#job 31
Job's Final Appeal
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1 I made a covenant with mine eyes, and I will not think upon a virgin.
2 Now what portion has God given from above? and is there an inheritance given of the Mighty One from the highest?
3 Alas! destruction to the unrighteous, and rejection to them that do iniquity.
4 Will he not see my way, and number all my steps?
5 But if I had gone with scorners, and if too my foot has hasted to deceit:
6 (for I am weighed in a just balance, and the Lord knows my innocence:)
7 if my foot has turned aside out of the way, or if mine heart has followed mine eye, and if too I have touched gifts with my hands;
8 then let me sow, and let others eat; and let me be uprooted on the earth.
9 If my heart has gone forth after another man's wife, and if I laid wait at her doors;
10 then let my wife also please another, and let my children be brought low.
11 For the rage of anger is not to be controlled, in the case of defiling another man's wife.
12 For it is a fire burning on every side, and whomsoever it attacks, it utterly destroys.
13 And if too I despised the judgment of my servant or my handmaid, when they pleaded with me;
14 what then shall I do if the Lord should try me? and if also he should at all visit me, can I make an answer?
15 Were not they too formed as I also was formed in the womb? yea, we were formed in the same womb.
16 But the helpless missed not whatever need they had, and I did not cause the eye of the widow to fail.
17 And if too I ate my morsel alone, and did not impart of it to the orphan;
18 (for I nourished them as a father from my youth and guided them from my mother's womb.)
19 And if too I overlooked the naked as he was perishing, and did not clothe him;
20 and if the poor did not bless me, and their shoulders were not warmed with the fleece of my lambs;
21 if I lifted my hand against an orphan, trusting that my strength was far superior to his:
22 let them my shoulder start from the blade-bone, and my arm be crushed off from the elbow.
23 For the fear of the Lord constrained me, and I cannot bear up by reason of his burden.
24 If I made gold my treasure, and if too I trusted the precious stone;
25 and if too I rejoiced when my wealth was abundant, and if too I laid my hand on innumerable treasures:
26 (do we not see the shining sun eclipsed, and the moon waning? for they have not power to continue:)
27 and if my heart was secretly deceived, and if I have laid my hand upon my mouth and kissed it:
28 let this also then be reckoned to me as the greatest iniquity: for I should have lied against the Lord Most High.
29 And if too I was glad at the fall of mine enemies, and mine heart said, Aha!
30 let then mine ear hear my curse, and let me be a byword among my people in my affliction.
31 And if too my handmaids have often said, Oh that we might be satisfied with his flesh; (whereas I was very kind:
32 for the stranger did not lodge without, and my door was opened to every one that came:)
33 or if too having sinned unintentionally, I hid my sin;
34 (for I did not stand in awe of a great multitude, so as not to declare boldly before them:) and if too I permitted a poor man to go out of my door with an empty bosom:
35 (Oh that I had a hearer,) and if I had not feared the hand of the Lord; and as to the written charge which I had against any one,
36 I would place it as a chaplet on my shoulders, and read it.
37 And if I did not read it and return it, having taken nothing from the debtor:
38 If at any time the land groaned against me, and if its furrows mourned together;
39 and if I ate its strength alone without price, and if I too grieved the heart of the owner of the soil, by taking aught from him:
40 then let the nettle come up to me instead of wheat, and a bramble instead of barley. And Job ceased speaking. — Job 31 | Brenton's Septuagint Translation (BST) The English translation of The Septuagint by Sir Lancelot Charles Lee Brenton (1851) Cross References: Genesis 3:8; Genesis 3:10; Exodus 23:2; Leviticus 20:10; Numbers 16:20; Numbers 16:30; Deuteronomy 4:19; Deuteronomy 11:16; Deuteronomy 17:2; Deuteronomy 28:30; Joshua 24:27; Judges 19:17; 2 Samuel 3:32; 1 Kings 21:19; 2 Chronicles 16:9; 2 Chronicles 32:18; Nehemiah 5:15; Job 1:3; Job 4:17; Job 5:3; Job 6:2-3; Job 9:30; Job 15:31; Job 19:7; Job 22:6-7; Job 22:9; Job 24:15; Job 29:7; Job 29:25; Job 35:14; Job 38:15; Psalm 7:4; Proverbs 24:17; Isaiah 5:6; Isaiah 10:3; Isaiah 58:7; Matthew 5:28; Matthew 25:35; Mark 10:23; John 4:37; Ephesians 6:9; James 1:27; James 5:4; Revelation 9:11
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jeffersonvann · 3 months
implied charges
20240709 Photo by Liza Summer on Pexels.com implied charges Job 31:1-40 (JDV) Job 31:1 I have cut a covenant with my eyes. How then could I investigate a young woman?Job 31:2 For what portion would I have from God above, or what inheritance from the Almighty on high?Job 31:3 Doesn’t disaster come to the unjust and misfortune to evildoers?Job 31:4 Does he not see my ways and number all my…
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amalgamezz · 9 months
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kdmiller55 · 11 months
Learning to Trust God
24 “If I have made gold my trust     or called fine gold my confidence, 25 if I have rejoiced because my wealth was abundant     or because my hand had found much, 26 if I have looked at the sun when it shone,     or the moon moving in splendor, 27 and my heart has been secretly enticed,     and my mouth has kissed my hand, 28 this also would be an iniquity to be punished by the judges,     for I…
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mfbv · 1 year
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fjordfolk · 2 months
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Yesterday was Sparta's gotcha day and by extension my 10 year mark as a dog owner. I'd never had responsibility for a dog before, hadn't grown up with dogs, didn't know what I was in for, and certainly had no idea how far this little dog would take me.
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abra-ka-dammit · 5 months
Fucking begging and pleading these fucking companies putting up job openings to look up what graphic design entails
video editing and photography are DIFFERENT. JOBS. graphic designers do not necessarily have those skills because they are not part of graphic design. please im dying
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khyonwa · 6 months
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Ya salió el primer capítulo doblado en Inglés…y doblado por humanos esta vez!
That's right! A fandub created by actual super passionate VAs rather than freaking A,,, i,
Sure. It's barely the first episode but that's why it's all the more fun and interesting! Give it a gander, it's really cute and I personally think they've done a fantastic job! 😌
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cicadacelebration · 9 months
why does Juanín give me like vibes of a dude who's like a man in his mid 30s who also has an edgy emo wolf fursona that he draws vent art of.
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yahoo201027 · 3 months
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Day in Fandom History: July 3…
Mordecai and Rigby have to repaint the entire house at the Park after throwing pizza pouches on the walls while cleaning but Rigby wants to do other things and slack off and not repaint the house. “Paint Job” premiered on this day, 10 Years Ago.
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thedreadvampy · 3 months
anyway this week I leant on my therapist's shoulder and ugly cried for like 10 minutes and as I was leaving I was like 'don't give me that face' and she was like 'I'm just very proud of your progress!' and I'm like 😡😡😡😡😡 THANK YOU 😡😡😡😡😡
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thelionheartedo3 · 4 months
grief is such an unexplainable thing. no matter how much time has passed it still gets to you
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hood-ex · 1 year
Day 31: Free Day
Well. I had this whole amnesia arc inspired edit compilation for today buuut hellsite ruined the quality of it sooo enjoy a practice convo I wrote while brainstorming for the dickroy flower shop/tattoo shop fic.
Roy: Let me guess… you like me but my kid's a deal-breaker for you.
Dick: What's Lian got to do with anything?
Roy: It's got everything to do with everything. I've played this game before, Dick. I've played it over and over. I can’t even blame people because I used to be the same way before I had Lian. Committing to a fling or a relationship is one thing, committing to a kid is a whole other ballpark, and most people aren’t up to bat.
Dick: Sounds like you’re chucking the bat at the dugout before even giving me a chance to swing.
Roy: You’ve gotta understand, I have to be careful who I hand the bat to. If Lian gets attached to people and then they leave… I don’t want to hurt her like that.
Dick: Has it happened before?
Roy: With a girl I used to be in love with. She loved Lian, and Lian loved her, but she freaked when Lian started thinking of her as a mom figure. She broke up with me not too long after that. Lian was upset about it for weeks.
Dick: That’s tough for a kid to deal with.
Roy: And that’s why I don’t want a repeat performance.
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charlieslowartsies · 8 months
Friendly reminder you curate your own internet...and that maybe leaving a negative comment on a piece you don't like and telling me to "stop drawing art you don't want to see...but I don't want to tell you how to life your life" (yet faving 10 plus other pieces but no feedback) isn't the best use of ones time 💀
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kdmiller55 · 11 months
A Demand for Justice or Judgment
1 “I have made a covenant with my eyes;     how then could I gaze at a virgin? 2 What would be my portion from God above     and my heritage from the Almighty on high? 3 Is not calamity for the unrighteous,     and disaster for the workers of iniquity? 4 Does not he see my ways     and number all my steps? 5 “If I have walked with falsehood     and my foot has hastened to deceit; 6 (Let me be…
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triple-pupil · 1 year
Post de apreciación a
este hermoso cover de una cosa del Quijote de la Mancha
de Juanín, Tulio y Bodoque.
Bien emocional y bueno, escúchenlo.
Appreciation post to
this beautiful cover of some Quijote de la Mancha song
by Juanín, Tulio and Bodoque.
Very emotional and great, check it out.
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