#jilani family
tieflingkisser · 8 months
Paediatrician describes experience in treating patients at Al-Aqsa Hospital
“I just kept thinking that this is one of so many of a generation of orphans that are going to be born into Gaza, burnt and amputated and with no life to speak of, no access to services, no family members.” Paediatrician Seema Jilani shares her firsthand experience treating patients in Gaza with PBS NewsHour, recounting a case of an 11-year-old burn victim and expressing concern for a generation of orphans facing a life of hardship. In December 2023, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor reported that 24,000 to 25,000 Palestinian children have become orphans as a result of Israel’s war on Gaza. Around 25,000 children had lost one or both of their parents, while at least 640,000 had lost their homes after they were either partially or totally destroyed, leaving them homeless.
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lilmissnatcat24 · 3 months
Turn Left Ch 41- Mom? Am I Still Young?
The end!!! (for now) ((seriously everyone thank you so much for all of the support and love for this fic!!!!))
Relationship: Femshep/Garrus Vakarian
Archive Warnings in author's note
Additional tags: enemies to friends to lovers, slow burn, slow build, alternate universe- canon divergence, detective noir, sex club, anonymous sex, canon temporary character death, murder mystery, drug use, dom garrus vakarian, whump, smut, heavy angst, alien sex, dual pov, an overly sexual elcor named candy, earthborn, ruthless, fake/pretend relationship, dead dove: do not eat, identity porn, minor character death
Detective AU mixed with identity porn mixed with so much whump my fingers are bleeding
(or, start from the beginning here)
lil text blurb:
The next few weeks were nothing more than a blur to Garrus. There was fanfare, and lots of it. The Council had decided that the six of them were the Heroes of the Citadel, and planned enough social engagements celebrating them to last lifetimes. There were parades that touted them around the parts of the Citadel that weren’t destroyed by the Reaper attack. There were statues put up in their honor. There were a lot of handshakes from a lot of people that Garrus didn’t care to memorize. Interviews, sponsorships, advertisements; you named it, Garrus did it. 
He got inducted into the Spectres some time in there. They told him that morning they would be down in the Presidium for his ceremony, which was already looking just about as it had before the attack (nevermind that Kithoi and Bachjret still didn’t have power and running water in areas). Garrus asked if his family could be flown out for the ceremony. The Council said that the funds weren’t there to shuttle a family of three from Palaven to the Citadel. And so Garrus took the oath of the Spectres in front of thousands of people, televised across the galaxy, completely alone. He didn’t feel a damn thing. 
Garrus wasn’t the only one being worked like a vorcha in the mines. All of them were on a rigorous media tour around the Citadel. Wrex had been cleared of all charges by C-Sec, free to roam the Citadel as he pleased. He spent his time becoming more of an advocate for krogan rights than anything else, giving interviews that expressed the importance of letting his species walk freely around the Citadel and other Citadel-controlled planets, and for the salarians to release a cure for the genophage. He didn’t get too much screen time after that. Kaidan had unwillingly become the face of the Terra Forma Party. They used his pictures on just about every promotional picture and merchandising they could put their hands on, exploiting his L2 implants and side effects for their personal gain. It was only when he, very publicly and very uncharacteristically, told the Terra Forma Party that if they wanted his vote, they had to “suck his L2 ballsack first,” did they relent a bit. Liara had given a now infamous interview from that horrible crone al-Jilani where she had broken down into tears when asked if she felt ashamed to have her mother’s blood flow in her veins, streaked with blood from her third eye surgery that partially fixed her blindness but still left her slightly disfigured. The Council tried first to scrub the vid from the extranet, but seeing the public’s pitying reaction, decided to lean into it, the thumbnail of her crying on the side of just about every page in the Citadel’s extranet. Shepard essentially became the face of The Best and Brightest of Humanity. Udina made sure of that. Shepard coffee mugs, Shepard pins, Shepard t-shirts, Shepard bobbleheads, Shepard dildos. A few weeks in, and her scar on her cheek had begun to heal. Udina insisted on opening it up again, as it added to her mystic. A turian doctor came in one day to slice it open with a scalpel-- humanely, he called it. She paled, and excused herself to the bathroom for a few minutes. She came back dancing on the balls of her feet, a tiny speck of blood crusted to her nostrils. 
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inthemarginalized · 8 months
We speak with Dr. Seema Jilani, a pediatrician who spent two weeks in Central Gaza volunteering in the Al-Aqsa Hospital emergency room. "I saw the fall of a hospital before my very own eyes," says Jilani, who shares recorded voice notes from her time in the besieged territory while trying to save children in a health system collapsing under Israeli pressure and bombing. "I have never treated this many war-wounded children in my career." Finally, Jilani shares why she continues to serve as a doctor in war zones with the International Rescue Committee. "It is the absolute honor of my life to serve the people of Gaza," she says. "It is all of our responsibility to consider those orphans, consider those families who are completely bereft of any and all human dignity that has been taken from them. … Their fate will sit with us."
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For the character headcanon questions: (choose one or do them all!) Khalisah Bint Sinan al-Jilani Zaeed Massani Shiala
Sexuality Headcanon:
Khalisah Bint Sinan al-Jilani: Lesbian Zaeed Massani: Has done it all, doesn't think about what that means about himself Shiala: Pan-romatic
Gender Headcanon:
Khalisah Bint Sinan al-Jilani: This one I haven't thought about as much. Zaeed Massani: Is that one post going around about their dad not wanting to remember anyone's gender Shiala: The gender most asari use but doesn't translate in game
A ship I have with said character:
Khalisah Bint Sinan al-Jilani: Emily Wong/Khalisah as exes and rivals but still with mutual admiration of each other. Zaeed Massani: I like him with Chakwas a lot Shiala: @spookyvalentine 's Stellan Shepard ;A; they are so cute together
A BROTP I have with said character:
Khalisah Bint Sinan al-Jilani: Since she'll be taking the place of Allers in my fic, Khalisah and Samantha will be interacting a lot Zaeed Massani: Zaeed and Garrus are terrible influences on each other during Citadel DLC and it would have been funny to see more of that. Shiala: Shiala and her colonists fighting the Reapers with the power of friendship and found family (and the neural link a fungus gave them)
A NOTP I have with said character:
Khalisah Bint Sinan al-Jilani: Getting punched because people think it's hilarious Zaeed Massani: I think Samara turning him down at the party is funny and they wouldn't work out. Shiala: The Thorian
A random headcanon:
Khalisah Bint Sinan al-Jilani: Khalisah is a reporter who wants to report what the Alliance is doing regardless of if it makes the Alliance look bad or not which has her blacklisted by Pro-Alliance news networks. As a result, she's fallen in with the more of a pro-human news agency which she doesn't personally believe in but they give her the resources to investigate the Alliance so she's using it for her own ends. Zaeed Massani: Him and Vido did the horizontal tango together. Don't think it was romantic just something to do Shiala: @spookyvalentine 's headcanon about Shiala gardening flowers on Zhu's Hope is a beautiful image and I like about that too.
General Opinion over said character:
Khalisah Bint Sinan al-Jilani: I want better for her so much. The fact there are people who still think it's hilarious that the game treats the most prominent Arab character in the franchise as a punching bag for questioning the military is just gross. Zaeed Massani: War crimes grandpa. Great voice actor but I do feel being a me2 style dlc character hampers my ability to connect with him. I feel Kasumi was more successful with the formula. Shiala: I have found her interesting since encountering her again on Illium during ME2. I think it's one of those times that Mass Effect really pulls off having a NPC who feels like they're living this very complicated and rich life while Shepard is doing what they're doing.
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shadesofmauve · 2 years
Sunset & Evening Star updated!
Chapter 27: Complicated
“This isn’t personal, Commander.” Al-Jilani’s voice was patronizing as hell. “When I’ve questioned you, it’s never been personal.” “It hasn’t? Must be nice to sit where you’re sitting.” “I look for answers. The public has a right to know.” “Sure. But even when a question needs to be asked, that doesn’t make it not personal. You once asked me why I had our fleet defend the Destiny Ascension. There are thousands of grieving families that deserved to hear that answer — but I had friends on every ship we lost. You can question the decision, but it will always be personal.”
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wordsbyhisheart · 2 years
The body of Sayyiduna Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani رضي الله عنه was fresh after 900 years after his passing and the last person to kiss the blessed hands of Ghawth Al-Azam was the blessed grandfather of Sayyid Hashim Abdul Qadir Mansur al-Gaylani.
Sayyid Hassan Mansur bin Sayyid Safa’uddin bin Sayyid Abd al-Rahman Naqib رحمه الله.
There was a flood that came to the Maqam of Sayyiduna Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani رضي الله عنه in 1920, the Maqam is near to the river about 20 kilometers, that year the strong water came out of the river and flooded Baghdad and it even entered the Maqam of Sayyiduna al-Ghawth Sayyid Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani رضي الله عنه.
At the time Sayyid Shaykh Abd al-Rahman Naqib al-Ashraf رحمه الله ordered two Mullahs, Mullah Ghazi and Mullah Mahdi,
He said, “Please open the gate and go inside to see if there is water inside the grave of Sayyiduna Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani and the Mullahs opened the gate and they entered inside and they saw soil, they said,
“We will take the soil outside, to check if there is any water inside (the grave)”.
But the Mullahs got scared, they stopped the work and they ran away then,
Sayyid Abd al-Rahman was worried he looked left and right and said,
“What happened and why are these people running?”
At that time his grandson Sayyid Hassan Mansur al-Din رحمه الله was 14 year old and he said,
“Grandfather this is my work,
I will go down.”
He (Sayyid Abd al-Rahman) replied,
“You are still young”, in which Sayyid Hassan replied,
“They (Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani) are my great grandfather and this is my work, not anyone else’s work, this is our house.”
The Shaykh accepted and Sayyid Hassan went down, the Mullah who went before said they didn’t know that they were near the blessed body of Sayyiduna Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani رضي الله عنه.
Sayyid Hassan went down and it was very dark and there was no light he touched a block and they removed it, and when they removed that block with his hand and they put there hand down, they saw the blessed body of Sayyiduna al-Ghawth Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani رضي الله عنه and his body was fresh as if the Shaykh had been placed there a few hours before
When Sayyid Hassan touched the body of Sayyiduna Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani they touched their left hand, and they knew it was his, and they took it out of the Shroud (Kafan) and kissed the blessed hand.
Then they saw that there was no water inside the Shroud (Kafan) so they put back the block and started to return back up, they noticed a light coming from the left side of the grave then he fell unconscious, the family noticed what had happened and they took him to the physician [Hakim] and after 3 hours Sayyid Hassan woke up, and the father and grandfather were wondering what had happened to him.
When the Hakim looked into the left eye he noticed that Sayyid Hassan couldn’t see from his left eye, so then the grandfather and father asked what had happened.
Then Sayyid Hassan related that,
“When I went down I went to the blessed body, then I saw the blessed body, then I kissed their hand, and when I was going back up I saw a light and Sayyiduna Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani came to me and he asked me,
“Son, what are you searching for in my room?”
The grave it is the original area that Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani used to teach their students.
Sayyiduna Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani added,
“Son what are you searching in My room, you are searching for the water?
Don’t you know I am Sultan al-Awliya and all the world says Madad Ya Ghawth al-Azam Dastaghir! that water cannot come inside without my permission!”
And they added further, “and I have given you a small Jurmana in your eye because you are my family, otherwise if it was someone else his punishment would have been severe!”
- Shaykh Sayyid Hashimuddin al-Gaylani
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ehsastrust · 3 months
During the month of Muharram, we especially raise funds for our Water Pumps, Ration Packs, Food Kitchens, Kidney Dialysis, Eyesight, ‘Sadat’ (Gift for Prophet’s ﷺ Family) and Build a Mosque Projects.
Significance of Muharram
Muharram ushers in the Islamic new year and is a month of great reward and virtue. Muharram itself means `sacred’ and is from those months which have been mentioned as sacred in the Holy Quran. Abu Qatada (ra) relates that the Prophet (saw) said that the fast on the 10th of Muharram atones for the sins of the preceding year and Abu Huraira (ra) reports that the Prophet (saw) said that after Ramadan, the fasts of Muharram have the greatest excellence. The Prophet (s) encouraged us to fast during Muharram, especially on the 9th and 10th. The Prophet (s) himself fasted on the 10th, the day of Ashura, and had fully intended to fast the following year on the 9th, but he passed away before he could.
The 10th of Muharram is also a day of great historical significance and the day on which Allah (swt)*
accepted the repentance of Hazrat Adam (as) after his exile from Paradise saved Hazrat Nuh (as) and his companions in the Ark
extinguished the fire in which Hazrat Ibrahim (as) was thrown by Nimrod
spoke directly to Hazrat Musa (as) and gave him the Commandments and saved him and his people and drowned Pharaoh and his people
forgave Hazrat Dawud (as)
restored the kingdom of Hazrat Sulaiman (as)
restored Hazrat Ayyub (as) to health (from leprosy)
reunited Hazrat Yusuf (as) with his father Hazrat Yaqub (as)
took Hazrat Yunus (as) out from the belly of the fish
raised Hazrat Isa (as) to Jannah
made the Prophet’s (saw) grandson, Imam Hussain (ra), a Martyr
Battle of Karbala (10th Muharram)
Abbas bin Ali (ra) said to the Kufans: ‘you are torturing young children and infants from the family of the Prophet (saw), not allowing them even a single drop of water so that they would die of hunger and thirst.’**
It is said*
Worship Allah (swt) as much as you can on Ashura
Whoever clothes a naked person Allah (swt) will release him from a painful punishment.
Whoever visits a sick person, Allah (set) will grant him a reward that will not be decreased.
Whoever places his hand on an orphan’s head, or feeds a hungry person or gives water to a thirsty person, Allah (swt) will feed him a feast from Paradise and will quench his thirst with Salsabil.
*Mentioned by scholars as the specialties of that day in Ghunya li-Talibi Tariq al-Haqq, Sayyidina Abdul Qadir al-Jilani. **Excerpts taken from: Excellence of Muharram & Imam-e-Hussain (ra).
Your Generous Support has…
provided clean and safe drinking water to some of the poorest families in Pakistan. This includes building an RO Water Treatment Plant and also installing over 7,000 water-holes and hand pumps in villages throughout Pakistan with thousands of the poorest families benefiting.
Ehsaas also provides daily meals to thousands of people at our Food Kitchens (Dastarkhuwan) and Monthly Rations to needy families in Pakistan.
You can also help provide Cataract Operations and Kidney Dialysis to those who cannot afford treatment.
In addition, we also have a project that provides the ‘Sadat’ (members of the Prophet’s ﷺ Family) with Gifts and, build Mosques in rural communities – providing a place for prayer and everyday community services.
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shopcopes · 6 months
Top 8 Outing Places in Lahore
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Lahore, frequently alluded to as the heart of Pakistan, could be a city that is soaked in history, culture, and dynamic vitality. From radiant verifiable destinations to rich green parks, and bustling markets to mouth-watering food, Lahore offers plenty of excursion places holding up to be investigated. In this comprehensive guide, we take you on a travel through the best outing places in Lahore, guaranteeing an exceptional encounter for local people and visitors alike.
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Discovering Historical Gems
1. Lahore Fort Lahore Fortification stands as a confirmation of the glory of Mughal engineering, dating back to the 16th century. Found within the heart of the city, this magnificent post gloats complex carvings, staggering marble work, and sprawling gardens inside its dividers. Guests can inundate themselves in history as they investigate the illustrious chambers, mosques, and beautiful patios of this UNESCO World Legacy Location. 2. Badshahi Mosque Adjoining to the Lahore Fortification lies the famous Badshahi Mosque, a perfect work of art of Mughal design and one of the biggest mosques in the world. Built amid the rule of Head Aurangzeb, this engineering wonder highlights exquisite arches, minarets, and complex frescoes, advertising a quiet space for supplication and reflection in the midst of bustling city life.
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Embracing Nature's Beauty
3. Shalimar Gardens Shalimar Gardens, another UNESCO World Legacy Location, could be a heaven for nature darlings and history enthusiasts alike. Built by Head Shah Jahan within the 17th century, these charming gardens gloat terraced gardens, shining wellsprings, and fragrant bloom beds, giving a quiet withdraw from the hustle and the flurry of urban life. 4. Jilani Park Jilani Park, moreover known as Racecourse park, offers a welcome elude into nature s grasp. Spread over tremendous sections of land of arriving, this sprawling stop highlights rich greenery, beautiful running tracks, and recreational offices for guests of all ages. Whether you're getting a charge out of a lackadaisical walk or picnicking with family and companions, Jilani park guarantees a reviving encounter in the midst of quiet environment.
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Indulging in Entertainment
5. Sozo Water Park For those looking for an adrenaline pumping thrills and oceanic undertakings outing places in Lahore, Sozo Water Stop is the extreme goal. Arranged at the edges of Lahore, this sprawling water stop offers a bunch of slides, wave pools,and sluggish streams, guaranteeing a day of fun and fervor for guests of all ages. 6. Joyland Joyland, found in Fortress Stadium, may be a heaven for beguilement devotees and families alike. From exciting rides to arcade diversions, this bustling amusement center guarantees an exceptional encounter for guests looking for fervor and giggling.
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Savoring Culinary Delights
7. Gawalmandi Food Street No visit to Lahore is totally without reveling in its culinary delights, and Gawalmandi Nourishment Road is the idealization put to tantalize your taste buds. From sizzling kebabs to fragrant biryanis, this bustling nourishment road offers a plenty of nearby delights that will take off you longing for more. 8. Fort Road Food Street Fort Road Food Street, found close to Lahore fort, is another culinary hotspot where foodies can test a differing run of mouth watering dishes. From conventional Pakistani food with universal flavors, this dynamic nourishment road may be a softening pot of culinary delights, bustling with nourishment sellers and enthusiastic burger joints. https://youtu.be/yU44UazfnFE?si=SbW-juV-E9zh3ZzM Video by Haley Takes On the World YouTube Channel
Conclusion: Best Outing Places in Lahore
In conclusion, outing places in Lahore could be a city of contrasts, where antiquated history meets innovation, and convention mixes consistent with development. Whether you're investigating its verifiable points of interest, savoring its culinary delights, or basically getting a charge out of the dynamic environment, Lahore guarantees an exceptional encounter for guests. With its differing cluster of excursion places, Lahore really has something for everybody to appreciate.
1. What is the best time to visit Lahore? The best time to visit Lahore is during the winter months, from November to February, when the weather is pleasant and suitable for outdoor activities. 2. Are there any safety concerns for tourists in Lahore? Like any other major city, tourists are advised to exercise caution and remain vigilant, especially in crowded areas and tourist attractions. 3. Is Lahore suitable for family vacations? Absolutely! Lahore offers a wide range of family-friendly attractions, including parks, museums, and entertainment centers, making it an ideal destination for family vacations. 4. What are some must-try dishes in Lahore? Some must-try dishes in Lahore include chicken tikka, seekh kebabs, nihari, and falooda. 5. How can I travel around Lahore? Lahore has a well-developed transportation network, including buses, taxis, and ride-hailing services like Uber and Careem, making it easy to navigate the city. Read the full article
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hppyniiuye · 11 months
Chinese envoy urges immediate ceasefire between Israel, Palestine
Chinese permanent representative to the United Nations, Zhang Jun, on Friday called for an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Palestine.
"A ceasefire and an end to the fighting cannot be delayed. A ceasefire is by no means a diplomatic statement. It is the only hope for the people of Gaza to survive," Zhang told the UN Security Council emergency meeting on the Palestinian-Israeli situation.
Noting that the current round of conflict has been going on for 35 days and the situation continues to deteriorate, he said: "We call on all parties, especially the major power that has a unique influence on the parties, to put aside all geopolitical considerations and double standards and focus all efforts on the goal of a ceasefire and an end to the fight. We urge Israel to curb the intensifying settler violence in the West Bank so as to avoid the concurring hotspot and the spread of conflict."
"When tens of thousands of people, including more than 4,000 children, have lost their lives; when more than 1.6 million people have been forced to flee their homes; when 2.3 million people continue to be cut off from water, electricity, fuel, food and medicine; and when hospitals, schools, refugee camps, and UN facilities have been frequently targeted, this is not only a humanitarian crisis, but, as described by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, a crisis of humanity," he added.
Zhang said he met with representatives of Palestine and other Arab countries and those from the Organization of Islamic Cooperation earlier in the day.
"From our conversation, I was deeply struck by the pain they have deep in their hearts, by their hope for the resumption of peace, and by their expectation for the Council to take effective actions," he said.
"In the face of all this, the world must speak out together: Enough is enough," Zhang said, adding that "the Security Council must do away with the obstruction and interference of some members and take immediate, responsible, and meaningful action to uphold justice and maintain peace."
Stressing the importance of protecting civilians, the envoy said, "We condemn all violence and attacks against civilians. We express our grave concern over and strong opposition to the clear violations of international humanitarian law in Gaza."
"We urge an end to the collective punishment of civilians. We demand the safety and humanitarian needs of hostages be guaranteed and call for diplomatic efforts to facilitate their early release," he added.
More than 1,300 children and their families are trapped in the rubble with their lives at stake, Zhang said, adding, "We support the Council to take emergency actions in this regard to facilitate a sustained truce of multiple days and an immediate opening of a green corridor for specialized agencies and equipment to enter Gaza to carry out search and rescue operations, so as to do our utmost to save children."
The council should also respond to the joint appeal made by the Director-General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, and Marwan Jilani, Director General of the Palestine Red Crescent Society, to establish a medical evacuation mechanism so that pregnant women and the seriously injured and sick in Gaza can be transferred and treated promptly, he said.
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xlnc1 · 1 year
Laaj - HUM TV Drama Last Episode 17
Laaj – HUM TV Drama Last Episode 17 After the death of her husband, Bari Sahab struggles to head her family as her brother-in-law envies her and keeps plotting against her. Story by: Erum Wasi; Saima WasiWritten by: Edison Idrees MasihStarring:Zarnish Khan as ZainabIqra Aziz as Mannat ChaudhryKamran Jilani as Chaudhry Jahanzaib
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thesmilingakh · 1 year
This day of Ashura is a day of tests and relief.
It is the day Adam (as) was forgiven by Allah (swt)
The day Ibrahim (as) was saved from the fire
The day Ayyub (as) was released from the tests we had borne with beautiful patience
The day Sulayman (as) was given his kingdom
The day Yunus (as) was saved from the belly of the whale and his people forgiven
And the day Isa (as) was raised to the heavens. [Al Jilani]
On Ashura, Allah swt blessed his Prophets (as), saved them, forgave them and took them back to him.
Yet we remember the tests and trials of this day too.
Where the grandson of the Prophet (ﷺ), Imam Hussain (ra) fought against injustice as him and his family were tortured and martyred. [Suyuti]
May Allah swt reward them with the highest status, and grant us even a fraction of their devotion and patience. This is a day we should ask Allah for relief from our hardships & thank Him for our eases.
- thesmilingakh
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tieflingkisser · 8 months
“Unconscionable”: American Pediatrician Who Worked in Gaza Hospital Recalls Horrors of Israel’s War
Democracy Now! speaks with Dr. Seema Jilani, a pediatrician who spent two weeks in Central Gaza volunteering in the Al-Aqsa Hospital emergency room. “I saw the fall of a hospital before my very own eyes,” says Jilani, who shares recorded voice notes from her time in the besieged territory while trying to save children in a health system collapsing under Israeli pressure and bombing. “I have never treated this many war-wounded children in my career.” Finally, Jilani shares why she continues to serve as a doctor in war zones with the International Rescue Committee. “It is the absolute honor of my life to serve the people of Gaza,” she says. “It is all of our responsibility to consider those orphans, consider those families who are completely bereft of any and all human dignity that has been taken from them. … Their fate will sit with us.”
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tailorbazaronline · 2 years
خياطين تايلر بازار - Our Tailor Family
Ghulam Murtaza & Sons
Ghulam Jilani & Sons
Hasan Ghulam Murtaza Co. WLL
Fab Creations • Daraat Shamael
HGM Abayas
Nawab Textiles
Hiba 4 Jalabiyat
TB - Where every cut is Personal!
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MSTCA Speed Classic (Small School) Preview 2022
To be honest I hate the word Small especially when we are talking about XC & TF. Yes Yes I get it, the criteria is the size of the school population. However I am a true believer it is not the size of the team or the competitor it’s the heart of the Champion, the heart of the warrior. This Sunday December 18th, 2022  in the Reggie Lewis Track and Field Center, the MSTCA will be hosting the 2nd part of the Speed Classic Weekend. The heartbeat of the assassin’s will be heard. There is nothing small about the competitors we will see the likes of starting in the
Last time I saw my home girl from Auburn Massachusetts Katherine DeFosse she was 7th a year ago in the Meet of Champions with a time 8.75. Defosse comes in with the number one seed time, and looking forward towards a big race sunday. Coming out the Blocks with DeFosse will be Cam Travis from Hurdle U aka Plymouth South, recently it was Katrina Sullivan who has graduated and moved on to I believe Holy Cross.. Can someone in the comment section verify Back to Travis if you know Plymouth South they will be in the mix. 
Boys 55H
My Main Man from the North Shore Ean Hynes from Newburyport seeking to get the Clippers some valuable points down the road. This weekend look to see Hynes, be accompanied out the block by the O’Riorden Family (Sawyer) seeking to make a name for himself as older brother Tristen O’Riorden took his talents to Umass Lowell, look for Nashoba to be in the mix. Nolan Palmer more Hurdle U aka Plymouth South and Arman Araujo Wareham, Brennan Shea East Bridgewater will be in the hunt 
Girls 55
We will have an Ava VanBuskirk sighting, the talent out of Marlborough is going to have a big day with top times in the 55 & 300 Meters. North Reading’s Ava McIntyre & Kayla Bundy will be mixing it up with Pentucket girls off Sdyney Trout, Sage Smith, Resse Gallant. I would love to see Ruby Codrington out of Westwood shake this entire race up. 
Boys 55 
This weekend Small School Speed Classic no cliche will be won in the blocks, no clear cut winner just the entry seeded time. The number one seed coming into the meet is Julian Ram-Tylerbest out of Medfield with a time of 6.71, however sitting in 10th place is William Acquaviva from Newburyport, the Acquaviva has produced talent over the last several years don’t be surprise to see Will stick his nose into it this weekend. My boys from Littelton Tyler Castillo & Paul Neary, (Neary) Family salute will be representing Tracktown USA. Keep an eye of Jaiden Mcniss Nantucket, Yanni Kakouris Pentucket always a tough act and last but not least Chirs Oman from East Bridgewater. 
Girls 300 Meters 
Can Vanbuskirk break 41 sec in the 300 ?  How will Stroope & Felts from Newburyport respond ? Or will Maddie Grogan from Walpole be my sleeper athlete of the meet only time will tell that’s why we race
Boys 300 Meters
Man oh Man this is like a family affair.. Michael Long representing the Long Family from Ashland, Mike has been working hard creating a name for himself, look for the TVL’s Finest seeking to dip below 36.. However, Tim Smith from Lunenburg and my main man Gabe Merrow are going to give Mike everything he is looking for, how gets the 200 first ?
Girls 600 Meters
This is going to be a good one… 400HH Specialists my home girl is back Giulana Ligor from North Reading, but she will be challenged by my other home girl who had an amazing XC Season look out for Mia Jilani from Milton. I see Caroline Collins is entered in this event, looking forward to see the Nashoba Junior race, watch out for Pope Francis Brenna Sears 
Boys 600 Meters
Maybe the race of the day we shall see. School Record Holder Senior Extraordinaire my main Man Zach McClure from Lunenburg will have his hands full with the likes of Samuel Secor from Bromfield and Evan Cherry from Littleton.  Winner runs sub 1:24
Boys 4x200: Littleton; Pentucket, Nashoba Can Newburyport break 1:37 to crash the party
Girls 4x200: North Reading, Newburyport, Pope Francis look out for Pentucket 
Boys 4x400: Snowball Fight between Bromfield, Lunenburg, East Bridgewater, Douglas, Pentucket, - This could be the race of the day -TBD Sunday 
Girls 4x400: Littleton, Newburyport which Lunenburg team has Abby Rodriquenz anchoring, maybe the faster of the two, as they enter two teams.
I will be announcing on the Live Stream, I will see you in the Live Chat. Athletes , Coaches don’t be shy don’t be a stranger come kick with me. How should come to booth ?
For more Coverage Follow: CoachH.Live
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hindiurdunews · 2 years
Population Dept Organises Competition At Jilani Park
Population Dept Organises Competition At Jilani Park
The Punjab Population Welfare Department organised a competition for healthy children at Jilani Park, here on Friday. LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 9th Dec, 2022 ) :The Punjab Population Welfare Department organised a competition for healthy children at Jilani Park, here on Friday. The aim of the competition was to promote the message of family planning, maternal and child health and…
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duskdrops · 6 years
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