svneatcr · 6 years
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JOHN KELLER HAS ADDED GEORGIA KENNEDY AS A FRIEND! The TWENTY year old will be playing the role of the BROKEN BIRD in his very own horror movie. Right now, she’s a CLERK at SUPER! COMICS and an ILLUSTRATION MAJOR at ASU but she might not be for much longer — you might see she on the town’s next tape.
so, before we get this party started with info about our very own broken bird cliche, let’s introduce y’all to me, the one and only moon moon.
i’m twenty-one, and an actual disaster. like mads, my first crush was comic spider-man and still is. peter parker owns my whole ass heart, aight? my one true love.
i love video games. like, waaaaay too much. i play a ton of overwatch & dead by daylight, as well as a lot of single player games. tlou is my favorite and ellie williams is my daughter.
i can be very forgetful at times, so u may need to remind me to reply to threads, messages, etc.
i love movies please talk to me about movies. and books. that would be great pls.
i say uwu too often.
idk how to do introductions i’m sorry.
and now, our feature presentation.
heavy tws!!!!
george is twenty. i feel like she’s always twenty, in ever iteration. she was born on october 13th, but often wishes she never was.
she lives in an abusive household. her parents suck ( particularly her dad ), and when she was in high school she was admitted into a mental institution because she was declared a danger to herself. however, child protective services fucked up and didn’t remove her from her house because they mistook her injuries as a result of her mental illnesses, not abuse.
she’s the youngest of five girls, and her parents wanted a boy but out came georgia, the family disappointment!
her dad was an Asshole:tm: and also an alcoholic, and her mother, fearing her father’s wrath, pretty much ignored her. her sisters did their best to protect her, but it wasn’t always enough.
she has gender and identity issues that stem from the fact that her parents never actually refer to her by name. she identifies as a fem-leaning non-binary, but she’s still not sure if that’s really who she is.
she dated her neighbor and childhood bff juli when she was in her late teens. they broke up when she was 16 bc she has emotional intimacy issues :clown face:
kevin and pippa are her best friends, and she loves them both more than anything but often feels like she doesn’t fit in with them. she occasionally feels like an outsider, but would never say anything for fear of losing them as friends altogether.
she loves art - drawing, painting, illustration, you name it. it’s been her safe space for as long as she’s been able to use the medium.
uhhh that’s all for now folks, since i’m bad at intro posts uwu. hmu if u wanna plot!
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eclipteds1 · 6 years
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JOHN KELLER HAS ADDED ODETTE ALVAREZ AS A FRIEND! The THIRTY-ONE year old will be playing the role of the PINT-SIZED POWERHOUSE in her very own horror movie. Right now, she's a cop at JERICHO POLICE DEPARTMENT but she might not be for much longer — you might see her on the town’s next tape.
introducing mads
mads thinks it’s mad stupid to do the introduction for them a week into the rpg but we need consistency up in this bitch
they’re currently suffering from their daily headache and just really wants a snacc
mads never back down from a dare which causes a lot of suffering from people who unknowingly dare them to stupid things … 
they still love their cat very much, don’t you forget
they’re a huge stan of baked carrots and garlic and if they gotta fart garlic for a year then so be it
once they shook hands with jack barakat but it turned into him holding their thumb for an awkward period of time and they’d like to not think about that
introducing odette
her mama was a sex worker who lost custody of her ass when she was like six years old … may she rip, she’s not dead but odette likes to think she is
most of her youth was spent on the streets of los angeles, living that homeless dream … am i right , kids ? no ? okay
she managed to have a clean record ‘cos she’s one stealthy bitch and this hoe didn’t really have attachments to places / people / things so pinning her down was never easy peasy lemon squeezy
odette had a daughter that she, like her mother ( being a deadbeat runs in the fam ), lost custody of a couple years ago … she’s trying to get her back but D:<
ironically, she hates cops. she’s hated cops her entire life but if ya can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em ! 
she uses her damn blue lives matters privilege to fix where she thinks the system is broke �� which means a lot of roughing up white dudes throwing their wives around and even more uwu softness for the kiddos with rough lives 
odette wants john kellers head on a stick and she will get it …
she’s very blunt and rough around the edges but don’t be fooled ‘cos this bitch a softie deep down and she is VERY protective of everybody she loves
she’s openly bi in a red state so let’s give her a round of applause
obviously she is LATINA … proudly mexican and fluent in spanish [ insert the killing you in spanish meme ]
has been living in town for like 3+ years so ;3 
if you wanna plot her page is right here and uhh ly xx
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warmtoneds · 6 years
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hannah finally making an intro post ?? it’s more likely than you think . i’ve worked like every fucking day this week and i have an hour to sit down & write these up so bone apple titty ! 
rl quick about me, THE hannah montana 
i turned 20 in november ( sagittarius baby *cheryl blossom vc* feel free to tremble )
my pronouns are she/her & i live in the cst ! more specifically the south so yee mother fucking yaw let’s ... shuck some corn idk
i love plotting so feel free to message me here or on discord ( discotits#6480 ) if you wanna beat up my characters as much as i want to ! i’m ass at messaging back at reasonable times so just curb stomp me to get my attention !
so, finally, onto nik the dick !
i used to hate him a whole lot more than i do now so y’all can thank mads for making me bring him back from his comatose state in a denny’s bathroom
originally from chicago where he lived with his asshole dad , so you KNOW he got them sexy daddy issues . his mother died in childbirth and his daddy blamed him :( chuck bass is fucking shaking . so ig you can say he had to grow up with thicc ass skin because imagine being Soft™ with a papa like that ... he truly cannot relate . 
he was pretty much the biggest asshole on the face of the planet because cannot fucking compute how to regulate being a decent human being ... moving away from home & getting a degree rlly helped him out ! he learned to focus his energy on something somewhat positive ... aka teaching the Youths™ . he’s a chemistry teacher at the high school and thinks it’s pretty dandy , cannot fuckin complain !
personality wise he keeps to himself for the most part outside of teaching and has maintained that ugly ass short fuse despite having worked on it for *counts on fingers* some years . he’s TRYING okay , cut him some damn slack ! he used to be a helluva lot worse so y’all are gettin the good side of things . 
some connections / plots i’d love to see !
anything related to school ! that’s where he spends a majority of his time & it wld make the most sense to have some connections there . be it fellow teachers, students who hate the amount of hw he gives, the dam lunch lady who gives him an extra helping of tater tots –– anything !
look he’s been here for a hot mf minute so any former flames, one night stands, wtvr the frick ! i’m a slut for these types of plots and i think it adds drama ok you can fuckin’ fight me on that
um ... y’all got any wcs that u think he could mayhaps fit ? send em my way k thanks bye 
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ashleyxdaniels-blog · 6 years
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JOHN KELLER HAS ADDED ASHLEY DANIELS AS A FRIEND! The FORTY year old will be playing the role of the FACADE in his very own horror movie. Right now, he’s an UNDERCOVER DETECTIVE at JERICHO POLICE DEPARTMENT but he might not be for too much longer — you might see him on the town’s next tape. 
Hello! I’m not accustomed to doing intros, but I’m J. I’m old asf and actually live in Arizona. I’m typically pretty quiet tbh, but I’m always up for tomfoolery. 
Now onto Ashley ~
1. 9/10 times people assume his name is Daniel when they see him, and that tends to infuriate him. He goes by Lee at times to throw people off. At the police station he goes by A.D. 2. He acts like a vagabond, so it’s hard to pinpoint what exactly he even does. Most of the time people don’t realize he’s actually interrogating them. They just assume he’s a Chatty Cathy with no friends. 3. He talks too much and has had to get himself arrested in order to save his cover. Ashley even has his own favorite cell, that he has on occasion locked himself in. 4.Ashley is a bit of a drunkard. One of those people who have nothing but liquor & taco shells in his fridge.  5. Ashley is the eldest of three boys born in Tucson, AZ. He rarely talks about his parents or his own personal life. He keeps in contact with his mother, whom he was named after.  6. He transferred from Tucson to Jericho six months ago, and finds that he grossly underestimated the difference between cities.  7. There is a rattlesnake living under his porch that he refuses to deal with. He hears the rattle noise and yeets tf out. 
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meteovoid · 6 years
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JOHN KELLER HAS ADDED JULIAN APOLSKIS AS A FRIEND! The TWENTY-TWO year old will be playing the role of the DEADPAN SNARKER in his very own horror movie. Right now, he’s a CLERK at SUPER! COMICS but he might not be for much longer — you might see him on the town’s next tape.
introducing mads
mads has periods where all they do is bake though nothing but the same thing over and over. they alternate between swedish mud cake, coconut chocolate balls and blueberry pie. they can’t bake anything else, really
they own a granite counter top island which twitter has recently deemed the peak of privilege
mads once had a lot of bunnies that kept on dying. the first was named bubbles, the second blossom, and the third … was named by their mother who declared mads’ naming of these creatures was the reason they died 
at one point in their life their sleep schedule was a1 but christmas season and creating this roleplay wrecked that
they have an uncontrollable thirst for shawn mendes who is the only man younger than them that they don’t hiss at
their favorite comic characters are as follows : gwen stacy, wade wilson, selina kyle, and nico minoru. in other words, boys have cooties
introducing julian apolskis
he’s 22 years old, only like 9 days older than myself, and therefor he must die
he’s into comics and used to be really into skating before he lost his Left Leg™
speaking of, he’s a survivor of osteosarcoma … cancer of the BONES. he’s been fighting it off for like 11 years now but he’s good
cos of that he was Homeschooled, aka his social skills could be better … should’ve been bullied when he had the chance
had a girlfriend of two years, who dumped him over text. he’s still a virgin. cos he’s saving himself until marriage ! jk he just doesn’t have Any Game ™
got a cute little pupper who ALSO lost one of its leg, in an accident tho, they’re not cancer buddies
he’s real close with his mom, who’s been single since his papa ditched like the Day Of ™ juli getting diagnosed … nice guy
works at the comic store cos for Once In His Life, he cannot blame his unemployment and general lack of direction on the fact that he’s going to die. it’s very clear he’s not allowed to
he’s in a band. they’re shite, he plays the drums. which happened to be a good choice considering his leg got snatched a year ago. he quit for like 2 seconds but now he’s back
his trope is Deadpan Snarker … and for good reason. he can never not be sarcastic, everything has to be replied to with a comeback, and he has real trouble not sayingexactly what he thinks. he kinda just enjoys provoking people, a real gem like that
so, here he is !  if you want to plot with mr juli, i have a connection list here and my discord is mads#7437
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infrasred · 6 years
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JOHN KELLER HAS ADDED OLIVER HYUNG AS A FRIEND! The THIRTY-THREE year old will be playing the role of the WRENCH WENCH in his very own horror movie. Right now, she’s a SELF-EMPLOYED CAM GIRL & MECHANIC at CALLAGHAN’S GAS & MECHANICS but she might not be for too much longer — you might see her on the town’s next tape.
introducing mads
mads’ superpower is consuming an endless amount of alcohol and not feeling it until hours later when it hits them like a truck and they throw up on public transportation
they only passed high school math cos the teacher felt sorry for them
mads once saw caitlin jenner at the airport and that’s as close to fame as they’ve ever gotten
they used to be a third of superwholock and they would rather not talk about it. although they still maintain that jensen ackles is one helluva problematic snack
as many other young gays, mads’ fav past time used to be singing katy perry’s hit i kissed a girl in the safety of their bedroom 
mads really wants a bunny but never will cos their stepmom is allergic to anything that breathes
introducing oliver halonen
oli is a texan bitch … meaning she speaks with a Southern Drawl and she knows how to use a gun. don’t johnny test her
her daddy was into some sketchy shit, momma out the pic bee tee dubs, and left her at 17 without a word ! he’s a coward like that
it’s ok tho cos miss olivia loved cars ( still do, but we don’t call her olivia anymore unless you wanna get socked ) and put her talents to use by stealing cars, fixing them up, and reselling them thru random gangs. really did that
her youth was thus spent doing the same criminal shit that forced her daddy to make a run for it and therefor, she’s a dumbass
at twenty-three, she started experimenting with harder drugs and fell in love with heroin <3 it’s an on and off love story that goes on to this day. even got some near deaths and tearful reunions. pretty hot stuff
in her mid twenties she got bored of texas and decided to hit the road. eventually, she wound up in arizona and she’s reluctantly stayed in jericho for the past three years
being a cam girl is something she took up fairly recently cos she’s too damn liberal when it comes to sex and also extra cash never hurt nobody
obviously the Wrench Wench trope comes from her handiness. she loves cars, it’s not just a job to this gal. she will FUCK a car. shut up and drive by queen riri is on her playlist for a reason );
anywho ! if you’d like to plot with my baby grease monkey you can find her connects here and my discord is mads#7437:o
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torncrown · 6 years
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hi folks its still meredith if u care abt me at all go look @ my info on @softreigns ‘s intro post if not learn about pippa below 
hot cool sexy links — pinterest / spotify playlist / stats page
some fun facts!!! and backstory
pippa is a california gurl ... they’re unforgettable ... daisy dukes bikinis on top .... except not really for her personally because she moved out of california when she was like ten, her dad got a new fancy ass office in tempe for his company and they moved to the itty bitty town of jericho, where they cld have a bigger house and flaunt it. pippa did NOT care abt moving whatsoever, she’s always had issues making friends and had ... literally no attachments back in cali. she’d been kicked out of like 2 schools and had like 5 nannies quit on her. we get it, she’s a brat. but she’s mellowed down some ( emphasis on some ) and is pretty content in jericho now, on account of the fact that she literally does nothing. ever. 
she was going to go to college after taking a year and a half off to smoke pot and spend her dad’s money a little while longer ... buuuut her grades from hs were so poor that she got rejected from u of a and she got SUPER depressed and now is back to being an unmotivated flop ... she just smokes and drinks all day and waits for her bff kevin ( s/o to mads ) to not be @ school or work , because pippa has nowhere to be and no one to talk to. can i get a sitcom ‘awww’ track ?
i won’t lie ... she’s kind of a bitch and she isn’t the smartest .... she’s very self absorbed too aSDJK but she isn’t all bad !!! she’s loyal until the end so if she likes u she would be that meme from brooklyn 99 that’s like “ i’ve only had him for a day and a half but if anything happened to him i would kill all of you and then myself ” .... in spite of being a little too self important and jealous  and ye, materialistic, she isn’t really greedy as one would expect, she has no qualms about giving and helping people out. she would not even notice if u were using her for cashola. 
not to slutshame in god’s year of 2018, but as the wise old mantra goes: if she breathes, she a THOT. and pippa ain’t no asthmatic. if you have a beating heart and the capacity to consent, the chances she’d sleep with you are ... pretty much a hole in one, something something basketball metaphor, touchdown, more sports level guarantee. love that for her.
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softreigns-blog · 6 years
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hi everyone uwu ... i’m meredith, i’m eighteen and i’m in the est timezone. not to copy m*ds too much but let’s do a little get to know me before the get to know emma ... i use they/them pronouns ... i love the color pink ... im a proud lesbian ... i love Iconic Comedy:tm: bc my favorite shows are parks and rec, the good place, the office and arrested development. i would die for my cat ... rn im being pretentious and listening to vinyl. and that’s [ iconic youtube channel pretty much it voice ] pretty much it. 
hot cool sexy links — pinterest / spotify playlist / stats page 
some fun facts!!! and backstory 
a long time ago in a galaxy far far away ( missouri ) there was an itty bitty beb named emma born. it was this emma, actually, though there was probably more than one in that area. her life was normal even though her momther was REAL anxious and lowkey hated her bc she wasn’t ready to be a mom, but w/e, she was chummy with her pops. then, a couple years passed, her parents had two more kids ... and pops ( fuck u, mark ) decided to take a long walk to the store and never come back. emma was 12 and raised her siblings, tween mom 2000 whatever. only 90s kids remember. they grew up, she was kicked to the curb by her mom once the latter finally shaped up, and now we’re ... where we are. 
emma is SUPER nice and has made the executive decision to spread cheer like its fuckin christmas year round. she’ll be friends with almost, if not actually, everyone, and is bubbly af. it’s annoying and exhausting but at least she’s cute. 
she’s a preschool teacher ... loves kids, wish to have her own someday. which, speaking of, she is 100% a hopeless romantic and she [ hozier vc ] falls in love just a little bit every day with someone new. literally a 2012 touch my butt and buy me pizza lookin ass ....
emma LOVES dogs. like ... still uses the word doggo level loves dogs. she wants one really really bad so :( give her money ........ or , yk , give her the plot i need for her which is a FUN roommate plot .... they can have a dog together i promise age and gender don’t even matter they just cant smoke crack ( in the house ) 
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agryos-blog · 6 years
i’m like..... nya~! :3c
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so this is MICAH ( everyone, in a monotone vc: helo micah ) she’s too old to function ( twenty ) and she’s currently unemployed bc if she needs money she’ll hack someone’s bank account for a meal @ wendy’s
hasn’t had an easy life but who HAS? basically her mother ditched her and her twin sister a few months after they were both born and her dad raised them on his own he was a good lad
she didn’t ditched them for no reason but im tryna keep this SHORT
within the ~twin dynamic~ she was the brains and mia ( her twin ) was the brawls, but despite being super logical nd smart as heck she was also the most sensitive of the two, its why micah always got into fights she could never win and it was when mia stepped in nd won them for her
they were rly cute
but there’s a point in time where she learned how cold and stupid the world was and how humans are basically just like a glitch in the system when her neighbor merked her sister
they were 11 at the time and mia had been mia ( teheheh ) for like two weeks before they found out he’d buried her in his backyard
it was super hard on her obviously but it was especially hard on her dad bc it was like he’d failed at keeping them safe and p much blamed himself for it nd he was also very kind and hardworking so it took a toll on him mentally and after a little over a year since mia’s death, he k*lled himself
so it’s kind of how her Journey:tm: as a runaway begins bc micah has this innate rejection of authority and the government would have taken her hostage ( a lil much ), so fuck that!
so since she was 12/13 or so she had been p much on the run, stealing shit for survival, learning how to steal cars that would serve as homes etc
never the same car for longer than 6 months tho!!!
never in the same STATE for longer than 6 months either!!! (also went by lots of diff names back then)
she first started using the library’s computer back home and with time she could hack into those stupid ass games easily 
mia would always whack her in the head for cheating ( micah would just mock her and accuse her of being a sore loser )
public computers is how she mostly operated back in the day cos they couldn’t trace anything back to her so :p
has forged SO much shit esp regarding her education
she needn’t go to school but she was too bored not to so
SUPER smart and VERY angry all the time
acts stupid tho
first moved to jericho about 3 years ago for no reason other than who the fuck cares about this dry ass town!!
she wasn’t planning on staying but cursed things happened
aka her ex whose name shall not be named
its juli
so she ended up staying for too long, but did upgrade from sleeping in a car and showering every day @ school before anyone showed up to sleeping in her ex’s basement and hot showers so!!! not to bad huh
micah ditched town like,,,, prob on the same night the whole the-murder-of-ariella-leave-a-like thing happened bc it SHOOK her to her core it was too much
like she didn’t know her but it hit close to home regardless
so she’s been a whole as month ( roughly a month but i’m gna say a month anwyays ) away and she only came back for carl ( her ex’s pup )
so yeah /: it b like that sometime
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gidcarlisle · 6 years
JOHN KELLER HAS ADDED GIDEON CARLISLE AS A FRIEND! The THIRTY-SIX year old will be playing the role of the SOCIOPATH in his very own horror movie. Right now, he’s a MANAGER at JERICHO BOOKS but he might not be for much longer — you might see her on the town’s next tape. ( jake gyllenhaal, he/him – played by nikki )
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hi....... i’m rly too lazy to put in any facts about me so i’m just gonna JUMP right into it. also im sorry in advance for this MESS of a chara.
a ‘short’ bio
full name -- gideon eugene carlisle 
he got his middle name from his daddy eugene carlisle, who’s a senator for the state of new york. gid’s mother died when he was a baby so he never knew her and his dad, as a senator, was never rly around so gid was basically raised by his nannies/maids.
cue poor little rich boy
he’s always been troubled-- when he was young everyone just thought it was a way to get his father’s attention. as he got older, his antics began to get more serious. 
throughout high school, he had one-night stands with basically anything that breathed... not caring at all about the girls’ feelings or the guys they were dating. 
before gideon ended up going off to college, he found out the truth about his father-- that he’s dirty. not only does he accept bribes, he’s in with the mob.
with that information tucked away, gideon went off to brown, actually. turns out he’s pretty intelligent. he majored in philosophy and this was the beginning of really.... who he is now. he started a club based on anarchical political views.
he also met her. her name was rita and she was a year ahead of him. they started going out and he became.... obsessive, controlling, and completely out of control.
she was into it, for a while. at first, it seemed like he just really liked her... but eventually it fell apart (like things do, in college). he flipped shit. wouldn’t leave her alone, showed up at her house, manipulated her mother to be on his side. she transferred and he still didn’t stop.
she was his first... restraining order. his father got it swiped from his record because it would tarnish his reputation. 
all the worst parts of gideon became apparent in college-- his lack of empathy, his anger at being questioned, and his narcissism. his freshman year roommate diagnosed him as a psychopath, so gideon planted drugs on his side of the room and got him kicked out.
since college, gideon has moved around quite a bit. he lives a pretty isolated life-- only just getting by with his good looks and charm hiding the darkness underneath. he’s acquired two more restaining orders from women he’s met along the way-- still hasn’t found the one.
he’s been a bit more successful with his career. he worked as a political commentator and author until about five years ago when he got picked up for a regular column in the Atlantic. he writes political commentary that always ends up being a plug for anarchy.
he’s a bit paranoid that the government is going to try to take over, so he started stockpiling illegal arms-- which he keeps in his basement. he decided to settle in jericho because it seemed off-the-radar enough to keep him safe. (from what threat? who knows.) 
gideon’s dream is to open his own bookstore where he has sole control over the inventory-- so he can to stock his shelves with “useless” books, such as how-tos, self help, photography, or encyclopedias. for now, he works as manager at jericho books and his influence is seen in the neon “BYOB” sign and the increasing number of manifestos, philosophy books, and political commentaries on the shelves. 
i’m working on wanted connections/plots for him rn...... but slide in my dms and we can think of something! or like this and ill slide in yours!!
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satellits · 6 years
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JOHN KELLER HAS ADDED KEVIN OSWALT AS A FRIEND! The TWENTY year old will be playing the role of the CUTE BOOKWORM in his very own horror movie. Right now, she’s a TEACHER’S AIDE at JERICHO HIGH & an ENGLISH MAJOR at ASU but she might not be for much longer — you might see her on the town’s next tape.
introducing mads
mads eats 5 ginger thins a day despite knowing it gives them a tummy ache and makes them nauseous
they love their cat more than anyone else in the entire world so jot that down
mads was born 96 and has decided that everyone born AFTER that year is not “ a real 90s kid ”
they really want jonathan byers to bite it already 
when they were 7 years old and a big thot, they peed themselves on a pile of snow so they could keep kissing some boy whose name they can’t recall now
if given the chance, they would push their biological father in front of a moving car
introducing kevin oswalt
if there is one character that is the Genuine Love Of My Life … it’s kevin ! she’s just that powerful
her backstory is one helluva mess and you can find the whole thing on my stats page but … long story short … got kidnapped at age 5, raised to believe she was somebody else’s kid, found out the truth at 17 and made a run for it. and here we are !
miss kev loves books. she loves reading. she loves writing. she had a journal she puts her daily thoughts in and she’s working on her first novel which is basically just her life story … she’s creative like that
she’s VERY tiny … like she struggles a lot with speaking to random folks cos there used to be a time where she was deemed Too Blunt ™ and now she overthinks literally everything. love that for her
actually named after kevin mccalister from home alone (1990) which honestly is unbelievable to this day. her birth name isn’t kev, obvi, but her ‘nappers sure loved macaulay culkin
she’s in uni right now but she also works part time as a teacher’s assistant at her old high school which is a tragedy all on its own
very clearly her trope of the Cute Bookworm is 100% cos she’s cute … and she’s a bookworm … i don’t know what else you want from me 0:
please plot with my baby boo , you can find her connections here and, uhhh, hit me up ):< my discord is mads#7437
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madskilduff · 6 years
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JOHN KELLER HAS ADDED MADSEN ‘MADS’ KILDUFF AS A FRIEND! The TWENTY-SIX year old will be playing the role of the DR. JERK in his very own horror movie. Right now, HE is a THERAPIST at MORNING STAR PRIVATE COUNSELLING but HE might not be for much longer — you might see HIM on the town’s next tape. ( jannik schumann, he/him– played by nomi, twenty-two, she/her, est ) 
back at it again with my second character! This is Mads, your local asshole therapist, but that’s Dr. Kilduff to you. 
Madsen is Mimi’s twin brother so from birth up to the age of eight they share the same story, except Madsen was sent off to live with their mother instead of their father which he honestly regrets every day.
He was also kind of inspired by the netflix show Sex Education so if you get those vibes you’re right.
It’s not that Madsen’s mother was horrible, or neglectful in any way. Quite the opposite actually, Claudia Kilduff cared way too much. For most of Madsen’s young life he can remember his mother being loving in her own way but also invasive and overbearing. That coupled with the fact that his mother was also a sex therapist who wrote a best selling novel, meant that Madsen didn’t exactly have the worlds most normal childhood.
But he could label each part of the vagina by the age of ten though, and not many people can say that.
Through his childhood Madsen’s mother was always psychoanalyzing him. And although it was a frustrating invasion of privacy, Madsen did ultimately trust his mother and open up to her more than that average son would. Their relationship was a bit odd maybe but very, very open. They were very close pretty much all of Madsen’s young life, to the point where Madsen didn’t even second guess legally changing his surname to hers rather than a father he barely knew.
The all changed the day that Madsen’s mother wrote her second novel, a very thorough book about raising a sexually deviant teenage son which Madsen was the star of without Madsen’s knowledge or consent. Madsen found out about the book before it was published, and fought tooth and nail with his mother not to publish it but since so many publishers were already fighting to get it on the shelves and Madsen’s mother thought that this novel would be helpful to other mothers she published it anyways. Without Madsen’s consent.
That was a pivotal point in Madsen’s life where all his trust in the person he trusted most in the world was broken (very private things that he told his mother in confidence were in that book) and so Mads went from adoring his mother to despising her very quickly. However after Madsen tried displaying that hatred and acting out, he quickly realized he was achieving nothing, so he readjusted.
He used the fame that he gained from his mother’s novel to achieve his own success, even going as far as to go into business with his mother to do so. They became a famous mother son counselling duo, like they wrote a book together, they went on Ellen, it was wild. By the time that Madsen was in the middle of college he made a name from himself worldwide, at least among people who cared about this kind of thing.
But Madsen had also made a name for himself as ‘the guy who effed a peach because he read it in a book once’ and ‘the guy who couldn’t touch himself until he was seventeen’ so Madsen wasn’t exactly grateful to his mother yk.
Once Madsen had finally gotten his therapy certification officially and made a name for himself that he was satisfied with he decided that his time with his mother was over. Not only did he rather abruptly leave their business together to make one of his own (taking more than a few of their clients with him) he also sabotaged his mother in the process, revealing some choice information that threw her into a scandal as a parting gift.
But yeah that’s what Madsen has been doing the past couple years, working on private sessions with his clients and expanding his practice. He’s also been working on his first novel without his mother, and been traveling the world to do it, which is what leads him to Jericho. He just got here honestly, and what brought him here was the murder of Ariella. At the moment he is particularly interested in how the brutal murder of one of their own can affect the psyche of people within a small close knit community, especially when that murder has been witnessed by members of the community online? It’s GOLD. Madsen is having the time of his life. He’s counselling people for free and even paying some of them just so he can get some of his regular counselling done but more importantly so he can get info on Ariella.
personality wise Madsen is,,, a dick. But a dick in sheeps’ clothing. Madsen is absolutely kind of heartless, but I almost put faux affably evil for his trope because he does a very good job of hiding how rotten he is inside. He is the type to smile politely to your face even as he internally laments how much he hates your guts and that’s just how it is. He’s a fake ass bitch.
But he’s a fake ass bitch who is very good at his job despite being a jerk about it, hence the Dr. Jerk trope. He always leaves his clients better off than they were before they met him, even if he doesn’t really care about them at all.
Madsen is also a big control freak and neat freak honestly. His office is pristine, he never has a wrinkle in his clothes, he’s always on time. He’s not a very flexible person at all.
CLIFFNOTES ;  (aka what i’ve been sending around on discord)
mimi’s twin brother
basically kind of inspired by sex education like the show idk if you’ve watched it but it’s a wild time
his mother was a sex therapist who was really just too invasive and overbearing, and Madsen kind of grew up under a microscope
his mother literally wrote a best selling book on raising him and his sex habits like?? it’s basically about the sexual habits of teenage boys and how to confront that and it’s all about madsen and she published it without his consent
Madsen was of course pissed but there was really nothing he could do about the whole situation so he decided to take control of the situation and just kind of spin it to his advantage? Because of that he went into business with his mother for a while and they became like a therapy duo
they were in business together for a while and when Madsen got as much popularity as he could from the arrangement he left and went into business on his own
So that’s what he’s been doing for the past few years just going around the country riding the wave of his ‘fame’ (not really but you know) and visiting different towns to like counsel people and get some info for his book
personality wise he’s a bit of a dick? like he’s kind of heartless i almost put faux affably evil for his personality type like that’s the kind of guy he is aksbjssj BUT he’s also the type to be very good at his job but also a jerk about it, like his clients are always left better off than they were before they met him but he’s also like a bit of a dick behind his mask 
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hotheadcd · 6 years
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JOHN KELLER HAS ADDED STEVEN KINNEY AS A FRIEND! The TWENTY-SIX year old will be playing the role of the SYMPATHETIC MURDERER in his very own horror movie. Right now, he’s a SCIENCE TEACHER at JERICHO HIGH SCHOOL but he might not be for much longer — you might see him on the town’s next tape.
hi again it me, luna. if you wanna know more about me, go ahead over and check out my intro post on georgia here. if you don’t care, good on you bc i suck.
tws for murder, car crash, death.
so! this is steven, a twenty-six year old angry disaster. he’s the middle child, would kill a man for his sisters ( sawyer the baby and sienna the eldest ).
has like. ridiculous anger issues stemming from the death of his parents when he was nineteen. they died in a car crash that gave his younger sister epilepsy so he’s a wee bit protective of her.
he tried to channel his anger into boxing in college, however it didn’t end up going as planned. he beat another boxer so aggressively that he gave him brain trauma and the guy died. 
he’s been in love with his best friend since they were seventeen and they’re finally going somewhere, she has a kid but he treats her ( marisol ) like she’s his own.
he’s a science teacher at the high school and absolutely adores his students. he teaches biology and tries his best to make it really interactive for them.
and that’s a wrap binches. for now, at least uwu. feel free to hmu if u wanna plot! 
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spacelys1 · 6 years
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JOHN KELLER HAS ADDED SAWYER KINNEY AS A FRIEND! The TWENTY-ONE year old will be playing the role of the MANIC PIXIE DREAM GIRL in his very own horror movie. Right now, she’s a VETERINARY ASSISTANT at THE JERICHO PET CO. & a ZOOLOGY MAJOR at ASU but she might not be for too much longer — you might see her on the town’s next tape.
mads is 22 years old and still doesn’t know how to cook … they’re working on it, though
they have the memory of a goldfish which is why you gotta remind them to do the most basic of things
their first ever crush was comic spider-man, none of that live-action toby mcguire shit
alisha boe owns their entire heart and they would die for her
their current favorite movies on letterboxd are : annihilation (2018), moon (2009), twilight (2008), children of men (2006)
they find talking about themselves in third person really odd
sawyer is twenty-one, finally, which means she can get Fucked Up ™ except she’s too much of a goody little bitch to do that properly
she’s adopted, a middle child, a libra moon … you know this hoe was destined to overachieve
her adopted parents died when she was thirteen years old and if that wasn’t Shitty Enough … she also developed epilepsy due to the head injuries she got from that car doing a cute little somersault
she plays soccer like her life depends on it, she’s too damn athletic
animals are her LIFE actually, she has a rescued bunny named waffles cos she’s so creative like that. she also works at the vet / animal shelter and is studying to become a vet too
she’s a bit too social. she’s overly invested in her friends and family’s lives and she just … she wants the bestest for EVERYONE. she also doesn’t wanna be lonely but we don’t talk about that
she’s a sweet gal, but her beautiful trope of Manic Pixie Dream Girl comes from the way BOYS treat her … not gonna mention any damn names cos they don’t deserve the mention but yeah . they have a tendency to project their own shit onto her 😔
and that’s that on my ugly introduction ! please hit me up for plots … you can find sawyer’s plot page here and my discord is mads#7437 xx
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