#jodie comer masterclass
chestnutelm122 · 2 years
I’ve finally watched Prima Facie an hour ago and realized how it was so embarrassing that a lot of what KE fans got from the play was Jodie Comer twerking. How y’all could distinctly remember that the most is seriously creepy. I couldn’t even function well even after the curtain call and had to take a few minutes to recover because I couldn’t stop weeping. She was so good that it literally felt like riding a rollercoaster the entire time. I felt Tessa’s ups and downs, her struggles and emotions, and one of the only things that people could remember is jodie twerking? Go touch some grass.
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oldbaton · 1 year
Hi Max!
Would love to hear your thoughts on the Tony noms if you feel like sharing :)
Ok sorry to you and the others who asked I wanted to digest them.
Sharron D. Clarke's snub is unforgivable at the level of Gideon Glick's snub for Significant Other. Just like Gideon she should WIN. Like yes Linda shouldn't be in featured, but its what happened and she should have a Tony for that performance. And after last year's loss too.
Actor in a play is likely Sean Hayes... but it is a dynamic category and there is room for an upset by Wendell or Stephen.
Jefferson's snub was also horrendous. My fav performance of the year. I never thought he would win because it is a holiday show. But what I was not expecting was a nomination snub. And they didn't forget about the show because it got some technical nominations. One of the most cherished experiences I have had in the theatre. Favorite show of the year.
I always though Some Like it Hot would get the most noms even though I haven't seen it. I know enough to know that it has a lot of actors for noms, and it is one of the stronger ones so it was a lock for a lot of categories it was a lock for. Shocked about Borle getting in based off of those performances on TV. I was hoping for Burnap for that spot specifically. But I'm being a fanboy, I'll get back to this when I see Camelot on Sunday. Everyone is going for Platt or Groban... but it's totally gonna be J Harrison Ghee. They have the narrative. Platt a Groban will split the vote. I have doubts SLIH will take musical but they'll want to give it something. I bet it will win actor and maybe choreo
I actually thought Camelot wouldn't get a revival nom. So shocked that it did. Donica's nom was expected. (Early this season I thought he would get an easy win but Shucked coming out of nowhere and Alex getting put in actor instead of actress threw a wrench in that). The lack of a Soo nom is really a snub (especially with her pulling double duty this season), I was so impressed by her charisma in the Today performance. Again, Andrew Burnap is one of my favorite male actors in the GAME so I was rooting for him big time. So weird to see it get a revival nom but not a nom for the book or direction? Feels contradictory.
Jessica Hecht out of nowhere nomination. There's always one though.
Jodie Comer is probably the easiest lock out of all acting awards. I also think Uranowitz is a lock. That said, I wonder if how hyped Prima Facie is could backfire and they could go for Chastain who is magnificent and worthy of the award. I'm not seeing it until the end of June though... talk then.
Leopoldstadt will sweep and it will be done. Life of Pi may have a chance of sneaking in for direction? Maybe.
I don't know how I feel about score, but KA should get musical, book, actress, featured actress. The score isn't great though. There are a couple good ones... but if it wins it will win from a KA sweep in the writing categories and best musical. I know best actress in a musical is competitve... but Victoria is giving a masterclass. Annaleigh, while fantastic, doesn't reach the depths that Victoria does. And Victoria has lost her previous three noms, which I feel increases her chances. Micaela is really amazing from what I've seen but I think this is gonna be a platform for her to move on to other meaty roles.
I need to see Parade.... but like I don't understand why these very nice concerts are being lauded as great revivals. I adored Into the Woods! It is a very nice concert though. And that's not being dismissive, I know that these can be impactful. The revival of Chicago is a concert that was expanded into a slightly fuller staging and it is MASTERFUL. So concerts CAN be great revivals.... but I just don't see it like everyone else does. But I am a little at a loss at the fact that either Parade or Woods will win revival. (I'll be so pissy if Sweeney wins).
I loved Shucked. It's dumb and unsubstantial but a blast. Glad ti got love. It should win direction, set, and featured actor. And it has a good shot at set and after seeing Alex Newell... there's no WAY they won't win. It's a textbook featured performance win. Taking one song and shaking the house DOWN with it. And they found some great dramatic beats in a duet in the second act. And it's such a thin show that it made it more impressive.
SO happy that Ruthie Ann Miles got in.
Prima Facie not being nominated for Best Play after WINNING the Olivier is gaggy
THREE new pulitzer prize winners for drama in best play. Gag.
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nitrateglow · 2 years
What did you think of The Last Duel? I thought the idea of telling the story from three different perspectives was really interesting. And Jodie Comer gave an acting masterclass in this movie!!
I was actually going to include my thoughts in a post, but I'll just share them here.
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I loved the film and now kick myself over not seeing it when it was in the theater. About the only thing I was eh on was Matt Damon as Jean-- his performance was kind of weird and stiff to me, but tbh, that might be more the character than anything, so it's not that big a detraction from the overall project.
At first, I was skeptical about the use of three perspectives, mainly because in my head I was comparing the movie's use of the device to Kurosawa's classic Rashomon, which examines a rape/murder in the middle of the woods from four contradictory perspectives. In Rashomon, we never learn the truth, while in TLD we do. At first, I was like "well doesn't that defeat the point of using all the perspectives?" But the more I thought about it, the more I realized Scott is simply using the device to a different end. Kurosawa's theme was how people lie and skewer the truth to suit their ego, either consciously or unconsciously. Scott is more interested in injustice and how unjust systems can be perpetuated not through people who see themselves as puppy-kicking villains but through cultural conditioning and self-delusion.
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I found it fascinating how Jean and Le Gris saw themselves. They think they're heroes-- Jean is the righteous knight who can do no wrong and Le Gris is convinced he's "rescuing" an unhappy woman with his "love." Each sees himself as good, and both see Marguerite as more of a prize in their rivalry than as a person. Le Gris even tries excusing the assault by claiming Marguerite really wanted him but was too modest to admit it. I think when he publicly swore to God that he was innocent, he probably thought he was innocent-- or at least, he deluded himself into believing such. It's scary because that kind of behavior is all too authentic to life.
Jodie Comer was the best thing in the film. Holy crap, her performance is amazing, especially when you take into account that it's three performances in one: the docile wife of Jean's story, the willing conquest of Le Gris', and the defiant victim in the true account. I thought she was just fabulous, showing the frustration of living in a society where she is silenced just for being a woman.
On the whole, the film is a harrowing but worthwhile psychological drama. I actually read the book the film is based on years ago, so I knew how it all ended, but the last hour still had me on the edge of my seat. I think in the years to come, this will be like Blade Runner, where people will come to discover and appreciate the film over a period of time.
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oksanaastankova · 3 years
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The Male Perspectives vs. The Truth
The Last Duel Jodie Comer Acting Masterclass (2021)
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saphiiiic · 3 years
It’s okay if people didn’t enjoy The Last Duel as a film but Jodie Comer still deserved to be recognised for her work as Marguerite de Carrouges. An acting masterclass, just phenomenal, and the amount of work she put into having to act from THREE different perspectives, the amount of nuance she showed... I’m so sad for her. Hollywood doesn’t deserve her talent if she’s not going to be appreciated for stellar work.
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loving-villanelle · 3 years
Should I watch killing eve ? I’ve been looking through the killing eve tag for a bit now trying to decide if it’s worth actually watching it. people are always saying how killing eve has ruined their lives and shit and I’m just wandering if it’s worth the suffering or should I just turn my head and mind my own business
I would still encourage you to watch it. We're in the midst of s4 and had certain expectations that haven't been met yet, so we're all pretty disappointed in that. But it's not over until it's over and our disappointment doesn't wipe out how good the show is and also how important it is. How many shows out there are female driven like this? So don't let us scare you off! I will warn you that the show does drop off in quality a bit after the first couple seasons, but the show is still very much worth watching. If nothing else you get to watch Jodie Comer & Sandra Oh put on a masterclass. I encourage you to watch!
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charanteleclerc · 5 years
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. Don’t cheat. Tag 10 peeps: Tag yourself peeps! (I don't know 10 people anymore 😂)
1) Jane the Virgin
2) Star Wars: The Clone Wars
3) The Good Place
4) Killing Eve
5) Game of Thrones
1. Who is your favourite character in 2?
Ahsoka Tano, hands down. Best addition to Star Wars in forever.
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
Luisa, I think. She had an interesting story at the start but is definitely the weakest in the show at the minute.
3. What is your favourite episode of 4?
Last episode of season 1. So close to Eve and Villanelle opening up and then that last twist... but it worked so well.
4. What is your favourite season of 5?
Season 5, they were still working off the books a little then and the Tyrell's were still around, it felt like it'd really come into it's own that season.
5. Who is your favourite couple in 3?
Eleanor/Chidi, my soft boy deserves all the love.
6. Who is your favourite couple in 2?
7. What is your favourite episode of 1?
The episode Michael dies, the acting in that episode was phenomenal.
8. What is your favourite episode of 5?
Off the top of my head I can't remember the name, but the episode where the first battle between Dany and the Lannisters happens? The Dothraki riding over the hill followed by Drogon... I gasped the first time I saw it.
9. What is your favourite season of 2?
Season 5. So. Much. Ahsoka.
10. How long have you watched 1?
Since Season 3 was airing.
11. How did you become interested in 3?
Saw it on Netflix and the trailer looked good.
12. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
Jodie Comer, she is a masterclass in acting.
13. Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
Star Wars: Clone Wars. I love them all, but that one is so special.
14. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3 ?
Jane the Virgin, because it has more episodes.
15. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Villanelle, definitely. Who wouldn't want to be a badass?
16. Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
Oh my god that'd be the ultimate in morality episodes, it'd totally work!
17. Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple.
My mind is pulling a blank right now 😊
18. Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
I'd say Game of Thrones, ommitting the last season.
19. Which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?
Star Wars because Star Wars
Thanks for tagging! @sloangreytrash
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rickyvalero · 3 years
A Masterclass in Filmmaking - The Last Duel Review
A Masterclass in Filmmaking – The Last Duel Review
The Last Duel: Directed by Ridley Scott SYNOPSIS: King Charles VI declares that Knight Jean de Carrouges settle his dispute with his squire by challenging him to a duel. The Last Duel is why I love movies. Every single solitary element about this film made me excited. The cast led by Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Adam Driver and Jodie Comer, the writing team of Affleck and Damon working together…
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bygonzalo · 6 years
Netflix US on Twitter
every single one of you reading this right now needs to make time in your life to watch Killing Eve. It's a true masterclass in writing, directing, and acting. Oh goodness ... the acting! What Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer do in this show is NEXT. LEVEL. PERFECTION. Watch it. from Pocket https://twitter.com/netflix/status/1082100910875041792 via IFTTT
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petropascal · 4 years
Concept: One of those Masterclass video series with Jodie Comer. But instead of teaching us acting she spends the entire series teaching us ex-act-ly how to talk (and sit) like Villanelle. #lifeskills
lmao im not sure what masterclass is but i would be down to learn those Important Life Skills!
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chestnutelm122 · 1 year
But also like imagine if prima facie isn’t a limited run only play. They recouped after just a few months from opening on Broadway, imagine how much more they could’ve profited if they’re running for an extended period of time? That being said, I don’t think anyone can give justice to the role of Tessa Ensler better than Jodie. Dani Arlington would be an amazing replacement (and rightfully so) but let’s be honest here, replacing jodie would be really challenging since she swept almost all of the awards in less than half a year. Talk about pure fucking talent.
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chestnutelm122 · 1 year
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chestnutelm122 · 2 years
I hope the masters could do their thing and come up with prima facie slime tutorial soon because it would be a crime if no one ever gets to put up a slime tutorial of this because of how amazing jodie is in it.
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chestnutelm122 · 4 years
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Jodie Comer breaking the fourth wall for a brief second. I love this entire scene. You could truly feel every single emotions she’s feeling right this second and if it doesn’t scare the living shut out of you, then I don’t know what will.
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chestnutelm122 · 5 years
I have just binged watched season 1 and 2 of Killing Eve again in one sitting and now I am ready for the season 2 finale. I don’t know any spoilers but I have a feeling that Eve and Villanelle might end up on their own by the end of the episode and I’m 100% okay with that.
Also, anyone else noticed that the number of Eve’s home address is 39? As in 3+9=12? What if... just what if Caroline really is part of the 12 and Eve (and Villanelle) didn’t know? In season 1, Villanelle asked Eve if she knows who she’s working for. So WHAT IF???
And the look that Villanelle gives when she’s about to kill someone, or is looking at her victim as they take their last breathe... OMG. It’s TV gold!
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I don’t know who’s going to be dead come season 2 finale but I am soooooo ready for it. I think at this point I am more excited for it than I have been with Game of Thrones series finale.
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