#jet wolf watches a place further
ultram0th · 1 year
31 Days of Derek Hale
Day 13: Clown
Info │ 01 │ 02 │ 03 │ 04 │ 05 │ 06 │ 07 │ 08 │ 09 │ 10 │ 11 │ 12 │ 13
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Derek practically whimpered like a wolf pup as he watched his husband, Stiles, slowly slump to the couch. The usually vibrant and cheerful human had been going through some hardships at work, and it’d really affected his mood; thus, the normally smiley and singsongy Stiles was all gray and sulky. The alpha werewolf frowned as he saw Stiles’s thin shoulders rise and fall with a sigh.
On a normal day, Derek was the grumpy one, mad at the world and scowling at every living creature that dared to cross his path; and Stiles would be his anchor, calming him down with a simple kiss on the cheek or by placing a warm hand on his broad shoulder. Now that the roles were evidently reversed, Derek was struggling to find out the right things to do/say, empathy never really being one of his strong suits.
“Babe?” Derek asked as he walked over to the couch and placed a hand on his husband’s shoulder as he would’ve done had the roles been swapped. “Um… have you tried not thinking about it?”
Stiles’s frown deepened and he rubbed at his temples, making Derek feel guilty.
Derek flinched and quickly tried to make things better. “Got a headache?” he asked, already dashing to the bathroom. “I’ll grab you some Ibuprofen!”
As Derek leaned over the sink, images of his sad husband kept replaying in his mind, making him grimace. He felt guilty for not being able to cheer up Stiles like he would do for him whenever he was moody. He couldn’t help but feel a little helpless and, what was worse, was that whenever he felt like this, it was usually Stiles who convinced him of otherwise with a little corny joke.
Derek loved his husband with all of his heart, and it pained him to see Stiles sad. He missed his smile, he missed his laugh.
“Damn it,” Derek cursed under his breath, “I wish I could cheer him up.”
The second the words left his mouth, Derek felt a shudder ripple through him. The sensation morphed into an odd tingling that consumed his whole body before fading, but not before being reduced to a tickle that actually made Derek laugh.
“Hyuck! Hyuck!” Derek guffawed, his normal throaty chuckle sounding more like a cartoonish wail that was comically deep. The werewolf jerked back and cleared his throat, wondering why he’d just laughed like that.
He shook it away and opened up the mirror cabinet to grab some Ibuprofen for Stiles, gasping when he saw his reflection after closing it.
His normally jet-black hair was green! Derek dropped the small pills in shock as he ran a shaky hand through his green hair, his eyes wide at the vibrant color that would without a doubt, draw a lot of attention his way. 
“What’s, *giggle, wrong with my hair— Hyuck! Hyuck!” Derek laughed again. This time, he finally realized that he’d been smiling the entire time. Although he was confused and slightly panicked over what was happening to him, his face looked alight with zeal. His pearly whites were on full display, which brought about something new to him. Derek had always had larger front teeth, Stiles sometimes referring to them as Bunny Teeth, but his eyes widened when he saw them grow in size until they protruded over his bottom lip, effectively giving him over-exaggerated buck teeth.
Derek barely had time to react to his large teeth before he witnessed his nose shudder. Its skin reddened drastically until it looked cherry red, even taking on a shimmery sheen. It then steadily inflated, rounding out until Derek had a red clown nose affixed to his face.
“I look ridiculous!” Derek giggled, still grinning widely despite his inner panic.
The altered werewolf’s first thought was to rush to Stiles, knowing that his husband would figure out what was happening to him. Derek quickly hurried out of the bathroom, stumbling over his feet as he moved. Derek’s eyes widened even further when he witnessed his feet elongating past their usual size thirteen, growing comically huge with large stumpy toes capping them. 
With each step he took, Derek’s new feet slapped loudly against the hardwood floors and he struggled to maintain his balance. His gait resembled someone more clumsy, struggling to walk a straight line. He kept bouncing against the walls, knocking over pictures and causing a ruckus as he moved.
With a loud giggle, Derek waddled into the living room where Stiles moped. His husband took one look at him and scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion. 
“Der?” he asked. “What are you doing?”
Instead of asking for help, Derek heard himself laugh, “Hyuck! Hyuck! I heard that there’s someone who’s a little down!” He cringed at how he was acting, this cheery clown attitude a direct contrast with his usual self.
Stiles just stared blankly ahead. “Huh?”
“Want a balloon?” Derek happily asked. “I got a real big one for you!”
With large, flailing motions, Derek searched all around his clothes. His busy show wouldn’t allow him to display his shock over the bright neon colors that his black clothes had been magically dyed to. Derek felt as if he were a passenger in his own body, hearing himself speak and feeling himself move, but he didn’t have any control. He was helpless as he behaved like some sugary sweet clown, unable to stop smiling and giggling the entire time.
When Derek couldn’t find a balloon, he frowned before perking up with an a-ha motion. Pursing his lips and whistling through his large buck teeth, he unzipped his now bright yellow pants and let them fall to the ground. 
He exaggeratedly gasped as he looked down at his soft cock, grabbing at his green hair. “Oh no!” he chirped. “You don’t want that small balloon!” 
He winced at calling himself small, but then flinched when he saw the corner of Stiles’s mouth slowly pull upward. Seeing Stiles doing so sent a fluttering feeling through Derek’s chest, and he started to feel a little excited, his panic steadily fading.
Derek felt himself stick his thumb in his mouth and take in a deep breath, puffing out his chest. He then puffed out his cheeks and acting like he was blowing air into himself, pausing every so often to take a deep breath.
Stiles let out a little chuckle.
Derek felt himself perk up, his cock instantly rocketing to attention. It swelled up and stood out in front of him. Derek dropped his thumb from his mouth and gestured towards his hard cock.
“Ta-da!” he cheered, puffing his chest back out and setting his hands onto his hips proudly as he pushed his hips forward so that his rock hard member was closer to his husband.
Finally, Stiles’s face broke out into a loud smile and he started to laugh.
At seeing his husband finally laughing and being able to see his beautiful smile again, Derek’s cock throbbed and began to leak precum. His own smile was back in full force.
“Oh, thank you, Der,” Stiles cooed as he sat up and gave his husband a big hug. “You always know how to cheer me up.”
“Hyuck! Hyuck!” Derek guffawed, his face blushing wildly as Stiles kissed his cheek lovingly. Seeing the love of his life smiling again, Derek figured that as long as it made his husband happy, he was fine with being a werewolf clown.
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how-masterful · 2 years
31 Fics of Fright
Day 18- The Hunter’s Moon
Dhawan!Master X Reader
Prompt: Full Moon
Notes: Yes, i did in fact get inspired from the Ghost song. I also loved getting to use my witchy knowledge in this one. The moon truly rocks! Also a bit more dialogue orientated than my usual stuff. At least to me it is. Today has been busy!
Warnings: Suggestive language.
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The Lunar Gardens were a thing of legend. A gorgeous escape, their locations only known to those who had the right connections. It was up there with the luxurious likes of Darillium, the most romantic of spots for intergalactic travellers who so desperately yearned for a night under the potent energy of the moon.
There you’d been, the pair of you, you and the Master. Sat there in your best, dining on the most delicious meal you’ve ever had, under the gorgeous glory of the fat full moon. It shone in the night, bathing the gardens in an unearthly cast of blue. It shimmered against the glitter on your outfit, the Master’s suit lined with silver that glimmered under the beam. The crystal of your wine glasses sparkled, as did the shimmer of your cocktails. The Master had gone all out and treated you tonight.
“I’d hate to be a werewolf here.” You’d whispered, gazing so wonderfully at the shining giant.
The Master had grinned, delicately taking your arm and guiding you to your table. You’d been seated in the prime spot, the gardens around you decorated with the Earth's most seasonal decor- carved pumpkins lined the path, the crockery and silverware a jet black, the bushes and shrubs artistically draped with faux spider webs and themed lights. Of course, the Master had booked for the Autumn. He may have claimed to be a lone wolf, but he remembered every single fact about yourself you’d mentioned. He may not have enjoyed admitting it, but he was always so desperate for you to enjoy the things he suggested. He’d say a happy assistant is an effective one. You thought he just enjoyed seeing you smile.
The candle upon the middle of the table burned with a familiar black flame, the silver wax dripping artfully from the crescent moon shaped holder. You brushed your foot up the Master's calf, watching him smile darkly as he casually sipped his drink.
“It’s the Hunter's moon, tonight.” He mused, glancing up at the moon.
“It's a cycle of three-”
“Three years that it appears over Earth in the month of October. It’s also a rarity that the full moon appears on Halloween night.”
The Timelord tilted his head, watching you proudly as you sipped from your glass.
“As if I could forget, I got the hippie human.”
“You complain now, but just you wait until I start dancing skyclad and chanting.”
The Master paused, lip curving into a smirk.
“Do you have to join in the spell thing to get to watch that, or…?”
You swatted in his direction, the Master chuckling as he leant forward to take another bite from his food.
“I remember living through the Seventies, twice, they were chock full of all that sort of thing. All those New Age spiritualists, who had no clue they were basically redoing everything from Daemos. Don’t even get me started on that weirdo Gerald Gardener. Basically wanted to make old worldy stuff new.”
You leant forward curiously, placing your glass down on the table. You also returned to digging into your food, hoping to prompt the Master further.
“Surely then you lived through all the supernatural moral panics.”
The Master nodded, raising his fork to his lips.
“Oh, love, literally everything. I tried to pay no mind but honestly, most of it was alien. Satanic panic? Alien. Psychic fields trying to affect the world, some shitty low level blood control. Most ghosts? Alien.”
“Don’t tell me the Highgate vampire was an alien. I’ll be heartbroken.”
The Master paused, considering the thought.
“Nope, still have no clue what the hell that actually was.”
You gave a small victory fist bump, causing the Timelord to laugh fondly.
“So tell me, Witchy Woo,” He started, placing down his knife and fork and leaning closer across the table. “Hunter's moon. Explain.”
You gave a happy sigh, settling your cutlery down upon your plate. You gazed up to the looming mass of space rock, investigating every crevice and crater. It was beautiful, the way it softly spun and orbited the garden. It felt like it was watching over you.
“Hunters moon, let’s see… peak harvest time, great for the early native farmers to hunt and gather supplies for the Winter.”
The Master watched, invested. He already knew everything about it, nothing was truly new. He was simply fond of just how passionate you became when you discussed things you loved. 
“It’s also called the blood moon, mainly due to scientific phenomena and how high it rises in the Earth's atmosphere.”
“So on Earth, this thing looks red.”
“Exactly. It has its connotations of the harvest, being grateful for what you have, and keeping balance. It’s mainly moving on from the Autumn and getting ready for the Winter.”
The Master’s hand had reached out, and you placed yours within his with earnestness. He softly squoze your palm, looking up at the moon.
“So, if it’s the harvest, that includes a hunt, right?”
You nodded in reply, thumb stroking over the back of his hand.
“And if I recall… you mentioned a bit about being skyclad...”
Once more, you nodded. The Master rubbed at his beard dramatically, a devious twinkle in his eye.
“I think there's an opportunity here for a pretty trailblazing idea.”
Leaning further, foot caressing tauntingly up his leg, you quirked up a brow.
“Something you’re offering to workshop?”
The Master grinned, all teeth and deviance, just as a waiter arrived to take your plates.
“Are you intending to order dessert?” It asked scratchily, stacking the plates in its five spare hands, its front two clasped together elegantly.
“We’ll take one of everything.” The Master said absentmindedly, the plan already working itself through his head like new computer code, rewriting every sinful neuron he held in his possession.
“To go.” You added, heart beginning to pound at the low sweat building on your skin.
“Head start to the TARDIS.” The Master whispered, every cheetah planet instinct awakening with frenzy. You stood from the table, reclaiming your clutch and winking over your shoulder.
“Catch me if you can.” You purred, before scarpering off under the glow of the moon.
The Master inhaled deep, staring up at the Hunters Moon with excitement. The hunt was officially on.
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keyofjetwolf · 5 years
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I’m watching A Place Further completely spoiler-free! You can help by being careful to avoid spoilers in any comments, reblogs, or Asks. This includes if I missed something, if it’s cultural, or if I’m just plain wrong. Also, please allow me to feel however I do about the story and characters as I explore the series.
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dejwritesarchived · 3 years
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♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — it's just something about those bikers...[ ft jay jo & vinny hong from manhwa/webtoon windbreaker, nsfw headcanons, suggestive content, afab reader, headcanon format, drabble format, mating press position, thigh riding, oral (both fem & male receiving/giving), profanity usage, i usually don't take request but i adore windbreaker a lil too much so this is dedicated to the person who sent me the ask earlier, ]
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♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — VINNY HONG
Personally feel like Vinny likes taking control in the bedroom. Although he'll most likely put your pleasure above his own, he'll be sure to take the lead when it comes to his tall stature being on top of your frame.
Isn't afraid to take place in between your thighs. Honestly think he enjoys eating you out more and more each day he does it. He loves grasping at the flesh on your thighs as you squirm under his touch. He adores hearing your breath hitch in your throat as he brings you closer to his face.
Such an amazing kisser. He puts his all in his kisses. They start off so sweet and innocent. Him enduring the taste of your cotton candy chapstick. But then Vinny gets so eager, sometimes he gets so into the kiss that on some days he'll forget you two are in public. He's pulling you closer to his body. His tongue always finds a way to glide against your lower lip begging to get a taste of that fruit smoothie you drank ten minutes ago. Kissing Vinny is like alluding that you want it to go further. 'Cause once he starts, he is on go mode.
Vinny has some of the best-looking thighs you've ever seen. It doesn't particularly shock you considering what he does as a hobby/sport. When you're needy, you aren't afraid to take place on Vinny's toned thighs and rub against them in the lewdest way possible. Vinny would only let you get off by humping his thighs like a poor lil wolf in intense heat. Occasionally placing kisses on your gasped lips while you let out a moan.
Has (and will) fuck you in the signature Humming Bird Crew gear. He saw you wearing a piece of his Humming Bird Crew gear and went feral. Which he knows what he's doing considering when you return the piece of the clothing and it smells like you.
♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — JAY JO
He's very observant when it comes to you. Constantly taking mental notes on your likes and dislikes. So obviously, he's going to be observant of what makes you completely breathless in the bedroom. Jay is always open to trying new things just to see what makes you nibble on your lip to hold back a moan or what makes his name tumble off your tongue seductively.
Please, lick the side of Jay's neck and watch him fold immediately. If you're feeling bold, lick up to the brim of his ear and blow a cool breeze on it after licking it. He'll instantly get hard and his face will glow the most adorable shade of red.
Praise him! Praise him! Praise him! Please while he's ramming his hips into the cushions of your butt just to feel more of you gripping around him, praise him. Tell him how good he's fucking you. Let him know how wonderful he's making you feel.
Mating press king! It's no secret with the amount of biking he does, his body is always toned and looking amazing. Jay adores hooking his broad arms under your knees as his hips roll into your body. His jet black hair falling his face while sweat stains his forehead and the only thing that comes out of his mouth are breathless croaks of your name.
He likes his head sloppy. It's just somethin' that drives him completely mad when he sees your face and hands covered in saliva. The flat of your tongue gliding across his cock with so much ease. If he's feeling a bit impatient and practice annoyed him, he'll even take it upon himself to push his hips forward to face fuck you.
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TAGS — @sleepy3 @festive @maydayaisha @indiecursor @hellavile @misss-chrisss @massivelynervousprincess @syomi @nanaminshousewife @saltmaki @tabalugax @saturnthehumanoid @stunnababyyabyyy @massivelynervousprincess @dazeskies
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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New aviation film "Wolf Hound" presents beautiful real images of warbirds
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 06/12/2022 - 12:28 PM in Fun, Military
During World War II, a German squadron repaired captured Allied aircraft and used them in "wolf with sheep's clothing" attacks against the allies.
Now there's a new movie explaining how everything worked. Lionsgate Movies has released "Wolf Hound" in selected theaters and digital platforms and there is a lot to watch for warbird fans. About a third of the two-hour film is air-to-air filming. No computer-generated images were used in the aerial shots.
Inspired by the real-life German special operations unit KG200, which shot down, repaired and flew allied aircraft such as Trojan horses, "Wolf Hound" takes place in 1944 in German-occupied France and follows the daring exploits of the Jewish-American fighter pilot Captain David Holden. Ambushed behind enemy lines, Holden must rescue a captured crew of the B-17 Flying Fortress, escape from a ruthless enemy who pursues him at every step and thwart a plan that could completely alter the outcome of World War II.
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Featuring action sequences using old aircraft, this exciting World War II epic shows how a man's courage can change the world.
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In addition to the P-51 and Spitfires, the star of the show is the B-17 "Yankee Lady" from the Yankee Air Museum, which, in the film, was set to be the platform for a devastating attack on London. The film stars James Maslow as the hero who saves the day, and is directed by Michael Chait, who comes from a family of pilots in Michigan.
The true story of the B-17 "Wulfe Hund"
The B-17F aircraft "Wulfe Hund" serial number 41-24585 portrayed in the film belonged to the 360o Bomber Squadron "Hell's Angels" of the 303rd USAFE Bomber Group.
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Damaged by German fighter jets during a bombing on December 12, 1942 and was further damaged during its return flight by a NJG 1 Bf 110. Lieutenant Flickinger pilot was forced to land at Leeuwarden airfield in the Netherlands. The plane was repaired and two days later (after adding the German national insignia), and escorted by two Bf 110, flew to Rechlin.
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The aircraft was tested and subsequently provided experience in Germany and France for several fighter units so that Luftwaffe pilots could recognize the strengths and weaknesses of the 'Flying Fortress'. The plane was exhibited at Lärz airfield on June 12, 1943 during an exhibition of captured Allied planes. Along with the B-17F, other planes such as B-24, P-47D, P-51, P-38, Avro Lancaster, DH Mosquito, Typhoon and Spitfire were shown.
The "Wulf Hound" returned to Rechlin in July 1943 and was used in tests with the DFS 230 glider. The plane was transferred to the KG200 in September 1943 and coded A3+AE.
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He was repaired and taken to Germany. This is the first B-17 that the Germans were able to capture intact and that they were able to take back in flight. The plane was repainted with German insignia and received the DL XC markings. The Germans then named him "Wulfe Hound".
His first flight with the Luftwaffe was on March 17, 1943. He was later transferred to the Luftwaffe Squadron KG200, where he participated in the training of Luftwaffe crews, fighter pilots and flights on secret missions.
Tags: Military AviationFunMoviesWarbirds
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in a specialized aviation magazine in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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21burritoseavey · 3 years
for corbyn based on hard!
hello! hope you enjoy this I’m so sorry it took so long. Let me know what you think:)
here’s a link to my masterlist for my other stories:)
a/n: oop i kinda lied about when i was gonna post...but i actually like this a lot so read it...or else....jkjk. 
Summary: When Y/n knocks on Corbyn’s door, he lets her stay the night without an explanation.
Hard (c.b.)
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Corbyn jerked his head up at the sound of a faint knock on the front door. His hoodie was draped cosily over his head and his tired eyes were now focused on the wall opposite him. The printed frames of the band’s accomplishments stood out brightly in the beams of a streetlamp’s light that poured through the window. Corbyn stayed on the sofa, resting back against the cushions, and letting the dim T.V. screen grasp his attention again as he thought his mind was just playing tricks on him. On a measly, sluggish Wednesday night, who would even have the energy to show up at his place right now? Eben and Jonah went to bed just before midnight settled around them, painting the sky with deep jet black and shooting daggers of heavy raindrops from above along with loud thunder. They’d left only Corbyn awake to suffer through a painfully boring movie alone. It was something he did often just to soothe himself to sleep. 
Sleep was always a struggle for Corbyn. Despite myriad attempts to figure out why, nothing ever seemed to shut his eyes. More often than not, he’d find himself on the living room sofa in the morning, and tonight was merely one of many nights where he’d hope to fall asleep with a T.V. show or movie mumbling in the background under the eeriness and coldness of the house. 
Another knock came dancing along the quiet atmosphere. Corbyn glanced at the door again before his gaze flickered back to the T.V. 12:46am was shown at the corner of the screen. Deciding that whoever it was standing behind that door must’ve had a good reason to be, he tiredly lifted himself up with a quiet groan. Y/n’s voice seeped into the house, gradually increasing in volume as he walked towards the door. It was weak and raspy - nothing like the usual softness Y/n’s voice had. 
“Y/n,” Corbyn breathed, feeling the hood of his sweatshirt fall backwards as a cold gust of wind swept over him. Y/n shyly stood before him. Her hair dangled in two braids, although it was damp and dishevelled at the top and her mascara stained her cheeks in streaks like it’d been painted on her face. Corbyn’s lips turned downwards into a genuine frown at the sight of her, not only visibly sad but shivering from the rain and cold that reddened her cheeks and soaked her clothes. His gaze stopped at her chapped lips when he heard her whisper. But the heavy downpour of rain engulfed Y/n’s sorrowful murmurs, barely allowing her words to be heard over the pitter patter of raindrops hitting the ground, so he just let her in with a gentle tug of her wrist.  
“Hi,” Y/n tried again once the place quietened, looking up at him. The faint sloshing of her shoes had them both dropping their gazes to the floor, roaming from Y/n’s boots to the small gap at the bottom of the door. A narrow trail of mud had followed her in from the welcome mat. “Sorry,” She exhaled again, giving him an apologetic smile. 
“No, that’s okay,” Corbyn assured her. He gave her time to take off her shoes before changing the subject. “It’s nearly 1am.” He chuckled humourlessly. “what’re you doing here?” Taking a seat on the edge of the couch, he waited for her response. But when the eerie silence emerged again, he started thinking out loud with his own guesses. “Were you locked out of the house? Did you get in trouble?” He stopped for a second, catching his thoughts before they could travel to him. The one guy he really didn’t want to be the cause of his best friend’s sadness, or the reason she risked her own safety just to come over here. A ripple of hailstones came clattering against the rooftop and the loud sounds sent Corbyn out of his mind and back into the present. 
“I didn’t have anywhere else to go,” Y/n mumbled, gazing towards him with an almost scared expression in slight fear that he wouldn’t let her stay. But that wasn’t the case at all. In fact, Corbyn loved when she stayed over, and when he noticed the small uneasiness in her expression, he assured her she was fine to stay with a gentle smile, regardless of the heart wrenching swirl of emotion inside him. 
“Okay.” He said quietly, “you can sleep here tonight.”  
“M’kay,” Y/n bit back her smile of relief and merely watched him hop off the couch and head towards her. He’d set his hands in hers but flinched back at the temperature of her soft skin. 
“They’re so cold,” He chuckled softly, resting his crinkled eyes on hers. Y/n gave a half smile back when she felt his warm breath on her skin, her hands now clutched together with his and raised up to his mouth in an attempt to warm them up. Soon, without any control, Y/n’s dimpled cheeks turned scarlet at the sight of him placing a tender line of kisses on her fingertips. He dropped both their hands after a moment and felt himself heat up from just seconds before. Did he really just do that?
“I’ll get you some dry clothes,” He stuttered, starting for the hallway to his bedroom, but turned back to meet her eyes again. “Wait, actually I’ll get you a towel,” Y/n nodded. The patter of his footsteps up the stairwell faded into the atmosphere, just like the weather that had managed to calm from a ravaging storm to an ambient patter of raindrops. 
As her clothes were extremely wet and her presence not quite welcome in her eyes, she remained standing in open space of living room. Her damp stocking feet missed the rug and only walked around on the wood floor while Corbyn was busy. 
“Here, I got you both just in case.” Y/n looked over her shoulder to see him slightly panting with some folded clothes in his hand. 
“Thank you Corbyn.” She smiled.
“And you can use my bathroom.” He said lightly, watching her brush past him and up the stairs. He followed behind her after a minute to go into his room. Y/n shut the door as soon as she got into his bathroom. She sauntered slowly to the mirror, and with the belief that she had complete privacy - although Corbyn was in his bedroom - she got changed into Corbyn’s sweatpants and hoodie.  
Corbyn was by the bed, stripping his used sheets and replacing them with fresh clean ones for Y/n, when he heard her crying. A sudden pit weighed him down to sit on the edge of the bed, white sheets clutched lazily between his fingers and face now dulled into a mixture of all sorts of emotions. Something must’ve happened with this stupid idiotic boyfriend of hers. He pushed himself to hide his thoughts away though. Y/n couldn’t know that he heard her, so he forced himself up again to finish changing the sheets. 
The click of the doorknob unlocking made Corbyn look up again. Y/n pulled a grin towards him as she walked in closer, clothed in a dry comfy outfit and face free of smudged makeup. With a small glance to the now made bed, he said “you should get some sleep.” 
“Okay,” He sighed, picking up his phone from the bed. “I can sleep downstairs and you can sleep here.” He looked at her with a ghost of a smile playing at his lips, though it seemed practically non-existent in the subdued warm lighting of bedroom. His eyes dropped down to the sleeves of his sweatshirt. The edges were now darkened, not with raindrops, but with her salty tears he heard fall when she was in the bathroom. 
“No, I can sleep downstairs,” Y/n stopped him. Her face was blotchy with red spots from crying. “This is your room.” 
“I insist Y/n, and don’t worry I changed the sheets.” He smiled, gulping down the sad feeling creeping up his throat again. “Now come on,” He ushered her over with a wave of his hand. Y/n made her way across his room to his bedside. Corbyn started peeling back the comforter for her to slip inside but he paused when he’d noticed her hair. Her usually luxuriously soft locks were still messily braided in a pair down her back. “Do you want me to take them out?” He asked. 
Y/n glanced at him, frozen mid movement as she thought about an answer. “Yes please.” She nodded. Corbyn smiled and shuffled her further on the mattress so they sat on the centre of the bed together - Y/n cross-legged in front of Corbyn who was tending to her hair. Neither of them spoke as he unravelled her braids. 
“Okay,” He gave her back a loving pat. “All done.” He smiled as Y/n looked over her shoulder. 
“Thanks,” she said. Corbyn had hopped off the bed and Y/n shifted under the covers. The fresh comforter was a brilliant white against her pinkish skin and her hair spread like feathers across the pillow under her head. Corbyn’s eyes lingered on hers, finally softening with the relief that she was safe with him. 
“Goodnight.” Y/n’s eyes sparkled under the pleasant warm light of his bedside lamp. Corbyn’s smile that had played at his lips faltered for a second. Then he bent down and placed a soft kiss to her forehead. His delicate lips met her soft supple skin for only a fleeting moment before his lips detached again, pursed and coloured a soft red. 
“Goodnight, Y/n. I love you.” He mumbled, placing another lingering kiss to her nose. A quiet flutter of giggles spilled from her lips, and she scrunched her nose at the ticklish feeling. 
“Love you too.” She replied, glancing back at the boy close to her.  
taglist: @chilling-seavey @marthagryffindor @randomlimelightxxx @hiya-its-amber @the-girl-who-cried-wolf​ @hackerXavery @jonahlovescoffee @onlyangelavery @sadbitchfangirl
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Attack Of The Winter Wolf: Revealed
Summary- 7.7k Alpha Steve x Little One Reader. Steve and you pack up in the Stark Jet and head across the ocean, this time to Norway. Steve seems to think that there will be the answers needed to help your friends for good. Divider made by @firefly-graphics
Warnings- None
A/N- Those that have stuck with me through this, thank you. I hope this isn’t turning into a “what the hell are you trying to do Amber” kind of deal. Haha. I don’t have any real answers, its just whats coming out. Anyways, thank you for reading, as always its so appreciated to hear what your thoughts are on it. Happy Howling 🐺💙
Chapter Three / Masterlist
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It was a rush the following morning, Steve and Tony were busy checking over the jet being loaned for the mission. Meanwhile Pepper showed you around the giant Stark Towers. The last time you had been here you were unconscious, not remembering any of it. Pepper’s heels clicking against linoleum, while you rushed after the fast paced Alpha who was doing two tasks at once. But once she led you on the elevator, hitting some buttons, she tucked her tablet under her arm, turning her attention to you with a relaxed smile. 
“Dr. Banner has been wanting to officially meet you.” She stated as an explanation for the elevator ride. Twiddling your fingers, you shuffled foot to foot a bit nervous, only knowing the doctor had been where Steve rushed you to first when Pierce injected you. 
When the elevator door dinged and the two of you stepped out to what looked like a medical wing. A dark haired man stepped out while flipping through a chart muttering to himself when Pepper cleared her throat. “Bruce, you have a visitor.” His head lifted, blinking at them from over his glasses frames, confused as to who would want to intrude on him. But then recognition crossed his features and he snapped his clipboard shut, striding over. 
“Y/N! Pepper told me Steve was coming back this way for help, and I was hoping he would bring you.” His hand popped out to shake yours. You welcomed it with a tilt of your head, drawing in his scent. A part of you recognized him, the hint of warmth and freshness. 
“ Dr.Banner a pleasure… Steve told me what you had done for me, thank you for everything.” 
Bruce sputtered a bit, giving a shrug. “Ahh, I wasn’t able to do much, just send you along to someone better able to handle what happened to you. Umm, do you have a few minutes? I just really would like to ask you a few questions about your experience. If you are okay with that of course.” He added almost shyly and you smiled reassuringly. 
“I have no problem with that Dr.Banner.” 
“Bruce please.” Bruce looked expectantly at Pepper who checked her watch and nodded. 
“We got time, Tony will have Friday call for us when the jet is ready.” Bruce immediately turned on his heels and led the two of you towards his office. 
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Steve went through the jet, checking all the gear stashed on board as well as settling in the controls chair to make sure he was familiar with everything before leaving Stark towers. Tony plopped in the one next to him, making the Alpha in Steve rumble at the intrusion but Steve was able to placate him. 
“So off to Norway huh?” Tony leaned forward to enter the coordinates in the dash for the autopilot. “What's in Norway that can help you with everything?” 
Steve growled as he continued going over the controls. “You saw the file Fury sent along Stark. You know exactly who is there.” 
“Okay you got me.” Tony finished what he was doing and turned the chair to face Steve. “I also know he's basically a recluse now and the chance of you getting him to talk is almost nada, zip, zilch. What makes you think he's gonna spill what you need.” 
“I have my ways…” Steve said coldly, his wolf growling softly at the other Alpha in his space. 
Tony gave a mock shiver. “Alright alright… just be careful okay? I know we're not on the best terms Steve but I do have a lot of respect for what you are trying to do.” 
Steve arched a brow and shook his head. “We’re not enemies Tony, I don’t happen to agree or appreciate that stunt you pulled with Ross. But I think now my stance on that shit is known. We can disagree and still be fine.” Tony next to him brushed it off while continuing with the switches, making his own adjustments to the system. 
“I know Steve, it was still a shitty move on my part, bringing Ross into your home, where your mate was after everything that happened. But she certainly put me in my place.” He laughed, recalling how you kicked all of them out.
Steve glanced at Tony from the corner of his eye and rumbled out a “Thank you Stark, Y/N certainly isn't taking anyone's shit, not anymore.” Tony snorted in agreement to that statement. 
“I don’t think they ever do, Pepper is the same damn way.” 
Steve laughed in return, knowing full well that everything Tony said was accurate about Pepper Potts, Tony had chosen well for himself in Steve’s opinion. For all the tension between Steve and Tony, he respected the Alpha next to him, and knew that finding his packmates was just as important to Tony as it was to Steve. Not to mention finding those responsible for Happy’s murder. Steve turned his chair to face the other Alpha. “I’m sorry about what happened to Happy Tony. I know it’s hard to have lost someone who was family to you.” 
Tony blinked at him, warring with his own feelings about everything that happened. Losing Happy so brutally had taken a toll on Tony, finding the body having been dumped just outside of his territory, he still hadn’t been able to fully come to terms with it. “Thank you. Finding the bastards who did that has become my main priority.” Clapping his hands together to end the topic, he moved to a stand. “You Rogers are ready to go, ready to Captain my jet?” 
Steve waited till Tony moved out of his space before moving to follow him off the jet, keeping quiet about the further mention of Tony seeking out Happy’s killer. After seeing what had happened with Bucky and the rest, he already had his own sinking suspicions as to who killed Happy and he knew Tony did as well. 
“More than ready to go.” Steve stated, coming down the steps off the jet. Tony spoke up right then. 
“Friday, let Pepper and Y/N know that Captain Rogers is ready.” That caused Steve to roll his eyes and fold his arms over his chest. 
“Seriously Tony?” 
A smirk flashed, Tony winked at him. “Come on, I think it's a fitting title for you.”
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Bruce was furiously writing notes while you described to him what you remembered being under due to the drug Pierce had injected you with when the AI Friday announced that the jet was ready, as well as Captain Rogers. You and Pepper quirk a confused look at one another, and she rolled her eyes with a sigh. “That's gotta be Tony’s doing I'm sure.” 
You nod in agreement, turning back to Bruce. “Looks like it's time for me to go Dr.Banner…” 
“Bruce.” He was quick to interrupt and moved to a stand to shake your hand. “Thank you so much for this.” He tapped his pad of paper where he had all the notes jotted. “I will put them in my file to share with Shuri. All this is incredibly helpful knowing more about the serum used on you.” 
Giving a vigorous shake back, you smiled genuinely at Bruce, you and your Little Wolf feeling quite relaxed with the man. “If I think of anything, I will be sure to send an email.” The Little Wolf flicked her tail in agreement, half listening while she was napping. 
“Oh! Yes please do with anything you might remember, no bit of information is too small.”   
Pepper walked out with you and joined you in the elevator. Reaching the top of Stark Towers, you both were greeted by Steve and Tony, who waited just inside the jet. As soon as you saw Steve, warmth washed over you, feeling that bond between you two hum happily, your wolves sought each other, in the moment they both were teasing each other, making your mood lift from having to leave once more. The genuine pleasure at seeing Steve melded that away, just as his own did, the wolves happiness being together melded with your own. Steve enclosed you in his arms, nuzzling the crown of your head a moment before questioning if you were all set.
“Tony Stark is funding another trip for us? I’m absolutely ready.” You joked as Steve let you go so you could turn to face Tony who scoffed at you. 
“Don’t let Cap here defile my jet please!” Tony was sure to give you his signature hug, that made Steve rumble a bit although you instead laughed and gave a bop of your shoulder. 
“No promises Stark. Pepper, thank you for showing me around your home.” Embracing her in a thank you. 
“Stay safe and bring my jet back quickly, Cap.” Tony pipped up while walking off the jet with Pepper, cackling to himself at the finger Steve threw up while the doors shut you two in. 
The Alpha muttered to himself while dropping into the pilot's seat and you were quick to join him on the opposite side. You buckled in while he flicked on buttons. “Captain Rogers?” you questioned watching him get the jet ready. 
Steve rolled his eyes as he made sure everything was set and handed you a headset while fitting his own on, the jet rumbling to life around you. “Tony thinks he is very slick, giving nicknames. Apparently Cap is his new one for me.” 
You smirked at him, winking as you settled the headset on and spoke into the microphone. “I think Captain Rogers has its benefits, Steve.” 
His hand went around the handle and started to push it forward, edging the jet forward to take off, the spanse of New York City below you. Much like the night before, you marveled at the beauty only a city could offer. “You would Little One.” 
A voice piped up over the channel, Tony coming over the comms. “I think your mate has a point Cap.” 
Steve growled into the comm for a second while you started laughing in the seat next to him. “Tony! Get off this channel.” 
“It's my jet, Rogers! I will listen in if I want.” He was about to continue when Steve took off his headset, setting the jet on autopilot with the coordinates. 
You snickered into the system. “Sorry Tony, Steve is cutting you off. Bye Stark.” You effectively cut Tony off and slipped the head set off, setting it aside while you leaned forward to get a better look out the window, unbuckling in the process. “You know since I have been with you Steve, I have seen things I never thought I would. Look at this.” You directed your gaze at the expanse of the sky before you, baby blue as far as the eye could see, the skyline rushing closer till the two of you crossed over the cities edged, now nothing but the Atlantic underneath you. “Beautiful.” 
Steve settled back to admire what you were looking at, letting some of his worries sink to the back of his mind. “It is… sometimes I forget you haven't seen all this before.” He held out his arm for you to join him, which you pushed from your seat and settled in his lap, his chin resting on your shoulder. “Do you remember much from the last time I showed you?” 
You perch on his knee and look over the dash, worrying your lip. “Mmh barely.” Your eyes roved over the panels while Steve dragged the tip of his nose along the curve of your neck, inhaling against it and letting it settle him further. Both the man and Alpha wanted to enjoy the long flight with you. 
“I guess we will be getting a crash course, Little One.” He rumbled happily while you seated yourself into a more comfortable position in his lap. 
You looked over your shoulder at him, your eyes laughing at his remark and bringing the exact response he wanted. “Really Captain?” 
Tightening his arm around your waist, he nipped at your lips with teasing affection. “Tony isn't the only funny one around here.” 
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Steve spent a few hours describing the functions and some of how to fly. Together you both got to watch the sun going down and eventually you started napping in the copilot's seat, even though Steve tried to get you to go lay down in the back. 
These quiet moments, Steve wandered back to his memories, the Alpha in his mind lifting his head from the Little Wolf’s back where he had laid to rest, flicking his ears back and forth a bit at Steve’s thoughts. 
The first thing that came to memory was the stinging scent of smoke.
“Rogers, don't you dare go into that building!” Fury’s voice commanded Steve who stalled in the doorway, peering into Hydras base, nose flaring trying to catch scent of their missing comrades. “You are not commander in this mission.” 
“But Buck and the rest might be in there… I'm going” Steve defied Fury, darting into the darkness and out of sight, Fury's voice echoing behind him. 
Steve continued forward, letting his Wolf out enough to sharpen his senses. His eyes picking up the bit of light in the darkened hallways leading deeper into the compound, his eyes glimmer dangerously in the dark looking for any sign of movement. He could sense others nearby, friend or foe though he was unsure. Footsteps silent, Steve once in a while looking behind him tense to make sure no one knew he was there. Glances in rooms showed them abandoned, cleared in a haste to get out before Shield got there Steve was sure. Ahead he heard scuffles and growls, chains clanking and the sound of voices in hushed tones. The Wolf lowered to his belly, quivering in anticipation should Steve allow him to take over. He eased the door open with a creak when relief washed over him. 
There men, most of them in large cages. Familiar scents washed over him and they all perked sensing Steve. 
“Rogers is that you?” Someone muttered while Steve approached, searching for a key anywhere in a nearby desk. 
“Yes, the rest of the troop is just outside. We haven't found anyone though. Where is everyone?” 
“Bolted man, once they heard Fury was coming they grabbed their shit and left. They didn’t have the bodies to defend this place.” Dugan responded as he pushed to the front watching while Steve searched the desk. Steve opened the last drawer, cursing as he pushed aside papers and flung them to the side. Then he was rewarded with a ring full of keys. Rushing over, the two men tried sorting through them, Steve stuffing them one by one in the locks, quick to go to the next till they found another. 
“They left us and their experiments.” Dugan continued filling Steve in while he tried to find the right keys. “Some messed up stuff, they are in the next room I think.”
The Alpha rumbled to catch Steve’s attention. <Bucky isn’t with them.> The mans head whipped up while the lock clicked finally, able to pry it open and release his packmates. 
“Where is Buck?”  
“Bucky… he was brought in there and never came back out.” another said, pointing at the door across the room.
The Alpha rumbled suddenly in an alert and Steve tensed and whipped around when an eerily sharp howl sounded through the building. Dugan pushed the door open, tensing as well. “That's one of them, their experiments.” 
Steve wrangled the keys out of the lock and started to go down the line, unlocking each cage, shifters passing him to get outside. 
“Fury, you have outcoming hostages, they are friendly, don't fire.” Steve spoke into the comm. 
“I hear you Rogers.” Came Fury’s voice in a wave of static. “Any unfriendlies?” 
“No, Dugan notified me they all bailed once they heard we were coming” Steve responded before turning to his friend. “Dugan, get the rest out of here, I’m going to keep looking.” 
His friend bared his teeth at him, bristling at the notion. “You don’t know what's back there Rogers.” 
“If I have to, I will retreat, get these men out of here. I’m not leaving anyone behind.” Steve growled back deeper, the Alpha in him asserting himself and the man backed off with a disgruntled nod. 
Waiting to make sure they were going to leave, Steve approached the door cautiously, using his senses to pick up what might be on the other side, who might be on the other side. He was praying for a miracle, because nothing but death filled his senses as he eyed the door, drawing in any scent left behind. It was all jumbled, multitudes of men and women have passed through the threshhold, making it almost impossible to pinpoint any specific person. “Well… let's see what's on the other side.” Steve shouldered through the door and a lab stretched before him, ominous equipment stretched on either side. A groan came from somewhere ahead and Steve paused till he heard it again. It was so distinct to him that the hair on the back of his neck prickled, the Alphas own fur raising as well along the ridge of his back, it was another Alpha, but this one they knew. 
“Oh thank fucking god.” Steve uttered as he rushed forward to find Bucky strapped down and Steve started pulling at the straps holding him down. Wires were strapped all over Bucky's neck and chest and stretched to attach to some equipment, Steve started yanking them off as well when finally Bucky started to come around. 
“S-Steve?” His eyes sharpened and he clutched at Steve's uniform, worried that he wasn't real. 
“It’s me Buck, we’re getting out of here.” Steve tried assuring him, keeping his voice light and calm even though he was far from that. He had never seen Bucky so scared. Suddenly the howling started again from the back of the room and both men glanced that way. 
“Whoever it is just keeps doing that.” Bucky muttered when a voice crackled in the comms. 
“In-ing” then static sounded in Steve's ear, making him wince as he pressed his hand over his ear. 
“Repeat? What was that Fury?” 
“In-oming! G-t Ou-” The building started to shake and lights started zapping and popping around them. 
“We ca-t hold hi-, Get O-” Fury yelled into the comm but Steve had to rip it out, electricity zapping through it and breaking it up too much. Bucky gripped Steve tighter, his pupils blown in his panic. 
“What the fuck is it now?!” 
“I don't know… but we gotta get out of here.” Bucky started pulling Steve towards the exit, but whatever was in the back rattled its cage with a savage snarl, and Steve couldn’t leave who ever or what ever it was behind. He stuttered to a stop, Bucky pausing at the door with a shake of his head. 
“Man, we got to go… there isn't enough time.” 
Steve’s hands dropped to his pants and felt madly for the keys he had stuffed in his pocket earlier. “We can’t leave him in there Buck.” He waved his hand. “Go, I got this.” 
Bucky cursed but held tight, refusing to leave Steve behind.  
Steve raced towards the cage to free whatever was inside, shoving the key he used before into the lock and it clicked to open. Glowering green eyes blinked at him from the shadowed part of the cage, but he couldn't make anything else out in the seconds he got the door open. Bucky was screaming his name and when he managed to get the door to swing wide, a bundle of black sprang on his chest, bared white fangs yawning open going for Steve’s throat….
“Steve- Steve?” Your voice cut through and he shook his head a bit to clear it before looking at you. 
“Sorry, I thought you were sleeping Little One.” 
“I was, but the computer started beeping on the dash.” You pointed to a blinking light and Steve leaned forward to check the system, smiling. 
“We're here and just in time to. Look” He pointed out the window at the faint purple in the skyline, the sun easing up beyond the cloud cover to turn a brilliant red and orange of dawn. When Steve took over, he started to drop the jet down. Below the clouds the land turned a deep almost emerald wild green shimmering with mist stretching like tendrils to a spiderweb over the land, still in the early morning phase of waking up. 
You weren't lying earlier when you said you saw things you had never expected. From the rainforest and safari of Wakanda to the lush greenery of Norway, you soaked it all in with awe. So long spent locked away in a room, gazing with longing at the upper windows that offered nothing more than peeks of the sky. Now you soared over the world with your Mate. Even the Little Wolf was in awe, slithering away from where the Alpha was half sleeping and prancing excitedly with joy at the adventure. The Alpha stretched out, arching his back and padded heavily after her, nuzzling her affectionately while her tail waved back and forth, unable to stay still in her excitement. 
“The Little Wolf is excited.” You told Steve and he winked at you. 
“I can feel it. What do you say we take her down?” 
Steve easily maneuvered the Stark Jet down to land in a wide open field bordering the ocean. You followed him towards the doors swinging open and already wolves appeared from the long grass with tilted heads checking out the newcomers. You sidled up to Steve’s side a moment, watching the wolves dart back out of sight in the tall grass and heard their howls break the silence, announcing their arrival. It was a welcome sound, you couldn't detect any hostility in the notes. But their songs were so different. Sounded much older, almost like a language all its own. 
Steve cupped his hand and gave a sharp “We’re here” yip, that was answered resoundingly from all around you, the pack having circled you two and remained just out of sight. His arm lowered around your shoulders and you held your breath, unsure of what to expect. A bellow came, joyful and loud as a tall blonde man, even taller than Steve stepped out, his arms opened wide in greeting. 
“Why what a surprise! Are you here for the Asgard hospitality? I didn't think anything would ever get you to leave your corner in the world.” The over sized man strode towards them rather quickly, and the closer he came the more your eyes widened. You didn't think you had seen anyone who was as bigger then Steve in stature. He clasped Steve's shoulder and directed his joyful gaze down at you. “And who is this lovely maiden you bring with you?” 
“If I could be there, trust me I would. This is my mate, Y/N. Y/N, this is Thor, the Alpha here.” Steve protectively wrapped an arm around you, even though you wore his mark for Thor to see, Alphas always had a bit of tension between them no matter how much their human counterparts tried to quell it. 
Thor though seemed unaware of such a vibe as he beamed down at you warmly. “Well Little Pup, welcome to Asgard.” He took your hand in a vigorous pump and you couldn't help but warm right up to him and his exuberant nature. “We run free and feast like we are in the halls of the Old Kings here.” He swept the both of you down the path and all around his wolves started to howl and dance in a joyful manner, playing among each other much like they were participating in the Full Moon Run. “Now Rogers does tell me what has been going on across the water? It's been a while since I've visited there.” 
“Afraid we have been having some issues.” Steve started, filling Thor in on the recent attacks, taking apart the packs and capturing the Alpha’s. The viciousness in the attacks and the destruction left behind. Thor listened patiently until Steve mentioned Hydra. That's when he paused, you and Steve having taken a few steps ahead but noticed he wasn't with you. You turned to see him glowering. 
“That's why you are here, Rogers, isn't it? Because of Hydra. He wont talk to you about it you know.” 
Steve sighed and you had a sinking feeling about the situation, not fully understanding what was going on. 
“I have to try Thor, your brother was the only one who was able to break from the collars power and the mind shit Hydra does to their victims.” 
“He barely interacts with any of us Steve, he mostly stays as his animal out there.” Thor retorted, the sky started to darken slightly and you frowned to yourself at the sudden change in atmosphere while glancing up. 
Steve sighed, letting his arms hang loose at his sides to show Thor he was no threat to him. “I know Odinson, trust me. I wouldn’t be here if there was any other way. Packs, families are all being killed off, Alphas removed. How long till you think it will be till it comes over here?” Steve pointed out and Thor’s face twisted and he looked away. 
“It won’t be like before, I won’t let it.” 
“You don't know that… Shield risked sending the Howling Commando’s over here to help your people, now I’m asking for your help. Just let me try talking to him?” 
Your heart twisted as you saw Thor try to control his emotions on his face and you reached out to touch his arm, Steve for once kept quiet, inhaling deeply to keep himself in check. “Hydra really hurt him, didn't they? If it's too much we will just leave. Right Steve?” 
“If you tell me absolutely not Thor, she’s right. We will leave right now and not bother you again.” 
Thor glanced back at you, his eyes searching yours and you could see everything he was doing was about protecting this person. You bit at your lip nervously, you knew you were invading this Alpha’s space but stepped in closer anyways. “Please let us try? We just want to save those we still have left. Our packmates are fighting a losing battle with Hydra, we don't want to lose them.” 
A sigh escaped the man and he glanced over your head to Steve. “You're lucky you have her you know… she’s softened me. Slightly.” You stepped back towards Steve, who now laid his hand around your waist, chuckling softly. 
“You really don’t know half of it, she has a gift.” You wriggled in his hold a bit but he just tightened his fingers against you. “Thank you Thor for letting us try.” 
He shrugged at you both with a shake of his head. “I'm still saying that he wont talk to you, but I will show you where he stays when he is not hunting.” 
Steve gave a nod of appreciation while you reached for his hand and gave a light squeeze. “Thank you Thor.” You gave your own sentiments. 
The man looked at the two of you a moment, his eyes falling to your linked hands and motioned across the moors. “This way…” He cupped his hands, giving another howling song and the wolves joined them, spreading around Thor, these wolves were even larger than Mountain Packs wolves, giant beasts that were moving gracefully around there Alpha. You could feel the ground beneath your footfalls vibrating from there movements, the lush grass swishing to add to the melody of it all. Above them the thunder still rumbled with strong booms that cackled with electricity but had retreated from the fierceness it had flared up earlier. 
Your Little Wolf kneaded her paws next to the Alpha, lifting her head to inhale the air around them, it spoke of a wildness she was not used to. Something feral that did not adhere to normal pack constraints. The Alpha rumbled next to her, now and then dropping his muzzle to his mate to reassure her, but the pull to shift for both of them was strong. 
You could tell Steve felt it as well, the way he angled his body close to yours in a protective manner, his hand moving from a simple hold to pressing against your hip, wrapping around you. You tilted your head up towards Steve, your confusion clouding your features. He dropped his head to press a nip to your neck, whispering softly just for you. “I will explain later.” 
Thor paused in front of a wood that looked ancient, the gnarled trees had stories to tell. Shadows played deeper beyond the edge, enticing you to wander in. Your Little Wolf huffed slightly, breaking the enchantment you had fallen into. 
<This isn't just a forest Y/N, something powerful lives here.> Her ears flattened and you could feel her unease and the Alpha’s wariness sharpening, his ears pricked forward before twisting listening. 
What is it? You questioned your Little Wolf and she whined unsure. You felt the Alpha slip away, in the same moment Steve tilted his face up, his nostrils flaring. You knew he was scenting for any kind of danger that might come from the old forest.
Next to you Thor boomed out loudly, making it echo. “Come out Loki!” You and the Little Wolf perked, hearing the woods shift and groan, shadows danced closer when a streamlined black shadow emerged to turn solid, the beast was streamlined. His size shifting to grow larger in the presence of you and Steve, a sharp pointed muzzle turned towards you and ears twitched with interest as he took you both in. You were a bit taken aback when you saw Loki, but he paused just after the forest ended and you could see the tip of his nose twitching, green eyes with almost emerald qualities glinting with the bit of light that somehow seemed to filter from the thunderous clouds still rumbling above you. 
What do we have here? An omega to Rogers? A true Omega? Oh what a prize he really does have here. I wonder if he knows… A voice tickled your senses and the Little Wolf spun in your mind, searching for the intrusion. The Alpha returned to the Little Wolf, curling around her with a growl and a laugh echoed through you, not one that belonged to you. 
“Steve…” You whined a bit and he furrowed his brow looking at you, confused as well as to what was going on, feeling you through your bond. 
“Rogers is here to talk with you Loki, come out and quit playing games Brother.” Thor folded muscular arms across his chest and the black canine shimmered an emerald green while disappearing in a wisp of shadow and a sharp yip barking out from nowhere. 
A resounding defiant No. 
Thor shook his head at Steve. “Loki won't interact with Alphas short of me Steve, not since Shield pulled him from Hydra.” 
The Little Wolf unweaved from the Alpha when she heard Thor. 
<Y/N, we’re not an Alpha. Maybe he will talk to us.> 
Steve would never allow us to go in there alone. 
<It's the only way, Loki won't talk to Steve. He's too much of a threat to him. Say something, that big Alpha doesn't seem scared that Loki will hurt us.> 
You took a deep breath and while Thor and Steve discussed other options, you turned to the men, catching there attention. “Let me go in and talk to him.” Steve immediately barked out a no, but Thor tilted his head, considering what you were saying. “I'm not an Alpha, he won't be threatened by me, right Thor?” You pressed for an answer from the man and he nodded. 
“Your Little Pup has a point, Rogers. Loki wouldn't hurt her. I will escort her inside so she’s protected the whole way.” 
Steve felt his chest expand as he drew up to his full height. “I'm not letting Y/N go in by herself, I know you trust your brother, but I don't.” His eyes flared yellow, the Alpha close to the surface with concerns of your safety. You could see that he was winding up to call all this off when you reached up to grasp his face between your palms, tilting his head to look directly at you. 
“Alpha trust me, I know I can do this.” You stressed to him, the furrow in his forehead deepening as you knew he was at war with himself. “If anything is wrong, I will call you. Let me do this.” His hands circled your wrists and you felt that war inside of him. The same one where it was ingrained in him to keep you safe at all costs. It was all right there, flooding through the bond you two shared, your confidence, his worry. Steve huffed slightly before lifting his gaze from yours.  
“Thor, give me a moment with my mate please.” Steve requested and Thor moved away, closer towards the border of his brother’s forest, his broad back turned towards the two of you while he waited. “Little One, if something happens. Loki isn't a normal wolf…” 
“I could tell that as soon as we came near here.” You let your fingers press through his beard on his cheeks and slide down to his neck, sure to rub his scent against you in the process as well as sharing calming touches. “But he has the answers we need, Alpha.” 
Steve knew you were right, but the inner battle was fierce. The Alpha wanted to protect his mate, an animalistic need to not let you go into that forest, every fiber of his being was on edge because of it. His human side knew you could do this and get the answer to save their pack mates. You were confident, he needed to trust you like you asked. 
<Don't you let her go in there with that Alpha. What is Loki going to do to stop us.> 
Loki is not all Wolf as you well know, he won't tolerate the intrusion. 
The Alpha bristled aggressively, licking his muzzle over and over nervously. <We won't be there to protect her should he turn on her.> 
But Thor will be… You know as much as I do that he wouldn't let any get hurt in his care. 
“Trust me Alpha.” Your fingers trailed along the mark you had left on him, your mark that made him belong to you. The most sacred of bonds a mated pair could share and made in the utmost trust that you two would take care of each other. 
She is asking us to trust her. If we can’t trust in our mate, then what hope do we have? Steve was firm and the Alpha had to concede to him. 
Steve moved his hands to your face, cupping the most important part of his life gently in his palms as he inhaled deeply and tipped his forehead against yours. “Little One, if anything happens, anything at all, call for me. I will come get you.” 
The corners of your mouth lifted and he saw it go to your eyes, pride and strength that your Alpha was trusting you to go in his place. “Of course Alpha.” You lifted to catch his lips, nuzzling your nose against his. “I know you will come for me if I need you.” You embraced him fiercely, Steve let his nose bury in the crown of your head and then let you go against his instincts. The Wolf rumbled, anxious as he paced watching you reach Thor. His eyes reached the other Alphas. “Thor…” 
“I understand what is at stake. No harm will come to her, I swear it.” 
You looked so tiny next to the man, your head tilted up to look at him with a warm smile and Thor's tilted down to look back at you. Steve watched the same warm smile cross Thor's face, making your mate proud of you, how easily you had already won Thor over. You had come so far from the runaway he first met and your warmth spread so easily to those around you. Maybe Loki wouldn't be immune to you. 
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The moment you stepped into the forest with Thor, it darkened. Looking over your shoulder, the emerald green sea of the moor was almost a picture racing away to be enclosed by old tree trunks. You licked your lips nervously and folded your arms around your body, sure to keep up with Thor. He was confident in his strides, the darkening vibrant woods was just as much home for him as the windswept open land you two left behind. 
The Little Wolf was curious in the new surroundings, pacing and keeping a keen eye on everything you were hurriedly passing by trying to keep up with Thor. 
You weren't wrong that the forest had a life all its own. It seemed to breathe around you, moss stretched across large boulders that sprang tendrils of plant life curling upwards to try and reach sunlight. Heavy thick trees were bristling against your palm and almost seemed to heave in sighs at your gentle touch. Thor glanced back at you, golden tendrils clinging to his face now and his eyes crinkled in watching you loosen from your fear into awe. 
“You feel it, right?” He chuckled and you withdrew your hand from the tree back to your body. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Its soul, the magic in it all.” He braced against a tree and inhaled deeply. “All of this is very alive as you and I, it's old and has been standing long before we claimed this as home.” 
You tentatively touched a nearby tree again, feeling tingles in your palms, making you shudder a bit. “It is certainly… like home, but not quite.” 
Thor nodded with a wink. “Still a baby over there, your packs are just starting to write the stories that will live on after you are gone. One day they will have a life of their own, just like this one.” 
Your brows quirked at his words. He's a funny man isn't he. 
Your Little Wolf curled her tail around herself as she sat down. <He is, but I like him. This place feels like we belong here.> 
There does seem to be a certain calling to be here… 
You two continued on and you risked another statement. “Loki is not like you, is he?” 
Thor shook his head. “No, he is not. But you have no need to worry Little Wolf.” He paused while he glanced around, inhaling sharply. “It's just me and Y/n, Brother, come out of hiding.” 
“I'm not hiding, I can't help that you are not a more observant Brother.” A cool voice came from above and your eyes shot up to a long legged man lounging in the branches, looking almost like he couldn't be bothered. Thor snorted impatiently and motioned towards you. 
“Y/N has some questions for you.” 
Vivid green eyes fell on you and a cool grin formed as he moved to sit up and slide down. He walked in such a predatory way, almost circling you. The Little Wolf's hackles raised at him and you hitched yourself straighter. You felt that tingle in your mind again. 
Why is it your Alpha is sending you in here for Omega? My brother is right, you are just a little pup aren’t you, so new to the world...
You snarled out loud, glaring at him. “You are not welcome in my mind, and I’m no pup.” And a quick withdrawal left you and Little Wolf alone once more. You could feel your Alphas curling warmth in your mind, even if he couldn't be with you. 
Respect crossed Loki's features and he bowed his head. “Forgive my intrusion. It's not often I'm sought out, except by Thor that is.” Thor barked out a deep bellowing laugh, clasping your shoulder. 
“You can't use your tricks on this one, she is small but fierce. Her Alpha has great respect for her.” 
Loki gave a slight sniff, his green eyes sliding over you as he remarked. “I’m afraid you are right.” 
You shrugged out of Thor’s grasp now, wanting the answers you came for. “Loki, our packmates have been collared by Hydra. Steve seems to think that you know how to break from their control. Please, is there any way to break the hold they have on them.” Loki suddenly appeared next to you, his fingers catching a lock of your hair and pressing it between his fingers for a moment as if further inspecting you. You jumped and pulled away from him, making Thor growl a warning at him. But you narrowed your gaze at him, knowing well that he was testing you. You had seen it all before while living with Pierce. “Don't touch me Loki, only Steve is allowed to. How did you do that anyways, appear next to me?” 
His fingers swirled slightly, green wisps dancing around his nimble long fingers. “Magic Dear. I'm part Coyote, a Trickster. Sure your Alpha told you?” 
You shook your head. “No… He doesn't talk much about his life in Shield.” Your Little Wolf crooned in comfort, knowing sometimes you were worried about how he would be so vague about it. 
“Well it was a dark time for the shifters.” Loki admitted and glanced at his brother. “I don't much like discussing that time either.” You clenched your jaw a moment, worried he was going to flat out refuse your requests but he dipped his head. “But for you Dear, you boldly come out here without your Alpha, that deserves to have your questions answered. Come…” He beckoned to you and led you away, Thor was not far behind. Soon a small dwelling came into view and the door yawned open, which Loki stepped in. 
Inside was different from what you were expecting. Books lined shelves upon shelves, seeming to go on forever. Plush chairs were dotted near a fireplace and wooden carvings dotted the entire area. Wood shavings littered the floor, making you smile a bit because it reminded you of your Alpha, the fresh wood scent enveloping you. The place was cozy, almost like something from a story book. Of course, this whole experience was making you feel that way, like some sort of fairytale your mother would have told you before bed. Thor heavily fell into a nearby chair, quiet as his brother waved at a seat in offering to you.   
Loki approached a shelf and whispered under his breath till a box fell into his hands. Easing it open, he pulled out a collar. Silver strands weaved together into an intricate design. “This one was mine, but it stopped working on me after a time. So it was just useless metal. Why Hydra had kept me caged when Steve found me.” He handed it to you and you were caught by surprise at how light it was. Studying it closer, you could see twists of coarse black fur wedged through it where it sat on Loki’s neck. 
“Why did it stop working?” You asked curiously and Loki settled down in one of the seats. 
“Simple, I willed for my freedom. Most of the wolves have such a strong desire to follow an Alpha. Even the Alphas themselves can be forced to follow a stronger one should they come across one. Hydra didn't know I wasn't a Wolf, not completely. I can't be controlled in the same way for long. But it's that simple in how to get your wolves back. Your Alpha has to challenge them for control. Assert that he is stronger than the one controlling them with the collars.”  
You handed his collar back to him and Loki flicked his wrist to send it back to the box, the box flashing away in the same green blaze you had seen earlier. “That's all it takes?” You asked incredulously. Loki shrugged with a nod. 
“Hydra though is led by someone who has a power that no Wolf should have. It's how they are able to control such a large and secret organization for such a long time. But such power can always be challenged.” He drifted off, looking away into the fire he had burning in the fireplace. 
You let the silence sit for a few moments before speaking up. 
“Why wouldn't you talk to Steve?” 
Loki gave a slight roll of eyes. “I don't care for Alpha’s, they always feel the need to challenge and dominate. I've dealt with that enough in my life. I choose to live on the edges of my own Pack, still a member should Thor need my assistance and the rest leave me in peace.” 
“Then why me? You seemed interested in me being an Omega.” The Little Wolf stopped her pacing for just a moment, head tilted in curiosity. 
“Because true Omegas do not need to dominate or be controlled by anyone.” Loki turned towards you, his head tilting into your direction. “You might always submit to your Alpha, but that's a choice you and your wolf make together, consciously or not. If you were to ever truly want to defy him, you easily could. It's why you were able to make me leave when I was exploring your mind.” You rolled your eyes a bit at the trickster, clearly not believing him. A life time of being made to submit to Pierce against your will and the recent incidents with Steve... you felt he had you mistaken. “ You can roll your eyes at me all you want Little Pup, but I know what I’m talking about. Omega’s can be a threat to Alpha’s or for the right one, there everything. Really depends on the Alpha they are connected to. So I like you Little Omega, you are a challenge for me.” He winked and you rolled your eyes, but couldn't help the smile you gave to him. After all was said and done, you liked the Trickster. 
“Is there anything else you can tell me? How did you get the collar off?” You asked and Loki motioned towards Thor. 
“That was me. After Fury contacted me that Loki was with the Howling Commando’s Unit, I went to bring him home. I can provide you two with a special knife made to deal with unnatural made materials.” Loki rubbed at his face and his front door sprang open, a rush of air billowing into the dwelling. 
“Now I have answered your questions Omega, I can feel your Alpha pacing my border anxious. It's getting on my nerves. Return to him so he can settle back down.” 
You nodded, letting your senses open a bit and sure enough Steve was anxious, although far physically, you could feel him. Nodding as you approached Loki, you held out your hand to him. He eyed it a moment, and then slid his own in yours respectfully to give a shake. “Perhaps soon we will cross paths again, Little Omega.” 
“Perhaps we will Trickster.” You bid a final goodbye and now you left a bit more at ease, having the information you and Steve needed to save your family. 
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hyuntaena · 2 years
You Make My Heart Race || c.sb & k.th SFW
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Pairing: Soobin x fem!reader x Taehyun
Genre: fluff, racer au!
Summary: you are working part time at the nearby race venue. You never thought, however, that you’d one day be working as their new flag girl.
Tw: none
Wc: 1.3k+
You hear the low growl of the engines within the racing venue, while wandering around trying to find a manager or someone who could help you. It was your first day at this job, and honestly you had ZERO idea what your job was going to be. All you know is that you were going to help with the races, and that was pretty much it. Your siblings had signed you up for this, and didn’t even bother telling you what you were doing.
“Are you y/n?” A man from behind states, making you slightly jump. You turn around, and see a VERY attractive looking man, his brown eyes seemingly staring into your soul. He was wearing a button up, with black slacks, his jet black hair disheveled as if he were stressed about something. You nod, before speaking up.
“L/n y/n, in the flesh.” You say with a smile, and he smiles wide at this statement. He walks closer to you, something in his hand that you just now seemed to notice. It looked like a set of clothes, and you looked at it confusedly when he held it out to you. The more you looked at it, the more color drained from your face. These seem really revealing, no joke.
“Perfect, I need you to quickly change into this, as your shift begins in about 30 minutes.” He grins, before checking his watch and sighing heavily. He places the outfit in your hands, and quickly turns, before saying the last bit of information that confirmed your suspicions.
“Good luck, new flag girl!” He waves, and suddenly disappears. This makes your jaw drop completely. Why on earth were you the flag girl? What kind of sick joke was this? Who even was that? You sigh, and head to the nearest restroom to completely assess the incoming damage.
Looking in the mirror, you can’t help but stare. The top was barely covering your chest, and the shorts barely covered your ass. The colors were probably your only favorite part, however. This is insane, you think thoroughly before turning and gathering your clothes to put them in your newly assigned locker. You look at yourself in the mirror once more, letting out a heavy sigh. You didn’t exactly sign up for this, but you really needed the money.
After checking yourself in the mirror and taking a picture to send to your siblings, you walk outside to the gates of the track. The small bit of dust and dirt kept you squinting, as you take a look at the flashy cars that were lining up to start the race. This was your cue, you guessed. After a few minutes you somehow make it onto the track itself, flag in hand. Walking in between some of the cars, you receive a couple of wolf whistles and compliments, but you pay no attention to them. When you get to the front however, you notice that one of these cars looked awfully familiar. Squinting, you look into the driver's seat in curiosity.
It was your best friend, Hueningkai, with his lover Haven in the passenger seat. Your jaw slightly dropped, and all he could do was wave with a cheesy smirk on his face. You had no idea your best friend or his lover were into this type of stuff, let alone have this flashy looking of a car. You shake your head to get out of your thoughts, and plaster on the biggest smile you could muster while looking up at the crowd. The loudspeaker began to blast the introductions, and showcase every car and person within it. Once they were finished, however, they did something you weren’t expecting at all.
“And today we are joined by our lovely flag girl y/n, who will be starting our races off for us today.” The announcer states, and you gulp in nervousness. This was your first time doing so, after all. You turn towards the lined up cars, feeling eyes burning into you. You lift the flag, and wait for further instructions. Hearing three dings, you assume that was your cue, and you wave the flag down, the cars immediately starting to drive by you at the speed of light.
You quickly run to the side once all of the cars have passed, watching intently as your best friend is currently in first place. The cars tried not to scrape against each other, but alas there was no way around it. Before you knew it, the race was over, and your best friend had gotten second place. You run over to him in excitement, tackling him into a hug.
“Good job! I had no idea you did this type of stuff, but you looked awesome out there!” You tell him, and all he could do was laugh, thanking you for being there for him and his lover, and talking to her about helping him with his race. In the middle of him talking however, the announcer decides to speak up once again, interrupting Kai from his speech.
“Alright ladies, gents, and people from all over! It is the race you all have been waiting for!” He hollers, and the crowd suddenly goes wild. You see two VERY flashy looking cars roll up next to each other, and you decide to go over to them to see who they were, and see what the hype is all about. You stand in between both cars, placing one hand on the car next to you. Suddenly, both cars roll their window down, and you're greeted with even more handsome faces.
In the car you have your hand placed on, you are met with a silver haired man with a middle part, his passionate eyes boring into yours. He smirks, and holds out a hand, seemingly introducing himself. Before he could get a word out, however, the driver of the other car speaks up.
“Taehyun, you can’t get distracted before our race!” The other man calls out, his purple hair sticking across his forehead due to the heat within the car. The man named Taehyun lets out a groan, drawing out the name “Soobin” as if he were a kid asking for candy. Soobin and Taehyun, huh? You ponder, thinking about how well these names fit these handsome men. However, you quickly shake your head, and introduce yourself with a grin, before walking to the front of the cars. You hold the flag up high, waiting to hear the three dings. You could hear the two bickering back and forth still, even though they should’ve been paying attention. In just a few seconds, you could hear the dings of the countdown, and their attention quickly goes to you, right as you throw the flag down. They zoom by, and you quickly run to the side once again. The energy for this race was very different from the first one, as the crowd was screaming and yelling for either person. This race was longer than the first, and it was neck and neck. Soobin seemed to be in front for a few, but then Taehyun would catch up and soon be in front shortly after. They cross the finish line after a while, and you honestly couldn’t tell who won due to it being that close.You run over to both of them, a smile gracing your face as they turn to you. You congratulated both of them, but all they could do was frown, which made you slightly confused.
:”Y/n, who do you think won? Because we don’t know who did.” They both spoke at the same time, and all you could do was ponder. This was a really tough decision for you honestly, but after a thorough thought process, you finally decided the winner from what you saw at the finish line.
“I think it was….
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chaoticpuff17 · 4 years
When the Chips Are Down
part 1
Hello, my darlings. I feel so bad. I haven’t been updating, so I decided to do something that will likely make you all come for my head since this really won’t be updated for a good while. But for now, it’s all I’ve got for ya, but I do have a chapter of SW over half way done, but for now enjoy the first chapter of ADG’s sequel even if the rest won’t be coming for a while.--- chaotic puff
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The ride to the airfield was nothing if not awkward. Namjoon sat on his side of the car and Y/N on the other. Namjoon was trying to reign in his temper, and Y/N simply didn’t want to talk. There were so many thoughts bouncing around her head, so many things they needed to talk about. She didn’t want to though. She wanted to pretend that he’d never come at all. She wanted to go back to her little cottage with Mark. She wanted him to hold her and talk to the baby like he always did, but that wasn’t an option anymore, not with Namjoon back in the picture.
“Where are we going?” She asked after a while. The tense silence was killing her.
“The airport at Pisa. I have a private jet waiting there to take us back to Seoul.”
“I can’t fly. I’m in my third trimester.” She murmured wincing as the baby sent a particularly hard kick to her stomach immediately catching Namjoon’s notice.
“Are you alright, jagi?” He asked moving to her side in a flash, hovering over her eyes darting over her worriedly looking for signs of distress.
“I’m fine.” She groaned pressing a hand to her belly. “The baby’s kicking.”
His face immediately lit up with a smile as he pressed his hand to her belly waiting intently for another kick. None came though. He looked back up at her disappointed, and she sighed moving his hand to press against different spot on her belly one where he was more likely to feel something.
“Give him a second. Little pest loves pummeling my insides.” She grumbled sinking back into the seat.
Just then the baby sent another kick landing it just under where Namjoon’s hand was pressed. He jumped at the odd sensation turning his awed gaze on her before looking back down at her belly in wonder. “Does it hurt?” He asked voice barely above a whisper.
“When he kicks like that? Yes.”
“It’s a boy?” He asked excitedly already imagining a little boy with her eyes and his dimples, a little heir for his empire.
“I don’t know actually.” She mused looking down at her bump fondly. “I never found out.”
“Jin can tell us later.” He grinned turning his attention back to her belly rubbing soft circles across its surface. “All that matters is that you and the baby are healthy.”
“I still can’t fly.” She reminded him. “It’s not good for the baby.” There was a hope, however small, that if she could stall him, then she could slip away.
He smiled at her fondly. “I have Jin waiting at the jet. He’ll monitor you throughout the flight.”
“Oh,” She breathed disappointed by the development, but of course he had thought of everything. He was always a step ahead no matter how hard she tried.  
The ride was not long. It less than a two hour drive to Pisa, and as promised Jin was waiting on the plane for them. He smiled at her and settled her into one of the cushy seats.
“Can you lift up your dress for me, sweet girl? I can pull out the pajamas too if you’d prefer. They may be more comfortable for the long flight.” He asked.
“The pajamas please.” She nodded tiredly, and Jin happily went to fetch them for her, ushering her up and into a small bedroom at the back of the plane where she was able to change in peace.
Jin helped her back to her seat when she emerged in a pair of silky pajamas and slippers. He had been right. It was going to be much more comfortable for the flight, and if she could avoid Namjoon by sleeping for most of the flight, she would.
“I’m going to attach a fetal monitor to your belly so we can keep an eye on the belly. I have a labor and delivery nurse on the flight as well to help keep an eye on mom and baby.” He grinned gently pressing the little stickers onto her belly as he addressed both her and Namjoon who was hovering nearby. “It’s good to see you, Y/N. How far along are you now?”
“Thirty-four weeks.”
“Not long till the little one arrives then.” He nodded giving her one last smile and moving away to sit elsewhere as Namjoon settled in next to her for the long flight, taking one of her hands in his frowning at the simple gold wedding band that rested there.
Namjoon slipped it off with a frown pocketing the ring before bringing out the one she had left behind all those months ago with all its glitz and glory.
“I’d prefer if you wore your ring, jagi, and not some trinket from that pest.” He sighed slipping it on her finger. “You’ve cut your hair.” He noted equally displeased by the drastic change in length as he was with the ring he had just confiscated.
“It’s easier to hide when you don’t look the same as when you ran.” She huffed brushing a stray lock behind her ear, though it slipped out again shortly after. It was a major disadvantage to the shaggy pixie cut she now sported. She couldn’t tie her hair up, and she couldn’t get it to stay behind her ear either. She didn’t have any headbands on the flight to keep it out of her face either. Those were all back at the cottage.
“I don’t like it.” He grumbled. “I liked your hair before. Oh well. It’ll grow.”
“You have no say over how I wear my hair.” She snapped snatching her hand back.
His grin was sharp and wolf like as he stared her down. “I think you’ll find I have a say over a great many things, jagi. You’ve caused so much trouble. I can’t have you putting yourself or the baby in danger any longer. You’ll behave or you’ll find yourself in much more trouble than you’re already in.” He warned before turning his attention back towards her belly. “Is the baby still kicking?”
“He’s always kicking.”
She flinched as Namjoon laid a hand back over her belly again leaning down to whisper to her bump. “You have to be nice to your eomma. She needs her strength to make sure you’re healthy.”
Namjoon had missed her more than he liked to admit, but seeing her heavy with his child filled him with pride. He only wished that he could have been there for the entirety of the pregnancy. He wanted to be there for it all, the morning sickness, the cravings, the doctor’s appointments. He wanted to be there to watch her belly grow, but that had all been taken away from him. He would be there for the next one though. He was going to fill their home with children.
Yoongi already had a son. Jin was working on getting Hayan healthy enough to support a pregnancy. The younger boys were also beginning to express interest in starting families of their own. Taehyung was even beginning to talk about ending his seemingly never ending game of cat and mouse with his ‘little bird’, and he wouldn’t be surprised if Hoseok was already planning a family with Iyla.
Iyla. That was another variable he would have to deal with. Y/N didn’t yet know that her dear younger sister was in his hands, or more accurately, Hoseok’s hands. That was a surprise he was going to leave for when they arrived home, and Y/N was well rested from the journey. She had been right when she’d warned him that flying was dangerous for her at this point in the pregnancy. It was why he had Jin and two labor and delivery nurses on the flight. He was taking every precaution to make sure that both she and the baby would be safe. He’d never forgive himself if something happened to either of them.
Y/N was extremely uncomfortable with Namjoon’s show of affection and his interest in her belly, but she allowed it, too tired to really fight back for the moment as well as knowing better than to push him too far at the moment.
“He or she will be out soon enough.” She sighed moving his hand off her belly and curling up in her seat. “I can deal with a few kicks to the kidneys until then.”  
Namjoon sighed before moving up the seat divider and pulling her into his arms resting both of his hands on top of her belly. “Don’t push me away. I’ve missed so much of our child’s life. Let me have this.”
“We can’t sit like this for takeoff.” She reminded him beginning to pry his arms away again.
“Just let me hold you till then.” He pouted placing a soft kiss on the juncture between her neck and shoulder. “I’ve missed you, jagi.” He murmured placing another kiss further up her neck.
“Please don’t.” She sighed squirming in his arms.
“I haven’t held you in months, jagi.” He released a sigh of his own letting her go so she could settle back in her own seat as the flight attendants readied them for takeoff.
As the plane took off climbing higher into the sky, her heart sunk further and further. She didn’t want to leave Italy behind. She didn’t want to leave Mark behind, but she didn’t have a choice. Even if it wasn’t for the baby, she wouldn’t have had much of a choice. Namjoon was a sneaky bastard, and he always seemed to be a ten steps ahead of her. She had been lucky to have so much time away from him, but all good things come to an end eventually.
She knew there wasn’t much hope for her, not anymore, but maybe there was a chance for Mark. Namjoon was a sadistic bastard, and Mark had had the audacity to take her away from him. It wasn’t something that Namjoon was going to treat lightly. Death would not come swiftly for Mark, but perhaps that would be his saving grace. The longer Namjoon waited to get rid of Mark, the better chance there was of Mark finding a way to escape. The man was a veritable magician. She was constantly amazed at his ability to get in and out of sticky situations. If there was anyone that could slip away from Namjoon, it was Mark.
“What’s going to happen?” She asked softly once the seat belt warning had been lifted and Namjoon had reverted to holding her in his arms absent mindedly rubbing senseless patterns into her belly.
“What do you mean, jagi?” He hummed smiling as he felt the baby kick lightly against one of his hands.
“What’s going to happen when we get back to Korea?”
His arms tightened around her slightly. “We’re going to go home, jagi. You’re going to need lots of rest with your due date so soon.”
“You know that’s not what I meant.” She grumbled pushing back slightly as she struggled to get comfortable. She was finding it harder and harder to be comfortable as her due date approached, and Namjoon’s proximity wasn’t helping.
Her discomfort was clear, and it wasn’t something Namjoon could allow. He needed her calm and rested for the flight, for the next few weeks really. “Jin!” He called bringing the doctor running. “Can we move Y/N to the bedroom? I think she’d be more comfortable lying down.”
Jin nodded with a smile helping Namjoon to move the heavily pregnant woman and the monitors to the back of the plane, getting them all settled before leaving the couple to their privacy.
Namjoon was careful to get her settled with pillows piled up at the headboard for them to lie against. He had her nestled against him despite her grumbling, but he knew despite her grumpy attitude, the new position was far more comfortable for her, and it gave her more room to adjust herself than the chairs in the front did.
“You never answered my question.” She reminded him with a sigh.
“You mean your punishment for leaving me? For taking our child and running off with that pest?” She nodded stiffly, waiting for his answer. “For the sake of the baby, I’m willing to overlook your little moment of insanity, but it all depends on how well you, jagi. I can be very forgiving, or I can make life very hard. I’d prefer to be forgiving though. We should be focusing on our baby after all.”
“What do you want from me?”
“I want you to keep your promise.” He chuckled. “I want you to be a good wife and mother. No more running. No more hiding.”
“And all is forgiven? Just like that?”
She couldn’t believe that. Namjoon was not a forgiving man. He was a shark. He would never forget, and he’d take into account every variable to keep her firmly in her grasp this time. She had one shot, one real shot, and she had used it already. Namjoon wasn’t likely to let her slip away again, especially not with a child in the mix.
“Not just like that, but it’s a start.”  He leaned in nudging his nose against the spot just below her ear. “And after all, doesn’t our baby deserve the best start we can give them?”
“And you’re the best thing for this child?” She scoffed squirming in his arms again.
“I know I am. And what other choice do you have?” He chuckled nipping lightly at her ear. “You’re never leaving me again.”
part 2
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sequinsmile-x · 3 years
Lazy Saturday
This was literally born out of me ignoring my responsibilities all day and just laying on the couch. 
Pairing: Hotchniss
Words: 1,258
They get home from the case late on a Friday, the time ticking over into Saturday as the door to their house closes behind them. Emily sighs as her go-bag hits the floor and Aaron’s arm wraps around her waist from behind, pulling her back into his chest. She closes her eyes and rests her head on him, turning her face to press against his neck. 
“I am so tired.” She moans into his skin, enjoying the closeness they always had to deny themselves when they were away. Their affection for each other was limited to passing moments in quiet precinct hallways, passing out in hotel room beds for a few hours of sleep to recharge, and fingers linked together on the jet home. 
Aaron smiles and turns his face to kiss her temple. “Let's go to bed, sweetheart.”
They make it upstairs, him guiding her as her limbs get heavier with every step. By the time he is done in the bathroom she is sprawled on the bed, under the covers but starfished in a way that means he will have to move her to get in next to her. Aaron smiles fondly as he pulls back the covers on his side of the bed and sits on the edge, gently running a hand over her head, tucking her hair behind her ear. 
“Em, I need you to shift over.” 
She presses her face deeper into his pillow and groans before she moves over to her side of the bed, just briefly enough for him to climb in and pulls the covers back over himself. Once he is settled she presses herself up against him, curling into his side. “Love you.”
He smiles into the top of her head. “You too, sweetheart.” 
Emily Prentiss had never been someone who enjoyed being idle. Sitting still for too long made her skin itch, the need to do something crawling over her skin. In Paris she had no choice, the days dragging into each other as months went by. When she got back home she purposely filled as much of her time as possible, something  her therapist said was her way of coping with what had happened. 
Aaron’s enjoyment of just doing nothing had surprised her when they first got together, his love of spending time with her, simply existing as they sat on their couch or laid in their bed. The first time they spent the day ignoring their responsibilities she had been unsure about it, but none of the usually restfulness had seeped into her body. She had enjoyed herself, the day slipping away into kids movies with Jack and takeout on the couch, and lazy, slow sex once Jack had gone to bed. 
Just because she enjoyed it, it didn’t mean Aaron had to know that. Which is why the following morning she initially tried to protest his plan of having a lazy Saturday. 
Emily rolls her eyes at him as he passes her a cup of tea and sits down next to her on the couch. “Aaron, we have so much to do. We haven’t been home in over a week so we have no food. Jack will be back from his vacation with Jess this evening.” 
“It’s nothing that can’t wait. And we can get pizza tonight. You know Jack would love that.” He leans towards her and presses a kiss to her forehead. “You’re exhausted, sweetheart.”
“And whose fault is that.” She mumbles under her breath, taking a sip of her tea as she does so. 
He raises an eyebrow at her and smiles. “We never have time off, let’s just make the most of it.” 
She bites her lip, pretends to think about it for a second when she knows all she really wants to do is sit curled up with him as they watch a movie they’ve already seen more times than she can count. “Okay.” 
They spend the day on the couch, him leaning on the arm of it and her leaning on him. They share a blanket and snacks, and he doesn’t comment when she falls asleep during her choice of movie. 
She wakes from her nap to his fingers trailing up and down her arm. “Damn it.” She mumbles, groaning as she presses herself further into him. “Why can’t I just stay awake?”
Aaron chuckles at her, something she pinches the skin of the arm wrapped around her for, before kissing the side of her head. “You are pregnant, sweetheart.”
Emily can’t help the smile that spreads over her face as his hand drifts to her abdomen, the barely there bump only obvious to the two of them. 
“Oh am I?” She asks sarcastically. “The constant nausea, exhaustion and sore boobs didn’t give that away at all.” She places her hand over his on her stomach and links their fingers together. 
“It will get better once you hit the second trimester.” 
She hums. “So you keep saying.” She tilts her head upwards to press a kiss to his lips. “I can’t wait until we can tell the team. I think Dave is suspicious.”
Her eyes flash for a moment as she remembers something. She sits up and turns, straddling his lap as she does. His hands settle on her hips as she leans forward to kiss him, hands gripping the back of his head. 
When they pull apart slightly he smiles and drags her forward. “What was that for?”
“Well.” She says, pressing another kiss to his lips. “Derek was very grateful that we got the weekend off.” Another kiss. “And said I should thank you accordingly.”
“Did he now?” He goes to kiss her again, but the front door bursts open and they break apart as Jess and Jack walk in. 
“Bye Jack.” Jess’ voice shouts through the door before he makes it to the living room, something she had done since she found them half dressed on the couch. Which still made Emily flush if she thought too much about it. 
“Hey buddy!” Aaron says, already off the couch as Jack approaches, hugging his son as he barrels into him.
“Hi Dad, I missed you!” The 9 year old exclaims before extracting himself from his dad’s embrace and moving onto Emily, who was now standing next to Aaron.
“Jack, be care-”
“I know.” Jack interrupts his father, rolling his eyes in a way he had picked up from Emily. “Be careful with Emily.” He says as he steps into her, wrapping his arms around her waist. 
“Missed you, Jack.” She says, smiling down at him.
“You too.” 
They get pizza that evening and spend the rest of the day doing nothing. Emily manages to eat one slice before her nausea takes over, and she sits and smiles as she watches her two boys wolf down the rest of it. 
Jack then demands Aaron plays Twister with him, something she thinks is a bad idea considering the amount of food they had just eaten, but she keeps her concern to herself. Watches as they play when she shouts out the instructions. 
Jack laughs when he and Aaron collapse on the floor, only for his laughter to get louder when his father grabs him and starts to tickle him. He begs Emily for help, but she simply shrugs as if she was powerless to stop Aaron. 
She smiles and presses her hand over her belly, thinking of what her future lazy days could look like with another addition to their family.
Idleness, she thought, definitely had its place. 
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legendaryoikawa · 4 years
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ares / suna rintarou / masterlist
pairing: suna x female reader
word count: 2k
synopsis: your stalker must’ve adore you so so much, he intends to kill for you.
quote:  “If you're that obsessed with someone, why would you kill her? Humans are full of contradictions.” - Ai Yazawa
genre: stalker!au, caters mature themes such as manipulation, voyeurism, public masturbation, murder, violence coercion, borderline obsession. 
note: i do not condone these behavior in real life. this is just a work of fiction. 
minors dni
taglist: @boosyboo9206 @dokisaki (can’t tag) @godjo@flavostella02 @heykoutaro (can’t tag) @aleacarnin@licitix@katsukis-sad-angel@k-sakura @dokisuki (can’t tag) @black-water-78​@throughtheinterstices​ @iloverarepares @newfriendjen @aizawaslovebot @ratatouille407​ @midnightartist​ @ya-kkun​ @daicrie​ @mochipk​ @kanesshiiweeb​ @134340-cm​ @svgafresh​ @annexerca​ @neavil​ @paigypol (can’t tag) @aggressivelyshoutsokay​ thank you for the love and support!
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Truly an ace of all fools. 
Ares, the god of war. As Homer called him, murderous, bloodstained, the incarnate curse of mortals.
Name it, Suna knows every possible if not, unique ways to kill. He prefers the crowbar as it’s efficient and easy enough to send a person to their graves. For his very own pleasure. It fuels him especially when he sees those eyes that were once full of life drown down to darkness of death. 
Suna is known as one of the notorious lads at school. He never fails to leave an astonished look to every person he has passed by at school. People are stunned whenever he walks down the hallway with his school shirt unbuttoned and crumpled. His overall appearance is unruly with the noticeable scars that lingered on his face like ches. His disheveled jet black hair. Eyes that bore nothing but darkness. Chains dangling from each of his ears. His aura that is explainable and unassailable that could even strike the thunderbolt of the great god Zeus. 
Suna is handsome. He looks like bad news. Wild.
He wielded an enormous influence among girls. Some swoon at the mere sight of him; others even resorted to some chase yet ended up a crying mess. Boys even fall for his charms, but one sharp glance is enough to wave them off like flies. 
However, you on the other hand are not fazed by him nor his silhouette. Which made him to be drained by a pure soul like you. 
Suna is so private and closed like an abandoned establishment and that could be the sole reason why people want to pry into his life. He had everyone controlled on the palm of his hand but he can’t seem to play with you like he initially plans to. 
Suna has the patience of a boar. He shows signs of violence that it’s alarming. But people seem to be in love at his bad boy facade, no one dares to report him.
 He is a living contradiction. Suna is a ride, a deadly one.
He comes to school with his boisterous friends that look exactly like how he presents himself. You can always hear their uproarious banters about their lives, endless wolf-whistling. They are the group of boys you wouldn’t want to mess with. Especially the mysterious Suna. 
You made a promise to get the shit out of the tracks that had traces of the boisterous boy that is  Suna. 
Not just the boys that have brought out the never ending fiasco circulating around your highschool. There have been a high number of mysterious disappearances of students that you may have never heard of or slightly familiar to you that you cannot recall. Their skulls are cracked open with a brute force or a bullet to the head. Some are strangled, some are mutilated, and what makes it terrifying is that most of the victims are leading down to you.
You can still remember how Kang Hana spent her afternoon with you in the library for a philosophy project. You admit it yourself that Hana isn’t the preferable company. She’s too nosy, noisy and quite violent towards you as she keeps on hitting you on the arm whenever you spill something stupid. Nevertheless, you held no grudge towards the girl. And you were really stunned at the news of her sudden death. 
Oh, you didn’t know someone was watching from the windows of the library outside. Irritability bubbles inside his body like a brook. He allows no one to go near you, let alone to hit you like a ragged doll. He always had a thing for you, he didn’t know when it started but by the way you looked at him like you are almost something to be disregarded. He is drawn to you like a moth to the flame.
It is always in Suna’s system. His mind is a bully, gushing him to do things that would make him thrilled, something that could awaken his fantasies. 
He wants to kill. And he did. 
He stood in all his glory, wearing his uninterested look while scrutinizing the other students walking along the hall. There at the lockers he spots Kang Hana awkwardly fumbling with the entangled bag straps. 
His dark eyes bore into Hana’s figure. Eyeing her from head to toe. At this moment he is thinking of what he can possibly do with those limbs. Break it? Smash it? Mutilate it like how they do in the slaughterhouse? Suna approaches her figure, his switchblade ready in his windbreaker’s pockets. 
He breaths, trying to muster his oh-so-charming smile. “Hey.”
Hana raises up her gaze and she is surprised that the notorious Suna is approaching her. Only if she knew his real intentions. “Oh my god. Hey.”
Suna is charming. Quite egocentric. It doesn’t take him long to persuade someone to sp with him or to go out on a date with him. If there is something you should be afraid about Suna, it is his ability to deceive people without them knowing his real motives. He has a calm demeanor but sometimes his arrogance fuels him to be so wild-driven. 
He leads Hana to the abandoned establishment at the rundown part of the town. He made sure to give her a signal to meet him outside where no witnesses could see them. It’s always a step when considering crime, get rid of witnesses. 
At this moment, Hana starts to get excited because she has foreseen what could happen. For her it’s sex. For him, it’s blood. Suna draws his switchblade near her carotid artery. She widens her eyes but laughter resonates in the eerie place. 
She purrs. “I am a kinky person but I can try knife play.”
Suna doesn’t play. He draws the knife deeper to her neck until she realizes he is not joking at all. Kang Hana’s heart made a beeline for her throat and tried to make a f for her life but Suna had his strong hand gripping her hair. 
She struggles but after every move she dares, the knife further penetrates her neck. Beads of sweat are dropping down to her cheeks. A hot sticky liquid from where the knife is trickling down her neck, dampening her collarbones down to her bra. She cries loud. “What do you want?!”
Suna smirks. He misses the familiar scent of blood flooding in his nostrils. “Your life.” 
Her eyes widened in pure horror as the charming prince transformed quickly as a ruthless psychopath in just the blink of her eye. Hana tries to fight against his hold once again but Suna wants to finish off and not to take care of a wailing woman. 
He repeatedly lash out the knife through her neck. The impact of his pounds set out her blood gushing out, splashing his pale cheeks. His right hand is dripping with her hot blood. Suna’s chest rose as his breathing became ragged but overall he felt so alive and content. He stares at Hana’s figure sprawled on the floor bathing with the pool of her own blood. Suna felt so driven with just crimson clouding his vision. He runs his tongue on the rows of his pearly teeth, a sinister smile tugging the corners of his lips. He did it for you. 
The following days have been hell for you. No, you weren’t killed but you faced a frightening number of police interrogations for the victims were always drawing down to you. Like Hana, you were the last person she was with before her neck was slashed out like a cow in the slaughterhouse. The pulse of a blue and red strobe from the police mace being parked in the circular driveway. You stare at the officer's badge, his holstered Glock. The night air settles the eerie night, still, gauzy full of humidity. 
The interview lasts about a good hour but you are deemed innocent as Hana’s whereabouts where the crime took place didn’t match your activity. Her clothes are missing on the spot but the investigators found it drenched in this liquid they believed was an oxygen producing detergent didn’t match. Since the laboratory personnel couldn’t get any fingerprints from her body, it has been declared useless for the crime.
It has been weeks since you find yourself able to breathe again but it didn’t last long when you were bombarded with unknown and creepy messages that you couldn’t withstand at all. 
I know you. From everything you do, I know it all. 
You belong to me, your full name. 
I find it romantic to see how excited you look whenever I send these messages. Shall I start sending my pictures as well? Or the throne I made for you?
From morning you go to your mother’s flower shop to gather primrose to deliver to your grandfather that lives in the twenty second street downtown. 
Your favorite thing to do is to draw, my sweet. I am right, am I? I’m always right. 
I saw you talk to that small loser from class D. Now don’t ever talk to him again or you will see his head delivered right at your doorstep. I love you and I’m being the nice guy here. 
Do you perhaps like the idea of your friend's limbs personally delivered to you? Your pick. 
I am always watching you, your name.
Oh, you had a museum date with your friends? Don’t go, I am at your grandmother’s restaurant, she serves the ultimate broth soup. Too bad I can stop her from serving these delicacies. 
I know deep down, you love me too. Don’t you ever try to date behind my back without telling me. I did kill for you. 
Your parents aren’t home. Do you want me to visit?
So much love for you. Your long secret admirer :) 
I love you. I will kill for you. 
He isn’t joking. He knows everything about you. All the meticulous details no one knows but your family. Whenever you receive a message from him, your heart would pound against your rib cage. It terrifies you to the core that he exactly knows the precise details of your whereabouts.
 You immediately reported this matter to the police, to your parents but it didn’t settle the problem. The number isn’t traceable. They keep on insisting that the number used is from an unregistered sim. You fear for your life, your personal space, everything. 
You weren’t just experiencing the never ending terror of your stalker’s messages. But some of your things are now starting to disappear, from your bracelets, your baby pictures now, now, your white lacy underwear. 
You are blissfully unaware of the pair of eyes that follows every movement as you exit the school grounds. He looks down on his hand, gripping his favorite underwear of you. He had a picture when you wore the garment, and it was his favorite among all. 
He makes his way to his heavily tinted car, a smile never leaving Suna's face as he clutches the garment tightly on his hands. His soulless eyes stared back at him the moment he stared at the rear view mirror. And drives to the nearest convenience store. 
He keeps on fantasizing about you. The way your name rolls out of his tongue while jerking out never fails to send himself to ecstasy. He can’t wait to meet you, but one thing he is sure of, he will be watching you tonight. 
Suna is always a step ahead of his plans. He is meticulous and calculative. His plans never backfire for he knew what methods to use. For the days he has been killing he already knows how to get rid of evidence that could lead to him.  The boy’s got a sharp tongue as well, a serpent’s, he uses lies to cover up the real  Suna that hides behind the charming facade he puts front. 
He wore black. Black that is a mystery. Eerie. He wears a black bucket hat that covers his beautiful features that compliments his youth. Despite the dusk ebbing its way, his moles are always as alive as the constellation. He secures his mask tighter on both ears, as appealing as it sounds, he cannot show his face to you, just not yet. He had a thing to do, he had something to accomplish.
“Just in time” he breathed into the shadows. His eyes follow your figure marching down the dim lit streets. A smirk paints his lips as you still try to swat everything and thinking to yourself everything is still normal. But no, not until he is dead. He could have easily needle out your background from Kita but you were his and it gives him satisfaction whenever he discovers something about you. Things that aren’t open for others but just for him. 
He immediately hid behind a large tree, once you entered your home. He makes sure to secure a great and measurable distance from him to you, not so far yet so near. He clenches his fist, the idea of watching you undress from your windows sends him a big wave of pleasure. 
He begins to scramble up trying to get a hold of the strongest branch his forearm could manage. Some twigs tried to interrupt him midway but nothing can stop a hungry predator from lurking on his prey. He finds the perfect spot just parallel to your window.
“Fuck” he hiss as he felt his phone vibrate from his pocket. “What it is now  fucking Atsumu?”
“Lover boy, I forgot to place your camera in your bag, bye.” 
The camera is not his top most concern. He has his phone that is full of you. 
You were humming quietly. He follows your hands, removing your school blouse that left the boy’s mouth agape. His cock immediately hardens at the sight, and he cannot risk himself to jerk while on the tree. He scrambles immediately, carelessly fishing out for his phone to take a picture of you naked. 
Suna is always not satisfied with the bare minimum. He records you, doing your private thing in your room. He is biting hard on his lips, his erection sticking out painfully against his pants. He has to endure much longer till you have finished your routine applying lotion to your shiny long legs. Those legs that he can’t wait to touch. 
Suna left the place shortly. He’s astounded. You drive him wild and wild he is. You fuel the monster more. 
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sirisuorionblack · 3 years
Hello 👋 I was wondering if you could write about Remus Lupin bitting one of Harry’s friends, and they’re relatively alright with it but lovely Remus hates himself for it- a bit of angst but with happy ending?
Remus Lupin x Sirius Black
Summary - The marauders are back at Hogwarts at the age of 34 for yet another adventurous night after years but this time it didn't end rather well but Remus had his family.
A/N Okie so this was a wonderful idea and I just had to write it and I might have tweaked my request status a bit. But, anyway, a few things before you start, everybody is alive, no voldy, no nothing. And since you didn’t specify which one of Harry’s friends, I naturally went for Ron to add in the drama. Also, this happens in their third year and Remus and Sirius are well, married, sorry if it isn't a pairing you are comfortable with. And this may be a bit rushed, idk but I loved it tbh.
Remus ran his fingers over the scars on his knuckles. Remus was gifted with such a beautiful life, his friends and family so close to him, leading a life filled with love and happiness, the sound of innocent laughter always echoing in his ears no matter what.
Over the years, he and his best friends had grown from adventurous teens to adventurous adults, still spending every full moon like a tightly-knit pack, running into the woods and barking in their animal forms. They had never grown out of it and Remus was more than grateful for it. It was truly a wonder, regardless of how much they had grown, married and having kids of their own, never spared a thought if any other was in need of help.
Thirty-four. It was bewildering how he managed to pass twenty-seven years tuning into a full-on beast with insane thoughts and no memory of his human self, only noticing the stag, dog and the rat that managed to keep him accompanied no matter what. He pitied the wolf at times, he would never have the chance to know what love is, never understand how people care about others and would protect their loved ones.
Remus knew what love is, Sirius taught him that like his life depended on it. Remus shivered every time he thought about this. They were no longer the playful and traumatized teens, they were adults with responsibilities now and it was terrifying. But Remus found comfort in the very aspect of it, teaching and just as his friends insisted he did become the Defence Against Dark Arts professor and he more than just loved it.
And now after years, they were back in the shrieking shack for the next full moon, this time, honestly dreading it. Remus suspected that Harry and his friends were rather curious about their shenanigans in the shrieking shack. Harry, of course, knew that Remus was a werewolf he had known it ever since he was realised, his father, Moony, Padfoot and Wormtail would go missing for hours and then his mother would be with Uncle Moony, treating all the new scars that Harry was told is a sign of bravery from a young age by his godfather.
For some odd reason, Dumbledore had requested that Harry must not know was that it was his very own Uncle Moony spending his night away in the shrieking shack for which Sirius had reasoned was solely for the drama it ensued.
“Moony, stop fretting,” James said, patting him on the shoulder and pulling him away from the window sill he was standing before, “It is Harry we are talking about, I think he would be rather cautious,”
“That’s the stupidest things you have ever told in your whole life, Prongs,” Sirius commented, smirking and looking out of the window, to see when the full moon rises.
“Hey!” James glared at him, “I mean, yes, he could be a curious little shit but he is…good,”
“This is not about if he is good or not, James,” Remus snapped. He took a deep breath and sat on a chair that had been placed near the wall, away from the three of them.
“Right, sorry,” James said, looking at him apologetically and remained silent giving Remus an opportunity to continue, “Just like you said, he is a curious child and his friends almost give him a run for his money and there is so little chance to no chance that they would not be coming here to “find out“ what’s going on! And like what if I accidentally hurt someone!?”
Remus shuddered as he said those words. Contrasting how he was speaking moments ago, he looked up to see Peter, James and Sirius looking at him and he fixed his eyes to Sirius’ and he whispered, “They could die or even worse become a monster like me,”
“Moony, enough,” Sirius said, calmly, drawing the attention to himself rather than Remus, “The full moon will be in minutes, there is nothing we can do,”
“Remus,” Peter sighed, emerging from the corner he stood in, “First of all - you are not a monster. Second of all - we are here, nothing wrong is gonna happen,”
”What if something does?” Remus argued. He didn’t have to see to know that Sirius closed his eyes to calm himself down.
“Sirius, do you hear yourself!?” Remus stood up abruptly, “Your words drip with irresponsibility!”
“It’s not irresponsibility, Moony,” he said, motioning Peter to take over as he walked towards Remus, “it’s the reality. What do you think we should do, then?”
For once, Remus Lupin was out of ideas. He didn’t know what to say but he knew Sirius was right, there was almost nothing they could do other than control the wolf and every full moon they deal with would be a unique tale of itself, never certain of what could happen. It was woven with time.
“It’s time,” Peter said, grimly. Remus took a shuddering breath and fell into Sirius’ arms, who was still in his human form, unlike the stag and rat, watching their moves carefully.
Remus was right. In the Gryffindor boys’ dormitory, Harry Potter laid wide awake, staring at the ceiling, the noises in the shrieking shack and the tales about it resonating in his mind. He was confused about what might be there and curious to find out when nobody would tell him the truth although they seemed to know. And today, they would unveil it.
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James was rather happy that the full moon would end in a couple of minutes but he was not allowed to stay that way when he saw the wolf stop dead in tracks, sniffing the air. They all behaved rather weirdly, sometimes hilarious, in these forms but this time, it seemed different, like the wolf had encountered something out of order.
The stag and the dog stood cautiously, ready to pounce any moment while the rat, discreetly moved in the direction of the wolf’s sight and to a bush. They could hear whispers and murmurs as the animals and humans stood still on both sides, afraid of what might show and for the first time they all saw the wolf stand so extremely still.
And then slowly, a mess of unruly, jet black hair emerged from behind the bush. The wolf took deep, rapid, breaths that almost sounded like growling, bared its fangs.
The black hair further raised until they could see the bright green eyes, behind the round glasses and the wolf noticing the presence of the human, pounced.
The dog was rather quick to act and jumped on the wolf, redirecting its path but a stag and a dog wasn’t enough for the wolf to be distracted from its meal. Hunger in the pit of the wolf’s stomach derived its senses insane.
Harry stood up to his full height, wide eyes watching the wolf push a familiar black dog away from itself and leapt forward, fangs sinking into the flesh before it blacked out, falling to the ground.
He is going to get an earful from his father.
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“Careful, Mr Lupin,” Madam Pomfrey rushed to him as Remus tried to sit up and take a look around. She gently pushed him back to a sleeping position on the hospital bed. Through half-lidded eyes, he frantically murmured Sirius’ name over and over again.
“Hey, hey, calm down, love,” Sirius was at his side, holding his scarred hand. Remus held onto it tightly and asked, “What happened?”
He could see Sirius hesitating to tell him and the vague memories remaining in his head from the night was not doing him any better.
“Sirus, please tell me what happened!?” He asked, anxiety rising in the bit of his stomach, the nasty churning feeling retuning. Sirius gently pushed the strands of hair from his forehead and leaned up, pressing his lips to Remus’ forehead.
“Th-the kids-” Sirius started just for him to be interrupted as Remus sat up, abruptly. He didn’t have time to sort out his chaotically, messy feelings and the one thing in his mind was what happened to the kids.
“Moony, Moony,” Sirius hurried to calm him down that, if anything, just made Remus panic even more in his hazy state of mind. Sirius placed his hands against Remus’ shoulder, pushing him gently to sit on the edge of the bed when he tried to stand up.
“Nobody is hurt, Remus,” he said, crouching a bit to look at Remus in the eyes but sighed with a pang in his chest when he saw Remus’ eyes unfocused and roaming above his head, at the various hospital beds.
Remus gasped and his heart sunk to the bottom when he saw the bed surrounded by kids and adults. It was Ron Weasley. His teeth had sunk into the boy’s shoulder blades where he could clearly see the bandages wrapped tightly around. He couldn’t imagine the pain the poor boy would have felt.
Remus Lupin felt like a terrible monster.
Why him? Why is it always him!? Just when he thought everything would be alright when he began to let himself wallow in the joy of being back at Hogwarts. And because of him the boy, merely thirteen, would have to become a monster every month.
“You are awake,” James, who seemed to have been outside the hospital wing, rushed to him, "Oh, thank gods-”
”I told you this would happen,” Remus whispered, hoarsely, staring at the foot of the empty bed before him. His mind was racing with unwanted thoughts. He felt mad at himself, at his friends, at the kids but was immediately engulfed in a pang of even bigger guilt.
A dry sob involuntarily escaped from his lips. He couldn’t understand how Greyback did that to the kids when here he was dying with guilt. He didn’t dare think of that one terrible evening when he was just seven.
Remus struggled to take a deep breath. “Moony, look at me, please,” Sirius said and these words in Remus’ head felt like a command. He slowly raised his head to look into those mesmerising grey eyes, sparkling like they always did in the sunlight. Those grey eyes were the only ones that had the ability to calm him down in seconds yet he found it difficult at the moment to regain his normal breathing pace.
“Hey, it's alright. I am here. We all are right here,” Sirius pushed the strands of hair out of his face as Remus tugged at his own shirt, as though it would help him breathe properly.
Sirius looked at James who immediately moved to the nearest window, pushing it open. The gush of fresh, cold breeze for some reason warmed his shattered heart. Remus, although still shaking, managed to take deep breaths.
“Listen to me, alright?” Sirius said, cautiously and slowly, “Nothing is wrong, everybody is doing good - I said you to just listen, Lupin. Ron did get a few injuries but, thankfully, since it was time for you to transform back, the bite was equivalent to that of a domestic dog or something,”
Remus didn't have the ability to comprehend what he was saying and just gawked, opening and closing his mouth like a fish.
Sirius smiled gently, looking at Remus’ wide, confused eyes. “Ron will not transform every month. You didn’t “ruin“ his life, which I am sure at this point you have confirmed. And Madam Pomfrey had down all the necessities so he would be alright in a couple of days,”
“Oh,” Remus breathed, chuckling lightly but happily. Ron was alright. He was alright! He wouldn't turn into a monster every month, he wouldn't have all those hideous scars, he wouldn't be weak every other day, he wouldn't seem to look way older than he actually was. He would be able to lead a peaceful childhood.
James sat next to him while Peter sat on the bed before him, “Now you might be wondering why is Molly crying buckets when her son would be alright,”
“No, I’m not James,” Remus rolled his eyes, pushing James away and shaking his head with a light smile. He discreetly wiped the tears forming in the edge of his eyes.
“Uncle Moony!” Harry yelled, and ran to his uncle. Remus tried to stand up as his nephew rushed into his arms, the boy holding onto him so tightly. Remus slowly wrapped his arms around the boy and felt Sirius stand up behind him, providing support to his weak frame.
“But you should ‘cause I have prepared an answer for it. If you are not asking me why then Padfoot go ahead,” James said and watched with a smirk as Sirius cleared his throat, and asked, “Why?”
”Thank you very much for your certainly not forced question - it is because she is a mother!” James said going jazz hands just for him to be hit with three pillows.
“I’m sorry, Uncle Moony,” Harry whispered into his uncle’s chest, feeling guilty as ever. He heard the man sigh and the arms wrapped around him grew tighter. Remus took off Harry’s askew glasses and whispered, “It’s okay to me, Haz but your mum,”
Harry giggled, burying his face into Remus’ chest, “I love you, Uncle Moony,”
“I love you too, Haz” Remus ruffled the boy’s already messy hair.
"Wait!" Peter said, jumping up and stood beside Harry, smirking, "Can we, I dunno, take points from him?"
"No! that's stupid!" James complained, shaking his head, "Gryffindor needs to win the house cup. We can ground him or something but not take away points,"
"Yes! Can I ground him, please?" Sirius asked.
"No,, absolutely not," Remus said, holding the boy closer to him, "Nobody is gonna ground the poor boy. Leave him alone,"
"Gah! You're no fun, Moony," Peter said, shaking his head in disapproval.
James, after controlling his laughter said, “Also, Harry, your mum told me to yell at you as a favour for her and she would do her job when you come home for break,”
"Uncle W," Harry said, making Peter chuckle at the nickname the boy insisted in calling him saying it was too weird calling his uncle "Wormtail", "I will steal your cheese sticks,"
"No," Peter groaned, dramatically, "Cheese sticks, my weakness,"
“But you won’t yell at me, dad,” Harry said, pulling away from Remus and putting his glasses on.
“I will,” James said, seriously.
“It is not that you won’t, Prongs,” Sirius said, from behind Remus, “It is that you cant,”
“Oh shut up,” James said, rolling his eyes.
Remus couldn’t help but allow his eyes to skip towards Ron every often and harry, of course, noticed it. “Ron is alright, Uncle Moony. He was actually saying it doesn’t hurt much anymore and he was rather bewildered why his mother was crying too. Oh! he also says you guys were so cool yesterday,”
“We know, prongslet, we are the coolest people ever to exist,” Sirius flipped his hair, dramatically. Harry laughed.
Remus took a deep breath. He would never forgive himself for what had happened, but he had his family with him and they sure would make him forget it. These wonderful people were his family.
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keyofjetwolf · 5 years
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They’ve known ... Octopus Shirt (Hinata? Something like that I think?) for like three days, and she’s already connected SO WELL with them both. Obviously she and MC (Miki? Mikasa? I’LL GET THERE) share part of a brain, but she SEES shit, and can figure out people -- or at least these two, but probably people in general. Shirase (the name’s in the caps!) is one tiny push from cracking. And while the trip means something to all of them for an assortment of reasons, hers is probably the most personal and intense.
So without discussing it, without allowing her the opportunity to object (because she would) or make it a debate (which she would),Octopus simply -- if lightheartedly and beautifully dramatically -- usurps command, Responsibility. Shirase can take a minute to catch her breath while the other two brainstorm what to try next.
Which is all the difference, this time. Shirase isn’t in this alone anymore, and it makes me happy in my Senshi heart to see the others so ready and willing to take some of this off her shoulders.
I’m watching A Place Further completely spoiler-free! You can help by being careful to avoid spoilers in any comments, reblogs, or Asks. This includes if I missed something, if it’s cultural, or if I’m just plain wrong. Also, please allow me to feel however I do about the story and characters as I explore the series.
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captainrexforever · 4 years
Hey guys. I meant to publish a full length fic today, but my imagination just hasn’t been cooperating. Instead, have this short drabble about our favorite sweetheart. I think this is set a while after the Season 2 Finale but who knows, this was begging to be written, regardless of continuity. 
It’s late and Din has just returned from turning in the latest set of bounties. He’s in the cockpit, setting the ship on a new course before turning in for the night. You’re just about to turn in as well when Din’s modulated voice breaks your reverie.
“What’s this?”
You turn and your heart jumps into your throat as you panic just a little bit. He’s holding your sketchbook in his hand, and you realize you must have left it in the cockpit earlier. You’re a little embarrassed. In truth, you have no reason to be, but the thought of Din looking through your sketchbook is enough to set off your nerves. You like to think that you’re somewhat decent at sketching, but you’ve never had any formal training. And as a result, have never had a reason to show anyone else your drawings.
“Just a book.” You finally answer.
“I didn’t know you read hand-written books. Don’t you usually use your pad?”
Damnit, he’s right. Obviously he’s a faster thinker than you, and you flush when you realize you’ll have to tell him the truth.
“Actually, it’s a sketchbook.”
“Oh. May I?” He gestures towards the cover, and you note the questioning tone within his voice. Your heart swells and you wonder how you were ever nervous in the first place. You have shared every other part of yourself with him. A few sketches certainly won’t change how he feels about you.
You nod before capturing his hand and leading him to the side of the Crest where the small ledge serves as a bench of sorts. After settling yourself against his side, you reach a hand out to lift the cover. He grasps your hand gently, holding it while he lifts his other hand to his helmet. He raises it from his head, settling it beside him, before pressing a kiss to your knuckles. You blush and give him a goofy smile in response, allowing yourself to just stare into his eyes for a few moments. You will never tire of gazing into his face, watching as his eyes twinkle and his lids fall in lazy blinks. His responding smile has you captivated, and you suddenly forget why you sat down in the first place.
He breaks your trance by pressing his forehead to yours, then redirecting his gaze towards the book in his lap. You giggle at the silly sight, unable to stop yourself from admiring the features of his face again. He lets out a light chuckle, and joins you in your soft laughter before tucking you further into his side as he turns towards the book again. He holds it while your hand drifts to the cover again, and when you open it you hold your breath, a little unsure as to what the first image will be.
Oh, it’s one of your first attempts at sketching. A simple round sphere decorates the page, a tiny sun drawn into the top left corner to simulate the presence of light. The sketch was meant as a way to practice your shading skills. You risk a glance towards Din and see that he looks completely awestruck, and you can’t suppress a proud smile from overtaking your lips.
You flip the page, this time revealing a more ambitious project. It contains the face of a wolf, the shape a little too round, the lines a little too jagged, the shading a little too forced. The proportions are slightly off as well and you wince a little at the poor attempt. Din still looks interested though, so you continue to the next page. It reveals an eagle head and this time you feel quite proud, the sketch is one of your favorites and it has undergone some small additions throughout it’s long existence. Behind the eagle is a landscape of stars, a mountain range further in the distance that forms a complementary shape which frames the main sketch.
Din sucks in a breath and you smile at him when his gaze drops to you.
“I didn’t know you were so talented.”
You blush. Even after all this time, you’re still awkward with accepting compliments, so you settle for showing your appreciation through actions rather than words. You lean up, lips pursing, then meeting Din’s lightly stubbled cheek in a quick kiss. His mouth curves into a smile and you’re caught once again in the beauty of his gaze. Finally, you muster the strength to break the eye contact and tuck your head into the crook of his neck instead, watching as he flips through the rest of the pages. Some are sketches you remember fondly, others are not quite finished, but they all remind you of specific memories and mindsets. When he finally reaches the last page, you’re practically drifting off already, his warmth and comforting embrace leaving you even more drowsy.
“Still working on this one?”
Your eyes flutter open, and a fiery blush overtakes your cheeks when you take in the sight. The page is filled with different sketches of Din. One shows him wielding a blaster, looking handsome as ever, while he shields you behind his back. Another depicts you in his arms during a nighttime flight with the jet pack. There are dozens more, but the one that must have caught his attention is the most recent sketch. It shows Din on one knee as he offers a ring to you. The shading isn’t quite finished, some of the lines still rough and too light to be considered part of the final product.
“Can you blame me for wanting to immortalize that moment forever?”
He tugs you closer, planting a kiss on your forehead as he closes the book and sets it aside.
“I suppose not. It was the best moment of my life after all.”
“Mine too.”
You’re practically asleep now and he hums, lifting you in his arms as he carries you to your bunk. For it is your bunk now, as much as it is his. Within a minute, he’s tucked you both in, and he’s still wearing his armor, but you don’t mind, it’s as much a part of him as his skin. With a sleepy promise of love you tangle you fingers in his hair and drift off to sleep, safe in the arms of your handsome knight.
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madsthewordclown · 4 years
Fire Lily | Pt. 14
Warnings: violence
a/n: I am so sorry this chapter took so long, but it’s here now! I am so grateful to all of you for being patient with me. I feel like I wrote this chapter line by line, quite literally. Enjoy!
The few weeks they had before the invasion flew by much quicker than Y/N could have anticipated. Her days were spent sparring with Sokka, and, with the occasional time to herself, attempting to throw fireballs at the walls of various caves they had called home. The hook swords felt so natural in her hands now, and Katara quickly extinguished any accidental fires. She wasn’t quite the fighter that everyone else was, but she could hold her own. She would be ready for the invasion.
Y/N supposed she didn’t have much choice, enjoying the quick, tight embrace from Hakoda as they met on the beach. Y/N glanced up at the sky. It was so clear—it didn’t seem fitting. Y/N’s stomach churned. They’d be okay. They had to be.
Sokka was talking—or, attempting to talk about—the plan. Y/N tried to pay attention, but all she could hear was humming. She couldn’t drag her eyes away from her foot that was tapping on the sand. She and Sokka had gone over the plan together a million times, but he couldn’t seem to speak in a full sentence. She couldn’t remember much herself, other than that the eclipse only lasted 8 minutes.
Aang had eight minutes to defeat the Fire Lord, after one hundred years of war. Eight minutes where the Fire Nation would be most vulnerable. Y/N tried to push another intrusive thought to the back of her mind; she’d be most vulnerable, too.
Y/N sensed Sokka’s dejected presence at her side as Hakoda took over, and she wanted to comfort her friend, but the words wouldn’t come. Y/N scanned the rows of fighters instead. Mostly blue-clad Water Tribe men, the swamp benders with far too little clothing for Y/N’s comfort. Some Earthbenders, including a boy with a rather unfortunate mustache.
“We will have control of the Fire Nation capital, and this war will be over!” Hakoda cried, raising a fist in the air. The crowd cheered, but the world seemed to sway under Y/N’s feet. A bird crowed, not a care in the world.
The group dispersed to prepare, and Y/N found herself sitting and observing the others as she sharpened her blades. Katara filled her waterskins, and Toph was back in her Earth Kingdom style armor. Y/N realized she was the only one left wearing red.
Y/N focused on sharpening the blades of her swords and adjusting the fasteners of her belt. After this, the war would be over. She could find her brother. She could return home, although she wasn’t sure what she would do once she got there. Y/N stood and slid her swords into place. She wished Jet were there to see it.
“What are you doing, Y/N?” Sokka approached, Katara at his side. His face was covered in Water Tribe warrior paint, the traditional armor making his look so much older. The sight stung.
“Don’t worry, I’m ready to go,” Y/N replied hastily, tightening her ponytail. There were just a few stragglers left on the beach.
“What about your armor?” Katara asked, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“This is all I have,” Y/N shrugged, tugging at the hem of her deep red shirt. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”
“You seriously thought we’d let you go without armor?” Sokka’s eyes widened in shock. “Come on.”
“We asked Dad to make some armor for you before we split up,” Sokka explained. “I would’ve made it myself, but I figured I wouldn’t have the materials, and I was busy working on Appa’s armor…”
Y/N’s eyes stung as she looked at the deep blue leather armor in Sokka’s hands. The crescent moon emblem on the chest was replaced with a simple embroidery of the Earth Kingdom symbol in plain brown thread. Y/N gingerly reached out to touch it, the white fur lining soft in her fingers.
“Are you sure?” It was Water Tribe armor. Maybe it was made purely out of necessity, but this was their culture, their family… but the Earth Kingdom symbol was there. For her.
“We made it for you, dummy,” Katara laughed. “I added the embroidery last minute, I hope you don’t mind.”
“You know we think of you as part of our family. Not just us, but Toph and Aang, too.” Sokka gently pressed the garment into Y/N’s hands. “The Earth Kingdom symbol was Katara’s touch. We know you’re fighting for your family, too. Back home.”
“Thank you,” Y/N didn’t know what else to say, pulling the siblings into a tight hug.
“Well, I’ve got to go meet with Dad. I’ll see you guys soon, okay?” Sokka pulled away, giving you and Katara one last quick squeeze before the walking out of the belly of the ship where he had led you earlier.
“Here, let me help you,” Katara offered as Y/N pulled the armor over her head. It was so much lighter than the Fire Nation armor… Y/N turned, letting Katara do the work of tying the armor in place.
Katara finished securing the armor and sidestepped to look at Y/N’s face. “You ready?”
Y/N reached a hand up and ran a hand through her ponytail. “Actually, could you help me with one more thing?”
Katara was good with braids. Y/N’s eyes fluttered shut as Katara’s fingers ran through her hair, twisting it into a simple braid. It was like being home. Y/N could almost imagine her mother leaning over her shoulder, talking about the lilies she had planted in the garden that spring.
“The panda lilies are doing so well this year, aren’t they, darling?”
“All done,” Katara secured Y/N’s braid and laid it over her shoulder.
“Thanks, Katara.”
“If we’re going to save the world, we might as well look good doing it,” Katara joked lightly.
Y/N took a shaky breath.
“We’re going to make it, Y/N,” Katara reassured solemnly. “I know it.”
The beach felt less steady than the submarines. Even when she couldn’t see what was happening above her, and even with the lurching and tilting under fire was better than this. Between Katara and the swamp benders, they had a huge advantage on the water. Y/N hated how the walls rose up around the beach. She knew they wouldn’t, but it felt like they could fall on them at any moment.
Y/N kept her eyes on the battlements as she pushed forward with the other behind the Earthbenders’ protection. She wasn’t sure what she was looking for yet. But as they pressed forward, instinct overtook anxiety. Y/N wondered if this was what battle always felt like to the others. Almost like a dance.
Y/N tailed Haru as he diverged forward and left, throwing a large boulder at a Fire Nation tank, hitting it squarely. The metal let out a horrible screech, the tank being forced to a stop. Y/N rushed forward, lifting herself up over the top of the vehicle just as the Fire Nation soldier began to climb out of the top of the tank.
Y/N brought her hook swords down in a quick rhythm, sending the soldier falling onto the steel. The man recovered quickly, hopping up to stand and raising his fists. Y/N anticipated the flame, ducking as the man shot a burst of fire over her head. Y/N swung a hook around the man’s leg, sending him to the ground again.
“Haru!” Y/N shouted. Haru seemed to get the message, a chunk flying from the boulder, forming a band of stone binding the man to the tank. Y/N hopped down onto the sand, running by Haru’s side back to the nearest Earthbending tank.
Enemy fire continued to rain down from the battlements stationed on the walls on either side of the beach. Y/N grabbed Haru’s arm, dragging him down to the dirt as one got a direct hit on the vehicle carrying their boulders, sending bits of rock flying over their heads.
“I want the tanks in a wedge formation!” Sokka commands, “Warriors and benders in the middle. We’re taking that tower and heading for the Royal Palace.” Sokka points to the battlements perched on the wall. The warriors close in behind the tanks, Y/N joining them.
Sokka was built to be a leader, and it was easy to see. He had come up with this whole plan himself, and they were making ground. And while he had struggled in his speech to their small army earlier, he could take command in the field. He’d proven that.
Y/N watched Haru disappear somewhere in front of her to help propel the tanks along. The pace was dreadful—it was slow, leaving them all feeling a bit too vulnerable, but fast enough to where it was difficult to analyze what might be coming your way. Y/N could hear the screech of a Fire Nation tank somewhere forward and to the left. The men on either side of her pressed further in.
Y/N wanted to cry when she felt her feet hit solid ground. They were out of the sand, finally. Y/N could feel fire, and she wasn’t sure whether it was the fire running through her own veins or a result of the enemy fire that was no doubt being rained down on the tanks. She could see small streaks of flame peeking out over their heads from time to time, reaching over the tops of the tanks they were using for cover. But there didn’t seem to be much damage, so they pressed forward.
“Cover the back!” Bato shouted. Y/N couldn’t see where the voice was coming from but turned around. They were started to scale the incline up to the palace and wouldn’t want to chance someone from the beach possibly being on their tail.
“Let us handle it, sweet pea,” a voice to Y/N’s left said. A tall Water Tribe warrior stood next to her; his face obscured by his wolf helmet. Y/N’s blood boiled.
“I think I can handle it just fine,” she replied coolly, already stepping forward as she noticed the small band of soldiers advancing up the hill after them.
Y/N picked up her pace to a run, swords clashing with the metal armor of the soldier in a matter of moments. The soldier raised his arms, fire spewing from his fists. Y/N sidestepped, feeling the heat barely miss her side.
Y/N brought the sharp pommel of her right blade down, the soldier catching her wrist in his hold. Y/N lifted her leg, delivering the highest kick she could manage to the soldier’s gut. He stumbled back, pushing her away and sending her falling to the dirt.
Y/N fell to her back, the impact knocking the breath out of her. The soldier was recovering more quickly, already raising his arms. Y/N thought back to that night in the alley, the silver flashing in the night, as the world suddenly seemed impossibly bright.
Y/N dropped her swords and split the soldier’s fire with a flame of her own, using the soldier’s shock to spring to her feet. The soldier’s face plate had fallen to the ground in their struggle, Y/N’s heart twisting when she saw his face. He wasn’t much older than her. Y/N thought of Jain, of Bihun. Of Sokka, Katara, Toph, Aang. This boy shouldn’t be fighting.
“Traitor,” the young soldier seethed, his face contorted with rage. Y/N quickly retrieved her hook swords from the ground, shoving them into her belt. Y/N felt her own anger bubble. She was never, would never, be one of them.
Y/N let the rage release through her hands in a ball of flame, watching the boy retreat as more Water Tribe warriors descended in their direction.
Y/N jogged to catch up with the tanks that was continuing their steady climb up the hillside as she saw Appa’s large shadow descend. Y/N felt the relief flood her as her friends came into view. Hakoda was obviously injured, but alive. They were all alive. And they were winning.
“Y/N!” Katara rushed forward, pulling the other girl into a tight hug.
“Everything’s going smoothly, and the eclipse hasn’t even kicked in yet,” Sokka was saying. Katara pulled out of Y/N’s grasp, looking off into the distance.
“Let’s hope our luck holds out,” Katara muttered. Y/N could see the worry in Katara’s eyes, following her line of sight.
“Is that Aang?”
Y/N wandered away absentmindedly as Sokka, Katara, Aang, and Hakoda discussed their next move. She couldn’t help but to feel disheartened, but as she looked out over the beach battlefield, the pride in her chest swelled. They were winning. Y/N ran a thumb over the handle of a hook sword at her waist.
“He’d be really happy,” a voice to her left said. Y/N turned to see Pipsqueak, looking at her with an unreadable expression. “Those are his, right?”
“Yes,” Y/N answered, a little breathlessly. Her eyes stung a bit. She’d forgotten that Pipsqueak and the Duke had been Freedom Fighters, too. Before. Y/N met Pipsqueak’s eyes. “I just wish he were here to see it. It was his fight, too.”
Pipsqueak thought for a moment. “He’s here. With the Duke and me. And you.” Pipsqueak looked to the swords at Y/N’s hip again. “And a piece of him is here, on the battlefield.”
Y/N listened to the light breeze pass by, and for a moment, she thought she could sense it, too.
“Y/N!” Sokka called, breaking her from her reverie.
“Thank you,” Y/N said hastily, giving Pipsqueak’s arm a quick squeeze before going to meet the others.
Toph gave Y/N a swift punch in the arm to greet her. “Ready to go kick some Fire Lord butt?”
Y/N wanted to say no. “Yeah, of course.” Wait. “Where?”
“There are tunnels underneath the palace,” Sokka explained. “We’ve decided to keep going. We’ll finish what we started.” Sokka’s gaze turned from determined to compassionate. “If you’re okay with it.”
Y/N nodded.
“I want you to come along with in case we run into any firebenders before or after the eclipse,” Aang added. “Even if you aren’t a master bender, we could still use the extra help.”
“You’re a good fighter, Y/N,” Sokka agreed.
Y/N did feel like she’d proven herself, at least a little bit. And she wouldn’t be completely helpless without her bending during the eclipse—it wasn’t her main fighting tactic, anyway, and how many of the benders holed up underground could say the same?
Katara would stay back—Y/N got the sense that Katara wasn’t overly happy to let all four of them out of her sight—but Hakoda needed the help. Y/N promised Katara that she’d look after the others.
Y/N, Sokka, Aang, and Toph landed Appa further up at the mouth of the large volcano that Caldera rested on.
“Do you feel anything down there?” Aang questioned as Toph knelt to the ground.
“Yep. There are natural tunnels criss-crossing through the inside of the volcano,” Toph confirmed.
“Is there a structure anywhere?”
“There’s something big, dense, and metal in the middle of the volcano.”
“Sounds like a bunker to me,” Sokka stated. Toph sent dust flying as the pulled the earth away, leaving a gaping hole in the ground.
“There’ll be magma channels through there,” Y/N pointed out. It was a volcano, after all.
“Well,” Sokka gulped, looking down into the dark, “what’s the worst that could happen?”
As it turned out, the worst that could happen was nearly being dunked into a pool of magma. Aang had barely managed to get the four of them across the pit on his glider. Y/N never wanted to leave solid ground again.
“Couldn’t you bend some of this heat away?” Sokka asked, wiping his forehead with the back of his arm.
“Don’t you think I’d already be doing that if I could?” Y/N quipped. Honestly, she wasn’t entirely sure if that was something firebenders could do at all. She’d only ever met two, and…
Y/N’s stomach sunk further with each step closer to the bunker. What if she saw him? Y/N had blocked Zuko from her mind for so long—and she didn’t really think she’d be here, under the palace, giving chase to the Fire Lord. Y/N prayed that she wouldn’t have to face Zuko. She wasn’t sure if she could.
“Hey, Captain,” Toph said. It took Y/N a moment to realize the earthbender was talking to her.
“You don’t need to be so nervous. Your heartbeat is so fast it’s giving me a headache.”
“Sorry,” Y/N murmured quickly. She hadn’t noticed, before, but now she was hyperaware of the pounding in her chest.
When they finally reached the metal door of the bunker, Toph pried it open with little effort.
“I am so glad we added you to the group!” Sokka exclaimed, gesticulating wildly as they climbed into the bunker. Y/N groaned—even more passageways, albeit a bit nicer than the dead magma channels. Toph pointed to the left, and they set off.
“Why does every capital city have to have underground tunnels?” Y/N wondered aloud. It was like Lake Laogai and the Earth Kingdom palace all over again. The memory of her pounding head was in the back of her mind, when Zuko had practically shoved her away down the dim passageway.
“I love it,” Toph pronounced proudly. “Finally get to be the eyes of the group,” she joked, directing them around another turn.
A Fire Nation soldier stood in the hallway. His eyes widened upon seeing them. “The Fire Lord is that way, down the hall, to the left, and up the stairs,” the man rambled fearfully. “You can’t miss it.”
“Thanks!” Aang replied joyfully. Y/N held back a giggle at the Avatar’s never-failing friendliness.
Sokka pulled out his timer from his pocket. “Thirty seconds until the eclipse.”
“Do you think it’ll feel different?” Y/N wondered aloud again. Y/N didn’t like to talk about it, but she could feel fire. Brimming, underneath the surface. All the time. Would it be gone?
No one responded—Y/N supposed they wouldn’t have an answer, and it wasn’t exactly the most pressing question in the world. And as the large doors to the Fire Lord’s chamber appeared in front of them, Y/N felt the question fade to the background, feeling a hum in her ears.
“I’m ready,” Aang said with determination. “I’m ready to face the Fire Lord.”
The doors flew open with a burst of air, sending up a small flurry of dust. Y/N squinted, expecting fire, before remembering that the eclipse would have started by now. She still felt fire under her skin.
“So, you are alive after all.” Y/N recognized that voice. Azula sat on the throne, smirking sharply. “I had a hunch that you’d survived. But no matter. I’ve known about the invasion for months.”
“Where is he?” Aang demanded. “Where is the Fire Lord?”
“Aw, I’m not good enough for you?” Azula pouted, rising from the throne haughtily. “You’re hurting my feelings.” Azula’s golden eyes scanned the four of them, finally landing on Y/N.
“Oh, you picked up a little stray?” Azula raised an eyebrow, looking Y/N up and down. “I figured she was taken care of in Ba Sing Se.”
“Stop,” Y/N spoke, willing her voice to sound commanding.
“You’re powerless right now, so you’re in no position to refuse,” Sokka agreed, his expression steely.
“I can tell if you lie,” Toph threatened. Azula looked up for a moment, thinking.
“I am a four hundred feet tall purple platypus bear with pink horns and silver wings.”
Toph’s smug expression faltered. “You’re good,” Toph said, moving her arms, sending a cage of earth around Azula. “But you should consider telling the truth anyway.”
Almost as soon as the stone had solidified around the Fire Nation princess, it crumbled away, Azula brushing off the dust from her clothing casually. “When I came home from Ba Sing Se, I brought a souvenir.”
The shadows of two Dai Li agents dropped from the ceiling, landing gracefully on the stone floor to flank Azula.
Y/N stuck to Sokka’s side. Azula was at a disadvantage without her bending, but so were they. Earthbenders held all the cards in an underground battle. Y/N and Sokka ran after Azula as Toph and Aang held back the Dai Li.
After a few moments, Aang flew by them in a whirl, attempting to catch Azula as Toph secured cuffs of earth around the girl’s feet. Sokka slowed, realization dawning on his face.
“Aang, stop! She’s just wasting our time.”
“Are we just supposed to leave her?” Aang called back. Azula had stopped running, looking at them with yet another amused smirk.
Sokka was right. They were wasting valuable eclipse time chasing the princess, and it was clear she wasn’t about to talk.
“We have to go and find the Fire Lord ourselves.”
Aang nodded in agreement as they turned to walk away. Y/N didn’t like turning her back on the Fire Nation princess, but a quick attempt at lighting a flame in her hand reassured her that they would be safe.
“It’s a trap. Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” Azula’s voiced called coolly.
“Ignore!” Sokka shouted back, raising a hand to emphasize his point. A beat passed.
“You’re Sokka, right?” Azula asked casually. Y/N noticed Sokka’s steps slow ever so slightly. “My favorite prisoner used to mention you all the time.” Sokka stopped dead in his tracks, glaring back at the princess.
“Sokka, let’s go,” Y/N whispered, giving Sokka’s sleeve a light tug. Azula continued.
“She was convinced you were going to come rescue her. Of course,” Azula sighed, “you never came, and she gave up on you.”
“Sokka,” Y/N muttered in warning and concern, watching her friend’s eyes well up with tears.
Sokka sprinted back towards Azula, pinning the girl to the stone wall. Y/N looked at Aang, who looked completely helpless to the situation. “Go!” Y/N shouted, before running over to Sokka.
“Where. Is. Suki?” Sokka demanded, pressing harder on Azula’s shoulders. Y/N slowed as she approached, keeping her right hand poised on the handle of her hook sword.
“Where is she?!?” Sokka repeated, rage evident in his voice. Y/N had never seen him like this. It was difficult to keep a level head.
“Sokka, we have to go,” Y/N said shakily, “she won’t talk.”
“Where are you keeping her?” Sokka asked again, his voice shaking with anger and hurt. Azula didn’t address him, turning to Y/N.
“I’m sorry you survived, Y/N,” Azula drawled, “having to find out the truth about your little boyfriend like that. Although I don’t know why he’d associate himself with a commoner to begin with. Good thing his girlfriend hasn’t found out about you.”
“Sokka, let’s go,” Y/N insisted, finally grabbing Sokka by the shoulders and wrenching him away. Y/N didn’t let go as they started to walk down the hall, feeling her own body shaking as much as his.
“Oh,” Azula’s voice said again, “guess the firebending’s back on.”
Y/N and Sokka whipped around as Azula send a flash of blue flame their way, propelling herself out of her restraints. Azula sent another wide blast of fire their direction. Y/N instinctively pulled Sokka behind her, using her own flame to block the strike.
Azula’s eyes widened. “Oh, Zuzu didn’t tell me you were a traitor, too…” Azula glanced down for a moment. Y/N’s adrenaline surged. “Dad is all the way at the end of the hall and then down a secret stairway on the left. I’m sure he’d be more than happy to see you now.” With that, Azula turned and ran down the hall.
“I used up all our time.” Sokka hung his head in shame.
“It’s not your fault. Azula had everything planned out,” Y/N reassured. Azula had just outsmarted them. Again. “Come on,” Y/N started jogging down the hall. “We need to find Aang and Toph.”
“I can still face him!” Aang insisted when Y/N and Sokka reconvened with Aang and Toph.
“We need to leave, now,” Y/N argued.
“We thought we had surprise on our side, and we didn’t,” Toph agreed. “It just wasn’t our day.”
“We’ll get another chance,” Sokka insisted. They had to.
“We need to get back up to the surface and help the others,” Y/N pressed. She wanted out of this tunnel before they ran into yet another member of the royal family. Y/N felt claustrophobic, the tunnel walls seeming more like a trap by the minute.
“Okay,” Aang agreed sullenly. “I guess you guys are right.”
Toph wasted no time in leading them out of the tunnels, luckily through a different route than where they had come. Y/N enjoyed seeing the sky again, but she could smell the smoke in the air. That wasn’t good.
War balloons cast dark shadows over the ground as they flew Appa back to the other troops. They were so far up the hillside now—the beach was so far away.
“We have to get back to the beach!” Sokka shouted as soon as they were in range to be heard. “Azula knew we were coming, we have to go!”
Appa landed with a grunt, and Y/N slid down from the saddle, feeling a bit more sting than normal as her feet hit the ground.
“I can try to slow them down,” Aang said, opening his glider before quickly taking off into the air. Momo flew off after him as Katara climbed up onto Appa’s saddle.
“Appa and I can help, too,” Katara said with a steely resolve. “Yip yip!”
“Let’s get back to the subs!” Sokka commanded. Y/N took off with the rest of the group into a sprint down the hillside.
Y/N heard the crashing of airships behind them, but soon enough their shadows could be seen on the ground in front of her. Sokka was shouting something about cover, and Y/N hit the ground hard as Toph bent the earth to form a shield around the three of them.
Dust and little pieces of rock fell on Y/N’s head as the stone shook from an impact. Suddenly, the pain in Y/N’s leg felt sharper. Stinging.
Toph pulled the stone away when the bombs finally stopped falling. The war balloons had already flown past them.
“They’re heading toward the beach…” Aang trailed off. “They’re going to destroy the submarines!”
“How are we all going to escape?” Sokka hung his head.
“We’re not.” Hakoda looked out as the bombs dropped down into the water. “You kids have to leave. You’ll escape on Appa together.”
“We’re not leaving you behind.” Katara stepped forward.
“You’re our only chance in the long run.” Hakoda’s eyes were sad. “You and Sokka have to escape with Aang. It’s the only way to keep hope alive.”
“The youngest will go with you,” Bato agreed. “The adults will surrender. We’ll be prisoners, but everyone will survive.”
Y/N wanted to protest, but they were right. The submarines were long gone, and the war balloons would be coming back their direction.
The goodbyes were tearful, and Y/N envied the pride in Hakoda’s eyes as he hugged Katara and Sokka. Sokka climbed up onto Appa last. Hakoda met Y/N’s eyes, raising his hand to give a salute.
Y/N returned it with a sad smile as Aang thanked them all. “I’m gonna make this up to you,” Aang promised. Appa lifted into the air with quite some effort from the extra weight. Y/N kept her eyes on the remaining soldiers until they disappeared over the next hill.
taglist: @kaylove12, @akariblue, @wolfiemichele, @aquatickanye, @sunflowerr-mami, @nadiblue. @la3divine, @sarsky, @aangsupremacy, @good-ones-are-taken
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Sunsets in Wakanda - 8
Summary: After his programming is removed, Natasha secretly visits Bucky in Wakanda. They rediscover each other as they are torn between love and promises.
Characters: Bucky x Natasha
A/N: I posted Chapter 8-10 on WattPad and Ao3 so please excuse as I now posted them on here! Sorry it’s been so long! I do have a ko-fi if you want to stay updated! https://ko-fi.com/rebelwriting
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By the time Natasha had made her way through the rolling hills of Wakanda, the sun had begun to descend behind the mountain tops, coating the sky in an orange glow. Shuri had welcomed her when the jet arrived but quickly pointed her in the right direction, sensing she had no time to waste. Natasha had hoped that this moment would have been nothing but joy. But, instead, she felt shame for what she was about to ask him to do. She tried to come up with a way to ask him to rejoin the fight, but no matter how she phrased it in her head, it felt like a betrayal.
Smoke from a chimney appeared a few hundred feet in front of her, pulling her out of her thoughts. A cabin soon appeared from behind a hill as she continued to walk, followed by an outline of a man. She stopped where she was, just to watch for a moment. He was tossing food to the chickens and goats behind the cabin. She was close enough to see the faint smile on his lips as the animals gathered around him. The left side of his body was still wrapped up in a blue sash. The moment the food was gone, they dispersed across the grounds. James removed the cross-body bag from his side and made his way to the front of what Natasha assumed to be his home. He had nestled down with a mug in his only hand, admiring the sunset, when Natasha decided it was the right time to approach.
It only took a few more seconds for James to see her walking towards him. Slowly standing up, he looked at her, not with a sense of surprise, but of relief like she had finally come home. They both stood still for a moment, soaking in the sight of each other. His hair and clothes were grimier from the laborious work of farming. Still, it brought the smallest of smiles to Natasha's face. James swiftly closed the gap between them, wrapping his one arm around her waist, bringing her in as close as possible. Natasha brought her hands to his face, guiding his lips to hers. Everything around them faded away for a bit as they embraced each other. James only pulled away to bring his forehead to hers, "What brings you here?"
At the moment, there was nothing for her to ask of him except to just be with her, "You." She responded in a whisper.
He immediately lifted her up, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He brought her into the cabin as the sunset behind them. In the darkness, they rediscovered every inch of each other as many times as they could. It had felt like a lifetime, but yet like no time had passed. They melted into a familiar rhythm from years before, and afterward, as they both caught their breath, they fell asleep in the warmth of each other's arms. For once, there was no worry of getting caught, and neither of them has ever slept better.
Natasha lazily opened her eyes as the sun came streaming into the window. The sound of the chickens and the smell of coffee from the other room told her good morning. She sat up, wearing nothing but the smooth sheet wrapped around her. She took in the sights surrounding her. The room was small but cozy with not much in it besides the bed, a nightstand, a small dresser, and a desk in the corner where she spotted what looked like some handmade cards. Curious, she made her way over to the desk and picked up one of the cards. It seemed to of been made by a child. A picture was drawn on the front of a one-armed man doing some sort of farm work while kids watched from a nearby tree. Inside of the card, the words' Welcome White Wolf' was written across the paper. Looking at the others, they all had some kind of drawing of James around the farm or hanging out with a group of kids. It filled Natasha with a warm pride and relief. At that moment, she knew she couldn't ask him to leave, and she was beginning to question whether she wanted to go either.
"Breakfast is ready."
Natasha looked up to see James in the open doorway. By the look on his face, she suspected that he had been standing there for a while, watching her look through the drawings. "Sorry," She apologized as she put down the card in her hand, "I didn't mean to snoop, just curious."
James charmfully grinned, "It's okay. A group of kids likes to visit me while I work a few times a week. They gave me those shortly after I moved into here."
She raised an eyebrow at him, "Am I allowed to watch you work today?"
"Of course," He replied with a laugh, "Though I'm not sure how much work I'll be able to get done."
Natasha gave me a mischievous smirk as she made her way towards him and planted a soft kiss on his cheek. Keeping one hand on the sheet around her, she caressed his beard that had only gotten thicker since she last saw him, "I like it." She said with another kiss on his lips.
James had to bite his lip from going any further, "Your breakfast is getting cold," He nodded his head towards the dresser on the other side of the room, "Shuri left some clothes for you in the bottom drawer."
She looked at the dresser and back to him with confusion. James shrugged as he went to leave, "I don't know, she's a genius."
Natasha dressed in a casual black sundress with tropical green florals covering it. She noted to herself to ask Shuri if she could keep it. The bedroom went right into the kitchen, where she found a wood-burning stove, an icebox, and some small counter space on one side, and a small wooden table with two chairs on the other side. There was a tiny living space between the kitchen and entryway that included a small loveseat and a loaded-up bookcase. She took a seat at the kitchen table as James handed her a cup of coffee and a plate of bacon and eggs, "I like the dress." He said as he looked at it up and down.
She sat up with delight and pulled the fabric of the dress out so he could get a better look. She couldn't help the laugh that escaped her as he sat down across from her, "What's so funny?" He asked with a confused smile.
Looking down at her plate of food, Natasha shook her head, still with a grin on her face, "Nothing, it's just... I've never felt so normal in my entire life, and to be honest, I don't hate it."
"You want to feed the chickens?" He abruptly asked, enjoying the baffled look on Natasha's face.
"Will they peck me?"
Natasha's laugh was more genuine than had been in a long time, and Jame's felt his whole soul lift at the sight of her smile.
There was nothing extraordinary about their day, which is what made it so special. It was quiet, calm, and peaceful. James showed her how to feed the goats and chickens in the morning. They seemed to take quite a liking to her. In the afternoon, she found an old, beaten copy of Pride and Prejudice on the bookshelf. She read it underneath the tree near the cabin, occasionally glancing up to watch James collect straw together. A nearby farmer visited a couple hours later to bring James some fresh lamb meat in exchange for a basket of eggs from the chickens.
As James began to work on dinner, Natasha sat on the bench outside, watching the sun as it started to lower in the sky. She told Yelena that she would come here to ask for James' help, but now she realized she came here because she was too tired to fight. Too tired to face another Red Room, the new enemies, and new deadly missions. James could see the exhaustion written on her face as he bent down in front of her, placing her plate of food next to her. His hand on her cheek, "Natalia, stay. Stay with me." He said softly.
Tears were forming in the corner of her eyes. She knew there were promises she had made, people were counting on her, but right here, right now, there was only one correct answer, "Okay." She replied, bringing their lips together.
Tag List: @tvjunkie22 @harduy @shanetoo @doralupin01 @alphaaddict​
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