#jix stuff
languajix · 3 months
It's the early 2000s, and Donny and Mikey begin to figure out who they are and how they want to be seen. It's messy and far from straightforward, but they'll get there together, surrounded by the people who love them. [Genderfluid Mikey and agender Donny (with a little background Leo/Usagi) - a pride month fic.]
This is broken up into chapters because it is *long,* but I tried to get it in under the wire so it will all still have been posted in June!
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anachronismstellar · 11 months
Me: it's been a while since I've done a tarot reading, maybe I should pick a card just to see-
Tarot: ₊˚⊹.* The Tower *.⊹˚₊
Me: aaand I'm putting the card back.
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volinare · 1 year
new pronoun set: ji/jaer/jixes
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amaryria · 26 days
Since we all voted for countryhuman stuff from me.. i.. feel awkward making it but a playlist of songs, and specifically for austria? Anyday everyday yes (calm down we are ADDING OTHER COUNTRIES TO THE MIX. calm down)
Behold. A fridging playlist of songs that i gave to some random countries who i made inaccurate lore—countryhumans (but, always you can imagine im yapping in hetalia(n))
things might be changed + added or removed but take it for now, and indulge in AHHHHH VOCALOID AHHHH PROJECT SEKAI AHHHH
Twilight Light: now i feel like erm. austria, germany, switzerland, poland and hungary :3 i mean, therapy songs for the win!
Jackpot Sad Girl: oh boy. I havent listened to thjs in decades but i think it'd be reflecting austria's TERRIBLE FATHER being a big ahh harming him (forcing to med school?!??) and hungary probably trying to protect him(?) so. yeah
Usseewa: oh. Easy one im gonna give it to germany and austria—overworked woman and tired man?? i meannn.. ahahah :3
Odo: hungary, for some reason i guess?? he really likes pop music in my au.. and maybe poland could be in this YEAHHHH
Cantarella: now this one i've thought for a while, perhaps austria and serbia or bavaria (because princess sisi) and theyre waltzing YEAHHH (i like the miku symphony one tbh)
Cute Girlfriend: serbia and austria. immediately. and bavaria probably i think its self explanatory
(in my au austria-hungary is a political marriage of austria and hungary, except hungary exists in the mind, austria married to bavaria but hungary is SINGLE AS fridge :3) and then, after 1914 and stuff and.. like too many ages serbia was dating austria; bavaria acknowledges their relationship; and serbia doesnt rlly care but yk
Samsa: It's based off Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis (i havent read it), and since it features apples in the pjsk 2dmv.. why not germany? I guess snow white being emo
Kimi no Yoru wo Kure: I debated this for a while, but its between switzerland and poland.. its therapy song number two again
Bitter Chocolate Decoration: switzerland has been dumped so much so ill hand this over to her, only because it says chocolate in the song title LOL
Shoujo Rei: switzerland again, because in my au she reincarnates and during her first life ie old swiss confederacy she was treated terribly. but hey habsburg netherlands was dating her (switzerland cant remember him and so, yeah shes kind of lovesick LOL) and also, maybe austria and liechtenstein are in this
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lovinkiri · 1 year
Hi lovelies! So, we've reached 903 followers recently! 🎉🎉🎉
I just want to thank everyone! Not just those who follow me, but also the people who just read, like, and comment on my stuff. It means the absolute world to me!
I remember my first milestone of 50 followers, and now I'm at 903. I literally can't believe there are 903 people out there who like my writing that much. I love you guys so much, and again, thank you.
Special thanks to my moots: @ineedgarlicbread @awilddreamermain @the-wild-nerdy-gay @tqnk I love you guys 💕💕💕
And separate special thanks to my moot @jix-the-dragon for commissioning me and trusting me to tell the story of her amazing OC, I have so much love for you and that story hun 💕💕💕
But enough rambling! I might work something else out but in the meantime, have a face reveal!
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My friend wanted me to animate the cast from my comic series, Dumbass Comics No One Asked For, doing the funny caramelldansen dance.
So here we have me (R-Dumb), Void, Sprig, Lucie, M4-JIX, and Ray doing the dance. (Well Ray isn’t exactly dancing due to the fact he can’t move when looked at lol)
Speaking of the DAC NOAF comic series, here’s a link to it:
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peril-the-peacock · 2 months
It is I, Peril S. Hillbon, Ninjago City’s best model. You may have heard of me form some of the best magazines, or maybe adds on social media. I’m here on Tumblr now!
I am FugiDove’s number one fan and part of his villainous bird team! Because I am the most beautiful, handsome, talented and gorgeous model ever, and a great criminal! (Ooc: crimes may be involved with triggers, so those will not be included.)
I have He/Him and Void/Voidself pronouns, and a Demi boy identity. Homophobic, Transphobic, Racist, sexist or political remarks are not welcome here.
(OOC: Crimes are triggering to some, so they are not listed on this post. Peril is an OC I made to specifically be part of FugiDove’s crime team. His backstory is on TW, so it will be under the cut. Everything after the cut is Out Of Character as well.)
((OOC:(backstory incoming): Peril had an mentally abusive mother named June growing up, that would always have guys over to do the deed, so that impacted Peril by never really having a good mother figure in his early childhood. His birth name was also Jade, but his mom would always called him Jix cause she was 1. Drunk 2. Probably high and 3. Couldn’t give a shit. His dad named Albert was always off at work or with some teenage girls and boys (it never led to s3x but it was considered serious), but when he was home, he would always ignore Peril. If he did acknowledge Peril, it would be asking for a cigar or a beer. Peril’s sisters (twins, age 5) Charlie and Chloe, died in a car accident killing both of the girls and their aunt that already had a criminal record. He also had an older brother named Jess that always forced Peril to do his homework, and blackmailed Peril into not telling their mom that Jess was gay, because of course their mom is homophobic. His older sister Marie was Peril’s only safe space, having the biggest and best impact on him. Marie taught him how to model and style clothes, how to properly take care of himself, and eventually she came out to him as lesbian, and Peril came out to her as transgender, gay and GrayAsexual. Marie also brought Peril into her main life outside family (or the biological one they had) and taught him all about trafficking, dr1gs, cigar3ttes, vap3s, and the more detailed stuff that would get someone in jail. Thankfully, neither of them got into jail, and as Peril aged, he started to develop close friends. Then he got this Tumblr account ^^ ))
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chiveburger · 3 months
[I'm sorry about that long-ass ask, but I saw your post and I'm bored and my adhd's kicking in and my brain has thoughts apparently. You're welcome to throw this in the trash ! (i didn't even proofread, so yeah i'm sorry)]
What you said about jixing in as beautiful as you is interesting because unlike you, I totally get where the boyfriend is coming from.
First, in their relationship, she almost exclusively the taker, rarely the giver (no physical affection except for a hug here and there, no acts of service, no quality time -she tried, but something more important came up, or it was with friends-, no words of affirmation, almost no communication -I think in the beginning, he's always the one calling her-...). To me, that felt really unbalanced.
That unbalance makes it easy to see their relationship from his point of view : he loves her so much that he proposes, but at the same time (I'm assuming here that the timeline of the first 8 episodes stretches over ~7-10 months. It's never explicited, but jixing said she would have enough money for a few months at the beginning of the startup and it makes the "struggling to find investors" storyline more realistic), he comes to realize that she doesn't seem to 1) love him as much as he loves her, 2) prioritize other things like her business and 3) most importantly, doesn't want the future he wants.
I think he made a very mature decision : he saw that their paths were diverging, and chose to be true to what he wanted (a chill family life) and what she wanted (a thriving business) and let their relationship go.
The """flaw""", if there is one, lies with jixing here I think :
She prioritizes work and knows that she is doing it, but she doesn't realize the impact it has on her relationship because she never really checks (saying "wait for me" and nothing else, no conversations, no "how's your life going?"..., feels dismissive. Imagine if the genders were reversed : we would feel bad for the girl and tell her to leave him because her partner doesn't care about her)
It's not even really "work" that she prioritizes : it's her dream of "helping people" through technology, science, and medicine - her dream isn't a house with him, not really, not anymore. She's not trying to make money, she's not trying to buy a house, she wants to make robots and code stuff and create something. Perfectly valid, but she prioritizes her own dream over their shared dream and that's why he breaks up. I think by the time they break up, she has not herself noticed that her own priorities have shifted : if she had been more introspective, she would have realized it and the breakup would have been mutual. Sad, but mutual.
I do believe she loves him, in her way. Her way is not enough for him and that's OK (again, lack of care, of time, of everything he emotionally needs in a partner), but, again, she does not realize this because she doesn't communicate (not because of lack of skills, but because she does not realize communication is needed : she is so deeply set in her couple routine -i love him, he loves me, everything's a-ok, that she can't fathom the idea that anything might be wrong in their couple). On this, he also doesn't communicate much, but he's a bit better at it and I'll give him a pass because he's already making choices around ep 5-6, even though he proposes (if anything, that's what he did wrong because he already had doubts by then, but it felt, on his part, like a last-ditch grand gesture which came crashing down the moment she said "maybe" instead of "yes").
In conclusion, they don't want the same things in life (a perfectly normal thing that happens to a lot of couples), but she never realizes it, because she never seems to think about her relationship, where it's going, how it's doing, what her boyfriend is feeling... To me as the viewer, she just doesn't seem to care and I believe that's where we get her main character flaw : lack of introspection.
Jixing is a woman that "goes with the flow", mostly. But, professionally and personally, she needs a push to actually do things : 1) when she was unsure of her professional future (valid, same), she relied on han ting's advice most of all to make a choice and didn't choose "alone" (that fine, but in context, i think it supports my point : making such a choice required introspection and she was having trouble with it) 2) when her boyfriend proposed, she was blindsided, even though their relationship was smooth-sailing. It's explained away because her financial situation isn't stable, but if she had done more thinking about her situation, it wouldn't have seemed so crazy that her boyfriend would try to stabilize that same situation by marrying her and giving her a security net. 3) i hate to say it, but I would have been out looking for a job the minute i heard my boss had lied and had no intention of promoting me -it took sexual assault and days (weeks?) of subsequent workplace harassment to make her quit (fuck corporate workplace culture). Resilience is usually a character strength, but damn. She was the personification of sunk cost fallacy for a few episodes there, and that stems also from her lack of introspection : unless she is forced to by exterior circumstances (han ting, heaven bless his people skills, even though he tried to use them for selfish reasons, the breakup, the sexual assault), she wont think about what she needs and what she wants.
((Her lack of introspection (in addition to her somewhat undue confidence in her skills as boss of her own startup at the beginning) is the most interesting thing about her - I think, anyway.))
Anyway, the difference between jixing and her boyfriend is that the boyfriend thinks about their relationship (we see him do so several times), but that she never does. And the boyfriend chooses to break up because he sees all the things that she doesn't (because he's looking and she's not) and realizes that, if they stay together, one of them will always be miserable, no matter how much they love each other. It doesn't matter how much he loves her : she's not looking forward to the life he dreams of, and he doesn't want the life she's running towards.
I think breaking up was the most mature and considerate and loving thing he could have done.
On episode 9 : the fact that she went up to his flat with the contract and the money only just made him more convinced he made the right choice - Seven Tan did the delusional and desperate smile so well it was glorious and tragic I love her so much.
Also, the fact that the first thing she did was look for signs of infidelity instead of asking questions is so fucked up. But also the last sign we're getting that they are very much NOT on the same page in their relationship.
I hope this character flaw (her lack of introspection, especially when it comes to relationships) is going to be a plot point in the future and in her next relationship because, apart from her mix of confidence, resilience and naivete, that's the most interesting thing about her. I trust 7Tan to play it, but I never trust the writers.
[again, sorry for the wall of text, I got bored... This is not a rebuttal or me starting an argument or anything, I swear ! I just had thoughts. Also, I said "the boyfriend" the whole way through because I don't remember his name and I can't be bothered to check
Anyway, I hope you have a brilliant morning / day / lunch / evening / night]
omg don't be sorry, but I also didn't think anybody would read my analysis of the show because nobody ever watches the same chinese dramas as me at the same time 🫠 I'll be honest I agree with you like I do think yichen was mature enough to step away from a relationship where he wasn't being fulfilled. part of me feels like it's a shame though because it was a four year long relationship who's end goal was marriage and a life together. on jixing's part she's been very oblivious to the problems and their mutual needs, but if I were yichen I don't think I would've been able to make that decision, which is probably why I can't justify it myself.
I'm not mad at yichen because he is a great boyfriend but there was definitely some errors in communication on both sides... as naive as jixing often is I certainly don't think she's stubborn and incapable of compromise. I feel like yichen doesn't want jixing to change or rather he doesn't want her to give up her dreams to settle for him especially if he sees that their goals are changing. he loves her enough to not want her to sacrifice anything for him and it's this altruistic quality of his that ultimately creates this safety net for jixing to be less aware of the cracks in their relationship. when they break up he says "I can't always be there just when you need me, and a background character when you don't" but he's also created this role for himself because he never voices out when he's hurt or when he needs her.
jixing is definitely not blameless and you're right that she is so comfortable in this state and in the know that her boyfriend loves her, wants to marry her, that she forgets that relationships requires effort. her immediately jumping to the conclusion of of him cheating on her I thought that was actually pretty sound on her end though. I don't think it was because she REALLY thought he had someone else, but it was because she was in such denial and shock that he would break up with her one random morning with no warning signs. none that she noticed at least.
ultimately, I think by the end of their discussion they both realize that their break up was the best decision for them, and jixing accepts it. as much as it is sad to see two people who still very much love each other break up, it's refreshing to see the maturity that is coming out of it (though I think something happens between yichen and jixing's friend 👀) anyways! I'm glad we're mutually watching this show because I looooooove songyun and I've waited for this drama for so long. I'm happy we can talk about it!
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thenexusofsouls · 10 months
I think Brumbin is a funny muse. He may be a NPC character but NPC muses are great to show more about other characters or their different reactions - Stephen being annoyed by him, thinking he is a dangerous creature and unable to get him to behave while Mantis is like "Brumbin is babey. He's babey. He might be a husband and dad but he's also baby" and using her empathy to comfort him 💔 It's BIZARRE that I remember reading all that months before Gotg 3 came out and when it comes out Mantis befriends giant terrifying monsters in the movie and treats them like babies o_O It's either sorcery or knowing a muse so well you can predict canon, haha. Your muses react in character so well too, I forget I'm reading fan stuff, it's like reading future scripts for the movies!
Whether Brumbin becomes an independent muse or not, his dynamic with Stephen is everything 😂
{i am the caretaker of souls} Hehe, I'm glad you like Brumbin. It's funny, but that's kindof how Jix started out too. He was a sidekick character in a short story as part of a series of books and short stories I did years ago for his fictional world, and all my friend who read the story were talking more about Jix than about the main characters or story! So I decided to write some things about Jix and develop him a bit, and then I brought him to Tumblr a while back and developed him even more. Now he's completely his own thing and I love him to bits. =) More below the cut because LONG. XD
And omg that's happen to me too, only with things that I created, so it was doubly an awesome moment. Actually in the same world Jix, Channe, Aurelien, and Strychthia are from, and in the original story Jix was introduced in, I created a creature called Shilkie, which was basically a softball-sized, vaguely octopus-like critter that fed specifically on the brains of magic users. They were bred specifically for that and kept as pets/guard dogs by a race that was commonly hunted by wizards and sorcerers. But I digress. These creatures were really vulnerable (think a soft octopus body) and couldn't get around to fast or easily by themselves. But people of this race would keep them in pouches on their belts and whip them out when threatened, throwing them at their enemies. The creature would stick on, hopefully to their head but if not they would crawl up to it, and start to feed on the person's brain.
It was almost exactly the same as a creature I saw a few years later when Hellboy II came out, seen in this clip from 2:35 to 2:50. Mine doesn't have an eyeball on its back, and its body is more round instead of dangly, but other than that, that color, texture, size, behavior... all perfect. My now ex-boyfriend at the time and I even looked at each other simultaneously during that scene because he'd read my story and even he recognized what creature of mine it was like. I felt SO COOL because I had created on my own something that was essentially imaginative enough to be in a Guillermo del Toro movie. Not that anybody would believe me if I said oh I created something just like that before it came out, but I really don't care because I know I did. =) So yeah, it's always fun when something like that happens, heh.
You're so kind to say that you forget you're reading fan stuff when you read my muses, thank you so much for that. I've heard than from a number of people over the years, and it always amazes me. I will say that I feel like my writing was better years ago, before I had a lot more issues in my life that really have affected my creativity and ability to get into character, so sometimes I get a little sad because I feel like I've lost that edge to my writing that I used to have. But if there are those like you out there who still feel I'm writing up to that level, then I am truly grateful for the praise. <3
I don't feel it's necessarily all ability or creativity on my end, though, I think I'm just a perfectionist and I have issues with visuals and sounds, heh. Seriously, I've always had a lot of strange quirks with regard to music, sound, people's voices, and then also people's mannerisms, facial expressions, etc. I tend to hyperfocus on those details in ways that other people don't always do. I will recognize an actor by their voice and face, sometimes with several decades between roles, before I recall their name or what they were even in. Sometimes I'll hear them say a line in one movie that to me sounded the same as how they said a line somewhere else, almost sing-songy, as if it were part of a song that I'm recalling. I'll repeat it to myself in the same inflection and tone until it finally comes to me... oh, they were in this movie too. Or a way they move, a facial expression, or some mannerism will cause me to recall another time they made that same gesture, and then I'll remember what movie that was.
So for almost all of my muses who have live action FCs or who are canons from movies or shows, I get hung up a lot on... does this sound like something they would say? Literally, does it sound like they would say this in this accent, cadence, tone, etc.? I will actually emulate the character's voice, read their lines aloud, and if anything trips me up or doesn't sound like how the actor would have portrayed that character, I remove it or change it until it does. The same goes for body language, facial expressions, hand gestures, etc. If I've never seen the actor/character do this before, or if I can't imagine them doing it, then I discard it. For some reason, I'm very uptight about making things sound believable, real, plausible, feasible, etc. as far as both me and my readers feeling like this could actually have happened within the world in question. I don't know why I'm so hung up on that, but that's probably why my muses are so true to their characters and faceclaims. That's also the reason why I have multiple muses for certain faceclaims, because sometimes a person just speaks to me as far as the way they have about them and how they say/perform their lines.
I also don't put in what I want the character to do, I put in what they would do, heh. Sometimes I want them to do things they don't want to do, or I really wish they would do something or advance the plot in a certain way, but I just can't see the character doing that, so I can't write it. A lot of rpers are extremely OOC with their writing in that they write what they want the characters to do, or even what they would do in a self-insert sort of way, instead of staying true to the characters. If that's your thing, that's totally fine, I'm not hating on that method, but it's definitely not my method. When I read that kind of writing, it takes me right out of the story because to me the characters don't seem like themselves. I really need to be as IC as possible and to stay as true to the muse and the world they're in as I can, or I simply get annoyed at my own writing, haha. I started out writing fanfiction that way, and then it just spilled over into my rping on this site. So that's also probably why my muses never seem to deviate much from their core mannerisms, speech patterns, etc. even if I change canon or do something different with them.
A lot of times when I say I can't write or I "don't have a brain" to write, it's because I can't get into that zone where I feel I am writing my muses perfectly IC and true to themselves. The more tired, sick, unhappy, whatever that I get, the lazier my writing gets, and I don't try as hard to live up to my own standards, haha. So to prevent what seems to me to be like the deterioration of the muses, I will often just say I can't write on that day.
That was all probably more than you wanted to hear, but you made me kindof think about my own methods a bit which was cool, and I wanted to share, heh.
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windy-trickster · 2 years
ppsst!!! hey jelame :) im not supper sure how to do this social media stuff.... but i wanted to say hi! :D so hi! -jiX<3
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"Aww.... If it isn't my little chickpea~ Comin' to see little ol' me? I'm not sUrprised tho. Of coUrse yoU'd want to see the best matesprite in history! I'm the only one yoU've got~ <3"
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"Sidenote: Hi~ <3"
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moonfi · 4 years
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i know there are many superb ts2 neighborhood deco masterlists out there but i felt the need to have all cc in one place so here it is!! i want to thank @lesyasun for inspiration and super cool wcif lists, @simper-fi for their amazing and iconic deco list and every lovely cc creator for making my neighborhood experience the absolute best!! ♡
this list has around 130 links divided into ten categories: countryside, suburbs, uptown, downtown, water, specific themes, misc, nature, maps/sky/terrain and mods :)
updated: 10/02/2021
countryside: criquette’s rural charm set leoz94’s usa classic farm stuff leoz94’s farm houses and deco leoz94’s old west farm stuff leoz94’s hangars and big sheds criquette’s huge grain mill and hangar criquette’s rural deco criquette’s rural houses criquette’s rural lane set chimerical’s deco gwenke33’s deco greatcheesecakepersona’s barns
suburbs: deedee-sims’ life is strange houses driftsatellite’s house recolors doowydoog’s veranda houses memento-sims’s ts4 houses
uptown: leoz94’s town hall criquette’s church criquette’s town hall and school simsinsania’s blackwell academy leoz94’s rowhouses 1 | 2 | 3 kristyail’s rowhouses beautifulnerdkitty’s rowhouses criquette’s shop facades criquette’s vervainwort buildings 1 | 2 criquette’s duch houses criquette’s bistro buildings curiousb’s rabbitholes deco miljan’s apartment building lowedeus’ revenue houses dramallamadingdang’s buildings
downtown: lowedeus’ emerald skyscrapers curiousb’s hello city set deedee-sims’ roaring heights psychosim’s towers xrax’s tower construction cranes jixs’ medium sized skyscrapers jixs’ three buildings ethanmcgregor’s city living conversions
water: numenor’s waterfall and river voeille’s pond and sea water leoz94’s old boats leoz94’s norwegian ship criquette’s bridge of thyme criquette’s bridges set criquette’s narrowboats criquette’s canal items criquette’s amphibian criquette’s cruise terminal set criquette’s ferry set criquette’s piers and boats criquette’s embankment set gwenke33’s more boats simsinsania’s lighthouse stuff
specific themes: leoz94’s japanese deco  1 | 2 leoz94’s tudor houses leoz94’s ye olde buildings leoz94’s selvadorada conversions leoz94’s mt. komorebi conversions lowedeus’ old cemetery stuff lowedeus’ cathedrals leoz94’s camping deco criquette’s duga radar lowedeus’ soviet hood deco curiousb’s forgotten town maybesomethingdunno’s fire zeussims’ domes lowedeus’ soviet buildings delonariel’s university buildings
misc: leoz94’s ts4 conversions 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 leoz94’s misc buildings dulcinean-alien’s lit-up buildings from deeleesstuff  deedee-sims’ nuclear power plant lowedeus’ metro criquette’s vehicles set criquette’s motorway set criquette’s tramway set criquette’s bus transit set criquette’s airport set criquette’s railway set gwenke33’s more buses 1 | 2 criquette’s tennis courts and soccer field criquette’s athletic fields  criquette’s fences and hedges 1 | 2 criquette’s cobble stone footpath + signs criquette’s street tables and benches criquette’s road signs criquette’s street lights limonaire’s misc deco delonariel’s misc buildings 1 | 2 hafiseazale’s misc deco deedee-sims’ misc buildings
nature: jodeliejodelie’s fog criquette’s bushes driftsatellite’s grass honeywell’s new plants honeywell’s trees defaults sixfootsims’ birch trees default criquette’s linden trees default lowedeus’ pine trees default curiousb’s trees leoz94’s ts4 trees immlegacy’s orangutan tree lowedeus’ cattails aysarth’s row of grapevines criquette’s seasonal epicea gwenke33’s seasonal poplar doowydoog’s hydrangeas and sunrose bushes limonaire’s strangerville desert plants knowledgeaspiration’s tulip fields jodeliejodelie’s tree clump recolors lowedeus’ seasonal pond greatcheesecakepersona’s seasonal fields greatcheesecakepersona’s placeable cliffs itsdiamondeyesuniverse’s grass/dirt/sand terrain decals sophie-david’s volcanoes veranka’s rocks pineappleforest’s tropical rocks sunni’s horses simblrbday’s smaller cow from rebecah
maps/sky/terrain: criquette’s vervainwort | feverfew | middlewick nimitwinklesims’ greylings | arianstad | pippangård | avonlea hafiseazale’s aslemor lorien’s city zaxis’ city of carnen maps at modthesims freezerbunny-sims’ rainforest niamh-sims’ aberuthven lowedeus’ great sky lowedeus’ sun, moon, stars dramallamadingdang’s skies greatcheesecakepersona’s skylines greatcheesecakepersona’s city and rural skylines vidcunds’ lush terrain + skyline dramallamadingdang’s dirt terrain default
mods: saramkirk’s deco placed anywhere criquette’s lighting mod criquette’s better nightlife criquette’s busy roads let it simmer’s invisible roads an-elegant-simblr’s no more blurriness hexameter’s no traffic gunmod's camera mod
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languajix · 5 months
Leo had felt warm before. Obviously. He'd huddled next to the radiator in the middle of the winter, taken a steaming shower in April's bathroom, and on more than one late movie night he'd slept under a thick pile of brothers and blankets until he woke up too hot and sweatily wriggled himself free. He'd never sat out under the bright morning sun, though, and he'd never felt warm like this. [The turtles, fresh from their adventures across the universe, relax in Northampton.]
I'm only up to season 4 on my rewatch and I don't remember if this is canon compliant with anything past that. But fan_flashworks had a prompt "Sunshine" and I just wanted to write something warm and relaxing!
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thiscrimsonsoul · 3 years
{out of paprikash} I’ve got some real life stuff going on that’s really distracting me from writing. That’s why in the past few days I haven’t gotten a lot of replies done on Wanda or Vision’s blogs. It’s not for lack of muse or wanting to write, I just am tired, anxious, and stressed out. I’m fine, don’t worry, but real life is kicking my butt. I’m going to try to get some things done tonight, but I may be a bit selective and just do whatever my muses feel like doing... instead of getting some older drafts done for people who have been waiting forever like was my original plan for this past weekend. *sigh* Oh well, next week I’ll try again.
Pietro is scheduled for tomorrow and Thursday, and Jix and Gizmo on Thursday. Go ahead and poke them! After tonight, I’ll see everyone back on Wanda’s and Vision’s blogs on Saturday!
Also my notifications are complete TRASH lately... AND my medications are noticeably affecting my memory. If you’ve really been waiting a long time on a reply, or I appear to have dropped a thread, or you sent me something and I didn’t respond, etc., it’s possible that I didn’t even get notified or that I honestly forgot. So feel free to remind me and I will draft anything I missed for next week.
Thank you for your patience!
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xleafyheartx · 3 years
(For the journalist meme) Mr Leafling!! Please tell us, what's your skin care routine? It's so green and shiny!
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“Thank-thank! Have to take care of Jix’s surfacies. Have to be nice and tough, but also soft and green. Is important for health, but also to look cute. Every night before Jix does the sleeps, have to rub oily stuffs all over self. Comes from flower petals. Can mush up with stones to get the oilies inside. Smell nice and help to hydrate Jix’s skin! Favorite are rosies because they smell the best and make Jix the softest. But... also is good to have aloes. You know about the aloes? Does not grow in forest, but when Jix has human friends who have the aloes, then I can get some jelly-juices from inside. Is funny stuff. Slippery and cool to touch. Smells nice, but not as nice as rosies. Does the hydrates sooooo well, though. Also, have to stay out of sun. Sun is good for leaves but... too much sun can dry Jix out. Have to use in the mo-der-a-shuns. Not too much. And that’s it! Is how Jix takes care of surfacies!”
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lovinkiri · 1 year
Undercover Wild Cat, Wild Wake Up
Description: Feeling lonely and a bit concerned for Eijirou's sleep schedule, Sasha decides to wake him up the nicest way she can think of.
Author's Thoughts: Grammarly was being difficult, so I'm sorry about the mistakes. I'll definitely go back and try to fix it later, but I fixed as much as I could catch.
Art Credit: @.jabberwockyface
OC Credit: @jix-the-dragon
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Sasha leaned against the doorframe of her bedroom with a pout. The same bedroom she shared with Eijirou Kirishima every night. The same Eijirou Kirishima sleeping on their bed, light snores left his mouth. His hair was messy against the pillow, and she could see his black roots, reminding her that she’d have to help him dye his hair again soon. They were barely noticeable, but she knew Eijirou liked to stay on top of that kind of stuff.
Walking over, she plopped down next to his large sleeping form. He didn’t wake up, and she giggled at how a strand of hair fell onto his face. His hair had grown so much since high school, now just below his shoulders. She reached over and tucked the strand behind his ear, pausing to admire just how beautiful he looked resting like this. He was the prettiest man she’d ever seen. Though, despite how pretty he looked while sleeping, she couldn’t help but miss those ruby eyes and how his lips curled into a smile when looking at her. She realized that she wouldn’t get to spend a lot of time with him if he slept through the day like he had been, and that by the time he woke up, she’d be fast asleep. She always had a hard time falling asleep without Eijirou cuddling her. Not only that, but he had work the next day and she didn’t want him patrolling in a state of exhaustion. An exhausted Eijirou was certainly not a happy Eijirou.
She thought about nudging him awake and sharing her concerns with him, but she began thinking of a better idea. Rather than abruptly waking him, she could do it more gradually. In a more naughty fashion. What better way for him to wake up than with her under the blankets making him feel good? This was something they’d discussed before, having given each other full permission to initiate sex with the other during sleep if needed. Hell, Eijirou seemed excited when they talked about it, and she’d woken up plenty of times to find him between her legs because he needed to taste her. Now, it was just her turn, and she would get her filling. Luckily she was dressed just for this too, only in her laced panties and an oversized shirt.
Slowly, she peeled back the blankets, looking at him hungrily as his sculpted figure was revealed to her, only wearing his black boxers. She’d seen his body many times before, but he was so attractive, she couldn’t help but stare every time he took his clothes off. She wondered how she got so lucky, having found a man who was not only the sweetest, most respectful person she’d ever met but was also so gorgeous. Somehow, she had managed to hit the jackpot when meeting him. She knew that if Eijirou was awake, she’d be saying these things out loud and he’d be blushing under her gaze. How he didn’t see how good-looking he was, that was beyond her.
She gently pressed her lips against his neck, slowly and gently kissing down his body, running her lips along every scar. His body told her stories of every rescue mission and every fight he’d been involved in, some of which she remembered having been there. Eijirou’s face somehow seemed to soften more and he let out a small, content hum. She smiled up at him and held in another giggle. Soft kisses were a huge weakness of his.
Curling her fingers around the waistband of his boxers, she began working to pull them down without waking him yet. Though he was asleep, he began shifting his hips, as if trying to help her. She did giggle that time, amused and endeared by how good he was for her even now. She’d have to give him lots of praise when he woke up.
When his cock came into view, she was surprised by how hard he was already. She wondered if he had been dreaming about her, or maybe his body was reacting to her kisses. Eijirou was always sensitive, squirming at the lightest of her touches sometimes. He had explained that he couldn’t help himself, he just loved the way she touched him, and that he still found himself blushing when she kissed his cheek. 
“You’re so cute, Eij…” She whispered softly before licking up, from his balls to his tip. She heard him gasp softly, his legs spreading immediately for her. She smacked the tip against her tongue a few times before slowly sucking his tip into her mouth, only to pop it back out a few seconds later. This continued for a while, she was content to do this all day, enjoying the facial expressions he made. But when began tasting his pre, she noticed how hard she was, and decided to give him exactly what his body wanted.
The next time she took him into her mouth, she didn’t stop at the tip. Eijirou was big, so, of course, she took her time, but she was determined to take every inch of him into her mouth. She gagged a bit once in a while, but she didn’t mind, and she knew Eijirou didn’t mind her throat squeezing around his cock one bit. With every inch, her eyes flicked up to look at his face. His lips were parting, slow deep breaths escaping them as his face flushed pink. 
Finally, her lips pressed against his pelvis and he exhaled deeply. She closed her eyes, trying to adjust to the feeling of Eijirou in her throat as slipped through her puckered lips. Her tongue writhed against the underside of his dick, wanting to make him feel good while she adjusted. She could tell it was working, hearing him groan softly above her as if urging her to continue.
When she felt comfortable enough to continue, she began bobbing her head. At first, lifting her head two inches from the pelvis, then four, until finally, she was bobbing her head from the tip to the base. It would only be a matter of time before Eijirou woke up, she figured. If the pleasure didn’t wake him, the sound of her slurping as she sucked him off definitely would. For now, though, Eijirou was still sleeping, moaning groggily as he did. The sound of his deep morning voice making such obscene noises was enough to make her clench her thighs, growing wetter at the sound.
Eventually, She was able to breathe steadily through her nose, that was if she focused. But it was hard with how raw her throat was becoming, feeling sore as she dragged his dick in and out of the tight fit. Her throat would surely be sore the next day.
“S… Sasha…” Eijirou moaned, making her look up at him through her lashes, expecting to see his eyes open and looking down at her. Her tail began to sway in excitement, but she simply met his closed eyelids. She moaned softly around his length as she realized he hadn’t woken up but was thinking about her, possibly dreaming about her. Even in his rest, it would always be Sasha. 
She pulled off of his cock with a ‘pop’ and kissed from his tip to his base sloppily, her lips and chin covered in saliva. She started giving his balls small licks, moaning softly as Eijirou throbbed in her hands. Then she started suckling on them gently, moaning to add to the sensations she was giving him. Her hands began massaging his thighs, just the way he liked, her claws tracing hearts into his skin. Then she brought a hand up to slowly quickly pump his dick. She knew her fast movements would probably wake him, but she decided he’d slept long enough now, and she wanted to hear how good she was making him feel. It seemed to be working, as Eijirou’s head lolled to the side with a deep moan. 
Eijirou was having an amazing dream. Sasha was making him feel good, talking sweetly as she took care of him, and he was able to lay back and enjoy it. The pleasure began feeling a little different though. Somehow, it started to feel more and more real. The Sasha before his eyes was suddenly gone, but the pleasure was still there. And then he was opening his eyes, he had no idea they were closed to begin with. He realized he must have fallen asleep while scrolling through his phone earlier. 
The first thing he saw was the sun leaking through the curtains of their bedroom, so it was still day. The pleasure was still there though, and when he looked down, he found himself pleasantly surprised. His girlfriend lay between his legs, sucking at his balls as her nose nudged at the underside of his cock. It seemed as though his dream was a lot more than a dream.
Reaching down, he tangled his fingers in her soft blonde locks. When she looked at him this time, amber eyes met ruby eyes. Pulling away from his crotch, she smiled up at him sweetly. “Hey, Sleepyhead. You fell asleep on me, so I hope you don’t mind me waking you up…” She crawled up his body, his hand sliding from her hair down her back. “I wanted to make sure you’d be sleeping with me tonight. I know you can get restless when you’re up by yourself.” She kissed up his neck and jaw until she made it to his lips. 
They shared a sweet kiss, Eijirou humming quietly into it. When she pulled away, she giggled deviously. He gave a slight smile, looking up at her affectionately. “You’re such a devious wild cat, you know that?” He murmured against her lips. She laughed breathily and sat up. Rubbing up and down his chest, then scratching down to his abs with just enough pressure to leave red lines trailing behind. He groaned and arched his chest into her hands, making her smirk.
“I wouldn’t be much of a wild cat if I was tamed, right?” She licked her lips and straddled him, his cock pressing against her clothed cunt. She mewled softly as the tip nudged her against her clit, quickly moving her hips to grind against him. “And don’t you like me when I get wild, baby?” She moaned softly, pulling off her shirt to give him a view and cool down from the heat building between the two of them. Before she could offer, his hands were already on her breasts, rubbing and groping the mounds eagerly. She gave a soft gasp as he pinched her nipples, and he smiled. Just the reaction he wanted. 
“God, you’re so beautiful, Sash…” He praised her, looking up at her as if he worshipped her or as if she were a goddess. And she might as well have been with how enamored he was with her. He found a sort of divine beauty in everything about her. From her bouncing locks to her roaming hands, and her wet cunt that soaked his cock even through her panties. Every single part of her made him feel like he was being touched by the hands of a goddess. Hell, he’d go as far as to say she was a goddess, his goddess. The only goddess he’d kneel for, he’d pray to, call out for. 
He wondered if Sasha knew just how much power she had over him. How she could do whatever she pleased with him, and he’d be just as pleased to accept. How he’d fall to his knees and beg for her love if she asked. But his goddess wasn’t so cruel as to deny him the love he so desperately craved, and she made sure to show him that. She was just as desperate as he was, after all.
Pulling her panties to the side, she took hold of his length and rubbed the tip against her slit. “Can’t wait anymore. I need to have you inside, Eiji, please.” She pouted, begging him even though she could easily have him at any moment. He didn’t know if she was teasing or being considerate, but he groaned either way.
“Fuck, you can have me, Sash. I’m yours, I’ve always been yours.” He said, his voice still scratchy from just having woken up. Eijirou’s morning voice always drove her absolutely crazy, she couldn’t resist it. Every time he spoke after waking up, it was as if she were under some sort of spell or quirk. 
She pushed his tip into her with a small moan, and immediately drop down to take all of him. The stretch hurt a bit, she probably should have taken her time, but as she started bouncing on him, she quickly came to realize that the pleasure definitely outweighed the discomfort. From there, she couldn’t stop. Sasha was fit, so she had enough stamina to go on forever, and she was sure that she would if she could. Eijirou always managed to fill her up and hit all of the right places. She often found herself crossing her legs, suddenly craving him inside of her when she started feeling horny. 
“God, Sasha, you’re so fuckin tight.” He growled softly, placing his hands over her hips, and doing it lightly so as to not disrupt her rhythm. His eyes were all over her, looking at every part of her body and face. Her bouncing breasts and beautiful eyes. Her supple thighs and her gentle hands. But he could not stop looking at her pussy, watching as she took him over and over again. 
She gave a small cry each time she dropped back down. “It’s because you’re so tight, Eiji, fill me up just right. Make me feel so good, baby.” She panted, leaning down to kiss him passionately. He returned the kiss with vigor, pressing his tongue against hers after a moment. They exchanged sweet nothings between kisses, giving each other praises and love. 
Eijirou pulled away and gave a broken moan, whispering against her lips, “I'm almost there baby, fuck.” He whined softly, his voice cracking. She gasped against his lips as his cock throbbed inside her gummy walls, her gasp turning into a breathy giggle. She didn’t dare slow down, determined to make Eijirou cum. “Ah, please give it to me, Eij!” She mewed softly.
He groaned, and it didn’t take him very long to spill his cum into her. The muscles in his stomach tensed and untensed, his hands gripped her hips, pressing her down on his hips and he ground into her. He was filled with an electricity that had left him short-circuiting. She whimpered quietly, feeling him grind against the deepest parts of her, filling her up with his cum so kindly.
She looked down at him, biting her lip as she examined the state of his skin-pricked body. His chest, ears, and face were flushed a pretty red. Just as pretty as his eyes, which were lidded and glazed over with love and ecstasy. She leaned down and rubbed her thumb against his cheeks. “You’re so pretty, Ei…”
Suddenly, she yelped as was flipped over. Eijirou looked down at her with lust-filled eyes, and now she felt like the prey. “E-E-ji?” She asked softly, looking up at him with wide eyes. Eijirou grinned down at her and chuckled at her expression. She almost looked innocent, but Eijirou knew better than that. She wanted this just as much as he did.
She whined softly as Eijirou’s cock slowly pressed into her once more, arching her back off the bed. She groaned softly, clenching his fists around the sheets. With every inch, Sasha felt herself further stretch out to fit Eijirou's girth. The redhead couldn't help but smirk and Sasha moved back against her, not bothering to quiet down her pleas. "Fuuck, Eijirou, more, pleease…"
Eijirou smiled at the way Sasha's cheeks puffed out into a pout and leaned down to claim her lips. His lips were soft and his tongue brought warmth and moisture to Sasha’s. Her noises swallowed into his lips, Sasha chose to curl her hands in his hair and give a small yank, humming in amusement as Eijirou grunted softly.
Pulling away, he looked at the desperate blonde beneath him. "Want it that bad, baby?" He chuckled under his breath. She frantically nodded up at him, grinding her hips up. "God yes, so bad.."
Shaking his head with a small smirk, Eijirou gave in and began picking up the pace. Eijirou didn't waste time before rutting his hips harshly against hers. She panted from the sudden change and threw her hips up with every thrust. He threw his head back and closed his eyes, euphoria blurring his vision once more. "S-Shit, y-yeah, just like that- fuck-" She panted, hands on his chest.
There was no mercy within those thrusts, only pure passion driven lust. Sasha bit down on her lips, now swollen from kissing, to muffle herself as much as she could, but it only did but so much. After all, Eijirou had his ways of getting Sasha vocal enough to his liking. 
Eijirou knew just how to make her cum. He didn’t do anything just fo his pleasure, always being the first to put her needs above his. And that was what made him so irresistible. Slowly, everything around Sasha faded. She could only feel Eijirou's cock taking long, deep strokes against her walls before pressing into the spot in her that made her toes curl. She squirmed against the tall man and unconsciously started to mumble incoherent swears.
It was quite the scene, being close like this, panting desperate moans into each other mouths. But they couldn’t stop now, especially when Eijirou traced his name into Sasha's skin with his tongue, a searing hot sensation trailing behind it. And especially not ehen the blonde dug her nails into Eijirou’s back, unconsciously pressing her mark into him and leaving Hoodie with scars he'd have to explain at some point to his friends in the lockeroom at work.
At least that's what Eijirou told himself as he watched Sasha come undone beneath him, tongue falling out as her eyes rolled up. Hoodie groaned at the sight, his own eyes fluttering. She was tight around him, squeezing him just right. He fully pressed into her, a broken moan leaving his lips as he came, filling her up once more. She moaned and pulled him closer, wanting to feel more of his skin against her.
“Oh god, oh fuck, Eiji…” She whimed softly, nuzzling into him. Her plan was to have Eijirou a mess in bed, but here she was, whining into his skin. Eijirou didn’t seem to mind though, in fact, it was his goal. He wanted to return the affection she’d given him.
When everything calmed down, she looked up at him with a smile, laughing at how his bedhead seemed to get worse. She imagined her hair was probably messy too, not that she cared to much. She gave a soft hum as he pulled out of her and watched him slump against her. She began playing in his hair, closing her eyes and focusing on her slowing heartbeat. 
“Now, we’re both sleepy…” He said, looking up at her from the valley of her breasts. They shared a laugh and he wrapped his arms around her waist. “Not that I’m upset about any of that. But I think it kinda defeated the purpose, you know?”
She nodded in understanding. “True, but…” She trailed off, looking down at him and winking. “Now we can fall asleep together.Or, who knows? Maybe the shower will wake up up.” She suggested, looking towards the bathroom connected to their room for a few seconds.
“Yeah, that’s if someone doesn’t get handsy.” He pressed, and she laughed more, rolling her eyes playfully. She did get handsy in the shower, but she couldn’t help herself. Her boyfriend looked so good, all of the time. What was she supposed to do? Not properly appreciate every perfect inch of his body?
“Please,” She started, running her hands from his hair to his neck, and then his back. She slowly began massaging to muscles, as if proving she couldn’t keep her hands off of him. “You’re just as handsy and you know it.”
He laughed and relaxed, nuzzling into her breast as if hiding away from the contradiction she’d pointed out. They laid there together in silence for a while. They knew they had to get up tpo shower, and they would in time. But for now, why would they rush to leave their shared embrace?
And they both knew what would happen in that shower. So, why not take a breather first?
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fasterthanmydemons · 5 years
There's non-creative people, creative people, VERY creative people and then people who write open starters just for fun! Omg you should teach young writers how to do whatever you're doing because the level of care, detail and depth you put into your muses is amazing. I would love to make a tumblr and learn from you but I'm busy studying and working, and I wouldn't know which muse I should pick! Also about the Against Doctor's Orders gif... damn ATJ. Where's that gif from? I need it for science.
{out of breath} Awwww you are too kind, but... I’m really not that great of a writer, heh. I wouldn’t want to teach other writers to write like me because my writing has a lot of really bad flaws in it. I started out wanting to be an author as a career, but over the years I’ve realized I don’t have the talent for it. I’m very good at character development, creature creation, and magic system dynamics, but world-building and plotlines? TERRIBLE. My worlds make no sense geographically, politically, whatever, and my plots are disappointingly linear usually. And then there are my other flaws like... writing too many epilogues. Telling instead of showing, otherwise known as too much exposition. My villains are not scary or dangerous enough. My heroes have one-dimensional goals and motivations. And I could go on. And I’m not having a pity party here, these are just things I’ve learned about my writing over the past twenty years.
However, I do know I have some talent, because people (like you) do say they like my writing. What I’ve learned is that I have a lot of imagination and motivation to write, but I lack the things that make truly good authors... such as originality, innovation, the ability to create engaging stories, and the ability to create characters that are not extremes or stereotypes. What I can do... is take really good canon characters and elaborate on them. Apparently I do that really well? And honestly I’m not sure how to feel about that. It’s very disappointing to realize that I don’t have the ability or talent or whatever you want to call it to create my own stories and have them be actually good, but when I elaborate on other people’s already good characters, people seem to like what I do.
I stopped trying to be an author after I published two books that i never should have published, but some people in my life encouraged me to and at the time I thought they were better than they were. They were a book and its sequel. Well, the first book got terrible reviews (one person asked if it was supposed to be a YA story because it was super simplistic and the characters were terrible), and no one ever read the second book. It has 0 sales and 0 reviews, so... that... really hurt. I’ve writing a lot of books, one series, a lot of short stories... most of them in two worlds I’ve been working on for 10+ years, and I will always love them dearly, but I will never publish anything again. I just have to realize my limits, you know? I just don’t have what it takes, and that’s okay, I’ve made my peace with it.
But where I was going with that was... the fanfiction I’ve written? Glowing reviews. People love them. It really was quite amazing. And this is where I say again that I’m not sure how I feel about that, haha. My original writing has been trampled to hell, but when I work with a better author’s already existing scaffolding of characters and plot and a world and all, I can apparently write really well. So what that tells me is that I have some skill to continue on with someone else’s work that I’m handed, but I don’t have the talent to write good original works. That honestly hurts, but I mean... I’ve tried to just embrace it, and that’s why I’ve kept up with the roleplaying here on Tumblr.
In the same vein as my original books, my OCs on Tumblr have just done abysmally. Only Jix has taken off in any real way. I have a bunch of other OCs I’ve tried and their blogs just... really never went anywhere. Nobody cared, heh. No, I’m not begging for attention, I don’t want to bring their blogs back. But I’m just saying that... the canon characters I have on here? People love them. So again, that has taught me that I’m only a good writer when I start with like 90% stuff from someone else, haha. *shrugs* 
What I have on my side I guess is two things... 1) writing a lot of volume and words has always come easy to me....... regardless of quality, heh, and 2) I’ve been writing for about 22 years. So that experience at least makes me understand the process of writing and how one writes differently when writing a poem vs. and book vs. a short story vs. an rp, and the difference between original and fan writing. So in that vein, if you wanted advice on how to write a specific kind of piece of writing, I can certainly offer that. It’s kindof strange that I know how to write and what makes a good story, great characters, an engaging plot and a detailed world... but actually implementing what I know... has just never worked for me.
Having said that, if anyone has any questions about my personal process or wants advice on something, I am more than happy to offer my point of view. But just remember... all writers are different, and what works for one person might not work for you. Writing is one of those hobbies where you have to ultimately find what works for you and the kind of writing you want to do. But I am willing to talk about anything writing related.
As far as you making a blog to rp... you set the rules for it! If you don’t have a lot of time for activity, you can tell people that. I wouldn’t let that stop you. But I do understand feeling like you can’t take anything else on right now. Maybe someday. =)
Okay and those gifs in my starter.... I actually don’t know where they’re from? They’re not from anything I’ve seen. I think they’re from Kick-Ass? But I’m really not sure. I have four of them, lol... I shall leave them all here for you to snag if you want. For science. ;) They’re not mine, I got them through a gif hunt, so... credit to whoever created them, of course.
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