entitytcken-a · 4 years
@jockmare​ liked for a smol starter
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💤Quentin was standing chatting with Nancy by their lockers, after all the two of them shared chem, bio and psych. He gave a small smile and a wave to her as the two parted ways, Quentin looked down as he checked his notes for Calc that he hadn’t seen the other; bumping into him.
“Shit- I’m so sorry dude.”
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starcourtking · 4 years
@jockmare​ | semi-plotted starter !!
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     Most of the people in Steve’s life didn’t understand him--not really. There were a few people he could trust, people he could talk to when things got overwhelming, but none of them felt comfortable enough. Something about people like Robin, Nancy, even Dustin made Steve want to stop talking about himself and focus solely on them instead. But Glen was different, somehow. He might not have really known the guy as much as he’d have liked, but he felt something all too familiar when he looked at him. Almost like he was looking in a mirror.
     On some level it made him feel better to know he might not be completely alone, but underneath that sudden connection he felt something akin to frustration creeping into his chest, a sadness he often tried to chase away. Finally he had just cut Glen off mid-sentence and asked him if he wanted to just get away from all the bullshit in Hawkins for a little while. The usual haunts were boring, filled with people Steve barely looked at, filled with noise and sound and just the same old shit. 
     When had he started to hate it all?
     Underage of not, Steve always knew where to get a drink, even if his standing in the town had fallen ever since turning eighteen. There was at least one small liquor store that just didn’t a shit as long as you had the cash, and once he had secured a six pack of cheap beer he tossed it into the backseat of his car and drove out to an overlook in the forest surrounding Hawkins. It was a quiet place, lost in the darkness with just a sea of small, floating lights beneath them. A place Steve liked to go when he just needed to be completely alone--usually, at least.
     “I promise I’m not tryin’ to take you on a date or anything.” There might have been a vague attempt at a smile--it was hard to tell in the dark--but all too quickly the same sadness came crashing back. Twisting off the cap of his bottle, Steve took a drink of his beer and glanced at Glen. “Thanks for coming out here with me though. I mean, you probably should have just told me to shut the hell up, but...I appreciate it.”
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vanderking · 4 years
 ❛ Son, your bluster is a thing of beauty but you gotta reel her in a bit. ❜ He by no means intends to deter the youngest’s fighting spirit.  ❛ Can I see your bat? ❜ He yields enough authoritative energy to feel as though he is entitled to just taking it even if it was not handed to him. He holds it under his scrutiny, motioning it into a few swings as though to test it.  ❛ That’s good, that’s very good. I suppose you’d have to bludgeon a man with this if you were to kill him. ❜ He was merely voicing his thoughts.  ❛ Then again a swift enough strike to the head should do the trick. ❜
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He clears his throat, now getting onto the matter he most desired to address. ❛ But what if you’re attacked from a range? This will provide you no protection from bullets. ❜ He hands the student back his weapon. ❛ Ever used a gun? ❜ He flips out one of his revolvers, prior he had noticed a green bottle left astray behind them, without even so much as glancing toward it he shoots and the bullet sweeps clean threw it, shattering the glass.
/ @jockmare​ ♚
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thespotlightss · 4 years
@jockmare​ said  :  you don’t know what you’ve uncovered.    (     scooby-doo prompts    )
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❝      𝒀𝑶𝑼'𝑫 𝑩𝑬 𝑺𝑼𝑹𝑷𝑹𝑰𝑺𝑬𝑫 by what we’ve faced before.       ❞      glossed lips curve upwards in a small smile, a hand reaching out to 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚞𝚙𝚘𝚗 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚖. so the stories circulating around have been on the freakier, stomach churning side, but when has that EVER STOPPED mystery inc ??      ❝  𝖙𝖗𝖞 𝖓𝖔𝖙 𝖙𝖔 worry so much, ok ??       ❞ 
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jazsquare · 4 years
@jockmare​  /  
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❛    THAT’S  SHOWBIZ  !    ❜
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vangoldn · 4 years
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                ‘  are you from around here  ?   ‘  she inquires  ,   flashing   large canines   (  perhaps a bit  too   large  )  between   glossy lips   in the meanwhile  .  they were  ,   of course   ,   what she’d use to potentially   eat   him---  but she wasn’t here for   that   .   carrying a large   pink umbrella   to shield herself from the   summer sun   ,   she was the only one in her   family   actually   awake   during the day   ,   and certainly the only one who took   daytime  walks  .    ‘  would you mind  showing  me  around  ?   i’m just passing through   ,   but to be   honest   ,   i’m not quite sure where i’m   going   .   i guess i just want to see what   springwood   has to offer  .  ‘   /   @jockmare​   ,   starter   . 
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nohysterlcs · 4 years
@jockmare​ said: ❝ There was until one afternoon… where something just broke. Reality broke. ❞
the air in the empty parking lot is quiet--there’s no reason to whisper about fear, like it is some monstrous thing that was listening to them from the trees. he gives a thoughtful hum, just listening, just thinking--on the day they’d started questioning their footage, the day something had blinked ominous at them from behind the curtain, reality had shattered. irreparably, undeniably--and no one could even tell. he can take glen’s words, because it’s the same kind of crazy his own existence has spiraled into. the kind that felt a little like missing a step on the stairs, and dropping endlessly through the clouds. to hit the ground in a burst of flames, to repeat.
“...when everything was starting to be like, nuts, for us... i just kind of remember how lonely it was.” and back then, their group had been bigger, not the dwindling living handful it is today. he feels, inherently, that they mark him up in scars--the way he can see the faint outlines of them on glen. reminder of reasons to try.
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there’s a careful shrug of his shoulders, a gaze that moves past his companion; “everyone just... moving around you like there’s nothing wrong. because, you know. who would believe it, right?” he looks back at glen, with subtle, half smile. he hopes this all comes across sincere. “--and stuff that looked important, like, homework, or parking tickets, or whatever. it all just felt so, stupid.” there’s something like a twinge that finds the furrow of his brows, until he has to look away with understated, derisive laugh. “do you ever just. get pissed. that everyone wants you to be normal anyway?”
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vndicate · 4 years
in the end, what is the difference between a witness and an accomplice?
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bullish statement is treated with a raised glance,   no decisive response from the agent as tongue tucks between teeth and cheek in thoughtful mulling.   the statement offers a sense of carelessness,  an in between of the snarky dismissal of witnesses  ( especially young )  tired of answering questions he’s seen time and time again,  a mask overshadowing a deeper and more thought-out guilt.   survivor’s guilt,  perhaps.   even maybe a mixture,  coping,  lift your chin and shrug it off because you’re better than this feeling.   it’s only temporary.   it shows in face in many forms;   but there’s always more.
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❝     what you do with that information ---     especially in the end.    ❞    mulder pushes onto edge of metallic desk.   there is no threat,  no arrest keeping the younger here or anything more than curiosity.   maybe it’s that chance to speak that’s kept glen from asking to leave just yet.   agent peers over the younger’s face for a moment,  jaw set,  question offered :       ❝     is that what you’d like to be in all of this ?   an accomplice ?     ❞
☄ ° ゜         last podcast on the left.         ⇢          @jockmare
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bakedcookies-a · 4 years
𝐢'𝐯𝐞     𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝     𝐲𝐨𝐮
𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙸𝙼𝙰𝙲𝚈     /     𝙽𝚂𝙵𝚆     𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙼𝙿𝚃𝚂     ,     𝘼𝘾𝘾𝙀𝙋𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂     ,     @jockmare
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its only been a couple of days, but it was easy for days to feel like YEARS when they were apart. but now here they were, glen sneaking in through charlies window, lips meeting before any words were spoken. fingers find themselves ENTWINED, charlie always finding small ways of contact as if the kiss wasn’t enough, holding glens hand always being the immediate go-to. smile forms at the words, hand tugging glen closer without ever letting go. “i missed you too.”
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holycried · 4 years
     @jockmare     /     𝐆𝐋𝐄𝐍 :     in my defense, i have none.
                    𝐀𝐍  𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐖  𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐒 ,  not  entirely  pleased  with  that  response .          “  oh ,  come  on .  ”          a  shy  little  smile ,  hair  falling  into  her  eyes .          “  you’ve  got  to  have  something  more  to  say  than  that ,  huh ?  ”          arms  cross ,  an  attempt  to  remain  vaguely  serious  even  as  her  feeling  of  enjoyment  starts  to  grow .          “  maybe  not  a  defense ,  i  guess ,  but  at  least  an  explanation ,  yeah ?     it’s  okay  though ,  you’re  allowed  to  have  your  wrong  opinion .  ”          a  momentary  joke ,  a  glance  at  glen’s  face  to  make  sure  that  the  quip  is  okay  and  not  too  far .
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@jockmare​- <3′d for a starter
Aw shit. He hates it when this happens. Cornered and at a dead end. Taking an alleyway he was unfamiliar with hadn’t been the best decision he’s ever made- but it was the only way the two of them could get out of the cross fire. A frown is thrown Glen’s way. ‘Shit, dead end.’ He groans- glancing behind them.
 Back in his hay-day he would’ve scaled the wall by now- but now-...he’s not sure whether he’d be able to... Still- it’s that or face these guys face on- perhaps try to talk his way out?
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‘Whatcha’ think? Think we’re getting out of this one?’ He looks up at the brick wall- clearly considering this route. ‘-Or...do we make a stand here?’
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somniac · 4 years
@jockmare​ liked for a short starter
Jesse had never really been in trouble before Springwood. Not big trouble. Sometimes he didn’t clean his room, or he left the refrigerator door open, or he and his sister argued. That was it. A pretty milquetoast life, all things considered. Until recently.
So, he didn’t really know what he was doing when he ran away. He didn’t have a big plan. He was running mostly on instinct. He hitchhiked to the University of Cincinnati. He didn’t have time to get his own car, and it’d probably be a bad idea anyway. Even if it could’ve made it this far without falling apart, the police probably knew his license plate. They were probably looking for him.
Of course they were looking for him.
Back a few days ago--which felt like decades ago--in that brief stretch of time when he’d almost believed that killing Coach Schneider was only a nightmare, he and Lisa had found all the information they could about Nancy Tompson, Glen Lantz, and… Fred Krueger. They couldn’t find a lot of information about Nancy, but some of the guys on the baseball team had known Glen. Not a lot of guys got sports scholarships out of Springwood. It was a big deal.
The campus was bigger than he’d expected (he was supposed to be touring campuses with his family in the next few weeks, but that’d never happen now) so he went from place to place all day for three days, washing up in public bathrooms, using the last few dollars he had on coffee and 65 cent McDonald's cheeseburgers. 
When he finally saw the familiar face from the old yearbooks, he almost didn’t believe it. Whatever shyness or inhibition he might’ve had a hundred years ago when his life was normal was gone. He jogged over to him, pulling off the sunglasses he was wearing to try to mask his identity.
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“Hi, uh. Hello. You’re Glen, right? Glen Lantz? I live in the, uh. I lived in the house across the street from, y’know. Where you used to live. On Elm Street.” He knew he probably sounded like a weirdo, a creep. Maybe that wasn’t too far off. He hadn’t slept in days. And there was everything else. “I really, really need to talk to you.”
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seeksghosts-archive · 4 years
haaaazzzeeeee i  adore  you .  i’m  so  fucking  happy  seeing  you  thrive  on  glen’s  blog.  you  deserve  the  world  and  it  makes  me  so  happy  to  see  you  happy .
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❛❛ I’m not going to leave. I’ll stay as long as you need me to. ❜❜
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When had she fallen asleep?  How long had she been out for?
Blue eyes wince as they adjust to the bright florescence of the nurse’s office, the woman who looked like she should have retried a decade ago saying how she ‘had a fit in chemistry’ after falling asleep.  On the bedside table sat a small plastic cup with what Nancy assumed were sleeping pills and a glass of water, the nurse excusing herself to the small conjoined office, drawing the binds.  
“.... Fuck,” she muttered under her breath, a hand running up and down her arm, only to look up when she had noticed Glen rounding the corner slowly, not wanting to spook her more probably.  “I can’t believe I fell asleep in class,” Nancy began, sitting up, “And not because now I’m missing a class, but...”  Letting the words slip away, embarrassment then tinted her cheeks.  “You don’t... You don’t have to stick around, Glen.  I’m fine, really, I didn’t see-”
❛❛ I’m not going to leave. I’ll stay as long as you need me to. ❜❜
A smile pulled against one side of her mouth, motioning for him to sit down at the foot of the nurse’s office cot, before the smile faded, a grave expression crossing her features.  “I heard him, though.  Or at least the razors?  It was like nails on a chalkboard, but ten times worse than that.”
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sawsomeghosts · 4 years
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                    @jockmare​​ asked ❝ I’m not crazy. I have the same doubts you do.  ❞
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               ❝ Except your doubts don’t come from the same paranormal experiences that mine do, ❞  Lydia was quick to point out. She supposed it wasn’t his fault. Not everyone had run-ins with ghosts and poltergeists the way that she had. They’d probably have to be out of their minds but Lydia had always been different. Different enough to where this was different even for her.
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chngjr · 4 years
is this seat taken? sorry, this place is crowded.  ||  @jockmare​ !
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          ‘‘ NOT TAKEN AT ALL, DUDE.  it’s free for the taking...and yeah,               definitely pretty crowded. surprised at how many people managed to fit               in here, if i’m honest. ’’
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