#jikook he is like my real brother
just-orbiting-you · 2 months
I actually agree quite a bit with the other anon regarding TH/JK hyung/dongsaeng relationship. You say they don't have that stereotypical relationship, but I think that's more because JK is more emotionally mature that TH, which I think is also part of the reason they grew distant. I think TH does want that kind of relationship with JK, but he oversteps JK's boundaries into an almost coddling/condescending territory (think him squeezing JK's cheeks in that one twt video after BB #1 or him making this almost grossly cutesy caption for the recent photos) which I think pushes JK away. I think JK has always been kind sensitive to boundaries, but I think as he's gotten older, he's gotten even more strict about setting boundaries (which includes with fans based on stuff he said during his livestreams).
I think TH's personality naturally does not always respect boundaries, but with JK, I think he can push it further because of him being the hyung, so he does. But as we know, JK doesn't want to be "cute", he wants to be acknowledged as having matured and I think sometimes the way TH treats him disrespects that, him probably feeling more mature than TH probably exacerbates that feeling too (plus being in a group without a strict age hierarchy that never forced him into a maknae role). I don't know about posting, but a lot of the babying or disrespecting boundaries stuff TH does to JK, he would never be allowed to do towards the older members. They give him grace because they obviously love him, but there are limits.
I do think TH feels some jealousy towards jikook, but its not about fame , attention, or fan engagement, but about their genuine closeness and feeling left out. I don't think TH feels close to hyung line much beyond them being like older brothers (compare to like JM who gets along with all of them and has JH especially close, or JK who also get along with most of them, but also is very close to jin). Over the years, the maknae line dynamic shifted a ton, with TH ending up kind of the outsider, and with JK specifically pulling away from him (IMO for the reasons I mentioned above). Now JM and JK enlisted together and have a travel show coming out, and I do think he probably feels pretty left out. To me, if he did post those photos for a negative reason, it wasn't about shippers or attention, but feeling left out and maybe a little petty. He probably also feels a little defensive of his relationship with JK, not so much to fans, but even internally. Weirdly, although they hung out more in 2023, I don't know if I can tell they actually bonded or got closer? Like JK leaving the movie premier to go live on his own or them going on trips, but with other people and to do specific activities. I understand why jkkers think they hung out more because JM was busy, because tbh, that's kind of the way it looks. And I mean that outside of any shipping discourse, I think JK's preferred person to hand with in bts is JM most of the time (base don the things he says and how much time we hear about them spending together behind the scenes). Maybe we'll see some strongly renewed bond between TH and JK after military service, but I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't. And I wouldn't be surprised if TH felt a little insecure about that, like he wanted or tried to reconnect with JK and I'm sure they had fun, but it didn't go any deeper. I'm not saying they don't care about each other, but I do think their personalities kind of inhibit the sort of closeness some of the other members have.
i'm being so real when i say anon you hit it right on the nose. i've been trying to form my own thoughts on this and i really love hearing other opinions on tae in relation to jikook.
JK is more emotionally mature that TH, which I think is also part of the reason they grew distant. I think TH does want that kind of relationship with JK, but he oversteps JK's boundaries into an almost coddling/condescending territory (think him squeezing JK's cheeks in that one twt video after BB #1 or him making this almost grossly cutesy caption for the recent photos) which I think pushes JK away.
this perfectly encapsulates how i feel about tae in that he always takes it a step too far and doesn't have the awareness to understand why that is. i think you clarified a point from the first anon about if tae were to post disrespecting boundaries of other members, it wouldn't go over well. it just doesn't sit well that tae gets a hyung card pass to kind of post about jungkook in the way he does. of course its kinda harmless and i don't think jungkook will do anything about it, but to me its clear he doesn't feed into the relationship like tae does.
my mind goes straight to the conversation they had in the first in the soop (where jimin had to go fetch jk for tae), and jungkook spoke about how him and tae drifted apart. but also that tae pushed for jungkook to drop honorfics and jungkook was very strict in that he does not want to. tae is always looking to push the envelope further.
also i think its funny that tae posts like he does about jungkook, but jungkook doesn't even have instagram anymore to actually interact with the posts. i have no clue if tae lets jungkook vet the posts before he posts them. from what we can understand, it is tae crafting the narrative around current t@ekook, not jungkook. and that enables tae's power over jungkook's wishes even further.
I do think TH feels some jealousy towards jikook, but its not about fame , attention, or fan engagement, but about their genuine closeness and feeling left out.
i've sensed this for a long time and it goes back to old 2019 lives where tae asks jimin to join him, but jimin says he's with jungkook so he can't. it just always feels like he wants in on jimin and jungkook, separately and together, but often is fresh out of luck. i think the telltale sign that tae and jungkook's relationship did not go any deeper last year was 1. jungkook never talked about him and 2. it was always with a group of friends.
plus from other asks too and what you said, i don't think tae has strong relationships with the hyung line, expect for hobi (but even hobi seems closer to jikook). so his only tie to bts is clinging to this newfound relationship he is trying to build with jungkook by pushing for him to join his friend group, and broadcasting it to the whole world.
thank you for putting so much attention into this ask anon, because the emotional difference between tae and jk really wasn't illuminated for me until now. jungkook i think has progressed past tae's immaturity, making him a better match for someone like jimin anyway.
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stormblessed95 · 2 months
I know this is a boring convo for yall. But Jimin literally sees JK likes his brother from another mom. Nothing he said about his album or during the show adds up to your theory of them being boyfriends. Dont forget he said whether he can even love someone (i didnt saw any Jikookers mentioning it as it wasn't translation error or album theme but his irl words) I don't think JK remotely comes to his ideal type nor he have that type of feelings for JK. I'm not talking about goofy talks they do for a lil funny moment infront of cam. But the real Park Jimin behind the cam totally sees JK as his brother.
Boring? No, id love a boring ask. Annoying and repetitive? Yes.
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Are you trying to change my mind? Why? What does it matter to you? What you think of their relationship doesn't matter to me.
This post, also for you
Because the whole "your theory" comment. Bitch I KNOW you didn't read my posts. Especially because of your "I didn't see any jikookers mentioning it" comment. Because I did. And I even highlighted it in red. Sooooo take your stupid ass opinions to your own blog. Or at least to jikookers who are doing whatever the fuck you are accusing them of. Or at a very bare minimum, read the posts about the theories you are mentioning in the blog you decide to message. Because all this does is make me roll my eyes at you. Zero of any kind of productive conversation with this sort of ask.
I can't and won't give a shit about your opinions, if you won't give a shit about mine, by actually reading them.
Fascinating you know the real park Jimin behind the cameras. I hope you share your thoughts with him, not me next time. Thanks.
The funny little moments in front of the cam, like asking for kisses....
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Jimins type in girl as per early year interview
Cute, shorter than him, long hair, nice
Jimins type in boys as per interviews....
Oh wait, why would they ever ask him that. Lol but he has been pretty clear with hints towards queerness/bi-ness. And he has stayed at one point to JK that JK is his type.... So perhaps next time you meet up with Jimin IRL, since you know him and all, make more an effort to get to know him better? Idk
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Normally I'd just ignore you, but I'm so tired of all this bullshit. Take it to someone who cares.
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peachjagiya · 2 months
Are You Sure?
Episodes 1 and 2 thoughts
I've had a chance to watch them properly now.
My main takeaway is absolute bafflement at the characterisation in that weird W article?! It's not even that they misinterpreted the show, it's almost like they didn't even watch it? JK is his sweet and soft silly self. Jimin is full big brother.
I have thoroughly and genuinely enjoyed it. I must confess, in the first episode they do seem awkward with contrasting energies. As they say, they haven't met up and I think it does feel like it for almost all of first ep. So I was worried how I'd handle 8 hours of that considering I get severe second hand emotions.
The shift seemed to take place at the meal prep at the camp site. I guess this is terra firma for them, a safe space reminiscent of ITS and the dorms etc.
I don't know if anyone will agree but the phone calls at the table seemed to put a lid on the awkwardness entirely. The switch to super comfortable besties was complete after those. I found that very interesting.
Did you notice the matched energies in the calls too? We've talked about Taekook's call a lot but we can't ignore how natural Jimin's voice was with Yoongi. I'm wondering maybe if they needed those moments with their closest members to put a line in the sand almost? I don't think I mean they were planned and forced as such but getting to be real in that moment must have been like a sigh of relief after such a long time dancing around the truth. Maybe this is delulu but I'd love your thoughts on it.
As for Taekook's call, I am now convinced Tae said something sweet or rude or otherwise disallowed that was muted when he first answered. Mainly because of how he then made clear they were filming. I also think that JK hung up because he was about to get a lecture about the bike and that his texts to Tae were jokingly apologetic like "sorry sorry I like you so much I love you forgive me that was just too funny"
I felt awful for Jimin and his tummy issues. On a BOAT?! And a HIKE? guys what the hell. Let him sleep.
I cannot with JK eating his way through Connecticut. Relatable king. Food is the only thing that will get me out of the house too actually.
I loved their dynamic in the second episode. It made me kind of peak mad at the Jikook ship- actually no. Not at the shipping. At the characterisation that goes with it. Because they're such great brothers, it does a disservice to the best bits of their dynamic to put them into gross alpha-omega dynamic when they're prototypical siblings. It's so enjoyable to watch.
I've gone from wondering why they bothered to thinking it's for the better that they did this. Getting to show what they really are to each other finally actually makes for much more interesting TV than I thought.
In conclusion: never seen a better representation of my ADHD than going for a sponge but getting distracted by guacamole.
💜💜💜 let's hope next week doesn't absolutely destroy it with editing nonsense 😂
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myobsessionsspace · 6 months
hi i need to say this to SOMEONE 😭 but the general fandom is soo weird about jikook. whenever i see tiktoks the vibes of the comments are so different when its jikook. its so normal to see stuff like "thats his baby" "soulmates" "they love each other so much" "i love them together" when its abt any other pairing but for jikook tiktoks its just comment after comment of people emphasizing the word friendship. like fandom cannot interact w jikook content unless they make sure EVERYONE KNOWS that theyre JUST FRIENDS and i do not see this with other pairings and i do not understand why
Hi Lovely,
You can always come say things here 🫶
It’s crazy because I was just talking to a friend today about something similar!!
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I was saying to her that I don’t even want the general public or all of the fandom to ship Jikook. I just want them to acknowledge them as close.
To be honest there are unhinged shippers in everytime subsection, Jikookers included. It’s understandable people that want no parts in shipping because it can go really left of the field, from the hyper feminisation of Jimin, the hyper masculinisation of Jungkook, the a/b/o tropes that people want to fit into everything they do, the hyper sexualisation of them, trying to make their every breath about the ship etc.
It’s understandable that lots of people want to just enjoy the members without all that extra.
What’s not understandable is the total erasure of Jikook even being BFFs, the super focus on certain duos that are not as volatile territory like ‘woah, thighs’, and how it’s fun to trend ‘rapper’s girlfriend’ but crickets from the fandom as a whole and only real noise from jikookers when ‘Jimin Hyung can handle it’ ‘I’m not that easy’ happed in front of our salad?!
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That’s not US taking it there, that’s THEM 😩
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My friend and I were saying that there are people that do see more when it comes to Jikook but because there aren’t enough big spaces that embrace the unique aspects of Jikook they try shipping spaces, but it’s not for the weak hearted. Some just see Jikook as interesting but not down to the #jikookisreal level and so when they dip their toes in they dip right back out.
Becca aka @wingzie did a post on how there are more jikookers than we may have thought:
I do get you anon, but I’m not so bothered if Jikook were to be acknowledged as ‘just friends’, heck I rarely see Jimin and Jungkook’s names in the same sentence unless it’s with the inclusion of other members or their musical records.
To be real, I care more that they’re not acknowledged as BEST FRIENDS, as closer than close. I see a lot of ‘that’s his baby brother’ ‘that’s just Jimin, he’s like that with all of them’, don’t even get me started on the pass around Jimin narrative that some use 😑.
I too see on a whole some actions that Jimin & Jungkook do that jikookers think is just for Jikook that truthfully isn’t, that can be seen with all seven. More jikookers do need to start dispelling those misguided Jikook lores in addition to dispelling anti Jikook narratives.
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BUT I also see when there are things just Jikook that get skilfully ignored.
It’s super frustrating but at the same time it’s not. Because, really, do we want millions upon millions trending every little thing about Jikook if they are real and not explicitly out? I’d rather have the ones that can’t see anything because they have underlying prejudices to stay not seeing anything, because do Jikook need those kind of eyes on them?
Maybe a smaller bubble of jikookers being convinced and spotting their moments, in comparison to the fandom as a whole acknowledging something different with Jikook vs other ships, allows for jikookers to to keep jikooking ‘safely’.
The majority of people that DO see Jikook, see them for the unique softness, fondness, adoration, sweet words and actions, fun and spicy bond they have and want to celebrate it and protect it.
Appreciating Jikook doesn’t need to have millions of people. To be honest with or without us watching, Jikook will keep Jikooking. So let those that see them, enjoy and let those that don’t see them, miss out on a beautiful thing.
Thank you for being comfortable enough to send me your ask.
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not-goldy · 10 months
The funniest thing is watching people cling to articles with no real credible sources that Jikook spent no time together in Japan and stayed in seperate hotels and ate alone. LMAO then left to go to another town and spend no time together. Disptach literally said Jikook were going together to shoot a documentary TOGETHER. We know that is not the real reason, but there is no way in hell they are gonna set Jikook up in different hotels, just for them to meet up to film whatever it is they need to film. How fucking dumb are you people? Insecure jikookers, antis and tkk are all losing their fucking minds and making up scenarios at this point to explain away Jikook's gayness. Acting like while JK is filming a performance for a show, that Jimin can't sight see. Clinging to articles with no real confirmation, making up scenarios about it being only for work. Laughable to think they would not be at the same hotel. They are fucking bandmates what would be the big fucking deal. They have always stayed at the same hotel. So suddenly since they travel together alone, its different? Don't make me laugh. Of course they stayed in the same fucking place. What a bunch of braindead desperate idiots you are. NEWSFLASH. JIKOOK ARE QUEER and their company is gonna protect them. They literally gave them a show so they could spend some ALONE time together before enlisting and they are.
Just say you're on the edge of jumping cause. in the last few months back back you been hit with.
Letter (featuring JK with romantic lyrics)
NY/CT/Silver Day (just the two of them)
JK's Jimin lives (focused only on JM not your fav)
The Bed live between Jikook & Jk begging him over.
Tokyo (alone trip)
Sapporo (alone trip)
Jeju (Vminkook trip)
Busan Chuseok (ALONE whale drawing together/boating)
Jk watching all of Jimin's content, singing all of Jimin's songs. Not watching your fav.
JK alone White Day spoiling Jimin's songs 4 hours, when he could have been with your fav while Jm was out of town.
Jikook's Tokyo trip being called "Real Love" and they coincidentally returned there TOGETHER during the anniversary month of GCF Tokyo.
Jk's brother posting a pic of what looks like Jimin's hand during family game night and got y'all so insecure y'all wrote a whole desperate wattpad about matching floors/walls with Tae's wall picture and Jk's brothers floors & that TK must have eat together at JK's brother house, only for Tae to actually be standing at a golf course posing and the golf course gave a shout out to Tae.
And the Granddaddy of all. JIKOOK ENLISTING TOGETHER CAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO BE WITHOUT EACHOTHER. When your fav could have enlisted with Jk, like you dumbasses believed for years.
Taennie pictures, Taennie videos. Taennie in Jeju. Taennie in NY together. Taennie in Paris together holding hands. Tae in Jennie's bed. Taennie wearing matching Jewelry and couple shirts. Jennie slapping y'all with pictures shutting down cosplayer theories.
I mean, at this point, go ahead and jump bitch. Leave, don't come back. There is nothing for you here. Your ship is not nor has it ever been real. You are staying to troll & for attention cause you're all pathetic lifeless losers. You know you have nothing left. You are here to prove Jikook is not real, so we can sit in the same miserable sunken boat as you, but we never will. PERIOD. You are all on your own.
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Come what may, they never stop loving eachother
No matter my opinion, your opinion, their opinion.
They are the cause of eachother's euphoria 💜
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marengogo · 6 months
Silver Lining - What If #8 : Min & Kook or Busan Brothers?
Neuron by J-Hope (with Gaeko & YOON MIRAE) focused playlist.
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
🐺 — 🐺 — 🐺—
Ladies, Gentlemen and Distinguished Enbies: HELLO!
How is everyone? Hope you are all enjoying this little break, if you celebrate Easter, and if for any reason you didn’t get a break either you don’t celebrate Easter, or you are part of the “holiday working class” I hope you are at least safe and serene 💜. All that said, let me tell you;
It’s incredible what a few days off can do, aye?!
For one I've been very vivid dreams and, for two, I’m actually in the mood of writing posts, would you look at that! AND BY THE WAY I keep forgetting to do this, but I will at some point later today I need to write an advisory note for the Sonyeondan Colosseum as I haven’t been there in a while but I still get aspiring gladiators, who are dying to participate, and albeit fun, at the moment, I really don't have that much time, to provide these fighters with the appropriate match they deserve 😫. So it is only right that I rely the appropriate information, as I do believe I run a fine institution and as such I am sorry for allowing my administration to slack real life suddenly got so busy and interesting that I didn’t, and still don't, have time to play, but who knows what the future holds right?! There just might appear a contender so unique, I might not resist the urge for a little tussle.
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Anyways, back to the topic of this post, as it is sort of a continuation of this one → Solstice & Equinox, it is indeed about the Jikook Travel vlog we still no absolutely nothing about, but of which I woke up with thoughts/ideas about, hence, why I’ve placed this post, yet again, in my Silver Lining series 🤡. In my previous post I tried to predict the vlogs' scheduling, in this post I would like to talk about the possible style this vlog might take, while making, as always, educated guesses and also diving into JK’s filmmaking style.
Let’s start right off the bat with:
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Also if you are NOT familiar with “Youtuber” Jimin, below is a little summary:
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As you can probably tell by some of the ss because there are so many more, believe me!, JM is very enthusiastic about vlogging and, as we all know, JK is very enthusiastic about producing video related content as well as taking it further when he directed Life Goes On for example. Both JM and JK consume copious amounts of video content, be it movies, dramas, anime or shows and they often seem to be watching the same shows as well. Reason why, perhaps, they often seem to be the only privy of their media related inside jokes.
Now, imagine loving to watch shows so much and having as a significant other someone whom not only has so much footage/pictures of you which will never see btw 🤡 but also has the skills to potentially make a show out of you, or with you, because they also enjoy the same thing, what would you do? Sure, you like travelling and he is not too big into that, but some time 7 years ago this person not only took you on a trip, but also found the most memorable way to immortalise this for you, resulting in this person producing more and more travel vlogs. Not sure if JK has come to enjoy travelling, but one thing is for sure; 
he seems to enjoy making one helluva good vlog out of it.
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Now, before we get into the reason for my title (Min & Kook or Busan Brother?) let’s look into JK’s filmmaking style THIS IS WHERE I AM SURE I WILL NERD OUT, and in order to do this we will look into two of particular videos, as I feel like their travel vlog could be a mixture of this two: 
VIDEO 2: G.C.F in Budapest
Let’s start from VIDEO 1. This was a series of vlogs we got from each of the members and were posted on BANGTANTV between July 9, 2022 and December 10, 2022 as always with the Tannies, the actual filming dates may or may not be close to the time they were posted. There are many different types of vlogs out there, because many are the different interests of viewers out there. When looking at our boys, you can clearly see theri vlogs divided in 3 specific types of vlogs:
“HOW TO”-vlog: In this type of video, usually the hosts want to learn to do something, and so they either attempt or they are a master in said craft to do said something, while showing the viewer step-by-step, with the intent/hope that the viewer can learn or feel inspired to want to do it as well.
“CELEBRITY LIFE”-vlog: This type of video, we follow a typical/particular day in the life of a celebrity. There is usually not so much editing done, and it gives very much the feeling of watching a reality TV show.
“TRAVEL”-vlog: These are usually specifically about showcasing cities, spaces, activities. They are very action filled, so they will not have as many static shots as, for example, the previous two themes 
Even though JK and Joonie have the same style of vlog, there is something that JK has, which all the other 6 don’t, which is his own “colour”.
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JK has a very specific style that is unique to himself within the group, and you can notice in the editing, which makes me think he often takes part in, whereas, even though the type of vlog is different for the other 6 members, the style of editing is the same for all of them. When I say that JK adds his own colour, I mean that, for example, he so often breaks the 4th wall in very conventional and unconventional ways and this is something I've noticed only he does actually in Bangtan. 
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Aside from JK’s Film Colour, I do believe that this is also an indication of how long we can hope their travel vlog to be. In the end the main event was camping, with other events as well and it was edited to 45mins, which is a long ass video for this type of vlog, it basically means that they realistically had hours of footage and at least 3 type of campers, which I will get into in my next point.
GCF in Budapest has all of JK’s colours as of 2023. 
This video is the result of 6 years during which he filmed, edited and directed different projects. GCF in Budapest is very professional, and even though he didn’t do the final edit on this, he did direct it, meaning that there wasn’t a single shot that he hadn’t planned, requested or approved of. Basically, JK is the person that instructed other camera-people the times he wasn’t filming himself as to what shot he needed and wanted for the final project, all the way from principal, to secondary, footage I DON’T THINK YOU CAN’T BUT I’M ABOUT TO NERD OUT, RIGHT NOW. Following are the notable structures in this GCF, with related explanations/examples:
Non-static self-filming - This is the typical vlog style where the main subject is filming himself. But in his case he seems to favour this type of shots when he is moving the most, as if he wants us to fill like we are really travelling with him, as opposed to constantly placing the camera on the surface, not moving, and talking. 
B-Roll Footage - is also known as “filler footage”. Usually there is no talking or nothing of importance, but they are quite good for either transitions or comic relief. I LOVE B-ROLL FOOTAGE and JK uses it so well. I believe that b-rolls fit JK so well because of his personality, he tends to space out so often that, in the filmmaking context, this type of footage offers a way to show this dimension of his personality, for example, himself goofing off in the b-roll is perhaps what he does in his head when he is spacing out in real life. 
Traditional filming - This is your typical main subject being filmed by a camera-person. As there seem to be two different angles during this type of shot, there were at least 2 different people filming him I will not go deep into the type of camera/s that were you as this is not that kind of post. 
Establishing shots - This are shots that make the viewer know where and when something is happening, and they are extremely important in film-making, but not really in vlogging as the title of the vlog already tells you where and sometimes when, if not you’ll find out in the dialog you are, but it is exactly this kind of touch that makes his work feel very cinematographic.
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All the aforementioned, are characteristics that I am expecting to see in their travel blog and I am soooooo much looking forward to check our the whole crew, if by any chance we get a roll end credit scene 🥹 to be honest, going back to video 1, since they were in each known location for more than a day, they could make at least 2 self-sufficient vlogs but hey ….
JK surely came a long way from GCF in Tokyo, didn’t he? And even though he hasn’t produced a GCF with the same colours ever since, there was something that was:
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To me, filming is the art of skilfully deceiving, while  willfully being deceived, during a specific amount of time, after which we all go back to our realities unharmed or “not”, depending on the depth of the film.
Films are like magic.
But what is filming for JK? To be veeeeery honest with you, the person who has a future in acting amongst the Tannies is Kim Taehyung, yet, the two people who can for sure act, on the silver-screen, are Kim Seokjin and Kim Taehyung … so why do I feel like Tae is the only only that has a future in this field? Because Tae can live for and with it. Just knowing how to act is not enough, you have to want to be an actor, for real-real. You know how Hobi breathes dancing? Tae breathes out imaginary characters in a similar way, reason why I can see him having a very prolific career as an actor as well.
Now ... why do I bring this up?
If JK just wanted to become a movie director alongside being the amazing musician he is, he’s had the perfect subject/s to do so. So why has he been so fixated with filming JM? JM is not the type of subject you can use for a long film, sure, he likes to act with his friends, but I don't think that cinema glory is one of his objectives in life I may be very wrong. He can perform/dance like hell crazy for the camera, HANDS FUCKING DOWN, but, once again, serious silver-screen acting isn’t what he wants. So, once again, given a choice of Tae and Jin;
Why JM?
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I, Marengo, think that JK had always intended to make GCF in Tokyo as merely a video to preserve the happy memories, during a hard moment in their lives, which they spent together. This video-gift was specifically intended, for JM, in the style that JM mostly appreciated at the time, which might have happened to be YT vlogs. While editing his video, JK perhaps realised that it might have been a bit on the nose, so he added establishing b-roll shots of Tokyo, thinking it might have been enough to divert the attention from JM; but unfortunately failed. For a few reasons, but mainly, the lack of any spoken words in my opinion. 
The thing is that for the purposes of what i think his objective was, words were absolutely not needed. “Look! See how happy you were here! It doesn’t matter how shit things are, we can still be happy; You can still be happy!” In the same way, with Life Goes On he wanted us to see their changed everyday life of the time, the sadness, melancholy and hope they all felt. Words were not needed, and this is the type of filming which is closest to the inner colours of Jeon Jungkook. JK is not the best with words, so I believe that he found in filmmaking a form of expressing himself in a more effective way.
HOWEVER, as we all know, even though Life Goes On was well received, GCF in Tokyo’s main critique was “Where is tokyo? All I see is JM”. Yet, his main purpose wasn’t Tokyo, the shots, the song, the editing, clearly indicated that. Nevertheless, if at the time, JM was indeed his queer interest as I don’t believe they were going steady at the time, he wasn’t going to jump out gun blazing to defend his choice; was he now? No, he left us to believe that he was gonna get better, and next thing he did was add more members and better establishing shots, but never forget; gcf in Tokyo is still there and still something he remembers fondly. 
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Now as for the title of this post  😂😂😂. Be it straight, queer, interrational or whatever, there is one thing that most of couple YT channels have in common:
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Their channel name is either a union of their name or there is and &/and to join siad names. When JM was pretending to have a channel with JK during this live → VMINKOOK LIVE he named their channel MinKook, because he was Min and he was Kook so, MinKook and let’s forget for a second that this actually resulted to be a very funny korean pun. I honestly do believe that if you are a platonic duo on YT you will very rarely use your name with your friends name as it seems like it is a universal YT truth that “” & “” channels are couple channels. So if anything, if JM was talking out of subconscious, he maybe had been watching a lot of YT couple channels, at the time, and thought it okay for them to have a channel name that matched the same energy? … 
So my question is: will the channel be named something akin to that couple vibe RISKY AF, WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT?? Or will it be something more like the Busan Brothers name that they are often given … HELLA SAFE, MAKES A LOT OF SENSE? I guess only time will tell! 
Ok then, hats off! Let's go back to reality, where we can happily keep waiting for this blasted travel vlog LOL.
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Always respectfully yours 💜🫰🏾,
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 27 days
when are people going to start realizing how disrespectful jungkook is to his hyungs? especially jimin? shippers love to say jungkook treats jimin differently than the other members "look he drops honorifics he teases him he pushes him away" when all it is is jungkook having no respect for jimin as his hyung 💀 been that way since before they even debuted funny to see he hasn't changed
- it's interesting in retrospect to see jikookers who used to say that jungkook would never roughhouse jimin or raise his hands at him have to change the narrative again and again to make excuses for jk's behavior and attitude and make it seem like everyone thinks jimin's a damsel in distress for finding jk's behavior kind of gross. oh how the tables turn.
I've had this in drafs for a couple of days, and now the tweet has been deleted. I was honestly enjoying the thousands of qrts calling them siblings.
First of all, I didn't have the same reaction to this as a lot of people. I can understand why people got upset about it, but it's not me.
I was never impressed or moved by the "hyung-dongsaeng" dynamic kinda of thing, I still don't get why people gag over it. I know culture this culture that, but in my culture some people call their mothers whores, and I don't. We're still part of the same culture. If you listened to the way my cousin talks to her mom, and the way I talk to mine, you wouldn't believe we're from the same family.
And I've always thought the same about BTS. Jimin has said that a lot of his friends are older than him. I doubt he's formal to them 24/7??? I assume they bicker and argue and they forget that they're of different ages. I assume Jimin's friends give him permission to be treat them as chingu after so many years.
Jungkook has even talked about his mom in a way that I wouldn't talk about mine, but anyways. I'm pretty sure he's also referred to Taehyung as chingu a couple of times between 2020 and now.
Jimin is respectful but he's not conservative by any means. I've always thought formalities matter only to some point to him. Especially with his loved ones.
As I was saying... I had a good laugh with the siblings comments knowing how much jikookers hate them because it really is siblings behavior. I don't ever call BTS brothers but I honest to god have no other words to describe Jungkook's attitude towards Jimin in that moment.
I've said before that I hate the "this is real because this happened to me". I don't want to know about how your very own personal life experiences tell you a ship is real. I've always rolled my eyes so hard when seeing people go "I've been married for 29048895 years and this is totally what me and my husband do!!" - Kristen, 57 years old, cis straight and married to Rob, 5 children, living somewherereallywhite talking about Jimin and Jungkook.
Well, Kristen. If you were having lunch with me and my family and Rob raised his hand like that to you - somebody's calling the police.
So I thought "maybe I'm thinking about it from a too heteronormative pov, thinking about my mom/dad and aunts/uncles but these guys are both men of the same age and social status." Because that wouldn't happen in my family. I'm not joking, it would be absolutely unnaceptable for a man to do that to his wife in my family, and at least half of the families in the country.
But then I realized none of the gay couples I know would act like that, either lol. I know straight couples and gay couples and none of them would ever do that to their partner, no matter how pissed they are. They might scream and curse at each other, I've seen lesbians do the nastiest scheming, manipulation, mindfucking tricks to get back at their girlfriends; but never something like "I'm going to punch you." And if it ever happened, I know the people who love them are not going to let it slip.
As siblings or friends, however... Especially men, what Jungkook did is completely normal. That's why I laughed about the siblings comments. Because they're right.
I don't do it because I'm not that type of person and I usually don't react strongly to many things, but my cousins do stuff like what Jungkook did all the time with each other and with me, too. And it's okay, it's funny.
I don't think Jungkook is violent because of this, but I'm completely in disagreement with these grown ass women on the internet telling everyone "couples fight like this". They DON'T. Or at least they shouldn't.
So, to sum it up. I don't think he had any real intention to hit or hurt Jimin. I don't believe Jungkook is a violent person, either (though he is impulsive). I don't think his behavior is "gross", as Jimin's friend. Jimin too just joked about it, but probably did think the reaction was uncalled for so he disguised it, and still asked Jungkook to give him an apology.
I'm just genuinely bothered by people saying it's "couple behavior". It's not. It shouldn't be. I think it's unacceptable between romantic partners no matter the gender, nationality, whatever of the people involved.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
It's KY, popping in to say hi <3
Haha the 'who is KY??' ask was so funny. It's me, anon! Hello!! I wanted to drop in and share a little tidbit on what I think about KM's families, how they feel about their relationship/them being queer. I do think that their families are fully aware of their sexuality and them being together, it's impossible for them to not know after 6-7 years of dating.
I believe JM's parents might have already suspected that he was queer from when he expressed interest in modern dance. His parents supported him in his dream in becoming a singer when they wanted him to do law instead, which is quite rare for Korean parents of that generation. They seem like very open-minded people (thinking back to when JM said he wanted to have his dad try putting on makeup - you wouldn't say that if your dad was frigid and conservative). He has such a good relationship with his parents (thinking about the phone calls where JM tells his father 'I love you' which is...wow...I honestly don't know another Korean who tells their father 'I love you' like that) + DdeunDdeun show where he talked about how he rarely fights with his mother because they're so similar. I'm inclined to believe that they would love and support him no matter what.
JK's family seems just as supportive. Well, a known example is JK saying his mom cooked seaweed soup for him to celebrate JM's birthday! (I have my own suspicions that the Jeon and Park families were together, but that's unsubstantiated. Either way, if JK was at his own house with his own family and his mom prepared seaweed soup, that would be even weirder than them being together lol - I talked about this before.) Also, JK's brother and father dropped them off at the airport when they took their Tokyo trip. That's very telling. I think they already knew (and were supportive) that JM and JK were dating/seeing each other exclusively and seriously. And JK's mom adores JM! (Jimin-ah saranghae!) And which mom wouldn't love JM, honestly.
I think their families know each other well, like each other, and are supportive of their sons. Which is frankly adorable. I'm so happy that they were both blessed with such wonderful parents.
P.S. I wonder what JM did in London?
Till next time,
Always good to see you my lovely. Welcome back 💜
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I touched on Jikook with family here. Loved the Bam part so much. Dogs don't lie 😁😁
I too, think the story about the sea weed was embellished. I think Jikook were together when JK's mom made the soup. But guess we'll never know for sure.
Still don't make Jikook any less real! Thanks for dropping in KY. See u soon 😘
(Guys, remember to leave your questions in the comments)
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causesciencethatswhy · 2 months
I'd honestly like to gatekeep Jikook bc I feel the bigger the ship, the bigger the fall when it turns out to be false (we all know which ship I'm talking about). Like, don't get me wrong, this may sound delusional bc Jikook have a huge fanbase but I just came across an instagram reel saying sth like "when ppl say don't ship idols but some pairs are good" and the amount of comments on Tkk show how big they still are (the comment "WHAT DO YOU MEAN JUNGKOOK TRAVELED FOR 8 HOURS TO HAWAII" is so prevalent I want to laugh my ass off), whereas the few Jikook comments among others are all like "YALL ARE SICK, THEY ARE BROTHERS". And it still shows how many are ignorant when it comes to, well, not certain bondsx but outright Jikook's bond. It's still funny to me bc I truly don't know what is it with Taekook that people see but it was also funny seeing how people crumbled and lost their shit when Tae came forward with his girlfriend.
So I'd rather gatekeep Jikook and let the cult and fake ot7 think that Tkk are a thing, if it wasn't for the whole hate train Jimin gets everytime he breathes near Jungkook. But also a part of me wishes Jikook could be out someday freely (if they have that type of relationship, of course), not to satsify our curiosities about their relationship, but bc it's sad seeing what the boys go through bc people feel entitled to lives which are not theirs (if Tkk turned out to be a thing, I'd respect it just like any another partner they chose to be with but it's crazy to see ppl still thinking they are a thing after quite a few major events that debunked them in 2023)
Omg anon I know exactly the post that you're talking about! I read the comments and got mad too. The one jikook comment about the hickey had people getting genuinely mad at the comment for even insinuating that the 'company content' is real. It made me super mad too. This is one thing I'll never understand, why can't tkkrs peacefully ship their ship without going out of their way to reduce jikooks relationship. What exactly threatens them so bad?
I suppose yes, majority of army's seeing tkk as the prime ship out of bts does give jkk a nice cover is anything else but that doesn't mean that you should downgrade and reduce jikooks bond because it challenges your own delusions.
And yes if jikook are what we think they are then I too hope they one day can live in a future where they can be out and proud. As a queer person I know exactly how scary it can feel to hide something so integral to your personhood, and I wish all of us could have a chance at this freedom.
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These last few months we have been definitely spoiled... 
From the 1st of February, until the end of April, we've had 15 vlives from Jungkook and 8 vlives from Jimin. In total 23 vlives in 3 months. That's an average of almost 8 vlives per month. LOL
(I know, I know.. some of the JK’s vlives are in the same day... but all together have more than 3 hours total length... that's equivalent to several vlives of the rest of the members. ;))
Now it seems like a dream... 
We are half way through May and....
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Let's see…
My positive side is that these two are finally aligned and both working hard. We don't know what Jimin is up to, but I'm optimistic that more music is coming. And of course, JK is totally into JJK1.
(my negative side keeps thinking about that last post of JK asking his stalker to shove the food up her ass. I hope he comes back soon, with his beautiful ponytail and the whole threat thing will be buried)
Before February I used to grieve thinking that there was nothing in the pipeline that would bring jikook back together in content.
After the last few months, I think I've learned that there are always plot twists, unexpected surprises, subtle gifts to their fans….
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They know we're here, and while they're still with us, they'll surely come back from time to time.
There are a few months left to enjoy many things. I would advise everyone to try to live this in the best way possible.
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Talking to a friend, I told her that BTS will keep putting their fans first, at least until this chapter is over.
Not for nothing Suga himself, who writes challenging lyrics and drinks on stage, and smokes in his MVs (to reflect the reality of his generation/age, not to set an example of anything), just recently said in an interview that they are all like "real brothers" and have been living these last 10 years together LOL…. any curious fans will know that in 2018, when they had some issues, many of them moved out to live on their own.
I mean, we're living, in my opinion, a sort of Chapter 1.5, with them discovering new facets of their independence (I loved NJ's interview for Vogue, and how he acknowledges the limited or isolated life they've lived until last year), but without crossing too many boundaries (and especially not changing too much certaing OT7 dynamics)
Couple this with the lack of ot7 content, this might not be the best of the chapters, imo. Not so for jikook, at least in our eyes. We are certainly far from the golden age of 2019.
But it is what it is… and as I said, better to enjoy it, not think too much about the dark parts of this fandom. Let's learn to respect each one of them and who they hang out with or don't hang out with. What they want to show us or what they want to keep to themselves. We are not in their shoes...
..and wait for whatever, because whatever will come… as Letter came.
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ask-serendipity-sky · 10 months
This is an article from 2012 where they talk about the relationship between gays and Disneyland. I accidentally came across this article and thought a lot about jikook. I don't know whether they were aware of these back then but whatever it is it was a bold movement from jeon kid to do this. And the mickey mouse hat jimin wore . Everything that they made in 2017 have meanings and they meant it too. Only the brainless trashcookers can't see it or admit it. I've seen ex-trashcooker saying that they haven't seen gcf tokyo yet. WHY? They ofcourse know it is GCF jimin ft tokyo whereas their fav has not got any as such but they're still arguing that it was actually planned with their fav and change due to some reason as if trashcookers were the ones who charted their schedules haha.
I sometimes wonder what might have happened in Tokyo but we will never know. These days things are getting complicated both for jimin and jungkook. I wonder what might be their motive to choose Disneyland as their destination place for their first trip. I'm still screaming at the thought they stayed at the hotel where the bedroom and bathroom were separated only by a transparent window. Jimin could see jungkook shower for 50 minutes through the transparent window? Wow I'm kidding but not really. The age they visited Tokyo alone is such a crucial one here. Both might be at the peak of curiosity and they are jikook lol I'll shut up now.
Now coming into jimin who is not so into amusement park rides according to him ( who would waste money on things like this + too scared lol me too yes i'm jimin's girl ) decided to get on that coffee mug ride? Are you serious!? YES! And that's how we got the most beautiful jimin smile through jungkook's eye. What we see in golden closet film Tokyo is jimin through jungkook's eye.
At the very 1st thought jungkook is the same age as jimin's brother and jimin's is the same age of jungkook's brother but nah ! I have eyes ofcourse. I didnt get any brotherly vibes. Of course they care about eo. The way jimin caresses junkookie's head or pat his head like an elder brother. But I don't wanna bring that ear sucking moment here. We had enough and that's louder than anything. I'd like to nominate the tummy caressing part by jk.mp4 lol. Jimin didn't even flinched like he is so used to those hands. They hiding at the corner at a big party ( jitb we spotted the couples ), staring at the lips while talking, jimin gesturing to keep shut when they were asked about the comfort thing that they depend on wow that was sus , and pulling him close behind yoongi?
Whatever I'm ending my rants here. I just wanted some place to rant that JIKOOK IS REAL AND MORE THAN FRIENDS OR WHATEVER. THEIR BOND IS UNBREAKABLE.
And they have done things and hinted as many things. Only blinds can't see it. That's their issue not ours. And to those who haven't seen gcf tokyo youre missing a masterplan video for how to impress your crush that's it.
thankyou 💜💛
Hi anon,
Your ask is beautiful. I love it.
It makes me wonder of all the times that jikook referenced their trip after they came back. They were smitten by each other!
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Shy and sweet and even when talking about it, they would ignore the rest of the world around them.
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And now they are in Japan again. History likes to repeat itself. Will they have a glass shower again?
What happened in Disneyland?!
With or without Disneyland (will they go to Disneyland?), them deciding on a project together (omg. this is a subunit created by jikook) and making it so they would work, travel, have fun, and spend time and end in Japan is a bold move.
We will see what comes out of this and if they end up in Disneyland again, I fear we might not make it through.
But yeah, "jikook is more than friends or whatever"...lol
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
i love talking ab km so I’m just gonna have a rant about them here.
i love that they’re the literal embodiment of you are me and I’m, that they’re literally each other in different forms i love that they have the exact same iq of 128 that their fav number is 13 and they both have it tatted. I love that jk has a bro jms age and jm has a bro jks age, I love that they have the same work ethic and I love how they always talk ab each other with sm respect. I love how they’re so similar that they just connect in stage and when they make eye contact it’s electrifying. I love that jk believes in destiny and jm thinks it’s absolute bs even tho he has a song called serendipity, I love how it’s almost like serendipity was written for them, I love when their indexes meet and they’re so giddy and giggly when they are in you and you are me, I love how serendipity is literally their song. I love that they’re both from Busan have ridden the same bus and have never met bc it was like they were pulled to eo. I love how they always lean on eo for support help and comfort. I love how even tho jk is quite aggressive with other members he’s always so soft with jm. I love how they find all the same things funny and how their laughs are one. I love how jms hand fits perfectly into jks and how what they like correlates perfectly with the other. I love that their families are so close and treat them as their own, I love that jm loved jk sm he rivalled jks real brother. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE WHEN THEY GIVE EACH ITHER MASSAGES, it’s so wholesome and domestic and just screams comfort, those little neck massages they give eo are so warm and perfect. I love how jks shy and introverted and jms confident and extroverted but can also be a very shy baby, I love how when the other is lacking something they always step up to fill that position I love how they’re the ace duo bc their chemistry is unmatched. I love how much they care for each other and how they almost always choose eo and I love how private they are. Jikook make my heart ache- they are so so so so lovely
okay I also love how patient jungkook is, it is one of my most attractive/admirable traits anyone can ever have + it’s such a big sign of love and his patience with jimin esp in that kimbap live where he had to repeat himself 4 times n he’s voice didn’t get harsher but probably softer melted me in ways I can’t explain
And the UN speech when jm was feeling obv nervous and how he turned his whole body towards him n he nodded as jm spoke to show him he was listening n u could tell jm needed that as he mirrored jks body language n when he defended jm from the boys making fun of him was so hot omg
As well as that one time jk held his hand out for jm to hold as they were going backstage while performing and he turned to make sure it was him n they ran backstage holding hands i literally disintegrated
All very adorable and sweet moments shared. Thanks anon.
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nightswithkookmin · 1 year
Goldie, for God's sake, answer me just this once. Please, like I told you before, I'm not a shipper and i have a reason why but i can't descussion it here. I'm just Jimin Stan.And all I care about is the comfort of this boy who took my mind called Park Jimin. Just a question if Jikook is real. Why do I feel that Jimin is always unhappy? He complains about loneliness and not getting and making friends. Does one live in illusion only and imagines that he is happy while he is always insinuating and complaining about loneliness and gloom? Don't you understand his feelings through his album? Is it logical that this side appears when you are happy with the one you love, or does the one you love not treat you well?Please, I don't want to accuse anyone, but it seems that Jimin has changed a lot since before He became shrunken in himself and shy too much. Where is the bold and flirtatious Jimin? Something must have happened to him. Something last. Did you read the Weverse magazine article about him because it made me cry so much?
Ever heard the saying the higher you go the lonelier you become? Dude literally released an album that addresses his struggles with fame and being in the spotlight- as big as Jungkook's dick is and as sharp as his thrusts are- big dick don't cure everything so let's not lay it on him okay?
I don't know if he's become shrunken in himself and shy when Jungkook has been saying for years Jimin is the most shy member of bts he knows. He is extroverted sure but he's quiet demure and graceful elegant and pretty too. Don't confuse is public persona for his actual persona. He's used to performing his extroversion and playing up his daring character for TV.
Jimin the artist is not the same as Park Jimin the brother, son, friend and human others know and that's what he's been saying for years. So if you ask what happened to the old Jimin I'd say FUCK IT HE'S FINALLY FREE BOTTOMS UP
Like he said, raise a glass to the old him- emphasizes on old. He keeps trying to break loose from old habits and behaviors that hold him back and don't serve him. I'd wager one of such habits was keeping up with his public imagine of constantly being a spectacle.
His duality is part of who he is. We should give him room to express and explore himself without attaching vehemently to our single lensed view of him. There's nothing wrong with him.
But I understand your concern. I used to be like this too. for years he had said bulking up and building his body wasn't his thing. I nearly- well who am I kidding, I had an actual melt down when he started working out and building his body again because I thought he was being coerced into doing it again- turns out he just wanted to look ripped in jeans🥴
Dude was tryna get laid and I was out here cussing hybe out for oppressing him💀
I don't know if he's always unhappy when he's only opening up about his struggles which I think is a good thing for him and his fans. For me it helps me understand him more, empathize with him more and grow more closer to him.
Jimin is not the melancholic type.
The shit he deals with is real. I've heard many western artists complain of similar struggles and some of them are happily married with kids. Relationships are not a magic cure for loneliness especially if the feeling of loneliness IS NOT STEMMING FROM LACK OF HUMAN CONNECTION.
Do you actually thing Park jimin is lonely because he lacks intimacy and human connection? Loneliness is a complex issue and many things can lead to a person feeling this way. For me, I think he's inability to be who he really is was his biggest emotional trigger. He lives in a conformist society surrounded by people who constantly expect maturity and discipline from him, with a fan base that will desert him and unstan him if he says the wrong thing, dates the wrong person or make the move. There's no room for mistakes and that can be pretty dehumanizing.
Social expectations can alienate people and I'm afraid jimin is no exception. And in case you aren't aware, life sucks and hits every body including Jimin.
I don't appreciate you demanding my attention in this way. It makes me feel I have to rush my response so if this feels rushed it's on you🙃
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juliapark13 · 1 year
"It all depends on what you see and how you interpret it."
I'm seriously tired of this bs. No, it does not. There’s a thing called FACTS.
Intimacy is intimacy. Though there are some cultural variations, love is love and it looks pretty much the same whenever you are around the globe. Crazy, huh?
Jungkook filmed GCF in Tokyo. He sucked Jimin's ear. Jimmy gave him a hickey. He watched Suchwita with Jimin and Jimin compilation videos for close to an hour and a half smiling and giggling and staying laser focus like we rarely see him do. This is only a teeny-tiny sample of stuff Jikook has done.
Now, ask yourself in which circumstances people have that kind of behavior. Or try to show those jikook moments to the guys that you know. Your brothers, your cousins, your male friends. (Which I’m going to assume you probably don’t have). Ask them if they do the same or would do the same to their best friend. Would they go on a trip with their best friend, film a vlog of their trip and put a love song on the background. Would they suck their best friend’s ear. Let them give them a hickey. Would they watched for an hour and a half videos of said friend with stars in their eyes while watching it.
Yeah, have fun ridiculising yourself. You all saying things like that seriously lack abilities in reading people's emotions. You also clearly don't interact with men, don’t have a circle of male friends. I grew up surrounded by men, in my family and as my circle of friends because I’m what we would called a "tomboy". And whenever I read stuff like "every ship has suspicious moments", "jikook aren’t different from the other ships" yada yada yada I just can’t help but roll my eyes and laugh. Yes, they are different, they are. Sorry to tell you this but what they have is way beyond the realm of friendship, especially for two guys, no matter their cultural background, and I don’t even understand how this is not freaking obvious to everyone in this fandom. You all spend so much time on the Internet rather than interacting with people in real life that you don’t even have the capacity to understand basic human emotions or what? I just don’t get it, it’s crazy to me. You guys make no sense, get out social media for a while and observe the world around you. Watch people. You’ll learn a lot. For real.
Wow. Thank you. 👏🏽🔥
I was a nonshiper. But I get to see GCFT and then GCFS and I couldn’t stop thinking about the fact Jungkook is a perfectionist, he always knows what he does, so could it actually means they are more than friends? Then I get to know everything that happend, while always watching also original content.
I never shipped them, but I think there is no option they are only friends. I think it’s very sad this fandom always overlook and ignore what they do, because their interactions make them uncomfortable (only their). The difference between jikook and other ships is so huge. It’s so obvious.
And that they are still together is also obvious, but at the end of the day everyone believes what they want to believe.
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not-goldy · 5 months
Tell me you’ve never interacted with the opposite sex (especially teenage boys) without telling me, lolz. I hope some of y’all are just super young and inexperienced tbh. If not, you’re in for a rude awakening when you’ll finally mesh with groups of males. I thought it was fairly obvious for everyone that males interactions with each other, no matter their sexual orientation (all my males friends are gay guys/yes, i'm that cliché, so what?) vs female interactions are vastly different. I'd even say worlds apart. Guys tease each other to no end with stupid comments all the damn time. (don't even start me with the "my cousin's brother's best friend ain't like that you're generalizing it's not true yada yada" of course I'm overgeneralizing duh still it's true for most men!)
Seriously, if a few comments made my a young guy - who could have been fighting with his sexual orientation at the time and overcompensating to hide it - is all it takes for you to dismiss the potentially of Jikook being a thing, you're totally clueless about the opposite sex that's all.
spoiler alert: guys don't suck each other's ears, don't play footsie under the table, don't look at each other's lips and so on without a reason, aka a sexual reason (or/and love). welcome to the real world anon.
Well if they're young they should go read a book or do homework or sommin. They have no business engaging in Character analysis of grown men who were their age at least a decade ago.
It's so annoying having any form of "intellectual" discourse with people who can't reason beyond their feelings.
They keep regurgitating the same old narratives with nothing to back it up. The whole "Jungkook is an ass" debacle was left in 2015. Talk about something else cos it's been debunked over and over.
There's literally nothing new with them.
And you can tell which of them just joined the Fandom cos they are the loudest buzzing in our ears with tired old shit as if it just happened.
They are not going, oh look we knew it Jungkook just did this nooooo it's how dare you say he's nice when he was 15 years and a minor and teased Jimin. They have nothing on Jungkook they've lacthed on to his childhood because without it they can't justify their hatred for him. And they have the nerves to talk about wanting love and gratitude from Jimin.
I for one don't take them seriously. LIKE AT ALL
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lajikookbolala · 1 year
You don't laughing JK shut down taekookers lmao. As if he didn't said I don't keep in touch with ALL members, he didn't met up with Jimin, he said out JEON JIMIN which literally established them as brothers. We don't need the vlive validation where two members who don't even meet up each other chats on weverse from two different places because whenever we see them Tkk are together and hanging out often. JK traveling with tae, jk gaming with tae, jk going out with tae's friends, jk and tae going shopping and the biggest of all, JUST AFTER HE 'ENDED SHIPPERS' TAEKOOK ARE TOGETHER RN AT INGIKAYO DANCING TOGETHER. if anyone got shut down today it's Jikookers lmao because even if JK said he don't know where tae is he was literally back stage with him ready to dance with him on stage. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I'm such a hypocrite, aren't I? I said in the pinned post on my profile that I wouldn't answer any anti-Jikook asks but here we are.
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I will acknowledge all your points in quick and concise bullet points, as I did the last similar ask. Are you ready, Anon? I really hope you are~
"he didn't meet up with Jimin" What do you mean? You mean he didn't meet with Jimin after his live? I mean, unless you're somehow stalking JK's every move, there's no way to know that. Also, I am so SICK of people acting like Jungkook wants nothing to do with Jimin. I mean just look at this.
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"he said out JEON JIMIN which literally established them as brothers" First of all, he said that because all of the comments were saying it. He was just reading the comments. Second of all, I know for a fact that if he had said "Jeon Taehyung" you would have seen it in a completely different way. I sense a double standard.
What do you mean Jikook don't spend time together? Do you not remember just a few weeks ago when they were hanging out in NYC together? Also, again, how do you know how much time they spend together??? Are you their manager? A stalker? Jungkook himself???
"Tkk are together and hanging out often"...and? That's what friends do. You saying that literally does nothing to solidify the idea that taekook is real.
Anon, I really hope you made it this far. And if you did, I have a confession to make.
I, too, used to be a taekooker.
***for all the jkkrs reading this I would like to clarify that it was only for my first few weeks of stanning BTS, before I knew any of the members that well and I am extremely ashamed of my past decisions. Don't @ me.***
But back to you, Anon. I honestly feel bad for you, because I know what it feels like to passionately support a ship that has no real evidence behind it. I spent all my time trying to convince other people, as well as myself, that Taekook was real.
But, as soon as I saw my first Jikook video, I literally said, out loud, "oh fuck. I was wrong".
It's not too late for you, Anon. You still have time to turn around. Just watch this. And I mean all of it.
And if you still aren't convinced, well, it might just be too late for you.
I wish you the best of luck, Anon 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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