#jeremy (whats his surname?)
orionchildofhades · 8 months
the polycules I would live and die for in aftg :
Allison-Renee-Kevin-Seth-Jeremy-Jean : not all of them are romantically or sexually involved with each other but their all very close and very much in love
Kevin/Jean/Jeremy - Jean/Renee - Renee/Allison - Allison/Kevin/Seth - Jeremy/Seth
Andrew-Neil-Kevin-Jean(-Jeremy?) : a lot of acceptance and understanding behind it all, also not all involved together but they would die and kill for each other
Andrew/Neil/Kevin - Neil/Jean - Kevin/Jeremy/Jean
Wymack-Abby-Betsy : indont have to explain myself
Dan-Matt-Neil-Allison : mostly deeply platonic (expect for Matt/Dan) with a lot of physical contact as a love language
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catboygretzky · 5 months
jeremy !!! jeremy tell me why you avoid cops and why your sister said you destroyed your family !!! tell me why you hate your stepfather and why you avoid your brother !!!! tell me why you have problems with money and why you're in therapy and why any mention of your family upsets you !!!!!! do you not want jean to call you 'knox' bc you want to be a good captain/his friend or do you have problems with your surname??????? tell me why you're forced to live at home and why you still playing exy is unforgivable to your sister !!!!! tell me what happened at the fall banquet !!!!!!!! what broke your family in half jeremy !!!!!!! STOP AVOIDING ME JEREMY ANSWER THE QUESTIONS
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ofstarsandmoonlightt · 4 months
yk what i was thinking about? how jeremy prefers to be called by his own name rather than his surname due to whatever issue he has but remember they’re playing sports and as far as i know (coming from a family that watches sports like a lot mainly football) the people always refer to players by their surname. like if you even mention their first name no one will recognise them. idk how it’s like in the US tho but it’s something to think about how jeremy constantly has to listen to being referred to as “knox”
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heychucklenuts · 2 months
RED vs BLU Merc Name Headcanons + Differences
Within TF2 it's a bit ambiguous as to whether the BLU Mercenaries are clones of the RED Mercs, if they're Doppelgangers, or some other third thing. I like to think they're Doppelgangers, and as a result, this post is gonna be both my headcanons for the names of the RED and BLU mercs (obviously canon names such as Demo or Engie's will be left in tact). Also slight comic spoilers may apply so be wary for that.
I'll not only showcase the Mercs names, but also differences between them.
If a Mercs name is the same color as their team (so, the name is red or blue), that means that is their canon name. If only one part of the name is highlighted, that is the only canon part of the name.
Without further ado, the names for the Mercs:
RED: Jeremy Herring Surname taken from one of the surnames Jerma985 has been known with: Harrington. Unsure whether this is his real surname or another cruel joke. Also a slight pun with Red Herring. His first name should be a bit obvious here, as he's named after Jerma. BLU: Jesse Alibert Honestly I've probably thought of the name because of Jesse Pinkman, unfortunately. Surname is another variation of one of Jerma985's perceived surnames, this time being the world famous Elbertson surname.
Jeremy is well known for being the rough and tough Bostonian he is, having grown up as the runt within a family of seven (7) older brothers. He's fought his way to get what's his, and he makes sure nobody stands in the way of him and what he wants. Jesse on the other hand is someone who you shouldn't fuck with. He grew up as the older brother to a little sister, so obviously, he grew protective of her, and has beaten plenty of guys up as a result. You cross him once, you're already on a watch list. Cross him twice? Obituary.
RED: Jane Doe This is Soldier's already perceived name, a name given to either unidentified women, or women who's names are being withheld for other reasons. And what's to say this isn't his real name? BLU: Annie Roe As much as I wanted to go down the road of just calling him "John Doe, I felt that to be a little too easy. So, I looked up a list of placeholder names used aside John and Jane Doe, and ended up combining two placeholder names, one used primarily in the UK (Anne Other/A N Other), and another US variant of the placeholder, this time Jane Roe. I chose to change his name to Annie for two reasons: Annie Oakley, and there was an American clinical psychologist and researcher by the name of Anne Roe, so I wanted differentiation.
Jane is who we know best, our jingoistic, lead-poisoned patriot himself. He's reckless, he's loudmouthed, but nevertheless he is passionate about his livelihood, about his country, and about his team. To him, he's served his time in the armed forces, being a part of the great Gravel Wars. God bless Teufort. He tries his damnedest to be the authority of his team. Annie is on a similar page as Jane, not much difference between the two, outside of the fact he has been in the army before, though not for long. The biggest difference would be how he seems to be a bit more closed off than Jane, a bit more to himself. He doesn't seem to fully understand at times that there is a time and place to brawl.
RED: Pyro or Lumbre The Pyro's name is one of mystery, though I'm going off a particular headcanon I have seen before, or a speculation Pyro may be from Mexico do to a lot of their cosmetics being Mexico-themed. Therefore, I'm not necessarily giving them a name, more a placeholder word, one that can mean fire or light depending on it's context. Why I say Pyro or Lumbre is that we never know, perhaps Pyro is their name. Name not highlighted do to it being Pyro's name as a Merc rather than their real name. Allegedly. BLU: Cryo or Tsumetai (冷たい) A bit of a different take on the Pyro, which I'll get into later in the differences between the Merc counterparts. Cryo would be short for Cryomaniac, an opposite to Pyro's full Pyromaniac title. The other name, Tsumetai, comes from Japanese. It describes more something feeling cold. than yourself being cold. And the reason for the Japanese name is because of another speculation, of people believing Pyro is Japanese do to their "Hadouken" taunt from holding the Shotgun or Flare Gun. Obviously this is a Street Fighter reference, and thus some believe Pyro to be Japanese as a result.
Pyro is notorious for being ruthless on the battlefield, burning everything and everyone that they can. But, to them, it's not destruction. If anything it's creation. They're creating a lovely world of candy and unicorns, with all of their friends there to celebrate, and those from the other team there to play. Surely they're just having fun, right? ...Right? Cryo. The opposite to Pyro. They see the beauty in fire, yes. But they adore the opposite too. Ice so cold it burns your flesh, causing severe frostbite, and necrosis. But again... al they're doing too is just playing. They're bringing everyone into their winter wonderland, to make snowtanks their friends and having snowball fights with the other team. Ice can't hurt that bad... it's what makes some of the best desserts. It's what makes people happy on a hot day.
RED: Mikhail/Misha Medved Heavy's name Mikhail, or Misha for short, is already known to be canon. As for his last name, I decided to go with one that revolved around his bear theme in the game, having 5 bear-related cosmetics, as well as his fighting and killing a bear in the comics. The surname itself means "bear" in several Slavic languages., as a side note. Funny enough in researching this, I saw a retired Ukrainian decathlete by a similar name. (Translated to Russian his name is Mikhail Medved, but in Ukrainian it's Mykhailo Medvid.) BLU: Yuriy Kaban I wanted to give BLU Heavy a similar name type assigned to RED Heavy; I.E. having a more common first name, and a surname based off of an animal to represent them. While part of me wanted to assign BLU Heavy a surname meaning wolf, I decided instead to give him a name meaning boar. And, supposedly I'll say, the word "kaban" translates to boar, or wild boar.
Stoic yet lovable, Heavy cottles his beloved Sasha as he takes down enemies. Of course, don't take him as someone who's cold and ruthless, he can be warm and vibrant, especially given he's a big brother to Yana, Zhanna, and Bronislava. His love for Sandviches helping to feed all of the other mercs, and his love of (and doctorate in) Russian literature making him so well read. But again, don't doubt him. He's the same man who can turn around and slam a bear on it's back and kill it if he chooses to do so. Yuriy is a man shrouded in mystery... somehow a bit more so than Spy is. For whatever reason he'd rather keep his past hidden from everyone else. What is known is he has a younger sister, similarly to Misha. It's theorized he came from similar origins as Misha, but something happened to the majority of his family before being sent to the gulag. While as deadly as Misha, he practices gentler hobbies to relax, such as sewing, or reading. He likes to take book recommendations from the other Mercs, and maybe even from Misha himself.
RED: Tavish Finnegan DeGroot A man of many names, three to be exact. And All of these names boast some sort of a significance, being there as references to different cultural terms. Those being Black Scots, Black Irish, and Black Dutch, in that order. The last two being in reference to black people who have some ties to either Ireland or the Netherlands, but those ties not being ethnic. Meanwhile with Black Scots, that's more in reference to those descendant of freed African house servants who stayed in Scotland. All that is in blue is referenced from Demoman's official TF2 Wikipedia pageb and I felt it nexessary to elaborate more on that as I've done with some of the other Merc's names, and their origins. BLU: Aulay/Owl Tuinstra His first name is an interesting one, with one of its name variants (or one of the Anglicized versions of his name) being Humphrey. Aulay has a certain feel to it though that, to me fits a Demoman, and his nickname Owl may showcase his personality versus the RED Demoman. The surname of Tuinstra is a mixed one, being of West Frisian and Dutch origins, and his surname could roughly translate to "inhabitant of a garden", Tuin meaning garden, and the West Frisian suffix -stra meaning inhabitant of.
The loveable drunk himself, Tavish is someone who defies all logic by being able to drink heavily, and not feel a thing. Though being in love with his own liver has something to do with it. He's a dastardly foe shooting bombs for people to step on and blow themselves up. Tav himself is damn well a multi-millionaire too, holding down three jobs, even if his mom says he's lazy. He's hardworking, and he's someone you don't wanna fuck with. Coming from more humble beginnings than Tavish, Owl grew up on a farm his family owned, still receiving the same scoldings of not working hard enough, despite being a bit wealthier as an adult. Like Tav, he's a man who can pack scrumpy and other types of alcohol. His nickname Owl does give a hint as to who he is though, being logical, independent, and a bit curious about different things... including cracking the cosmde between the RED and BLU team's relationship.
RED: August Conagher Not too much to say about the Engineer in RED, or his name. These two get to be our mystery Mercenaries for the time being. BLU: Dell Conagher The real Dell Conagher, as shown in both the story comics, and Loose Canon. There's not much that I can say about him, or his name, other than that the BLU Engineer is Dell Conagher.
The Engineer in RED, the one who may be a little too interested in how to become robotic, but he isn't the Engineer we've come to know. August's past is for his eyes only, being someone of an unknown past, but of possible relation to Dell. He seems to deny that though... possibly angry at the man for keeping Radigan's plans and blueprints all to himself. Dell is who we have come to know as the Engineer. He's the lovable Texan with a bit of a sadistic streak at times, and someone who also holds plenty of secrets, namely from his team. He's loyal to The Administrator and to Mann Co. as a whole, God knows what would happened if he went against the company.
RED: Dr. Ludwig, Ludwig Humboldt, Joseph Ludwig The only thing that is confirmed regarding Medic's name is some aspect of it being Ludwig. It was thought for a while this may be his last name, due to page 208 of The Naked and The Dead. The only reason this ever got questioned was because of the Rottenburg map, and the pharmacy named Humboldt's Pharmacy. Due to some of Medic's past lore, this likely caused people to wonder if Ludwig was his first name, and the pharmacy being of his actual surname. Though there was also the name given by Gaming Heads when they were promoting the Medic figuring: that being Joseph Heliburger. Though this is said to be non-canon. So, while his name is left as Dr. Ludwig, or Mr. Ludwig, I could see his name being either or of the names I listed above as headcanons. BLU: Andrea Weis An example of me kind of just picking and choosing what felt right, for some reason this name stuck as a possibility for BLU Medic. The name Andrea can mean manly, and is of Greek origin, while Weis can mean clever, wise, or experienced, which I think fits with the Medic class as a whole. Not to mention the possibility of BLU Scout getting pissy with him and calling his Dr. Whizz, and getting a kidney removed as a result.
Cruel, sadistic, a strong love for bones and gore. Dr. Ludwig is a strange figure of mysterious origins, and while he is someone who wants to experiment for his own pleasure, don't get the wrong idea about him. He's not entirely careless though, caring about his team, and their well-being. He shifts all medical logic in their favor, as well as all standard logic to ensure he owns all of their souls. That way, in life and in death, the team may always be united. Dr. Weis on the other hand is a much more careful figure, even if he does take a same sadistic pleasure in what he does. And unlike Dr. Ludwig, he's actually gone to medical school. Weis does his job, being the teams healer, but other than that, he's a bit more to himself, usually found in his lab studying, or working on an unnamed cadaver. He prefers the quiet, as the constant calls to him can get a bit grating on the ears. So much so to the point he's considered quitting, but the unlimited money is too worth it to leave.
RED: Mick Mundy At least a half of his name has been confirmed, with Mundy being his surname, and what he seems to go by the most. As for his first name being Mick, I'm genuinely unsure if that's been officially stated as being his first name, seeing as it was just on the back of the box of the Sniper action figure. One thing to say though, if it turns out his name is Mick, part of me wonders if he's using a shortened version of the name Michael, and doesn't like people calling him by his first name. Not to mention his supposed first name seems to be a Crocodile Dundee reference (not surprising since he has the Crocodile Mun-Dee cosmetic.) Other than that, the surname Mundy is a bit rare to come by, and either comes from Norman or Irish origin, and could possibly mean "Son of Monday". And his birth name Mun-dee is offbranded Superman lore, if Superman were a sniper instead of a superhuman. BLU: Lawrence/Laz Walker Pivoting from RED Sniper to what I assume could potentially be a more common name. I'll be honest this was one of the names where is was a series of shrugs instead of thought, mostly due to Sniper cosmetics, and the fact some people may have believed his name to be Lawrence because of the Lawrence of Australia item set. (A reference to the 1962 film Lawrence of Arabia.) As for the nickname of Laz, I can only explain it as it sounds more like a name for a Sniper than Larry. Do not question me. As for his last name Walker, I just decided "fuck it", giving him the 14th most common last name in Australia, versus RED Sniper's more unique last name.
Adopted to Mr. and Mrs. Mundy, hailing from New Zealand to then be shot to the surface, raised to be Australian. Mundy isn't cruel like Dr. Ludwig, quite the opposite. He takes his job seriously, every shot being calculated to a T. Not exactly the friendliest of people, seeing as his job has had him isolated for long periods of time, but he's not completely cold to his team. He hangs out with them, he has fun with them. Serious and stoic he may be, he's found a love for his job, and for his teammates. Contrary to popular belief, he does not smell like piss. He takes care of himself and makes sure he's fresh for the day. Laz was born and raised in Australia, living in one of the underground homes of Coober Pedy up until he became an assassin. A cozy life for him he wishes to return to, but the town of Teufort offers an odd familiarity to him. It isn't the same, no, but it suffices. Laz isn't so much cold as he is introverted, preferring to keep his peace rather than interact with the other Mercs too much. The more he's worked with Team Fortress though, the more he's opened up, telling the Mercs stories of when he was growing up, and what it was like to have to dust yourself off after using the bathroom, or getting knocked on the head by loose minerals. Cryo seems to try and help Laz fill in the void of that by dropping sand and pebbles on him at random.
RED: René Èviter With RED Spy, I wanted to give him a very common French name, as that's what I feel like suits him the best. Thus, I named him René. (Bonus points because in the back of my head I can hear his full name being Simon René Èviter, with him usually omitting his first name. That's a give or take though. As for his surname, Èviter... it roughly translates from French to "to avoid", which is both a pun off his spywork, and his role as Scout's father. BLU: Florent Mercier More of a unique name, to a degree, and there's a reason why I named him Florent which I'll elaborate on shortly. I'll say I believe him to be RED Spy's more sensitive counterpart, so giving him a name that may be seen as more delicate in nature (translating to "flowering" from French), was a good choice. His surname, I just chose at random. Though I had to pivot from calling him Mercer as that's more an English and Scottish (and I believe Catalonian) variant, whilst Mercier is the French version, translating to "merchant".
René is a sneaky man, conniving and quick footed. Nothing is known about him, where he lived, or even really who he is. All that's known is you should watch your back for him... and that he's quite the ladies man, seeming to sweep the Scout's mother off her feet, as well as countless other women. Make no mistake, he can steal your lady like he steals control points. More on the side of planning before acting, and less of a braggart, Florent lives up to a delicate nature. He's not someone who shies away from confrontation, no. He'll take a person head-on for whatever it is they've tried to do to him. But he isn't as flashy as his RED counterpart, preferring to stay humble about his spending habits. In his case too, he seems to be a little more than just a ladies man, rumors circling around the base that he may have a fondness for men too...
This took way too long to work on by the way, couple that with my newfound headache.
Was gonna do age headcanons too but I wanna sleep.
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I'm just gonna... leave this theory here:
Jeremy hooked up with his step-brother at his first banquet and that what's "broke the family".
• We know the "scandal" that made their group chat name "The floozies" happened in first year.
• We know that his mom and his step-father don't tolerate actions that go against the norm for het man (like him dying his hair)
•Kevin told everyone in AFTG that is easier to be straight in sports, but it also applies to politics and Jeremy's family had the money to hash out the controversy before their reputation couldn't afford it (maybe it didn't even left the room).
•Jeremy told Jean to not call him Knox, surnames are something that you get from your father, but with enough money you could change them... as to match your 3 new children with your prestigious last name.
•Cat cuts herself when she mentions this brother, my theory goes on as that he was "banished" from the family (maybe because Jeremy's name was already out there and it would cause more controversy if he was the one dishenerited) or sent to camp like Nicky.
•Jeremy is one year ahead Jean and Kevin in school and that meant that they probably weren't at that banquet (maybe Tetsuji took Kevin but he was in his own head).
•Maybe his mom argued with his step-father for this, being it nearly cause of divorce. Maybe camp was discussed for Jeremy too, a suggestion of his step-father's father (that we know he doesn't like)
•It was the early 2000s, being gay was a big no, but having 2 gay sons... uff.
I probably had more points that I forgot to list here, but yeah. I think this step-brother that we don't know of is from another marriage of Jeremy's step-father so they are not related, and maybe he took off by himself refusing to be part of this bs.
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ninyard · 5 months
okayy jer sibling thoughts: for a minute i was toying with the idea that bryson isn't the brother cat was talking about when she says jeremy's older brother is an asshole, that there's another older brother maybe in prison? explaining the anxiety about being recognized by cops and his family's obsession with image (gotta crack down pretty hard when you already have a kid in prison). obviously jeremy doesn't get on with bryson, but he doesn't get on with annalise either (albeit not to the same extent as bryson) and cat doesn't say anything about her. granted, her wording of "/the/ older brother" implies bryson is the only one and therefore the asshole, but the other brother being in prison is still possible. if bryson *is* the bad one, i think he likely hurt jeremy at some point. i'm thinking about lucas and jeremy's phone convo where jeremy asks if lucas feels safe with grayson and lucas says "he's my brother" and jeremy says "that's not what i asked"... the exchange feels pointed imo
I didn’t even realise that interaction between Lucas and Jeremy was…significant but now that you point it out to me oh my GOD is it relevant it’s SO pointed.
This just gives me an opportunity to share my Jeremy’s Family Situation Theory okay so in this theory: (reposted it here)
- Jeremy has an estranged oldest brother
- This brother goes by their father’s surname and not Knox
- Jeremy’s brother was also on the Trojans (but this may or may not be dependent on them having different surnames)
- Jeremy’s brother was homophobic
So I have a few theories about the Banquet incident and one that’s a mess of a bunch of different theories and it’s this: picture Older Brother. Older brother is a 4th year Trojan, he’s well liked, but he’s kind of an asshole in private. His dad is Jeremy’s dad - but he grew up with a different surname, because their parents were still together/married by the time he was in school. Jeremy and his sister became Knox kids after their mother married into the Knox family. The older brother was old enough and refused to change from his father’s surname. He tried to fit in with the Knox family but he knows he’s kind of a black sheep for it. He’s the one that’s excluded from public facing recognition, because he’s not a Knox.
Jeremy gets scouted for the Trojans while his brother is still there, and to have his baby brother on the team was INFURIATING to him. He didn’t get along with Jeremy already, but to have him on this team. Oh, he hated Jeremy for that. But the key thing here is he never revealed that Jeremy was his younger brother. He threatened Jeremy as well, and told him to keep his mouth shut, and tell NO ONE that they were related.
Along comes the fall banquet. Jeremy is out as a gay man and has been for quite a while. It’s a bone of contention in his family but ultimately they accept it as long as he is quiet about it, and it doesn’t interfere with their political or public image. But Jeremy’s oldest brother never supported Jeremy and regularly insulted him or bullied him over it. So, Jeremy is out, and he decides to bring a man to the banquet. 1) his mother begged him not to. 2) his sister begged him not to. 3) everyone in his family begged him not to. But he refuses to hide who he is or pretend to be straight for the sake of their image. In the end there’s nothing they can do, and he goes with this man.
Jeremy, little freshman Jeremy, rolls up to the banquet with a man on his arm. It’s 2003, maybe 2004. It’s a huge deal. Jeremy’s older brother doesn’t know he is bringing said man to the banquet, and he fucking glares at him all night. He’s so angry. By the time the tables get moved, he plucks up the courage to cross the hall to Jeremy. Calls him a very unsavoury slur starting with an F and Jeremy hits his brother, he punches him square in the face. He would’ve hit him again, but they get pulled apart and he can’t. Theres witnesses. And still nobody knows they’re related. The brother leaves him alone, Jeremy promises to stay away from him, and the night continues.
Jeremy steps outside to get some air, and unbeknownst to him his brother follows him. An altercation ensues, and eventually they start PUMMELLING each other. His brother hits him first, Jeremy hits him back, there’s blood and bruises and now more witnesses as Jeremy’s brother beats him the fuck up. Somebody called the cops, and the cops have to separate them. They ask Jeremy if he wants to press charges; he says yes. He says he wants it to be reported as a hate crime. They ask his brother if he wants to press charges for assault, and he says yes. So they both get arrested.
Where I think Jeremy’s fear of cops comes from, or lack of trust, or hatred for them, is how he was treated that night. The cops tell him they need a reason to charge his brother with a hate crime, he tells them he’s gay, and he gets treated like SHIT. They search him for no reason, they’re looking for any reason they can to make him uncomfortable or drop the charges. They’re asking him did he do anything to deserve it? Did he antagonise his brother? Has he been drinking? They make him really fucking uncomfortable and upset. by the time his mom bails him out he’s ready to drop the charges, but decides not to. The brother goes to stay with his father, Jeremy goes home, and the Knox family pay A LOT of money to keep this quiet. They don’t charge Jeremy with assault, but maybe they tell his mom there’s nothing they can do about Jeremy’s charges against his older brother if he won’t drop them.
Proceed to the reaction from USC; they recognise it as a hate crime and Jeremy doesn’t get kicked out of school, but he does get a very stern warning and maybe gets benched for a while. His brother on the other hand loses everything: there’s an active hate crime charge against him, he brutally assaulted a freshman while representing the team, and he gets removed from the team and expelled from the university. The Knox family have no choice but to estrange him further than he already was - so he’s totally out of the picture.
Jeremy tore the family apart because of his refusal to drop the charges, then him dropping the charges and instead getting a no-contact/restraining order against his brother means that while he’s living there the brother cannot be in the picture. So brother who is already a black sheep for not being a Knox, is now no longer welcome in the family home (except for when Jeremy is not in the house - if he’s not estranged, possibly he visits on the weekends, or lives there during the summer? And that’s why Jeremy doesn’t live at home during those times?)
The scandal is that he caused a team member to be removed from the team as a freshman, his sister who doesn’t like him that much anyway can now no longer see her brother, and she stopped supporting Jeremy’s matches because of it. He tore the family apart because of his insistence on being “GAY HATE CRIME VICTIM”. They bullied him into not seeking justice - and his sibling hate him for this whole incident. They don’t agree with him being gay because of their political affiliations, his older brother lost HIS older brother because of him, his sister lost him too. Idk
Does this even make sense? Is it far fetched? I don’t know I don’t care I just had to get this off my chest. I could talk about my theories FOREVER. This is just. A quick short summary of the possibility of an oldest brother who’s no longer in the Knox Family Picture.
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ghostlyyraccoon · 5 months
jeremy most likely has one sibling that doesn't get talked about
jeremy doesn't want to be referred to by his surname. why? maybe because he hasn't had that surname for too long just yet
apparently there was an incident after which his other sister was mad at him for sticking with exy
jeremy reacts harshly when discussing the topic of suicide
who do we know who tried to commit suicide?
janie smalls
so what if-
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countfagulaa · 1 year
You know what I dislike? When BBC Sherlock completely takes over all the answers provided by Google when you google the name Sherlock Holmes or anything related to the books. I gotta search shit up like "What did Sherlock Holmes say that one time to that one guy in the books" or I will get an answer that's not actually correct at least not according to the actual primary source aka the books.
Like I don’t like that we’ve somewhat made it to where the public thinks of that show’s image of Sherlock Holmes when they hear that name rather than the character that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle created. No hate to Benedict Cumberbatch his performance was seriously amazing but that’s just not who that character is at least in my eyes. You can perceive a character in any way you’d like or feel most comfortable with. Someone may utter the surname Holmes and you might immediately think of Butterscotch Cubicle's image while I think of Jeremy Brett's and that's fine. It just peeves me a little to have a character I’ve become so attached to since childhood and his name become somewhat squandered in the eyes of the majority of the public yk?
I don’t wanna bash or send any hate to the fandom or even the show itself. It’s a good show and if you enjoy it as much as I enjoy the original character in the books or Granada's adaptation of Holmes that's sick. I just personally wish there was more of a barrier between the original character and the character in that series that doesn't accurately represent who that character is.
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valleyfthdolls · 11 months
Movie!Cassidy is an Afton - an entirely speculative theory
A starting note
I do believe our little boy in Golden Freddy is named Cassidy, because Cassidy in the game universe is not confirmed female. Again I remind you all that Scott does not confirm fuck about these games. Fans have a tendency to claim their headcanons or whatever new fanon theories get popular have been confirmed to be canon. This is basically never true. Look at the semi-recent "Gregory is Scott's favorite" ordeal for an idea of how this information is shared in good faith and gets twisted nonetheless. Look at the comments under a fnaf au gacha life video for an idea of how people just straight up lie about that.
Cassidy in the games refers to himself as "he" and "him", we never see his physical appearance enough to make any judgment calls on his gender- any idea of his appearance is totally speculative, just like this theory- and most importantly, Cassidy is not exclusively a girls' name- it's actually a unisex name that started as a masculine one! It derives from the Irish surname Caiside, then became a masculine forename, then as it became anglicized as Cassidy it became unisex. In both modern day and the 80s, it is and was applicable as a boys' name.
Now, with that in mind, on to actual discussion of the Afton theory, and why I think movie Cassidy is one.
They look strikingly similar
Compare, for a moment, the appearances of Vanessa, William, and Cassidy. I'm using pictures of their actors because the pictures of them I could find online SUCKED.
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William: Light skin, straight(?) brown hair, blue eyes. Vanessa: Light skin, straight blonde hair (though it's wavy in this picture, it's definitely straight for Vanessa), blue/maybe green eyes. Cassidy: Light skin, straight blonde hair, blue eyes.
The movie does suggest that Vanessa colors her hair blonde from brown (see: the brown roots), however, when she shows the photo of her childhood self and her father off to Mike, young Vanessa clearly has blonde hair as well.
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And notably, her roots are just as blonde, suggesting that blonde was her natural hair color, but that it darkened as she got older, only for her to begin bleaching it back to its original color.
Now, blonde hair and blue/green eyes are both quite rare, but not rare enough that it's a dead ringer for a genetic connection. Hell, the Chica girl has blonde hair and blue eyes. However, Susie in the games has blonde hair and blue eyes, and Cassidy in the games very clearly has brown, and likely dark hair as well.
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This makes the change to blonde with blue eyes very noticeable, and very noteworthy. And it’s a set of traits that he shares with Vanessa, as well as the notable blue eyes with William, as well as appearing to have a similar face shape.
Cassidy is inexplicably special
Cassidy is the first person who shares the image of Afton as Spring Bonnie with Mike when asked about who took Garrett. He seems more aware than anyone else of William, Garrett, William’s crimes, and what they’re doing.
When Mike asks who took Garrett, Cassidy responds by drawing a rabbit in the dirt- Spring Bonnie. (I will come back to this momentarily.) While the other kids believe Spring Bonnie is their friend, Cassidy seems to know the truth. He knows Garrett is dead, and offers Mike the chance to essentially see his ghost in exchange for Abby.
Furthermore, Cassidy doesn’t ever attack Abby, he doesn’t respond when William tells the children to wake up and go after her, and most interestingly-
Look at this image.
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When Abby shows the missing kids what happened to them (in a scene I actually loved, btw, and I will take absolutely no criticism), you can see Jeremy in blue, Gabriel in the top hat, Fritz with the hook hand, Susie with long blonde hair, and… what I believe might actually be Garrett with dark hair and a red shirt. Because one thing is clear- that is not Cassidy.
Cassidy is not being controlled. He is fully aware, and he is angry. Hell, if you listen to his tone when he says “we want Abby,” it’s angry. Forceful. “We. Want. Abby.”
Again, Cassidy knows what is happening. He is angry and vengeful, and he’s the only one. So… why?
Well, honestly, this was my big qualm with the movie. Why was Cassidy special? In my eyes, there are four answers to this. He has a direct connection to William, a direct connection to Fazbear, a direct connection to every missing child that is unique to him, or he was the first or last of the missing kids. These would all set him apart. But we have no reason to believe he has a connection to FE, he was the fourth of the five missing kids as seen in the opening, and it seemed like the five of them were a group of friends. So what makes him special? He obviously knows or has something that sets him apart.
The imagery
Let me rewind now to when Mike first gets his answer about who took Garrett. He finds Cassidy in the woods and asks him for help remembering Garrett’s kidnapper. Cassidy responds by showing Mike a drawing of Spring Bonnie. Again, he knows that Spring Bonnie is evil, but more importantly here, he knows that Spring Bonnie took Garrett. Now, there are three ways he could know. One, process of elimination- the rabbit took him, so it took Garrett too. Two, assuming a relation to Afton, he saw or knew when this happened. Three, it was a matter of association.
Well, I actually doubt it was either of the first two. (You will see why this is not self contradictory in a second.) One, if it was because Spring Bonnie took Cassidy, well, Mike asked about Garrett, not Cassidy. For someone as obviously aware as Cassidy is, this is an obvious logical gap I doubt he’d make.
Two, Vanessa- Afton’s known daughter- didn’t know what happened to Garrett. When Mike asked- "asked"- if she knew, she said "not about Garrett." And while we don't have a clear timeline here (thanks Vanessa for your very ambiguous "in the 80s, kids went missing", we. we know), this was likely Afton's first kill. Meaning Cassidy was even younger then than he was when he died.
So, what do I mean by "it was a matter of association"? And how is this not self contradictory?
Well, assuming Cassidy didn't just. know Afton did it, what might have happened instead actually works even better with the idea that he knew Afton.
Compare the imagery here to that of the photo Vanessa shows Mike.
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Spring Bonnie and the toy plane. If he saw Spring Bonnie and Vanessa with Garrett’s toy, seeing Garrett with that toy, he could assume that Spring Bonnie got it from him. Therefore, Garrett was taken by Spring Bonnie- Vanessa and Cassidy’s dad in the costume.
Their relationship
This one I’ll keep short. We only see Cassidy and William interact once. And it’s a very bizarre scene.
William is struggling, clinging to life, and Cassidy is standing, watching. Someone else said he was crying here, but I didn’t see it. Maybe, maybe not. I’m leaving that there. Either way, William reaches out to Cassidy, seemingly for help, and Cassidy shuts the door on him.
Watching the movie back and realizing Cassidy was never under William’s influence, this scene is… confusing, to say the least. Why would William reach for the help of the one child who was never under his thumb? What is he trying to appeal to? And why does Cassidy get the moment of being the one to shut the door on him?
Well, it’s obvious to see through Vanessa and the four missing children under his control that he is very clearly abusive to his children. Which isn’t a surprise to most, but anyway. Through the few minutes he and Vanessa are together, he berates her, strangles her, stabs her in the stomach and leaves her for dead, and Mike remarks that William “really messed [her] up”. He similarly berates and insults the missing kids, calling them pathetic and small. At the same time, however, he relies on his children to back him up. Vanessa is supposed to keep Mike from knowing anything and kill him if he gets too close. The animatronics are supposed to kill children and adults alike on his command. He leans on them. They are supposed to back him up.
And this would extend even to the one who he never controlled entirely if Cassidy was his son. His daughter let him down. His victims turned on him. But he still has one child left who hasn’t let him down. One who wasn’t there for him, but should be. Because that is the job of William’s children.
He reaches for Cassidy, the boy shuts the door on his murderer. The man who abused, betrayed, and slaughtered him all while he was meant to be his dad. William’s son is not going to clean up his messes now. He’s going to make him pay for them.
(ENDING DISCLAIMER THAT THIS IS ALL SPECULATION! I know there are many other explanations. This is just the one I like and I wanted to share it!)
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edgy-ella · 2 years
I’m not sure if anyone’s noticed this before, but the etymology in Fnaf is actually kind of amazing? For the human characters, anyways.
Me and a friend of mine are considering doing a Fnaf project, and for it, I need to give names to some of the still unnamed characters. Phone Guy, the original owner of Fredbear’s, so on and so forth. So, I looked into how the series names its characters for inspiration—a name like “William Afton” seems too specific to be made randomly.
“William” is an English name (fitting for a bri’ish character) that means either “strong-willed warrior” or “resolute protector.” Meanwhile, Afton is a Scottish name meaning evening or afternoon.
A resolute protector of the evening.
Remember in Fnaf 2, when the only thing we knew about Purple Guy was that he was almost certainly the former night guard of Freddy’s?
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Honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me if Scott came up with this name around the time of Fnaf 2 or 3 and just sat on it until he needed it for The Silver Eyes. That, or it was intended to be a bit of foreshadowing of “Dave Miller’s” true identity. 
After having that revelation, I decided to look into the names of some of the other characters to see if I could find any other interesting naming quirks. This is what I found.
Henry Emily: “Henry” means “home” and “powerful ruler” while Emily can mean either “rival” or “persuasive.” His status a persuasive rival should need no explanation to anyone who has played Pizzeria Simulator, and him being a “powerful ruler of home” can allude to his status as one of the original owners of Freddy’s.
Charlotte Emily: “Charlotte” means either “free man” or “petite.” I don’t see that much of a connection to the “free man” definition of the name (in fact, her being the last of William’s victims to be set free and the Puppet’s constant restraint by the music box would imply the opposite), but the “petite” part may allude to her dying as a child. The “rival” aspect of her surname can apply to Charlie as well, as she has stood against William as the Puppet since the beginning.
Michael Afton/Mike Schmidt: Pretty sure these two are the same character, so I’m looping them together. Afton is obviously a carryover from his father’s name, and I don’t think it applies as much to Mike as it does William. “Michael” is a Biblical name with a lot of different meanings, but the most common one is “Who is like God?” Meanwhile, “Schmidt” is a German name derived from the word for blacksmith. Who is like God? The blacksmith. This could allude to Michael’s relationship to William, the creator of the animatronics, as the two are father and son. However, I honestly doubt Scott had planned that as early as Fnaf 1. The “blacksmith” aspect of the name may be in reference to him “tampering with the animatronics,” though.
Jeremy Fitzgerald: “Jeremy” means “God will uplift” and “Fitzgerald” means “son of Gerald.” Who is Gerald, then? “Gerald” means “bright spear.” God will uplift the son of the bright spear. I could be reading too much into this, but this may be in reference to how you need to use your flashlight to ward off the animatronics in Fnaf 2.
Vanessa/Vanny: “Vanessa” means “butterfly.” Could tie into the “butterfly effect” of how Glitchtrap taking control of her in Fnaf VR influenced the series going forward, but that’s honestly a stretch.
Gregory: “Gregory” means either “watchful” or “alert.” And yeah, I assume you would need to be in order to dodge all of the animatronics in the Pizzaplex.
I know that overanalyzing simple names like this feels like a “the curtains are blue” moment, but as a writer who is very picky about my character names, I think it’s important to respect how a character’s name can tie into their personality and role in the story. Creating a memorable and fitting name isn’t as easy as you may think it is, so when they have meaning like this (even if it’s unintentional), we should give credit where credits is due.
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riderofblackdragons · 4 months
Day 26: Heatstroke
Let's gooooo! I have 3 minutes until midnight, my time, so let's post today's because I'm still on the right day! I had a lot of fun, and a lot of angst, writing this, so I hope you enjoy! And thanks to @crimsonlyinglilly, for being my sounding board whilst i was writing this.
This one's a return to An Original Mother, from the POV of Elijah's youngest son, Henry Hale. His surname is the name I've decided to use for Tatia's child as well, so his name is literally a callback to Elijah's lover's child, and to her youngest brother Henrik.
Hope you enjoy!
As he was dragged into the quarry, Henry felt as though he wanted to cry. His hands were bound, and the pain inside felt like it was ripping him apart, unlike any other full moon transformation he’d ever had. The witch dragging him wasn’t being gentle either, shoving him to the ground once they’d reached her desired destination.
“What did you do to me?” He snarled at her.
He was hungry, he was tired, he was in pain, and above all, he missed his mother. This witch had taken him from his home, where he’d been waiting for her call, and hadn’t even had the decency to answer any of his questions on their way here.
“I cast a spell, to slow down your transformation,” The witch knelt down next to him, although not close enough that he could attack her. “Your insides are trying to tear themselves free,”
Henry frowned at that, ignoring the witch as she moved away, casting a ring of fire around him. He ignored the pain, too, trying to focus on the niggling feeling that something was wrong.
He shouldn’t be in this much pain, he realised. When Henry had been a child, after one of his very first transformations, his brother and mother had worked together, creating a necklace for him. Not one to suppress his wolf, though he knew that both would have preferred that Henry never activated his curse in the first place. Nor did his necklace slow it down, in case that might lessen the pain.
It was a simple thing, big enough to stay around his neck even as a wolf, that was spelled to numb the pain. To reduce the agony of his monthly transformation, so it wouldn’t hurt so bad for him.
Henry grasped at his neck, but his fingers only touched bare skin. His necklace, with all its magical protections, was gone. And for a moment, he felt real fear, even as the pain overwhelmed him again.
There wasn’t even the chain left, to allow him to grasp onto it. He didn’t have anything to remind him of his mother, his family, and it unbalanced him. Henry had never been through a transformation without at least a token to remind him of his mother and brother, although usually his mother was there anyways.
Sobs began breaking free from his body, causing the pain to intensify with each gasping breath. Still, he got himself under control again. This was the witch’s fault.
Because of his little breakdown, Henry knew he’d missed something. The little witch was smiling proudly at a new man, someone who’d recently arrived - and the doppelgänger, Elena Gilbert, was glaring at her.
Henry knew Elena. Of course he did, the whole school did. He’d been friends with her brother Jeremy, before their parents had died, and Jeremy had gone off the rails. The younger Gilbert had pushed Henry away, so Henry had left it, and gone to their other, non-druggie, friends afterwards.
They were both going to die here tonight, Henry suddenly understood. He didn’t know who the vampire was, but he could smell her, and he was sure that it wasn’t a coincidence that here they had the components for the sun and moon ritual his mother had offhandedly mentioned once.
Well, not if he could help it, Henry decided. At first, he thought about targeting the new man. He was clearly in charge, so if Henry put him down, then maybe…
But he looked at the man, and something in Henry recognised something in this man. Klaus, he thought he heard them call him. There was something in his eyes, in his stance, that made Henry think of his mother. She was old, he knew, far older than even his friends’ great grandparents, and she’d never quite hidden it from him or Lukas.
Klaus had that same ancient power, the knowledge that no one could really stand against him, in his eyes.
It was comforting, a little, to see something familiar here. And Henry’s mother had told him and his brother that she had siblings, although she didn’t know where they were. One time, she’d said the bottom of the ocean, but that had to be a joke.
It was also terrifying, seeing his mother’s eyes in this stranger. This man, this vampire, didn’t want to help him, to rock him to sleep when he got nightmares. No, Henry knew, this man wanted to kill him.
So his attention went to the witch. If she died, this Klaus would have to stop his ritual. He’d have to leave, because if there was something Henry remembered about his mother’s old stories, it was that a witch was essential.
Or, well, he hoped that the witch was essential. Henry would have to kill her, either way, even if it didn’t do anything. Better to try, he remembered his mother saying once, and fail, than to never try, and never know if you could’ve succeeded.
So, he started muttering. He’d only have one chance at this.
And he didn’t know if it was his imagination, but Henry swore he heard the witch start to stumble over her words. He kept at it, muttering his own words under his breath, trying not to draw attention to himself as he heated her body up from the inside.
A heatstroke spell. Henry and Lukas had been messing around one day, looking through their mother’s grimoires. They come across it by accident, but their mother had encouraged them to learn it. Elijah had told them they’d be in danger some day, as her children, and as the children of their father, and so she’d urged them to keep at it.
But they’d only ever practised on their mother. Elijah was immortal, after all, truly immortal, and they’d known that she would get back up afterwards, and give them tips on the spell.
This was entirely different. This was Henry using it on a living person, a witch, someone who would most likely die from it.
Still, he kept his eyes on her, continuing the spell under his breath. She was his enemy, after all, and if there was one thing Henry had learned about enemies from his mother, it was that they were to be utterly destroyed, so they could not retaliate.
Sometimes, Henry wondered what kind of a life his mother had lived, that she would tell her sons something like this. And then he would remember how old she was, and that she’d probably had to deal with enemies coming back for vengeance, and he’d shut his mouth.
The witch’s dark skin made it difficult to tell if the spell was working, honestly. Henry could remember what his mother had looked like, under it, but she was a vampire, and fair-skinned besides.
If he squinted, Henry thought that maybe he could see a red flush creeping across her cheeks, but he could hear the way she was tripping over her words more frequently now. Her body swayed, but she held on, and continued, and Henry reluctantly had to admire her resolve to finish this.
Klaus was looking around, as though he was trying to see who was doing this. He didn’t seem to consider that it was Henry, or either of the women in the circles next to the boy. Which was logical, really.
Henry had hidden the witch thing on purpose, at his mother’s suggestion. The werewolf thing was difficult to hide, really, given that he transformed every full moon, and he couldn’t stop it. Comparatively, hiding his magic, only practising when he was sure there wasn’t any non-family members around, was easy.
But there wasn’t anyone around to take the heat, and Henry knew that sooner or later, Klaus would realise that. There wasn���t anyone else around. This was the Quarry, and even the stoners had stopped going here after Vicki Donovan’s death. No one was here.
The pain that he’d pushed to the back of his mind sprung forward, almost making Henry pass out. It definitely stopped his chanting, though, and let the witch go back to her own chanting.
Or not, as the case may be. Henry had been so focused on Klaus, despite the way his eyes had never left the witch he was cursing, that he hadn’t realised she’d collapsed. Collapsed behind her little bowl, which was frustrating. Henry wouldn’t be able to finish her off, now that she was out of his eyesight.
And it seemed Klaus had realised that the mystery witch wasn’t here, as he turned back to his own witch. Or maybe it was just that he realised that said witch had collapsed, and probably wasn’t going to be able to continue the ritual.
Honestly, Henry was hoping it was the second. He hated that he’d taken her life, but he didn’t want to die. He really, really, didn’t want to die, after all.
But Klaus wasn’t as dumb as he appeared, Henry soon found out. The vampire sped down to them, to his three sacrifices, glaring at each of them. His eyes trailed all three, even as Henry finally finished his transformation, fully becoming a wolf now.
And, unfortunately, unable to do witch’s magic. His wolf mouth just couldn’t form the words, and Henry hadn’t ever been all that good at mental spells.
Klaus growled at them, clearly frustrated, before he headed back up the slope to his witch. Henry watched him with a wolf’s eyes, seeing the way Klaus opened up his wrist, dripping blood from it into his witch’s mouth.
A multitude of swears, some in languages he knew were long dead (he’d learnt them from his mother), ran through Henry’s head. The vampire blood would heal her. He was going to die anyways, no matter what he’d done.
And he couldn’t even go back to killing that witch, since his stupid wolf mouth couldn’t shape the words he’d need for it. Briefly, he tried anyways, envisioning the words he needed, trying to push his intent towards the witch, even though he couldn’t speak.
But there was something, at least. It was something his mother had come up, during the full moon. Henry whined, and chuffed, at the witch, feeling his magic taint his own scent.
It wasn’t an exact art, not like it was when he was a human, but it was enough to injure a witch, at least. Henry’s mother had never known another witch-werewolf hybrid, not like Henry, so they’d been purely guessing when she’d come up with the idea, but it seemed as though it was working.
From heatstroke to intense cold, Henry tried to direct his magic to freeze her. She was going to kill him, was all that ran through his head. She’d taken away his gift from his mother and she was going to kill him.
And his magic reacted to it. It was a lot easier, like this, to cool something down, rather than to heat it up, and so Henry reversed his heatstroke spell easily. The witch’s body temperature lowered drastically, and Henry didn’t stop.
A slight whine sent a portion of his magic to his brother, to alert him that something was wrong. Henry didn’t know how to do it as a human - this could only be done when he was a wolf, and it was coming in handy now.
The witch above him was shivering, he noticed. Good. Henry lowered her temperature even more, until she stopped. He still couldn’t quite make out if she was changing colour or not, but he supposed that it didn’t matter. She’d die either way.
But the way Henry could only train his werewolf magic once a month came back to bite him. After all, this was a trained witch, and he had barely 5 years total of training his wolf-magic. He was going to die here, he realised suddenly, when the witch released him from his circle of fire.
His pack bond with his brother indicated that Lukas was getting close, but Henry could tell that it wasn’t going to be enough. Why would things go that way? Still, he ran towards Lukas. If he was going to die, he wanted it to be with at least one of his family members, even if his mother wasn’t here.
It was futile, he knew it deep down. Klaus was a vampire, naturally stronger than a werewolf, and old. Old enough to be able to defeat most vampires, Henry reckoned. But trying to flee was his only option, given everything. This witch wasn’t dying fast enough, but Henry didn’t know any fast-acting spells he could cast on her like this.
He was caught, of course, and caught fast. He’d known he would be. His mother would play with him on full moons, whenever she was in the area, and he’d always have to resort to tricks and hiding to beat her. Speed alone wasn’t enough.
But he’d managed to bite the vampire, at least. A big bite mark, right on Klaus’ shoulder, as the man had grappled him to the ground. He held Henry’s jaw down, after that, as he ripped out the younger’s heart.
Looking up at him, Henry felt like his heart would’ve jumped, if it hadn’t been in Klaus’ hand. Close as they were, he could recognise even more parts of his mother in this man: her nose, the shape of her eyes… His wolf instinctively recognised it; this man was his kin.
And his killer.
“No,” Henry heard a quiet whisper from above, and he rolled his eyes to look at its source.
They didn’t make it, the cold of death already creeping through Henry’s body, but he didn’t really need the visual confirmation. It was his brother, he could tell by the voice. He could smell Lukas’ familiar scent, from so many nights where he’d snuck into the elder’s bed, scared of the dark and not wanting to be alone.
He didn’t like it now, though. It was tainted with the dark smell of grief, like his brother was giving up on him already.
But he had the necklace. Henry’s favourite necklace, the one he loved the most out of their mother’s collection. It seemed to swirl whenever he’d look at it, getting lost in the deep blues of it.
And now, he hoped that this would work. Hopefully, he would now become it, one of its swirls forever.
Henry faintly registered that Klaus had left, not even going after Lukas. Maybe the ritual was more important? He probably assumed that he’d be able to hunt Henry’s older brother down later, before he could tell anyone about what happened.
His paws felt sticky. Henry’s vision started blurring, the colours sliding into each other. It was beautiful, he thought to himself, before it faded to black.
And then, everything was blue.
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Second drabble incoming for the "Trio are AI" AU, been a while but I'm still overthinking this AU in particular. I have the background written up it's just I need to not overthink the slice-of-life moments haha
"What's your name?" Jeremie fingers hovered uneasily over the keyboard, his eyes still adjusting to the darker lighting in the lab.
Neon orange eyes narrowed in thought, "...PNX-458."
"Bzzt. Wrong answer!" His fingers glided over the keyboard, the light churning in his gut fading at those words. They're still not ready yet, eh, "Let's try this again tomorrow."
His gaze was quickly ripped from the monitor by a white tail covered patches of purple-brown fur wiggling around, "C'mon Jeremie, you didn't even ask the rest of us!"
Jeremie turned the chair away from the screen. He probably wasn't going to make anymore progress on the materialization program today anyway. These AI seem way too determined to get out in the public.
It was a very bad idea. They're too limited in their thinking to interact properly with other humans. It was better for them to stay close to the supercomputer, ready to deal with the latest scheme that XANA conjured up. And yet...
"Fine," He humored the calico cat-boy. Slit purple and gold eyes light up once Jeremie's gaze focused on him. Heck, the cat ears perked up along with it, whiskers twitching along in the midst of pink tribunal markings, "Alright PNX-621, what's your name?"
"Mmm," A claw lightly taps their chin, then the boy smiles which allows Jeremie to fully view the sharpened canines trying their best to blend in with the human-like teeth, "Odd!"
Jeremie put his hands on his lap, "Odd's not really a real name..."
Fluffy white paws crossed together to form an 'x', "Wrong! Oddr is a name in Old Norse!"
"You didn't say Oddr though?"
"Nicknames, my dear Jeremie!" The AI chattered excitedly, "Humans tend to use those all the time with people they know well. They also use it as means to shorten their own name. So 'Odd' is perfectly fine!"
This likely wasn't an argument that Jeremie was going to win. At this point he knew how much give and take it was to deal with these three. He sighed aloud, adjusting his glasses a bit, "Well... alright. You still have to come up with a surname though, Odd."
The boy's tail swished behind him, "Don't worry, I'll figure it out in no time."
"Now as for you, PNX-379..." Soft pink eyes lazily glanced over, her hands gently twisting a flower back and forth, "Do you want to give it a try?"
"Akizakura Yumi," She muttered tiredly, "The first name is Japanese for beauty. The surname is a homage to the cosmos flowers that bloom in the fall."
He can't really argue with this one, huh, "That's really good Yumi," Jeremie complimented, "You just have to flip it around here. The surname goes last in France rather than going first."
Her long red-black sleeves decorated in small sakura petals slips down as she placed the thin pink flower in her hair. With only one flower in her hair, it seemed to trigger more cosmos flowers to grow by the first one. It reminded Jeremie of a flower crown, just more haphazardly put together.
"Let me try again," The third AI chimed in, raising a metallic hand up to draw Jeremie's attention.
Well, it wouldn't hurt to give him another go. This has been great progress considering it took them a while to step away from their PNX assigned numbers, "Alright PNX-458, give it a go."
The boy tapped lightly at the pointed metallic pieces fixed on top of his ears, each tap flickering a red scanner in front of his eyes, "...Ulrich," Those orange eyes gazed away, a small white-blue flush creeping on his cheeks, "I looked at a ton of German names and that's the one that stuck with me. It means 'chief'."
"Well, with your warrior avatar I think it makes sense," Jeremie reassured, "You and Odd just have to think about your surnames and then you'll be good to go in the naming department."
"And then can we go to human school with you?!" Odd blurted, his claws digging into the supercomputer's chair.
Jeremie was quick to shake his head, "Certainly not! You three still have to get a hold of shifting your appearances. You can't just walking around looking like a cat-boy, or a samurai-knight warrior, or a ninja performer!"
Odd sticks his nose in the air, letting Jeremie get a first hand look as the shudder of code covered his entire head. The sound of static crackled in the air, at first twisting the pointed blond hair into a soft brown with a hard to see purple splotch. Then it swept away the heterochromia purple-gold eyes for a light amber, alongside tucking away the white-purple cat ears for human-like ones.
"See Jeremie, perfectly fine!" The boy flashed a grin, the large canines still standing proudly alongside the human teeth.
Jeremie raised an eyebrow, completely unimpressed, "Your fangs and markings are still there, Odd. You at least tucked away your whiskers this time so... progress!" He offered a thumbs up.
Ulrich snorted as the other brunet whines, the code shuddering away to give him back his original avatar appearance, "I don't think we can tuck away everything on the first go, Jeremie."
"If you want to blend in and try your hand at a human life, it'll take time to make something 'normal'," Jeremie reiterated once again, "I'm not going to keep you from trying your hand at school. You guys just need to look... average enough." He finished lamely.
Orange and purple-gold eyes continue staring at him. Thankfully, Yumi chimed in and dragged their gazes away, "I don't understand how you two struggle with tucking away everything." She tucked away a strand of black hair behind her ear.
Her kimono had vanished, instead replaced by a thick grey sweater with a spiral of roses at the bottom. Her jeans were pitch black, alongside some grey-navy sneakers. Rosy pink eyes had been tucked away for a stormy grey, while her palish face had more color to it now.
"We're not able to blend in like you, PN- err, Yumi," Ulrich grumbled, "It wasn't in our code to do that. I'm a fighter, your a spy, and PN- um, er, Odd's a uh..."
"Calculator," The calico added in without a second thought.
"Right," Ulrich then gestured to his head, "Your also not out of the clear either, Ms. Ninja."
Her eyebrow raised, "What do you mean?"
A small smile grew on the warrior's face, "Your hair pins are changing color."
That one jab alone completely shutters the illusion, Yumi rolling her pink eyes again as her sandals lightly tap the ground, "I'm going to the scanners. You boys can have fun without me."
Jeremie huffed as the male AIs snicker conspiratorially, the creaks and groans of the elevator echoing around the lab, "You know she's just gonna take it out on you two on Lyoko, right?"
Odd's paw waved back and forth in the air, his tail mimicking along, "It'll be fine, Jeremie. Besides, Aelita has not mentioned XANA attacking yet."
"I mean, it was pretty fun learning about how to blend in as humans with you four," Aelita's voice rang from the supercomputer, quickly dragging the boy's gazes to the pixie and her bright green eyes, "I hope the next lesson is as fun as this one."
Jeremie groaned, burying his face in his hands. Why did he even agree to this...
Okay so originally the second drabble was going to be a Jim & Delmas focus continuing along where we left off from the first drabble feat. Sissi, Herve, and Nicholas (where you can read here fwiw if this one caught interest enough haha)
The reason it shifted to this was more so because I had Ideas and then this one wouldn't let me go. So here it is lmao
Also down to answer questions and such in the ask box (not just for this AU but the other ones I've mentioned)!
Thank you all for reading and for the support everyone o7
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martsonmars · 2 years
A list by the Carry On Discord Server.
the fox guy from AWTWB (no, he was Jeremey)
a random guy name to let Baz know Simon's into dudes, because he thought it would be too obvious to get a tattoo that says “I’m queer just FYI”
Simon's ex boyfriend
Baz's ex boyfriend
Simon's pet goat
the monkey tattoo
a homage to @stardustasincocaine's husband
Baz's name in this AU because Tyrannus Basilton was too weird
Lamb's fake identity (and it's actually Lamb on the cover, not Simon)
Lamb's actual first name
one of the NowNext vampires
Simon's beloved childhood pet
a fuck you to someone Simon hates whose name is Jeremy
a goat who frequently fucks shit up and causes Problems™️ and Simon flips it off regularly and misses it dearly
the person on the cover, and he tattooed his name on his finger so he doesn't forget it
Simon’s people eating plant
the password Simon always uses, named after the IT guy who always yelled at Simon about not having secure enough passwords
Simon's beloved childhood plushie
just a name Simon likes
Simon's bro, who is a fledgling tattoo artist and Simon let him just do whatever
Shepard's middle name
Shepard's first name but he lost it to a fairy and had to change it
a stray dog Simon took care of while in care homes
Baz's pet rat, Mordelia named it
Baz's dog (the one he killed)
the name he (Baz? Simon? Unclear) gave to the bird outside his window who woke him up at ass o'clock every morning
Simon's middle name, the Mage chose it
a celebrity crush
Simon's fake name he used to get tattoos when he was younger than he should
Simon and Baz's kid
a mnemonic device
the container of mystery leftovers from freshman year that has gained sentience in the back of the fridge
it's actually “Je Remy” because Simon loves Ratatouille
Jeremy Baines from Doctor Who
a reminder of when Simon got burned by the Jeremy Renner app
Tyrannus or Basilton was too long to tattoo so Simon's like I dunno... Jeremy
the fake name Baz gave Simon because they have rival flower businesses and he didn’t want Simon to know his true identity, a la Chaz; supported by the fact that Jaz is a variant of Jeremy
“Choose a name similar to yours.”
Baz: “I'm, uh, Jaz Bitch.”
Simon gets the tattoo and goes to Baz and Baz is like, “Who the fuck is Jeremy?”
“Actually, it's short for Jerusalem,” because Baz's family absolutely would name a kid Jerusalem.
the head of the latest cult Simon has joined; every tattoo is in remembrance of a cult he escaped: he keeps saying “they remind me that I won't do THAT again” but...
the Mage's real name: he never told his real name to anyone so they just started calling him David
Niall's real name
Dev's middle name
Niall's surname
Simon just flips a lot of people the bird so he decided to name his middle finger and then he had the name tattooed on it.
Simon: “I’d like to introduce you to Jeremy.”
Anyone else: “Who tf is Jeremy?”
Simon: 🖕
drunk Simon when he's a teen in care:
Kid: “What tattoo do you want?”
S: “... Jeremy.”
Kid: “What?”
S: “You heard me.”
Simon's step dad
Simon's baby brother
Simon's evil twin
the Humdrum
@rainbowrowell's OC
doesn't actually exist
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krikeymate · 1 year
It's been a while since I've watched Wynonna Earp but I just remembered some details and it got me thinkin about the au:
Are we keepin with the show's canon and going with a "Tara's not even a Carpenter (or I guess Loomis in this au)/fully human" twist? If so, how would that go?
(Also do you got any thoughts about who the other characters would be? Like who would be the stand-in for Doc/Nicole/Xavier/etc. Omg wait you could combine this au with the other half-sister au and have a Willa stand-in as well)
SWAGGER. (that's just how i refer to you in my head. i know you have a name. sorry.) THANK YOU FOR ASKING.
So I have virtually no story actually planned out, but like everything else, it will lightly follow the plot and I'll pick and choose what is most fun. I have most of the character's roles planned out.
Tara not being a Loomis is 100% happening. She got that ~ angel ~ blood in her.
(I made Christina's maiden name Carpenter in this, along with several other AUs for simplicity. And like, technically we have nothing in canon that disapproves the idea that it is her surname and her husband took her name. Obviously, that isn't true, but it exists in the area of small things that are never mentioned because why would they.)
SO. Tara was always called Carpenter. Billy never let her take her name, he knew she wasn't his all along. Christina tells Sam it's just because Sam is the heir, not Tara, so only Sam can take the Loomis name. Sam changes her name to Carpenter too after her grandmother Nancy loses it shortly after Billy's death. She wants to distance them from all that.
I really thought hard about whether I wanted a Willa in this AU, and ultimately decided not to. I think Sam has oldest-sibling vibes and fits growing up under the weight of a legacy, and Tara is only going to have Sam on her side vs Waverly who was loved by her mother and Wynonna.
ANYWAY. Some other characters!
Kirby Reed (27), Deputy Marshal of the Black Badge Division, and her lab technician Mindy Meeks-Martin (21). They show up after Sam gets back into town and some bodies start happening. (The Dolls and Jeremy characters, except Mindy is there from day 1.)
Chad (21) is a Mercedes-type character. Just around to serve looks, be catty, and run the family property business after his sister decided to abscond to some secret government lab job.
Stu 'Doc' Macher. Sidekick to the Ghost of the West, and recently, Billy. Billy finds him in the well shortly after Sam is born, and keeps him around to help take down the revenants. Billy throws him back down the well shortly after his wife leaves, blaming him. He'd caught them speaking together in hushed tones shortly before, and acting suspiciously. He even accuses him of being Tara's father. He acted as a bit of an absent uncle to the girls.
There's not really a Nicole figure. What there is is Judy Hicks, fresh into town because Sheriff Dewey Riley needs a deputy. She brings with her her son, Wes (19). Wes works at the station doing grunt work, and when he's not working, he's being sweet on Tara. Judy is ignorant of the supernatural, and even after things start to happen, she remains in denial.
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Every day I wake up and I think that maybe Knox is not Jeremy's real surname and every day I wanna know more about his (probably dead) father and what he remembers of him.
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void-imp · 2 years
🌌💔 for the trio!! <3
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🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
Jab: When I initially made Jab, I was just messing around in cas. At this time I had no idea he would become so important to me, I was actually planning on using him for some casual gameplay. I think I'm drawn to characters who are human-but-not-quite. Feeling alienated from society and other people is something I can relate to, so this is a recurring theme in the characters I make. Jab is basically the embodiment of this. Actually, I think one of the first things I decided about him is that his name is Jab! It just popped into my brain. His surname used to be Dingo but I changed it to Lewis pretty quick lmao. Also that he's a demon, which is a concept I've been developing since then so he's actually more of an alien... you can read more on my chara page about it lol!
Jeremy: Since I was planning on doing casual gameplay, I needed a love interest. I suppose that is the first thing I decided for him, that he was dating Jab. This is a horrible starting point for a character, making their whole identity being the boyfriend of someone else. 😭 I realized I needed to seperate Jeremy from Jab to figure out who he was and he's come such a long way. He's inspired by my love for pop punk (he is the impact of me listening to sk8er boi at age 7), video games, nature and graffiti covered urban areas. He's hope and brightness put into a character. If Aleksey represents the past and Jab represents the present, Jeremy represents the future.
Aleksey: A long time ago I had a physical description of a character in mind: dark-haired and stormy-eyed with pale skin and many moles. I had this idea for several years but was never able to make a sim I felt satisfied with. Until Aleksey! This was what I was trying to achieve in cas when I initially made him. His role in this "casual gameplay" that never came to be was being Jab's wacky neighbour. They were not meant to have romantic feelings for each other but it just sorta... happened. Aleksey is melancholic and melodramatic but also pragmatic with a no-nonsense attitude. He's definitely inspired by the chaotic and overwhelming emotions I sometimes experience and growing up with a somewhat dysfunctional family.
💔 BROKEN HEART - what could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart?
Aleksey: Cheat. He would never be able to forgive this.
Jeremy: Hurt his family. His family is one of the things he values most in this world.
Jab: If it turned out someone was dating him for his inhuman appearance. Someone with a "monster" fetish, someone who wants to "research" him. It would break him.
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