#jennifer garner speaking the truth in this
heythereimashley · 2 years
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He's so fucking gorgeous
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mattnben-bennmatt · 3 months
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Ben Affleck's interview w/ The New York Times (18 February 2020)
Ben Affleck Tried to Drink Away the Pain. Now He’s Trying Honesty.
The actor speaks frankly about everything from his addictive behavior and his divorce to why he lied about that back tattoo.
By Brooks Barnes
Warning: This is not one of those celebrity profiles that uses a teaspoon of new information to flavor a barrel of ancient history. There is no paragraph where the star and the writer pretend to be pals — gag — while doing an everyday-person activity. What was everyone eating? Who cares. No, you will not get served the obligatory canned quote from Matt Damon.
This is Ben Affleck, raw and vulnerable, talking extensively for the first time about getting sober (again) and trying to recalibrate his career (again).
Affleck, Oscar-winning writer, director of the Oscar-winning “Argo,” better actor than you remember — and, yes, alcoholic, divorcé and proud possessor of a mythical back tattoo — has four movies coming out this year. Dad Bod Batman has been banished, and actual films are back on his docket, including his first all-on-him movie in four years: “The Way Back,” a poignant sports drama that arrives in theaters on March 6. Affleck plays a reluctant high school basketball coach with big problems — he’s a puffy, willful, fall-down drunk who blows up his marriage and lands in rehab.
You read that correctly.
“People with compulsive behavior, and I am one, have this kind of basic discomfort all the time that they’re trying to make go away,” he said a couple of Sundays ago during a two-hour interview at a beachside spot in Los Angeles. “You’re trying to make yourself feel better with eating or drinking or sex or gambling or shopping or whatever. But that ends up making your life worse. Then you do more of it to make that discomfort go away. Then the real pain starts. It becomes a vicious cycle you can’t break. That’s at least what happened to me.”
He cleared his throat. “I drank relatively normally for a long time. What happened was that I started drinking more and more when my marriage was falling apart. This was 2015, 2016. My drinking, of course, created more marital problems.”
Affleck’s marriage to Jennifer Garner, with whom he has three children, ended in 2018 after a long separation. He said he still felt guilt but had moved past shame. “The biggest regret of my life is this divorce,” he continued, noticeably using the present tense. “Shame is really toxic. There is no positive byproduct of shame. It’s just stewing in a toxic, hideous feeling of low self-worth and self-loathing.”
He took a sharp breath and exhaled slowly, as if to slow himself down. “It’s not particularly healthy for me to obsess over the failures — the relapses — and beat myself up,” he said. “I have certainly made mistakes. I have certainly done things that I regret. But you’ve got to pick yourself up, learn from it, learn some more, try to move forward.”
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“The Way Back” was originally called “The Has-Been.” That downer of a title was dropped during development as the film became less focused on what a basketball talent the main character had been in high school, Affleck said. Suffice it to say, no star wants to appear on a poster next to the words “The Has-Been,” especially not after two box office disappointments. “Justice League” (2017) took in $658 million, a puny sum by superhero standards, and “Live by Night” (2016), a period gangster drama that he also directed, flatlined with $23 million.
Affleck, 47, has been working like a madman to get his career back on track. The hard truth is that the outcome is not guaranteed. Moviegoers, women in particular, will ultimately decide: Is forgiveness for transgressions still something that society in all of its Twitter-fied polarization allows? To some, Affleck is still the guy who broke Garner’s heart and who was accused of groping a talk-show host in 2003. “I acted inappropriately,” he said of that incident in 2017, as the #MeToo era dawned, “and I sincerely apologize.”
Hollywood has certainly granted Affleck clemency. He just finished acting in “Deep Water,” a psychological thriller co-starring Ana de Armas (“Knives Out”) that’s due in theaters in November. He’s on Netflix this month in “The Last Thing He Wanted,” an abysmally reviewed mystery anchored by Anne Hathaway and directed by Dee Rees. Affleck has also been working with the Oscar-nominated Nicole Holofcener (“Can You Ever Forgive Me?”) and Damon on the script for “The Last Duel,” which begins filming in France this month. Set in the 14th century, “The Last Duel” re-teams Affleck and Damon as screenwriters for the first time since “Good Will Hunting” in 1997; Ridley Scott is directing the film, which has Oscar bait written all over it. Disney plans to release “The Last Duel” in theaters at Christmas through its 20th Century label.
Affleck is also zeroing in on another directing project for himself. It probably won’t be that previously announced remake of the 1957 drama “Witness for the Prosecution,” he said. Instead, he wants to tackle “King Leopold’s Ghost,” an epic about the colonial plundering of what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo; Martin Scorsese has signed on as a producer. (Affleck co-founded the Eastern Congo Initiative, a nonprofit advocacy group, in 2010.)
Africa in 1900 is a long way from “The Batman,” which Affleck was supposed to direct himself. He stepped aside, allowing Matt Reeves to take over (and Robert Pattinson to don the cowl), after deciding that the troubled shoot for “Justice League” had sapped his interest. Affleck never seemed to enjoy his time as Batman; his sullen demeanor while promoting “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” in 2016 resulted in the hit meme Sad Affleck. “I showed somebody ‘The Batman’ script,” Affleck recalled. “They said, ‘I think the script is good. I also think you’ll drink yourself to death if you go through what you just went through again.”
He has not talked much about his alcoholism since completing a third stint in rehab in 2018. (The first two were in 2001 and 2017.) But the arrival of “The Way Back” has made the subject impossible to avoid. Affleck has also accepted that the second word in Alcoholics Anonymous does not apply to him — certainly not after he (briefly) relapsed in the fall, turning up smashed on TMZ a few months after making it known that he had achieved one year of continuous sobriety.
“Relapse is embarrassing, obviously,” he said. “I wish it didn’t happen. I really wish it wasn’t on the internet for my kids to see. Jen and I did our best to address it and be honest.”
Growing up in Massachusetts, Affleck saw his own father drunk almost every day, he said. “My dad didn’t really get sober until I was 19,” Affleck said, becoming guarded all of a sudden. (It was one of only two times when he chose each word carefully, with the other being his answer to a question about Harvey Weinstein’s trial on charges of rape and sexual assault. Early in his career, Affleck starred in multiple movies that were backed by Weinstein’s companies. “I don’t know that I have anything to really add or say that hasn’t been said already and better by people who have been personally victimized or who are survivors of what he did,” Affleck said. Three years ago, Affleck announced that he would donate all future residual payments from Weinstein films to anti-sexual assault charities.)
“The older I’ve gotten, the more I recognize that my dad did the best he could,” Affleck said. “There’s a lot of alcoholism and mental illness in my family. The legacy of that is quite powerful and sometimes hard to shake.” Affleck’s younger brother, Casey, 44, has spoken about his own alcoholism and sobriety. Their paternal grandmother took her own life in a motel when she was 46. An uncle killed himself with a shotgun. An aunt was a heroin addict.
“It took me a long time to fundamentally, deeply, without a hint of doubt, admit to myself that I am an alcoholic,” Ben Affleck said. “The next drink will not be different.”
It seemed like a good moment to point out how many stars had started to speak out about getting sober — Brad Pitt most notably — and how that was lessening the stigma of addiction and, perhaps, inspiring people with substance problems to seek help. Jamie Lee Curtis, sober for two decades, appeared on the cover of Variety’s “recovery” issue in November. Discussing their sobriety in recent books and interviews have been Demi Lovato, Anthony Hopkins, Jessica Simpson, Demi Moore and, of course, Elton John, who has sponsored Eminem.
Affleck cited the sober A-listers Bradley Cooper and Robert Downey Jr. as “guys who have been very supportive and to whom I feel a great sense of gratitude.” Affleck continued. “One of the things about recovery that I think people sometimes overlook is the fact that it inculcates certain values. Be honest. Be accountable. Help other people. Apologize when you’re wrong.”
Honesty. Hmm.
Let’s talk about honesty for a minute. Shouldn’t he have been honest from the start about the damn back tattoo rather than telling “Extra” it was “fake” for a movie?
“I resented that somebody got a picture of it by spying on me,” Affleck said, shifting on the sofa where he was sitting. “It felt invasive. But you’re right. I could have said, ‘That’s none of your business.’ I guess I got a kick out of messing with ‘Extra.’ Is your tattoo real or not real? Of course, it’s real! No, I put a fake tattoo on my back and then hid it.”
For the record, it’s not nearly as garish in person.
Affleck has a habit of putting himself in the cross hairs. He thought it was a good idea to star (with Damon) as a fallen angel in Kevin Smith’s “Dogma” (1999), which Disney decided was too blasphemous for its Miramax label to release. Playing Batman as melancholy and middle-aged was certainly not the safe choice. “The Last Duel” has already provoked indignation on social media; Affleck and Damon play a knight and a squire who are forced to duel after a woman’s rape accusation.
And now comes “The Way Back,” a spare film with a 1970s vibe about a man imprisoned by alcoholism.
How exactly does he make these choices?
Affleck laughed. “I’ve never been very risk-averse — for better or worse, obviously,” he said. “Regarding ‘The Way Back,’ the benefits, to me, far outweighed the risks. I found it very therapeutic.”
“The Way Back” was directed by Gavin O’Connor (“The Accountant,” also starring Affleck and a surprise hit) from a script by O’Connor and Brad Ingelsby (“Out of the Furnace”). It cost Warner Bros. and Bron Studios about $25 million to make and was primarily shot in San Pedro, a working-class area of Los Angeles.
“I think that Ben, in an artistic way, in a deeply human way, wanted to confront his own issues through this character and heal,” O’Connor said by phone.
Jack Cunningham (Affleck) is a construction worker coping with devastating personal loss. His home away from home is a lowlife bar, the kind of place you can smell before you go in. Sometimes he holes up in his apartment to down cases of beer. He starts each morning by drinking beer in the shower, the can balanced on a sad soap caddy.
Without knowing the extent of his alcoholism, the principal at Jack’s alma mater asks him to coach the boys’ basketball team, which has even less self-esteem than he does. Melvin Gregg (“American Vandal”) stars as a player with off-court troubles.
“The hardest part of the movie for Ben was really the basketball,” O’Connor said. “If you’ve never really played before, being on a court is like, you know, being on ice skates for the first time. Once that part clicked, we were cooking with gasoline. He was already ready to go to really deep, dark places with the drinking.”
Michaela Watkins (“Casual”) plays Jack’s worried sister. In one memorable scene, he sits in her kitchen pretending to be fine — fine. When she challenges him, he explodes. “Out of nowhere in one take, Ben backhanded the beer can sitting in front of him,” Watkins said by phone. “It was immediate, and it was scary and it was exactly the right instinct. He was a powder keg, and she had no idea that she had lit it.”
Affleck talked about that moment, too.
“She’s pressing to see if he’s OK, and I know how uncomfortable that can be for an alcoholic — when you have that nagging, irritating, suspicious feeling that the person is right, but you don’t want to admit it. Smacking the can was my version of backed-into-a-corner, primal level of denial, the way our minds hold onto these addictions in a reptilian way.”
Toward the end of “The Way Back” (spoiler alert) Jack has a powerful interaction with his ex-wife (Janina Gavankar, “The Morning Show”). He is in rehab at this point, and, when she comes to see how he is doing, he offers her an unflinching apology.
“I failed you,” he says. “I failed our marriage.”
It’s rough stuff, especially when watched through the prism of everything that has gone on with Affleck offscreen. You can’t help but think about similar conversations that he must have had with Garner.
“It was really important, without being mawkish or false, that he make amends to her — that he take accountability for the pain that he and only he has caused,” Affleck said.
O’Connor said that Affleck had a “total breakdown” on set after completing the scene.
“It was like a floodgate opened up,” O’Connor said. “It was startling and powerful. I think that was a very personal moment in the movie. I think that was him.”
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
Thank God!
No, Jennifer Lopez Is Not Actually Doing A Whitney Houston Tribute Performance
Contrary to the rumors, the Grammys will not see Jennifer Lopez paying tribute to Whitney Houston. 
by Kui Mwai
According to The Grape Juice, the 53-year-old made headlines after a tweet claiming that she was set to do a Houston tribute went viral.
“J.Lo just revealed with @TIME that she is doing a Whitney Houston tribute at the @Grammys next year,” the since-deleted tweet read.
It also claimed that Lopez said “Whitney’s songs fit my vocal range very well” and that she was planning on singing “‘I Have Nothing’ and ‘I Will Always Love You,'” the post stated.
The news set the internet ablaze, with many unimpressed with the decision to elect the “Jenny From the Block” singer to pay homage to Houston.
“Jlo wanting to pay tribute to whitney like ok girl,” one Houston fan tweeted. 
“Annnnnd what the f**k is JLO supposed to do with a Whitney Houston song except have an aneurysm???” added another.
Those tweets are among thousands of others questioning Lopez’s ability to cover Houston’s beloved discography.
Supporting rumors of Lopez’s Grammy performance, a clip of “raw audio” of the singer rehearsing for the tribute made it’s way to Twitter. It garnered tens of thousands of views.
Despite the evidence, Lauren Schwartz, a representative for Lopez, confirmed that Lopez is not slated to perform a tribute to Houston.
“There is no truth to this rumor and that interview did not happen,” Schwartz told The Associated Press.
Schwartz added that they’re “looking into” the audio clip, “but either way it is not related to any Grammy performance.” The clip has actually been making the rounds on social media since at least 2010, and has also been used to show Lopez attempting to sing a Barbra Streisand song. The lyrics included in the video are from the Streisand and Donna Summer song “No More Tears (Enough Is Enough),” and not any hits by Houston.
There’s no proof of the interview on Time’s website, and the Grammys has yet to announce its performers for next year’s award show.READ COMMENTS
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criticalbennifer · 2 years
Ben Affleck Tried to Drink Away the Pain. Now He’s Trying Honesty.
The actor speaks frankly about everything from his addictive behavior and his divorce to why he lied about that back tattoo.
By Brooks Barnes
July 37, 2022
Warning: This is not one of those celebrity profiles that uses a teaspoon of new information to flavor a barrel of ancient history. There is no paragraph where the star and the writer pretend to be pals — gag — while doing an everyday-person activity. What was everyone eating? Who cares. No, you will not get served the obligatory canned quote from Matt Damon. 
This is Ben Affleck, raw and vulnerable, talking extensively for the first time about getting sober (again) and trying to recalibrate his career (again).
Affleck, Oscar-winning writer, director of the Oscar-winning “Argo,” better actor than you remember — and, yes, alcoholic, divorcé and proud possessor of a mythical back tattoo — has four movies coming out this year. Dad Bod Batman has been banished, and actual films are back on his docket, including his first all-on-him movie in four years:  “The Way Back, a poignant sports drama that arrives in theaters on March 6. Affleck plays a reluctant high school basketball coach with big problems — he’s a puffy, willful, fall-down drunk who blows up his marriage and lands in rehab.
You read that correctly.
“People with compulsive behavior, and I am one, have this kind of basic discomfort all the time that they’re trying to make go away,” he said a couple of Sundays ago during a two-hour interview at a beachside spot in Los Angeles. “You’re trying to make yourself feel better with eating or drinking or sex or gambling or shopping or whatever. But that ends up making your life worse. Then you do more of it to make that discomfort go away. Then the real pain starts. It becomes a vicious cycle you can’t break. That’s at least what happened to me.”
He cleared his throat. “I drank relatively normally for a long time. What happened was that I started drinking more and more when my marriage was falling apart. This was 2015, 2016. My drinking, of course, created more marital problems.”
Affleck’s marriage to Jennifer Garner, with whom he has three children, ended in 2018 after a long separation. He said he still felt guilt but had moved past shame. “The biggest regret of my life is this divorce,” he continued, noticeably using the present tense. “Shame is really toxic. There is no positive byproduct of shame. It’s just stewing in a toxic, hideous feeling of low self-worth and self-loathing.”
He took a sharp breath and exhaled slowly, as if to slow himself down. “It’s not particularly healthy for me to obsess over the failures — the relapses — and beat myself up,” he said. “I have certainly made mistakes. I have certainly done things that I regret. But you’ve got to pick yourself up, learn from it, learn some more, try to move forward.”
“The Way Back” was originally called “The Has-Been.” That downer of a title was dropped during development as the film became less focused on what a basketball talent the main character had been in high school, Affleck said. Suffice it to say, no star wants to appear on a poster next to the words “The Has-Been,” especially not after two box office disappointments. “Justice League”(2017) took in $658 million, a puny sum by superhero standards, and “Live by Night” (2016), a period gangster drama that he also directed, flatlined with $23 million.
Affleck, 47, has been working like a madman to get his career back on track. The hard truth is that the outcome is not guaranteed. Moviegoers, women in particular, will ultimately decide: Is forgiveness for transgressions still something that society in all of its Twitter-fied polarization allows? To some, Affleck is still the guy who broke Garner’s heart and who was accused of groping a talk-show host in 2003. “I acted inappropriately,” he said of that incident in 2017, as the #MeToo era dawned, “and I sincerely apologize.”
Hollywood has certainly granted Affleck clemency. He just finished acting in “Deep Water,” a psychological thriller co-starring Ana de Armas (“Knives Out”) that’s due in theaters in November. He’s on Netflix this month in “The Last Thing He Wanted,” an abysmally reviewed mystery anchored by Anne Hathaway and directed by Dee Rees. Affleck has also been working with the Oscar-nominated Nicole Holofcener (“Can You Ever Forgive Me?”) and Damon on the script for “The Last Duel,” which begins filming in France this month. Set in the 14th century, “The Last Duel” re-teams Affleck and Damon as screenwriters for the first time since “Good Will Hunting” in 1997; Ridley Scott is directing the film, which has Oscar bait written all over it. Disney plans to release “The Last Duel” in theaters at Christmas through its 20th Century label.
Affleck is also zeroing in on another directing project for himself. It probably won’t be that previously announced remake of the 1957 drama “Witness for the Prosecution,” he said. Instead, he wants to tackle “King Leopold’s Ghost,” an epic about the colonial plundering of what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo; Martin Scorsese has signed on as a producer. (Affleck co-founded the Eastern Congo Initiative, a nonprofit advocacy group, in 2010.)
Africa in 1900 is a long way from “The Batman,” which Affleck was supposed to direct himself. He stepped aside, allowing Matt Reeves to take over (and Robert Pattinson  to to don the cowl), after deciding that the troubled shoot for “Justice League” had sapped his interest. Affleck never seemed to enjoy his time as Batman; his sullen demeanor while promoting “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” in 2016 resulted in the hit meme Sad Affleck. “I showed somebody ‘The Batman’ script,” Affleck recalled. “They said, ‘I think the script is good. I also think you’ll drink yourself to death if you go through what you just went through again.’”
He has not talked much about his alcoholism since completing a third stint in rehab in 2018. (The first two were in 2001 and 2017.) But the arrival of “The Way Back” has made the subject impossible to avoid. Affleck has also accepted that the second word in Alcoholics Anonymous does not apply to him — certainly not after he (briefly) released in the fall, turning up smashed on TMZ a few months after making it known that he had achieved on year of continuous sobriety.
“Relapse is embarrassing, obviously,” he said. “I wish it didn’t happen. I really wish it wasn’t on the internet for my kids to see. Jen and I did our best to address it and be honest.”
Growing up in Massachusetts, Affleck saw his own father drunk almost every day, he said. “My dad didn’t really get sober until I was 19,” Affleck said, becoming guarded all of a sudden. (It was one of only two times when he chose each word carefully, with the other being his answer to a question about Harvey Weinstein’s trial on charges of rape and sexual assault. Early in his career, Affleck starred in multiple movies that were backed by Weinstein’s companies. “I don’t know that I have anything to really add or say that hasn’t been said already and better by people who have been personally victimized or who are survivors of what he did,” Affleck said. Three years ago, Affleck announced that he would donate all future residual payments from Weinstein films to anti-sexual assault charities.)
“The older I’ve gotten, the more I recognize that my dad did the best he could,” Affleck said. “There’s a lot of alcoholism and mental illness in my family. The legacy of that is quite powerful and sometimes hard to shake.” Affleck’s younger brother, Casey, 44, has spoken about his own alcoholism and sobriety. Their paternal grandmother took her own life in a motel when she was 46. An uncle killed himself with a shotgun. An aunt was a heroin addict.
“It took me a long time to fundamentally, deeply, without a hint of doubt, admit to myself that I am an alcoholic,” Ben Affleck said. “The next drink will not be different.”
It seemed like a good moment to point out how many stars had started to speak out about getting sober — Brad Pitt most notably — and how that was lessening the stigma of addiction and, perhaps, inspiring people with substance problems to seek help. Jamie Lee Curtis, sober for two decades, appeared on the cover of Variety’s “recovery” issue in November. Discussing their sobriety in recent books and interviews have been Dmi Lovato, Anthony Hopkins, Jessica Simpson, Demi Moore and, been of course, Elton John, who has sponsored Eminem.
Affleck cited the sober A-listers Bradley Cooper and Robert Downey Jr. as “guys who have been very supportive and to whom I feel a great sense of gratitude.” Affleck continued. “One of the things about recovery that I think people sometimes overlook is the fact that it inculcates certain values. Be honest. Be accountable. Help other people. Apologize when you’re wrong.”
Honesty. Hmm.
Let’s talk about honesty for a minute. Shouldn’t he have been honest from the start about the damn back tattoo rather than telling “Extra” it was by “fake” for a movie?
“I resented that somebody got a picture of it by spying on me,” Affleck said, shifting on the sofa where he was sitting. “It felt invasive. But you’re right. I could have said, ‘That’s none of your business.’ I guess I got a kick out of messing with ‘Extra.’ Is your tattoo real or not real? Of course, it’s real! No, I put a fake tattoo on my back and then hid it.”
For the record, it’s not nearly as garish in person.
Affleck has a habit of putting himself in the cross hairs. He thought it was a good idea to star (with Damon) as a fallen angel in Kevin Smith’s “Dogma” (1999), which Disney decided was too blasphemous for its Miramax label to release. Playing Batman as melancholy and middle-aged was certainly not the safe choice. “The Last Duel” has already provoked indignation on social media; Affleck and Damon play a knight and a squire who are forced to duel after a woman’s rape accusation.
And now comes “The Way Back,” a spare film with a 1970s vibe about a man imprisoned by alcoholism.
How exactly does he make these choices?
Affleck laughed. “I’ve never been very risk-averse — for better or worse, obviously,” he said. “Regarding ‘The Way Back,’ the benefits, to me, far outweighed the risks. I found it very therapeutic.”
“The Way Back” was directed by Gavin O’Connor (“The Accountant”) also starring Affleck and a surprise hit) from a script by O’Connor and Brad Ingelsby (“Out of the Furnace”). It cost Warner Bros. and Bron Studios about $25 million to make and was primarily shot in San Pedro, a working-class area of Los Angeles.
“I think that Ben, in an artistic way, in a deeply human way, wanted to confront his own issues through this character and heal,” O’Connor said by phone.
Jack Cunningham (Affleck) is a construction worker coping with devastating personal loss. His home away from home is a lowlife bar, the kind of place you can smell before you go in. Sometimes he holes up in his apartment to down cases of beer. He starts each morning by drinking beer in the shower, the can balanced on a sad soap caddy.
Without knowing the extent of his alcoholism, the principal at Jack’s alma mater asks him to coach the boys’ basketball team, which has even less self-esteem than he does. Melvin Gregg (“American Vandal”) stars as a player with off-court troubles.
“The hardest part of the movie for Ben was really the basketball,” O’Connor said. “If you’ve never really played before, being on a court is like, you know, being on ice skates for the first time. Once that part clicked, we were cooking with gasoline. He was already ready to go to really deep, dark places with the drinking.”
Michaela Watkins (“Casual”) plays Jack’s worried sister. In one memorable scene, he sits in her kitchen pretending to be fine — fine. When she challenges him, he explodes. “Out of nowhere in one take, Ben backhanded the beer can sitting in front of him,” Watkins said by phone. “It was immediate, and it was scary and it was exactly the right instinct. He was a powder keg, and she had no idea that she had lit it.”
Affleck talked about that moment, too.
“She’s pressing to see if he’s OK, and I know how uncomfortable that can be for an alcoholic — when you have that nagging, irritating, suspicious feeling that the person is right, but you don’t want to admit it. Smacking the can was my version of backed-into-a-corner, primal level of denial, the way our minds hold onto these addictions in a reptilian way.”
Toward the end of “The Way Back” (spoiler alert) Jack has a powerful interaction with his ex-wife (Janina Gavankar, “The Morning Show”). He is in rehab at this point, and, when she comes to see how he is doing, he offers her an unflinching apology.
“I failed you,” he says. “I failed our marriage.”
It’s rough stuff, especially when watched through the prism of everything that has gone on with Affleck offscreen. You can’t help but think about similar conversations that he must have had with Garner.
“It was really important, without being mawkish or false, that he make amends to her — that he take accountability for the pain that he and only he has caused,” Affleck said.
O’Connor said that Affleck had a “total breakdown” on set after completing the scene.
“It was like a floodgate opened up,” O’Connor said. “It was startling and powerful. I think that was a very personal moment in the movie. I think that was him.”
A correction was made on Feb. 19, 2020: An earlier version of this article misstated the year during which Ben Affleck was accused of groping a talk-show host, an act for which he apologized. It was 2003, not 2013.
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
Us, May 3
You can buy a brand new copy of this issue without the mailing label for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Pregnant Meghan Markle: My Baby, My Way
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Page 3: Lizzo, Maude Apatow, Lucy Boynton, Jessica Alba, Lily Collins
Page 4: Who Wore It Best? Anya Taylor-Joy vs. Isla Fisher vs. Regina King in Stuart Weitzman Nudist sandal
Page 6: Loose Talk -- Shonda Rhimes on the intense backlash she received over Rege-Jean Page's exit from Bridgerton, Kelly Ripa on her most embarrassing interview, Luke Bryan on his mother LeClaire's Instagram fame, Blake Shelton on The Voice's new coach Ariana Grande, Reese Witherspoon joking about wearing bottoms that aren't sweatpants
Page 8: Contents
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Page 10: A Final Farewell to Prince Philip, his four children Prince Charles and Princess Anne and Prince Andrew and Prince Edward were among the loved ones who participated in the emotional ceremony, feuding brothers Prince Harry and Prince William (and his wife Duchess Kate) put their differences aside after the intimate service, due to Covid-19 protocols the grieving Queen Elizabeth stayed socially distant from the other 29 people who attended the funeral for her husband of 73 years
Page 11: ACM Awards 2021 -- Maren Morris teamed up with her husband Ryan Hurd and won Female Artist of the Year, Thomas Rhett won Male Artist of the Year, Carrie Underwood took the stage
Page 12: Hot Pics -- Rosie Huntington-Whiteley wore an orange coat during a visit to NYC, John Stamos plays a coach on the TV show Big Shot, Zach Braff goofed around on the set of Cheaper by the Dozen in L.A.
Page 13: Eva Longoria on her trampoline while aboard a yacht in Miami, Howie Mandel arrived to the set of America's Got Talent dressed as a bug in Pasadena
Page 14: Jon Hamm and his rescue dog Splash strolled around the neighborhood in L.A., Heidi Klum in all white in Pasadena, Sara Gilbert and Linda Perry take a stroll in L.A.
Page 15: Eddie Cibrian and LeAnn Rimes held hands after dinner at Il Segreto in L.A., Patrick Dempsey shot a scene for his show Devils in Rome
Page 16: Rachel Brosnahan in a blue dress and carrying a clear umbrella on the set of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel in NYC, Lin-Manuel Miranda at the opening of a vaccination center for Broadway workers in Times Square, Trisha Yearwood feeds one of her rescue pups
Page 18: Gen Z Has Spoken -- these celebs are making the young kids proud -- Baggy Jeans -- Hailey Bieber, Tracee Ellis Ross, Bella Hadid
Page 19: Middle Parts -- Busy Philipps, Lizzo, Jennifer Lopez, Kourtney Kardashian, baguette bags -- Dua Lipa, Elsa Hosk, Irina Shayk, Kendall Jenner
Page 20: Seeing Double -- stars bear a striking resemblance to their famous counterparts -- Elizabeth Banks and Chelsea Handler, Emmanuelle Chriqui and Nina Dobrev, Betty Gilpin and Jodie Comer
Page 21: Rob Lowe and Ian Somerhalder, Jaime Pressly and Margot Robbie, Isla Fisher and Amy Adams, Rupert Grint and Ed Sheeran, Kyle Richards and Kacey Musgraves
Page 22: Clueless Crew -- stars are totally buggin' over Cher Horowitz's style in yellow plaid -- Robin Roberts on Good Morning America, Katie Holmes was rollin' with her homie beau Emilio Vitolo Jr. in NYC, Vanessa Hudgens, Dianna Agron
Page 23: Gabrielle Union
Page 24: Stars They're Not Like Us -- Jay Leno took one of his vintage automobiles out for a spin in L.A., Chrissy Teigen and John Legend took a selfie with a fan while grocery shopping in Beverly Hills, Kylie Jenner has custom vending machines
Page 25: Carrie Underwood in her massive walk-in closet, Denzel Washington signs autographs for fans in NYC, Megan Thee Stallion on a private plane, Drake and his bodyguard in Beverly Hills
Page 26: Stars They're Just Like Us -- Sarah Jessica Parker catches a yellow cab after working at her shoe store in NYC, Brad Paisley picked up five pizzas to go in Montecito
Page 27: Kelly Osbourne handed out goods at a drive-thru food distribution event at the Islamic Center of Southern California, HGTV's Egypt Sherrod transformed her closet into a meditation space in Atlanta, in between filming Law & Order: SVU's Mariska Hargitay and Ice-T take a selfie
Page 28: Hollywood Dads -- Scott Porter on parenting his two kids McCoy and Clover
Page 29: Jonathan Tucker on life with twins Hayes and India, parenthood is a lot tougher than Jovi Dufren imagined, Maksim Chmerkovskiy can't wait to show son Shai his work
Page 30: Love Lives -- Rihanna and A$AP Rocky are showing no signs of slowing down -- the pair enjoyed a night out in L.A. hotspot Delilah where they were holding hands and laughing and they're not hiding the fact that they're dating but they just don't want people in their business -- they're a good match and are each other's best friend
Page 31: Justin Bieber and Hailey Bieber may look like the picture-perfect couple, but Justin admits that their first year of marriage wasn't what he expected, saying it was really tough and there was just a lack of trust and he blamed the strain on his own personal struggles and said before he didn't have someone to love or someone to pour into but now, more than two years after exchanging vows with Hailey, he has that
* Kacey Musgraves' romance with Dr. Gerald Onuoha is giving her butterflies -- the pair are so happy they found each other and while Kacey, who split from her husband Ruston Kelly last summer, is trying not to get too ahead of herself, her connection to the Nashville-based doc is off the charts and it's got the potential to go a very long way
* Today's Savannah Guthrie is thankful to have husband Michael Feldman in her life, especially given the demands of her early morning work schedule
Page 32: Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker are getting serious -- all the details on their whirlwind romance
Page 33: Adapting to parenthood has been a breeze for Emma Stone and she's soaking in all the precious moments of being a mom for the first time -- she and husband Dave McCary welcomed their baby daughter in March and Emma is super protective and a very hands-on mom and Dave is also hands-on and helps with their daughter -- thanks to the little one, Emma's marriage with the comedian has also gotten stronger and having a baby has brought them closer in a way they never expected -- Emma is looking forward to getting back to work; she's taken this time off to embrace motherhood and her number one priority is to raise a healthy baby so that's what she's focused on right now
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* Britney Spears is setting the record straight -- despite her ongoing conservatorship battle with her dad, Jamie Spears, she is doing totally fine, assuring fans that she's extremely happy and she has a beautiful home, beautiful children and she's taking a break right now because she's enjoying herself -- although the legal drama with her father is heating up, Britney is staying strong and she has this wonderful ability to see the positive even when the odds are against her
* Keeping Up With Us -- production for the Downton Abbey sequel is underway, Mossimo Giannulli is a free man, Chrissy Teigen returned to Twitter 23 days after announcing that she was leaving the platform, Vanessa Bryant remembered her late husband Kobe Bryant on what would have been their 20th wedding anniversary, Helen McCrory lost her battle with cancer at age 52 according to her husband Damian Lewis
Page 34: A Day in My Life -- Whitney Port
Page 35: Colton Underwood is ready to live his truth -- during an interview on Good Morning America, the former Bachelor came out as gay, saying he's run from himself for a long time and he came to terms with his sexuality earlier this year and he's the happiest and healthiest he's ever been -- now that he feels like he can finally breathe, Colton is excited for his next chapter, which fans will get to see on an upcoming reality show with Olympian Gus Kenworthy -- a huge weight has been lifted off of Colton's shoulders and he is looking forward to being his authentic self
Page 36: Moms Tell All -- Happy Mother's Day! From milestones and manners to rules and nanny-bans, celebs and insiders talk about raising kids in Hollywood
Page 37: Bindi Irwin says life at home with her daughter Grace Warrior has been positively blissful and her family with dad Chandler Powell is so full of love, adding that the newborn has already met some of the wildlife at the Australia Zoo where Bindi and Chandler live and work and of course she's seen some crocs and really lit up when she saw them -- while the Aussie conservationist is sad Grace won't get to meet her late dad Steve Irwin, Bindi's brother Robert Irwin and mom Terri Irwin have been by her side constantly and Robert is obsessed with Grace and has been helping out so much and her mom has been the biggest guiding light and she's already taught Bindi so much about being a mother, both in how she raised her and by showing her things day by day and Terri is quite the baby whisperer and she's so great a calming Grace down when she's crying -- first-time father Chandler is also a natural with Grace and he's been the most supportive and involved dad and together, he and Bindi make such a great team -- for now, Bindi, who stars with Chandler in Crikey! It's a Baby!, is hoping Grace will follow in her animal-activist footsteps, saying having three generations of strong women working as conservationists is a dream come true
* Jennifer Garner said teaching your kids is a lifelong job, and certainly values are something you have to show them -- Jennifer, who shares kids Violet, Seraphina and Samuel with ex Ben Affleck, is staying true to her word and has led by example when it comes to things like kindness and patience and she won't let anyone in the house to judge or speak ill of people, and she enforces the same wholesome, traditional values that she was raised with and the kids have been taught to be loving, hardworking and fair -- Jennifer has always taken a kids-come-first approach to parenting, and it shows as they bake together, enjoy movie nights, read books and have very active lives and it's a very healthy, happy household filled with laughter and love
Page 38: Gwen Stefani has her hands full with her sons Kingston, Zuma and Apollo with ex-husband Gavin Rossdale, but she wouldn't want it any other way -- Gwen's a tomboy, so having three boys wasn't daunting for her at all, plus she has fiance Blake Shelton by her side to pitch in with parenting duties and Gwen and the boys have a blast at Blake's ranch in Oklahoma where they enjoy riding their ATVs, and they play baseball and football -- it's not all fun and games, though because Gwen is big on boundaries and manners and she doesn't want to raise Hollywood brats and it's important to her that her sons be gentlemen
* Meghan Markle's pregnancy with Archie was no walk in the park, as she revealed during her bombshell TV interview with husband Prince Harry, the couple had concerns over whether or not the royal family would provide security for their son and claimed there were conversations about his skin color -- but this time around, as Meghan and Harry gear up for baby No. 2 at home in L.A., she's doing everything her way, without the royals and Meghan and Harry feel blessed that they're able to raise their daughter in the U.S. and can live by their own rules and make the decisions they feel are best for their children; having independence is the most important thing for Meghan and she's got free rein to be exactly the kind of mom she wants to be -- her parenting style is really like most mothers out there, and she's been craving pasta and doing yoga two times a day as her due date nears and she keeps a lot of art supplies out to foster creativity and healthy snacks around and she's a devoted mom and wants the best for her kids
Page 39: Kate Hudson has a lot on her plate, so the mom of three, who shares son Ryder with former husband Chris Robinson and son Bingham with ex Matt Bellamy and daughter Rani with boyfriend Danny Fujikawa, knows when to put her foot down as things can get a little overwhelming at times for Kate, but when she says no, it absolutely means no, and the kids respect her very much because of that
* Gigi Hadid, who shares daughter Khai with boyfriend Zayn Malik, wants to spend every waking moment with her precious little girl -- Gigi could easily afford to employ a team of nannies but chooses not to and she prefers to do everything herself and besides, she can't bear to be away from Khai for more than a few hours
* Candace Cameron Bure's three grown kids are flying the coop, but she's still super involved in their lives, despite slowly becoming an empty nester -- the mom of Natasha, Lev, and Maksim with former hockey player Valeri Bure says it's been a very transitional time and she's been trying to help them make decisions they feel good about and it's challenging, but they're figuring it out
Page 40: Oh, Baby! Meghan Markle's due date is just around the corner, and here are all the details
* Bump Brigade -- Halsey, Gal Gadot, Shawn Johnson East
Page 42: 10 Years of the Cambridges -- a look back at Prince William and Duchess Kate Middleton's solid marriage for their anniversary
Page 44: Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez: What Really Happened -- cheating and lies? The truth behind J.Lo's split from fiance A-Rod
Page 45: Friendliest Exes -- these former couples managed to stay close after going their separate ways -- Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin, Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux, Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr, Demi Moore and Bruce Willis, Lisa Bonet and Lenny Kravitz
Page 48: Gifts for Mother's Day
Page 54: Entertainment -- Ben Barnes on Shadow and Bone
Page 58: Fashion Police -- the most daring Oscars looks -- Bjork, Whoopi Goldberg, Charlize Theron
Page 59: Rachel Weisz, Gwyneth Paltrow, Lady Gaga
Page 60: 25 Things You Don't Know About Me -- Julia Michaels
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adamwatchesmovies · 3 years
The Invention of Lying (2009)
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The Invention of Lying begins with a great premise; the kind that would make a fantastic episode of The Twilight Zone and provoke big thoughts within its audience. Unfortunately, the treatment is poor. Writer/directors Ricky Gervais and Matthew Robinson give little thought to the world they've created and ultimately become derailed trying to push their agendas to the audience.
The film is set in an alternate reality where lying doesn’t exist. Everyone says the absolute truth and is brutally honest with each other. Subtlety and manners do not exist. If someone thinks you look fat, they'll tell you. When Mark (Ricky Gervais) suddenly invents lying, nobody on Earth can fathom the idea that what he says might be untrue.
Imagine a world exactly like ours, except everyone had wings instead of arms. Can you picture it in your mind? No, you can’t. You might think you can, but it’s impossible. If people had wings, then there’s no way history would've happened the way it did. Our fashions, modes of transportation, work, wars, etc. would be radically different if people could fly. Now you know where this film's problems begin.
What this movie needed, was a smarter story. This same concept, set on a planet of robots, or in a distant future where totalitarian government pumps people full of drugs to prevent them from lying would be believable. Instead, we're shown that people speak their minds even when it will incriminate them. All you have to do is ask someone anything and you'll get the truth. This is not an alternate version of our Earth, it’s a clever premise applied to our world without any thought. What would it be like if history’s greatest traitors had never gotten away with it? How different would meals be if the Colonel was forced to give away his secret recipe five minutes after inventing it?
This film is split into three parts. At first, it’s an introduction to this alternative reality. Despite the holes in its world, it works. Hearing Mark’s date Anna (Jennifer Garner) tell him he stands no chance with her is funny. So is seeing the parade of jerks who work with Mark (including Edward Norton, Tina Fey, and Rob Lowe) remorselessly destroy him with brutal honesty.
Then, the inventive setup gives way for Ricky Gervais and Matthew Robinson to get on their soapbox and preach. As Mark’s lies get out of hand, he transforms the world and the message is as subtle as Louis C.K. exposing himself to his female co-stars. People are inherently bad, all forms of religion or the supernatural is nonsense. It's fine if you have something new or funny to say but this is the same thing crammed down your throat over and over.
The last third is dedicated to a romantic plot between Ricky Gervais and Jennifer Garner. I won't make any assumptions but I suspect Ricky Gervais directing, writing, and staring in a film in which he makes the greatest discovery in human existence, essentially becomes God, and has the hottest woman in his vicinity offering herself to him sexually might be there not because it added to the plot but because he could get away with it... and get paid. I could be wrong.
Under scrutiny, the film falls apart. There are instances where people DO LIE, like when someone who is clearly having a bad day saying they are doing “fine”. Anna’s personality changes completely when the plot demands it to and several characters feel out of place. How could there be corrupt police in a world where they will tell anyone of their crimes?
I wanted to like this film. I still believe the concept has merit but the potential is wasted here. We’re stuck with a movie that doesn’t make sense, doesn’t have a story to tell, isn't funny, and spends more time congratulating itself than following through with its promises. The more I think about it, the more I hate The Invention of Lying. (On DVD, October 21, 2015)
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chriscolfernews · 4 years
'Hunger Games' author Suzanne Collins and 'Captain Underpants' author David Pilkey are also set to take part in the June 4 ceremony, traditionally held at Carnegie Hall.
Though the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards is normally held at the world-famous Carnegie Hall, amid the novel coronavirus, the ceremony is getting the virtual treatment with a few stars set to participate in the celebration.
Jennifer Garner, Lena Dunham and Glee star and author of The Land of Stories series Chris Colfer are set to join and congratulate the winners of the 2020 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, the nonprofit Alliance for Young Artists & Writers, in a virtual ceremony set to take place on June 4.
New York Times bestselling author and illustrator Dav Pilkey (Dog Man, Captain Underpants) and New York Times bestselling author Suzanne Collins (The Hunger Games) are also set to make an appearance to participate in a special 100th Anniversary tribute to the title sponsor, Scholastic Inc. The event will also include additional surprise guests, poetry readings from this year’s National Student Poets, and a chance to see selections and hear excerpts from award-winning pieces of art and writing.
"The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards have a strong tradition of honoring innovation and creativity among student artists and writers," said Christopher Wisniewski, Executive Director of the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers. "These young people have produced works that take risks, speak truth to power, find beauty in the mundane, and start crucial conversations about our society. Their accomplishments remind us that no matter what’s going on in the world, the future looks bright. We are proud to honor them with this recognition, hoping that by opening up the ceremony on a virtual stage, the world can share in our congratulations as well."
Amid the pandemic, for the first time, this year the national celebration for the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards will take place exclusively online. With this virtual shift, Gold and Silver medalists can share their experience in real time.
Works were selected from approximately 320,000 submissions from students in every state in the nation. Teens in grades 7-12, ages 13 and up, from the U.S., Canada, and American schools abroad were eligible for national honors. Nearly 3,000 works of art and writing received national medals for this year's awards.
The Alliance provides more than $300,000 in scholarships annually to top Awards recipients and partners with esteemed colleges and universities to make scholarships available for college-bound National Medalists.
Past recipients of the Awards include Stephen King, John Updike, Kay WalkingStick, Charles White, Joyce Carol Oates, Tschabalala Self, Zac Posen, and Andy Warhol.
The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards will take place on June 4 at 3 p.m. PT and can be streamed here.
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Tribes of Palos Verdes Observations
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Despite knowing it was a weepy I was still nowhere near ready for this.
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iamebonybones · 6 years
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Huge Delight Speaking With The Guardian’s 
Brilliant Nadja Sayej About The Upcoming New 
Written by - Nadja Sayej
With a blonde afro and a London accent, Ebony Bones is a visionary artist who works across genres and disparate sounds. What sets her apart is that she writes, composes, produces and releases her own punk-inflected, alternative soundtracks, many of which are graced with dark pop undertones. Studying alongside Amy Winehouse Bones has been enlisted by Yves Saint Laurent and Alexander Wang to score campaigns and runway shows, and is also noted for her collaborations with Yoko Ono. With a forthcoming third album featuringThe Beijing Philharmonic Orchestra, Bones is a self-produced artist and one of a few women in the male-dominated production world. Making her one of the most prominent female producers and redefining voices in the music industry today.
Bones was born to an immigrant father from the Caribbean who ran a vinyl stall in Brixton Market in London, and her mother, a fashion agent for top fashion designers, including Moschino. She studied at London’s Sylvia Young Theatre School alongside classmate and friend Amy Winehouse. At 12-years-old, Bones was discovered by Oscar-winning actor Sir Mark Rylance, then the artistic director of the Shakespeare Globe Theatre, and enlisted for his production of Macbeth as the First Witch.
At 15-years-old, she starred as a rebellious teenager in the British TV show Family Affairs. Starring alongside Idris Elba, she stole the spotlight as the feisty young character - Yasmin Green. She garnered nominations for British Soap Awards as one of the longest-running actors on the show, which was syndicated globally, staring from 1998 to 2005.
Becoming friends with punk legend and drummer Rat Scabies, from 70s punk band The Damned, Bones began writing songs alongside Scabies in 2005, who gave the artist her eponymous stage name and taught her a DIY punk ethic and “trial and error” approach to making music. “It’s perfection comes from its imperfection,” said Bones. “In an age where human flaws are erased from music, the imperfect can be very striking.”
In 2008, Bones uploaded an anonymous demo to MySpace. The Orwellian-themed anthem “We Know All About U,” was premiered by BBC Radio 1 Dj Zane Lowe, as ‘Hottest Record in The World,’  garnering millions of radio plays and raving reviews, becoming the BBC’s most played record by an unsigned artist.
In 2009, Bones released her debut album Bone of My Bones to critical acclaim. With tracks like ‘W.A.R.R.I.O.R’, ‘Guess We’ll Always Have NY’ and ‘The Muzik’, the album was used for runway shows and campaigns by Yves Saint Laurent, EA Sports FIFA and various Citroën car commercials including the controversial commercial featuring John Lennon.
Photographed by legendary photographer Jean Baptiste Mondino for New York Times T Magazine, her concerts were heralded by the publication as a “riotous jungle-punk stage act”. Bones goes above and beyond with a high-watt stage presence, bringing a whirl of energy to the stage with her fashion antics. Known for her multiple costume changes, she can often be spotted donning designer pieces by Iris van Herpen and Manish Arora
Her music, however, isn’t the traditional punk trio. Pushing boundaries as one of the first and few female music producers to work alongside orchestras, there is a real cinematic feel to her work. Traveling the world collaborating with symphony orchestras from India and China she asks classical musicians to step outside their comfort zone to perform her unconventional compositions.
“It’s about changing people’s perspectives. By breaking down existing genre boundaries, my approach to music including collaborations with The Mumbai Symphony and The Beijing Philharmonic Orchestra, reimagines orchestral music while challenging the prevailing mainstream mentality, that classical music is an art form that can only be performed by, for and about white males such as Beethoven” said Bones.
“I’m always pushing myself into unknown territory, I enjoy the challenge of stepping outside my circumference and learning from other cultures. There’s always a huge risk of recording alongside musicians you’ve never met, and don’t even speak the same language. Will it work? will you be able to communicate? In many ways it could be a recipe for disaster but these are all the elements that drive me as a creator. Music is the galvanizing force that brings people together.”
In 2013, her sophomore album “Behold, A Pale Horse” was released on her label 1984 Records. Premiered by NPR, who described Bones as “a major player for years to come,” the apocalyptic inspired album was recorded in India at YRF Studios aswell as Miloco Studios, London and featured tracks alongside The Mumbai Symphony Orchestra, and The New London Children’s Choir on a playful cover of The Smiths' ‘What Difference Does It Make’.
With its stringed percussion and harmonious chants, Behold, A Pale Horse is said to have “jagging guitars, jungle-inspired drums, and fierce vocals that seem to taunt as they go,” according to SPIN Magazine. The Independent praised the album as “a beguiling blend of chants, afrobeat, and the darker end of post-punk,” the self produced album also featured contributions from Liquid Liquid’s Sal P for the remix of ‘Bread & Circus’. The video, directed by Al Pacino’s daughter Julie Pacino and Jennifer DeLia, was premiered by Jay-Z via his lifestyle website Life & Times, heralding Bones as a “producer with a wide variety of influences, inspiring others through that journey."
In 2015 Bones released Milk & Honey, Pt. 1, her debut EP, which included the catchy disco-punk track ‘Oh Promised Land’. The song was used by Ray-Ban for their summer campaign which also featured Bones. She then headlined ‘Pop-Kultur’ festival to a sold out audience at Berlin’s legendary Berghain venue, that same year. Speaking to The New York Times about music production, Bones explained “It was an ambitious thing; I saw a deficit of female producers, and it’s still that way,” she said, noting that every non-classical Grammy Award for Producer of the Year had gone to a man.
Catching the attention of Yoko Ono with her avant-garde approach, Bones was enlisted by the art legend to re-work her song ‘No Bed For Beatle John’, for Ono’s ‘Yes, I’m A Witch Too’, her first album in nine years. Released in February 2016, it was heralded by The Guardian as “a brilliant track produced by Ebony Bones that pairs Ono’s eerie falsetto with majestic horns.” Featuring artwork by designer Karl Lagerfeld, the song was originally recorded by John Lennon in 1969. 
                                             *   *   *
As a self-produced artist, Bones is one of a few women in the male-dominated production world, making her one of the most prominent female producers in a burgeoning feminist movement within the music industry today. Given that less than 5% of solo music producers are women, Bones alongside Grimes, Linda Perry and Tokimonsta were the few producers featured by HBO/VICE for their 2017 special. Her production is as important as the music itself, and her skills are informed by self-produced musicians like Kate Bush, Missy Elliott, Linda Perry and Lauryn Hill. “Gender and ethnic diversity are markers for many of the key things that make music and art vital and resilient,” says Bones. “However, with the frighteningly low proportion of female music producers, there is currently only one dominant voice that determines what we all hear, and what music gets made.”
Her highly anticipated forthcoming album Nephilim, released July 20th sees Bones continue to push her musical ingenuity. She makes her directorial debut with the breathtaking new video of ‘Nephilim’ released May 4th, which may possibly be her most stunning visual yet. Featuring collaborations with The Beijing Philharmonic Orchestra, Bones took time away from touring to write and produce the new album, recorded in Beijing, New York and London. Collaborating alongside the orchestra at Beijing’s Tweak Tone Labs Studio, the album explores several themes including censorship; the conspicuous kind in China vs the more insidious kind in the west; as well as the emergence of nationalism in the world, post-Brexit and post-Trump.  
Unafraid to break down existing genre boundaries, the songs on Nephilim have an otherworldly, futuristic sound. She demonstrates an electronic avant-garde prowess, with experimental jazz, a sophisticated symphonic sense, teamed alongside afrofuturist overtones. There is a real cinematic feel to Bones' productions, displayed on orchestral tracks like 'Nephilim' and instrumental passages like 'Truth or Treason' that serve almost as a soundtrack for a film.
Bones reached out to the orchestra following her collaborations with Yoko Ono and The Mumbai Symphony Orchestra on Behold A Pale Horse. “China boasts some of the worlds best classical musicians and it was an honor to collaborate with them. I sent the Beijing Philharmonic the scores I had composed, and they were excited for the collaboration,” said Bones, who was invited to perform at the World Exposition in Shanghai 2010, which saw over 73 million visitors.
“Many people asked about recordings in Beijing and censorship in China, and while I didn’t directly experience any, it got me thinking about all the ways in which censorship manifests itself in our culture,” says the artist. “It takes on covert forms, like who gets to speak and who doesn't get to speak, and all the ways we silence the voices of people we don't want to hear” said Bones. “Beginning with the theme of religious censorship, I made ‘Nephilim’ conscious of the fact that these were not subjects females usually write about.”
The manifesto-like lyrics in the punk-inflected track ‘No Black In The Union Jack’ begins with an audio clip of British Member of Parliament Enoch Powell’s notorious ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech attacking immigration in 1968. “This hate speech was so vile, it has never been broadcast in full,” said Bones. “It is one of the most incendiary racist speeches of modern Britain and this year marks it’s 50th anniversary.”
The new album also explores the emergence of nationalism in the world post-Brexit and Trump. “Xenophobia aswell as fear of immigrants and foreigners was strongly associated with support for leaving the EU; post-Trump and Brexit have created a hostile environment for immigrants, fanned by nationalist bile and scapegoating as displayed throughout these songs.”  
Bones expanded on the larger issue of censorship “While writing the album, I began thinking about how women have been erased historically and all the ways we silence the voices of people we don't want to hear,” she said. “While I have accomplished a level of success in my art, I am not ignorant to the fact that for the majority of women, and especially women of colour, invisibility, not being seen or heard is a through-line for most of our careers.”
The album was engineered by Grammy Award-winning masterer, Mandy Parnell of Black Saloon who also engineered Behold A Pale Horse. Bones enlisted a host of musicians for the album, including a horn section featuring saxophone legend, Jimi Hendrix and James Brown collaborator - Lonnie Youngblood. Among the new 11 tracks on the album, there is a stunning cover, of the Junior Murvin/The Clash classic ‘Police & Thieves,’ which is performed by The Bones Youth Choir.
Speaking truth to power, the afrofuturistic anthem ‘Kids of Coltan’ touches upon the subjects of neo-colonialism and human rights violations. “The song is about the culture of complicity, as I began thinking of the young child laborers who make our smartphones and electronic devices,” said Bones. “Modern day communication is built on coltan mining, by young children in the Democratic Republic of Congo. From picking cotton to picking coltan, I realised this is today’s modern slave trade, of which we are all complicit.”
From ‘Kids Of Coltan’ and ‘Police & Thieves’ to ‘I See, I Say’ and ‘What Difference Does It Make’, children are a constant theme in Bones’ work. “A child's innocence allows for greater perception. Kids tend to be good at expressing their creativity, but then as adults people tend to lose this as they grow older, it’s something we have to protect and nurture.”
The giant themes and futuristic sounds of Nephilim are a reference to Bones’ own avant-garde approach, and as science fiction author Philip K. Dick once said, “Artists have the capacity to accidentally predict the future, it’s in their essence as creators.” Bones proves to be a step ahead.
New single ‘Nephilim’ featuring The Beijing Philharmonic Orchestra is out digitally May 4th
Written by Nadja Sayej
Photo Credits:
Photo by: Antonello Trio
Hair: Ernesto Montenovo
Styling: Ramona Tabita
Make-up:  Elena Pivetta
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
In Touch, March 22
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Meghan Markle vs. the Palace
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Page 1: Contents
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Page 4: John Mayer joined TikTok and Taylor Swift fans made it clear they still have bad blood 12 years after he broke the pop star's heart -- hours later John shared a video of himself nodding as the words I'm Hearing You Out appeared on the screen, then he posted a clip of himself in a dark room singing That Was a Real Weird Day but he should have known Swifties will never, ever, get over anyone who spurns Taylor
* Other enemies of Taylor who got slammed by her fans -- Kim Kardashian, Netflix for the show Ginny & Georgia, Justin Bieber and Scooter Braun, Burger King
Page 5: Play of the Week -- Tom Brady on tossing the Lombardi Trophy from his boat to his teammate's boat during their Super Bowl celebration on the river in Tampa, Co-Star of the Week -- Holly Hunter on knocking Chrissy Teigen to the ground for a scene in Mr. Mayor, Makeover of the Week -- Cara Delevingne goes brunette, Number of the Week -- 11.5 million dollars Angelina Jolie got for selling a rare Winston Churchill painting which was a gift from her ex-husband Brad Pitt
Page 6: Crib of the Week: John Travolta's charming Maine estate, Winner of the Week -- Aaron Rodgers donates $1 million to small businesses in his California hometown and gets thanked by Jodie Foster in her Golden Globes speech, Loser of the Week -- Golden Globes gets the lowest ratings ever with just 6.9 million viewers
Page 12: Up Close -- Kelly Clarkson on The Voice, Reese Witherspoon totes be best accessory yet which is her new pup Minnie Pearl, Jennifer Lopez
Page 14: Rocking a new hair color and killer heels Lady Gaga steps out of her hotel in Rome where she's filming her new movie Gucci
Page 16: Kate Hudson dons her Fabletics gear for a weights workout, a shirtless Tyler Cameron, Brooke Burke helping out California's Road Dogs & Rescue
Page 18: Katy Perry who has lost nearly 60 pounds since giving birth in a bathing suit with fiance Orlando Bloom and daughter Daisy (with her face blurred) on vacation in Hawaii
Page 20: Jennifer Garner shows off the crazy hair and more that her kids gave her last year on Yes Day which is the subject of her new movie, Britney Spears with sons Sean Preston and Jayden James, Kate Beckinsale with her cat Clive in her lap, John Legend enjoys precious moments with his kids Luna and Miles
Page 22: With the final season of Keeping Up With the Kardashians set to premiere, Lisa Rinna is hell-bent on making her brood the next big family on reality TV and she wants to be a momager like Kris Jenner and that despite his bad-boy reputation Lisa is thrilled that her daughter Amelia Hamlin is dating Scott Disick -- Lisa thinks the timing couldn't be better for the Hamlins to land their own reality show and she's been pitching one for years and now she thinks it's within her reach but she may be setting herself up for major disappointment because the networks just aren't interested and everyone knows the Kardashians can't be replaced and while people love Lisa on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, giving her her own show might be a bit much and Lisa is no Kris Jenner, and Amelia and her sister Delilah Hamlin aren't as popular as the Kardashians or Kylie Jenner and Kendall Jenner and Lisa's husband Harry Hamlin would rather act; he doesn't want to be a reality star and he was only going along for the ride because Lisa pitched them as one big wacky family
Page 23: Hollywood Love Report -- Mary-Kate Olsen has been secretly dating CEO John Cooper for the last couple of months and he's just her type: older, good-looking, fun and successful and she's totally smitten
* Lily-Rose Depp and Timothee Chalamet split a year ago, but they've decided to give their relationship another chance
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* Star Sightings -- 50 Cent and girlfriend Cuban Link, Sarah Michelle Gellar and Shannen Doherty, Joe Jonas, Zoey Deutch, Las Vegas Raiders quarterback Marcus Mariota
Page 24: Cover Story -- The Royal Family Speaks Out: Our Side of the Story -- after Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's bombshell interview, the palace scrambles to set the record straight -- the royal family feels stabbed in the back and they want everyone to know the truth -- Harry said his mother Princess Diana would feel very angry with how this played out and very sad
Page 30: Alec and Hilaria Baldwin's baby mystery -- the couple welcomes a new daughter and stirs up more drama
Page 32: My Bachelor Nightmare -- the first Black Bachelor Matt James' controversy-plagued season ends with betrayal and heartbreak
Page 34: The Big Interview -- Shep Rose of Southern Charm on his cheating scandal
Page 36: Fashion -- Zoom Fashion -- getting dressed-up for screen time means different things on top and bottom
Page 37: Beauty -- get Julia Garner's look from the Critics Choice Award
Page 42: Animal Overload -- my dog looks like Justin Bieber
Page 46: Horoscope -- Pisces Rob Lowe turned 57 on March 17
Page 48: Last Laughs
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strangeriverjay · 7 years
Love, Simon / Freak Show
I love coming-of-age stories as much as coming-out stories and two films seem to highlight how important it is to hear queer-centric stories at this year’s Mardi Gras Film Festival in Sydney - the mainstream YA targeted Love, Simon and the indie darling Freak Show.
Let’s start with Simon considering Fox is pushing this homosexual-led book-based narrative as much as The Fault In Our Stars. Nick Robinson redeems himself from Jurassic World as a capable leading man as the eponymous Simon - just an everyday (albeit closeted) teenager who strikes up a conversation with another like-minded individual (via the most unusual form of communication - gMail?) Count on cultural stigma/ Disney alumni Logan Miller to muddy the waters for Simon and friends. You’ll appreciate the diversity for diversity’s sake (Katherine Langford survives 13 Reasons Why and Alexandra Shipp doesn’t have a dodgy X-Men accent) and moan at the apparent lack of Asian classmates (assuming Jacob Batalon didn’t want to reunite with Spider-Man co-star Angourie Rice for Every Day) and twee dialogue. But what gives Simon its energy is the palpable performance of Robinson and pithy humor mixed with some nice interactions from Jennifer Garner and Josh Duhumel as the parents. This probably won’t be a high point on everyone’s filmic calendar but it’s a bold effort to producing mainstream inclusive stories.
Following that with Trudie Styler’s directorial debut Freak Show, the bar was set pretty high for another well-put queer narrative. Freak Show was... something.
Alex Lawther (‘kids, Kenny!’) dons the frilly couture of Billy Bloom, a queer-centric gender-defiant youngster brought to his father’s state and local preparatory only to step on toes of the Bible-thumper Lynnette (a role which Abigail Breslin, sadly, mishandles) announcing his candidacy as homecoming queen. Determined to bring his own brilliance to the school (with AnnaSophia Robb and Ian Blake Nelson providing support) Billy hopes to change the hearts and minds of the student body. Perhaps the brutal truths that await audiences watching this film is that acceptance and inclusion is hard won. The same goes for this film - it is certainly defiant thanks to a combination of Lawther’s performance in Colleen Atwood’s dazzling costumes, and brief cameos from Laverne Cox and Bette Midler provide humor - but chances that this will transcend above the niche are few and far. People will certainly show patience for it but whether it’s enjoyable is up to them.
I don’t particularly believe one film speaks more to me than the other, but both are bold narratives that today’s LGBTQI+ youth will be greatful for when there were none for past generations. They won’t be Criterion pieces but these unpolished gems are dazzling in their own way.
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wallpaperpainter · 4 years
Is Billie Eilish – Ocean Eyes The Most Trending Thing Now? | Billie Eilish – Ocean Eyes
The International Academy of Digital Art and Sciences has apparent the nominees for the 24th annual Webby Awards. Celebrities like Billie Eilish, Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks, and Lizzo will be aggressive it out to win accolades in their corresponding categories.  
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Eilish has becoming a choice in the Best Viral Video category, according to Deadline. The “Bad Guy” hitmaker afresh did a video for Glamour in which she can be apparent reacting to admirers who are singing her songs. The video has over 120 amateur angle and 3.7 amateur brand on YouTube. Admirers sang their renditions of “Lovely,” “Ocean Eyes,” “Bellyache,” When The Party’s Over,” and “You Should See Me In A Crown.”
Meanwhile, DiCaprio has been nominated in the Best Variety Video class afterwards breaking bottomward the capital appearance of “Once Upon A Time In Hollywood” for Vanity Fair. In the video, the amateur explains how his appearance Rick Dalton was fabricated and how he adapted his career. The blow has 3.3 amateur angle and 77,000 brand on the video-sharing platform.
Other nominees accommodate Lizzo,  Ariana Grande, The Rolling Stones, Wiz Khalifa,  Celine Dion, Jennifer Garner, Jimmy Fallon, Florence Pugh, Idris Elba,  Stephen Colbert,  Serena Williams,  LeBron James,  Tom Hanks, and Chris Evans.
Speaking about the nominations and the ceremony, Claire Graves, controlling administrator of Webby Awards, explained that the internet is the best “powerful” apparatus for anybody about the world.
“It is the best able apparatus for us to abutment and boost one another, and it is no abruptness that this year’s nominees are the companies and bodies arch the charge. They accept accelerated their ingenuity, application their platforms to acknowledge to this crisis by innovating, connecting, allegorical and allowance bodies all over the world,” Graves said.
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Here’s the offical account of nominees:
Best Web Personality/Host (Video)
“The Daily Show with Trevor Noah” – Desi Lydic Womansplains: Comedy Central – Viacom
Joe La Puma – Complex’s “Sneaker Shopping”: Complex Networks
Amazon Studios – “Little Late Night: The Foundry @ Meredith”
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Billie Eilish was told to smile and sing about self-love at 11 .. | billie eilish – ocean eyes
“Dave on TikTok”: The Washington Post
“Does it Fart?”: Yellow Bear Studios
Best Writing (Video)
“The Lift”: & Co. / NoA
#MoviePosterMovie “In The Time It Takes To Get There”: Black Dog Films
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Billie Eilish – Ocean Eyes Carátula (11 de 11) | Last | billie eilish – ocean eyes
“The Truth is Worth It”: Droga5
“AFTERSHOT”: An App to Help Cowardly Politicians Talk About Gun Control: Kelly&Kelly
“National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)” – Naughty Or: Wieden Kennedy
Music Video (Video)
DAE – “Where We’
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elfrightsactivist · 7 years
i'll be interested to know your thoughts on wonder women! (particularly how it handled greek mythology)
Hi there!
This is an interesting question, and to be honest, I’ve been thinking about this post all day, meaning to do my research and answer properly. But the truth is, I was never a big DC fan. Not that I actively disliked it, I was just more of a Marvel person, and even in that case, I never cared that much. I just can’t handle the thousands upon thousands of parallel universes and storylines of superhero comics, I believe, sorry.
However, I do like Wonder Woman. Or, I like what I’ve seen of her so far. I’ve failed to watch Batman VS Superman because I just didn’t care enough, and only got it recently so I can see the little bit of Wonder Woman in it before I go and see the film, which is not released yet in Greece. 
My point is, I haven’t read enough of Wonder Woman to have an opinion on how DC handled her Greek background. My prejudiced guess would be not well, because that’s the default. I’m old and bitter and usually despise any effort to portray Greek mythology or culture in foreign media, especially American. Here are some of the reasons:
There’s apparently the opinion that Rome was basically Greece’s natural evolution instead of a different cultural background. And, guys, I’ve never spoken to an Italian person and immediately bonded with them over common ancient pasts. We’ve got some similar cultural experiences, but the Greeks and Romans were quite different, and apparently that’s not known widely. 
There’s this constant need to butcher everything; let me mention the entiretly of Disney’s Hercules and Wolfgang Petersen’s Troy, the general disregard of whether the (pseudo)Greek people are using actually make sense to the millions of people still speaking the language, like Gabrielle’s disgustingly / hilariously awful Greek in Xena and the fact that a poor secondary character in Captive Prince is literally called Astacos, which means lobster, Google-translated Greek spells and a deep misunderstanding of how Greek names work in Supernatural... the list goes on. 
There’s this inaccurate fantasy of ancient Greek times which are somehow believed to be public domain for people to add and remove things as they like because of the mythology’s popularity, and the constant erasure and indifference about everything that came after the Christians arrived, which can make people believe that a) Greece doesn’t exist anymore, or b) that modern Greek people wear togas while going about our business (both of which are things that have been said to actual friends of mine.)
There hasn’t been one Greek character played by a Greek actor, in any of the media I have ever consumed (except Theodore Zoumpoulidis playing Theo Alexander in True Blood, which I still haven’t watched). It seems Greek characters need someone more exotic than actual Greek actors, and Greek actors don’t look? Greek enough? and end up playing characters of different nationalities? Which I could consider a coincidence but it happens way too much? Grand examples: Jennifer Garner and Élodie Yung, a Texan and French-Cambodian actress respectively, play Elektra Natchios; Jason Mantzoukas playing non-Greek characters (poss. Italian and Latino?) both in Parks and Recreation and Brooklyn Nine-Nine, despite both shows’ dedication in keeping the actors’ ethnic backgrounds for their characters; hell, both the title characters in Zorba the Greek and El Greco were played by Anthony Quinn (American of Irish-Mexican descent) and Nick Ashdon (English, I believe? there’s no info about him anywhere), respectively; in this case, Gal Gadot, an Israeli actress, plays a character of Greek descent. 
There’s also this need even in fandoms to not realise what Greek people actually look like? There are aesthetics of pseudo-Greek settings such as Captive Prince’s Akielos featuring black models, because if someone is described as olive-skinned then they must be black, and while trying to find more representation doesn’t bother me in itself at all, many of the time in this cases it doesn’t feel like an active choice for diversity but rather a deep misunderstanding about our POC status, which is non-existent. Our white privilege is very very real, I’ve put it to the test. Have I been a victim of xenophobia? Yes. Racism? Very much no, and that goes for like 90% of the Greek people I’ve met.
My point is, because this has taken forever and I’m sorry but these are things that I’ve wanted to get into for quite some time, while I haven’t watched Batman vs Superman or Wonder Woman yet, and I definitely only have read very few bits and pieces of the WW comics, I do not trust American media with my heritage whatsoever. I believe that when the film is released and I go to the cinema, then I’m going to watch a good action film with a super awesome lady protagonist and with a super cool mythology behind it, which however will not be Greek, at all. And as much as I am going to have a hell of a good time making fun of it with my friends afterwards, I’m always going to be angry about it too. 
I’ll definitely come back to this after I’ve watched the film, because the handling of the mythology something I’ve been ignoring in order to actually enjoy my time in the cinema.
Thank you for your question, and sorry it got off track!
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
National Examiner, October 5
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: 52 Beloved Stars We Lost in 2020 (doesn’t include Eddie Van Halen) 
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Page 2: Cheers to Oktoberfest -- Arnold Schwarzenegger, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Boris Becker, Emma Thompson, Sir Richard Branson 
Page 3: Camilla Parker Bowles and Prince Charles, Luke Evans and Hugh Jackman, Matthew McConaughey, Lady Gaga, Seth Meyers and Rihanna 
Page 4: Julia Andrews dressing the part
Page 6: Reba McEntire says she and the cast of TV sitcom Reba are finally planning to reunite for a reboot more than 13 years after the show ended 
Page 7: Jennifer Garner says teachers are a class act, Brad Garrett from Everybody Loves Raymond shared with fans the secret behind his deep voice, Gisele Bundchen says she struggles with anxiety and panic attacks, Pope Francis says that they very human pleasures of food and sex are divine and have fallen victim to the overzealousness on the part of the Catholic Church in the past and became no-no’s for followers 
Page 8: Stay calm in a crisis 
Page 9: Betty White tells the naked truth at 98 
Page 10: When a medical emergency struck a grandma her 11-year-old grandson grabbed the car keys and leapt behind the wheel and drove her to safety 
Page 11: Your Health -- 6 reasons your neck hurts 
Page 12: Lana Turner’s shocking secret exposed -- the truth about who killed her brutal lover Johnny Stompanato that night 
Page 14: Dear Tony, America’s top psychic healer -- America needs all of us to help save her, Tony predicts pop star Brandy attracting a good response from young people who can relate to her words and music stemming from today’s happenings 
Page 15: An advertising exec who lost his big-shot Big Apple job has found a new calling -- mowing lawns for free 
Page 16: Saluting the stars we lost in 2020 -- Kenny Rogers, Regis Philbin, Kobe Bryant 
Page 17: Phyllis George, and more (continued on page 20)
Page 18: A Michigan tot with a cleft lip has found the perfect buddy -- a puppy with a cleft lip 
Page 19: In a joyous reunion a couple married for 67 years fell back into each other’s arms after spending five weeks apart due to COVID-19 
Page 20: More stars we lost in 2020 
Page 22: A New York man begged God to save him from drowning and was rescued by a boatload of Catholic priests 
Page 24: A Utah homeowner revved up after his security camera caught a trespasser in his driveway who turned out to be a tyke on a bike so he started drawing a racetrack on his driveway 
Page 30: The Good Doctor -- always seek a second opinion 
Page 36: Stretch back pain away 
Page 40: Don’t fall for social security scams 
Page 44: Eyes on the Stars -- Mickey Rourke at the Acropolis in Greece (picture), Ryan O’Neal and daughter Tatum O’Neal reunite after 17 years alongside her three kids with John McEnroe (picture), Kelly Clarkson is opening up about her divorce from Brandon Blackstock but admits she won’t be dishing every detail of their split because there’s kids involved, Jaden Smith and Sofia Richie were caught looking cozy during a beach outing in L.A. but Jaden insists they’re simply good pals, Jonathan Scott says it was love at first sight for him and Zooey Deschanel, Drew Barrymore swears she’ll never tie the knot again after three marriages, former Black Sabbath frontman Ozzy Osbourne says he’s done with his old band but he has no bad feelings for the guys in the band who fired him from the group in the ‘70s 
Page 45: Frances McDormand at the drive-in premiere of her film Nomadland in L.A. (picture), Tracee Ellis Ross virtually attends New York Fashion Week (picture), Bruce Willis steps out in Brentwood (picture), Riley Keough on the beach in Malibu (picture), Kevin Hart is replacing the late Jerry Lewis as the host of the rebooted Muscular Dystrophy Association telethon, Sharon Stone tried online dating but calls the experience dismal 
Page 46: The Dreamweaver Foundation just gave 300 seniors what they wanted more than anything in the world -- the ability during lockdown to see and speak to their precious loved ones 
Page 47: Perfect Paw-traits -- hilarious pups at a dog rescue are captured at their smiling best 
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viz-release-blog · 5 years
'Here I Come': Lions Roar Entertainment LLC Introduces Hip-Hop Artist Toby TNT1
New Post has been published on https://vizrelease.com/press-release/155525/
'Here I Come': Lions Roar Entertainment LLC Introduces Hip-Hop Artist Toby TNT1
Born in Brooklyn, NY and raised on the unforgiving streets of Brooklyn,Queens and Staten Island, Toby TNT1 draws on his first hand struggles withdrug and gang violence to create a gritty, in-your-face style that leavesno doubt this up and coming young artist has “been there and done that.”As a young man Toby TNT1 made a deep connection with God that turned hislife around. The dichotomous nature of his life experiences lends ahardcore edge to his socially conscious positive message.
“I watched a lot of friends and associates end up dead or in prison as aresult of excessive living and greed,” says Toby TNT1, pointing out thatrap music often glamorizes the destructive lifestyle he left behind. “Iwant to deliver the truth in a way that speaks the language of the streetsand gets through to people who know that reality the way I do.”
Toby TNT1 hooked up with legendary multi-platinum record producer Veit Rennof N’Sync, the Backstreet Boys and Jennifer Hudson fame to produce andrecord his soon-to-be-released debut album. The tracks were mastered bythree-time Grammy winner Bob Katz.
Music fans can get an early taste of what is to come with the aptly titledfirst single, “Here I Come,” a club-friendly hip-hop dance track meldinginfluences from Jesus Christ to Shakespeare. The song has been described byDJs as “From the first verse, too hot, too cool, 10 stars and in thecrate!” Two yet-to-be released follow up singles, “Champion” and “A WholeNother Game,” are already garnering respect and praise from people in themusic industry. “Champion,” a rap, hip-hop song, has been called a banginganthem sure to be a hit, while “A Whole Nother Game” is a hardcore lyricalexploration of drug abuse brought to life by Toby TNT1’s unique delivery.
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