#jess t. dugan
joeinct · 5 months
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Gloria, 70, To Survive on this Shore, Chicaco, Photo by Jess T. Dugan, 2016
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transbookoftheday · 1 year
To Survive on This Shore by Jess T. Dugan and Vanessa Fabbre
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Representations of older transgender people are nearly absent from our culture and those that do exist are often one-dimensional. For over five years, photographer Jess T. Dugan and social worker Vanessa Fabbre traveled throughout the United States creating To Survive on This Shore: Photographs and Interviews with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Older Adults. Seeking subjects whose lived experiences exist within the complex intersections of gender identity, age, race, ethnicity, sexuality, socioeconomic class, and geographic location, they traveled from coast to coast, to big cities and small towns, documenting the life stories of this important but largely underrepresented group of older adults. The featured individuals share a wide variety of life narratives spanning the last ninety years, offering an important historical record of transgender experience and activism in the United States. The resulting portraits and narratives provide a nuanced view into the struggles and joys of growing older as a transgender person and offer a poignant reflection on what it means to live authentically despite seemingly insurmountable odds.
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creativespark · 2 years
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Jess T. Dugan, Oskar and Zach (bed), 2020 from the series Look At Me Like You Love Me
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e-ste-tica · 11 months
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Jess T. Dugan
(Exhibition I want you to know my story)
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kisslovegoodbye · 1 year
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Jess T. Dugan, “Candles” (2020),
Iprint, 18 x 24 inches
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sheltiechicago · 7 months
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Mom and Chris, 2019
Photography by Jess T. Dugan, Courtesy of CLAMP, New York, NY and Turner Carroll Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
Tender Portraits of Provincetown’s Queer Community
Every summer since 2016, Jess T Dugan has taught a portrait photography class at a non-profit in Provincetown. Here, they present their work alongside five of their students
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Self-Portrait (Reaching), 2021
Photography by Jess T. Dugan
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Kyle (left) and Sunil, 2022
Photography by Brad Hamilton
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Intertwined, 2019
Photography by Cai Quirk
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To Survive on This Shore: Photographs and Interviews with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Older Adults by Jess T. Dugan & Vanessa Fabbre
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Representations of older transgender people are nearly absent from our culture and those that do exist are often one-dimensional. For over five years, photographer Jess T. Dugan and social worker Vanessa Fabbre traveled throughout the United States creating To Survive on This Shore: Photographs and Interviews with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Older Adults. Seeking subjects whose lived experiences exist within the complex intersections of gender identity, age, race, ethnicity, sexuality, socioeconomic class, and geographic location, they traveled from coast to coast, to big cities and small towns, documenting the life stories of this important but largely underrepresented group of older adults. The featured individuals share a wide variety of life narratives spanning the last ninety years, offering an important historical record of transgender experience and activism in the United States. The resulting portraits and narratives provide a nuanced view into the struggles and joys of growing older as a transgender person and offer a poignant reflection on what it means to live authentically despite seemingly insurmountable odds.
Mod opinion: This sounds like a really interesting photography book focussing on trans history. Unfortunately i haven't been able to read it yet.
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arlens-notes · 2 years
If you haven't heard of it yet, To Survive on This Shore is a photography/biography project by Jess T. Dugan and Vanessa Fabbre including photographs and interviews with trans and gender nonconforming older adults:
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agardenandlibrary · 11 months
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Just started:
To Survive on This Shore
Photographs and interviews with transgender and gender nonconforming older adults
By Jess T. Dugan and Vanessa Fabbre
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cypresstrees · 3 months
1, 15 & 40 for the book meme :)
Thank you Pepper! :)
1. What are you reading right now?
A whole bunch of things as per usual!
Reading: Lirael by Garth Nix thanks to @verdet-cadet, To Survive on This Shore by Jess T Dugan, An Unkindness of Ghosts by Rivers Solomon
Listening: Whispers Underground by Ben Aaronovitch, Black Powder War by Naomi Novik (for the third time, because I just can’t resist)
15. What makes you close a book and walk away forever?
I’m a big believer of “if it sucks hit da bricks.” I wouldn’t say I’m walking away forever, but if I’ve made it at least 50 pages into a book and I’m just not enjoying the plot/characters/writing style and I’m not reading the book for a particular purpose like a book club, I will set it aside and move on. Sometimes I come back to it though!
40. How do you do you choose a new book to read?
It’s an impulse-based shitshow. I do keep a tbr list, but since I work in a library I am extremely inundated with books from all directions, and the tbr can only do so much. By the time I finish a current read I’ve usually changed my mind on what my next read will be at least three times, and it usually depends on what genre I’m in the mood for, what holds have come in for me, what books have been on my radar recently, and what’s available right that moment for me to pick up.
book asks!
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transadvicecolumn · 1 year
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sourkitsch · 2 years
hiii i have a question :) if a person (me) were to theoretically be in boston, this wednesday perhaps, with a few hours to potentially utilize before a flight, which art museum would those hours be best spent in? you seem to have expertise on this topic. thank you 😌 also i voted for the first option in your poll but i think wandering and maybe getting a piercing sounds equally compelling
Hiiiii omg! If you’re going to go to one museum in Boston I would recommend the MFA! You might not be able to do the whole thing while you’re there, but I literally just saw Jess T. Dugan’s Coupled last weekend & it made me tear up it was really wonderful, especially for that specific gallery space!! Otherworldly Realms is also an exhibition currently up that I found really fascinating as an exploration of western myth through a Chinese lens! Lots of stuff I could say about that one tbh. Their permanent collection is pretty good as well! Also, it’s much easier to get to than something like the ICA or Fogg or Sargent Murals, it’s pretty centrally located in Boston and has parking/ easy T access/ lots of rideshare options around. I will say theres not a lot of food in the area so you might want to eat before unless you’re ok with the museum cafe!
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ongoingdisaster · 2 years
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The Oxford English Dictionary defines ‘self’ as “a person’s essential being that distinguishes them from others”. What creates this essential being is, however, harder to define.
In the latest instalment of ‘Picture This’ Owen Harvey, Jess T Dugan, Emma Hardy, Ayomide Tejuoso, Annie Wang and Georgie Wileman reflect on the notion of ‘self’. https://1854.photo/3XPlK3u
© Emma Hardy
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creativespark · 2 years
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Jess T. Dugan, Self portrait (reaching), 2021, from the series Look at me like you love me
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e-ste-tica · 10 months
Come risponderesti alle accuse per cui la top surgery è diventata più una body modification piuttosto che una gender affirming surgery? Questa accusa deriva dal fatto che è diventata una operazione chirurgica cui si sottopongono anche donne che non sperimentano disforia di genere e non hanno intenzione di intraprendere un percorso di transizione. Ti mando il link del video in questione, spero non ti triggeri o altro
Ciao! Non guarderò il video in questione perdonami, l'ho aperto e mi è bastato vedere un estratto di un video di Sarah Kate Smigiel ripreso (in modo credo illegale) per contestare ciò che dice. SK è una persona che seguo e stimo, al contrario di chi ha fatto il video, Arielle Scarcella e Buck Angel. Entrambi molto conservatori, che per il solo fatto di essere una persona lesbica e una persona trans si sentono legittimati a difendere posizioni à la Salvini. (Del tipo che secondo loro le persone non binarie non esistono, quindi ti comunico che al momento stai parlando con un fantasma). Loro due sono la dimostrazione che non conta "chi sei", ma come ti posizioni.
Fatta questa premessa, perché dovrebbe essere un'accusa? Cosa ci sarebbe di male se una persona volesse operarsi per motivi esclusivamente estetici e non di affermazione di genere? Ci rifacciamo il naso per affermazione di genere? No, eppure nessuno si sognerebbe di criticare tale scelta. C'è chi si rifà il corpo in toto, chi si tinge e taglia i capelli, chi si ricopre interamente di tatuaggi etc... ma queste scelte non vengono stigmatizzate a livello sociale. Il problema per me qui sta nella visione patologizzante: non gli sta bene che le persone possano fare qualcosa semplicemente perché vogliono e non perché soffrono. Secondo questo schema di comprensione, se sei trans, tutto ciò che fai si riconduce a disagio, tentativo disperato di allineamento mente-corpo, affermazione di genere. Per molte persone sarà anche così, ma perché fa così tanto scalpore che una decisione come la mastectomia possa essere presa da chiunque in serenità, senza per forza voler affermare il proprio genere ma semplicemente la propria identità?
Le persone fanno la qualunque per stare bene con sé stesse e vedersi riflesse come si piacciono. Lo stesso confine tra affermazione di genere e scelta estetica per me è più sfumato di quanto crediamo. Anche per me individualmente è così, io non mi sto operando per affermarmi "più maschio" o perché sto così male da non uscire di casa, lo faccio per piacermi di più e vedere allo specchio ciò che desidero: affermazione di genere sì, ma anche scelta estetica per essere fisicamente più vicino a quel "come voglio essere da grande". Ognun* è responsabile del proprio corpo, ne fa ciò che preferisce, e difficilmente si arriva fino in fondo a un'operazione chirurgica senza volerlo davvero (prima ci sono incontri, pagamenti, esami etc...). Cosa importa chi la vuole e perché la vuole? Se una donna cis si piace di più senza tette, nessun* si deve permettere di dirle che non va bene. Jess T. Dugan è una persona che continua a usare il pronome she/her che ha deciso di fare la top surgery, ne ha fatto una parte bellissima della propria carriera fotografica e dopo anni anche una mostra, perciò direi che esiste anche questa felice possibilità.
Sogno un mondo in cui non dobbiamo rompere il cazzo alle persone, ma piuttosto accompagnarle ed essere loro di supporto nelle varie scelte che prendono. Rispondere ai dubbi, informare, fare in modo che siano scelte consapevoli, ma senza porre paletti o confini su chi può fare cosa. Io poi non sò per le politiche identitarie regà, studio Butler Foucault e la teoria queer per me pure tutti sti confini hanno senso fintanto che li usiamo per giocarci, per ritrovarci tra noi, per lottare politicamente, costruire fronti, farci riconoscere e darci nomi che ci facciano sentire bene... Però mica pensiamo che la profondità umana si risolva così, no?!
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tenderanarchist · 2 years
Doing a photographer research assignment and Jess T. Dugan’s work is healing my soul. You should all go take a look. We’re out here and living and loving 🏳️‍⚧️❤️
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