fans of Princess Jellyfish and Wotakoi! Kokoro is the talk of the figure-skating world, winning trophies and hearts. But little do they know he’s actually a huge nerd. From the beloved creator of You’re My Pet (a.k.a. Tramps Like Us).
Chitose is a serious young woman, working for the health magazine SASSO. Or at least, she would be, if she wasn’t constantly getting distracted by her childhood friend, international figure skating star Kokoro Kijinami! In the public eye and on the ice, Kokoro is a gallant, flawless knight, but behind his glittery costumes and breathtaking spins lies a secret: he’s actually a hopeless romantic otaku, who can only land his quad jumps when Chitose is on hand to recite a spell from his favorite magical girl anime!
Related Series 
Kiss & Never Cry (Main Story, not licensed)
Status in Country of Origin
11 Volumes (Complete)
Appearance Different from Actual Age
Appearance Different from Personality
Childhood Friend/s
Childhood Love
Comedic Undertone
First Kiss
Friends Become Lovers
Friends Grow Distant
Hard-Working Protagonist
Height Difference
Ice Skating
Innocent Love
Love Triangle/s
Male Lead Falls in Love First
Multiple Couples
Office Worker/s
Older Female Younger Male
Plain-Looking Female Lead
Realistic Sport
Shy Male Lead
Slow Romance
Trainer-Trainee Relationship
Unexpressed Feeling/s
World Travel
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alltheprettyplaces · 1 year
7, 18, 26 for the ask game :)
thanks for the ask val <3
7. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
the last aquarium i went to was in 2019 i think? and it was the monterey bay one (insert their tumblr here) i have never been to an aquarium like that before, it was amazingggg! i think one of my favorite animals to see was the jellyfish bc i had never seen one before and they had sooo many different kinds! i didn't even take any pictures of them as i was just sitting there like this 😧🤩 the whole time. (also the giant pacific octopus? terrifying. i don't think i've felt the way around an animal like i did seeing that) penguins and otters are always a favorite to see too!
18. your boba/tea order?
i really need to start getting boba more bc i don't have a go to order yet; i always get something new! really like just black milk tea with brown sugar boba, matcha, and most fruit green teas! i've been meaning to try cheese tea too. (plus i would die for chai and mint tea. my absolute beloveds)
26. how's your spice tolerance?
it's actually relatively good! especially since i am a white woman from the midwest haha my mom has a veryyyyyy high tolerance and when i got to a certain age it was eat what was made for dinner or make my own food, so it definitely got built up in the last 15ish years
weirdly specific asks
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ophiuca · 2 years
Oc tags
Realized that I’m using tags for my ocs more and that I should maybe explain what they mean? The main four are for my characters I’ve played with in Masks: A New Generation, which is a game I highly recommend! It’ll be a pretty long post so I’ll cut it off here.
😇 #Birdcage is for Isodora Maleciel (she/her and they/them), the angel daughter of a very powerful supervillain named Event Horizon. She’s got statues of herself in many of the banks in the city, a decently popular propaganda CW-esque tv show about her and her daughter’s life, a fierce rivalry with the local speedster Swift Wind and Tech CEO Max Million, and of course a secret lair on the moon. Isodora looks suspiciously almost exactly like their mother, aside from their hair, which they dye a platinum blonde from its natural black. Other than that, her large black wings, green eyes, and black horns that wrap around her head like a circlet make her instantly recognizable to basically anyone in the city. She decided that she didn’t want to follow her mother and became the magic hero Astarte, using her sorcery to protect people no mater how they felt about her. They ended up marrying their three teammates, (Sabrina Spencer (she/her), Nova Moretti (she/her), and Hermes Shapiro-Vogel (ve/ver) (the child of Swift Wind), and they eventually have a very magical daughter named Talia (she/her) together. Isodora is a trans girl, is pan and also polyam! She loves her partners a whole lot and loves spending time with them, even if she doesn’t really understand what’s going on much. You can find my pinterest board for Isodora here! featuring art from my friend @liatrelle!
😇 😇 😇 😇 😇 😇 😇 😇 😇 😇 😇 😇 😇 😇 😇  
🎮 #of course you have purple hair and lightning powers is my tag for Lucille “Elly” Lovelace (she/her), a purple haired twitch streamer, library makerspace manager, lesbian disaster, and pretty okay best friend. She spends her days working, hanging out with her very genderfluid bestie Olivia Efflorescence (they/them) who also goes by Ollie (she/her), or Liv (he/him), and definitely not fighting villains as the superhero Lady Lightning, a woman who wears an all purple power ranger-esque costume with lightning motifs and has electromagnetic powers. She also spends her nights not doing that as well as streaming as lightspeedluvlace. Elly and Liv found out about her powers when they were younger, and used it as an excuse to escape from their very shitty families and live together in Halcyon city. They’ve recently gotten pretty stable living situations, or well, Elly would if she wasn’t a workaholic who does way too many things at once. She’s recently met and formed a team with Talia Spencer-Maleciel-Shapiro-Vogel-Moretti, who has mysteriously been thrown into the past a few years before she was even born, Tiktok conspiracy star February “Freddy” Dawson (he/him), and Henrietta “Henry” Pawline (she/her) a petty jock catgirl. Elly has a bit of a crush on Talia, but worries about what that means if she goes back to the future. Her fursona is a purple bunny girl and she’s a little embarrassed that you know that now. She’s a cis lesbian, but in the “my gender is lesbian” way. Elly’s story takes place about eight years after Isodora’s.
🎮 🎮 🎮 🎮 🎮 🎮 🎮 🎮 🎮 🎮 🎮 🎮 🎮 🎮 🎮    
♓  #manic jelly dream girl  ZOE MY BELOVED!!! Princess Threazoenine of The Myrine Dynasty (she/her) is from the planet Nalydea, a planet completely covered in water orbiting Pisces Alpha. She is a pink shapeshifting jellyfish alien who came to earth as part of a family mission to forge mutual defense pacts with other planets in case Nalydea is targeted, as they do not make any sort of weapons. Zoe fell in love with Earth almost instantly, and ran away during a press conference, to the annoyance of her parent and older sisters. She ran right into AEGIS Agent Bryce Gallant, who was eventually assigned to protect her when she convinced her family to let her stay on earth for a bit. Enamored with the superhero culture of Halcyon City, she decided to join Bryce’s team as  the hero Prominence. Bryce had been placed on a team with fellow hero school graduate who she very much did not get along with Æsh, and superhero mentee Jess Arora, who Zoe developed a very strong crush on. They then dated for about two weeks before having the messiest breakup ever. And then kinda mostly got back together. Zoe’s powers include: shapeshifting, star generation (including heat and gravity manipulation), flight, having a telepathically controlled hoverbike, no bones, no lungs, no heart, jellyfish venom, bioluminescence, being very easy to talk to, getting drunk from caffeine, and water manipulation. She also has a cool scar that she got from being stabbed by a sword protecting her family. Aside from Earth in general, Zoe loves dinosaurs (there are a bunch that live on Nalydea’s moon), fashion and wearing frilly clothes, kissing cute girls, and spending time with her friends. As an alien, she doesn’t really have a conventional gender or sexuality, but if someone explained things to her she would probably consider herself a girl and sapphic. Her pinterest board is right here! and I would love to link the commission I got of her from @smallpolar-bear!!!!!! Zoe’s story is set 29 years after Isodora’s, the same time period that Talia is from.
♓ ♓ ♓ ♓ ♓ ♓ ♓ ♓ ♓ ♓ ♓ ♓ ♓ ♓ ♓ 
🩸 #violet the teenage witch is the tag for my most recent character, Violet Chiwake (fae/faer), also known as the supervillain Vampire. Fae lives with faer aunt and her wife in Halcyon City after faer mother got scared that fae developed powers. Violet is a witch who uses blood magic, something that for the most part is not approved of by society. It’s not like Violet chose faer powers or anything. Fae was caught with faer mentor in the middle of a robbery and lied during faer trial that fae was tricked onto the wrong path and just needed a chance to fix things. This worked too well and Violet ended up at hero school with a bunch of people who fae is extremely wary of. Violet is goth, a femme trans lesbian, and very upset that faer life has become a disaster (teenage drama queen). Fae enjoys practicing faer magic, collecting interesting ear jewelry, being around people who don’t think fae should be in jail, and stealing valuables. Violet is also searching for faer best friend Selene Hellström (she/her) an extremely high energy fireworks themed villain who was sent off to boarding school by her parents. You can find Violet’s pinterest board here! (cw for blood makeup) Violet’s story takes place 15 years after Isodora’s.   
🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸
 I’ll probably mostly be talking about these four, and if you read this far uh. wow thank you I hope you enjoy knowing more about the girls in my brain!   
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Knight of the Ice
by Yayoi Ogawa
Manga Volume 01
Shoujo, Romance, Drama, Sports
Story  ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆   ||   ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆   Art
A rom-com manga on ice, perfect for fans of Princess Jellyfish and Wotakoi. Kokoro is the talk of the figure-skating world, winning trophies and hearts. But little do they know... he's actually a huge nerd! From the beloved creator of You're My Pet (Tramps Like Us). Chitose is a serious young woman, working for the health magazine SASSO. Or at least, she would be, if she wasn't constantly getting distracted by her childhood friend, international figure skating star Kokoro Kijinami! In the public eye and on the ice, Kokoro is a gallant, flawless knight, but behind his glittery costumes and breathtaking spins lies a secret: he's actually a hopeless romantic otaku, who can only land his quad jumps when Chitose is on hand to recite a spell from his favorite magical girl anime!
This is a standard shoujo/josei romance so far, they are adults which makes it more josei, but they still act like high schoolers so feels more shoujo in tone. The blurb says it is like Jellyfish or Wotakoi, and that isn’t true at all - I’ve read 6-7 volumes by now and it isn’t really a comedy, the humor is light. The main focus is on the romance and his skating competitions. I would call this a kinda slow-burn standard friends to lovers romance so far.  We do get a little with some of the supporting characters, but nothing really deep or developed, perhaps it will become more in future volumes. The only obstacle to their romance seems to be his public image, as Chitose (and just about everyone else) seems to think she is too plain or at least not on the same level as Kokoro, who is idol material, but he doesn't mind this of course, as he has been in love with her for a long while now; and their inexperience in love, romance, and relationships... all basics to overcome in a story like this.
Kokoro (21-22yo) is a rather sweet and innocent and meek guy in real life, but his persona as a rising international Japanese figure skater is cool and mysterious. He is in love with his childhood friend Chitose (24yo) who is just a regular girl working as an editor at a magazine. She also really likes him, to the point where she travels to all of his meets to lend her support by reciting a 'spell' from a magical girl anime they both liked as kids. Kokoro is a very sheltered nerdy kind of guy, he loves a magical girl cartoon (I think it is also tied to his childhood time with Chitose, when he was happier being with her), and one of the top ice skaters in Japan.  He loves Chitose, but he is too insecure to tell her outright, so he has her travel to his meets to perform a ‘magical spell’ to help him win (he really just wants her there, it helps him skate better knowing she is there supporting him). He is an emotional guy and he can’t skate well if he isn’t emotionally stable. So romance, some humor, not much on plot so far other than him trying to win competitions and tell her how he feels and her feeling secure enough to accept a relationship with him, when she feel inferior to him/his high profile public status.
I like both main characters, they are sweet and likable people, but there really isn’t a lot of tension or drama in this series, at least so far. Others are trying to separate them - his public image, other girls that want him (for clout), etc... but it is rather simple and uneventful so far. After 6-7 volumes in I kinda want the drama to kick in, raise the stakes, some character growth, something... I find myself wanting more from his little sisters relationship, at least they are going out... I don’t know maybe this just isn’t going to take for me. Not bad, just not for me.
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kirishwima · 4 years
Hello hello! I love your headcanons! Can I request the RFA+V(and Vanderwood?) with an MC who is the one to make the first move to give the first kiss? I need more proactive MCs ready to go for it. (I think with Saeran we already do...?)
oh i like this headcanon hehe~ and yeah, i think we pretty much do see MC making the first move with Saeran-although I do think he’d get just as flustered any time MC gets affectionate with him lol
* Honestly...after that kiss at the party, which he was only able to initiate because of adrenaline and excitement, he’d be a flustered m e s s anytime MC would be affectionate with him-even a mere hug would be enough to give this boy a nosebleed lol
* For the sake of this headcanon though, let’s pretend he didn’t smooch his MC at the party-so instead, whilst they officially start dating, they haven’t kissed yet; just holding hands is a huge feat for Yoosung, his poor heart needs time to adjust at the thought of having a boyfriend/girlfriend/SO to hold hands with!!
* Honestly, Zen would nag at him about it constantly. “What do you mean you’ve been dating MC for a month and you haven’t even kissed them yet?!” he’d ask, incredulous. “Just go for it!”
* Well, for Yoosung, it’s not that simple. Does he...want to kiss MC?  Absoloutely all the time always yes. Is he...brave enough to just ask them for it? Nope. Nuh uh. Nein.
* So it’s up to the hero MC to save the day, and steal Yoosung’s first kiss! 
* Honestly, a sneak attack would be the best-he’d be talking about one thing or another with MC, his face bright and beautiful as he spoke, and MC would absentmindedly bring a hand to cusp his jaw, their fingertips tracing his skin as they ask a soft “Can I kiss you?”
* Yoosung gulps, his eyes wide, but nods, and that’s all the invitation MC needs-they lean close and kiss him, takin in his shuddering breath and how he’s awkwardly trying to follow MC’s lead-and failing.
* They lean back and look at his flushed cheeks and half-lidded eyes; and when Yoosung looks to them with puppy-dog eyes and asks ‘can we do that again?’ well, who’s MC to say no?
* You’d think he’d be bold and be the one to kiss MC first-but same as Yoosung, his first kiss with MC was adrenaline-ridden and chaste.
* Zen’s a gentleman-he’d never want to push his beloved MC out of their comfort zone, nor would he want his ‘beast side’ to get the better of him before MC’s ready to greet that side, if ever.
* So he waits...and waits....and waits. MC has been trying to get him to make the first move but he’s a stoic rock, chanting prayers each time he looks at MC’s lips to keep his sanity lol.
* After a succesful opening night for his latest play, he comes to greet MC backstage at his dressing room; he politely ignored his co-worker’s greetings in favor of rushing to his dressing room where he knew MC would be waiting, and there they were-a bouquet of roses in their hands, yet a barely-hidden pout on their lips.
* “My love?” Zen asked, coming to stand across MC, cusping their cheeks in his hands. “What’s with that frown? Is something wrong?”
* MC’s pout intensified, their lips pursed. “In the play-you had a kiss scene.” Zen nodded, brows furrowed. He’d told MC about that scene from when he first read the play, and they were fine with it-did something change?
* MC leaned up to him, bridging the distance as they kissed Zen-something chaste and innocent, but lingering long enough for him to know the implications behind it.
* They licked at their lips as they looked back to Zen with a small victorious smirk. “I don’t like someone else kissing you before I did. I hat to purify what’s mine” they added with a shrug and-oh no MC what have you DONE.
* The BEAST(TM) has been unleashed. Good luck, MC.
* She’s bold and brave, yes, but when it comes to affection Bahee’s a Hot Mess. She hasn’t even had her first kiss yet...and she loves MC but doesn’t have the slightest clue of how to initiate any contact between them.
* So it’s up to MC to slowly build up Jaehee’s confidence so that she’ll be okay with a kiss-from holding her hand when walking down the street, hugging her close and leaning their head into the crook of Jahee’s neck, little affectionate gestures that have Jaehee melting into the touch yet also clearly show MC’s intentions; that they were never at the level of simple friendship.
* When one night MC leans close to Jaehee as they sit on the couch watching some silly movie; when they trace Jaehee’s cheek with their fingertips, curling their fingers through her hair as they whisper ‘Can I kiss you?’ into her ear;it’s not a surprise. Jaehee’s come to expect this.
* Yet expecting it and actually preparing for it are two entirely different things-while she nods yes to MC, she shuts her eyes tight as she can, her lips slack and her hands trembling as they come to wrap around MC’s back.
* MC stifles a laugh at Jaehee’s tomato-red face, and says they don’t have to kiss if Jaehee doesn’t want to-while yeah, MC would love nothing more than to kiss the heck out of this woman, they’d never want to force her into anything.
* But Jaehee shakes her head furiously, her grip on MC tightening. “I want this!” she insists, her eyes clear, “I want this.” she repeats.
* So MC smiles and kisses her, slow and gentle, letting Jaehee set the pace.
* Slowly, Jaehee would learn to open up more, and would even be the one to initiate physical affection-but that’d take much, much longer lol.
* Honestly...this thing he has with MC is his first relationship, and he doesn’t know what boundaries should be set-so he lets MC pick the pace their relationship should develop with. If they’re ready to kiss him, then so is he.
* And boy, MC does want to kiss him. They absoloutely do.
* Not even a day into their new and fragile relationship, they catch Jumin being the cutest he can be-he’s sitting on the couch, Elizabeth the 3d in his lap, and he’s cooing at her, talking in that high-pitched silly voice we all use when there’s a cute kitten or puppy in front of us, and Elizabeth seems to love it, turning her head this way and that whenever Jumin speaks.
* “Who’s my princess?” Jumin coos, scratching Elizabeth’s chin gently, “Are you my princess? Yes you are!”
* ((Yes he absoloutely talks this way with Elly when he’s alone, no you can’t change my mind))
* This cutesy behavior sends MC over the edge. They stand there, eyes trained on Jumin as they ask “Can I kiss you like, right the heck now?”
* Jumin blinks owlishly at them before smiling. “You never have to ask my permission for that-never.”
* So they don’t. Instead they replace Elizabeth on the couch, who’s now left the silly couple to their own devices to go stroll around the penthouse, and so MC leans close to Jumin, their lips inches away from him...and they kiss him.
* He’s soft and pliant, letting MC set the pace yet following suit, matching each of MC’s movements like he’d been thinking the same thing. When MC’s hands run through his hair he hums into the kiss, his fingers tightening on their waist. 
* Now that MC has given this man permission to do something like this...hoo boy you can bet he’ll never take his hands off of MC ever again, ever.
* Like most of the RFA, he too has never had a relationship-sure, he’s kissed people, sure he’s had sex, but he’s never actually held hands with someone nor had someone he loves to cuddle with. So everything that happens with MC, every little thing’s a first for him.
* Even kissing feels sacrilegous, the mere thought of someone like him laying his hands on someone as bright and pure as MC making him feel the need to go to church and drown himself in holy water-he knows how much MC would tease him for the thoughts he has, but he can’t help it. 
* He’s a flustered mess at the littlest of things-MC merely leaning their head on his shoulder is enough to turn his cheeks redder than his hair, and MC wants to do so much more than that, wants to take this ridiculous man’s ridiculou’s face and smooch his lips until they’re puffier than a jellyfish, yet they fear what that might do to Seven-what if he short-circuits and his brain fries from the affection?!
* Well, all these worries are put to rest one night when MC fell asleep on the couch-they’d been waiting up for Seven to finish with his work so they’d go to sleep together, but ended up falling asleep as he worked.
* Seven kneeled besides MC, bold now that he’s the only one aware of his actions-he trailed his fingers through MC’s hair, to their temples, down the slope of their nose, his fingertips dancing on the corner of MC’s lips. He sighed, ready to pull his hand away when MC shifted and gripped his hand by the wrist.
* They sat up, ignoring the flusterdness visible on Seven’s face-there, in the dark room only illuminated by Seven’s laptop screens, his pupils blown and lips slack-he’s never looked more kissable.
* “I’m going to kiss you now” they said, and that was all the time Seven had to prepare; they leaned in and kissed him, trapping his lips as his surprised gasp was muffled into the kiss. 
* He didn’t take long before his hands were finding their way around MC’s waist, pulling them off the couch and onto his lap as he sat back on the floor, leaning up to angle the kiss better; even if it wasn’t his first kiss, everything felt new, every touch left a spark of electricity, a tingling in his skin he wasn’t aware he was cabaple of feeling.
* Now that this Pandora’s box had been opened, there was no closing it-if he could, Seven would never stop kissing MC.
* And well, MC didn’t mind that one bit.
Mood MC, mood
it’s like 5am and i didnt proof read this woop hope it’s okay!!!!
-send me mysme headcanons for character reactions-
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anime-alists · 5 years
Top 10 Romance Anime
10. Tonari no kaibutsu-kun
A classic and actually the anime that got me into the anime univers😊The Story follows a girl named Shizuku Mizutani Who is an apathetic girl and the only thing she cares for are her grades she meets a Boy,Haru Yoshida, a violent troublemaker and her life changes dramatically. If you Like rom-coms you will enjoy this one!
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9. Kuragehime
Kuragehime is the Story of a girl named tsukimi kurashita who is obsessed with jellyfish (she is a jellyfish otaku). She lives with five other unemployed otaku women and spends her days as a social outcast dreaming of becoming an illustrator. One Day she meets a "beautiful woman". From then on,the woman—confident, fashionable, and the complete opposite of Tsukimi and her roommates—begins to regularly visit the girls' building.But"she" isn't really a girl at all, but a wealthy male college student named Kuranosuke Koibuchi! A really cute story with an interessting and unusual male lead.
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8. Say I love you
Gosh I felt so in love with this one. Say i love you is at first a story about self acceptance and trusting others.
"Friends will only let you down" that is the sad truth Mei Tachibana lives with, ever since she was wrongfully blamed for the death of a class pet by her"friends" in grade school. Since then, she stays away from people in order to avoid ever being hurt again. However, a misunderstanding in high school causes her to encounter popular student Yamato Kurosawa. Yamato finds her intriguing and insists on being her friend, even though Mei turns him down all the time. But then a dangerous situation ends with Yamato saving Mei from the unwanted attention of a stalker..
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7. Soredemo sekai wa utsukushi
The anime may seem a bit weird at the Begining but it is so good and the soundtrack is amazing too! The Story is about a girl Named Nike Remercier the princess of the Rain dukedome and a young Boy named Livius Ifrikia who is the king of the Sun Kingdom's.Livius decides to marry Nike.However, those outside the Sun Kingdom have spread a rumor that Livius is a crueland tyrannical ruler, and as word reaches the princess, she begins to prepare herself for the worst. But when she finally meets her fiancé, Nike discovers that he is an entirely different person from what she originally expected.
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6. Skip beat
The Main Girl is a hillarious Queen
naive 16 year old Kyouko Mogami works hard to support the career of her childhood friend and crush Shou. One day, she finds out that her beloved Shou sees her as nothing but a free servant. heartbroken and enraged, she vows to take revenge on him by entering the world of entertainment herself. As she steps into this new life, Kyouko faces new challenges as well as people who will push her out of her comfort zone.
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5. Lovely Complex
Another classic rom-com anime
Koizumi Risa and Ootani Atsushi are both searching for their ideal partner in high school—172 cm tall Koizumi is much taller than the average girl, and Ootani is much shorter than the average guy at 156 cm. To add to their plights, their crushes fall in love with each other, leaving Koizumi and Ootani comically heartbroken. To make matters worse, they're even labeled as a comedy duo by their homeroom teacher due to their personalities and the stark difference in their heights.
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4. Maid-sama
Being the first female student council president isn't easy, especially when your School was an all Boys school not so long ago. Yet even the perfect Ayuzawa has an embarrassing secret,she works part-time as a maid at a maid café to help her struggling family pay the bills. She has managed to keep her job hidden from her fellow students and maintained her flawless image as a student until one day, Takumi Usui, the most popular boy in school, walks into the maid café. He could destroy her reputation with her secret... or he could twist the student council president around his little finger and use her secret as an opportunity to get closer to her.
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3. Inu x boku SS
One of my fav. Romance anime of all times because i can relate to Ririchiyo so much anyways
Inu x boku SS centers around Ririchiyo Shirakiin the sheltered daughter of a renowned who decides to move into Maison de ayakashi .Each inhabitant of the Maison de Ayakashi, including Ririchiyo, is actually half-human, half-youkai and everyone has to be accompanied by a Secret Service agent. Ririchiyo's new partner, Soushi Miketsukami, is handsome, quiet but clingy and reeeaaaally submissive. With Soushi, her new supernatural neighbors, and the beginning of high school, Ririchiyo definitely seems to have a difficult path ahead of her.
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2. Hana yori dango
Actually i don't wanna give a description to this anime bc I think that this is such a classic and such a great romance story that everyone who likes romance anime should watch it. Trust me you won't regret it.
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1. Kamisama Hajimemashita
My fav. Romance anime of all time even here i don't wanna give a descreption I'm sure you'll Love it.(also Nanami is best girl fight me) trust me and watch it if you haven't already.DO IT!
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project-rebirth · 4 years
Prologue: Look What I Found Under This Big Rock – OP.“Apocrypha”
She was dead. It was 3PM on December 25 and Shirai Kuroko, a 1st year middle school girl with chestnut twintails and wearing nothing but a purple negligee, lay collapsed and unmoving on her bed in a Tokiwadai Middle School student dorm. She was completely dead.
As dead as a jellyfish rotting on the beach.
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“Onwee-shama…still hasn’t come home…”
Her roommate Misaka Mikoto had yet to return after being sent to the hospital after the injuries she had received just a few days prior to the Violent Violet incident (Even though the injuries she sustained were relatively minor in comparison to some others who were caught up in it), but knowing her, the attractive Onee-sama was off enjoying herself elsewhere on Christmas and her cute underclassman had failed to board Noah’s Ark in time. She may have been sent to a deserted island all on her own. Shirai Kuroko had been tragically rejected. And it hurt all the more because she knew there was no ill will behind it.
She did not even have it in her to flail around in frustration. A monotone ringtone played from the phone she had left by her pillow, so she reached out with her face still down in the pillow and spoke in a deep, zombie-like voice.
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“Uwehhhh? A joint manhunt with Anti-Skill?”
“They’re apparently planning a major arrest. And isn’t that kind of violence your favorite thing, Shirai-san? The adults are actually offering to let you run wild for once, so you should probably take them up on it.”
Judgment apparently had a lot of work piled up even on Christmas.
She briefly considered resorting to pretending she was in too much pain to get out of bed due to being on her purple period which would curse you unless you forgot it existed before you turned 20…but then she had a different idea.
If there was going to be some major incident happening, wouldn’t Misaka Mikoto be more liable to show up?
She leaped out of bed, fixed her mussed-up hair, and hurriedly responded.
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“Understood, Uiharu!! I will be there right away! Where is ‘there’, by the way!?”
Tokiwadai forced impeccable behavior on its students, so the dorms were strictly locked down around Christmas, but work for Judgment was an exception. This was Shirai Kuroko’s first Tokiwadai Christmas, but she managed to strut right past the dorm manager and out the supposedly impregnable front entrance in her winter uniform and a very long scarf.
“Now, then.”
She let out a breath and vanished into thin air.
She was a Level 4 Teleporter.
She could only teleport things a distance of 81.5m at once and she could only teleport a weight of 130.74kg at once, but by repeatedly teleporting herself, she could move at speeds greater than a racecar. All while circumventing the restrictions of the asphalt roads.
The safety of District 7 could vary a lot depending on the area, but she made her way to one of the less safe areas. There was decidedly unartistic graffiti spray painted on the walls and presumably stolen and abandoned bicycles were lying all around. There were no Christmas decorations in evidence.
A habit instilled in her by her job(?) took over and she photographed the registration sticker on the underside of the bike seats.
“Is this the place?” she asked over the phone.
“An Anti-Skill truck should be parked nearby, so go find them. I’m busy with my own work, so I unfortunately won’t be able to join you. …Eh? Oh, what is it? Ehhh!? You want me to turn all this into an automated processing flowchart today!?”
After some sounds of a struggle, the call ended.
(I guess I have to do this.)
Being out and about gave her more of a chance to run across her beloved Onee-sama, Misaka Mikoto, than lying dead on her dorm room bed. Especially when there was trouble afoot. Her motivation was impure as could be, but she hoped they would forgive her if she could restore order to the city while she was at it.
She knocked on the door of a large steel truck that looked like a windowless bus and the door opened from the inside.
It was larger than a van, but it actually felt cramped on the inside. Both walls were crammed full of industrial computers and the excess space was piled high with boxes of weapons and ammo. There were no ordinary lights, so the glow of monitors and heat of machines filled the limited space. This was apparently a logistics vehicle that handled data control and materiel provision more than transporting people.
(And this is only the backup. Does that mean they have more personnel deployed than would fit in one bus?)
She looked skeptical. Anti-Skill was the grownup organization that preserved order in Academy City. In terms of the world outside the city, they were similar to the police. She knew they were a highly organized group of volunteer teachers, but this appeared to be a largescale job even for them. Just think about it. How many police officers would be needed to chase down a single robber escaping through the streets? It would be unusual to find that not even 30 was enough.
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“Excuse me, but you requested my presence here. I am Shirai Kuroko of Judgment. If this major arrest required calling me in, does it involve an esper?”
They were not as polite as a phone shop’s receptionist. First, her voice was absorbed by silence and a few sharp glances turned her way after a bit. “The customer is always right” did not apply with civil servants. Plus, Shirai was not actually a customer. Finally, a nearby woman, who appeared to be an operator, spoke up.
She curtly gestured further back in the truck with her chin.
“You’re working with her.”
That seemed awfully cold after Shirai had gone out of her way to name herself and express her enthusiasm for the job, but she accepted it since she had seen some girls in her class who tried and failed to play the tsundere like that. Then she looked over in the indicated direction.
Much to her surprise, the person that she was to  work with did not look like your typical anti-skill officer based on the clothes they were wearing as well as the apparent age of the person.
She appeared to be a girl who looked around the age where she was in her last year of high school or starting her first year of university, though if she played her cards right, she looked like she could be any age. The girl had light purple hair, brown eyes and looked like she was wearing an old school uniform that surprisingly still fit her well. She  was sitting at the table with a laptop, seemingly engrossed in whatever she was looking at.
For some reason, Shirai was under the impression that she gave off the air of a NEET or some kind of shut in, And just when she had that though, the NEET girl turned her head towards Shirai.
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“Hm? Oh, you’re that girl I’m working with.... Shiroko was it?”
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“...Shirai Kuroko. I am from Judgement. You don’t look like you’re from Anti-Skill... who are you?”
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“Ah, that’s right. I suppose I don’t seem like your common law enforcement officer do I? My name is Kihara Jikan. I’m a special researcher that’s been recruited by the Governing Board to help Anti-Skill with the large operation that’s taking place.”
Shirai raised an eyebrow. She was familiar with the name Kihara and how that family of scientists were responsible for all sorts of atrocities. The likes of Kihara Gensei and Therestina Kihara Lifeline comes to mind. But there was a chance that Jikan was not involved in anything like that,, so she had to refrain from judging her for now.
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“So, what is this operation we are participating in? Are we finally arresting MINUS?”
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“To be clear, you can’t let anyone know about this. Because we live in an age where people will do just about anything to get material for an online video or social media post. Unfortunately however, it’s not MINUS. You see, in recent times, dangerous individuals and organizations from the Outside have infiltrated Academy City. The governing board has finally had enough and decided to do something about it, hence why we’re both here. Welcome to Operation Apocrypha Shirai-san.”
Infiltrators from the outside? Shirai knew there were instances of people breaching Academy City’s security and entering, but she did not know it was on a scale like this, especially something that warranted the full resources of Anti-Skill and Judgement.
And based on Jikan’s tone, Shirai could tell that this was a situation that took precedence over MINUS, who had gone rather quiet after the District 19 incident.
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“These invaders are not espers or anything we are used to dealing with. These people and organizations operate on laws and concepts that are completely out of our current understanding, but thanks to the OUTRANK list that we got from the anonymous source called The Guardian, we know who is in this city and what we can expect when we engage them.”
Jikan shifted her laptop so Shirai could see before moving from a tab that had some stuff regarding research into Multi-Universe Theory and Temporal Quantum Mechanics before moving to a tab that held a really long list of names of organizations and their members, as well as some other names who were not really affiliated with any particular organization.
Shirai looked at the names and gave it a read through. She had never heard of these people or groups before, however she was more astonished by the number of them listed. These people were really in Academy City?
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“Hamanchi Eggoko, Lea Alecto, Rosimontis The Purger, The Wild Horse... are these people seriously in Academy City?”
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“OUTRANK doesn’t lie I’m afraid. Those people are either already in Academy City, or is expected to come here. Lea Alecto and Rosimontis The Purger are big enough threats on their own, several members of an organization known as The X has been spotted in this city including the one named Shinpachi Oni, the Wild Horse. Oh, and the names you listed are all Harmfuls. They are the ones you should be careful of.”
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“Yes. You see, we have a category system that separates the very dangerous elements from the less dangerous elements. The names you went over are all in the Harmful category, while others have been placed into the Beneficial category. It’s to know who we need to use the proper amount of force against really.”
Academy City was under attack.
Many hostile individuals and organizations were in the city illegally and were most likely here for some nefarious purpose. Looking at the organization called The X, as well as some of the others, there was great concern to be had for the security and safety of the city and its residents,but there were a lot of it that seemed unbelievable, at least on paper.
But then there was a thought that came to Shirai, something that should be asked now.
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“I do have a question. Why is it that these third parties are entering the city in the quantity that they have? Is this a coordinated effort between the groups, or is there something here that they are looking for?”
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“It’s hard to say whether or not the groups are working together, but based on what we have gotten, they seem to be mostly operating on their own. As for the second point, we believe that they are after some kind of experimental device that I can’t get into, but it’s imperative that none of them get their hands on it. Academy City tech can’t fall into the hands of outsiders.”
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“So, does that answer your questions for now? We are expected to apprehend Bazuko, one of the members of X soon so we can find out what the organization is really doing here as well as to give us the locations of the rest of their members, so I hope you are ready for some action, Shirai.”
This was a citywide sweep of forces from the Outside. Shirai had heard a few things about something called the Third Side or Cosmic Side being talked about on internet forums (the only reason she knows about it is because Saten Ruiko told her) but she could not give any clear definition of what the cosmic side was really supposed to be. It felt like a fictional thing spoken of only in rumors. Like a few separate incidents had appeared connected by coincidence, creating the illusion of something larger there. Yet it was all too ominous to just laugh it off in that way.
But this sounded exactly like something her Onee-sama would get involved in. If these Cosmic Siders or whatever was going to be causing problems on a scale like this, then it was only a matter of time before Mikoto threw herself into the fray. She was heavily involved in that last incident, so it was only natrual that she would appear somewhere down the line.
With that possibility filling her mind, Shirai Kuroko was ready to engage the enemy with more vigor than she normally would have.
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“Then let’s do our best to stop the criminals that are infiltrating our city!”
Start: Operation_Apocrypha
@tetsuwan-atom​ @lawain-dimensional-heroes​ @xbloodsoakedx​
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yfere · 5 years
Shipping Calculus! Live Updates from C2E58
In which we learn that shopping episodes are not necessarily shipping episodes. A lean week, but one that allows time for feelings to percolate, perhaps? Masterpost here
+1000 to Yasha/Caffeine as Caduceus’ experiments with brews finally pay off and pull Yasha from her somnambulatory state and into alertness. She is so impressed by the power of his tea that she goes looking for tea leaves in all of the shops. We don’t want to lose her again to a sleep attack, after all.
-2 to Fjord/Caleb. Positives: Caleb defending Fjord from his murder cat, pointing out the “very special manacles” in his bag and that alone when Fjord asks him about items—manacles which, might I add, Fjord has been avidly collecting throughout the campaign—and which effectively shuts down Fjord asking Caleb anything else for the next forever. Asking Fjord to please do the introductions to the miners, supportive intimidating pissing. Negatives: Fjord all “lawl what if we just left Caleb to wander the city alone wouldn’t that be funny” no you absolute asshole.
+1 to Jester/Caleb with a +1 carryover wink from the day previous. A perfect balance of point gains and losses from this point on, with Caleb immediately giving Jester a truly obscene amount of money for diamonds (but it’s for the group, he says, preventing point gains), losing points by giving away all of Jester’s precious pets to keep Yeza happy, but making up for it by gracing her with a purring Frumpkin to adore in their absence, and accidentally mumbling something that sounded a little like “yeah” when Jester asked to keep Frumpkin forever. Jester must know the cat comes with the wizard, though—if she’s going to keep Frumpkin, Caleb will have to be part of that package.
+12 to Jester/Fjord which may have been more, were it not for Jester merely earning what we in the lab call A Point For Trying as she put her foot in her mouth not once, not twice, but somewhere around fifteen different times during the truly horrific conversation at the blacksmith’s, funneling all the rest of her points from the first half of the episode into +20 to Jester/Fjoot in Mouth. However, the pair make up some excellent ground with jellyfish references, switcheroos in riding placement on Yarnball, picking the same infiltration team, much mention of Fjord’s handsomeness and smartness, and “Captain” and “Lieutenant” roleplay which makes Jester the most highly ranked so far of Fjord’s beloved “you work for me” roleplays (it always starts out high…) Nearly earned points with Jester interrogating Yarnball on her tracking ability in response to Fjord’s question, but she was cockblocked by Caduceus Clay and his ability to actually speak with animals, earning the firbolg fond looks from Fjord and +10 to Caduceus/Cat Shaped Creatures
+8 to Caduceus/Fjord. The current theory circulating in the lab is that Caduceus Clay and Jester Lavorre share similar taste in near everything—jewels, armor, tattoos, dresses, and, tragically, men. Which means they must vie for the same romantic interests for perpetuity. Here we have a Caduceus who manages not to put his foot in his mouth (Jester looks to him for help! A bad sign for her), who very effectively talks up how Fjord saved his life on multiple occasions, and marvels at the “layers” he’s discovering Fjord has. Like an onion. Cooking with onions is great, onions are delicious. Therefore Fjord is…..? Anyway, Caduceus also very keenly and insistently “Captain”ing at the man throughout the episode, happily deferring as he makes excellent suggestions on how to proceed with the Giant-Killing-Job, and effusively complimenting Fjord alongside Jester on his intimidation prowess. But no amount of subtlety or cockblocking is going to keep up with the Sheer Baldfaced Panache of Jester’s flirting style—at least not for the moment. Fjord, for his part, contributing a point by steering Caduceus away from random pottery shops and towards a blacksmith like the exasperated husband he is.
+6 to Caduceus/Caleb as Mr. Impatient Wizard Man smears his beard with magic bean paste while Caduceus frantically looks through his bag for something resembling lather. “Never mind, that’s beautiful,” Caduceus says, seeing this. Caduceus wanting to know if he thinks Caleb actually needs a shave, because like the rest of us he is probably attached to a certain level of Caleb Scruff. Keeping a Cure Wounds at the ready for when Yasha inevitably stabs Caleb in the face, but Bleeding Impatient Wizard Man slips away from him before he can use it! Caduceus’ inordinate faith in how of course Intelligent Wizard Man Caleb knows absolutely everything about this magic darkness, and Caleb as always having to poke holes in others’ excessively high opinions of him.
+50 to Caduceus/Every Single (Male?) NPC as Caduceus carries on the kind of conversation you’d have with a date with Wursh the blacksmith, who admiringly speaks of how Caduceus is a “crazy motherfucker” while Caduceus speaks admiringly of how “even his advice has abs.” Both of them going on in a sickening way on how much of an “absolute pleasure” it is to spend time together, how glad they are of each other’s “company” in the blasting heat. Gag. Caduceus also, upon gaining the assistance of a “ballsy” mine worker, being “into it.” Of course you are, Caduceus. Of course you are.
+2 to Fjord/Elvis Impersonation for pelvis thrusting in public.
+10 to Caleb/Cat Shaped Creatures as Caleb is incredibly disappointed he can’t cram the moorbounders into his already cramped Tiny Hut. His affectionate “Who’s a good apex predator” to his blood soaked murder kitty. Also, while the others who bonded to the moorbounders learned only the commands “Halt” and “Jump,” resident cat person Caleb Widogast flaunts his superior connection to catkind by successfully employing a third command: “Piss.” Also +10 to Caleb/Pissing in the Wind
+2 to Beauregard/Lesbian Amnesia as she is incapable of recalling the word “shaft” in any context. Fjord helpfully fills her in, with some instructive hand motions that will also slip completely out of her memory within ten seconds. 
+8 to Beau/Jester as upon Jester’s sincere request, Beau successfully puts a dick in a book at the library! “Would Jester be proud of me?” Beau asks eagerly, as Caleb rolls his eyes at her hopelessness. Beau grinning and entering the stratosphere at the prospect of spending a day clothes shopping with Jester, an activity which by definition involves the putting on (and taking off) of a lot of clothing with a very attractive blue gal. Beau calling on Jester to bring out the heart to the foreman, which didn’t intimidate him most likely because the whole time Jester and Beau were making gooey eyes at it reminiscing about mutilating corpses together.
+1 to Beau/Professor Waccoh as Beau is pleased as punch to show off her youth and muscles and tendency to bite. Failing to hit the mark with a “my fair lady” and stumbling worse with a “professor woman of deep knowledge” flirt, but managing to wring an “I like you!” out of the woman nonetheless.
-5 to Caleb/Books He was so excited to read the books, and he did not get to read the books! Caleb then immediately throws himself 50000% into helping a known weapons developer in her quest to more effectively spill Empire Blood, because no amount of moral handwringing can outweigh his bone deep need to Get A Library Card
-2 to Caleb/Item Hoarding as he resists, barely and with Great Effort, his Spoiled Only Child greediness to just take and keep all the items Waccoh offered as payment. Beau tries to point out that taking item payments and rewarding the group are not Mutually Exclusive, but this does not compute.
+42 to Nott/Yeza as post-reunion the pair perform surprisingly well even while under the Shipping Law of Rising Sexpectations. Pet names, screamed “I LOVE YOU”s, saving your wife from getting fleeced/stealing from assholes rude to your husband, showing the world how #Kinky you are, suggestive eyebrows at fake sex potions that Yeza is definitely going to find a way to brew into Real Sex Potions by the time the crew get back. Points lost for leaving Yeza alone, under effective house arrest in a hotel room as Nott gallivants off to her one true love, Killing Things.
-10 to Yasha/Reading the Room as Caleb tries and fails to gracefully duck out of another greatsword shave because Yasha is too adorably insistent that it’s no trouble really, he doesn’t have to worry about inconveniencing her, she really wants to do this for him. Paying an insane amount of money for a used straight razor for Caleb with no awareness, giving that same shopkeeper the impression that she came to the shop looking for extremely racy alchemical concoctions—if what the duergar had on the counter was “too tame” for her, what kind of amazing sexual adventurer could she be?
-10,000 to Sam Riegel/His Presidential Campaign I don’t know if he can recover from what happened to him this week. I don’t know if it’s possible.
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