#jib monday concert
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Jensen Ackles | JIB14 Monday Concert
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deansraspberrypie · 5 months
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💥🎶 Jensen Ackles singing "Wondering Why" | JIBCon 2024: Concert 🎤🔥
Part 5.
🍰 Tag list: @undisputedchick2 @jranutter @kazsrm67 🥧
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j2panelsmedia · 5 months
Jensen - Monday Concert JIB 2024
All credit to these pictures go to J. The photos can be found on their X.
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cassandrajd · 5 months
Jensen at jib with rob,saturday panel part1,
& part 2
Jensen at jib,sunday panel, with a bit of rob
Jensen at jib,with rich, rob, & a bit of ricky
Jensen & co sing at jib monday concert
drop by youtube to thank the 2 ladies that filmed & posted the panels on their chanels
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jacklesthings · 1 year
Monday concert jib 13
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victoria527 · 1 year
Jib 13 Monday Concert in Rome - Halleluja (Jensen Ackles)
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misskittyspuffy · 5 years
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Jensen Ackles - May 20, 2019 (JIB 10, monday concert)
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xlynnbbyx · 2 years
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I don’t know what is going on here probably Jensen’s reaction to his schedule for the weekend. But I am getting very naughty thoughts with the way he looks in pic. I’m not even sorry about it!! 😏
I apologize in advance for all the Jensen spam today. Also apparently both Rob & Jensen have to fly back to the states early Monday. So apparently the concert is canceled. Apparently JIB does concerts on Sundays I guess? Idk how true that info is it’s what I saw someone who is there say.
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Angel Pass Handover for JIB 11
I would like to hand over my Angel Pass for JIB 11 including:
1 photo op with Jensen Ackles
1 photo op with Jared Padalecki
1 photo op with Matt Cohen
1 photo op with Richard Speight Jr.
Ticket for Monday night concert
If you are interested in receiving my pass, please write me a message on tumblr.
It would be awesome if you could reblog this, so that I am able to reach more people with my offer. :) Thank you!
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verobonelli · 7 years
JIB 8 || The Monday concert (or The Story of How I Loved J2 Even More Than Before Even Thought I Didn't Think It Was Possible)
After my posts about my experience with Jared and the other actors (Misha, Rob, David, Matt, Adam, Jensen), this is part 3 of this series of posts about JIBcon 8. I just want to write down just a few things about the Monday concert.
(tl;dr Jared is the love of my life and I love Jensen so much for taking care of my giant puppy)
So, I’m not going to talk about the organisation of the events because the flame wars have already started and I don’t want to dig into that. As I said in my latest post, I always try to look at the bright side of everything.
What I want need to talk about are some little moments that are still killing me slowly because of all the feels when I think about them.
When Jason introduced Jensen like we didn’t know him, then we cheered and Rob asked “Oh, so you know this guy?” and Jensen gestured toward us and said “La famiglia”
When Rob and Jason made us sing the chorus to Hallelujah and it was so beautiful that Jensen came up on stage to film us with his phone
When Jensen sang Brother and pointed at Jared while singing the line “Brother, let me be your fortress” and then placing his fist on his heart (I cried during that song. I cried a lot. I cried a shit ton of tears and I’m not even ashamed.)
When we asked Jared to come up on stage and I was freakishly worried that things went too far and that Jared would feel uncomfortable and pressured, but then he did come on stage and sang backing vocals with everyone else and I was so proud of him and I was basically dying because of how Jensen took care of him making sure he was alright before bringing him up on stage and also after the song ended
When we waited outside the club after the concert and Jared was getting on the car to go away with the others but then he stopped to wave at us before going and oh god I’m having butterflies in my stomach right now
All right, this was part 3 of the series of posts about my feels thoughts on JIBcon 8: here you can find part 1 and part 2. Thank you for reading and feel free to share your experience at JIBcon with me! I’d love to hear from you!
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Jensen Ackles | JIB14 Monday Concert
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deansraspberrypie · 5 months
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💥🎶 Jensen Ackles singing "Wondering Why" | JIBCon 2024: Concert 🎤🔥
Part 2.
🍰 Tag list: @undisputedchick2 @jranutter @kazsrm67 🥧
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j2panelsmedia · 5 months
Jensen - Monday Concert JIB 2024
All credit to these pictures go to Tanya. The photos can be found on their X.
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jensensitive · 5 years
just a few things that probably everyone else has already pointed out, but has been made clear to me about that selfie through talking with charlotte and a couple other people--
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1) They are not angled towards the camera.
No no, these two were pressed up together like that and then decided they had to take a selfie. That is not a “let’s take a selfie, here let’s get close so we’re both in frame” stance. That’s a “we were already squished together and then decided to take picture” stance (as also evidenced by the slightly embarrassed expression on Misha’s face). You can go ahead and google it, the only other Jensen selfies I could find with him and the other person angled like this are where he’s with danneel
(there’s also another where they’re at a concert, but they aren’t quite as close as j/m there, i assume cause they’d just looked behind them and hadn’t been hugging)
(there’s also this one ofc :)))
You can see how he normally takes selfies with everyone else if you search google images or i guess scroll through his insta if you aren’t good at distinguishing what’s a manip and what’s not. Here’s a pretty typical one with jared. The gayest one that I know of with jared. And a gay one with jdm that he never posted. But note how in all of these, they’re angled more towards the camera than in the one with misha and the ones with danneel. Because jensen and misha weren’t pressed up against each other just to take the picture. That’s not how selfies work. They were pressed up against each other and then decided to take a picture. Thank you, your honor, next witness please.
2) This is the picture that Jensen chose to post.
Of all of the pictures our photographer boy took, probably many of them with Misha, probably a few different ones just in this moment, this is the one he chose to post. Knowing Jensen, this is probably the least suspicious and least gay selfie that he took with Misha at jib. Lemme say that again-- this picture, the one right there at the top, is probably the safest one that he had that he could post. Yeah.
3) It didn’t register as too gay to post to him, and it didn’t seem to register at all to danneel either if her comment is anything to go by (it was about the lizard picture). Because they’re both desensitized. You, me, and everyone else look at this and see that they are ridiculously close to one another, much closer than we’re used to seeing them in pictures and anywhere else. For jensen and danneel, they don’t even notice because they’re used to seeing this and, if this doesn’t register, presumably seeing them even closer.
4) If they were to both turn their heads, they would be kissing.
As established in point #1, their chests were pressed together before taking this picture too, their heads not turned towards a camera......
Is it possible they were hugging? Yes. Is it possibly they were kissing? Also very much yes.
5) Where tf are they?
They’re outside; there’s a truck behind them. Are they in some sort of loading area behind the hotel? ..... Why?? Ofc it’s possible there are other people around them, but it’s also possible they ditched their security on the other side of a door to go outside and be gross alone.
6) this comment from alaina
7) where are their hands thanks
8) why did he take this picture?
While they were pressed up against each other (for whatever reason), why did he decide that he needed a picture? It was right after the con ending, as evidenced by his bandana. Idt misha was leaving yet because he made his thank you jib tweet on monday afternoon. (And Jensen had the concert monday.) So they were just like, idk, hugging for no real reason, maybe kissing, hanging out, being gross, and jensen decided he needed a picture of them, of Misha looking so happy and soft and sweet, maybe for their wives or kids, maybe for himself, maybe for us.
Thanks for being such a softie, j. :)))
eta: also! how out of place it looks with all the other pictures he posted! the vibe is so not in line with the fun friendcation selfies and animal selfies. So so out of place.
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amwritingmeta · 4 years
Viva Italia!
If all things had gone to plan I would have been landing in Rome right now. I would have walked through Fiumincino airport and probably have gotten myself a nice (and overpriced) sandwich for lunch in the little café by the escalators before heading up into the walkway taking me straight to the Hilton. 
I would’ve stood in line for my pass and felt that build of excitement and expectation and pure, unbridled joy that comes with JiB, because it’s not just the con and spending time in a room full of people I greatly appreciate and adore, it’s getting to meet up with people I only really manage to hang out with in person one week per year, and it’s staying in Rome and experiencing the chilled out holiday vibes that come with being away from the everyday rush, and omg it’s the Monday Night Concert that just tops it all off like one big, awesome, glossy, sweet cherry. Simply put, it’s magic. 
But if you can’t go to Italy, then Italy will have to come to you. 
That’s right, I’m doing JiB Quarantine Edition and if you wanna jump on this train, this is your formal invitation. If not, soups be to you, my friend, and all the delicious tiramisu as well, because no hard feelings ever.
Here’s the simple plan: I’m cooking Italian all week and of course I’ll be trying recipes I’ve never made before (not deterring - fun) but I’m keeping it fairly simple, and so for pizza night on Friday I won’t be making pizza from scratch. :)
Tonight and tomorrow are straight forward enough, with a movie night tonight (Roman Holiday) and a chat with @natmoose tomorrow (my travelling companion and co-conspirator) but on Friday it’s time to really dig into the JiB spirit of things with pizza night to be enjoyed with a marathon of favourite SPN episodes (it’s so hard whittling down any kind of list here) (fuck me) and if anyone want to jump on my list or just join into the spirit of the thing, please, do! And please include me!
Saturday, oh, Saturday.
On Saturday the plan is for a JiB panel marathon. Most likely in the later afternoon into the eve. (can’t pull an all day) (got responsibilities here in the everyday) There will be apple juice. There will be a mini-wheel of (mis)fortune. There will be hijinx and shenanigans. And if you have any suggestion of what should be put on the mini-wheel of (mis)fortune, do share! I’m thinking I might put “Tweet at Rob Benedict and ask him if he’d ever consider getting Quattro Fromaggio together for a one off performance to lift everyone’s spirits” and what the wheel dictates, the arrow will underline, so may the spin stop where it may!
On Sunday I want to Zoom chat with you. Yeah, with you. If we’ve met at JiB, I want to say hello. If we haven’t, I want to say hello. So if you’d like to have a brief or a long conversation, let me know and I will say hello and then some! Again, if you’d rather not, all the apple pie in the sky to you!
Well, of course, it’s Monday Night Concert time. I’m just going to relive the good times and watch footage from the cons I’ve attended, but this is an individual choice and one might watch a smattering of material if one was so inclined. There will be G&Ts. Because tradition at this point. 
On Tuesday I’m watching Call Me By Your Name and, if I can manage, baking an Italian apricot cake, but I’m exchanging the apricots for peaches. And on Wednesday it’s La Dolce Vita time, a movie which I have never actually watched, which I’ve always felt self-conscious about, because come on, Fellini already!
I’m not putting any actual times down here because I’m keeping it holiday casual and will simply potter about and enjoy these things when it befits, but if anyone wants to join and has a preference of when stuff should go down then let me know. It’ll be much more fun to do it while getting to have an exchange with you guys!
Anyway. I realise that some of you may be working and some of you may have a hard time joining in for a myriad of reasons, but I hope that you’re all keeping well (or as well as you possibly can) and that getting a bit of a distraction might be welcomed. 
Until December, Rome! Ciao, amore! 
Recipe for dinner tonight: Fusilli con Caponata di Melanzane
Serves 4
5 tablespoons olive oil, plus extra for drizzling
2 aubergines, peeled and diced
2 onions, sliced
3 plum tomatoes, peeled, de-seeded and diced
1 tablespoon capers, rinsed and drained
6 black olives, stoned and halved
6 basil leaves, torn
300g/11oz fusilli pasta
salt and pepper
Heat 3 tablespoons of the oil in a large frying pan. Add the aubergines and cook over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes, until they are softened and golden brown. Remove the pan from the heat and set aside.
Heat the remaining oil in a shallow pan. Add the onions and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes, or until softened. Add the tomatoes and cook, stirring occasionally, for a further 5 minutes. Add the capers, olives and aubergines and cook for a few minutes, then remove the pan from the heat and add the basil leaves. 
Bring a pan of water to the boil. Cook the pasta in a large pan of salted boiling water for 8-10 minutes, until tender but still al dente, or firm to the bite. Drain and tip into a salad bowl. Drizzle with olive oil, season with pepper and stir. Add the warm aubergine caponata, stir again and serve immediately. 
(mh mh good) (hopefully) :) 
All recipes will be from the cookbook Recipes from an Italian Summer by the Silver Spoon Kitchen.
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hellsbells91 · 7 years
This is most of the final song from the Monday concert after JIBcon, when Jared finally joined everyone else on stage after immense cheers and encouragement from Jensen. It’s not the best quality but damn everyone was so good at the concert that I just want to keep sharing it over and over xD Also it’s really wobbly because at this point I was doing a little jig along to the music - couldn’t help it!
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