#jeremiah x ecco
thegr33nc0met · 4 months
Gotham Masterlist
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♥︎Ed Nygma/The Riddler
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♥︎Oswald Cobblepot/The Penguin
Yandere Headcanons (Coming Soon)
♥︎Jerome Valeska
Yandere Jerome x Skittish!Reader (Coming Soon)
♥︎Jeremiah Valeska
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♥︎Jervis Tetch
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♥︎Victor Zsasz
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♥︎Barbara Kean
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♥︎Tabitha Galavan
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Feel free to ask about other characters!
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coupleoffanfics · 1 year
A Good Morning
[Post-Spray Jeremiah x Batsis Reader] This is part two of this.
Ecco checked every hour on y/n. It was six when she regained consciousness, but only blankly stared at the wall and was unresponsive. It was clear to Ecco that she was lucid as she watched her face flicker from one emotion to the other while talking to her. She must have been in shock the blonde woman figured and didn't pester her too much.
Ecco went to the kitchen and started cooking breakfast for y/n. After everything y/n went through yesterday, she must be hungry. It's not every day that someone is forced into captivity. Once she finished cooking, she put everything on the wooden breakfast tray. As she walked towards the guest room y/n was locked in, she looked at little stickers on the tray.
The breakfast tray wasn't Jeremiah's, it was y/n's. She often brought it with her when staying over and it ended up being left here. It had little stickers of colorful, sparkly hearts placed all over the wooden tray. She'd always wake up to make breakfast for everyone. She'd always walked to his room with the tray to find out he was in the study working all night. Leading the couple to argue while Ecco munched on her toast.
Those arguments were light, squabbles really. Nothing serious and voices were never raised. Ecco has a feeling that those days are far behind them now. Not that she blames y/n.
Stopping at the door Ecco knocked before unlocking it. She received no response, but it's not like she expected or needed one. It was just common courtesy to let y/n know someone was entering. When Ecco opened the door she expected to see y/n to still lying on her side in bed.
But was instead greeted by a floor lamp to the face. y/n whacked Ecco with a surprising amount of strength that almost made her fall over. Ecco didn't think she had it in her, it could've been the adrenaline and desperation to get out. The tray was dropped with a thud that was followed by a crash from the glass plates and cup breaking from the sudden impact.
The [hair color] haired woman swung the lap pole at Ecco again, but she grabbed it before it even got close to her. She opened her mouth to say something to y/n. What exactly? She wasn't sure, just something to get y/n stop before she actually had to restrain her. Unfortunately, Ecco couldn't get a word out as y/n kicked her stomach. The force of the kick sends Ecco stumbling into the hallway and pushes her back against the wall.
y/n stepped over the broken glass plates. She wasn't sure if she had stepped on some glass or not. She might have since her legs were a bit shaky. It didn't though, she needed to get out.
Not feeling merciful this morning, y/n gave Ecco another wack across her face with the lamp before running down the hall. Each time Ecco was hit, it felt like it was almost personal because the second had a lot more power behind it. Ecco quickly got back on her feet and chased down y/n. It wasn't hard to tell where she was going because of the little trail of red she left behind with each step.
It wasn't like she got far in the first place. Ecco didn't even have to take her down or anything as her condition did all the work. She was double over having another coughing fit and clutching her chest. Hearing all the noise Jeremiah came out of his study. He gave Ecco a glare before ordering her to get the cuffs while he attended to y/n.
y/n was put back in the room that she had tried to escape from. She wore a defeated face that slightly shimmered with determination through her eyes. As Jeremiah handcuffed her to the bedpost, she thought of what to say but thought silence might be the best option. Just before Ecco could sit at the bottom of the bed to take care of the glass in y/n's foot, he ordered her to leave.
Ecco could practically hear y/n sharply inhale after hearing the words leave his mouth. She almost felt bad for y/n as she left the room. That little determination in those [eye color] eyes shifted to fear.
Jeremiah wasn't harshly holding her leg down as he pulled out the little bits of glass from her sole with tweezers. He wasn't cursing her out, berating her for actions. No, his touch was soft. It could even be called loving though she's not sure that's a word that should be used. Did he love her? She wondered, disregarding their years of dating to remember what happened yesterday. Remembering how just months ago he was normal. He looked normal, he acted normal because he was normal.
That toxin, spray, gas— whatever it was, was the corporate behind this all. They'd promised to never hide anything from one another. So when he fearfully explained how he started having these intrusive thoughts of extreme violence, she tried to book him to a psychiatric hospital. The first time that idea was brought up he brushed it off believing that it was temporary.
Leading her to ask the question, "You would hurt me?" The alarmed look on his face and how he earnestly explained that he never thought nor do such a thing. Of course, she believed him. She used to take his words as gospel. Maybe he did love her at that moment, but what about now?
She almost wished he was yelling at her because she wouldn't have to fill the silence with her thoughts. Just as he started bandaging her foot, she broke the unnerving silence with a question.
"Are you going to kill me?"
He stopped for a moment and gave her a perplexed look as if she asked the dumbest question. She would have felt embarrassed by his reaction, but she felt like this was a legitimate question to ask right now. With everything that had happened, she wasn't sure what to expect from him.
"If I wanted you dead I would have let Jerome have you." His cold voice gave no type of comfort.
"Why are you doing this? I know we–" y/n stopped wondering if he remembered yesterday. It couldn't be possible for him to be blackout drunk, right? He didn't stumble over himself, slur his words, or start a drunken ramble. Maybe just a bit tipsy.
"I was confronting you about your heart failure," Jeremiah said as he put everything back into the first aid kit, "But I should have done this a while ago. We both know that there's a risk each time you go back to Gotham. It's the capital of crime with psychotic people like Jerome roaming the streets. I can't have you being in that hellhole any longer, especially when you're getting worse."
"You could have told me about your concerns and I would have understood. I would have stayed if you wanted me to."
He rolled his eyes and snickered, "You would? Forget about trying to prove I'm crazy with the blood test and just stay here with me. Then we'd live happily ever after. y/n, I thought we wouldn't lie to each other." She pursed her lips at the sarcastic tone. Then he suddenly shifted from sarcastic to hurt.
"You've been lying about your health and about how you trust me. You still think I'm insane when I haven't done anything to justify that thinking. I don't what else you could have been lying about. Have you been lying when you say I love you? I know I haven't y/n. I've been the only honest person here."
"No! I- ugh…" y/n threw her head back in frustration. The problem was that he was mostly right. There had been no solid evidence of him being insane until now. The only thing she had at the time was his slight behavioral change. Keeping the fact that she was running out of time because of her heart failure a secret was selfish. She'll admit that and the only reason she didn't say anything was because it was easier to ignore.
It felt better to ignore the sand trickling down the hourglass and act like everything was normal. Ignoring any emotional turmoil must be a Wayne trait. It had worked until the symptoms became more noticeable.
Of course, it had to be the person she cared about the most to find out. She couldn't bring it up with Jeremiah because he was always on the verge of an anxiety attack whenever a door was opened. Then aftermath of the gas made it clear that she shouldn't bring it up. She was the main she he ended up like this. Jerome lured him out by threatening her life and she should have just told him to save himself. She'd be dead in a few months anyway.
There was a burning sensation in y/n's eyes that she tried to blink away. Her heart was pounding harder and she curled in her lips, trying to stifle any sounds because she knew what was happening. It was so easy to upset her with a negative tone. Even if it wasn't directed towards her it still made her a bit upset. Having Jeremiah express his disappointment in her tore her heart.
The first tear didn't have to fall for him to start saying comforting words and having both of his hands hold the sides of her face. Saying the prettiest of lies about how everything was going to be okay and that he was going to take care of everything. Knowing fully well he was lying y/n indulged herself in those lies. It was what she wanted to hear in this distressing moment.
She's not sure, but she's sure she saw him smile a bit. Seeing how much power he has over her must have been amusing. Or it could have been that he was reminded that she really didn't have anyone else to run to. It's always been him and her, and nothing was going to change that.
"I love you," Jeremiah said looking at her with those unnerving green eyes. Any and all semblance of blue was long gone.
He waited for y/n's predictable response. "I love you too." He gave what could have been a genuine smile but it looked too crooked. Anything else y/n tried to say or ask was ignored as he got up and left without another word. Finally being alone y/n rested her head against the headboard and stared blankly at the white ceiling. Wondering what the hell she was going to do.
Things couldn't get any worse.
Feedback is very much encouraged and appreciated. Masterlist
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her-favorite · 10 months
guys i’m so sorry for how long it’s taken me to post/answer requests + my inbox (i promise i’ve read all the requests, even if i havent answered them!) - writers block has truly been kicking my ass but i’m trying to get my motivation back!
Sorry for how many answers there are, these aren’t even half of the fics/ideas that are in my drafts 😭 if there are anymore that i potentially missed or that you guys want, lmk in the comments! ❤️
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your-nanas-house · 2 years
Fieldwork #firstday (chapter 11 'His student')
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(Not my gif, credit to the owner)
Pairing: (dark) professor!Jeremiah Valeska X student!Reader
Warnings: meeting, field work, obsession, thinking at dirty things, suggestive content
Words: 1184
Summary: Jeremiah meets his student for the first day of their field work.
Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English. This is chapter 10 of the series 'His student'. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6. Part 7, Part 8, Part 9 , Part 10. Sorry if it took me so long!
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On the day they began fieldwork together Jeremiah gave her an appointment at the company for which he was doing some project work so as not to arouse suspicion by inviting her immediately to his apartment.
The company was called 'Meyer and Hayes,' it was a structural engineering company perfect for a first start and fieldwork. 
Y/n showed up there on time, wearing different clothes than she normally wore looking more serious and suitable to make a good impression, she was wearing a white shirt tucked into beige pants and covered by a long coat. 
Her y/h/c hair was professionally tied although it was slightly messy due to the wind outside the building that morning as she waited for Jeremiah who joined her a few moments later, pausing to study her appearance that day, lingering particularly on her exposed collarbones that poked out of her slightly open shirt but that were soon covered when she adjusted the scarf she was wearing while she looked around patiently waiting for her professor.
Jeremiah had not come alone unfortunately, Ecco had insisted on accompanying him because it was better that way for his safety, so he agreed and stood in front of his student with his assistant beside him.
Y/n's y/e/c eyes slowly rose up catching the image of Jeremiah in front of her before she recognized him and smiled happily "Good morning professor" he hinted a smile continuing to stare at her as he adjusted his glasses on his nose "Good morning Y/n...are you ready, my dear? " she nodded ignoring the pet name as she smiled excitedly jumping slightly as she replied "very ready" Jeremiah's smile turned to amusement seeing the childlike enthusiasm his student was showing at that moment, something she only did with people she was comfortable with, but the smile soon disappeared when he heard the way Y/n called Ecco after standing for a moment looking at her slightly surprised not expecting anyone else.
Her wonderful eyes shifted between Jeremiah and then Ecco before she smiled politely "Good morning..Mrs. Valeska" Ecco looked at her letting her shake her hand while she remained completely serious, the look that before was enthusiastic and full of energy turned into one of a little discomfort, all the energy she possessed before was quickly gone with one glance of the woman. 
Jeremiah did not like this at all so he made his assistant move away telling her what to do before entering the building placing his hand on Y/n's shoulder to reassure her "she is not my wife, she is my assistant..there is nothing between us" he declared as if he was slightly offended, as if she could even think that he could love someone other than her.
Y/n apologized taken aback by Jeremiah's reaction and his cold tone that changed again when he met her gaze, he smiled at her and said there was no problem as they entered the elevator; the engineer made a mental note when he realized that his student hesitated to get on the elevator while eyeing the stairs but said nothing, entering and standing still in the middle of the edge of the elevator, moving closer to Jeremiah only when other people entered leaving very little room in there.
Jeremiah stood right behind her, he could smell the scent of her hair and clothes if he lowered himself slightly, their bodies were distant but so close it hurt, just a slight movement and they would touch, her back would rest against his chest while her bottom would probably almost perfectly touch his pelvis.
Her scent would invade his senses, making him want to move his arms to grab her and trap her against his body, sinfully marking and touching her uncovered jaw and the exposed parts of her neck that invited him to sink his teeth into her gently but hard enough to leave a mark.
The beige pants hugged her ass curves perfectly, something he couldn't notice before because of the long coat that was now in his student's arms as if she wanted him to notice those shapes that he wanted so badly to grab, knead, and press against his crotch in such a way as to find some friction for his growing boner.
Jeremiah's thoughts had made him zone out for a few floors but he soon recovered when what he had been waiting for happened; another person entered the elevator and Y/n's back hit his chest pressing the curves of her ass against Jeremiah's private area causing him to let out a small grunt that made him blush embarrassed while he hoped no one had heard.
It did not help at all that Y/n kept moving out of anxiety creating a friction that she had not yet sensed but Jeremiah sensed very well.
The teacher would have lost his control if they had not gotten out of that elevator but fortunately the doors opened and she stepped out waiting for him outside with an embarrassed smile, he stepped out a few seconds later holding his coat in his arm thus covering the curtain in his pants that had been formed and screamed for attention. 
Jeremiah returned her smile as he moved his hand over her again resting it on her back as he guided her to the room they needed to go to.
When they got there they saw that there were already people sitting at the long table and that the meeting was about to start, they were not late but not early either so they sat down after Jeremiah moved the chair for her and greeted his colleagues before vaguely explaining to her what they were going to do that day, thus participating in the meeting of the new project that was to be perfected.
Jeremiah's hazel eyes stayed on her the whole time, studying her demeanor to get a sense of her state of mind-he could see that she was still a bit anxious since she kept bouncing her right leg up and down, her attention completely on the screen and her notebook as she took notes and made a few sketches so that she would not forget when she was supposed to participate later on.
She had pulled up the sleeves and Jeremiah could see more skin, the shirt had also opened up a bit more leaving her cleavage to be seen which tempted him throughout the day distracting him several times but without being noticed by Y/n.
It was a remarkable success that first day according to the engineer in fact he was looking forward to seeing her again the next day as soon as he observed her take the subway back to her dormitory saying she did not need him to accompany her; that night it went like this but Jeremiah intended to impose it the next time they would see each other so that he would keep his eyes on her and make sure she was safe on the way back to her college dormitory.
@gabile18 , @mrsfullbuster500 , @rex-ray , @elizamalfoyy, @eovjjj , @monkeyking-and-liuer-mate , @jeremiah-va1eska , @gothamchic16, @rabbiteggz , @dieg0brandos-wife , @rottenecstasy , @lazyexcuse , @teh-vampire-bunny , @lobotomy-lover , @slasher-smasher
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jestergirls · 1 year
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"Hey there, Mr. Valeska. You alone, or you got Mr. Wayne with you?"
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Jeremiah x Ecco
For @xgoddessoffandomsx
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 7 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐝 (𝐉𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐤𝐚)
by mistressmaximoff Lydia Martinez had only allowed herself to see the good side of Gotham. Sure her mom was a cop and her other mom was the district attorney, but despite their harrowing jobs, her life was 10x’s better than most in the city. As perfect as she may seem there was always something wrong with her. Something that no one else saw in her except this one psychotic dude who had completely and utterly fell for her. (Jerome Valeska x Fem! OC) Words: 1848, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Gotham (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M Characters: Jerome Valeska, Original Female Character(s), Bruce Wayne, Oswald Cobblepot, Edward Nygma, Jim Gordon, Barbara Kean, Jeremiah Valeska, Ecco (Gotham) Relationships: Jerome Valeska/Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Stockholm Syndrome, Unhealthy Relationships, Harley Quinn Inspired, Minor Original Character(s), Lesbian Mothers, GOES INSANE, Poor baby :(, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Gaslighting, Verbal Abuse, Is Love Real? via https://ift.tt/4gliEtI
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rowenaaine · 3 years
Gotham Fic Master List
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To make it easier for readers (and me) to find my Gotham-related fanfic, here is a master list of those I’ve written or are in progress. I will later add my favorites by other fanfic writers, but that list is liable to be enormous! so so many...
Wayleska Poison in the Blood (complete, 13 chapters + playlist) How’s It Gonna Be (wip) Undeniable (part 1 of “Learning to Heal” series) Not As Easy As You Think (part 2 of “Learning to Heal” series) Rewind (one shot) Gotham Prompt #10 “Like a Normal Couple“ Gotham Prompt #48 “Fate”
Osmiah Paying for It (wip and sequel underway)
Gobblepot on the bed of the soul, the waves escape (wip) Gotham Prompt #16 “An Inconvenient Lunch”
Sunday Six tumblr tag How’s It Gonna Be preview (Valeska Twins) Paying For It - Ch 24 excerpt (Valeska Twins flashback) Paying For It - Ch 13 excerpt (Osmiah, bat reference) Gotham Prompt #48 “Fate” (Wayleska)
Eccomiah Giving In (one shot)
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jeremiahwasajoker · 4 years
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Hello there! The question that you have asked me is a really great one. I think that the answer to this varies from person to person, so I hope that everyone reading this keeps in mind that this is an opinion! Without further ado, let’s get started.
Personally, I do think it is possible for the Joker to love/care about his significant other. I am aware that this is a *hot take*, but just hear me out. The first example of this that I can find has to do with the Joker’s deceased wife Jeannie. I know that there’s a debate of whether she actually existed or not because of the context of him telling Batman about her in the ‘Killing Joke’ comic, but it turns out that there is a comic run where the Joker is told that his wife was murdered instead of her death being an accident. This drives him to hunt down the person who killed her and attempt to act out revenge on them. With all of that being said, I think it’s safe to say that the Joker has a soft spot in his heart for Jeannie and that he still genuinely loves her even though she has passed. A visual example of this can be seen below, where you can see that he looks very pained while looking at a photo album of their shared life together.
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The second example that I think proves this (to me, anyway) has to do with the Joker’s newer partner, Punchline. From what we have seen of Punchline in the comics, she is silent, cold, deadly, and has earned the Joker’s respect. Even though their interactions haven’t gotten too romantic yet, there’s a palpable connection between the two. From what it seems, the Joker considers her as his equal rather than just a henchwoman because she always gets the job done and has a plan for everything. Her personality also seems to suit his very well, fueling their chemistry with one another. In fact, James Tynion IV (who is Punchline’s creator) said that one of the stark differences between her and the Joker’s relationship versus his and Harley Quinn’s is that he does genuinely care for her in a non-manipulative way. Being by his side is 10000% her choice, which I think is a refreshing take for a Joker relationship. Here’s a picture of them dancing.
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That point brings me to my next, which has to do with none other than Harley Quinn herself. As we all know, the Joker and Harley’s relationship is quite tumultuous and abusive. Personally, I don’t really ship them together, but I do really appreciate the (rare) wholesome moments between them. It’s been said that the Joker was too afraid to ever admit his feelings for Harley and that’s why he abused her, but I have to disagree. Even though I think it’s possible that he tried to hide the fact that he may have loved her, I do think the reason for his abuse was because of their personalities clashing. Harley is a fun, bubbly, and ditzy character that goes on a whim and sometimes isn’t completely focused on the Joker’s plans. She is easily manipulated into loving him (as per the ‘Mad Love’ comic) because she has the type of personality/issues that caused this. However, her going on tangents or screwing up/not fully understanding his ideas has made her an annoyance to him. She also isn’t fully evil, so this can lead to questioning from her. Especially since the Joker is someone who is methodical and cold-hearted, he strongly disliked these aspects of Harley. It’s even thought that the reason for his abuse of her is because she slightly reminds him of Jeannie. Regardless, him abusing her is TOTALLY NOT OKAY!!! That’s why I don’t prefer this Joker ship as much. I’m also not justifying him for hurting her in any way, but rather examining the aspects of their relationship that may have lead him to do this to her. Anyway, have a soft picture of them together that I do appreciate. I do wish that their relationship was more like the example below!
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Now, I know what you may be thinking: “You said you don’t ship Jarley as much, but you love Eccomiah!! Doesn’t Jeremiah abuse Ecco and stuff?” Weeeelllllll, here’s my take on everything with that. As I have mentioned countless times before, I don’t think that the true plan for their relationship was for them to turn out the way that they did. Ecco’s character was the way she was in season 4 for a reason. I think that the route that they were trying to go was for her to continue to be the stoic, bada$$ Joker henchwoman that was willingly devoted to him. But, because they had to rush to finish the show, they were like “we have to have Harley Quinn!!!” and kinda just changed her personality so that they could say they had that character on the show. I know for a fact that Ecco was meant to be intelligent and not ditzy. She is a perfect match for Jeremiah in the sense that they are equals and that they bring out the evil in each other (even though that is an unhealthy dynamic in general). Another thing that I have mentioned many times before is that I headcanon that she was faking her season 5 persona as a part of their plan. I explained that more in depth in my “Verisimilitude Trumps Precaution!” post, which you can check out in my Eccomiah tag. Regardless, I do think/headcanon that Jeremiah loves and simps hard for Ecco. She’s his dream partner in a sense that she’s highly proficient with her skills, as well as being fully and willingly devoted to him. Just look at them here! What a power couple!
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In conclusion, I do think that it is possible for the Joker to be in love with his significant other. I think that it just really depends on the context and the personalities of his partner. This being said, this does not make him any better of a person! He is still an extremely evil and vile villain who should not be looked up to. I’m just saying that I think it’s possible for him to fall in love with someone who matches him without their dynamic being romanticized or diminishing his level of evil. I do think that it can work!
I hope this made sense! I know that it’s kind of messy because I wanted to do my research and get all of my thoughts out about this! I also hope that others can respect my opinion on this.
Have a great day! 😁
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coupleoffanfics · 1 year
A Sample
[Post-Spray Jeremiah x Batsis Reader]
It's always been a pain to drive out to Jeremiah. Just outside of Gotham and in the woods where the roads get muddy and bumpy. Though y/n finds that getting to see her boyfriend is rewarding enough to take that two-and-a-half-hour drive three times a week. She got out of the car and pulled a leather suitcase out. After the road, she has to deal with the maze. The maze is arguably worse than the road.
Not living in Gotham, but still being near it isn't enough. So he has to make a maze just in case Jerome finds out his location. As much as she wants to hate the maze, she understands the paranoia and can't fault him for that. However, the mental image of Jerome running around the maze like a rat looking for cheese is funny.
Making it through y/n was greeted by Ecco's blank face. "Good afternoon, Ecco." y/n's light voice and energy bounced off the blonde woman. Her voice was calm and collected, "Hello, Ms. l/n." It felt good to be called Ms. l/n than Ms. Wayne. Though she's sure Mrs. Valeska would sound better.
"Is he in…"
"In his study." y/n flashed a grateful smile as she said thank you. Walking down the cold hallway. The soles of her shoes made satisfying clacking sounds with each step. Stopping at the wooden door, she knocked rhythmically. A response didn't take long and she opened the door.
Jeremiah was sitting at his desk with a thing of alcohol next to him. He's been drinking a lot more lately. Disregarding the half bottle of whisky y/n smiled at fondly him, "How are you doing today." He watched her sit down, curious to see what was in the leather suitcase. "Fine," He said with a quick and almost forced smile, "What did you bring with you?" She suddenly felt nervous by how he went straight into pointing it out with no beating around the bush. She was hoping that she'd be able to ease him into what she needed.
He took note of that nervous smile creeping up on her face. She put the suitcase on her lap. "This has things for a," She stops and lets out a sigh. Her eyes look down at her hands before back at her boyfriend, "I need a blood sample." The rise of his eyebrow made her nervous. They've had this conversation a few times now.
That he was fine now. That the toxin was completely out of his system. The mind-changing effect was only temporary and only caused physical change. That if he wasn't okay then why'd they let him walk right out of the psychiatric hospital? It didn't make any sense, but he's always been such a good actor. So good that y/n almost believed him for a moment.
She never explained that she thought he was lying, just saying that she was worried that it could have done unknown harm to him. But neither could fully get away with lying to each other. So when Jeremiah agreed to it, y/n was surprised by the lack of resistance. She foolishly thought that it must have been the whisky making him agreeable.
"That's great, but we're going to have to reschedule since you've…" It felt weird, almost wrong to point to his sudden use of alcohol. It was so much easier to ignore it and run away from the thought of it. Thankful they didn't have to open that can of worms as he knew what she was pointing at. "Yes, we can do it tomorrow. You don't have any classes from what I remember." He takes another sip from his glass while staring her in the eye.
The sudden eye contact made her shiver and deviate her eyes back down to her hands for a second. "Yeah, we can do that. You'll need to drink a lot of water though." While saying that she tries to smile as if it were some sort of joke. His lack of a reaction made her drop her forced smile.
"I noticed you've been out a lot longer this week. What have you been up to lately?" He speaks like he's going to accuse her of something. What exactly, she isn't sure, but it put her on edge. "I've been visiting my family a little more." She watched his eyes harden at her words. Almost scowling at the mental image of her going back to the family that neglected her for half of her life.
y/n would have been better off cutting them out of her life after high school, but she always had an excuse. That they were far too busy to put up with her. Painting herself as a nuisance. Not explicitly saying that she was too needy, but hitting at it. Never once has he seen them attend her art galleries or even her graduation. Jeremiah knows their sudden change of heart must have been the shit show that was Jerome. His brother's childish and ignorant attempts to woo her.
The whole thing was very infuriating for Jeremiah on many levels, but he could never be mad at her for this.
His sweet little dimwitted y/n.
The simple question caught her off guard. "Why would you visit them?" There was a venomous undertone to his question that confused her. "Because..." Was she going to tell him that she went to them for help? That she was starting to fear him? No of course not. "Because my little brother, he's been trying to I don't know. Just connect with me, try to have me in his life."
It was an unsatisfying answer and a fucking lie, but Jeremiah would let this go because she wasn't getting out any time soon. "Oh, your little brother," He says with a slightly mocking tone. Signifying that he was going to play along with what tale she was going to spin. "Damian."
He hums, "And he just suddenly cares about you now?" At this point, y/n wasn't sure how to respond and she wasn't going to because this wasn't something she wanted to tango with. Not today. "It doesn't matter." Before he could ask anything else she swiftly changed the subject. "How have you been?"
That's when their conversation starts becoming less intense. Any tension that was there dissolved gradually. It was like everything was normal. Chatting for a good while when all of a sudden he got up, "Come on I have something to show you something." Of course, she followed him into the living room. Showing off the vintage record player and putting on a vinyl. Music filled the room and he held out his hand.
y/n became giddy from this simple action. She tries repressing the urge to squeal and to stop her smile from growing. Wordlessly she took his hand and they glided around the room.
She always had to beg him to dance with her. Not dance to music that you'd hear at a club, just slow waltzing music while no one was around. Being one of Bruce Wayne's adopted children she took a few dance lessons. Never cared for it until she found someone whom she wanted to share it with. Someone she wanted to hold close and move together with.
It felt like they hadn't been on the same page for a while, so this was nice. A quiet moment together to take a break from everything wrong. Just the two of them dancing in the living room that they'd call their ballroom. Nice things were always followed behind something else.
She started having a coughing fit ruining that nice moment. Jeremiah had her sit on the couch. Ecco silently walked in a glass of water, but she did not approach no matter how much she'd liked to provide some type of comfort. She had to wait for him to allow her to step close to y/n. She had no choice, but to watch.
y/n's cough was dry and her face became slightly flustered from the intensity of the coughing. She could feel one of Jeremiah's hands on her back and the other on her shoulder. Giving her a slight squeeze, it's unknown if it was for his or her comfort. After she calmed down and began catching her breath he silently signaled Ecco to come over. The blond woman handed y/n the glass and she gratefully accepted it. Once the cup was out of Ecco's hand she smoothly backed away from them. She was standing on the sidelines waiting for her next order.
"I'm sorry for ruining everything. This cold just won't go away." y/n's voice was apologetic, but there was a melancholic look in her [eye color] eyes.
"Did you plan on never telling me?" She was startled by how cold he sounded. "You keep lying to me, but I've seen your medical record. It's been nearly six months since you've found out and not once did you say anything. Does anyone know about this?" She couldn't look at him. Of course, she knew it was wrong to keep everyone in the dark, but she thought would be better this way. Maybe not for them, but for her.
Her voice was a bit shaky, "No. I haven't." Jeremiah was almost satisfied hearing this because the idea of her confiding in someone was bothersome. "What did you plan on doing, y/n? Did you plan on giving up? Killing yourself?" Panic set in her. No question as to why or how he saw her medical record. She was too occupied with damage control. "No! Miah, I wouldn't! I haven't even thought of it in a few years-"
He clenched his jaw and held up his hand making her shut her mouth. This wasn't what he planned to talk about tonight, but maybe the whisky had made him forget that there was a plan. Bringing up her condition was certainly not a part of it. Everything was getting to him a bit. He stood up from the sofa and began pacing trying to collect his thoughts. He didn't want to implode, not when y/n was frozen out of fear.
At this point why even bother?
"Ecco, take y/n to her room."
"No, I think I should get going. We'll talk about this later, but think I we should step away from each other before anything else." Despite saying this Ecco wasn't deterred. Jeremiah started to walk away, "I think so too. That's why you're going to your room." y/n got up and was just about to start leaving when Ecco grabbed her arm.
"Please let me go." She didn't realize that Ecco planned on fulfilling her order until she tried to pull herself out of Ecco's grip. This causes Ecco to tighten her grip and slightly dig her nails into y/n's skin.
Jeremiah commented from behind, "You used to be so obedient, y/n. I think your family is a bad influence, so just stay here and take a short nap." Before she could even process what was going on, there was a sudden pain in the back of her head and everything went dark.
Masterlist Part 2 Here
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bellegoldie16 · 4 years
Gotham Joker’s and Harley’s🃏♦️
Jerome Valeska
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Barbara Kean
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Joker and Harley 1:
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Jeremiah Valeska
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Joker and Harley 2
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Not part of my Star Wars page but one of my fav shows ever and I need to post it😁 Which characters did you prefer to be The Joker and Harley Quinn in Gotham?😄
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your-nanas-house · 2 years
Ok soooo I love this account, and I have a request 👀 Originally I was thinking that post-spray Jeremiah would be good for this fic idea but now I can’t choose between him and Jerome, so I’m going to leave it up to u LMAO
Anyway, I was thinking of like what if R is good friends with bruce, but they’ve been kind of in a rough patch because R is starting to mentally be in and out (if that makes sense) and bruce is “too busy” to actually help them out so he’s just been annoyed with them without realizing that he’s being a bit of a dick. Until one day R brings up that they met someone that’s been helping them understand what they’re going through and feel more confident in themselves. Bruce figures out that the new person they met is J (Jerome/Jeremiah). He also finds out that J is just manipulating R to join his side only to get to Bruce. Bruce tries to warn R but they’re too far gone and they don’t really trust Bruce anymore.
I kind of now realize that this is more of a Bruce fic, but I do mainly want J to be in it? Bro idk I’m desperate for a J x gn!reader fic (and my attention whore touch starved ass is projecting). I ofc give u free range to change up the request in anyway! Even if u don’t take this request, ty and I hope ur having a chill day! :)
Thank you! I love this idea 😍 Sorry if it took me too long.
Not a GAME
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Pairing: Jeremiah Valeska X Gn!Reader, Bruce Wayne X Gn!Reader
Warnings: manipulation, sadness, panic attack, crying, bad friendship, Jeremiah, warning
Words: 1462
Summary: in the request
Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English.
The words that came out of Bruce's mouth would have been sharp and almost suffocating as well as painful if he had said them a few months earlier, but now they were like steam, like the flame of a lighter that was almost completely finished for Y/n.
They were still meaningful to them in a way, because Bruce still meant something deep inside them, which is why his words echoed in their heads like the first time he hurt them in one of the worst moments he could do it.
Y/n should have hated the millionaire boy but as the days went by he could no longer do so, the burning sensation inside their chests that hurt them emotionally had faded because it was due to him that they met the one who helped them the most at the worst time in their lives.
It all started with a small fight, with Y/n wanting to open up to Bruce to show him and seek help after several weeks of feeling like the world was devouring them, a negative feeling of pressure as if something was crushing them and not letting them breathe; it was a bad idea though because the only response they got from the one they thought was their best friend, the one who would understand most of all was "Geez, don't make everything always about yourself...I'm too busy to take care of this exaggerated thing that's only in your head'. In a way Y/n had expected this, Bruce had been 'too busy' during that time and had started to behave annoyed and dismissive towards them, preferring to take care of his own things instead of thinking about others.
This was what prompted Y/n to leave the manor, with a feeling of pressure in their chest and their breaths quickening, they felt their pulse quicken, drumming against their chest, if they looked down they could see how their chest moved followed by the deep breaths and choked sobs; the falling rain seemed to be there to make things worse, there was nowhere dry for Y/n to take shelter but they didn't care, in fact after they reached their limit they leaned back against the wall, feeling again that so familiar tingling sensation spread from their hands throughout their body, their breathing becoming even more erratic and that feeling of not being able to get enough oxygen returned as they slumped to the floor trying to calm themselves down but in a way not wanting to in the hope of throwing it all out and getting better later.
They felt alone and lost, a fitting moment for Jeremiah who was right nearby to approach and interact with them.
The first thing Y/n noticed was that the rain stopped falling on them probably because of an umbrella and then the shoes, it didn't take long for them to recognise the pale man's style as he continued to look down at them seeing himself in their place, remembering his own panic attacks when he was still locked in the bunker and Jerome was still alive.
He slowly knelt by down never touching the ground and keeping his piercing green eyes fixed with Y/n's y/e/c's who had not yet recovered "Now, now...does that sound like the way to behave in public, you might attract a lot of unwanted attention, huh" he lifted their face to look them in the eyes again when they shifted their gaze "deep breaths, yes?" He showed them how to do it by breathing deeply with them as he helped them up "I think you're having a panic attack, has that already happened to you yet?" he asked receiving a quick shake of the head from Y/n "let's start counting together...1,2,3,4,5,6,7".
As soon as they managed to calm down Jeremiah walked to his car asking if they wanted to get in, Y/n wasn't sure but they really needed to feel better and at that moment a shroud of apathy had fallen over them, they didn't care about anything, if anything was going to happen that night it was going to happen so they walked to the car, getting in through the door the man had opened and putting their seatbelt on before leaning their heads against the window looking out at the falling rain and the depressing environment that was Gotham CIty, they managed to close their eyes for a moment to try and calm themselves and not drop any more pathetic tears in front of one of the most wanted criminals in that city; they tried to suppress their emotions that were coming out again and they were succeeding before a gloved hand wrapped itself around theirs, causing them to shift their attention from the window to Jeremiah's porcelain face, all it took was a slight smile and a squeeze of his hand to reopen the faucet of their emotions.
It all ceased again after they entered the flat and had some time to calm down, they accepted a pajamas and stood by the fireplace with a blanket as they stared blankly into the fire, lying on the sofa with no discernible emotion on their faces, only the previous tears that were now dry on their cheeks, their eyes still a little red and puffy and their cheeks redder from the cold and crying.
Jeremiah's gaze was fixed on them the whole time as he spoke to Ecco, who later took charge of preparing hot tea for their new guest to drink.
The more time passed the more things improved, at first Y/n didn't feel any progress and it seemed so strange to open up to Jeremiah making him their personal psychologist, the advice he gave was strange at times but it worked and they went step by step.
They slowly drifted away from Bruce like a shadow to the appearance of light, all thanks to Jeremiah who drew them towards himself and his ideas to make them drift further and further away from the world and Bruce.
Jeremiah spent more and more time with them, listening to them and being there for them whenever they needed him, cheering them up and making them overcome that depression and constant anxiety almost completely by understanding them, sharing his own experiences by bringing them into a more confident and perhaps making them become a sort of weapon of battle.
Y/n felt understood and despite the complete loss of the rich boy's friendship everything improved, finding the salvation they were looking for in Jeremiah Valeska.
The months flowed by as fast as the water in a mountain stream and changed as it did, even Bruce changed during that same time realizing how he had been behaving and how the lack of Y/n beside him made him feel, leading him to do some research to find out what exactly had happened after inviting them once to apologize, to have a hot chocolate together and noticing how Y/n acted cold and almost stranger to him, hinting at something like he had met someone.
That someone was indeed the boy's own 'enemy', he had discovered his identity in a few days and could even see the manipulation underneath Jeremiah's kind and sympathetic gestures as he tried to get Y/n to go over to his side against Bruce.
It was those words that didn't hurt Y/n in the slightest, it was as if they went in one ear and out the other even as Bruce's hands grasped their shirt trying to pull them back to their senses receiving as a response from them a phrase that had come out of his own mouth long ago "The world doesn't just revolve around you, Bruce".
Bruce's dark gaze was now incredulous as he registered the words he had heard realizing their power, he shouldn't have behaved this way with them months earlier "Y/n/n...I've been a dick to you but you have to listen to me, Jeremiah is just manipulating you to get to me!" "Jeremiah was the only one who was there when I really needed someone and the only one who helped me and made things better by also making me realize what was wrong....even if I wanted to I wouldn't have anyone, I don't trust you anymore Bruce and you can blame yourself for that."
This statement and seeing them walk away caused a mischievous smile to appear on Jeremiah's face, he was now certain he had fulfilled part of his plan the only thing he didn't know was that Y/n were aware they were being manipulated from the beginning but they didn't care.
@gabile18 , @mrsfullbuster500 , @rex-ray , @elizamalfoyy, @eovjjj , @monkeyking-and-liuer-mate , @jeremiah-va1eska , @gothamchic16, @rabbiteggz , @dieg0brandos-wife , @rottenecstasy , @lazyexcuse , @teh-vampire-bunny , @lobotomy-lover
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foxsteel--fanart · 4 years
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Jeremiah & Ecco ("Gotham") ���️🖤
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balls-heheh · 5 years
Ok so I have a theory-
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Babes! Can I get a board of Jeremiah x Ecco from Gotham plz 🖤
Yes you can babes! Posting now.
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