couchpilotspodcast · 1 year
This week the Captain’s review of THE JOBLOW SHOW. We have Challenged podcast hosts Bryan and Tim as our special guests. Jason falls asleep, we talk about divorce, weed growing, Blake’s Amazon order, and Tim and Jason’s love triangle. The fella’s develop a new podcast #bitterboys, talk about romance, and more. We are flying a whole different plane on this episode so strap in and get ready for some fun. We eventually get to the pilot, which Bryan created, break it down and give you our expert ratings. 
  Check out the latest episode!
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jerubio · 4 years
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Para quem passar álcool na mão, se podemos tomar banho de álcool. Kkkkk . . . . #alcool #alcohol #alcoolgel #covid_19 #covid19 #corona #limpeza #instacovid #joblow #duckface #blowface #job #instacorona #wuhan #china #virus https://www.instagram.com/p/CCdpqfXHAF-/?igshid=1k7rzrp1auwaa
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thoughtfulpeacljygy · 5 years
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girl introduce despite organize gang rely user galaxymoreover cream turn ultimately slice deck investigate deny
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blazehedgehog · 7 years
Why is that so many YouTube channels reupload official trailers?Especially when the majority of views and discussions will more than likely be happening already on the official upload. Is it to foster a community in the channel?
Probably a holdover from the days where not every movie studio had their own Youtube channel.
Plus, I dunno, guys like Joblow probably tout themselves as “the place” to go for certain types of movies, so instead of subscribing to Warner Brothers or Sony and getting EVERYTHING they release (dramas, action, kids movies, etc), if you subscribe to Joblow, you get only the blockbusters, plus behind the scenes stuff, plus news, and hopefully from an impartial source that’s not trying to sell you so hard on buying a ticket.
So, basically, convenience, I guess.
It makes less sense for games, though, because it seems like every gaming channel uploads every trailer for anything above a certain level of quality, so there’s no specific genre-focus or anything like that – they all just dump everything on you all the time. I imagine subscribing to Gamespot and IGN bury you in a *lot* of duplicate content. Kind of dumb.
But that’s the big thing with games media right now, I guess. Sites like IGN and Gamespot are trying to figure out where they stand as trailers and gameplay footage are coming more and more directly from the publisher. That’s more a case of just general confusion about what they’re meant to be doing in the modern era.
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chickawah23 · 3 years
you are getting antis, you made it!🤣 hope it is not too hateful.
What I really interest it now is when we will get a picture of taylor and joe “physically” together not just imply? We mostly get those during pap walks. It has been awhile since we got one
Eh lol not the first time and they were pretty calm. Lol My fault for mentioning Joe’s name so many times today. Lol
I’m not really interested in when or where or how or who because I know the why. If it happens then joblow is doing his job lol
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murn1959 · 4 years
Dzień z życia kali
Tak, wielki bracie, doceniam cały film 💯 Matta fakt n dla nagrania to najlepszy, jaki widziałem u ciebie, kiedy muszę pożyczyć niektóre z twoich zwrotów, kiedy znów zaczynam kręcić, zwłaszcza jeśli jesteś na mnie zły, jesteś zły na Boga 😆 jedyne, czego brakowało, to da cookn, bop bop bop n da bust a nut 😂
Kontynuuj podnoszenie i stawanie się coraz lepsze, oh tak, weź Bruce trochę łososia lol 5KD 5KD 18 godzin temu Za dużo wypiła Hyphy Mud, dlatego nie śpi. 27 Historia Zaka Historia Zaka 1 dzień temu Bardzo uważaj, jak zrobił dodatkowe płatki owsiane dla swojego producenta 103 Mads Mads 1 dzień temu Kali Muscle jest jednym z najbardziej niedocenianych twórców treści na tej platformie. Śledzę cię od wielu, wielu lat i nigdy się nie męczyłem, mimo że z upływem lat bardzo się uspokajasz i uspokajasz. Jesteś innym człowiekiem - sądząc po tym, co i tak widzimy - do tego, czym byłeś w 2014 i 2015 r. (Bynajmniej nie negatywnie). Tak trzymaj, Kali! Mam nadzieję, że zobaczymy więcej takich osobistych przesyłek; vlogi o twoim życiu jako ojca i rodzinnego mężczyzny ORAZ kilka dobrych treningów, takich jak te, które widzieliśmy w ciągu dnia.
KT VLOGS KT VLOGS 1 dzień temu Myślę, że powinieneś być codziennym vlogerem i przyciągnąć nowych fanów. 56 Prime Brainz Prime Brainz 1 dzień temu ten facet zrobi kolejne 10 milionów wyświetleń w następnym miesiącu 33 BLXCK _999 BLXCK _999 1 dzień temu Rozerwij na chłopaka córki Kaila 121 Światło i ciemność Światło i ciemność 1 dzień temu Jako osoba, która obserwowała cię od 2 lat, pomogłeś mi zdobyć motywację do zrobienia czegoś w moim życiu, cieszę się, że musisz być ojcem, jak planowałeś od dłuższego czasu. 14 Murda Monk Murda Monk 1 dzień temu Kali potrzebuje reality show! 33 Manveer Braich Manveer Braich 1 dzień temu Pewnego dnia Kali jest w więzieniu, pewnego dnia jest w rezydencji z bliźniakami, żoną, obcymi biczami, szacunkiem, ten mężczyzna na to zasługuje 83 Cinsicko Cinsicko 1 dzień temu Rób więcej tych kali, mówię poważnie !! Sposób, w jaki został wystrzelony, jest niesamowity, a samo śledzenie losowego gówna jest niesamowite! Zaufaj mi! To niesamowite treści! Uwielbiam ten aspekt rzeczywistości! Mam nadzieję, że zobaczymy o wiele więcej! podekscytowany nową erą LA !! :RE 21 Keith Hart Keith Hart 1 dzień temu 1. miejsce 2) Arbër Nani Arbër Nani 1 dzień temu „Sen jest kuzynem śmierci” W greckim micie sen był rodzajem brata Boga umarłych ... Zeus (bóg ziemi) Posejdon (bóg mórz i rzek) Hades (bóg umarłych) To są 3 bogowie, ale tak naprawdę spanie jest wspomniane jako brat Hadesa ... Nie wiem, ale masz rację! 10 Joblow Johot Joblow Johot 1 dzień temu Ten film był już dawno. Seria „How To Be Father” Kali Muscle już wkrótce. 3) SWELLUMUP SWELLUMUP 1 dzień temu Kocham cię Kali 2) Cojo French Cojo French 10 godzin temu Wygląda jak jej tata, nie sprawdził Kali od lat, kiedy bardzo się zmienił. Zawsze był dla mnie inspiracją, ale miło jest zobaczyć, jak bardzo się osiedlił. Dobry facet Kali nigdy nie przestaje cię robić 3) BigThunderXT Survival BigThunderXT Survival 1 dzień temu Nowy dom wygląda bardzo ładnie! Te dzieci będą rosły szybko! Błogosławieństwa, stary! 11 Lee Lunk Lee Lunk 1 dzień temu KALI MUSCLE TO GENTLE GIANT ,, AHHHHHHH Tag Guten Tag Guten 1 dzień temu You da man Kali 💯 1 STeeLo205 ImDatRapper STeeLo205 ImDatRapper 1 dzień temu Powiedział ... (Ile sodu ,, „„ Dobry Boże ””) 🤣😂🤣 5 Aaron Finney Aaron Finney 1 dzień temu Chciałbym, żeby wszyscy ojcowie byli jak u ✊🏾 ♥ ️🙏🏾💯 16 Wendell Greenidge Wendell Greenidge 23 godziny temu To zdecydowanie jego nos na jej lol ... Jest zbyt urocza Kyle Pizano Kyle Pizano 1 dzień temu Dobrze widzieć cię jako ojca. Tak trzymaj. 5 Shawn Ellis Shawn Ellis 1 dzień temu Dostaję świetne retrospekcje od mojej córki. Dziękujemy wam za wpuszczenie nas i inspirowanie nas każdego dnia, aby być lepszymi ludźmi i wspaniałymi rodzicami 👌👍💪 1 PERRY HART PERRY HART 1 dzień temu CALI MUSCLE ..... słodki dom! 3) rr_hoopgod Giannis buck rr_hoopgod Giannis buck 1 dzień temu Sup kali💪🏽 1 jot jot 1 dzień temu Kali, potrzebujesz własnego serialu w telewizji, człowieku. To jest narkotyk. 16 STeeLo205 ImDatRapper STeeLo205 ImDatRapper 1 dzień temu Uwielbiam jego Slogan (jeśli jesteś na mnie zły, to jesteś zły na „Boga”. LoL .. potrzebuje tego na koszulce… 1 jkakajak jkakajak 14 godzin temu Kali + Miles Meyer = 10 mln okrętów podwodnych 1 R F. R F. 1 dzień temu Właśnie o bruh bruh dzieciaki właśnie o to chodzi. Pokój i błogosławieństwa 🙏🏼❤️💯 2) JESTEM LEGENDĄ JESTEM LEGENDĄ 1 dzień temu To produkcja wysokiej jakości 2) Historia Zaka Historia Zaka 1 dzień temu W 16. minucie kochaj tego człowieka. Wydaje się, że to RZECZYWISTOŚĆ 10 Maxson At The Fort Maxson At The Fort 1 dzień temu Kali Muscle to łagodny gigant i kochający ojciec w środku. (Prawdopodobnie nadal złamałby ci ręce, gdybyś naprawdę go wkurzył.) 2) facet z afrykańskiej maski facet z afrykańskiej maski 1 dzień temu Niech bóg pobłogosławi was i waszą rodzinną rodzinę, przybyliście na długą drogę kali❤💪 2) Randy White Randy White 1 dzień temu Uwielbiam to, stary. Też mam córkę, teraz ma 1,5. Ciesz się tym, dopóki trwa duży człowiek, a następną rzeczą, o której wiesz, że Twój cardio będzie go ścigał w całym domu! 1 Kołysz się! Kołysz się! 1 dzień temu Gratulacje!!! Bycie tatą jest niesamowite !!! 🙂 2) THE KILLER DON THE KILLER DON 1 dzień temu Yo, podoba mi się ta treść, Kali on gratuluje nowego łóżeczka 2
Gordon Reinz Gordon Reinz 1 dzień temu Absolutnie najsłodsze wideo I ” widzieliśmy od tygodni. Bardzo szczęśliwy dla rodziny Kali Muscle 2) BRĄZ MANHATTAN BRĄZ MANHATTAN 1 dzień temu K'mon Kali 30:50 🤣 Broous Wrld Broous Wrld 1 dzień temu 1. miejsce 1 Bruce Johnson Bruce Johnson 1 dzień temu 1
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marlaluster · 6 years
Whew, quite a few occurrences of things in these recent clipboard emptying posts, including some degradation of Kisspooh in some kind of obligatory thing that is to be did by People magazine. The devil has tried to cover for it but it is something that is to continue I was told in my mind because they cannot be what they are to like act like it is something other than it is here, so they would be more reflective of things that are to be the end of the world, ie things that are supposed to not be possible to occur here as things that are supposed to be less than according to the mores of the society. But I am supposed to be able to nt have to report on some things so much if i feel not to or if i don't wish to because others can do stuff such as out things about Chris n what is happening w what he's doing etc n what things mean. The devil is messing heavily w my thoughts at the moment but the people at the joblow magazine said they would out something about what's happening w Chris n Tessa Thompson n the weird photo that really started w People magazine that have to say this devil rules society would saying something happening w Chris n Tessa Thompson is something inferior. Chris n Tessa Thompson are like to be seeming unofficially choosing to occur as like an item to express that Chris wishes to be himself n get out of devil world not be w Elsa Pataky. But I wished to comment on that issue -- the devil attacking as im writing here. It's making this sense at the back of my head n acting entitled to try to tell me what to do, n I'm supposed to be less for not right now be trying to go to another country. It's pressing I'm ugly, it's pressing I'm inferior to Tessa Thompson. The thing is going so insane. It's so irritating. But there's some interesting things about the Illuminati that seem very revealing n telling of it in a way it is not so unclear what they really would be is pretty exposed in what is written. I did not feel the things I saw were so exact at a point previously when I looked up Illuminati. The thing w Obscurantism is misleading n i just remember feeling very confused w the text I saw. The devil attacking EXTREMELY BAD as im writing, it's acting superior n making a extremely distracting sense something is happening to the back of my head. It keeps pressing I'm ugly n unimportant n faking etc or something that it is attacking. It's acting really entitled. IT IS SO ACTING SO TOTALLY INSANE!!!! It's pressing EXTREMELY BAD IRRITATION as i was saying some stuff to like say what it's doing is really irritating n psycho. It was making EXTREMELY BAD IRRITATION!!!! It's saying it has to do something because it's not allowed to do what it's doing. Something w the stuff pasted here on the Illuminati is saying it's not supposed to be like this. ITS GOING CRAZY PRESSING IRRITATION!!!! "Oh god I don't know how to tell it, i don't know what to do," the devil said.
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beltrandmarco · 5 years
Free your mind....joblow (at Arecibo, Puerto Rico) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5vnzQsnC_0/?igshid=1nips4os2n9yd
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isiyu-fr · 7 years
Pon2Mik Ft. Joblow – Crimes Découvrez le clip vidéo de Pon2mik en featuring avec l'auteur, compositeur et interprète JoBlow sur le titre Crimes. La rédaction vous avait déjà fait un petit focus sur Joblow à revoir ICI.
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1919studios · 8 years
Transformers 5 News TF5 #51
Hello viewers, here is some more Transformers 5 news.
1. Transformers 5 concept art revealed
1.1. Some of Hound’s concept art was shown from the Transformers: The Last Knight Instagram page, revealing the look of him in robot mode. For the most part he looks the same from the last time we saw him in Transformers: Age Of Extinction; he has new medic symbols across him, hinting at his new role as less of the muscle of the Autobots and more of a healer. We also see that he’s shed some of his armor and weapons, and that he is just a little taller than before. His character description is: “Always has his finger on a trigger,” so he most certainly has not abandoned combat all together.
1.2. Also revealed from the Transformers: The Last Knight Instagram page was Barricade’s concept art. He is completely re-done from head to toe, including body-sculp, colors, and weaponry. To see the new look of Barricade, go to the Transformers: The Last Knight’s Instagram page. His character description is: “A duplicitous Decepticon sentry.”
1.3. Concept art for Bumblebee was also shown off of the Transformers: The Last Knight Instagram page. In this version of Bumblebee, it appears that he’s gone back to the basics; he looks very similar to how he did from the first three Transformers films. While his battle mask looks close to the one he had in Transformers: Age Of Extinction, this more simple look to Bumblebee I think will be greatly appreciated.
1.4. A big reveal shown through the Transformers: The Last Knight Instagram page was the new look of Megatron. Like Barricade, he has been completely re-done. He has a new more rounded off head-sculp, identical to the one released a while ago by Michael Bay when he announced Megatron’s return. He also has a new battle mask, new armor, and a large ax for a weapon. He is completely all grey, and stands at thirty feet tall, making him the tallest of the Transformers that have been revealed for the new movie. His description is: “Peace through tyranny.”
2. Hot Rod character speculation
Fans have speculated that Hod Rod’s confirmation to be in Transformers: The Last Knight could be much more than a new character addition. With set photos and videos being captured by fans and released over many platforms, it is surprising that we haven’t seen anything that could be Hot Rod’s vehicle mode on set; the crew is keeping him hidden, or he has a small yet possibly significant role in the film. With JoBlo’s rumored plot leak seemingly becoming more true every time news of the movie gets released, it is possible that if Optimus Prime does indeed return to Cybertron, that he could find Hot Rod there as a survivor of the war and bring him back to earth with him.
In Hot Rod’s character description when his concept art was shown, he was said to be “Bumblebee’s brother-in-arms,” signifying that they have a strong bond together. And with a Bumblebee spin-off movie set to be the next movie in the Transformers live-action film series after Transformers: Age Of Extinction, it is very likely that Bumblebee and Hot Rod could be in that movie together as a duo. This could also mean that when Optimus Prime isn’t around, or if he ever steps down, Hot Rod could be introduced as a possible new [temporary] leader of the Autobots. But of course this is all just theories, and only time will tell.
Well that’s all the Transformers 5 news I have for you right now and for all your Transformers 5 news, keep it locked right here. And all the Transformers 5 news I have I get from The Ragin Nation
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couchpilotspodcast · 1 year
This week the Captain’s review CANS WITHOUT LABELS. We are joined by super team Hoover and Blake #2. We talk about Pizza Hut, house hunting, beer/soda, ultra sounds, and The Pope. It’s never a dull moment when you get these two guests on the show so come take flight as we continue our final season of the show. 
Check out the latest episode!
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1919studios · 8 years
Transformers 5 News TF5 #42
Hello viewers, here is some more Transformers 5 news
1. Optimus Prime to be featured in Detroit
The official stunt driver for the trucks of Optimus Prime in the Transformers live-action film series took to his Instagram account at “opwheelman” to say that he is getting ready to get back to work driving Optimus Prime for Transformers: The Last Knight with a photo of Optimus Prime’s Western Star truck mode. This would coincide with filming being moved to Detroit, so it is possible that Optimus Prime will be filmed there.
2. Remote control truck spotted on the Snapchat of Transformers 5
The RC truck shown in the photo resembles the look very closely to that of Wheelie from Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen and Transformers: Dark Of The Moon. Before this photo was shown, fans had already begun speculating that Wheelie would indeed return because his counterpart Brains returned in Transformers: Age Of Extinction. But like it comes to everything else in film, only time will tell.
Possible Potential Spoilers Ahead
3. JoBlo releases Transformers 5 plot details
3.1. www.JoBlo.com stated that in Transformers 5 Optimus Prime, while on his way to find his creators, will return to Cybertron to bring it back to life, only to find out that he needs an artifact found on Earth. 
This would fit the same mold as the previous Transformers films, of having to have a special object in their possession.
3.2. www.JoBlo.com went on to say that British Mythology will be introduced, where the Transformers find the artifact they need for Cybertron, and it is connected to King Arthur lore and could possibly be linked to the famed sword Excalibur.
The old G1 animated Transformers cartoon did do an episode plot-line of the Transformers returning to King Arthur’s time and having to assist him, so they could be borrowing elements from the show. This would also fit with why the title of Transformers 5 features the word “knight”, and why the logo looks like it’s made of stone, and why there’s a sword in the middle of it. This could also have to due with the sword Optimus Prime got in Transformers: Age Of Extinction too.
3.3. www.JoBlo.com continued by saying that Bumblebee will assume a leadership role while Optimus Prime is away (again similar to a Transformers cartoon), and that Hound, Drift, Crosshairs, and the Dinobots are set to return, as well as other tiny Dinobots. They also said that the Autobots will set up their base of operations in the Badlands of South Dakota.
This claim [about South Dakota] can be taken further as www.TFW2005.com did capture a set photo of a South Dakota State Trooper vehicle, so this appears to be true.
3.4. www.JoBlo.com continued by saying that Anthony Hopkins will provide the voice for a Transformer called “The Creator” and that two new Autobots will be introduced as well named Cogman and Squeaks.
The only thing that could be puzzling is that we always assumed that there was more than one Creator when it came to the Transformers, and Anthony Hopkins could be playing the one and only one of that type of character.
3.5. www.JoBlo.com finished their article by saying that in addition to Megatron returning, that his new vehicle mode will be a fighter jet.
If Megatron does indeed return, it wouldn’t seem out of the ordinary if he did return as a fighter jet, because that’s one of his classic vehicle modes. Fans have begun to speculate that he could return as a Cybertronian jet like he was in the 2007 Transformers film.
Well that’s all the Transformers 5 news I have right now and for all your Transformers 5 news, keep it locked right here. And all the Transformers 5 news I have I get from The Ragin Nation
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