#jiang bohai
stiltonbasket · 1 year
Ouyang xingchen and Jiang Bohai are buddies? They’re both bard-carrying members of the respecting-women, momma’s awesome, kick ass club. Also snacking and cuddles.
Anon, I know you meant card-carrying, but I can't help imagining baos Bohai and Xingchen marching across the Jianghu having adventures, carrying a very tired bard who composes songs about their Valiant Feats while said feats are taking place. XD
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the-archlich · 4 years
DW Potential Additions Tier List
So I made some spreadsheets but decided I was putting in too much work so here’s a quick summary.
I was grading on a scale of 1-5. 1 was characters I really don’t htink would add anything good, but who I thought some might suggest (like Cao Zhi, Jia Nanfeng, Pan Zhang, Zhao Guang, Zhang Ren, etc.) 2 is people who could maybe work under very specific circumstances, like a big narrative shift or a lot of related characters being added, or who might be fine but aren’t nearly as good as some other options (like Cheng Yu, Cao Xi, Wu Jing, Mi Zhu, or Gao Gan). These don’t really make the cut for discussion, so if you don’t see a name you’re expecting, I probably put them in one of those tiers for some reason.
Tier 3 are characters who would be fine. Just fine. They either did enough to make themselves noteworthy, or have enough of a connecting to existing narrative and cast that they’d probably add something worthwhile. Not the ones I’d be most excited about, but the ones I couldn’t make too many complaints over.
Tier 4 are great adds. Characters I really want to see, who could really expand the cast in worthwhile ways.
Tier 5 are characters I forget aren’t in these games already because why are they not here?
I’m not going to explain every decision here because I’m sure there will be followup questions. Yes, I’m aware that Jin is overrepresented, because it’s the smallest of the main factions.
Lady Bian (Wei)
Zhang Xiu (Wei; previously Dong Zhuo, Liu Biao)
Zang Ba (Wei, previously Tao Qian, Lü Bu)
Cao Zhen (Wei)
Zhong Yao (Wei)
Xiahou Xuan (Jin)
Xun Yi (Jin)
Chen Tai (Jin)
Guanqiu Jian (Jin)
Wen Qin (Jin)
Yang Huiyu (Jin)
Hu Lie (Jin)
Hu Fen (Jin)
Lady Wu (Wu)
Zhang Zhao (Wu)
Zhuge Jin (Wu)
Lü Ju (Wu)
Zhu Yi (Wu)
Zhuge Ke (Wu)
Zhuge Zhan (Shu)
Jian Yong (Shu)
Zhang Ni (Shu)
Fei Yi (Shu)
Liu Biao (Other: Liu Biao)
Wen Pin (Wei; previously Liu Biao)
Xiahou Shang (Wei)
Cao Hong (Wei)
Jiang Ji (Wei)
Zhu Ling (Wei; previously Yuan Shao)
Dowager Guo (Jin)
Cao Shuang (Jin)
He Yan (Jin)
Pei Xiu (Jin)
Sima Fu (Jin)
Fu Jia/Gu (Jin)
Wang Ji (Jin)
Wang Ling (Jin)
Du Yu (Jin)
Sima (Gaoling) (Jin)
Sima Wang (Jin)
Shi Bao (Jin)
Sun Luban (Wu)
Sun Ben (Wu)
Sun/Yu He (Wu)
Jiang Qin (Wu)
Lü Fan (Wu)
Zhu Huan (Wu)
He Qi (Wu)
Quan Zong/Cong (Wu)
Zhuge Jing (Wu)
Tao Huang (Wu)
Wu Yan (Wu)
Lady Gan (Shu)
Liu Feng (Shu)
Ma Zhong (Shu)
Wang Ping (Shu)
Yuan Tan (Other: Yuan Shao)
Qu Yi (Other: Yuan Shao)
Tadun (Other: Yuan Shao, Wuhuan)
Shen Pei (Other: Yuan Shao)
Xu Rong (Other: Dong Zhuo)
Gao Shun (Other: Dong Zhuo, Lü Bu)
Gongsun Zan (Other: Gongsun Zan)
Cao Rui (Wei)
Guo (Nuwang) (Wei)
Chen Deng (Wei; previously Tao Qian, Lü Bu)
Zhang Changpu (Wei)
Wang Lang (Wei; previously Tao Qian, Liu Yao)
Sima Lang (Wei)
Jia Kui (Wei)
Du Xi (Wei)
Li Tong (Wei)
Cao Zhang (Wei)
Zhao Yan (Wei)
Cao Jie (Wei) 
Li Feng (Jin)
Zhong Yu (Jin)
Qin Lang (Jin)
Wang Chang (Jin)
Sima Liang (Jin)
Sima Zhou (Jin)
Sima Jun (Jin)
Yang Hu (Jin)
Sima Yan (Jin)
Wei Guan (Jin)
Zhang Hua (Jin)
Tang Bin (Jin)
Jiang Ban (Jin)
Hu Zun (Jin)
Pan Shu (Wu)
Sun Luyu (Wu)
Sun Jing  (Wu)
Sun Yu  (Wu)
Sun Jiao  (Wu)
Sun Shao (Bohai)  (Wu)
Widow Xu  (Wu)
Gu Yong  (Wu)
Gu Tan  (Wu)
Bu Zhi  (Wu)
Chen Wu  (Wu)
Dong Xi  (Wu)
Zhu Zhi  (Wu)
Zhu/Shi Ji  (Wu)
Yu Fan  (Wu; previously Liu Yao)
Lu Kang  (Wu)
Lü Dai  (Wu)
Pan Jun (Wu; previously Liu Biao, Shu)
Lu Kai  (Wu)
Teng Yin  (Wu)
Sun Jun  (Wu)
Zhang Ti  (Wu)
Wu Yi  (Shu; previously Liu Zhang)
Wu Ban (Shu; previously Liu Zhang)
Zhang Shao (Shu)
Lady Ma (Shu; previously Liang Warlords)
Mi Fang (Shu; previously Tao Qian)
Lady Mi (Shu; previously Tao Qian)
Dong Yun (Shu)
Ma Liang (Shu)
Ma Su (Shu)
Chen Zhi (Shu; previously Liu Zhang)
Huo Jun (Shu; previously Liu Biao)
Huo Yi (Shu)
Luo Xian (Shu)
Yang Yi (Shu)
Li Hui (Shu; previously Liu Zhang)
Jiang Wan (Shu)
Deng Zhi (Shu)
Zhang Yi (Bogong) (Shu)
Liao Hua (Shu)
Lady Liu (Other: Yuan Shao)
Yuan Shang (Other: Yuan Shao)
Tian Feng (Other: Yuan Shao)
Ju Shou (Other: Yuan Shao)
Li Jue (Other: Dong Zhuo)
Cai Yong (Other: Dong Zhuo)
Liu Qi (Other: Liu Biao)
Cai Mao (Other: Liu Biao)
Lady Cai (Other: Liu Biao)
Kuai Yue (Other: Liu Biao)
Huang Zu (Other: Liu Biao)
Gongsun Yuan (Other: Yan)
Yong Kai (Other: Nanman)
Gaoding (Other: Nanman)
Liuzhou (Other: Nanman)
Liu Yao (Other: Liu Yao)
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luckymoonly · 4 years
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Prompt 15 : A fierce kiss that ends with a bite on the lip, soothing it with a lick.
If parties at the Unclean Realm, the Nies’ residence, were wild, the parties at the Jins’s place, a mansion pompously called Koi Tower, were even wilder.
And because parties at Koi Tower were so popular, it wasn’t unusual for uninvited guests, just like Zhang Bohai, who had figured out that Koi Tower would be a good place to get free candies at Halloween, to sneak in.
With his fake ‘stache and a fishing hat as the sole pieces of his Halloween costume, Zhang Bohai had easily found his way inside the mansion, where dozens of young strangers were already dancing way too close to each other as they drank various alcoholic beverages and stuffed themselves full of sugary goodness.
A while later, Zhang Bohai was busy eating his tenth free candy bar of the night, when he saw him.
Him being the prettiest twink Zhang Bohai had ever laid his eyes on in his life.
A twink who, apparently, was celebrating his birthday today, since he was wearing a happy birthday crown intertwined in his wild hair.
His pretty face was full of glitter and makeup and even though he was dressed as a woman for the evening, he obviously was a him, since the shirt that he was currently wearing showed off a lot of cleavage; and if he was wearing a red lace bralette underneath it, his chest was flat and his shoulders were way too broad to belong to a female.
His tiny waist was cinched by a leather belt and he was also wearing a very VERY short skirt.
A silky black garter on his left thigh and heels completed his look.
Truly, he was a sight to behold!
This beauty was currently dancing with a girl in men’s clothing.
Obviously, the two friends had decided to go to the party with matching costumes tonight.
On their left, a guy who wore cat ears waved at them from time to time.
He seemed to be up way past his bedtime and was probably related to the dancing girl; or so Zhang Bohai figured out, as he caught a glimpse of Jiang Yanli in the distance.
She was currently chatting with her ex-fiancé, Jin Zixuan, with whom she still remained good friends after all, thus why she had been invited to tonight's Halloween party still.
Not that Zhang Bohai liked to gossip or anything. Of course.
A while later, Zhang Bohai took another bite of his chocolate bar as he discreetly stared at the dancing twink.
He almost choked a second later, when the siren turned toward him and winked at him slowly and seductively, the glitters on his eyes shining as they caught the light.
Well, that was a bit unexpected, or so Zhang Bohai thought as he let out a gasp, but he certainly wasn’t going to say no to that shameless siren.
Zhang Bohai winked back at him and a second later, the birthday boy blew him a naughty kiss.
Boy, what a flirt he was!
Zhang Bohai’s heart was pounding fast in his chest and he was slightly sweating as he tried to look his handsomest, which was easier said than done when you wore a fake mustache and a fishing hat, before he confidently strode toward the beauty; only to have a tall guy dressed in a fancy white suit bump into him as he slowly walked toward the siren.
As soon as the tall guy had reached him, the birthday boy wrapped his arms around his neck, a bright smile blooming on his face, before the two of them exchanged a fierce kiss.
The girl who was dancing with the twink rolled her eyes, before she walked away from the couple, visibly used to such shameless public displays of affection.
A few seconds later, Zhang Bohai heard the whimper the siren let out as the man in white slightly pulled back from their kiss, before he licked his lover’s lips, where blood was beadin. He then turned around and actually glared in Zhang Bohai’s direction.
The latter's breath caught in his throat and, cheeks red, he decided to just turn around and to act as though he had never thought the siren had been hitting on him earlier.
After all, the dude in white seemed like the kind of man one should not mess with.
Plus, there were still free chocolate bars to be eaten after all.
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starshinegoblin · 5 years
Hotter Than The Sun
This lovely drabble is set in my Our War of Hearts AU; It’s specifically set after the original events and is for the pairing JinYi. @ruensroad​  - I keep saying thank you for drawing the beautiful artwork below but really words can’t describe how I really feel. It means so much to me. This is my christmas present to you inspired by your beautiful drawing of JinYi! You inspire me so much and thanks for always being willing to listen to me ramble on and on about this AU. @the-sassiest-trixster​ - I told you that it would have purpose :p
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Artist Credit: @ruensroad​ *absolutely do not remove credit* 
The knock on the door is what woke him. Jingyi groaned shifting his tired limbs. He'd stayed up late working on his gifts for Lan Sizhui and Zizhen. Since being sent to Lotus Pier to live with his cousin, Lan Xichen, he’s found himself taking up a craft - glass blowing. Ironic considering the reason he was even sent here was because he’d accidentally set one of the classrooms on fire back in the Cloud of Recesses.
“Young Master Lan?” Biyu, the Jiang disciple assigned to him, called him through the door. She knocked again before speaking, “Young Master Lan?”
“Yes?” He sleepily croaked.
”You need to get up. Your friends are about to arrive at the docks.” Biyu answered.
“How long do I have?” He asked already tossing back the sheets.
“Long enough to take the bath that I’ve already prepared for you, and promptly go to the docks.” Biyu replied before walking away to keep from hearing him compliment her again. He’d found out quick that she didn’t take to flattery at all. A formidable woman with a good deal of patience. He smiled fondly before getting out of bed.
He took a brisk bath putting on the robes that was laid out. The fabric lightweight and breathable to accommodate the hotter weather in Yunmeng. By the time he was done and at the end of the pier just like she’d told him, his friends arrived. Lan Sizhui and Ouyang Zizhen both having smiles on their faces.
Jingyi quickly pulled them both into hugs. “I’ve missed you both.” He grinned.
“We’ve missed you too.” Sizhui replied.
“The Cloud of Recesses isn’t the same without you.” Zizhen chuckled.
“But,” Sizhui counted “you being here at Lotus Pier has benefited you.”
“Yeah! Where is that benefit?” Zizhen grinned.
“He’s with the other archers training for the festival.” Jingyi answered looking away from his friends.
He hoped the bright sun of the day helped to hide the blush that he felt forming on his cheeks. He’d kept in touch with rare visits and plenty of letters to his two best friends. At the beginning they were full of self pity, then turned to complaints when Sect Leader Jiang’s nephew, Jin Ling had come to learn his studies about his mother’s sect. Jin Ling and his start had been a misunderstanding that sparked pranks, bickering, and competition. It wasn’t until after a night hunt the two of them realized that they liked each other. Now, Jingyi is blessed to be in a very happy relationship with the heir of Lanling Jin sect.
“Oi, he’s blushing.” Zizhen teased leaning into a chuckling Sizhui.
“No, I’m not! It’s just the heat.” Jingyi playfully pouted stepping between them looping his arms around one of theirs pulling them forward, “You guys must be hungry. Let me show you a place and then I can show the workshop.”
“You mean they actually let you around flame here?” Zizhen joked earning him a quick jab to the side.
“Hey!” Zizhen fussed.
“You deserved it.” Suzhui replied as they made their way into the busy town.
“Senior Wei wasn’t joking when he said that the food here in Yunmeng is the best.” Zizhen groaned happily as they made their way to the workshop that Jingyi was able to work on his craft safely. His choice in working with glass was an off handed jab by Jin Ling before they got together. It made him smile now because Jin Ling treasures all the pieces that he’s made for him. They are even displayed in his rooms here in Lotus Pier and at Koi Tower.
“He really wasn’t.” Jingyi agreed even though he and Sizhui had eaten dishes that were far more bland than the ones that had been served to Zizhen. They were still good and Sizhui had given them praise when they were done eating. His thoughts returned to his workshop as they neared the business. It was run by an elderly woman and her niece that’d he become quite fond of. The two of them making beautiful things from trinkets to elaborate sculptures.
The building was beautiful with wind chimes and glass figures hanging on the roof of the porch. Two large windows allowed one to peek inside to see what pieces the glazier is working on. The three of them were able to see through the windows that the young woman was currently working on arranging a windchime.
“There you are A-Jingyi, and you’ve brought friends.” She smiled warmly as she looked up at them.
“Yes, I have A-Fan. This is Lan Sizhui and Ouyang Zizhen.” Jingyi replied introducing his friends. The both of them bowing respectfully. “If it’s okay, may I show them around before we head back?”
“Of course, just be careful in the back. Popo has a sculpture cooling.” Fan replied with a small nod before going back to work on her windchime. The glass figures that would be dangling looked a lot like various sized sea pancakes*.
“That’s adorable.” Zizhen said noticing that Sizhui had taken an interest in it. He and Jingyi shared a look. Sizhui wasn’t one to call out his love adorable things much like his father. So it was a rare sight to see him openly eyeing the windchime.
“It’d make a good gift for Uncle Xichen.” Sizhui stated looking away.
“Is it already claimed?” Jingyi asked.
“No, it’s not and if you want it then I can have this finished before you leave.” Fan answered.
“That’d be perfect.” Zizhen grinned mentally high fiving with Jingyi by sharing a look when Sizhui graced them with a smile.
After that, Jingyi showed them around telling them about different tools and showing them some of the figurines that were on the shelves that he’d made. All of his profits going to Fan and her popo for letting him come here almost every day.
“These are stunning.” Zizhen said lifting one of Jingyi’s beautifully crafted figurines of a bear standing up on its hind legs with a golden heart painted in the center of a sun on it’s stomach.
“Agreed.” Sizhui nodded.
“I’m glad.” Jingyi grinned happily now knowing that his hard work on the gifts he made them would be appreciated. “Because I have these for…” He paused looking on the shelf wondering where his gifts were. He checked the cooling racks despite knowing that they weren’t going to be there because they were completed. He hadn’t seen them on the sale shelves in the front. “Uh, one moment.” He said to them nervously thinking that they might have gotten sold on accident.
“Hey, A-Fan, have you seen my two pieces from last night?”
“Uh-huh, Popo had them sent to Sect Leader Jiang’s residence just before lunch when you didn’t come to collect them.” Fan answered lifting the now completed windchime up.
I must have missed them when I was on my way to the pier. He thought.
“Thanks.” Jingyi said as she nodded.
“If you want to round up your friends. I’ll have this packaged up for you.” Fan stated as she went to grab some cloth to wrap the wind chime in.
“I had a gift for each of you but it seems that they were already sent to Sect Leader Jiang’s residence. Since, we were going there already let’s head out.” Jingyi replied as his friends come back out from the back to check on him. They nodded in agreeance. After paying Fan for her windchime the three of them made their way to the sect leader’s residence.
Sect Leader Jiang’s home was buzzing with the staff getting things prepared for the feast tomorrow to kick off the festival. Sect leaders were welcome to attend this event which is why Zizhen was able to come. He’d been sent in his father’s stead.
“It’s so lively here.” Sizhui mumbled mirroring the sentiment he’d originally felt. It had taken a while to get used to the life that always seemed to be awake here. A contrast to the quiet serenity of the Cloud of Recesses.
“It is.” Jingyi agreed. He was about to continue when three or four of the child disciples went past them running. His sect rule about running on the tip of his tongue and he could tell on Sizhui’s. One lagged behind though. He recognized him and Jingyi called out to him, “Hey! Bohai-xiao, where are you going?”
“The hills! Jin-gege is there dueling with er-shixiong.” Bohai said to him when he stopped long enough to give him a small bow before taking back off to catch up with his friends.
“Maybe we should go check it out?” Zizhen asked grinning because of the look currently on Jingyi’s face.
“We were heading that way right?” Jingyi replied as he started following after the boy.
“Right.” Zizhen said nodding his head as Sizhui shook his trailing after him.
It didn’t take them long to get to the practice hills outside the training grounds. The hills is the exterior training area for archer’s to practice. A few ascending walkways have been made in the ground in the hill to signal where the archer is to stand. Which is where they spotted Jin Ling with another young man. The young man had gone first. His one arrow missing the target while the other three had landed.
Jingyi came to a full body stop at the sight. He swallowed hard seeing his partner looking hotter than the sun take his form about to shoot. His half pulled back hair free of any decoration. He had a beaming smile on his face. The normally golden clad hier was currently dressed in simple Jiang sect robes. The left side of his robes completely off his torso folded down exposing his wonderfully toned frame.
Honey eyes meeting molten gold making Jin Ling flush before refocusing on his task. “Fire!” Jin Ling yelled and the disciple launched the catapult filled with four apples. He released his arrows each one scoring an apple with perfect precision. The arrows hitting the desired spot on the target. He earned a chorus of cheers from the juniors of Jiang sect and the golden dressed juniors of Lanling Jin sect that’d come to watch.
Jingyi happily cheered with the others. His chest swelling with pride. Jin Ling has many talents but his speciality is archery. He loved watching him practice and during their hunts. His gaze tracking Jin Ling as he comes towards them with the others dispersing.
He didn’t know when he’d sat down or when his mouth dropped open but his best friend assisted in closing it with a gentle lift of his hand.
“You might want to keep that shut.” Sizhui laughed.
“Before the flies go in…” Zizhen added.
“Or the drool comes out.” Jin Ling joked as he came a stop in front of them making the others laugh. The flush to his cheeks a bit deeper as his gaze met Jingyi’s. The earlier gleam in his golden eyes back. He reached out grabbing him by the waist pulling him into his lap. Jin Ling flailed for only a second before he wrapped an arm around Jingyi’s shoulder.
“And suddenly those disciples over there look like they’d make great friends.” Zizhen sassed as Suzhui urged him towards the said disciples to let them have a moment.
Jingyi probably should feel embarrassed for being so shameless, but he lets the sound of Lan Qiren’s voice reciting their sect rules fade at the smile on the other’s face. “I love you.” He says getting lost in honey colored eyes.
Jin Ling’s heart started to race at his confession. One that Jingyi gives so freely to him. He wishes that he too could but it always stops in his throat. There is no doubt he loves Jingyi with all of his heart. It’s just not that easy. He guesses that he’s like his jiujiu in this way. Jin Ling leans in pressing a soft kiss to the other’s lips to keep him from some say thing anything else when Jingyi looks like he’s about to start talking. It’s the sound of Zizhen’s teasing calls followed by some of the disciples over to them that has them parting with blushes on both their cheeks laughing.
*JingYi’s figurines are based off this post.
* Sea Pancakes - there has been a craze on Twitter of the #xicheng fandom showing Xichen as a sea pan cake with a neko-mermaid Jiang Cheng.  It’s super cute and click the hashtag above if you want to check the art out. 
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bookofjin · 5 years
Biography of Sima Xiuzhi
[From WS037]
Sima Xiuzhi, courtesy name Jiyu, originally a native of Wen in Henei, was a descendant of Emperor Xuan of Jin's third younger brother the King of Qiao, Xun. [Sima Xun was the son of Sima Fang's sixth son, Sima Jin]. When Sima Rui usurped the establishment South of the Jiang, he again used Xun's sons and grandsons to inherit the fief. Arriving at Xiuzhi's father, Tian, he was Sima Changming's General who Garrisons the North and Inspector of Qing and Yan provinces.
5th Year of Tianxing [402 AD], Xiuzhi became Sima Dezong's General who Pacifies the West and Inspector of Jing province. He was pressured and expelled by Huan Xuan, and thereupon ran to Murong De. After Liu Yu executed Xuan, he returned to Jianye, and Yu again used Xiuzhi as Inspector of Jing province. Xiuzhi quite obtained the hearts of the people of Jiang and Han, Liu Yu suspected he had different aspirations. And Xiuzhi's son Wensi, who continued Xiuzhi's elder brother Shangzhi as King of Qiao, planned and plotted against Yu. Yu arrested and sent him off to Xiuzhi, ordering him himself to act on him. Xiuzhi petitioned to depose Wensi, and also sent Yu letters to lay out his apologizes.
At the middle of Shenrui [414 – 416], Yu gathered Xiuzhi's son Wenbao and his elder brother's son Wenzu, and killed them both, and then led the multitudes to chastise Xiuzhi. Xiuzhi sent up a petition to explain himself to Dezong. He, together with the General who Garrisons the North, Lu Zongzhi, Zhongshi's son, the Grand Warden of Jingling, Gui, and others, raised troops to chastise Yu. Yu's army arrived at Jiangling. Xiuzhi was unable to stand against him, and thereupon ran with Gui to Xiangyang. Yu then advanced the army to chastise him. Taizong dispatched Zhangsun Sun to station in Hedong, commanding him to be of aid to him. At the time Yao Xing's General who Conquers the Caitiffs, Yao Chengwang, and the General of the Best of the Army, Sima Guofan, likewise commanded troops to relieve him, but did not catch up and turned back. Xiuzhi thereupon, together with his son Wensi, Zongzhi and others, ran to Yao Xing.
Yu exterminated Yao Hong. Xiuzhi, together with Wenzi, Dezong's King of Hejian's son Daoci, the General who Assists the State, Wen Kai, the Interior Clerk of Jingling, Lu Gui, the Within the Seats of Jing province, Han Yanzhi and Yin Yue, the Army Advisors who Pacifies the West, Huan Mi and Huan Sui, Huan Wen's grandsons Daodu and Daozi, Diao Yong of Bohai, Yuan Shi of Chen commandery, and others, several hundred people, all brought along their wives and children to go to Song and surrender. During what was the left of the month, Xiuzhi passed on at Song's army. A decree said:
Sima Xiuzhi led his compatriots in righteousness, and from ten thousand li returned to sincerity. His courtly style was not fulfilled, in his middle years he languished and fell, We very much pity him. Thus posthumously confer on him Great General who Conquers the West, Brilliantly Blessed Grandee of the Right, his posthumous title the Public [sheng] Duke of Shiping.
Wensi was not at peace with the Duke of Huai'nan, Guofan, and the son of Chiyang, Daoci, yet pretended to be intimate with them, and called on to drink and feast with them. Guofan by nature neglected straightness, and because of that got drunk with alcohol. He thereupon explained to Wensi, telling that he himself wanted to go outside with Wen Kai and the Hu chieftains of Sancheng, Wang Zhen, Cao Li and others and rebel. And following that explained that the prominent and strong of the Imperial City who could be planning with him were several tens of people. Wensi informed on them, and all were convicted and executed.
Used Wensi as Commandant of Justice minister, and bestowed the feudal rank of Duke of Yulin. He was good at his duties, he listened to accusations and passed judgements on lawsuits. The hundred families did not again hide their feelings.
Liu Yilong dispatched general Pei Fangming to strike Yang Nandang in Chouchi. Shizu used Wensi as Acting with the Tally and Great General who Conquers the West, and advanced his feudal rank to King of Qiao. He supervised the various armies of Luo and Yu, and pressed on south to Xiangyang to intercept his return journey. He returned to the capital, and became Garrison Commander of Huaishuo. At the beginning of Xing'an [452 – 454], he passed away.
His son Mituo inherited the feudal rank. He was accordingly selected to wed the Princess of Linjing, but declined due to previously taking the daughter of the Duke of Piling, Dou Jin. He and Jin were both convicted of invoking curses and were sentenced to execution.
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Food, Friends, and Best: 109 FPS ATTITUDE OWNERSHIP SPRING 206 NONE DIPLOMATIC STATUS WEALTH POPULATION PUBLIC ORDER FOOD TOCCLE MAP PINS 12K (3207) |Unfriendly Best Friends | Very friendly | Very Unfriendly MARQUIS 130 BLOOSNOOPEE Friendly Hostile Neutral Current Faction COMMANDERIES (33) ZHENG JIANG 66(-16) G 8 1039 CONCSUN ZAN 808K SHANCDANC ZHANG YAN ? r 94 (+7) -14 951K TAIYUAN STo(+5) 1208 -6 O 795K XIHE KONG RONC -25 (-4) 433 969K YANMEN LIU BEI 1 78 (+6) 415 C 658K ZHONCSHAN (2> 12 (+4) 388 O CONTESTED COMMANDERIES 48K BOHAI DONC ZHUO 2 -20 (-20) 636 548K DAI 1 72 (+8) 604 YUAN SHU 380K LUOYANC CAO CAO 267 Unknown Commandery: Chengd Hilly Grassland Trespassing may have diplomatic repercussions! LIU YAO M o at O O 94 O O O O O O O Nothing like 10pm Three Kingdoms!
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writinggeisha · 6 years
Aiguo                   love country; patriotic
An                        peace
Angúo                  protect the country
Bai                       white
Bingwen              bright and cultivated
Bo                        waves
Bohai                   elder brother sea
Bojing                  win admiration
Bolin                    elder brother rain
Boqin                   win respect
Changpu              forever simple
Chanming            forever bright
Chao                    surpassing
Chaoxiang            expecting fortune
Chen                    vast or great
Cheng                  accomplished
Chenglei               become great
Cheung                good luck
Chi                       the younger generation
Chongan              second brother peace
Chongkun            second brother Kunlun mountain
Chonglin              second brother unicorn
Chuanli                transmitting propriety
Chung                  intelligent
Délì                      virtuous
Déshì                    a man of virtue
Déwei                  highly virtuous
Da                        attainment
Dai                       martial arts sword technique
Delun                   virtuous order
Deming                virtue bright
Dingbang             protect the country
Dingxiang            stability and fortune
Dong                    east; winter
Donghai               eastern sea
Duyi                     independent wholeness
Enlai                     favor coming
Fa                         setting off
Fai                        growth; beginning of fly
Fang                     honest and upright
Feng                     sharp blade; wind
Fengge                 phoenix pavilion
Fu                         wealthy
Fuhua                   fortune flourishing
Gan                      dare; adventure
Gang                    strength
Geming                revolution
Gen                      root
Genghis                just, righteous; true
Guang                  light
Guangli                making propriety bright
Gui                       honored; noble
Guiren                  valuing benevolence
Guoliang              may the country be kind
Guotin                  polite, firm; strong leader
Guowei                state preserving
Guozhi                 the state is ordered
Hai                       sea
He                        Yellow river
Heng                    eternal
Ho                        for the good
Hong                    great; wild swan
Honghui               great splendor
Hongqi                 red flag
Hop                      agreeable
Huan                    happiness
Huang Fu             rich future
Hui                       splendor
Hulin                    people of the Marrim city clan
Hung                    flood; great
Huojin                  fire metal
Jaw-long              like a dragon
Jian                       healthy
Jiang                     Yangtze river
Jianguo                 building the country
Jianjun                  building the army
Jianyu                   building the universe
Jin                        gold
Jing                      capital city
Jingguo                administering the state
Jinhai                    golden sea
Jinjing                  gold mirror
Jun                       truth
Junjie                    handsome and outstanding
Kang                    well-being
Keung                  universe
Kong                    glorious, sky
Lì                         strength
Lei                        thunder
Li                         upright
Liang                    bright
Liang                    good, excellent
Liko                     protected by Buddha
Ling                     compassion or understanding
Liu                       flowing
Liwei                    profit and greatness
Lok                      happiness
Longwei               dragon greatness
Manchu                pure
Ming-húa             brilliant, elite
Mingli                  bright propriety
Ming-tun              intelligent; heavy
Minsheng             voice of the people
Minzhe                 sensitive and wise
Nianzu                 thinking of ancestors
On                        peace
Park                      the cypress tree
Peng                     Roc - the bird of legend
Pengfei                 flight of the roc
Ping                      stable
Qi                         enlightenment; wondrous
Qianfan                thousand sails
Qiang                   strong
Qingshan              celebrating goodness
Qingsheng            celebrating birth
Qiquiang              enlightenment and strength
Qiu                       autumn
Quan                    fresh water spring
Quon                    bright
Renshu                 benevolent forbearance
Rong                    martial
Ru                        scholar
Shàoqiáng            strong and profound
Shìlín                    intellectual
Shan                     mountain
Shanyuan             mountain source
Shen                     cautious; deep
Shen                     spirit; deep thought
Shi                        front horizontal bar on carriage or cart
Shing                    victory
Shining                 world at peace
Shirong                scholarly honor
Shoi-ming            life of sunshine
Shoushan             longevity mountain
Shunyuan             follow to the source
Shu-sai-chong      happy all his life long
Siyu                      thinking of the world
Sueh-yén              continuity; harmonious
Sying                    star
Tao                       great waves
Tengfei                 soaring high
Tingzhe                may the court be wise
Tsun-chùng          middle village
Tung                     all, universal
Wang                   hope, wish
Wei                      greatness; impressive might
Weimin                bring greatness to the people
Weisheng             greatness is born
Weiyuan               preserving depth
Weizhe                 great sage
Wencheng            refinement accomplished
Wenyan                refined and virtuous
Wing                    glory
Wuzhou               five continents 
Xiang                   circling in air like a bird
Xianliang             worthy brightness
Xiaobo                 little wrestler
Xiaodan               little dawn
Xiaojian               little healthy
Xiaosi                   filial thoughts
Xiaowen              filial, civil
Xiasheng              little birth
Xin                       new
Xing                     arising
Xiu                       cultivated
Xue                      studious
Xueqin                 snow-white celery
Xueyou                studious and friendly
Yang                    model; pattern
Yanlin                  swallow forest; Beijing forest
Yaochuan             honoring the river
Yaoting                honoring the courtyard
Yaozu                  honoring the ancestors
Ye                        bright
Yi                         firm and resolute
Yingjie                 brave and heroic
Yingpei                should admire
Yong                    brave
Yongliang            forever bright
Yongnian             eternal years
Yongrui                forever lucky
Yongzheng          forever upright
You                      friend
Yuanjun               master of the Yuan river
Yunxu                  cloudy emptiness
Yusheng               jade birth
Zedong                east of the marsh
Zemin                   favor to the people
Zenguang             increasing brightness
Zhìxin                  a man of ambition
Zhìyuan                ambition
Zhen                     greatly astonished; shake
Zhengzhong         upright and loyal
Zhensheng           may the government rise
Zhihuán                ambitious
Zhiqiang               the will is strong
Zhong                  loyal; steadfast
Zian                      self peace
Zihao                    son heroic
Zixin                    self confidence
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go-redgirl · 4 years
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Exclusive — ‘This is China, Inc.’: Emails Reveal Hunter Biden’s Associates Helped Communist-Aligned Chinese Elites Secure White House Meetings
Newly obtained emails from a Hunter Biden business partner lay out in detail how the Vice President’s son and his colleagues used their access to the Obama-Biden administration to arrange private meetings for potential foreign clients and investors at the highest levels in the White House. 
These never-before-revealed emails outline how a delegation of Chinese investors and Communist Party officials managed to secure a private, off-the-books meeting with then-Vice President Joe Biden.
In a 2011 email, Hunter Biden’s business associates also discussed developing relations with what one called “China Inc.” as part of a “new push on soft diplomacy for the Chinese.” These emails are completely unconnected to the Hunter Biden emails being released by the New York Post.
These and more explosive never-before-revealed emails were provided to Schweizer by Bevan Cooney, a one-time Hunter Biden and Devon Archer business associate. Cooney is currently in prison serving a sentence for his involvement in a 2016 bond fraud investment scheme.
In 2019, Cooney reached out to Schweizer after becoming familiar with the revelations in his 2018 book Secret Empires. Cooney explained that he believes he was the “fall guy” for the fraud scheme and that Archer and Hunter Biden had avoided responsibility.
Archer, who was also convicted in the case, saw a federal judge vacate his conviction. But an appellate court overturned the lower court judge’s ruling, reinstating Archer’s conviction in the case. Archer, Hunter Biden’s longtime business partner, awaits sentencing.
Cooney, their associate who is currently serving a prison sentence on his conviction in the matter, later reestablished contact with Schweizer through investigative journalist Matthew Tyrmand. 
From prison, Cooney provided Schweizer with written authorization, his email account name, and password to his Gmail account to retrieve these emails. He authorized, in writing, the publication of these emails— notable because it is the first time a close associate has publicly confirmed Hunter’s trading on his father’s influence.
The emails offer a unique window into just how the Biden universe conducted business during the Obama-Biden Administration. These associates sought to trade on Hunter Biden’s relationship with, and access to, his father and the Obama-Biden White House in order to generate business.
For instance, on November 5, 2011, one of Archer’s business contacts forwarded him an email teasing an opportunity to gain “potentially outstanding new clients” by helping to arrange White House meetings for a group of Chinese executives and government officials. 
The group was the China Entrepreneur Club (CEC) and the delegation included Chinese billionaires, Chinese Communist Party loyalists, and at least one “respected diplomat” from Beijing. 
Despite its benign name, CEC has been called “a second foreign ministry” for the People’s Republic of China—a communist government that closely controls most businesses in its country. CEC was established in 2006 by a group of businessmen and Chinese government diplomats.
CEC’s leadership boasts numerous senior members of the Chinese Communist Party, including Wang Zhongyu (“vice chairman of the 10th CPPCC National Committee and deputy secretary of the Party group”), Ma Weihua (director of multiple Chinese Communist Party offices), and Jiang Xipei (member of the Chinese Communist Party and representative of the 16th National Congress), among others.
“I know it is political season and people are hesitant but a group like this does not come along every day,” an intermediary named Mohamed A. Khashoggi wrote on behalf of the CEC to an associate of Hunter Biden and Devon Archer. “A tour of the white house and a meeting with a member of the chief of staff’s office and John Kerry would be great,” Khashoggi said before including what should have been a major red flag: “Not sure if one has to be registered to do this.” Presumably, Khashoggi meant a registered lobbyist under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).
Khashoggi believed the trip presented “a soft diplomacy play that could be very effective” and would give Hunter Biden’s business partners “good access to [the Chinese] for any deal in the future.”
Indeed, the email boasted of CEC’s wealthy membership:
CEC’s current membership includes 50 preeminent figures such as: Liu Chuanzhi, Chairman of the CEC, Legend Holdings and Lenovo Group; Wu Jinglian, Zhang Weiying, and Zhou Qiren, China’s esteemed economists; Wu Jianmin, respected diplomat; Long Yongtu, representative of China’s globalization; Wang Shi (Vanke); Ma Weihua (China Merchants Bank); Jack Ma (Alibaba Group); Guo Guangchang (Fosun Group); Wang Jianlin, (Wanda Group); Niu Gensheng (LAONIU Foundation); Li Shufu (Geely); Li Dongsheng (TCL Corporation); Feng Lun (Vantone) and etc.
The gross income of the CEC members’ companies allegedly “totaled more than RMB 1.5 trillion, together accounting for roughly 4% of China’s GDP.” The overture to Hunter Biden’s associates described the Chinese CEC members variously as “industrial elites,” “highly influential,” and among “the most important private sector individuals in China today.”
Before contacting Hunter Biden’s associates, the CEC had been trying to get meetings with top Obama-Biden administration officials to no avail. “From the DC side as you will see below they [CEC] have written letters to several members of the administration and others and have so far not had a strong reaction.”
“This is China Inc,” wrote Khashoggi in the email, referring to the delegation of Chinese billionaires.
“Biggest priority for the CEC group is to see the White House, and have a senior US politician, or senior member of Obama’s administration, give them a tour… If your friend in DC can help, we would be extremely grateful,” Khashoggi emphasized.
Hunter Biden and Devon Archer apparently delivered for the Chinese Communist Party-connected industrial elites within ten days .
The original Oct. 19, 2011, email from Khashoggi was sent to Gary Fears — a controversial political fundraiser with a checkered history who was caught up in a riverboat casino scandal in the mid-1990s — who forwarded it on to Archer a couple weeks later on Nov. 5, 2011.
The Obama-Biden Administration archives reveal that this Chinese delegation did indeed visit the White House on November 14, 2011, and enjoyed high-level access. The delegation included approximately thirty members, according to White House visitor logs. But those records also obscure perhaps the most important item for the Chinese delegation: a meeting with Vice President Joe Biden himself.
The visitor logs list Jeff Zients, the deputy director of Obama’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB), as the host of the CEC delegation. Obama had tasked Zients with restructuring and ultimately consolidating the various export-import agencies under the Commerce Department—an effort in which the Chinese delegation would have a keen interest.
A trip itinerary posted by the CEC also confirms the delegation met with Obama’s then-recently-confirmed Commerce Secretary John Bryson.
Curiously, the Obama-Biden visitor logs do not mention any meeting with Vice President Joe Biden. But the Vice President’s off-the-books meeting was revealed by one of the core founders of the CEC. In an obscure document listing the CEC members’ biographies, CEC Secretary General Maggie Cheng alleges that she facilitated the CEC delegation meetings in Washington in 2011 and boasts of the Washington establishment figures that CEC met with. The first name she dropped was that of Vice President Joe Biden.
The relationships established during that visit may have benefited Hunter Biden and Devon Archer down the road. Two years later, they famously helped to form the Chinese government funded Bohai Harvest RST (BHR) investment fund. One of BHR’s first major portfolio investments was a ride-sharing company like Uber called Didi Dache—now called Didi Chuxing Technology Co.
 That company is closely connected to Liu Chuanzhi, the chairman of the China Entrepreneur Club (CEC) and the founder of Legend Holdings—the parent company of Lenovo, one of the world’s largest computer companies. Liu is a former Chinese Communist Party delegate and was a leader of the 2011 CEC delegation to the White House. His daughter was the President of Didi.
Liu has long been involved in CCP politics, including serving as a representative to the 9th, 10th, and 11th sessions of the National People’s Congress of the PRC and as a representative to the 16th and 17th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party. Liu was the Vice Chairman of the 8th and 9th Executive Committee of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC), an organization known to be affiliated with the Chinese United Front.
The Biden campaign has not responded to a request for comment on this story.
This is a developing story.
2020 Election Asia Politics Bevan Cooney China Chinese Communist Party Devon Archer Hunter Biden Joe Biden On the Hill Peter Schweizer
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hudsonespie · 4 years
No Fish, Lower Subsidies – Where Next for China’s Coastal Fishermen?
[By Yu Yani]
Here on the Bohai Sea, Tianjin’s central fishing harbour is welcoming tourists again after being quiet for months due to the coronavirus. Liu Cuibo waves off one group and his phone rings again and again with others arranging boat trips. “Everyone’s sick of being cooped up,” he says, his mood bright.
Liu, 56, started working in fishing after graduating from high school. He was a fisherman for the first 20 years, but in 2013 started taking tourists on fishing trips.
In 2011, residents of the fishing village he was born in were moved into apartment buildings to make way for the high-rises that sprung up by the harbour, and the village was demolished. Once, 160 fishing boats sailed from here – now, only 30 do. Fishing communities all along Tianjin’s 95-mile coastline have similarly disappeared. The other fishers he knows have either sold their boats and found other work or moved into tourism like him.
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Tourists in Shandong’s Yantai take photos while they wait for a speedboat ride (Image: Liu Yuyang / China Dialogue)
Liu told China Dialogue they have no other option: fish populations have been shrinking, while subsidies have incentivized boat-building, increasing overall numbers and limiting the space for fishing.
China catches more fish from the ocean than any other nation, landing over 10 million tonnes every year since 1995. This is more than the maximum 8 or 9 million tonnes that experts say is safe for the coastal fisheries, which have been depleted by decades of overfishing.
To stem the loss, China has been implementing closed seasons on the Bohai, Yellow and East China seas since 1995, giving some protection to fisheries by preventing boats from operating during critical fish growing and spawning periods. In 2017, those closed seasons were lengthened to up to four months in some places.
According to the China Fishery Statistical Yearbook, in 2008 there were 7.6 million traditional fishers in China. With fish populations depleted, from 2015 the government has acted to reduce fishing subsidies and apply increasingly stringent closed seasons. By 2018, the number of fishers had fallen to 6.2 million.
Meanwhile, the WTO has been working to conclude a deal banning harmful fishing subsidies this year, as part of efforts to reach UN sustainability targets. China’s fishers have little choice but to make changes.
Searching for a way out
Over a decade ago, homestyle fish restaurants became popular along the Tianjin coast, and Liu noticed diners taking an interest in his boat. Seeing an opportunity, he added a seating area to the deck and started fishing in the mornings and taking tourists out on boat trips in the afternoons. His income increased and stabilised.
He remembers that fishing was becoming less profitable back then. “There was no good fishing season. Now you might get a bit of a good season, but only for mantis shrimp.” Good fishers can still make a bit of money, he said, but others are struggling.
But with living standards on the rise, there are more people taking holidays and huge potential for leisure fishing.
Tourists pay 200 yuan ($29) each for a day’s boat trip and seafood meal, with up to 12 in a group. A good year can see Liu earn 100,000-200,00 yuan.
The local government is encouraging fishers to shift into tourism, organizing a fishing festival and designating a marine tourism zone, with sea fishing one of the attractions.
In 2017, the Tianjin government also toughened safety requirements for leisure fishing that necessitated boat upgrades. Liu, planning to expand his leisure fishing business, spent tens of thousands of yuan replacing his wooden boat with a new steel one.
He also started marketing his business. He filmed short videos, just like he’d seen youngsters do, on how to cook seafood. In time he became popular online, and some viewers became his clients.
He’s glad he changed as it’s now more expensive and the government approvals aren’t as easy to get. “You couldn’t make the shift even if you wanted to,” he says.
Gao Mingjun, 51, had fished from Dandong, Liaoning for over 20 years, until five or six years ago when he switched to clam-farming. He was required to hand his boat and its certificate to the government.
Aquaculture involves big initial investments. Gao and eight or nine others each chipped in 500,000 or 600,000 yuan and rented 2,000 mu (330 acres) of shallows. Clams take two or three years to grow, and Gao says the operation was quite profitable in the early years, making an average of 200,000 to 300,000 yuan a year.
When he was fishing, his annual earnings amounted to only several tens of thousands of yuan, even after receiving 30,000 or 40,000 yuan in fuel subsidies. The aquaculture business pays better and is easier work. He and his partners have bought a boat together for maintaining the clam farm.
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Aquaculture farms near Shandong’s Yantai. (Image: Liu Yuyang / China Dialogue)
While other local fishers must buy feed for their shrimp and sea cucumber farms, clams feed on plankton and other microscopic organisms already present in the sea.
The work might be easier than fishing, but Gao Mingjun is still busy keeping an eye on the young clams and dealing with customers. There are risks too: algal tides, typhoons and disease.
The good times didn’t last long though. Gao told China Dialogue that clam prices have fallen since October last year. He’s not sure why, but suspects the market has become saturated as more fishers switch to clam-farming.
The coronavirus epidemic also hurt sales, while clam seed prices went up. Gao is not confident about the future but the lease on his 2,000 mu runs for three years, so he and his partners have to keep going. In late April, with the pandemic easing, he travelled to Fujian to buy clam seeds. He will decide what to do when the lease ends – if the clam trade isn’t working out, he says he’ll grow strawberries, a local speciality.
Livelihoods reliant on subsidies
Jiang Xialiang, a fisher in Xiangshan, Zhejiang, saw about four-fifths of the fishers he knew quit around 2008 – the work simply wasn’t profitable, and high fuel costs were only making things worse.
Statistics from the Ministry of Agriculture show the price of diesel fuel rose above 7,000 yuan ($1,000) a tonne in the first half of 2008 – a 23 percent increase. With a third of boats in some key fishing grounds becoming unprofitable, the central government quickly responded by boosting fuel subsidies 133 percent.
Jiang estimates one third of fishers he knew made it through only because of that subsidy. He says the payments, which started in 2006, reached their peak in 2014, when he received 300,000 yuan for his 270-horsepower vessel.
The sudden increase made fishers’ lives easier but caused new problems. In 2015, the ministries of finance and of agriculture announced that the industry was becoming over-reliant on the subsidies.
There has long been international concern that fuel subsidies increase the number of motor-powered fishing vessels, and that the more intensive practices made possible by subsidies are worsening the depletion of fish populations. The WTO started exploring ways to reduce fishing subsidies as early as 2001.
In their 2015 announcement, the finance and agriculture ministries said they would aim to reduce, by 2019, the fuel subsidy for domestic fishing (that is, excluding distant-water fishing) to 40 percent of 2014 levels, and to encourage both a reduction in the size of the fishing fleet, and job changes.
By 2019, Jiang received a fuel subsidy of only 120,000 yuan, rather than the 300,000 of 2014. He grew up by the sea, has been working on fishing vessels since he was 15 and can’t imagine a new career. Now, at 57, “I can’t change direction, I’m like a train on its tracks,” he said.
But shrinking subsidies are forcing some to consider alternative work. Despite his 26 years of fishing experience, Wang Xinyuan, of Dandong in Liaoning, is one of them.
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With costs going up and catches in decline, there are very few options for China’s fishers. (Image: Jiang Yifan / China Dialogue)
At 46, he has two options: to captain a distant-water fishing vessel working off Africa for a salary of 20,000 to 30,000 yuan a month, or to work on marine ranches off Liaoning. He’s worried about healthcare if he falls ill in Africa, and would risk not getting paid if for any reason he had to return midway through a two-year contract. As for marine ranching, that would involve long stints at sea, only returning home for two or three days a month, and a salary of 7,000 to 8,000 yuan a month.
Wang purchased a 150-horsepower boat in 2016. As a licence for a vessel that size would cost 50,000 to 60,000 yuan, like many other local fishers he opted to skirt the rules and get one for a 12-horsepower boat. But this means smaller subsidies – only 9,000 yuan a year for the last two years.
How can fishing be sustainable?
The subsidies are reducing, but coastal fishing will continue. How can the remaining fishers ensure that fish populations are used sustainably?
Fujian, where Gao Mingjun went to buy clam seed, is trialling catch quotas as part of fishing reforms. Closed seasons haven’t stopped fishery depletion, so other methods are being used to reduce catches but increase incomes.
Li Wei, China fishery policy analyst at the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), told China Dialogue that all coastal provinces are now trialling catch quotas, following on from initial trials in Zhejiang and Shandong in 2017.
China’s Fisheries Law establishes such quotas as a fundamental part of the country’s management of fisheries. Put simply, the aim is to keep fisheries sustainable by catching less than is naturally replaced. The government determines a total allowable catch, and that is allocated across fishing vessels as quotas.
But a lack of data on fish populations, due to inconsistent surveying, makes it hard to set that total allowable catch.
Li Wei explained another problem: “There are too many fishing vessels currently. If a scientifically determined total allowable catch was divided across those boats, each would receive only a very small quota, perhaps too small to be practical. That means pressure on fishers’ earnings. Vessel numbers need to come down as the quotas are implemented, and fishers helped to find other work.” 
In early 2017, the Ministry of Agriculture said it aimed to reduce the number of motor-powered fishing vessels to 20,000 lower than a 2015 baseline by 2020 – a reduction in total engine power of two million horsepower. But even if achieved, at the end of 2020, China will retain over 180,000 motor-powered fishing vessels with total engine power of over 13.4 billion horsepower.
Li Wei also pointed out that China’s coastal fishers usually catch a range of fish species, and that China isn’t yet restricting where they can work. This will make it harder to allocate quotas based on historical fishing data.
These quota trials, which are still in the early stages, aim to monitor and gather data on fishing activity. This includes persuading fishers to fill in logs, designating specific locations for offloading and selling catches, and experimenting with different quotas. But progress across provinces has been uneven and problems have arisen. Li Wei said: “Monitoring quotas is costly and involves significant change in regulatory thinking and models. A lot of resources will be needed to support this process.” That means financial help, government assistance, research and even public education.
The fishers themselves are key to the trials. Li Wei explained that at this early stage the trials cover less than 100 vessels in each province and only apply to jellyfish, shrimp, crab and shellfish – which only take a year or two to grow. Research carried out in Zhejiang and Fujian by an NRDC team found that current quotas are relaxed enough that catches have neither reduced nor market prices increased. The trials, then, appear more targeted at practising the operation of a quota system rather than delivering substantive, long-term changes to fishery resources.
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A fishing vessel gets ready to set out to sea from a Fujian province harbour at the start of the fishing season. (Image: Jiang Yifan / China Dialogue)
Already facing reduced fuel subsidies, the busy fishers now must fill in logs and can only land and sell their catches at designated locations. This makes their lives more difficult, they’re basically making sacrifices to cooperate with the government’s new approach. Li Wei says this is an essential process which will have long-lasting significance: “Quotas will finally give us a way to manage the ecological balance in coastal fisheries. Many countries have seen resources recover and quality and prices of seafood improve after implementing quotas, with greater profits for the industry as a whole, and in the end the fishers benefit. In the long-term, we can reduce catches and increase incomes.”
It will take some time for fisheries to recover and there is no telling who will last that long – but for many fishers, more change is inevitable.
Wang Xinyuan is a pseudonym to protect the subject’s identity.
Yu Yani is a freelance journalist based in Beijing, focusing on environmental issues. This article appears courtesy of China Dialogue Ocean and may be found in its original form here.
from Storage Containers https://maritime-executive.com/article/no-fish-lower-subsidies-where-next-for-china-s-coastal-fishermen via http://www.rssmix.com/
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ffxivmingxiajiang · 5 years
First Steps: 14th day of 2nd Moon
Go, daughter, and stay away safe. If you must return, then bring nothing less than the fiery wrath of the sun.
- Jiang Bohai
Baba gave me this journal when he sent me across the Ruby Sea. He told me to use it so I wouldn't forget how I got here.
My name is Jiang Mingxia, only daughter of the fisherman Jiang Bohai and the thaumaturge Jiang Yingyue. I am 24 winters old. I know it's likely stupid to put so much information in one place but chances are by the time anyone finds this it won't matter anyway.
I was born and raised in Isari. My home village has been in hard times since before I was born. Mama taught me fire magic in secret, and ice magic to preserve the fish father caught. Baba taught me fishing, and how to gather herbs and wild vegetables. I don't remember much about the Garleans. I think mama and baba made sure I was always either out in the wilds or at sea fishing when they came around to make trouble.
I came to Ul'dah to seek my fortunes as an adventurer. I want to be just like mama- she was an adventurer too, before she found baba and settled down. She always had all kinds of wild stories to tell. I hope I can tell her some crazy ones too, someday!
I met some people. While riding in from the port, there was an old man named Brendt. He told me lots of things about Ul'dah and Thanalan. I think he is a nice grandpa. He told me to become 'storied'- I guess that means famous. There were two young Elezen riding with me but they were both asleep. I wonder why these kids are wandering on their own?
Momodi Modi is the head of the Adventurer's Guild in Ul'dah. She's very nice, but also businesslike. She reminds me a bit of mama. There was Wymond, the first guy I ran into in Ul'dah. He's a bit strange but I think he's nice enough. I also met the four guildmasters of the Thaumaturge guild! They taught me how to make my spells strong enough to fight. I even got my first set of training gear today!!
I'm sleeping in an inn room for a while at the Adventurer's guild. I hope I can make enough money to live, and become strong enough to go back home.
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stiltonbasket · 8 months
Jin Hong meets Jiang Bohai and is like "a didi? a didi for Hong'er?" He's moving into gege mode for a-Hai. a-Hai is getting tiger kitty cuddles and tiger kitty licks. Hong-er is keeping watch to make sure no bugs land on a-Hai's face.
Gege Hong'er will eat any pesky bug who dares. 😤
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courtneytincher · 5 years
In 2003 An Horrific Accident Cost the Lives of the Entire Crew of This Chinese Submarine
Military commissioner and former president Jiang Zemin acknowledged the tragic incident on May 2, 2003, in a statement honoring the sacrifice of Chinese sailors lives and vaguely characterizing the cause as “mechanical failure.”On April 25, 2003 the crew of a Chinese fishing boat noticed a strange sight—a periscope drifting listlessly above the surface of the water. The fishermen notified the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) which promptly dispatched two vessels to investigate.(This first appeared several years ago.)At first the PLAN believed the contact to be an intruding submarine from South Korea or Japan. But when Chinese personnel finally recovered the apparent derelict they realized it was one of their own diesel-electric submarines, the Ming-class 361.When they boarded on April 26, they found all seventy personnel slumped dead at their stations.Military commissioner and former president Jiang Zemin acknowledged the tragic incident on May 2, 2003, in a statement honoring the sacrifice of Chinese sailors lives and vaguely characterizing the cause as “mechanical failure.”A month later, an inquiry by his commission resulted in the dismissal of both the commander and commissar of the North Sea Fleet, and the demotion or dismissal of six or eight more officers for “improper command and control.” Jiang and President Hu Jintao later reportedly visited the recovered submarine and met with the families of the deceased.Recommended: Stealth vs. North Korea’s Air Defenses: Who Wins?Recommended: America’s Battleships Went to War Against North KoreaRecommended: 5 Places World War III Could Start in 2018The Chinese government is not disposed to transparency regarding its military accidents. For example, it does not release the results of its investigations into jet fighter crashes and it never publicly acknowledged earlier submarine accidents. At the time, some commentators expressed surprise that Beijing acknowledged the incident at all, and speculated it was obliquely related to contemporaneous criticism of Beijing’s attempts to downplay the SARS epidemic.The Type 035 Ming-class submarine was an outdated second-generation design evolved from the lineage of the Soviet Romeo-class, in turn a Soviet development of the German Type XXI “Electric U-Boat” from World War II. The first two Type 035s were built in 1975 but remained easy to detect compared to contemporary American or Russian designs. Though China operated numerous diesel submarines, due to concerns over seaworthiness, they rarely ventured far beyond coastal waters in that era.Nonetheless, Chinese shipyards continued to build updated Ming-class boats well into the 1990s. Submarine 361 was one of the later Type 035G Ming III models, which introduced the capability to engage opposing submerged submarines with guided torpedoes. Entering service in 1995, she and three sister ships numbered 359 through 362 formed the North Sea Fleet’s 12th Submarine Brigade based in Liaoning province. You can see them together in this photo.361 had been deployed on a naval exercise in the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea gulf east of Beijing and Tianjing. Unusually, a senior naval officer, Commodore Cheng Fuming was aboard. In its last ship’s log on April 16, the submarine was practicing silent running while off the Changshang island, heading back to a base in Weihai, Shandong Province.Because it was maintaining radio silence, the PLAN didn’t realize anything was amiss until ten days later. The method by which 361 was recovered after its presence was reported remains unclear. Several accounts imply the ship was submerged, but the fact that it was promptly towed back to port implies that it had surfaced.The lack of clear official explanation has led to various theories over the years. The typical complement of a Type 035 submarine is fifty-five to fifty-seven personnel, but 361 had seventy on board. Officially these were trainers, but conditions would have been quite cramped. The presence of the additional personnel and the high-ranking Commodore Cheng leads to the general conclusion that 361 was not on a routine mission.Indeed, some commentators speculated that the additional crew were observing tests of an experimental Air Independent Propulsion (AIP) system which would have offered greater stealth and underwater endurance. As it happens, another Type 035G submarine, 308, was used to test an AIP drive, and Stirling AIP drives would soon equip the prolific Type 041 Yuan-class submarines which prowl the seas today.Another theory is that leaks allowed seawater to mix with battery acid, forming deadly chlorine gas that poisoned the crew. The Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily claimed the submarine had embarked on a “dangerous” antisubmarine training, and that “human error” led it to nose-down uncontrollably, causing it to get stuck on the seafloor.However, the most widely accepted explanation today was first published by the Hong Kong Wen Wei Po, a pro-Beijing newspaper: the crew was suffocated by the sub’s diesel engine.A conventional diesel electric submarine uses an air-breathing diesel engine to charge up its batteries for underwater propulsion. This is usually done while surfaced—but a submarine attempting to remain undetected can also cruise submerged just below the surface and use a snorkel to sip air. The snorkel is designed to automatically seal up if the water level gets too high.According to Wen Wei Po, 361 was running its diesel while snorkeling when high water caused the air intake valve to close—or the valve failed to open properly due to a malfunction. However, its diesel engine did not shut down as it should have in response. You can find what appears to be a translated version of the article here.Apparently, the motor consumed most of the submarine’s air supply in just two minutes. The crew might have felt light headed and short of breath during the first minute, and would have begun losing consciousness in the second. The negative air pressure also made it impossible to open the hatches. A 2013 article by Reuters repeats this theory as well as mentioning the possibility that was exhaust was improperly vented back into the hull to fatal effect.Any of these explanations would reflect serious failings in both crew training and mechanical performance.The recent tragic loss of the Argentine submarine San Juan, the fire raging amongst moored Russian Kilo-class submarines at Vladivostok (a drill, Moscow claims), and the fortunately nonfatal but highly expensive flooding of the Indian nuclear-powered submarine Arihant highlight that despite being arguably the most fearsome weapon system on the planet, submarines remain dangerous to operate even when not engaged in a war. Even brief breakdowns in crew discipline or mechanical reliability can rapidly turn the stealthy underwater marauders into watery coffins.Only high standards of maintenance, manufacturing and crew training can avert lethal peacetime disasters—standards which are difficult for many nations to afford, but which the PLA Navy likely aspires to it as it continues to expand and professionalize its forces at an extraordinary rate.Sébastien Roblin holds a Master’s Degree in Conflict Resolution from Georgetown University and served as a university instructor for the Peace Corps in China. He has also worked in education, editing, and refugee resettlement in France and the United States. He currently writes on security and military history for War Is Boring.Image: Reuters.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines
Military commissioner and former president Jiang Zemin acknowledged the tragic incident on May 2, 2003, in a statement honoring the sacrifice of Chinese sailors lives and vaguely characterizing the cause as “mechanical failure.”On April 25, 2003 the crew of a Chinese fishing boat noticed a strange sight—a periscope drifting listlessly above the surface of the water. The fishermen notified the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) which promptly dispatched two vessels to investigate.(This first appeared several years ago.)At first the PLAN believed the contact to be an intruding submarine from South Korea or Japan. But when Chinese personnel finally recovered the apparent derelict they realized it was one of their own diesel-electric submarines, the Ming-class 361.When they boarded on April 26, they found all seventy personnel slumped dead at their stations.Military commissioner and former president Jiang Zemin acknowledged the tragic incident on May 2, 2003, in a statement honoring the sacrifice of Chinese sailors lives and vaguely characterizing the cause as “mechanical failure.”A month later, an inquiry by his commission resulted in the dismissal of both the commander and commissar of the North Sea Fleet, and the demotion or dismissal of six or eight more officers for “improper command and control.” Jiang and President Hu Jintao later reportedly visited the recovered submarine and met with the families of the deceased.Recommended: Stealth vs. North Korea’s Air Defenses: Who Wins?Recommended: America’s Battleships Went to War Against North KoreaRecommended: 5 Places World War III Could Start in 2018The Chinese government is not disposed to transparency regarding its military accidents. For example, it does not release the results of its investigations into jet fighter crashes and it never publicly acknowledged earlier submarine accidents. At the time, some commentators expressed surprise that Beijing acknowledged the incident at all, and speculated it was obliquely related to contemporaneous criticism of Beijing’s attempts to downplay the SARS epidemic.The Type 035 Ming-class submarine was an outdated second-generation design evolved from the lineage of the Soviet Romeo-class, in turn a Soviet development of the German Type XXI “Electric U-Boat” from World War II. The first two Type 035s were built in 1975 but remained easy to detect compared to contemporary American or Russian designs. Though China operated numerous diesel submarines, due to concerns over seaworthiness, they rarely ventured far beyond coastal waters in that era.Nonetheless, Chinese shipyards continued to build updated Ming-class boats well into the 1990s. Submarine 361 was one of the later Type 035G Ming III models, which introduced the capability to engage opposing submerged submarines with guided torpedoes. Entering service in 1995, she and three sister ships numbered 359 through 362 formed the North Sea Fleet’s 12th Submarine Brigade based in Liaoning province. You can see them together in this photo.361 had been deployed on a naval exercise in the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea gulf east of Beijing and Tianjing. Unusually, a senior naval officer, Commodore Cheng Fuming was aboard. In its last ship’s log on April 16, the submarine was practicing silent running while off the Changshang island, heading back to a base in Weihai, Shandong Province.Because it was maintaining radio silence, the PLAN didn’t realize anything was amiss until ten days later. The method by which 361 was recovered after its presence was reported remains unclear. Several accounts imply the ship was submerged, but the fact that it was promptly towed back to port implies that it had surfaced.The lack of clear official explanation has led to various theories over the years. The typical complement of a Type 035 submarine is fifty-five to fifty-seven personnel, but 361 had seventy on board. Officially these were trainers, but conditions would have been quite cramped. The presence of the additional personnel and the high-ranking Commodore Cheng leads to the general conclusion that 361 was not on a routine mission.Indeed, some commentators speculated that the additional crew were observing tests of an experimental Air Independent Propulsion (AIP) system which would have offered greater stealth and underwater endurance. As it happens, another Type 035G submarine, 308, was used to test an AIP drive, and Stirling AIP drives would soon equip the prolific Type 041 Yuan-class submarines which prowl the seas today.Another theory is that leaks allowed seawater to mix with battery acid, forming deadly chlorine gas that poisoned the crew. The Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily claimed the submarine had embarked on a “dangerous” antisubmarine training, and that “human error” led it to nose-down uncontrollably, causing it to get stuck on the seafloor.However, the most widely accepted explanation today was first published by the Hong Kong Wen Wei Po, a pro-Beijing newspaper: the crew was suffocated by the sub’s diesel engine.A conventional diesel electric submarine uses an air-breathing diesel engine to charge up its batteries for underwater propulsion. This is usually done while surfaced—but a submarine attempting to remain undetected can also cruise submerged just below the surface and use a snorkel to sip air. The snorkel is designed to automatically seal up if the water level gets too high.According to Wen Wei Po, 361 was running its diesel while snorkeling when high water caused the air intake valve to close—or the valve failed to open properly due to a malfunction. However, its diesel engine did not shut down as it should have in response. You can find what appears to be a translated version of the article here.Apparently, the motor consumed most of the submarine’s air supply in just two minutes. The crew might have felt light headed and short of breath during the first minute, and would have begun losing consciousness in the second. The negative air pressure also made it impossible to open the hatches. A 2013 article by Reuters repeats this theory as well as mentioning the possibility that was exhaust was improperly vented back into the hull to fatal effect.Any of these explanations would reflect serious failings in both crew training and mechanical performance.The recent tragic loss of the Argentine submarine San Juan, the fire raging amongst moored Russian Kilo-class submarines at Vladivostok (a drill, Moscow claims), and the fortunately nonfatal but highly expensive flooding of the Indian nuclear-powered submarine Arihant highlight that despite being arguably the most fearsome weapon system on the planet, submarines remain dangerous to operate even when not engaged in a war. Even brief breakdowns in crew discipline or mechanical reliability can rapidly turn the stealthy underwater marauders into watery coffins.Only high standards of maintenance, manufacturing and crew training can avert lethal peacetime disasters—standards which are difficult for many nations to afford, but which the PLA Navy likely aspires to it as it continues to expand and professionalize its forces at an extraordinary rate.Sébastien Roblin holds a Master’s Degree in Conflict Resolution from Georgetown University and served as a university instructor for the Peace Corps in China. He has also worked in education, editing, and refugee resettlement in France and the United States. He currently writes on security and military history for War Is Boring.Image: Reuters.
August 30, 2019 at 04:00AM via IFTTT
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stiltonbasket · 1 year
JC's son ends up being NHS' minion in looking cute and useless but being secretly kick-ass?
Lessons from Uncle Wen Ning: how to look cute
Lessons from Uncle NHS: how to look useless
Lessons from mom: a) how to heal people and b) how to poison them in their sleep :D
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stiltonbasket · 10 months
xiao-yu and Jiang bohai are combining their knowledge of plants and medicine and pharmaceuticals to create a line of talismanic and cultivation-powered beauty products? their stuff is a huge hit! they make a lot of money overcharging rich people, and spend the money on worthy causes.
According to Bohai, there are unnecessary amounts of honey in everything; Xiao-Yu insists that he meant to put in more, but held back for Bohai's sake.
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stiltonbasket · 10 months
Jiang Bohai sees Jin Hong as a reference for what he wants to be? Cool, competent, fun. Though Bohai figures out pretty fast that he won’t turn into a kitty, no matter how hard he tries.
He's still convinced that his mom can turn him into a tiger cub if she just tries hard enough. 😂
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stiltonbasket · 2 years
the yunmeng baos are excited to find out that Jiang Cheng is getting married? They want to do something nice for Jc and jiang-furen? they do a special performance of the bao frog dance as part of the wedding festivities. Also they make a celebratory scroll with YZH's help. It has a congratulatory message and then handprints for all the baos, with their name written under their handprints. JC tears up when he sees it.
Lihua leaves a little blank spot next to her handprints for her future baby siblings! When Lianhua and Bohai are born, she smuggles them over to the scroll, dips their tiny hands in ink, and puts them beside her old prints. ;~;
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